HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1943 04 05 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TUSTIN, HELD IN THE CITY HALL OF TUSTIN APRIL 5 1943 AT 7 P.M. Present: Councilman Rawlings, Gates, Forney and our newly appointed Councilman Broomell. City Attorney Bradley also present Absent Councilman Kidd. In the absence of Mayor Kidd, Councilman Rawlings was chosen to act as Mayor Pro Tem. Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting of March 15th were called for and as the Minutes were not complete acting Mayor Rawlings ordered that they should be reread at the next meeting for approval Communications. City Councilman of Santa Ana Dolph Kelsy and also Director of the State League of Municipalities of the State ask the Council to write to Assenblyman Watson of the 74th District and Assemblyman Sam Collins of the 75th Distict to urge the support of Assembly Bill 1672 and Assembly Bill 224. The Councils decision was to favor the Bill A.B. 224 On the Motion of Councilman Broomell the Clerk was instructed to write to Assemblyman Watson and Collins stateing the action of the Council, this was seconded by Councilman Gates Motion Carried. Tin Cans To apply the Order of the War Board on Tin can collection to be gathered Councilman Forney moved that Street Superntendent Claborn be for War Use instructed to make arrangements to have them put in seperate containers and be kept seperate from any other rubbish and be delivered to the desinated place. The Motion was seconded by Councilman Gates. Motion carried Radio for Fire Dept. On the Motion of Councilman Broomell Chief Claborn was granted permission to buy a Radio to replace the one now in his office and to place that one in the Fire Dept. Councilman Forney seconded the motion. Motion carried. As Chief Claborn is trading his DeSoto for a new 1942, DeSoto Claborn to Councilman Forney moved the City Clerk be authorized to Exchange transfer the ownership of Chief Claborns car to him or Cars. whom he may direct and that on the new DeSoto the ownership certificate be signed by the City Clerk on behalf of the City as purchaser also that the Mayor be authorized to enter into an agreement with Jack Claborn to transfer ownership to him for the sum of One Dollar any time said Jack Claborn desires to discontinue the opperating of the DeSoto as an Emergency Car. This was seconded by Councilman Gates, Motion Carried. Resolution 135.Adopted, A Resolution for the abatement of obnoxious weeds with the hearing date for any complaints or reasons why such should not be cleard from the lots set at May 3 1943. Councilman Broomell moved the adoption of the Resolution which was seconded by Councilman Forney. Roll Call Councilman Rawlings, Ayes, Forney aye, Broomell aye, Gates aye. None to the contrary Motion Carried. Bradley to Attorney Geo. Bradley informed the Council that he had been defend the informed that the Case of Andrade Versus the City of Tustin and City against the County of Orange had been set for trial in San Francisco Court. After Case filed fully discussing the matter Councilman Broomell moved hat in San Fran-the Council should send Attorney Bradley to San Francisco to cisco. assertain wheatherTustin was still a defendant in the case and if so to take the necessary steps and make necessary expentures to defend the Citys case Councilman Gates 2nd the motion. Motion carried. BILLS The following Bills were presented and orded paid on the PRESENTED motion of Councilman. Gates and seconed by Councilman Broomell Dr L.C.Davison 6.00 Semi Monthly Salaries J.S.Farrage MD 3.00 Warent #260 W.H.Landis 60.67 Roy G. Davis 26.78 " 261 Geo.H.Spicer 55.92 A.G.Flagg 6.80 W.Bristow 4.00 H.Carson S.S. 19.52 R.McCarthy 20.00 Fire Dept 12.00 MonthlySalaries 139.59 Mrs D.Hayden 48.50 Warrent #271 Claborn 168.85 Utilities 25.15 " 273 Morris 121.35 Chas. E.Morris 16.60 " 275 Bradley 59.60 Claborn Car 40.00 " 274 Pollard 5.00 204.35 494.39 494.39 698.74 Total outlay Receipts Business License 12.00 Fines 110.00 Current Taxes 494.55 Tax Penalties 2.30 Permits 2.50 621.35 Total Income Franchize Ck 287.72 908.07 On the motion of Councilman Forney The Meeting was adjourned. Chas. E. Morris City Clerk Jerome C. Kidd (Change to Rawlings) Mayor