HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 1 CONDO CONVERSION 3-3-80DATE: March 3, 1980 OLD BUSINESS No. 1 · 3-3-80 -.' Inter-Corn TO: Honorable Mayor & City Council FROH: Community Development Department SUBJECT: Tustin Acres Condominium Conversion At the request of the Planning Agency this item is being brought before the City Council for their review. Enclosed is the Tustin Acre Relocation Plan, Resolution No. 1837 which approved the use permit for the conversion and the accompanying minutes for each action. Also included in the package is information submitted by Mr. Hutchins that has been provided to the tenants since the February 19, 1980, meeting. The Building Department has been making daily inspections at the site to insure compliance with City Codes. RECO:-~D~NDED ACTION: Pleasure of the Council. ?USTIN ACRES NEWSLETTER .... ~ ISSUE1 ~ustin Acres To Change -~9~vnership ~'[ustin Associates, a general partner- '~ship, with Citcon Corporation as the --"managing partner, have entered into an agreement to purchase Tustin A~o~res. .... ~Tustin Acres To Become ~nd0minium .... This first edition of a newsletter for %ustin Acres' residents comes to you from Citcon Corporation and the big ~ews is that after we assume owner- ~hip, we plan to convert the complex -to condominiums available for indi- vidual ownership. '-~sidents Will Have An :~clusive Right t0 Buy --¢~Tustin Acres' residents will be :~ .n the first option of buying the u~it they are now renting. A special en~,.,e you to purchase /our unit at a DISCOUNT from the 2rice to be offered to the general pub- ii:c. Prices of the individual units will ~t':be:set until after the new owners ~.a~e over ownership. Citcon is pres- e~tly arranging for financing which w,tt allow owner occupants to pur- --;,~ase their condominiums with as Io~.,~ asa5% down payment. _~y Notice :California law requires that all resi- ~qts be given a formal 120-day ;~c~ice:of intention to convert to con- ~minium. It is expected that the 120- ~7 :rrotice will be mailed to all ten- ~c~s ~of Tustin Acres by September. ~s notice WILL NOT be a notice to ??'~ve. Essentially, it assures you that y;cur present apartment is yours, ~ST AS IT IS NOW, for at least four ~'m,~3-nths. It gives you time to consider :z~u~ options. :~you consider purchasing your u, it gives you time to plan what you will do when it is priced and for- mattyoffered to you. If you decide not to purchase, the soonest you could be asked to vacate w~uld be after the expiration of the 120,.day period. You May Receive One Month's Free Rent If You Decide Not To Buy Your Unit If you decide not to purchase at Tustin Acres you may sign our Ex- tended Occupancy Agreement and receive one month's FREE RENT IN CASH, Our sales representatives will be able to give you complete details on this relocation payment plan. Tentative Schedule Of The Conversion Here is the schedule of the first few steps for the conversion of Tustin Acres to condominiums: Early September · Formal issuance of the 120-day notice of intention to convert to condominiums. · Close of acquisition escrow, and assumption of management re- sponsibilities by Citcon Corpora- tion. Early November · Notifications to residents of unit prices. · Sales open to Tustin Acres tenants only. · Tenants to receive a "DISCOUNT" from the price that will be offered to the general public. New Things Will Be Happening A refurbishment program will start on Tustin Acres once Citcon Corpora- tion assumes ownership. Tustin Acres will receive additional covered and open tenant and guest parking facilities and the existing parking areas will be repaired and resealed. A beautiful new recreation center with surrounding lakes and streams is planned. The grounds will be relandscaped and gazebos and sit- ting areas will be added. The existing recreational pool areas will be tm- proved. The exterior of the units will be painted and additional exterior private areas will be added to some units. AUGUST 1979 _,// Many other improvements will be made to further enhance your living environment. Ownership Brings Many Benefits · Condominium ownership permits income tax savings for most own- ers since both real estate taxes and mortgage interest are deductible expenses for income taxes. · All loan principal reduction and value appreciation occurs to the benefit of the owner. · Owners will have full control of Tustin Acres through the owners' elected board, and they can set the level of maintenance and services they desire. ,, As an owner, you will no longer be faced with inevitable rent in- creases. 0uestions Can Be Answered On Friday, August 10, through Mom day, August 13, 1979, Citcon Corpora- tion will have a representative avail- able from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM daily to answer questions you may have about the conversion process. There will also be available plans for pro- posed improvements to Tustin Acres for your review. The representative will be located in apartment #666D located next to the rental office. Tustin Acres Newsletter This newsletter will be issued at in- tervals to report to tenants of Tustin Acres on the progress of the conver- sion to condominiums. The newsletter will keep you in- formed of the current situation at Tustin Acres and subsequent issues will contain as much information as possible so that you can make a con- fident decision to buy or not to buy your unit. Meanwhile, we hope you'll con- sider your community from a new point of evaluation: that of a TUSTIN ACRES HOMEOWNER. TUSTIN AC~E$ NEWSLETTER ISSUE II AUGUST 1979 Based upon the questions asked our representatives during the last few days, we felt it would be beneficial to provide all tenants with some additional information on the conversion process at Tustin Acres. NO INCREASE IN RENTS Citcon Corporation entered into an agreement to purchase Tustin Acres during February of this year with the intention of operating it as an apartment. Because of the substantial increase in interest rates during this period to the present rate of 12-1/4% for the Tustin Acres Apartments, it is presently impossible to operate the project without a loss in excess of $200,000 a year. As an apartment project, our only course of action would be to increase rents within a 60-day period after acquisition of Tustin Acres. To eliminate the yearly operating loss, all rents would need to be raised by November 1, 1979 as follows: Type of Unit 2 bedroom, l-1/2 bath (two story) 2 bedroom, den, 2 bath 2 bedroom, 2 bath Monthly Rent $ 420 $ 3go $ 380 There would also be an additional 6% increase in rental rates after six months to provide a minimum return to our apartment investors. The alternative we have chosen is to offer the units available for individual ownership as condominiums. We are planning to have no increase in rents for current tenants during the conversion process which should last from twelve to eighteen months~ TENANT RELOCATION ALLOWANCE Current tenants at Tustin Acres will receive a tenant relocation allowance in addition to the opportunity to receive one month's free rent for signing our Extended Occupancy Agreement. At the time of relocation, the tenant will receive in cash the following allowance based on the length of residency at Tustin Acres: Length of Residency Under One Year One to Two Years Over Two Years Cash Allowance $ lOO $ 200 $ 3oo CONDOMINIUM UNITS WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR RENTAL We are planning on allowing non-owner occupants to purchase approximately 10% of the units at Tustin Acres. This will allow some tenants to rent individually owned condominiums at Tustin Acres. We will be establishing a list of tenants interested in this program at a later date. September 26, 1979 Mr. Michael W. Brotemarkle Director, Community Development Department City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 Planning Agency Approval of the Tustin Acres Tenant Relocation/ Purchase Plan Dear Michael: Attached is the tenant relocation and purchase plan for the TUSTIN ACRES condominium conversion. Resolution 1837 for use permit 79-23 requires Planning Agency review and approval of the above plan. Tenants are currently relocating and we need to finalize the above plan to be able to pay them their relocation allowances. The attached relocation and purchase plan has previously been provided to existing tenants in the first two issues of the TUSTiN ACRES Newsletter which are enclosed. There seems to be general tenant acceptance that the plan is fair and provides adequate compensation for purchasing a unit or for offsetting tenant moving costs. The plan satisfies the requirements of resolution number 1837, item H, 1 through 4, the tenants have already been provided with a 120-day notice of the intent to convert to condominiums and of their exclusive 60-day right to purchase the unit they are renting. I am making arrangements with some of the local moving companies to provide moving services to relocating tenants at TUSTIN ACRES. I am also attempting to obtain a special discount for the tenants because of the large numbers of tenants who will be relocating over the next year. United Van Lines and A~A Movers have estimated that the cost of a local move within Orange County for a TUSTIN ACRES unit would be from $150 to $200 depending on the distance of the move and the amount of furniture. I feel the tenant relocation allowances we are providing compensates Mr. Michael W. Brotemarkle Page 2 the tenants for ~he cost of their move and also gives some con- sideration to the majority of the tenants at TUSTIN ACRES who have been here over two years. Please let me know if I can answer any questions on the reloca- tion and purchase plan. Sincerely, Executive Vice President CITCON CORPORATION LDH:jf Enclosure i?.i.[.?CATION/NURCIIASE PLAN FOR ELIGI[JLE TENAN'fS OF 'FUSTIN ACRES APAtUfHEN'I'$ following cash bonuses, relocation allowances and sales price discounts are for tenants ',:ho were residing at TUSTIN ACRES Apart- n',en~s as of August 31, 1979. ONE MONTH FREE RENT Ali eligible tenants shall be offered one month's free rent if they agree to sign an Extended Occupancy Agreement. This cash bonus will be in addition to any refund of deposits or other relocation allowances due the tenant. It will be paid at the time the tenant receives any deposit refund due him at termination of Als tenancy. Thc conditions o.f the Exten.ied Occupancy Agreement are as follows: The tenant waives his 60-day Exclusive Right to Purchase. The tenant agrees to pa!; his current monthly rent and comply with the terms of his rental agreement until the expiration of a ~0-cay notice from us to him to move. 3. !he tenant allo..:s us ho show his unit to prospective buyers in the presence 'of a sales representative. ~.~:_~ ...... 0,2 aecsra~ae{ s~,~es models for prospective buyers t.o see, so any disu'~rh_~nce to uenants should he minor. See attached topi of h::cencec ..,~u ~n~,, Agreement. .' ,' "~: n,; ,' r-'~a,i~vc'- ALLOWAN'Ci'iS iigiL! ......... curren'a ~ ti]air rent and ~3rovi~ie ~1~ receive tho .~ c~ uo term!na~e their tone, ~, w' ' ' .-.~. ~_,~aion a!iow.nnce eased cn tile length of rcsidc.;cy ACRES: t~cn~,~, of l{es1c[oilcv Cash Allowance Under One Year $100 O~:a to Two Years $2O0 Cver T%~o Years $300 TENANT DISCOUNT ON PURCItASE All eligible tenants will receive a $2000 discount off the sa~s price offered to the public for the specific unit they are rentin9. EXTENDED OCCUPANCY AGREEMENT Date Tenant Name Address in consideration of your: 1) Waiving your exclusive right to purchase TUSTIN ACRES condominium, Unit Number~_o~= ~~ the 60 day period from the date of issuance of the Final Sub- division Public Report by the Department of Real Estate, and Paying your current monthly rent of $ until mhe expiration of a 30 day notice from us to you uo move, or un~il an investor purchases said unit and you and the inw~stor enter into a rental agreement, your ~nlt to be ~ ~- ~ .~.]n to ~:,rosnectlve buyers .._c n~ Of a Sales reoreso~lBatlve at the t "Tenant of above Unit" N,y: By: TUSTiN AC[?.[']S ASSOCIATES "O~..~ner'' By: Date: Date: DATE: October 15, 1979 NEW BUSINESS NO. 1 ! nter - ¢ om TO: Honorable Chairman & Planning Agency FROM: Community Development Department SUBJECI: Tustin Acres Tenant Relocation/Purchase Plan APPLICANT: Lewis Hutchins, Citcon Corporation LOCATION OF TUSTIN ACRES: 650 West Main Street BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: On August 20, 1979, the Planning Agency approved a use permit and tentative tract map for the condominium conversion of Tustin Acre Apartments. One of the conditions of approval in the resolution was: That a relocation/purchase plan to benefit existing residents shall be enacted as reviewed and approved by the Planning Agency, which shall include: That the existing tenants be notified of the pro- posed conversion to condominium units and a re- location program be prepared by the developer and approved by the Planning Agency. That all current residents of the existing apart- ment units shall be given the first option to purchase the unit they are renting and that the unit will be offered at a discount from the price offered to the general public. That the residents will be given at least 120 day notice of the intent to convert the units to condominiums from the date of Use Permit approval. 4. That one month free rent shall be offered to those residents not purchasing units. Enclosed is a copy of the proposed relocation/purChase plan. RECO~iENDED ACTION: Pleasure of the Agency MAC RESOLUTION NO. 1837 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING USE PERMIT 79-23 FOR CONDOMINIUM CONVEP~ION OF TUSTIN ACRES APARTMENTS. The Planning Agency of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Planning Agency finds and determines: That a proper use permit (Use Permit No. 79-23) application has been filed by C.E.L.S. Corporation on behalf of Tustin Investors for the condominiuan conversion of the Tustin Acres Apartments at 634 through 690 First Street and 631 through 677 Sixth Street, on the property being a portion of Lots P and W of the Stafford and Tustin Tract, as shown on a map recorded in Book 2, pages 618 and 619 of Miscellaneous Records, records of Los Angeles County, California, in the city of Tustin, county of Orange, state of California; B. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application; That establishment, maintenance and operation of the use applied for will not, under the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, evidenced by the following findings: 1. That said development is in conformance with L~nd Use and Housing Element of the Tustin Area General Plan. 2. What said development is in conformance with the Planned De- veicpment (PD) standards of the Zoning Ordinzance; That the establishment, maintenance and operation of the use applied for will not be injurious or detrimental to the prope~ty and im- provements in the neighborhood of the subject property, nor to the qeneral welfare of the city of Tustin, and should be granted; Eo Proposed development shall be in accordance with the development policies adopted by the City Council, Uniform Building Codes as administered by the Building Official, Fire Co~e as administered by Orange County Fire Marshal, and street improvement requirements as a~.~i~istered by the City Engineer; F. That the development is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act; G. Final development plans shall require the review and approval of the Commmnity Development Department. The Planning Agency hereby grants a Conditional Use Permit, as applied for, to authorize the conversion of 180 apartment units to 180 condo- minium tmits, subject to the following conditions: A. That a tentative tract map and final tract map shall be s~mitted to, and approved by, the City for recordation. That covenants, conditions, and restrictions shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Attorney which shall contain: 1. The formation of a "Community Association" to provide for the maintenance of the common area. Resolution No. 1837 page 2. 6 ? 8 9 10 11 1£ 14 15 16 19 2O 21 22 ~4 2.5 26 £? 28 29 .~0 ;51 .'52 Do Go Disclosure of management agreements, maintenance provisions% access for emergency repairs, easements, etc. so future pur- chasers will be aware of some problems which might occur. Disclosure to future owners of the possibility of the City prohibiting parking along Main Street and of the State Depart- meat of Transportation studies to expand the adjacent freeway interchange. That the property o%~er shall offer an irrevocable offer of dedi- " cation for a 10' wide portion of land along the entire Main Street frontage of the property including the area adjacent to the slope ~ of the overpass of the State Highway 55. That it shall be the responsibility of the developer to coordinate all work on the Sixth Street cul-de-sac revision with the affected owners, prepare all street dedication documents and improvement drawings. That the developer shall have a civil engineer revise existing improvement plans for Main Street and Sixt~h Street to show the construction of and shall construct all missing or damaged street improveraent adjacent to said development per the City of Tustin "~nimum Design Standards of public Works" and "Street Improvement Standards" that shall contain: A detailed grading plan, showing the disposition of all drain- aue, shall be submitted for review and approval. Installation of Marbe!ite street lights and underground conduit will be required on both the Main Street and Sixth Street fronzages. .~ny m~issing or damaged street improvements, including, but not li~ted to the following, %~ill be required: a. curb and gutter b. sidewalk c. drive aprons d. street trees Ail public improvements to be constructed in conjunction with this development shall be completed prior to the final inspection and release by the Building Department. That a perpetual easement shall be provided for all utilities (sewer, water, t~lephone, gas, electricity, heating, and air conditioning, etc.)- That a relocation/purchase plan to benefit existing residents shall be enacted as reviewed and approved by the Planning Agency,'. which shall include: ~nat' the existing tenants be notified of the proposed conversion to condominium ~nits and a relocation program be prepared by the developer and approval by the Planning Agency. That all current residents of the existing apartment units shall be given the first option to purchase the unit they are renting and that the unit will be .offered at a discount from the price offered to the general public. 3. That the residents will be given at least a 120-day notice of Resolution No. 1837 page 3. 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 19 20 27 5O 31 1 2 3 Jo the intent to convert the units to condomLniums from the date of Use Permit approval. 4. That one month free rent shall be offered to those residents not purchasing units. That the structures and grounds be rehabilitated as-necessary for appearance and to conform with appropriate development ordinances and regulations and none shall be sold in an "as is" condition. That the condominium conversion shall co~ply with the requirements and intent of the development regulations and code requirements as adopted by the City of Tustin, including but not limited to the following: 1. Sound attenuation be provided in a m~mer specified by an acoustical engineer as approved by the Building Official to satisfy the intent of Chapter 35 of the Uniform Building Code 1976 Edition and of California AdmLnistrative Code Title 25, Chapter 1, Subchapter 1, Article 4, Section 1092. Exterior freeway noise shall be attentuated to 45 dBA inside the units. 2. Compliance with the Security Ordinance to provide deadbolt locks, window locks, security lighting and those other items required by staff to ~aet the intent of the ordinance. 3. One-hour rated fire walls shall be provided between units a~d co,~liance with all Fire Marshal's requirements to meet fire safety standards. Fire detection devices shall be pro- vided for all units and residential fire sprinkler system for those units as directed by the Fire Marshal. 4. E!eccrical system shall be inspected ~nd upgraded if determined necessary by the Building Official. 5. Compliance with City Sig~. Code. 6. That all roofs shall be repaired to conform with moisture protection provisions of the Uniform Building Code. K. That all-weather roads shall be provided within 500' of each building ~nd ~hall be maintained by a homeowner's association. L. ~nat a minimum of 384 parking ~paces shall be provided in conformance with existing development standards and r~inta[ned by a homeowner's association. M. That no patio covers or exterior additions to any mnit can be added due to the existing maximum lot coverage- This provision shall be included in the CC&Rs. N. That a fire sprinkler system shall be provided in the parking structure, as required by the Uniform Fire Code. No unit shall be gr~nted occup~hncy permit and no sale or escrow shall close until all final inspections have been approved in each unit. P~solution No. 1837 page 4. held on the c~ 8 9 10 ~4 ~5 ~6 ~7 29 30 M.I. Mehl F, ecording Secretary a regular,~meeting of the Tustin Planning Agency, day of ~ , 1979. ~air~n TUST!N PLANNING AGENCY Minutes of Regular Meeting August 20, 1979 The Planning Agency held a regular meeting ~k~nday, August 20, 1979 in the Coun~l Chambers of the Tustin City Hall, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California. The m~eting was called to order at 3 p.m. by Chairman Schuster. The Pledge of Allegi.ance to ~he Flag was led by Mr. Sharp and the invocation was given by Mr. Welsh. PRESENT: AB SE.I~T: A!so present: Sharp, Saltarelli (3:05 p.m.), Kennedy, Welsh, and Schuster None ~ke Brotemarkle, Community Development Director D~n Bl~nkenship, City Administrator Alan Watts, Deputy City Attorney Alan Warren, Senior Planner l~idge Mehl, Recording Secretary ~ne m/m. utes of the regular meeting held August 6, 1979 were approved as written, wi~a the waiving cf rea~ing same; and with Chairman S%huster abstaining from tke vote of approval due to his absence from that meeting. PL~LV_C ~ AiLING Use Pe~t 79-23 ~d Uentmtive Tract No. 10762 Applicant: C.E.L.S. Ccr?oration Location: 650 Wes~ ?~in Street P~u==~: kL~%~r±t..- ~ convert an existing apartment complex to condominiums. ~-~r. Brotemarkle said it was the pleasure of the Agency whether they wanted to hcld ~he public h~=-_rin~ now or continue it to the meeting this evening. Cb..airr~ Schuster d~clared the public hearing open and asked if there was any- one wkc wished to spe~< in favor or opposition to Use Permit 79-23 and Tentative ~ ..... ~:e. 10762 ~.b. Tailas M~_rgrave, representing the C.E.L.S.. Corporation, briefed the Agency on 5he proposed conversion of the apartment complex to condominiums. .n~_~ followed a discussion regarding location and height of the parking structure; the future realignment of the freeway and its effect on the project; the 50% open space; the relocation of the present tenants; and the parking availability. following persons spoke in opposition or requested additional information: J~es L. Dunn Nick Ogden Mr. Clair P~s. Margaret Kennedy Mr. Glass Their concerns included hardships on senior citizens, moving allowances, extent of repair and refurbishrhent, price of units, amount of discount to tenants, and schedule of events. Mr. Lewis Hutchins, representing Citcon Corporation, indicated moving~allowances would be based on longevity of tenancy, historically discounts have been about 5%, some units could be sold to tenants on an "as is" basis on interior cosmetics to further reduce the price, and all units would be brought up to City code standards. A firm price offer to sell would have to await a final s~Abdivision repo~ from the California Department of Real Estate. Up to 10% of the units could be available for rental to tenahts not desiring to purchase. Citcon has Planning Agency Minutes of August 20, 1979 page 2. an on-site office to deal with individual concerns and other questions. ~DTION by Welsh, SECONDED by Sharp, to continue the public hearing of Use Permit 79-23 and Tentative Tract No. 10762 ~mtil the evening meeting due to allow for further input that might be brought forth at t-hat time. b~s. Kennedy said she wanted to put in the resolution a requirement that pur- chasers be made aware of the age of the units and the budgeting process for the Association for repairs. Mr. Brotemarkle said the Agency could consider an additional condition, that the CC&Rs should reflect a statement with regard to the age and condition of the structures so that everyone buying such structure would be made aware of such. He said the code required all units to be brought up to certain code requirements. The only thing that would be optional are things lik~ dra_Des, carpeting, and other cosmetic improvements, but none of the code Safety require- ments could be optional. He also said parking would be increased over that now existing. ~irs. Kennedy said she would like to see the relocation issue more clearly spelled out in the resolution. Mr. Saltarelli suggested to change the worcling to say: "that the relocation, repurchase plan shall have the approval of the Agency." M~s. Kennedy also wanted to include something so all buyers would be apprised of the potential of CALTRANS adjusting the freeway right-of-way. Mr. Saltarelli suggested the w-orm~ing "that all new buyers will be notified that CALTRANS may, at some future tL~e, ~Ddify the freeway and that it may have an effect on'~h~ir prop~y." ~nairr-~.n S~huster asked the pleasure of the Agency on the motion made earlier. A?ES: Shaz-~, Saitarelli, Kennedy, Welsh, and Skhuster NOES: None Use ~=er?.it 79-24 e_nj Tantative Tract No. 10852 No .......... y corner of Irvine Boulevard and Plaza Drive Authority to develop a co~-r~nercial condominium project. ...... oy Saltareiii, SECONDED by Kennedy, upon request of the applicant, to continue Use Perf..it ~ Tentative Tract No. ].0852 to the next regular meeting to ke keld SeDtember 4, 1979. AYES: Shaz-p, Saltarelli, Kennedy, Welsh, and Schuster None PUB~_~ CON ~P~i$ None OLD B US I,~-E S S None NEW BUSINESS Extension of Time for Tustin Gardens MOTION by Saltarelll, SECONDED by Kennedy, to approve the request for an ex- tension of tin~ for Tustin Gardens, the senior citizen project on Sixth Street, to April 3, 1980. AYES: Sharp, Shltarelli, Kennedy, Welsh, and Schuster NOES: None Planning Agency Minutes of August 20, 1979 page 4. TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY MINUTES OF ADJOURNED MEETING August 20, 1979 The Planning Agency held an adjourned meeting Monday, August 20, 1979 in the Council Chambers of the Tustin City Hall, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California. Chairman Schuster declared the meeting convened at 7:30 p.m. PRESENT: Sharp, Saltarelli, Kennedy, Welsh, and Schuster ABSENT: None Also present: ~ke Brotemarkle, Community Development Director Dan Blankenship, City Administrator Alan Watts, Deputy City Attorney Midge Mehl, Recording Secretary Chairman Schuster stated Use Permit 79-23 and Tentative Tract No. 10762 had been continued from the afternoon meeting, held this date, in order to permit anyone who was unable to attend that meeting, to be present at this time. He said the public hearing was now open, and asked if there was anyone to spekk in favor or opposition. Hearing no response the chairman asked th'e pleasure of the Agency. MCCiON by Salt~_re!!i, SECONDED by Sharp, to close the public hearing for Use Pe~t 79-23 and Tentative Tract No. 10762 and recommend approval to the City Cc'~nc±i by the adop~Lcn of Resolution Numbers 1837 and 1838; with the following modifications ~d/or ~men~ments to Resolution No. 1837: That the relocation ~c~ repurchase plan be approved by the Agency; that all the ~ts De brou.?.~ up to code requirements; that notification be given to all buyers ~nd specifically ~ithin the escrow instructions that CALTkANS may modify the freaway interchange effecting their property in years to come; no unit shall be ~ranted a certificate of occupancy and no sale or escrow shall close ~qtil all final inspections have been approved. AYES: Sha~. Saltarelli, Kennedy, Welsh, and Schuster None ADJOUP2i ?~k~T There beLng no f,~rther business to come before the Planning Agency Chairman Schuster declared the meeting adjourned at 7:~0 p.m., to meet again for a regular meetLng to be held September 4, 1979 instead of September 3 due to that date being a holiday. M.I. Mehl Recording Secretary Stephen L. Schuster Chairman Planning Agency Minues of August 20, 1979 page 3. CORRESPONDENCE None ~ STAFF CONCERNS None AGENCY CONCERNS None ADJOURNMENT ~aere being no further business to come before the Agency at this time the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 4:26 p.m., to meet again at 7:30 p.m. this date. Chairman ~,~. i. ~-~'ehl Recording SecretazQ~ Planning Agency Minutes - October 15, 1979 page 3. PUBLIC CONCERNS None OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUS INESS Tustin Acres Tenant Relocation/Purchase Plan ~. Brotemarkle said as per the resolution approving the conversion of the Tuszin Acres apartment complex to condominiums, it was required that they submit to the Agency their tenant relocation and purchase plan. Their news- letter which was a part of the information packet at that meeting, and which they submitted to their tenants, and their verbal statements at that meeting are represented by the items included in the plan submitted to the Agency at this time. He said the staff had received no complaints with regard to the plan, from any of the residents. i~TiON by Saltarelli, SECONDED by Sharp, that the plan as submitted by Citcon Corporation for Tustin Acres' Tenant Relocation/Purchase Plan be ap- proved, and that the letter dated September 26, 1979 from Mr. Lewis D. Hutchins of Citcon Corporation and the Relocation/Purchase Plan for Eligible Tenants of Tustin Acres Apartments be a part of this approval by reference. AYES: Sharp, Saltarelli, Kennedy, Welsh, and Schuster ?~OES: None Sixzh Street Vacatior, and Aba .............. MOTiOX by Saltareiii~ SECONDED by Sharp, that this street abandonment be fo'~nf as catergorical]y exempt {r~m CEQA requirements and that the Agency pas~ ~nd adopt Aesoiution No. 1846, recommending to the City Co'.uncil dispo- sinion of surplus road right-of-way on Sixth Street, easterly ' = the Santa f~na Freeway. AYES: Sharp, Saisarelli, Ken~:=dy, Welsh, and Schuster XOEY: :[one CO ~.P-- S PONDENUE STAFF CONCERNS Mr. Brotemarkle said as a point of information · he would like to mention tha~ the Local Agency Formation Co~mission has been considering a possible action on an annexation in the city of Santa Ana's Sphere of Influence. He said one of those actions could be to an~nd the Sphere of Influence and allow the property owners to petition for annexation to the city of Tustin. A General Plan a~endment action with regard to pre-zoning would be necessa-~f to implement action LAFCO takes in this regard. Homeowners and the church school hope to get favorable consideration to have LAFCO recommend to the City the area north of Main between the 5 and 55 Freeways be annexed to Tustin. ~ir. Saltarelli said he thought it would be wise for the Agency and the Council to take action that would state we are aware of the request by the property owners in that area to annex to the city of Tustin, and that if LAFCO should approve, the annexation would be favorably received and the City would process the appropriate General Plan amendment. Action should be taken at our Council meeting today. Planning Agency Minutes - October 15, 1979 page 4. PDTION by Welsh, SECONDED by Kennedy, to recommend to the City Council a favorable consideration in the request for annexation by property owners in the Main Street-Freeway unincorporated area subject to LAFCO action. AYES: Sharp, Saltarelli, Kennedy, Welsh, and Schuster NOES: None AGENCY CONCERNS ' Mr. Sharp mentioned that Social Ecological 805.4, being offered by UCI ex- tension, dealing with airports might be of interest to members. Chairman Schuster said he had been considering asking Councilwoman Kennedy to be the Council representative on the airport issues. He said he would be the alternate and would attend as many meetings as possible, but he was getting swamped with meetings. Councilwoman Kennedy concurred. Mr. Sa!tarelli said he assumed that members of the Agency had received letters from the Enderle Center Merchant's Association on their concern of the proposed building at the corner of Vandenberg Lane and Enderle Center Drive. They are concerned that with the already inadequate parking and traffic flow and requested the Co~unity Development Department and the Agency give serious consideration to deleting that building or seeing to it, if it is built, that it is built with the existing problems in mind. ~.~. Brotemarkle said there are only three buildings constituting the remain- ing portion of the original use permit. He said it had been noted that some uses, specifically restaurants, do at the present time fail to comply with their parking requirements. Staff is similarly concerned in this regard, especially regarding the main commercial-restaurant portion of the project. Di©T2~i~ by Saltarel!i, SECONDED by Sharp, that the Agency review the final ~ase$ for Ender!e Center under provisions of the original approval and relazive to the experience we now have on parking problems created in that ar%~, prior to issuance of building permits. AYES: Sharp, s~ltarei!i, Kennedy, Welsh, and Schuster >~0-- S: i~one ADJ DU?2~ There being no further business to come before the Planning Agency Chairman Sck'2ster declared the meeting adjourned at 4:10 p m., to meet again for a regalar meeting to be held November 5, 1979. ~tepb~en L. Schuster Chairman M.I. Mehl Recording Secretary moving and storage, inc. Van Lines SPECIAL ~OVING OFFER TO RESIDENTS OF TUSTiN ACRES O'Neil ~oving & Storage, a major and reputable moving company of Orange County, has agreed to move residents of Tustin Acres at a special discounted price. Tustin Acres management has agreed to assist in administering the program by stocking the packing materials and instructional literature in their office for each resident desirin~ to take advantage of this offer. REGULAR PRICE SPECIAL PRICE AVG.RQ~T. PROBABLE 2 BDRN.APT. COST CARTAGE (2 5:en & Van) $44.80/Hour $40.00/Hour 5 Hours $200.00 LABOR $20.O0/Hour $18.00/Hour 6 Hours $108.O0 PACKi[;D MATERIALS: Dish Pack (18xlSx36) $5,14 Small Ctn.(18xl2xl2) 1.22 ?,led. C~n (18xl~xi6) 2.01 Lre. Ctn. (22x22x22)l 2.76 Lamp Cnn. (14xi~x~O)$ 2.76 ~.:'~.~,." (Uo_ to 40x60) 5.41 4 in. wide ,'Jardrebe (5'x22"x22") 6,63 $2.60 5 $13.0o · 65 ~o 6.50 .o5 15 15.75 1.40 6 8.~0 1.40 2 2.80 2.70 3 8.10 6 ~..ila~ taoe (2 ~_.~e)[ 2.65/roll 1.50/roll 3 4.50 '.fra~oin~paper ~ /~.00/bundle ~.$O/bundle ~/~ 3.50 '~al pack~;.~ materzals cost (avg. rqmt.) inc.tax =$ 30 62.55 To schedule your move at these reduced prices, please call Jerry Boehne at O'Neil's at 545-5545 or at his home at 581-5010. Tustin Acres management will procure a supply of all packing materials listed above (except wardrobes which the moving men will bring) and will sell them to residents at the special prices indicated on a cash and carry basis. If you have any questions regarding moving charges, insurance covera~e,t special needs,etc., contact Jerry Boehne. The management of Tustin Acres is in no way affiliated with O'Neil ~oving & Storage. Each resident will contract with O'Neil's independently and be personally responsible for paying for the moving services provided. The actual costs incurred will vary and will depend on the actual time required and the actual services rendered. Corporate Ofhces 4101 South Mare Street/Santa Ana, Ca!dornia 92707 Phones: (714) 5~5-554,5 / (800) 854-3227/Telex 68-5573 LOS ANGELES SANTA ANA ANAHEIM SAN JOSE CLEVELAND (213) 225-0334 ?~4] 545-55~5 (714) 527:7733 (408) 998~4055 (216) 449-5940 '* JSTIN ACR .S I . SLE??ER RESIDENT RELOCATION SCHEDULE i.~,As you know,' we will be opening sales of Tustin Acres Condominiums to the )~h.lic on March 8th.. All unreserved units will be offered for sale to outside .3u%yers effective March 9, 1980, and soon thereafter, those of you who do not ~intend to purchase your unit will be receiving 30 days' Notice to Vacate your -~partment, with the last month's rent waived if you were a tenant prior to ~eptember 1, 1979. It is pro'jected that within 60 days, all renters not purch- asing will be receiving said Notice to Vacate and that most residents will have -~elocated by June 1, 1980. Me will be needing a limited number of units to prepare- for sale during April. ..~f you would like to move by March 31, 1980, please notify the Rental Office to complete the occupancy agreement, and we will issue you a 30-day Notice to Vacate and waive your March rent (for those eligible). Your Relocation Allow- ~ance (for those eligible) will, of course, still be payable as well. If you '-choose to take advantage of this move-out offer, we must be notified at the Rental Office by March 5, 1980. This will be offered on a first come first ~rve basis. ~he tenant relocation allowance and one month's free rent are for tenants who ~ere residing at Tustin Acres Apartments as of August 31, 1979, in accordance _~i~th the Relocation/Purchase Plan. All tenants who have moved in since that d ~ have been made aware of the conversion to condominiums and that they will .~ receive any compensation for relocating. INTERRUPTION OF WATER AND ELECTRICAL SERVICE ~e ~ar~e sorry for any inconvenience that the temporary loss of water or power ~t~s c~used you in the past six weeks. We have had three unplanned water shut U~i,s ~ue to broken water lines during this time. Any future planned shut off ~f water or electrical service (which should be minimal) will be done between t~e hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. PROJECT MAINTENANCE ~-In a continuing effort to maintain the grounds in an orderly and safe condition ~b/ring project refurbishment and construction, we have assigned an individual · ~to inspect the grounds at the end of each work day to determine that they are ~ziin good order. Your continued cooperation is very much appreciated during this ~urbishment program. RESIDENT COMPLAINT FORMS NOW AVAILABLE facilitate the handling of any resident problems, complaint forms are now .~.~vailable in the rental office. Any residents-who missed the meeting on Feb- ---r. uary 27th and have a complaint, should drop by the Rental Office. TUSTIN ACRES RESIDENT COMMENTS Please note below any problems you are experiencing relative to. your t~enancy and any suggestions or comments you may have for our consideration. Thank you, we appreciate your comments. ~Sincerely, 'The Management Apartment Name Date. GRAD Management Co., Inc. 4020 MOORPARK AVENUE - SUITE 112 - SAN JOSE. CA 95117 - (408) 241-9696 TO ALL RESIDENTS OF TUSTIN ACRES *NOTICE* OF MEETING Representatives from GRAD Management Company, Inc. will be available on wednesday, February 27, 1980 from 12:30 to 5:00 pm and from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. We invite you to meet with us during these hours to discuss any problems you may be experiencing during the conversion process taking place at Tustin Acres. The meeting will be held in the Recreation Room by the Rental Office. If you cannot attend either of these times, a special form for reporting any problems to us will be avail- able at the Rental Office. We look forward to meeting you on Wednesday and hope that we may be of service. S~ncerely, THE MANAGEMENT 2/21/80 GRAD Management Co., Inc. 4020 MOORPARK AVENUE · SUITE 112 · SAN JOSE. CA 95117 - (408) 241-9696 February 25, 1980 As previously announced, Tustin Acres will open for sales to the public on March 8, 1980. Because of the anticipated large number of people we expect to view the models and pool area, we will be fencing off the models, recreation ~rea and adjacent units which will include.your unit. This is to provide additional security for the furnished models and to reduce the opportunity for prospective purchasers to disturb nearby residents. Therefore, we are requesting that you plan to relocate by March 31, 1980. Enclosed is your notice to relocate. You will be entitled to free rent for March and your relocation allowance. 'If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Laking at the rental office. Bincerely, The Management ~c: Sales Manager m