HomeMy WebLinkAbout06 CLAIM #03-30 11-17-03AGENDA REPORT Agenda Item Reviewed: City Manager Finance Director MEETING DATE: NOVEMBER 'I7, 2003 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: CITY ATTORNEY SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF CLAIM OF LEWIS MARCOTTE; CLAIM NO. 03-30 SUMMARY: Claimant alleges that he was traveling East in the right hand lane of Walnut, near the intersection of Walnut and Silverbrook, in the City of Tustin, when a tree branch fell on his vehicle. Claimant alleges property damages in the amount of $4,150.23. We have no information that would lead us to believe that this damage was caused by a dangerous condition of public property. The City's trees are trimmed on a regular basis by West Coast Arborists, Inc. West Coast Arborists is required to indemnify the City and to name the City of Tustin as an additional insured. This claim has been tendered by the City's Claims Administrator to West Coast Arborists, Inc. RECOMMENDATION: After investigation and review by this office and the City's Claims Administrator, it is recommended that the City Council deny the claim and direct the City Clerk to send notice thereof to the claimant and the claimant's attorneys. A'I-FACHMENT: Copy of the Claim LEJ/blw Enclosures cc: William A. Huston, City Manager 177038.1 SEP-22-2(~3 17:14 CITY OF TUSTIN 714 832 6382 P.03 Office of the City Clerk September 22, 2003 Alex Barrios Ward North America, Inc. P.O. Box 2422 Tustin, CA 92781-2422 City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 714.573.3026 FAX 714.832.0825 Re: Transmittal of Document(s) Claimant :Lewis E. Marcotte City Claim No: 03-30 Filed With City: 9/22/03 X Receipt of Claim/Summons/Complaint By: In Person The enclosed records were presented 'to this office as indicated above and have been referred to the appropriate City department for investigation and also to the offices of Woodruff, Spradlin and Smart, Attn: Lois E. Jeffrey, City Attorney. By this letter, you are authorized to commence the necessary investigation of this claim on behalf of the City. We request that you give such notices as may be appropriate to the City's insurance carrier(s) and further request that you submit your preliminary and all subsequent reports to the City, with a copy to the City Attorney and to the insurance carder(s) if they so request. Upon receipt of advice from the City Attorney, we will plan to present this matter to the City Council and/or take such other steps as are directed by the City Attorney. A copy of this letter and enclosures were sent on September 22, 2003 to the C~ty' Attorney and Department Head, and the original was forwarded to the Finance Department. Sincerely, Marcia Brown City Clerk's Office City AUorney Department Finance Department (orig copies) SEP-22-2003 l?:l$ CITY OF TUSTIN 714 832 6382 P.04 CITYOF TUSTIN ' CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY OF TUSTIN (For Damages to Persons or Personal Property) The law provides generally that a claim must be filed with the City Clerk of the City of Tustin within si.x month.s, after the. incident, or event occurred. Be sure your claim is against the City of Tustin, not another public entity. Where space is insufficient, please use additional paper and identify information by paragraph number. Completed claims must be mailed or delivered to.the City Clerk, City of Tustin, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California 92780. WHEN COMPLETING THIS FORM, PLEASE TYPE OR. USE .BLACK INK To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Tustin, California: The undersigned respectfully submits the following* claim and information relative to damage to person an d/or prope dy: 1. a, NameofClaimant:~j,.~ ~. ~'~J)d~. 00~'~'~., ' b. ' Address ofClaimant:/.-~-~-~ ~ ¢ ' . . , c. City/ZipCode:~~ ~) ~ , , ~ , ~ e. Date of Bidh: ~,~ ' ~-- f. Social Security NdmbeE ~¢_~ ~ ¢.~ ~ Name, telephone, an.d pgst offi.c.e addr.,e~ to ~hich craimant desires notices to be sent (if other than This~claim is submitted against: a. z',,.. The City.of Tu,stin only. b... The following employee(s) of the City of Tustin only: The City of Tustin and the following employee(s) of the City of Tustin only: Occurrence or event from which the claim ariseS: a. Date: ~--/,e-' 05 b. Time: Lo~5 ~ c. Place (Exact and Specific Location):-¢ RI/J How and under what circumstances did damage or injury occur?. Specify the particular occurrence, event, act or omission you claim caused the injury or damage (use additional SEP-22-2003 ~?:15 CItY OF TUSTIN @aper'i~,necessary: 714 832 6382 P.05 e. What particular action by the CitY, or its employees, caused the' alleged damage or injury? Give a description of the injury, property damage or loss so far known at the tim.e of this claim. there were no injuries, state "no in.iudes", 6. Give the name(s) of the City employee(s) causing the damage or injury: 7. Name and address of any or'her person injured: 8. Name and address of the owner of a.ny damaged property: Damages Claimed: i~ a. Amount claimed as ofthis date: "~.i-,,~D! ~ - b. EStimated amount of future costs: c. Total amount claimed: d. Attach basis for computation of amounts claimed (include copies of all bills, invoices, estimates, etc.) 10. Names and addresses of all witnesses, hospitals, doctors, etc. WARNING: IT IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE TO FILE A FALSE CLAIM (Penal Code Section 72; Insurance Code Section 556.0) I have read the matters and statements made in the above claim and I know the same to be true of my own knowledge, except as to those maffers stated to be upon information or belief and as to such matters I believe the same to be t~e. J certify under penalty of)~erjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Claimant's Signature: Executed this q day of '7.- q..- ,20 0.~ . Date filed'this day of , 20 ~ 2:CLAIM (1/DO) September 20, 2003 TO:. Cily of Ta~i~ My name is Lewis E. Marcotte and I am a resident oft he City of Turn: , O~ Saturday, 9/20/03 a! approximalely 1 :$Spm I~ driving my 2~0 F~ E~igon ~ ~ W~nut ~ ~ ~e ~~ ofWgnut ~d ~v~k in Tu~n. I w~ dg~g in ~e ~t-h~d l~e ~~ 35mph ~d had ~ app~ my b~s sudd~ ~u~ a b~eh from one ~ Ja~da ~ ~ ~c d~t ~c wa~ay fell d~w~d on~ our vehicle. ~ w~ were not hurt, but thc branch of thc tree sha~t~r~l our wlndshi~d, put dmls in the hood and too~. II also ~ratehed the hood, both fenders ~nd both sides of tho vehlelc. It deslroyed t~ right x~b:ds_hield wiper. It abo sons!chad bo-th left and righl' rear-view minor covers and windows along both sides of the My wife, Barbera Matootte, was al~o in thc vehicle o~ l~e passenger side. Sin~e t~i, ~ Saturday and the City of Tustin offices and City Maintenance building were closed we didn't know what 1o do about this siluation. Luckily, a good Samarilan stopped to see if we were OK and lhen he ~ the branches off!he strr~ onto thc sidewalk to cl~ the street for on-c.~ming tra~c. We did have out camera in the c~' ~o we immediately took photos or,he vehicle ~nd tr~ branch,, copies ~. Pheto~ eaa also be-obtalnexl from thc Tuslin Police Department Wc called the Tuslin Police De~r~mmt lo see what to do and they dispalched O~co,-B. Chupp #1069, and h~ fded Traffic Collision Report #03-6980. He also took pictu~-s of our damaged vehicle. Atl~ched is a 'We know tbia was a one in a million situation, a~ld w~ are glad neither of us were injured in any way, but it wan very stress~l to us. Thi~ happened at an exttemeJy bad lime for us sinc~ we have a moving van lined up to move ua from Tustin to Paso Robles on Tuesday, 9/23/03. Our Ford Expedition is our only soutc~ of Im~por~on since ou~ 2~ ve..hidc had already bun delivered Io Paso Robins ]~t w~ek. We ~r~ ~nded now because our ~Expedilion is illegal to drive and we have a million last minute things to do to get ready for our move. We c~led several windshield replacemenl companies but can't gel anyone to repl~ee our ~indshield until Monday, 9/22/03. Alta~hed is acopy of Sav-On AUto Glass invoi~ in thc amount of $195.00 which we paid with our aheck · #$717. /U~hod m~ phot~ ofl~ damage and tr~e branches Today (Mon 9/22/03) w~ are getting an (~md~l). °fdamages p~r City °f Tuslin City Clerk's instmcli°n~ Lewia B. Marcotte arbara .[. Marco{~ - $EP-22-2003 17:16 CITY OF TUSTIN ?~4 S32 6382 P.O? 71.4..774.401'1' - '714.5'20'.0077 WORK ORDER# DATE OF WORK- TIME OF WORK- GLASS COLOR t .. b.,~/, ,.,/eL/ . C.~ ,. , VAN': 2' DR 0 4'DR .~ ST/W SDQ CREDIT CARI~ 'IMPRINT -. J · CUSTOMER SIGNATURE' - OPTION PAYME~&r CH~ /CASH' / CHECK ADDiTIONAL.CHARGE; ' ADD(TIO',~'',,,~. PARTS'' :. ". . {OTAL AMOUNT' ;' '" ~t"~':~' ',:' "' ..... ::,. · SEP-22-2003 17:17 CiTY OF TUSTIN 714 832 6382 P.08 · .:' I:KI~. J3~thi$~ report. This is you? recQrd of this accident~ lb co~plY wi~h Ca itOrn,a Veh C e Code (VC) Sff~on: 20002 (duty whom · Pm~rfy da~). yo0 md~t e ilher · :~. A. GNe.~e oWn~ or'pets:on ln'~arge ~ suct propeAy ~a name and addre~ of the Oriver &nd owner ef fhe Vehicle; or*in, ll~e 1: ' l~bSell~ 0f ~ owner. ; l' I ~ ll I I { ' II ~r , ~. ~.. LHvea w~n notice in a.~sp~u~s p ~u on the ~,' er vehicle or d~n~ag~d properS, 9Mng ~e ~ame ~d a~mss of the .:.. dr~~,an~ owner of the ~ e in~o Vo~ and a s sterne ~ of the circums[~nces. ~' ~!$'j~ormatienl~cessaryto~t~ecompe~0~ofyoorslateSR,~ F ~rm, Report of Tra~iC A¢c denL an~ you, ~ns~mnce ~epo~'t. ~ ' . : · '.. .. , ~ ? , ~driV~-lOf a d~hicle mvo~l in an accident' resuliing in damage ~ the pruperty of any ONE pariy ~ e~cess ot $5~ or in the l injury ~r d~t~ 0f 8nY pem0n MUST Submit a SR-1 Form to the Call[ornia Department o~ Mofor.Veh~cl~s W!!hi~. . ' N~: FalJure to ~m~y may r~l~ ~h suspension o~ y~ onvePs license, Fo(m ~i ~ be ~ine~ {o~ the Department o~ Motor vehicles, the C~lifornia H~ghway PAtrol, any po~ ~hlde c~ insurance a~e~ or ~V intemet web she if Ci~j or ~le ~e~ i{ d~ma;ed, ~u W be ~n~c~ed regarding posslbie liab lizy. .. ...~ . ,. .' .. :: :.'. .~. ~ ~0~om~&~t re~ d6 not smisfy the DMV report requiremenL SEP-~-~03 17:18 CITY OF TUSTIN ?14 832 6382 P.09 ,~EP-22-2003 [?:lB CITY OF TUSTIN ?14 832 63G2 P. tO TuSTIN AUTO cENTER BODY & pAINT The Ultimate in Cotllslon Repairs Kim Shrewsbury Body Shop Estimator 5 Auto Center Drive Tustin, CA 92782 t 714.540-9330 f 714,734.8~99 c 714.720.4893 www. tustinn'nzda, com CITY OF TUSTIN 0B/2a/2003 ac 02:33 25162 ~ob ~ur~er: I#I: License #:AF140217 5 AUTO CENTF-R DR. TUSTIN, CA 92782 (714)540-9330 Fax: (714)734-8199 Wri==en by: Ki~ SHP. EWSBURY # Adjuster: x~o~ TUSTINA/JTO CEN~ER BODY ~I 5 ADTO CENTER DR. TUSTIN, CA 92782 ~e o£ PAIN ~llSl~il| (714)540-9330 10 Days to aepalr 2000 FOI~D F..v~P~DITI01~ 4X2 liLT S-5.tL-FI ~D bTU ~REI~; ~lII Llg: ~APr~N~DItl; 03/2000 (~4]llI~III Air Condicion£ng Cruise Control Rear Wider Luggage/Roof Rack Power Brakes Power Driver SeaC DriVe~ Air Bag Rear Delogger In~ez'mi~tent Wipers Body Side Moldinga Clear co&= P~in= Power Win~ows Power Mirrors Passenger Air Bag Split ~ench Sea=s S=yled S=eel wheels Tilt Wheel Keyless Encr~ Dual Mirrors Power S~eerlng Power Locks An~i-L0ck Brakes (4) ~ Wheel Disc Brakes NO. OP. DESCRIPTION QTY EXT. PRICE LA~OR ;~AII~T I FRONT BUMPER 2 0/H bumper assy 1.5 3* Re£n Pad ase~ chrome bumper 1.5 4 ~'RILL~ $ R&Z R&I grille assy 0.6 6 ~OOD 7 Re~l HOO~ I 372.87 1.0 8 Add for Cle&r Coa= 1.2 9 Acid ~O= Underside(Complete) 1.5 10 F~ND~R 11 Rein R~ F~nder w/o wheel lip ~/o 2.2 12 Overla~ ~or Ad~, P~el -0.4 13 ~d ~or Clear Coa~ 0.l 14 Refn L~ Fender ~/o ~heel lip ~/o 2.2 17:18 CITY OF TUSTIN 714 8~2 5382 P.12 09/22/2003 at 02:33 PM Job NUmber: 25162 2000 FORD EX~EDITION &X2 2CLT 8-5.4L-FI 4D U~J GREEN 15 Overla~ Ma~or Ad~. P~nel 16 A~ for Clear coat L7 WII~DSHIELD 18 Re~l RT Wi~er arm 19' R&I RT Nozzle 20* R&I LT Nozzle 21 COWL 22 ReD1 RT Vent panel 23 Re~l LT V~n~ ~el 25' ~r Roof ~el w/roof rack 26 ~erl~ ~jor Ad~. P~el 27* A~ for Clear Coat 28 ReD1 S1~ 29* ~I Luggage rack acce~o~ rack 30 R&I RaI h~adliner w/o ~unroof ~ auxilSa~AC 31 ~o~ DOOR 32* RDr RT Door ~he11 33 ~rl~ Ma~or Ad~. P~el ~4' ~5 for Clear coaZ 35 R&I RT Belt w'szriD 36 Re~l RT Mirror w/o signal non-heate~ non-heated 38 R&I RT ~0~ side ~dg ~D~ce green 39 Re~l LT Bod~ side m15g ~p~ce green 40" R&i RT H~le, outside 42 ~I R&Z trim p~el 43 RRI R&I =rim D~el 44 R~ DOOR 45* ~r RT Door ~ell 46 ~e~la~ Ma]or Adj. Panel 47~ Add ~or clear Coa~ 48 ReD1 RT Belu w's=riD from 4/21/98 &ge ReD1 RT Bo~ ~e mld~ ~T 50 R~I R&I ~rim D~el 510 BUFF RT 1/4 ~EL 52~ ~F LT SIDE OF THR V~H 5~ Refn COLOR~TCH COLOR S~ & BUFF FL~X AGE~ ~ W~TE DISPOS~ Sub~ot~ls ==> -0.4 0.4 17.52 0.2 0.1 93.88 0.3 111.13 0.3 12.0 4.5 0.8 82.80 0.3 1.0 2.5 4.0 2.3 -0.4 0.4 0.3 184.13 0.4 182,00 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 4.O 2.2 -0.& 0.4 32.83 0.3 48.97 0.2 0.3 0.4 1.0 10.00 X 0.5 2.5 7.50 T 5.00 X 1207.76 38.3 22.6 E, EP-22-2003 17:19 CITY DF TUST[N 714 832 6382 P.13 09/22/2003 a~ 02:33 Pt( Job Nun~er: 25162 2000' FOI~D EXPEDZTION 4X2 XLT 8-5.~L-FI 4D UTV GR~F~N In=: WE WILL TRY TO EUFT THE LEFT SIDE OF THE VEH IT NAY ~D TO BE PA-~NTED. Par~s 1185.26 Body Labor 38.3 hfs ~ S 34.00/hr 1302.20 Paint Labor 22.6 hr~ · $ 34.00/hr 768.40 Pain= Supplies 22.6 hr~ % $ 24.O0/hr 562.40 sublet/Misc. 22.50 SUBTOTAL $ 3820.75 Sales T~ $ 1735,16 ~ 7.7500% 134.47 GRAND TOTA/~ $ 3955.23 ADJUST~NTS= Deductible 0.00 CUST0~R PAY Due =0 th= nature o~ collision repairs, we canto= guaran~e~ a.n exac~ ooraplet~n date. However, we clo guarantee =he ~uali=y of our repairs. All Dar~ subject =o invoice. Thio es=ima=~ i~ a visible clamage c~uote only. Thank you. THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF A~BREVIATIONS OR SYMBOLS THAT MAY BE USED TO DESCRIBE WORK TO BE D01T~ OR PARTS TO BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED: A~BREVIATIONS/SYI~BOLS: D=DISC0~PINUED PART A=A~PROXZ~4ATE PRICE LABOR ~ S=STRUCT~ T~T~ ~ISCELL~0US X=NON T~ED HISC~0US ~JAC~ ~=~I~ A/M=~TE~KET BL~=BL~ C~A~C~RTZ;I~OTIVE P~TS ~SOCIATION D&R=DISCO~CT ~ RECO~CT EST=~STI~TE ~T. P~ZCE ~TIPLI~D BY TH~ QU~ITY IN~=INCL~ED MISC=MISC~0US N~S=~TION~ AUTO G~SS SPECZFI~TZ~ N~-~J=NON ~JACE~ O/HmO~ OP=0PE~TZON NO=LI~ ~EK QTY=Q~ITY QU~ RECY=QU~ZTY R~CYCL~D P~T Q~ ~ REP~CE RPR=REPAZR RT=aIGHT S~CT=SECTION 5~L=SU~;T LT=LEFT W/O=WZT~OUT INFO~TZ~ W~ C~GZD] **=DAT~E LINE WITH ~T;~ N=NOTES A~ACHED TO LI~. MQV~=~FACTURER'S QU~IFICATION ~ V~IDA~ION Es=image based on NOTOR CRASH ESTIMATING GUIDE. Unless 0=hetwise noted all i~e~ ate derived ~hiele$ Original E~iDment M~ufactur~;. A~tcri=k {*} or ~u~le ~terisk (**) i~ica~es that the parts ~d/or l~r ln~o~ati~ provided ~ ~0TOR ~y ~ve ~ modified or may have c~ ~r~ alte~ate d~ta source. Tilde sign (-) itc~ indicate H~ Not-Included L~r R~I P~= w~ch st~ fo= Co~etitive ReDlac~nt Parts. Used D~ts are descr~ aB L~, ~al Recy P~ts. R~. or USED. ~eoonditiofled Dots ~e ~sc=ibe~ as aec~. Recored D~ts ~e as Recurs. NAGS P~t ~er; ~ Prices are provided fr~ National Auto Glass ~eci~icacions, Inc. Po~ si~ (g) ite~ indic&re ~1 ~Cries. ~EP-~-2~)03 ~?: ~9 CITY OF TUSTIN 09/22/2003 ak 02:33 2000 ~ORD Pa~:~.ways - A produc= O~ CCC Informa~:~.on Serv~.ce~ =-,". S~-P-~-~5 17:19 CITY OF TUSTIN ?la 8~2 6~82 P. 15 $EP-22-2~3 [7:20 CITY OF TUSTIN 714 832 6382 P. i6 TDTAL P.16