HomeMy WebLinkAbout04 CLAIM #03-33 11-03-03 Agenda Item  Reviewed: AGENDA REPORT C,,yM neger Finance Director I' MEETING DATE: NOVEMBER3, 2003 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF TUSTIN FROM: CITY ATTORNEY SUBJECT: CLAIM OF ANNE TUNG; CLAIM NO. 03-33 SUMMARY: This is a claim for property damage and personal injuries in excess of $1,104,599.75. The claimant's vehicle was struck by another vehicle that crossed into southbound Jamboree. Claimant contends that the cause of the incident was a defect in the design of the roadway, "including but not limited to, the failure to provide a median on Jamboree Road which would aid in inhibiting vehicles from crossing over and hitting on- coming traffic head-on." The police report indicates that the person causing the accident was traveling at approximately 60 miles per hour in the rain and he felt his car start to spin. He applied his brakes and tried to steer but he lost control. The person causing the accident was cited for violation of California Vehicle Code Section 22350 "unsafe speed for conditions". There is no indication of a dangerous condition of public property, and therefore no apparent liability for the City of Tustin. RECOMMENDATION: After investigation and review by this office and the City's Claims Administrator, it is recommended that the City Council deny the claim and direct the City Clerk to send notice thereof to the claimant and the claimant's attorneys. ATTACHMENT: Copy of Claim LOIS E. JEFFREY(.) cc: William A. Huston, City Manager 176260.! ( ~ Office of the City Clerk ....... ' City of Tustin October 14, 2003 300 Centennial Way Tustln, CA 92780 Alex Barrios 714.573.3026 Ward North America, Inc. FAX 714.832.0825 P.O. Box 2422 Tustin, CA 92781-2422 Re: Transmittal of Document(s) Claimant :Anne an Yi Tung City Claim No: 03-33 Filed With City: 10/14/03 X Receipt of Claim/Summons/Complaint By: Personal Service The enclosed records were presented to this office as indicated above and have been referred to the appropriate City department for investigation and also to the offices of Woodruff, Spradiin and Smart, At'tn: Lois E. Jeffrey, City Attorney. By this letter, you are authorized to commence the necessary investigation of this claim on behalf of the City. We request that you give such notices as may be appropriate to the City's insurance carrier(s) and further request that you submit your preliminary and all subsequent reports to the City, with a copy to the City Attorney and to the insurance carrier(s) if they so request. Upon receipt of advice from the City Attorney, we will plan to present this matter to the City Council and/or take such other steps as are directed by the City Attorney. A copy of this letter and enclosures were sent on October 14, 2003 to the City Attorney and Department Head, and the odgina{ was forwarded to the Finance Department. Sincerely, Marcia Brown City Clerk's Office E~d~sums: (as at~,~} C: City Attorney Department Finance Department (orig copies) ORIGINAL 1 Albert S. Israel, Esq. (SBN 071320) FIELDS & ISRAEL LLP 2 111 West Ocean Boulevard, 23'~ Floor P.O. 'Box 22701 3 Long Beach, CA 90801-5701 Tel. No. (562) 432-5111 4 Fax No. (562) 432-6333 5 Attorneys for C!~,nant ANNE AN YI TUNG 6 7 8 9 CLAIM OF ANNE AN YI TUNG: ) No. ) 10 Anne an Yi Tung, ) ) 11 Claimant, ) CLAIM FOR MONEY OR DAMAGES FOR v. ) PERSONAL IN/URIES 12 ) (Govt. Code Section 910) City of Tustin, ) 13 ) Respondent. ) 14 ) ) ~ ) ) 16 17 TO THE CITY OF TUSTrN: 18 You are hereby notified that ANNE AN YI TUNG, whose address is 19 claims damages from the City of Tustin. 20 This claim is based on personal injuries sustained by Claimant on or about April 21 14, 2003, in the City of Tustin, under the following circumstances: 22 Claimant, ANNE AN YI TUNG, was operating a 2003 Lexus R.X 300 traveling 23 in a southerly direction on Jamboree Road in the #2 lane. At that same point in time, a 2002 24 Acura 3.2 TI. operated by Patrick Ivan Ying, was proceeding in a northerly direction on 25 Jamboree Road in the #2 lane. Mr. Ying's vehicle crossed into southbound Jamboree where a 26 collision with Claimant's veM¢le occurred. Claimant received serious injuries as a result of the 27 incident. It is the contention of the Claimant that a cause or'the incident was a defec! in design of 28 tho roadway, including but not limited to, the failure to provide a median on Jamboree Road CLAIM FOR MONEY OR DJMAG~? FOR PERSONAL INJURIES Page I OCT- ld-2~0-~ 11:55 RAFFle COLLISION R~PO~T ~~_./ ' ~ ~ ~ "~ ' I ....... / ~1 042 '. .... ' 2 0 ~ O~NGE 4 0~1141~00~ 1151 3022  ~OND~ ~ ~__ ~.o oPc 794 ~ NO~TH OF FO~ 1206Z~S1~ W~R AV , . ........... ~~ ............. ~~. Mm~ ~ Ow~ ~E .... ~ ~M B~ s~? ]. WAW~A ~ J]~.o~ ~ 6o ~, .,~, .... ~ I p 1 I ~~ p~M~ ~ 3 ~ ~ ~A~ I ~P , , .... -- ..s~ ~ ~ .......... ,~,,~ p,~o~......... I ' ' · RAFFIC COLLISION CODING P,e, :z o, ? ' I I q[~G~Uj~QNiMQ ~y ~ iT~) ~1 I/i4~3 ~ 135~ 3022 9t8 7 ~ ~ ~ S~SZGN D~AGED ,. SAf~YY EQUIPMENT ~ B~CLE, ~ EJGG~ FEOM VEHICLE ~NG., POSITION ~p~$ L- NR ~G D~LOYED ,- ~NE IN ~CLE M- N~ ~ NOT DEPLO~O ~ · ~UL[Y ~E~O ~ ) ;. ~ 8~T USED P - NOT REQU~R~ V -flO ~ - UN~N 7 - 8T~ W~N ~ · ~O~D~ ~ NOT USEO O · IN V~lG~ ~GO p~GER I.~~V~ ~. ~O~ER ~Sg USED R. IN ~IG[E NOT USED X.NO S · P~ ~N I. ~ISH~ ~S ~T USEO S - IN VEHICLE USE UNK~WN Y- ~ ~ · ~ER l- p~SI~ ~S~HT ~ED T · IN V~I~ t~ROP~ USE C · P~ R~HT NOT U~D U · N~ ~ ~HICLE -- ~S M~KED KLOW FOLLOWED BY AN ASTE~SK I [ ~p~NED M THE ,~Y T.F~ C.T.~ D.C~ TYPE OF ~ H ~,OWtNO I ~TOPPINO ~_~ OL _~Y O~ERTUR,NEO HI~HWA' K p~RKINO MN~ELNER ~O FACTOR~ E ~. ~LIO~N~ B ~O' ~ ~IRI~ · DRUG DRY ~ O~: 0~ 0~CT: CAOr~ING ~1CRI~SWAJ. K CAC~3WG ~N ~OSSW~ · NOT ~RO~ING f L~NO ~L ~U~ OFFICIIL COPY ~w ~ ~ TO 6~ DUPLIC~TEO, COPIED ~ '.-~Cy o~oept as provided ~ law w::hout the - IJURED IWITNE~$E$ I PASSENGERS ~ q~i5 CARS Plge 3 ~ ~810PI ~2 .... ~ ~003 i 351[ 3022 918 03-27 E~NT OF I~URY['X' ONE) INJURED W~ {'X' ONE) ]~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~~O ( ) ] ( ~ORS ~CE S~TA AHA ~ MEDIC~ Uu~ ~ ~ BY: T~N ~"1 ~ I=,'"l~l~l~l ~ I~ I~1~1~ ~ ~1 1 .I ~soN ED~A~ ~O~ ( .... ~ I~U~: 1 which would aid in inhibiQng vehicles from crossin§ over and hitting on.coming traffic head on. 2 See attached police report. 3 The injuries sustained by Claimant, as far as known, as of the date of presentation 4 of this clairo, consist ofroultiple traumas to her body, incl,dlng a fractured right ankle, surgeries, $ erootional and mental dislrcss. See attached medical records. 6 The amount of damages claimed, as of the date of presentation of this claim 7 exceeds $1,000,000.00 and is within the unlimited jurisdiction of the California Superior Court. 8 9 Expenses for Medical and Hospital Care and $79,599.75 approximately to Rehabilitation Care date, amount of future roedical 10 expenses unknown at this time 11 Loss of Earnings, Present and Future Earning Capacity $25,000 to date, future subjeot to 12 expert testimony 13 General Damages Estimated - $1,000,000.00 14 Total Damages Incurred to Date Estimated - $1,104,599.75 + 16 All notices or other communications with regard to this claim should be sent to 17 Claimant's counsel, Albert S. Israel, Esq., Fields& Israel LLP, 111 West Ocean Boulevard, 23'~ 18 Floor, P.O. Box 22701, Long Beach, California 90801-5701; telephone number (562) 432-5111, 19 facsimile number (562) 432-5333. 20 I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the facts hereinabove set forth are 21 ~ue and correct to the best of my knowledge. 25 Datexl: October 9, 200~ By Albert S. I~rael, 24 ~.t£omeys for Clai. mmt 25 26 27 28 ¢I.~41M FOR MOH£F OR D.~]vMO£$ FO~ P£R$ON.~L [NJffRI£$ Poge 2 ~TA~ O~ NARRATIVE/SUP, PL,EMENTAL PAGE S OF 7 DATE OF INCIDENT TIME NCIC NUMBER OFFICER I.D. ~UMBER ' ' 04/14/2003 1351 3022 918 03-2787 1 '2_ NOTIFICATION: I was dispatched to an injury traffic collision at 1353 hours, I responded with out 3 lights and siren and I arrived at 1400 hours. AJI times, speeds, and measurements in this report 4 are approximate, Measurements were taken by laser, except where otherwise indicated. 5 6 SCENE: See diagram. 7 8 PHY. SlC..AL EVIDENCE: See diagram. 9 10 ?.AR, TIES: 11 12 On my arrival, I found P-1 (Ying) lying on the road, at the WCL of Jamboree RD, just S/O V-2. P-1 13 was ID'D by his valid CDL. 14 15 I found P-2 (Tung) sitting in the driver seat of V-2, at its AOR. P-2 was ID'D by her valld CDL. 16 17 I found P-3 (Stumpfl) standing at the WCL of Jamboree RD, Next to V-3, at its AOR. P-3 was ID'D 18 by his valid CDL, 19 20 STATEMENTS: 21 22 I interviewed P-1 at Western Medical Center. P.1 said he was driving N/B on Jamboree Rd, at 23 aprrox. 60 MPH, in the rain, in the #2 lane. P-1 said he felt his car start to spin. P-1 applied his 24 brakes and tried to steer the car, but he lost control. P-1 said his car began to spin and he 25 crossed over the center divider. P-1 was almost stopped in the S/B lanes of Jamboree Rd, when OFFICIAL COPY 26 P-2 collided with him. NOTTO SE DUPUCATED, COPIED or FURNISHED to m'ty other per,JOt} or 27 agency except as provided by law wilhout the expre.,qs permission Ti,st;ri POI;ct-· Oe~.":t"~f'~' -' ' * ' " l.,~:. ~: , ,:'. '.,,..'...,~ -:,. , ,,. PREpAREo BY I.O. NUMS£R DATE REVJEWER*$ NAME DATE J. THORNTON 918 04/14/2003 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~'~ '""'"""~T'~tEISUPPLEMENTAL PAGE 6 OF 7 .... DATE OF INCIDENT TIME NCIC NUMB~I~ ' OFFICERI,D. NUMBER 04/1412003 1351 3022 918 03-2787 1 I interviewed P-2 atWestern Medical Center. P-2 said she was driving S/B on Jamboree Rd, In 2 the #2 lane, at approx. 50 MPH, in a pack of traffic. P-2 said she first saw P-l, as he was spinning 3 and crossing over the center divider, towards her. P-2 attempted to apply her brakes but did not 4 know if she was able to slow before colliding with P-1. 5 6 P-3 was interview at the scene by Dfc Casiello. See attached supplemental report by Dfc. 7 Casiello. 8 9 10 AREA OF IMPACT: 11 12 #1 794' N/O pole #2061551E 13 @ ECL of raised center divider. (V-l/curb) 14 15 #2 39' ElD WCL Jamboree Rd. 16 1004' N/O pole #2061551E (V.I! V-2) 17 18 ~3 1006' N/O pole #2061551E 19 ~ WCL Jamboree Rd. (V-3/curb) 20 21 ~4 944' N/O pole#2061551E 22 3' W/O WCL Jamboree Rd. (V-31 sign) 23 24 Measurements were taken frqm power pole ~2.061551 E, located on the Warner Av. off ramp, at 25 Jamboree Rd. 26 Area of impact was determined by statements, debris and the AOR of NOT TO BE DUPLICATED, COPIED 27 or FURNISHED tO ar~y other person or 28 OPINIONS AND CONCLUSIONS:,.'~)e'c~. *,.'.er~: -*~ ~,~,'.",~ '~v... I~'.',,. pRI~pARED BY LD. NUMBER DATE REVIEWER'S NAME DATE J. THORNTON 918 04114/2003 STATE OF CALI~OP. NIA ,NARRATIVE/SUPPLE,MEN,,TAL PAGE '/ pF 7 DATE OF INCIDENT TIME ' NCIC NUMBER" OFFICER I.D. NUMBER 04/14/2003 1351 3022 918 03-2787 1 '2 SUMMARY: 3 4 P-I was N/B on Jamboree Rd. P-2 was S/B on Jamboree Rd. P-1 lost control of his vehicle and 5 crossed the center divider. P-2 broad sided P-I, who was stopping in the S/B lanes. P-3 was S/B 6 on Jamboree Rd, behind P-2. P-3 drove over the west curb, and collided with a sign, while 7 attempting to avoid colliding with V-1 and V-2. 8 9 CAUSE: 10 11 Based on my observation of the scene, coupled with the involved party and witness statements, I 12 believe this collision was caused by P.-1 in violation of: 13 14 crc- 22350- UNSAFE SPEED FOR CONDITIONS. 15 16 Per CVC 40600, P-I was issued citation #T3'15051 for violation of: 17 CVC 22350 - UNSAFE SPEED FOR CONDITIONS. 18 19 ,R.,ECOMMENDA?IONS: 20 Review by traffic supervisor. OFFICIAL COPY NOT TO BE OUPUGATED, COPIED or FURNISHED to ~ny ot~er per=on or agency except ~ provided by law withDul the eXpreSS permi.e¥~''' nr '"~ Tustlrt Police pREpARED BY I.D. NUMBER DATE REVIEWER'S NAME DATE J. THORNTON 918 04/14/2003 ... TUSTIN POLI~E DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC COLLISION SUPPLMENTAL REPORT 03-2787 ~ told me he was in the #3 lane S/B on Jamboree Rd. P-2 was in tho #2 lane just ahead of P~3. P-3 said he saw P-lcross over the center divldcr from N/B ~Iamboree Rd. into the S/B lanes. P-3 moved to thc right shoulder as P-! and P-2 collided. In avoiding P-I and P-2, P-3 hit the curb and street sign on the shoulder. ~told me he was in thc #1 lane S/B on Jamboree Rd. just ahead of P-2. W-1 said he saw P-I cross over thc center divider and collide with P-2. Casiello #725 .~~/.?.~ OFFICIAL COPY NOT TO [BE DUPLICATED, COPIED or FURNISHED to any other Demon or DATE OF ADMISSION: 04/14/03 DAT~ OF DISCHARGE: 04/18/03 ADMISSION DIAGNOSES: 1. STATUS POST MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT, HEAD-ON, HIGH SPEED, HEAVY DAMAGE REQUIRING'EXTRICATION. 2. BLUNT C~EST TRAUMA WITH STERNAL TENDERNESS BUT NO EVIDENCE OF FRACTURE OR CARDIAC CONTUSION. 3. TWO RIGHT-SIDED RIB FRACTURES, FOURTH AND FIFTH RIBS, WITH NO UNDERLYING PNEUMOTHORAX OR HEMOTHORAX. 4. BLUNT ABDOMINAJ~ TRAUMA MECHANISM WITH S~AT BELT ABRASION, CT SCAN OF T~E ABDOMEN SHOWING EXTENSIVE LOWER ABDOMINAL WALL HEMATOMA, CONTUSIONS, SOFT TISSUE HEMATOMA CONTUSION. 5. ~TRIMALLEOLAR RIGHT ANKLE FRACTURE'. 6. A 2 CM RIGHT KNEE LACEPJkTION, STATUS POST REPAIR. DISCHARGE DIAGNOSES: 1. STATUS POST MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT, HEAD-ON, HIGH SPEED, HEAVY DAMAGE REQUIRING EXTRICATION. 2. BLUNT C~EST TRAUMA WITH STERNAL TENDERNESS BUT NO EVIDENCE OF FRACTURE OR CARDIAC CONTUSION. FOUR HIGHT-SIDED RIB FRACTURES, RIBS #5, 6, 7 AND 8, WITH NO UNDERLYING PNEUMOTHORA~ OR HEMOTHOP, AX. 4. MULTIPLE ABDOMINAL TRAUMA.WITH SEAT BELT ABRASION, CT SCAN AND PHYSICAL EXAMINATION REVEALING EXTENSIVE LOWER ABDOMINAL SOFT TISSUE HEMATOMA, CONTUSION INTO SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUES AND ABDOMINAL WALL MUSCULATURE. $. TRIMALLEOLAR RIGHT ANKLE FRACTURE. 6. A 2 CM RIGHT KNEE LACERATION, STATUS POST REPAIR. 7. ACUT~ BLOOD LOSS ANEMIA. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Please refer to the dictated history and physical on the chart. Briefly, however, this is a 4S-year-old woman involved in a head-on h~gh-speed motor vehicle accident with heavy damage to her car requiring extrication. She was brought in as a moderate trauma and found to have the injuries noted above. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: The patient was awake and alert on arrival complaining of left hip and right ankle pain. Her vital signs were stable. Her examination was significant for left shoulder contusion from the seat belt, sternal pain and tenderness with no instability, normal sinus rhythm. Abdominal examination showed tenderness over the left lower quadrant and extensive bruising over the left hip, anterior-superior iliac spine area continuing on to the left thigh and up to the left lower abdominal wall. There was an obvious closed right ankle deformity and a 2 cm laceration over the patellar area on the right. WESTERN MEDICAL CENTER/SANTA ANA TUNG. ANNE SANTA ANA. CALIFORNIA 1-61 36 75 RNI HUMItERTO SAURI, M.D. DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES: Diagnostic studies obtained include a chest x-ray, cervical spine series, AP pelvis and right ankle x-ray as well as left forearm x-ray, which wa~ negative. CT scans obtained included a CT scan of the chest, abdomen, pelvis. Additional studies included a 12-lead EKG, which showed normal sinus rhythm, cardiac isoenzymes which were essentially normal with respect to cardiac contusion. An Orthopedic. consultation was obtained with Dr. David Denenny for the ankle fracture and she was admitted to the ward for further management and hospitalization. HOSPITAL COURSE: The patient was able to be seen by Dr. Denenny soon after admission. She remained stable. She was cleared for the OR later that evening and was taken for ORIF of supramalleolar fracture, comminuted, and lateral malleolus {fibula) fracture. Procedure included ORIF, right fibula, ORIF, right distal tibia supramalleolar fracture with clover leaf plate. Postoperatively, the patient was kept on Ancef IV antibiotics was analgesics. She was followed closely for signs of bleeding and, in fact, h~r hemoglobin and kematocrit did trend downwards likely a combination of blood loss from the OR as well as the. extent of bleeding into the soft tissues and muscles of the lower abdominal wall due to the lower abdominal wall and hip area contusions. On postoperative day #1, she was begun to be mobilized with physical therapy and started on a clear liquid diet. On pos~operative day #2, she had complaints of right ankle, left flank and right rib pain. Vital signs remained stable and she appeared in better spirits. White count was 12.0, hemoglobin was 7.6, hematocrit 22.1. Final report of the CT scan of the chest showed right 5th, 6th, 7th and S~h rib fractures. She was felt to be stable. She was continued on narcotic analgesics. Toradol was added to minimize nausea. She was placed on iron and venofer iv was added for acute blood loss anemia. By postoperative day #3, she was able to be up with physical therapy with a walker ambulating 40 feet. The bruising on the left hip and lower abdominal area was stable. Her right ankle was in a cast/splint. Toes were warm. Sensation was intact. White count was down to 11. Hemoglobin and hematocrit remained low at 7.3 and 21.5. By 04/18/03, postoperative day #4, she remained afebrile. Vital signs stable, heart rate in the 90s. She was tolerating 7S% of diet. Hemoglobin and hematocrit were 7.1 and 21.9. She was awake WF. STERN MEDICAL CENTER/SANTA ANA TUNG, ANNE SANTA ANA. CALIFORNIA 1-61 36 75 RM HUMBERTO SAURI, M.D. and alert. The bruising on the left hip area and lower abdominal wall was stable, not enlarging. Her right ankle was stable in a cast splint. She was mobilizing with PT. She was felt to be, otherwise, stable and ready for discharge home with home PT and home nursing evaluation, discharged home with a front-wheel walker and wheelchair. DISCHARGE M~DICATIONS: Discharge prescriptions include Vicodin Extra Strength for pain, iron and Colace. DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS: To follow up with Dr. Denenny next week, follow up with Dr. Sauri next week. HUMBERTO SAURI, M.D. HS:TL000' 113198-4 D: 04/18/03 13:04 T: 04/18/03 13:24 cc: D~VID M. DENENNY, M.D. HUMBERTO SAURI, M.D. WESTERN MEDICAL CENTER/SANTA ANA TUNG, ANNE SANTA ANA. CAt.IFORNIA 1-6I 36 75 RM HUMBERTO SAURI, M.D. TOTAL P. 16