HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD FOR ADOPTION 01-07-80ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION No. 1 1-7-80 · AGENDA ITEM: ORDINANCE NO. 818 An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE BY ADDING PART 2, CHAPTER 4, OF ARTICLE 6 TO THE TUSTIN CITY CODE PERTAINING TO THE ADVERTISING, DISPLAY AND SALE TO MINORS OF PARAPHERNALIA COMMONLY ASSOCIATED WITH THE USE OF NARCOTICS BACKGROUND: Ordinance No. 818 had first reading by title only and introduction at the December 17, 1979 City Council meeting. RECO~k~ENDATION: M. O. that Ordinance No. 818 have seconded reading by title only. M. O. that Ordinance No. 818 be passed and adopted. (Roll Call Vote) 1 2 3 4 § 6 ? 9 10 1! 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21~ 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3O 31 32 ORDIN3kNCE NO. 818 AN OPOINkNCE OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, C~JLIFORNIA AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE BY ADDING PARP 2, CPUtPTER 4, OF AKTICI~. 6 TO THE TUSTIN CITY CODE PE~AINING TO THE ADVERTISING, DISPLAY AND SALE TO MINORS OF PARAPHE551AT.TA CC6~iNLY ASSOCIATED tYITH THE USE OF NAROOTICS The City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby orison as follows: SECTICN 1. PART 2 is hereby added to CHAPTER 4 of k~IC~2 6 of the Tustin City Code to read as follows: PARD 2 PARAPHERNALIA 6421 Purpos~ e The task of protecting young persons frGn drug abuse poses unique problems in that young people often lack the discernment and judgment of adults. They often do not make the distinctions adults make bet~2en the freedGn to advertise or sell an item which may be used for illegal purposes and the impropriety of using that item in an illegal manner. The unrestricted display and sale by businesses of narcotics paraphernalia, en~nerated in the California Health and Safety Code, Section 11364, may impress upon young people the conception that the use of such para- phernalia with illegal drugs is endorsed by businesses and condoned by the c~,t,unity. The impression of endorsement or acceptance of controlled substance use is like~ to encoura?e drug use by young people. Therefore, in order to protect the health, safety, and well-being of young people in the cG~,~,~nity, it is necessary to regulate the advertising, display and sale of such materials in cu~,t~unity businesses. 6422 Definitions For the purposes of this chapter the following definitionS shall apply: "Advertise" shall mean to verbally, literally or pictorially display, publicize, or tell of an item or a quantum of r~rchandise that is offered for sale. "Business" shall mean any cc~nercial enterprise or establishment 1 £ ? 8 9 10 11 12 15 15 16 17 18 19 2O 25 28 29 5O 51 52 whether ongoing or transient and whether occupying indoor or outdoor premises. "Device", "contrivance", "instrument'' , or "paraphernalia" shall mean bongs, waterpipes or roach clips; and/or pipes, scales, .pouches, cigarette papers, and/or pill boxes located within 50 feet of either bongs, waterpipes, or roach clips; and/or literature, posters, or wearing apparel displaying a method of using, growing, manufacturing, or consuming controlled substances as defined in the Health and Safety Code. "Display", shall mean to show or to have available for viewina. "Young Person", shall mean any person under eighteen (18) years of age. "Sell", shall mean to transfer possession of, for consideration, or gratuity. 6423 Young Person a) No owner, manager, proprietor or other person in charae of any roc~ in any place of business sellino, or dis- playing for the purpose of sale, any device, contrivance, instr~nent or paraphernalia for smoking or injecting_, or consuming marijuana, hashish, PCP, or any controlled substance, shall allow or permit any person under the age of eighteen (18) years to be, remain in, enter or visit such room unless such young person is acc~L~anied by one of his or her parents, or by his or her legal b) No person under t~he age of eighteen (18) years shall be, remain in, enter or visit any rocm in any place used for the sale, advertising, or displaying for sale, devices, contrivances, instruments or paraphernalia for ~r~king or injecting marijuana, hashish, PCP, or any controlled substance, unless such person is acoa'L~£~nied by one of his or her parents, or his or her legal ouardian. -2- 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 2'1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 c) 'This Section and Ordinance shall not apply to a licensed pharmacist dispensing properly prescribed drugs other- wise illegal, and selling and advertising devices for the cons~pbion of those prescribed drugs. 6424 Sale and Display No person or business may m~intain in any place or business the display for sale, or any offering for sale, devices, contrivances, in- struments, or paraphernalia for smoking or injecting of marij,~sna, hashish, PCP, or any controlled substance unless such place or business is located ~olly within a rocm or enclosure frcm which persons under the age of eighteen years of age who not accuL~anied by a parent or legal guardian are excluded and the inside and contents of v~aich are not visible frGn the outside. P~SSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting_, of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, held on the d.~y of · 1979. MAYOR RIJ.:js:D:ll/27/79 Rav:ca:D:12/6/79 ~v:ca:D:12/10/79 Pev:ca:D:12/10/79 -3-