HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 2 POLITICAL SIGNS 03-03-80DATE: March 3, 1980 OLD BUSINESS No. 2 3-3-80 Inter-Corn TO: Honorable Mayor & City Council FROM: Community Development Department. SUBJ£CT: Political Signs in the Public-Right-of-Way On February 4, 1980, the Planning Agency discussed political signs and the existing sign code. Staff was directed t'o prepare a resolution for Council consideration. On February 19, 1980 the Council continued this item to the March 3 meeting for a full Council vote. mac RESOLUTION NO. 80-20 1 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 ~9 ~0 ~? 3O A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTtN, AUTHORIZING PLACEMENT OF POLITICAL SIGNS IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF- WAY. The City I. The A. Council of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: City.Council finds and determines as follows: That political signs provide a public service in informing the public of ,candidates and issues under consideration in up- coming elections. That Ordinance No. 684 (Sign Code) enables signs fo be placed in the public right-of-way upon specific authority of the City Council. II. The City Council hereby authorizes political information signs, in parkways (defined as the area between the curb line and the private property line), subject to the following procedures, conditions, and penalties: A. Only one sign shall be permitted on any abutting property line. B. Signs shall be limited fo three (3) square feet in size and three (3) feet in height. C. Signs in the parkway shall require the permission of the abutting property owner. Signs shall not be attached iR anymanner fo any traffic control device, tree, street light, or utility pole, nor place so as fo impede pedestrian walkways. Signs shall be located so as not to obstruct the vision of motorists and shall be prohibited in any area designated by the City Engineer as a hazardous area. Permitfees shall be liable fo the City of Tustin, private property owners, and general public for any injury to persons or property resulting from the placement and maintenance of signs in the public right-of-way. Signs not in compliance with this Resolution shall be removed by the City of Tusfin and may be redeemed by the owner upon payment of two dollars ($2.00) for each violating sign. PASSED AND ADOPTED afa regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tusfin, held on the day of , 1980. ATTEST: Stephen L. Schuster Mayor Ruth C. Poe City Clerk