HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD FOR INTRODUCTION 01-21-80ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION No. 1 1-21-80 AGENDA. ITEM: ORDINANCE NO. 819 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE TO PROVIDE FOR THE REGULATION OF ADULT BUSINESSES. BACKGROUND: This Ordinance has been prepared by the City Attorney and has been approved by the Chief of Police. RECOMk4ENDATION: M. O. - that Ordinance No. 819 have first reading by title only. M. O. - that Ordinance No. 819 be introduced. ORD~NANC-~ tgO, 819 AN C)RDJNANC~ OF' TH5 CITY .~~ ~ ~ ~ TUSTIb~ C~OR~A, A~D]~ THE TUST~ AD~T T~ City ~il of t~ City of Tu~in~ California, ~es ordain ~s 5ration [= S~tl~ 92~7 of t~ Turin City Co~ i~ amend~ by a~tng tt~ ~ ~t~lflcant po~i~ of I~ st~k tn tta~, materiaJ wh~ dlstJ~ta~d ~ char~.~riz~ by ~ em~is ~ m=tter ~picting, ~ibi~g, or related ~ ~ecified sexuaJ ~t~vity or ~ecift~ ~a~m~eai ~as, or ~ ~abltshm~t w}t~ a ~egm~t ~ s~ti~ 5~ti~ 2= ~pt~ 6 is ad~d ~o Article 9 of t~ T~n Ct[y Cc~ to ~ad as follows:, Chapter 6 Adult Buslresaes Part ! G~era! %~! PURPOSE T~ ~r~ of t~s ~apter is ~ ~late use~ ~ich, b~auss of ~ir v~y ~tum am t~iz~ as ~ving s~ious obj~tlo~ ap~ratiOn~ ~ac~Hsti~ p~tJ~l~iy ~n ~ve~aJ of ~mm ~e c~entra:~ b~et ~rtain circumst~ them~ having a ~leterto~ ~ff~[ ~ t>e adj~ cent a~. Sp~i~l ~lstl~ of t~ ~s is ~ce~y to J~ t~t t~sa adve~ eff~ wi~ no[ ~l~[e to t~ blip]ting or ~g~di~ of t~ s~o~l~ ~i~gb~d, T~ primly ~trot ~ ~wtatt~ }s for t~ ~rp~ Of p~venti~ a ~en~ti~ of t~ ~ in ~y ~ =es, ~Jfic~y e~cluded from pa~n~g, t~reat, eiL~r by taw ~ by ~nc~n~ ~i~e~ fi~ modeJJn9 ~u~ a~t mote~s ~ hoteJ~, ~t s~ ~t ~1~ t~se uses or act~vi~i~ t~ ~Jat)~ of a~ pree~te~ by stats law. UA~Jt HoteJ]M~teJa ~ m~an a ~t~t or m~el wh:~ pmvl~ th~u~ cl~ air,it televiaion. ~ ot~r me,iai ma~r:m w~ch dis[i~i~d or ~atac~riz~ by [~ em~s[~ ~ matter ~p~cti~ ~ ~a~ibing or reiat~ ~ ~ecified ~ex~al ~tivitiea or ~a~csi a~am. ~A~ll ~a~ru ~{i m~ a t~a[er ~ ~a~ts Dye ~ter- ~[og~ ~t~ ~' o]sttn~s~d ~ ~acterlz~ by t~ir emporia ~ matter ~plctlng, ~scriblng, at r,~tated to ~if~ed ~t be JJmi~d ~ ~ee~orie.~ ~, ma~zt~ prin~, ~awin~ painting, motl~ pictu~ 'etd~ tep~ ~ par~- phl~ or any ~ir~:.im c~ ~ua~ to S~tl~ 3711 of t~ To.in City model9 p~ ~le e~lng ~ifi~ a~tomical ~Sp~ifl~ A~to~Cal ~ea~' ~ ~m 2) huma~ male g~nt[al~ in a discs~tbly turc~d state, eyen if ~mpletely a~ opa~ely ~vered. a /or p~lom~ fi~ medeli~ st~tos~ a~ ad~t b~tor~ a~ ~t per- mitt~ in ~y z~e ~e~ a ~dit~et u~ permit ~ obtal~d ~uant ~ t~e pmv~si~ of S~ti~ 9292 of t~ Turin City CC~ b) T~t ~ adult bdoi~ ~[e~ t~ pmpe~y ~ whl~ a~ ~i~ is p~ed ~ be I~atedt 2) Is ~t within 1,~D f~t of is not within 1,0C0 feet of any iot upon which th~e is ~her adult bu~i~, adult ~t~/~Lel~ a~lt theater~ A~ adult b~ore~-~u}t ~s~e~ a~l[ ~:eis/mo[e]~ p~)o~ ot fi~ m~} ~]m that were ~awfu~y in e~isten~ ~s of eff~tive ~t~ of th}s ordinance ~d were ~e~ered n~f~g by b~ht J~o fu~ c~f~m~e witch ~ year of t~ elf.:ire ~te ~d[fl~ai year ~ ~ 'g~nti~ of a c~dtti~ai u~e p~m[[ ~t t~ p~via!~ Of ~tion 929~ of t~ T~tl~ C~y C~ and p~ exce~ing o~ ye~ f~m t~ eff~t~ve ~te of 961a ~S~E~NT ~ DISTAN~5 For t~ ~rp~s of thla ~ter mea~m~ sha~ be ma~ in ~ li~, wlt~ut regard to i~erv~i~ ~r~tums ~ objex, ¢~m t~ ~are~ po~i~ of t~ building or s~tu~ u3~ ~ a pa~ of t~ p~e-~ where t~ ~ ~ser~b~ in S~t~ 962Za ~ c~c~ to t~ ~.are~ p~p~ty ii~ of t~ p~mJs~ ota c~ or educatio~ tr, stitutio~ utilized by Lewd Film~ )251 PL~,PODE The City Council finds that the commercial exploitation of explicit ~exua! ¢ort~uct through the ~ba~m~t of family life~ in t~ comm~ity ~ t~ total ocm~ity ~vimnm~tl is ~im~tal to op~ati~ of ~ ~tivit~ ~ ~trim~ts) to t~. ~al~ ~fety~ ~d .. mo~els~ c~v~i~ ~si~,nts, clt~z~ ~252 DEFI~T!~$ a) Lewd a~ ~uld fin.d~ wh~ =~s}~r~ as a w~ie, app~ ~o ~he 2) ~plc~ ~ ~r~bes pat~tiy off.sire T~p~tati~ or c) used, p~ a~i~s library, ~ti~lc~. ~littcal ~ sc!~ifjc val~, Place pia~, ~ ~y separate ps~ or pu~i~ ther~f~ w~ther ~n~ or temporary. h~ut i on Picture ",~t{on P{eture FHm:' ~ha{} include any~ film or p~ate r~eOative; fl{m or plate positive; po=it~v~ fo~ ~al~ned fcr exhibition by p~j~t~on ~ a d) Person "Per~>n~ m~an~ eny )ndivl~ual, part~.er~.ip, firm, ~;~tl~, orati~ ut ~h~ legs{ entity., e) K~wl~e of t~ patently uff~ive ~xua{ cm~d~t -~i~ a~a~a )n ~h lewd p~lic~y ~hibitad~ re. ed, ~ or RES~U~; ABATE~NT U~ ~celvi~g ~ttoe though se,~vi~ of e ~tified ~py of [h~ Pa~ a~ e ce~lfi~ ~py of the ~[ut~ p~vt~ ~d every p~-~ ;~o s~J~ ow'n~ ~g~liy ~- equ~tab~y~ :~as~ main- S~U~: ~77> ~d ~877>.~ Code of C~vH 3255 ACTiOn4 BY CiTY ~r~f, sxi~t~ In the ~{ty of Tuatin~ t~ City Cc.u~ci{, in ~ply}mg t~ b) ~t froth t~ ~ser{pt~ or Je~l '~scr~pt~ ~d ~ro~t edd~ of ~ rea] p~perty ~{~ c~it.u~es e) O~de~ t~, City A~orney to g~ve w'r~:ten ~tice ~.~r Pe~i ~ that~ h) ~itive ~ma~, ~ ~very ~n said aOat~ment, i~J~ing [nve~tlgatlve ~o~, ~) AUr lewd ~tlm ptctu~ filmm bui~ us~ malnt~ini~ s~h ~{{c nu{ma~em T~ lewd ~:~ plctu~ film ~ pruc~d{n~ b~u~-t by [~ C{~y Attor~y, ~xhibitl~ or exh}bitt~.$ of s~h lewd mu~i~ in ~ti~9 ~ mai~talni~ this artJc}e ~ ~liveted fo~hwith {n eff~t~te p~nai ~vice of p~ regular ~ ~ng manager ~r p~r~ in ch~ge of ~ pi~ ~e~in ~25~ ACTi~ BY CITY Up~ a ~fio fl~ing by m~tJ~ of tJ~ City ~1 of 2) An o;~r t~t t~ p]~e ~ by t~ City Tustin~ a~ ~,traba~ 10 6) An ~r tk~t a}l m~ or va}~bi~ ~nsi~rati~ a~ e~metated In t~ cou~ ~r~red a~uniin9 be 7) 3~t f~ t~ City of T~tn f~ com~a~;y ~mag~ and f~ aM cos~ expende~ in abating attor~ f~s~ ~nd s~ ~ther e~e~ as a~ p~vi~d for ~ret~ ~d File a ~ice of t~ p~a~y of t~ ~ti~ i~ t~ office of t~ ~5T ~ ABATEMENT; COLLECTIO~-~ The ~ of abatem~t ~s ~reby ~cl~e~ ~ ~p~ a~i~ t~ p~ce~ of ia~ ~ whi~ the ~bl~ ~t~m~n~ }n t~ ~t}~ to b~ r~ble for m~intaln~n9 nui~ce. A.s ~ed h~in~ t~ term ~cost of abate~n~ 1) l~ve~J~ttve 2) Cou~ costs; R~ble att~mays f~ ~d Prlntl~ ~ f~ ~y ~ ~d 11 co~ted ~uant to t~ a~e~m~t ~ed)~ as p~ S~tton ~A18 of t~ TuAin C:t7 Co~ ~ t~ m~y b~ a~d." f~nted by ~rs, cc w~re it m~y co~ ir~o matt~, pho~g~, moti~ p~ctur, li)~, vi~ t~ ~r ~y other ~uld fir~ wh~ c~s)de~d ~ a whole, app~i~ 1) Ultim~t~ ~xua) ~, ~r~.~I o~ ~i~lat~ Or ~hi~ herein e~tai~d ~ i~e~d to )~lu~ ~ p~cribe ~y ma~tsr which, wh~ e~i~r~ ~ a ~o)e, a~ ~n t~ o~te~t AT~EST~