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14 MID YEAR BUDGET 02-17-04
A G END A REPORT Agenda Item 14 Reviewed: ~ City Manager Finance Director MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 17, 2004 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL FROM: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER MID-YEAR BUDGET REVIEW SUBJECT: RECOMMENDATION That the City Council approve the recommendations set forth in the attached report from the Director of Finance. DISCUSSION The report from the Director of Finance discusses the trends affecting the current fiscal year budget and projected revenues and expenses through June 30, 2004 for all funds. Particular attention is paid to the General Fund since it is the City's major operating fund. As indicated in the report, it is projected that General Fund expenditures will be within the authorized budget and revenue will be approximately one-half percent less than budgeted. Through a combination of expenditure savings and increases in projected sales tax and property tax revenue, the loss of $1.2 million in Motor Vehicle In-Lieu Fees (VLF) can be absorbed without affecting the 15% reserve policy. However, it is important to keep in mind that the City Council approved General Fund budget was balanced through the use of approximately one percent of reserves in excess of the 15% amount. The mid- year projections rely upon the continued use of approximately one percent of General Fund reserves (in excess of the 15% reserve). Per prior City Council direction, resources in excess of the 15% reserve are retained in order to provide greater flexibility to deal with the potential of additional State takeaways of local government income. Per City Council direction at its February 2, 2004 meeting staff will continue to carefully monitor the budget and prepare for the City Council's consideration a strategy for dealing with possible further State-imposed revenue reductions when that information becomes available. As a practical matter, the March 2004 vote on Propositions 57 and 58 will set the course for what happens next. AGENDA REPORT Agenda Item 14 Reviewed: £ City Manager Finance Director . MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 17, 2004 FROM: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER RONALD A. NAULT, FINANCE DIRECTOR TO: SUBJECT: FY 2003-04 MID YEAR BUDGET REVIEW SUMMARY: What follows is a review of the City's first six months of operations under the adopted FY 2003-04 Budget, with projected revenues and expenditures through year end. Although the City might realize a significant shortfall in the Motor Vehicle In Lieu Fee revenue driven by the State's Budget crisis, proactive management actions per City Council direction have substantially balanced the budget for the remainder of the year and the City Council's reserve policy will be met. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the following adjustments to the authorized FY 2003-04 Budget: a. Approve a supplemental appropriation of $150,000 from the Unappropriated Reserve of the Water Capital Projects Fund for Prospect Avenue Water Main Replacement Project, CIP No. 6151. The increase is required to cover the increased construction costs for this pipeline replacement project; b. Approve a supplemental appropriation of $35,000 from the Unappropriated Reserve of the Water Capital Projects Fund for the Columbus Tustin Well Electrical Panel Replacement Project, CIP No. 6152. The increase is required to cover the increased scope of work for this electrical panel and control equipment replacement project; c. Approve a supplemental appropriation of $250,000 from the Unappropriated Reserve of the Gas Tax Fund for Jamboree Median Barrier Installation, CIP No. 7162. The increase will cover the construction contract bid price received, construction contingencies, and construction management including testing, inspection and oversight. d. Approve a supplemental appropriation of $1,000,000 from the unappropriated reserves of the General Fund to transfer to the Liability Fund. DISCUSSION: The attached Mid Year Budget Review analysis follows the same format as the adopted FY 2003-04 Budget. Each department has reviewed its areas of responsibility and has provided the projections that are presented in this report. The FY 2003-04 Current Budget column reflects all supplemental appropriations approved by the City Council as well as prior period encumbrances carried forward and the current recommendations made by the City Manager that are a result of this review process. General Fund The beginning Fund Balances that appear on Page 1 of the report reflect the audited balances as of June 30, 2003. The General Fund balance in this report is significantly greater than the estimated balance that we used at the time this budget was prepared. This change resulted as actual expenditures recorded at year end were less than we estimated in early 2003 and we experienced a very good fourth quarter for sales tax revenue; auto sales remained remarkably strong. There were also increased transfers from the Redevelopment Agency and the Water Enterprise driven by significant capital improvements under construction during the year that required a material amount of General Fund staff time to manage and administer. We do not expect that we will realize the same level of effort in these funds during the next couple of fiscal years. 2003-04 Revenues Projected General Fund Revenues for the FY 2003-04 are $34,202,498. This is $172,000 less than the adopted budget estimate of $34,374,779. While the State will be keeping approximately $1.2 million of our Motor Vehicle In Lieu fees, we will make up some of that loss from increased income from Tustin Legacy development fees, $320,000; increased cost recovery from Water and the Redevelopment Agency, $264,000; increased sales tax collections of $230,000; a modest increase in property tax collections of $112,000; increased fines and forfeitures of $193,000; and $255,000 from various other sources. It appears that the significant increase in developer fees is due to prepayment of certain fees and permits. While it appears that the State has exacted its pound and a half of flesh from local government for this fiscal year, we are still conscious about the proposed bond measure on the March 2nd ballot. It is unclear at this time what will happen if the bond measure fails. If it does pass we will adjust the 2004-05 Budget to reflect the one-quarter cent "flip" in sales tax that will be effective July 1, 2004 to provide the dedicated revenue stream the State will need to support the debt service on the new bonds. Our expectation is that the State will "flip" it back to us in an equal amount of property tax at the end of 2005, but it remains to be seen if they will have enough money by then. 2 2003-04 Expenditures Projected General Fund Expenditures of $35,475,701 include the $1 million transfer to the Liability Fund listed in the Recommendation section of this report. Without the new transfer, total expenditures are projected to be $34,475,701. This is just slightly less than one percent of the adopted budget. We will closely monitor both revenues and expenditures for the balance of the year and will report to the City Council any material changes to these projected numbers. On average, departments are projecting a two percent salary savings across the board for the current year. We have been within three to five percent of budgeted expenditures for over ten years. The projections contained in this report reflect the City Manager's direction regarding a soft hiring freeze for all positions. Salary and benefit savings from every department make up the majority of the projected savings. Vacant positions existed for various periods during the year in Planning, Public Works, Police, and Parks and Recreation Services. Capital Projects Fund The Fund Balance for the Capital Projects Fund at year-end is projected to be $9,567,506. Construction in Progress for current appropriations is $4,960,284. This amount is what will be spent on capital projects by the end of FY 2003-04. The reserved but undesignated amount is $4,607,222. The undesignated reserve is meant to address future projects detailed in the Seven Year Capital Improvement Plan. Alternative funding resources will need to be secured in order to meet the goals of the plan. The City is also required to meet current Maintenance of Effort expenditures for Measure M Turnback allocations. Community Development Block Grants Projected CDBG revenues for FY 2003-04 are $1,822,623. The actual figures for 2002-03 were $794,902. The nature of the ongoing CDBG programs may result in the skewing of expenditures from year to year. Some years will have much greater activity in capital improvements as funds have been accumulated for major projects. Measure M Funds Measure M Funds include both the annual Turnback Revenues and Competitive Funds. These two funds are projected to have $3.1 million in estimated capital improvement expenditures. The two major projects are Irvine/Newport and Red Hill widening at 1-5 freeway. Park Development Fund The Park Development Fund Balance at 6-30-04 is projected to be $4,458,839. The major parks projects budgeted for this year are the Pioneer Road Park and the Columbus Tustin ball field improvements. 3 Water Enterprise The projected Water Enterprise Operating Fund balance is $1,487,683. Water Capital Improvements have focused on improvements to the distribution system with several projects currently underway. The projected Capital Projects Fund reserves of $6,466,596 will provide sufficient resources to the Enterprise Fund to complete several major projects in the Water Capital Improvement Plan. The Enterprise Fund has adequate operating reserves and its capital reserves are sufficient to complete the projects as presented in the current capital improvement budget. Staff will conduct a complete review of water rates and financing options during the FY 2003-04 Budget year and will bring recommendations to the City Council in the spring of FY 2003-04. Risk Management Fund The City is a member of the California Insurance Pool Authority, a risk sharing pool made up of twelve Orange County cities. The Authority has established a minimum liability reserve policy of three times each city's self-insured retention ($750,000 for Tustin). This policy was established based on actuarial analysis, underwriter input and fiscal modeling. The Risk Management Fund as represented in this report is a summary of the Liability, Workers' Compensation and Unemployment Funds. The City is self insured for the first $250,000 of each liability claim (this is referred to as a self insured retention) and the first $400,000 of each Workers' Compensation claim. The City is fully self-insured for all unemployment claims. While the Workers' Compensation and Unemployment Funds have generally carried adequate reserves, the City's Liability Fund has required additional transfers over the past years to maintain sufficient reserves. To meet reserve requirements, the recommendations include a $1,000,000 transfer from the General Fund to the Liability Fund. Conclusion The overall financial condition of the City is currently healthy given the constraints and future uncertainties faced by the City. Reserve policies for the General Fund are being met. We are aware of the current economic conditions which have significantly impacted the City's sales tax income. We are also monitoring the State budget process, as we expect that there will be some additional impact on cities but at this time we do not know exactly what and how much. We are recommending that all excess reserves be maintained in the General Fund to be considered available to help balance the 2004-05 Budget. While many economists are suggesting that we are in a strong recovery phase of the recent recession, we have to take into consideration the loss of key sales tax producers leaving the City such as IKEA, Fisher Scientific and Kids R Us. At this time staff is optimistic that we can present a balanced budget to the City Council through the use of available resources and proper management of reserves through the budget process. 4 These issues will be considered as we prepare the FY 2004-05 Budget. We will prioritize the City's goals and objectives based on City Council policy direction as well as potential actions by the State that could have a negative impact on the City's financial condition in the future. R~~WJ~ ~~~ Finance Director Senior Management Analyst Attachment B U DG&CAF R: M idY ea rReviewS taffReportF e bruary2004 .doc 5 City of Tustin Mid-Year Budget Review Fiscal Year 03-04 February 17, 2004 Prepared by the Finance Department City of Tustin City Council Tony Kawashima, Mayor Lou Bone, Mayor Pro Tern Tracy Worley Hagen, Councilmember Jeffery M. Thomas, Council member Doug Davert, Councilmember George W. Jeffries, City Treasurer Pamela Stoker, City Clerk Lois E. Jeffrey, City Attorney Management Staff William A. Huston, City Manager Christine A. Shingleton, Assistant City Manager Elizabeth A. Binsack, Director of Community Development Steve Foster, Chief of Police Arlene Marks, Director of Human Resources Ronald A. Nault, Director of Finance Patrick Sanchez, Director of Parks and Recreation Services Tim D. Serlet, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Table of Contents Fund Balance Projections Page 1 Revenue Summaries 2-3 Expenditure Summaries Department Expenses Legislation Administration Community Development Public Works Police/Fire Parks & Recreation Non-Departmental / Total Funds 02 Thru 16 Tustin Legacy Enterprise CDBG Special Districts Redevelopment Agency Water Services Other 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12-14 15 16-18 18-20 20-23 23-26 27 -28 CIP Summary by Project 29-33 City of Tustin FY 03-04 Mid Year Budget Review Year End Projected Fund Balance As proposed for Mid-Year 2/17/2004 Fund 03104 Actual Bal 06/30102 Description 01 General Fund 02 Capital Projects Fund-CIP 03 SCAQMD 04 Asset Forfeiture 05 Public Safety Augmentation 08 Measure M-Competitive 09 Measure M Turnback 10 Gas Tax 11 Park Development 16 Supplemental Law Enforcement 17 Marine Base Closure 18 Tustin Legacy 2x CDBG 30 95-1 Construction 41 Tustin LLD 42 Tustin SLD 51 South Central Debt Svs 52 South Central RDA 53 South Central Set Aside 54 Marine Base Debt Service 55 Marine Base RDA 56 Marine Base Set Aside 57 Town Center Debt Service 58 Town Center RDA 59 Town Center Set Aside 70 Water Utility Fund 73 Water CIP 81 Workers Compensation 82 Liability 83 Unemployment 84 Replacement Fund 8,264,147 11,902,533 256,202 19,044 (289) (875,360) 2,872,317 2,591,242 6,128,257 20,806 (246,389) 189,400,840 0 4,199,571 267,847 2,237,361 8,260,904 9,419,832 4,825,198 (245,349) (728,559) 0 5,030,494 1,793,747 3,415,879 1,181,053 8,194,589 1,140,031 32,658 329,601 2,617,451 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 272,305,657 Fund Balance 02/03 Actual Revenues 36,355,787 2,566,433 82,877 2,591 238,947 1,454,383 1,010,983 1,558,278 177,261 214,015 588,507 6,401,675 794,902 39,847 448,943 511,907 2,200,099 334,269 755,693 0 0 0 2,441,869 18,483 763,147 8,800,171 195,480 640,499 2,152,127 0 786,275 71,535,447 02/03 Actual Expenditure 35,530,867 2,902,451 81,672 0 238,658 579,023 1,013,551 875,223 1,269,269 167,241 11,358 7,280,294 794,902 30 450,229 555,174 978,506 8,846,261 166,863 39,450 99,996 0 1,912,968 243,406 59,884 8,421,727 1,250,473 986,116 1,139,123 34,994 737,091 02/03 Actual Bal 06/30103 9,089,067 11,566,515 257,407 21,635 0 0 2,869,749 3,274,297 5,036,249 67,580 330,760 188,522,220 0 4,239,388 266,561 2,194,094 9,482,497 907,840 5,414,028 (284,799) (828,555) 0 5,559,396 1,568,824 4,119,142 1,559,497 7,139,596 794,414 1,045,662 294,607 2,666,635 76,666,800 267,174,304 03/04 Projected Revenues 34,202,498 3,590,389 75,000 10,500 230,700 1,876,620 1,023,468 1,342,500 2,488,993 183,554 0 163,282 1,822,623 28,316 451,000 512,000 2,378,500 1,277,039 783,165 0 0 0 2,599,999 20,000 752,621 8,976,666 200,000 736,479 1,270,616 0 763,024 67,759,552 03/04 Projected Expenditure 35,475,701 5,589,398 256,202 0 230,000 1,876,620 2,187,875 1,725,972 3,066,403 46,781 0 2,439,662 1,822,623 40,000 478,000 242,000 217,526 847,842 134,390 21,000 32,663 0 1,987,008 875,869 1,479,980 9,048,480 873,000 472,457 925,500 5,000 1,030,000 73,427,952 03/04 Proj Bal 06/30/04 7,815,864 9,567,506 76,205 32,135 700 0 1,705,342 2,890,825 4,458,839 204,353 330,760 186,245,840 o 4,227,704 239,561 2,464,094 11,643,471 1,337,037 6,062,803 (305,799) (861,218) 0 6,172,387 712,955 3,391,783 1,487,683 6,466,596 1,058,436 1,390,778 289,607 2,399.659 261,505,904 City of Tustin FY 03-04 Mid Year Budget Review Revenue Summary 01/02 02/03 03/04 Year-End Year-End Year-End (By Fund) Actual Actual Cur Bud Projection Variance Percent 01 General Fund 33,937,709 36,355,787 34,374,779 34,202,498 (172,281) 99.5% 02 Capital Projects Fund-CIP 2,376,652 2,566,433 7,728,352 3,590,389 (4,137,963) 46.5% 03 SCAQMD 116,789 82,877 75,000 75,000 0 100.0% 04 Asset Forfeiture 13,853 2,591 10,500 10,500 0 100.0% 05 Public Safety Augmentation 237,887 238,947 230,700 230,700 0 100.0% 08 Measure M-Competitive 2,845,508 1,454,383 14,111,130 1,876,620 (12,234,510) 13.3% 09 Measure M Turnback 1,047,601 1,010,983 1,023,468 1,023,468 0 100.0% 10 Gas Tax 1,655,482 1,558,278 1,342,500 1,342,500 0 100.0% 11 Park Development 365,175 177,261 944,500 2,488,993 1,544,493 263.5% 16 Supplemental Law Enforcement 233,684 214,015 2,000 183,554 181,554 9177.7% 17 Marine Base Closure 432,787 588,507 0 0 0 18 Tustin Legacy 0 6,401,675 0 163,282 163,282 2x CDBG 617,732 794,902 1,822,623 1,822,623 0 100.0% 30 95.1 Construction 111,333 39,847 75,000 28,316 (46,684) 37.8% 41 Tustin LLD 437,968 448,943 451,000 451,000 0 100.0% 42 Tustin SLD 512,593 511,907 512,000 512,000 0 100.0% 51 South Central Debt Svs 2,517,537 2,200,099 2,378,500 2,378,500 0 100.0% 52 South Central RDA 556,046 334,269 1,277,039 1,277,039 0 100.0% 53 South Central Set Aside 914,542 755,693 744,000 783,165 39,165 105.3% 54 Marine Base Debt Service 0 0 0 0 0 55 Marine Base RDA 33,227 0 0 0 0 56 Marine Base Set Aside 0 0 0 0 0 57 Town Center Debt Service 2,608,386 2,441,869 2,599,999 2,599,999 0 100.0% 58 Town Center RDA 53,691 18,483 20,000 20,000 0 100.0% 59 Town Center Set Aside 896,049 763,147 737,621 752,621 15,000 102.0% 70 Water Utility Fund 9,204,964 8,800,171 8,976,500 8,976,666 166 100.0% 73 Water CIP 1,519,273 195,480 200,000 200,000 0 100.0% 81 Workers Compensation 614,201 640,499 736,479 736,479 0 100.0% 82 Liability 1,587,621 2,152,127 262,000 1,270,616 1,008,616 485.0% 83 Unemployment 0 0 0 0 0 84 Replacement Fund 589,312 786,275 763,024 763,024 0 100.0% TOTAL ALL FUNDS 66,037,602 71,535,447 81,398,714 67,759,552 (13,639,162) 83.2% 2 Revenue Summaries City of Tustin FY 03-04 Mid Year Budget Review Revenue Summary 01/02 02/03 03/04 Year-End Year-End Year-End (By Fund) Actual Actual Cur Bud Projection Variance Percent 01 General Fund Property Taxes 5,285,912 5,502,878 5,769,021 5,880,500 111,479 101.9% Property Tax Fee - Orange 4,526 0 0 4,617 4,617 Property Tax Fee - Orange 6,089 6,211 0 0 0 Franchise Fees 1,380,497 1,344,935 1,334,800 1,334,800 0 100.0% Sales and Use Tax 15,550,563 18,133,142 17,170,000 17,400,000 230,000 101.3% Transient Occupancy Tax 144,186 147,366 145,000 145,000 0 100.0% Business License Fees 273,490 292,331 260,000 260,000 0 100,0% Real Property Transfer Tax 356,878 545,481 360,000 360,000 0 100,0% New Construction Tax 8,012 26,388 132,000 85,000 (47,000) 64.4% Building Permits-E. Tustin 220,687 38,747 15,000 20,000 5,000 133.3% Plan Check Fees-E, Tustin 98,495 17,358 8,000 10,000 2,000 125.0% New Construction Tax-E, Tustin 15,400 0 0 0 0 Licenses and Permits 387,975 524,729 965,000 1,284,500 319,500 133.1% Fines and Forfeitures 780,929 706,679 571,000 764,000 193,000 133.8% Interest Income 90,885 45,737 100,000 150,000 50,000 150.0% Use of property 68,021 67,197 61,800 60,800 (1,000) 98.4% Motor Vehicle In-Lieu Fees 3,856,888 3,983,302 3,800,000 2,600,000 (1,200,000) 68.4% Revenue from Other Agencies 342,241 173,087 316,500 110,009 (206,491) 34.8% State Grants 105,435 63,512 40,000 6,973 (33,027) 17.4% County Grants 104,012 46,926 0 5,980 5,980 Federal Grants 14,839 0 0 0 0 Sports Fees 301,888 277,008 332,870 293,588 (39,282) 88.2% Class Fees 359,759 385,759 345,000 345,000 0 100.0% Other Recreation Fees 166,948 133,418 150,288 132,000 (18,288) 87.8% Current Service Charges 166,710 214,738 151,000 215,000 64,000 142.4% Transfers In from Other Funds 3,473,567 3,270,763 2,175,000 2,438,500 263,500 112.1% All Other Sources 372,876 408,095 172,500 296,231 123,731 171.7% 01 General Fund Total 33,937,709 36,355,787 34,374,779 34,202,498 (172,281) 99.5% 3 Revenue Summaries City of Tustin FY 03-04 Mid Year Budget Review Expenditure Summary 01/02 02/03 03/04 Year-End Year-End Year-End (By Fund) Actual Actual Cur Bud Projection Variance Percent 01 General Fund Legislation 802,111 918,459 801,460 778,379 23,081 97.1% Administration 2,587,895 2,409,913 2,626,890 2,338,559 288,331 89.0% Community Development 1,586,672 1,574,446 1,736,023 1,719,791 16,232 99.1% Public Works 6,251,436 6,894,356 6,996,150 6,922,916 73,234 99.0% Police Services 13,087,006 13,377,392 15,423,644 15,401,398 22,246 99.9% Fire Services 3,987,630 4,127,197 4,271,650 4,271,650 0 100.0% Parks and Recreation 2,176,669 2,314,821 2,325,989 2,394,173 (68,184) 102.9% Non-Departmental, Other 2,395,844 3,914,282 583,812 1,648,835 (1,065,023) 282.4% 01 General Fund 32,875,262 35,530,867 34,765,618 35,475,701 (710,083) 102.0% 02 Capital Projects Fund-CIP 2,880,524 2,902,451 10,842,707 5,589,398 5,253,309 51.5% 03 SCAQMD 0 81,672 0 256,202 (256,202) 04 Asset Forfeiture 260 0 0 0 0 05 Public Safety Augmentation 346,655 238,658 230,000 230,000 0 100.0% 08 Measure M.Competitive 1,716,099 579,023 14,111,130 1,876,620 12,234,510 13.3% 09 Measure M Turnback 659,236 1,013,551 3,724,899 2,187,875 1,537,024 58.7% 10 Gas Tax 3,928,512 875,223 3,966,074 1,725,972 2,240,102 43.5% 11 Park Development 108,291 1,269,269 3,982,158 3,066,403 915,755 77.0% 16 Supplemental Law Enforcement 221,382 167,241 0 46,781 (46,781) 17 Marine Base Closure 679,175 11,358 0 o 0 18 Tustin Legacy 0 7,280,294 2,189,364 2,439,662 (250,298) 111.4% 2x CDBG 617,732 794,902 1,822,623 1,822,623 0 100.0% 30 95.1 Construction 0 30 399,970 40,000 359,970 10.0% 41 Tustin LLD 447,991 450,229 500,600 478,000 22,600 95.5% 42 Tustin SLD 1,098,624 555,174 417,000 242,000 175,000 58.0% 51 South Central Debt Svs 298,224 978,506 185,651 217,526 (31,875) 117.2% 52 South Central RDA 602,869 8,846,261 10,094,201 847,842 9,246,359 8.4% 53 South Central Set Aside 73,422 166,863 167,402 134,390 33,012 80.3% 54 Marine Base Debt Service 103,244 39,450 0 21,000 (21,000) 55 Marine Base RDA 367,043 99,996 64,487 32,663 31,824 50.7% 56 Marine Base Set Aside (147) 0 0 ° 0 57 Town Center Debt Service 2,101,015 1,912,968 1,933,883 1,987,008 (53,125) 102.7% 58 Town Center RDA 622,964 243,406 893,648 875,869 17,779 98.0% 59 Town Center Set Aside 24,878 59,884 1,499,738 1,479,980 19,758 98.7% 70 Water Fund 10,311,271 8,422,297 9,789,466 9,048,480 740,986 92.4% 73 Water CIP 5,911,299 1,250,473 6,681,559 873,000 5,808,559 13.1% 81 Workers Compensation 528,557 986,116 460,248 472,457 (12,209) 102.7% 82 Liability 2,603,738 1,139,123 755,500 925,500 (170,000) 122.5% 83 Unemployment 10,884 34,994 5,000 5,000 0 100.0% 84 Replacement Fund 526,849 737,091 1,030,000 1,030,000 0 100.0% 95 Gen'l Fixed Assets Account 0 52,137,855 0 0 0 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 69,665,853 128,805,225 110,512,926 73,427,952 37,084,974 66.4% Expenditure Summaries 4 City of Tustin FY 03-04 Mid Year Budget Review Expenditure Summary (By Fund) 01/02 Actual 02/03 Actual 03/04 Cur Bud Year-End Projection Year-End Variance Year-End Percent Legislation 01-101 Thru 01-103 City Council Personnel 94,982 108,873 120,668 114,283 6,385 94.7% Operations 29,039 33,730 36,630 36,630 0 100.0% Capital 0 0 0 0 0 01-101 124,021 142,603 157,298 150,913 6,385 95.9% City Clerk Personnel 287,979 266,173 292,012 259,574 32,438 88.9% Operations 45,537 114,346 46,650 58,088 (11,438) 124.5% Capital 45,664 21,180 0 4,304 (4,304) 01-102 379,180 401,700 338,662 321,966 16,696 95.1% City Attorney Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 298,909 374,156 305,500 305,500 0 100.0% Capital 0 0 0 0 0 01-103 298,909 374,156 305,500 305,500 0 100.0% TOTAL Personnel 382,961 375,046 412,680 373,857 38,823 90.6% Operations 373,486 522,232 388,780 400,218 (11,438) 102.9% Capital 45,664 21,180 0 4,304 (4,304) Legislation Total: 802,111 918,459 801,460 778,379 23,081 97.1% Expenditure Summaries 5 City of Tustin FY 03-04 Mid Year Budget Review Expenditure Summary 01/02 02/03 03/04 Year-End Year-End Year-End (By Fund) Actual Actual Cur Bud Projection Variance Percent Administration 01-201 Thru 01-204 City Manager Personnel 429,164 430,789 494,648 304,430 190,218 61.5% Operations 30,412 24,030 39,822 36,102 3,720 90.7% Capital 6,826 252 1,500 1,500 0 100.0% 01-201 466,403 455,071 535,970 342,032 193,938 63.8% Finance Personnel 642,508 656,563 668,838 649,929 18,909 97.2% Operations 239,641 161,778 139,000 86,588 52,412 62.3% Capital 20,000 0 0 0 0 01.202 902,150 818,341 807,838 736,517 71,321 91.2% Human Resources Personnel 395,576 348,162 387,873 383,960 3,913 99.0% Operations 132,588 126,158 156,700 139,000 17,700 88.7% Capital 5,231 0 0 ° 0 01-203 533,396 474,320 544,573 522,960 21,613 96.0% Information Technology Personnel 316,741 408,414 443,609 362,150 81,459 81.6% Operations 136,607 96,867 104,400 184,400 (80,000) 176.6% Capital 232,599 156,900 190,500 190,500 0 100.0% 01-204 685,947 662,182 738,509 737,050 1,459 99.8% TOTAL Personnel 1,783,990 1,843,928 1,994,968 1,700,469 294,499 85.2% Operations 539,249 408,833 439,922 446,090 (6,168) 101.4% Capital 264,656 157,152 192,000 192,000 0 100.0% Administration Total: 2,587,895 2,409,913 2,626,890 2,338,559 288,331 89.0% Expenditure Summaries 6 City of Tustin FY 03-04 Mid Year Budget Review Expenditure Summary 01i02 02/03 03/04 Year-End Year-End Year-End (By Fund) Actual Actual Cur Bud Projection Variance Percent Community Development 01-301 Thru 01-302 Planning Personnel 859,620 868,569 729,728 834,829 (105,101) 114.4% Operations 79,983 83,027 92,365 93,582 (1,217) 101.3% Capital 0 0 6,500 6,500 0 100.0% 01.301 939,603 951,596 828,593 934,911 (106,318) 112.8% Building Personnel 515,895 544,487 744,063 621,513 122,550 83.5% Operations 129,689 78,363 162,367 162,367 0 100.0% Capital 1,485 0 1,000 1,000 0 100.0% 01.302 647,069 622,851 907,430 784,880 122,550 86.5% TOTAL Personnel 1,375,515 1,413,056 1,473,791 1,456,342 17,449 98.8% Operations 209,671 161,391 254,732 255,949 (1,217) 100.5% Capital 1,485 0 7,500 7,500 0 100.0% Community Development Total: 1,586,672 1,574,446 1,736,023 1,719,791 16,232 99.1% Expenditure Summaries 7 City of Tustin FY 03-04 Mid Year Budget Review Expenditure Summary 01/02 02/03 03/04 Year-End Year-End Year-End (By Fund) Actual Actual Cur Bud Projection Variance Percent Public Works 01.401 Thru 01-410 Administration Personnel 291,082 313,380 322,054 320,685 1,369 99.6% Operations 189,265 122,235 180,666 219,157 (38,491) 121.3% Capital 9,222 0 0 0 0 01-401 489,568 435,616 502,720 539,842 (37,122) 107.4% Engineering Personnel 746,958 832,093 866,424 869,625 (3,201) 100.4% Operations 1,225,391 1,439,153 1,333,875 1,327,075 6,800 99.5% Capital 0 0 0 0 0 01-402 1,972,349 2,271,246 2,200,299 2,196,700 3,599 99.8% Streets Personnel 381,039 451,159 376,050 353,111 22,939 93.9% Operations 155,052 198,139 122,444 120,368 2,076 98.3% Capital 9,117 7,829 800 800 0 100.0% 01-403 545,208 657,127 499,294 474,279 25,015 95.0% Landscape Personnel 870,613 959,674 1,001,049 987,771 13,278 98.7% Operations 805,943 866,093 905,493 885,050 20,443 97.7% Capital 80,471 71,032 55,190 55,190 0 100.0% 01-404 1,757,027 1,896,798 1,961,732 1,928,011 33,721 98.3% Vehicles Personnel 342,074 354,568 459,580 431,395 28,185 93.9% Operations 223,156 272,916 354,259 349,155 5,104 98.6% Capital 4,415 4,497 0 0 0 01-406 569,645 631,980 813,839 780,550 33,289 95.9% Facilities Personnel 148,763 197,645 204,358 206,606 (2,248) 101.1% Operations 680,771 742,732 751,603 735,603 16,000 97.9% Capital 28,953 59 0 0 0 01.407 858,486 940,436 955,961 942,209 13,752 98.6% Emergency Services Personnel 49,751 52,032 53,055 53,580 (525) 101.0% Operations 9,401 9,121 9,250 7,745 1,505 83.7% Capital 0 0 0 0 0 01-410 59,152 61,153 62,305 61,325 980 98.4% TOTAL Personnel 2,830,363 3,160,633 3,282,652 3,222,773 59,879 98.2% Operations 3,289,060 3,650,471 3,657,672 3,644,153 13,519 99.6% Capital 132,260 83,499 56,072 55,990 82 99.9% Public Works Total: 6,251,436 6,894,356 6,996,150 6,922,916 73,234 99.0% Expenditure Summaries 8 City of Tustin FY 03-04 Mid Year Budget Review Expenditure Summary 01/02 02/03 03/04 Year-End Year-End Year-End (By Fund) Actual Actual Cur Bud Projection Variance Percent Police 01.501 Thru 01.504 Administration Personnel 545,060 584,572 644,644 810,968 (166,324) 125.8% Operations 43,780 60,520 76,588 75,088 1,500 98.0% Capital 0 0 0 ° 0 01.501 588,839 645,092 721,232 886,056 (164,824) 122.9% Patrol Personnel 6,127,760 5,721,550 7,600,206 7,099,312 500,894 93.4% Operations 593,416 581,894 1,025,260 1,024,931 329 100.0% Capital 182,454 25,746 31,230 31,230 0 100.0% 01-502 6,903,631 6,329,190 8,656,696 8,155,473 501,223 94.2% Investigative Services Personnel 1,927,992 2,813,335 2,552,019 3,312,234 (760,215) 129.8% Operations 695,275 671,859 289,395 277,094 12,301 95.7% Capital 31,193 11,394 0 o 0 01.503 2,654,460 3,496,588 2,841,414 3,589,328 (747,914) 126.3% Administrative Services Personnel 2,551,352 2,509,446 2,793,878 2,360,117 433,761 84.5% Operations 388,724 397,076 410,424 410,424 0 100.0% Capital 0 0 0 ° 0 01.504 2,940,076 2,906,522 3,204,302 2,770,541 433,761 86.5% TOTAL Personnel 11,152,164 11,628,904 13,590,747 13,582,631 8,116 99.9% Operations 1,721,195 1,711,349 1,801,667 1,787,537 14,130 99.2% Capital 213,647 37,140 31,230 31,230 0 100.0% Police Department Total: 13,087,006 13,377,392 15,423,644 15,401,398 22,246 99.9% Fire Services 01.550 Personnel 0 0 0 ° 0 Operations 3,987,630 4,127,197 4,271,650 4,271,650 0 100.0% Capital 0 0 0 ° 0 Fire Services Total: 3,987,630 4,127,197 4,271,650 4,271,650 o 100.0% Expenditure Summaries 9 City of Tustin FY 03.04 Mid Year Budget Review Expenditure Summary 01/02 02/03 03/04 Year-End Year-End Year-End (By Fund) Actual Actual Cur Bud Projection Variance Percent Parks & Recreation Services 01-701 Thru 01.707 Administration Personnel 277,707 299,695 307,136 302,640 4,496 98.5% Operations 45,832 48,834 58,698 48,338 10,360 82.4% Capital 3,980 431 4,000 500 3,500 12.5% 01.701 327,518 348,961 369,834 351,478 18,356 95.0% Sports Personnel 383,844 384,357 430,994 413,235 17,759 95.9% Operations 212,740 228,560 268,729 268,729 0 100.0% Capital 7,450 8,304 6,750 6,750 0 100.0% 01.702 604,034 621,220 706,473 688,714 17,759 97.5% Classes/Cultural Services Personnel 122,046 165,859 139,465 156,639 (17,174) 112.3% Operations 279,668 334,865 284,084 289,634 (5,550) 102.0% Capital 0 35,400 17,000 17,000 0 100.0% 01-703 401,715 536,123 440,549 463,273 (22,724) 105.2% Senior Citizens Personnel 178,538 140,412 168,743 169,343 (600) 100.4% Operations 175,028 119,203 115,528 111,342 4,186 96.4% Capital 0 0 6,950 11,450 (4,500) 164.7% 01.705 353,565 259,615 291,221 292,135 (914) 100.3% Support Services Personnel 232,419 256,272 269,629 263,130 6,499 97.6% Operations 6,468 5,414 7,769 7,769 0 100.0% Capital 2,778 3,300 4,000 4,000 0 100.0% 01.706 241,665 264,986 281,398 274,899 6,499 97.7% Tustin Youth Center Personnel 151,335 197,899 139,820 231,480 (91,660) 165.6% Operations 96,040 85,685 94,494 89,994 4,500 95.2% Capital 796 332 2,200 2,200 0 100.0% 01-707 248,171 283,916 236,514 323,674 (87,160) 136.9% TOTAL Personnel 1,345,890 1,444,494 1,455,787 1,536,467 (80,680) 105.5% Operations 815,776 822,561 829,302 815,806 13,496 98.4% Capital 15,004 47,766 40,900 41,900 (1,000) 102.4% Parks & Recreation Total: 2,176,669 2,314,821 2,325,989 2,394,173 (68,184) 102.9% Expenditure Summaries 10 City of Tustin FY 03-04 Mid Year Budget Review Expenditure Summary 01/02 02/03 03/04 Year-End Year-End Year-End (By Fund) Actual Actual Cur Bud Projection Variance Percent Non-Departmental 01-801 Personnel 67,972 71,569 70,000 136,479 (66,479) 195.0% Operations 2,188,373 3,787,176 513,812 1,512,356 (998,544) 294.3% Capital 140,242 55,537 0 o 0 Non-Departmental Total: 2,396,586 3,914,282 583,812 1,648,835 (1,065,023) 282.4% Personnel (373) 0 0 ° 0 Operations (370) 0 0 ° 0 Capital 0 0 0 ° 0 MiSe Total: (743) ° o ° ° TOTAL Personnel 18,938,481 19,937,629 22,280,625 22,009,018 271,607 98.8% Operations 13,124,069 15,191,209 12,157,537 13,133,759 (976,222) 108.0% Capital 812,958 402,274 327,702 332,924 (5,222) 101.6% 01 General Fund Total: 32,875,262 35,530,867 34,765,618 35,475,701 (710,083) 102.0% Expenditure Summaries 11 City of Tustin FY 03-04 Mid Year Budget Review Expenditure Summary 01/02 02/03 03/04 Year-End Year-End Year-End (By Fund) Actual Actual Cur Bud Projection Variance Percent Capital Improvement Projects 02-801 Thru 02-999 CIP Non-Departmental Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 343,436 343,249 341,453 629,114 (287,661) 184.2% Capital 0 0 0 0 0 02.801 343,436 343,249 341,453 629,114 (287,661) 184.2% CIP,CIP Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 305,040 606,404 0 0 0 Capital 2,232,049 1,952,797 10,501,254 4,960,284 5,540,970 47.2% 02.999 2,537,089 2,559,202 10,501,254 4,960,284 5,540,970 47.2% TOTAL Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 648,476 949,653 341,453 629,114 (287,661) 184.2% Capital 2,232,049 1,952,797 10,501,254 4,960,284 5,540,970 47.2% 02 CIP Total: 2,880,524 2,902,451 10,842,707 5,589,398 5,253,309 51.5% SCAQMD 03.999 SCAQMD, Non.Departmental Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 0 32,783 0 256,202 (256,202) Capital 0 0 0 0 0 03-801 0 32,783 0 256,202 (256,202) SCAQMD, CIP Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 0 0 0 0 0 Capital 0 48,889 0 0 0 03.999 0 48,889 0 0 0 TOTAL Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 0 32,783 0 256,202 (256,202) Capital 0 48,889 0 0 0 03 SCAQMD Total: 0 81,672 0 256,202 (256,202) Expenditure Summaries 12 City of Tustin FY 03-04 Mid Year Budget Review Expenditure Summary 01/02 02/03 03/04 Year-End Year-End Year-End (By Fund) Actual Actual Cur Bud Projection Variance Percent Asset Forfeit, Non-Dept 04-801 TOTAL Personnel 0 0 0 ° 0 Operations 0 O. 0 ° 0 Capital 260 0 0 ° 0 04 Asset Forfeit Total: 260 0 0 ° ° Public Safety, Non-Dept 05-801 TOTAL Personnel 0 0 0 ° 0 Operations 346,655 238,658 230,000 230,000 0 100.0% Capital 0 0 0 ° 0 05 Publ Safety Fund Total: 346,655 238,658 230,000 230,000 o 100.0% Measure M-Comp, CIP 08.999 TOTAL Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 0 0 0 ° 0 Capital 1,716,099 579,023 14,111,130 1,876,620 12,234,510 13.3% 08 Meas M-C Total: 1,716,099 579,023 14,111,130 1,876,620 12,234,510 13.3% Measure M-T, CIP 09-801 Thru 09.999 Meas M.T, Non-Dept Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 100.0% Capital 0 0 0 0 0 09-801 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 100.0% Meas M.T, CIP Personnel 0 0 0 ° 0 Operations 34,479 650,179 0 o 0 Capital 574,757 313,372 3,674,899 2,137,875 1,537,024 58.2% 09-999 609,236 963,551 3,674,899 2,137,875 1,537,024 58.2% TOTAL Personnel 0 0 0 ° 0 Operations 84,479 700,179 50,000 50,000 0 100.0% Capital 574,757 313,372 3,674,899 2,137,875 1,537,024 58.2% 09 Meas M-T Total: 659,236 1,013,551 3,724,899 2,187,875 1,537,024 58.7% Expenditure Summaries 13 City of Tustin FY 03-04 Mid Year Budget Review Expenditure Summary 01/02 02/03 03/04 Year-End Year-End Year-End (By Fund) Actual Actual Cur Bud Projection Variance Percent Gas Tax, CIP 10.801 Thru 10-999 Gas Tax, Non-Dept Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 572,921 582,908 550,000 550,000 0 100.0% Capital 0 0 o 10-801 572,921 582,908 550,000 550,000 0 100.0% Gas Tax, CIP Personnel o o 0 0 0 Operations 93,631 131,549 o 0 0 Capital 3,261,959 160,765 3,416,074 1,175,972 2,240,102 34.4% 10-999 3,355,590 292,314 3,416,074 1,175,972 2,240,102 34.4% TOTAL Personnel 0 0 ° 0 0 Operations 666,553 714,457 550,000 550,000 0 100,0% Capital 3,261,959 160,765 3,416,074 1,175,972 2,240,102 34.4% 10 Gas Tax Total: 3,928,512 875,223 3,966,074 1,725,972 2,240,102 43.5% Park Development, CIP 11.999 TOTAL Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 0 72,666 0 143,000 (143,000) Capital 108,291 1,196,603 3,982,158 2,923,403 1,058,755 73.4% 11 Park Dev Total: 108,291 1,269,269 3,982,158 3,066,403 915,755 77.0% Suppl Law Enforcement, CIP 16.502 Thru 16-999 TOTAL Personnel 0 0 0 0 o Operations 160,832 137,294 o o o Capital 60,550 29,947 o 46,781 (46,781) 16 Suppl Law Total: 221,382 167,241 0 46,781 (46,781) Expenditure Summaries 14 City of Tustin FY 03-04 Mid Year Budget Review Expenditure Summary 01/02 02i03 03/04 Year-End Year-End Year-End (By Fund) Actual Actual Cur Bud Projection Variance Percent Marine Base Closure, CIP 17.801 Thru 17.999 MCAS, Non-Dept Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 106,843 8,665 0 0 0 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 17-801 106,843 8,665 0 0 0 MCAS, Non-Dept Personnel 3,055 a a a 0 a Operations 569,276 2,693 0 a 0 a Capital a a 0 0 a 17-805 572,331 2,693 a 0 a TOTAL Personnel 3,055 a a 0 0 Operations 676,120 11,358 a 0 a Capital 0 0 a 0 0 17 Marine Base Closure Total: 679,175 11,358 0 0 0 Tustin Legacy, Non-Dept Personnel a 125,467 242,764 249,054 (6,290) 102.6% Operations a 7,154,827 1,946,600 2,040,608 (94,008) 104.8% Capital a a a 0 0 18-805 0 7,280,294 2,189,364 2,289,662 (100,298) 104.6% Tustin Legacy, CIP Personnel a a a 0 a Operations a 0 a 0 0 Capital a a 0 150,000 (150,000) 18-999 a a a 150,000 (150,000) TOTAL Personnel 0 125,467 242,764 249,054 (6,290) 102.6% Operations a 7,154,827 1,946,600 2,040,608 (94,008) 104.8% Capital a a a 150,000 (150,000) 18 Tustin Legacy Total: 0 7,280,294 2,189,364 2,439,662 (250,298) 111.4% Expenditure Summaries 15 City of Tustin FY 03-04 Mid Year Budget Review Expenditure Summary 01/02 02103 03/04 Year-End Year-End Year-End (By Fund) Actual Actual Cur Bud Projection Variance Percent 2X CDBG, CIP 20-305 Thru 29-999 CDBG FY 99-00, Admin Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations (15,024) 8,681 0 0 0 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 20-305 (15,024) 8,681 0 0 0 CDBG FY 99-00, CIP Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 78,830 71,288 0 0 0 Capital 71,110 9,668 0 0 0 20-999 149,940 80,957 0 0 0 CDBG FY 00-01, Admin Personnel 38,237 0 0 0 0 Operations 5,000 0 0 0 0 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 21-305 43,237 0 0 0 0 CDBG FY 00-01, CIP Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 0 0 0 0 0 Capital 60,849 400,000 0 0 0 21-999 60,849 400,000 0 0 0 CDBG FY 01-02, Admin Personnel 64,387 46,183 0 0 0 Operations 163,959 377 0 0 0 Capital 0 0 166,107 166,107 0 100,0% 22-305 228,346 46,560 166,107 166,107 0 100,0% CDBG FY 01-02, CIP Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 0 0 0 0 0 Capital 0 39,000 0 0 0 22-999 0 39,000 0 0 0 CDBG FY 02-03, Admin Personnel 0 63,255 0 0 0 Operations 0 113,748 0 0 0 Capital 0 37,500 508,579 508,579 0 100.0% 23-305 0 214,503 508,579 508,579 0 100.0% Expenditure Summaries 16 City of Tustin FY 03-04 Mid Year Budget Review Expenditure Summary 01/02 02103 03/04 Year-End Year-End Year-End (By Fund) Actual Actual Cur Bud Projection Variance Percent CDBG FY 02-03, CIP Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 0 0 0 0 0 Capitai 0 5,200 0 0 0 23-999 0 5,200 0 0 0 CDBG FY 03-04, Admin Personnel 0 0 141,057 141,057 0 100.0% Operations 0 0 45,000 45,000 0 100.0% Capital 0 0 961,880 961,880 0 100.0% 24-305 0 0 1,147,937 1,147,937 0 100.0% CDBG FY 05-06, Admin Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 210 0 0 0 0 Capitai 0 0 0 0 0 26-305 210 0 0 0 0 CDBG FY 05-06, CIP Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 0 0 0 0 0 Capitai 0 0 0 0 0 26-999 0 0 0 0 0 CDBG FY 06-07, Admin Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 23,702 0 0 0 0 Capital 0 0 0 0 27-305 23,702 0 0 0 0 CDBG FY 06-07, CIP Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 0 0 0 0 0 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 27-999 0 0 0 0 0 CDBG FY 07-08, Admin Personnel ð 0 0 0 0 Operations 0 0 0 0 0 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 28-305 0 0 0 0 0 Expenditure Summaries 17 City of Tustin FY 03-04 Mid Year Budget Review Expenditure Summary 01/02 02/03 03/04 Year-End Year-End Year-End (By Fund) Actual Actual Cur Bud Projection Variance Percent CDBG FY 07.08, CIP Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 0 0 0 0 0 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 28.999 0 0 0 0 0 CDBG FY 08-09, Admin Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 0 0 0 0 0 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 29-305 0 0 0 0 0 CDBG FY08-09, Non-Dept Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 0 0 0 0 0 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 29.801 0 0 0 0 0 CDBG FY 08-09, CIP Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 126,472 0 0 0 0 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 29-999 126,472 0 0 0 0 TOTAL Personnel 102,624 109,438 141,057 141,057 0 100.0% Operations 383,149 194,095 45,000 45,000 0 100.0% Capital 131,959 491.368 0 1,636,566 1,636,566 0 100.0% 2x CDBG Total: 617,732 794,902 1,822,623 1,822,623 0 100.0% AD 95-1, CIP 30-999 TOTAL Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 0 30 0 0 0 Capital 0 0 399,970 40,000 359,970 10.0% 30 AD 95-1, CIP TOTAL: 0 30 399,970 40,000 359,970 10.0% Expenditure Summaries 18 City of Tustin FY 03-04 Mid Year Budget Review Expenditure Summary 01/02 02/03 03/04 Year-End Year-End Year-End (By Fund) Actual Actual Cur Bud Projection Variance Percent 95.1 Debt Svs, Non Dept 31-000 Thru 31-801 TOTAL Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 9,677,115 9,346,871 0 0 0 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 31 95.1 Debt Svs Total: 9,677,115 9,346,871 0 0 0 95-2 Debt Svs, Non Dept 32-000 Thru 32-801 TOTAL Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 4,279,210 2,322,495 0 0 0 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 32 95-2 Debt Svs Total: 4,279,210 2,322,495 0 0 0 Tustin LLD, CIP 41-805 Tustin LLD, Special District Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 447,991 450,229 500,600 478,000 22,600 95.5% Capital 0 0 0 0 0 41-805 447,991 450,229 500,600 478,000 22,600 95.5% TOTAL Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 447,991 450,229 500,600 478,000 22,600 95.5% Capital 0 0 0 0 0 41 Tustin LLD Total: 447,991 450,229 500,600 478,000 22,600 95.5% Expenditure Summaries 19 City of Tustin FY 03-04 Mid Year Budget Review Expenditure Summary 01/02 02/03 03/04 Year-End Year-End Year-End (By Fund) Actual Actual Cur Bud Projection Variance Percent Tustin SLD, Special District 42-805 Thru 42-999 Tustin SLD, Special District Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 252,124 262,853 267,000 242,000 25,000 90.6% Capital 681,910 292,321 150,000 0 150,000 0.0% 42.805 934,034 555,174 417,000 242,000 175,000 58.0% Tustin SLD, Special District, CIP Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 0 0 0 ° 0 Capital 164,590 0 0 0 0 42-805 164,590 0 0 ° 0 TOTAL Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 252,124 262,853 267,000 242,000 25,000 90.6% Capital 846,500 292,321 150,000 0 150,000 0.0% 42 Tustin SLD Total: 1,098,624 555,174 417,000 242,000 175,000 58.0% SC Debt Svs 51-600 TOTAL Personnel 0 0 0 ° 0 Operations 298,224 978,506 185,651 217,526 (31,875) 117.2% Capital 0 0 0 0 0 51 SC Debt SV5 Total: 298,224 978,506 185,651 217,526 (31,875) 117.2% Expenditure Summaries 20 City of Tustin FY 03-04 Mid Year Budget Review Expenditure Summary 01/02 02/03 03/04 Year-End Year-End Year-End (By Fund) Actual Actual Cur Bud Projection Variance Percent SC RDA, Admin 52-600 Thru 52.999 SC RDA, Admin Personnel 138,639 76,615 37,615 38,502 (887) 102.4% Operations 78,889 68,007 37,309 54,340 (17,031) 145.6% Capital 0 0 4,200 0 4,200 0.0% 52.600 217,527 144,622 79,124 92,842 (13,718) 117.3% SC RDA, CIP Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 255,568 84,350 0 0 0 Capital 129,774 8,617,289 10,015,077 755,000 9,260,077 7.5% 52.999 385,341 8,701.639 10,015,077 755,000 9,260,077 7.5% TOTAL Personnel 138,639 76,615 37,615 38,502 (887) 102.4% Operations 334,456 152,357 37,309 54,340 (17,031) 145.6% Capital 129,774 8,617,289 10,019,277 755,000 9,264,277 7.5% 52 SC RDA Total: 602,869 8,846,261 10,094,201 847,842 9,246,359 8.4% SC Set.Aside, Admin 53.600 Thru 53.999 TOTAL Personnel 26,497 41,534 84,190 86,415 (2,225) 102.6% Operations 46,925 125,329 79,012 47,975 31,037 60.7% Capital 0 0 4,200 0 4,200 0.0% 53 SC Set-Aside Total: 73,422 166,863 167,402 134,390 33,012 80.3% Marine Base Debt Svs, Admin 54.600 TOTAL Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 103,244 39,450 0 21,000 (21,000) Capital 0 0 0 0 0 54 Marine Base Debt Total: 103,244 39,450 0 21,000 (21,000) Marine Base RDA, Admin 55-600 TOTAL Personnel 19,609 21,725 23,651 24,350 (699) 103.0% Operations 347,434 78,272 40,836 8,313 32,523 20.4% Capital 0 0 0 0 0 55 Marine Base RDA Total: 367,043 99,996 64,487 32,663 31,824 50.7% Expenditure Summaries 21 City of Tustin FY 03-04 Mid Year Budget Review Expenditure Summary 01/02 02/03 03/04 Year-End Year-End Year-End (By Fund) Actual Actual Cur Bud Projection Variance Percent Marine Base Set Aside 56-600 TOTAL Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations (147) 0 0 0 0 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 56 Marine Base Set Aside Total: (147) 0 0 0 0 Town Center Debt Svs, RDA 57.000 Thru 57-600 TOTAL Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 2,101,015 1,904,968 1,933,883 1,987,008 (53,125) 102.7% Capital 0 8,000 o 0 ° 57 Town Center Debt Total: 2,101,015 1,912,968 1,933,883 1,987,008 (53,125) 102.7% Town Center RDA, RDA Admin 58.600 Thru 58.999 Town Center RDA, RDA Personnel 56,375 65,735 40,260 41,134 (874) 102.2% Operations 271,259 140,707 213,388 186,735 26,653 87.5% Capital 66,000 14,000 0 15,000 (15,000) 58-600 393,634 220,442 253,648 242,869 10,779 95.8% Town Center RDA, CIP Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 59,330 4,955 o 0 0 Capital 170,000 18,010 640,000 633,000 7,000 98.9% 58.999 229,330 22,965 640,000 633,000 7,000 98.9% TOTAL Personnel 56,375 65,735 40,260 41,134 (874) 102.2% Operations 330,590 145,661 213,388 186,735 26,653 87.5% Capital 236,000 32,010 640,000 648,000 (8,000) 101.3% 58 Town Center RDA Total: 622,964 243,406 893,648 875,869 17,779 98.0% Expenditure Summaries 22 City of Tustin FY 03-04 Mid Year Budget Review Expenditure Summary 01/02 02103 03/04 Year-End Year-End Year-End (By Fund) Actual Actual Cur Bud Projection Variance Percent Town Center Set Aside, RDA 59.600 Thru 59.999 Town Center Set Aside, RDA Personnel 26,497 39,169 78,123 80,905 (2,782) 103.6% Operations (1,619) 10,215 121,615 99,075 22,540 81.5% Capital 0 10,500 0 0 0 59-600 24,878 59,884 199,738 179,980 19,758 90.1% Town Center Set Aside, CIP Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 0 0 0 0 0 Capital 0 0 1,300,000 1,300,000 0 100.0% 59-999 0 0 1,300,000 1,300,000 0 100.0% TOTAL Personnel 26,497 39,169 78,123 80,905 (2,782) 103.6% Operations (1,619) 10,215 121,615 99,075 22,540 81.5% Capital 0 10,500 1,300,000 1,300,000 0 100.0% 59 Town Center Set Aside Total: 24,878 59,884 1,499,738 1,479,980 19,758 98.7% Water, Service Billing 70.451 Thru 70-459 Water, Service Billing Personnel 142,860 159,477 158,913 158,913 0 100.0% Operations 2,936,251 1,346,569 1,241,975 1,240,200 1,775 99.9% Capital 75,066 2,483 17,000 0 17,000 0.0% 70.451 3,154,178 1,508,528 1,417,888 1,399,113 18,775 98.7% Water, Operations Personnel 791,797 909,864 1,106,840 1,114,153 (7,313) 100.7% Operations 571,794 438,433 546,432 592,179 (45,747) 108.4% Capital (8,484) (38,204) 189,100 210,922 (21,822) 111.5% 70-452 1,355,106 1,310,092 1,842,372 1,917,254 (74,882) 104.1% Water Fund, Debt Svs Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 1,283,867 1,254,213 453,500 453,500 0 100.0% Capital 0 0 0 0 0 70-453 1,283,867 1,254,213 453,500 453,500 0 100.0% Expenditure Summaries 23 City of Tustin FY 03-04 Mid Year Budget Review Expenditure Summary 01/02 02103 03/04 Year-End Year-End Year-End (By Fund) Actual Actual Cur Bud Projection Variance Percent Ionization Personnel 71,163 85,605 49,071 49,432 (361) 100.7% Operations 149,959 197,973 385,159 368,159 17,000 95.6% Capital 0 0 0 0 0 70.456 221,122 283,578 434,230 417,591 16,639 96.2% Reverse Osmosis Personnel 40,750 42,048 51,174 51,535 (361) 100.7% Operations 203,743 254,828 514,759 472,559 42,200 91.8% Capital 0 0 0 0 0 70-457 244,493 296,876 565,933 524,094 41,839 92.6% 17th Street Desalter Personnel 81,251 80,684 90,100 90,461 (361) 100.4% Operations 609,318 723,092 1,012,879 1,010,879 2,000 99.8% Capital 9,473 0 922,000 922,000 0 100.0% 70-458 700,043 803,776 2,024,979 2,023,340 1,639 99.9% Water Production Personnel 93,746 102,047 94,078 94,802 (724) 100.8% Operations 3,192,249 2,790,795 2,956,486 2,218,786 737,700 75.0% Capital 0 0 0 0 0 70.459 3,285,995 2,892,842 3,050,564 2,313,588 736,976 75.8% Water, CIP Personnel 0 0 0 .0 0 Operations 66,468 143,158 0 0 0 Capital 0 (70,766) 0 0 0 70-999 66,468 72,392 0 0 0 TOTAL Personnel 1,221,567 1,379,724 1,550,176 1,559,296 (9,120) 100.6% Operations 9,013,649 7,149,060 7,111,190 6,356,262 754,928 89.4% Capital 76,055 (106,487) 1,128,100 1,132,922 (4,822) 100.4% 70 Water Utility Fund Total: 10,311,271 8,422,297 9,789,466 9,048,480 740,986 92.4% Expenditure Summaries 24 City of Tustin FY 03-04 Mid Year Budget Review Expenditure Summary 01/02 02103 03/04 Year-End Year-End Year-End (By Fund) Actual Actual Cur Bud Projection Variance Percent TOTAL Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 0 0 0 0 0 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 71 Water Dept Service 0 0 0 0 0 Water Corp, Debt Svs 72.452 Thru 72.453 TOTAL Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 959,950 946,200 0 0 0 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 72 Water Corp Total: 959,950 946,200 0 0 0 Water CIP, Operations 73-000 Thru 73-999 Water CIP, Operations Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 0 (1,000,000) 0 0 0 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 73.453 0 (1.000,000) 0 0 0 Water CIP, CIP Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 6,386,649 2,500,699 0 0 0 Capital (475,350) (250,226) 6,681,559 873,000 5,808.559 13.1% 73-999 5,911,299 2,250,473 6,681,559 873,000 5,808,559 13.1% TOTAL Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 6,386,649 1,500,699 0 0 0 Capital (475.350) (250,226) 6,681,559 873,000 5,808,559 13.1% 73 Water CIP Total: 5,911,299 1,250,473 6,681,559 873,000 5,808,559 13.1% Expenditure Summaries 25 City of Tustin FY 03-04 Mid Year Budget Review Expenditure Summary 01/02 02/03 03/04 Year-End Year-End Year-End (By Fund) Actual Actual Cur Bud Projection Variance Percent Water FA, Service Billing Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 31,859 31,326 0 (61,924) 61,924 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 74-451 31,859 31,326 0 (61,924) 61,924 Water FA, Operations Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 1,002,603 1,219,300 0 0 0 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 74-452 1,002,603 1,219,300 0 0 0 Water FA, Debt Services Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 19,239,523 267,373 0 0 0 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 74.453 19,239,523 267,373 0 0 0 Water FA, Non Dept Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 0 82,160 0 0 0 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 74-801 0 82,160 0 0 0 TOTAL Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 20,273,986 1,600,159 0 (61,924) 61,924 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 74 Water Fixed Assets Total: 20,273,986 1,600,159 0 (61,924) 61,924 Expenditure Summaries 26 City of Tustin FY 03-04 Mid Year Budget Review Expenditure Summary 01/02 02/03 03/04 Year-End Year-End Year-End (By Fund) Actual Actual Cur Bud Projection Variance Percent Workers Comp 81-801 Thru 81.850 Workers Comp, Non-Dept Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 0 0 0 0 0 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 81-801 0 0 0 0 0 Workers Camp, Self Insurance Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 528,557 986,116 460,248 472,457 (12,209) 102.7% Capital 0 0 0 0 0 81.850 528,557 986,116 460,248 472,457 (12,209) 102.7% TOTAL Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 528,557 986,116 460,248 472,457 (12,209) 102.7% Capital 0 0 0 0 0 81 Workers Comp Total: 528,557 986,116 460,248 472,457 (12,209) 102.7% Liability 82-801 Thru 82.850 Liability, Non-Departmental Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 0 0 0 0 0 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 82.801 0 0 0 0 0 Liability, Self Insurance Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 2,603,738 1,139,123 755,500 925,500 (170,000) 122.5% Capital 0 0 0 0 0 82-850 2,603,738 1,139,123 755,500 925,500 (170,000) 122.5% TOTAL Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 2,603,738 1,139,123 755,500 925,500 (170,000) 122.5% Capital 0 0 0 0 0 82 Liability Total: 2,603,738 1,139,123 755,500 925,500 (170,000) 122.5% Expenditure Summaries 27 City of Tustin FY 03-04 Mid Year Budget Review Expenditure Summary (By Fund) 01/02 Actual 02103 Actual 03/04 Cur Bud Year-End Projection Year-End Variance Year-End Percent Unemployment, Self Insurance Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 10,884 34,994 5,000 5,000 0 100.0% Capital 0 0 0 0 0 83.850 10,884 34,994 5,000 5,000 0 100.0% TOTAL Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 10,884 34,994 5,000 5,000 0 100.0% 0 0 0 0 0 10,884 34,994 5,000 5,000 0 100.0% TOTAL Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 0 0 0 0 0 526,849 737,091 1,030,000 1,030,000 0 100.0% 526,849 737,091 1,030,000 1,030,000 0 100.0% Water Fixed Assets, Non Dept 95-801 TOTAL Personnel 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 0 52,137,855 0 0 0 Capital 0 0 0 0 0 95 Water Fixed Assets Total: 0 52,137,855 0 0 0 Expenditure Summaries 28 City of Tustin FY 03-04 Mid Year Budget Review 02/03 02/03 02/03 03/04 03/04 03/04 Final Audited Audited Suppi/ Current Year-End JL# Description Fund Budget Expenditures Carryover Adjustments Budget Projection 1032 Major Building Maintenance 02-999 219,482 120,104 99,378 155,000 254,378 75,000 1032 Major Building Maintenance 11-999 0 0 0 12,300 12,300 10,124 1032 CDBG (Revenue) 23-999 5,200 5,200 0 0 0 0 1032 Major Buiiding Maintenance 73-999 0 0 0 30,000 30,000 30,000 224,682 125,304 99,378 197,300 296,678 115,124 1033 Fuei Tank Removal and Replace 02-999 36,535 3,416 Completed 0 0 1039 City Councii Chambers Renovation 02-999 265,000 8,846 256,154 130,000 386,154 35,000 1040 Prop improv - 450 Ei Camino Reai 58-999 0 0 0 50,000 50,000 1045 Tustin Library Expansion 58-999 0 0 0 590,000 590,000 590,000 1045 Tustin Library Expansion 59-999 0 0 0 1,300,000 1,300,000 1,300,000 0 0 0 1,890,000 1,890,000 1,890,000 1538 Jamboree Irrigation System RPL 02-999 70,000 11,843 58,157 (37,500) 20,657 0 1538 IRWD (Revenue) 02-999 12,500 12,483 17 20,000 20,017 0 82,500 24,326 58,174 (17,500) 40,674 0 2043 Tustin Legacy Park Phase i 11-999 118,000 0 118,000 0 118,000 59,000 118,000 0 118,000 0 118,000 59,000 2046 Citrus Ranch Park 11-999 0 0 0 27,500 27,500 0 0 0 0 27,500 27,500 0 2048 Columbus-Tustin Baiifield Renovation 02-999 58,296 13,100 45,196 0 45,196 24,187 2048 Coiumbus-Tustin Balifield Renovation 11-999 1,302,923 717,378 585,545 0 585,545 647,846 1,361,219 730,478 630,741 0 630,741 672,032 2051 Senior Center Expansion 11-999 264,001 247,932 Completed 0 0 0 2052 Future Skateboard Faciiity 11-999 499,357 43 499,314 0 499,314 0 2052 Future Skateboard Facility 21-999 36,120 0 36,120 (36,120) 0 0 535,477 43 535,434 (36,120) 499,314 0 2053 Pioneer Road Park 11-999 1,101,890 97,736 1,004,154 225,000 1,229,154 1,463,433 2053 Prop 12 Park Dev. Grant (Revenue) 11-999 812,000 0 812,000 0 812,000 619,000 1,913,890 97,736 1,816,154 225,000 2,041,154 2,082,433 2054 Major Park Maintenance 11-999 87,000 60,492 0 124,000 124,000 124,000 2054 Major Park Maintenance 20-000 7,510 7,510 0 0 0 0 94,510 68,003 0 124,000 124,000 124,000 2056 Centennial Park Renovation 11-999 640,000 65,655 574,345 0 574,345 574,345 2057 Sports Field Lighting at UtI Middle Schooi 11-999 80,000 80,033 Completed 0 0 0 2058 F & Y CTR Prking Lot & Playgrnd Improv 21-999 0 0 0 70,000 70,000 0 CIP By Project 29 City of Tustin FY 03-04 Mid Year Budget Review 02/03 02i03 02/03 03/04 03/04 03/04 Final Audited Audited Suppl/ Current Year-End JL# Description Fund Budget Expenditures Carryover Adjustments Budget Projection 4057 Signal Mods McFadden/Ritchey/Williams 02-999 0 6,551 0 0 0 0 4057 M-C (Revenue) 08-999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,551 Completed 0 0 0 4062 Red Hill/San Juan Signal Modify 09-999 185,000 131,261 Completed 0 0 0 4063 Altad/Pasa Ped Enhancement SR2S (Revenue) 02-999 0 0 0 81,000 81,000 7,200 4063 M-T (Revenue) 09-999 0 0 0 9,000 9,000 8,800 0 0 0 90,000 90,000 16,000 4064 Newport Ave/EI Camino Real: Signal Modify 09-999 0 0 0 185,000 185,000 70,000 4065 Old Town Directional Sign age 09-999 0 0 0 190,000 190,000 110,000 4066 Traffic Sig Battery Backup Sysf (CEC Revenue) 02-999 0 0 0 41,650 41,650 41,650 4066 G. T. (Revenue) 10-999 0 0 0 90,850 90,850 90,850 0 0 0 132,500 132,500 132,500 5024 Irvine Blvd Storm Drain Phase I 02-999 844,692 156,931 687,761 0 687,761 685,000 5024 Irvine Blvd Storm Drain Phase I 58-999 49,363 6,305 43,058 0 43,058 43,000 894,055 163,236 730,819 0 730,819 728,000 5025 Tustin Legacy Run-Off Management Plan/Eng Study 02-999 0 0 0 250,000 250,000 230,000 610390-2WaterWells@245MainSt. 73-999 0 0 0 0 0 o 6103 OCWD Conjunctive Loan 73-999 335,246 224,457 0 0 0 0 335,246 224,457 Completed 0 o o 6106 Water Main Replacements 73-999 110,284 2,910 107,374 65,000 172,374 155,000 6108 Main Street Reservoir 73-999 1,651,022 1,625,599 Completed 0 o o 6113 Foothill Reservoir Repairs 73-999 0 28,080 Completed 0 0 o 6114 Simon Reservoir Analysis and Reconstruction 73-999 0 0 0 215,000 215,000 0 6129 Reconstruct Simon Booster Station 73-999 1,135,945 (1,956) 1,137,901 0 1,137,901 6130 Pasadena Avenue Well 73-999 1,770,896 33,158 1,737,738 0 1,737,738 15,000 6134 Water CIP Management 73-999 62,270 23,798 38,472 0 38,472 20,000 6140 Portable Well Generator 73-999 0 160,563 Completed 0 o o 6145 Main 1st laclna Gershon Skylin 73-999 0 66,834 Completed 0 o 0 6146 Ponderosa Water Main Replacement 73-999 188,067 14,025 174,042 0 174,Q42 30,000 6147 Edinger Water Main Replacement 73-999 363,000 0 363,000 0 363,000 5,000 6148 John Lyttle Reservoir Repairs 73-999 24,050 0 24,050 (15,000) 9,050 0 CIP By Project 30 City of Tustin FY 03.04 Mid Year Budget Review 02/03 02/03 02/03 03/04 03/04 03104 Final Audited Audited Suppll Current Year-End JL# Description Fund Budget Expenditures Carryover Adjustments Budget Projection 6149 Newport Ave Reservoir Repairs 73-999 15,000 0 15,000 15,000 30,000 30,000 6150 Drill 1 Instl Tustin Ave Well 73-999 1,666,390 45,106 1,621,284 1,621,284 15,000 6151 Prospect Water Main Replacement: SantaClara/Fairhav 73-999 276,209 17,900 258,309 371,000 629,309 520,000 6152 Columbus Tustin Well Electrical Panel Replacement 73-999 0 0 0 97,000 97,000 20,000 6153 Zone 3 Automated Emergency Interconnect 73-999 0 0 0 135,000 135,000 0 6154 Water Main Replacement - Various Sts - Zone 3 73-999 0 0 0 33,000 33,000 33,000 7001 Major Maintenance Program 02-999 600,000 478,104 0 600,000 600,000 600,000 7001 M-T (Revenue) 09-999 80,000 68,218 0 10,000 10,000 10,000 680,000 546,322 0 610,000 610,000 610,000 7085 Phase V Regional Trails 30-999 0 0 0 300,000 300,000 0 7096 Incidental Project Costs 30-999 100,000 30 99,970 0 99,970 40,000 7100 Tustin Rch Rd Extension: Walnut to Val N, 02-999 150,006 9,307 140,699 0 140,699 45,000 7100 G,T.-111 (Revenue) 10-999 542,710 85,681 457,029 0 457,029 15,000 692,716 94,988 597,728 0 597,728 60,000 7118 Irvine / Newport Intersection Enhancement M-C (RevenuE 08-999 2,110,150 149,121 1,961,029 0 1,961,029 630,000 7118 TSIA (Revenue) 02-999 99,754 147 99,607 0 99,607 99,607 7118 M-T (Revenue) 09-999 1,120,202 103,461 1,016,741 0 1,016,741 485,000 7118 G,T, 111 (Revenue) 10-999 857,849 45,868 811,981 0 811,981 25,000 7118 G.T. (Revenue) 10-999 900,000 0 900,000 0 900,000 o 5,087,955 298,598 4,789,357 0 4,789,357 1,239,607 7125 Walnut Ave Rehab - Browning 1 Myford 02-999 76,281 3,917 0 0 ° o 7125 LSTP (Revenue) 02-999 108,453 58,669 0 0 0 0 7125 M-T (Revenue) 09-999 (68) 0 0 0 0 0 184,666 62,586 Completed 0 o o 7130 Newport AvelSR551nterchge Devel Share (Revenue) 02-999 1,900,000 0 1, goo, 000 214,252 2,114,252 100,000 7130 M-C (Revenue) 08-999 2,209,586 0 2,209,586 4,756,400 6,965,986 0 7130 M-T (Revenue) 09-999 600,000 101,978 498,022 70,000 568,022 100,000 7130 CDBG 23-999 412,372 0 412,372 352,164 764,536 764,536 7130 RDA-SC 52-999 5,819,938 8,647,415 (2,827,477) 4,343,600 1,516,123 670,000 7130 WCIP 73-999 328,000 10,000 318,000 0 318,000 0 11,269,896 8,759,392 2,510,504 9,736,416 12,246,920 1,634,536 7131 Newport Extension No. of Edinger 09-999 200,000 0 200,000 0 200,000 3 7131 Newport Extension No, of Edinger(RDA-SC) 52-999 1,613,976 44,044 1,569,932 (1,064,442) 505,490 85,000 1,813,976 44,044 1,769,932 (1,064,442) 705,490 85,003 7132 Edinger Widen E. of Red Hill to W. of Jamb 02-999 0 0 0 0 0 0 7132 IRWD (Revenue Reimbursable) 02-999 0 0 0 0 0 0 7132 M-T (Revenue) 09-999 0 19,693 0 0 0 0 7132 G,T, (Revenue) 10-999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19,693 Completed 0 0 0 CIP By Project 31 City of Tustin FY 03-04 Mid Year Budget Review 02i03 02/03 02/03 03/04 03/04 03/04 Final Audited Audited Suppl/ Current Year-End JL# Description Fund Budget Expenditures Carryover Adjustments Budget Projection 7133 Redhill: NissioniEI Camino 02-999 406,800 0 406,800 0 406,800 255,000 7133 Developer Share (Revenue) 02-999 85,350 85,350 0 0 0 0 7133 TSIA (Revenue) 02-999 272,172 131,160 141,012 0 141,012 141,012 7133 M-C (Revenue) 08-999 257,600 0 257,600 a 257,600 257,600 7133 M-T (Revenue) 09-999 343,768 71,923 271,845 785,900 1,057,745 1,030,000 1,365,690 288,432 1,077,258 785,900 1,863,158 1,683,612 7138 Commuter Rail Station 02-999 0 0 0 0 0 0 7138 TCIP (Revenue) 02-999 a a a 0 0 0 7138 Commuter Rail Station AB2766 (Revenue) 03-999 a 48,889 a 0 0 0 7138 M-C (Revenue) 08-999 a a a a 0 0 7138 GMA-7 (Revenue) 08-999 a a a a 0 0 7138 GMA-8 (Revenue) 08-999 a a a a 0 0 7138 M-Rail (Revenue) 08-999 a a a a 0 0 0 48,889 Completed 0 0 0 7139 Valencia N. Loop/Armstrong 02-999 478,145 475 477,670 (250,000) 227,670 112 7139 Econ. Dev. Admin (Revenue) 02-999 1,100,000 a 1,100,000 (1,100,000) 0 0 7139 GT 10-999 150,000 0 150,000 0 150,000 0 7139 Trade/Commerce Grant (Rev) 10-999 0 0 0 0 0 0 7139 CDBG 20-999 a 73,447 (73,447) a (73,447) 0 7139 CDBG 22-999 352,164 a 352,164 (352,164) 0 0 7139 CDBG 29-999 114,322 a 114,322 a 114,322 10,000 2,194,631 73,922 2,120,709 (1,702,164) 418,545 10,112 7147 Santa Ana Smart St. Reimb (Revenue) 02-999 1,559,500 706,721 852,779 40,000 892,779 830,000 7147 TSIA (Revenue) 02-999 2,013,583 a 2,013,583 a 2,013,583 0 7147 Developer Bond 02-999 a a a 208,000 208,000 100,000 7147 M-C (Revenue) 08.999 4,061,000 429,902 3,631,098 1,205,417 4,836,515 0 7147 M-T (Revenue) 09-999 35,000 14,189 20,811 0 20,811 20,811 7147 Edinger Widen: SR55/Red Hill (RDA-SC) 52-999 10,225 10,181 44 0 44 0 7,679,308 1,160,993 6,518,315 1,453,417 7,971,732 950,811 7162 Jamboree Median Barrier Instal 02-999 9,491 0 9,491 (3,976) 5,515 0 7162 (Irvine Reimbursable) 02-999 9,492 0 9,492 51,000 60,492 60,492 7162 (HES Grant Reimbursable) 02-999 a a 0 360,000 360,000 360,000 7162 M-T (Revenue) 09-999 0 3,976 (3,976) 3,976 0 0 7162 G.T. 10-999 0 0 0 381,000 381,000 369,508 18,983 3,976 15,007 792,000 807,007 790,000 7163 Main Street Rehab-Stoneglass/SR55 02-999 57,867 2,827 55,040 6,000 61,040 36,000 7163 LSTP (Revenue) 02-999 47,515 2,112 45,403 0 45,403 36,000 105,382 4,939 100,443 6,000 106,443 72,000 7164 Bryan Ave Rehab-Red Hill/Browning 02-999 17,616 1,442 16,174 12,000 28,174 28,174 7164 LSTP (Revenue) 02-999 125,970 a 125,970 a 125,970 125,970 7164 M-T (Revenue) 09-999 416,703 9,170 407,533 (140,272) 267,261 267,261 7164 TCRF AB2928 (Revenue) 10-999 157,327 172,290 (14,963) 140,272 125,309 125,309 717,616 182,902 534,714 12,000 546,714 546,714 7165 Newport Ave Rehab/Sycamore Ave/Mcfadden Ave 02-999 0 0 0 25,000 25,000 5,000 7165 TCRF AB2928 (Revenue) 10-999 0 0 0 25,000 25,000 25,000 0 0 0 50,000 50,000 30,000 CIP By Project 32 City of Tustin FY 03-04 Mid Year Budget Review 02/03 02i03 02/03 03/04 03/04 03/04 Final Audited Audited Suppl/ Current Year-End JL# Description Fund Budget Expenditures Carryover Adjustments Budget Projection 7166 Bryan Ave Rehab-NewporURed Hill 02-999 392,855 47,207 345,648 30,000 375,648 322,700 7166 LSTP (Revenue) 02-999 375,000 41,867 333,133 0 333,133 304,400 767,855 89,074 678,781 30,000 708,781 627,100 7167 Main Street Rehab-NewporURedhill 02-999 21,709 3,440 18,269 0 18,269 12,780 7167 G-T (Revenue) 10-999 105,000 13,000 92,000 20,000 112,000 108,700 126,709 16,440 110,269 20,000 130,269 121,480 7172 Old Town Streetscape & Pedestrian 02-999 137,819 137,819 0 0 0 0 7172 G-T (Revenue) 10-999 0 (27,225) 0 0 0 0 7172 CDBG (Revenue) 22-999 425,726 439,000 0 0 0 0 7172 Tustin Lighting District 42-805 293,516 292,321 0 0 0 0 7172 RDA - TC 58-999 35,000 16,660 0 0 0 0 892,061 858,575 Completed 0 0 0 7174 Jamb Rehab-I-5 to Irvine/LSTP (Revenue) 02-999 400,000 0 400,000 0 400,000 389,000 7174 M-T 09-999 90,000 37,191 52,809 0 52,809 16,000 7174 G-T (Revenue) 10-999 497,000 2,700 494,300 90,000 584,300 388,000 987,000 39,891 947,109 90,000 1,037,109 793,000 7175 RH Grade Sep/Rail/Eding /STIP-RIP (Revenue) 02-999 332,080 0 332,080 (332,080) 0 0 7175 RH Grade Sep/Rail/Eding /GMA7 (Revenue) 08-999 0 0 0 90,000 90,000 0 7175 M-T (Revenue) 09-999 100,000 2,490 97,510 0 97,510 20,000 432,080 2,490 429,590 (242,080) 187,510 20,000 7176 East Alley Improvements: MainIThird (CDBG) 24-999 0 0 0 220,000 220,000 0 7176 Tustin Lighting District 42-999 0 0 0 110,000 110,000 0 0 0 0 330,000 330,000 0 7177 Prospect Improvements: MainIThird (CDBG) 24-999 0 0 0 384,612 384,612 0 7177 Tustin Lighting District 42-999 0 0 0 40,000 40,000 0 7177 Prospect Improvements: Main/Third (WCIP) 73-999 0 0 0 125,388 125,388 0 0 0 0 550,000 550,000 0 7178 Walnut Rehab: Red Hill/Browning 02-999 0 0 0 31,395 31,395 11,000 7178 TCRF AB2928 (Revenue) 10-999 0 0 0 28,605 28,605 28,605 0 0 0 60,000 60,000 39,605 TOTAL 49,409,772 16,589,469 32,596,056 16,240,727 48,836,783 17,035,014 CIP By Project 33