HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD FOR INTRODUCTION 02-04-80ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION No. 1 2-4-80 AGENDA ITEM: ORDINANCE NO. 819 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE TO PROVIDE FOR THE REGULATION OF ADULT BUSINESSES. BACKGROUND: This Ordinance has been prepared by the City Attorney and has been approved by the Chief of Police. A~ the January 21, 1980 meeting, this Ordinance was continued to this meeting by the Council. RECO~5~DATION: M. O. - that Ordinance No. 819 have first reading by title only. M. O. - that Ordinance No. 819 be introduced. ORDSNANC~ ~O. 8~9 ~TY ~E TO PROVIDE FC,~ THE RE~%ATICN OF T~ City Cou~il of t~ City of Tu~tin~ California, ~es ordain a~ ~tj~D_%: S~ti~ 9297 of the Turin City Co~ is amend~ By a~lng t~ fo~owin9 ~s~ib~ng, or related ~ specified aaxuaJ activity or S~t.i~ 21 ~pter 6 is added to Article 9 of t~ Tust~n City C~ ta ~ad as f o~ow~, Chapter Adult Busi~s~e~ %t! PUP. POSE T~ ~r~ of vmy ~tu~ em re~iz~ as having s~ieu~ obj~tio~le ~peration~ certein circumst~ th~re~ having a ~leterio~ cff~t ~ t~ edj~ cent ~. Sp~izl t~ adve~ eff~ wlQ not c~l~te to t~ hlt~ting or ~g~d~ of t~ s~o~l~ ~i~gb~d. T~ p~im~y ~troi ~. m~tati~ ts for t~ ~r~ of pm~enti~ ~tveiy fo~ ~ pat~o~ of aduS~ and as [o whi~ ~ific~y e~cluded from pe~nsge t~reat~ e~L~t ~ t~w o~ by ~t s~]l ~t i~tu~ t~se uses or ~ct~vi~i~ [~ ~at~ of whi~ am pre~mpte~ by state law. "A~it Hotei/~oteP ~ll m~an a ~tet or motel ,~hi~ th~u~ clos~ circuit t~leviMon, ~ ~t~r mae)a, mater~ which disti~Jis~d m ~arac~rlz~ by t.~ em~s[s ~ mat:er ~ptcti~ or ~ibtng or raJat~ ~ ~eclfied sexual ~:iv~tiea o~ ~ified ~A~Jlt T~a~r~' ~{J m~ a t~ater ~i~ ~ts l~ve ~ter- tatnme~ et m~i~ p{ctur~ or vino tave~ pmse~a~{o~ ur ell~ ~tog~ wh{~ ~' ~l~tln~s~d ~ ~arecte~z~ emp~sis ~ mmt~et ~picttng, ~c~ibl~, or ~tate~ to ~cified ~t be ~imi~d ~, ~ee~ories, ~k~, magazt~ ~o~a~ c~ ~uant to S~ti~ ~711 et t~ To~n City ~, ~Figu~ ~deling St~io" ~tl mean ~y e.~abjishm~t mod~}s po~ ~iie e~o~i~g ~ec~fied anatomical "Sp~lft~ A~tom~cal ~ead~ ~ of t~ ~eol~ ~ 2) ~m~ m~e ~lt~l~ ~mpleteJy a~ opaWeJy "Sp~tfi~ SexuaJ ActivitieS' e~ll meant 2) ~ of ~m~ ma~u~ti~, se~l atimulat}~ ~ ~t~c~, or female REG~ATED ~lst[~ conta~n~ in this A~icle p~lo~, f~ mcdeU~ st~Io~, a~ ad~t beok~tor~ ~,~ ~ per. That ~ sduJt ~i~ s~U be 9~[ed ~ls~ t~ property ~ which su~ ~si~ [s p~sed ~ be ~ated~ 3) i, not wRhln 1~000 fe~t of any lot, ~ v,~hlch ther~ ~ a c~oh~ or c~eatlo~ in~ituti~ whi~ i~ utilized by ~) is ~t within l~O f~t of ~y ~bBc ~r~ ~ p~ay g~; ts ~t witch l~D f~t of ~y lot ~ which t~re ~s ~h~ a~lt buai~ a~Jlt ~tel/mote)) a~lt the.ate~ saga p~iQr~ fi~m ~1 at~io~ ~ adult 961~ N~C~ORhtl~ AD~T BL~INESSE5 ... p~}o~, O~ fi~ mo~J st~]~ that. we~ ~awfu~y in ex~ten~ as of s~Ji~ti~ t~te~o of this o~dina~ sha~ ~e discontinued ~ ~ha~ be bro~ht J~o fu~ c~f~m~e witi~n ~ year of t~ eff~tive ~te O~in~e . .., cx~pL the: s~ ~t~vitie~ may continue fcr ~ ~ ~ditl~ai year ~ t~ g~nti~ of a c~diti~at u~e p~mit ~nt [~ p~vi~i~ of S~tion 92~ of the Tustin City Co~ and p~m~s exce.edi~g o~ ye~ from t~ eff~t)ve ~te of ~di~ce i~vem~ e. uch that t~ ~ pe~i~ [~ ~c~mary Lo p~ven[ ~e ~rd~ip. ~6[~ ~S~EMENT ~ OISTAN~S ]j~ wR~u[ ~gard to i~erv~)~ ~r~tu~es ~ objex, f~m t~ ~.~ po~i~ of t~ building or a~tu~ used ~ a pa~ of t~ pm~s t~ ~ ~acr~b~ in S~t~ 96~2e J~ c~c~ to t~ ~a~e~ p~p~t.y li~ of t~ p~mJses of ~ c~ or =~c*tio~ t~titution u~iIize~ by The City Co~.~r~il fird~ that the commfreiai e~oit~ti~ of explloit s~x~i ~b~m~t of fatty }lfe~ t~ ~mm~it/ ~d t~ ~tic ~:h ~ weJfa~ ~ offentjve ~o :~ se~ a~ J~terfe~ ~th t~ qu~y of Jife In t~ community ~d tt~ totat ccmm~ity ~vtmnm~t; Ss ~im~tai to o~ati~ of ~ ~tiviti~ ~ ~trim~tal to t,~. ~a~[~ ~fe:y~ g~d .~ mor~ e~v~ie.n~ a~ generaJ welfa~ of t~ C~ty of Turin ~ of i~ ~si~nts, cit~z~s ~d ~ai~s. ~ City Co.ell ~ci~s ~h abate~t t~of, ~2S2 ~) Ultimete ~exual ~L~ slmulate~ or b) ma~ur~ati~ e~c~tory fu~t~, or ~e'~ c~ib~ti~ of b) Piac~ or te~ery, 2) film or plate positive; 5) vino tape or ~y '~e~~ m~ ~y rum. Any ~d ~very pl~e in t~ City of luain ~r~ ~lJca~y exhibited~ rente~ l~ O~ ~}d o~ i~ p~e~ f~ RES~U~; ABATE~NT tain, mnnsge, condor or op.~ate a pla~ in t~ City of ~ui~e for t~ ~rpos~ oI th~s P~-t and is, t~after~ for i~ ma~ntenance~ a~ sh~ b~ ]iabl~ therefor. b) T~ pl~c~s ~,d ~j~t m~tt~t ~.cJar~d t~ ~e public ~u~e~ )2)5 AC~O~ BY CITY ~ a ~ific fi~ing t~t a ~)ic nui~ce, as defied i~ S~ti~ 325~ h~r~f~ ~i~t~ in t~ City of Tu)tir~, the City Ce. ur, oil, in a~plying t~ a) ~}~e t~ fact t~t s~h nuisance b) ~t f~th t~ ~ctipt~ or te~i '~cript~ adff~ of t~J r~at p~petty w~)~ c~tutos ~h~ C) Se[ f~rth a Aeterrrs~[ of revoca~)~ by the City Co~c}) e) ~e~ t~, City Attorney ~ give f~ under S~t~on 3256 h~reof~ to ~mJng s~h p~n3 as ~f~,u~ h) Civil Pro~e~re ~i~ 73~ ~ to a~atement, ip~)ud)nO i~ve~tigetlv~ c~, ~ourt ecsts; ~ttcr- AU le~d ~ti~ pictu~ fi{~s bei~ ma{ntain)~ )uch ~{)c nu)~er~e~ n~ b~ ~d t~ ~j~t of f~feitu~ uon~ting a~ maintaining ~uch p~iic nuisance wi)) be need- ed at t~ ~aring in cou~ ~v{ng {~isdiuti~ ~f t~ ie~t pruue.udJn~ b~u~.t by t~ City Atturney~ mansger, ~r pe~ tJ'~n in cJ~r~ ~f au~ ple~, of a ~ertifled d~)ved from a wr~(ul aut, c~t~ty to t~ pr~i~ior~ of O~r that n cer~{f)~ copy of said ~e~tut}~ ~d a certif)~ copy o(* th)~ artic{e ~ ~{tvered fo~h~iLh )n ~y ACT~O~ BY CITY nu~a~e cxis~ at a pa~k.u~- ]o~atlon~ the City At~r~y Forthwith, commie legal p~ceedin~ ~r C~v~} Co~ and ~i~ ~ ~ of C~vil Pr~re ~tion 7}1, by t~ fitin9 An or~r t~t t~ p)~ce ~m~ by t~ CRy Cu~ci} .,~er.e E~ film ~' films a~ beir~ exhibit~ ~s a p~b)ic ~san~ a~ tha~ Tustinz An order ~t ali prtr~ of t~ ~ }e. wd ~t2ms b~ fortei~ as ~r. trab~nd~ s~h i~'~d ~oti~ pia~u~ fil~, f~m ano after t~ time pers~ maintainJng said ~u[~a~ ~ceive a copy of the re~)utl~ ~f t~ City ~o~il fi~i~ i~mt a p:bli~ 10 ~) ~n or~r t~t all m~e~ or v~l~bi~ s~ requ~d by 7) J~m~t f~ ~ City of Turin nu~s~ce, ~lu~ng inve~igat~w c~ts, ~u~ c~ attor~ya f~, and su~ other e~ as a~ provi~d for ~>' Recor~ of the Co~mty of Or~ge~ ~muant to Co~ of CiviJ P~ce~J~ ~et~ ~, g~ving t~ r~s of tt~ p~ie~ [~ ~bj~t nuis~ce, A.s u~d he~in~ t~ term 'cost of 2) Cou~ co,ts; ~) . R~bJe attorneys f~ ~d 4) Printi~ ~ts f~ ~y ~ ~d may be am~d,'~ City Co~ to re~ as .610~ ~DEC~NT PUB~CATI~S It a~ll b~ ~]awfuJ to ~U or offer ~o ~e~) ren~, ]eas~ ex~e~ exhibit circu}ate in ~y ~blic p~ace, ~ anyw~re in view of ti~ 1) Ultimate ~xual ~ ~rma[ ~r parver[ed~ simulat~ ~ 2) Ma~-batt~ ~xC~tOry f~tl~ or l~wd t~ g~it~s ~ ~,]tal ~thi~ herein ~,tai~d is tr~en~d to i~lu~ ~- p~scribe ~y ~atter which, wh~ c~i~r~ ~ a ~o{e, a~ in t~ ~,text p~se~es seri~a literary, erti~tic, ~iittca{ ~- ~ientific value.' 12 ATTEST~