MAY 2, 1943
PRESENT WERE: Councilmen Rawlings, Forney, Gates and Broomell.
Attorney Bradley was Present.
ABSENT WERE: Mayor Kidd.
In the absence of Mayor Kidd Councilman Forney was chosen
to act as Mayor Pro Tem.
The reading of the minutes of tha last meeting was called
for and they were approved as read.
President In the communications there was a letter from the War Board
Roosevelt sighting the request of the President to all Mayors to set aside and
asks for to proclaim Sunday May 16th as I AM AN AMERICAN DAY, and to urge the
Procla- Cooperation of all Citizens in the purchasing aditional Stamps and
mation War Bonds, and to ask all Civic and Educational groups to join in
exercises calculated to improve and express upon Citizens both Native
Born and Nationalized the special significance of Citizenship in
this Nation. Councilman Brommell moved that the Mayor turn the letter
over to the Tustln News for publication Councilman Rawlings second
the motion. Motion Carried.
Mayor It was on the motion of Councilman Broomell and seconed by
Makes Councilman Gates that in accordance with the request if the U.S.
Procla- Government that Mayor Kidd make a procomation and set aside Sunday
mation May the 16th as I Am an American Day- Motion Carried.
Resolu- Resolution No 136 Ordering the Street Superintendent to Abate Obnox-
tion #136 ious Weeds was adopted on the motion of CouncilmanRawlings and the
adopted second by Councilman Broomell Motion Carried. Roll Call results
Rawlings, Forney Gates voted aye None to the contrary. Councilman Kidd
was absent.
First Ordinance designed to form a Kerfew Law Instrument
Reading to Govern the activities of the Juvenile population of Tustin up to
for the Age of 17 years and setting the time of 8oclock for the Kerfew
ord 64 hour from November until May 1st and 9oclock from May 1st to Nov.
1st. had its first reading.
Material From the State Highway Mantainance a prirorty was received for
to patch material for street repair this was for 32 tons of liquid Asphalt,
Streets to and from the O.P.A. prirorty was received for the purchase of a
had. melting or heating pot for street materials. An order was placed
for this equipment and the delivery will be made in Los Angeles
soon the cost of this equipment is to be 415.00 plus sales Tax.
This also includes a hand spray for spreading the Oil. It was on
the motion of Councilman Rawlings that the order be placed for the
equipment and was seconed by Councilman Gates Motion Carried.
City Attorney Bradley brought in the Papers and records of the
City Engineer Weelley To be Filed.
The City Clerk was instructed to see if he could get Mr. J.L Mc.
Bride to come to the next meeting and to have him look after the duties
of the Engineers for the City for the time being.
Councilman Broomell moved that the Chief of Police Claborn be allowed
an expense account to cover cost to him in having the Marine Boys
over the week end to ade in the Police Duties The second was made
by Councilman Rawlings. Motion Carried.
On the motion of Councilman Gates the Following bill were orded Paid,
Warrent # 315 Utilities 26.11
" " 316 Rose Andrade 250.00
" " 317 Dr · Farrage 9.00
" " 318 Schwabacher F 18.16
" " 319 Tustin Hdware 2.99
" " 320 Geo. B.Pickett 69.56
" " 321 Tustin Fire Dpt 33.00
" " 322 A.Carlisle 22.06
" " 323 Auto .Club 19.36
Total Expt. 450.24
Receipts for the month of Apr. Business License 235.50
Current Taxes 1926.01
Delinq. " 71.64
Fines 305.00
Street Fines 10.00
Un Aportioned Tax 19.72
Penalties on Tax 9.13
On the motion of Councilman Broomell and seconed by Councilman
Gates the meeting was adjourned.
Chas. E. Morris
City Clerk
J. Lyle Forney
Mayor Pro Tem.