HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1939 12 04 December 4, 1939 Minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin, held in the City Hall, in the City of Tustin, California, December 4, 1939 at 8:00 P.M. Present Councilmen: Huntley, Logan, Kiser, and Wilson Absent Councilmen: Pieper Minutes of the last regular meeting held November 20, 1939 were read and approved. Cox registers Andrew Cox registered complaint in regard to trucks complaint in leaving motors running on "D" Street between the hours of regard to 12:00 and 3:00 A. M. trucks Ray Aunger made inquiry in regard to crossing guards Aunger inqu- on First Street. iry Moved by Councilman Logan, seconded by Councilman Communica- Wilson, that the written communications be filed. Carried tions filed and so ordered. Taylor denied Moved by Councilman Wilson, seconded by Councilman permit to Logan, that the request of H. R. Taylor for a permit to keep horse keep his horse within the incorporated limits be denied. in City Carried and so ordered. Wells and Moved by Councilman Logan, seconded by Councilman Bressler to Kiser, that Wells and Bressler be paid the balance due be paid bal- on their contract on Project No. 5 in the sum of $ 136.04. ance on Carried and so ordered. contract Moved by Councilman Kiser, seconded by Councilman Stamps Logan, that the City Clerk be authorized to purchase stamps in the amount of $ 6.00. Carried and so ordered. Stove Mayor appointed Councilman Kiser and Logan on a committee of two to purchase a stove for the City Hall. Bills to be Moved by Councilman Kiser, seconded by Councilman Paid Logan, that the following bills be paid and warrants drawn for their resoeotive amounts: F. H. Holford $ 61.25 Jerome Kidd 21.18 Tustin Fire Deoartment 14.00 H. D. Carson 1.05 H. D. Picketing 4.00 Tustin Hardware Comeany 4.22 Flowerday and Pierson 30.49 Otto Becker 1.50 Hans Johansen 12.76 Tustin Lumber Comeany 1.18 Automobile Club of Southern California 9.68 First National Bank, Tustin (service bill) 35.51 Tustin Water Works 120.00 Sully-Miller Contractors 41.47 E. R. Hale 3.58 C. O. Sparks 55.43 Sam Long 6.00 Sam Long 6.00 Wayne A. Runnells 3.75 Wells and Bressler 136.04 W.K. Hillyard 15.00 Carried and so ordered. Moved by Councilman Kiser seconded by Councilman Wilson, to adjourn. Carried and so ordered. D. T. Hayden City Clerk APPROVED: W. M. Huntley Mayor