HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 99-095 ~ RESOLUTION NO. 99-95
The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows:
i. The City Council finds and determines as follows:
s A. That a proper application for Design Review 98-036 was filed by Dennis
Claus of Westgate Properties requesting approval to construct two single-
9 story medical/dental and general office buildings at the property located at
~0 12569 Newport Avenue.
~ B. That on September 27, 1999 the Planning Commission recommended that
the City Council approve Design Review 98-036 to construct two single-
story medical/dental office buildings at the property located at 12569
~3 Newport Avenue.
~4 C. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application
25 on November 1, 1999 by the City Council.
~6 D. Pursuant to Section 9272 of the Tustin Municipal Code, the City Council
17 finds that the location, size, architectural features and general appearance
of Design Review 98-036 will not impair the orderly and harmonious
~s development of the area, the present or future development therein, or the
occupancy as a whole. In making such findings, the City Council has
~9 considered at least the following items:
1. Height, bulk and area of buildings.
2. Setbacks and site planning.
23 3. EXterior materials and colors.
:4 4. Type and pitch of roofs.
5. Size and spacing of windows, doors and other openings.
6. Towers, chimneys, roof structures, flagpoles, radio and television
7. Landscaping, parking area design and traffic circulation.
8. Location, height and standards of eXterior illumination.
Resolution 99-95
Design Review 98-036
Page 2
9. Location and appearance of equipment located outside of an
enclosed structure.
10. Location and method of refuse storage.
11. Physical relationship of proposed structures to existing structures in
the neighborhood.
12. Appearance and design relationship of proposed structures to
existing structures and possible future structures in the neighborhood
and public thoroughfares.
13. Pro posed signage.
14. Development Guidelines and criteria as adopted by the City Council.
D. That the project has been reviewed for compliance with the Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990 and it has been determined that dedications of right-
of-way to accommodate a four (4) foot wide sidewalk behind the drive
aprons are necessary for compliance with the requirements of ADA. Also,
the existing five- (5)foot wide sidewalk along the frontage of this
development will require removal and construction of an eight- (8) foot
wide sidewalk. This construction will require dedication of three-(3) feet of
additional right-of-way along the entire Newport Avenue frontage to meet
current City standards and ADA requirements.
E. That the project has been reviewed for consistency with the Air Quality Sub-
Element of the City of Tustin General Plan and has been determined to be
consistent or has been conditioned to be consistent with the Air Quality
II. The City Council hereby approves Design Review 98-036 for construction of two
single-story medical/dental and general office buildings at the property located at
12569 Newport Avenue, subject to the conditions contained in Exhibit A, attached
PASSED AND ADO. PTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin c~_t~, co,~,cil held
on the 1 st day of November, 1999.
(1) 1:1 'The '-proposed project shall substantially conform with the submitted' plans
for the project date-stamped September 27, 1999, on file with the
Community Development Department, as herein modified, or as modified
by the Director 'of Community Development Department in accordance with
this Exhibit. The Director may also approve minor modifications to the
plans if such modifications are determined to be consistent with the
approved plans.
(1) 1.2 Unless otherwise specified, the conditions contained in this Exhibit shall be
complied with prior to the issuance of any building permits for the project,
subject to review and approval by the Community Development
(1) 1o3 Approval of Design Review 98-036 is contingent upon approval by the City
Council of Zone Change 98-006.
(1) 1.4 A Tentative Parcel Map and Final Parcel Map shall be required to combine
the three existing parcels into one parcel. No grading or building permits
shall be issued until the Final Parcel Map is approved by the City Council
and recorded with the County of Orange.
(1) 1.5 Design Review and Conditional Use Permit approval shall become null and
void unless all building permits are issued within eighteen (18) months of
the date of this Exhibit and substantial construction is underway.
(1) 1.6 Amendments to Design Review 98-036 may be considered and approved
by the Planning Commission.
(1) 1.7 The applicant and property owner shall sign and return an Agreement to
Conditions Imposed form prior to issuance of building permits.
Exhibit A
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(1) 1.8 The applicant shall hold and defend the City of Tustin harmless for all
claims and liabilities arising out of the City's approval of the entitlement
process for this project.
(1) 1.9 Any violation of any of the conditions imposed is subject to the imposition of
a civil penalty of $100.00 for each violation and each day the violation
(1) 1.10 The applicant shall be responsible for costs associated with any necessary
code enforcement action.
(3) 2.'1 Indicate on the title sheet the applicable codes, City, state and federal laws
and regulations to include:
· 1997 uniform Building Code with California.Amendments
· 1997 Uniform Mechanical and!Plumbing Codes with California
· 1996 National Electrical Code with California Amendments
· City of Tustin Grading and Security Ordinance
· City of Tustin Landscaping and Irrigation Guidelines ;
· City of Tustin Private Improvements Standards
(3) 2.2 Submit seven (7) sets of building plans to the Building Division for review
and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. Requirements of the
Uniform Building Code (UBC) and state disabled access requirements shall
be complied with as approved by the Building Official. All construction shall
be in accordance with the 1997 UBC, applicable City Codes and the City's
Security Code. No field changes .shall be made without corrections
submitted to and approved by the Community Development Department.
(3) ' 2.3 Submit seven (7) sets of excavating/grading plans and two preliminary soils
reports to the Building Division for review and approval prior to the issuance
of a grading permit.
Exhibit A
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(3) 2.4 Preparation and submittal of a final grading plan showing all pertinent
elevations as they pertain to the public right-of-way along with delineating
the following information:
· Final street elevations at key 'locations.
· Final pad/finished floor elevations and key elevations for
all site grading. All pad elevations to be a minimum of
1.0 foot above base flood elevation as defined by FEMA.
· All flood hazards of record.
(3) 2.5 The engineer of record must submit a final compaction report to the
Building Division for review and approval prior to the issuance of a
building permit.
(3) 2°6 The engineer of record must submit a letter of pad certification to the
Building Division for review and approval prior to the issuance of a
building permit.
(3) 2.7 A separate 24"x 36" street improvement plan, as prepared by a California
Registered Civil Engineer, will be required for all construction within the
public right-of-way. Construction and/or replacement of any missing or
damaged' public improvements will be required adjacent to this
development. Said plan shall include, but not be limited tO the following:
· Curb and gutter;
· Sidewalk, including curb ramps for the physically disabled;
· Drive aprons;
· Signing/striping plan;
· Domestic water facilities;
· Sanitary sewer facilities;
· Underground utility connections; and,
In addition, a 24"x 36' reproducible construction area traffic control plan,
as prepared by a California Registered Traffic Engineer or Civil Engineer
experienced in this type of plan preparation will be required.
(3) 2.8 Submit four (4) sets of on-site improvement plans including proposed
drainage, vegetation, circulation, street sections, curbs, gutters,
sidewalks, and storm drains to the Building Division for review and
approval. Any-improvements proposed shall comply with the City's on-site
Private Improvement Standards.
Design Review g8-036
Resolution No. 9g-95
Page 4
2.9 Site Plan/Floor Plan
(4) 2.9.1 The legal description submitted shall be placed on the site plan.
This includes the description of portions of Lots 9 and 10 of
Tract No. 1743 and a portion of Lot 17 of Sup. Map of the
Vanderlip and Rowan Tract.
(4) 2.9.2 The location of any utility vents or other equipment shall be
provided on a roof plan.
(3) 2.9.3 Parking spaces designed for use by persons with disabilities shall
comply with California Title 24 regulations. Parking. for disabled
persons shall be provided with an additional 5 foot loading area
with striping and ramp; disabled persons shall be able to park
and access the building without passing behind another car. At
least one (1) accessible space shall be van accessible served
by a minimum 96 inch wide loading area.
(3) 2.9.4 The plans submitted into plan check shall indicate that
restrooms shall be made accessible to persons with disabilities
as per Title 24 requirements.
(4) 2:9.5 All roof access shall be provided from the inside of the building.
(4) 2.9.6 Six (6) inch continuous concrete curbing shall be used through
the parking lot and adjacent to sidewalks, except where required
to satisfy handicap access requirements.
(4) 2.9°7 Installation of security hardware and locking devices shall be
required pursuant to the Tustin City Code.
(4) 2.9.8 To meet current Federal Americans Disabilities Act (ADA)
requirements and City standards, the existing five (5) foot wide
sidewalk along the frontage of this development will require
removal and construction of an eight (8) foot wide
sidewalk/parkway. This construction will require dedication of
three (3) feet of additional right-of-way along the entire Newport
Avenue frontage.
Exhibit A
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(4) 2.9.9 A 6'8" high masonry wall shall be constructed along the project
site boundaries adjacent to residential properties. A wrought iron
gate shall be provided to secure the drainage easement subject
tb the SatiSfaction of the Public Works Director.
2.10 Elevations
(4) 2.10.1 Elevations shall be provided which include all proposed
dimensions, materials, colors, finishes, and partial outlines of
adjacent buildings on-site and off-site where applicable. Details
shall also be provided for the proposed windows and doors.
Roofing shall be class "B" or better quality.
(4) 2.10.2 The proposed trash bin enclosure shall be screened by a solid
decorative wall consistent with the adjacent building's matedal
and finish and be of a minimum height of six feet. The actual
location of the enclosure and types of screening and details of
the enclosure shall be submitted at building plan check and are
subject to approval by the Community Development Department.
The location of the bin, size and quantity shall be reviewed and
accepted in wdting by Great Westem Reclamation.
(3) 2.10.3 Pursuant to the City of Tustin's Security Ordinance and the
Uniform Fire Code, the street number shall be displayed in a
prominent location on the street side of the residence. The
numerals shall be no less than six (6) inches in height and shall
be of contrasting color to the background to which they are
attached and illuminated during hours of darkness.
(4) 2.10.4 Provide exact details for exterior doors and window types on
construction plans,
(4)' 2.10.5 All mechanical and electrical fixtures and equipment shall be
adequately and decoratively screened. The screen shall be
considered as an element of the overall design of the project and
shall either blend with the architectural design of the building or
be integrated into the landscape design. A dense type of
landscaping could be utilized for screening.
EXhibit A
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(1) 2.10.6 All exterior colors and materials to be used shall be subject to
review and approval of the Community Development Department
and shall be consistent with samples provided on the color
........... boards. All exterior treatments shall be coordinated with regard
to color, materials and detailing and clearly noted on submitted
construction plans and elevations.
(4) 2.10.7 All exposed metal flashing or trim shall be painted to match the
(1) 2.10.8 Exterior elevations of the building shall indicate any fixtures or
equipment to be located on the roof of the building and
equipment heights. The building parapet shall be an integral part
of the building design, and shall screen all roof mounted
equipment. All roof-mounted equipment and vents shall be a
minimum of six inches below the top of the parapet.
(4) 2.10.9 No exterior downspouts shall be permitted; all roof drainage shall
utilize interior piping, but may have exterior outlets at base of
(4) 2.10.10 Location of all utility meters, gutters, and any ground or building
mounted equipment shall be reviewed by the Community
Development Department prior to issuance of building permits.
All visible equipment shall be architecturally screened. All
downspouts shall be designed so as to be internalized within the
(4) 2.10.11 Roof scuppers shall be installed with a special lip device so that
overflow drainage will not stain the walls.
(1) 2.10.12 Any roof top equipment, including vents and exhausts shall
comply with the City of Tustin Noise Ordinance.
2.11 Lighting
(4) 2.11.1 Submit four (4) sets of plans depicting the exterior lighting details
and a photometric study showing the location and anticipated
distribution pattern of light of all proposed fixtures in the parking
lot and landscape areas to the Community Development
Department for review and approval prior to the issuance of a
building permit. Manufacturer's details of all lighting fixtures and a
Exhibit A
Design Review 98-036
Resolution No. 99-95
Page 7
lighting plan which identifies the location, type of fixture, and
intensity of all exterior building mounted and free-standing lighting
shall be provided.
(4) 2.11.2 A note shall be provided on the plans that states "All parking
areas shall be illuminated with a minimum of one footcandle of
light, and lighting shall not produce light or glare or have a
negative impact on adjacent properties." Parking lot and wall
mounted fixtures shall be directed at a 90 degree angle directly
toward the ground. All light fixtures shall be architecturally
compatible with the proposed structures. The exterior lighting
shall comply with the requirements within the City of Tustin
Security Ordinance.
(4) 2.11.3 Exterior lighting fixtures shall not exceed 10 feet in height.
2.12 Landscapin~l
(1) 2.12.1 Submit a complete detailed landscaping and irrigation plan for all
landscaping areas consistent with adopted City of Tustin
Landscaping and Irrigation Submittal Requirements and
consistent with the plant selection list and regulations within the
Newport Warren Planned Community District regulations.
(1) 2.12.2 A minimum eight (8) foot wide landscape buffer shall be provided
along the perimeter of the site adjacent to any residential
properties. The landscaping within the eight (8) foot wide buffer
shall be a variety of evergreen species.
(1) .2.12.3 Landscaping adjacent to Newport Avenue shall'be designed to
sufficiently screen the view of the parking area from the public
right-of-way. Landscaping shall consist of a combination of
berming and sufficient numbers of shrubs and trees to provide
adequate screening, subject to the satisfaction of the Community
Development Director. The landscape berm adjacent to Newport
Avenue shall be at least 3 feet high, but not more than 3 ~ feet
high. Said plans shall substantially conform with the submitted
landscape plans for the project date-stamped September 27,
1999, on file with the Community Development Department, or as
modified hereto.
Exhibit A
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Resolution No, 99-95
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(1) 2.12.4 The landscape plans shall be revised prior to submittal to show
that the three (3) liquidamber trees proposed adjacent to the west
property line and the one liquidamber tree proposed adjacent to
the northeast property 'line-shall-be changed to an evergreen
(1) 2,12.5 The street trees shall be planted a minimum distance of ten (10)
feet away from streetlights, fire hydrants and street openings.
-(1) 2.12.6 All landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy condition such
that all plant materials are evenly cut, evenly edged, free of bare
or brown spots, free of debris, weeds or dead vegetation.
(1) 2.12.7 An irrigation plan shall be submitted depicting the installation of
an automatic irrigation system.
2.13 Signs
(4) 2.13.1 Prior to issuance of a sign permit, three (3) sets of plans shall be
submitted to the Community Development Department depicting
the site plan, location, elevations and details such as sizes, colors
and materials of the proposed signage. The signs shall comply
with the Newport Warren Planned Community sign regulations.
Signs made of plastic, plexiglass or similar materials should be
(4) 2.13.2 The plans for the proposed signageshali include incidental signs
such as entry, exit, project identification, addressing, disabled
persons signs and directional signs shall be designed consistent
with such signage used elsewhere in the Newport Warren
Planned Community District, subject to review and approval by
the Community Development and Public Works Departments.
(4) 2.13.3 No sign component shall flash, blink or be otherwise animated.
Such animation is strictly prohibited.
Exhibit A
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Resolution No. 99-95
Page 9
(1) 3ol All construction operations including engine warm up shall be subject to the
provisions of the City of Tustin-Noise-Ordinanceand shall take place only
during the hours of 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday and
9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Saturday unless the Building Official determines
that said activity will be in substantial conformance with the Noise
Ordinance and the public health and safety will not be impaired subject to
application being made at the time the permit for the work is awarded or
during progress of the work unless other construction noise standards are
subsequently adopted by the City Council in which case said new standards
shall be complied with.
(1) 3.2 Construction hours shall be clearly posted on the project site to the
satisfaction of the Building Official.
(2) .3.3 All construction activities shall comply with the requirements of the City of
Tustin Grading Manual which requires frequent watering of the project. site
to control dust.
(1) 3.4 Note on final plans that a six-foot-high chain linked fence shall be installed
around the site prior to building construction stages. Cared entrances shall
be permitted along the perimeter of the site for construction vehicles.
(1) 4.1 The plans (site plan and floor plans) shall be revised accordingly to reflect
the total off-street parking required by using the following ratios:
Large Building
Medical/dental office
(first 4,000 sq. ft. of building) 4,000 1:250 16
.General Office 773 1:250 4
Small Building 2,726 1:250 11
Medical/dental office
Total 7499 =~!'~:!~:!~ ~i~- 31
Exhibit A
Design Review 98-036
Resolution No. 99-95
Page 10
(1) - 4.2 No more than 20 percent of the required off-street parking spaces shall be
(1) 4.3 Prior to issuance of certificate' of Occupancy, the applicant shall prepare
and record a deed restriction to ensure that the proposed distribution of
medical/dental office and general office uses are not modified or that
additional off-street parking is provided in the future if more intensive uses
are proposed to occupy the building. A draft deed restriction agreement
shall be submitted to the Community Development Department and City
Attorney for review prior to recordation. Evidence of recordation shall be
provided to the Community Development Department prior to the
issuance of a certificate of occupancy. The deed restriction shall not be
removed without the written approval from the City.
(1) '4.4 . If, at any time in the future, the City is made aware and concurs that a traffic
-- or parking problem exists at the subject site as a result of the proposed
development, the Community Development Department and/or Public
Works Department may require the property owner to submit a traffic and
parking demand analysis, at no expense to the City, within the time
schedule stipulated by the City, If said study indicates that there is
inadequate parking or a traffic problem, the property owner shall be
required to implement mitigation measures to eliminate traffic or parking
(1) 5.1 The applicant shall satisfy dedication and/or reservation requirements as
applicable, including but not limited to dedication of all required street and
flood control right-of-way-easements, vehicular access fights, sewer
easements and water easements defined and approved as to specific
locations by the City Engineer and other agencies.
(1) 5.2 The applicant shall execute a subdivision/monumentation agreement and
furnishing the improvement/monumentation bonds as required by the City
Engineer prior to recordation of the final map.
(3) 5.3 A surety/cash bond will be required to assure work is completed in
accordance with approved plans. Bonds will be based upon the estimated
'cost of the grading, drainage, and erosion control prior to the issuance of
a grading permit.
Exhibit A
Design Review 98-036
Resolution No. 99-95
Page 11
(3) 5.4 Both horizontal and vertical intersection sight lines will need to be checked
per County of Orange Public Facilities and Resources Department
Standard No. 1117 for all affected streets. The site Pines need to be
shown on the grading plan and landscape plan. All landscaping within the'
limited use area will need to comply with County of Orange Public
Facilities and Resources Department Standard No. 1117.
(3) 5.`5 Prior to any work in the public right-of-way, an Encroachment Permit must
be obtained from and applicable fees paid to the Public Works
(3) `5.6 Current Federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)requirements will
need to be met at the drive aprons. This will require construction of a
minimum four (4) foot wide sidewalk behind 'the drive apron prior to
issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. The maximum cross slope of the
sidewalk shall be two percent and the maximum ramp slope of the drive
apron shall be ten percent. This will require dedication of additional right-
of-way to accommodate the sidewalk construction. A legal description and
sketch of the dedication area, as prepared by a California Registered Civil
Engineer and/or California Licensed Land Surveyor, shall be submitted to
the Engineering Division for review and approval prior to issuance of
building permits.
(3) ,5.7 In addition to the .normal full size plan submittal process, all final
development plans including, but not limited to: tract maps, parcel maps,
right-of-way maps, records of survey, public works improvements, private
infrastructure improvements, final grading plans, and site plans are also
required to be submitted to the Public Works Department/Engineering
Division in computer aided design and drafting (CADD) format. The
standard file format is AutoCAD Release 13 or 14 having the extension
DWG. Likewise, iayering and linetype conventions are AutoCAD-based
(latest version available upon request from the Engineering Division). In-
order to interchangeably utilize the data contained in the infrastructure
mapping system, CADD drawings must be in AutoCAD "DWG" format
(i.e., produced using AutoCAD or AutoCAD compatible CADD software).
The most current version of AutoCAD is Release 14. Drawings created in
AutoCAD Release 13 or Release 12 are compatible.and acceptable.
Exhibit A
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Resolution No, 99-95
Page 12
The CADD files shall be submitted to the City at the. time the plans are
approved and updated CADD files reflecting "as built" conditions shall be
submitted once all construction has been completed: ....The .-subdivision
bonds will not be released until the "as built" CADD files have been
5,8 The applicant shall work with the Public Works Department to address
Issues related to the drainage swale subject to the approval of the Public
Works Di rector,
(5) 6.1 Prior to the recordation ofany subdivision map and issuance of any building
permits, the applicant shall submit to the Fire Chief evidence of the on-site
fire hydrant system and indicate whether it is public or private. If the system
is private, the system shall be reviewed and approved by the Fire Chief
prior to issuance of building permits. A fire hydrant shall be located within
150 feet of all exterior portions of any 'structure.
(5) 6.2 Prior to the issuance of any building permits, a note shall be placed on the
plans stating that all structures to be built on the lots shall be protected by
an automatic fire sprinkler system, in a manner meeting the approval of the
Fire Chief.
(5) 6.3 Prior to the issuance of any grading permits, the applicant shall submit and
obtain approval from the Fire Chief for street improvement plans with fire
lanes shown. The plans shall indicate the locations of red curbing and
signage. A drawing of the proposed signage with the height, stroke and
color of lettering and the contrasting background color shall be submitted to
and approved by the Fire Chief.
(5) ' 6°4 Prior to the issuance of the certificate .of use and occupancy, the approved
fire lane marking plan shall be installed.
(5) 6.5 Prior to the issuance of any building permits, an Orange County Fire
Authority Water Availability Form shall be submitted to and approved by the
Plan Review Section of the Orange County Fire Authority. If sufficient water
to meet fire flow requirements is not available, an abtomatic fire
extinguishing system shall be installed in each structure, in a manner
meeting the approval of the Fire Chief.
Exhibit A
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Resolution No. 99-95
Page 13
(5) 6.6 Prior to the issuance of any building permits on those lots determined
applicable by the Fire Chief, plans. for the automatic fire sprinkler system
shall be submitted to and approved by the Fire Chief prior to installation.
This system shall be operational prior to the issuance of'a 'certificate of use
and occupancy.
(5) 6°7 Prior to the issuance of any certificates of use and occupancy, all fire
hydrants shall have a "Blue Reflective Pavement Marker' indicating its
location on the street or drive per the Orange County Fire Authority
Standard and approved by the Fire Chie~ On private property these
markers are to be maintained in good condition by the property owner.
(5) 6°8 Street Markings:
a. Prior to the issuance of any grading permits, the applicant shall
submit and obtain approval from the Fire Chief for street
improvement plans with fire lanes shown. The plans shall indicate
the locations of red curbing and signage. A drawing of the proposed
signage with the height, stroke and color of lettering and the
contrasting background color shall be submitted to and approved by
the Fire Chie~
b. Prior to the issuance of the certificate of use and occupancy the
approved fire lane marking plan shall be installed. Parking shall be
prohibited in the fire lanes.
(5) 6.9 Prior to the recordation of a subdivision map or issuance of a .building
permit, the applicant shall obtain approval of the Fire Chief for all fire
protection access easements and shall dedicate them to the City. The
building permit shall contain conditions, which prohibit obstructions within
the fire protection access easement. The approval of the Fire Chief is
required for any modifications such as speed bumps, control gates or other
changes in within said easement.
(5) 6.10 Prior to the issuance of any grading or building permits the applicant shall
submit to the Fire Chief a Fist of the quantities of all hazardous, fiammable
and combustible materials, liquids or gases. These liquids and materials
are to be classified according to the "Orange County Fire Authority
Chemical Classification Handout". The submittal shall provide a summary
sheet listing each hazard class, the total quantity of chemicals stored per
class and the total quantity of chemicals used in that class. All forms of
materials are to be converted to units of measure in pounds, gallons and
cubic feet.
Exhibit A
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(5) 6.11 Prior to the issuance of any building permits, the applicant shall contact the
Orange County Fire Authority Hazardous Materials Disclosure Office at
(714) 744-0463 to obtain a ,Hazardous'Materials Business Information and
Chemical Inventory Packet". This shall be completed and submitted to the
Fire Chief before the issuance of any building permits.
(5) 6o12 Prior to the issuance of a building permit the applicant shall submit plans for
the review and approval of the Fire Chief. The applicant shall include
information on the plans required by the Fire Chief. Contact the Orange
County Fire Authority Plans Review Section at (714) 744-0403 for the Fire
Safety Site/Architectural Notes to be placed on the plans.
7.0 FEES
(1) 7.1 Prior to issuance of any permits, payment shall be made of all required
fees, as may be in effect at the time of permit issuance, including, but not
limited to:
A. All applicable plan check and permit fees to the Community
Development Department, based on the most cdrrent schedule, as
may be amended prior to permit issuance.
B. Orange County Fire Authority plan check and inspection fees to the
Community Developn~ent Department based upon the most current
C. New development fees to the Community Development Department
in the amount of $.10 per square foot of floor area or as may be
amended prior to permit issuance.
D. Payment of the Orange County Sanitation District No. 7 Sewer
Connection Fees at the time a building permit is issued. The
current fee is $472.00 per 1000 square feet of building area plus
$10.00 per front foot of the parcel.
E. School facilities fees to the Tustin Unified School District of $.31 per
square foot of floor area, subject 'to any agreement reached and
executed between the Distdct and applicant.
F. Water connection fees to the City of Tustin.
Exhibit A
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Page 15
G. Major thoroughfare and bridge fees to the Tustin Public Works
Department in the amount of $3.03 per square foot of building area,
or as may be amended prior to permit issuance.
(5) 7.2 Within forty-eight (48) hours of approval of the subject project, the
applicant shall deliver to the Community Development Department, a
cashiers check payable to the COUNTY CLERK in the amount of $38.00
(thirty eight dollars) to enable the City to file the appropriate environmental
documentation for the project. If within such forty-eight (48) hour period
that applicant has not delivered to the Community Development
Department the above-noted check, the statute of limitations for any
interested party to challenge the environmental determination under the
provisions of the California 'Environmental Quality Act could be
significantly lengthened.
...... Pamela Stoker, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin,
California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council is
five; that the above and foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of
the City Council held on the 1st day of November, 1999, by the following vote:
COUNCILMEMBER AYES: Worley, Thomas, Doyle, Potts, Saltarelli
~_..eJaStoker, City Clerk