HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1944 08 07 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, HELD IN THE CITY HALL OF TUSTIN AUG. 7TH AT 8 P.M. 1944 PRESENT WERE: COUNCILMEN: KIDD, RAWLINGS, HOWELL AND FORNEY ABSENT WERE: COUNCILMEN: GATES . ATTORNEY FOR THE CITY GEO.E.BRADLEY WAS PRESENT. Mayor Kidd called the meeting to order and asked that the minutes of the last meeting be read. The minutes were adopted after the reading. Palmist denied Business License The first matter of business to be taken up was Redu- that of the Business License to the Palmist. The matter having been ction. hashed over at every meeting since their being established here was settled once and for all by the unamious decission of the Council to not lower the License Fee,and to not alter the reading of the Ordi- nance and the rate of $5.00 per day .Councilman Forney Moved that the matter be disposed of in this manner and the second to the motion was made by Councilman Howell. Motion Carried. Street Commisioner reported that He had a full ag- reement with Mr. Golding about how the City would ade in filling the ditch in front of his Property on west Main Street, and furnish the Pipe to be placed in the Gutter and Mr. Golding to complete the job to correct the very bad condition that now exist there. Councilman Howell requested that the Council grant the Advent Church permission to set their Curb in on Pacific Street at the corner of Main. Councilman Rawllngs moved that the Church be granted their request the plans to be approved by the Street Super- intendent Councilman Forney seconed the motion Motion Carried. The Matter of Insurance coverage for the City was explained by Mr. Carmichle of the Orange County Insurance Agency of Santa Ana. Mr. Carmichle explained that he could cancel some of the Policies that we now have and adjust the Insurance covering Chief Lentz's Car and Incorperate them into Policies that would mature with the other Policies we have with them,and have them show on the second payment of the three year coverage for the City. This would have all Policies expire July 24,1945. To this the Council was in accord with Mr. Carmichel. Street Superintendent Lentz was Instructed to check with the B.&.M. Buss Company and co-operate in establiching Stops within the City. The places suggested by the Company for stops in com- into the City was at Pacific, B. and between 1st and 2nd on D.Street and at Main and D.Streets, and going out at Main, and Bet. lst&2nd B. and Mr. View. The following Bills were orded paid on the motion of councilman Forney and seconed by Councilman Howell. Sam Ruff $22.00 Monthly Pay Roll Semi Monthly Dr Farrage 3.00 Wm Lentz 170.80 Landis 65.20 Tustin Black-S 16.55 " " 40.00 Spinet 60.25 " Hdware 10.25 Morris 140.80 Thorman 4.00 " Lumber 12.00 Bradley 59.76 129.45 Earl Kidd 4.19 Harper 5.00 Carson&Golding 28.07 416.36 T-Fire Dept 22.00 Utilities 19.80 Morris Bills 19.37 157.43 416.36 Receipts 129.45 B.L. 199.50 703.04 Fines 75.00 Un-Se 94.70 Tax 369.20 On the Motion of Councilman-Rawlinge and seconed by Councilman Forney the Meeting was adjorned. Motion Carried. Chas. E. Morris City Clerk Jerome C. Kidd Mayor