HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1942 12 21 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN HELD IN THE CITY HALL IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN ON THE EVE- ING OF DECEMBER 21ST 1942 AT 7 O'CLOCK PRESENT WERE: Councilman Kidd, Cawthon, and Forney. ~-~ CITY ATTORNEY George E.Bradley was present. ABSENT WERE: Councilmen Rawlings and Gates. Minutes of the regular meeting of December the 7th were read and approved. Communications; A letter from City Engineer J.A.Woolley giving a report on his attending the Anual Convention of the American Water Works Association at Oakland Calif. in November,and a bill for his charges was gone over, but not understood as there seemed to not be any advanced knowledge of the meeting by any of the Council members present, and the expense account also of Mr. Woolley they felt should be explained by him as there no record of his being autherised to represent the City at the Convention, and it was suggested that we should ask him to come out to one our meetings and have a clarification of the whole affair and to be able to go over other matters that the council members would like some enlightment on; and in so doing have co opperation with all the departments of the City's Government. There being no more communications they were orded filed. Street superintendent Claborn announced that School Supt. George N.Hale had placed at the desposal of the City the Schools Murcery wagon to be used for an ambulance in case of an emergency and this was well received by the mambers od the board and all expressed their appreciations of the offer, and the Vehicle is to be housed near the Fire Station for use, by the FireDept. and its Axeliary Firement which would give a valued service in the case of a needs. Adopted Resolution #130 was adopped and passed on the motion of Reso.# 130 Councilman Cawthon and seconed by Councilman Forney. The resolution was designed to empower the Council to ratify an error portaining to tax collection. the motion Carries. Ordinance was #63 Adopted Ordinance # 63 had second reading and adopped on the moti- on of Councilman Forney and seconed by Councilman Cawthon. Roll Call on the adoption was. Councilman Kidd Aye Cawthon Aye Forney Aye None to the contrayr Councilman Rowlings and Gated were Absent The motion carried. Ordinance #64 Adopted Ordinance # 64 had second reading and was adopped by the motion of Councilman Cawthon and seconed by Councilman Forney a Roll Call resulted as follows Councilman Kidd aye Cawthon Aye Forney Aye none to the Contrary Councilman Rowlings and Gated were Absent. The motion carried. Roll Call Councilman Kidd Cawthon and Forney voted aya. None to contrary. Councilman Rowlings and Gates absent. The following Bills were presented and orded paid. Tustin Fire Dept. 26.00 W.H. Landis 62.50 " " " 12.50 Geo. H. Spicer 57.50 Tustin Water " 120.00 Chas E Morris 50.00 Jas Farrage M.D. 3.00 W. Brlstow 4.00 Utilities 21.17 R.McCarthy 20.00 Pythiam BId Assn. 30.00 Salaries 194.00 Chas. E. Morris 7.03 Other Bills 433.83 H.Carson S.S. 46.88 Total 627.83 Earl Kidd 11.51 Tustin Hdware 8.90 Dec 21 P.B. Gillispi M.D. 6.00 McCoy Sheet Metal 6.44 " " Geo. Picket 16.00 H.D. Pickering 3.00 " " B. Sarefon 45.55 Geo. Pichett 78.00 Bills to be added 67.55 B enj. Sarefin 59.40 433.83 On the motion of Councilman Forney and seconed by Councilman Cawthon motion Carried. Receipts Taxes Current to Dec, 10 2936.36 " Delinquent 55.14 " Penalties 5.69 2997.19 Street Fines 30.00 Other " 75.00 105.00 Total Collections 3102.19 Notation ox Ourrent Tax Collections. Nov. collections including Del,and,Penal. 4425.17 Dec. to Dec,10th 2997.19 Total 7422.36 Total amount of 1942-43 taxes to collect 9758.89 less collect 7275.89 to collect 2483.00 Of the first installment there remains only 121.84 to collect. On the motion of Councilman Cawthon and seconed by Councilman Forney the meeting was adjourned, motion Carried. Chas. E. Morris City Clerk Jerome C. Kidd Mayor