HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 PATROL UNITS 01-05-04AGENDA REPORT Agenda Item Reviewed: City Manager Finance Director 7 MEETING DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: JANUARY 5, 200 4 WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER STEVE FOSTER, POLICE CHIEF AWARD A BID FOR FIVE PATROL UNITS SUMMARY A purchase of four 2004 black and white police patrol units and one 2003 police supervisor SUV is necessary to replace existing high-mileage units. RECOMMENDATION That City Council authorizes the purchase of four 2004 Ford Crown Victoria vehicles for marked police patrol and one 2004 Chevrolet Tahoe to Wondries Chevrolet of Alhambra, in the amount of $133,439.77 (tax included). That Council authorizes expenditure of funds for conversion of the five marked police units to 911 Vehicle of Yorba Linda, California in the amount of $21,797.11 (tax included). That Council authorizes the Police Department to acquire five Mobile Audio Video Systems from Kustom Signals, Inc., Lenexa, Kansas in the amount of $29,975.00 (tax included). FISCAL IMPACT $155,236.88 from the Vehicle Replacement Fund, Account #84-801-9730 (Vehicle and Conversion) $29,975.00 from the Equipment Replacement Fund, Account #01-502-9845 (Mobile Audio Video Systems) BACKGROUND In Fiscal Year 03/04, it is necessary to replace five marked police units due to the combination of high mileage and service history. William A. Huston, City Manager Award a Bid for Five Patrol Units December 15, 2003 Page 2 Wondries Chevrolet has Crown Victoria and Chevrolet Tahoe vehicles available for delivery under L.A. County Contract #207488. We have utilized this vendor for several years with excellent service. Wondries is the local Southern California Ford authorized dealer. 911 Vehicle has done work for Tustin Police Department in the past and the quality has been excellent. A bid process was completed in November 2003, with 911 Vehicle being the Iow bidder. They are a'local company and of the three companies that bid on the conversions, are the closest to the department. It's recommended that the conversion be authorized through 911 Vehicle in the amount of $4,421.46 per unit (tax included) for the Crown Victoria and $4,111.27 (tax included) for the Tahoe. The Department has an ongoing replacement program in place for the Mobile Audio Video units, which routinely upgrades the inventory every five years. There are five units budgeted this fiscal year. The Department is currently using the Kustom Signals' "Eyewitness" unit, which has proven to be a desirable system and on the leading edge of development. Research indicates there are no better units on the market. Continuation with the "Eyewitness" standardizes our service and repair parts inventory. Recommend purchase through Kustom Signals, Inc. at $5,795.00 (tax included). Extra items in this purchase are DVD disk, NC charger, shipping and handling, and an external DVD ram drive. This adds $1,000 to the purchase price. Attached for information is the quote from Wondries Chevrolet and information on the quotes from 911 Vehicle and the two other vendors who bid in the conversion process and also from Kustom Signals, Inc. Funds are available for the purchases recommended. Steve Foster Police Chief SF:JBP:mp FLEET rliVl lON 1:~,~7 We~ Msin .~treet, I~.0. Box 31~50, Alhembro, (~A ~ 1 El03 October 27, 2003 Lt. Jim. Peary Tustin Police DepC 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 Delivery via fax (714) 730-8027 Dear L~, Peary: In response to your inquiry, we are pleased to submit the following for your consideration. Wondries Fleet Crroup will sell, service and cl~liver, at Tustin, N*~w/Unused 2004 Ford Crown Victoria Police Sedan's responding to thc attached specification for $24,814.00 including tax & tire fee, Also we will supply one (1) 2003 Tahoe 4X4 Special Service vehicle, per attached, (For $33,633.77 including tax & ti~ fee (for black & white paint, ~ Thes~ v~hicles are available under the cooperative Puwhase Provision of the Los Angeles County Bid~207488. Delivery is fiv~ (5) days A.R.O, Terms are Net 20 days RIES FLEET OROUP CHI::VROLET TOYOTA .~ ;m 11/28/2003 10:49 7146929410 911 VEHICLE PAGE 03 Your Single 5oen.~e Pr~vMer nar En~eBonCy Vehiele 5elutiOna 223~ E. LB Pelma Avenue ,~101 Yorbe Linde, CA g2887 fsx QUOTE SHEET TO: LT. PERRY Prom: DAVXD NIELSEN Company: TUST~N P.D. DaM: NOV- 28r 2003 Fez w 714-73D~BO~'--------~. Phone Regmrding; CHANGE OVER ~ CROWN VXC.'S 200~ Number of Psgee sent including c~ver sheet Breakdown with lebor: Bale Electrics! Convemion Main DC Power / Ground Electrical BUSS Key Ignition Control System Dual Battery Park Neutral Control System Emlromnc~ Uahtlna and Sims Packaae COde-3 360 Light Bar Unltrol TM4 Siren Controller Intersection Strobes hidden In factory lightS c/s Code~3 PS235 2 Ch. Strobe Power Supply c/s Headlight Flasher and Relay Modlfacatlon Siren Speaker Mounted Behind grill c/s Radios and Cpmeuter~ Spectra Radio Installation (CS) MW-S20 MDT Installation C/$ Antennas Ins(ailed c/s Commsnd tenor Cabineb Center console c/s Trunk Storage Box Face plates to console Sedna Cage end with recessed Section Gun lock & reck Aedec Rear Seat c/s Video system Installation Remove Equipment from Existing Vehicle Mist, Parts and Materials Push bar c/s Skid Plate Graphic~ SUBTOTALS 714-573-3220 PARTS I LABOR I EXTENSION EXT I HRS TOTAL I TOTAL I 1SO.O0 150.00 2.0 80.00 230-00l 4s.oo 45.00 o.s 20.00 $$.oo 350.00 350,00 :~,0 120.00 470.00 45.00 45,00 t.O 40.00 85.00 1,684,00 o.00 285.00 1,684.00 2,0 80,00 1,764.00 0.00 2.0 80.00 80.00 0.00 1.0 40.00 40.00 0.00 1.0 40.00 40.00 0.00 1.0 40.00 40.00 0,00 1.0 40,00 40.00 0,00 3,0 120.00 120.00 0,00 3,0 120.00 120.00 0.00 1.0 40.00 40.0( 55.00 0.00 0.5 20,00 20.01 285.00 0,0 285.0{1 0.00 0.00 85.00 365,00 SALES TAX customer supplied TOTAL PIUCES ARE ,PE,~ yE,HZCLE / ALL qUOTES ARE 80OD FOR :30 paYS S5.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 o,o0 85,00 365.00 ~3r064,00 1.0 40,00 95,00 1.0 40,00 40.0(:: l,O 40,00 40.01: 2,0 40.00 40.0(: o.o o,oo 0.0c 0,0 O.O0 0,00; 1.0 40.00 40.00I 1.0 40.00 40.00I 0,0 365.00I 28.0 ~ l, 120.00 ~4t 184.00 ~1237.48 .... ~4f421,46 11/28/2883 i8:49 7146929418 911 VEHICLE PAGE 82 2234g E, LB Palms Avenue Yorbn Llndl, CA g2587 To: LT. PERRY ComGany: TUb I J.N P,D. /'ax J 714-730-8027 ,q)UOTE SHEET From: Dote: Phone ;F Regarding: CHANGE OVER T~I200~ TAHOE ) ..... N~nber of Pages sent Including III cover sheet 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Bri,,kdown with labor: Bile Electrical Converiion Main DC Power / Ground Electrical BuSS Dual 1200 amp. Bott, Key IgnlUon Control System Park Neutral Control System EmereenL'V Liahtifla and Siren Plcimae Code-3 360 Light Bar Unltrol TM4 Siren Controller c/s intersect;ion Strobes hidden In factory lights Code-3 PS23S 2 Ch. Strobe Power Headlight Flasher and Relay Modlf:acatlon Siren Speaker Plounted Behind gull ;bmdios mhd ComDMter,, Spectra Radio ~[nstallatlen CCS) MW-S20 MDT [nxtallatlo~ c/s Antennas %nstalled ~gmmand Center Cabinmtl Center tensile c/s Trunk Sb~rege Box Command Center Cabinets C/S Face plates to console Setina Cage and with recessed Section Gun lock & rack c/s Aedec Rear Seat Graphics Remove Equlproent from Existing Vehicle Misc. Parts and Materials Push bar ~s c/s C/S ...... SUBTOTALS SA~ES TAX ,,, TOTAL 150,00 150.00 350,00 350.00 45,00 45.00 45.00 45.00 2,684.00 0,00 DAVZD NZELSEN NOV. 28, 20p3 714-573-32Z0 TOTAL I EX~T~INT:~ON 2.0 80.00 230.00 4.0 160.00 520,00 0.5 20.00 65.00 Z,O 40.00 85,00 ].,684,00 2.0 80.00 1,764.00 0.00 2,0 80.00 80.00 0.00 1.0 40.00 40.00 0,00 ~.0 40.00 40.00 0.O0 1.0 40.00 40.00 0.00 1,0 40.00 40.0( 0.00 3,0 120.00 120,01 0.00 :~.0 120,00 120.0C~ 0.00 1.0 40.00 40,0C 0.00 0.S 20.00 20.0(3 0.00 0.0(] 0.00 2.0 eO.O0 80,0(~ 0.00 O.OC 55.00 55.00 1.0 40.00 95.0C 0.00 1,0 40.00 40.00 0.00 ~,.0 40.00 40,00 365.00 365.00 36S.00' o.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.O 0.0o 0,00 ~2~739.00 customer supplied PRZCES ARE PER VE#ZCLE / ALL qUOTES ARE seed r-OR, 30 DAYS 29.0 $ , 6o.oo t~4~ZZZ.27 0 IU:gUg-b~4~bU4 NUV zl'uo ~;Dz I~O.uui K.uz Customer # Customer I Bill to Addre~: City I St, I Zip Contaot: Phone #: ComSerCo, Inc. Tustln Police Del~rtment 300 Centennial Way Tustln CA. 927~0 Lt. Jim Perry f714) 573-3220 Quotalfon Valid For 30 Days Item Q~ Model 1 I CSC~O38TK 2 I CSCCD360T 3 1 CSCTRNKSLOTRY 4 2 CSCI~FLANGEC 5 I CSCSOBOOFBR 6 1 CSC50A00FAR 7 ~ I CSCFA3-SC 8 I CSC1700CCABAT 9 1 C~CBATCBLKT 10 1 C$CGRAPHKT 11 1 CSCCGTRNSKIT 12 1 CSCCEO 13 1 R&R 150 14 1 CSCF Go Rhino Pueh Bumper Tmnaf~r Code 360 Lighttrar (Tustln ~n~) Trunk Equlp~nt Slide Troy Trunk Light Flange LED Trunk L~ht (Slue) LED Trunk L~ht (Am~) LED Flasher 17~ CCA B~ 2nd Be.e~ Ine~ Ca~e K~ Graphics K~ ~s~n PD Sa~ Pa~fi~ Tmns~r K~ ABS Trunk O~n~ ~ L~ Ins~llatlon Harm KE Fm~ht 11/21/2003 882 North Main St. Riverside, CA I)2501 800-453-~880 ext. 3o3 Conlact Tltta Phone Number Ultimata Dear. Zip S$6.00 $1,529.00 $1,529.00 S310.00 $310.00 $16,00 $32,00 $159.30 $159.30 $69.30 $69.30 $15.44 $1s.44 $24~.88 S246.88 $I 10.OO $110.00 $310.00 $310.00 $79.00 $79.00 $185.00 $1a5.oo S150,00 $150.00 t~210.OO ~210.00 Remove all eme~gen~ equipment from Crown VIc Patti UnlL Install all equipment removed and all equipment alx~ve Into new Fo~l Crown victoria patrol unit, All w~k to be d~ne at C~n Sar Co Rivemlde Thta ta a per unit quot. l Equipment Total $3,4~0.92 Sales Tax $268.22 Removal $175.00 ImttallaUon $1,825.00 Grand Total $5,729.14 Down Payment B~lanoe Due $5,729.14 KUSTOM SIGNALS, INC. A SUBSIDIARY OF PUBLIC SAFETY EQUIPMENT, INC 9325 Pflumm, Lenexa KS 66215-3347 913-492-1400 Fax 913-492.1703 sales~kustomsignals.com www.kustomsignals.com Date 10/21/2003 To... LT JAMES PEERY TUSTIN POLICE DEPT 300 CENTENNIAL WAY TUSTIN CA 92780 Item Qty Product Description Quotation Quote # 2264998819308 Terms Net 30 This Quote Expires on Phone 714-573-3200 Fax 714-730-8027 4294967295 of 1 1/19/2004 Unit Price SubTotal Signature Title Sales Representative Kustom Signals 9325 Pflumm Rd Lenexa KS 66215-1270 Toll Free 800-4KUSTOM (800-458-7866) k((((((( KUSTOM SIGNALS, INC. A SUBSIDIARY OF PUBLIC SAFETY EQUIPMENT, INC 9326 Pflumm, Lenexa KS 66216-3347 913-492-1400 Fax 913-492-1703 sales~kust~msig hals.corn www.kustomsig nals.com Quotation Date 10/21/2003 To... LT JAMES PEERY TUSTIN POLICE DEPT 300 CENTENNIAL WAY TUSTIN CA 92780 Quote # 2264998819308 Terms Net 30 This Quote Expires on Phone 714-573-3200 Fax 714-730-8027 Item Qty Product Description 5 LOADED DIGITAL EYEWITNESS, DVD, SURE TALK, IN CAR MIC, REARS CAMERA (CONSOLE), ONE YEAR WARRANTY 5 EXTRA DVD DISK- MAXELL DISC W/PROTECTIVE COVERING AND WRITE PROTECTED 2 SURE TALK A/C CHARGER 5 SHIPPING & HANDLING OPTIONAL: I EXTERNAL DVD RAM DRIVE 1/19/2004 4294967295 of I Unit Price SubTotal 5,795.00 $28,975.00 7.00 $35.00 85.00 $170.00 40.00 $200.00 0.00 595.00 $595.00 Total $29,975.00 Signature Title Sales Representative Kustom Signals 9325 Pflumm Rd Lenexa KS 66215-1270 Toll Free 800-4KUSTOM (800-458-7866)