HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 2 CITY POLICY MANUAL 2-19-80TO : F ROM: SUBJECT: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COU~]CIL DAN BLANKENSHIP, CITY ADMINISTR~.,TOR CITY POLICY MANUAL NEW BUSINESS No. 2 2-19-80 The City Council established a Council Policy Manual on September 6, 1966, to set forth or clarify policies not normally contained in ordinances, resolutions, and other legislation of the City. The policy statements also served the purpose of consolidating and making the policies available to all concerned. The Council Policy Manual was last updated in December of 1974 and is presently obsolete. A copy of the manual index is attached. We are reactivating this policy manual concept but expanding it to include admini- stratiYe policies as well, and revising format and policy numbering. In this way, I believe we will benefit from the availability of consistent policies covering the more significant policy areas. The changes which are proposed from the old manual are outlined below: Scope The new manual is proposed to contain Administrative policies as well as Counci~ policies such as were contained in the old manual. This reduces the number of separate manuals and the need to check two sources. Admini- strative p~licies are further im?lementation of Council policies and other legal directives. Adoption The old manual required the adoption of each ne~.~ policy by resolution. This expands the number of resolutions on file with the City Clerk and adds to the paper work. It Ss proposed that new Council policies be approved by a simple motion. Page Format A copy of the old and proposed page format is attached. Ti~e new format appears simpler and cleaner with, hopefully, better readability of the sub- ject · title, Numbering System The old manual contained a two-digit section number and a one-or-two digit sequential number within the section. The policies were in that sequential order within a section as they were adopted. It is proposed to use a one- digit section number (since only ten sections existed before), and a two digit (for Council policies) or three-digit (for Administrative policies) sequential number within each section. It is proposed to file the policies by subject within the section. I City Policy Manual-draft for Dept. Head Review -2- Organization of Manual The following table contrasts the old manual-numbering section organization with the proposed organization: O0 Old Manual Administration and Central Services Proposed Manual I. Administration l0 Finance and Accounting 20 Personnel and' Employee Benefits 40 Public Works, Rights- of-Way and Streets 50 Park Improvement, Recreation and City Beautification 60 Maintenance, Operation and Contractual Services 2. City Council 3. Finance 4. Htm~an Services 5. Personnel ~. Cqn~nunity Development 7. Public Facilities 70 Public SaFety Services SO Community PFomotio~ 8. Public Safety 9. Redevelopment Agency 90 General and Miscellaneous Imptemen.tation As not all of the former policy statements are obsolete, it is proposed that the attached resolution be adopted to abolish the former policy statements sixty days after adoption. This will provide an adequate period for identifying all policies requiring continuance and submitting them to Council for re-approval. The second step is to consider approval of the attached four Council Policy Statements as the initial policies in the new manual. 2-01 Agenda Policy-City Council 6-01 Agenda Policy-Planning Agency 9-01 Agenda Policy-Redevelopment Agency 2-02 Mayor Selection and Recognition Res.D~ctfully submitted, Dan Blankenship, City Administrator -- DB/hlr COUNCIL 00 ADMINISTPulTION AND Cr.~', ~ .~ ~..:,' .... :J:. '. ....., .... 00-1 00-2 Council Policy .... -:' Council & Planning Cor:miz~On Minu'tes & Retcnt~i. on cf .... ~- Recordings 9/~/6 6 7/73 Rev. 10 FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING 2O PERSCXNEL AND EMP!,OY?:]] :?l', :- }'l ".: 20-1 20-2 20-3 20-4 20-5 20-6 20-7 20-~ 20-9 20-10 20-11 20-12 Political Act;i Gifts and Gratu'{.t Professional Special I,eavcs Tuition Reimb~]rsement Employee Commcnsa tien Transporta ' Extended Travel Uniform AI~ .... Appointment of Conflict of Interest Volunteer F~ r~-~rl ...... ]: < / 69 i,'e v. 9/6/,~ 6 9/5/60 9/'3/66 '1/19/73 ReV. ?/27/70 Rev. 4/3/6 7 1/15/68 ] o/5/7o Rev. 2/3/74 Council Policy Manual Table of Contents Page 2 30 PLANNING AND ZO.NI.,~ 30-1 30-2 30-3 Service Station ,u-inimum Sit,. Development Gui Deadlines for c-;,,.~ o~ ....... , r: :..ur) ].ica ti,-~ and Plans for for -Multl-~ a:. ~ly, Ro:31':~il~!al, Pr, Com~,ercial and Industrial De,sc!{?- ments Within the n~ .... c~ Tustin DA'rE ~I-:!69 3/r./67 Re V. ROV . 40 RIG,~TS 0 ....... , ...... :-,.: :,E.o PUBLIC WORKS, ~,. -_ ~,_r~,v .-.~ ,' ........ 40-1 Undergrounding of ..... ' ~ ' ~-'~ ,~ "r~""-'. 9/6/66 40-2 Connection of Coun%y Area Le City Sewer Lines 9/~/66 40-4 Responsibility for (k:~;rT:~ l-":~!~ic Improvements 1 /2/6 ''~ 5O 50-1 50-2 A 50-3 Use of Public Ar,las Und~r Parks and ' ~' .... a Cultural Park Naming 60 M~\INTENANCE, OPEP~ATION, 7'..::D ~O> 7.' l?;;'., rl:i'.i 'lilt 60-1 Competitive Bi~! Ol'-::nin'.i:' Rev. 2/3/7,1 Council Policy Manual Table of Contents Page 3 70 PUBLIC SAFETY SERVICES 70-1 70-2 70-3 70-4 70-5 Parades Criteria for the Insta!!a',:icn cf Stop Signs Criteria for the /nstallat{,~?. of Traffic Signals Warrant.s for Employ:~eht o~,~ Ssho?]. Crossing Guards Accident and Safety !~,cvit-w C~r~uitteu DATE 9Ig!66 0/6166 12/19/66 11/20/67 8O CO~,~{U NITY PROMOTION 80-1 80-2 80-3 Industrial Deve!op ~;ht City Participatio?~ in Co,,:-a:~:itv Promotion Presentation of C~{t}' Pl~quea 2/ /71 90 GENERAL AND MISCELLAN[iCNS 90-1 90-2 90-3 Public Attendance and Pre-P1 anni Deadlines for for City Program Reco~hmendat i Co~issions 12/2/';.~ ~/::{i/68 kev. 2/3/74 ~ .._. ,-::"5' COUiqCIL POLICY MANUAL · . PURPOSE .. -- .'. :.. . identifying those policies of ' ':"~'[ "'? ?fiO~'normally contained in ~-?" "2.':' o consolidate a~o~ted 'p~lic.[c.:~ cf · h.~u..c,.~ ~n the t ~n .... 1 will be ,~ adopted by Resolution. One or mc.r~ :~clicies may :.e inc!u~;3d ;~. in any one Resolution. ~] 2 All policies will be stated as ,~ clarity and understandinc. 3. All policies will be written by or at City Administrator, to b,~__ ac~,-: .... ,..~,:'c, l,,;., thc..i:[ty Council. and other interested partias. all other persons afl:ecto:! by :::,,ch 2c!;::ics. PROC~,.,c n~ Policy Manual. Copies of each policy, as ' : ...... ~ '.'~ '' ' a,.c ..... ,.(.,, ,._ : ~ :_~.~ ,:i','.':rikut.2:i to members of the City Council, Ce~r~xi.:::;-,-.~ :, offic,':rs o{ th,.~ City, and other patti~,o,~., as mav~ be rf::-:'.::~-,.~ n. lnl i:3 -o~ :I~;].n,P~2~ * -' ' ' by the City nc mlnlstrator. A charge of 25¢ per page will bo m:d.:, for i';..z].iey sheets to other individuals and groups dosirinc thc nclicies for information purposes only. ADMINISTRATIVE. POLIC~, SUBJECT: I'OLICY SECTION: I Alq'ROVED:~ EFFECTIVE:! SECTION DESCRIPTIONS 1. Administration This section includes policies involving the general administration of the City and central services for the departments. 2. City Council This section includes policies directly relating to the City Council and its functions. 3. Finance This section includes policies directly relating to the finance and account- ing functions of the City, such as payroll, purchasing, cashiering, security of funds, petty cash, and check policy. 4. Human Services This section includes policies directly relating to the programs of recreation, cultural arts, leisure services, senior citizen activities, and other people- related programs. 5. Personnel T~is section includes policies directly Fe!at~d ~o '[he i-,ers'~nnel functions of ~he City, such as recruitment, labor retatio~s, handling of health and ?:orkers compensation claims, and clarifying ben~Fi[ oolicies. 6. Coq~unity De'~el opment This section includes policies relating to deveto~:~en~ standards, planning, and other community development matters. 7. Public Facilities This section includes policies relating to the use of City streets, buildings, and other facilities. 8. Public Safety This section includes policies relating to police, .fire, civil defense, and other public safety matters. 9. Redevelopment Agency This section includes policies relating i~o the ~,i~e~'~tion of the Redevelopment Agency. Date 02-19-80 02-19-80 02-19-80 02-19-80 POLICY INDEX BY DATE OF ADOPTION COUNCIL POLICIES Section Number/Name Subject 2-01 City Council 6-01 Community Development 9-01 Redevelopment 2-02 City Council Agenda Policy-City Council Agenda Po]icy-Planning Agency Agenda Policy-Redevelopment Agency Mayor S~!ection 02-19-80 1-001 ADMINISTRATIVE POLICIES . Administration Chain of r ..... ~ SUBJECT INDEX BY SECTION Policy Number Policy Subject E~fective Date Administration OO1 Chain of Command C~ty Council O1 O2 3. Finance 4. Human Services 5. Personnel o o Agenda Policy-City Co~ncil Mayor Selection ~ ....... ~n~ty Devei o~ent Ol ~ n~: ~ =,ge,~ Policy-Plannin(~ Agency Public Facilities 8. Public Safety Radevel op~ent O1 Agenda Policy-Redevelopment Agency 02-I 9 -80 02-19 -80 02-19 -80 O. -, 9 -gO 02 q 9 -gO COL CIL POLICY SUBJECT: AGENDA POLICY-CITY COUNCIL POLICY NO: 2-01 SECTION: Ciky Council APPROVED: EFFECTIVE: PURPOSE To establish a clear and consistent policy on the preparation of City Council agendas, their reproduction and availability, and other related matters in order to expedite the appropriate business of the City Council. POLICY 1. Establishing the Agenda Ali items to be placed on the City Council Agenda must first be approved k.y either the City Administrator, the Mayor, or a majority of the City Council. Preparation Schedule The Chief Deputy City Clerk and the staff develop the tentative agenda als the Tuesday morning Staff Meeting (Wednesday, y, if Tuesday is a holiday) ap.~rox~,,~,j two weeks before the schedLlled meeting date. All agenOa materials are to be submitted to the Chief Deputy City Clerk by noon on T~esday (Wednesday, if Monday or Tuesday is a holiday), the week before the meeting. The Ci~ief Deputy City Clerk's office reproduces and collates the agenda packets prior to, or shortly after, 5:00 p.m. en Tuesday (or Wednesday, as specified in "b" above), the week before the,~euc]nq"' ~-' ~. Council's copies, City Attorney's copy, the pFess copies, and [he Police counter public copy are delivered to the Police Department that same evening to allow council members, attorney, and the press to pick up their agenda book at their convenience. The next ;Homing, an additional public copy of the packet is delivered to the Public Library for the convenience of interested members of the public. 3. Time Schedule The City Council will meet on the first and third Monday of each month (or the next work day if Monday is a holiday) for an afternoon session following the 3:00 p.m. Planning Agency meeting [time permitting), and for an evening session at 7:30 p.m. (if necessary). A§enda Policy-City Council Page 2 of 3 bo Ali public hearings before the City Cou:ncil shall L.e scheduled for the 7:30 p.m. session of She meeting unless o~herwise approved. All routine business will be tentatively scheduled for the 3:00 p.,.:l. session of the meeting (time permitting). All business of a controversial nature, or where it is anticipated that public input will be significant, shall be scheduled for the 7:30 p.m. session of the meeting to facilitate that public input. 4. Presentations Presentations to the City Council shall be only on F~atters bearing a re- lationship to City business and shall be approved in advance by Council unless not possible in the opinion of t~]e City Administrator due to an gency of the business. 5. Freclamations do Requests for proclamations shall be made approxi~ately 45 days in advance ~= ~;eed. requests shall be circulated a[;~emg the Ccuncil at the ne;<t meeting of Council for their approval. A ~roclamation approved by a majority of the Ceuncil shall be prepared for signature at the next Council meeting. Proclamations shall be read by title an,'J subject matter enly at the Council ,~.Ieeting unless a recipient is present to receive the proclamation. In that case, the lqayor may read the entire proclamation and present it to the re- cipient. 6. ~!~blic Concerns A section or time on the agenda following the public hearing section shall be provided for' City residents or bL~siness persons to address any area of City concern not otherwise appearing on the agenda. Agenda Policy-City Council Page 3 of 3 7. Minutes City Council minutes shall be maintained by the City Clerk's office on all Council meetings as required by law. The minutes shall reflect among other matters: a. the number of persons in the audience b. the actual action taken by Council c. the name of citizens speaking and brief ~ature of their comments d. City Council member statements which are requesteM to be placed "on the record." Tape Recordings City Council meetings are routinely tape recorded in order to facilitate minute preparation and to clarify poi~qts which may be unclear. Tile reel tapes are retained for two years unless ther~ is ~n apparent possibility of a law suit regarding some item or unless specified f~r a longer re- tention ?eriod by the City Council. 'The cassette tapes are ~sed as a back-up and ~ore convenient form of early reference and ]re or,~y retaine~ for several months. AUT~ORiTY By authority of the City Council A't res t: City Clerk COUNCIL POLICY SUBJECT: AGENDA POLICY-PLANNIt~G AGENCY POI,ICY NO: SECTION: APPROVED: EFFECTIVE: 6-01 PLAIiNING AGENCY PURPOSE '. To establish a clear and consistent policy on the preparation of Planning Agency agendas, their reproduction and availability, and other related matters in order to expedite the appropriate business of the Planning Agency. POLICY 1. Establishing the Agenda Ail items to be placed on the Planning Agency Agenda must first be approved by the Community Development Director or a majority of the Planning Agency. Preparation Schedule a. The Planning Staff develops the tentative agenda approximately two ;' weeks before the scheduled meeting date. All agenda materials are to be submitted to the Planning Department 8 days before the meeting except public hearings, which i~ave to be sub- mi~ted a minimum of 24 days before the anticivated hearing date. Co The Chief Deputy City Clerk's office or Planning Agency staff reproduces and collates the agenda packets prior to, or shortly after, 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday (or Wednesday, as specified in "Council Pelicy" the wee!c be- fore the meeting). Agency's copies, City Attorney's copy., the press copies, and the Police counter public copy are delivered to i:he Police Department that same evening to allow members, attorney, and the press to pick up their agenda book at their convenience. The next morning, an additional public copy of the packet is delivered to the Public Library for the convenience of interested members of the public. 3. Time Schedule The Planning Agency will meet on the first and third Monday of each month (or the next work day if Monday is a holiday) at 3:00 p.m., and for an evening session at 7:30 p.m. (if necessary). Agenda Policy-Planning Agency Page 2 of 2 bo All public hearings before the City Cotlncil shall be scheduled for the 7:30 session of the meeting unless otherwise approved. All routine business will be tentatively scheduled for the 3:00 p.m. session of the meeting. All public hearings of a contro'.,ersial nature, or where it is anticipated that public input will be significant, shall be scheduled for the 7:30 p.m. session of the meeting to facilitate that public input. 4. Public Concerns A section or time on the agenda following the public hearing section shall be provided for City residents or bnsiness persons to address an,/ Planning matter of City concern not other¥~'ise appearing on the agenda. 5. Minutes and Resolutions Planning Agency minutes and resolutions shall b~ maintained by the City Clerk's Office on all Agency meetings as required by law. The minutes shall reflect among other matters: a. The number of persons in the audience b. The actual action taken by Agency c. The name of citizens speaking and brief nature of their comm,]n~s d. Planning Agency member state~nents which are requested to be placed "on the record." 6. Tape Recordings Planning Agency meetings are routinely tape recorded in order to facilitate m~inute preparation and to clarify points which :nay be uncle~*r. The :':~el tapes are retained for t~o years unless tn~_~r~ i~' nn a[~parent possibiiity ~)f a law suit regarding some item or unless specified for a longer retention period by the City Council. The cassettm tapes are used as a back-up ]nd more convenient form of early reference and are only retained for several months. AUTHORITY By authority of the City Council Attest: City Clerk COUNCIL I'()I.ICY SUI:LIECT: MAYOR SELECTION PROCEDURE I'()1 ,I(;~' SIC(SI'i~ }N: Ai'I'II()VI.;I): 2-02 CIIY COU~CI k PURPOSE: To provide a consistent procedure for the selection of the Mayor and Mayor Pro Tempore by the City Council. POLICY: The Mayor and Mayor Pro Tempore shall be selected annually for a one-jear term but shall serve at the pleasure of the City Council. The selection shall be at the meeting in even-numbered years when the official canvass of returns is certified, and the first meeting of A?il in odd-numbered years. 3. The selection procedure shall be as follows: The Mayor shall yield the chair at the start of the evening meeting to the City Clerk for the purpose of reorganizing the Council (no change of seats)· b The City Clerk shall call for nominations for the position of ' y c. Any Ccuncil member may nominate another member: no second is required. After nominations are closed; the City CleFk shall call for aq o~gn vote by show..cf hands or voice vote and shall announce the selection. e. The City Clerk shall call for nominations for the position of !,~a].'or Pro Tempore following the same procedure as for Mayor.' Upon completion of both selections: bo The City Clerk or City Attorney shall administer the oath of O~,l to the Mayor and Mayor Pro Tempore (possible photographs)· The former Mayor shall present the gavel of office to' the New I.layor, and the new Mayor shall present a plaque to the outgoing Mayor. c. The Mayor shall assume the Mayor's chair and the Mayor Pro Tempore shall assume the chair to the Mayor's right requi'ed by the voting equipment). .J Mayor Selection Procedure d. The Mayor may shift the assigned chairs of the balance of the Council. e. The Mayor may present proposed committee assignments for Council approval or may wait for the next meeting. fo The Mayor shall proceed with conducting the balance of the evening meeting in odd-numbered years or adjourn the meeting in even-numbered years. '5. Other Policies. a. The Mayor shall receive new nameca:'ds designated The Council's picLures in the City Hall hallway shall Se re- arranged with the Mayor and Hayor Pro T(~npore on the !eft side with Mayor on top, and with the balance of the Council on right side in order of tenure. c. The Council's stationery wil" be , c .... .... by staff. t,,~ ,~iaintenance Division x.:i!'i n!)date ~ .... ~o~ing p~ne!s in tne Council Chambers. majority vote of the City CounLi~ AUTHORITY By order of the City Council ~-ity Clerk t. OUi'q(.I L t SULIJECT; [ [,' ~..:..-> j sl.(:~I,).X: R~_DEVELOPMENT- K%' ~' ?"r ~ AGENDA POLICY-REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PURPOSE: To establish a clear and consistent policy on the preparation of Tustin CcalmunityRedevelopment Agency agendas, their reproduction and availability, and other related matters in order to expedite the appropriate business of the Agency. POLICY The Agenda Policy of the Redevelopme~t:" ~ ~Ng~.ncy shall ~,~ consisten[ with that of the City Council except as herein noted: The City Administrator and City Clc~rL or U-;ir_-[ Deputy City Clerk shall be acting in their capacity as Executive Director and Secretary of the Redevelopment Agency, and the r.~ayor an:~ Council shall be inter- preted to mean the Chairman and members of [he Agency Board. The Proclamation and Public Concerns sections are inapplicable to the Ag6ncy, although the Agency will consider such concerns at any point of its meeting. Any routine Redevelopment Agency business :;hall Ue considered at Che 'afternoon meeting (time permitting],, and any Redevelopment Agency Public Hearings si:ail be schedLlled for the 7:30' !~.m. meet~,ng (by ;.:in~tes of 12-3-79 Council meeting). AUTHORITY By authority of the Redevelopment Agency Board. Attest: ADbI!iNISTRATIVE POLICY SUBJECT: CHAIN OF COMMAND POLICY NO: SECTION: APPROVED: EFFECTIVE: 1-001 ADM I~!STRAT I ON PURPOSE: To establish a Chain of Command in order that whenever the City Adr~inistrator is required to be absent from his office there wilt be a representative to act in his place. Unless otherwise restricted,the alternate is given auth]rity to trans- act all business and to act in all matters whici) are the regular responsibility of the City AdministratorJ PROCEDURE: In the absence of the City Administrator, the first alternate ~vail~ble st:all assume the responsibilities of 'the Cicy A(:ministrator and shall serye i~ this capacity until replaced by the City Administrator, a highF.~ alternate, or some- one of higher authority. In_~i,~iduals are listed in the order in which they will ass.m,e the responsibili- ties of the City Administrator. CHA!~ OF COP~MAND City Administrator Dir'ector of Public Works Chief of Police Director of Community Development Director of Finance D. Blankenship S. Ledendecke? C. Thayer M. Brotemarkle E. Bushong 14762 Ridgeboro Place 731-3477 Iustin, Ca. 92680 14642 Dartmouth Circle Tustin, Ca. 92680 13655 Esplanade 5x4-3~7/ Santa Aha, Ca. 92705 28952 !.iodjeska Ca,yon Rd.~49-2570 Star' Route Box 912 Orange, Ca. 926~7 t4351 Mire Court 5~2-5769 Irvine, Ca. 92714 EXCEPTIOHS There shall be no exceptions to this Administrative Order unless am::roved by the City Administrator. AUTHOR I TY Section 1415 of the Tustin City Code, and by order of the City Administrator.