HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH 1 CONDO CONVERSION 1-7-80DATE: JANUARY 7, 1980 PUBLIC HEARING Inter-Corn TO: FROM: SUBJECT: HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION ORDINANCE Attached is the Planning Agency report and adopted Resolution No. 1860 from the December 17, 1979 meeting. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Direct City Attorney to prepare Ordinance for adoption. mac DATE: December 17, 1979 ( Inter-eom TO: Honorable Chairman and Planning Agency Members FROH: SUBJECT: Community Development Director Discussion of Proposed Ordinance Regulating Conversion of Apartment Rental Units to Individual Ownership The ordinance amendment is quite basic in that it merely involves the embodiment of existing PD regulations, the conditions of approval which have become standard- ized in prior use permit approvals and new sections involving procedural guide- lines and tenant relocation/purchase provisions in accordance with the draft housing element and actions of the Housing Advisory Committee and the City Council. The amendment will substantially restrict the ability to convert units without acquisition of additional land, construction of parking structures or demolition of existing units due to the open space and parking requirements. Nor will this ordinance have a major impact on increasing the supply of affordable housing. Pressure will be brought by the development community for modification of this amendment in two primary forms after the current moratorium is lifted. First, the Agency resolution excluding roof fop recreation areas from the definition cf open space may be brought info question by both those desiring conversions and possibly for purposes of new construction. Low rise parking garages, partially below grade and not exceeding 4-5 feet in structure heighl, with roof fop gardens and recreation areas will be proposed fo be counted for open space purposes. Staff believes that properly designed and integrated into the complex in a planned manner, that such proposals have merit. The Agency may desire fo consider this question as part of this ordinance amendment rather than await requests from those owner/developers seeking such reconsideration of the ordinance afa future date. Secondly, proposals fo convert may be presented which will present a ma]or dilemma for the Agency and Council. The proponent would present the alternative of conforming fo ordinance provisions by demolition of substantial units (not one or two, but dozens) fo create sufficient open space versus waiver of open' space requirements in favor of retention of the units under agreement fo be sold or rented fo Iow and moderate income households as affordable housing units. The latter alternative would most likely include a proposal fo give 'existing, qualified tenants first crack at such affordable units. The first alternative of demolishing useable, viable dwelling units to meet con-- version guidelines would, in staff's opinion, be unconscionable in the face of the housing shortage crisis. Staff would recommend denial of such a use permit request based on inconsistency with the Housing Element of the General Plan. The second alterantive would be in conflict with code provisions and the amenities desired for condominium developments, however, would be (as the appli- cant would point out) a mechanism fo implement the housing element and provide affordable housing units for sale or rent fo seniors and young families. If the Agency were to reject this proposal and deny the request, the apartment Planning Agency Proposed Ordinance-Condominium December 17, Ig7g page 2. project would merely maintain ifs status quo. Staff, as well, would be in a dilemma as fo the proper recommendation. If is desirable fo achieve both goals of having adequate open space and attaining more affordable housing units. A recommendation to deny the request achieves neither; a recommendation fo approve condones projects with affordable housing units not meefin9 open space require- ments. Therefore, neither recommendation is totally satisfactory. To deny such a request would also be an open invitation to criticism by housing activists or other agencies advocating solutions to the provision of'more affordable housing. This issue may be addressed by the Agency af the present time or await the sub- miffal of such a proposal (which could be relatively soon). Other agencies which have dealt with this issue in a favorable manner have established some type of ratio system whereby any reduction in apen space (or other development standard) is offset by a specific portion or percent of the units being declared affordable units, An example would be each 1% reduction in open space being offset by 5~ of the units being set aside as affordable units. The definlfion of affordable units may be addressed by submittals of the conversion proponent indicating prices or rental rates, income qualifications, anfi-speculaf~cn provisions, financing mechanisms, city involement, or control, etc. RECOM/V~NDATIONS 1. The Agency recommends fo the City Council adoption of the condominium con- version ordinance as indicated in the cover memorandum to that document. The Agency direct staff to prepare amendments fo said ordinance covering the topics (either one or both) of a) Option A definition of roof-fop areas fo be counted for purposes of open space and/or b)criteria fo allow special consideration of projects includin9 affordable housin9 units; or Option B - The Agency direct staff that the above topics (either one or both) would not be 9ranted consideration in review of use permit or variance requests for condominium conversions. MWB: mm .. Jj 1 £ 5 ? 8 lO 1! '15 _'18 19 ~2 g3 ~? ~9 RESOLUTION NO. 1860 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING AGENCY, RECO',~ ~¢£NDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL AN AMEND~¢£NT TO THE CITY COUNCIL AN A~¢£NDMENT TO THE CITY CODE ADDING SECTION 9274, APARTf¢~NT CON- VERSION STANDARDS, TO PART 7, GENERAL'REGU- LATIONS, OF CHAPTER 2, ZONING. The Planning Agency of the City I. The A. of Tustin does hereby resolve as Follows: Planning Agency finds and determines the Following: That the Planning Agency has initiated amendments to the Zoning Ordinance (Ordinance No. 157, as mended) fo provide standards and criteria for review of conversions of apartments to condo--- miniums, stock cooperatives, or 'community apartment pcojects under a use permit procedure. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed, and held on said amendments. C. That the proposed amendments are necessary For the convenience of the public and the orderly development of private properties. II. The Planning Agency hereby recorrcnends fo the City Council adoption of the following amendment, adding Section 9274- to the Tusfin City Code to recd as. Follows: "9274. Multiple Owel ling Conversion Standards. a. Conversion subject to other code provisions. Conversion of multiple dwelling units fo condcminiums as defined in Section 1350 of the Civil Code, Community Apartment Projects as defined in Section 11004 of the Business and Professions Code or Stock Cooperatives as defined in Section ~1003.2 of the Business and Professions Code; shall be required fo conform and be consistent with the regulations and provisions of the following: (1) Part 9, Administration of this Chapter concerning appli- cation for and action on a use permit. (2) Chapter 3, Subdivisions of the Tustin City Code. Section 9224, Planned Development District (P-D) of Part 2, Residential Districts, of this Chapter. The Tustin Area General Plan. b. Minimum Standards - Fire (1) Access roadways shall be extended to within 250 feet oF all portions of the exFerior walls of the first story of any building. Where the access roadway cannot be provided, approved fire protection system or systems shall be pro- vided as required and approved by the Orange County Fire Marshal. (2) A turn-around radius of a minimum of 35' shall be pro- vided when access road extends over 150' from street with any one point of egress. An approved water supply capable oF supplying required fire flow for fire protection shall be provided fo all premises. When any portion of the building protected Ts in excess of ~bO feet from a water supply on a public street, there shall be provided, when required by the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 · 22 23. 24 ~? 3O Resolution No. 1860 page 2. (3) Orange County Fire Marshal, on-site fire hydrants and mains capable of supplying the required fire flow. Illuminated directional address signs to be installed at locations determined by the Orange County Fire Marshal. c. Minimum Standards - Public Works. Any missing or damaged street improvements, including, but not limited to the following will be required: curb and gutter sidewalk drive aprons street lights and street trees All public improvements to be constructed in conjunction with the development shall be revised on existing improve- merit plan by a civil engineer and all public improvements shall be completed prior to final inspection and release by the Building Department. d. Minimum Standards - Building That the condominium conversion shall comply with the require- merits and intent of the development regulations and code re- quirements as adopted by the City of Tusfin, including, but not limited fo, the following: Sound attenuation be provided in a manner specified by an acoustical engineer as approved by the Building Of- ficial to satisfy the intent of Chapter 35 of the Uniform Building Code~ i976 edition, and of' Calfornia Administrative Code Title 25~ Chapter 1~ subchapfer 1, article 4, section 1092. Exterior freeway noise shall be attenuated to 45 dBA inside the units. (2) Compliance with the Security Ordinance fo provide dead- bolt locks, window Iocks~ security lighting and those other items required by staff to meet the intent of the ordinance. (3) One-hour rated fire walls shall be provided between units. Fire defection devices shall be provided for all units. (4) Plans of the existing structures shall be reviewed for code conformance with the applicable Uniform Building Code under State law. The Building O¢¢icial shall re- quire improvements, corrections, replacement of detri- mental components as determined necessary. A report shall be submitted by the applican~ on general structural conditions, addressing foundation, framing, inferior and exterior wall coverings, roof, plumbing, electrical wiring, utility connections, built-in hcusehold appliances, heating and cooking systems and sewar evaluation prepared by an independent state licensed structural engineer, architect or general contractor. Said report shall address condition and expected remaining useful life o¢ each're- spective item. 15) A pest information report addressing the present condition of the strucfur~ as if may be a~fecfed by termites, dry 8 · lO Resolution No. lB60 page 3. rot, roaches, or other insects, and recommending work required, if any, to render the structure tree of fesfafion. e. Minimum Standards - Planning Plans and reports shall be submitted on all interior and exterior cosmetic improvements, new interior amenities and appliances and rennovation of corrcnon areas to current landscaping requirements. (21 That covered patios, entryWays and rooftop recreation patios shall not be considered as open space fo satisfy provisions of the Planned Development IPD) District. (3) Covenants, conditions, and restrictions shall be submitted for review and approval by the Cor~nunity Development De- partment and City Attorney which shall contain at a mini- mum: la) The formation of a "Community Association" to pro- vide for fha maintenance of the common area. lb) Disclosure of management agreements, maintenance provisions, access for emergency repairs, easements, etc. (c) Allocation of off-street parking spaces for resi- dents and guests. (4) [d) Provisions for establishment of a maintenance and operating budget. Tenant relocation/purchase provisions: The applicant will inform all tenants ten {10) days prior to the date of all relevant public hearings relating to the condo- minium conversion application. Tenants shall be granted notice of intent fo convert 1120 days) and right of first refusal on purchase (60 daysl in accordance with State law, from the date of approval of any tentative map or use permit, The applicant shall submit a tenant relocation/ purchase plan containing the following: la} Assistance to a tenant desiring to relocate in a cash amount equal fo twice the last months rent paid or a miniumum amount of $600, whichever is greater. Rent reduction or waiver may be included for con-- , . . siderafion. In no case shall rents be raised folio,ir lng approval of any tentative map or use permit. (bi Percentage or dollar discount fo be offered tenants purchasing their unit. Availability of special fi- nancing mechanisms or purchase plans. (c) Any provisions for special protection of longer term occupancy or 9renter cash assistance fo households of the elderly (60 years of age or older), the dis- abled as defined in United States Code, Title 42, Section 423 or handicapped persons as defined in the California Health and Safety Code, Section 50072. (d) Provisions for refund of cleaning and security de- 'posits; additional cash payments for movin9 or inconvenience expenses (time off work, transportation, etc.); availability of a relocation coordinator, Resolufion No. 1860 page 4. 2 5 6 10 15 E6 ~? directory of available units or other relocation assistance; and any other provision fo assist tenants in relocation or purhcase, (e) No tenant shall be unreasonably disturbed during re- modeling or sales activity and except in an emergency situation, shall be granted fWD (2) days notice prior to requiring access for repair, improvements, in- spection or showing to prospective purchaser or mortgagee. No tenant shall reCuse reasonable access for such purposes." PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning ~gency of the City of Tusfin held on the 17th day of December, 1979. D~nald .~J:..Sa~.{arelli Chairma~ Pro Tem ~A.I. ~Aehl Recording Secretary