HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-96FY PROG & FINC'L PLAN CITY OF TUSTIN PROGRAM AND FINANCIAL PLAN FOR 1995-96 CITY COUNCIL JIM POTTS, MAYOR TRACY A. WORLEY, MAYOR PRO TEM JEFFERY M. THOMAS, COUNCILMEMBER MIKE DOYLE, COUNCILMEMBER THOMAS R. SALTARELLI, COUNCILMEMBER MANAGEMENT STAFF WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER CHRISTINE A. SHINGLETON, ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER/ DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT LOIS JEFFREY, CITY ATTORNEY W. DOUGLAS FRANKS, POLICE CHIEF PAMELA STOKER, CITY CLERK RONALD A. NAULT, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE TIM.D. SERLET, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CI~Y ENGINEER MICHAEL A. HENLEY, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES :< j ø:¡ Eo< ¡., r.:I ,..: >< ,..: ,..: ..:: z a H Eo< Z r.:I Eo< Z H r.:I 0 ..:: Po tD H == Eo< TITLE SECTION I ORGANIZATION CHART BASIC DATA DEFINITION OF TERMS ANNUAL APPROPRIATION LIMIT SECTION II STATEMENT OF FUND BALANCES SUMMARY OF INTERFUND TRANSFERS SECTION III SUMMARY OF POSITIONS SECTION IV REVENUES FUND DESCRIPTIONS ACCOUNT DESCRIPTIONS SECTION V OPERATING APPROPRIATION CHART COMBINED PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NO. TITLE PAGE NO. DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURE PROGRAMS 3 4 - 6 7 8 LEGISLATION ADMINISTRATION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT' PUBLIC WORKS POLICE FIRE ADMINISTRATION COMMUNITY SERVICES NON-DEPARTMENTAL 11 12 SECTION VI 15 TUSTIN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS SECTION VII 19 - 22 23 - 25 26 - 29 TUSTIN WATER SERVICES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS SECTION VIII 33 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) 34 SECTION IX CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS SECTION X EAST TUSTIN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 85-1 DISTRICT 86-2 37 - 43 47 - 55 59 - 66 69 - 86 89 - 105 109 113 - 123 127 - 128 131 - 138 139 - 142 145 - 160 161 - 173 177 - 183 187 - 208 211 - 213 214 - 215 :< j ø:¡ Eo< ¡., r.:I ,..: >< ,..: ,..: ..:: z a H Eo< Z r.:I Eo< Z H r.:I 0 ..:: Po co H == Eo< "'. CITY OF TUSTIN CITIZENS OF TUSTIN CITY ATroRNEY I COORDrNATION AND COOPERATION I . , PRIV ATE UTILITIES Electricity Natural Gas Telephone CITY MANAGER -3- REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CONTRACT SERVICES Fire Refuse Animal Control Cable T.V. SPECIAL DrSTRICTS I . LIbrary Lighting Sewers Flood Control AD 85-1 & AD 86-2 CITY OF TUSTIN BASIC DATA 1995-96 a , ." " % Annual Change 1.38% 4.74% 0.88% 6.16% 2.22% 5.62% 5.54% 4.90% 4.95% 8.78% Registered Voters 19,966 19,966 20,12.') 21,414 19,160 18,947 18,947 22,822 22,788 22,014 Housing Units 16,424 16,424 17,438 18,014 18,992 19,300 20,466 21,164 21,638 22, 12.1 Area of City (sq. Miles) 10.7 10.8 10.9 10.9 11.0 11.07 11.07 11.07 11.07 11.07 Asæssed Valuation (000) $1,794,421 $1,829,672 $1,981,716 $2,485,343 $2,742,352 $2,911,224 $2,969,449 $3,280,888 $3,194,788 $3,245,111 Property Tax Revenue (000) 2,300 2,300 2,700 3,450 3,820 4,216 4,069 3,714 3,378 3,689 Taxable Sales (000) 5,900,000 6,900,000 7,087,045 8,142,398 9,215,814 9,379,306 9,248,178 10,963,324 11,765,662 11,933,650 Fire Insurance Oassification 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Miles of City Streets 79.00 80.90 84.70 87.40 89.60 94.50 98.80 99.10 100.10 101.20 Arterial 25.30 25.30 25.30 25.30 29.90 34.45 36.35 36.35 36.35 36.35 l..oca I 49.80 49.80 49.80 49.80 59.70 60.05 62.45 62.75 63.75 64.85 A1leys(Cíty owned) 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 Signalized Intersections 55 55 56 71 80 89 92 93 93 96 City Owned Buildings 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 12 City Parks/Acres 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 11/68 Per Capita Opcmting G>sts (b) 297.4 324.2 3383 387.0 421.4 447.0 454.8 445.1 461.2 399.7 %Annual Change -3.4% 9.0% 43% 14.4% 8.84% 6.1% 1.7% -2.1% 3.6% - 133% Nolcs: (II) Sourcc:S(;/1c DcpilrlmcnlOfFïml()cc Œrlifi:lllbll (b)Excluúcs H1/ ler Scrvicc,RJJA, ¡/lid O'pil<lllmprolVmclIL5 -4- 70 60 en 50 -c c: ~ 40 ::) ~ 30 ~ 20 10 0 City of Tustin 10 Year Population History 87 88 89 90 91 92 Year 93 94 95 96 Data Source: State Dept. of Finance -5- $500 $400 $300 $200 '$100 $0 '. Per Clapita Cost for Operations i 87 88 90 91 92 93 FISCAL YEAR 94 96 95 89 Excludes Water Services, RDA and CIP -6- 1. Program and Financial Plan a. preliminary b. Final 2. Fund a. General b. Special 3. Personnel 4. Supplies & Services 5. Capital Outlay 6. capital Improvements 7. Appropriation 8. Revenue 9. Account Series 10. Activity DEFINITION OF TERMS A plan which establishes the City Council's short and long term priorities through the allocation of resources for City services and the improvement of public facilities. The budget recommended consideration. by the City Council for their The budget which has been approved by the City Council for the financing of governmental operations for the ensuing fiscal year. A sum of money set aside to carryon specific activities in accordance with special regulations or restrictions. A fund constitutes an independent accounting entity. A fund accounting for general government which is financed by revenues not otherwise restricted to special purposes. Accounting of funds requiring expenditures purposes under existing regulations. for special The number of employees including paid salaries and benefits. Expendi tures for departmental operations and related expenses. Equipment used in the operations of the City and of a non- expendable nature, i.e., with a useful life of several years. Major improvements including land and acquisition, buildings, street construct.ion, facilities. right-of-way and related Funds authorized to be expended. Funds received to finance the city's expenditures. An accounting level to record the costs function, department or group of services. a specific of The title of a particular account series. -7- City of Tustin Historical Appropriation Limits Appropriation Amount Subject Variance Fiscal Year Limit To Limit Over/(Under) 1987 -88 $15,037,847 $11,727,140 ($3,310,707) 1988-89 $16,649,503 $14,275,605 ($2,373,898) 1989-90 $17,930,562 $14,580,062 ($3,350,500) 1990-91 $ 19,495, 194 $ 14,536,578 ($4,958,616) 1991-92 $20,860,328 $ 17,32 1,698 ($3,538,630) 1992-93 $22,001,739 $16,317,522 ($5,684,217) 1993 -94 $24,152,039 $19,037,168 ($5,114,871) 1994 -95 $25,333,350 $21,025,049 ($4,308,300) (I) 1995 -96 $27,876,818 $24,983,938 ($2,892,880) (1) Estimate -8- CITY OF TUSTIN FUND BALANCE PROJEC110NS 1995/1996 PROJECTED ESTIMATED BALANCE PROJECTED. PROJECTED BALANCE FUND 7-1-95 REVENUE EXPENDITURE 6- 30- 96 Gener.tI $4,142,665 $24,996,091 $24,983,938 $4,154,818 Capi~¡ Projects Fund-CIP $3,051,577 $1,716,648 $4,768,225 $0 Capi~tlProjcC(S Fulld- RESER VED $1, 7~5,166 $I,im,958 $1,716,648 $J,H51,676 N)MD Fund $175,410 $123,500 $67,000 $211,910 Asset Forfeiture $875,860 $115,000 $780,000 $210,860 Public Safety Augmen~1 tion $134,581 $166,500 $163,000 $138,081 Ma rine Base Closure $24,759 $205,856 $210,615 $0 [LCD.A. $0 $1)74,935 $1)74,935 $0 Measun: M $1,192,935 $2,607,755 $3,650,200 $150,490 Gas "nIx $89,507 $] ,083,500 $1,120,032 $52,975 Pa rk Dcvc lopement $438,681 $308,400 $191,189 $555,892 Sewer Trust $2, 103 $1,500 $0 $3,603 Tustin Street Light Dist. $1,603,960 $346,400 $280,000 $1,670,360 LandscapclLighting Dist. $160,501 $383,760 $398,000 $146,261 REDEVELOPEMENT AGENCY: Town Center - Debt Service $4,071,765 $2,063,430 $5,089,800 $1,045,395 Town Center - Capital Projects $1,991,766 $3,130,000 $416,295 $4,705,471 Town Center - Set Aside $1,517,441 $508,207 $286,502 $1,739,146 South Central - Debt Service $1,126,073 $1,822,050 $2,871,800 $76,323 South Centml - C1 pit.1I Projects $7,228,661 $2,015,000 $2, 769,972 $6,473,689 South Centml - Set Aside $3,350,792 $517,850 $629,467 $3,239,175 WATER ENTERPRISE: Opcmtions $4,195,104 $8,009,900 $7,788,217 $4,416,787 Debt Service $0 $972,750 $972,750 $0 Capital Projects $1,607,215 $1,004,378 $2,611,593 $0 Eq uipme nt Replacement $1,629,350 $440,681 $3174,920 $1,695,111 Risk Management Funds $1,303,892 $920,271 : $728,000 $1,4%,163 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $41.649.964 $56.667.320 $64.263.098 ' $34.054.186 -11- 1995-96 INTERFUND TRANSFERS DE[ AIL Capital SB2766 SB721 Measure Park AD85 -11 RDA Debt DESCRIPTION General Projects AQMD Public Safetv "M" Gas Tax Develop. AD86-2 Service Water 1. Transfer for adminl Eng¡Street Maint $448.000 ($448.000) 2. AQMD eligible expense reimburse for City SOAR program. $16,000 ($16,000) 3. Transfer of direetl inderect admin and $406,000 ($406,000)-SC other expenses. $360,000 ($360,000)- TC 4. Transfer of adrninl labor/insurance expo $673,000 ($923,000) $250.000 5. Transfer of assessrn en t district admin. $29,000 ($29.000) 6. Transfer for expanded Police comnl. sys. $163.000 ($163,000) 7. Transfer for Measure "M" app. expense. $20,000 ($20,000) 8. Transfer of New Canst Tax receipts for future park developement. ($261,400) $261,400 9. Transfer to Risk Mgmt for Insurance expo ($250.000) 5250.000 10. Transfer for Rail Station project $50,000 ($50,000) 11. Transfer for Prelim. design -Tustin Ranch Tree Park. $191.189 ($191.189) $1.603.600 $241.189 ($66.000) ($163,000) ($20,000) ($448,000) $70,211 ($29,000) ($766.000) ($923.000) 5500,000 -12- SUMMARY OF POSITIONS 1991192 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96 DEPARTMENT ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL REQUEST LEGISLATION 4 4 4 4 4 ADMINISTRATION 14 14 14 14 14 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 24 23 23 23 23 PUBLIC WORKS 58 58 53 42 42 POLICE 122 122 122 122 124 COMMUNITY SERVICES 10 10 10 14 14 WATER 21 21 21 21 22 REDEVELOPEMENT AGENCY 0 1 1 2 2 TOTAL FULL TIME POSITIONS 253 253 /248 242 245 -15- ¿- :< j ø:¡ Eo< ¡., r.:I ,..: >< ,..: ,..: ..:: z a H Eo< Z 101 ~ H I <D ...... I r.:I 0 ..:: Po II) H == Eo< 1- (3.5%) Franchise Fees (1.9%) Other Revenue (1.9%) Other Taxes General Fund Revenues FY 1995-96 (48.9%)Sales Tax (4.9%) Licenses & Permits (1.8%) Fines & Forfeitures (2.5%) Use of Money (14:5%) Property Taxes (3.4%) Current SeNices Charges (7.9%) Motor Vehicle License Tax (0.3%) County/State/Fed Grants (8.5%) Transfers-In I_.......--"""~""",,,,",- 1995-96 Estimate $24,996,091 -19- -, FUND GENERAL: Property Taxes Franchise Fees Sales & Use Tax Transient Lodging Tax Business License Tax Real Property Transfer New Construction Tax Build. Permits-E.Tustin Plan Ck. Fees-E.Tustin New Const.Tax-E.Tustin Licenses & Permits Vehicle Code Fines Parking Fines Interest Use of Property Rev from other Agencies . Motor Vehicle In-Lieu State Grants Co. Grants-RNSP Federal Grants Sports Fees Class Fees Youth Fees . Sr Cit./Human Svc Fees . Dev. Share of Projects Current Service Charge Transfers In All Other Sources Fund Total CITY OF TUSTIN BUDGE1ED REVENUES 1995-96 I 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJEC1ED ESTIMATE $3,997,791 $3,649,189 $3,754,000 $842,482 $816,865 $780,500 $9,197,751 $10,932,623 $11,150,000 $81,810 $87,131 $92,000 $261,887 $280,998 $260,000 $0 $197,049 $150,000 $38,161 $1,460 $10,000 $619,522 $1,009,577 $895,000 $397,013 $594,574 $433,100 $154,594 $384,782 $391,600 $331,201 $390,597 $432,100 $190,881 $195,247 $150,000 $165,586 $225,801 $165,000 . $881,689 $802,768 $750,000 $33,021 . $36,048 . $71,000 $139,745 $127,065 $~6,400 $1,927,465 $2,049,552 $1,885,000 $36,037 $24,635 $15,000 $69,196 $45,016 $50,000 $0 $0 $0 $189,100 $199,698 $263,500 $168,516 $159,641 $171,000 $58,965 $42,878 $53,700 $51,267 $46,363 $77,000 $87,342 $549,657 $0 $257,997 $252,985 $176,500 $2,129,%3 $2,130,021 $2,059,919 $487,542 $173,765 $35,400 $22,796,524 $25,405,985 $24,367,719 -20- $3,517,000 $3,620,000 $869,871 $877,800 $11,770,000 $12,230,000 $95,000 $95,000 $279,000 $265,000 $114,000 $110,000 $9,121 $11,900 $497,885 $549,412 $296,737 $258,379 $128,300 $261,400 $404,756 $422,000 $176,000 $180,000 $240,000 $263,700 $501,000 $620,000 $56,116 $61,500 $92,400 $86,100 $1,900,000 $1,971,000 $16,747 $15,000 $50,000 $12,700 $0 $50,000 $210,000 $330,000 $160,100 $204,900 $40,000 $42,500 $40,000 $59,800 $355,067 $0 $218,017 $214,500 $2,052,981 $2,115,000 $174,973 $68,500 $24,265,071 $24,996,091 CITY OF TUSTIN BUDGETED REVENUES 1995-96 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED ESTIMATE CAPITAL PROJECTS: $1,817,839 $2,908,916 $4,403,753 $2,264,284 $1,?32,958 SCAQMD $101,670 $67,368 $124,800 $73,300 $123,500 ASSET FORFEITURE $302,631 $155,841 $150,000 $150,000 $115,000 ' MARINE BASE CLOSUR $317,700 $338,454 $209,856 $1,750 $205,856 HCDA $0 $37,762 $811,545 $121,000 $1,374,935 PUBLIC SAFETY FUND $0 $118,098 $155,000 $143,350 $166,500 MEASURE'M' $I,426,Q92 $664,132 $1,082,000 $572,180' $2,607,755 GAS TAX: Interest $15,723 $2,181 $10,000 $2,800 $15,000 2106 $209,316 $233,208 $227,000 $227,000 $235,000 2107 $435,161 $465,562 $447,000 $450,000 $484,000 2107.5 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 2105 $257,541 $314,912 $323,000 $320,000 $342,000 County Grants $0 $134,587 $259,095 $0 $0 Dev. Share of Project~, $10,000 $0 $287,000 $0 $0 Other $80,689 $257,183 $0 $0 $0 Fund Total $1,015,930 $1,415,133 $1,560,595 $1,007,300 $1,083,500 , , PARK DEVELOPEMENT $912,516 $1,343,559 $504,600 $519,430 $308,400 SEWER TRUST $353 $1,646 $0 $1,750 $1,500 TUS11N ST. LIGHT DIST $426,251 $429,065 $442,000 $371,500 $346,400 LANDSCAPEILIGHT.DIS $379,654 $391,168 $487,300 $382,770 $383,760 REDEVELOPEMENT AGENCY: SOUTH CENTRAL PROJ. Debt Service $2,017,310 $1,764,531 $1,975,000 $1,659,360 $1,822,050 Capital Projects $3,251,376 $3,300,711 $3,500,000 $215,750 $2,015,000 Set Aside $635,234 $562,776 $655,000 $498,750 $517,850 TOWN CENTER PROJ. . Debt Service $1,877,046 $2,403,324 $2,329,674 $1,907,266 $2,063,430 Capital Projects $1,069,748 $3,264,962 $1,236,308 $1,250,000 $3,130,000 Set Aside $536,975 $523,432 $548,000 $504,600 $508,207 Fund Total $9,387,689 $11,819,736 $10,243,982 $6,035,726 $10,056,537 -21- CITY OF TUSTIN BUDGETED REVENUES 1995 - 96 I 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJEClED ESTIMATE WATER ENfERPRISE: Opera lions $6,515,247 $7,535,378 $7,875,900 $7,733,949 $8,009,900 Capital Impro..ement $946,073 $555,532 $340,000 $46,662,923 $1,004,378 EQUIP. REPLACEMENT $119,457 $397,839 $440,973 $440,973 $440,681 RISK MANAGEMENT $802,876 $830,970 $937,111 $939,444 $920,271 HEALTH BENEFITS $1,301,057 $797,588 $0 $5,219 $0 GRAND TOTAL: $48,569,559 $55,214,170 $54,137,134 $91,691,919 $53,977,922 -22- FUND ^CCOUNTINO DEOCRIPTIONB OENER1\L FUND FUND 010 Approximately seventy percent (70%) of all monies received by the City deposited into the General Fund, and is used to finance general City operations. The major portion of General Fund monies is received from property and sales taxes. GASOLINE TAX FUND FUND 100 Funds collected under Section 2106 and 2107 of the Streets and Highways code are distributed to cities, primarily on the basis of population, and are deposited into the Gasoline Tax Fund. Monies so received must be 'generally be expended for the construction of the State approved "select aid system" of streets, or for maintenance. SEWER MAIN TRUN~ FUND FUND 200 Fees collected by the City from property owners for connections made to the City I S sewer system are deposited into this fund. Prior to 1976-77, monies were distributed on the basis of 25% to the County Sanitation District No.7 for the construction and maintenance of sewers, and 75% to the City for construction of new trunk sewers by City contract. Since June 1977, 95% of all fees are distributed.to the District, and 5% are credited to the City for administration and unrestricted use. This fund will be eliminated when outstanding obligations are fulfilled. -23- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND FUND 020 A fund established by resolution of Council to accumulate a portion of property tax revenue on annexed land held in agricultural preserve for future capital improvements within the area. The accumulation ends in the budget year following the issuance of ð structural permit. This fund does not show as a source of revenue because it is an accounting transfer from the General Fund. TUSTIN LIGHTING AND LANDSCAPE DISTRICT FUND 530 Established by resolution of the City Council, all monies received from special assessments in the district are used to finance the cost of street light installation, maintenance and energy, and maintenance of greenbelts, parks and public right of way perpetuities. EQUIPMENT FUND FUND 700 A separate internal accounting fund has been established to provide adequate reserves with which to replace existing equipment on a planned, economical basis. Using departments are charged a monthly rental on their vehicles and equipment which provides for replacement, operational expense, and repairs. I This fund does not show as a source of revenue because it is an account1ng transfer from the benefitted departments to the fund. FUND ACCOUNTING DESCRIPTIONS SOUTHERN CALIFOP.NIA AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT (OCAQMD) FUND 030 The state Legislat\Jre authorized the collection of an additional $2.00 per each vehicle registration. The fees collect~d are then administered by the southern California Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) and distributed to cities. These funds are used in the implementation of transportation measures embodied in the Air Quality Act to reduce pollution or related planning, monitoring and technical studies. HOUSING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (HCDA) FUND 060 . Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) distributed to Tustin through the County of Orange. The objectives of CDBG funds are to aid in the prevention or elimination of blight and to provide benefit to low and moderate income families. Funds can be .used for such projects such as housing and commercial rehabilitation programs, graffiti removal and capital improvements. . -24- MEASURE "M" FUND 090 In the April, 1991 General Election the voters approved a 1/2 cent sales tax increase for transportation related programs. These funds are administered by the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) . OCTA asks cities to submi t transportation projects every two years which are then reviewed to determine if funds will be granted. RIOK MANAGEMENT FUNDO 620/810/830/850 ^ separate internal fund has been established to fund long term disability; unemployment insurance; liability fund and worker's compensation. The risk management activities include self-insurance retention excess insurance, paid claims, administrative costs, legal and other expenses. This fund does not show as a source of revenue because it is an accounting transfer from the non- departmental operating budget to the fund. FUND ~CCOUNTING DEOCRIPTIONO ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 05-1 FUND 540 Assessment District 85-1 was created in order to provide the resources necessary to provide infra-structure capitalization prior to development of the eastern portion o~ the city. WATER FUND FUND 600 Established during the 1900-01 fiscal year. The Water Fund is used to collect the revenue from water sales and account for the operating expenses and transmission and distribution system. AOSE8SMENT DISTRICT 06-2 FUND 400 Assessment District 86-2 was created in 'order to provide resources necessary to prov ide infrastructure capitalization for development of the East Tustin area. -25- HEALTH BENEFIT FUND FUND .040 A separate trust fund has been established to self-insure the routine cases of employee heal th and dental care. Departments are charged a "premium" based on employees and coverage within the department. Expenses of the fund include paid claims, administrative costs, reinsurance costs, and other expenses. This fund does not show as a source of revenue because it is an accounting transfer from the benefitted departments to the fund. PROPERTY TAXES REVENUE ~CCOUNTS DESCRIPTIONS Prior to July 1, 1978, general law cities were authorized to set a one-dollar tax rate on both secured and unsecured properties for General Fund purposes. However, Proposition 13 has created a new system whereby the amount of property tax is greatly' reduced and is distributed as provided by the state Legislature. . FRANCHISE TAX FEES Franchises for operations within the city for which a fee is charged, are presently held by the local electric, natural gas, cable television, and refuse collection companies. CITY SALES AND USE TAXES The City tax rate on all goods and services authorized under the Bradley-Burns Tax Law is one percent (1\) and is State-collected. BUSINESS LICENSE TAXES The City Business License Ordinance establishes the annual license fee charged to all categories of businooooo operating within the City. BUILDINO PERMITS FEES Fees for new building construction are based on local ordinance and include electrical, plumbing, and other related permits and fees. -26- RE~L PROPERTY TRANSFER TAXES Established by ordinance and effective January 1, 1968, a twenty-seven and one-half cent (27 1/2) tax is applied to each five hundred dollars of sales of real property transacted within the City. This tax is County-collected and returned to the City monthly. NEW CONSTRUCTION T~XES New residential and other construction is taxed by an ordinance effective October, 1972. The proceeds go to the General Fund to support the increased cost of municipal services generated by the new development. STREET PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS A permit fee is charged for the inspection of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and other street work installed by property owners or developers. OTHER LICENSES AND PERMITS Permit fees are charged for a license to operate taxicabs, provide entertainment in public ostablishmento, and (or other purposes. PLANNINO FEES Fees for Use Permits, Vðriðnces, and zone Changes ðre chðrged the property owners when applying for such actions from the City. REVENUE ACCOUNTS DESCRIPTIONS SPECIAL POLICE SERVICES Charges made to the public for police protection at dances and special events. OTHER CURRENT CHARGES Charges made to. the public for special services and required installation of street signs in new developments. INTEREST Interest received on investèd 'surplus or inactive monies and deposited into the General, Revenue Sharing, Gas Tax, City Beautification, Park Bond, civic Center Bond Fund, Redevelopment and Water Funds. INTEREST OK DELINQUENT TAXES Interest received on delinquent property tax payment. RENTS Rent received for use of City buildings and property, primarily the Clifton C. Miller community Center, Tustin Senior Center, and the lease.of Fire Station No.2. MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE FEES Is in lieu of local property tax'on vehicles and is based on two percent (2") of the market value of the vehicle. Fee is distributed on tho basis of population and not the location of the vehicle's registration. -28- STATE PROPERTY TAX RELIEF Payments by the State to the City in lieu of property taxes on Homeowner and Business Inventory Tax exemptions. TRAILER COACH FEES Is in lieu of property tax on trailers and is based on the location of registration of the trailer. Revenues are distributed one- third each to schools, counties, and cities. Mobile/modular homes placed on permanent foundations are now taxed as real property. CIGARETTB TAXES ^ three-cent tax per pack of cigarettes, established October 1, 1967, is state- collected, and is distributed to cities, one-half on the basis of taxable sales of a 11 other products. and one-ha 1 f on the basis of population. Repealed by state action 1992-1993. IIIGU"AY CARRIERS' BUSINESS LICENSE State-collected business 1 icense fees on highway carriers in lieu of city business license fees, distributed on the basis of population. Repealed by State Action 1980- 19B1. REVENUE ~CCOUNTS DESCRIPTIONS FINES AND FORFBITURES Includes Vehicle code and non-traffic fines collected primarily by the Orange County Municipal.Court. Eighty-five percent (85\) of the amount received by the Court for offenses occurring within the City is returned to the City, with the exception of 50\ returned to the City for arrests made by the California Highway Patrol. COUNTY GRANTS OF STATB GASOLINE TAXES Contributions from county Gas Tax funds to City projects of county-wide benefit. FEDERAL GRANTS Grants from the Federal government to City projects or programs of an eligible nature, Grants under the Federal Revenue Sharing Program are included within this category. SUBDIVISION HAP FEES Includes subdivision map filing fees and charge for engineering review and plan checking of such maps. SALB OF HAPS AND PUBLICATIONS A charge is made for City maps and reproduction of documents dist.r ibuted to private individuals. -27- STREET CONSTRUCTION Monies paid by property owners in lieu of required installation by owner of curbs, gutters and paving when developing property. STREBT REIMBURSEMENT Contributions from. private property owners for curbs and gutters in connect ion with street improvement projects. PARItWAY TREB FEES Charges made to developers, subdividers, and others for the purchase and installation of parkway trees by the City. WEED ABATEKBNT Assessment charges made against property owner when the City is required to clear weeds on private property. RECREATION F!':ES Fees for sports, senior citizen partially offset I FALSB A~ FEES special classes, youth and programs, charged to the cost of services. Service charges made to businesses, etc" having excessive false alarms on burglary and robbery alarm systems " STAT! GRANTS REVENUE ACCOUNTS DESCRIPTIONS CONTRIBUTIONS Grants administrated by State to city projects or programs of an eligible nature. Traffic Safety Grants from the State Office of Traffic Safety are included in this category. STAT! GASOLINE TAXES State-collected gas tax is apportioned to cities under various State laws and may be used for engineering, right-of-way, construction and maintenance, primarily of non-local streets. SAL! or CITY PROPERTY Revenue received from the aale of surplua city property. SAL! OF UNCLAIKED PROPERTY Revenue received from the sale of abandoned and unclaimed property. SEWER CONNECTION FEES A connection fee is charged to p'roperty owners when seweJ;'s are installed and connected to the city's sewer system. Prior to 1977-78,75\ was retained by the city for trunk main extensions and 25\ was paid to the sanitation District. Since that time, 5\ is retained by the City for administrative expense and the balance returned to the District. -29- Donations and contributions paid to the City for specific or general purposes. PAR~ LAND DEDICATIOK FE!S Fees required from subdividers of residential property in lieu of providing park land and facilities for future residents. Such fees are used to provide alternative recreational facilities. DAMAGED cITY PROPERTY Collections from insurance companies and private parties for damage to City property, such as parkway trees, street signs, buildings, etc. SUNDRY OTHER REV!NUE Refunds, miscellaneous collections, and other revenues are included in this account. WATER SALES Revenue collected from the sale of water for all uses and equity assessment credits. :< j .. Eo< ¡., r.:I ,..: >< ,..: ,..: ..:: z 0 H Eo< Z r.:I Eo< Z H r.:I 0 ..:: Po I a (Y) I co !;:! ~ , Operating Appropriation by Department FY 1995-96 (7.9%) Community Development (4.9%) Community SerVices / (. \", (41.3%) Public Safety \. ' /' // (23.0%) Public Works (2.2%) Legislation (4.4%) Administration (3.8%) Non-Departmental (12.5%) Fire Total Operating Appropriation $24,983,939 . . ,.. ."", ""'-"""JO"""""",."" ""'=""""""'-' ~-~-"'......_----_. -33- 1995-96 COMBINED GENERAL FUND PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 1994/95 DEPARTMENT ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED LEGISLATION $543,862 $577,677 $536,215 $538,709 $538,850 ADMINISTRATIO~ 1,133,567 1,047,795 1,089,880 1,048,627 1,107,516 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMI 1,784,946 1,790,043 2,078,464 1,663,543 1,962,954 PUBLIC WORKS 5,731,580 5,341,932 5,808,300 5,682,694 5,751,101 POLICE 8,532,741 9,009,361 9,650,823 9,522,762 10,309,714 FIRE 3,063,085 3,115,464 3,312,673 3,312,673 3,312,673 COMMUNITY SERVICES 918,403 885,096 1,114,718 951,574 1,221,373 NON-DEPARTMENTAL 1,124,876 1,854,277 2,534,340 2,504,573 779,757 Total Program Expenditures. U22,833,060 $23,621,645 $26,125,413 $25,225,155 $24,983,93811 -34- CITY 0 F TV STIN CITIZENS OF TUSTIN] CITY CLERK MAYOn CITY COUNCIL CITY ATroRNEY REDEVELOPME~rAGENCY I commINATION AND COOPERATION I I)RIV ATE UTILITIES ElecmcÎly Natural Gas Telephone CONTRAcr SERVICES Fire Refuse Animal Control Cable T.V. SPECIAL DISTHICTS Library Lighling Sewers Flood Control AD 85-1 & AD 86-2 DEPARTMENT SUMMARY 1995-1996 ¡DEPARTMENT: LEGISLATION I PY 94-95 BUDGET PY 94-95 PROJEC1ED PY 95-96 REQUES1ED PULL TIME STAPP 4 4 4 Object No. I~ ~I ~ SAEARIESmND.%VÙ\GDiS 5100 Salaries $135036 $138160 $140,347 5200 Benefits 79,246 70,832 67,303 5124/25 Part time 63,248 63,248 65,980 5132 Shift Diff 5150 Overtime 495 300 495 Salaries Totnl $278025 $272.540 $274 125 M ÄiIERIAU $1\& Ü¡StOJ?J?írt 6016 Le!!nl Services-City All $190,000 $195,000 $185,000 6017 . Lel!al Services-Other 150 6111 Codification/Stora!!e 3,500 2,599 3,700 6355 Tclcnhone 6300 6800 7.800 6410 Oneratin!! Sunnlies 3500 2400 3.000 6445 Office EquiJ1ment 3,000 500 2,500 6510 Dept SuJ1plies 3,500 3,560 4,000 6540 SJ1ccial EquiJ1 Main! 2,000 500 2,000 6550 Printinl! 500 515 500 6560 Le!!al Advertisinl! 18000 18200 19,000 8240 Vehicle Milea!!e 400 115 300 8310 Meeting ExJ1ense 11,126 11,500 12,050 8315 Training 500 400 400 8325 Tuition Reimhursemcnt 200 83~0 Mcm berships/Su bscriptions 364 1.630 475 92~0 Election ExJ1ense 15,500 22,100 24,000 I ! Sub-Total Materials and Supplies .~?,R Ion ~~// . /A DEPARTMENT TOTAL ~_....--~. ...wu,~ )Lh4.725 I $53Ù15Î $538,709 ~ -37- DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: DESCRIPTION: LEGISLATION CITY COUNCIL The City Council provides pol icy direction with regard to City services. Through its review and approval of the City's annual operating and capital improvement budget, the City Council determines the types and levels of City services. The City Council authorizes changes in the Municipal Code through adoption of ordinances. Policy direction is given by the City Council to the Planning Commission, the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Audit Committee. The City Counci 1 al so serves as the Board of Directors of the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency. The Board of Di rectors is respons i b 1 e for overseei ng imp 1 ementat i on of the Town Center and South/Central Project Area Plans. City Council members also serve as representatives to various county and regional agencies responsible for transportation, airport, planning, sanitation and flood control functions. -38- I y I Objcct No. , Dcscriotion BUDGET PROJECTED ADOPTED COMMENTS SALARIES AND WAGES c~. c-i'i 7i' 'ii~ ----YiÇ ", "., .' 5100 pull time Salaries $0 $0 $0 5124 Part Time $30.000 $30,000 $30.000 itv Council 5200 Benefits $35.079 $31,228 $23.774 5150 Overtime/Standbv $0 $0 $0 Salarics Su btotal $65,079 $61.228 $53.774 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL iii ./~~> ,'..c.".."cc,c.Lm i c.>i>u ..\i cc.,'...~ i'C.C~.i,'i>~.'. ..,.,c, c...., . 6355 Teleohone $2.000 $2.000 $3.000 6410 Ooeratino Suoolies $500 $500 $500 6510 DcDt Suoolies $1.500 $1.500 $1.500 6550 Printin~ $500 $515 $500 8310 Meetin~s $10.976 $11,500 $11,300 8330 M em bersh i DS/SU bscriptions $148 $310 $175 I i MATERIALS/SUPPLIES SUBTOTAL $15.624 $16,325 $16.975 Division Total $80.703 $77.553 $70.749 ry 94- 95 BUDGET DETAIL ry 94-95 Department: Division Number: Division Name: Legislation 1010 Citv Council FY 95-96 -39- 7. 8. DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: LEG I SLATI ON CITY CLERK DESCRIPTION: The City Clerk's office is the official record keeper of the city; custodian of the citJ seal; responsible for the conduct of municipal elections; and the official filing officer fo~ Statement of Economic Interest and Campaign Disclosure forms as required by the Fai Po 1 it i ca 1 Practices Commi ss i on. Thi s offi ce prepares the agendas and mi nutes for th City Counc il and Redevelopment Agency and coord i nates fo 11 ow- up of Counc il and Agency actions. TASKS: 1. Develop and maintain a city-wide records management system which includes a master functional filing system develop and maintain a city-wide records retention schedule and program, which may includ~ establishment of an off-site record storage center. 2. Prepare City Council and Redevelopment Agency agendas, action agendas, and minutes; coordinate City Counci and Redevelopment Agency follow-up and retention of Council and Agency related records. 3. Provide document/information research service for staff and general public, which incluqes development an maintenance of computerized information retrieval system. 4. 5. Coordinate and conduct the City's General Municipal Election and any specíal elections. Act as filing officer for campaign disclosure forms and conflict of interest forms for members of the City Council, Redevelopment Agency, Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Tustin Communit Foundation Board, and designated employees. 6. Provide update and distribution of amendments to the municipal code; and maintain current code books. Provide the processing of incoming/outgoing mail and facsimiles for civic center and off-site departments. Oversee the reception and centralized duplicating services for the Civic Center; which includes maintenanci agreements, supplies and staffing functions. -40- BUDGET DETAIL FY 95- 96 Division Analysis Workshcct ,--...-.-....-...-. ~"1 ~,~,. Objcct No. Dcscription BUDGET I PROJECTED ADOPTED COMMENTS SALARIES AND WAGES , ....., .'. '...... .',.> , ~ .> .....' ..' ."'... ','... .......... .... >'.'. 5100 'ull time Salaries $ D5.036 $D8.160 $140.347 5124 Part Time $33.248 $33.248 $35.980 5200 Bcncfits $44.167 $:1'J.óO4 $43.529 5150 Ovcrtimc/StonJl>y $495 $:100 $495 I Salaries Su bIotal $212.946 $211.312 $220.351 MATERIAl ANn ~~~. n....... ....""'..) ,i.,.....>,».. ..'. 6111 Codification/Storage $3.500 $2.599 $3.700 Government Code/Muni Code Updates 6355 Telephone $4,000 $4.500 $4.500 6410 Operating Supplies $3.000 $1.900 $2.500 6445 OfJice Equip Main!. $3.000 $500 $2.500 6510 Dept Supplies $2.000 $2.000 $2.500 6540 Special Equip Maint $2.000 $500 $2.000 6560 Lcgal Advcrtising $ 8.000 $18.200 $19.000 8240 Vchiclc Milcagc/Allowancc $400 $115 $:100 8310 Meetincs $150 $0 $750 831.5 Training $500 $400 $400 8.125 I'uition Rcimburscmcnt $0 $200 $0 83.10 Mcm berships/ SubscriPtions $216 $410 $:100 92.10 Elections $15.500 $22.100 $24.000 Municipal Electi~n-March 26.1996 I i MATERIALS/SUPPUES SUBTOTAL $52.266 $53.424 $62.450 Division Total $265.212 $264.7:>6 $282.801 FY 94-95 FY 94- 95 FY 95-96 -41- DEPARTMENT: LEGISLATION DIVISION: CITY ATTORNEY DESCRIPTION: The city Attorney's office provides legaliadvice and services pertaining to City affairs to the city Council, City Manager and other City officials. TASKS: 1. Attend City Council, Redevelopment Agency and Planning Commission and Audit Committee meetings for the purpose of providing legal advice. 2. Review and prepare ordinances, resolutions, franchises, agreements, contracts and other documents. 3. Provide legal advice to City departments. 4. Represent the City in court proceedings. 5. Review and monitor general liability and worker's compensation claims processed by the City's claims administrator. -42- BUDGET DETAIL FY 95-96 Division Analysis Worksheet Obiect No. Description I BUDGET PROJECTED I ADOPTED I COMMENTS SALARIES AND WAGES '.. iiii .i,," .i"""i i ",......i,.....,. ."o'o"'.."'<.i....o'Y" 5100 'ulltime Salaries $0 $0 $0 5124 Part Time $0 $0 $0 5200 Benefits $0 $0 $0 5150 Overtime/Standbv $0 $0 $0 Salaries Subtotal $0 $0 $0 MATERIALS AND SUPPUES DETAIL ..'...i,.' ..0' .."'..".".. ..i....... .,.. iio"..",.iiii ',iiiii\.,.. io',. ii . 6016 Legal Services- Citv Att $190.000 $195.000 $185.000 6017 Legal Services- Other $0 $150 $0 6355 Telephone $:100 $:100 $:100 6510 Dert SuDDlies $0 $00 $0 8310 Meetings $0 $0 $0 8330 Mem berships/Su bseriPtions $0 $910 $0 ! , . MA TERIALS/SUPPUES SUBTOTAL $190.300 $196.420 $185.300 Division Total $190300 $196.420 $185.300 FY 94-95 FY 94-95 FY 95-96 -43- :< j ø:¡ Eo< ¡., r.:I ,..: >< ,..: ,..: ..:: z a H Eo< Z r.:I Eo< Z H I <:T <:T I r.:I 0 ..:: Po tD H == Eo< EXECUTIVE COORDINATOR DEPARTMENT CLERK ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER DIR. OF COMM. DEV. CITY MANAGER EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CONTRACf SERVICES COMMUNITY SERVICES DIREcrOR OF FINANCE CHIEF DEPUTY CITY CLER K . CHIEF OF POLICE DIRECfOR OF PUBLIC WORKS PERSONNEL SERVICES DEPARTMENT SUMMARY 1995-1996 ¡DEPARTMENT: ADMINISTRATION I FULL TIME STAFF I 14 I 14 I 14 Ol'ect No. I Description I I I SALARJ~P\V^GËS' $693.395 $686.877 $715.749 5100 Salaries 5200 BcnclÏts 194.240 191.019 205.521 5124/25 Part time 16.530 16.575 16.980 5132 Shift Dirr 5150 Overtime 6.000 4.500 4.733 Salaries Total $910.165 $898.971 $942.983 MAttEiüAM'%ND:SURRBESilibBTAïV@ilfifWMMfFtttftm¡WmtWmWiWM'irtlfM'fIfJ@fiitt11WiWf@1Wi@ fit Itii}; 6010 Proressional/Consultin~ $31.200 $20.000 $28.000 6011 Mana~ement Consultant 5.000 0 0 6014 Accounting/Audit 12.000 D.IOO 11.000 6019 Medical Services 17,000 10.000 10.000 6021 Psycholol~ical Services 8.000 8.000 8.500 6106 Audit Committee Expense 1.500 1.850 1.750 6355 Telcphone 18.000 17,500 18.500 6410 Office Supplics 1.600 1.600 1.600 6445 Omce Equipment Maint 1.500 1.500 1.500 6510 Dept Supplies 4.750 5.926 5.250 6550 l'rintin¡¡ 3.650 4.550 4.650 6560 Advertising 10.000 6.000 6.000 8010 Computer Maint 31.600 28.300 28.800 ROl.~ Computer l'aper!rorms smo 4000 4(X)0 8020 Computer Operations 3220 3220 3:100 8240 Vehicle Milea~e I. 900 1.880 2.000 8245 Vehicle I.sJ?- Equip Fund 0 0 6.000 8310 Meeting Expense 5.094 . 3.760 4.860 8315 Training 7.081 3.:100 5.100 8325 Tuition Reimbursement 750 1.750 1.550 8330 M em herships/Su hscriptions 5.719 5.720 6.122 8335 Travel Expense 1,:100 1.000 I 500 8340 Personnel Recruitment 551 1.:10(1 551 8350 Personnel Testin\! 3,000 5,400 5.000 Sub-Total Materials and Supplies $179.415 $149.656 $164.533 DEI'ARTMENTTOTAL $1089580 $1048627 $1107516 FY 94- 95 BUDGET FY 94-95 PROJECTED FY 95-96 REQUESTED -47- DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: DESCRIPTION: TASKS: I ADMINISTRATION CITY MANAGER Under pol icy direction of the City Council, the City Manager's office is responsible for planning, organizing and evaluating City services and providing management direction to all City departments through the department heads. It also ensures that the types and levels of City services are consistent with City Council policy and the adopted budget. 1. Keep the City Council constantly apprised as to the status of C~ty programs and activities. 2. Present the proposed 1995-96 budget and the three-year financial plan to the City Counc il . 3. Respond to, services. and resolve, citizen complaints concerning City 4. Serve as Executive Director of the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency. 5. Provide staff support, when required, to members of the City Council serving on County and regional agencies. -48- BUDGET DETAIL FY 95-96 DivisiOn AoalYsisWÓrksheet Obiect No. I Description nUDGET PROJECTED ADOPTED COMMENTS SALARIES AND WAGES ....' .... ....\i .....i ..'...<.. -(--... ... ........'. . 5100 /Full time Salaries $207.720 $209.382 $213.000 5124 Part Time 0 0 0 5200 Benefits 50.264 50.637 52.435 5150 Overlim e/Standbv 0 0 0 Salaries Sublotal $257.984 $260.019 $265.435 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL .."... '' 6355 Telcphonc $2.000 $3.000 $3.600 6410 OperatinQ Supplies 800 800 800 6445 Oftice Eouip Maiol. 200 200 200 6510 Dcpl Supplies 250 250 250 6550 PrinlioQ 150 t50 150 8010 Computcr Maiol 1,600 1.800 1.800 8245 Vehicle Lso- EQuip Fund 0 0 6.000 8310 MeetioQs 2.384 1.700 2.700 8315 rainioQ 400 100 500 8330 M cm herships/ Su bscriptioos 1.957 1.870 2.000 I i MATERIALS/SUPPUES SUBTOTAL $9.741 $9.870 $ 18.000 I Divisioo Total $267 725 $269.889 $283.435 FY 94- 95 FY 94-95 FY 95-96 -49- 6. 7. 8. 9. DEPARTMENT: ADM;I:NISTRATION i DIVISION: FiNANCE DESCRIPTION: The Finance Division provides financial services and accounting support for the City; the Redevelopment Agency; water utility and the City's Special Assessment Districts; is responsible for recording the financial activities of the City in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and standards of the National Committee on Governmental Accounting and Auditing. TASKS: 1. Deposit and record all revenues of the City. 2. Administer the Purchasing Ordinance of the City at the direction of the Purchasing Officer. 3. Maintain a conservative Idyll Funds Investment Program. 4. Provide management support for water utility billing. 5. Prepare quarterly financial reports. Prepare monthly management information reports. Complete Annual Report of Operations for the State Controller, state street Report and other reports as required by other agencies. Prepare comprehensive Annual Report, including the Federal Single Audit Program. Monitor the City's Fixed Asset Accounting System. -50- (Finance tasks continued) 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Administer the payroll and accounts payable functions. Administer the Self-Insured Risk Management Program which includes health, long term disability, worker's compensation and general liability. Develop innovative financing techniques and continue to comply with acceptable principles. Assemble and monitor the 1996-97 Operating and Capital Improvement Budget. Provide the treasury function for outstanding bond issues including: Tustin Water; RDA Bonds; AD 85-1 and AD 86-2. Represent the City as Treasurer of the Orange County cities Risk Management Authority. -51- BUDGET DETAIL PY 95-96 Division Analysis Worksheet Administration 2020 Finance Object No. Description BUDGET PROJECTED ADOPTED COMMENTS SALARIES AND WAGES ....'.......". . .............>>...... >>..,.. ..... ..>... > .... .'... . ..»/~ 5100 !Full time Salaries $319.308 $310.000 $329.723 5124 Part Time 16.530 16.575 16.980 5200 Benefits 97,574 93.610 105.076 5150 Overtime/Standbv 4.000 2.500 3.000 Salaries Subtotal $437.412 $422.685 $454.779 MATERIALS AND SUPPUES DETAIL .> .... 6014 Accounting & Audit $12.000 $13.100 $11.000 6106 Audit Committee Expense 1.500 1.850 1.750 6355 Telephone 10.000 8.500 8.900 6510 Deoartment Suoolics 3.500 4.676 4.000 6550 Printino 1.500 1.400 1.500 8010 Comouter Maintenance 28.000 24.500 25.000 8015 Comnuter PaoerlForms 5.000 4.000 4.000 8020 Computer Operations' 3,220 3.220 3.300 8240 Vehicle Mileage/Allowance 1.900 1.850 1.900 8310 Meetings 1.750 1.100 1.200 8315 'rainino 1.650 1.200 1,100 8325 Tuition Reimbursement 0 1.000 800 8330 Memberships/ Subscriptions 2.000 2,000 2.000 8335 Travel Expense 1.300 1.000 500 MATERIALS/SUPPUES SUBTOTAL $73.320 $69,396 $66,950 Division Total $510.732 $492.081 $521.729 FY 94-95 FY 94- 95 FY 95- 96 -52- DEPARTMENT: ADMINISTRATION DIVISION: PERSONNEL SERVICES DESCRII>110N: The Personnel Services Division handles lhe Personnel function, and provides staff support to the City Manager's office. The Personnel function attracts, hires and maintains the highest quality staff available; coordinates delivery of employee benefits; and insures compliance of all applicable laws regarding personnel matters. Other Personnel Services functions include legislative review and follow up, special studies, and projects for the City Manager. TASKS: 1. Support SCAQMD compliance efforts in coordination with Community Development Department and Direction from Assistant City Manager with creative employee incentive programs. 2. Review internal controls and strengthen where necessary. 3. Meet and confer with employee organizations regarding wages, benefits, and working conditions; compliance with all agrccmcnts; develop City management positions in ncgotiations. implement and monitor 4. Maintain contact with the legislative network; review Icgislation with impact upon municipal government; take appropriate action 10 communicate the City's position to the elected orlicials. 5. Recruit and select all employees; develop testing materials and procedures. 6. Monitor employee benefits programs, such as medical and dental insurance, life insurance, long tenn disability and educational benefits. . -53- 7. Support City goals through assertive recr:uitment, strong employee-employer relationships, positive communication, and creative solutions. 8. Develop and coordinate employee training and staff development programs. 9. Monitor compliance with Affirmative Action guidelines and olher state and federal law. 10. Manage worker compensation caseload and coordinate same wilh third-party administrator. 11. Maintain compensation plan; review and recommend salary levels for all City classes. 12. Maintain position classification plan. 13. Monitor employee relations aetivities: Coordinate employee relations committee, monitor compliance with Personnel Rules and Regulations, and work with departments to resolve employee relations issues. 14. Provide Hearing Officer services for disciplinary appeals hearings. 15. Provide management level staff support to the City Manager for special projects and studies. -54- Ohject No. I Description BUDGET PROJECTED I ADOPTED COMMENTS SALARIES AND WAGES .....'.' .... " '. ....' ". . . 5100 °ull time Salaries $166.367 $167.495 $173.026 5124 Part Time 5200 Benefits 46.402 46.772 48.010 5150 Overtime/Standby 2.000 2.000 1,733 Salaries Su htotal $214.769 $216.267 $222.769 MATERIALS AND SUPPUES DETAIL .'."... . > ~ / .'" ...... ....' . .'.'.'." .' ......~~~ I."""..... ...~~~~ .>. ..'..' ... 6010 Professional/Consul ling $31.200 $20.000 $28,000 Necessary legislative compliance 6011 Management Consultant 5.000 0 0 6019 Medica! Services 17.000 10.000 10.000 2.000 lirst aide cases only. 6021 Psvcholo~jeal Services 8.000 8.000 8.500 Police nsvehological and poly~ranh testing 6335 Telephone Expense 6.000 6.000 6.000 6410 OfJice Supplies 800 800 800 6445 OfJice Equipment Maint 1.300 1.300 1.300 6510 Departmental Supplies 1.000 1.000 1.000 6550 Printing Expense 2.000 3.000 3.000 6560 Advertising 10.000 6.000 6.000 8010 omputer Maintenance 2.000 2.000 2.000 8240 Vehicle Mileage 0 30 100 8310 Meeting Expense 960 960 960 8315 Training Expense 5.031 2.000 3.500 8325 Tuition Reimbursement 750 750 750 I 8330 Mem hership(Su bscrintions 1.762 1.850 2,122 , 8340 Personnel Recruitment 551 1.300 551 8350 Personnel Testing 3.000 5.400 5.000 MA TERIALS/SUPPUES SUBTOTAL $96.354 $70.390 $79.583 I Division Total $311.123 $286.657 $302.352 FY 94-95 FY 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL FY 95-96 Division AnaJysis Workshee\ Administration 2030 Personnel Services FY 95-96 -55- :< j ø:¡ Eo< ¡., r.:I ,..: >< ,..: ,..: ..:: z 0 H Eo< Z r4 t H I 1.0 L{) I r.:I 0 ..:: Po tD H == Eo< COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT On loan to Redevelopment Agency beginning December 1, 1995 ~ Will also provide typing support to Redevelopment Agency * - .5 CDBG Funded Position * * - 1 CDBG Funded Position PLAN CHECK CONSULTANTS FIRE MARSHALL HEALTH SERVICES (2) BUILDING TECHNICIANS (2) . . PLAN CHECKERS (4) BUILDING INSPECTORS BUILDING DIVISION DIRECTOR OF CO~TYDEVELOPMENT - - - - { PLANNING COMMISSION ) ASSISTANT DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT CLERK BUSINESS LICENSE (1.5*) ASSOCIATE PLANNERS (1) ASSISTANT PLANNER (2**) CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS ADVANCED PLANNING/ SPECIAL PROJECT DIVISION SECRETARY SENIOR PLANNER (1.5) ASSOCIATE PLANNERS (2) ASSISTANT PLANNERS CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION DEPARTMENT SUMMARY 1995-1996 I DEPARTMENT: COMMUNI1Y DEVELOPMENT I I FULL TIME STAFF I 23 23 23 I ~ Descriot ion ~. 5100 Salaries $1.160768 $1086159 $1.119569 5200 Benefits 317,630 292,111 315,757 5124125 Part time 25,690 25,390 29,772 5132 Shift Diff 5150 Overtime 3943 1800 3923 Salaries Total $1508031 $1405 460 $1469021 6010 ProfessionaIlG>nsu Iling $345,400 $120,000 $278,500 6105 Planning Commission Exo 6,000 6,000 6,000 6112 Microfilming Expense 13,000 7,500 11,000 6355 Telephone Expense 13 200 21,610 18100 6445 Office EQuioment Maint 2500 850 1300 6510 Department Supplies 9,800 9,800 9,800 6512 Camera/Graphics 1000 700 900 6540 Special EQuio Maintenance 1,100 1,170 1,100 6550 Printing Expense 10500 9800 10500 8010 Computer Maintenanee 12904 12904 14904 8020 Computer Operations 1,500 850 1,500 8240 Vehicle Mileage 2,000 2,030 2,000 8245 Vehicle Leasing Fund 10,354 . 10,354 10,354 8310 Meetinl! Exoense 5770 5300 6030 8315 Training Exoense 8420 8,510 11 075 8325 Tuition Reimbursement 0 350 0 8330 Mem bersh ios/Su bscriot ions 2,285 2,355 4,370 9262 Base Closure Expense 12.'),000 38,000 106,500 Sub- Total Materials and Supplies $570,733 $258,083 $493,933 DEPARTMENT TOTAL $2078764 $1 663 543 $1962954 FY 94-95 BUDGET FY 94-95 PROJECTED FY 95 -96 REQUESTED -59- DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: DESCRIPTION: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING Planning! includes the Current and Advanced Planning/Special Project Functibns. The Current Planning division provides for the review of proposed development to ensure conformance to City zoning and development standards including site plan and design review and development permit coordination and tracking. The Advanced Planning/Special proj ect division maintains the Tustin Area General Plan. Additional responsibilities include Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) activities, business licenses, annexations, code enforcement, graffiti removal and special department projects. Planning provides required staff support to the City Council, Planning Commission and Redevelopment Agency. More specific continuing Planning responsibilities include: coordinating local land use policies and plans with regional planning agencies; preparing reports to the Planning Commission; City Council and Redevelopment Agency concerning the General Plan, zoning, sign and subdivision regulations; preparing a variety of land. use policy studies; on- going evaluation of City's specific plans to ensure conformance with stated goals and objectives; and maintenance of statistical data concerning population and land use (housing, commercial and industrial) within the City. 1995-96 Tasks (Planning) 1. Provide timely processing of development applications striving to complete reviews within established goals. 2. Initiate initial phases of comprehensive revisions to the City's Zoning Code Program. 3. Provide support for completion of the Tustin Market Place and Annex, and other major projects which create jobs, attract investment and increase the City's tax base. -60- 7. 8. 4. Continue the City's current program for monitoring of airport noise. . Noise Abatement Program Quarterly Reports - review within 45 days of receipt from the County. Reports to Council bi-annually on the John Wayne Airport Noise Reports. Monitor and report to Council on status of any John Wayne Airport meetings or plans which may have impact on Tustin. Respond to citizen inquiries and noise complaints. . . . 5. Monitor planning and development activity particularly in the County and cities of Santa Ana, Orange and Irvine for impacts on Tustin. 6. . . . . . . . Irvine Business Complex - City of Irvine MCAS, El Toro Base Reuse Planning and Implementation Activities Quarterly TSIA meetings . Quarterly Growth Management Area Meetings Monthly RAPC meetings Lower Peters Canyon Specific Plan - County of Orange Planning Area 10 - City of Irvine Monitor and recommend where necessary measures to ensure the City's compliance with the Air Quality Management Plan and the Tanner Bill (Hazardous Waste Management) and AB 939. . Coordinate completion of AB 939 implementation activities with Public Works Department and assist them in applying for all applicable grants to provide financial assistance in achieving Air Quality, Hazardous Waste Reduct~on and Recycling goals. . Provide assistance for tasks associated with the MCAS, Tustin Reuse Plan and base closure activities, as assigned by the Assistant City Manager. Provide support to the Public Works Department in complying with Proposition III and Measure M. . . . . CMP Annual' Report to OCTA i. Measure M, Eligibility Compliance Annual!Report to OCTA CMP (TAC) City/County Meetings Review of Traffic Demand Management (TDM) programs for compliance -61- 9. 10. 11. 12. 13 . 14. Coordinate with various city departments to ensure progress on major construction projects including, the East Tustin Sports Complex, the Water Department's Main Street water reservoir Master Plan, and the Master Plan for the East Tustin Tree Park. Coordinate with thé Public Works Department, as assigned by the Assistant City Manager on the Acquisition and Development of a Commuter .Rail Station . Complete Agreement with aCTA for Measure M transfer, and complete Agreement with Kemper for site acquisition Coordinate with Public Works Department in identifying and obtaining funding Initiation of Engineering and Construction design . . Provide support and coordination for Tustin Pride Committee activities Provide Code Enforcement citywide, with special emphasis on the Southwest area of the City Complete revisions to the City's Subdivision Ordinance Update all Planning Division handouts and prepare consolidated application form -62- BUDGET DETAIL FY 95-96 Divišion Andlyšis Worksheet Obieet No. Deserintion BUDGET PROJECTED RE UEST COMMENTS SALARIES AND WAGES ..... ." ii.>. .. ..... 5100 Full time Salaries $734,609 $660.000 $724.359 5200 Benefits 190,519 165.000 204.297 5124/25 PartliOle Salaries 25.690 25.390 29,772 5132 Shift Diff 5150 Overtime/Standbv 3.483 1.800 3.454 Salaries Su btotal $954.301 $852.190 $961.882 MATERIALS AND SUPPUES DETAIL ... ..,...... .............. ............... ...... ..... 6010 Protl. & Consul tine $95.400 $30,000 $78.500 6105 Plop. Comm. Reimb. 6.000 6,000 6.000 Meetine Reimbursement 6112 Mierofilmin. 6.000 2.500 4.000 Microfilm old Dlannin~ files/documents 6355 Telenhone 6.600 11.500 11.500 Phones for entire deDartment 6445 Office EauiD. Main!. 2,000 400 800 'ax, reader/Drinter. tvoewriter reDair (50/50\ 6510 Department Supplies 5.800 5.800 5,800 Paper. pens. binders. calendars 6512 GraDhies/Camera 1.000 700 . 900 <ilm/developine, zonine/Qeneral plan mans 6550 Printin~ ExDense 5,000 4,800 5.000 SDecial reports. Business License certificates, business cards 8010 Comnuter Maintenance 6,340 6.340 8.340 8020 Computer Operations 1.000 350 1.000 8240 Vehicle Milea~e Allowance 1,900 1.900 1.900 Director reimbursement/Dersanal vehicle reimbursement 8245 Vchicle L,~. EG. Fund 3.406 3.406 3.406 Lease/maintenance 8310 Mectin~s & Conferences 4.090 3,100 4,350 8315 Trainine 5.120 5,210 4,775 8325 Tuition Reimbursemcnt 0 350 0 8330 Mem berships/Su bscript;ons 830 900 915 9262 Base Closure 125,000 38.000 106,500 i I MATERIALS/SUPPUES SUBTOTAL $275.486 $121.256 $243.686 I I Division Total t 229787 $973 446 q 205 568 FY 94- 95 Dcpartment: Community Develapmcn Division Number: 3010 Division Name: Plannin FY 94-95 FY 95-96 -63- DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: DESCRIPTION: 1995-96 Tasks: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION The Buil~ing Division provides for the establishment of and enforcement of building regulations to ensure that new and existing buildings are safe and suitable for their intended use. The provision also establishes and enforces standards for private infrastructure improvements. More specific continuing responsibilities include: receiving and plan checking applications for permits to ensu~e compliance with State and City building and grading code requirements and City private infrastructure standards; issuing building, plumbing, electrical, mechanical, grading and sign permits; making daily inspections of residential, commercial and industrial construction and private infrastructure construction to ensure compliance with the approved plans; certifying structures for use and occupancy; reviewing and making recommendations for the adoption of all uniform codes; assisting the public with technical information regarding City and State codes. Continue to work with property owners to improve the structural integrity of unreinforced masonry building in City built prior to 1933 under the City's Seismic Retrofit requirements. 1. . . Seven buildings are complete One building under permit 2. Update all Building Division handouts and continue to prepare handout materials which assist the public and development community, as needed. 3. Provide accurate and timely plan established goals. within . . . . review striving complete to plan checks First Plan Check completed in 7-14 days Rechecks completed in 2-7 days Quick Check completed in 3 days Over the Counter Plan Check provided for routine situations 4. Complete update of Community Development Department private improvement standards. 5. Review and recommend adoption of new 1995 building codes and associated materials. -64- 8. 6. Review and recommend adoption of new 1995 Fire Codes. 7. Provide technical assistance to Redevelopment Agency and Public Works for asbestos abatement and demolition. Provide technical support for tasks associated with the MCAS, Tustin Reuse Plan and base closure activities, as assigned by the Assistant City Manager. -65- t -. .....~.. . 'U..'~, Building l Object No. I Description I BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST I COMMENTS SALARIES AND WAGES '..'.\:.. .'.......... :. ........... : ......'... ... ...::... ....... .'. .... .... .'.'. 5100 Full time Salaries $426.159 $426,159 $395.210 5200 Benefits 127.111 127.111 111.460 5124/5125 Part time Salaries . 5132 Shift Diff 5150 Overtime/Standby 460 35 469 Salaries Subtotal $553.730 $553,305 $507.139 MATERIALS ANDSUPPUESDETAIL i.'.. '........, ..'.i ...::. 6010 Professional & Consulting $250.000 $90.000 $200.000 6112 Microfilm 7.000 5.000 7.000 Microfilm of plans. permits and records 6355 Telephone Expense 6,600 10.110 6.600 6445 Office Equipment 500 450 500 Maintenance for microfiche reader & typewriter 6510 Department Supplies 4.000 4.000 4,000 Stationary, folders. pens. pencils. ins~ector equipment 6540 Special Equipment 1.100 1.170 1.100 Service charge for 5pagersjannual) 6550 Printinl! 5.500 5.000 5.500 Permil~. forms. notices, business cards 8010 Computer Maintenance 6.564 6.564 6.564 Annual hardware & software maintenance 8020 Computer Operations 500 500 500 Computer supplies. papèr, toner. etc. 8240 Vehicle Mileage 100 130 100 Vehicle mileage reimbursement 8245 Vehicle Lease 6.948 6.948 6.948 Vehicle leases/maintenance fund 8310 Me~tings 1.680 2.200 1.680 Local meetings/conferences - see detail sheet 8315. Training 3.300 3.300 6.300 8330 Menibershp & Subserp. 1.455 1,455 3.455 MA TERIAL /SUPPUES SUBTOTAL $295.247 $136.827 $250.247 Division Total $848.977 $690.132 $757.386 FY 94- 95 BUDGET DETAIL . PY 94-:95 .. .' DìidsioJ1Ahaiýi;išW()rK.shéet FY 94-95 FY 95-96 -66- DATE: OTI26Æ5 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER FJELD SERVICES MANAGER 4030 - 4040 - 4060 - 4070 ENGINEERING SERVICES MANAGER 4020 WATER SERVICES MANAGER 9520 - 9560 - 9570 - 9580 DEPARTMENT SUMMARY rY95-96 Page 1 of 3 I DEPARTMENT: PU13L1C WORKS I FULL TIME STArF 53 42 42 Objeet No. Description SALARrES AND i. ."."i.................""'.~~~....,..,.........~~".< .. ' 5100/511 0 Salaries and Wages $2,109,093 $1,984,652 $1,914,919 5200 Benefits $669,772 $624,094 $578,227 5124/5125 Part time $67,828 $61,580 5132 Shift Diff $900 $738 5150/5120 Overtime/Standhy $49,994 $54,113 $57,300 Salaries Total $2,897,587 $2,725,177 $2,550,446 MA TERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL ........'. .'. ...... ... . .. . .'... /..ii '.. i..'. .'... . 6010 Prof. & Consultin1?: $51,215 $48,715 $3,500 6018 Arehiteet-EnJ(. Serv $210,300 $201,200 $222,300 6028 Landscape Maintenance $2.')4,666 $277,666 $79,000 6029 Fuel Tank Maintenance $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 6031 Sanitation Fees $1,115 $0' $0 6035 Service Contracts- Misc. $0 $0 $40,000 6110 Personnel $0 $1,000 $5,000 6112 Microfilm $550 $0 $0 6115 Refuse 'Collection $42,600 $42,900 $81,200 6119 Janitorial Services $17,000 $1,630 $150,200 6120 HV AC Contract . $55,000 $38,000 $55,000 6131 Contract Delivery Serv $500 $250 $2.~0 6132 Tree Trimming Contract ; $0 $0 $198,666 6140 Pavement ManaJ(ement $0 $0 $20,000 6210 Signal DamaJ(e $99 100 . $99,000 $25,000 6218 Signal Improv/Modification $0 $0 $30,000 6220 Signal Maint.-routine $100,300 $100,000 $188,900 6222 NPDES Permit $75,745 $50,000 $40,000 6224 Traffic Sil!!Modems/Circuils $13,680 $18,600 $22,800 6225 Signal EnerJ(Y $198,800 $175.000 $187,200 6230 Street StripinwMarkinJ( $106,300 ' $106,300 $109,500 6235 Sidewalk Constr. Repairs $2.15,000 $2.15,000 $2.15,000 6240 Tree Spraying $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 Form continued Page 1 Suhtotal Materials/Surmlies $1,475,871 $1,409,261 $1,707,516 ry 94-95 BUDGET ry 94-95 PROJECTED ry 95-96 REQUES1ED -69- Page 2 of 3 Objcct No. Description BUDGET PROJECTED REQUES1ED 6245 Street/Alley Repair' i $2.10,000 $2.10,000 $2.10,000 6320 Building Mainten./Repairs $55,000 $150,000 $47,400 6330 Cu&odial Supplies $11,600 $4,100 $0 6335 Electric $252,000 $2.')3,945 $265,200 6340 Sports Lighting $36,000 $36,000 $77,000 6345 Natural Gas $15,000 $16,900 $15,000 6350 Water $100,000 $140,000 $155,700 6355 Phone $19,037 $27,800 $21,200 . 6410 Office Operatinl! Supplies $10,600 $8,100 $9,600 6445 Off. EQuip. Maintenance $2,000 $415 $1,500 6510 Department Supplies $20,000 $7,045 $14,000 6525 Small Tools $16,275 $10,850 $10,850 6526 Expendable EQ/Furniture $8,203 $8,560 $10,300 6530 Uniforms $13,525 $12,850 $12,650 6535 Safety EQuipment $14,300 $14,300 $14,350 6540 Special EQuipment Maint. $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 6550 Printinl!: Expenses . .> $5,000 $5,009 .. $5,000 6610 Park Supplies . $43,000 $43,000 $43,000 6615 Street Material $25,500 $25,500 $10,000 6620 Street Sweepinl! $16,000 $21,000 $16,000 6625 Sil!:ns,lMaterial $36,700 $36,700 $36,700 6630 Trees .'. $10,000 $10,000 $20,000 6635 Tree Supplies $10,000 $10,000 $5,000 6640 Center Isle Supplies $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 6645 Weed Control Supplies $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 6646 Nuisance Abatement $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 6647 Weed Abatement Control $32,900 $32,000 $32,900 6650 Graffiti Removal $11,000 $11,000 $11,000 6660 Damal!e to City Property $0 $10,000 $10,000 6670 Ha7A1rd Waste Disposal $2.\400 $15,000 $15,000 Form continued Page 2 Subtotal Materials/Supplies $1,044,040 $1,167,074 $1, 1l6~150 FY 94-95 FY 94-95 FY 95 -96 -70- Page 3 of 3 Object No. Description BUDGET PROJECTED REQUESTED 6675 Hazard Material Prg. Mgt. $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 8010 Computer Maintenance $7,236 $11,336 $7,236 8210 Fuel/Lube I'urehases $120,000 $120,000 $120,000 8215 Vehicle Repairs $85,000 $85,000 $85,000 8225 Collision DamaQe $3,000 $8,000 $8,000 8240 Vehicle MiJeage/Allowance $2,450 $1,700 $2,250 8245 Vehicle Leasing Equip Fune $133,141 $124,221 $117,188 8310 Meetings $3,060 $1,200 $2,450 8315 Training Exp $20,780 $15,080 $18,750 8325 Tuition Reimbursement $400 $505 $600 8330 Membership & subscriptiom $2,640 $2,140 $3,315 9845 Other Department Equip $1,095 $0 $0 $0 $0 Page 3 Su btotal Mater~1Is/Supplies $390,802 i $381,182 $376,789 Materials and Supplies Total $2,910,713 i $2,957,517 $3,200,655 DEPARTMENT TOTAL $5 808300 $5682694 $5751 101 FY 94-95 FY 94-95 FY95-96 -71- 4. 5. 6. 7. DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS., I DIVISION: , ADMINISTRATION (4010) DESCRIPTION: The Administration Division coordinates and provides direction to all Public Works Divisions and Water Service field operations. This Division provides research and analysis of current and proposed Public Works projects, programs and services to ensure benefit, safety and convenience to the community and general public. TASKS: 1. Perform interagency coordination and administer County, State and/or Federally funded projects and programs. Provides oversight ~nd management of the Public Works and Water Capital Improvement and Operations Budgets. 2. 3. Monitors the implementation of a Departmental productivity measurement system. Administers Solid Waste and Cable TV franchise agreements. Administers contract agreements for various city Services. Administers the vehicle purchase program. Manages city records with respect to Public Works and Engineering. -72- BUDGET DETAIL r\: .:.:;;~ ". I Department: Public Works I Division Number: 4010 I Division Name: Administration FY 94- 95 FY 94- 95 FY 95- 96 Object No. Description BUDGET PROJECTED ADOPTED COMMENTS SALARIES AND WAGES ...'.'...'..".'.."" ."" I> '.......' ..'...... .i i'ii..'.,..i i..o. .'.>i.."'.".. ,..,.i '. ". 5100 Full time Salaries $281.112 $259,112 $182.076 Retlccts transfer of Robert Ruhl and Colleen McMahon to other divisions 5200 Benefits $78.763 $72.927 $48.330 5150 Ovcrtimc $1.553 $1,200 $1.200 Salarics Su btotal $361,428 $333.239 $231,606 MATERIALS AND SUPPUES DETAIL "..'i". i ./..... iii"'" '. '.'i ">'.'......"'.'i. .. ."...',' 6010 Professional and Consultin£ $46,215 $46.215 $0 I I I 6110 Personnel Services $0 $1.000 $5.000 6112 Microfilmin£ $550 $0 $0 Microfilmin£ of documents and/or files 6355 rei ephone $9.600 $6.600 $7.200 Administrative and En£ineerin£ Division Telephone 6410 Office Operatin£ Supplies $7.600 $7.600 $7.600 Public Works Administration & En£ineerin£ Office Supplies 6445 Office Equip Maint. $2.000 $415 $1.500 Maintenance of Equip: Typewriter. Krov Machine, etc. 6510 Departmcntal Supplies $15.000 $5.000 $9.000 Public Works Admin & En£. Div. Dept. Supplies 6526 Exp. EquiplFurniture $3 $3.160 $2.500 Ncw partitions. conference table 6540 Special Equip. Maint $6.000 $6,000 $6.000 Maint. of Computers. Printers, Blueprint Machine 8010 Computer Maint. $0 $4.109 $0 Bud£et in #6540 8240 Vehicle Mileage/Allowance $2.000 $1.500 $1,800 Automobile Reimbursement. Parking Fees, Mileage. etc. 8310 Meelin£s $2.820 $].200 $2.450 8315 Trainin£ Expense $10.080 $10.080 $10.000 8325 Tuition Reimbursement $0 $105 $200 ~dditional Educational Reimbursemcnt 8330 Memberships & SubscriPtion $2.140 $2.140 $2.815 9830 Computer Hardware $0 $0 $0 9835 Computer Software $0 $0 $0 9845 Other Departmental Equip $1.095 $0 $0 MATERIALS/SUPPUES SUBTOTAL $105,103 $95,124 $56.065 Division Total $466.531 $428.363 $287.671 -73- DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: I EMERGENCY SERVICES (4011) DESCRIPTION: The Emergency Services Division is responsible for the preparation and implementation of the City's emergency services/disaster preparedness program. Under Federal and State guidelines, the Division organizes the City forces and community responses to natural or civil disasters and/or disturbances. TASKS: 1. Implements the State mandated Standardized Emergency Management Systems (SEMS). 2. Updates the City's Emergency Plan to comply with SEMS. 3. Develop and implement a training program to introduce SEMS procedures to city staff and prepare all City staff for emergency response and management. 4. Assure the adequate preparation of city emergency response facilities. 5. Coordinate emergency preparation activities with other agencies and the general public. -74- '-= Emergency Services I Object No. I Dcscription ßUDGET PROJECTED ADOPTED COMMENTS SALARIES AND WAGES '. ,,' ' ." , . -7 5100 r.ull time Stiltirics $32.724 $28.579 $34.036 Dcpartmcpt Clerk (Kathy ß~rr\ 5200 ßcnetits $8.984 $7.950 $11.493 5150 Overtime $1.054 $0 $1.000 . Sa'aricsSubtotal $42.762 $36.529 $46.529 MATERIALS AND SUPPUES DETAIL " .'. ','.,."" i;o ",." ',. ' ,,' "",,' . ., ", . ..'..".'. ..i ,"> . ,,' 6018 Architect- EnQ. Svcs. $5.000 $1.200 $3.800 Please sce attached Detail Sheet 6410 Office Opertiting Supply $3.000 $500 $2.000 upplies for Emergency Services Division 6510 Departmental Supplics $5.000 $2.045 $5.000 upplies for Emergency Operations Center. 6675 Haz. Mat. PrOg. M!..'I11t. $0 $0 $12,000 Compliance witi1 Hazardous Material Program Mandates (moved from 4060\ 8:110 Mcetin~s $240 $0 $0 8315 Training Expense $10.700 $5.000 $8750 Pletisc see attached Detail Sheet 8330 M em bershios/SubscriPtions $500 $0 $500 Please see attached Detail Sheet I MA TERIALS/SUPPUES SUBTOTAL $24.440 $8.745 $32,050 I . Division Total $67.202 $45.274 $78,579 FY 94-95 BUDGET DETAIL "Y 95-9(, Division Antilysis Worksheet FY 94-95 Dep~rtl11ent: Division Number: Division Name: FY 95-96 -75- DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: ENGINEERING '(4020) DESCRIPTION: TASKS: The Engineering Division designs and prepares plans for the City's Capital Improvement Program; inspects all projects within the public right-of-way; maintains records to promote the general safety and well-being of the community; and coordinates all inter/intra community related regional traffic pertinent to pedestrian and vehicular safety. 1. Prepare plans, cost estimates and reports for Capital Improvement Projects. 2. Conduct plan checks on subdivision/parcel maps and perform construction inspection involving public improvements. 3. Conduct city-wide traffic studies inclusive of, but not limited to, traffic safety, arterial highway classification review; new development impacts; and modification and synchronization of the traffic signal systems. 4. Maintain maps, records and reports for all public improvements. 5. Provide public assistance to include response to engineering and traffic related inquires, concerns and complaints. 6. Perform contract administration departments and outside agencies. provide and technical assistance to other City 7. Administer East Tustin Assessment District(s) and the Landscape and Lighting District. 8. Prepare and Administer contracts for City Pavement Management System, Traffic Signal Maintenance and Pavement Striping. 9. I Provide Engineering services to Water Division operations. -76- BUDGET DETAIL FY 95-96 Divisiol1 AnalysisWorkshcel FY 94- 95 FY 94-95 FY 95-96 Departmenl: Division Number: Division Name: MÅ~i A ti s~ ~B ~ £~~ ~ ~~~~ ~ IX 1:::'liJM1:~~~~~~~~111W?¡~í~~~~~:~m?:nm;%~~;~!~ 6018 Enpineerinp Services $205.300 $200.000 $218.500 6131 ContraelualDelivervSvs. $500 $250 $250 DelivervServiee for Plans.Spee-"Conlraets. etc. 6140 Pavement Manapement $0 $0 $20.000 6210 Sipnal Dam"pe $99,100 $99,000 $25.000 6218 Sipnal Imor/Modifieations $0 $0 $30,OOOfTransferred from 020 CIP Acct. 800031 6220 Sipnal Maintenanee- Routin $100,300 $100,000 $188900 6222 NPDES Permit $75.745 $50.000 $40.000 6224 Tranic Sip. Modems/Circuits $13.680 $18.600 $22.800 6225 Siena¡ I::nerex $19/1.800 $175.000 $187.200 6230 Street Slrininc & Markin" $106.300 $106.300 $109.500 6235 Sidewalk Con st. Renairs $0 $0 $235.000 lrransferred from 4030 6355 Teleohone $0 $7.100 $6.000 iAmortization of voice mail and Centrex System 6550 Printinp Ðmenses $5.000 $5,000 $5,000 8240 vehicle Milea~e . $200 $100 $200IMilea~e reimbursement for use of personal vehicle 8245 chicle LSG EQuiD. Fund $6.658 $6.658 $7,310 ¡Vehicle Replacemeht Fund 8325 uition Reimbursement $400 $400 $400 MATERIALS/SUPPUES SUBTOTAL I Division Total $816.983 $1.592.573 $770.908 $1,553.374 $1,099.560 $1,890.215 -77- DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS STREETS (4030) DIVISION: DESCRIPTION: The Streets Division ensures the aesthetic image and safe environment desired by the community through scheduled street sweeping, assuring proper signage and striping and by maintaining all streets, sidewalks, bike trails, median, parkways, storm drains and catch basins within the public right-of-way. TASKS: 1. Maintain asphaltic concrete paved areas through in-house repairs and administration of contractual services. 2. Maintain all publicly owned storm drains, catch basins and surface drainage facilities. 3. Maintain all turf foliage within the street medians/parkways. 4. Perform weed abatement and litter control in the public right-of-way. 5. Maintain traffic signing program as directed by the Engineering Division, Section. Traffic 6. Conduct scheduled sweeping of streets, bike trails and parking lots throughout the City. -78- BUDGET DETAIL FY 95- 96 Division Analysis Worksheet Department: Division Numher: Division Name: Puhlie Works 4030 Streets 'Ohject No. 'De~~ri¡)ti(JI!.- =J=_I1.!;J..J2SìET I P!W~!'CJ.T'2L2ill.()PTED [ ~ COMMENTS .- - SALARIES AND WAGES ..... :...}. .......'. ..... 5100 "ull time Salaries $267.227 $259.000 $299.092 5200 Benefits $89.327 $86,435 $98.112 5150 Overtime $:10.663 $15.000 $7.000 :)nlv 40:10 Account 5120 Stand-hv $ 15.663 $16.000 'land - bv for 4030.4040.4060.4070 Salaries Su blolal $387.217 $376.098 $420.204 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL C 6028 Landscane Main!. $9.000 $9.000 $9.000 Laurelwood Homeowner Assoc., $750 Mo. 6115 Refuse Collection $42.600 $42.900 $65,600 ~ollntv Landfill Fees. $35.00rron 6235 Sidewalk/Construction $235.000 $235.000 $0 Moved 104020 6245 Slreet/Allev Reoair $230.000 $230,000 $230.000 6335 Electric $0 $1.945 $0 6355 Teleohone . $1.320 $3.650 . $0 II ohones moved to 4070 6525 Small Tools $2,500 $2.500 $2.500 eo)aee Broken, Lost. or Worn Out Tools 6526 Exn. Fum. & Equip. $2.000 $2.000 $2.000 mwl Eauipment Renlaeement 6530 Uniforms $3,050 $3,050 $3.050 ontraet 6535 Safety Eouinment $7.000 $7,000 $7.000 hoes. Gloves, Glasses. Vests. & Other Safety Eauip. 6615 Street Materials $25,500 $25.500 $10,000 \snhalt Patch. Bus Ston Renairs 1$15.500 moved to 4070- 6320) 6620 Street Sweenin2 $16.000 $21.000 $16.000 Brooms, Sweeper Cleanino 6625 Si2ns & Materials $36;700 $36.700 $36.700 ions, Posts & Hardware 8245 Vehicle Leasin2Æauin. Fund $77.468 $77 ,468 $78.517 Vehicle Fund , MATERIALSISUI'PIJES SUBTOTAL $688.138 $697.713 $460.367 I Division Total $1.075.355 $1.073.811 $880.571 FY 94-95 FY 94- 95 FY 95-96 -79- TASKS: 7. DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: , LANDSCAPE (4040) DESCRIPTION: The Landscape Division maintains all City parks, landscaped areas, and all trees located in the public right of way to enhance the aesthetic image of the community, promote the general environmental quality of the community and ensure the safety of all citizens and the general public. 1. Maintain turf in parks on a scheduled basis. 2. operate and maintain park and landscape irrigation systems to ensure proper watering, being mindful of water conservation. 3. Maintain foliage by spraying, removing and/or replacing as required. Perform graffiti removal program in parks and public right-of-ways. 5. 6. Conduct regular maintenance and repair of park grounds and play equipment, structures and eating facilities. Administer city-wide Tree Trimming and Landscape Maintenance contracts. .,80- BUDGET DETAIL FY 95-% Division An:1Iysis Worksheet Object No. I Description BUDGET PROJECrED M)()!yrED COMMENTS SALARIES AND WAGES '. ..'...~~i. ........ .~~ ..... ~~ .~............~~~..i .......'. .'. 5100 lFulitiine Salàries $511.875 $428.677 $453,626 Reflects deletion of one position 5200 Benefits $175,568 $143, 715 $147,361 5150 Overtime $0 $0 $7.000 Funded in 4030 for FY 94/95 Salaries Subtotal $687.443 $572.392 $607,987 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL .. ..... ./. . 6028 Landscape MainL $47.000 $70,000 $70.000 ConL Mainl Jamboree MedianS/Senior Ctr/Civic Ctr. .. 6119 Janitorial Services $17.000 $1.6:10 $0 Moved to Community Services 6t32 Tree Trimmin~ Contract . $198.666 Per contract with West Coast Arborists 6240 Tree Spraying $8,000 fSeasonal spraying 6335 Electric $35.000 $35.000 $35.000 Utilties For Park Li~htin~ & Irri~ation Elcc. Meter 6340 Sports Li 'htin~ $36.000 $36.000 $77,000 Utilities for Sports Li~htin~ (Columbus Tustin. Sports Park) . 6350 Water $90,000 $130.000 $145.700 Utilities for Landscapin~ (Water Rate & Area Increase) 6355 Tclephone $1,320 $2.200 $0 tAli phones moved to 4070 6525 Small Tools $6.800 $4.100 $4.100 Ed~crs, Weedealers. BLowers, Mowers. Shovels. Rakes 6526 Expendable Euuip. Fum. $3.000 $600 $3,000 EquiD. w/Service Life Less lhan a Year 6530 Uniforms $6,100 $6.100 $6.100 Employee Uniforms 6535 Safety Suoolies $5.500 $5.500 $5.550 bSHA Compliance-Pesticide Safety 6610 Park Supplies $43.000 $43.000 $43.000 Mise. SuPDlies to Maintain Parks 6630 Trees $20.000 Replacement of Trees (24" Box; 100 trees) 6635 Tree Supplies $5.000 Stákes. Tics, Specialized Trcc Maintenance 6640 Cenler Isl. Supplies $9,000 $9:000 $9.000 Supplies Required to Maintain Islands 6645 Weed Control SuDPlies $9,000 $9.000 $9.000 upplies ReQUired to Maintain Weeds 6646 [Nuisance Abatement $3,000 $3,000 $3.000 Rodent Control. Bug Spray 6647 [Weed Abatement ConL $32,900 $32.000 $32.900 Reflects Actual WeedAbatement Cost 6650 Graffiti Removal $11.000 $11,000 $11,000 Graffiti Removal - Supp1ìes for in -house 6660 Damage to City Propcrtv $10.000 $10,000 Property DamaQe!V anda1ìsm by Private Parties 8245 IV ehicle LSGIEQUip. Fund $25 888 $25 888 $25 888 Vehicle Replacement MATERIALSISUPPLIES SUBTOTAL $381.508 $434,018 $721,904 Division Total $1.068,951 $1.006.410 $1.329891 FY 94-95 FY 94-95 FY 95-96 Public Works 4040 -81- BUDGI~T DETAIL FY 95-<)6 Division Analysis Worksheet Field Services 4050 TREES Object No. Deseriplion . BUDGET PROJECTED I ADOPTED COMMENTS SALARIES AND WAGES ". ././:/:' ... .,.:(// ,...:: :/.(':/:,: .'.. 5100 'ull time Salaries $79,392 $51.890 $0 l11is division exoenses have been Iransffercd to 4040- Landscape 5200 Benerits $29.076 $19,001 $0 5124/5125 ParI lime Salaries $0 $0 $0 5132 Shift Diff $0 $0 $0 5150 Overtime/Standbv $0 $0 $0 Salaries Su blot~1 $108.468 $70.891 $0 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL . .'.~ "..., :, ,.. " :. ":,': .. 6028 Landsc~nc Mail1tel1~l1ce $198.666 $198.666 $0 6240 Tree Snravin ' $8.000 $8.000 $0 6525 Small Tools $2,725 $0 $0 6526 Expendable Equipmenl $400 $0 $0 6630 Trees $10.000 $10,000 $0 6635 Tree Main!. Supplies $10.000 $10,000 $0 8245 Vehicle Lso- EquiD Fund $18.004 $9,084 $0 MATERIALS/SUPPLIES SUBTOTAL $247,795 $235.750 $0 I Division Tolal $356.263 $306641 $0 FY 94-95 FY 94-95 FY 95- 96 -82- DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: VEHICLES (4060) DESCRIPTION: The Vehicle Maintenance Division provides general repair and preventive maintenance for all city vehicles and other mechanical equipment, as well as maintaining a vehicular/equipment history for timely replacements and/or new purchases in a cost effective manner. TASKS: 1. Perform major and minor repairs on vehicles and other mechanical equipment. 2. Maintain preventative maintenance program on vehicles and other mechanical equipment. Provide fuel and maintain 'vehicle and equipment fueling facilities for the City and Tustin Unified School District. 3. 4. Conduct licensing/ inspection of vehicles as required by state Department of Motor Vehicles. -83- BUDGET DETAIL DivisiohAnalysis Worksheet Public Works 4060 Vehicles Object No. Description BUDGET PROJECTED ADOPTED COMMENTS SALARIES AND WAGES ", ~ .'.'...,." ,', 5100 Full time Salaries S 193,344 $187,482 $224,322 1.5 additional staff due to transfers from other divisions 5200 Benefits $66.457 $64,236 $74.739 5150 Overtime $0 $0 $1.000 'undcd 4030 for FY 94/95 . Salaries Suhlolal $259.801 $251.718 $300.061 MATERIALS AND SUPPUES DETAIL ii ..,i~ .."..,. ".'...'. )"~ ..' i 6029 Fuel Tank Maint $6.000 $6.000 S6.000 UST Tesling. Taxes. Renairs. Elc. IGa., numps) 6355 Telenhones SI.320 $2.250 $0 !Ail ohones moved to 4070 6525 Small Hand Tools $3.500 $3.500 $3.500 Reolacement Tools & New Reauiremenl Tools 6526 Exnendable Eouin/Furn S800 $800 SROO Renlacemenl Furniture for Snecialized Eouip. 6530 Uniforms $3.175 $2.300 $2.300 Emolovee Uniforms 6535 Safelv EoUiomenl $1.300 S1.300 $1.300 hoes. Eve, Gloves. etc. 6670 Hazardous Waste Disoosal $23.400 $15,000 $15.000 Hazardous Materials Comoliance - for soills & containments 6675 Haz Mal ProQ. MQml. $12.000 S12,OOO $0 Moved to 4011 8010 Comouter Maintenance $7.236 $7,236 $7,236 Please see attached Detail Sheet 8210 Fuel or Lube Purchases $120.000 S120.0oo S120.0oo 'uels & Lubcfor Fleet (Cost increase of fuels) 8215 Vehicle Repairs $85.000 $85.000 S85.000 'Ieet Repairs 8225 Collision Damage $3.000 $8.000 S8,000 Accidenl Damaoe 8245 Lease EQuio.Fu nd $2.095 S2.095 $2.095 Lease Equip. MATERIALS/SUPPUES SUBTOTAL $268,826 $265.481 $251.231 Division Total $528.627 $517.199 $551.292 FY 94-95 FY 94- 95 FY 95- 96 -84- DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: FACILITIES MAINTENANCE (4070) DESCRIPTION: The Facility Maintenance Division performs and administers building maintenance and repair to provide a clean, healthy and safe environment for the employees and the general public. TASKS: 1. Perform or administer contract building repairs in all public facilities including structural, plumbing, electrical and painting repairs. 2. Administer contract maintenance tasks in all public facilities including janitorial, building security, and HVAC. -85- BU I)(jET D[TAJ L FY 95-'.16 Division Analysis Worksheet Object No. I Descrip_tion BUDGET I PROJECTED I ADOPTED COMMENTS SALARIESAND WAGES ... .... . ............. . ..'......'.>~\ .........~ ...... . "~.''.... ..' ...,. 5100 'ull time Salaries $148,540 $175,0:'3 $111.222 5200 Benefits $50.110 $58.:>4:> $:>4.682 5124/5125 Part time Salaries $67,828 $61.580 51:>2 Shift Diff $900 $7:>8 $0 5150 Overtime/Standbv $7.500 $6.150 $7.500 Salaries Subtotal $274.878 $:10 1.844 $15:>.404 ..' ... ..i.. .'....... 60:>1 Sanitation Fees $1.115 $0 $0 60:>5 Service Con tracts - M isc $0 $0 $40.000 Previously in 6320, Fire Alarm. Elevators. Audio Video. Plant Care 6115 Refuse Collection $0 $0 $15.600 Previously in 6:>20. Dumpsters ($14.000) and Sports Park Refuse ($ 1.600) 6119 anitorial Services $0 $0 $150.200 on tract Includes Gym @ $19,200 and Sports Park @ $6.000 6120 HVAC Contract $55.000 $:>8.000 $55.000 lease see attached Detail Sheet (Contract Cost) 6:>20 ßJd~. Maint & Rcpair $55.000 $ 150.0CXJ $47,400 Supplics for Maintenance of Citv Buildings-$2:>.loo trans to 6:>05 6:>30 Custodial Supplics $11.600 $4.100 $0 ::::ustodial Contract Supplies 6335 Electric $217,000 $217.000 $2:>0.200 Bld~. Elcctric Bills. SCE New ßJdgs. 6:>45 Natural Gas $15.000 $16.900 $15.000 Southcrn Calif. Gas, New Bldgs. 6:>50 Water $10.000 $10.000 $10.000 Water for Bldgs. 6:>55 Telephone $2.:>20 $6.000 $8,000 rclephone costs includes 4040. 4060 & 4070 6525 Small Tools $750 $750 $750 To Replace Loose. Broken Tools 6526 Expendable EquiplFurn $2.000 $2,000 $2.000 Replace Furniture at Various Bldgs. 65:>0 Uniforms $1.200 $1,400 $1.200 Please see attached Detail Sheet (Contract Cost) 65:>5 Safety Supplies $500 $500 $500 lShoes, Gloves, Dust Masks. Glasses. Rain Gear 8240 Vehicle Mileage $250 $100 $250 Vehicle Mileage (use of personal vehicle) 8245 Vehicle Leasing/Equip. Fund $:>.028 $:>.028 $:>,:>78 Vehicle Fund MA TERIALS/SUPPUES SU BTOTAL $:>74,76:> $449.778 $579,478 I Division Total $649,641 $751.622 $7:>2 882 FY 94-95 FY 94- 95 FY 95-96 Field Services 4070 Buildin£s -86- OI'EnA.TIONS DIVISION CAPTMN CONSUL T ANT IIESEnVES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CIIiEF OF POLICE SECIIETAnv /pAvnoLL! m OFFICERS I' CSO-A.I. " PCO î 11 pT X/COOR (301 X/GUARDS K-9 1310fC 131 CANINES IIESEnVE UNIT (25) OFC OFFICE COOROINA Ton I'EnS&TnG 111 OFC INVESTIGATION/SERVICES DIVISION CAPTAIN ADMIN.lSERVICES MANAGER OMMUNITYIIPROP&EVIO IESOunCES III CLERK 4) OfC IIII'/T AID 11 CSO EJ REC coolln III lEAD ECOMS 31 CSO 81 CLERK~ 311' T TYI'T DEPARTMENT SUMMARY FY95-96 I DEPARTMENT: POLICE I FULL T[M 12 STAFF BUDGET PROmCn::D REQUESTED Obi.ect No. DeseriPlion SALARIES AND WAGES ..... d. .. /' >.. .'.. /> ..... . ... . .....> 5 100/5110 Salaries and Wal!cs $5,779,162 $6,060,054 $6,143,168 5200 Benefits $2301.172 $2 259 846 $2363447 5124/512.') Part time $273,599 $224,589 $307,992 5132 Shift Diff $0 $0 $0 5150 Overtime $315,060 $351-&05 $351,860 Salaries Total $8,668,993 $8,896,394 $9,166,467 MATER [ALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL >......... ~ . 60[0 Prof. & Consultinl! $20475 $17502 $21.400 6019 Medical Services $17,100 $.20,101 $22,250 6030 Jail Bookin¡: Fees $IlO,OOO $123,817 $149,600 6130 Co-Joint Emer¡:. Svs. $1,550 $0 $1,550 6355 Telephoncs $57,253 $68,734 $63,000 6360 Telephone Modif. $500 $200 $500 6410 Off. Onr. Sunnlv $10,040 $7,391 $10,040 6415 Duplication Expense $14,225 $Il,123 $14,225 6420 Microfiche Expense $5,345 $998 $5,345 6425 Word I'roccssin¡: ExP. $1,500 $1,085 $1,500 6445 Off. Equip. - Main!. $2 692 $2,098 )6,219 6510 Dep!. Supplies $82816 $80368 $97 652 6526 ExP. Equin/Furniture $2,123 $1,993 $1,123 6530 Uniforms $47,401 $49,146 $57,150 6540 SoL Equip. - Main!. $85,241 $59,568 $107,255 6545 SpI. Equip. - Rental $25,899 $19,345 $25,899 6550 Print in I! Expense $35,070 $30,481 $35,070 6580 I nvesti¡:a t ive Expense $11,850 $6,839 $11,850 8010 Computer Main!. $45,568 $44,969 $86,215 8020 Computer Operations $18000 $11426 $18000 8025 Computer Lease $26,856 $26,855 $40,600 8110 Canine Expenses $6 655 $2,502 $6,655 8245 Yeh Lsg-Equip Fund $246,604 $246,604 $246,334 Form continued Page 1 Subtotal MaterialslSupplies $874,763 $833,145 $1,029,432 FY 94-95 FY 94-95 FY 95-96 -89- Department Swnmary Continued f2 FY 94-95 FY 94-9 - - .. . . N 'v Obieet No. Description BUDGET PROJECfED REOUESTED 8260 Vehicle Rent.~l $5,965 :¡¡5,47U $5,940 8310 Meetings $4,737 $2,608 $4,844 8315 Trainine: Expense $86,272 $49 783 $95,450 8325 Tuition Reimb. $0 $1,100 $0 8330 MbrshplSubscrptns.: $7,400 $7,263 $7,581 9035 Disability $0 $945 $0 9705 Comm. Equipment $2684 $2684 $0 9845 Other Depl. Equip. $843 $843 $0 Materials and Supplies Total $982,664 $903,841 $1,143,247 DEPARTMENT TOTAL $9,651,657 $9,800,235 $10,309,714 -90- DEPARTMENT: POLICE DIVISION: ADMINISTRA TION DESCRIPTION: The Administration Division provides leadership and management direction to all Police Department functions. Its primary responsibility is to ensure that the Department's purpose of providing protection to life and property through crime and accident prevention, detection and apprehension is achieved. The Administration Division is also responsible for maintaining open lines of communication between the Police Department and the Community. Crime statistics are maintained and research projects conducted to assist all Department Divisions in achieving the Police Department's goal of reducing crime. TASKS: 1. Provide administrative leadership to the entire Department. 2. Provide budget direction and control. 3. Review and implement new programs to enhance effectiveness of Department. 4. Ensure free flow of internal and external information. 5. Participate in citywide team management concepts. 6. Provide direction and analysis to staff projects. 7. Coordinate with other law enforcement agencies, local, state, and feder~1. -91- "t:I ~ :J C ... C 0 CJ en ~ en CO I- C 0 "¡:; CO ... ... en C E "t:I <t en ... C' ~ E ... ... CO C- ~ Q >- ... ë3 (f) 3: ~ 0) >- .'= C :J E E 0 CJ ~ .r:. ... (f) CO en ~ CJ .~ ~ (f) ~ .~ õ C- I N 0"> I .... 0 .!!2 ~ > ~ ... ~ .r:. ... 0 .r:. ... .~ E ... 0 := C :J "t:I C CO ... C ~ ... .~ (f) C 0 CJ Q) "t:I .;:; ~ C- O ... (f) Q) ... ';:; ... CJ CO ... c:: ~ -. E ... ... CO C- ~ Q ~ CJ 0 c.. Q) .... II) C "t:I ... a 0 c..> ~ :J C "¡:; C 0 c..> ro o-i ~ect No. I Description SALARIES AND WAGES' 5100/5110 Full time Salaries 5200 Beliefits 5124/5125 Part time Salaries 5132 Shift Diff 5150 Overtime/Slandbx Salaries Subtotal MATERIAI,S AND SUPPliES DETAI 6130 Co-Joint Emergency 6445 Ofticc E ui .'- Maint. 6510 De artmen! Supplies 6530 Uniforms 6540 Spl. Equip. - Main!. 6545 ~1'1. I:guip. - Rental 6550 Printin' 8245 Veh. Lsg£Equip. Fund 8310 Meetin s 8315 Trainin' Conferences 8330 Memberships/SuC6crptn. -,._-- ~tATERI^I..s/SUPPUES SUBTOTAL Divisio[1 Total BUDGET DETAIL I FY 94-95 BU¡)GET $342,384 $120,596 $0 $0 $0 $462,980 $500' - $280 $1.472 $l.D50 $735 $504 $3.400 $19.476 $979 $8,691 $1.403 $38,490 $501,470 FY 94-95 PROJECTED $342,604 $121,780 $0 $0 -----1Q $464,384 $0 $0 $2,242 $610 $190 $496 $2.784 $19,476 $731 $2.372 $1.424 $30.327 $494.111 FY 95-96 ADOPTED COMMENTS $344,352 $122,847 $0 $Q $0 $467,199 Department: Division Number: Division Name: Police 5010 Admin. $500 Mutual Aid Costs $280 Transeriher, T cwriter Maintenancc Repair $\,516 .Qpcrational SupQlies $\,050 Council Badg~s. Staff Uniform Rcplaccmcnt $735 Cellular hones. Pa crs. TV & VCR Rcnairs $504 Pagcr Rental $3.400 Business stationcrv $19.476 Vehicle Pool $1.086 $8,824 $1.584 $38.955 $506.154 -93- '- DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: DESCRIPTION: TASKS: POLICE OPERA TIONS The OperationsiDivision is comprised of two areas of service; Patrol and Traffic. The Patrol program includes the availability of a uniformed officer responsible for responding to citizen calls for service and personal observations of criminal or suspected criminal activity twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year; the initial investigation and subsequent documentation of violations of the law; statistical analysis of specific criminal offenses; enforcement of local and state laws and the arrest of suspected offenders; investigation of miscellaneous, non-criminal incidents; preservation of life and property during natural disaster, providing emergency first aid as required at scenes of medical emergencies; provision for mutual aid as needed; general traffic en'forcement and investigation in the ubsence of specialized truffic occident investigution personnel; supervision, coordinution training and deployment of all uniformed personnel including the personnel of the 1<-9 Program, and the Police Reserve Program. The Traffic Program supplements the Patrol Section through specialized deployment of motorcycle officers to combat specific traffic problems as outlined by the traffic accident anu/ysis; Parking Control Program and the abatement of abandoned vehicles. 1. Respond to calls for emergency police service with a goal of a 3-mínute response time. 2. Respond to non-emergency (report) calls for service with a goal of a 10-minute response time. 3. Maintain an average patrol time availability of 25% per Officer. 4. Write and/or record all police reports. -94- 14. 15. 16. 17. Operations Tasks (continued) 5. Crime suppression through specific crime analysis and a high degree of visibility of patrol units in the high crime areas. 6. Crime suppression through deployment of special enforcement units. . 7. Reduce traffic accidents through analysis program coupled with comprehensive selective enforcement program. 8. Cross-train all patrol officers in traffic matters. 9. Apprehension, transportation and booking of offenders. 10. Document and evaluate job performance of all assigned personnel. 11. Conduct presentations before public and private groups including Community Watch Programs. 12. Receiving, interpreting, recording and transmitting information appropriately via the Communications Center. 13. Conduct briefing sessions and roll call training. Conduct quarterly training days for all sworn assigned personnel. Conduct firearms training and qualification. Decrease the number of abandoned vehicles left on City streets and private property through the vehicle abatement program. Maintain an appropriate number/level of available resources (personnel !and equipment in order to achieve the above-stated tasks without the necessity of service level reductions. -95- 'C Q) :::¡ t: ":¡ t: 0 U V> .:.: V> 11:1 l- V> t: 0 ";::; 11:1 ... Q) c.. 0 E 11:1 ... ~ a ... c.. ... Q) u :+= .... 0 ~ S t: ë¡¡ .= ~ Q) ü: Q) .J:: .... Q) t: :+= ~ 'C t: 11:1 .S 11:1 .... .S 11:1 ~ 00 I '.D CT> I V> Q) ... :::¡ 'C Q) U 0 ... c.. ~ t: .;::; 11:1 .... Q) c.. 0 Q) > ë¡:¡ t: Q) .J:: Q) ... c.. E a u .J:: .~ .c 11:1 .... V> W t: .S? "~ ,::: 'C u :+= .... 11:1 ... .... Q) .J:: .... Q) U t: 11:1 .J:: t: Q) 'C t: 11:1 t a c.. c.. :::¡ en cri 0 N BUDGET DETAIL Ot>ject No. Descri['tion I BUDGET PROJECTED ADOPTED COMMENTS SALARIES AND WAGES ,,' .'"" .'.' ,..' ."."'. '.' 5100/5110 Full time Salaries S3,169,366 S3.481,488 $3,467,838 5200 Benefits $1.359.523 Sl,390,143 S 1,426,389 5124/5125 Part time Salaries $218,859 $192,943 S258.624 5132 Shift Diff SO $0 $0 5150 Overtime/Standby S168.301 S179.413 S182.227 Salaries Subtotal $4,916.049 $5.243,987 $5,335,078 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL .,. ..".',.".. ~ .'." .'." ."..." .., ..,.,. 6010 Prof./Consulting I $375 $312 $1,300 Services for Consultations 6019 Medical Services I S17.1O0 S20,1O1 $22.250 6030 J ail Booking Fecs ~ S110.000 $123,817 $149.600 6360 Telephone Modif. S500 S200 S500 Telephone changes and/or repairs 6510 Department Supplies $22,500 S21,487 S31,5O0 Cameras, Tape Recorders. Drug Test Kits, operational supplies 6526 Exp. Equip/Furniture $1.000 Sl.014 SO 6530 Uniforms S35,000 $33,60 1 $40.700 New and Replacement Uniforms 6540 Special Equip./Maint. $66.78t $42,842 $70.1!ó7 6550 Printing $10,000 $6.567 S 10.000 Forms, Citations. Map Books. Cards. Brochures. etc. 8020 Computer Operations $ I 8.000 $11.426 $ 18.000 Parking Citation Vendor/Software Support 8110 Canine Expenses S6.655 S2,5O2 $6.655 Food. Lüdging, Supplies.Veternarian 8245 Veh. bg.-Equip. Fund $193.852 S193.852 $193,582 Vehicle Pool 8310 Meetings $232 S345 S232 8315 Training . $35,425 $21.455 S44.470 Includes Range Fees & Ammo @ $6.500 8325 Tuition Rcimb. SO $250 SO 8330 Membrshp/Subscriptn. $2.429 S2.278 . $2.429 9035 Disability SO S945 SO MATERIALS/SUPPLIES SUBTOTAL S519,849 S482.995 $592.085 Division Total S5.435,898 $5.726.982 $5,927,163 FY 94-95 FY 94-95 FY 95-96 -97- 7. 8. 9. 10. DEPARTMENT: POLICE DIVISION: INVESTIGA TION DESCRIPTION: The Inve$tigation Division is responsible for investigating crimes against persons and property, juvenile cases, vice, narcotics, white collar crime, and criminal intelligence gathering. TASKS: 1. Manage, plan, organize and audit the investigation functions of the Department. 2. Provide required support functions for the Investigations Section. 3. Provide case audit and management of workable follow-up investigations for the identification, apprehension of offenders, and recovery of property. 4. Identify and respond to community needs and expectations concerning the juvenile justice system. 5. Utilize the juvenile diversion program provided by the Assessment and Treatment Services Center. 6. Maintain an ongoing liaison with the District Attorney's Office to ensure proper prosecution of criminals arrested by this Department. Investigate crimes dealing with vice, narcotics and white collar crimes. Maintain criminal intelligence and liaison with other agencies and the community. Support the Operations Division as necessary to ensure achievement of the Department's goals and tasks. Establish comprehensive operating procedures. -98- ..... :ï ..... <: m Cf :=. :t> co Q) ::J :=. ~ 0 -< ::J N -f m Q Q Cf ::J ^ c.. Cf 3 (') ~. 0 ::J ::J - :=. ~. ::J ::J c: m (') c.. ~. ~; ::J ~ Cf - Q :=. Cf :=. n ~ I I.D I.D I BUDGET DETAIL Object No. Descriotion BUDGET. PROJECTED ADOPTED COMMENTS ..i== 5100/5110 Full time SaJaries $860.185 $905,573 $911,045 5200 Bcnefits $351,753 $351.394 $351.995 5124/5125 Part time SaJaries $15.236 $0 $0 5132 Shift Diff $0 $0 $0 5150 Overtime/StandbY $106.759 $115.145 $108.7.81 Salarics Subtotal $1.333.933 $1.372,111 $1.371.821 MATERIALS AND SUPPUESDETAIL ",.' , ......'.i..i..'.'. .... .., ' i ii-- .....",'i'..,,'..,ii'...'.i. ".'..... 6010 Prof. & Consulting $20.100 $17.190 520.100 6130 Co-Joint Emerg. Svc. $1.050 50 $1.050 EmcrQency- Oocrations -.. 6510 DeE!. Supplies 54.175 $4.433 $4.500 Film. Drug Tcst Kits. Battcries. Taoes. Discs.. Misc. 6530 Uniforms $5.400 54,095 55.400 Renlacements. Armour. Raid Jkls.. elc. ---- 6540 Spl. Equip. - Main!. $2,725 $2,040 $2.725 Mainl. Contracts, Repairs. Misc. Non-Contract Mainl. @ 565 6545 Sol. EquiD. - Rental $2,352 $2,693 $2.352 6550 Printing $1,050 $389 $1.050 Bus. Cards. Forms. Pamphlets. Brochures. cards. etc. 6580 Investigative Expenses $11.850 $6.839 $11.850 Dru~ Buy Money 8245 Veh. LsQ./EQuip.Fund $25.146 $25.146 $25.146 Vchicle 1'001 8260 Vehicle RentaJ $5,965 $5.470 $5.940 SI Lease Vehicle 8310 MeetinQs $1.243 $497 $1.243 8315 TraininQ $13.145 $7,786 $13.145 8330 Mbrsh iplSu ŒcriPtions $950 $953 $950 ..0 0______--- ----.______0_____- ------ --'--"--____0_0.__- --_OOn_o.._-o----.. O_-------_n____._-_o_--o 0 _0.0______--------..._- -- ---- __0_- ___0._____.-- _no _'0 MATERIALS/SUPPLIES SUBTOTAL $95.151 $77 ,529 $95.451 Division Total $1.429.084 $ I .449.640 $1,467..212 FY 94-95 FY 94-95 FY 95-96 -100- 6. DEPARTMENT: POLICE DIVISION: SERVICES DESCRIPTION: The Services Division provides support assistance for field operations and invl;!stigation personnel in order to maintain the 24-hour operation of the Police Department. It also coordinates the selection and training of police personnel and maintains a centralized records system for the Police Department. Supervision, coordination training and staffing of the Communications Section, Records Section, Property and Evidence Section, and Community Resources Section. The Community Resources Section encompasses D.A.R.E., Personnel and Training, Crime Prevention, and Area Resource. Crime prevention is achieved through educating the community about safety awareness primarily through crime and accident prevention, detection and apprehension. Monitors and implements mandated training for all police personnel. Maintains positiye public relations with the community, media, other city departments, and law enforcement agencies. TASKS: 1. Provide planning and research for various Police Department functions. 2. Investigate businesses requiring city permits and/or licenses. 3. Coordinate and monitor the Department's fiscal activities on a daily basis. 4. Provide copies of police reports, statistics, etc., to the public in accordance with State guidelines. 5. Maintain and provide criminal, incident and traffic activity information. Provide statistical and crime data to Federal and State agencies, to police personnel, and the community. -101- Services Tasks (continued) 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Coordinate the processing andiselection of the best qualified persons for positions within the Police Department. Mainta'in complete and accurate personnel and departmental records. Coordinate the training for all departmental personnel. Provide training and learning opportunities as it relates to their individual task assignments. Provide accurate documentation, storage, and retrieval of all property and evidence. Audit, inventory, and p'-;lrge accumulated property within legal guidelines. Maintain accurate records for fiscal review and order department supplies and equipment. Implementation of the Department's automation projects including computer aided dispatch and records management systems. Provide thorough integrity training for all department personnel. Establish comprehensive operating procedures. Institute an extensive personnel recruitment program. Provide support functions to sworn personnel throughout the Agency. Provide supervision and direction to the various Sections within the Services Division. Expand the DARE Program and continue to provide other youth programs. -102- CD :J :::ï Q :J (') 3' ta (') 0 3 3 c :J ;:¡: -< I ..... 0 W I ... ~ Q - õ' :J en N N 0 m < Q c Q - CD 'C '"tJ ... ... a a ta < ... Q c.. 3 CD (') 0 0 ... c.. :J Q ::!'. a :J Q :J c.. en c 'C 'C 0 ... - 3 CD - :::ï 0 c.. en 0 - 3' - CD ... :J Q -< £2, -< ~ ë.: CD Q :J c.. 3' - :::ï CD (') a 3 3 c :J ;:¡. -< - a - :::ï CD 'C ... 0 0- CD 3 0 ... (5' :J - CD c.. 'C a C') 3' ta (J) CD ... S, C') CD en ~ Q en :>:" en C') a :J ::!'. :J C CD c.. BUDGET DETAIL FY 95-96 Obiect No. Descriotion BUDGET PROJECTED ADOPTED I COMMENTS SALARIESANDWAGES ........ .... ...........< « ... ............ ...........< ......... .< . .... ........ ..... .<. .... 510015110 Full time Salaries $1,407.227 $1,330.389 SI,419,933 5200 Benefits S469,300 S396.529 S462,216 5124/5125 Part time Salaries S39,5O4 S31,646 S49,368 5132 Shift Diff SO SO SO 5150 Overtime/Standby S40.oo0 S57,347 S60.852 Salaries Subtotal SI,956.031 S1.815.9.!.2 ~_~J.992-'.:1(.>2 _. MA'rER!ALS AND SUPPUES DETAIL -~.- 6010 ProUConsulting SO SO SO 6355 Telephones S57,253 S68.734 S63.oo0 Teleohoncs, Fax/Modem lines, Cellular. Long Distance. etc. 6410 Off. Opr. Supplies S10,O40 S7.391 S 10.040 OPerational suoolics 6415 Duplication Exoense S 14,225 S11,123 S14.225 Xerox Meter UsaQe 6420 Microfiche S5,345 S998 S5.345 Microfiche Suoolies, Film, Develooer, etc. 6425 Word Processio g S1,5oo S 1,085 $1.500 Software Uodates and Uogrades 6445 Off. Equip. Maint. $2.412 S2.098 $5,939 Maintenance & Reoair of Miscellaneous Office Equipment 6510 Dcpartmcnt Supplies $54,669 $52,206 $60,136 Business stationery 6526 Equip./Fumiture $1, 123 $979 $1,123 Chain;, Tables, and Miscellancous EQuipment/Furniturc 6530 Uniforms S5,951 $10.1\40 $10,000 New and Reolacement Uniforms for Sworn and Civilian Personncl 6540 Spl. Equip. Maint. S15,ooO S14,496 S32.928 Maintenance for Misccllaneous Office Equipment 6545 Spl. Equip. Rental S23,O43 S16,156 $23,043 Cooier. Pager Reotal, and Misc. @ SI95 6550 Printing S20,620 S20,741 S20.620 Forms, Business Cards. Brochures, PamohleL~. etc. 8010 Computer Maintenance S45,568 S44,969 S86,215 Maintenance on Computer Hardware/Software 8025 Computer Lease S26,856 S26,855 S40,6O0 Computer Leases HP3000, 922 and 918. MateriaJs/Supplies Page 1 SUBTOTAL S283.605 S278,671 S374.714 MateriaJs/Supplies Page 2 SUBTOTAL S45,569 S34,320 S42.O42 Division Total S2,285,205 S2.128,903 $2.409.125 FY 94-95 i Police 5040 Serviccs FY 94-95 FY 95-96 -104- _un. --...--. Object No. Description BUDGET PROJECTED ADOPTED COMMENTS 8245 Veh. Lsg./Equip. Fund $8.130 $8,130 $8,130 Vehicle 1'001 8310 Meetings $2,283 $1,035 $2.283 8315 Training $29.011 $18,t70 $29.011 8325 Tuition Reimb. SO $850 $0 8330 M brshp/Su bscriptions $2,618 $2.608 $2.618 9705 Comm. Equipment $2.684 $2.684 $0 9845 Othcr Dcl'l Equip. $843 $843 SO 1----. - '-~"------_._, .. l -- .--.----- r ..----.--.------- """'-n._--.__.- --. I r-------= -, .. -- "-----_...... - ""---.--..----.. ----.,---. '-"-.- -------'-..u_--- I I Page 2 SUBTOTAL $45.569 $34,320 $42.042 Division Total $2,285.205 $2.128,903 $2,409,125 FY 94-95 FY 94':'95 Police 5040 Services FY 95-96 -105- :< j ø:¡ Eo< ¡., r.:I ,..: >< ,..: ,..: 0< Z a H Eo< Z r.:I Eo< Z H I '"" 0 ..... I r.:I 0 ..:: Po co H == Eo< BUDGET DETAIL FY\I';-'J(, Division Analy;is Workshect Fire Protection 5500 Fire Contract "'P""-""."'-' I Obiect No. I Ocscrintion I BUDGET I PROJECTED I REOUEST I COMMENTS SALARIES AND WAGES . c- .. -- .'.... ... 5100 Full time Salaries 5200 Benefits 5124/5125 Pari time Salaries 5132 Shift Diff 5150 Oyertime/Standbv Salaries Subtotal $0 $0 $0 MATERIALS AND SUPPUES DETAIL .......> </ .....~~ ....~ .......... ... ...... . 6125 County Fire Contract $3.312.673 $3.312.673 $3.312.673 Contract with County Fire Authority : I DIVISION TOTAL $3312673 $3312673 $3312673 FY 94-95 FY 94-95 FY \15-96 -109- :< j ~ Eo< ¡., r.:I ,..: >< ,..: ,..: .:: z a H Eo< Z r.:I Eo< Z H I <=> .-< .-< J r.:I 0 ..:: Po tD H == Eo< PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION COMMUNITY SERVICES ----- DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES SUPERVISOR Senior Center Operations Senior Programs Advisory Board RECEPTIONIST/ CLERK (PT) PROGRAM ASSISTANT (PT) PROGRAM COORDINATOR Activities Events SECRETARY RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT SUPERVISOR Contraç:t Classes Cultural Arts Playgrounds Special Events PROGRAM COODINA TOR Cultural Arts Contract Excursions Contract Classes Special Events (2) DEPARTMENT CLERK (4) BUILDING SUPPORT SERVICE STAFF SUPERVISOR Adult/Youth Sports Day Camp Sports Camps Contract Instructors Camp Councelors Volunteers DEPARTMENT SUMMARY 1995 -1996 I DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES J FULL TIME STAFF I 14 14 14 ObiectNo. . .SAIJARIESANDAVÆGE... ....¡ttt 5100 Salaries $467251 $439266 $513 886 5200 Benefits 155,012 143,814 171,732 5124/25 Part time 98,998 100,329 121,761 5132 Shift Diff 5150 Overtime 1401 1400 1400 M Aft ì't 1(1 XIJS§ í!li )$(Û~i11 t j t ;~~. ~ lt jm.iwiliŒF:ili¡mtIT¡1g¡:@¡I;tf~;~¡i];¡~lî¡ii{@ttmJtm[F!1:.::.::iN::kmt~.¡i]r;:::ttlmITt¡¡ITi::;j:n.:t~~]1j~m;t 6010 Professional/Consulting $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 6107 Parks Commission 2,100 1,500 2,100 6117 Recreation Services 233,104 231,400 261,823 6315 Building Rental 15500 9.000 8000 c 6330 Custodial Supplies 11 000 50 2000 .- 6355 Telephone Expense 8,500 11,570 8,500 6410 Operating Supplies 3,243 3,711 3,498 6445 Office Equipment Maint 3,300 3,:\00 5,595 6510 Department Supplies 40447 47448 57,423 6515 Admissions Tickets 11100 5000 10800 65JO Uniform Expense 1,200 720 1,200 6535 Safety Supplies 500 350 500 6550 Printing Expense 11,975 10,087 11,800 6555 Tust in Today Expense 22024 22024 15000 8240 Vehicle Mileage 1800 1.800 1800 8245 Vehicle Leasing Fund 5,409 5,409 5,740 82.')5 Excursion Bus Rental 9,200 4,000 4,500 8310 Meeting Expense 2,315 I 750 2,815 8315 Trainin ( Expense 6,099 3485 6305 8330 Membership/Subscriptions 1240 1146 1195 Sub-Total Materials and Supplies $392,056 $364,750 $412,594 DEPARTMENT TOTAL $1114718 $1049559 $1221373 FY 94-95 BUDGET FY 94-95 PROJECTED FY 95 -96 REQUESTED -113- DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: DESCRIPTION: TASKS: .7. 8. 9. COMMUNITY SERVICES ADMINISTRATION The DepartmentpI,ans, organizes, and manages recreation and Community Services programs which enables Tustin residents of all ages, interests, and capabilities, 10 experience self-satisfaction, personal growth, and fulfillment through participalion in leisure activities. Adminislration is responsible for managing the Community Services Department, including personnel, fiscal policy, long-range pllmning, training, and operational policies. 1. Allocales the necessary resources, incltiding labor, finances, equipment, and facililies, for the provision of leisure and community services. 2. Monitors programs, and facilities for crfectiv'eness. 3. Establishes basis for assessing fees and charges to support program services. 4. Works with citizens, the Parks and Recreation Commission, and consultants to design and establish public facilities, parks, and open space which meet the needs and interest of the community. 5. Develops long-range plans and slralegies for future parks and recreation facilities. 6. Maintains contact with the legislative network and professional lobbyists which serve the interests of the recreation and parks movement. Manages the Department's Capital Improvement Program which includes rehabilitation of existing, and construction of new facilities. . Regularly reviews City policies for programs and facility use with the Parks and Recreation Commission, and City Council and recommends changes as necessary. Provides staff support fort the Tustin Community Foundation Board of Directors. -114- BUDGET DETAIL ,-....uu" .."..,u. r.UIIIUIIOII¡HlUIl I Oh'ect No. I Deserintion BUDGET T PROJECTED I REOUEST COMMENTS SALARIES AND WAGES .. .. .~ ... .... ...... ../. <... / ........... /.../...... .... ~IOO Full time Salaries 163.728 165.241 164.730 5200 Benelits 49.914 50,121 46.125 5124/5125 Part time Salaries 5132 Shift Diff 5150 Overtime/Standhv 1,401 1.400 1.400 ¡erica! SuODort for P&R Mt2S. Salaries Su bIotal $215.043 ~~'" ~¡;) $212.255 MATERIALS AND rot:"TA' ....... /...... /.7 ....~ .. 6010 Prof. & Consultin2 $2.000 $2.000 $2.000 6107 Commission Stioend 2.100 1.500 2.100 6117 Recreation Services 6.400 5.000 6.400 6355 Telenhone 3.500 3.500 3.500 Denartment nhone service. Civic Center 6410 Oftiee Oneratinp Snlv. 361 361 361 'tationerv & Envelopes' 6445 Oi'Jice EQuipment/Mainl. 3.:100 3.:100 4.605 Maintenance Contract for Comnuters & Conv Mach. 6510 Denartmcnt Suonlies 4.525 4.525 4.525 I' a ne r. Den c il s .De ns.n otebooks. recei Dts 6.~50 Printin' Exnenses 525 525 525 6555 Tustin Todav 22.024 22.024 15.000 l'ostape & nrintinp-Tustin Todav 8240 Vehicle Mileape Allow. 1.800 1.800 1.800 Susan Jones. Rec. SUPl./$I5O/month 8310 Local Meetinlls 395 200 395 83t5 Traininp 5,375 3.000 5.575 8330 Memberships 310 320 320 MATERIALS/SUI'PUES SUBTOTAL $52.615 $48.055 $47.106 . Division Total ~267 658 $264 817 ~259 361 FY 94-95 FY 94- 95 FY 95-96 -115- DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: DESCRIPTION: TASKS: 3. 4. 5. COMMUNITY SERVICES SPORTS The Sports Divisign provides active programs and activities for youth and adults. Youth programs include a summer basketball clinic, a playground program, a tuloring program, and the annual youth track meet. Adult softball, basketball and volleyball leagues are held year round. Staff also serves as a liaison to various committees. The Sports Division coordinates and assists with other City sponsored special events. 1. Plans and supervises youth sports activities such as: traek meet, summer sports leagues. 2. Plans and supervises adult softball and tournaments, basketball and volleyball leagues. Promoles and plans various special events such as: Tiller Days Parade, Fourth of July, and the Community Yard Sale. Represents the City on a variely of committees and groups to plan special events and programs. Coordinates maintenance of the Columbus Tustin athletic lïclds with the Tustin Unified School Dislrict and the City Maintenance Department. Purchases supplies, capital items and materials necessary to maintain City sports programs. Compiles bid specifications for purchasing supplies. -116- BUDGET DETAIL .. .. ...-. ~,,~,,- Ohiecl No. Deserintion I BUDGET PROJECTED I REOUEST J COMMENTS SALARIES AND WAGES . ',. ','" '«:."" <.~., :'.~ ".i'.:.":":":: ':': ...' "':.'. .....' . ~ 100 Full lime Salaries 76.683 75.550 79.632 5200 Benetils 23,991 23.636 28,923 5124/5125 Parllime Salaries 10.400 10.224 23.820 5132 Shift Dirf 5150 Overlime/Standhv Salaries Su bIotal $111.074 $109.410 $132.375 MA TERIALS AND SUPI'UES DETAIL """.i ..'. ..:,,'.'.:,: ':',.. ..... 6117 Recreation Services $82,598 $80.000 $87,600 6355 Telephone 0 1.070 0 6410 Office ODeratiOQ SpIv 410 350 715 Office suDolies needed for oroHams at uvmnasium 6510 Deoarlmental Solies 18.400 22,750 29.663 Awards, t shirts, softballs, game eQuipment 6550 Printinu Exnenses 925 1,162 1,525 core cards and flvers 8245 Vehicle Lease EQuip. 1.353 l.353 1.435 1/4 Denartment Allowance 8310 Meetin~s 295 100 295 Miscellaneous 8315 Trainin~ 200 125 200 omouler TraininQ 8330 Memherships 1.50 211 150 SCMAF Dues. and I CPRS Dues . . MA TERIALS/SUPPUES SUBTOTAL $104331 $107,121 $121,583 Division Total ~215 405 ~216 531 ~253 958 FY 94-95 FY 94-95 FY 95-96 -117- DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: DESCRIPTION: TASKS: COMMUNITY SERVICES CULTURAL ARTS/CLASSES The Cultural Arts4Classcs division promotes, coordinates, and supervises all recreation classes, and special cultural programs such as Youth Arts Carousel and Concerts in the Park. The division is responsible for publicity, including the . City brochure; procurement of instruclors,; supplies and facililies; coordination with the School District; class registrations; and records. 1. Provides 200-250 recreation classes per quarter in such areas as dance (for Tiny Tols through Seniors), music, drama, crafts, exercise programs, tennis, gymnastics, bridge, speed reading, and more. 2. Sponsors cultural aclivities such as Concerts in the Park. 3. Offers Ieclures on subjecls of interest to the communily such as: Tax Preparation, Money Management, Time Management, CPR/First Aid, Self-Defense, Acting, Building a Business and Home Decorating. 4. Develops and promotes quarterly excursions such as Rose Parade. 5. Develops the division's marketing strategies including publicity of Community Services programs and services, publishing Tustin Today, Oyer's, and news releases. . -118- BUDGET DETAIL FY 95-96 QivisioÎ1 Analÿsi$V{orkšheøt ObicCI No. Dcscri llion I BUDGET PROJECTED REOUEST I COMMENTS SALARIES AND WAGES .. ......... .'..'~.. ). ..". ...~ ... )... '. ...').. .. ....'...... .. 5100 Full time Salaries 41,760 26.599 30.848 Rec. Sunv. chanßed to Coordinator 5200 Benelìts 16,615 10,584 10.025 5124/5125 Part time Salaries 10.400 . 10,400 9.720 5132 Shift Dirr 5150 Overtime/Standby Salaries Subtotal $68,775 $47.583 $50.593 MATERIALS AND S!IPPIJES ). ..... ... ) .. 6117 Recreation Services $102,569 $100,000 $123.070 6315 Building Rental 15.500 9.000 8,000 Rental space for prOQrams at TUSD 6355 Telenhone 0 1,000 0 6410 Office Operating Snlv. 550 500 500 Envelones and receiPts 6445 Software Maintenance 0 0 9SXJ A.nnua1 update Registration & Cal. Software 6510 Departmental Supplies 1.673 1,673 6,525 ransferred Boutique cost to this division 6515 Admission Tickets 5.800 1,000 5.800 Rose Parade, Holiday Lights, other Excursions 6550 Printing Expense 1.050 600 1.200 8245 Vehicle Leasing Equip. 1,352 1,352 1.435 1/4 of Department Vehicle Lease 8255 Excursion Bus Ren tal 1.200 0 0 ransferred expense to Admission Tickets 8310 MeetinQs 500 100 400 8315 TraininQ 119 0 125 8330 Mem berships 370 200 315 Lern Membership- Calif. . MA TERIALS/SUPPIlES SUBTOTAL $130.683 $115.425 $148.360 Division Total \;199458 $163008 $198953 FY 94- 95 FY 94-95 FY 95-96 -119- DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: DESCRIPTION: TASKS: 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. COMMUNITY SERVICES YOUTH SERVICES The division plans, organizes, promotes, and supervises youth activities and special proj<x:ts. These activities include recreation progrmris at Frontier, Peppertree, Magnolia and Centennial Parks, summer day camp, the Child Development Program, tutoring programs, middle school age programs and volunteers. The division provides direcl support and supervision [or Tustin Tiller Days and the EI C1mino Real Championship Chili Cookoff. In addition, assistance is provided [or such sp<x:ial events as the Halloween C1rnival, Spring Egg Hunt, Volunteer Reception, and the 4th of July. The Division staff serve as a liaison to local child care providers and the Tustin Are Youth Issues Commillee. 1. Provides supervision [or school-age children at four piirks during the summer and two parks during the school year. 2. Manages summer day camp program. 3. Provides sp<x:ial holiday programs [or youth and families as lhe Halloween Carnival, Tree Lighting Ceremony, and the Spring Egg Hunt. Supervises Child Development contract. Provides programs for middle school age children. Coordinates the City's volunteer program which utilizes more than 300 volunteers each year to produce City-sponsored programs. Publishes and coordinates the production o[ the Tustin Child Care Directory each year. Provides staff support to the Tustin Area Youth Issues Committee. Serves as a resource to local child care providers. -120- BUDGET DETAIL I-....ion Name: Youlh ServiÙs I Ohiect No. I Description BUDGET PROJECTED REOUEST COMMENTS SALARIES AND <,,0:0:<.<"< .,. '" 5100 Full lime Salaries 46.044 37.434 28.312 upervisor Position vacant since 3/95 5200 Benefits 19.758 16.063 18.343 5124/5125 Part lime Salaries 48.658 48.658 46.629 5132 Shin Dirf 5150 Overtime/Slandby Salaries Sublotal $114.460 $102.155 $93.284 MATERIALS AND SUPPUES DETAIL 0:' .'...'.',.", ,..'.'.,' .0: .~ .,"". '..... L ""'.,<. .'... '.'., 6117 Recrealion Services $1.997 $9.400 $2.005 6355 Telephone 0 1.000 0 6410 Oflice Operalinu Supply 300 300 300 Pencils. regislralion forms. envelopes 6510 Derartment Supplies 8.999 11,500 11.710 Pl:!y~rounds. D:¡y Camp. Special Event supplies 6515 Admission Tickets 5.300 4.000 5.000 Day Camp Excursions 6550 Printing Expenses 1.075 800 650 "Iyers. invitations for Special Events & programs 8245 Vehicle Leasing Equip. 1.352 1.352 1.435 1/4 Department Vehicle Leasin~ 8255 Excursion Bus Ren tal 5.500 4.000 4.500 Bus Rental - Day Camp 8310 Meetings 260 50 645 8315 Training 135 90 135 omputer Trainin~ & Ree. Leader Trainin~ 8330 Memhership 130 135 130 alifornia Parks & Recreation Socie!y Mem. MA TERIALS/SUPPUES SUBTOTAL $25.048 $32.627 $26.510 Division Total $139508 $134782 $119794 FY 94- 95 FY 94- 95 FY 95-96 -121- DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: DESCRIPTION: TASKS: 1. 2. 3. MAW^,ßudøe1.95 COMMUNITY SERVICES HUMAN SERVICES/SENIOR CENTER The Senior Cenler/Human Service Division is responsible for lhe operation and programming of the Tustin Area Senior Center. Program coordination involving a wide variety of recreational; educational, and social services is this division's primary charge. These activities are accomplished in partnership with a variety of outside organiz,1tions. They include: Feedback Foundation's Transportation Lunch and Counseling Program; Irvine Valley College Emeritus Insti.tute; Tustin Unified School Districl; Saint Vincent De Pauls' Fo.od Distribulion Program; Food For All and a variety of programs provided by the Counly of Orange including the Senior Aides Employment Program; Public Health Nursing; Transportation Agency and lhe General Relief Employment Program. Coordinates and promotes activilies and services specific to the senior cilizen population who arc able to participate in on site. These ¡iClivilies and services include: * Human Services - Social and human services designed to assist on site participants with needs in basic activilies of daily living including but not limiled to transportation, nutrition, physical and mental wellness and housing. * Enrichment - Recreational and educational programs providing activity options for seniors with special life enriching interests. Conducts community outreach specific to senior citizens who arc unable to participate on site through two specialized programs. Information and referral is further provided through monthly newsletters, specially trained volunteer and professional staff, and community interaction. Provides staff support for the Senior Advisory Board and Senior Center Foundation. -122- BUDGET DETAIL ,_...".~.. 00_"'_' ~_...~, ~"..~... r Oh'eet No. Descrintion BUDGET PROJECTED REOUEST COMMENTS SALARIES AND WAGES ..,". .."...~. .... .. . 5100 Full time Salaries 74,036 71.188 77.548 5200 Benefits 23.075 22.188 22.373 512415125 Part time Salaries 18.240 17.538 18.600 5D2 Shift Dift 5150 Overtime/Standhv Salaries Su htotal $115.351 $110.914 $118.521 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL ,',.. .,'.. ..., '... ........ ...,'."'" .' ,'. "~ " " .'.. ..~... .. 6117 Recreation Services $39.540 $37.000 $42.748 6355 Telephone 5.000 5.000 5.000 6410 Ofliee Operating Supplv 1.622 2.200 1.622 Pencils. registration forms. envelopes 6510 Denartment Supplies 6.850 7.000 5.000 ISneeial Event supplies 6550 Printing Expenses 8.400 7.000 7.900 ~Ivers. invitations for Special Events & programs 8245 Vehicle Leasing Equip. 1.352 1.352 1.435 1/4 Department Vehicle Leasi1)2 8255 Excursion Bus Rental 2.500 0 0 8310 Meetings 865 300 1.080 8315 Training 270 270 270 Comnuter Training 8330 Membership 280 280 280 , i MATERIALS/SUPPUES SUBTOTAL $66.679 $60.402 $65.335 Division Total $182030 $171316 $183856 FY 94- 95 FY 94-95 FY 95- 96 -123- :< j ¡¡:¡ Eo< ¡., r.J ,..: >< ,..: ,..: ..:: z 0 H Eo< Z r.J E< Z H r.:I 0 ..:: Po I <:r N ...... I co H == Eo< BUDGET DETAIL FY 95-96 Division Anal)Sis Worksheet , ow.. u~fJ"' "..~'" I Oh'ect No. Description BUDGET PROJECTED REOUEST COMMENTS SAl.ARIES ,.."..,'./,.; ,;.., ..'... ---- 5100 Full time Salaries 5200 Benefits 0 11.000 15.000 Retiree Health Benefits 5124/5125 Part time Salaries 5132 Shift Diff 5150 Overtime/Standby Salaries Su btotal $0 $11,000 $15.000 .. MATERIALS AND 0.:1 IPI>I 6010 Prof. & Consultinl! $4.800 $14.000 $0 6355 Telephone 0 11.000 0 6415 Duplication Expense 55,000 55.000 55.000 opier lease. paper and supplies 6435 PostaQe 43.000 40.000 44.000 6575 MisceUaneous 3.000 800 0 Includes interior nlant maint. 7140 Property Tax 0 1.828 0 8330 Emplovee Recoenition 2.000 3.782 4.000 Service awards and employee of the vear award 8466 AB8Pron.Tax Collect. Fecs 60.000 46.011 0 ountv charues for property tax collection 8495 Bad Debt Write Off 7.000 15.100 13.000 Uncolleclable accounts 8565 Transfer Out- LiahilitvFund 250.000 250.000 250.000 8570 Transfer Out-Park Dev. Fd 391.600 120,371 261.400 8571 Transfer Out Cap. Proi. Fd 1.064.000 1.333.843 0 8573 Transfer Out- Health Bene. 0 4.919 0 8577 Transfer Out- Tust. Found. 3.000 3.000 0 9050 Emplovee Assistance 0 4.020 2.000 9213 OCfA Senior ProQrams .0 0 7.500 I 9214 USDA Lunch Prol!ram 8.500 16.000 16.000 9215 Citv Memherships 16.825 16.500 17.000 9216 Citv Link 2.500 0 600 Statewide network sYStem 9217 Animal Control Contract 87.300 72.329 63.257 ountv Contract PAGE TOTAL ~I 998525 ~2 019 503 ~748 757 FY 94-95 FY 94- 95 FY 95-96 Department: Division Numher: Division Name: -127- Object No. I DescriDtion BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST COMMENTS MATERIALS AND <:TlPPT m<: ... 9225 Historical Societv SUDDort $5.700 $5.700 $7,500 9236 Admin Fees Parkin~ Cits. 5.500 7.300 7.000 9245 Fourth of July Prol!ram 12.000 12.000 12.000 9250 Tiller Day Parade 12.300 4.800 4.500 9254 Communitv Outreach 21,315 25.000 0 9264 Base Oosure Fed Grant 0 1.170 0 9285 Community Promotion 18.700 9.100 0 Pal!e Total $75.515 $65.070 $31.000 DIVISION TOTAL $2.074.040 $2.084.573 $779757 FY 94-95 FY 94- 95 FY 95-96 -128- TUSTIN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS (CITY COUNCIL) AGENCY ATTORNEY (CITY ATTORNEY) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR! ASS'T CITY MANAGER ENGINEER DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS -- REDEVELOPMENT PROGRAM MANAGER SECRETARY (CITY CLERK) TREASURER (DIRECTOR OF FINANCE) C ) On loan from Community Development for MCAS Tustin Project PROJECT MANAGER (HOUSING) . ( ) Funded by Federal OEA Funds- Not in Budget DEPARTMENT: TUSTIN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DESCRIPTION: The Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency was established in 1976 for the purpose of providing needed public improvements and facilitating economic development within the Town Center Project Area and the South Central Redevelopment Project Areas. The City Council serves as the Agency Board of Directors and City staff provide required. Agency staff support. The Agency is administered in accordance with the Town Center Area Redevelopment Project Area and the South Central Project Area Plans and State Community Redevelopment Law. Agency expenses include capital improvement projects economic development assistance and operating costs which include required staff support and consultant services. .-,.1995-96 Tasks '6. 7. 1. Complete Rehabilitation of Cornerstone Building at Main and El Camino Real. 2. Identify Agency development goals and obj ectives Prospect¡ initiate Owner Participation process. for Perfit property at Main and 3. Identify final location and conclude negotiations with property owners concerning additional pedestrian access to parking structure. 4. Select developer and negotiate a development agreement for Entry Gateway Project on El Camino Real between Newport south of Sixth Street. 5. Evaluate new housing development opportunities in the Town Center Project Area. Prepare and issue an owner participation request and issue a Request for Proposal to the development community, if needed. Contact the owner of the Tustin Gardens project: regarding the expiration of their Section 8 contract for 100 senior units. . Monitor the status of the 160 subsidized units at Orange Gardens -131- DEPARTMENT SUMMARY 1995 -1996 I DEPARTMENT: REDEVELOPMENT I FULL TIME STAFF Object No. I Description FY 94-95 BUDGET 2 FY 94-95 PROJEC1ED 2 FY 95 -96 REQUESlED 2 T 5100 5200 5124/25 5132 5150 $123,072 32,004 $112,271 29,547 $133,024 39,479 $172 503 $272,120 $190888 $175,000 94,078 34,078 60,000 33,500 18000 33,500 85 000 55 000 55 000 50000 0 50000 5,500 5,500 5,500 35,000 30,500 35,000 30,000 14,500 30,000 11 000 3 000 11 000 2500 1 250 2500 ~OO ~OO ~OO 40,000 2,000 40,000 2,670 4,500 2,670 4 200 2 000 4 200 1870 3 200 1 870 6,000 0 6,000 300,000 168,800 431,200 75,000 41,300 108700 20,000 0 40,000 40 000 0 80000 100 000 0 100 000 500 500 500 $1,211~138 $577 416 $1,275,040 1L.166,414 ~719,234 $1.447.543 -134- BUDGET DETAIL Object No. Descriotion BUDGET PROJECTED REOUEST COMMENTS SALARIES AND 7~:~/: :::. 5100 Full time Salaries 18,243 18.243 19,560 5% of Program Manager 5200 Benefits 5,445 5,445 7.193 5% of Program Manager 5124/25 Part time Salaries 5132 Shift Diff 5150 Overtim e/Standbv Salaries Subtotal $23.6881 $23.6881 . MATERIALS AND SUPPUESDETAIL ...".:>". :........ . 6008 Econ. Dev. Activities $245,000 $168,768 $170.000 Payments to MicroCcntcr ocr DDA 6009 MCAS Proi. Form 94,078 34.078 60.000 lSee Budgct Detail 6010 Prof. & Cons. Sves. 7.500 5.000 7,500 See Budget Detail 6012 Econ. & Fin. Consults. 55.000 40.000 35.000 Isee Budget Detail 6014 Acct. & Audit 2,750 2,750 2,750 lSee Bud~et Detail 6016 Le~al Services 20.000 23.000 20,000 Review UP to 2 DDA's (â) $150/hur (â) 100 hours 6025 Appraisal Services 15,000 7.000 15,000 See Budget Detail 6512 Graphics/Camera Supplies 500 500 500 Photos RDA 6550 Printing Exoense 20,000 1.000 20.000 See Bud~et Detail 8310 Meetings 1.335 500 1.335 ee Budget Detail 8315 Training 2.100 1.000 2,100 See Budget Detail 8330 Membershio/Su bscriotion 585 1.600 585 See Budget Detail 9835 Comnuter Software 250 250 250 I r MATERIALS/SUPPUES SUBTOTAL $464.098 $285.446 $335,020 I I Division Total $487.786 $309.134 $361,773 FY 94-95 FY 94- 95 FY 95-96 RDA 560 So. Cent.- Construction -135- BUDGET DETAIL ~ . Object No. Description . BUDGET PROJECTED REOUEST COMMENTS SALARIES AND WAGES . .,. . '.':.:"i'.' "'i"'.. ».: ,.' .. ""~ .... "'. .. 5100 Full time Salaries 68,343 57,542 60.648 f75% of Project ManaQer; 25% of Program Manager 5200 Benefits 15,549 13.092 15.223 f75% of Project Manager; 25% of ProQram ManaQer 5124/25 Part time Salaries 5132 Shift Diff 5150 Overtime/Standby Salaries Subtotal $83,892 $70.634 $75.871 MA TERIALS AND SUPl'UES DETAIL ..' ,..,.......,.,., . ~ i> ,..': .:'..' .,".'.' 6010 Prof. & Consult Svcs. $5.000 $5.000 $5.000 6510 Department Supplies 5,000 1,000 5,000 Misc. supplies, Brochure of HousinQ Activities 9252 Mort. Credit Cert. 3,000 0 3,000 AQreement with Countv 9256 Rental Loan/Grant 300,000 168.800 431.200 Per Housing Affordability Strategy & Carryover 9257/58 Owner Loan/Grant 75000 41300 108,700 er HousinQ Affordabilitv StrateQY & Carryover MA TERIALS/SUPPIJES SUBTOTAL $388.000 $216.100 $552,900 I I Division Total $471.892 $286.734 $628.771 FY 94- 95 FY 94-95 FY 95-96 -136- BUDGET DETAIL FY 95-96 DivisjonArialysisWorksh¡:ct Department: REDEVELOPMENT Division Number: 590 Division Name: Town Ctr- Construction I 'nstruction Obiect No. Description BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST COMMENTS .. ""i 5100 Full time Salaries 18,243 18.243 19.560 25% ofProiect Mana2er 5200 Benefits 5,505 5,505 7,193 25% ofProiect Mana~er 5124/5125 Pari timc Salarics 5132 Shift Diff 5150 Overlimc/Standby Salaries Su btotal $23.748 Slim 126.753 25% ofProiect Mana2er MATERIALS AND , "'"i"~. .. 6008 Econ. Dev. Activities $27.120 $22.120 $5.000 Pavrnent to Thompson per DDA 6010 Prof. & Consultin2 6.000 3,000 6,000 6012 Econ. & Finan. Consult 30.000 15.000 20,000 6013 Plannin2 Consult. 50.000 0 50,000 6014 Acct. & Audit 2.750 2,750 2.750 6016 Le2al Services 15.000 7.500 15.000 Review un to 2 DDA's@ $150/hr@)1O0hours 6025 Appraisals 15,000 7.500 15,000 6510 Dcoartlllcnt Supplies 1.000 1.000 1.000 Misc. Supplics; Brochure for Downtown Activities 6512 Graphics/Camera Supplies 2.000 750 2.000 Photos of RDA projects; input for newsletter 6520 Stevens. Sq. Parking 2.400 2,400 2.400 Regular Maintenance Cost 6550 Printjn2 Expenses 20.000 1,000 20.000 8310 Meetin~s 1,335 4.000 1,335 8315 Training 2.100 1.000 2.100 8330 M em bersh ips/Su bs. 1.285 1.600 1,285 9835 Computer Software 250 250 250 , , MA TERIALS/SUPPUES SUBTOTAL $176,240 $69.870 $144,120 ì . I Division Total $199.988 $93.618 $170,873 FY 94-95 FY 94- 95 FY 95- 96 -137- BUDGET DETAIL Object No. Descriotion I BUDGET I PROJECTED I REQUEST I COMMENTS SMARIES AND WAGES ..'. .', '....' "i::,<:," '>.:,:' ....""':'.',..:: .:.i.'ii...i..,.'. .. 5100 Full time Salaries 18.243 18.243 33.256 J 5% of Pro/(ram Manaoer & 25% of Project Manaoer 5200 Benefits 5.505 5.505 9.870 5% of Program Manager & 25% of Proieet Mana/(er 5124/5125 Part time Salaries 5132 Shift Diff 5150 Overtirne/Standbv Salaries Su btotal $23.748 $23.748 $43.126 5% of Program Manaocr & 25% of Proiect Manaocr MATERIALS AND ".,i «:c..i:ii ,i: i< iii ':'. - 6010 Prof. & Consult. Svcs. $15.000 $5.000 $15.000 1st Time Homebuver Administration 6510 Denartment Supplies 5.000 1.000 5000 vfisc. Supplies, Brochure for Downtown Activities 9252 Mort. Credit Cert. 3,000 0 3.000 er Countv Agreement 9272 EmerQencv Rental 20.000 0 40,000 er HousÎnQ Affordabilitv Strateov & CarrYover 9273 Emeroencv MortQage 40.000 o 80,000 er HousÎnQ Affordabilitv StrateQv & CarrYover 9274 Downoavment Assistance 100,000 o 100.000 Carrvover from 94- 95. oer HousinQ Affordabilitv StrateQv MATERIAL /SUPPliES SUBTOTAL $183,000 $6.000 $243,000 Division Total $206,748 $29,748 $286,126 FY 94- 95 FY 94-95 FY 95-96 REDEVELOPMENT 595 Town Center- Housin -138- REDVELOPMENTAGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1995-96 SUMMARY --_._-_._C~.IE90R Y PROJECT 1994/95 1994/95 1995/96 AREA _l?UDGßT_._- PROJECTED REQUESTED Town Center $1,24R,405 $989,550 $5R,500 South Central 2,322,R88 2,290,170 1,517,054 Town Center 5R,SOO 0 () Community Serviçe Facilities Tra nsporta tion. Facilities Tr,ilïïc Conlrol Facilities Flood Control Facilitics Town Center .. .__.L~QJ9g.<r. ...... --- --_...__.J..9LQ.<!Q. _..._..__.....____nl~LQ9.Q Total RDA Capital Improvemcnts $3,749,793 $3,289,720 $1,710,S54 -139- I .10. COMMUNITY SEltVIŒS FACILITIES I. ColumhusTustin Park Phase 1113 (re) ( 400029) 2. Peppcrtrec Park H.enovation' (re) a. Design b. Construction (4000"9) SUI3TOTALS 60. TRANSPORTATION FACII.JTIES I. Miscellaneous Community" Improvement Partnership Program - I lousing Rehah. privatc/publie Slreet improvements (SC) (:100052) 2. Newpor1 Ave/SR 551nterelwnge Ramp Reoonfiguration'" Project Study ReporVPrel. Envjr. (SC) Project Report/Environ. (for Ca!trans) Final Design Right-or-Way O:mstruction (7001:10, 7001:17) SU!3TOTAL 1994-95 !!!lD.QET $1.198.405 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL rMI'ltOvE~1ENT I'HOGHM1 TOWN CENTER (rC) - SOUl'! I CENTltAL (SC) 1994-95 l)KOJI~C l:.!? 1995-96 mJnmn: 19%-97 rL,ðN!'!E!.! $989.550 $H.511J .~O,[IIYJ (J ~~~------.Q----_.._-----_.~----_......~_XJ.(X~ $ 1 ,24S.405 $989.550 $5H.~()O S2!XJ.OCXJ $101.08" $182.718 0 $182.718 SIOI.OH:1 $Irn.oo() SI70.0<XJ $12.718 1 m,[XX) 1.1O.OW S.19.~.(XX 0 0 1997-98 L'LðUtm12 (J 0 $'1 95.()(x) 0 0 () 0 --'__n--..__._. ""'--'-_U_'--"'--- -. '_n_--____- SI70.000 S242.718 $495/XXI S495.0()() . -140- 1998-99 L'L¿\J'! t:! 1m 19ry) - 200) [IANNI:!? 0 () :1.402.~--.2,402.0c0 $".402/XXJ S:1.4O2.ooo ~. Newport Avenue eXlens!on north'" or Edinger (SC) 7001~1 Prd. Eng. . rinal Design ltighl-or-Way Conslruetion SUDTOTALS 4. Edinger. SI<55 N D ramps 10 Del AJ110 (SC) Prelim Eng. rinal Design Righi-of-Way ColISlruetion . SUBTOTALS 6. I~ed ! lill: Edinger to Valencia (SC) Prelim. Ene. 7. ":\lend:l: Ncwporl Exlcnsion 10 Itcd I\ill (SC) Prclim. Ene. TIl/\NSI'OllTAllON FACILITIESTOTAL Qll'lt¡\rrIC CON'mOI. FAClI.1TII~S I. TralT,c Signal (isl & " ),Sl.) (re¡ , (Ro..')J.18) 1. Slrccl \.i¡:hling (rC) sulrroTMs 1994-95 JJUOGET REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT I'HOGltAM TOWN CENTER erC) - soun I CENTItAI. (SC)' 1994-95 PRO~crnD 19%-97 PIAN!:'mO 1997-98 PlANNED 1998-99 PLANNF,D 199') - 200) PLANNED $25.OCXJ 55,00J 54$.000 SO 50 SO SO 0 0 0 I.(X1O.CX'X) I.OOO,OCO 0 0 2,014.087 2.014.087 J.l(J.IJ~6 454.848 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.~77.5oo 8.~77.5oo -------- 52oW9,087 S2.019.087 51.149.~.1(j 51,454.848 . 5 I ,OO),(X)() S8.:177.5oo S8J77..IOO 1995-96 flUDGIrr so 50 S25,(XX) 0 () 15(J,(XX¡"".2.1(J,(XXJ"" -_._--_._-_......._........_....._..!~_.._....._..._..~~._.... .._._--~_._- S25JXXJ S25(JJXXI S25o.<XXJ 52.122.888 SI6.114..1(1) S58.500 0 558.500 -----......-------.----. 52.2ro.170 $1,517,054 52.IJIoI.84M S2.087,.~OO 0 ( I . (J (J S5Ci.(XXI ----.--.-....-...- -- ........---.-t.....----..............-.-.-.--- 50 $0 $.IO,(XX1 -141- .. .. .. " SSO/XX) S50.CXXJ S I .I. 787 . (XX) REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPn'AL IMPROVEMENT PllOGRAM TOWN CENTER (fC) - Smml CEN'JnAL(SC) 1994":95 IJUDGET 70. r-LOOD COWmOL fACILITIES 1. Drainage Improvement oclween I loll and SI~-55 (fC) a. Prelim. DesignlEnvironmentaJ b. r-inal Design e. Hight-or-Woy d. l.:onslruelion .... SJ5.ooo 85,00) 0 0 ~ 120.000 SUßTOTALS (re¡ TOWN CENTElt GltANDTOTALS (SC) SaVIll CENTllAL GltANDTOTi)LS $1.426,905 ~V22.888 1994-95 PllOJECrTID S 10,000 0 0 0 510.000 ~99'J,.~50 52.200.170 1995-96 BUDGET 19%-97 PLANNED 1997-98 PlANNED S25.(J()( $0 IIO.cX)() 0 0 D ._.._._---...~_.J~~:]~~.:":~:._- 5 DHXX) $ J 25,7(XI 1998-99 PLANNED $0 $193.~nn $1,517,054 sn~.7!X S2.91.I.H~8 SO 52.087.500 SO $JG.314..~C:O Projeel conl 1lelÍlIII ûepelllleni "1""\ IIddili'IIIIIIIÜlldin~ (ft'n1 IIIIIer revenue s"'"ces. neprelen!1 0 .~O% Agelley conlrihulion loworu 10101 project cosl . I'unueu 011 or pan bYSoulh CenlroJ Housing Sol-Aside Funus Agency conlril>Ulion to be negolialed Ivilh developer SupplcmcnlaJ I'unding under CIP ßudget -142- 19<),)-2COJ PlANNED so so SO SI.I.787.COJ WATER SERVICE DIVISION DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/ CITY ENGINEER WATER SERVICE MANAGER WATER PRODUCTION/ J"'" QUALITY SUPERVISOR """ " " . " " " " " " / --.j / / / /fc/ / WATER MAINTENANCE! / ,/ CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR / ,;" ~,;" DEPARTMENT CLERK LEADWORKER MAINTENANCE WORKER ,./ """'..... EQUIPMENT OPERATORS MAINTENANCE WORKERS ...... DEPARTMENT SUMMARY FY 95 -96 Page 1 of 3 I DEPARTMENT: WATER OPERATIONS I FULL TIME STAFF 21 21 . I 22 Objeet No. I Deseription SALARIES AND WAGES' ". '. , ..'. .'.ii'>...., >,.,i>i. ...,.".. 5100/511 0 Salaries and WaJ1;es $809,561 $765,664 $865,682 5200 Benefits $267,127 $2.19,650 )284,658 5124/5125 Part time $12,624 $12 $13,200 5150/5120 Overtime/Standby $71,711 $28,582 $61,587 Salaries Total $1,161,023 $1,033,908 $1,225,127 MA1TIRIALSANDSUPPLIESDETAll"'.... . .'.....' .." ',,"""{,.' . .'. .. 6010 Prof. & Consultinl! $7,500 $2,138 $7,500 6014 AccountinJ1;& Audit $6,000 $6500 $5,500 6016 lellal Services $12,000 $5,350 $4,000 6018 Architect EnJ1;r. Servo $33,500 $18,000 $31,000 6110 Personnel )2,000 )0 $2,000 6115 Refuse Collection $1,800 $1,650 )2,500 6320 BuildinJ1; MaintJRepairs $3,800 $1,000 $3,800 6330 Cu&odial Supplies $300 $0 $0 6335 Electric $7,000 $6,500 $7,000 6345 Natural Gas $1,200 $900 . $900 6355 Telephone $10,000 $9,810 $11,000 6410 Office Oper. Supplies $2,100 $1,500 $1,700 6435 PostaJ1;e $33,600 $32,700 $34,900 6510 Department Supplies )9,600 )9,239 $14,100 6525 Small Tools $7,600 $5,600 $7,500 6526 Expend,lble Equip/Furn. $1,100 $2,000 $500 6530 Uniforms $5,300 $3,500 $4,000 6535 Safety Equipment )11,100 )9,510 $11,300 6545 Special Equipment $4,900 $5,250 )5,200 6550 PrintinJ1; Exp $7,200 $5,525 $7,200 7010 Purchased Water $1,750,000 i $1700,000. $1,591,000 7020 Connection/Fixed Charges $78,000 r $86,000 $94,000 7110 Electric $588,000 $476,000 $828,000 Form continued Page 1 Subtotal MaterÎ,1Is/Supplies $2,583,600 $2,388,672 $2,674,600 FY 94-95 BUDGET FY 94-95 PROJECTED FY95-96 REQUESTED -145- Department Summary Continued Page 2 of 3 Objeet No. Deseription BUDGET PROJECTED REQUES1ED 7115 Telemetering $12,000 $13,000 $17,000 7130 Well Maintenanee $72,000 $60,000 $72,000 7135 Replenishment Assessment $756,000 $750,140 $953,000 7140 Property Tax I $22,440 $22,600 $2.1,440 7145 Rvrs. Osmosis Mem.brances $0 $0 $76,500 7210 Equipment Maintenanee $40,600 $14200 $2.1,600 7215 Water Quality Te&ing $28,800 $18,800 $21,200 7220 Health Dept. Fees $7,500 $7500 $7,500 7310 Reservoir Maintenance $7,200 $4,000 $7,200 7315 Main Line Maintenanee $102,000 $75,000 $102,000 7320 Serviee lateral Maintenance $30,000 $20,000 $30,000 7325 Meter Maintenance $9,700 $7,700 $17,225 7330 Hydrant Maintenanee $5,000 $8,400 $8,000 7415 Chemicals $32,000 $46,500 $84,000 7420 Nitrate Monitor Supplies $1,500 $0 $1,900 7425 Waste Discharl(e $10,000 $6,000 $11,000 8010 Computer Maintenance $30,000 $32,200 $32,000 8015 Computer Paper!Forms $15,000 $6,300 $10,000 8210 FuelfLube Purchases $13,000 $12,900 $13,000 8215 Vehicle Repairs $28,000 $36,000 $30,000 8240 Vehicle Mileage/Allowance $100 $110 $100 8245 Vehicle Leasing Equip Fund $45,465 $45,465 $54,795 8310 MeetinJ!s $1,660 $700 $1,410 8315 Training Expenses $5,470 $2,600 $2,470 8325 Tuition Reimbursement $400 $500 $900 8330 Membership & Subcriptions $3,503 $2,930 $3,100 8335 Travel Expenses $3,000 $0 $0 8410 Interest Expenses $672,200 $672,200 $675,750 8415 Principal Payment $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 8440 Depreciation $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 8495 Bad Debt Written Off $10,000 $7,300 $7,000 Form continued Pal(e 2 Subtotal Materials/Supplies $2,299"')38 $2,208,045 $2,621,090 FY 94-95 FY 94-95 FY95-96 -146- Page 3 of 3 Department Summary Continued Object No. Description BUDGET PROJECTED REQUESTED 8525 Trnsf. Out-General Fund $650,000 $673 000 $673,000 8565 Trnsf. Out-Liability Fund $2.')0,000 $2.')0,000 $2.')0,000 9705 Communication Equipment $2,200 $1,750 $600 9725 Con&ruction Equipment $3,500 $2,900 $0 9845 Other Depart. Equipment $152,587 $129120 $340,000 9850 Con&ructn & Maint. Equip $3,800 $3,150 $3,800 . Page.3 Subtotal Materials/Supplies $1,062,087 $1,059,920 $1,267,400 MATERIALS AND SUPPLŒS TOTALS $5,945,225 I $5,656,637 $6,563,090 , DEPARTMENT TOTAL $7,106,248 $6,690,545 $7,788,217 FY 94-95 FY 94-95 FY 95 -96 -147- DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: DESCRIPTION: TASKS: 2. 3. 4. 5. WATER SERVICE BILLING The service billing function of the City Water Service is responsible for reading the water meters, the preparation of the monthly water bills and the interface between the office and field operations concerning the maintenance of the utility billing structure. 1.. Prepare monthly bills from the data represented by the consumption of the utility since the previous billing. Receive payments and reconcile accounts receivable reports. Notify customers of non-payments. Prepare work orders for field operations concerning meter repair, turn-ons and turn-offs. Prepare and monitor water management reports. -148- BUDGET DETAIL Obiect No. DeSCriPtion . . .... ..........i.. 5100 ull time Salaries $167,868 $167,868 $172,872 5200 Benefits $54.970 $48,785 $55.593 5150 Overtim e/Standbv 5124 Part Time $12.624 $12 $13.200 Salaries Su btotal $235.462 $216.665 $241.665 MATERIALS ANDSUPPUES DETAIL ...'..ii... ...... .. ..... i"~i ... .'.....i........ i... .'.. (JOJO Professional/Consulting $7.500 S2.13X $7,500 ¡{eview Financing Plan/Hate Study 6014 Accounting/Audit $6.000 $6,500 $5.500 6016 Legal Services- City All $12.000 $5,350 $4.000 6355 I'elephone $5.000 $3,010 $3.000 6435 Postage $30,000 $30.000 $32.000 6510 Department Supplies $3.500 $4.500 $4.000 6525 Small Tools $600 $200 $500 6526 Expendable Equipment $600 $1.500 $0 6535 Safety Supplies $4{)0 $210 $300 6545 Special Equipment Rental $200 $350 $200 6550 rinting Expense $3.000 $2.000 $3.000 8010 Com outer Maintenance $30.000 $31.725 $31.000 8015 Com puter PaperlF orms $15,000 $6.300 $10,000 8210 Fuel/Lube Purchases 2000 1900 2000 8215 Vehicle Repair 5000 12000 5000 I 8240 Vehicle Mileage 100 110 100 8245 Vehicle Lease Fund $5.866 $5.866 $5.866 8310 Meeting Expense $1.000 $600 $750 8315 Training Exnense $UOO $200 $1.000 8325 Tuition Reimbursement 200 SO $200 PaRe Total $364.728 $331.124 $357.581 FY 94-95 FY 94- 95 FY 95-96 Finance 9510 Service Billin -149- Object No. I Descriotion I BUDGET I PROJECTED ADOPTED COMMENTS MA TERIALS AN D.SUPPLlESDETAlL .'. . i: .".'..:":.." ...... 8330 Mem bershio/Su bscriotions $1 100 $320 $500 8335 Travel Exoense $3,000 $0 $0 8410 Interest Exoelise $672 200 $672,200 $675,750 8415 rineioal Pavrnent $300,000 $300,000 $300 000 8440 Deorieciation EJeoense $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 8495 Bad Debt Write Off $10,000 $7,300 $7.000 8525 Transfer Out General Fund $650.000 $673,000 $673,000 8565 Transfer Out- Liabilitv Fd $250.000 $250,000 $250,000 . Pa~e Total $1,921,300 $1,937,820 . $1,941,250 Division Total $2286028 $2.268,944 $2,298.831 FY 94-95 FY 94- 95 FY 95-96 Finance 9510 Service Billin -150- DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: WATER OPERATIONS (9520) DESCRIPTION: The Water Operations Division supplies domestic water without interruption to the entire community and adjacent areas while complying with various Safe Drinking Water standards mandated by the State and Federal governments. This Division also maintains water wells, water main lines, service laterals, hydrants, and water storage facilities. TASKS: 1. Coordinate, in a timely and cost efficient manner, the installation of Capital Improvement Projects necessary to replace aged and undersized system components. 2. Perform preventive maintenance and make emergency repairs as needed to minimize water loss and service interruptions. 3. Assure compliance with all health standards for water production and distribution. 4. Operate water production, distribution, storage and treatment systems while utilizing the most cost effective methods and practices that public safety and water demand requirements allow. -151- BUDGET DETAIL Obiect No. I Description BUDGET PROJECTED I ADOPTED COMMENTS SMARIES^NDW^GES >. , .. ..... 5100 Ir.ulltime Salaries $GO3,869 $576.598 $631.316 5200 Benefits $199,419 $176,465 $207.809 5150 Overtime/Standby $66.895 $22.000 $56.731 . Salaries Subtotal $870.183 $775.063 $895,856 M^ TERMLS /\ND SUI'l'UESDETAlL ><..........< <.......,. "«. ..'...','.. <>.. ".'........ ..,. 6018 ^rchitÆn~.Services $28.500 $18.000 $28,500 6110 Personnel Services $2.000 $0 $2.000 Temporarv employee services 6115 Refuse Collection $1.800 $1.650 $2.500 Trash bin at Water Yard 6320 Bld~. Maint. & Repair $3.800 $I,ooo $3,800 Routine mainlennce of bui1din~s at Water Yard 6330 Custodial Supplies $300 $0 $0 Custodial supplies for Waler Yard (Contracted out) 6335 Electric $7000 $6.500 $7,000 Eleclricitv for buildin~ at Water Yard 6345 Natural Gas $1,200 $900 $900 Natural ~as for buldinl!s at Water Yard 6355 Telephone $5,000 $6.800 $8000 Telephone expense, includinl! cellular phone for Standby & emer~ency use. 6410 Office Supplies $2.100 $1,500 $1,700 Notebooks, file folders, pens, pencils, and I!enera! stationerv supplies 6435 Posla~e $3.600 $2.700 $2,900 Postal!e for mallinl! Annual Water Quaitv Report 6510 Dept. Supplies $4.100 $3.138 $4,100 Nuts. bolts, screws, fasteners, keys. locks. and lubricants 6525 Small Tools $7.000 $5,400 $7.000 6526 Expendable Eouip{Furn. $500 $500 $500 Equipment with service life less than 1 year 6530 Uniforms $5300 $3,500 $4000 Uniforms for field employees 6535 Safety Supplies $9700 $9.000 $9700 Personal safety equipment and barricades, flashers. etc. 6545 Special Equipment $4700 $4,900 $5000 Answerin~ service. palters and Underl!round Service Alert 6550 Printin~ $4200 $3,500 $4,200 Printinl! of forms plans and Annual Water Qualitv Report MA TERIALS/SUPPUES SUBTOT At. $90 800 $68.988 $91,800 FonTI Continued . FY 94-95 FY 94-95 FY 95-96 -152- BUDGET DETAIL Department: Division Number: Division Name: I Water Operations I Obiect No. Description' BUDGET PROJECTED ADOPTED COMMENTS 7010 urchased Water $1,750.000 $ 1,700.000 $1,591.000 Imoorted water ourchased from East Oranee County Water District. 7020 r'onnectionlFixed Charees $78.000 $86.000 $94.000 moosed bv MWD, MWD of Ora nee Co.. and East Oranoe Co. Water Dist. 7110 "Iectric $480,000 $330.000 $490.000 Enerev for ooeratine wells and booster pumas 7115 felemeterine $12.000 $13.000 $17,000 Maintenance and ooeration of telemetry svstem 7130 /,Iell Maintenance $72.000 $60 000 $72.000 Maintenance and repair of deep well pumoine eauioment 7135 eolenishment Assessment $616,000 $600.000 $684 000 Basin reolenishment fee paid to OCWD for 8050 acre feet 7140 rooertv Tax $22,440 $22.600 $23,440 Paid to CountvTax Assessor 7210 Ò:ouioment Maintenance $5.600 $500 $5.600 Chlorination and water oualitv eouioment maintenance and reoair 7215 /,later Quality Testine $28.000 $18.000 $20.000 Testino mandated bv TItle 22 of Health and Safety Code 7220 Health Dcot. Fees $7.500 $7.500 $7,500 Annual fees imoosed bv State Health Department (AB2158) 7310 eservoir Maintenance $7.200 $4.000 $7.200 Routine repair and maintenance at reservoir sites 7315 ain Line Maintenance $102,000 $75.000 $102,000 Routine and emeroencv repairs of water mains 7320 crvice Lateral Maint. $30.000 $20.000 $30.000 Routine and emerocncv repairs of water scrvice latcrals 7325 eter Maintenance $7.000 $5.000 $7.000 Rcpair and maintenance of water meters 7330 Iydrant Maintenance $5.000 $8,400 $8.000 Reoair and maintenance of fire hydrants 7415 hemicals $0 $0 $6,000 Chlorination at well sites 8010 omputer Maintenance $0 500 $1.000 Water Division share of maintennce contract 8210 uel/Lube $11.000 $11.000 $11.000 Fuel and oil for rolline stock 8215 Vehicle Repair $23.000 $24.000 $25.000 Maintenance and repair of vehicles 8245 ease Fund $39,599 $39.599 $46.929 Annual oavrnent to Vehicle Lease Fund 8310 <1'eetines $660 $100 $660 8315 rainine $4,170 $2.400 $1,470 8325 uition Reimbursement $200 $500 $700 8330 <1'emberships & ubscriPtions $2.403 $2.610 $2.600 , SUBTOTAL THIS PAGE $3.303,772 $3,030,709 $3,254.099 MATERIALS/SUPPUES SUBTOTAL $3.394.572 $3,099.697 $3.345.899 Form Continued FY 94-95 FY 94- 95 FY 95-96 -153- BUDGET DETAIL Object No. Descriotion BUDGET PROJECTED ADOPTED COMMENTS 9705 ommunication Eouioment $2.200 $1.750 $600 9725 onstructior1 Eouipment $3,500 $2,900 $0 9820 {her Office Eouioment $0 $0 $0 9845 ther DeDI. EouiD. $152.587 $129,120 $15.000 Completion of Comouter Base MaD and eouiDment 9850 onstruction & Maintenance .ouioment $3,800 $3,150 $3,800 . SUBTOTAL THIS PAGE $162,087 $136.920 $19,400 MATERIALS/SUPPUES SUBTOTAL $3,556.659 $3.236.617 $3.365,299 Division Total $4.426,842 $4.011.680 $4.261.155 FY 94-95 FY 94-95 FY 95-96 -154- DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: ION EXCHANGE WATER TREATMENT PLANT (9560) DESCRIPTION: The Ion Exchange Water Treatment Plant removes nitrate-contaminated water from the underground water basins and treats it to comply with State and Federal Safe Drinking Water standards. This on-going demonstration project is a cooperative effort with the Orange County Water District. . TASKS: 1. Continue efforts to purify the groundwater basin and decrease the spread of nitrates to adjacent areas and other wells. 2. Assure compliance with all health standards for water production and distribution. 3. Maximize water production with this facility, if cost effective to do so, to reduce dependence on imported water supplies. -155- BUDGET DETAIL FY 95- 9ú DivisiollAnalysis Worksheet ~ . -... -. I Object No. I Description I BUDGET PROJECTED ADOPTED COMMENTS SALARIES AND WAGES "'>".,.... . .,'.... '<,....))....,.". ..... ...,. ),', , 5100 ~ull time Salaries $18.912 $9.233 $21,156 5200 Benefits $6,:169 $7.200 $7.045 5150 Overtime/Stand¡'v $1,998 $3,30(J $2.003 See attached detail sheet Salaries Subtotal $27.279 $19.733 $:10.204 MATERIALS AND SUPPUES DETNL , ,.., '. .',. ~ ." >... . /~ .. ""~~ ,..,. ,. 6510 Deo!. Suoolies $1,000 $800 $1.000 Sample vials. probes. containers & strip ch arts 6535 Safety Supplies $500 $:100 $500 Personal safety equipment. 7110 Electric $:10.000 $50.000 $52.000 Eneruv for wells and service pumps 7135 Reolenishment Assessmcnt $70.000 $75.140 $76.000 Groundwater reolenishment fce to OranQe County Water District 7210 Eouiomcnt Main!. $10.000 $7,000 $10,000 Rcoair & maintenance of pumps. motors. and valves 7215 Water Oualitv Testinu $400 $400 $400 Waste monitorina for County Sanitation Districts of OranQe County }325 Meter Maint. $2,000 $1.800 $2.000 Reoair and calibration of meters 7415 Chcmicals $20.000 $31,000 $34.000 Salt for ion- exehnnae process 7420 Nitrate Monitor Suoolies $750 $0 $750 OperatinQ supp]jes for nitrate monitors 7425 Waste Discharae $4,000 $2.000 $:1,000 Dischar~e fee to County Sanitation Districts ofOranQe County . MATERIALS/SUPPUES SUBTOTAL $1:18650 $168,440 $179650 Division Total $165929 $188,17:1 $209 854 FY 94- 95 FY 94-95 FY 95-96 Public Works 9560 Ionization -156- DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: REVERSE OSMOSIS WATER TREATMENT PLANT (9510) DESCRIPTION: The Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment Plant removes nitrate-contaminated water from the underground water basins and treats it to comply with state and Federal Safe Drinking Water standards. This on-going demonstration project is a cooperative effort with the Orange County Water District, TASKS: 1. Continue efforts to purify the groundwater basin and decrease the spread of nitrates to adjacent areas and other wells. . Assure compliance with all health standards for water production and distribution. 2. 3. Maximize water production with this facility, if cost effective to do so, to reduce dependence on imported water supplies. -157- BUDGET DETAIL Public Works 9570 Reverse Osmosis Obiect No. Description BUDGET PROJECTED ADOPTED COMMENTS SALARIES AND WAGES .,'... ...'. .} ,.,"" >.i ..,. ',. .,~..i/ .i ".",.,(> , ...' .",'. .. 5100 Full time Salaries $18.912 $11,965 $21 156 5200 Benefits $6.369 $7.200 $7.045 5150 Overtime/Standby $2.818 $3.282 $2.853 Sec attachcd detail sheet Salaries Su btotal $28.099 $22.447 $31.054 MATERIALS ANDSUPPUEŠDETAIL ."" i< .><>< "'.i',.',... } " ..i,.,i'.'.../ .i.....' i."..<'.',. '.'.. 6018 lArch & Eno. Services $5.000 $0 $2,500 Reverse osmosis technical support 6510 Dent. Sunnlies $1.000 $800 $1.000 Sample vials & containers. probes. and strip charts 6535 Safetv Supplies $500 $0 $:100 Personal safety equipment 7110 Electric $78.000 $96.000 $90.000 EnerQY for wells and hiQh pressure pumps 7135 Reolenishment Assessment $70.000 $75.000 $76.000 Groundwater basin replenishment fee to Oranoe Countv Water District 7145 ~.o. Membranes $0 $76.500 Reverse osmosis membrane replacement 7210 Eauioment Main\. $25.000 $6.700 $6.000 Repair & maintenance of motors, pumps. and valves 7215 Water Qualitv Testino $400 $400 $400 Waste monitorinQ for County Sanitation Districts of Oranee Countv n25 Meter Maintenance $700 $900 $900 Repair and calibration of meters 7415 Chemicals $12.000 $15.500 $14.000 Cleaning chemicals and sulfuric acid 7420 Nitrate Monitor Supplies $750 $0 $750 Operating supplies for nitrate monitors 7425 Waste Diseharoe $6.000 $4.000 $4.000 Discharge fee to County Sanitation Districts of Orange Countv . MATERIALS/SUPPUES SUBTOTAL . $199.350 $199~100 $272 350 I Division Total $227 449 $221 747 $:103 404 FY 94-95 FY 94-95 FY 95- 96 -158- DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: 17TH STREET WATER DESALTING FACILITY (9580) DESCRIPTION: A new water treatment facility that is a cooperative venture of the City, the Orange County Water District and the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. This facility will produce high quality water from wells and will reduce purchases of imported water and insulate the City from future MWD water rate increases. TASKS: 1. complete facility construction and testing and begin water production by January, 1995. 2. Provide training to staff for facility operation and maintenance. 3. Assure compliance with all health standards for water production and distribution. Maximize water production with this facility, if cost effective to do so, to reduce dependence on imported water supplies and to offset the cost of water purchases. 4. .1 -159- BUDGET DI~TAIL FY 95-<)6 Divi$iÖnAnalysisWorkshect Public Works 9580 17th Street Desalter í Object No. I Descriotion BUDGET IT3 PROJECTED ADOPTED COMMENTS SALARIES AND WAGES "', "... ."....".'}~'..}. '... 5100 'ull time Salaries $0 $0 $19.182 Funded one-.halfvcar 5200 Benefits $0 $0 $7,166 5150 Ovcrtime/Standbv $0 $0 $0 Salaries Subtotal $0 $0 $26,348 MA TERIALS AND <:1 IPPI mé; cc: .....' .,'. "..""...'>~ .'... .. 6510 Deot. Suoolies $0 $0 $4.000 Cartrid~e filters. charts. Dens. recorders. and samole vials 6535 Safety SunDries $0 $0 $500 Personal safety eauioment 7]10 Electric $0 $0 $1%.O(x) Enerov for hiph oressure numps 7135 Reolenishment Assessment $0 $0 $117.000 Basin renlenishment fee to Oran~e Countv Water District 7210 Eauioment Maint. $0 $0 $2.000 Maintenance and reoair of Dum os and enuinment 7215 Water Qua]itv Testino $Ò $0 $400 Brine testin- reQuired bv County Sanitation Districts of Oran~e Countv 7325 Meter Maint. $0 $0 $7,325 Maintenance and reDair of meters 7415 Chemicals $0 $0 $30 000 Sulfuric acid cleaninl1 chemicals. causticsoda. and chlorine 7420 Nitrate SuDDlies $0 $0 $400 ReaQents for nitrate monitor 7425 Waste Discharge $0 $0 $4.000 Waste discharge fee paid to County Sanitation Districts of Orange County 8245 Vehicle Lease Fund $0 $0 $2.000 Payments to Vehicle Lease Fund 9845 Lease Payment $0 $0 $325.000 One- half annual reim bursement pa vment to Oran-e Countv Water District MATERIALS/SUPPUES SUBTOTAL $0 $0 $688 625 I Division Total $0 $0 $714973 FY 94-95 FY 94-95 FY 95- 96 -160- I >-' m >-' I - f. r. D -- - 3 ~ è < c-. " c-. ~ v, 0- W 'š '-' - b". ...... -..... -.J -./0 '" v; ,oJ -:0- '" :::; 0 c-. 3 -0 0 < c-. 3 c-. :J ;;; I ,v-. ,,-, ~.c. ;~ :~ .v, :::: ,~ :'-" c:: c-. :! 0 ~ V'. :.. C'. l3 -.J ~ -~ v, ';!: ::::; - :<: c-. ~ - - ¡:; - ~ - 0: ~. -- r. '-" :::; -.J ::: _-.J -.J ,~ '-' "" ./0 -.J - :J 3 r n ~ 0 '"' ~ ;;:¡ -< ;:¡ ~ v ~ -- v ;:¡ :to ~ c-. - I I i I I b I'::::: ;; -~ ~.... ,:::ó HVo "" '-' :;c :;c -.J ¡oJ :0- b". ,~ ,~ ¡ê ~ '::: ì:: .~ Ó := '" -;:: b". .~ ,- :c;:; :~ ~ !~ ~ -.J -./0 ¡v () > ::; ~:<: -> 3::-i '" "V[:1 C;;~: S:~<Z S:1i7.-i ~~s:~ ~ ¡:¡~ -< z3 ....: ~ -::~ ;: .-. '"' - ~ > ::: fUND WATER SUI'PLY AND DISTRIBUTION Allnual replaccment of obsolete proouctionl1leters on Wells (Multiple Year Program) (600052) 9íJ. 1. 2. Annual routine replacement of service laterals (WOO.1R) .1. AnnuaJI1~ouline replaeel1lcnt of water m elers (6000.19) 4. Mouiry/Upgrade Telemetry Systcm for I~escrvoirs. Wells anu PU!11pS (600064) 5. Drill and Conslruel Vandenberg Well anu wellheau facility (G()()()(¡5) (S.150.000 Reimbursable (rol1l a.C.W.D.) 'Project is (unueu through OrangeCounly Districi Conjunctive Use Well Construction Progra!11. Balance is repaid to OCWD over 20 years al .1.5% interest per allntUll. 6. Autol1laleu Chlorination Equip!11ent at each Wellheau Facility (600077) 7. Ne"'l'°rl Ave. Main Replacement belween Walnut Ave. and Edinger Ave. (600087) City Territory 8. Tustin Ave. wellsile. Replace electrical panel 'Uld screenwaJI (600092) (Continued on next page) WCIP WCII' WCII' WCII' OCWD' WCll' WCII' WCII' CAI'ITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994-95 1994-95 1995-% AI'PROVED I'ROJECTI~D I\EQUESTED BUDGET EXI'I~NS" J..ill!2GET 19% - 97 PLANNED 1997 - 98 1'1.ANNI~D $.1,000 $2,000 -(J- 5.10,000 $.12.(J()(J J;2().()(J() j;20.IIIXI WI.OOO 540,000 $.10,000 $40.lH)1I $4(J,OO(J $4().OW 584,978 580.478 $24.978 -0- $424,12:1 5424.12:1 $25.(JO() -0- $119.778 -0- $ J 19,778 -0- -()- 51.')().()()() -0- -0- -0- S45.000 -162- 1998-99 PI.ANNED 1999-00 I'I.ANNED CAPITAL TMPROVEMENI.PROORAM 1994-95 1994-95 1995 - % APPROVED PIWJECTED REQUESTED 19% - 97 1997- 9B 1998-99 1999-00 FUND nUDGET EXPENSE BUDGln pLANNlm PLANNED PLA NNED PLANNED 90, WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION (Continued) 9, Waler main replacemenls al Lear Ln. easlerly of Woodland, Parker 51. cul- de-sac easterly of Yorba 51., and Cameron Ln, cui-de-sac easlerly of Seclusion Way (600106) WClp $34,77 5 -0- $34,77 5 10. Prospect Ave. Main belween Fairhaven Ave, wId Prospect Well Site inclusive of nitrate mOllilars (GOO 100) CounlyTerritory WClp $ 39,000 -0- $39,IJOIJ 11. Drill and inslall water well and wellhead facility al 235 Main 51. (600103) Dc.sign OCWD $127,000 -0- $1.27,500 Wellhead Conslruclion OCWD $175.500 ---=5l.::. --~O- HW..QQQ $302,500 -0- $127,5[JO $4W,OOO 12, Colund,us Tuslin well/pori able generator (600112) Bond I'roceeds Dcsi&n WCOp $8,WO $8,WO Construction WCOP $104,400 -=.Q.:: HW1QQ $ 113;000 $8,(¡()O $ I 25,f)( O Il Main Sireel reservoir/house del\lo\ulion (WO 108) l)esi¡:n WClp $2~,153 -IJ- $2(),15J weop -0- -0- $2(X ,1J1J1J Righi-of-Way WCOI' $IW,OOO -0-- $120,IJOIJ Iiouse Demolilioll WCOI' $10,000 -0- $ID,DO() ConSlr\l¡;lion WCOP ~4HO,750 --=.\!= ..---.::\1:: I ~_'!~M~Q g¥..!f!,~' $636,903 -0- $35~,15J $42H.H.l0 $2,H60.(x)O -163- (Colliinued onllexl page) 'InJi¡;ales Bolld Proceeds from Fulure Sale CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT P¡(()OHA},! 1994-95 1994-95 1995 - % APPROVED PROJECTED REQUESTED 19% - 97 1997 - 98 1998-99 1999- 00 ~ BUDGET EXPENSE BU[)Cmr I'LANNEQ PLANNED PtANNED PLANNED 90. WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION" (Continued) I 14, Rawlings Reservoir Repair WCOp S255,956 S223,556 -0- (WCXJ94) WCIp S38O.956 S38O,22£í ~g.li~1 S636,912 S604.512 S32.400 15, Foothill Reservoir site anaJysis, interim improvements, reconstruction (600 113) Prelim, Design/Environmenl¡ù WCOp S59.414 -0- S59..1 14 Fin al Design WCOp S2(XJ,(I(lI)' S685.000' Construction WCOp - ----. --.......-.-..-- '---'---"" ---- g~æQ' $59,414 -0- S59,414 $2o:J,OOO' S685.oo0' S3.480.fX>0 . 16, Silllon Reservoir structural aJ1aJysis(600114) Preliminary Design/Environmental wcap S35.000 -0- $3.~,O(l(l Fin aJ O""ign wcap $30,000' $45,000' Construction wcap -. ----..-..- $570.000 ---- S35,000 -0- $35.000 S3[).OOO' $45,000' $570.000 17. Pressu re Zone 11 Booster Station (600115) PreliJl1. Design/Environillenttl WCOp S 10,000 -0- $ IO,QOO Fin:ù Design WCOP $45.000 -0- $45,(JOO Construction WCOI'. g~Q,QQQ ---=.Q.:: _..:-.!l..:: H~1Q()i' $275,000 -(J- $ 55.0(JO $220,000 (Continued on next page) -164- 'Indicates Bond Proceeds fmlll Future Sale FUND WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION (Continued) Waler Main Replacement al Various Localions; . Ne"vorlAve, oclween Wass St. and Newport Reservoir (600101) Prel. Eng. (Waler CIP) Construelion (Bond Proceeds) . Wilrrcil Avc, betweell lIolt.Ave. "no Newporl Ave. (600101) Prel. EIIg, (Bond Proceeds) Conslruclion (l3ond Proceeds) . Newp°rl Ave. between C:C;llegate and Skyline (600101) Construction 90. 18, I ~. W"le, Ì>bin Hepla"emenl ill Various Lool;ons; . 17111 St. belweell [)coaller I'I;ulI illld Urenan Way (600116) Construclion . 17\11 St.oelweell Urenan Way and E.spl:1nade Ave, (600116) Construction . Brellan Way bel ween Vanderlip anoI7thSt.(600116) Collslructioll (Continued 011 nexi p:1ge) wcop well' CAPITAL JM!~ROVI!MENT PROGRAM 1994-95 1994-95 1~~5-% APPROVED PROJECfED REQUESTED 1996-97 BUDGET EXPENSE BUDQET fLAN.ti!l!2 $1.568.564 mill $1.W5,755 $1.051,600 -------=..!!..:: $1.051.WO $IO,(J(JO _._...::!.!.::. $10.000 weDp $70,300 $60.300 -0- weal' $45,000 $39.100 -0- weop ri9.484 $68,484 ..._..::\1::-. $194.784 $167,884 -0- -165- 19~7-98 PLANNED I i ...- I i 1998-99 PLANNED 1999-00 PLANNED 90. FUND WATER SUPI'L Y AND DISTRIBUTION (Continued) Waler Main Replaeemenl al Various Locations: . Ethelbee Way and Sanla Clara Ave (600117) Construction . DeBusk Dr.. Waller Ave" RaJeigh St. (600117) Conslruction . EI Camino Lane easterly of Ne""'PorlAve. (600117) Construelion 20, WCOp wcap WCOP 21. l'ankey WelllBenela Well Nilrate Monilor> (600118) WCOp 22. Main 51. main between Prospect Ave. :me 300 fi, easterly (600119) WCOp n Reroof and Paint W;ller raeilily Bldg. (600120) WCal' (Continued on next page) CAPITAL IMPROYEMmiIYROORAM 1994-95 1994-95 1995-96 APPROVED PROJECTED REQUESTED 1996-97 BUDGET EXPENSE illL!2fd:T f'-ANNEI) $60,711 $60,711 -0- $110,000 $110,000 -0- 00000 $6(WOO - .._=-.!! =. $230,711 $230,711 -0- $30,000 $ t:1,000 $17.1100 .$19,264 -0- -0- $3,495 -0- $3,495 -166- 199-]-98 !'I.ANNED 1998-99 I'IANNI:O 1999-00 PlANNED FUND WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIUUTION (Conlinu.d) Water Main Replacement al Various Localions: Pasadena Ave. Illain soulherly of Second St. (600121) City Territory . "A" St. between FirstSt.and Main St. (600121) CityTerritory . Country Lane northerly of La Colina Drive (600121) CounlyTerrilory , Sierra Mia between ReullillAvc3nuWilluSOrU)" anu Winusor Ln, to Del Rey (600121) CountyTerrilory . !bnehview Dr. northerly of La Colina Dr. (600121) CountyTerrilory Construction 90. 24. 2) W,\lel Main R"I'I:I""nlenl at Various Lt><:alions: . Whitney Dr., Lasscn Way, Lassen Dr. 'lJIU Shasta Dr. between Prospect Ave. and Rainer Dr. (600122) County Territory Construction . Rainer Dr. belween PaJomar D"r. ¡¡no Prospect Ave. (600122) Co\lntyTcrrilory C')l1Slrueti.on (lJonu Proceeus) . Blue Rjuge belween M I. J!00l] ami Sanla Clara, am] Oakridge between MI. J!ood and ßlue Ridge (600122) CoulltyTerrilory Conslruclion (Cont;nueu 00 next page) weep weop weop wCOP WCOP CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROORAM 1994-95 1994-~5 1~95-% APPROVED PROJECTED REQUESTED 1~%-97. !JUDGET EXPENSE !.!UDCì!~:r rl.ANNIi!2 $58,027 $53,000 $ 102,3 17 $97,500 $58.GOO $52,600 $2OJ,O83 $ 187,744 nO,800 $452,827 HJW!!f) $418,844 weop $ 116.000 $65,000 $40,1100 wear $ 138,000 $74,0011 -(í- weop il1VOO $431,300 illl.lliill $250,000 ..-=!!:: $40,000 -167- 1997 - 98 rlANNED 1998 - 99 .PI..ANNED 1999-00 PLANNED FUND WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIDUTIOrr-- (Conlinued) I Water Main Repl acernen t at Various Localions: (600123) . Linda I.Jl. Laurinda Way and Laurie Ln, weslerly of Prospect Aye, - ColinlyTerritory Prelim. En~r. Construction . Clarissa Ln. northerly of Vanderlip Aye. - County Territory Prelim. En~r. Construction . Aruulada Way westerly of Prospecl Aye. - City Territory Prel. En~r. Construction . Fiesta Way westerly of Prospect Aye. - City Territory I'rel. En~r. Conslruction 90. 26. 27, Water Main RcplaeelUenl al Various Localions: (600124) . Kirk Aye., DaJl IJJ. and Norwood Pk. Pl.westerlyorllollAye. CounlY Territory Prel. Engr. Construclion . J3i~elow Park helween I loll Aye. and Liyingston. l.iyil1plOn from Norwood Park 10 Bigelow Park, Prel. Engr. Construction (Continued on nexi page) wcoP wcOP WCOP WCOP wcoP WCOI' WCOP WCOP wcoP WCOP WCOP WCop CAPITAL IMI'Rovm.iENT PR()()RAM 1994-95 1994-95 1995-96 APPROVED PROJECrEDltEQUESTED 19%-97 ß\.JDGET EXpEtiS~ BUDGlèT PLANNED $11.500 -0- ~I 1.500 ~98,50() . $4,(X)0 -0- ~'I,IX)(I $2(;,4IHI . $4.200 -0- ~4.2()[) $30.000 . $4,200 -0- $4,200 ----. ..._m___....'--'" iJ~!.U\LQ . $23,900 -0- $23.900 $ I 84,9011 . $24,BQO -0- ~24.I!OLJ $ 14(;,0110' $ 14,400 $ 14.,100 -0- }!(!~,IJp!! . $251.01111' $39,200 -0- $39,200 -168- . Indicates Bond Proceeds frol11 Future Sale 1997 - 9B PLANNED 1998-99 PLANNED 1999-00 PLANNED 90. 28, 29. Foothill Ave. !)lain between Rawling£ Reservoir and Hewes Ave. Coun ly Terri lory (600126) Pre!. Ens. Construction .10, Sevenleenlh Street WaleI' MainlZelocaliun @SIZ-55 (Future CaJtram !(eilllburse!)lenl ofS120,(XX)) (óOOI27) . Sanla Clara Avenue Water Main Relocation @ SIZ-,\5 (Fulure C:Jlran£ Heilllhurse!)lent of S ] 25.000) Fairhaven Avenue WaleI' Main Relocalion @ SI\-55 (Fulure C:ulr;J.m !(ej!)lbursement orS175,O<XJ) . (Continued on next page) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROORAM 1994-95 1994-95 1995-96 APPROVED PROJECTED REQUESTED 19%-97 BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET pl.ANNrm WCOP WCOP 57,000 FUND WATëR SUPPLY AND DlSTRII3UTION (Continued) Water Main Replacement at Variou£ Locations: (600125) . Kenwood [';1. belween La Colina Dr. and Sierra AlLa CounlyTerrilory Prel. Eng, Comlruclion . San Ju an SI. belween Uu Dr. and Red lIill Dr. - CilyTerritory I'rel. Eng. Construction . MI. lIood Dr., Sierra Madre Dr. and Allegheny Way northerly of S:u1la Clara Ave. - County Territory I:,el. Eng, Construction WCOI' WCOI' 57 ,COO wca!' wea!' 520,000 -0- -0- -0- -0- 534,000 WCOP WCOP 534,000 -0- ------ -0- 5.l4,ÙOO 57 ,(X)() 5ól..100 57,(AIO 555,()OO 520.000 t!.il.lliill 5297,.100 5.14,()OO im ,W.ill S259,OOO WClp S 140.000 S 10.O()O 51.10,000 WClp 550,000 S5,OOO S J7(),OOO WCIJ> $50,000 55,000 mQ,Q(~ 5240,000 520,000 5470.00(J -169- 1997-98 PLANNED 1998-99 PLANNED 1999-00 PLANNED FUND WATER SUI'I'LY AND DISTRIUUTJO-¡:r- (Continued) ! RosaJind Drive WaleI' Main Southerly of Fa;rhaven Avenue County Territory WalerCl1' (600128) 90. J1. J2, Reconstruct Simon Booster SI~tion Facility Purchase portable pump for Zone I II Emergcncy Supply County Territory Waler CII'(600129) Preliminary Engineering Purchase Pump Construction 33. Water Well Si¡eAcquisition West Side of Pasadena Avenue Southerly of First Slreet (600130) J4. Construct Retaining Wall and ¡-'encing at Nev'l'ort Reservoir Site (Joinl Project with So. Cal. Water Co.) (600131) J5. Install '!llree WaleI' Services for 1-5 Freeway L:utdsc"ping ( 600 I:\2 ) 3ú. Ncwport Ave. Wellsile Lol Line A<.IjusulIenl (600133) (Conlinued on ncxt page) CAPITAL IMI'IWVEMI~!'l'-:I...!'.RQ(JR^M 1994-95 1994-95 1995-96 APPROVED PROJECTED REQUESTED BUDGET EXPENSE IJU12QUl' 19%-97 PlANNED WCII' $79,000 -0- $79.UOO .WCIp WCIP WCIp $45.000 -0- S'I5.()(JO $33.700 -0- S.1J,700 -.- -.-.-......--... rm.!!lli! sn,700 -0- sn,700 $2 15,OO() $35.000 -0- SJ5,OOO WCIP WCIP S8.oo0 $8.000 -0- WCIP S5,ooO -0- S5,IXIO WCIP $10,000 -0- $10,000 -170- 1997-98 PlANNED 1998- 99 PlANNED 1999-00 I'LANNED FUND WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION (Con linued) Water Main RcpJaeelllenl al Various Locations: . r-airhaven Ave. belween Hewes Ave. and E.>pl an ade Ave, CounlyTcrrilory Prel im in ary Engineeing Construction . EsplJJlade Ave. bçlween 1200 fl. N/O 171h SI. and r-airhaven - County Terrilory PreliminalY Engine~ing Conslruetion 90, 37. 38. Santa Clara Ave. main between Prosp,'el Ave, :uld Esplanade Ave. Coun Iy Terrilory Prelullinary Enginccing Construction .>9. Lelllona Ln, main soulherly of La Colina Dr. - CountyTerrilory I'relullinary Engineeing Construction 40. Wind,,)r 1'1. main between Vanderlip Ave, and 171h 51. CountyTerrilory Preliminary Eligilleeillg Conslruetion 41. Cameron u" main southerly of Vanderlip Dr. CounlyTerritory I'relullin ary Engilleeing Construction (Coillinued Oil nexi page) CAPITAL IMl'llOVEMENT PROORAM 1994-95 1994-95 1995-% APPROVED PROJECTED REQUESTED 19%-97 BUDGET EXPENSE l!.!l..!2QllT 1'IANtiED WCOI' WCOP $3(J,OOO . wcop WCOP $ú().(J(XJ' .----.--.--..---- $90,000 WCOP WCOI' $óO,OIIlI . $úO.(JOO WCII' WCIP S7,(XX) Ü.Q~ S57,()(X) WC!1' WC!1' I $ I (¡,(XX) !72,~~! $H9,(XX) WCII' wclr $9,1XX! !~~,~~! PS.5W -171- 'Indieates t3ond Proceeds frolll Fulurc Sale 1997-98 PlANNED .$191.4()(J . HW.700' S612.1O0 D-I!!,900 . S378,900 1998-99 PLANNED 1999-00 PLANNED 90. 42. 0, Fairmont Waymain soulherly of Fairhaven Ave, County Territory Prelimin ary Engineeing Conslruction 44. InstaJl600 Fl. 8" Main on Hewes N/O Fairhaven Prcliminary Engineeing Construction 45. Prospect Ave. main' between SantaCluaAve.and 17thSl. County Territory Preliminary Engineeing Construction 46. Repbce 12' 8 SII. nlain on 17thSl.frompl:Ullto Nev.port Ave. Preliminary Engineeing Construclion H. !\Iaintenanee I'acility :U1d/or conslnlclion Preliminary Design Construction (Conlinued on next page) WCIP WCII' WCII' WCII' WCII' WCIP WCII' WCII' WCII' WCII' WCOI' wcop CAplTALIMI'ROVEMENT I'ROGRAM 1994-95 1994-95 1995-96 APPROVED PROJECfED REQUESTlm BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET FUND WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION (Continued) . I Ehlen, Brenm Way, Harp Ct. 3I1d Manning Dr. mains northerly of Warren Ave. County Territory Prelul1inary Engineeing CollSlruetion -172- 'Indicates Bond Proceeds from Future Sale 1996-97 . PLANNED S 15.000 ~lm!~! $ I 34,(X)() $ 10.0110 H!1500 $93.5(x] $7.mO --'-- S7 ,000 S24.000 -.------ - $24,000 sn,ü(Jo --------- $2R.OOO . $7 5,000 . ------.. S75.000 . 1997 - 98 PlANNED $48,000 $48,000 ~ 16ó,O()(J $ 166.000 ~ !.2U)O() S I 97,()()() $ I (X).O()(J . p<XJ~JD . S4<XJ,O()O' 1998- 99 PLANNED t999-00 PLANNED tim,ooo' S4oo.000 . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994-95 1994-95 1995-96. APPROVED PROJECfED REQUESTED 19%-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 FUND BUDGET EXPENSE IHJOGET PLANNED PLANNED PLANNED PLANNED WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION ~lf;~¡W~mBi~¥g@YÆítlfw1Bñ'Qtmt~~~M&Zlt$iill1¡i$llJä:$]I~ljfJ fJ[$.~fMîW.$ž ¡gfi;§l]¡;~~aí ~~zk1Jj;:ïáQj [t~$j~jj.:OOõJ ~;;;$'ä'!9.i.ji@J m;m$:$iliTOOPJ 90. FUND RECAP WCII' WCOP OCWD '. '. FUND RECAPTQTAI~S~ ..... l'1JNI)INC1 LEGEND WCII' wcop OCWD WATER CAPITAL IMPIWVEMENT PROGRAM WATER CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION CONJUNCTIVE USE WELL LOAN PROGRAM $1,251.531 $4,411,165 $726.623 $553.434 $2,3ó4,1~5 5424,123 S 1.164.7~4 5 I ,2~4 ,3()~ 5152,500 S~2H,O()() 51,50~.730 54(X),O(JO 50 53,~25.cX)O SO SO $ 570,000 50 54 7 I, ()(XJ $4,%6,COO $0 $$(i,~~9:3W . $3.3~L752. '$2.611,593 $2.737,730 SS:-;¡37,OOO -- $3.n5,OOO $570,000 -173- :< j ø:¡ Eo< ¡., r.:I ,..: >< ,..: ,..: ..:: z a H Eo< Z r.:I Eo< Z H I <or ..... ...... I r.:I 0 .:: Po tD H == Eo< ... 6. 7. 8. DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION: CDBG DESCRIPTION: The federal Housing and Community Act of 1974, as amended, created the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program to return federal funds to local communities for the purpose of developing viable urban communities by providing adequate housing and a suitable living environment and by expanding economic opportunities, specifically for low and moderate income persons. Grants are awarded to communities to carry out a wide range of community development activities directed toward neighborhood revitalization, economic development, and the provision of improved community facilities and services. 1995-96 Tasks (CDBG) 1. Encourage the participation of residents, as well as business and property owners, in the process of developing priorities for the CDBG program. 2. Use CDBG monies to meet the national and local objectives of the program. 3. Provide staff support to administer the program. 4. Assist in the improvement of infrastructure and quality of life for residents of the southwest neighborhood through the funding of public improvements, additional code enforcement efforts, historic preservation and rehabilitation, planning studies and public services. 5. Provide for the removal of graffiti from private property. Provide rehabilitation funds for commercial properties located in and surrounding the Old Town area. Assist the City's efforts to meet requirements to comply with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). I r Provide support and funding for design and planning studies for future development and reuse of Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Tustin. -177- DEPARTMENT SUMMARY 1995-1996 . 'DEPARTMENT: CD13G I FULL TIME STAFF ~ I, 1 0 I 2 Obie.. Deseriotio I .. I . 5100 Salaries $23 200 $0 $63 989 5200 Benefits 782 308 16,835 5124/25 Part time 9,620 7,478 59,290 5132 Shift Diff 5150 Overtime Salaries Total $33.602 $7 786 $140114 .. M Ai tit J n¡Mc$.JMjnM!tUïfJ~nt ä~:t5 £títA;¡' 6650 Graffiti Removel $31,000 $7,778 $36,222 8315 Traininl! Exnense .895 0 895 8330 Mem bersh io/Su bscriotions 1,500 947 553 8525 Transfer to General Fund 0 9062 0 92.')5 Publie Service Al!reements 74100 45 292 139 958 92.')6 Eeonomie Develonment Act 0 0 39,000 92.')7 Fair Housinl! Act 0 0 4,960 92.~8 Park Master Plan 0 0 35,000 92.')9 Prol!l'am Administration 0 0 3840 9260 HOME Prol'ram 190,000 0 190 000 9273 Historie Rehabilitation 50,000 0 50,000 9274 Commercial Rehabilitation 87,750 22,752 64,998 9830 Computer Hardware 19,605 19,605 0 . Sub- Total Materials and SuDolies $454,850 $105 436 $565,426 DEI> AR TMENT TOTAL $488 452 $113 222 $705 540 FY 94-95 BUDGET FY 94-95 PROJEC1ED FY 95 -96 REQUES1ED -178- BUDGET DETAIL O¡'ect No, Descrintion BUDGET PROJECTED REoUEST . COMMENTS .~T' ,...'."~~~ .........,. = 5100 Full time Salaries 5200 Benefits 5124/25 Part time Salaries 5132 Shift Diff 5150 Overtime/StandbY Salaries Subtotal $0 $0 W MATERIALS AND SUPPUESDETAIL >', ' .. ' "".'.'. 9274 Commercial Rehab, $23.675 $22.752 $923 Year 17 Commercial Rehabilitation . I , MA TER1ALS/SUPPUES SUBTOTAL $23,675 $22,752 $923 I Division Total (23675 T22752 T923 FY 94- 95 FY 94- 95 FY 95-96 CDBG 080 3030 91-92 Program Year -179- BUDGET DETAIL , FY 95-96 Division AnalysisWôrksheet . _m_. -- N"~~'U'" _.u, I Object No. Descrintion BUDGET PROJECTED REOUR<;T COMMENTS .......... ......","... '.. .... . . 5100 Full time Salaries 5200 Benefits 5124/25 Part time Salaries 5132 Shift Diff 5150 Overtime/Standbv Salaries Subtotal $0 $0 $0 MA TERIALS ANDSUPPUESDETAIL ""..."....""'. ."..<.". .......< ... ..'. 9260 HOME ProQram $120.000 $0 $120.000 Year 1 HOME Funds 9274 Commercial Rehab. 29.075 0 29,075 MA TERIALS/SUPPUES SUBroTAL $149,075 $0 $149.075 I I Division Total ~149 075 ~O ~149 075 FY 94- 95 FY 94- 95 FY 95-96 -180- I g I Obiect No, Description BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST COMMENTS CA fA D .': : «~ 5100 Full time Salaries 1.759 rhange from part time to full time Dosition 5200 Benefits 380 308 455 5124/25 Part time Salaries 9.620 7,478 5132 Shift Diff 5150 Overtime/Standbv Salaries Subtotal ..cc. $7.786 ....~ MATERIALS AND SUPPUESDETAIL "'...' ',.',." .. .,' 6650 Graffiti Removal $31,000 $7.778 $23.222 ¡tvwide GTaffiti 9260 HOME Program 70.000 0 70,000 ear 2 HOME Funds 9274 Commercial Rehab. 10.000 0 10.000 ear 19 Commercial Rehabilitation I MA TERIALS/SUPPUES SUBTOTAL $111.000 $7.778 $103.222 I . I Division Tot31 $121000 -$15564 S1O5436 BUDGET DETAIL FY 94-95 FY 94-95 FY 95-96 -181- Department: CDBG 080 Division Number: 3050 Division Name: 93- 94 Program Year BUDGET DETAIL I DIvision Name: 94- 95 Pro¡¡ram Year Object No. Description I BUDGET I PROJECTED I RE~ ' COMMENTS SALARIES .> 5100 Full time Salaries $23.200 $0 $18250 Full Time Code Enforcement" 5200 Benefits $391 $0 $5.142 5124/5125 Part time Salaries $9.620 5132 Shift Diff 5150 Overtime/Standby Salaries Subtotal ~ $0 @~: Citywide Private Property Removal MATFRTAT 'C::'.'L'C»: '.'" : 6650 Graffiti Removal $0 8315 Trainin¡¡ $895 $0 . $895 8330 Memberships & Subs. $1,500 $947 $553 9255 Pub. Service Agmts. $74,100 $45,292 $28,808 9273 Historic Rehab. $50,000 $0 $50,000 Seismic Rehabilitation 9274 Commercia] Rehab. $25,000 $0 $25.000 Year 20 Commercial Rehabilitation 9830 Computin¡¡ Hardware $19.605 $19605 $0 . MA TERIAL /SUPPUES SUBTOTAL $171,100 $65.844 $118.256 Division Total $194.691 $65.844 $151.268 FY 94- 95 FY 94-95 FY 95-96 -182- BUDGET DETAIL Object No. DescriPtion BUDGET PROJECfED REf UEST COMMENTS SALARIES A mWAGES .... ......." ..> ». ...»..»...>.......'..>..................... .'. ... ..... 5110 Full time Salaries 0 43,980 Full Time Code Enforcement 5200 Benefits 0 11.020 5124/25 Part time Salarics 40.050 Part Time CDI3G Admin. 5132 Shift Dirr 5150 Overtime/Standby Salarics Subtotal $0 $0 $95.050 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES DETAIL . .> >.......... > ..... .....'.........> > .>.....>......>. ............ ~ 9255 Public Service Projects $111,150 9256 Economic J)cv, Act :19.000 Rancho Santiago Collcgc - MCAS Tustin 9257 Fair Ilousil1~ 4.%0 CounseIin~ 9258 Pari< Master Plan 35.000 MCAS. Tustin Reuse 9259 Program Admin. 3,840 Administration, contingence MA TERIALS/SUPPLIES SUBTOTAL $0 $0 $193,950 I Division Total $0 $0 $289 000 FY 94-95 FY 94-95 FY 95- 96 CDBG 080 3070 95- 96 Program Year -183- ~ j ø:¡ Eo< ¡., f,: ,..: >< ,..: ,..: sã a H Eo< Z f,: Eo< Z H I ~ a::> ...... I r.:I 0 ..:: Po co H == Eo< . 1995-1996 CAI'JTAL IMI'ROVEMENT I'IWCìRAM SUMMARY FY 1994-1995 FY 1994-t995 FY 1995-19% CA'mGOIt Y FUND IIl )GJ~T I'IWJI~CTED REQUESTI:!) ruuuc FACILITIES Assel Forfeiture SI.J4I.2H8 ~,565 $780,OCO Capital IcuprOycmcnlS SI.(Xj2,:l05 5294.034 S94.0c0 IICDA ~9,19.\ S~).8oo SI8.:195 Sul1 Tolal -$2.242,788 $(,111.399 \.892,395 IJEAU"IlFICA'IlON I'HOmCTS Sub TcJlnl CapilaJlwproYCmCnlS $2I).(XX) 523.475 SO <'0/-.\1'1 \J N I TY SI~I( VICES FACII.1'I1 ES C/I 'ilallrnprOYCIUCnlS S2,816,946 S1,812,:l1O $1.027.6:\6 IJCJ)A $ (X),O:.:o 51,OCO S99 .(XX) Sub Tnlnl --$2.916.946 $1,813,310 $1.12lí,636 THA1/SI'OHTATION FACIUTIES Capilal IOIprovcllleuls 51.H5,527 1<147.218 S2.(),)().9.~7 County $2.13.250 SO SO Dcveloper 5287,CXXJ SO ro G as Tax 51.121.948 $602, 782 Só72,O.12 Measure M 51.4.10..178 5140.529 S1,941.6OJ /-.lcasure M (I(oj ) 51.900.0-.:0 ro S I. 1J 1.1XXJ HCDA $224.500 tS8.G83 5552.0):) Irvine Co. ro ro S21 ,6OJ 0Ei\ SO ro SI50.0c0 Transil CIP 52.10.0):) ro sr,O . 0):) Sllllta Alla-lùstin TSIA SIIO.o):) S35 . OCO . m.oco AQMD TSM SO ro Sloo.0c0 1\13 2766 <1\QMD) ~'30.0c0 ro SI45.CXX> Su ¡, Tol ¡d $7.152,603 51,684.212 $7,115.189 11lAFFIC CON'IltOL FACIU'I1ES Capital IIO >rOYcnl~11Is SSIO.9H S5:1. 5 II 5559.632 Mea.mre M H1J6 SóOO SO County 511.S:l0 $9,0\45 SO Devcloper S82.S52 ro SO Sub TolaJ 5909.161 Só3.556 55511.632 FWOD CON'nWL FACIU11ES SuI1 Total Capital ImprOvall~'f}IS S188.7M $182,403 Só6.000 I ASSESSMENT DlS.l1tICT NO. 85-1 SI,609.0::D 5235.517 51.113,549 ASSESSMENT DlS'IltiCT NO. 86 -2 ~:845.701 $.104.492 52.889.085 Sub TolaJ -----S5,454.764 5540,00') 54.002,634 TOTAL $17.255,925 54,729.372 $12.64i!.937 -187- .1.Q., PUBLIC FACILITIBS rU!11D I. Fire Slal;on Conllrucliou (EaS! Tullin) (100024) CII' 2. Police Dep!. EIercise Facilily(100028) Clp/AS'n'F 3, 1'.0. COI1lI1l, Equip. ror 800 MIIZ (100029) CII'/AS1FF 4. ADA Transilioll I'lan Compliance 01 City Faeililics a, Various Public Faeililies in CD13G Area (200029) b. Sellior Cenler (200033) e. Fronlicr Park (200034) ~. Various Public racililies Cily-wi~c (200035) IICDA HCDA IICDA CIP TOTALS FUND IWCAI' Cip IICDA ASn'F FUNDING LEGEND AU2766(L) AIIFp AS1l'F CII' CO IJEV. GMA-7 GMA-8 G1' (;1'-111 IICDA IRV TOTALS ASSEMULY UILL2766 - AQMD LOCAL ALLOCATION ARTERIAL IIIGIiWAY FINANCING PROGRAM ASSETFORFEI'!1JRB FUND CAI'ITAL IMPROVEMENT COUNTY OF ORANGE DEVELOI'EI~ MEASURE 'M' GROWTII MANAGßMENT AREA MEASURE 'M' GROWll! MANAGEMENT AREA GASOLINE TAX . pROpOSI110N I I I TAX IIOUSING COMMUNITY DEVELOpMENT.ACT CITY OF IRVINE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT I'ROnRAM 1994 -95 APPROVED BUDGET 1994-95 I'ROJECŒO EXPENSE 1995-96 REQUESTED ..JlliDGET 1996-97 tLANNE!2 1997-98 I'LANNeD 1998-99 I'LANNED 1999-00 PLANNED S943.305 S269,034 7,263 12,542 1,134,025 354,023 S780,( (XI S20,000 S20,000 10,395 -0- S 10,395 ~.800 800 8,000 119,000 25,000 :t!,!1!!U S I 58,195 145,800 ¡ ¡ 12.39.\ 12,242.788 1681.399 j89"ÚJ5""-"--"""-$Õ......_._m. SO 11.062.305 S294,OJ.1 S94,OOII SO SO S39,195 120.800 S 18.39.1 SO SO 11.141.288 1366.565 S780,O!O SO SO """'-'---'---'-"'-'-- S2,242,788 S681,399 S892,395 SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO LSTI' M-C M-I( M-T OEA LOCAL SIJ I(FACE TI(ANSI'OlnA'IlON PROGRAM (FeDERAL) Ml!ASlJHE "M" COMJ'I!TITIVE MI!ASlJIW"M' HAIL MI!ASUIW"M' .. TlJl!NIIACK DI1I'T. OF DEFEN~E OFFICE OF ECONOMIC ADJUSTMENT I'IWI'OSI'IlON 116-HAIL IIOND FUND I'AI(K DUVELOI'MENT . TIJS'!lN COMMUNITY HJ!DEVELOI'MI!NT AGI!NCY - SOUlll CI TUS'!lN COMMUNITY !U![)I!VP..LOI'MI!NT AGP..NCY - TowN CE' T)(AN$("1' CAPITAL /MPIWVUMI!Nl' PIWGRAM SANTA ANA-TUSTIN TllANSI'O/(TAT/ON SYSTEM IMpIWVl!MI!NTAUTIIOI(/'IY AOMD T/(ANSI'O/(TA110N SYS'Il!MS MGT. FUNDS (BY OCTA) UNKNOWN 1'-116 I'D WA - SC RDA-TC TCI l'S/A TSM UNK -188- }O. BP..AU11f1CAI1QN I'ROmCT:> I. GeneraJ 51rctlllghling Program ( }(X))t 5) a. 5itrra Vis¡alKaltn Way/J-n Marit W"I or Drowning b. Various U::x:.:Ilioll.S 2. Dannt[ Pol" on Main 51. (~}) 'IOTALS rUND RECAP 0 5UI'pltilltillaJ funding und" R.D.A. Uudg¿1 FUND CJI' CIP CII' CII' CII' CAPJT"'I,IMPROVHMßNT PROGRAM 1994-95 APPROVED BUDGET S20.cXXJ S20,OCO S20.0Cú 1994-95 PROJECI'ED EXPEN5ß -----...lUJ1L SU,47$ S23,475 -189- 1995-96 IJUDGET ---- so so 1996-91 rl.ANNED S20.()(XJ -.....-.----- S20.0(XJ S20,om 1991-98 1'1 ANNE ) S 15,(XXJ '-."--_'_- SI5.(X.ú S 15,CX.ü 1998-99 I'I.ANNI:D S 15,OCO S 15o0c0 S J 5,OCO 1999-00 PlANNED S15,OCú S 15,OCO S 15,()(XJ CAl'rJ'AL IMI'IWVI'M I:NT 1'1(()(1 (AM :!.Q, 1!rn - 95 APPROVED RlND , BUDGET COMMUNITY SlmVICES FACrUTII:.5 199-1-95 I'ROJ ECrED EXI'ENSI: 1995- 9G REQUESTED 1996-97 BUDG"T ' 1'1 A Nfi"J) I. r-ronoer Park Re>1rootlJ Rcnovaoon HCDA 100,<XX> I,(XX) 99,(txJ (2<XX>:'Q) Traci No, 12870 I'ark/Spons C<:lInplex (~())J22) CII' $2,}10.~Hó S 1.7H9..D'} $551..117 Magnolia Tree I'ark S"ings CIP ¡ 7 . <XX> $1,500 SI5,5iXJ ( ~ <XX>,1,1) I'ineirec Park Rc.1rool11 Rcnovaoon CII' 87 ,<XX> -0- ~7.em (4 <XX>:>I) M agnoli" Tree Park Re>1rool11 Renovaoon CII' 87 ,<XX> -0- ~7 ,(XX) (4CXXJ.ì5) Park Rules Si~1s Replacement (4CXXJ.ì6) cw 2,400 2,400, -0- Llurel Glen Park $\\ìngs (4 <XX>.ì7) CII' I7 ,(xx) 1,50:1 I \51XI Camino Real Park Parking Lol (4 <XX>,18) Final Design CII' S12,<XX> S12,<XX> $(I Con>1ruet;on CII' S 5) .<XX> ~ SHO.ln! S69.<XX> SI2,<XX> $80,(XXI IbeblOp I<cf'l:1ccmeni - CUme &hool (4(XX)IO) CIP H5CO $'UCXJ Tuslin ) (allcil Tree I';¡rk (~CXXJ11) CII' SI92,IúO $971 $1 '11,1 H<¡ ---'----------.- - TOTA LoS $2,916,9-16 S I ,Hl.ì.] 10 S I ,I 2 (,.{;,1(' FUND nECAI' CII' $2.816.946 $1,812,]10 $ I ,O27,(,J(, IICDA Sloo,<XXJ. $ J ,(XX) S'I9.(XXJ . '---.--.--- TOT A LS $2,'116.9'16 $1.81],]10 $ I ,12('/,](; -190- 2. .1, 4, 5, 6. 7, 8, 'J. \0. 1997- 98 1'1 ANNED I 99~- 9') PlANNED 1999-00 PIJ\NNED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994-95 1994-95 1995~96 APPROVED PROJECrED REQUESTED 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 FUND BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGEI' PLANNED 1'1 ANN ED PlANNED PLANNED 60. TRANSPORTATION PACILITIES 1. ADA Transition Plan Compliance (or inslallalion/modiflcalion or Curb Ramps on Publ ic Slreets (200)29) HCDA 550.CXXJ 545,683 (2CXXX\6) CIP 230,000 230,000 $280,CXXJ $275,683 2, 'CO Street Reconslruction northerly or Mitchell Ave. (200031) Final Design HCDA 5 22. 000 $8,000 $2.500 Construction IICDA IJ7,500 -0- lin~ 5159.500 $8,CXXJ $1,10,00") 3. Milchell Ave, between 'n' St. and Newpon Ave, Widen roadway (2ocœ2) Final Design IICDA 5 15 ,CXXJ S5.CXXJ SI0,IXXI' -0- Right-or-way IiCDA -0- -0- I () 2.CX X) -0- Construction IICDA -0- -0- _._-_.::.!~= ~!!~il!!!J $15,000 S5,CXXJ $ II 2.{XX) $65,HfXI 4. Major Maintenance Program (7CXXXH) Final Design CIP 520,CXXJ $11,000 $20.(XX) $20,IXXI $20,(XX) S20.cXXJ 520.000 Construction CII' $546,79 I $555.791 i!!.(l.!!!X~ 5X( ,~!! ¿80,(XX) 5XO,OOO 580,rXXJ $566,7')1 $566,791 $(¡(X),(XX) $ófXI,(J(X) $(iOO,()(X) $6(XJ.()(J() $6()().()(X) 5. Bikeway/Pedestrian Facililies SB 821 Funds (7()(X)(j 1) Construction C¡P 22.œ7 -0- 34,735 17,(XX) 17,IXX) 17,(XXI 17,000 I -191- (Continl1ed on next page) 60. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES (Continued) Tuslin Ranch Road Ext.ension Walnullo Edinger Ave. (700100) Prelim, Design/Environmental Final Design 6. Col1Slruclion 7, Yorba Sireet Widening weslerly side blW, Finn SI. & Irvine Blvd. (700101) 8. Yorba Sireet Widening easlerly side btw, Firsl Sl. & lriine Blvd, (7ooI0'J) 9, EJ Camino Real: Red Hill Ave. 10 Browning Ave, Widen roadway (700116) Prelinl. Design/Environmental Final Design Right-of-way Construction 10. [rvine Blvd.: SR-55 to Browning - Restrip" to six lanes and widen easterly of Red 1 [ill Ave. (Counly is Lead Agency) (700117) (Coniinued on next page) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1994-95 1994-95 1995-96 I . APPROVED PROJECrED REQUESTED 1996-97 FUND' BUDOET EXPENSE BUDGET PLANNED CIP Cll' OT-Ill Unk M-C Dc'V. Cll' aT AI!FP M-T M-T M-T M-C M-T M-C 0'1'-111 Dev. $28,105 I 88.<XX> $216,105 38,544 29.791 . -0- -0- S29,791 S37.882 298.<XX> 225,<XXJ $560,1182 $14,4<11 287,<XX> $301,4<11 S8,t05 6 ,<XX> 20,(XX) 182,fXXJ -0- 170,lXXJ 1997 -98 PLANNED S 150.CXXJ 1 5 0 ,COO 1998-99 PLANNED S 100,<XXJ 1 00. <XX> 1999-00 PLANNED $8,689.500 9.689.500 ----.-.---.- "-'-____--_00- -"U'--'-- --------- - 1.(X)().(X)() $ 14.1 05 S202.(XX) S 170.[XX! S3<XJ.om $2oo,OCO 19,379.<XXJ 10.330 -0- -o- S ) 0.130 $25.882 $25.<XXJ 50,<XX> $100,1182 -192- -0- 38,544 SI2,O<XJ Sloo.(XX) 235,(XX) S2()(),(XXI SG40.5íXJ (,40,5\XJ SJO'),750 3(1).750 -.....--......---... ','---__00------ _.---..---_.- --.....- -0- -0- SO S347.lXXI $2íXJ.(XX) SI.28I,(XX) -0- ~Q.:: $0 $GI9.5oo S351,750 351,750 657,100 657,100 $2,OJ 7,700 60. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES (Continued) Irvine !3Jvd. at Newport Ave. lnten;ection Enhancement (700118) Prdim Design/Envi ronmental Final Design Right-of-way 11. Construction 12. Seventeenth SI./SR-55 Bridge RewnsiJWidening (OCl'NCaltran,; = Lead Agenc)') (700119) Final Dcsign/(Local Agency Match) Construction (LocaJ Agency Malch) So'Vcntccnt ¡ SI./SR-55 Bridge ^rproad\ Widening (Santa Ana is Lead Agency) (7ooIJ9) Final Design (Local Agenc)' Match) Right-of - Way (!.L)c:~ Agency Match) Conslructio¡1 (LocaJ Agency Match) 1:1, P:JVcment Management System (700120) 14, Red Hill Ave. Rehabilitation belween Walnut Ave, and Edinger Ave. (700124) Final Design Con,;!n>cli"n (Continued on ncxt page) FUND aT-I!! aT-!1l M-T M-C M-T aT-!J! aT-Ill aT-!11 01' - III aT-IJI M-T AUFI' M-T AIII'!' M-T CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM !994-95 1994-95 1995-96 APPROVED PROJECfED REQUESTED 1996-97 BUDGET EXPENSE !}UDGI?I' PLANNED 1998-99 PlANNED 1997-98 PlANNED 1999-00 PlANNED 5170.000 $110,000 $úO.fXXJ 130,000 -0- 80,lXX) S50,OO:) 440,4(x) $:1úO,2(XI (;úO,(XX) $540.WO -.---.-.-.......---.-----...-------- --- $1.130.000 $:100,000 $110,000 $ 140,cXX) 5490.4(XJ $ 1. 020 ,2(x) $540,000 51.1:10,000 $57.9ú7 -0- $57.967 $45,IXX) $75.IXXJ -0- -0- -IJ- $250.1)(J() -0- -IJ- -IJ- $ 250.fXXJ 50 -'SîÕ2.~67' '------j;-7s-,iXXJ '-"---'~2~J,OOO -'---"$250,000 557.967 550,000 520,000 -0- :10,CXX) :1IJ,(XX) 190,(XXJ !2ßQ~ HIO.OOO -193- -0- -0- 5250,000 5250,000 60. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES (Continued) Walnut Ave, Rehabilitation between ßro\l,1\ing Ave, and Myford Rd, (700125) Final Design 15, Construction 16. NewportAve., Rehabilitation between Bonita St. and First 51. (700126) Final Design Construction 17. Edinger Ave. \1ctween 24{X)' wlo Jamboree Road and Harvard Ave. Widen roauway (Tustin is leau agen<..)') (700127) Final Design Construction 18. Jamboree Rd.: 1 -5 to Joo' north o[ Irvine Blvd. WiLlen Roauway (7(x)128) Final Design Cons truction. (Continued on next page) I FUND AIIFP M-T AIIFP M-T M-T LSTP M-T LSTP M-T M-T' M-C mv m'-I! 1 GT/County M-'C GT-!!! GT/County M-C CAPITAL IMl'lU)VEMENTPIWGItAM t994-95 1994-95 1995-96 APPROVED PROJECrED IŒQUESTED 1996-97 BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGE!: PI.ANNED 42,500 -0- -0- -0- $42,500 550.496 1.500 -0- -0- -0- $ 1 .~OO 516.996 --" ------- $50,496 519,472 27,500 55,000 204,250 205,750 . 4 1 0, (XX) 5921.972 $16.996 55:1.187 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- S53,187 -194- S25.(XXJ 499,sCX) 521.ICO --__._.)1 [!!~~ $1,((¡7.2(X) 19,800 19.8(x) I 45.2(x) WJ!~ $330,(XX) SO SO SO $0 SO ~i) SO 1997-98 fLANNED $18.940 18.940 D8,875 IJ8~ S:J15.6JO 1998 - 99 PlANNED 1999-00 PlANNED 60. TRANSPORTATION PACIUfJES (Continued) Newport Ave, Rehabilitation belween McFadden Ave, and Ni:;son Rd. (700\ 29) Final Design 19. Conslruclion 20, Edinger Ave. belween 1400' ElO Red Ilill and 2400' w/o Jamboree Road. Widen ro:wway (700132) Final Design Conslrueliol1 21. H.ed Ilill Avc,Widenil1gat 1-5 (Nissol1l(d.lo!:1Cal1lil1ol(eal) Prelim Design/l:Jwirollmental (700133) Final Design Right-or-way Conslr\!clion (Conlil1ued OI1I1C'\ pa¡;c) FUND M-T LSTP M-T LSTP M-T M-C M-C TSIA M-T UNK M-C UNK M-C UNK M-C M-T CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PRO(ìRAM 1994-95 1994-95 1995-96 APPROVED PROJECTED REQUESTED 1996-97 BUDGET EXPENS~ BUDGET pLANNED 26,500 -0- -0- -0- $26,500 $135,000 $1.151 ----¡;D5,lX:() -- $1.15\ 110.000 35,000 --- --- $110,000 $35,000 ,.195- -0- -0- -0- -0- $0 -0- -0- -( - -( - ..------..-....--.-. $0 75,lXXJ 30,IXX) 15.21XJ IS,2ex) 111,11XI !ll.@ $2S2,óIX) 43.IXX) 43,(XX) 1997-98 flANNED $208,llXJ 2D!!,lex) 1998-99 PLANNED $327,000 327,(XX) !12.!~!! ¡.. ..,.--",-"" .....,.....--.-.- _u------ $280.fXX) $W6JXXJ $4IG,200 $GS4.0CX) 1999-00 PLANNED S150.CXXJ SIS0.IXXJ 60. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES (Continued) San Juan Sireet (700134) Widening / Reconslruelion belween Newport and Orange Final Design Construction 22. 23. Walnul Street (700135) Widening / Reconstruction between Newport and Orange Final Design Construction 24. Pine Tree Park - Parking Bay Impr<NemenlS along Bryan Ave. (700136) Final Design Conslruction (Continued on next page) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PIWGRAM 1994-95 1994-95 1995-96 I APPROVED PROJECrED REQUESTED 1996-97 FUND' BUDGI!r EXPENSE QUDGET !'1.ANNED CIP CII' CII' CII' CII' CII' $l4,CXX> 130,CXX> $ 144,CXX> $ 14,CXX> 129,CXX> $ 143,CXX> $13,CXX> $ll2,CXX> SI25,CXX> S9,CXX> -0- S9,CXX> $9,CXX> -0- $9,CXX> S5,lXXJ mIXX) S1J5.(XXJ $5,lXX) m,~~ S134.lXXJ S II,CXX> S2,(XXJ -=:Q=. ---1!!2.(XXJ $ll,CXX> Sll4,<XX> -196- 1997-98 eIAN!::!ED 1998-99 PlANNED 1999-00 PlANNED 60. TKANSPOKTATION FACILlTIE,~ (Continued) Tustin Commuler Rail Stillion (700138) Prelim. Desigrv'Environmental Final Design 25. . Right-or-way Construction 26. hrllboree Road Right-or-Way (City Share 1.9 MiL) 7-year program (700700) 27. Firsl51. WideningJReeonSlnJction from 5R-55 10 west City umits inel. lr;ill;c sigrwls (900091) 28. Md;adden Ave, l~e¡'abiJitali( n l"'lween 51{-55 and Newport Ave, Final Design ConslnlClion (Conlinued on next page) fUND CAPITAL IMPIWVEMENTI'ROORAM 1994-95 1994-95 1995-96 APPROVED PIWJECrED IŒQUESTI!I) 19%-97 IIUI)(}ET ill\l'lliSE mlL¿~l!~!' !'!.;:\J:l.t:Uil2 1997-98 !' L~ti1'!m~ AIJ2766(L) $80.00J -0- $ I 06,CXXJ Aß2766(L) 39ooex) $65,(XX) $65,OOJ CII' II,CXXJ 85,f.X)O 5,IXX) CII' 50,IXJO 7.122 13 J.ó7H M-C 100.00J -0- 3tX),(XX) TCI DO.OOJ -0- 230,CXX) M-R 1,900,IXXJ' -0- 1.1 J I,(XX)' TSM lOO.()()O OMA-7 375,oex). OMA-8 250,IXXJ M-C l00,1XXJ CII' 2 1 ° ,IXXJ M-R 579.IXXJ . Unk . _u_---.. ....,U!!5,<XXJ --'------ $2.160.00J $7 .122 $2,048.678 $150.rXXI SJ599.lXJO OT 01' IICDA 11CDA 429,Œ5 429,(y,S 429,lr,s $21 O,IXX) 1998-99 !'!i\..l'1tiE12 1999-00 tlANNFD , Su¡""qu"'lloadop'ion of 94/95 FY lJudg'~ Ihe $1.900,000 Prol",¡,¡on 116 fund was rcduc<:d 10 SI,7!O,Cl:x)' 111, r"mining $1.7IO,OOOwa: 10 tho Measu" oM' Ruill'rogmJII, For budg,ting purpŒes tire S I. 7 IO,()(X) was divided inlo righi-of -WilY 1'1\:"0 (S I. 13 I ,OCO) and construe -197- 67,OOJ -0- -0- ó7,rXX) $20,(XX) --_.__130.(XXI. $15(),()(XJ 60. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIP.:s (Continued) Valencia Ave, Preliminary Engineering w/in MCAS - Tustin between Red Hill Ave, and future Tustin Ranch Rd. Prelim. Design/Environmental 29. 30. Jamboree Rd. Grade Separation at Edinger (joint project with Irvine and TCA: TCA is Lead Agency) (Anticipate long term financing) Construction 31. Red lIill Avenue Pedestrian Imprll>'cmenlS al OCI'A/SCRRA Railway and 1'-10 Channel Area Prelim, Design/Environmental Final Design Construction n . ^. Street Reconstruction between Firsl SI. and Irvine I3lvd. final Design Construction n Mounlain View Reconstruclion between FirSI SI. and Irvine Dlvd. Filial Desigll Construction (Continued on next page) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT P!WOHAM 1994-95 1994-95 1995-96 APPROVED PROJECfED REQUESTED 'FUND; BUDGET £2< PENSE I3UDGEI HCDA $lSO,(XJO Unk U¡ik CIP CIP CII' $ 15 .(XX) 75 ,(XX) .. ...~~!~!,r~~J. $S911,(XX) CII' CII' $SO,IXX) -0- '.""-...ou_u... $50.(XX) CIP CII' 1996-97 PLANNED 1997-98 f!ANNED ...JPfX).rX.~~ .....!UXXJ.[XXJ $1,500,(XX) $2.fXXJ.CXX) -()- ,.gg~x.~ $257,(XX) $SO,IXX) -11- _...__...=~'::....._H~,.Qf..~~ $SO.IXX) $2SH,(XXI -198- 1998-99 PLANNED 1999-00 PLANNED $2.CXXJ.OCO $2,OCO.tXXJ CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PHOGRAM 1994-95 1994-95 1995-96 APPROVED I'ROJECrED REQUESTED 199(,-97 1997 - 98 1998-99 1999-00 FUND nUDCìITr EXPENSE !lUDCìlIJ: 1'1 A N I'!.!.m 1'IANNED PlANNED PLANNED 60. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES (Continued) 14. Armstrong Ave, Preliminary L'J¡gineering w/in MCAS-Tuslin between lJ:irranca Pkwy. and Valencia Ave. Prelim, Design/ErwironmenlaJ OEA $ 150.rXX] 15. Ne"l'°rl Ave. Hehabililat;on between I:J Cunino I~eal and Bon;la 51., and EJ Camino Real Rehabilitalion between Or:mge 51. and Newport Ave, Final Design AliFP $16,2<XJ M-T [6,2(X) Construction A!lFP 118,9(XI M-T '1lJi,9IX) $270.21.X) :16. Edinger Ave, belween SR55 and 1400'1:10 I~ed Ilill Ave. Widen roadway Prelim. Des;gn/ErJvironmenlal M-T $50,(XXJ RDA-SC . Final Design M-C $2(XI,IXXJ $2(XJ,I.XXJ Righl-of-Way M-C 78M51 $788,653 RDA-SC . Construction M-C $2,292,594 -....----... ...--...--...-..... .....--.-.-..-..--.- --- $50.IXXJ nIXJ,()(XJ $988,653 $788.653 S2,292.594 17. "c.- Sireel Reconstruction northerly of Fir;t SI. I Final Design CII' I $'12..~(X) -0- Construction CII' -. ........::!!.::. ...-.~ !~'!~~L $425(X) SIr.95(X) . Supplemental Funding Umler ItD,A. Budget -199- (Continued on next page) 60. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES (Continued) "ß" Street Reconstruction between First 51. and I IVine lJlvd. Final Design Constnxtion ~8, ~9. Main 51, Rehabilitation between Newport Ave. and Bryan Ave. Final Design Constroction 40. Bryan Ave, IZeh"bilit:ltion between Ncwport Ave. and ¡Zed Ilill Ave. Final Design Constroclion 41. Bryan Ave, Rehabilitation between Rcd ¡¡ill Ave, al1<J Browning Ave, Final Design Construction 42, Newport Ave. Rehabilitation between Sycamore Ave. and McFaJJen Ave, Final Design Constroction (Continued On next page) CAI'¡TAI~ IMI'ROVEMEtiT.!~ß.O(Jß.~M 1994-95 1994-95 1995-96 APPROVED PROJECrED REQUESTED 199ú-97 . FUND I BUDGET EXPENSE BUDGET tlANNED CIP CIP ~57 .~o:J -0- S57.m) CII' CII' 1997-98 l'LANNf:D -0- ._--FJO.~()() S2J05CXJ ~IO.[XXJ -0- .----=-O",:-. ..._-J1<).(XXJ S IO.DO( S50,OOO CII' CII' ~JO,(XX) -- 0-- ----_-:..!!.=. _.._._!l95.lXXJ S~O.OOO S 195,000 CIP CII' ~10.IXXJ - 0-- ..._-_._::-.!~=_.. .m.~Æ.!.. ~~O.fXXJ S I 95.rXX) M-T M-T S2(J.(XXI lHL'!.X! ~IJ().fXXJ -200- 1998-99. PlANNED 1999-00 PLANNED 60. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES (Continued) Red Ifill Ave. Grade Separation at OCT NSCRRA RailwaylEdinger Prelim. Dcsigrv'Environmental Final Design n f1.iglll-of-way Construction H. Pasadena Ave, l(ecol1Slruction betwecn First 51. Cul-de-,;,1C and Main 51. Cui-de-sac Final De,;ign Conslrllelion -5. Second SI. Reconstruction between Pasadena Ave. and Myr~e Ave. Final Design Constn.:tiol1 46. Myr~e Ave. at 111ir<.1 Street Cro"'igulter construction Final Design Conslruetion (Conlinued on next page) FUND M-T M-T M-C M-T M-C M-T M-C CIP Cip CIp CII' CIP CIp, CAPITAL IMP (OVnMEN'I~.PIW()RAM 1994-95 1994-95 1995-96 APPROVED PROJECrED REQUESTED 1996-97 BUDGl!r EXPENSE BUDGET rlANNED $250,(XX) 1997-98 1998-99 fIANNED' PlANNED $50.00J $375,000 375,O()() 1999-00 PlANNED S375,OOJ 375.00J 5 00 .(W 5oo,OOJ "'m¡¡:¡j(j,'j ""'ßiHxXf ---mõ:-cxxY -Šï;'750.00J -201- $3').CXX) -n- oon::!!::....".. ..¥J..~!~~!!. n9,eXX) $ 1.\ 6 ,(XXJ $12,tXX) -D- .- ....--=.Q..:---- $49,000 $12,OOJ $49,000 $5,cXXJ ..-..-.-=.!2::. $5,000 -0- Ulm:? $21.COO 60. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES (Continued) Irvine Blvd. Rehabililalion between Yorba St. and Prospeci Ave, Final Design 47. Construction 48, Walnut Ave, Rehabililation between Newport Ave. and IJrov,11ing Ave. Final Design Construction 49, Pro~;pect Ave, Rehabilitation belween First 51. and Irvine Ulvd. Final Design Construction 50. Main SI. Rehabilitation between Sloneglass and SR-55 Final Design Construction 51. Rcd Ilill Avenue Widcning between Melvin Way and 2CXJ ft. soulheriy Final Design Right-of-way Construction (Continued on nexl page) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT I'ltOGIlAM 1994-95 1994-:-95 1995-96 APPROVED I'ROJECrED REQUESTED 1996-97 FUND; BUDGET EXPENSE BUDG!i[ ~I.ANNE ) CII' AHFP CII' All 1'1' Allr-P M-T AIIFI' M-T CII' Cll' CII' CII' CII' CII' CIp -202- 1997-98 1'IANNED 1998-99 PLANNED 1999-CXJ PLANNED $15.CXXJ I 5 , CXXJ 75.(XXJ --.---- 75.(XXJ $180,CXXJ $18J70 18J70 134.695 .___1~4.C)~~ SJeXi, I JO S 10,CXXJ 50.CXXJ SGO,CXXJ S20.CXXJ _____110,000 S 1 JO.CXXJ $19,(XXJ -0- -0- S50.CXXJ - -._____-0- ------=O- S19,(J(]() SSO.CXXJ CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTPROGRAM 1994-95 ' 1994-95 1995-% APPROVED PROJECfED REQUESTED 1996-97 11)97-98 1998-99 1999-00 FUND BUDGf!r EXPENSE BUD(ll~r l~!."N!'ili!2 !'!ANNm2 PLANNED PLANNED 60. TRANSI'ORTATION FACILITIES (Conlinucu) 52, Rehahililalion of Alley easlerly ofYorba Slreet and soulherlyof IJnua I~ne Final Design CIP $5,000 Conslruclion CIP -0- S5,000 ---- -..------ ---- TOTALS $7,152.603 $1,684,212 $7,115,189 $5,749,000 SI2,173,683 $7.140.283 527,641.294 FUND RECAP AB2766(L} $80,000 SO S 145,000 S65.(x)0 S65,000 SO SO AIIFP $0 $0 $0 $D5.1()(J $.177.815 S24J,C65 SO CIP SI,5J5,527 S847.218 S2.m0,~57 SI.187,C(XJ S 1.878,(XXJ S 1.242,000 S672.ooo COUNTY S2J;I,250 SO SO SO SO $0 SO DEV. S287,OOO SO SO SO $0 SO S 1 ,M,M OT S525.856 S439.195 S42~,(ì'j.5 S277,(XX) SO SO SO OMA-7 SO SO SO SO SJ75,000 SO SO OMA-8 SO SO $0 $0 S250,(XJU SO SO 0'1'-111 S596,an $16.1.187 $242.%7 $295,(XX) $400,000 SJ50,fXXJ $250,000 IICDA S224,500 S58,68J S552.(XX) $65.8(XJ SO $0 SO IRV $0 $0 $21,600 SO $0 SO $0 1...'>'1'1' $0 $0 $0 $291.1fXJ $0 $0 $0 M-C $565,000 $0 S821,I(X) $24J,fXXJ S2,Sn.25J S2.140.40.1 S 14,015,944 M-R $1,900,000 $0 $1.13 un) $0 S579,(XXJ $0 $0 M-T S865.178 S 140,52!J $1,121i,5(x) S I ,4oIIi,8IX) $1,42!!.515 S837.815 SJ,OIJ.850 OI::A $0 $0 SI50,(Œ $0 SO $0 SO TCI S2JO.()(J(J $0 S2JO,(XX) so SO SO SO TSIA $ IID,(XX) SJ5.(XXJ S75,(XXI SO SO SO so TSM SO $0 S J (X),(XXJ ' I SO SO SO SO UNK $0 SO so S/.54J,IXX) $,1.221.100 S2.127,fXJO S8.689,500 TOTALS $i,152.6Œ;¡-i-ï~tiH,ï:2ï2-,_ufì,Îïii~~ .... i55'1~;ixj(ï U" 'iI2:ï7J!;¡;~1---'-~7;¡:ïõ:28J S27,(,41.294 -203- Ç.ð.I'ITAL IMI'ROVEMEHT I'IU)GRAM 199<1-95 199<1 -9.1 1995 - 96 APPROVED I'ROJEClTID RI1QUI'.511J ) 1996 - 97 1997-98 1993-99 1 950-()() FUNR nUDGET EXPr:NSr.. llUDGIU I:l¿ltl_tŒ!2 I'lAJiNI'.D PIA...t!NED PL<\NN!iQ §l., TRAFFIC COHTROL FACILrrmS I. Mis<:. TrarrIC5ignai Modific.alions/ Improvo",ent' at voriou, locations (800031) CII' S28,247 S28,20 -0- 2. Firsl SI. / Irvine BI-\l. / Yorba 51. T"rrlC5ignal Modinc.,lion, (80oo.J<j) Callran, Reilllbursellleni (4J4,OOO Max.) CII' 410,óJ2 -0- S.IIO.!,.I! J. Red lIill Ave, al Irvine Blvd. Inllalll.dtTurnl'hasingfor CII' IU.JO 9.4.1(, Red II ill Ave. (800047) CII'/COUNTY 1]..130 2.:!.:Lj $2 3,060 S 18,891 4. !'irsl SI. al '0' SI. New TrarficSignallrlll"II,lk,n(80(}(H8) (Addilional runding in Ihe alllouni or S58.5OO available under RDA Budgel) Fin"l DClign CII' S7..IOO S'I.815 S7,.~X) -0- Conslruction CII' Em .::Q.~ H__"'__--'---...Q.:..-. .,-- ~!~,~Q£ S81.296 S 1.81.\ S7..~)() ¡ I 32..11)1) 5, Red lIillAvc, 'I Edinger Ave,lnslall R,ilro"d Preemption Device (800049) MooT M;!ó... ~! ¡,I.IJ6 ¡ 6W 6. McFadden Ave. 81 Wainul Ave. Hew Trarfic Signal Install,'1Ìon (8()()0.IO) CII' S 18.238 -0- 7. Bryal\ ,\ve, al rarhenler bne New Tr.,(fie Signal 1,"taliOlion !JI!V 8un -0- (800051) CII' iQ.\!'>Q H,m S "122..152 S 1,17 J 8. Irvine IJlvd. '1l'rospect Ave. InSlall Left Turn Phasing for Prospecl Ave. (8000.12) !'ini' Design CII' $7,.100 S 6,8JO S 5/JïO -0- ConSlruclion CII' E..IOO .::Q::. --....Q.:: E3.>9 S95.0oo S6,8JO S5,WO j87.J[)() (Continued on nexl page) . .-204- §.L TRAFFIC CONTROL FACILITIES (Continuw) E1 Camiro Real at Orango SI. Now Traffic SignallnSiallation (800053) Fin,1 Dosign ConSiruction 9. 10. Traffoc Signal Modif¡cotionvUpgrading Induding Romoval of I'ormissivo LGIt Turn Phasing at Yarious Intorsoctions . MeFadJen Avonuo/ Ritchoy Stroot . McFadJon Avonue / Williams Stroot . McFaddon Avonuo /I'andona Avonuo Final Dosign Construction I!. Rw Hill Ave. at Sorvieo Rd. MoJify/Upgrado Tr:¡ffie Signal Final Dosi;;n ConSituction 12. !(cJlliIIAvc.at5anJuan51. MoJify/UpgraJeTrame 5isnal Final Dosisn Conslruction 13. M,in5l.atWilliamlSI. MoJify/Upgrado Trame Signal Final Dosign Construction (Contillucd on n""t p'se) FUND CIP ClI' CIP CIP CIl' CII' CIP CII' CII' CII' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 199- -95 APPROVED nUDGET $7.500 $111.500 $125,000 19\>1-95 I'J\OJECTED EXPENSE 1995-96 I\EQUES'll!1) llil.!2(',ET $6,000 .::Jl=. $6,000 S 1,500 Ul1.~U $119.000 $22,500 ------=-...9.:: $22..\00 17.5011 P'" .....::!l:-. 17,500 -205- 19%-97 PLANNED 1997 - 98 PlANNED -u- n2l,.\OIl $262,500 -o- Il rL~!!!! S 117..\IHI 17,500 -u- ....--.---::Q::....._.._Hl1¿Q!l. 17,500 S117,50U 1998 - 99 PlANNED 1990 - 00 PlANNED S7..\(X) -0- ._......_m___.:...Q.=--_-1!!2,50( 17,5()() \82.500 8 ~I ::-.\ ,- ~z OoZ ::::1 =-1 g: :::1 I::':' '" ZI '" ZI '" <;1 =:1 ~ 1 -, g: ~¡ ::::1 =-1 ~ ~: ~ zi ::: <;: ::J ~I ~ ~ t:; ~ ~ c: - :;:: g-' c ::: :;:S~I ~ G Ëii :::t:.I~i o::::! ~ c. c. ê ::E t:: > C ~ V"> 0 '-I '" t:: :::1 I > ,~ c¡; 0=1 ::: ~ ~I c. < ::E .: :< ¡: .. < u 1'='O 0°0 ,~'" ':;':; Q I '=' >'\ '71~ ~ \~ ::: -01 51 "-I Uv '" ¡:; " ;¡ .2 <.:¡ .: --;; ~ ~~ z : :i c ,,;¡, ~ î ! i ì-l ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ g f-~:::z¡;:u u £ ~I 0 ~ ':; ~~;;:;;:;;:;;:;;: ~ v I II '="=>00000 â~~~~~~ ~ ~ g ~ , r- I~ 1- :~ ! ",,5;~5;5;5;5; r- ~ I~ ! ~,5;::;~5;5;5; r- '" -. :~ ¡"" i~ i~ ! i ~"'OOO"'C :;;~~~~~~ ~ ~. "" ~ M "" ~ -000,,",°8 ;;~~~:;::~"" ~ ::::.~ ~oooo"""" ;;~~~:;::~~ S'~ ::¡ii "'. '" ~~ ~ ~ V) j z?" < :"t... .;2!Z>f- f- -0 <!-;Jt:.I I 0 U V)~O°::E f- UU ~ :.. < ~ u ~ ::: 0 z ;J - ~ ~ .. 0 0 0 ~ :::: I I- i::; I'" , r- ,~ I;;; ,'" iV; I"': i~ i~ r ¡ i~ I~ i ¡ I~ :j ~ I <D C> N I s '" ~ 70. 1. PLOOD CONTROL PACILnmS J n -chi n nd FacililÌ<s [or Sa n Diego Cree. WatcrshC<!: (9OOOW) Moniloring Mainlena nee 10p"alion f.!lliQ CII' CII' P.I Modena -Irvine Channellmprovcmenls Im~rovemenlS belwccn 1- 5 Fwy. and' Micl1c11c Dr. (900031) Con>"uelioll CII' 2. 3. Drainage Improvements on Irvine IJlvJ, between 11011 Ave, anJ SR-55 (900024) (formerly Amaganset Way Siorm Drain) Prelim. DesignlEnvironmenlal Filial Design ConSiruelion 4. San JU3n St. Storm Drain from F.lmoulh Dr. 10 600' I:JO ¡{eJ IIi II Ave, Final Design Collstluelion 5. YorbaSt.SlormDra;n[rom Sev<nlccnlh SI.I<1I.1\1rle I.n. . Final Design Construction 6. l.Delw"o" Dr. Siorm Drain [roml'r"'pecIAvc,IO'D'St. Final Design ConSiruclioil 7. SlonehClige Dr. Storm Drain [rom Bryan Ave. 10 Cromwell Dr. Final Design ConSiruclion RDA-TC RDA-TC RDA-TC CII' CII' CII' CII' CII' CII' CII' CII' Cll' CArrrAI.IMPROVP.MRNT ¡>ROCì\~A M t994-95 APPROVBD 1illllliJIT S 11,000 56,000 $61,000 $ 121,726 1994 -95 PROJBCTBD P.xJ'~' $9,081 .::..9.::. $9.081 17).316 1995-.96 RBQUESTED .lillllilliI S 10,000 W,QillJ 166,000 1996-91 I' lA1itilio 1 B1X),IIlHI 1991-98 P Ul:!lill D $31.000 -0- -......,...-.::2.::. ..,--oo_.....EE1!QQ. $31,000 S157.000 -207- I' 1998-99 p 1.ðlit:!J.ill IH,5UIJ -0- _..__..~ u_' Im,!!Q!!. 142,500 IH2,OOO 1 IB,OOO ...-_--=:!!.::. S I B,O()() 1999-00 P UWED -0- SBB,ooO S88,()()0 \29,000 -=:Q.: S29,OOO 70, FLOOD CONTROL FACILITIES (Conlinued) UII Dr./Vtth Dr,Slorm Drain Irom Milch<ll Avo. 10 Woodlawn Dr. Final Design Construclion 8. 9. First naptist Church Draill rrom Newport Ave. to Tract No, 10628 Final Design Collstructioll 10. Tuslin Meadows Nui"II'cc Waler Siorm Drains Final D"i~1I ('.on"'u<lioll II. Sycamore Ave. Storm Drain belwttn Newport Ave, alld DlilS Lano Final Design ('.Ollstluolioll 12. Holt Avo, Siorm Drain from Irvine Dlvd. 10 LiUian Way Final Design Construction TOTAI..5 FUND RECAP FUND CII' CII' CII' CII' CII' CH' CIf' CII' CII' CII' CII' 1994-95 I API'RpVßO DUbGET S 188,726 SI88,726 CAI'ITAL IMPROVIlMEt{T I'ROGRA M 1994-95 I'HOJHCTEO EXI'ENSE S 182,40J S 182,40J 1995 - % IU2QU~TED BUDGET 19%-97 I'IANNE ) 'Só6,O1l0 ---..- -.--.-....---_u- 5831.11110 S66,IIIIII -208- 5831,11110 1997.. 98 I'IANNED S 19'),.\00 S 19')..\110 1998-99 PlANNED S240,OOO S2.\O.OOO 1999-00 PLANNED 5117,000 5117.000 EAST TUS'¡'IN ASSESSMENT DlSTH WL!i°,.~i::.! CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PllOGRAM (,(). TRANSPORTATION PACILlTIES 1. Tustin Ranch Road and EI Camino Real (70C042) 2. Bryan Ave. Browning Ave. (5/0 Bryan) Phase I (700)43) 3, Bryan Ave. Bridge (700014) 4, EI CanJino Real from easterly boundary of Auto Center 10 Myford Road (700045) 5. Jamboree Road (Myford) from (-5 Fwy.. to Irvine Blvd, (700)46) 6. Bry:l!l Ave. from Browning Ave, to Myford Road excepl south half between Browning Ave. and 300' easterly of Tuslin Ranch Road (700047) 7, Tustin Ra1Jeh l~oJd between Drya1J Ave, and Irvinc ßlvd. (700048) 8, EasterlyhaJfof Bro"'1ing Ave, from BrYJ1J Ave. 101300' northerly of I3ry;u1 Ave. (700().1(J) 9. SoulherlyhalfoJÎrvii1c Blvd, from HOD' ca'lclly of Browning Avc, 10 M yford I<oad (700050) 10. New Myford I<oad uctweell EI Camillo Iteal andl,'villelJlvJ.(7(J(x)51) (Conlinued on Next Page) 1994-95 BUDGET -0- -0- -0- -0- $345,514 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -211- 1994-95 PIWJEClïm EXPE!:!1!.L; 1995-96 REQUESTED BUDGET -0- -0- -0- -0- S 106,52 I -0- -0- -0- -0- : -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -()- -0- -0- (,(J. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES (Continued) 1 to Tustin Ranch Rd./I - 5 Interchange . (700052) SUUTOTALS . Assumes a transfer of St,S10,4D5 from account 480-700078 to 540-700052 65. TRAFFIC CONTROL FACII,ITIES Trame Signal Inslallalions/ Interconnect System at Various Locations (80Cú20) to EI Canlino Real and Browning Ave. 0% Complete 2. Jamboree Rd, and Sector II Access 100% Complete J, Jamboree Rd. Interconnect between 1-5 Freeway and EI Camino Real 100% Complete SU UTOTALS EAST TUSTIN ASSESSMENT DISTRICI' NO. 85:--1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT I'IWOHAM 1994 -95 BUDGET S96J,549 . SI.:1O9,O6J S3oo,000 S3oo,OOO -212- 1994-Y5 PROJECTED EX PEN~i -0- S IDó,521 S 128,Y% $12H.~Yó ---.-.-. 1995-96 HEQUESTED BUDGET S96J.549 . S96J.549 S 150.000 S 15(),OOO -3 0 -3 >- t'"" '" '" c: t;: -i 0 -i >- r '" """""0 " 0 ~ n .... " =: IS' ::, ." J5 ¡;; ¡;;;" '8::;¡¡:; g~a. 13 :; -.: 0 ~ '" 0 '" a. !'-' 0 0 ::> Q. I~ - ~ [:10 ;::0 0 ::J g.O ::> 0 " :z: l-i ~;<: -.0 ::> - n ' 0-': =r> ~ 0 ::J !:.~ ~...., '" - 8r... 0'" .55 '" t;: 8; c::; °':i ::<> I 1 0, 8 '" 0 0 "1", '"" 0 I " ""v. I N ...... t..> I '" tV .... '"" v. :- = '" ~ '" I ",I °1 .... 0 I 0 I -= ~ I"" 0 x~- -or:;", ""'ii: ,2;: , ¡~S ~ ;;::: I 0 I I~ ~:; Ov-.'" O-i'¡^ '", "" '" 1-3;:) c-- :> '" O-i >-3 -=c: -:v-. ...., . >::: t'""'Z -> ;::'" :::;~ O~ ~ '" ::;;:: ~r... -:Z; Z: -3~ -="? ;;:::--: 10 :: I~ ~ I> 'Z ~p I'" 1'-" I~ ~ COMMUNITY SERVICES FACILITIES I. Regional Trails (70c085) SUBTOTALS {iL TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES I. Jamboree Rd, from Irvine Dlvd. 10 Santiago Rd. (Reloca.led) (70c077) 2. Tustin Ranch Road Interchange (70c0n) . 3. Tustin Ranch Road from Irvine Ulvú. 10 Jamboree Rd. (70c079) 4. Ponola Parkway from Jan¡boree Rd. 10 Tustin Ranch Road (700080) S. North 1(2 or Irvine Ulvú. from Jamboree Road to westerly City boundary (700081) 6. La Colina Dr. from Tuslin Raneh Rd. to westerly City boundary (700083) SUBTOTALS Assul1Ies a transfer of $1.510,405 f,oll\ :lW1lInt 4XO-7000n t<) 4S0-700OS2 EAST TUSTIN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-2 'CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT I'IWGRAM 1994-95 BUDGET $345,701 1994-95' PROJECTED EXI'E!,!SE $1,392 ------.-'--.-si)OT S3457ioT $2,000,000 S 1')5,( ()( -(1- -0- --(1- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0'- -_._-_."--...Tiï)s:líi¡i¡- S2,lX")0.ooO -214- 1995-96 REQUESTED BUDGET S504.290 '----.---$504,290 $ I.W.I.<X)() $94,795 $ 150.0()() -0- -0- -0- ."-_.'-'--.S2:¡~ï))i;".S" TRAffIC CONTRO!. FACrLlTIES Traffic Signal InslaJlJlions/ Interconnect S~lem at various localions (800026) I. Tustin Ranch Road al Pionecr Way, 100% Complete 2, Portola Parkway at Lol21, Ped Crossing, 0% Com!,lele J. jamboree I{oad al .C" SI. {)(J% C'",,!,lele SU BTOTALS ~ FLOOD CONTROL fACILITIES I. Pelen; Canyon Wash (PhlSelandll) Relarding l3a.sin Facility (900027) SU BTOTALS ['Romcr INCIDENTALS Preluninary Eng.. Design [ng.. Soils Eng., Plan CheckJlnspution, Surveying, and Printing for aJl ¡'rojects (7ooæ6) SUBTOTALS TOTALS EAST TUSTIN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. KIi-2 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM' 1994-95 BUDGET $ 500,000 S5oo,ooO -0- so $ 1.000,000 $1,000,000 $J.!!45,70J 199-1-95 PHOJECTED EXPENSE ~H4, 1 ( (J -------'--'$B';¡,ïiï¡¡ -()- -'-----"-"'$ïf $ 24,( ()() ---------'--$-2"4 :iiÖo $J(H.4n -215- 1995 - 96 REQUESTED BUDGET $150,()0(J """""'---$I5OJ.)(J() -0- -"---------ro- $185,000 ...- ... -"-"-'-'--šTIfs:öüo" $2,!!89,O!!5 :< j ø:¡ Eo< ¡., r.:I ,..: >< ,..: ,..: ~ a H Eo< Z r.:I Eo< Z H I \D ..-< N I r.1 0 < Po to H == Eo<