HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD FOR ADOPTION 02-19-80ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION No. 1 2~1R~80 AGENDA ITEM: ORDINANCE NO. 819 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE TO PROVIDE FORT HE REGULATION OF ADULT BUSINESSES. BACKGROUND: This Ordinance was introduced at the February 4, 1980 meeting. Staff has had daily response from the public in support of this Ordinance, both by letter and by phone. There has been no negative response. RECOY~NDATION: M. O. - that Ordinance No. 819 have second reading by title only. M. O. - that Ordinance No. 819 be passed and adopted. (Roll Call Vote) ORDINANCE NO. 819 AN ORD~I~ANCE OF THE O]TY. COUNC'.~L OF ~E ~ TUST]~ C~EO~A, AMEND~ TH~ TUST~N ~ ~, , ~;alifornie, ~e~ ordain as S~t~pp_~ S~ti~ 9Z97 of the Turin CjiW Co~ ia ame~ by a~lng ~A~JL ~oo~:ore~ ~U m~n ~ e~abt~m~t ~vJng a~ tJ~ Or ,i~Jf~cant port~ o~ J~ s~t~k ~n tta~, mater~a~ whj~ dtstt~is~d or ohar~rizcd by :i~ em~sis ~ matter ~pieting~ ~s~ib~ng, 0r related ~ ~ecifi, ed sexual ~tivity or ~na~micnl ~as, or ~ ~ablishm~t with a se~t or ~ti~ S~ti~ 2~ ~pter 6 Is ad~d to ~:iele 9 of t~ T~in Ci:y C~ to ~ad as fonow~, Chapter 6 Adult Businesse:~ Part t G~eral ?~tl PL~PO~E The ~r~e of th~s ~ap~r is to ~la[e u~s ~ich~ b~auss of ~ir v~y ~tu~ a~ re~iz~ a~ having ~io~ obj~tio~le op~ration~ ~actetisti~ p~ti~l~iy ~n ~ve~al of t~m ~e c~entrated ~er ~rt~n circum~ thereby having a ~leterio~ ~ff~t ~ t~ ad~ t~a adve~ eff~ wiU not ~n~l~t:e ~ t~ bl~ting or ~9radi~ of t~ ~o~i~ ~i~9bOr~d. T~ p, rim~y c~tmJ ~ ~lati~ ~ for t~ ~rp~ of p~venti~ a ~en~ath~ of t~ ~s in aqy o~ a~e. mively fo~ ~ patrona~ of edu{~, a~d a~ ~ ~vhich mino~ ~e. sp~ificaUy excluded f~m pa~ge t~reat, citer by taw or by "A~It h~teJ/~el~ ~U m~a~ a ~tel or motel ~hi~ p~vi~s, or ~cr{b}~ ~ relat~ to ~ecif)ed ~xu~l ~ivltie~ o~ UA~lt T~a~ru ~{{ me~ a t~[er ~imq ~{~ta i}ve ~tor- prin~, ~aw{n~ painting, ~o~{~ ~p~ctu~, vid~ t~pu~ ~ parn- ~igu~. ~deling St~{o" ~{J m~en ~y e~abJi~hm~t in 2 i) I~ than completely and opaqu~ly coveted b) ~ttoe~, ~d c) ferule b~a~ betow a poi~ immediatety above t~ ~p of t~ ~eola, and ~m~ m~e ~ttal~ in a dis;~mlbty tur~d ~ate. ey~ if ~mpieteJy a~ opa~eJy cov~ed. sSp~tfi~ Sexual Activitt~~ s~ll meant l) ~ ~itels in a atate of ~ex~i ~mulat~ ~ ~cu~l ~/or 2) ~ of ~m~ ma~u~ati~, se~l stim~lat}~ or ~; a~/or f~nd~]ng or ot~? erO:iC ~OuC~hi~g of ~m~ G~tals~ ~bic re~, ~ttoc~, ot female breast. ~ ~ ~j~t t~ [~ p~vis~ of :hi~ [~pter ~ comity wi[h ~ of a) T~t ~lt ~t~es, a~ult ~t~)s/motels, o~tt t~ater~, mature p~lo~, fi~ mc~eli~ st~to~, a~ ad~t boo~torc~ a~ ~t per- ~muant ~ t~ p~vi~i~ o1 5~ti~ ~292 of t~ Turin City C~. b) That r~ adult ~ir~ s~H be granLed a c~diti~al u~ petit ~le~ t~ property ~ whi~ auch ~$i~ ~ p~o~ed to be I~ated: 1) is cla~ifi~ in t~. z~ C-l, C..2, or C-~ district; ~d 2) Is ~t within ~,~ f~t of ~y lot Zm~d for ~si~ntiat use o~ a c~oh~ or =~eatlon~ ln~ituti~ whi=h t~ u~iliz=d by an~h~r a~ult 9613 N~CO~ORMI~ A~T ~L~IN~SSE5 ... p~}o~ Ot fi~ m~} ~t~ that we~ J~fu~y ~ditl~al year ~ t~ p~mt~ exce.~ing ~ ye~ i~vem~ ~h that t~ Jarg~ pe~i~ ~rd~ip. }J~ wit~ut ~gard to i~erv~i~ po~i~ of t~ building or li~ of t~ p~m3~es of a c~cfl or ~d~c~tiOn~ ~r~t.itutton ~ili=ed by ~t~.~, P~t 5 is added ~ ~pter 2 of ~cte ~ of [~ To~t~ ~ity Co~ to re~ ~ followm Part 5 Lewd Fi)m~ )25! PL~POSE The City Co~qcil finds that the comm~relal exploit~tic~n of exP~tei[ ~e×ual c~t th~u~ t~ ~}lo sa)e or exhlbith~ o( lev.~ fll~ c~t~t~te~ a ~b~m~t of fa~iy }tte~ welfa~ ia ofq~ive to t~ se~ and [~terf~ w~th t~ qu~ity of life muraJt~ c~v~ien~ ~si~nts, cit~z~$ ~d ~i~os. T~ City Co~l ~cl~es ~h aba~e~t t~o f. a) Lewd ar~, pruri~t i~ere~; ~crtpti~s slmulete~ or b) ms~ur~ati~, ~xe~to~y ftt~t!~, or ;~wd r:~,~ib~ti~ of NothinO ~rein ~ntai~d is ~nte~*d to ir~lude or pmsc,~Be any film used~ p~cs *~i~ li~rary~ ~i,tic,. ~liticat ~- ~ci~tific value. b) Place 5) vino tape ~r d) Per~ oration ot ~h~ ~egal entry. e) ~K~w~ge" ~ns of t~ patently offensive film. 3253 E×HZBiTICrN AND 5ALE Or" ~WD FILt&5 - PU~L~ a) Any ~d ~very pt~ce tn t~ C~ty of Turin ~r~ ~2~4 ~WLED~ ~ ~SANCE PRE~ME~ ~RO~ S~RV{CE RE~U~ ABATE~NT Pa~ a~ ~ ce~i~ ~py of t~ ~Dt~ p~d for ~Jn~ rain, manage, ~ond~t or operata a pl~a~ in th~ City of for i~ ma~nten~Ce, a~ ~h~ be liable therefor. b) T~ pl~c~s ~ ~,~i~t matter ~.cJare~ t~ ~ pubiic n~ces 3255 ACTION BY CITY COU~ Up~ ~ ~lfic fi~tng t~t a ~itc ~,ui~ce~ a~ defied ~n S~tic~ 3253 hor~f, exi~t~ in the City of Tu~tin, th~ City Coun=il, in d~cl~r~t}~ of ~}.sa~ i~ i~ued ~s a pmrt of t~ upuration of e) ~de~ t~, City Attorney to give writ;ten ~ice th~t~ 2) T~ City ~}! has ~red t~ City h) ~n~t)ng a~ ma)~t~n)~g 9~ch p~biic nuisance pr~=e.edin~ b~u~t by t~ City Attor~y, pu~ua~t to ~'~i- ~)vmd ;rom a ~g(ul act, o~t~ty ~o ~ p~i~ior~ of ~r that n ~ert)f)~ copy of said re~luti~ and B ~rtif)~ ccpy th}~ article ~ ~livered fo~h.~ith )n ~y m~er Price.re !~tt~ ~l~.iO and ~16.9D t~ ~tl ~) of r~rd 3256 ACTI~ BY CITY A~Y An orde~ that all Fr~s of t~ ~ame~ }~wd fi}m~ b~ forfeited ~ c~r, trab ~ s~h lewd ~otl~ pie~u~ 5lin),, f~m ~no ~ftor z~ time t~ p~r~ maintainin,~ ~aid ~u~a~ ~eue~v~ a copy of t~ 10 es required by ~aw; 7) ~: f~ t~ City of T~ln f~ core. salty dama~s and f~ aU co;~ expended ~n abating attor~ f~s~ 6~d s~ ~th~ expe~ as ~reJ~ ~d ~y R~or~ of the C.o~n~y of Or~ge~ ~muan[ to Co~ of Civil a~in~ t~ p~cel of ~a~ ~ which th~ ~}~c ~t~mtned in t~ octl~ ~o b~ reducible for nuts~ce. As ~ad he~in~ t.~ t~rm ~cost of aba~e~nt' 2) Court co~tsl 3) . Reasonable attorn~y~ fe~s; ~,d Il) Pr}rd. ir~j costs for any Lrial ~r,d appeal. II circulate in ~y ~thi~ ~rein e~tai~d is iMe~d to i~l~ ~ p~cribe ~y ma~ter PASSED At-~ AOOPTED at a mgu~a~ m~etir~ of the City ATTEST~ T/O/Adult Bt.~