HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1942 12 07406 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN HELD IN THE CITY HALL IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN MONDAY EVENING AT SEVEN O'OLOCK DECEMBER 7, 1942. COUNCILMEN PRESENT; Kidd, Rawlings, Gates and Forney. COUNCILMEN ABSENT; Cawthon Attorney Bradley was also present. Comunications were read and desposed of. Minutes of the meeting of November 16, read and approved The matter of a delinquent tax as shown on the books against Lot 15 B.B.T.338 and Lot 17 B.B.T.338 for the second instalment for the year 1939-40 was up for adjustment as the Owner had paid the Taxes by check and had the cancelled check in the amout of twenty-five dollars and eight cents, being the full amount of tax levied against the properties. The matter was fully gone in to and the final conclusion was to make the adjustment with the owner of the property R. Arthur Graham of Los Angeles showing theTaxes paid. Attorney Bradley will arrange a Resolution accordingly Councilman Rowlings moved that this be done and it was seconded by Councilman Forney. Motion Carried. The matter of the adjustment of the Personal Tax of Robert Hutcheson for 1942-43 which was shown to be in error by Deputy Assessor H.H. Hannaford's signed statement was adjusted by the adopt- ion of Resolution #129 prepared by Attorney Bradley for the adjustment. Roll Call on the Resolution was- Councilman Kidd, Rowlings Gates and Forney voting aye, Councilman Cawthon absent. Motion Carried On the motion of Councilman Rowlings, seconded by Councilmen Forney , the Street Superintendent was instructed to buy around twenty-five tons of road patching material for the streets Motion carried. Ordinance # 64 pertaining to the increase in Salary for the City Jud had it's first reading The following Bills were presented and ordered paid on the motion of Councilman Forney and seconed by Councilman Row- lings. motion Carried Salaries Warrent # 170 Fire Dept. $26.50 W. 184 W.H. Landis 62.50 " # 171 " " 12.50 " 185 Geo H. Spicer 57.50 " # 172 Tustin Water W 120.00 " 186 Chas.E.Morris 50.00 " " 173 Jas Farrange M.D. 3.00 " 187 W. Bristow 4.00 " " 174 Utilities 21.17 " 188 R.McCaethy 20.00 " " 175 Pythian Bldg. Assn 30.00 " " 176 Chas. E. Morris 7.03 " " 177 H.Carson S.S. 46.88 " " 178 Earl Kidd 11.51 " " 179 Tustin Hardware 8.90 " " 180 McCoy Steet Metel 6.44 " " 181 H.D.Pickering 3.00 " " 182 Geo. Pickett 78.00 " " 183 Benj. Sarfin 59.40 433.83 194.00 627.83 Current Tax Recpts for Nov. 4425.17 " " " for Dec 10th 2936.36 Delinq. Collected 135.09 Penalties 11.39 Total Collections to 12-10 7508.01 9758.89 Taxes to collect and the first installment yet to Collect 121.84 Receipts Court fines for the Street. Dept. 40.00 " " " " " " " 75.00 105.00 This completing the Business tranxation for the evening Comcilman Cawthon moved that we adjourn Councilman Forney seconed the motion. Motion Carried Chas. E. Morris City Clerk Jerome C. Kidd Mayor