HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 3 SR CITZEN EQUIP 01-07-80DATE: January 2, 1980 NEW BUSINESS Inter-Corn TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: D~%N BL~Nk~NSHIP, CITY AI~{INISTRATOR S UBJ ECT: GP~NT FUNrDING - SENIOR CITI ZEN EQUIPb~.NT The Senior Citizens Program office currently has available supplemental funds for one-time expenditures only under Title III-B of the Older Americans Act. The monies are allocated to proposals addressing Senior Social Service needs, specifically in the following categories: Development of In-home Support Services Program $ 60,000.00 Alteration/renovation to Senior Centers/ Focal points 100,000.00 Acquisition of non-expendable equipment 77,000.00 The funds are available on an 85%-15% local match basis. Staff has determined that category 3 is the only funding program that the City currently qualifies for without major new undertaking. Consequently, we have developed several proposal alternatives involving equipment acquisition for your approval. ALTERNATIVE 1: This proposal includes various equipment needed to improve and extend existing Senior programs from the CoJ,,uunity Center Building as well as the Nutrition program (See attached list). Honorable Mayor and City Council Re: Senior Citizen Equipment January 2, 1980 Page ~o Included in this proposal is a self-contained mobile radio unit and accessories for our Dial-A-Ride system. Presently, if our mini-bus breaks down, we must utilize a rental vehicle without radio communication; this equipment will meet this need. Because our Dial-A-Ride serves everybody, the grant will only fund 85% of that portion allocated for Seniors. As our bus ridership is comprised of 50% Seniors, the radio unit would be funded at 85% of one-half of the total cost. Total Proposal Cost Grant Funding City General Fund $10,167.00 7,854.85 2,312.15 ALTEP~NiiTIVE 2: This proposal is identical to Alternative 1, with the inclusion of a mini-bus with wheel-chair lift capabilities for our Dial-A-Ride. Federal Iaw governing Federal Grant funding requires new equipment serve all handicapped persons. The concept would be to replace our vehicle currently in operation wi~ the lift vehicle, thereby expanding service tow heel-chaired riders. The City's purchased vehicle would be then used as a backup vehicle for the Dial-A-Ride, recreational excursions, and Senior activities. Again, the vehicle cost would be subject to 85% of one-half the total cost due to the 50% Senior ridership. A 1980 Wayne Transette Vista with lift capabilities would cost $24,500.00 Grant Funding of vehicle City General Fund $10,412.50 14,087.50 Total Proposal Cost Grant Funding City General Fund $34,667.00 15,000.00 19,667.00 * $15,000.00maximumper project Honorable Mayor and City Council Re: Senior Citizen Equipment January 2, 1980 Page Three ALTERNATIVE 3: No project submittal CONCLUSIONS Alternative 1 represents the maximum benefit with the City's portion of cost. Capital equipment for our Senior programs is vitally needed to attract and maintain larger involvement with program quality. Alternative 2 is not a highly recommended option due to the vehicle acquisition and associated problems: A. Represents higher cost to City. B. Backup vehicle would experience limited utilization without transit expansion to 2 vehicles. County of Orange traditionally registers such vehicles in their name in the event of organizational dissolvement; with the City expending 58% of the cost for the vehicle plus maintenance and operation, this is an unsatisfactory arrangement. The Senior Citizens Program Office indicates that past experience shows partial funding of equipment used by others than Seniors causes many problems, and thus is not a high prioritized proposal. RECO~.~-NDATION Alternative 1 is recommended as the more cost-effective proposal which can be implemented by adopting Resolution No. 80-5. D~fully submitted, an ~'la'~ City Administrator C N/DB COST OF EQUIPMENT-ITEbIIZED LIST QUANTITY 'ITEM ~T~ ~ST Frostless Freezer Microwave Oven Tables Security Cabinet (Large) Security Cabinet fSmall) Room Partitions Pool Table and Accessories Food Dehydrator Mobile Radio and Antenna Refrigerator First Aid Kit Pool/Table Tennis Top Total Project Cost Grant Funding City General Fund $ 509 485 1,000 1,631 1,387 1,696 712 170 1,852 591 7O 64 $10,167.00 $7,8S4.85 2,312.15 1 2 6 ? 8 9 lO 11 12 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 $0 RESOLUTION NO. 80- S A RESOLUTION OF TIlE CI'D' COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ~IJSTIN AUTtDRIZING TIlE APPLICATION FOR ,kqD T~fl5 EXEGJTION OF A CONTRACT FOR TITLE I I I- B FUNDING UM3ER THE OLDER /hSIERIC~kNS ACT. I~-IEREAS, Title III of the Older Americ~ms Act of 1965 was ~m~ended in 1978 to provide for the establishment of a comprehensive and coordinated system for the delivery of Senior Social Services; and ~]IEREAS, the Older Americans Act permits any public or non-profit priwate agency or organization to apply for funding; and WItEREAS, at this time the Orange Cotmty Senior Citizens Program office has ~le funding of Title III-B monies for the acquisition of non-expendable equipment for Senior activities , based upon an 85% federal-IS%local match; and ;~I-IERF~iS, the Tustin City Council has continually sho~m support for Seniors th--KF~gh the encouragement, development, and assistance of Senior activities and mobility in this community; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Cou~cil of the City of Tustin, California, hereby approves the application for partial funding of non- expendable equipment for Senior programs under Title II1-B of the Older Americans Act. BE IT FURTt~R RESOL\~D that said application is deemed an appropriate and viable program towards enhancing the efficiency and quality of elderly social service activities. BE IT FURTI{ER RESOIA;ED that the City of Tustin assures appropriate main- tenance of any acquired equipment in proper working condition. BE IT FIJRTHER RESOLVED that the City Administrator of the City of Tustin is hereb}, authorized to execute and a&dnister the contract and ail amend- ments thereto. PASSF~ .kND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City o-F-T~stin, California, held on the 7th day of January, 1980. ~hyor ATFE ST: City Clerk