HomeMy WebLinkAboutRPT 2 SR CITZ SHRD HSNG 2-19-80DATE: February 12, 1980 2.-19-80 Inter-Corn FROM: Parks and Recreation Director SUBJECT: City Involvement in Introducing Shared Housing to Senior Citizens Staff in the Senior Citizen - Human Resources Division are exploring, with other cities, ways of introducing interested Senior Citizens to the Shared Housing Concept as an alternative regarding their growing housing and financial problems. Extreme care will be taken not to place the City in an liability or criticism. The attached material has been drafted and collected by Judi Ormsby, Recreation Specialist-Senior Citizens. If you have any concerns or advice, please advise. SHARED HOUSING The shared housing concept is a program and approach to introduce to Seniors the concept of sharing housing. High rents are making single living an impossibility. For those whose sole subsistence comes from a monthly social security check plus, when they qualify, the state supplemental security income, this income level is $317 monthly or $3804 annually. Low income senior units have long waiting lists. Isolation and lonliness is the dismal accompaniment for the problem of housing for many Seniors. Many Seniors live far from Senior Centers. Tustin does not have an all day Senior Drop-In Center. Safety and health are other good reasons for shared housing. Seniors, espcially those living alone, are often prey ~3 crime. Living with anouther person, can give Seniors are greater sense of securty. There, however, will be resistance to this program from the Seniors themselves. As with any other room-mates, there will be difficulty in adjusting to each other. They will have to decide in advance how expenses and chores are to be shared. If two persons are moving into one apartment, the question of what to do with the excess furniture and other belongings will have to be answered. To facilitate shared housing, mixers will be held twice a month for approximately one and one-half to two hours. There will be a presentation, questions and discussions. The CouncilChambers are usually available on Tuesday and Friday afternoons. Coffee and rolls will be served to introduce a social atmosphere. The procedures to be foTlowed would include a greeter to take down those interested person's name, address and telephone number and issue color coded name tags. One color for those interested in sharing and another for those looking to share. A hostess would make the participants comfortable and pla~e persons in appropriate groups. A facilitator would introduce the program , the questions and make a .closing statement. If after several sessions, two persons have thought themselves compatible and wish to share, they will receive consultation from the Senior Coordinators to see if all aspects have been considered. If required, they will sign a disclaimer form freeing the city from any liability. ar ec Hon$in an allernaliv'e-or senior cifiiens MAY BE FOR YOU Are You [] Lonely? 0 fnterested rn Personal Safety? Q A~mcious ?o Reduce Costs? [] Concerned %~'ioh Personal Health? If You Live in Garden Gro,ze, Wesmuinster, Cypress, or Stanton, And Answer YES To Any Of The Above Call: Shared Housing H. Lo,,i~ Lake Senior Citizens Center 11300 Stanford Avenue, Garden Grove, CA 92640 (714) 638-6766 Shared Housing is a way of de~ling with the housing shortage as wen as loneliness and the high cost of apartments, by helping seniors locate others interested in Shared Ho-¢irtg accomodations. Shared Housfi~g - an alternative for Senior Citizens - i.',; a program of the Department of Human Services, City of Garden Grove. 972-96~ SHARED 2-9658 Fixed Income Consumer Counseling HOUSING FOR SENIOR 730 North Garfield, Santa Aha CA 92701 NAME ADDRESS (Street) ~ TELEPHONE NUMBER AGE: ETHNIC BACKGROUND: WHITE ARE YOU A CALIFORNIAN? YES DO YOU COME FROM? RELATIVES LIVE COUNTY WOULD YOU PREFER TO LIVE? 972-9658 C I T I Z E N S 972-9658 DATE FEMALE MALE (City) 55-60 60-65 MEXICAN-AMERICAN NO LANGUAGES DO YOU SPEAK? CAN YOU DRIVE A CAR? ~T RESTEiC7 YOUR DALLY LIVING? (zip code) OVER 65 INDO-CHINESE IF NOT, WHAT PART OF THE COUNTRY WHERE DO YOUR CLOSEST IN WHAT PART OF ORANGE WHAT DO YOU OWN A CAR? DO YOU HAVE ANY PHYSICAL DISABILITIES EXPLAIN - H~W MUCH RE2[Y WOULD YOU LiKE TO PAY? UTILITY COS~£ PLUS YOUR SHARE OF THE RENT? 30 YOU WATCH WHAT TIME DO YOU GET UP IN THE MORNING? GO TO BED? ARE YOU A GOOD SLEEPER? --OCCASIONALLY DURING THE NIGHT? SHARE A HOUSE , OR AN APARTMENT__ WILL YOU SHARE ALL WHAT T.V. PROGRAMS PERSON'S PLACE? ! ~TTLE , A LOT LIKE? WHAT TIME DO YOU · OR DO YOU GET UP WOULD YOU PREFER TO DO YOU OWN A HOUSE , A~; APARTMENT , MOBILE HOME__, CONDOMINIUM DO YOU WANT SOMEONE TO LIVE WITH YOU , OR DO YOU WIS]{ TO SHARE SOME OTHER HOW MUCH DO YOU USE THE TELEPHONE? A , NOT TOO MUCH WHAT KIND OF MUSIC DO YOU WHAT SPECIAL INTERESTS SUCH AS A HOBBY, HANDCRAFT, VOLUNTEER WORK, READING· DO YOU ENJOY__ SPONSORED BY SADDLEBACK COLLEGE DO YOU SMOKE? YOU WOULD BE LIVING SMOKED? DO YOU HAVE VISITORS WITH LUNCH OR DINNER? VISITING FOR LONGER THAN A WEEK? CONTINUE TO PAY YOUR SHARE WHILE YOU ARE GONE? WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON THE USE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES? IF NOT, WOULD YOU MIND IF THE PERSON WITH WHOM DO YOU ENTERTAIN THEM DO YOU EVER GO WOULD YOU DO YOU LIKE TO COOK? DO YOU PREFER I'F SO, WHAT KINDS OF FOODS DO YOU i?p ON DIETS 0CCASIO~';ALLY? WHAT IS ¥::UR CHURCH AF~!LIATi0N? ARE YOU ACiiVE IN CHURCH WORK? WHAT CLU2Z 70 YOU 5EL0:~G TO? DO YOU HA',:E ANY ALLERGIES? ALLERGIC TO DOGS? WHAT ARE YOU ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO CATS? PLEASE DESCRIBE THE TYPE OF PERSON YOU WOULD LIKE TO SHARE ACCOMODATIONS WITH IS THERE ANYTHING THAT IS LEFT OFF OF THIS QUESTIONNAIRE THAT YOU ~IGHT CONSIDER IMPORTANT? RELEASE The undersigned hereby holds hazmless and releases the CITY OF GARDEN GROVE, its officers, agents, employees and representatives, from any loss, liability, claim, suit or judgment that may arise out of or in connection with the undersigned making use of the City's free shared housing program. it is further understood and agreed that the CITY OF GARDEN GRO%~, its officers, agents, employees and represent- atives, are simply providing a referral service between individuals having housing they wish to share and individuals wl ....... eo share housing and that all negotiations regarding s~r.e he,ween the parties are the sclc responsibility of the parties. The undersigned acknowledges receipt of a copy of the brcchure describing the Shared Housing Program. DATED: (Participant) 'a'neyu to Save bl are'l uarters on the DOllars ;a.:~TA ANA -- Jckm Clark thinks he y have the sc[uticn for m~y elderly ,ple whb ~e ~k~ pfi~ right out of ko~ ~ket u~ ren~ ~d sk3~ke~g pfic~. 7~-k, who iv~s~oa uhe ~dea m't new but .:el7 prac~, ~ k~ proj~t Sh~ ':stag for -&e pmg~'~ one of m~7 develo~ ;CC) office ~ Orange ~ty. '5~ office, head~ by Cl~k, a fomer ~op~ pho~apher who is ~eff a ~cr clan, ~ fended by Ac~on, a .arm ~ency for ve~mnteer semce, ~d SHEARLEAN DUK~. is ~nsor~ l~y by ~d~eback Col- lege. , Sh~ Homing for Se~o~ is the new- est of ~e m~uy FICC pmgr~ and ~s a pet pmj~t of ~k. "Ho~g for [~-income ~d tow-in- come p~ple is uhe ~eatest problem we have ~ ~ge ~ty," Clark ~id d~ing a ~ent ~temew L~ ~e FiCC office at E. W~n~n Ave. in ~n~ Am. But by sh~ng a home, Cl~k m~ntai~, aeffiors c~ ~nefit in three distinct way --They c~ cut e~nses. --~ey ~ combat loneliness by .~g a home ~ a friend. Pleaa~ Turn to Page 6. CoL 1 ' -Shared Housing f' ElderlY the 7ontinued from First Page -Tbey'E have ~meone ~ound in c~e of emergenmes. One of the pr:~;em~ in getting such a proem ~t~ m Orange ~ ....... ~ ..... 2. ~.~ ~ poin~ out, is matc~g prosper:ye r~mma:cs, 7c hc:p m this re~ect, FICC ~ col!~fing the names cf ::::sr~:~ed seniors and on We~day a get-ac- quam~ed ?-: :': ~ ':.5~[ ke held for those who w~nt ~ m~t a .. Slm:iar r..x~rs '~-~2 be held later m Galen Grove San Cie:::en:e ~: :2 the pro.am ~ows. Cl~k hcpes will spreac :krc _7z:x: the coun;?'. to p~-tic~ha:e ::. _Lyf' Cla-k ~d. "We'll get ~ple wh~ a- ,!V('." Each p?r: ;~ -ucri:ng Weane54?'s 2 p.~ w~¢cr, which ,,m ne kci5 :n ~n_ ~:n!cr CiC.:e::s Cen~er acro~ Lhe hall from the F~CC .... = ,,e,e, ~.:,1 ~: ~ ~ ,,~ out a quer- "Then v,c '.. d~.-.vn an8 go over their questions," Clark i:!:d. "~,'C ......... ~ ...... that's to them. we'll try to ka~ - ~,- :npat~ble p~p',e meet each other. As far as moving :nt ~c:hcr, thc two of thom will have ~ dec:de cn that." And v. ".~'. ??hens if the two people ~e of the sex? "it ' " . · t .... I suG~r:sc! :.' '.. ,kqn't hove some male-romEo matches. We've alt.:-.: Y :2 a call from a m~ who w~ted a women FICC '..-: k .x taxers once a month so that seniors este~ in ~k: F:rF a kome can have the cppo~unity to m~t. Clark arr...s Lha~ shying a home will not ~ the mflat~on-f.~h:'~g solution for everyone, but he ~lieves Lkat it ccul2 rr.:;qde a ~etter qu~ity o~ life for many. For others, m~ro ~:: m-'.cmed to living alone, it might be sible tc make ti- ~ adjustment neces~-y in order ~ live ~ith aomeoac c. Fc, ~- :- p, 4hied Otlt. We. ,,a, ...... · ..... ~%. to talk about it and to unde~d !h~ advar.:a~sF and disadvantages arc," Cl~k said. "And even tk:u? ::.c-re are disadvantages, this is going to be n~essity r ,.~ .... n., of them in our inflation~y age/' In addJ::,?. :~ the shared housing pro.am, the FICC of- rice is ado ~uC,' wi'_h the many other proj~ already e~tabhskc, d dxz,aa the organi~tion's two-ye~ e~stence. "With al.: x: pro~s our goal is to counael people on i:xed inc~ mca - to help them ie~n how they can get more out of th~ ,r d..k~r," Clark said, To da tk:: Fi TC offe~ pro.ams that teach ~ple how to eompm-iscn sk:p, how to file a consmner complaint, where m find low-cost leg~ help and how ~ avoid instance fraud. These pro.ms ~e made ~ible tMough the help of more than 125 volunteers who kave] ~oughout the county prese ;.;~ng ~ciat semina~ ~nd workshops. One oF the most popul~ workshop subj~ is ins~ce, Clark says ~ ' "Many companies ~e selling t~ many instance policies elce, he lan ' W ~ ~es ~ here ;~the ' ry." ~ ' ~. ' eWeh.~dofc · a pecan h~ ~ught 34 ~fferent policies. All you re~ly ne~ ia one ~hcy ~ supplement your M:-4ic~e. But m~y {~pjor~ ~[~ Fitting out S2 a,~d ~ a m ..... y mon~ on CUTTD~G C3%T5- ?' - C!.-,'rk :',t fl- · Fixed '.,. c~:',~o Co:;ht:tr',,,: ('%:::, .?mr'; :~fli,'.'o'- c;t~!~;nr.J roomi~,.-j 102:"'%*.r 'o rr'd,!c3 }"-:~sinq Tin~''~, 2S";: 57 .'.'on In ad-J:'iqn to ;¢ork:"~:- ,' : -m:;: ::.q r: e }"iCC cfi.r':' dis:riht;~¢ ' a :~u!'v~:.'!c -:' '-:,' ; .,-, r~:':::'.,, i ia s,-s'cn d.f- fcrcnt kmg;m'T& Tip; on ' ~n it.' :' r,qh:.'. ?rc, ocqc:n a~.,' ' : cove-ed in rE-- },"CC. P :' ! ..... .... A]t~.q'::~5': 757:- st FlCr. f ,! "', ;,~e 1,:o :';,!crly. (",'¢" pOiEtS t;t![ t]l?,t hi.-x O[[~c~ '- (i. ':"::,'d tO 3:?."','~: all !0;; cor,~e and f:×ed-i:lcomc p: ;d- "We've cvcn workc-I · .:: i'=,~i,.-anl~,:c:! Clark sa::!. "Lam yr,.,,, ,;:- .,..:- ','d more {hn'~ 7.~;.'~) p.:~ handle ail kind: ~f calb' V'_,., n have vohmteers v.-h-~ out and rio co,z:F~r;.zon -Y '"i 2;7 far t,s so fha* ;;'o can vi:M mfar::: .,v)n on whet: 3 or,, c::n get the b,..x[ Luy."