HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-90FY PROG & FINC'L PLAN CITY OF TUSTIN PROGRAM AND FINANCIAL PLAN FOR 1989-90 CITY ,COUNCIL URSULA E. KENNEDY, MAYOR RICHARD B. EDGER, MAYOR PRO TEM RONALD B. HOESTEREY, COUNCILMAN JOHN KELLY, COUNCILMAN EARL PRESCOTT, COUNCILMAN MANAGEMENT.STAFF WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER JAMES A. ROURKE, CITY ATTORNEY DOUGLAS W. FRANKS, POLICE CHIEF MARY E. WYNN, CITY CLERK RONALD A. NAULT, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE CHRISTINE A. SHINGLETON, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ROYLEEN A. WHITE, DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE AND COMMUNITY SERVICES ROBERT S. LEDENDECKER, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE NO. TITLE DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURE PROGRAMS REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE GRAPHS SECTION I 1 - 2 LEGISLATION ADMINISTRATION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PUBL IC WORKS POLICE FIRE ADMINISTRATION COMMUNITY SERVICES NON-DEPARTMENTAL ORGANIZATION CHART BASIC DATA DEFINITION OF TERMS 3 4 - 5 6 SECTION II STATEMENT OF FUND BALANCES SUMMARY OF INTERFUND TRANSFERS 7 8 SECTION VI SECTION III CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT SUMMARY - FUND I NG SOURCE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SECTION VII REVENUES FUND DESCRIPTIONS ACCOUNT DESCRIPTIONS SECTION IV 9 - 14 15 - 18 19 - 21 TUSTIN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS SECTION VIII SUMMARY OF POSITIONS 22 SECTION V COMBINED PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 23 TUSTIN WATER SERVICE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS SECTION IX EAST TUSTIN ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS PAGE NO. 25 - 34 35 - 45 46 - 54 55 - 79 80 - 95 96 - 97 - 117 118 - 120 121 122 - 133 134 - 139 140 - 141 142 - 148 155 - 164 166 - 172 REVENUES~LLFUNDS ALL OTHERS $786,900 1.6% REVENUES BY SOURCES INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS $2,047,554 4.2% MOTOR VEHICLE IN LIEU $1,642,000 3.4% PARK DEVELOPMENT $735,000 1.10% WATER $2,102,900 3.10% BEAUTIFICATION $211,400 .3% CAPIT AL IMPROVEMENT BY FUNDS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND $1,000,000 1.5% RDA $816,622 3.5% OPERARA TING APPROPRIATIONS BY DEPARTMENT POLICE $6,465,749 28.0% NON-DEPARTMENTAL $577,025 2.5% COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $1,593,459 COMMUNITY SERVICES 6.8% $983,734 ADMINISTRATION 4.2% $1,088,070 4.6% 2 0 I:IC 0 (I) rrI > ;Q rrI "T' (I) Ci) n ... ... > -t Z n z ... ... ... 0 -t 0 N Z ... > > 0 -t -t Z > ... 0 ... 0 Z "T' n -t :J: rrI > ;Q ;Q :z -t (I) CITY CLERK CITY TREASURER COMM/ADMIN SERVICES FINANCE CITIZENS OF TUSTIN MAYOR CITY COUNCI L ------- REDEV. AGENCY CITY ATTORNEY I I I I I I I I I I I L_____, I COORDINATION AND COOPERATION CITY MANAGER SPEC. DIST. CONTRACT SE RV. PRIV. UTI L. LIBRARY FIRE ELECTRICITY LIGHTING REFUSE NATURAL GAS SEWERS ANIMAL CONT. TE LEPHONE FLOOD CONT. CABLE TV AD 85-1&86-2 PUBLIC WOR KS CHIEF DEPUTY CITY CLERK POLICE COMM. DEV. -3- BASIC DATA 1989-90 Tustin was founded in 1868 and incorporated as a General Law City September 21, 1927. 80-81 81-82 82-83 83-84 84-85 85-86 86-87 87-88 88-89 89-90 Population (a) 33,940 3~ 38;223 40,204 4ö:258 4õ;8I5 42;TI5 43,111 45,765 46,782 Regi stered Voters 15,321 17,456 17,453 16,057 16,057 19,966 19,966 19,966 20,125 21,414* Housing Units 16,233 16,261 16,321 16,321 16,380 16,424 16,424 16,424 16,637 20,390** Area of City (sq.mi.) 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.7 10.8 10.8 10.9 10.9 Property Val uations (mi1lions $) 933.2 1,192.5 1,268.5 1,310 1,467 1,687 1,825 1,825 1,862 2,029 Property tax Revenue (b) (thousands $) 1,128.9 1,418.7 1,643.4 1,787.7 2,000 2,200 2,300 2,300 2,700 3,048 Taxable Sales (c) (in $1,000) 301,673 330,200 336,164 342,000** 380,000 540,000 590,000 690,000 710,000 770,000 Number of Retai 1 Store Permits 404 404 423 431** 430 435 438 438 447 452 All other outlets 787 854 898 916** 918 1,009 1,011 1,011 1,023 1,028 Total all outlets 1,191 1,258 1,321 1,347** 1,352 1,444 1,449 1,449 1,470 1,470 Fire Insurance Class 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Miles of City streets 75.0 75.0 75.1 75.1 75.1 75.1 75.1 75.1 75.1 75.1 Arteri al 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 Local 49.7 49.7 49.8 49.8 49.8 49.8 49.8 49.8 49.8 49.8 Miles of City owned alleys .71 .71 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 Signalized intersections (d) 43 43 51 53 53 53 55 55 56 71 City owned buil di n9s 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Parks mai ntai ned 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 City vehicles (total) 78 78 84 84 84 84 86 86 87 117 Genera 1 13 13 16 16 16 15 15 15 16 19 Fi re (e) -- -- n -- -- n -- -- -- -- Pol ice 27 27 32 32 32 35 37 37 39 41 Mai ntenance 24 24 23 23 23 23 23 23 25 41 Water (f) 14 14 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 16 -4- (page two) BASIC DATA 1989-90 80-81 81-82 82-83 83-84 84-85 85-86 86-87 87-88 88-89 89-90 Full-time employees (per 1,000 population) (g) 4.59 4.64 4.34 4.15 4.14 4.13 4.36 4.36 4.54 5.09 Excludin9 fire + water 4.08 4.13 3.89 3.72 3.69 3.97 3.95 3.95 4.13 4.68 Per capita cost for operations (unadjusted) (h) 200.55 212.06 236.18 245.33 263.05 307.98 291.84 314.0 344.0 392.0 Adjusted for inflation (base year 1967) 76.99 81. 61 81.4 83.56 86.19 95.4 105.60 110.88 112.47 138.0 CPI (i) Base year 1980 78.7 87.8 96.7 96.7 101.2 105.9 110.6 113.4 118.9 124.6 % Annual increase 6.40 11.6 10.1 0.0 4.7 4.6 4.4 2.5 4.9 4.8 Bonded indebtedness tal( rate Park Bond .0918 .0618 .00858 .00644 .00644 .00644 .00644 - - - Center .0552 .0221 .00616 .00491 .00491 .00491 .00491 .00491 .0491 .0491 NOTES: Regi stered Voters as of 12-9-88 ** Estimated (a) State Oept. of Finance Certification as of Jan. 1, since 1978. (b) Prop. 13 effective in 1978 (c) Calendar year report, Board of Equalization (d) 42 intersections maintained by city (e) Contract services with Orange County FY 1978-79. (f) Water service acquired FY 1980-81 (9) Includes Fire Dept. prior to FY 78-79 and water utility after FY 1980 (h) Excludes water service, RDA, and capital improvements (i) 1982-83 is June 1982, previous CPI as of January -5- 1. Program and Financial Plan a. Preliminary: b. Fi nal : 2. Fund: a. General: b. S~ecial: 3. Personnel: 4. Supplies & Services: 5. Capital Outl ay: 6. Capital Improvements: 7. Salary Adjustment: 8. Appropriation: 9. Revenue: 10. Account Series: 11. Activit)': DEFINITION OF TERMS A plan which establishes the City Council's short and long term priorities through the allocation of resources for City services and the improvement of public facilities. The budget recommended by the City Manager to the City Council for their consideration. The budget which has been approved by the City Council for the financing of governmental operations for the ensuing fiscal year. A sum of money set aside to carryon specific activities in accordance with special regulations or restrictions. A fund constitutes an independent ac- counting entity. A fund accounting for general government which is financed by revenues not otherwise restricted to special purposes. Accounting of funds requiring expenditures for special purposes under ex- isting regulations. The number of, and salaries paid to City employees. Expenditures for departmental operations and related expenses. Equipment used in the operation of the City and of a non-expendable nature, i.e., with a useful life of several years. Major improvements including land and right-of-way acquisition, buildings, street construction, and related facilities. Changes in the dollar amount for personnel resulting from a change in salary rate or reclassification of positions. Funds authorized to be expended. Funds received to finance the City's expenditures. An accounting level to record the costs of a specific function, department, or group of services. The title of a particular account series. -6- .... ... z: 0 ... I- U L>.I VI (I) L>.I U z: < ...J < OQ Q z: ::;) \.I- \.I- 0 I- z: L>.I :E L>.I I- < I- (I) STATEMENT OF COMPARATIVE FUND BALANCES 1988-89 AUDITED PROJECTED 1989-90 ESTiMATED BALANCE TRANSFERS BALANCE TRANSFERS BALANCE FUND 6-30-88 REVENUE EXPEND I TURES IN/(ClJT) 6-30-89 REVENUE EXPENDITURES IN/(ClJrJ 6-30'90 -------------------------- _----h--_-- __00_--_---- _nnn--_h ----___00--- ------------- _--'--_--00_- _h__n----n __h--h_--- -------.----- GENERAL $6,672,093 $18,012,881 $17,897,821 ($7,121) $6,780,032 $21,361,576 $22,369,815 ($2,018,058) $3,753,735 GAS TAX 1,057,836 937,498 454,900 (294,000) $1,246,434 14,167,163 15,457,300 (308,000) (351,703) PARK DEVELOPMENT 1 0 1 ,709 0 373,000 $474,709 5,000 735,000 508,425 253,134 SEIJER TRUST (10,731) 200 ($10,531) 5,000 (5,531) CAPITAL iMPROVEMENT 150,129 0 849,871 $1,000,000 1,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 BEAUTIFICATiON 143,817 200,000 7,800 (175,250) $160,767 195,000 211,400 (144,367) 0 CIViC CENTER BONDS 234,491 92,698 70,630 $256,559 98,900 78,000 277,459 ASSESSMENT 0 I STR i CT 86- 2: CONSTRUCT ION (200,328) 63,315,842 22,722,294 $40,393,220 500,000 34,859,214 6,034,006 PARK BOND REDEMPT I ON 0 0 $0 0 TUST I N STREET Ll GHTI NG 243,466 364,074 224,000 $383,540 235,200 148,340 TUSTIN LANDSCAPE&LIGHTiNG 65,242 82,224 54,800 $92,666 97,000 57,250 132,416 ASSESSMENT DISTRiCT 85-1: 0 CONSTRUCTION 22,781,040 800,000 4,668,168 $18,912,872 300,000 9,724,631 9,488,241 DEBT SERVI CE 9,230,826 1,779,000 (125,000) $7,326,826 (125,000) 7,201,826 TUSTIN RDA: 0 SC-DEBT SERVICE 1,394,935 1,380,045 84,073 (157,500) $2,533,407 1,374,000 85,000 (165,000) 3,657,407 SC CAPITAL PROJECTS 1,622,634 52,500 121,400 $1,553,734 50,000 498,038 940,696 SC-SET ASiDE 460,963 346,868 $807,831 341,800 1,149,631 TC-DEBT SERVICE 2,301,178 2,213,260 1,215,700 (645,750) $2,652,988 2,212,200 812,150 (677,000) 3,376,038 TC-CAPITAL PROJECTS 1,981,116 251,000 587,630 $1,644,486 151,000 1,203,501 591,985 \lATER: OPERA TI ONS 6,308,592 4,521,000 3,863,606 (862,500) $6,103,486 4,498,300 5,890,345 (1,875,000) 2,836,441 DEBT SERVi CE 488,267 871,000 1,195,000 $164,267 966,000 581,133 549,134 CAP IT AL PROJECTS 950,000 500,000 $1,450,000 1,500,000 2,950,000 EQU I PMENT 1,249,235 336,209 191,748 $1,393,696 336,209 213,100 1,516,805 RISK MANAGEMENT 1,230,263 1,016,699 690,635 544,250 $2,100,577 974,220 599,100 304,000 2,779,697 HEALTH BENEFiTS <132,082) 697,125 810,000 ($244,957) 737,125 719,780 (227,612) 0000-------- --__----_00- ------------ ------------ ------------- -.._--------- ------------- 00_--_--_--' h__- -_._---- TOTAL ALL FUNDS $58,324,691 $95,491,123 $56,639,205 $0 $97,176,609 $48,370,493 $95,329,957 $0 $50,052,145 ___nn_n_- _--___n_--- ------------ ------------ ------------- __n_n_--__- ____nn____- __n__n__n -----___n__- -__--___n_- _--___nn_- ______n___- _n__--_n_- ------------- -----___n_n ----___n___- __n______-- ___n__n_h- -7- SUMMARY OF INTERFUND TRANSFERS GENERAL GAS TAX RDA PARK CAPITAL SC DEBT DEVELOPMENT IMPROVEMENT BEAUTIFICT'N SERVICE RDA TC DEBT SERVICE WATER WA TER ENTERPRISE CAPITAL PROJ AD 85-1 - -- - --... - ---------- -- - ---------.-..-- .------- --. .-- --------- .----.._- ------ --- --- - ---- --- -- -- --- -- - ------ - -- --- - - -- ---- - - - -- -- - ---- RISK MANAGEMENT 1. Transfer for Adnin/Eng and street maint. 2. Transfer for maintenance of parkways, st. medians and parks. 3. Transfer of direct admin. costs and other expenses. 4. Transfer of di rect adnin. costs and other expenses. 5. Transfer of direct adnin. costs and other expenses. 6. Transfer for future capital irrprovements. 7. Transfer for Assessment District adninistration. $308,000 ($308,000) $144,367 $165,000 $473,000 $275,000 $125,000 9. Transfer of Revenue from New Construction Tax for future park day. ($508,425) 10. Transfer for future funding of Jamboree Rd. & Vent a flood control ilT1'rovements. (3,000,000) Tota l Transfers ($2,018,058) ($308,000) $508,425 3,000,000 $508,425 $3,000,000 ($144,367) ($144,367) -8- ($165,000) ($165,000) ($677,000) ($375 ,000) ($1,500,000) $1,500,000 ($677,000)($1,875,000) $1,500,000 ($125,000) ($125,000) $204,000 $100,000 $304,000 > "T' ;Q (I) n c: rrI rrI n z < n 0 0 rrI -t c: Z ... Z 0 c: 0 -t rrI rrI Z (I) (I) 0 n ... rrI ;Q ... (I) ... ... n ." ;Q -t ... ... ." 0 -t Z ... (I) 0 z (I) 1989-90 SUMMARY OF REVENUES BY FUNO 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 FUND ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED ESTIMATE 00 00 0000_00- 00 00 -- n - n ----__0000--- - - 0000 ---- - 00 00 - - - -- -- _00 00 0000 --_0000__- General $17,339,480 $19,703,257 $18,012,881 $21,361,576 Revenue Sharing 0 0 0 0 Gas Tax 1,032,020 23,805,690 937,498 14,167,163 Park Development 54,667 255,000 0 5,000 Sewer Trust 1,108 5,000 200 5,000 Beautification 206,751 195,000 200,000 195,000 Civi c Center Bonds 118,440 115,900 92,698 98,900 Park Bonds Redemption 30,312 0 0 0 Assessment District 86-2 0 67,101,245 63,315,842 500,000 Tustin Lighting District 537,244 400,000 364,D74 386,000 Landscape/Lighting District 96,702 97,000 82,224 97,000 Assessment District 85-1 1,533,856 600,000 800,000 300,000 RDA - South Central Debt Service 1,069,414 1,223,30D 1,380,045 1,374,000 Capital Projects 567,717 50,000 52,500 50,000 Set-Aside 276,330 235,600 346,868 341,800 RDA - Town Center Debt Servi ce 9,931,110 2,380,632 2,213,260 2,212,200 Capital Projects 699,916 40D,000 251,000 151,000 Water Enterprise 5,068,468 4,547,000 4,521,000 4,498,300 Water Debt Surcharge 869,898 1,OD7,000 871,000 966,000 Equi pment 334,641 316,209 336,209 336,209 Risk Management 1,049,507 974,220 1,016,699 974,220 Health Benefits 518,841 718,625 697,125 737,125 --_00_000000- ___00_00--__- n__-nn_n- __-00_0000-- TOTAL ALL FUNDS $41,336,422 $124,130,678 $95,491,123 $48,756,493 -9- REVENUE DETAIL BY FUND 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED ESTIMATE GENERAL FUND: _uu__uu_- --- - - u- -_uu- - -_u__uu---- - uu-u_u Property Taxes $2,594,062 $2,758,000 $2,797,081 $3,048,000 Franchise Fees $488,039 $485,000 $518,000 $543,000 Sales & Use Tax 6,591,089 7,100,000 7,100,000 7,700,000 Transient Lodging Tax 107,730 100,000 105,000 105,000 Business License Tax 199,787 198,000 210,000 210,000 New Construction Tax 256,263 450,000 405,000 593,000 Building Permits 837,769 580,000 600,000 1,380,000 Plan Check Fees 143,373 400,000 200,000 360,000 Vehicle Code Fines 357,291 300,000 300,000 360,000 Interest Income 430,411 550,000 600,000 500,000 Motor Vehicle License Tax 1,369,431 1,502,000 1,502,000 1,642,000 Cigarette Tax 157,210 160,000 160,000 165,000 State Grants 269 730,444 693,100 435,371 Federal Grants-HCDA 73,491 288, 1 00 0 194,900 Sports Fees 148,511 148,000 154,210 155,723 Class Fees 146,953 188,000 175,847 190,000 Youth Servi ce Fees 166,403 203,000 214,600 228,406 Developer Share of Projects 8,587 450,000 311,000 1,400,000 Senior CTR Donations 450,000 0 404,000 0 All Other Sources 2,812,811 3,112,713 1,563,043 2,151,176 uuu_---u- _u_----u--- uu__u----- _u_---_u_-- FUND TOTAL $17,339,480 $19,703,257 $18,012,881 $21,361,576 -10- 1989-90 REVENUE DETAIL BY FUND 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED ESTIMATE STATE GASOLINE TAX: ------On_--- -- -- --_n- 0- - --- - -- _-_-n-- n- - -------Un_- Interest Income $158,653 $8,000 $100,000 $50,000 Bicycle Trail Grants 25,413 0 (5,358) 0 Section 2106 220,471 218,000 206,000 213,650 Section 2107 377,129 413,000 389,000 408,113 Section 2107.5 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 County Grants - AHFP 110,031 345,000 0 565,000 Federa lAid to Urban Hwy. 0 3,292,500 D 0 Shared Projects (I rvine & Santa Ana) 0 10,630,000 241,856 7,205,000 Developer Contributions 0 8,280,000 0 5,585,000 OCUTT 134,323 114,400 0 114,400 Sundry Revenue 0 498,790 0 20,000 -On_--nn_- nn_--_--n- O----n--___- no..--_--_-- FUND TOTAL $1,032,020 $23,805,690 $937,498 $14,167,163 PARK DEVELOPMENT $54,667 $255,000 $0 $5,000 SEilER TRUST FUND $1,108 $5,000 $200 $5,000 BEAUTIFICATION FUND $206,751 $195,000 $200,000 $195,000 CIVIC CENTER BOND FUND: Property Taxes $83, 120 $113,000 $83,769 $91,000 Interest Income 33,929 1,500 7,500 6,500 Homeowner Property Tax Relief 1,391 1,400 1,429 1,400 --__----n..- _--0__----..- -------..---- "n__n--n FUND TOTAL $118,440 $115,900 $92,698 $98,900 -11- 1989-90 REVENUE DETAIL BY FUND 1987-88 ACTUAL 1988-89 BUDGET PROJECTED 1989-90 ESTIMATE _--h_hhh- hh- -_h _hh - - ___--h_h ----- h--_h_h_h PARK BOND REDEMPTION FUND: Property Taxes $15,684 $0 $0 $0 Interest Income 14,628 0 0 0 Homeowner Property Tax ReI lef 0 0 0 0 hh__hhh- _h_h_----n h__n___hn hhhh--_" FUND TOTAL $30,312 $0 $0 $0 ASSESSMENT DISTRCT 86-2: Proceeds of Bonds $0 $62,151,342 $62,151,342 $0 Interest Income 0 1,807,000 700,000 500,000 Developer Share/Proj. Cost 0 3,142,903 464,500 0 hn_--___h- hh_hh_--- h__h___h_- _--_h_"h_- FUND TOTAL $0 $67,101,245 $63,315,842 $500,000 TUSTIN STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT: $537,244 $400,000 $364,074 $386,000 TUSTIN LANDSCAPE/LIGHTING DIST.: $96,702 $97,000 $82,224 $97,000 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 85-1: $1,533,856 $600,000 $800,000 $300,000 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: South Central Project Area Debt Service Fund: Tax Increment $1,004,511 $1,221,000 $1,320,045 $1,324,000 Interest Income 64,903 2,300 60,000 50,000 h__-_nh_-- nh--_--h-- --h_hh---- h_n_h___- Fund Total $1,069,414 S1,223,300 S1,380,045 S1,374,OOO Cap; ta l Projects Fund: Tax Increment SO SO $0 SO Interest Income 116,512 50,000 52,500 50,000 Proceeds of Ci ty Loan 451,205 0 0 0 _--_----_h_- h--_"--U-- ------------- h___n_--_- Fund Total S567,717 S50,000 S52,500 S50,OOO -12- 1989-90 REVENUE DETAIL BY FUND 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED ESTIMATE ------------- ---- --.. ---- - --- -- -...- - ---- -- - ------------- Set-Aside Fund: Tax Increment $251,128 $225,600 $331,868 $331,800 Interest Income 25,202 10,000 15,000 10,000 -..---------- ------------- ----------..- -----...--..- Fund Total $276,330 $235,600 $346,868 $341,800 Town Center Project Area Debt Service Fund: Tax Increment $1,838,435 $2,280,632 $2,088,260 $2,112,200 Interest Income 199,726 100,000 125,000 100,000 Bond Proceeds 7,892,949 0 0 0 ---------.... -------..---- ----...------ ...---------- Fund Total $9,931,110 $2,380,632 $2,213,260 $2,212,200 Capital Projects Fund: Interest Income $158,972 $400,000 $250,000 $151,000 Proceeds of Ci ty Loan 522,252 0 0 0 Sundry Revenue 18,692 0 1,000 0 -----....._-- ----._------- -....-------- .-------...-- Fund Total $699,916 $400,000 $251,000 $151,000 TOTAL RDA FUNOS $12,544,487 $4,289,532 $4,243,673 $4,129,000 WATER ENTERPRISE FUNO: Interest Imcome $593,426 $200,000 $100,000 $75,000 Water Sales 3,567,266 3,500,000 3,500,000 3,500,000 Equity Assessment Credit 184,762 240,000 240,000 240,000 A II Other Sources 723,014 607,000 681,000 683,300 --------..-.- ------------- --------..... ----.._----- FUNO TOTAL $5,068,468 $4,547,000 $4,521,000 $4,498,300 -13- IIA TER DEBT SURCHARGE FUND: Interest Income Surcharge! ncome FUND TOTAL IIATER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND: EQUI PMENT REPLACEMENT FUND: RISK MANAGEMENT FUND: HEALTH BENEFIT FUND: GRANO TOTAL ALL FUNDS 1989-90 REVENUE DETAIL BY FUNO 1987.88 ACTUAL 1988-89 1989-90 ESTIMATE BUDGET PROJECT EO _uu_uuu- uu- uu _uuu -_u - --- .---_u .....-..--_u $52,384 $56,000 $6,000 $15,000 817,514 951,000 865,000 951,000 -------- _u-.--_.-.-- _uuuuuu u_uu_uu- $869,898 $1,007,000 $871,000 $966,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $334,641 $316,209 $336,209 $336,209 $1,049,507 $974,220 $1,016,699 $974,220 $518,841 $718,625 $697,125 $737,125 .uuuuu --.uu_-.--- -----._--._h UUhU----- $41,836,422 $124,630,678 $95,991,123 $49,256,493 ____nn--_-- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ___n----_--- -14- FUND ACCOUNTING DESCRIPTIONS GENERAL FUND Fund 01 Approximately seventy percent (70%) of all monies received by the City is deposited into the General Fund, and is used to finance general Cityoper- ations. The major portion of General Fund monies is received from property and sales taxes. REVENUE SHARING FUND Fund 05 Federal Revenue Sharing Funds are distributed based on a formula of population, local tax effort, and average per capita income. GASOLINE TAX FUND Fund 10 Funds collected under Section 2106 and 2107 of the Streets and Highways code are distributed to cities, primarily on the basis of population, and are deposited into the Gasoline Tax Fund. Monies so received must generally be expended for the construction of the State-approved "select aid system" of streets, or for mai ntenance. SEWER MAIN TRUNK FUND Fund 20 Fees collected by the City from property owners for connections made to the City's sewer system are deposited into this fund. Prior to 1976-77, monies were distributed on the basis of 25% to the County Sanitation District No.7 for the construction and maintenance of sewers, and 75% to the City for construction of new trunk sewers by City contract. Since June 1977,95% of all fees are distributed to the District, and 5% are credited to the City for administration and unrestricted use. This fund will be eliminated when outstand- ing obligations are fulfilled. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND Fund 21 A fund established by resolution of council to ac- cumulate a portion of property tax revenue on an- nexed land held in agricultural preserve for fu- ture capital outlay within the area. The accumu- lation ends in the budget year following the issu- ance of a structural permit. This fund does not show as a source of revenue because it is an ac- counting transfer from the General Fund. CITY BEAUTIFICATION FUND Fund 30 Established by ordinance of the City Council, all monies received from real property transfer taxes are deposited into Beautification Fund. The fund is used to finance the construction and mainten- ance of beautification projects of the City. TUSTIN lIGHTING AND lANDSCAPE DISTRICT Fund 53 Established by resolution of the City Council, all monies received from special assessments in the district are used to finance the cost of street light installation, maintenance and energy, and maintenance of greenbelts, parks and public right of way perpetuities. -15- FUND ACCOUNTING DESCRIPTIONS PARK BOND FUND Fund 40 Proceeds of the $1,200,000 twenty-year General Ob- ligation Park bond Issue, approved by the citizens in 1971, were deposited and expended in this fund. The fund is used to control revenues and expenditures relating to the Bond Issue's debt service. CIVIC CENTER BOND FUND Fund 41 Proceeds of the $950,000 twenty-five year General Obligation Civic Center Bond Issue, approved by the citizens in 1972, were deposited into this fund. These monies were restricted to construc- tion of a new Civic Center at Main Street and Cen- tennial Way. The fund is now used solely to con- trol revenues and expenditures relating to the Bond Issue's debt service. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 85-1 Fund 54 Assessment District 85-1 was created in order to provide the resources necessary to provide infra-structure capitalization prior to development of the eastern portion of the City. WATER FUND Fund 60 Established during the 1980-81 fiscal year. The Water Fund is used to collect the revenue from water sales and account for the operating expenses and transmission and distribution system. Fund 70 EQUIPMENT FUND A separate internal accounting fund has been established to provide adequate reserves with which to replace existing equipment on a planned, economical basis. Using departments are charged a monthly rental on their vehicles and equipment which provides for replaement, operational expense, and repairs. This fund does not show as a source of revenue because it is an accounting transfer from the benefited departments to the fund. WORKERS' COMPENSATION FUND Fund 81 A separate internal fund has been established to self-fund the recurring costs of statutory payments under the Workers' Compensation Law for on-the-job injuries and occupational illnesses. Departments are charged a "premium" based on normal insurance rates (adjusted by the fund's experience) and applied to that department's payroll. Expenses of the fund include medical claim payments, disability claims, administrative costs, reinsurance costs, legal expenses, and other expenses. This fund does not show as a source of revenue because it is an accounting transfer from the benefited departments to the fund. liABILITY FUND Fund 82 A separate internal fund has been established to fund the self-insured retention excess insurance, paid claims, administrative costs, legal and other expenses. This fund does not show as a source of revenue because it is an accounting transfer from the non-departmental operating budget to the fund. -16- PROPERTY TAXES REVENUE ACCOUNTS DESCRIPTIONS NEW CONSTRUCTION TAXES Prior to July 1, 1978, general law cities were authorized to set a one-dollar tax rate on both secured and unsecured properties for General Fund purposes. However, Proposition 13 has created a new system whereby the amount of property tax is greatly reduced and is distributed as provided by the State Legislature. New residential and other construction is taxed byordinance effective October 1972. The proceeds go to the General Fund to support the increased cost of municipal services generated by the new deve-lopment. BUilDING PERMIT FEES FRANCHISE TAX FEES Fees for new building construction are based on local ordinance and include electrical, plumbing, and other related permits and fees. Franchises for operations within the city, for which a fee is charged, are presently held by the local electric, natural gas, cable television, and refuse collection companies. STREET PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS CITY SALES AND USE TAXES A permit fee is charged for the inspection of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and other street work installed by property owners or developers. The City tax rate on all goods and services authorized under the Bradley-Burns Tax Law is one percent (1%) and is State-collected. BUSINESS lICENSE TAXES OTHER lICENSES AND PERMITS The City Business License Ordinance establishes the annual license fee charged to all categories of businesses operating within the city. Permit fees are charged for a license to operate taxicabs, provide entertainment in public establishments, and for other purposes. REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER TAXES FINES AND FORFEITURES Established by ordinance and effective January 1, 1968, a twenty-seven and one-half cent (27 1/2~) tax is applied to each five hundred dollars of sales of real property transacted within the City. This tax is County-collected and returned to the City monthly. Includes Vehicle Code and non-traffic fines collected primarily by the Orange County Municipal Court. Eighty-five percent (85%) of the amount received by the Court for offenses occurring within the city is returned to the City, with the exception of 50% returned to the City for arrests made by the California Hi ghway Pat ro 1 . (continued) -17- FUND ACCOUNTING DESCRIPTIONS HEALTH BENEFIT FUND Fund 84 A separate trust fund has been established to self-fund the routine cases of employee health and dental care. Departments are charged a "premi urn" based on employees and coverage within the department. Expenses of the fund include paid claims, administrative costs, reinsurance costs, and other expenses. This fund does not show as a source of revenue because it is an accounting transfer from the benefited departments to the fund. -18- REVENUE ACCOUNTS DESCRIPTION COUNTY GRANTS OF STATE GASOLINE TAXES PARKWAY TREE FEES Contributions from County Gas Tax Funds to City projects of county-wide benefit. Charges made to developers, subdividers, and others for the purchase and installation of park- way trees by the City. FEDERAL GRANTS Grants from the Federal government to City pro- jects or programs of an eligible nature. Grants under the Federal Revenue Sharing Program are included within this category. WEED ABATEMENT Assessment charges made against property owner when the City is required to clear weeds on pri- vate property. PLANNING FEES RECREATION FEES Fees for Use Permits, Variances, and Zone Changes are charged the property owners when applying for such actions from the City. Fees for sports, special classes, youth and senior citizen programs, charged to partially offset the cost of services. SUBDIVISION MAP FEES FALSE ALARM FEES Include subdivision map filing fees and charge for engineering review and plan checking of such maps. Service charges made to businesses, etc., having excessive false alarms on burglary and robbery alarm systems. SALE OF MAPS AND PUBLICATIONS A charge is made for city maps and reproduction of documents distributed to private individuals. SPECIAL POLICE SERVICES STREET CONSTRUCTION Charges made to the public for police protection at dances and special events. Monies paid by property owners in lieu of required installation by owner of curbs, gutters and paving when developing property. OTHER CURRENT CHARGES STREET REIMBURSEMENT Charges made to the public for special services and required installation of street signs in new developments. Contributions from private property owners for curbs and gutters in connection with street improvement projects. (continued) -19- INTEREST REVENUE ACCOUNTS DESCRIPTION TRAilER COACH FEES Interest received on invested surplus or inactive monies and deposited into the General, Revenue Sharing, Gas Tax, City Beautification, Park Bond, Civic Center Bond Fund, Redevelopment and Water Funds. INTEREST ON DELINQUENT TAXES Interest received on delinquent property tax pay- ment. RENTS Rent received for use of City buildings and prop- erty, primarily the Clifton C. Miller Community Center, and the lease of Fire Station No.2. AlCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE FEES Fees paid annually to, and distributed by, the Al- coholic Beverage Control Board and based on loca- tion of the licensed facility, 90% of which is re- turned to the City. Repealed by State Action 1980-81. MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE FEES Is in lieu of local property tax on vehicles and is based on two percent (2%) of the market value of the vehicle. Fee is distributed on the basis of population and not the location of the vehicle's registration. STATE PROPERTY TAX RELIEF Payments by the State to the City in lieu of prop- erty taxes on Homeowner and Business Inventory Tax Exemptions. Is in lieu of property tax on trailers and is based on the location of registration of the trailer. Revenues are distributed one-third each to schools, counties, and cities. Mobile/modular homes placed on permanent foundations are now taxed as real property. CIGARETTE TAXES A three-cent (3t) tax per pack of cigarettes, es- tablished October 1,1967, is State-collected, and is distributed to cities, one-half on the basis of taxable sales of all other products, and one-half on the basis of population. HIGHWAY CARRIERS' BUSINESS lICENSE State-collected business license fees on highway carriers in lieu of City business license fees, distributed on the basis of population. Repealed by State Action 1980-81 STATE GRANTS Grants administered by State to City projects or programs of an eligible nature. Traffic Safety Grants from the State Office of Traffic Safety are included in this category. STATE GASOLINE TAXES State-collected gas tax is apportioned to cities under various State laws and may be used for engi- neering, right-of-way, construction and mainten- ance, primarily of non-local streets. -20- (continued) SALE OF CITY PROPERTY REVENUE ACCOUNTS DESCRIPTION DAMAGED CITY PROPERTY Revenue received from the sale of surplus City property. SALE OF UNCLAIMED PROPERTY Revenue received from the sale of abandoned and unclaimed property. SEWER CONNECTION FEES A connection fee is charged to property owners when sewers are installed and connected to the City's sewer system. Prior to 1977-78, 75% was retained by the City for trunk main extensions and 25% was paid to the Sanitation District. Since that time, 5% is retained by the City for adminis- trative expense and the balance returned to the District. CONTRIBUTIONS Donations and contributions paid to the City for specific or general purposes. PARK LAND DEDICATION FEES Fees required from subdividers of residential property in lieu of providing park land and facil- ities for future residents. Such fees are used to provide alternative recreational facilities. -21- Collections from insurance companies and private parties for damage to City property, such as parkway trees, street signs, buildings, etc. SUNDRY OTHER REVENUE Refunds, miscellaneous collections, and other revenues are included in this account. WATER SALES Revenue collected from the sale of water for all uses and equity assessment credits. (I) (I) c: rrI :z n :z -t > ... ;Q 0 -< z 0 "T' ... "'C < 0 (I) ... -t ... 0 z (I) 00-:'" a."" , UJ , a."" COO, a.UJ' ~ '" , a. '" CO -' , "" , CO"', COO-' a. u , -"": '" z 0 CO : '" co-" , "" , po..."" COO-, a. u ~ "" '" 0 "- ::; >- '" "" :>: :>: '" '" po... : '" CO -' , , "" , ;g~: a. u ~"" z 0 0- "" ¡¡; C> ~ ~ :':! :':! :':! z 0 t- "" '" t- '" ;;: ~ '" N ~ ~ ~ ~ UJ :>: "- 0 -' UJ > UJ '" >- 0- Z '" :>: :>: 0 u '" oD CO In ~ ~ '" "" ~ u -' CD '" "- a. D c; po... a. '" a. UJ U -' 0 "- a. In , In . , '" a. , N a. CO:~ ~ N N , cå CO In ~,.¿ 'C;:¡ I N N I po... oD : .... ~ D N '" ¡!j '" UJ U ;: '" UJ '" >- 0- '" 0 "- UJ :>: z '" :>: :>: 0 u '" UJ t- "" '" -' ~ ~ b 0- 0 n (I) rrI 0 rrI -o :z n > I:IC -t ;Q ... ... -t Z 0 :z rrI z rrI 0 Z -t Ci) 'T < rrI Z >< rrI -0 ;Q rrI > Z r- 0 ... "T' -t c: c: z ;Q 0 rrI -0 -0 ;Q ;Q 0 0 Ci) Ci) ;Q ;Q > > :z :z (I) 'T >< -0 rrI Z 0 ... -t c: ;Q 'T (I) c::: 3: :z > ;Q -< 1989-90 COMBINED GENERAL FUND PROGRAM EXPEND ITURE SUMMARY 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 DEPARTMENT ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST ----------------------- -------------- -------------------------.------- _-n------ LEGISLATION $458,322 $460,462 $469,373 $452,833 ADMINISTRATION 744,142 941,242 889,D04 1,088,070 COMMUN ITY DEVELOPMENT 961,370 1,328,890 1,068,14D 1,593,459 PUBLIC \lORKS 3,226,382 4,650,258 4,082,588 4,686,954 POll CE 4,611,820 6,030,902 5,652,181 6,477,964 FIRE 2,257,972 2,506,020 2,506,020 2,662,743 COMMUNITY SERVICES 669,282 852,132 813,738 983,734 NON-DEPARTMENTAL 605,679 470,100 431,167 577,025 -.------------ -...--.------- -------------- -----------_.- Sub-Total Operations $13,534,969 $17,240,006 $15,912,211 $18,522,782 Capital I""rovements 1,701,149 4,196,450 1,985,610 3,847,033 -------------- -------------- .------------- _--_n_'----- Total General Fund $15,236,118 $21,436,456 $17,897,821 $22,369,815 -23- 0 0 0 ... rrI rrI < ~ ~ ... > > (I) ;Q ;Q ... -t -t 0 :z :z z rrI rrI Z Z -t -t rrI >< n n n r- '"0 ... ... ... rrI rrI -t -t -t Ci) Z -< -< -< ... 0 (I) ... > n n r- -t -t r- 0 > c: -t rrI c: -t ;Q 0 ;Q z ... rrI ;Q 1" n 0 z ... Z '"0 rrI r- ;Q -< 0 Ci) ;Q > :z (I) CITY CLERK CHIEF DEPUTY CITY CLERK REPRODUCTION OPERATOR DEPUTY CITY CLERK CITY COUNCIL I 1 SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR 1 CITY ATTORNEY 1989-90 BUDGET DETAIL DEPARTMENT SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: Legi s l ati on 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST ------------- ------------------------------- --u_---uu- PERSONNEL DETAIL Full-Time Staff 4 4 4 4 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel _u__u_- Salaries $165,017 $169,388 $169,693 $213,398 Ret i rement/Benef i ts 39,930 59,311 59,445 68,148 00_"--00__00 _U_-----_u- _u_--u__u- _00____--_--- Total Personnel Costs $204,947 $228,699 $229,138 $281,546 Supplies & Services ----'---U-___h--- Office Expense $205,078 $170,462 $173,760 $122,950 Departmental Expense 18,556 17,740 22,549 22,657 Transportati on Expense 1,350 2,040 2,040 1,985 Training & Oevelopment 21,365 22,521 20,775 23,695 Ci ty Elections 4,911 6,000 8,149 0 ---u_-.u_-- -_u__uu_u -_u--u_---- _u-u--_u_- Total Suppl ies & Services $251,260 $218,763 $227,273 $171,287 Capital Outlay h_.U-----u- Computer Software $0 $0 $0 $0 Office Equipment 2,115 0 0 0 Office Furniture 0 13,000 12,962 0 ----hUnu- _u-u_.-_u- ---_00_-_00_- u_---------- Total Capital Outlay $2,115 $13,000 $12,962 $0 DEPARTMENT TOTAL $458,322 $460,462 $469,373 $452,833 -24- DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: DESCRI PTION: DIVISION BUDGET: Personne 1 Operations Capital Outlay Total lEGISLATION CITY COUNCIL The City Council provides policy direction with regard to all municipal func- tions. Through its review and approval of the City's annual operating and capital improvement budget, the City Council determines the level of City services to be provided. The City Council also serves as the Board of Directors of the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency. The Board of Directors is responsible for pro- viding policy directions with regard to implementation of the Town Center Project Area Plan. City Council members also serve as representatives to various County and regional agencies responsible for transportation, airport, planning, sanitation and flood control functions. $ 49,296 23,500 $ 72,796 -25- 1989-90 BUDGET DETAil DEPARTMENT: legi slat i on DIVISION: Ci ty Council 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST --u---u---- ------------------------------- ------------- PERSONNEL DETAIL Council Members 5 $400-$400 5 $400-$400 5 $400-$400 5 $400-$440 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel - - - -- -. -- Salaries $24,181 $25,600 $25,600 $25,600 Ret i rement/Benef i ts 15,583 21,408 21,126 23,696 -------h---- -----------u --_h--_--__- ------u--u- Total Personnel Costs $39,764 $47,008 $46,726 $49,296 Supplies & Services u----------------- Office Expense $692 $700 $1,500 $700 Departmental Expense 4,426 3,956 3,350 4,300 Transportati on Expense 0 150 150 0 Training & Development 18,670 18,000 17,549 18,500 ------------- ----u------- --------u--- --_h_--__--- Total Supplies & Services $23,788 $22,806 $22,549 $23,500 Capital Outlay -------------- Computer Software $0 $0 $0 $0 --u--------- ------------- -------u---- ------------- Total Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 DIVISION TOTAL: $63,552 $69,814 $69,275 $72,796 -26- DESCRIPTION OF ACCOUNTS $10,000 OR MORE DEPARTMENT: LEGISLATION DIVISION - City Council Account 1988-89 $22,656 1989-90 $22,656 Description Supplies & Services Monthly expense allowance (Mayor $225/Month. Council- persons $175/Month) League of California Cities Annual Meeting Monthly DC League Meetings Host Mayor's Breakfast Membership/Subscriptions Office Expense Departmental Expense TOTAL -27- $11,100 3,605 886 1,000 109 2,000 3,956 $22,656 DEPARTMENT: LEGISLATION CITY CLERK DIVISION: The City Clerk's office maintains official documents, contracts, agreements and records of the City. In coordination with all departments, the City Clerk's office prepares the City Council and Redevelopment Agency meeting agendas and coordinates follow-up of Council and Agency actions. DESCRIPTION: TASKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Provide administrative direction to all division functions. Develop and administer the department's annual budget. Evaluate, train and supervise division personnel. Coordinate division activities with other departments. Prepare the City Council and Redevelopment Agency Agenda, Action Agenda, Minutes and coordinate all City Council and Redevelopment Agency follow-up and the retention of Council and Agency related records (resolutions, ordinances and agreements). Prepare for printing all amendments to the Municipal Code, distribute printed amendments and main- tain copies of the Code. Administer the telephone system including the switchboard operation. Distribute all incoming and process all outgoing mail for City Hall and Police. Oversee ordering all supplies for and maintenance of the Xerox 8200 and Minolta EP470Z reproduction machines and provide staff for City duplicating. -28- (City Clerk Tasks - Continued) 10. Act as Filing Officer for Conflict of Interest forms for all members of the City Council, Redevelop- ment Agency, Planning Commission, and all designated employees, notifying all affected persons of due dates, providing forms, and coordinating all follow-up for the timely filing of all reports. Coordinate with the County of Orange the consolidated City of Tustin General Municipal Elections in November of even-numbered years and any Special Elections that might be called. 11. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Outlay $145,269 26,957 00 $172.226 TOTAL -29- DEPARTMENT: Legi slat i on DIVISION: City Clerk PERSONNEL DETAIL City Clerk Chief Deputy City Clerk Deputy City Clerk Reproduct i on Operator Switchboard Operator ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Salari es Retirement/Benefits Total Personnel Costs Suppl i es & Servi ces Office Expense Departmental Expense Transportation Expense Training & Development City Elections Total Suppl ¡es & Services Capital Outlay --...--------. Off i ce Furni ture Office Equipment Cornput i ng Hardware Total Capital Outlay DIVISION TOTAL: 1989-90 BUDGET DETAIL 1987-88 ACTUAL 1988-89 1989-90 REQUEST BUDGET PROJECTED -- -- -- -- - - -- u - - u -- - - - -- -- - --- ------------- $150-$150 $200-$200 $200-$200 $200-$200 1 $3,233-$3,233 1 $3,233-$3,233 1 $3,565-$3,565 1 $3,565-$3,565 1 $2,141-$2,630 1 $2,141-$2,630 1 $2,216-$2,694 1 $2,216-$2,694 1 $1,523-$1,851 1 $1,523-$1,851 1 $1,576-$1,916 1 $1,576-$1,916 1 $1,523-$1,851 1 $1,523-$1,851 1 $1,576-$1,916 1 $1,576-$1,916 -- ----- ---u ----- 4 4 4 4 $111,807 $114,988 $115,293 $115,798 20,476 29,726 30,142 29,471 --.------_u- ------------- ------------- --------u--- $132,283 $144,714 $145,435 $145,269 $3,834 $2,762 $5,260 $4,900 13,895 13,659 19,074 18,226 1,350 1,890 1,890 1,985 763 1,758 550 1,846 4,911 6,000 8,149 0 _U"-------- ----u_------ -----.---.--- -------.----- $24,753 $26,069 $34,923 $26,957 $0 $3,000 $0 $0 2,115 0 12,962 0 0 10,000 0 0 "----'----u U--'----u_- -_u--------- ------------ $2,115 $13,000 $12,962 $0 $159,151 $183,783 $193,320 $172,226 -30- DESCRIPTION OF ACCOUNTS $10,000 OR MORE DEPARTMENT: lEGISLATION DIVISION - CITY CLERK Account 1988-89 $15,258 1989-90 Description $18,226 Departmental Expense Special Equip.Maint. Printing Expenses Advertising Expenses -31- $2,123 1,103 15,000 $18,226 DEPARTMENT: LEGISLATION DIVISION: CITY ATTORNEY DESCRIPTION: The City Attorney's office provides legal advice and services pertaining to City affairs to the City Council, City Manager and other City officials. TASKS: 1. Attend City Council, Redevelopment Agency and Planning Commission meetings for the purpose of pro- vidi ng legal advice. 2. Review and prepare ordinances, resolutions, franchises, agreements, contracts and other documents. 3. 4. Provide legal advice to City departments. Represent the City in court proceedings. 5. Review and monitor general liability and worker's compensation claims processed by the City's claims administrator. DIVISION BUDGET: Personne 1 Operations Capital Outl ay $ 86,981 120,830 TOTAL $207,811 -32- DEPARTMENT: Legi slat i on DIVISION: City Attorney PERSONNEL DETAIL Ci ty Attorney ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Salaries Ret i rement/Benef i ts Total Personnel Costs Suppl ies & Services 00 00 - -.. - - - 00 - 00 --- Office Expense Departmental Expense Transportation Expense Training & Development Total Suppl ies & Services Capital Outlay Office Equipment Total Capital Outlay DIVISION TOTAL: 1989-90 BUDGET DETAIL 1987-88 ACTUAL 1988-89 1989-90 REQUEST BUDGET PROJECTED _00_00___0000 1 $2,400-$3,000 1 $2,400-$3,000 1 $2,400-$3,000 1 $6,000-$6,000 $29,029 $28,800 $28,800 $72,000 3,871 8,177 8,177 14,981 _000000- 0000---00_00- _--_00--__-00 00__--000000 $32,900 $36,977 $36,977 $86,981 $200,552 $167,000 $167,000 $117,350 235 125 125 131 0 0 0 0 1,932 2,763 2,676 3,349 _---0000____- --._000000__- _00_00000000- 00_0000____00 $202,719 $169,888 $169,801 $120,830 $0 $0 $0 $0 -_---_00- __00_0000_--- ___-000000_.- _00_--__--00- $0 $0 $0 $0 $235,619 $206,865 $206,778 $207,811 -33- DEPARTMENT: lEGISLATION DIVISION - City Attorney Account ~lies & Services ontractual Services DESCRIPTION OF ACCOUNTS $10,000 OR MORE 1988-89 1989-90 Description $80,000 $80,000 Contractual Services of James G. Rourke TOTAL -34- $80,000 $80,000 In ..... u - > In a:: :E ..... < In a:: <.cI z ..... 0 0 > a:: - a:: - ~ ~ ..... ~ < <.cI < ..... a:: < . a:: a:: ~ z ~ :::) In < ..... In ~ - :E U - .... z z z CI - >- < - :z :E ~ z :E ..... CI - - CI ~ < U ~ < >C ..... ~ ~ :z :z ..... ..... z :E :E 0 ~ ~ - a:: a:: In < < - ~ ~ > ..... ..... - CI 0 0 CITY MANAGER EXEC. DIRECTOR REDEV. AGENCY EXECUTIVE COORDINATOR DEPARTMENT CLERK CONTRACT SERVICES 1989-90 BUDGET DETAI L DEPARTMENT SUMMARY DEPARTMENT :Admi ni strat i on 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST ------------- ------------------------------- _"n_--___-- PERSONNEL DETAI L Full-Time Staff 13 13 13 15.5 ACCOUNTING DETAI L Personnel ----..--- Salaries $474,910 $556,180 $527,543 $616,240 Ret í rement/Benef i ts 61,834 116,510 114,304 135,155 ------------- ------------- ------------- -------.._--- Total Persomel Costs $536,744 $672,690 $641,847 $751,395 Supplies & Services -----.__--_--n--_- Contractual Services $51,119 $70,900 $65,075 $74,317 Office Expense 6,449 6,315 6,705 6,631 Departmental Expense 40,141 34,763 37,103 44,003 Corrputer Expense 29,895 71,220 56,220 37,500 Transportation Expense 17,542 12,020 12,020 12,243 Training & Development 33,323 34,384 31,084 36,481 -------.----- u_---------- ----------..- ----__-"__n Total Suppl ies & Services $178,469 $229,602 $208,207 $211,175 Capital Outlay -------------- Corrputer Software $15,019 $22,375 $22,375 $1,500 Office Equipment 1,783 0 0 10,000 Office Furniture 95 1,950 1,950 1,500 Corrputing Hardware 12,032 14,625 14,625 112,50D _n----u_--- ------------- _--n--_----- -----u------ Total Capital Outlay $28,929 $38,950 $38,950 $125,500 DEPARTMENT TOTAL $744,142 $941,242 $889,004 $1,088,070 -35- DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: DESCRIPTION: TASKS: DIVISION BUDGET: ADMINISTRATION CITY MANAGER Under policy direction of the City Council, the city Manager's office is responsible for planning, organizing and evaluating City services and providing management direction to all City departments through the department heads. 1. Keep the City Council constantly apprised as to the status of city programs and activities. 2. Prepare and present the proposed 1990-91 budget to the City Council. 3. Respond to and resolve citizen complaints. 4. Serve as Executive Redevelopment Agency. Provide administrative direction to the implementation of the Tustin Ranch Development Agreement. Director Tustin Community of the 5. 6. Provide administrative direction to implementation of the growth and traffic management plans, if required as a result of adoption of the 20 Year Master Plan of transportation improvements. Personnel $ 183,083 operations 19,030 Capital Outlay 0 TOTAL $ 202,113 -36- DEPARTMENT :Admini strati on DIVISION: City Manager PERSONNEL DETAIL City Manager Executive Coordinator Department Clerk ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Salaries Retirement/Benefits Total persomel Costs Suppl ies & Services -- -- -- - - u 00 00 --..- Office Expense Departmental Expense Transportation Expense Training & Development Total suppl ies & Services Capital Outlay --_00----00__. COf11'Uter Software Total Capital Outlay DIVISION TOTAL: 1989-90 BUDGET DETAIL 1987-88 ACTUAL 1988-89 1989-90 REQUEST BUDGET PROJECTED _--_00_____-- 1 $6,714-$6,714 1 $2,D16-$2,451 1 $1,594-$1,937 3 1 $7,184-$7,184 1 $2,2D4-$2,679 1 $1,742-$2,118 3 1 $7,568-$7,568 1 $2,304-$2,800 1 $1,803-$2,192 3 1 $7,973-$7,973 1 $2,304-$2,800 1 $1,803-$2,192 3 $136,421 $141,736 $141,736 $151,452 15,702 28,248 28,248 31,631 "-----__00-- --0000._--__- --0000------- --...------- $152,123 $169,984 $169,984 $183,083 $4,132 $2,560 $2,560 $2,688 2,838 1,453 1,453 1,450 10,958 5,158 5,158 5,250 9,567 9,276 9,276 9,642 --uu-----.. ___----00_--- _--_00_-"00- --00_---_--00 $27,495 $18,447 $18,447 $19,030 $15,019 $0 $0 $0 --.-00--_00_- 00___--_----- ------------- --_----00..- $15,019 $D $0 $D $194,637 $188,431 $188,431 $202,113 -37- DIRECTOR OF FINANCE I SECRETARY (1) 1 ----------./ O.C.C.R.M.A.** ] ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT ASSISTANT FINANCE DIRECTOR I I SENIOR ACCOUNT ACCOUNT CLERKS (1) CLERKS (2.5) ** ORANGE COUNTY CITIES RISK MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY DEPARTMENT : DIVISION: ADMINISTRATION FINANCE DESCRIPTION: TASKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. The Finance Division is responsible for recording the financial activities of the City in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and standards of the National Committee on Governmental Accounting and Auditing. Deposit and record all revenues of the City. Administer the purchasing ordinance of the City at the direction of the Purchasing Officer. Maintain an aggressive idyll funds investment program. Provi de management support for water util ity bill i ngs. Prepare quarterly fi nanci al reports. Prepare monthly management information reports (expense ledgers by account and vendor, construction 1 edgers, etc.) Complete Annual Report of Operations for the State Controller, reports as required by other agencies. State Street Report and other Prepare Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, including the Federal Single Audit program. Maintain fixed asset records. Administer the payroll and accounts payable functions. Administer the Self-Insured Risk Management Program which includes health, long term disability, worker's compensation and general liability. -38- (Finance tasks continued) 12. 13. 14. 15. Assemble the 1990-91 operating and capital improvement budget. Provide the treasury function for outstanding bond issues. Represent the City as Treasurer of the Orange County Cities Risk Management Authority. Prepare financial documents for Assessment District 86-2 financing. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operat ions Capital Outlay $ 313 ,048 $ 87,447 $ 114,000 $ 514,495 TOTAL -39- DEPARTMENT :Admi ni strati on DIVISION: Finance PERSONNEL DETAI L Finance 01 rector Asst. Finance Director Administrative Assistant Secretary Sr. Account Clerk Account Clerk ACCOUNTING DETAIL PersonneL Salaries Ret I rement/Benef Its Total PersOlV1el Costs suppl les & Services --- - -- ----- ----. --. ContracuaL Services Office Expense Departmental Expense C~ter Expense Transportation Expense Training & Development TotaL Suppl les & Services CapitaL OutLay -------------- Office Equipment C~ter Software C~ting Hardware Total Capital Outlay DIVISION TOTAL: 1989-90 BUOGET OETA! L 1987-88 ACTUAL 1988-89 1989-90 REQUEST BUDGET PROJECTED -------.----- ---------- -------------- .------ 1 $4,503-$4,728 1 $4,965-$5,063 1 $5,063-$5,164 1 $5,164-$5,164 1 $2,740-$3,330 1 $2,740-$3,330 1 $2,992-$3,636 1 $2,992-$3,636 1 $2,581-$3,138 1 $1,835-$2,231 1 $1,835-$2,231 1 $1,977-$2,403 1 $1,977-$2,403 1 $1,840-$2,236 1 $1,840-$2,236 1 $1,904-$2,314 1 $1,904-$2,314 2 $1,598-$1,942 2 $1,598-$1,942 2 $1,654-$2,010 2.5 $1,654-$2,010 -- ----- ----- ---- 6 6 6 7.5 $213,044 $246,237 $217,600 $254,678 29,046 53,666 51,460 58,370 ------------- __n______--- ------------- ------------- $242,090 $299,903 $269,060 $313,048 $17,405 $18,325 $12,500 $19,441 695 0 0 0 14,441 8,260 10,600 16,250 29,895 71,220 56,220 37,500 2,346 2,625 2,625 2,756 9,296 10,500 7,200 11,500 ------------- ------------- _nn----_--- ------------- $74,078 $110,930 $89,145 $87,447 $1,783 $0 $0 $10,000 0 10,000 10,000 1,500 5,934 0 0 102,500 ------------- ___n_n_n-- ------------- ------..---. $7,717 $10,000 $10,000 $114,000 $323,885 $420,833 $368,205 $514,495 -40- DEPARTMENT: FINANCE Contractual Services Departmental Supplies Computer Expenses Training and Development Office Equipment Computing Hardware Computer Software DESCRIPTION OF ACCOUNTS $10~OOO OR MORE 1988-89 1989-90 $ 18,325 $ 19,441 $8,260 $16,250 DESCR I PTI ON General funds proportionate share of annual auditing ex- penses. Misc. Dept. Supplies, $5,750; Special Equipment Maintenance, $3.500; Printing of Budget and Annual Report, $7,000. $ 71.200 $ 37,500 Major costs include computer maintenance, $25,000; computer supplies and forms, $2,500; software maintenance, $10,000. $ 10.500 $ 11.500 Training and development $4,000; Travel & meetings $5,000; Memberships and subscriptions $1,500. $ 12,300 Word processing system, $8,500; Replace Dept. Copier, $1,500. 10,000 $-0- $102,500 General Fund proportionate share of CPU system upgrade. $ -0- $1.500 PC systems software, i. e, spreadsheet and data base. -41- DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY I ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT SENIOR PERSONNEL ANALYST (1) PERSONNEL ANALYST (1) SECRETARY (1) DEPARTMENT CLERK (PART TIME) DEPARTMENT: ADMINISTRATION DIVISION: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DESCRIPTION: The Administrative Services Division handles the Personnel function, and provides staff support to the City Manager's office. The Personnel function attracts, hires and maintains the highest quality staff available; coordinates delivery of employee benefits; and insures compliance of all applicable laws regarding personnel matter. Other Administrative Services functions include legislative review and follow up, special studies, and projects for the City Manager. The Director of Administrative Services also provides management direction to the Community Services Department. TASKS: 1. Meet and confer with employee organizations regarding wages, benefits, and working conditions; implement and monitor compliance with all agreements; develop City management positions in negotiations. 2. Maintain contact with the legislative network; review legislation with impact upon municipal government; take appropriate action to communicate the city's position to the elected officials. 3. Recruit and select all employees; develop testing materials and procedures. 4. Monitor employee benefits programs, such as medical and dental insurance, life insurance, long term disability and educational benefits. 5. Develop and coordinate employee training and staff development programs. 6. Coordinate employee safety activities, including Safety Committee, in-house safety inspections and safety awareness and training activities. 7. Monitor compliance with Affirmative Action guidelines and other state and federal law. 8. Manage worker compensation caseload and coordinate same with third-party administrator. -42- 9. 10. 11. 12. 13 . 14. 15. 16. 17. (Administrative Services tasks continued) Maintain compensation plan; review and recommend salary levels for all City classes. Maintain position classification plan. Moni tor employee relations activities: Coordinate employee relations commi ttee, monitor compliance with Personnel Rules and Regulations, and work with departments to resolve employee relations problems. Work with community agencies, institutions, organizations, and individuals to foster and maintain a positive image for the City. Provide staff support for Tustin Ranch development. Act as Hearing Officer for disciplinary appeals hearing. Provide management level staff support to the City Manager for special projects and studies. Provide lead staff support to Tustin Area Senior Center transition to full operations. Provide lead staff support to customer service program implementation. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Outlay $255,264 $104,698 $ 11,500 $371,462 TOTAL -43- DEPARTMENT :Admi ni strat i on DIVISION: Administrative Services PERSONNEL DETAI L Director of COIIIrUni ty/ Administrative Services Sr. Personnel Analyst Administrative Assistant Personnel Analyst Secretary ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Salaries Ret i rement/Benef i ts Total Personnel Costs Suppl ies & Services _--___00000000_00 Contractual Services Office Expense Departmental Expense Transportation Expense Training & Development Total Supplies & Services Capital Outlay office Furniture Computing Hardware Computer Software Total Capital Outlay DIVISIoN TOTAL: 1989-90 BUDGET DETAIL 1987-88 ACTUAL 1988-89 1989-90 REQUEST BUDGET PROJECTED - 00- - - ---- - - -------- - _00-- 0000- 00_--_--0000- 1 $4,457-$4,457 1 $4,457-$4,457 1 $4,457-$4,914 1 $4,914-$4,914 1 $2,648-$3,219 1 $2,780-$3,380 1 $2,780-$3,380 1 $2,905-$3,531 1 $2,581-$3,138 1 $2,402-$2,920 1 $2,402-$2,920 1 $2,402-$2,920 1 $2,402-$2,920 1 $1,679-$2,040 1 $1,679-$2,040 1 $1,835-$2,231 1 $1,835-$2,231 .- ----- ---- 4 4 4 $125,445 $168,207 $168,207 $210,110 17,086 34,596 34,596 45,154 '-_.00__00_-- 00--00_____-- __--_----00-- _n_--_--_--- $142,531 $202,803 $202,803 $255,264 $33,714 $52,575 $52,575 $54,876 1,622 3,755 4,145 3,943 22,862 25,050 25,050 26,303 4,238 4,237 4,237 4,237 14,460 14,608 14,608 15,339 _00_00--_---- _--u_--_nu --_n_____--- _n----_--n- $76,896 $100,225 $100,615 $104,698 $95 $1,950 $1,950 $1,500 6,098 14,625 14,625 10,000 0 12,375 12,375 0 _-.--_00- unun__n- .-__-.n___u _--__n----_- $6,193 $28,950 $28,950 $11,500 $225,620 $331,978 $332,368 $371,462 -44- CONTRACT INSPECTOR PLAN CHECK CONSULTANTS FIRE MARSHALL HEALTH SERVICES PLAN CHECKER BUILDING INSPECTOR BUILDING OFFICIAL BUILDING INSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISION BUILDING TECHNICIAN BUILDING TECHNICIAN PLAN CHECKER/ SEN. INSPECTOR BUILDING INSPECTOR DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANT DIRECTOR SENIOR PLANNER -------- BUSINESS LICENSE CLERK INTERMEDIATE CLERK ASSOCIATE PLANNER PLANNING TECHNICIAN IMPROVMT. INSPECTOR SPECIAL PROJECTS/ ADVANCED PLANNING ASSOCIATE PLANNER PLANNING COMMISSION SENIOR PLANNER ASSOCIATE PLANNER ASSISTANT PLANNER CURRENT PLANNING L t: DEPARTMENT CLERK :1 I L . ASSOCIATE~ I PLANNER ) : r! ~I 1989-90 BUOGET OETAI L DEPARTMENT SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: COITII1Unity Development 1987-88 19B8-89 1989-90 ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST ------------- -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - --- - - -- - - - - - - - - h----_----_- PERSONNEL OETAI L Full-Time Staff 17 18 18 24 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel --------- Salaries $488,854 $608,458 $535,420 $769,799 Ret i rement/Benef i ts 85,717 133,012 112,020 171,781 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- Total Personnel Costs $574,571 $741,470 $647,440 $941,580 Suppl ies & Services ------------------- Contractual Services $281,658 $469,895 $323,500 $454,700 Office Expense 7,360 7,475 7,000 10,300 Departmental Expense 23,127 27,350 21,300 35,450 Computer Expense 8,222 10,400 12,100 15,200 Transportation Expense 32,167 21,250 20,600 19,400 Training & Development 17,358 25,250 23,150 30,829 ------------- ------------- ------_----h -----u------ Total Supplies & Services $369,892 $561,620 $407,650 $565,879 Capital Outlay -------------- Computer Software ($4) $11,500 $750 $29,500 Office Equipment 0 0 0 750 Office Furniture 3,373 8,300 8,300 9,450 Computing Hardware 13,538 1,000 1,000 42,800 Special Equipment 0 5,000 3,000 3,500 ----------u- ------------- ------------- ------------- Total Capital Outlay $16,907 $25,800 $13,050 $86,000 DEPARTMENT TOTAL $961,370 $1,328,890 $1,068,140 $1,593,459 -46- DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING DESCRIPTION: TASKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The Pl anni ng Di vi si on incl udes current and advanced pl anni ng functi ons. Current Planning provides for the review of proposed development to ensure conformance to City Zoning and development standards including site plan and design review and development permit coordination and tracking. Advanced Planning provides for any needed revisions to the Tustin Area General Plan in order to maintain a viable document reflecting community goals and State statues. Advance planning activities also include staff support to the Redevelopment Agency through monitoring and reviews of proposed developments and public improvements to ensure the revitalization of the Town Center Area and South/Central Project Areas as set forth in each redevelopment plan. Additional responsibilities include CDBG acti vi ti es, busi ness 1 i censes, annexati ons, code enforcement and speci a 1 department projects. The Planning Division provides required staff support to the City Council, Planning Commission and Redevelopment Agency. Process applications for zoning and subdivision permits. Coordinate local land use policies and plans with regional planning agencies. Coordinate zoning and business license enforcement. Prepare reports to the Planning Commission, City Council and Redevelopment Agency concerning zoning, sign and subdivision regulations. Prepare reports to the Pl anni ng Commi ssi on or Ci ty Council concerni ng revi ew of the Tusti n Area General Plan. Prepare annexation and a variety of land use policy studies as directed by the City Council. On-going evaluation of City's specific plans to ensure conformance with stated goals and objectives. -47- (Planning tasks continued) 8. Maintain statistical data concerning population and land use (housing, commercial and industrial) withi n the City. 9. Prepare graphics, reports or studies with regard to the Town Center and South Central Project Areas. 10. Review planning studies and environmental impact reports prepared by other agencies which affect the City of Tustin. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Outlay $ 602,692 $ 182,979 $ 49,600 $ 835,271 TOTAL -48- DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION DESCRIPTION: TASKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The Building Division provides for the establishment of and enforcement of building regulations to ensure that new and existing buildings are safe and suitable for their intended use. The provision also establishes and enforces standards for private infracture improvements. Receive and plan check applications for permits to ensure compliance with State and City building and grading code requirements and City private infrastructure standards. Issue building, plumbing, electrical, mechanical, grading and sign permits. Make daily inspections of residential, commercial and industrial construction and private infrastructure construction to ensure compliance with the approved plans. Certify structures for use and occupancy. Review and make recommendations for the adoption of all uniform codes. Assist the public with technical information regarding City and State codes. DIVISIoN BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Outlay $ 338,888 $ 382,900 $ 36,400 $758,188 TOTAL -51- DEPARTMENT:Corrmunity DeveLopment DIVISION: Building PERSONNEL DETAI L Building Official P Lan Checker PubL ic Works Inspector Bui Lding Inspector BuiLding Technician ACCOUNTING OETAIL Personne L SaLaries Retirement/Benefits TotaL PersonneL Costs Supplies & Services __00_0000_00__-00_- Contracual Services Office Expense Departmental Expense Computer Expense Transportation Expense Training & DeveLopment TotaL Suppl ies & Services CapitaL OutLay ----___---_00- Special Equipment Office Furniture Computer Software Comput i ng Hardware TotaL Capital OutLay DIVISION TOTAL: 1989-90 BUDGET DETAIL 1987-88 ACTUAL 1988-89 1989-90 REQUEST BUDGET PROJECTED _00_----_--_- --- 00_--- 00_- - -------__--_0000- -_---__un_- 1 $3,022-$3,673 1 $3,022-$3,673 1 $3,173-$3,857 1 $3,173-$3,857 1 $2,618-$3,182 1 $2,618-$3,182 1 $2,781-$3,381 2 $2,781-$3,381 1 $2,661-$3,235 3 $2,266-$2,754 3 $2,266-$2,754 3 $2,360-$2,868 3 $2,360-$2,868 1 $1,686-$2,050 1 $1,606-$2,050 1 $1,792-$2,178 2 $1,792-$2,178 00 0000- 0000- _00_- 6 6 6 9 $185,998 $205,252 $192,120 $273,898 34,432 42,700 40,130 64,990 _0000_"__--- 000000_--_"- --_0000_00_00 ------------- $220,430 $247,952 $232,250 $338,888 $234,860 $310,275 $250,000 $325,000 5,490 5,775 3,500 6,300 12,052 13,800 8,800 19,100 0 8,200 7000 9,200 18,378 14,700 14,050 10,600 4,846 10,100 9,300 12,700 _0000___----- __0000_--__-- --__--___0000 _00_"----__- $275,626 $362,850 $292,650 $382,900 $0 $5,000 $3,000 $3,500 451 5,700 5,700 5,100 (55) 9,000 250 27,000 7,006 500 500 800 ----n__- _000000--00_- 00 0000_000000 00_-00_00___- $7,402 $20,200 $9,450 $36,400 $503,458 $631,002 $534,350 $758,188 -52- DESCRIPTION OF CAPITAL OUTLAY AND ACCOUNTS $20.000 OR MORE DEPARTMENT: BUILDING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION ACCOUNT 1988-89 $310.275 1989-90 $325,000 DESCRIPTION PROFESSIONAL AND CONSULTING CAPITAL OUTLAY 1988-89 $ 20.200 1989-90 $ 36.400 Provides $105.000 for building plan check, $95,000 for grading plan check, $75.000 for private streets, storm drain and other improvement plan check. and $50.000 for contract building inspection all largely a function of development activity in East Tustin. The account is di rectly offset by fees charged for plan check and permits. All new code books (1500); measuring devices, tools (500); radio base station or radios (I200); carrying cases for manual and tools (300); 50% cost of television, VCR and camera for training (900); drafting table and chairs (1500); file cabinet (300); calculators (300); 35mm camera and instant camera (400) ; photocopy machine for trailer (1O00); new plan checker set-up (750); inspector -53- Building Page two CAPITAL OUTLAY DESCRIPTION (cont') computing hardware and software upgrades to replace Micom (16.875); additional printer (800); software for building tracking system 00,000) . -54- DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURE PROGRAMS DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: ADMINISTRATION ENGINEERING STREETS PARKS TREES FACILITIES MAINTENANCE VEHICLES DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/ CITY ENGINEER ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT (1) SECRETARY (1) DEPARTMENT CLERK (1.3) EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT CLERK (.7) I I l ENGINEERING SERVICES MANAGER (1) I FIELD SERVICES MANAGER I I DEPARTMENT CLERK (1) I I I I STR EETS/PAR KSrrR E ES/ WATER ENGINEERING DIVISION VEHICLES/FACILITIES SERVICES DIVISION DIVISION -------- - - - - CONSULT TRAFFIC ENGINEER (1) MAINT. FOREMAN (4) WATER CON SUPR (1) ASST. CIVIL ENGINEER (2) EQUIP. MECHANIC (3) EQUIP. OPERATOR (1) DRAFTOR (1) EQUIP. OPERATOR (3) MAINT. WORKER (8) JA. CIVIL ENGINEER (2) LEADPERSON (4) MAINT. SUPERVISOR (1) ENGINEERING AIDE (1) TREE TRIMMER (2) WATER ENGINEER (1) SA. PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR (1) MAINT. WORKER (22) PLANT OPERATOR (1) PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR (2) MECHANIC HELPER (1) LEADWORKER (1) ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER (2) CUSTODIAN (4) TRANSPORTATION ENGINEER (1) DEPARTMENT :Publ i c Works PERSONNEL DETAIL Full-Time Staff ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Salaries Retirement/Benefits Total Persomel Costs Supplies & Services - 00- -- -- - 00 00 - -- - 00 Contractual Services Office Expense Departmental Expense Faci! ities Expense C~ter Expense Transportation Expense Training & Development Total Supplies & Services Capital Outlay __0000__--0000 C~ter Software Office Equipment Office Furniture C~ting Hardware Departmenta l Equi pment Construction Equipment Trucks Total Capital Outlay DEPARTMENT TOTAL 1989-90 BUDGET DETAIL DEPARTMENT SUMMARY 1987-88 ACTUAL 1988-89 1989-90 REQUEST BUDGET PROJECTED _00_--000000. -__00--- - ._00- - 00_- .0000__--00- 00__00_000000 52 58 58 64 $1,304,859 $1,748,669 $1,410,781 $1,967,411 $261,703 $461,481 $397,559 $611,181 0000____0000- 00_-000000__- 00.__00_-0000 -_.0000__--00 $1,566,562 $2,210,150 $1,808,340 $2,578,592 $185,916 $274,724 $304,946 $285,700 8,129 4,778 7,275 8,725 841,512 1,090,725 997,466 1,011,264 294,306 304,363 305, 190 348,490 0 0 0 0 283,206 333,592 229,348 284,453 15,213 13,550 10,598 17,050 --0000__--00- 0000--_000000 00-00__0000" _00__0000___- $1,628,282 $2,021,732 $1,854,823 $1,955,682 $631 $4,870 $4,870 $15,000 0 5,700 5,700 2,900 2,503 0 900 3,500 23,682 24,324 24,324 1,200 4,258 137,532 92,395 15,635 464 214,150 278,450 93,500 0 31,800 12,786 20,945 00_--00_00"- --_00___00_00 n..nn_n_- 00__.00_00__- $31,538 $418,376 $419,425 $152,680 $3,226,382 $4,650,258 $4,082,588 $4,686,954 -55- DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: ADMINISTRATION DESCRIPTION: The Administration Division coordinates and provides direction to all Public Works divisions and Water Department field operations. This division provides research and analysis of current and proposed public works projects to ensure benefit, safety and convenience to the community and general public. TASKS: 1. Prepare a management audit of all Public Works divisions. 2. Maintain the vehicular purchase program. 3. Search for and promote County, State and/or Federal grants for cooperative Capital Improvement Projects. 4. Develop and administer the Department's fiscal operations budget and capital improvement plan. 5. Prepare a departmental productivity program. 6. Administer contracts and franchises. 7. Administer and process legal aspects related to the department. 8. Legislative analysis with respect to Public Works and utilities. 9. Administer State and Federal Programs relating to Public Works. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Outlay $283,087 66,592 18,400 TOTAL $368,079 -56- 1989-90 BUDGET DETAIL DEPARTMENT:Publ ic \lorks DIVISION: Adninistration 1987-88 ACTUAL 1988-89 BUDGET PROJECTED 1989-90 REQUEST ---00_--0000- __00______--------------------- ___00__--0000 PERSONNEL DETAI L Di rector of Publ ic \lorks Adninistration Assistant Field Services Manager Secretary Department Clerk 1 $5,202-$5,202 1 $2,485-$3,021 1 $3,428-$4,167 1 $1,679-$2,041 2 $1,594-$1,937 6 1 $5,202-$5,202 1 $2,485-$3,021 1 $3,428-$4,167 1 $1,679-$2,041 2 $1,594-$1,937 6 1 $5,462-$5,462 1 $5,462-$5,462 1 $2,342-$2,847 0.5 $2,342-$2,847 1 $3,725-$4,528 1 $3,725-$4,528 1 $1,835-$2,231 1 $1,835-$2,231 2 $1,742-$2,118 2.3 $1,742-$2,118 -- 00__- 6 5.8 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel nn____- Salaries $202,182 $229,454 $222,400 $226,640 Ret i rement/Benef i ts 26,416 50,332 47,018 56,447 00_--_00"_00 00_"00_"_00 n_"_n___n -_--_n--_n- Total Personnel Costs $228,598 $279,786 $269,418 $283,087 Supplies & Services --_-__n__--nn__- Contractual Services $6,692 $525 $5,000 $551 Office Expense 8,129 4,778 7,275 8,725 Departmental Expense 7,655 27,643 25,500 31,600 Transportation Expense 7,284 7,389 7,389 12,166 Training & Development 14,442 10,800 10,500 13,550 _nn__nn-- _n___n_n_- nnUnn__- 0000__0000_. Total Suppl ies & Services $44,202 $51,135 $55,664 $66,592 Capital Outlay 00__-__00____- Departmental Equipment $998 $500 $500 $3,500 Office Equipment 0 2,100 2,100 900 C~ting Hardware 4,872 2,055 2,055 0 Computer Software 631 1,870 1,870 14,000 n._nu-n_- nu.n_-_n- 00__.0000_00- n-nnu--. Total Capital Outlay $6,501 $6,525 $6,525 $18,400 DIVISION TOTAL: $279,301 $337,446 $331,607 $368,079 -57- DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: 4010 ADMINISTRATION DIVISION ACCOUNT Computing software Office equipment Department equipment DESCRIPTIÓN OF ACCOUNTS $20,000 OR MORE AND CAPITAL OUTLAY . 1988-89 DESCRIPTION 1989-90 $1,870 I~ventory and repair software for: Streets $4,000; Trees $3,500 and Vehicles $6,500 $14,000 $2,100 $900 File cabinets $500 $3,500 Disk translation service -58- DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: ENGINEERING DESCRIPTION: The Engineering Division designs and prepares plans for the City's Capital Improvement Program; Inspects all projects within the public right of way; maintains records to promote the general safety and well being of the community; and, coordinates all inter/Intra community related regional traffic pertinent to pedestrian and vehicular safety and flow. TASKS: 1. Prepare plans, cost estimates and reports for Capital Improvement projects. 2. Plan check subdivision/parcel maps and construction inspectiol1lnvolving public improvements. 3. Warrant stuçlies for traffic: signing, signalization, crossing guard request and etc. 4. City wide traffic studies inclusive of but not limited to: arterial highway classification review; new development impact; and, modification and synchrinizatlon of the traffic signal system. 5. Monitor traffic safety program. 6. Traffic count program to provide data for traffic and market studies. 7. Maintenance of maps, records and reports for all public improvements. 8. Public assistance to include but not limited to response to engineering related inquires, concerns and complaints. 9. Contract administration and techinical assistance to other City departments and outside agencies. 10. Administration of East Tustin Assessment District(s). 11. Administration of Landscape and Lighting District(s). 12. Engineering services to Water Department Operations. -59- I 0'> 0 I -f 0 -f > r oo~ 11> "0 CD "OCD~ ;:+¡;)~ ~-::> -. :J ~g~ -'" ¡;,- '< fit .... ~ ..., CO ~ ..., fit (ToG> J\)'¡:' CO(o)G> m:""êD OJ\)CO O(o)'¡:' 0 <: Ci5 0 z m c 0 (j) m :-:I DEPARTMENT:Publ ic Works DIVISION: Engineering PERSONNEL DETAIL Engineering Services Manager Associate Civil Engineer Assistant Civi l Engineer Junior Civil Engineer Draftsman Engineering Aide Sr. Public Works Inspector Publ i c Works Inspector Transportation Engineer ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Salari es Retirement/Benefits Total Personnel Costs Suppl i es & Servi ces -----------....---- Contracual Services Departmental Expense Coo.,uter Expense Transportation Expense Training & Development Total Suppl ies & Services Capital Outlay __----00_00_" Passenger Vehicles Office Furniture Office Equipment Coo.,uter Software Coo.,uting Hardware Total Capital Outlay DIVISION TOTAL: 1989-90 BUDGET DETAr L 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST _--_000000--- 00-- ---- __00- --- --.._- _00_00_00 00_00_--_- 1 $3,428-$4,167 1 $3,428-$4,167 1 $3,725-$4,528 1 $3,725-$4,528 2 $3,056-$3,711 2 $3,056-$3,711 2 $3,056-$3,711 4 $2,663-$3,237 2 $2,663-$3,237 2 $2,778-$3,374 2 $2,778-$3,374 1 $2,415-$2,935 1 $2,415-$2,935 1 $2,519-$3,061 2 $2,519-$3,061 1 $1,968-$2,392 1 $1,968-$2,392 1 $1,968-$2,392 1 $1,968-$2,392 1 $1,872-$2,275 1 $1,872-$2,275 1 $1,968-$2,392 1 $1,968-$2,392 1 $2,520-$3,063 1 $2,520-$3,063 1 $2,778-$3,377 1 $2,778-$3,377 1 $2,420-$2,942 2 $2,420-$2,942 2 $2,572-$3,126 2 $2,572-$3,126 1 $3,056-$3,714 1 $3,056-$3,714 1 $3,056-$3,714 .. 00--- ----- - -- 00 10 12 12 13 $338,758 $460,372 $305,510 $517,484 55,467 98,082 80,862 129,411 __00_--00_"- 0000__--_--00 __00--00_0000 00--_"___00- $394,225 $558,454 $386,372 $646,895 $66,497 $161,800 $211,800 $172,250 199,891 258,100 212,400 339,935 0 0 0 0 11,030 8,549 8,549 10,938 0 0 0 0 _0000_--__"- __00__--_--00 0000--_--00_- _--___00_00-- $277,418 $428,449 $432,749 $523,123 $0 $13,300 $13,300 $3,000 2,503 0 900 3,500 0 3,600 3,600 2,000 $0 3,000 3,000 1,000 $0 9,000 9,000 0 ---_00_00--" --_00____---- ____--00____- --00___--00- $2,503 $28,900 $29,800 $9,500 $674,146 $1,015,803 $848,921 $1,179,518 -61- DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: 4020 ENGINEERING DIVISION ACCOUNT ArchetectlEngineering Services Personnel Services Signal Maintenance Damage Street Light Energy Signal Maintenance Routine Signal Energy Office equipment Office furniture Computing software Construction equipment DESCRIPTION OF ACCOUNTS $20,000 OR MORE AND CAPITAL OUTLAY. 1988-89 1989-90 DESCRIPTION $83,500 $90,000 Provides for consultant services for engineering programs and Capital Improvement Projects. $78,300 - $82,250 Consultant Traffic Engineer which takes the place of the full time Traffic Engineer eliminated in Fiscal 1983-84 and a Traffic technician for special projects. $42,000 $62,100 Based on experienced costs for the past three years amd the proposed growth of 15 signals for Fiscal 1989-90 $29,900 $37,920 Electrical energy for street lighting. $47,000 $57,765 Contractual service for routine maintenance of traffic signals; cost includes system growth of 15 signals in Fiscal 1989-90. $135,000 $177,750 Electrical energy for traffic signals including proposed system growth of 15 signals in fiscal 1989-90. $3,600 -: $2,000 Hanging file. $3,500 Engineering station. $3,000 $1,000 Hydrology software. $13,300 $3,000 Traffic counters. -62- DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: STREETS DESCRIPTION: The Street Division ensures the aesthetic image and safe environment desired by the community through scheduled street sweeping, signing and striping and by maintaining all streets, sidewalks, bike trails, median, parkways, storm drains and catch basins within the public right of way. TASKS: 1. Maintain asphaltic concrete paved areas in public areas through in-house repairs and administration of contractual services. 2. Maintain all publicly owned storm drain, catch basins and surface drainage facilities. 3. Maintain all turf and foilage within the street medians/parkways and grounds of City Facilities. 4. Weed abatement and litter control programs in the public right of way. 5. Administer street striping contract and paint on street traffic controls as needed. 6. Maintain traffic signing program as directed by the Engineering Division, Traffic Section. 7. Scheduled sweeping of lìtreets, bike trails and parking lots throughout the City. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Outlay $585,048 677,662 61,400 TOTAL $1,324,110 -63- 1989-90 BUDGET DETAIL DEPARTMENT:Publ ic Works DIVISION: Streets BUDGET PROJECTED 1989-90 REQUEST 1987-88 ACTUAL 1988-89 -..---------- ------..-.------------..-----.- -----------.. PERSONNEL DETAIL Maintenance Supervisor Maintenance Leadman Equipment Operator Maintenance Worker 1 $2,031-$2,469 1 $2,031.$2,469 1 $2,257.$2,743 1 $2,257-$2,743 1 $2,031-$2,469 1 $2,031-$2,469 1 $2,031-$2,469 1 $2,031-$2,469 2 $1,797-$2,184 3 $1,797-$2,184 3 $1,898-$2,307 3 $1,898-$2,307 8 $1,530-$2,050 9 $1,530-$2,050 9 $1,623-$2,175 11 $1,623-$2,175 -- --_u _u-- -.-- 12 14 14 16 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel _u.----. Salaries $238,142 $376,391 $316,351 $441,398 Reti rement/Benef i ts 62,682 110,237 92,292 143,648 ...---------- n_._...u_n n____.""-- ---...------. Total Personnel Costs $300,824 $486,628 $408,643 $585,046 Suppl ies & Services -----------..-..... Contractual Services $21,242 $17,850 $11,017 $47,200 Departmental Expense 556,527 712,543 684,811 537,869 Faci l ities Expense 32,990 17,995 18,325 23,300 Transportation Expense 78,918 66,479 66,479 69,293 Training & Development 358 0 98 0 --._...-.---- _--n._--.'" n--_----.n- _____n_'_._- Total Suppl ies & Services $690,035 $814,867 $780,730 $677,662 Capital Outlay ..._u_--n--- Special Equipment $1,516 $0 $0 $0 Departmenta l Equi pment 21,410 25,650 3,400 Constr. & Maint. Equipment 156,800 156,800 58,000 n.',-'------ --n----."'- _n----_nn- ..----------- Total Capital Outlay $1,516 $178,210 $182,450 $61,400 DIVISION TOTAL: $992,375 $1,479,705 $1,371,823 $1,324,108 -64- '" DESCRIPTION OF ACCOUNTS $20,000 OR MORE AND CAPITAL OUTLAY DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: 4030 STREETS DIVISION ACCOUNT 1988-89 1989-90 Refuse $17,850 $47,200 Sign Maintenance and $65,625 $72,188 Striping Sidewalk Construction $325,884 $119,800 Street and Alley repair $205,396 $225,936 Traffic Signs and Paint $42,000 $44,100 Vehicle equipment lease $66,479 $69,293 Departmental equipment $25,650 $3,400 DESCRIPTION Landfill fees reflecting increased ton age due to East Tustin and increased rates. Annual contractual service for street striping and specialty painting. Annual contract for sidwalk installation. Maintenance of asphaltic concrete surfaces. Materials for in house- street painting and signing program. Annual lease rate for all vehicular equipment assigned to the street division. Edgers (3) - $725; 25" mower (2) - $650; 21" mower (1) - $450; chainsaw (1) - $300; hedge trimmer (1) - $350; 25" Snapper Rotary mower (1) - $650 and McClane edger (1) $275. Construction equipment $156,800 $58,000 Tractor (1) - $33,000; one ton truck (1) - $21,000; and irrigation remote $4,000. -65- DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: PARKS DESCRIPTION: The Park Division maintains all City parks to ensure the desired aesthetic image of the community, promote the general well beirig~of the citizenry. TASKS: 1. Maintain turf in parks on a scheduled basis. 2. Maintain park irrigation system to ensure proper watering baing mindful of water conservation. 3. Maintain foil age by spraying, removal and/or replacement as required. 4. Litter control program in parks. 5. Graffitti removal program in parks and public right óf way. 6. Regular maintenance and repair of park play equipment, structures and eating facilities. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Outlay $336,669 180,574 23,820 TOTAL $541,063 -66- DEPARTMENT:Publ ic lIorks DIVISION: Parks PERSONNEL DETAIL Maintenance Supervisor Mai ntenance Leadnan Maintenance lIorker ACCOUNTING OETAIL Personne l Salaries Ret; rement/Benef i ts Total Personnel Costs Suppl ies & Services - -- -- - -- - - 00 - 00 00 00 Contracual Services Facilities Expense Departmenta l Expense Transportation Expense Training & Development Total Suppl ies & Services Capital Outlay ---__--_0000 Construction Equi¡:xnent Oepartmental Equipment Mobile Equipment Computer Software Total Capital Outlay DIVISION TOTAL: 1989-90 BUDGET DETAI L 1987-88 ACTUAL 1988-89 1989-90 BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST 00- - nh----__- -- _-_0000- noon -"--_--00 1 $2,031-$2,469 1 $2,257-$2,743 1 $2,257-$2,743 1 $2,031-$2,469 1 $2,031-$2,469 1 $2,031-$2,469 7 $1,530-$2,050 7 $1,623-$2,175 8 $1,623-$2,175 00 ----- _0000 9 9 10 -_----0000_00 1 $2,031-$2,469 7 $1,530-$2,050 8 $250,370 $218,485 $171,000 $249,102 56,244 70,449 59,397 87,567 000000__--_00 _n_n----_h __00000000_00 -___000000_00 $306,614 $288,934 $230,397 $336,669 $10,979 $12,550 $27,405 $12,500 61,441 87,886 73,000 92,800 58,164 56,295 42,500 57,085 11,878 20,521 20,521 18,189 20 0 0 0 __0000_000000 00_------0000 0000_00--_00- 0000_00000000 $142,482 $177,252 $163,426 $180,574 $0 $21,000 $59,500 $0 0 29,322 10,220 2,875 0 18,500 0 20,945 0 900 0 0 000000------- ______0000_00 0000000000_00 ____0000_0000 $0 $69,722 $69,720 $23,820 $449,096 $535,908 $463,543 $541,D63 -67- DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: 4040 PARKS DIVISION ACCOUNT Sports lighting Water Park supplies Construction equipment Department equipment DESCRIPTION OF, ACCOUNTS $20,000 OR MORE AND CAPITAL OUTLAY 1988-89 1989-90 DESCRIPTION $38,000 $41,800 Lighting for ball fields, tennis courts and demand charges. $37,250 , $37,000 Water for all parks. $47,250 $40,200 Includes: sprays, fertilizers, custodial supplies, repair parts and etc. $59,500 $20,945 3/4 ton pick up (1) - $17,000; Tandum axel trailer (1) $1,745 and irrigation remote $2,200. $10,220 $2,875 Pager (1) - $275; Back pack blower (3) - $1,050; chain saw (1) - $300 and Portable mig welder (1) $1,250. ", -68- DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: TREES DESCRIPTION: The Tree Division maintains trees located in the public right of way and on public properties for the preservation of environmental quality and aesthetic imagery. TASKS: 1. Trimming, lifting and general health care of all publicly owned trees. 2. Planting of public trees mandated by new development. 3. Removal/replacement of publicly owned trees as directed by the City Council. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operations . Capital Outlay $234,591 61,247 35,510 TOTAL $331,348 -69- DEPARTMENT:Publ ic lIorks DIVISION: Trees PERSONNEL DETAIL Maintenance leadman Tree Trinmer Maintenance lIorker ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Salaries Retirement/Benefi ts Total PersonneL Costs Suppl ies & Services - 00 00- -- 00 00 00 00- ContracuaL Services Departmenta L Expense Transportation Expense Total Supplies & Services Capital OutLay Construction Equipment Other Department Equipment Total Capital Outlay DIVISION TOTAL: 1989-90 BUDGET DETAIL 1987-88 ACTUAL 1988-89 1989-90 REQUEST BUDGET PROJECTED -_-0000000000 - - - - - - - 00 - - - - - - 00 - - - - 0 - - - - - 00 00 000000--___00 1 $1,873-$2,277 2 $1,775-$2,157 4 $1,530-$2,050 7 1 $1,873-$2,277 2 $1,m-$2,157 4 $1,530-$2,050 7 1 $2,031-$2,469 2 $1,882-$2,288 4 $1,623-$2,175 7 1 $2,031-$2,469 2 $1,882-$2,288 4 $1,623-$2,175 7 $69,918 $162,671 $152,707 $170,990 17,888 49,085 48,145 63,601 _00_0000_0.0- 00--_____--00 -__0000_0000- _00_00_00_00- $87,806 $211,756 $200,852 $234,591 $30,178 $40,000 $13,820 $10,000 13,789 27,968 26,565 32,225 0 14,566 14,566 19,022 -0000_00_00_- _000000_0000- _00___00_0000 ___000000_00- $43,967 $82,534 $54,951 $61,247 $464 $23,050 $48,850 $32,500 0 28,500 0 3,010 _000. -------,..---- _0000_00____- UUU-_nn- $464 $51,550 $48,850 $35,510 $132,237 $345,840 $304,653 $331,348 -70- DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: 4050 TREES DIVISION ACCOUNT Construction Equipment Department equipment DESCRIPTION OF ACCOUNTS $20,000 OR MORE AND CAPITAL OUTLAY 1988-89 1989-90 DESCRIPTION $48,850 $32,500 Root pruner (1) - $6,000 and Chipper truck (1) $26,500. $3,010 Chainsaw chain 3/8" 'x 400' - $760; Chainsaws (3) $900; large chain saw (1) - $1,000 and Back pack blower (1)- $350. ' -71- DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS ~, DIVISION: EQUIPMENTNEHIClES DESCRIPTION: The Equipment/Vehicle Maintenance Division provides general repair and preventative maintenance' for City vehicles and other mechanical equipment as well as maintaining a vehicular/equipment' history for timely replacements and/or new purchases in a cost effective manner. TASKS: 1. Perform major/minor repairs on vehicular and othe mechanical equipment. 2. Maintain preventative maintenance program on vehicular and. mechanical equipment. 3. Coordinates major mechanical repairs with private sector. 4. Provide fuel and fuel usage reports for City, Water enterprise fund and Tustin Unified School District. 5. Licensing/inspection of vehicles required by State Department of Motor Vehicles. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Outiay $182,341 162,590 2,500 TOTAL, $347,431 - 72- 1989-90 BUDGET DETAI l DEPARTMENT:Publ ic lIorks DIVISION: Equipment/Vehicles 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST 00_00__00_00- -_00_00000000 - -- n- - _00-- - __on 00_0000--___- PERSONNEL DETAIL Maintenance Supervisor 1 $2,031-$2,469 1 $2,031-$2,469 1 $2,257-$2,743 1 $2,257-$2,743 Equipment Mechanic 2 $1,951-$2,371 2 $1,951-$2,371 2 $2,080-S2,529 3 $2,080-$2,529 Maintenance Helper 1 S1,469-$1,786 1 $1,469-$1,786 1 $1,594-S1,938 1 $1,594-$1,938 00_00 0000- ---- 4 4 4 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel 00_00_--- Salaries $114,686 $117,750 $117,866 $136,849 Ret i rement/Benef i ts 26,376 35,164 33,782 45,492 __000000----- 000000__--__- U--__n_uu U--n--un Total Personnel Costs $141,062 $152,914 $151,648 $182,341 Supplies & Services 00 00 - - - 00- - - 00 - 00 00 Contractual Services $0 SO $0 $1,200 Departmental Expense 3,191 4,647 3,485 7,600 Transportation Expense 173,020 214,980 110,736 153,790 Training & Development 224 0 0 0 _000000__---- _U----__n_- _U__n_--u- 00__--_-_0000 Total Suppl ies & Services $176,435 $219,627 $114,221 $162,590 Capital Outlay _0000000000_-- Computing Hardware $18,810 $13,269 $13,269 $1,200 Departmental Equipment 1,744 47,000 47,000 1,300 00000000_00_- ___00_00_0000 n___u_uu- ---_00_00_00 Total Capital Outlay $20,554 $60,269 $60,269 $2,500 DIVISION TOTAL: $338,051 $432,810 $326,138 $347,431 - 73- DESCRIPTION OF ACCOUNTS $20,000 OR MORE AND CAPITAL OUTLAY DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: 4060 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE DIVISION ACCOUNT 1988-89 1989-90 DESCRIPTION Vehicle operations $109,725 $55,000 Purchased fuel and oil. Vehicle repairs $84,525 $88,751 Repairs for all general service and police vehicles. Computer hardware $13,269 $1,200 80 megabite tape back-up. Department equipment Disc rotor grinder (1) - $800 and Antenna meter (1)- $500. . -74- DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: FACILITIES MAINTENANCE DESCRIPTION: The Facility Maintenance Division performs custodial services and building maintenance/repair to provide a clean, healthy and safe environment for the employees and general public as well as being responsible for all public building(s) security. TASKS: 1. Custodial services in: City Hall, Council Chambers, Community Center, Police facility, Maintenance and Water facilities and Senior Center. 2. Building repairs in all public facilities inclusive of but not limited to: structural, plumbing, electrical and painting. 3. Maintenance tasks in all public facilities Inclusive of but not limited to: building security and special functions. 4. Supervise and assist in contractual building repairs. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Outlay $285,658 278,370 1,550 TOTAL $565,578 -75- DEPARTMENT:Public \/orks DIVISION: Faci I Hies Maintenance PERSONNEL DETAI L Maintenance Supervisor Maintenance \/orker Custodi an ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Salaries Ret i rement/Benef i ts Total Personnel Costs Suppl ies & Services uu_-uuuu--- Contracual Services Facilities Expense Departmental Expense T ransportat i on Expense Training & Development Total Suppl ies & Services Capital Outlay _u_----u-- Other Dept. Equipment Trucks Total Capital Outlay DIVISION TOTAL: 1989-90 BUDGET DETAI L 1987-88 ACTUAL 1988-89 1989-90 REQUEST BUDGET PROJECTED ---------_u_-------_u_------- uu_uuuu 1 $2,257-$2,743 1 $1,530-$2,050 3 $1,259-$1,786 1 $2,031-$2,469 1 $1,530-$2,050 4 $1,469-$1,938 6 1 $2,257-$2,743 1 $1,623-$1,938 4 $1,558-$2,055 6 1 $2,257-$2,743 1 $1,623-$1,938 4 $1,558-$2,055 6 $90,803 $173,546 $124,947 $205,556 16,630 48,132 36,063 80,102 u_uuuu-- _u_----_uu u_----_u_u _u_uu_uu $107,433 $221,678 $161,010 $285,658 $50,328 $4 1 ,999 $35,904 $4 1 , 999 199,875 198,482 213,865 232,390 2,295 2,529 2,205 2,925 1,076 1,108 1,108 1,055 169 0 0 0 _uuuuu_- uuu--_uu _u_--_uuu --_uu_u_u $253,743 $244,118 $253,082 $278,369 $0 $10,800 $9,025 $1,550 13,300 12,786 0 ---_-nnuu _uuuuu.. uunuu.-- _uuu_--u- $0 $24,100 $21,811 $1,550 $361,176 $489,896 $435,903 $565,577 -76- DESCRIPTION OF ACCOUNTS $20,000 OR MORE AND CAPITAL OUTLAY DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: 4070 BUILDING FACILITIES DIVISION ACCOUNT 1988-89 1989-90 DESCRIPTION HVAC $42,000 $42,000 Computerized HV AC maintenance contract for the Civic Center complex and Maintenance facility. . Building maintenance and repair $31,500 $34,650 Major and minor building repairs In the Civic Center complex, Maintenance facility and Senior Center. Electric $92,400 $103,210 Electricity for Civic Center complex, Maintenance facility and Senior Center. Telephone $51,450 $65,500 Telephone service for Civic Center complex, Main- tenance and Water facilities and mobile units. Department equipment $10,800 . $1,550 Vacuum cleaner (1) - $350; 15" miter saw (1) - $500 and Disk-belt sander (1) - $700. ~, -77- DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: EMERGENCY SERVICES DESCRIPTION: The Emergency Services Division Is responsible for preparation and Implementation of the City's emergency service/disaster preparedness program. Under Federal and State guidelines. the division organizes City forces and community responses to natural or civil disasters and/or disturbances. TASKS: 1. Continue State and Federal training in emergency services. 2. Continue prèparation of the City's Multi-Hazard Functional Plan. 3. Develop City response training program. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Outlay $24,305 5,525 0 TOTAL $29,830 I . I I -78- DEPARTMENT: Publ i c \lorks DIVISION: Emergency Services PERSONNEL DETAI L Adninistrative Assistant Department Clerk ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Salaries Retirement/Benefits Total Personnel Costs Suppl ies & Services - - - - 0000 00 00 00 00 00- Contracual Services Facilities Expense Departmental Expense Transportation Expense Training & Development Total Supplies & Services Capital Outlay ______00__00 Other Dept. Equi pment Trucks Total Capital Outlay DIVISION TOTAL: 1989-90 BUDGET DETAIL 1987-88 ACTUAL 1988-89 1989-90 REQUEST BUDGET PROJECTED 0000_0000___- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - 00- 00__-00000000 0 0.5 $2,342-$2,847 0.7 $1,742-$2,118 1.2 0 0 SO S10,OOO SO S19,392 0 0 0 4,913 _000000_0000- -___00_00_00- U_n__-uu- 0000--___-_00 SO S10,000 $0 $24,305 $0 SO SO SO $0 0 SO 0 SO 1,000 SO 2,025 SO 0 SO 0 SO 2,750 SO 3,500 Uuuuuu- 00___-__-00_- 0000000000__- _000000000000 SO S3,750 $0 S5,525 SO SO SO SO 0 0 0 000000000000- __-nnuuu '0000_00_00-- -_---00000000 SO SO SO SO SO S13,750 SO S29,830 -79- 0 0 0 ... rrI rrI < "'Q "'Q ... > > (I) ;Q ;Q ... -t -t 0 :z :z z rrI rrI Z Z -t -t rrI >< V1 ... "T' > "'Q "'Q rrI Z ... 0 0 rrI ;Q < rrI :Z r- Z < IT1 r- ... ... 0 ... (I) 0 z n ... n -t .... rrI -t rrI ... 0 (I) c: (I) WI "'Q -t ;Q > rrI ;:Q rrI -t ;Q > ... > -t "'Q 0 -t ... ;:Q Z ... 0 0 (I) 0 Z Ci) Z ;:Q (I) > :z (I) CONSULTANT RESERVES CHIEF OF POLICE TRAFFIC SUPV. 1 SGT. 7 OFFICERS 1 CSO-A.1. 1 CLERK 1 PCO 1 PfT X/COORD. 24 XlGUARDS 1 SGT SPECIAL INVEST SUPERVISOR 3 INVES- TIGATORS 2CSO 1 DEPT CLERK VICE/INTELL NARCO ECONOMIC CRIME CRT LlA/WARR INVESTIGATION/SERVICES DIVISION CAPTAIN 1 SGT GENERAL SUPERVISOR 5 INVES- TIGATORS 1 DEPT CLERK CRIMES/PERS CRIMES/PROP JUVENILE MISC FOLLOW-UP 1 PIT AIDE 3CSO 8 CLERKS 1 PIT AIDE RECORDS STATS EDP WORD PROC DUPLICATION TECH. SERVo 1 SGT. FISCAL MG T PLANNINw RESEARCH AUTOMATI-'~ 1 OFFICE! 1 DEPT CLE.HK 1 PROP OFC 1 PROP Air'": 1 PfT AID PERSONfTR r PROP/EVID EOUIP/BLDG MAINTENAt ; PURCHASI ~ DEPARTMENT:Pol ice PERSONNEL DETA! L Full-Time Staff ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Salaries Ret i rement/Benef i ts Total Personnel Costs Suppl ies & Services Contractual Services Office Expense Departmental Expense Canine Expense Computer Expense Transportation Expense Training & Development Total Supplies & Services Capital Outlay Computer Software Office Equipment Off i ce Furni ture Computing Hardware Departmental Equipment ColTllUnications Equipment Passenger Vehicles Police Vehicles Total Capital Out lay DEPARTMENT TOTAL 1989-90 BUDGET DETAIL DEPARTMENT SUMMARY 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST --- - -. ..---- ---- -.... -..--- -- nn- --..-........ 94 97 101 109 $3,431,381 $4,106,743 $3,784,007 $4,375,951 $698,899 $1,179,597 $1,100,958 $1,277,328 ---_"""n- --.....----.. "__n----_.. --___n___.. $4,130,280 $5,286,340 $4,884,965 $5,653,279 $37,DOO $30,275 $31,275 $37,025 25,384 32,500 34,354 34,757 134,508 206,822 217,464 213,635 12,811 14,491 14,491 12,759 32,358 33,617 42,775 44,496 124,298 177,040 177,04D 260,599 91,317 110,125 11D,125 116,426 --n--_.. n--n_--.... ----....-..-- -------..--- $457,676 $604,870 $627,524 $719,697 $0 $0 $0 $0 0 9,500 9,500 0 0 0 0 0 11,227 0 0 0 0 77,837 77,837 104,988 0 0 0 0 0 35,981 35,981 0 12,637 16,374 16,374 0 _--___n- "_"----n_- "--n----__- "-----_-n_- $23,864 $139,692 $139,692 $104,988 $4,611,820 $6,030,902 $5,652,181 $6,477,964 -80- DEPARTMENT : POLICE DIVISION: ADMINISTRATION/CRIME PREVENTION The Administration/Crime Prevention Division provides leadership and management direction to all Police Department functions. Its primary responsibility is to ensure that the Department's purpose of providing protection to life and property through crime and accident prevention, detection and apprehension is achieved. The Administration and Crime Prevention Division is also responsible for maintaining open lines of communication between the Police Department and the Community. DESCRIPTION: TASKS : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Crime prevention is achieved through educating the community about safety awareness. Crime statistics are maintained and research projects conducted to assist all Department Division in achieving the Police Department's goal of reducing crime. Provide administrative leadership to the entire Department. Provide budget direction and control. Review and implement new programs to enhance effectiveness of Department. Provide supervision and direction to the Crime Prevention Unit. Ensure free flow of internal and external information. Participate in citywide team management concepts. Provide training and learning opportunities to all police personnel as it relates to their individual task assignments. Provide direction and analysis to staff projects. -81- (Administration tasks continued) 9. Coordinate with other law enforcement agencies, local, state and federal. 10. Coordinate Police Department activities with other City Departments. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel $ 451,313 Operat ions $ 59,839 Capital Outlay $ 0 TOTAL $ 511,152 -82- DEPARTMENT:Pol ice DIVISION: Administration PERSONNEL DETAIL Pol ice Chief Captain Pol ice Officer Office Coordinator Division Secretary Coom. Services Officer ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Salaries Reti rement/Benefi ts Total Persomel Costs Suppl ies & Services - - - - -- 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 Contractual Services Office Expense Departmental Expense Transportation Expense Training & Development Total Suppl ies & Services Capital Outlay _00000000_0000 1989-90 BUDGET DETAIL 19B7-88 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST --_u__u_u- u_u 00 00- ---u-__n_- 00 00 u_u _0000----- 1 55,389-55,389 1 55,389-55,389 1 55,658-55,658 1 $6,666-56,666 2 53,990-54,850 2 53,990-54,850 2 54,190-55,093 2 54,190-55,093 1 52,422-52,943 1 52,422-52,943 1 52,643-53,213 1 52,643-53,213 1 52,007-52,440 1 $2,007-$2,440 1 $2,194-$2,667 1 $2,194-$2,667 151,748-$2,124 1 $1,748-52,124 1 $1,910-52,322 1 $1,910-$2,322 1 51,650-$2,005 1 $1,650-$2,005 1 $1,733-52,106 1 $1,733-$2,106 -- u_n 0000- _00- 7 7 7 7 $276,616 $334,028 $283,266 $346,368 57,251 93,876 87,397 104,945 00_0000_00_-- _0000__-_0000 000000--_0000 ---_0000_0000 $333,867 5427,904 5370,663 $451,313 575 5800 $800 53,300 2,042 1,662 1,702 40D 6,697 19,449 19,429 9,556 15,752 14,372 14,372 24,533 21,485 22,195 22,195 22,050 00_00__- 000000000000- _-_hn_un- h__hn__u 546,051 $58,478 $58,498 $59,839 50 50 50 50 000000_0000-- n__uuun- u_----u_u- _h_uh__n Total Capital Outlay 50 50 50 50 OIVISION TOTAL: $379,918 $486,382 5429,161 5511,152 -83- DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: Account POLICE ADMINISTRAION - 501 Transportation Expense Training & Development 88/89 $14,372 $22,195 DESCRIPTION OF ACCOUNTS $20,000 OR MORE 89/90 Description $24,533 Provides for future replacement for 1 Crime Prevention van, and 3 unmarked administrative vehicles. $22,050 Includes $7,210 for meetings, $12,312 for training, and $2,528 for membership and subscriptions. $5,421 is POST reimbursable. -84- DEPARTMENT: POLICE DIVISION: FIELD OPERATIONS DESCRIPTION: The Field Operations Division is comprised of two areas of service; Patrol and Traffic. The Patrol program includes the availability of a uniformed officer responsible for responding to citizen calls for service and personal observat ions of criminal or suspected criminal activity twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year; the initial investigation and subsequent documentation of violations of the law; statistical analysis of specific criminal offenses; enforcement of local and state laws and the arrest of suspected offenders; investigation of miscellaneous, non-criminal incidents; preservation of life and property during natural disaster, providing emergency first aid as required at scenes of medical emergencies; provision for mutual aid as needed; general traffic enforcement and investigation in the absence of specialized traffic accident investigation personnel; supervision, coordination training and deployment of all uniformed personnel including the personnel of the K-9 Program, the police Reserve Program and Communications personnel. The Traffic program supplements the Patrol Section through specialized deployment of motorcycle officers to combat specific traffic problems as outlined by the traffic accident analysis; Parking Control Program and the abatement of abandoned vehicles. TASKS: 1. Respond to calls for emergency police service with a goal of a 3 minute response time. 2. Respond to non-emergency (report) calls for service with a goal of a 10 minute response time. 3. Maintain an average patrol time availability of 25% per Officer. 4. Write and/or record all police reports. 5. Crime suppression through specific crime analysis and a high degree of visibility of patrol units in the high crime areas. 6. Crime suppression through deployment of special enforcement units. -85- (Field Operations tasks continued) 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Reduce traffic accidents through a traffic analysis program coupled with comprehensive selective enforcement program. . Cross-train all patrol officers in traffic matters. Apprehension, transportation and booking of offenders. Document and evaluate job performance of all assigned personnel. Conduct presentations before public and private groups including Community Watch Programs. Receiving, interpreting, recording and transmitting information appropriately via the Communications Center. Conduct briefing sessions and roll-call training. Conduct bi-month1y training days for all assigned personnel. Conduct firearms training and qualification. Decrease the number of abandoned vehicles left on City streets and private property through the vehicle abatement program. Maintain an appropriate number/level of available resources (personnel and equipment) in order to achieve the above-stated tasks without the necessity of service level reductions. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Outlay $ 3,664,207 $ 375,390 45,432 TOTAL $ 4,085,029 -86- DEPARTMENT:Police DIVISIDN: Operations PERSONNEL DETAIL Lieutenants Sergeants Pol ice Officer Parking Control Officer Cornnunications Officer CSO/Traffic Investigator Dispatch Supervisor ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Salaries Ret i rement/Benef i ts Total Personnel Costs Supplies & Services Contracual Services Departmenta l Expense COIT'pUter Expense Canine Expense Transportation Expense Training & Development Total Supplies & Services Capital Outlay Corrrnuni cat i ons Equi pment Passenger Vehicles Police Vehicles Office Equipment Department Equipment Total Capital Outlay DIVISION TOTAL: 1989-90 BUDGET DETAIL 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST u_-_uu- --_u_---u_--.-----_uu_--_u -_u_u--u-- 4 $3,469-$4,216 4 $3,469-$4,216 4 $3,642-$4,427 4 $3,642-$4,427 7 $2,961-$3,599 7 $2,961-$3,599 7 $3,109-$3,779 7 $3,109-$3,779 37 $2,422-$2,943 38 $2,422-$2,943 40 $2,643-$3,213 46 $2,643-$3,213 1 $1,521-$1,848 1 $1,521-$1,848 1 $1,616-$1,964 1 $1,616-$1,964 7 $1,802-$2,191 7$1,802-$2,191 7 $1,920-$2,334 7 $1,920'$2,334 1 1 $1,733-$2,106 1 $2,257-$2,743 u- -- u - ----- ----- 56 57 60 67 $2,204,271 $2,601,648 $2,438,888 $2,826,512 459,641 767,758 715,487 837,695 -----_uu- u_--_u_uu uu_u-u_u _u_--_u_u $2,663,912 $3,369,406 $3,154,375 $3,664,207 $7,308 $7,875 $8,875 $9,375 59,920 92,996 92,996 120,973 4,744 3,586 12,744 12,000 12,811 14,491 14,491 12,759 79,142 120,281 120,281 175,165 38,113 41,609 41,609 45,118 ---_u_-- u_-u__u--- ---_u_uuu _uu------- $202,038 $280,838 $290,996 $375,390 $0 $0 $0 $28,652 0 35,981 35,981 0 12,637 16,374 16,374 0 $0 9,500 9,500 0 $0 0 o 16,780 .- u - u_- _u-u.u_u- u_u__uu-- -----_u__u $12,637 $61,855 $61,855 $45,432 $2,878,587 $3,712,099 $3,507,226 $4,085,029 -87- DEPARTMENT: POLICE DIVISION: OPERATIONS Account Departmental Expense Transportaton Expense Training and Development - 502 88/89 $110,573 $120,281 $41,609 DESCRIPTION OF ACCOUNTS $20,000 OR MORE 89/90 Description $120,872 Includes $18,630 for supplies, $33,039 for uniforms, $47,515 for special equipment maintenance, $4,144 for printing expenses, $12,000 for computer ope rat ions, and $5,544 for canine expenses. $175,165 Provides for future replacement of 15 patrol units, 3 canine units, 1 parking control unit, and 7 motorcycles. $ 45,118 Includes $3,843 for meetings, $40,000 for training, and $1,275 for membership and subscriptions. $36,348 is POST reimburse able. -88- POLICE DEPARTMENT: INVESTIGATION DIVISION: The Investigation Division is responsible for investigating crimes against persons and property, juvenile cases, vice, narcotics, white collar crime, and criminal intelligence gathering. DESCRIPTION: TASKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Manage, plan, organize and audit the investigate functions of the Department. Provide required support functions for the Investigations Section. Provide case audit and management of workable follow-up investigations for the identification, apprehension of offenders, and recovery of property. Identify and respond to community needs and expectations concerning the juvenile justice system. Utilize the juvenile diversion program provided by the Assessment and Treatment Services Center. Maintain an ongoing liaison with the District Attorney's office to ensure proper prosecution of criminals arrested by this Department. Investigate crimes dealing with vice, narcotics and white collar crimes. Maintain criminal intelligence and liaison with other agencies and the community. Support the Field Operations Division as necessary to ensure achievement of the Department's goals and tasks. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel $ 865,593 Operations $ 117,566 Capital Outlay 0 TOTAL $ 983,159 -89- DEPARTMENT: Pol ice DIVISION: Investigations PERSONNEL DETAIL Li eutenant Sergeant Police Agent Pol ice Officer Non'Sworn Investigator Department Clerk ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Salaries Ret i rement/Benef i ts Total Personnel Costs Supplies & Services -"""-"'-""'-' Contractual Servi ces Departmental Expense Transportation Expense Training & Development Total Supplies & Services Capital Outlay '-""'-""" Departmenta l Equi pment Total Capital Outlay DIVISION TOTAL: 1989-90 BUDGET DETAIL 1987-88 ACTUAL 1988-89 1989.90 REQUEST BUDGET PROJECTED --""""--- -.... -.. '-'" --. ""'-"" ....- ...-.---..--- 1 $3,469'$4,216 1 $3,469-$4,216 1 $3,642'$4,427 1 $3,642-$4,427 1 $2,961-$3,599 1 $2,961-$3,599 1 $3,109-$3,779 1 $3,109'$3,779 1 $2,543-$3,091 1 $2,543'$3,091 1 $2,776'$3,374 1 $2,776-$3,374 7 $2,422-$2,943 9 $2,422-$2,943 9 $2,643-$3,213 9 $2,643-$3,213 1 $1,650-$2,005 2 $1,650-$2,005 2 $1,733'$2,106 2 $1,733-$2,106 2 $1,594'$1,937 2 $1,594-$1,937 2 $1,742'$2,118 2 $1,742'$2,118 - .... ""- ..--- ..-- 13 16 16 16 $522,187 $639,663 $611,809 $670,914 103,940 185,583 180,507 194,679 .-........-.. ...-......... ............- ............- $626,127 $825,246 $792,316 $865,593 $29,617 $21,600 $21,600 $24,350 17,785 38,708 40,811 22,115 22,188 35,171 35,171 54,651 12,636 19,672 19,672 16,450 .... --......- --""'-"'" .....-....... -..-.-....... $82,226 $115,151 $117,254 $117,566 $0 $8,603 $8,603 $0 _.. --"..---.... """...--.. -...--...--.. $0 $8,603 $8,603 $0 $708,353 $949,000 $918,173 $983,159 -90- DEPARTMENT: POLICE INVESTIGATIONS 503 88/89 DIVISION: Account Contract Services Departmental Expense Transportation Expense $21,600 $38,708 $35,171 DESCRIPTION OF ACCOUNTS $20,000 OR MORE 89/90 $24,350 $21,413 $54,651 Descri~tion Includes $21,200 for professional and consulting (includes $18,000 for ATSC, $1,600 for We Tip and $1,600 for handwriting and check analysis), $3,150 for joint emergency services, this is for our annual Cal-ID users fee. Includes $4,625 for depatmental supplies, $1,190 for uniforms, $1,250 for special equipment maintenance, $2,448 for special equipment rental, $1,000 for print ing ex pe nse s, and $10,900 for investigative expenses. (The large d if ference in th is acc ount is due to a transfer of $21,000 mid-year 88/89 of asset forfeiture funds.) Provides for replacement of 8 detective vehicles into the vehicle replacement fund and monthly rental fees for 3 undercover vehicles used in narcotics enforcement. -91- DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: POLICE SERVICES DESCRIPTION: TASKS: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 1. The Services Division provides support assistance to field operations investigation personnel in order to maintain the 24 hour operation of Department. It also coord inates the se lect ion and training of po lice and maintains a centralized records system for the Police Department. and the Police personnel Provide planning and research for various Police Department functions. Investigate businesses requiring city permits and/or licenses. Coordinate and monitor the Departments' fiscal activities on a daily basis. Provide copies of police reports, statistics, etc. to the public in accordance with State guidelines. Maintain and provide criminal, incident and traffic activity information, Provide statistical and crime data to Federal and State agencies and to police personnel. Coordinate the processing and selection of the best qualified persons for positions within the Police Department. Maintain complete and accurate personnel and departmental records. Coordinate the training for all departmental personnel. Provide accurate recording, storage and retrieval of all property and evidence. Ident ify and purge accumulated property within legal guidelines. -92- (Services tasks continued) 12. Coordinate the annual police auction. 13. Maintain accurate records for fiscal review and order department supplies and equipment. 14. Complete implementation of the Department's data processing system. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Outlay $ 667,166 $ 166,902 88,208 $ 922,276 TOTAL -93- DEPARTMENT: Pol; ce DIVISION: Services PERSONNEL DETAIL Sergeant Pol ice Officer Records Supervi sor Property Officer Non-Sworn Investigator Oepartment Clerk Records Clerk Property A i de ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Salaries Ret i rement/Benef i ts Total Personnel Costs Supplies & Services Office Expense Departmental Expense Computer Expense T ransportat i on Expense Training & Development Total Supplies & Services Capital Outlay --U'U_Uhu Departmental Equipment Computing Hardware Total Capital Outlay DIVISION TOTAL: 1989-90 BUDGET DETAI L 1987-88 ACTUAL 1988-89 1989-90 REQUEST BUDGET PROJECTED -_u--------- ------------------------------- ------------- 1 $2,961-$3,599 1 $2,961-$3,599 1 $3,109-$3,779 1 $3,109-$3,779 1 $2,422-$2,943 1 $2,422-$2,943 1 $2,643-$3,213 1 $2,643-$3,213 1 $2,052-$2,495 1 $2,052-$2,495 1 $2,155-$2,619 1 $2,155-$2,619 1 $1,825-$2.218 1 $1,825-$2.218 1 $1,939-$2,356 1 $1,939-$2,356 3 $1,650-$2,005 3 $1,650-$2,005 3 $1,733-$2,106 3 $1,733-$2,106 1 $1,594-$1,937 1 $1,594-$1,937 1 $1,742-$2,118 1 $1,742-$2,118 8 $1,525-$1,854 8 $1,525'$1,854 9 $1,667-$2,026 9 $1,667'$2,026 1 $1,379-$1,676 1 $1,379-$1,676 1 $1,465-$1,780 1 $1,465'$1,780 -- hh- --- -- ----- 17 17 18 18 $428,307 $531,404 $450,044 $527,157 78,067 132,380 117,567 140,009 uhuu_h_- ------------- ------------- ------------- $506,374 $663,784 $567,611 $667,166 $23,342 $30,838 $32,652 $34,357 50,106 55,669 64,228 60,991 27,614 30,031 30,031 32,496 7,216 7,216 7,216 6,250 19,083 26,649 26,649 32,808 _--___n- ------------- ----------_h uu--...---- $127,361 $150,403 $160,776 $166,902 $0 $69,234 $69,234 $775 11,227 0 0 87,433 u_uu ------------- ------------- --_--------00 $11,227 $69,234 $69,234 $88,208 $644,962 $883,421 $797,621 $922,276 -94- DEPARTMEIìIT: POLICE DIVISION: SERVICES Account Office Expense Departmental Expense Training and Development - 504 88/89 $30,838 $85,700 $26.649 DESCRIPTION OF ACCOUNTS $20,000 OR MORE 89/90 Description $34,357 Includes $9,654 for officer operating supplies, $8,136 for duplication expense, $12,229 for microfilm/microfiche expense, $2,578 for word procesing expense, $1,760 for office equipment ma intenance . $93,487 Includes $47,228 for departmental supplies, $2,743 for uniforms, $5,112 for special equip- ment maintenance, $408 for special equipment rental, $5,500 for printing expense, and $32,496 for computer maintenance. $32,808 Includes $3,426 for meetings, $28,206 for training expenses and $1,176 for membership and subscriptions. $10,426 of this is POST reimburseable. -95- 0 0 ,., rrI "I: "I: - > > ;IQ ;Q -i -i ::II: ::II: ,., rrI z: z: -i -i ,., >< ..., "I: .... ,., := z: ,., 0 .... > -4 0 c: 3: ;IQ .... ,., z .... "I: VI := -i 0 ;IQ ~ > := -i > ... ::II: 0 VI z: :;;: :;; <> :;; '" <> ~ co 0 a- 0- a) ~ c 0 t '" '0 '- a. '" '- ~ w :E I- '" c( a. w <> c 0 :;; '- ... .. c ~ c( :z a en :; a 01- a-en , w a-=> a)o a-w ~'" a- a) cO a) a- <> , W' I- , 0, w, 0: '" , a. , , I- , W , '" , 0' =>, co: !8...: , c( , /'o-=>, a) I- , a-o, ~c(: :;;: I- W <> ;;: :z :z a en '" w a. :;;: I- W <> '" :z -.;: c' c, o. ..' ,-, "', a. ~ ¡;;¡ 0 0 c( :0 ... , :0 , ... , , , , :0 , ... , :0 ... , , , , .. t; 0 0 '" c c 0 .. ~ a. .. '0 I- M M ~ ~ N N '" '" '" '" N N ... ... 0 N 0 0 N 0 ",- ",- 0 0 on on N- N ... ... 0' 0 N' N 0' 0 '" , ",- 0' 0 on, on N N- ... ... , N:N ...., .... a-, a- ....-: ....- on, on N, N N N ..'.. .. '" 0 .;: '- '" en t .. .... ~ 0 0 ~ .. '" 0 > ~ en ... ... .. '" :. 8: ~ .;¡ :J 0 0 .. ~ 8: :J en .. '" >- .. :; a 2 'é. ..' 0 , 0 ... M -.- .... N '" '" N ... 0 .. 0 N 0 '" 0 on N ... 0 ... 0 N 0 '" 0 on Ñ ... I lO 0'1 I 0 .. N .... a- /'0-- on N Ñ ... >- ~ :; a 2 ... '- c( Co I- .. a 0 I- .. '0 I- :z a > co co co - rrI rrI < '1:1 '1:1 - > > . V> ~ ~ - -I -I 0 Z Z :z rrI rrI z: z: -I -I rrI >C ::: -c n V> > n. ." c: 0 ~ ." CI 0 rrI Z c: > '0 Z Z z: > -I V> ~ - Z CI z: ::: V> -I z: c: - rrI V> - z: -I V> V> V> V> - c: rrI rrI ..... -1 .-1 ~ ~ ~ n ~ -C rrI < < c: > - - ~ -I (I) ." n n -I - rrI ~ rrI rrI c: 0 ~ 0 .V> V> ~ :z < C') ..... > - ~ V> ~ n > rrI rrI Z z: > V> V> - ~ 0 -I ~ V> n - -I - N rrI z: V> RECREATION SUPERVISOR (CLASSES, CULTURAL ARTS SENIOR CITIZENS BROCHURE) (1) RECREATION COORDINATOR (SENIOR CITIZENS) (1) CONTRACT EMPLOYEES CONTRACT INSTRUCTORS VOLUNTEERS I CONTRACT EMPLOYEES RECREATION SPECIALISTS VOLUNTEERS DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY/ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT SECRETARY (1) DEPARTMENT CLERK] (1) INTERMEDIATE TYPIST CLERK (1) RECREATION SUPERVISOR (1) PLAYGROUNDS, TINY TOTS PUBLICITY, SPECIAL EVENTS CONTRACT EMPLOYEES VOLUNTEERS PARK MONITORS RECREATION SUPERVISOR (1) ADULTIYOUTH SPORTS FACILITIES. FIELDS SPECIAL EVENTS CONTRACT EMPLOYEES SPORTS OFFICIALS COACHES,VOLUNTEERS 1989-90 BUOGET DETAil DEPARTMENT SUMMARY DEPARTMENT:Cormunity Services 1987.88 1988-89 1989-90 ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST 0000_00000000 00 --... -- - - - 00 00 - 0000 00 00 - - 00 -- 000000_00_00- PERSONNEL DETAIL Full-Time Staff 7 8.5 9 9 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel -.-_00_00 Salaries $204,649 $262,967 $249,017 $308,766 Ret i rement/Benef its 33,726 58,758 51,409 72,794 00_000000__-. ____00_000000 .__00.--_0000 _0000000000_- Total Personnel Costs $238,375 $321,725 $300,426 $381,560 Suppl ies & Services _'._00.0000_00____- Contractual Services $305,568 $375,918 $368,818 $414,416 Office Expense 3,554 4,790 4,790 5,420 Departmenta l Expense 69,843 88,366 76,434 105,206 Faci l ities Expense 15,382 21,240 22,297 22,860 Transportation Expense 11,257 13,587 13,138 20,099 Training & Development 6,357 9,296 10,825 14,212 00_00_"-'00- 000000_0000_- __00_00000000 _-'-_00--_-- Total Suppl ies & Services $411,961 $513,197 $496,302 $582,213 Capital Outlay ___00__00_-00- Typewriters $0 $0 $0 $0 Office Equipment 4,702 3,700 3,500 3,700 Departmenta l Equi pment 14,244 9,810 9,458 5,176 Computing Hardware 0 3,700 4,052 11,085 00_00000000-- 00__0000____- 0000_00000000 _-0000_0000- Total Capital Outlay $18,946 $17,210 $17,010 $19,961 DEPARTMENT TOTAL $669,282 $852,132 $813,738 $983,734 -97- DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION: ADMINISTRATION DESCRIPTION: TASKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Administration is responsible for overseeing the entire Department, including personnel management, fiscal policy, long-range planning, training, and operational policies. The Community Services Department plans, organizes, and manages recreation and community services programs which enables Tustin residents of all ages, interests, and capabilities to experience self-satisfaction, personal growth, and fulfillment through participation in leisure activities. Allocates the necessary resources including labor, finances, equipment, and facilities for the provision of leisure services. Ensures effective management by setting standards, evaluating, and controlling the performance of staff . Evaluates programs, areas, facilities, and make necessary changes to ensure that participant expectations are being met. Secures appropriate fees and charges in support of programs and services. Attracts participants to leisure activity programs; to maintain a positive public image. Works with community agencies, institutions, organizations, and individuals by making staff available for consultation services. Work with the Parks & Recreation Commission and consultants to design and establish public facilities, parks, and open space which meet the needs and interests of the community. Develops long-range plans and strategies for future open space. -98- 9. 10. 11. 12. Maintains contact with the legislative network and professional lobbyists which serve the interests of the recreation and parks movement. Schedules and rents Clifton C. Miller Community Center, Council Chambers, and other public facilities. Coordinates the construction of the Columbus Tustin site improvements of other Community Services facilities. Implements good customer services practices by providing extended hours of operation and requesting feedback from our participants. TIIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Outlay $167,645 $ 54,880 $ 3,700 $226,225 TOTAL: -99- DEPARTMENT: Conm.mi ty Servi ces DIVISION: Administration PERSONNEL DETAI l Recreation Superintendent Secretary Department Clerk I nterrnedi ate Clerk Typi st ACCOUNTING DETAI l Personnel Salaries Ret i rement/Benef i ts Total Personnel Costs Suppl i es & Servi ces -..n_____--..u- Contractual Services Office Expense Departmenta l Expense Transportati on Expense Training & Development Total Supplies & Services Capital Outlay Typewri ters Other Off i ce Equi pment Total Capital Outlay DIVISION TOTAL: 1989-90 BUDGET DETAIL 1987-88 ACTUAL 1988-89 1989-90 REQUEST BUDGET PROJECTED _00_0000"_-- _00_00_00 - - 0000_00 ----_.. 00.. 00 0000__..__..- 1 $2,794-$3,396 1 $2,794-$3,396 1 $2,934-$3,566 1 $2,934-$3,566 1 $1,679-$2,D41 1 $1,679-$2,041 1 $1,835-$2,231 1 $1,835-$2,231 1 $1,594-$1,937 1 $1,742-$2,118 2 $1,742-$2,118 1 $1,418-$1,724 1 $1,418-$1,724 1 $1,550-$1,884 -- ----- 00_" --00 3 4 4 4 $86,581 $115,111 $114,711 $134,067 16,122 26,396 26,706 33,578 __--___00_00- _""00_00_00 --___00--_00- -HUU___u- $102,703 $141,507 $141,417 $167,645 $9,514 $15,027 $14,131 $25,673 2,630 3,430 3,430 3,552 12,960 14,278 15,271 15,125 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 3,465 4,623 6,658 8,730 00000000 _00__0000_00- --"00_000000 ___--0000_00- $30,369 $39,158 $41 ,290 $54,880 $0 $0 $0 $0 4,702 3,700 3,500 3,700 -_u_- 00-------.._- 00"_--___--- _"_0000___- $4,702 $3,700 $3,500 $3,700 $137,774 $184,365 $186,207 $226,225 -100- DIVISION: ADMINISTRATION DIVISON ACCOUNT CAPITAL OUTLAY OTHER OFFICE EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION OF ACCOUNTS $20.000 OR MORE 1988-89 1989-90 $ 3,700 $ 3,700 -101- DESCRIPTION Additional networked computer work station. Department will have 3 total. DEPART/4ENT: DIVISION: COMMUNITY SERVICES SPORTS DESCRIPTION: TASKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The Sports Division provides recreational programs for both youth and adults. Among the youth programs are: Track Clinic, Track Meet, Cross Country Meet and Soccer Clinic. The number of participants in these youth programs total over 300. The adult softball program (400 teams) participates mid-January through mid-December. The division is also responsible for coordinating, scheduling and preparing all athletic fields for both the adult leagues and the following youth groups: A.F.A. girls fast pitch, A.Y.S.O. soccer (reserves fields and provides lights), and both Tustin and Foothill girls softball teams. Lastly, the Sports Division spearheads the City Fourth of July celebration and the annual Chili Cook-Off. This division also provides support for the other City conducted special events. Promotes and conducts youth sports activities: Cross Country Meet, Track Clinic, and Track Meet. Schedules advance field reservations for youth and adult sports organizations. Works cooperatively with AYSO (American Youth Soccer Organization) to plan and promote youth soccer clinic and instructional league. Schedules over 2,000 softball games involving approximately 43,000 participants. Schedules staff to maintain City athletic fields. Collect fees, organizational meetings, assigns officials and compiles standings of all softball leagues. Promotes and plans various special events: Fourth of July and Chili Cook-Off. Sets and monitors specific goals to increase participation and quality programming. Conducts surveys and evaluates programs and events to ensure quality programming, positive public relations and establish community interest. -102- (Sports tasks continued) 7. Assist Parks and Recreation Commission in researching various projects (park development, joint use, etc.), written and verbal reports, per requests. Coordinates the overall maintenance of the Columbus Tustin facility with the Tustin Unified School District, the City Maintenance Department and Community Services part-time staff. 8. 9. Purchases supplies, capital items and materials necessary to maintain City sports programs. Submits purchase recommendations for various state and regional grants. Compiles bids specifications for purchasing. 10. Trains and evaluates job performance of part-time and contract employees. DIVISION BUDGET: Personne 1 Operations Capita lOut 1 ay $ 42,341 $ 91,163 $ - $133,504 TOTAL: -103- 1989-90 BUOGET OETAIL DEPARTMENT:Corrrnunity Services DIVISION: Sports 1987-88 ACTUAL 1988-89 BUDGET PROJECTED 1989-90 REQUEST uuu_--_u- u _u - u- ------ _u_uuuu__u -----_uuu- PERSONNEL DETAI L Recreation Supervisor 1 $2,094-$2,545 1 $2,094-$2,545 1 $2,198-$2,672 1 $2,198-$2,672 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personne l -_uu.u Salaries $29,974 $34,464 $34,464 $35,352 Ret i rement/Benef i ts 3,880 6,248 6,248 6,989 ----_uuuu --_u_--uu- ----u_--_u- u_u.------- Total Personnel Costs $33,854 $40,712 $40,712 $42,341 Supplies & Services -_u_--_u_u_u_-- Contracual Services $48,940 $55,902 $55,902 $58,697 Office Expense 248 420 420 441 Departmental Expense 22,031 23,520 23,520 23,589 Transportation Expense 3,106 1,956 1,956 7,191 Training & Development 713 1,200 1,205 1,245 uhuu--_U -_uu_uuu --_uuuuu u-----_uu- Total Supplies & Services $75,038 $82,998 $83,003 $91,163 Capital Outlay -------u_uu Department Equipment $687 $0 $0 $0 ----------_u ------------- uu--------- _u_----u_-- Total Capital Outlay $687 $0 $0 $0 DIVISION TOTAL: $109,579 $123,710 $123,715 $133,504 -104- DESCRIPTION OF ACCOUNTS $20,000 OR MORE DIVISION: SPORTS OIVISON ACCOUNT 1988/89 $55,902 1989/90 $60,020 CONTRACTUAL SERVICE DEPARTMENTAL EXPENSE $23,520 $20,800 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 0 -105- DESCRIPTION Provides $37,000 for umpire services. Provides $4,000 for one Recreation Assistant to assist in field maintenance. Provides $720 for workers for youth track meets. Provides $200 for workers for cross country meets. Provides $3,000 for soccer instructor and his staff. Provides $700 for track clinic instructor and his staff. Provides $8,400 for field maitenance for softball leagues and tournaments. Provides $6,000 for fiel d supervision for evening leagues. Provides $20,000 for softball leagues (new balls, awards, brick dust, bases, pitching rubbers, chalk, rakes, shovels and hoses). Provides $200 for track meet and clinic supplies. Provides $200 for soccer clinic supplies. Provides $300 for office computer supplies. Provides $100 for film and processing. DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: COMMUNITY SERVICES CLASSES/CULTURAL ARTS The Cultural Arts/Classes division promotes, coordinates, and supervises all recreation classes, plays, dances, lectures, and special programs such as Carousel and Evening of Dance. The division is responsible for publicity, including the City brochure; procurement of instructors; supplies and facilities; coordination with the School District; class registrations; and records. The division oversees City-wide events such as 5/10K Run, Halloween Carnival, and Concerts in the Park. DESCRIPTION: TASKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Provides 200-250 recreation classes per quarter in such areas as dance (for Tiny Tots through Seniors), music, drama, crafts, sports, exercise programs, tennis, gymnastics, bridge, speed reading, and more. Sponsors cultural activities such as Evening of Dance, Concerts in the Park and plays in coordination ~th L.P. Repertory. Promotes many special programs such as Youth A~s Carousel, a high quality fine arts program for children. Offers lectures on subjects of interest to the community. Some topics included: Tax Preparation, Goals, Personality Types, Exploring Your Temperment, Career Planning, Travel Fun Shop and Time Management. Promotes and develops special events such as 5/10K Run, Concerts in the Park and Halloween Carnival. Evaluates classes for effectiveness. Uses customer oriented evaluation process to respond appropriately to the needs of the public. Computerizes the facility reservation system to more effectively service our clients and streamline reports. -106- (Classes/Cultural Arts tasks continued) 7. 8. Develops joint programs with corporations and businesses in Tustin. Works with the Parks and Recreation Commission to better serve the community, To work with the Commission in researching options for replacement of leased Lambert School and optimal use of school facilities. 9. Takes a service oriented approach to all customers by using evaluations, notifications, and prompt response to all i nqui ri es. DIVISION BUDGET: Personne 1 Operations Capital Outlay $ 44,009 $172,879 $ 13,092 $229,980 TOTAL -107- DEPARTMENT: Col1mJni ty Servi ces DIVISION: Classes/Cultural Arts PERSONNEL DETAIL Recreation Supervisor ACCOUNTING OETAIl Personnel Salaries Retirement/Benefits Total Personnel Costs Supplies & Services Contractual Services Facilities Expense Office Expense Departmenta l Expense Transportation Expense Training & Development Total Supplies & Services Capital Outlay _.h_h_--U Computing Hard"are Departmental Equipment Total Capital Outlay DIVISION TOTAL: 1989-90 BUDGET DETAil 1987-88 ACTUAL 1988-89 1989-90 REQUEST BUDGET PROJECTED ----U_UU-- 0.5 $2,094-$2,545 0.5 1 $2,094-$2,545 1 $2,198.$2,672 1 $2,198-$2,672 $17,371 $34,464 $29,734 $35,352 2,671 7,856 4,271 8,657 .u--.u u.--.u---.. ----u--..u- -.-u_.._u-- $20,042 $42,320 $34,005 $44,009 $104,184 $138,025 $128,968 $141,900 15,382 21,240 22,297 22,860 321 430 430 550 4,147 3,670 3,670 5,D57 818 777 777 1,166 762 1,198 1,198 1,346 -------u _h__.--.---- ..----------- u----...---- $125,614 $165,340 $157,340 $172,879 $0 $3,700 $4,D52 $11,085 1D,574 1,450 1,D98 2,OD7 --n___-- h__..----.-- '--._h_._--- h__n_----- $10,574 $5,150 $5,150 $13,092 $156,230 $212,810 $196,495 $229,980 -108- DESCRIPTION OF ACCOUNTS $20,000 OR MORE DIVISION: CLASSES/CULTURAL ARTS OIVISON ACCOUNT CONTRACTUAL SERVICE 1988/89 $138,025 FACILITIES EXPENSE $ 21,240 CAP HAL OUTLAY $ 5,150 -109- 1989/90 $141,900 $ 22,860 $ 13,092 DESCRIPTION $141,900 for warrants, class instructors, pl ay, Carousel, concerts and part-time assistants. $22,860 for lease of Tustin Unified School District facilities. $8385 for computer software, $2700 for laser printer, $60D for ballet bars, $1,407 for judo chest protectors. TASKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: COMMUNITY SERVICES YOUTH SERVICES IJESCRIPTION: The division plans, organizes, promotes, coordinates and supervises youth activities and special projects. These activities include recreation programs at Frontier, Magnolia and Centennial Parks, Summer, Winter and Spring Day Camps, Child Development Program, after school child care, teen programs, and volunteers. The division is also responsible for special projects such as Tree Lighting Ceremony, special events, game basket, Santa suit and excursions for youth and adults. The division assists in such events as Tustin Tiller Days, El Camino Real Chili Cook-Off, and the 5/10K Run. Provides supervision for school-age children at three parks. Supervises contract after-school day care programs. Manages Summer, Winter and Spring Day Camps. Provides special holiday programs (excursions, Tree Lighting Ceremony, special events, volunteers, Santa suit and Game Basket). Manages Child Development program. Provides teen programs. Coordinates the City's volunteer program which utilizes over 200 volunteers each year to produce City-sponsored programs. Serves as the staff contact for Child Care information. -110- (Youth Services tasks continued) DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel $ 44,009 Operations $215,612 Capital Outlay $_3,136 TOTAL: $262,790 -111- 1989-90 BUDGET DET AI L DEPARTMENT: COITI11Uni ty Servi ces DIVISIDN: Youth Services 1987-88 ACTUAL 1988-89 BUDGET PROJECTED 1989-90 REQUEST --h_h__---- ------------- PERSONNEL DETAI L Recreat i on Supervi sor 1 $2,094-$2,545 0.5 $2,094-$2,545 0.5 1 $2,198-$2,672 1 $2,198-$2,672 ACCOUNTING OETAIL Personnel --------- Salaries $3D,785 $34,464 $34,464 $35,352 Reti rement/Benefits 5,297 7,856 7,856 8,657 ----h_------ ------------- ------------- ------....--- Total Personnel Costs $36,D82 $42,320 $42,320 $44,009 Supp lies & Servi ces ------------------- Contractual Services $137,771 $161,742 $164,595 $182,691 Off i ce Expense 238 300 30D 300 Departmental Expense 16,087 19,810 17,729 22,955 Transportation Expense 5,458 7,977 7,528 8,476 Training & Development 795 1,200 877 1,190 ---u_------- --h____--_-- ---..-------- ------------- Total Suppl ies & Services $160,349 $191,029 $191,029 $215,612 Capital Outlay _uuu_------ Other Dept. Equipment $2,983 $8,360 $8,360 $3,169 _--h____---- ------------- ------------- ----h____-- Total Capital Outlay $2,983 $8,360 $8,360 $3,169 DIVISION TOTAL: $199,414 $241 ,709 $241,709 $262,790 -112- DIVISION: YOUTH SERVICES DIVISON ACCOUNT CONTRACTUAL SERVICE UEPARTMENTAL EXPENSE CAPITAL OUTLAY DESCRIPTION OF ACCOUNTS $20,000 OR MORE 1988/89 $161,742 $ 19,810 $ 8,360 -113- 1989/90 $182,691 $ 22,955 $ 3,169 DESCRIPTION Contract services for Child Development, Parks, Camp, Excursions, Special Events, Special Programs and Beswick and Veeh Kids Centers. Division includes department supplies, admission tickets and outside printing costs for all of the youth services division. Programs include Child Development, Beswick and Veeh after school child care programs, parks, camp, volunteers, teens excursions and special events. Purchases include appropriate sized furniture to be used in the City's Child Development Program. Additionally, storage bins and new mats will be purchased. We are required by the State Department of Social Services to supply each child with a storage unit and mat. COMMUNITY SERVICES HUMAN SERVICES/SENIOR CITIZENS DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: DESCRIPTION: TASKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The Senior Citizen/Human Service Division is responsible for ~e operation of the Tustin Area Senior Center. The division is responsible for all senior services including the Senior Citizen Club, liaison to Transportation, Lunch and Counseling (TLC), coordination with Assistance League and Healthcare Medical Center of Tustin, excursions, tax preparation, speakers, and referral services. The division also provides information and referral service for the general community. Provides supervisory, administrative, operational and maintenance services for the Tustin Area Senior Center. Provides training programs on a regular basis for staff and volunteers at the Tustin Area Senior Center. Coordinates, provides and promotes senior citizen activities including a monthly calendar, merchants d is count program, f1 i ers for spec i a 1 events, tax ass i stance program and government food distribution. Provides health services, such as blood pressure testing, glaucoma testing, flu clinics and health sc reeni ng. Plans recreation and social programs, excursions, exercise classes, bridge and bowling groups. Provides information and referral services including peer couns~ing, "Adopt a Friend," friendly visitation, fundraising for the Senior Center and organization for volunteers for Friday night dinners, Fourth of July, Chili Cook-Off, Christmas Tree Lighting and Senior Club Bazaar. Serves as liaison for the Tustin Senior Citizens Club, TLC Luncheon Program, Irvine Valley College Emeritus Institute, Kiwanis, Rotary and Jaycees. -114- (Human Services/Senior Citizens tasks continued) 8. Assists the Housing Subcommittee towards pursuing innovative solutions to senior adult housing problems, e.g. Shared Housing Program. 9. Provides information and referral in such areas as youth sports, community organizations, school programs, county agencies, other City departments, child care, housing, etc. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel $ 83,556 Operations $ 47,679 Capital Outlay $ TOTAL: $131,235 -115- DEPARTMENT: COIIITlUni ty Servi ces DIVISION: 1989-90 BUDGET DETAIL Ht.<nan Services/Senior Citizens 1988-89 1989-90 REQUEST PERSONNEL DETAI L Recreation Supervisor Recreat i on Coordi nator ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Salaries Reti rement/Benef i ts Total Personnel Costs Supplies & Services Contractua l Servi ces Off i ce Expense Departments l Expense T ransportat i an Expense Training & Development Total Supplies & Services Capital Outlay Total Capital Outlay DIVISION TOTAL: 1987-88 ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTEO uuu-u-_u 0.5 $2,094-$2,545 1 $2,094-$2,545 1 $1,715-$2,085 1 $1,715-$2,085 u_- _uu 1.5 2 1 $2,198-$2,672 1 $2,198-$2,672 1 $1,823-$2,215 1 S1,823-S2,215 u ----- 2 2 $39,938 $44,464 $35,644 $68,643 5,756 10,402 6,328 14,913 _u_uu_uu ---_u_.u_u -U__H_--__- UU_-__HH- S45,694 S54,866 $41,972 S83,556 S5,159 $5,222 $5,222 S5,455 117 210 210 577 14,618 27,088 16,244 38,480 75 1,077 1,077 1,466 622 1,075 887 1,701 _u__u- ----------_u uuuu----- _u_uuu_u S20,591 S34,672 $23,640 $47,679 so SO $0 SO --- u__u_u---- ---_uuuu- _u_------_u so SO $0 SO $66,285 S89,538 S65,612 $131,235 -116- DESCRIPTION OF ACCOUNTS $20,000 OR ~RE DIVISION: HUMAN SERVICES/SENIOR CITIZENS DIVISON ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT EXPENSE 1988/89 $24,660 1989/90 $26,127 DEPARTMENT SUPPLIES $ 2,328 $11 ,828 PRIrHI NG EXPENSES $ 100 $ 525 -117- DESCRI PTION Senior excursions, e.g. cruises, Bryce/Zion, Tahoe. All expenses are offset by revenue. Excursions are self-supporting. Expense is for openi ng and operating the Tustin Area Seni or Center. Inc 1 uded are funds for repairs and maintenance on center recreation, audio visual and offi ce equi pment, as \'Ie 1 1 as program supplies for seasonal and special event decorations. Thi s amount is budget ed to cover special printing expenses for a monthly senior cal endar as well as flyers for special events and prograrns. c C I'T'I I'T'I "'t "'t > > ~ ~ -i -i X X I'T'I I'T'I :E: :E: -i -i I'T'I >< :E: "'t C I'T'I :E: :E: I C C ... I'T'I -i "'t c::: > ='=' ='=' I'T'I -i X "'t I'T'I ~ :E: 0 -i C? > ~ r- > X VI DEPARTMENT: DESCRIPTION: DIVISION BUDGET: NON-DEPARTMENTAL The non-departmental accounts are general in nature and cannot easily be assigned to a specific department. They consist of items such as liability insurance premiums, postage for all departments, duplicating expenses for all departments, City contribution to various community activities, City memberships, and community promotion activities. Personnel Supplies/Services Capital Outlay $ 577 ,025 TOTAL $517 .025 -118- I ...... ...... <0 I <:> ~ :» A> ~ Z .... n .. -< -0 0 ~ ;; .. '" s; ¡;J '" 0> .., 0 '" r! --.. 0 0 0 .. ç.. ~ '" .., ~ --.. .., 0 ~ -< ~ .. no 0- 3- -0 -. co ...... :>m <0-" c ~]. 0.." :¡~ , .. 0 ~ ~ ..,-< 00 0-< .. 0 .. 00 .. 0 .. 00 ~: ~ 0 0 00 0 . 0 , 0 . 'n -< , '" :~. ~ no-<oo~r-n:~ ..... 0"""'-"-'0'- :~ '" ¡j¡¡¡'::,-g::::~.¡¡';;:;¡;' . C C,:>,O--'"", '0-0:>-"""'-'-'" : ~ ~ ;;~.¡¡ ~ m:::.~'~ : ". _. -<-0 :> '" "'-< C . '" ," '" .. """-0 '" "" , '" ,-< '" "':> ".. "-,, o",o-:>m, ,< ~."'~~~-g-g~:~' --0 :>, < . '" _. ]~ ~~~. o:J: """ -'" '" OJ OJ '" .... '" C ~ OJ 0 '" .. '" '" :¿ .. N .. '" -< N 0..,'" '" "'.. N .ç.. .'" .0> .'" :'."'.0.0> 0> "'N"'"",-<NON .., ..,o>",-<-<"'Oç.. 0> ""'ON"""O>O"'" ..: ç.. . N" ""'" -< '" """ 0'0 ",ç..N '" "'0 ----.- -'N 0>00000 0"" NOOOOO 0:"'0"'00000 .. ç.. N "'.., .., "'.,. 0> .00.00.0:':? .'" :.. ç..O>"""0000 '" 00-<ç..0000 ..... 000>000000 .. ' "',-< -< N" .....,ç.. -<0""'-< !:" :.0>::-.00::-_"'."':".'" 0'000---00"'" N'NO"'OOOO'" "';"'0000000 .... ~ .. " .. , ~ :> OJ '" n 0 '" .... '" .. 0 .. 0 ..:.. 0' 0 .. 0 .. 0 .. 0 .. 0 , " .'" , ,'" '0 'OJ 'J '.. :» n n 0 c z -< ~ 0 m ;; " m ~ 0 Z ~ r- 0 m ;; :",- , noO , -< '" 'C.., ,:» , , r- '" : 0> , '" :a :~ , -< , ." , A> '0 :~ :~ :~ :~;¡; 'do> 'CoO :~~ :-<0 00 '" ~ 0> 00 0 m ~ ~ Z -< z 0 ~ 0 .. -g , " " ;; .. 0 ~ » '" ~ ;¡; 0> '? 00 0 ~ 0 ~ '" C 3: 3: :» '" -< 0 m ;; OEPAATMENT: NON-DEPARTMENTAL Liability & Property Ins. Office Expenses Community Activities Capital Outlay DESCRIPTION OF ACCOUNTS S10,OOO OR MORE 1988-89 1989-90 315,000 275,000 62,000 105,000 88,275 148,925 -0- 5,000 -120- DESCRIPTION Premium for liability & property insurance coverage $275,000, transfer for accumulation of additional reserves for future claims. Includes duplicating expenses $31,500, postage $33,600; and special equipment maintenance, $40,000. Includes such things as City memberships $16,00; Chamber of Commerce contribution $2,400; annexation expenses $5,000; 4th of July Celebration, $17,640 Tiller Days $13,000; holiday decorations $1,000; and community promotions, $15,000; City Link, $3,885; Airport Noise Study, $5,000; County animal control, $70,000. Purchase a new Tape Systelll for City Counc il C haml)ers . SECTION VI CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SUMMARY/ FUNDING SOURCE RECAP CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM UNSCHEDULED PROGRAM NEEDS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SUMMARY 1968-89 1968-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 FUND BUDGET PROJECTlDN REQUEST PLANNED PLANNED PLANNED PLANNED -____nnnnn_----_- _-00_00_0000 00_0000----- ----_nn_n 00_000000_00 000000_0000- __0000_0000- 000000----_- GENERAL $4,196,450 $1,985,610 $3,847,033 $2,145,300 $2,350,100 $2,022,800 $2,683,000 GAS TAX 14,872,400 454,900 15,457,300 542,900 504,000 449,000 300,000 BEAUTIFICATION 53,350 7,800 211,400 68,500 PARK DEVELOPMENT 0 0 735,000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 1,000,000 ASSESSMENT OIST. 85-1 ASSESSMENT DIST. 86-2 --On_noon 00_0000____- --__n_nn- 000000_0000- ----_-__00_- 000000_00_00 _0000000000- $19,122,200 $2,448,310 $21,250,733 $2,756,700 $2,854,100 $2,471,800 $2,983,000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FUNOING SOURCE SOURCE 000000_00____00_00_00- GENERAL FUND $3,654,972 $1,481,476 $3,552,662 $2,145,300 $2,350,100 $2,022,800 $2,504,000 GAS TAX FUND 1,434,900 350,600 1,808,400 542,900 84,000 362,000 300,000 BEAUTIFICATION FUND 53,350 7,800 211,400 68,500 0 0 0 PARK DEVELOPMENT FUND 0 0 735,000 0 0 0 0 ASSESSMENT DIST. 85-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AHFP 345,000 85,000 565,000 0 237,000 0 179,000 FAU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OCUTT 114,400 0 114,400 0 0 0 0 HCDA 218,100 19,300 159,500 0 0 87,000 0 CITY OF IRVINE 7,130,000 0 7,130,000 0 0 0 0 THE IRVINE CO. 5,580,000 0 5,580,000 0 0 0 0 COUNTY OF ORANGE 0 0 0 0 183,000 0 0 CITY OF SANTA ANA 50,000 0 75,000 0 0 0 0 DEVELOPERS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SR. CENTER GRANTS 541,478 504,134 81,478 0 0 0 0 CONTRIBUTIONS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 STATE GRANTS 170,893 CAL TRANS 67,000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 1,000,000 ASSESSMENT OIST. 86-2 --nn_nn- n_nn_--_- -----_n-n- n_nnh--- __0000_____- n_nnn_n 0000_0000_00 $19,122,200 $2,448,310 $21,250,733 $2,756,700 $2,854,100 $2,471,800 $2,983,000 -121- CAPl'I2\L IMffiOVEHENl' rna;RAM 1988-89 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 FUND II.JIX;ET ~OO IUIX;EI' PIANNED PIANNED PIANNED PIANNED 10. IUBLIC F:l\CII.J.TIES 1. City Council C11amber/Community Bldg. roof repair, blinds, painting, stove replacement, window screening, carpet table/chair replacement GF $36,500 $ -- $ - $ -- $ -- $ -- $ -- 2. Maintenance Facility carpet replacement GF 2,500 2,500 -- 3. Fire station COnstruction (East 'l\1stin) GF - - 1,300,000 'IUI2US $39,000 $2,500 $1,300,000 $- $- $ - $ - FUND REX:AP GF $39,000 $2,500 $1,300,000 $- $- $ - $ - 30. BFAI1I'IFICATIOO RnJærS 1. General street L.ight Program a. Andrews st. lighting B $ 950 $ 800 $ - $ - $- $ -- $ -- b. Easterly side of Red Hill from Warner Ave. to Valencia Ave. B - -- - 51,400 c. Various Locations B 18,000 7,000 15,000 2. COnstnIct embossed concrete on medians at various lcx::ations: B 34,400 -- 34,400 a. Hall Cir./First st. ($5,300) b. Fashion Island/First ($2,600) c. Fashion Island/Irvine (2,600) d. Irvine/Old Irvine ($1,800) e. Bryan/stonehenge ($22,100) 3. street Light Installations on Glen ArborjHollyhock GF 9,100 9,100 -122- CAPITAL IMI?ROVEJo1ENl' ~ 1988-89 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 RID IIJLGEI' ma:Jæl'ICN IIJLGEI' PIANNED PIANNED PIANNED PIANNED 30. BEAUl.'IFICM.'ICN ~ (Cont'd.) 4. Reconstruction of Interlocking Concrete Pavers on El Camino Real GF $33,000 $14,760 $18,250 5. City Entrance signs GF -- -- 40,000 6. Red Hill Ave. from Lance Dr. to First st. and Seventeenth st. easterly of Yorba st., Re-sod center islands GF - - 5,000 7. Seventeenth street Median Trees from Yorba (No.) to Prospect Ave. GF -- - 12,000 8. Poles/standards for banner displays * First st. between "B" and "C" sts. GF -- - 6,400 * Newport Ave. between Holt Ave. arrl. Irvine Blvd. GF - - - 6,400 * Irvine Blvd. between Prospect Ave. and Fashion Lane GF - - -- - 7,000 * Red Hill Ave. between Sycamore Ave. and Walnut GF -- - - - - 7,000 * Seventeenth st. between Yorba st. arrl. Prospect Ave. GF - -- - - - - 7,000 9. Newport Ave. Center Islands from GI' - - - 152,900 McFadden Ave. to Sycamore Ave. B - - - 17,100 10. Red Hill Av. Center Islands from 1-5 Freewy to lance Dr. GF - - -- - 159,400 11. Red Hill Ave. Center Islands from Walnut Ave. to 1-5 Freeway GF - - -- - - 183,400 -123- CAPITAL JMm:JVEMENl' ~ 1988-89 1988-89 FUND IUIX;EI' ~OO 1989-90 1990-91 ~ PIl\NNED 1991-92 PIl\NNED 1992-93 1993-94 PIANNED PIANNED 30. BFAUl'IFICATIOO F'RaJ'æm (COnt I d.) 12. Red Hill Ave. Center Islands from Warner Ave. to the AT&SF RR GF $ -- $ -- $ -- $- $ -- $ -- $163,600 -- '.IDITúS $95,450 $31,660 $131,050 $227,800 $166,400 $190,400 $170,600 FUND RæAP B $86,350 $22,560 $ 49,400 $ 68,500 $- $- $- GF $ 9,100 $ 9,100 $ 81,650 $ 6,400 $166,400 $190,400 $170,600 GI' $ - $ - $ - $152,900 $- $- $- GF 11,000 9,900 1,100 GF 1,450 1,450 - GF 850,000 833,000 17 , 000 PI) - - $ 400,000 6. COlumbus-Tustin Park stann Drain GF - -- 13,690 System am site IIrq,:>rovements RDA -- -- * ($293,917) state Grant -- -- 170,893 PI) -- - 35,000 -124- 40. CXHIJNI'IY SERVI<m FACILI'l'IES 1. Neighborhood Park COnstruction - Tract No. 12345 2 . Centermial Park - Play Equipment Replacement 3. Centermial Park Sarrl Volleyball Court 4. Senior Center Facility 5. Neighborhood Park COnstruction Tract No. 12763 GF $450,000 $510,000 $ 57,000 $ - $ -- $- $ -- CAPI'I2\L IMmIJVE}ŒNl' PRXRAM 1988-89 1988-89 FUND BJIX;EI' PRO:JECl'IOO 1989-90 1990-91 HJIX;EI' PIANNED 40. CXJMJNITY SERVICES F7\CILITIES ( Cont' d. ) 7. Frontier Park Rehabilitation, Centennial Park Play Equipment Replacement 27,000 12,000 B GF 8. Tract 12870 Park-Sports Complex Plan Preparation 300,000 PO 'IUI2\IS $1,312,450 $1,354,350 $1,033,683 $-- FUND REX::AP GF $1,312,450 $1,354,350 $ 100,790 $-- st. Grant $ -- $ -- $ 170,893 $-- PI) $ -- $ -- $ 735,000 $-- B $ -- $ -- $ 27,000 $-- 60 . 'IRANSroRmTIOO F7\.CILI'l'IES 1991-92 PIANNED 1992-93 1993-94 PIANNED PIANNED $-- $-- $-- $-- $-- $-- $-- $-- $-- $-- $-- $-- $-- $-- $-- 1. Major Maintenance Program GF $ 445,700 $ 241,200 $ 854,500 $550,000 $550,000 $550,000 $550,000 2. Jamboree Road Construction GI' 847,500 80,000 1,390,000 from Edinger to Barranca CapInp 1,000,000 -- 1,000,000 Parkway: AHFP -- -- 400,000 Plan/Spec preparation IIV 7,130,000 -- 7,130,000 Construction (15,500,000) TIC 5,580,000 -- 5,580,000 Right-of-Way (City Share $1,900,000) 7-year program Unf -- -- -- 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 3. Warner Ave. Railroad Inprovements GF 30,000 30,000 -125- CAPITAL ~ ~ 1988-89 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 FUND IJJIX;EI' I'RXJæI.'ION IJJIX;EI' PIANNED PIANNED PIANNED PIANNED 60. 'lRANSroRI'ATION F7\CILI'I'IES (Cont I d.) 4. Red HilljWalnut Ave. Widening at Northeasterly corner: Right-of-way (*MaxÍ1TLllIn AHFP Participation) GI' $171,000 $170,000 $ AHFP 180,000 *85,000 Construction (*MaxÍ1TLllIn GI' 85,000 -- 171,000 AHFP Participation) AHFP 68,000 -- *68,000 5. Main st. Reconstruction from GI' 114,400 -- 114,400 Pacific st. to Rte 55 Fwy. cx:urr 114,400 -- 114,400 6. Main st. Ornamental Lighting from "c" St. to Rte 55 Freeway GF 27,600 -- 27,600 7. Bus Benches GF 5,000 5,000 5,000 8. Bikeway/Pedestrian Facilities (SB 821 Funds) GI' 30,600 14,600 16,000 9. Jan Marie/Sierra Vista/Karen Way Pavement Rehabilitation arrl storn. Drain Construction HCDI\. $ 58,600 $ 19,300 $ - $ -- $ - $ -- $ 10. utt Dr. Reconstruction from san Juan st. to Lance Dr. GI' 115,400 82,000 11. Green Valley Reconstruction from san Juan st. to Lance Dr. GF 127,700 90,700 12. Tustin Ranch Rd. SOIID::lwall/Berm between Walnut Ave. & 1-5 Fwy. Design services GF 5,000 -- 5,000 Construction B - -- 135,000 , .., r 60. 'rnANSroRrATIOO F1\CILITIES (Cont'd.) 13. First st. WideningjReconstruction from Rte 55 to Westerly City Limits (incl. traffic signal) 14. Orange st. WideningjRecon- Real & San Juan st. 15. Jamboree Rd (Myford) const. between Michelle & AT&SF RR 16. Auto Center Dr. Extension & reconstruction ( add' 1 funding under Flocx:l Control Facilities) 17. Tustin Ranch Rd. from Walnut Ave. to Edinger Ave. : Project Design Report Final Design R/W - Construction (City 5.4Mil, TIC 001) 18. El Camino Real from Red Hill Ave. to Browning Ave.: Project Design Report Final Design R/W - Construction Pacific st. at Secord st. & Pacific at 'Ibird st. cross- gutter, cw::b return construction 19. ealifon1Ìa st. between '!bird st & Main st. cw::b & gutter/paving construction CAPITAL ~ POOGRAM 1988-89 1988-89 FUND IIJJX:ET :rnaJ:æI'IOO 1989-90 1990-91 IIJJX:ET PIANNED 1991-92 PIlINNED 1992-93 1993-94 PIANNED PIANNED GI' AHFP S.A. $ 71,000 $ 4,000 97,000 50,000 $ 67,000 $- 97,000 50,000 $- $ -- $- struction between El Camino H~ 159,500 - 159,500 GF 171,000 171,000 GF 266,300 - 266,300 GF $25,100 $18,000 $ 7,100 $- $ - $ - $- GF - - 150,000 - -- - - GF -- - 100,000 400,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 GF -- - - 35,000 GF -- - -- 150,000 GF - - - - 300,000 300,000 300,000 GF 12,000 GF 30,000 -127- a\PITAL ~ rnoGRAM 1988-89 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 FUND IIJLGEl' ~OO IIJLGEl' PIANNED PIANNED PIANNED PIANNED 60. 'IRANSroRIM'IOO FACILITIES (Cont' d.) 20. Yoma st. Widening between First st. & Irvine Blvd. Right-of-way (Westerly side) GF -- -- 40,000 Construction Cal trans -- -- 42,000 21. Yoma st. Widening between 130' N/O Laurie Lane & Santa Clara Ave. Right-of-Way GI' -- -- - -- 22,000 AHFP -- -- -- -- 128,000 County - -- -- - 106,000 Construction GI' - - -- -- 32,000 AHFP -- -- -- -- 109,000 County - - - -- 77,000 22. "c" st. WideningjReconstruction northerly of Mitchell Ave. HCIllI. - - -- - -- 87,000 23. Red Hill Ave. Widening between Melvin Way & 200+ ft. southerly GI' - -- - -- - 62,000 24. Tustin Meadows Area Pedestrian Lighting: Kingsboro cir. to Walnut GF - - - - -- 8,800 Royal Oak Rd. to Green Meadow GF -- -- -- - -- 2,600 Green Meadow to Braebum GF -- -- -- - - 8,800 Amherst to Emerywoc:x:i GF - -- -- - - 4,100 Royal Oak to Fallenleaf GF - - -- -- -- 2,600 25. Mountain view from First st. to 250' S/O Irvine Blvd. GF - -- -- 156,500 - -- 26. "A" st. from First st. to 250' S/O Irvine Blvd. GF $- $ -- $ -- $ -- $156,500 $ -- $-- -128- CAPl'I2\L IMIRJIIEIoŒNI' mooRAM 1988-89 1988-89 FUND mIX:El' ~œ 1989-90 1990-91 HJIX;EI' PIANNED 1991-92 PIANNED 60. 'IRANSroRI2\TICN ~ (Cont'd.) 27. "B" st. from First st. to 250' S/O Irvine Blvd. GF 28. stongehenge Dr. from Bryan to Cron'Mell Drive stonehenge stonn Drain - GF GF 29. williams st. Widening from McFadden Ave. to Main st. GI' AHFP 30. Alley easterly of Yorba st. & southerly of Linda lane GF * Additional funding under Flcxxi Control Facilities $16,975,800 $1,010,800 $17,989,800 $1,633,500 $2,380,500 $1,982,400 $2,211,500 'lUI7\IS 1992-93 1993-94 PIANNED PIANNED 156,500 67,500 (FCF'*) 280,000 179,000 35,000 FUND REX::I\P GI' $ 1,434,900 350,600 1,798,400 - 54,000 62,000 280,000 GF 2,103,400 555,900 1,415,500 1,333,500 1,506,500 1,533,400 1,452,500 AHFP 345,000 85,000 565,000 - 237,000 - 179,000 IRV. 7,130,000 - 7,130,000 TIC 5,580,000 - 5,580,000 UHF. - - - 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 oaJIT 114,400 - 114,400 - - - HCDI\. 218,100 19,300 159,500 - - 87,000 B - - 135,000 S.A. 50,000 - 50,000 CAIlIRANS - - 42,000 CXXJNIY - - - - 183,000 CAP. IMP. - - 1,000,000 -129- 65. 'IRAFFIC CUNIroL F7\.crr.r:r:IES 1. Misc. Traffic Safety Projects (HFS Grant - City Share 10%) CAPITAL ~ ~ 1988-89 1988-89 FUND R.JI:X:;EI' PRGJEX:TION 1989-90 1990-91 IIJŒEI' PIANNED 1991-92 PIANNED 1992-93 1993-94 PIANNED PIANNED 2. Modify Pennissi ve Left Turn Fhasing at Various Intersections GF $ 16,800 $40,600 $ - $ -- $- $ -- $- GF 20,000 -- 203,000 RDA * * * GF 22,000 -- 22,000 GF 32,000 32,000 3. Install New Signal Controllers at San Juan & Red Hill Ave. GI' S.A. Cal trans 50,000 25,000 25,000 4. Flashing Amber Pedestrian Lights at Arnaganset & Yo:rba. and Prospect & Beneta Way GF 30,000 5. Warner Ave. at Pull.m:m Ave. New Installation GF 95,000 6. Misc. Traffic Signal Modi f icati ons /Improvements at various Locations 7. Yo:rba. St. at Vandenberg In. New Installation GF 150,000 8. Main St. at Stoneglass * See Redevelopment Aqercy for SUpplemental Furrling -130- CAPITAL ~ l'RO3RlIM 1988-89 1988-89 FUND HJIX;EI' J:roJ"ærrOO 1989-90 1990-91 HJIX;EI' PIANNED 'lUrAIS $90,800 $40,600 $632,000 $ 90,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 FUND ROCAP GF $90,800 $40,600 $532,000 $ - $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 Gl' - - $ 50,000 $ 90,000 S.A. - - $ 25,000 CAI.:IRANS - - $ 25,000 65. 'rnAFFIC a:NrnOL ThCII..IT:IES (Cont'd.) 9. Red Hill Ave. at Bell Ave. New Installation GI' 10. Red Hill Ave., Irvine Blvd. to Barranca Road Traffic signal Computerization GF 70. FliX) ) romroL F'ACILlTIES 1. In-channel Facilities for Monitoring Maintenance/Operation San Diego Creek Watershed: GF $10,000 $ 5,000 GF 22,000 $ 10,000 $ - 70,000 2. sixth st. storm Drain between "B" st. and Pacific st. GF 148,700 1,800 159,500 3. Pacific st. stonn Drain between sixth st. and Main st. GF 137,000 1,600 147,100 4. Auto Center storm Drains: Area 2 GF 137,000 - 137,000 Area 3 GF 154,000 - 154,000 (l\dditional fundinq umer Transportation Facilities) -131- $ 90,000 1991-92 PIANNED 300,000 $ - 1992-93 1993-94 PIANNED PIANNED 300,000 300,000 $- $- CAPr.l2\L ~ ~ 1988-89 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 FUND FUIX;EI' !'.RQJOCTION FUIX;EI' PIANNED PI1\NNED PI1\NNED PIANNED 70. FIroD ŒNIroL FACILITIES 5. El Moclena- Irvine Channel Improve- ments from I -5 Fwy. to Michelle Dr. Plan Preparation GF $- $ -- $ -- $100,000 $ - $ -- $-- COnstruction GF - -- -- 200,000 1,000,000 6. Venta Stom Drain from F-10 Channel to Sycamore GF -- - 323,300 Sycamore to Walnut GF -- -- 282,400 7. San Juan st. Stom Drain between Falmouth & 600 I E/O Red Hill GF - - - -- 167,700 8. Yorba st. Storm Drain between Seventeenth st. & Iaurie In. GF - - - - - 113,100 - Iaurie In. and Medford GF -- - - -- -- 119,800 - 9. utt Dr.jVeeh Dr. Storm Drain between Mitchell Ave. and Woodlawn Dr. Gf - -- - - - 89,800 -- 10. Stonehenge Dr. Stom Drain between Byran Ave. & Cron'Mell Dr. GF - - -- -- - -- 199,500 Stonehenge Roadway Improvments GF -- - - -- - - (TF) 11. 'I\Jstin Meada.vs Nuisance Water Drains GF - -- -- -- - -- 572,000 'IDrAIS $608,700 $8,400 $1,273,300 $300,000 $1,167,700 $322,700 $771,500 FUND RæAP GF $608,700 $8,400 $1,273,300 $300,000 $1,167,700 $322,700 $771,500 (TF) Additional Funding under Transportation Facilities -132- OIHER ~ - UNSCHEnJIEI) IN CITl OF 'lUSTIN FIVE YEAR PROGRAM 10. IUBLIC ThCILITIES (tam) 30. BFAUl'IFICATICN IroJærs 1. Red Hill Avenue Center Islands from Warner Avenue to AT&SF Railrœd .................... $ 2. Irvine Boulevard Center Islands from Old Irvine to Red Hill ............................ 40. PARK AND REX:REAT.ICN ThCILI'I'IES (tam) 1. Gymnasium and Athletic Col'Iplex (6 lighted fields) ................. .... ................. $ 2. Community and Arts center .............................................................. 3. Youth-oriented Facility (Replace Lambert School) ....................................... 4. Columbus-Tustin Multipurpose Gymnasium Oamplex ......................................... 5. Neighborhood Parks Specific Plan (13) (15 Acres) including restrooms ................... 6. Oammunity Parks specific Plan Area (3) (41.75 acres) ................................... 7. Major picnic Facilities ................................................................ 8. Nature Center (5,000 Sq. Ft.) ........................................................... 60. 'IRl\NSfDRrATICN EACILIT.Iæ 1. "c" street, First Northerly ............................................................ 2. Second street, from "A" street to "B" street ........................................... 3. Alley Northerly of First street, from "B" street to 150' E/O "C" street................ 4. Alley Northerly of Second street, from Pasadena Avenue to Myrtle Avenue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65. 'ffiAFFIC a::NIroIS (NONE) -133- 452,800 13,900 1,360,000 2,750,000 2,500,000 1,611,000 600,560 3,278,880 120,000 400,000 $ 82,400 24,700 18,900 10,700 70. 80. OIHER :IRXJæIS - UNSCHEfXJIED m CI'lY OF 'lUSTIN FIVE YEAR PRCX;RAM FIDOD ~L F1\CILI'I'IES 1- 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. First Baptist C'lUrch Drain, from Tract 10628 to Newport Avenue......................... Mitchell Avenue Drain, Browning to 1300'+ Westerly..................................... Holt Avenue Drain, Irvine Boulevard to Lillian Way..................................... Acacia Drive Drain, Jacaranda Avenue Southerly......................................... EI Camino Real Drain, Red Hill Avenue to Tustin High School... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Olwyn Drive Drain, Red Hill Avenue to Laburnum Drive ................................... cartax Avenue Drain, Sycam:>re Avenue to Scherer ........................................ Wildeve lane Drain, Walnut avenue to WÌI1demere Drive ................................... Mitchell Avenue Drain, Utt Drive to Del A1ro Avenue......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EI Camino Real Drain, Browning Avenue to Red Hill Avenue......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prospect Avenue Drain, Wellington Drive to Arbolada lane ............................... NMP-7 Williams street Drain - McFadden to Alliance ..................................... WASTE DISrosAL F1\CILI'I'IES (lDm) -134- $ 67,200 189,300 65,800 60,000 185,600 77,800 143,700 107,800 153,400 462,500 104,300 127,000 n 0 -t VI > -0 c:: I'T1 -0 rrI (I) n ... ;Q -t -t -t > ... > -t Z 0 ï "" Z 0 ;Q Z I'T1 < ;¡¡: (I) 0 ... -0 rrI ... ;Q < 0 I'T1 < ï rrI 0 3: -0 I'T1 :z Z rrI -t Z VI -t > Ci) rrI Z n -< TUSTIN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS (CITY COUNCIL) DEPARTMENT: TUSTIN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY The Tustin Comoonity Redevelopment Agency was established in 1976 for the purpose of providing needed public improvements and facilitating economic development within the Town Center Project Area and the South Central Redevelopment Project Areas. The City Council serves as the Agency Board of Directors and City staff provide required Agency staff support. OESCRIPTION: TASKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. The Agency is administered in accordance with the Town Center Area Redevelopment Project Area and the South Central Project Area plans and State redevelopment law. Agency expenses include capital improvement projects and operating costs which include required staff support and consultant services. Complete capital improvement projects scheduled for 1990-91 and carry-over projects approved in prior years. Continue to identify Agency funded projects and programs which result in achievement of goals set forth in the Town Center Project Area and the South Central Project Area. Prepare a financial plan for the Agency which includes projected tax increment revenue and a plan (alternatives and strategies) for financing scheduled and proposed projects within the Agency's project areas. The plan will provide the basis upon which to consider the issuance of bonds to finance Agency projects. Complete amended plan document to provide updated development and funding goals thru the financial gains of the Agency. DIVISION BUOGET: Personnel Operations Capital Improvements $ -0- 814,622 2,000 TOTAL $ 816,622 -135- DEPARTMENT:Tustin COITTI1lJnity Redevelopment Agency 1989-90 BUDGET DETAIL DEPARTMENT SUMMARY 1987-88 ACTUAL 1988-89 BUDGET PROJECTED 1989-90 REQUEST ------------- ----------- ------------- PERSONNEL DETAIL Agency Members $60-$60 $60-$60 $60-$60 $60-$60 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Salaries Retirement & Insurance $4,333 $50,000 $7,100 $0 -_u_u u_---.uuu u_--.-.u--- u------u_- $4,333 $50,000 $7,100 $0 $194,575 $522,437 $257,000 $467,025 205,573 13,550 127,070 342,898 5,642 3,350 7,110 4,699 582,671 194,250 194,250 0 _uuu.----- --_uu_u_-. ------u----- --------.--- $988,461 $733,587 $585,430 $814,622 Total Personnel Costs suppl ies & Services Contractual Services Departmental Expense Training & Development Other Expense Total Supplies & Services Capital Outlay -------------. Office furniture Office Equipment Computing lIardware Comput i ng Sot tware Bui lding Improvements $0 $1,000 $0 $500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,500 0 1,500 19,860 0 0 0 ---_u- ----._--u.u -.u_-------- -----------. $19,660 $2,500 $0 $2,000 $1,012,654 $786,087 $592,530 $816,622 Total capital Outlay OEPARTMENT TOTAL -136- 0 :s ë: ;;; "'no eo- -'3 - --0 -. a.eo -'~<1> " -. <c,,~ <ce - , 3 en" -00-. o~ë <"', <1>"'<1> 3, '" '" ~ '" 0 z .... n 0 '" .... -0 i"= _. ;;; 0 ~ '" -< I I-' LV -.J I .. ..... .. ~ .:o:~ ..... 0> 0 0> ..... 0" '" .. ~ 0:000 .. ~ ::: ~: .. ..... '" 0 ..... '" ..... "'0 "'0 ~ 0:000 .. :¡: '" '" '" 0 .. ... 0,000 ... '" 0 .'" '" 0> ~ .. , .....' ..... '" 0 "'.. 0:000 on 0'" :~. ;;; 0 ~ '" -< ë: ;;; o-<on ~,"'o :T '" -0 " C' ~ :ï!!; ::; i ;:'~. ¡¡ ~ -. -0 "e '" """""" '" " "'- "'0- .. <1> '" en < m", <1>'" o~:;. -g¡¡¡:;: """'" ~ en '" ~ 0 ~ .. .. ~ ~",;g~ ~ g~~t '" 0"'"""" .. .. :¡:::o :::¡ '" !'!:".~.~ '" "'~""" '" """0'" ~ ooo~ .. .. 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N .. 0 KJ '" '" '" ~ .0 '" I CD ..... .--t I 0 '" '" ." N N .. >- CO :; a .. .. 'a. CO u ... < ê % a CO Õ 0- ;; 0 I I-' W I.!) I < 0 z ~ n 0 '" ~ 1J ¡:: ;; .. N N '" CO> CO> o .. '" -~ !: ~ N '" ~ .. ~ -0 ° ° .. ~ '" 0 '" CO> ~ ~ '" 0 ~ '" -< .. 0 .. ...,'" V>O 00 .. 0 .. 00 !: N' ~; .. ..., V> V>O 00 no 0- 3- 1J -. CO ~II> :J~ <cc ",;5 0 -. :::-Ë '" .., '" II> ;;: , n :~. :0 ~ '0> , -< .. 00 -< 0 ;; 0> O~On ~"'II>O :r "'.., :J II> -.'" ~ "':J..,.., -.~ '" m:J30 ,,<C II> ~ -. .., :J C II> II>"~ 0> '" :J 0>- ",,:,- .. II> II> '" < mil> 11>"", -.., < ] ~ g' 11>11>'" ;; :? 1J ~ '" II> ~. 0 II> '" .. N .. N'V> ~V> ~'N V>C>o :"';ò..~~:" ~""""O'" V>:~C>oC>oN ..' .. N' N '" '" '" ~N 0' -0""" "', OV>~ "';°00'" .. N V> èo 0 0 .. ~ '" 0 0 0 0000 .. ~ .. N 0 ~~V> O()"'~ V>V>'" 00°'" õI '" '" C 1J .., -< 0 ;; '" '" .. ~ ~ 0 :J :J II> '" '" ~. '0 'II> '" n 0 '" ;; ~:~ ...., ~ '" '" V> V> .. , .. N' N V> , V> '0:'0 0' 0 0;0 !: ~ 0 0 0 ° .. 0 '" '" 0> .., II> '" .. 0 " '" ,~ '0 ':J ':J :~ » n § ::¡ ~ ~ ~ » <C g 0 -< " '" 3 cr II> ~ .. '" 'i' .. '" ° .. '" 'i' .. '" 0 .. '" 0 .;. '" ° .. '" 'i' .. '" 0 " m :u ¡g z z m r ~ ~ ,»~ 'n-o '~'" 'C..., , » , , r'" '" ,~ , " C) ~ , ;o~ , m-o ,°'" 'c::o() '~.o -<0 -0 '" '" Ò, -0 " ;0 0 ~ n ;;:; " ::: ~ '" 0 C ;c n '" ;; ;;¡ " ¿ II> 0 ~ » ;;: '" " m " ~ ~ ::¡ -< ~ :J i :J .. -< ;0 '" a. " < ~ -§ " ;; » <C " :J 0 -< -0 '" -0 .0 0 ~ " C) m -< " m ~ DESCRIPTION OF ACCOUNTS $10,000 OR MORE DEPARTMENT: TUSTIN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DIVISION ACCOUNT 1988-89 Contractual Services $ 522,437 Departmental Expenses $ 13,500 -140- 1989-90 $ 467,025 $ 342,898 DESCRIPTION Consulting, $101,950; Econo- nomic/Financing, $85,000; Audit/ Accounting, $4,000; Legal Services, $56,538; Architect Services, $176,638; Appraisal services $36,DOO; Fiscal Agent Expenses, $7,000. Relocation, $33,000; Misc. Dept Expenses, $12,898. REDE.VIlli) IMENl' AGENC'l CAPITAL ~r ~ 'KMN CENI'ER (TC) - scum: CENrnAL (SC) 1988-89 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 BJIX;Er !RlJEX::ITON B.JIX;EI' PlANNED PIANNED PIANNED PIANNED 10. FUBLIC FACILITIES 1. First Street utility Un::ìergrounding/ street Lighting between Prospect Ave. and First st. - No.9 (TC) $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ -- $ -- $ -- $ -- $-- 2. Newport Ave. ¡McFadden Ave. Un::ìergrounding Street Lighting between Santa Ana Fwy. and Walnut Ave. - No. 10 (SC) 12,000 14,500 SUBID:I7'li.S $ D,OOO $15,500 $- $- $- $- $- 40. CX1flJNTIY SERVICES FACIL:ITmS 1. ColumbUS-Tustin Park storm Drain System and site Improvements (TC) $ -- $ -- $293,917 $ -- $ -- $ -- $ -- SUBID:I7'li.S $ - $- $293,917 $- $- $- $- 60. 'mANS RJRl'A TI ON F1I.. c:o:.rrn:s 1. Reconstruction of Alley Southerly of Bonita st. between Newport Ave. and OrafXJe St. (TC) $37,800 $21,000 $ -- $ -- $ -- $ -- $ -- SUBID:I7'li.S $37,800 $21,000 $- $- $- $- $- -141- REIJEV1lli)mEN!' l\GENCY CAPITI\L ~ ~ 'l"a'IN Œm'ER (TC) - SCUlH CENrnAL (SC) 1988-89 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 IDŒEl' PROJECIT 00 IJJIX:IIT PIANNED PIANNED PIANNED PIANNED 65. 'IFAFFIC ŒNIRJL F1I.c:o:..rr.IE:> 1. Mcxlify Various Signalized Intersections to Accommodate Left-turn Fhasing (TC) $ 11,000 $ -- $ 11,000 $ -- $ -- $ -- $ -- 2. Edinger Ave. at Del Amo Signal Installation (SC) 95,000 80,000 SUBIUTIliS $106,000 $80,000 $ 11,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - 70. FI!X)!) CJ.:NillJL F1I.CII...l'I'IES 1. Anagansett Way storm Drain between Prospect Ave. and Acacia Ave. (TC) $295,000 $ -- $295,000 $ -- $ -- $ -- $ -- 2. Nisson Rd. storm Drain between "a" st. and 800'+ ft. Westerly (SC) 105,000 -- 105,000 3. Edinger st. storm Drain Between Red Hill Ave. and Del Amo (SC) 180,000 -- 180,000 SUBIUTIliS $580, 000 $ - $580,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - 90. WATER SUPPLY DIS'IRTIUl'Ioo NONE (TC) 'l"a'IN Œm'ER GRAND '.IUCAIS $344,800 $22,000 $599,917 $ - $ - $ - $ - (SC) scum -ŒNmAL GRAND 'lUI'AIS $392,000 $94,500 $285,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - -142- n 0 -t (I) > -0 c: rrI -0 rr1 (I) n ... ^' -t -t -t > ... > -t :z 0 r z 0 ~ Z :Þ < 3: (I) -t ... -0 rr1 ... ;Q ^' ... 0 < VI rrI rr1 3: ;Q rr1 < Z - -t n VI rr1 w u > c:: L.:.J C/') c:: w f- <1: Š Z f- C/') => f- u.. 0 >- f- U " z ..-, w-' u- z~ <!w zu Ü:S: c:: w '" c:: w " < Z <! 2 >- f- 13 ;:-;'" -z C::o 0- ~f- u<! _C:: -'w ~"- ::JO "- I i-' .Þo W I 0 rn -0 "" '" .... 3: § ~ '" . n , '" , " nonnO' o"oo~'~ :J" 3 3 - , '" '" """ ,- ~,ccn' .., ~ ". 0 c3-'-' 'C n " :J :J rn , ~ ~ :J <0 "'-,, . - -. ~ c. '" g~~~-§"-< rnm:::-;i" .c.c"" :J C c" '" ~ -§' -§';;: ;;: " " ;; ;; n '" " â ~ ;; 0 ~ co -< ~ 0 '" 0 ... . ~ ~ ."'; -o~ '" . 0 V> '" . ~ -0 -,¡;ooo':;O 0 -.¡ ~ N -.¡ V> '" . -.¡ V>~ ~... 0 -~ ON ~ ~::; gCj 000000 <:> N '" VI -0 VI '" ",. ¡:;;'",~ '" ° VI~ ,-0.'" VI "'VI -0'" ~ 0 00 '" '" 00 0 0 S ... VI -.¡ '" N '" . N . N'~O 0'" '" ~VI N~ N""V> V>-'¡ °'°0 00 0'°0000 ¡:: ~ ~ '" :~ ." 0-<""(")00"'(") "'0 ~"o"~,,,o .- ::; '" '" 3" - n:J , " -.:J "0 '" -. -. ~ , '" ':J",c,n-, .'" -"'0 ~ ~ '" -. '" ' m:Jo"'3 ~n,.. >«o"",rn . " ~ :J""C"" " .. '" m ~" "'" . " :J ~ >< "'" -., '" 0 -"'0 -:J m . < " '" "'" '" x",. <:J:Jm""", .n '" '" >< ""." - m '" "0 :J < '" 0 >< '" '" ~-g ~ "':;: ":J '" '" :J '" ~ '" '" c "0 " :J: .. ~ :¿ ~ '" . ,VI ; ,N '" -.¡ , 0 V> ~ N'V> "'N-'¡~VI'" ~'OV>N-oVlN"'~ ò;:"¡"'¡"'¡"'òèo'iv'iv O""V>V>-N~"'O -o;-,¡-,¡~-o-'¡NN~ ... ~ ~ N ,-0 '" -.¡ "" -0 -'¡,"~~~N N"'N-'¡N-'¡,,"'" -""èo",,-""-""~'iv OOON~N~V> 00-0'",,",",,"0 ~ '" '" , VI , - , -.¡ ~ ""-0 V>~~~ N V>"""'",-.¡N-.¡O", -""::"¡"'¡"',,'iv'ivò:" O'O,"V>N"'V>~V> "';oO-o,"OOON "'; ,N : _N '" -.¡. ~ ~ ~ ""0 ~""~~~"" ""V>"'-'¡V>NoOO 'iv:ò¡"'~¡"'-""¡"'-""ò o'o,,"-o-O-V>V>'" ~:O"""-'¡VlOOVl ~ '" , -0 , '" , .., """,'" '" " ' 0 ~ - , :J -. '" :J " '" '" - 3 '" '" '" ;; -0 ~ ~ :J :J '" .. g ~ :J ~ ci :J n '" ",. '" VI. N ~ ,," ~ ~,""o ,,;¡,.,:.. '" ' N '" ~, -.¡~ ~ ...: '" ""~V> ""~N ,-.¡ : :!'" ,'" - , 0 0 O'-'¡N "':-o-.¡ ~ ..' '" '" , - ~ -0 . N-'¡ ,° ; ,0,° -O'~V> '" . N N N:-o", ",. '" -.¡ , ~ V> -.¡ , -.¡-o ~'NO ò:èo:" ~'-'¡'" o:~-o "" n g c z -< z C) 0 ~ >- c .:. 3 " '" £ - ¡;: ë;; ¡;; ::ô ;" 'U ~ ~ ~ r 0 m > , ""- '(")-0 ""0 C-.¡ "", ro C» ~ 0 C) ~ -0 2 ~ ;ri co "'~ m-o DC» C-o ~.c -< 0 -0 C» ~ C» -0 ~ ;; '" -< 3: ~ -< ~ ~ m :J ;; ~ ~ co ~ "" '" ~ rn z -< ~ 3: 3: ~ -0 0 -0 .c 0 ~ CO ~ CO rn > DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: DESCRIPTION: TASKS: DIVISION BUDGET: WATER SERVICE BILLING The service billing function of the City Water Service is responsible for the preparation of the month 1 y water bill s and the interface between the offi ce and fi e 1 d opera t ions concern in g the maintenance of the utility billing structure. 1. Prepare monthly bills from the data represented by the consumption of the utility since the previous billing. 2. 3. Receive payments and reconcile accounts receivable reports. Notify customers of non-payment. 4. Prepare work orders for field operations concerning meter repair, turn-ons and turn-offs. 5. Prepare and monitor water management reports. Personnel Operations Capital Outlay $ 171.370 583,136 107,200 TOTAL $ 861,706 -144- I I-' ~ LI1 I 0 < ~ õ ~ ~ '" 00 00 0() 0 ~ '" ,0() 0() ~ ~ '" 0() 0 VI ... 00 :>; '" 0 00 c; N " , n , " '"D nno' 0 0 - , N 33- , " "D"D ,- c: c: 0 ' NN'" '0 , c: :J :J m N '" '" -" ' - c: ' " ~¡;'i -< ;:- Ci '" x: x: :J " "N ~ ~ ~ -0 ;; 0 ~ " -< ... , "', ~~ ,0() ,~ 0 V\ "'" 0 - "" ::::; "'; ~; "', '" , 0 , 0 , ~ ... ,0,'" 0", 00 000 ... ' '" -....; 0 0 ... ,0() ,'" 0() V\ 00 000 ~; 0 '" '" ' 0 , 0 , 0... '" " V\ '" 00 000 c; " :¡;> '"D O-<-<noOn '-0 N"O"'-O ,- ;'-""3-0-" ' '" -'OJ -0 "-.N , '" , "~c: , 0' , ~ -'-0 N N <>" , m"O<>3 0 '.. """'",mN' -0 N "" c: ' '" "'.."mN-o" "" " N"" '" - , , ",o-'"D-::J ,< '" '" ° <> '" '" , < ::J " m", <> ' 0 <> "'" " '" -m"'"D < '" ]] ~ ~. "'::J <> '" ::J '" N'" ¡;> -0 -0 '" '" .. ~ :¿ 0 '" '" ~: 0'00 -~ : ,~,'" ,~ ,¡;; ,N ,~ ""'" """'V\o ""V\""'-"""'- """"""""'0" ~ ... '" "" 00 '" '" V\ ... '" - '" V\ - 0 ,'" :" ,- ,'" ,'" -'" ."" V\""""'V\0", 000"'000'" oV\oV\oo'" .... o(),'" 00'0() "-0 -'V\~~""""'o() ""'::"è,.-;"-""-"""o"o °'000"""°'" V\;OOO"'OOO ~ ... ' ... ?!;:~ "'-::: '" : ,V\.'" -'" ,'" -'" .'" ,- -'°""""""'00"" "".OOoo()"'o-"'", 00'00"""°0'" ~ " " <> """,;;: '" C> . o N - , :J C> ' ::J , , . <> '" '- 3 <> '" '" ;; " '" ;;: 0 :J :J '" .. n ° '" N '" " ~ ~ ::J 0 '" ...' ... "', - "" " , '" '" -;":,,,è,. V\'~" 0():00() ... .. ¡;; "'0 00 """ -", -......." 0() "'- ~:...," ~: ~ """'0 ,"" : ,'" ,"" °""" °,""" 0:""" ~ ~ '" '" ° ~ '" '" 00" " '" '" " 00 "" n n 0 C z -< 3:""'" '" 0 '" NO" '" ° ., c: ° " ., "'N '" "" c> no 0..-0 '" '" ° .,., c: "";; z '" 0 m :;: "'; "" '" 00 "'; '" ~ V\ 0 .. ~ 00 '" 00 V\ , '" '" ... ... 00V\ "'0() ""'" .;..;. "'- -'" '" " V\ '" V\ , V\:"'V\- ~~~ o-Vl"" '" "'.. ~o/'? ......... "'~'" -""" """" V\ '" "" '" ~ ~ VI ~ ... ~ ~ 0 § ~ 0 m -< "" :",,- 'no() , -< "" 'c'" , "" , , r "" : "" :§ , '" :~ :" , '" :~ ;~ ;~ '0 "" - , m '" '000 'C'" , m , '<n'" , -< 0 '" "" "" 0, 0() ::; 0 z '" '" :¿ 0 '" :J '" 0 ~ "" '" ~ m ::¡ x:: " ": [ '" ~ '" '" '" 00 '? '" 0 ê 0 ~ 0 m :;: DESCRIPTION OF ACCOUNTS ilQ,OOO OR MORE DEPARTMENT: WATER DIVISION: SERVICE BILLING DIVISION ACCOUNT 1988-89 Computer Expenses $ 57,425 Other Expenses 392,500 Capital Outlay 12,700 1989-90 $ 35,397 405,000 107,200 -146- DESCRIPTION Includes computer operations $15,000; computer maintenance $12,128; computer paper forms and supplies, 48,269. Expense reimbursement to General Fund $275,000; Liability Insurance transfer $100,000; bad debt expenses and amortization, $30,000. Water Fund's proportionate share of computer CPO System modems, $1,200; Check endorsement machine, $1,500; Water Service leak detector, $2,000. DEPARTMENT: WATER DIVISION: OPERATIONS DESCRIPTION: The Water Operation Division supplies, without interruption, water meeting various Federal and State Safe Drinking Water Standards to the entire community an adjacent areas. This division also maintains water main lines, service laterals, hydrants and water reservoirs. . TASKS: 1. Prepare water management plan and engineering analysis of the system facilities. 2. Develop divisional operations policy and procedures manual. 3. Develop inventory control program. 4. Routine maintenance and emergency repairs to sys~em facilities. 5. Review water needs for new developments and coordinate installation of required facilities. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Outlay $553,128 1,991,319 118,000 TOT AL $2,662,447 -147- DEPARTMENT :\later Enterpri se DIVISION: Operations PERSONNEL DETAI L \later Servi ces Manager \later Servi ces Eng i neer \later Construction Super. Maintenance Supervisor Maintenance Leadman Equi pment Operator Maintenance \lorker Meter Reader Personne l Salaries Retirement & Insurance Total Personnel Costs Suppl i es & Servi ces Contractual Services Facilities Expense Office Expense Departmenta l Expense T ransportat i on Expense Training & Development Total Supplies & Services Capital Outlay Comstruction Equipment Department Equipment Office Equipment Total Capital Outlay DIVISION TOTAL: 1989-90 BUDGET DETAIL 1987-88 ACTUAL BUDGET 1 $4,D37-$4,037 1 $3,194-$3,882 1 $2,734-$3,324 1 $2,734-$3,324 1 $2,0310$2,469 1 $2,031-$2,469 1 $2,0310$2,469 1 $1,797-$2,184 8 $1,530-$2,050 8 $1,530-$2,050 2 $1,530-$2,050 2 $1,5300$2,050 ..- ..--- 13 15 $185,485 81,017 $266,502 $366,513 114,602 $481,115 1988-89 PROJECTED 1 $3,1940$3,882 1 $2,871-$3,490 1 $2,257-$2,743 1 $2,031-$2,469 1 $1,898'$2,307 8 $1,623-$2,175 13 $362,000 90,952 ..-......---- $452,952 1989-90 REQUEST 1 $3,194-$3,882 1 $2,871-$3,490 1 $2,257-$2,743 1 $2,031'$2,469 1 $1,898'$2,307 8 $1,623-$2,175 13 $426,361 126,767 "0...._.._.- $553,128 $5,187 $17,325 $16,702 $18,191 36,262 13,913 8,010 10,550 232 525 250 500 2,559,193 3,113,933 2,102,830 1,912,803 62,310 70,809 54,459 45,599 1,731 3,675 1,750 3,675 -..-..-..- _'00...._.... -..-....--..- 0""_"""0 $2,664,915 $3,220,180 $2,184,001 $1,991,318 $0 $151,500 $153,615 $10,000 0 14,300 14,300 103,500 0 0 0 4,500 "-""-"'" _"'0_0...._- "__"__0".. -..-...--.... $0 $165,800 $167,915 $118,000 $2,931,417 $3,867,095 $2,804,868 $2,662,446 -148- DEPARTMENT: WATER DIVISION: 9520 OPERATIONS DIVISION ACCOUNT East Orange County Water District Electric Well Maintenance Pump tax Property tax Main line maintenance Service lateral maintenance Vehicle leasing Construction Equipment Office equipment Department equipment ! DESCRIPTION OF ACCOUNTS $20,000 OR MORE AND CAPITAL OUTLAY 1988-89 1989-90 DESCRIPTION $2,122,470 $1,022,238 Purchased water from EO.C.W.D. $467,250 $352,275 Electricity used to pump water. $60,250 $63,263 Maintenance and repair of well pumps. $257,650 $259,875 Tax paid to County for pumping water. $20,650 $20,857 Estimated by Finance. $89,250 $93,713 Maintenance/repair to existing water main lines. $26,250 $27,563 Maintenance/repair of services within system. $39,859 $26,399 Lease rates for vehicles in water operations. $30,000 . $10,000 Compressor $0 $4,500 Photo copier. $123,615 $103,500 Geo-base mapping - $100,000; vacuum (1) -$350; back.pack blower (1) - $350; power string trimmer (1) - $300; 3' diaphagm pump (1) - $1,300; modum (1) $1,200. -149- DEPARTMENT: WATER DIVISION: ION EXCHANGE TREATMENT PLANT DESCRIPTION: The Ion Exchange water treatment plant removes nitrate-contaminated water from the underground basin and treats it so that It will comply with Federal and State Safe Drinking Water Standards. This demonstration project is a cooperative effort with Orange County Water District. TASKS: 1. Provide a healthful and wholesome water supply to the community. 2. Determine feasibility of Ion Exchange for nitrate removal from ground water. 3. Provide more reliable water supply by decreasing dependence on imported supply. 4. Purify the groundwater basin and retard the spread çf nitrates to adjacent areas and other wells. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Outlay $23,271 95,875 0 TOTAL $119,146 -150- I f-' U1 f-' I ::: 0 z: ~ n 0 " ~ "0 i!= ~. " ... ° ... ¡:;< ~ ° ° 0 ... 0 ~ ."<> .-. '" ~ ;; " Don -'" 0 -"03 -." V> o-,~ "'~-, 3 C """0 .D"~ C ~-. fg>3 "'C'" " -'.D ~"Q c g-§' ~'" ~ 0 ~ " -< ...: ... °:°00 ...: ... °:°00 ... 0 ... 000 ... ... 0 000 . n '" :~. ;; 0 ~ '" ,-< ;:; ;;; ~~OO~n -'-""-"0 " ""0 -0 " V> -.,,"_.-.~ C "V> -, 0--, "0 -'"0 ~ '" -." "0 "03 ~o - (Q""",-.~ ~"X"'C ~ ";: ;;-g V> ~ 0-._" '" .. "'0 V>Xv> < " '" "'"0 '" '" X "', -"'"0 ,,< 0 X '" 11>-. ]-g ¡¡; '" 2 0 """" II> '" "v> II> ~'" ~ ~ .. , ... °:°00000 ~: :: .0: p ~: ~ ... 0:°00000 ...: ... °:000000 ... "<> "" 00 ...., "" a 00 ...., ... 0°""000 V> C ~ ;:; ;;; " '" "'v>'~ "'., , 0 ~-, " -,., , " " , '" '" -.,- 3 '" "'II> ~ '" II> .. V> '" < " ~ ~ " " '" .. 0 '" II> n 0 II> 0; " ~ ;;: " 0 '" ..., ... °:°0 ... IV ..., "" o 0 ... . IV ..., ~ 00 ...: ... °:00 ..: ... IV' ~ '" , '-'00 "':Òo-"" ....,....,..., ~:....,~ O: , O: O: o o "":"" " ;:; V> 0 z: "z: c;~ " ~O O~ "0> "'- ;;:~ ~ ... IV ... IV ~ IV "'~ "'"<> 000 C"<> '" , v>"<> --<0 ::: g ,,- -0 "z: " ~~ 0 ;;r " " <D '" '" " ;; , "0 , --< ~ ~ C> 3' '" ;; >~ n"<> --<00 c...., >. ~ 00 00 ~ 0 ~ ~ "<> 00 <:' 00 "<> ;:: 0 ~ ;ri 0 0 ~ > '" --< 3: ~ ~ ~ "<> 00 "<> -ò o '" C '" ~ 0 '" ~ DEPARTMENT: WATER DIVISION; 9560 IONIZATION DIVISION ACCOUNT Electric Basin replenishment Chemicals DESCRIPTION OF ACCOUNTS $20,000 OR MORE AND CAPITAL OUTLAY modum (1) $1 ,200. 1988-89 1989-90 DESCRIPTION $50,000 $38,750 Electricity used operation of Ion exchange treatment plant. $31,500 $28,125 Cost for replenisment to water basin. $20,000 $20,000 Chemicals used for operation of ion exchange treatment plant. -152- DEPARTMENT: WATER DIVISION: REVERSE OSMOSIS TREATMENT PLANT DESCRIPTION: The reverse osmosis water treatment plant removes nitrate-contaminated water from the underground basin and treats it so that it will comply with Federal and State Safe Drinking Water Standards. This demonstration project is a cooperative effort with Orange County Water District. TASKS: 1, Provide a healthful and wholesome water supply to the community. 2, Determine the feasibility of Reverse osmosis treatment for nitrate removal from groundwater. 3. Provide more reliable water supply by decreasing dependence on imported supply. 4, Purify the groundwater basin and retard the spread,of nitrates to adjacent areas and other wells. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Outlay $23,271 95,875 0 TOTAL $119,146 -153- ;:: w 0 .... w '" 0 ;:0 m 0 00 0- CO 00 '" ., ., ~ ~ :;; ¡;¡ 'é 0 w '" ., :;;'é > '" "'- 0<0.. :;; ~ :. ~ w :>: :;; « 0.. ~ 'é '" ~ '" ~ .... % 0 '" ;: ~:;;: O-~: COO, Oow. -0< . N ~ :;:: "r--:- """.r-- "CO.", ro',,- : ",' - ,N .. :" '" .. "':'" Ò:Ò ",. W . ....' ~: 0: 0< , 0.. . 00:0 .. '.. 00 CO d:, ro 00 :0 ....: w. '" . 0 , ;:0. m . 00 a a 0 '" VI '" '" '" N .. .. :0 , CO . CO...., ,« , r--;:o. CO..... 00'-' , -« 00 .. :0 2 '" =:;; «a. ""0 ~... c: ....'" w- %0.. % a '" 0< W c.. '" u c: '" 5 ., c: co ... c: .,., "E -..- '" "', ........ c: , "'.- c:, -... 0, '" '" """0< :;;: 0. . a .. fJ ., 0 '-' '" c: c: 0 ., :;; c.. '" 'è; .... 000"'00:'" .. "- . "- co : ~ ~ : ~ ;.. 000000:0 .. : .. 000000:0 .. a '0 '" . VI a 000000:0 .. . .. ., '" u > 3: :J: 'é ~ ., .,c:'" u ~ '" ~ 8. il. 'S; 'S; ~ 8.'::; ~ :;; :;; 8..,'::; c: ~ '" '" x., 0 '" co w c:-.-o - .,"'... ., '" ., a.... '" co '" :J<>xc:... ~';:;wi!iðg> a. "'.- '" ... 0.'- a. ....- U""" c: :J ""-'- '" c:.- '" c: u-.- a.'" '" 0"'-.-<>........ '-"'-00"""" ~ ~ co ~ a. a.. ¿;¡: :~ ... 000:0 .. .. 000. '" .. .. 000:0 .. : .. 000:0 .. '.. >-. '" :; 0 ~ a. , "', u . 'é [~ 'S il.... 0"- c: w:J'" c:.z-il. 0 '- ,-... :J ...c:0' U"'W :J E ........, """'U f!i K:;: 0"'- '-'00 '!1 00' .. 0 .. a 0 0 " '" ;;¡ 0 .. I ~ t.J') rl I >- '" :; 0 .~ ;;i a. .... '" 0 '-' .... '" ~ % 0 ;: DEPARTMENT: WATER DESCRIPTION OF ACCOUNTS $20,000 OR MORE AND CAPITAL OUTLAY modum (1) $1,200. DIVISION: 9570 REVERSE OSMOSIS DIVISION ACCOUNT 1988-89 1989-90 DESCRIPTION Electric $50,000 $38,750 Electricity used operation of reverse osmosis treatment plant. Basin replenishment $31,500 $28,125 Cost for replenisment to water basin. Chemicals $20,000 $20,000 Chemicals used for operation of reverse osmosis treatment plant. ;0 -155- 90. WATER SUPPLY AND DIS'IRIB1l'IOO 1. Bell Ave./WaITler Ave. loop Completion 3. Replacement of Obsolete Production Meters on Wells with McCrometer Flanged 'I\.1be Meters (Multiple Year Program) Rehabilitate Landscaping at Simon Ranch Road Reservoir site 4. Masonry Block Wall and Gate at 17th street Well site FCXJthill Reservoir site Retaining Walls & Landscape/Irrigation (two-year program) 6. ModifyjUpqrade Telemetry System for Reservoirs, Wells and Pumps 5. 7. Drill and Construct Well and Well- head Facility (site to be selected) 8. Arroyo Ave. 2" and 4" STL Water Main Replacement from Skyline Dr. to La lDrra Dr. (County Territory) 9. Eton Pl. , SUssex Pl., Grarnmercy Pl., and Sandhurst Pl. Water Main Replace- ment (4") STL southerly of Dodge Ave. (County Territory) 'IUSTIN WATER SERVICE CAPITAL :IMfRJVEMENI' ~ 1988-89 1988-89 IÐŒEl' PRQJECJ.'IOO 1989-90 1990-91 IÐŒEl' PI.lINNED 1991-92 PI.lINNED 1992-93 1993-94 PlANNED PlANNED $ 5,200 $ -- $ 5,200 $-- 6,000 6,000 6,000 9,500 -- 9,500 22,000 23,500 -- 42,500 -- 42,500 75,000 -- 75,000 400,000 -- 400,000 230,000 122,200 180,000 118,500 -156- $ -- $ -- $ -- 'lUS'l'lli WATER SERVICE CAPITAL :rMFRJVEMENr ~ 1988-89 1988-89 IUJ.X;EI' rnoJECl'IOO' 1989-90 1990-91 IUŒEl' PlANNED 1991-92 PIlINNED 1992-93 1993-94 PIlINNED PIANNED 90. WATER SUPPLY AND DISIRIHJI'IOO' (cant I d.) 10. Edinger Ave. Water Main Replace- rnent (8") STL from Del Amo Ave. to Newport Ave. (extended) (County Territory) $ 59,000 $ 40,000 $ 19,000 $ -- $ -- $ -- $-- II. La Bella Dr., Del Rey Dr., and Catalina Ave. Water Main Replace- rnent (4" STL) from La COlina Dr. to Windsor Lane and Windsor Lane Water Main Replacement (4" STL) from Red Hill Ave. to La Bella Dr. (County Territory) 162,000 108,500 54,000 12. Walnut Ave. from Newport Ave. to Oran:;Je st., Oran:;Je st. from EI Camino Real to San Juan st., and Lcx::kwoodjOran:;Jewcxx1jPropect Ave. - Replace Water Mains (City Territory) 73,500 14,400 -- 13. Rebecca In., Gwen Ave., I1.J.cinda Way, and Deborah Dr. Water Main Replace- rnent (4") STL Wily of Red Hill Ave. (county Territory) 148,700 -- 140,000 14. Rawlings Reservoir Repair (Structural Rehabilitation & Installation of Liner) 216,200 194,600 29,400 15. Foothill Reservoir Repair (Structural Rehabilitation & Installation of Liner) 32,500 32,500 200,000 -157- 'lUSTIN WATER SERVICE ~ ~ FRCX;Rl\M 1988-89 1988-89 fIJIx;El' I?RITEX:rION 1989-90 1990-91 fIJIx;El' PIANNED 1991-92 PIANNED 1992-93 1993-94 PlANNED PlANNED 90. WATER SUPPLY AND DIS'.lRIIUI'ION (Cant I d.) 16. EnraIPada Dr., southerly of Skyline Dr., Replacement of 500 L.F. of 4" STL Water Main (County Territory) $ -- $-- 17. orvillina Dr. northerly of Skyline Dr. Replacement of 500 ft. of 4" STL Water Main (County Territory) 18. Malta st. and Vale Ave. Water Main Replacement (4") STL from Hewes Ave. W'ly, Vale Ave. to Foothill Blvd. Replacement of 4" STL Water Main (Coill1ty Territory) 19. Browning Ave. Southerly of Beverly Glen, Replacement of 800 L.F. 8" STL Water Main (Coill1ty Territory) 20. Garland Ave., Wreath PI., and Œlaplet Water Main Replacement (4") STL E'ly of Reel Hill Ave. (Coill1ty Territory) 21. Bikini PI., Saigon In., and Lindale In., Water Main Replacement (4") STL E'ly of Hewes Ave. (County Territory) 22. Prospect Ave. Water Main Replacement (4") STL from Main st. to First st. (City Territory) 23. "c" st. northerly of Mitchell Ave. Water Main Replacement (3" STL) (City Territory) -158- $ 45,000 $ -- 45,000 147,000 62,500 120,000 208,300 120,000 24,000 $ -- $ -- $ -- 90. WATER SUPPLY AND DISI'RIIUI'IOO (cont 'd.) 24. Automated Cìùorination Equipment Installation at Each WelThead Facility 25. Nisson Road Water Main Replacement (6" STL) between Newport Ave. and 150 I W/O Red Hill Ave. (City Territory) Beautify/Landscape Water Facility at 235 Main street 26. 27. Nitrate Removal Plant sinking F\md 28. Well Development sinking F\md 29. Newport Ave. Water Main Replacement (8") STL fram Edinger Ave. to Walnut Ave. (City Territory) 30. Wcx:x11and Dr. Water Main Replacement (4") STL northerly of Bryan Ave. (City Territory) 'IUSl'IN WATER SERVICE CAPITAL ~ ~ 1988-89 1988-89 BJIX;EI' ~ON 1989-90 1990-91 IDLGEI' PIlINNED 1991-92 PlANNED 1992-93 1993-94 PlANNED PIANNED 120,000 $ -- $ -- $ -- $130,000 $ -- $ -- $ -- -- -- 4,500 -- -- -- -- 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 251,200 101,300 31. Zig Zag Way Water Main Replacement (4") STL northerly of La Colina Dr. (county Territory) -- 92,900 32. "B" st. Water Main Replacement (4") STL southerly of sixth st. (City Territory) 33. Pasadena Ave. Water Main Replacement (4") STL southerly of Second st. (City Territory) 50,700 94,500 -159- 'lUSTIN WATER SERVICE CAPrrnL IMffiOVEl1EN1' IRX.;RAM 1988-89 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 IDŒIIT ~ON IDŒIIT PlANNED PIANNED PIANNED PIlINNED 90. WATER SUPPI1l AND DIS'IRIlUITON (Cont I d.) 34. lEon Way Water Main Replacement (4") STL from Lillian Way to Holt Ave. (County Terri tory) -- -- -- 63,300 -- -- -- 35. Romanza PI. 4" STL Water Main replacement northerly of Lillian Way (County Territory) $ -- $ -- $ -- $ 33,700 $ -- $ -- $ -- 36. caneda Pl. 4" STL Water Main Replacement northerly of Lillian Way (County Territory) -- -- -- 34,900 37. Livingston from Beneta to Lillian, Lil1ian from Livingston to Holt, Replacement of 2000 L. F. of 4" STL Water Main -- -- -- 160,000 38. El Camino Lane 4" STL Water Main Replacement easterly of Newport Ave. County Territory) -- -- -- -- 46,400 39. Newport Ave. from WagS to Newport Resexvoir, Replace 1600 L.F. 16" Riveted Steel Pipeline -- -- -- -- 500,000 500,000 40. Warren Ave. Water Main Replacement (4") STL from Clarissa to Ehlen (County and City Territory) -- -- -- -- 101,300 41. Foothill Blvd. Water Main Replacement (8") STL from Newport Ave. to Arroyo Ave. (County Territory) -- -- -- -- 86,300 -160- 'lUSTIN WATER SERVIŒ CAPITAL IMrnOVEMENl' PRCX;RAM 1988-89 1988-89 EUIX;EI' PRO.JEX:I'ION 1989-90 1990-91 IDD:;EI' PIANNED 1991-92 PIANNED 1992-93 1993-94 PIANNED PIANNED 90. WATER SUPPLY AND O:rs:mnur:rON (Cont I d. ) 42. "A" st. 4" C.1. Water Main Replacement from Main st. to First st. (City Territory) 43. "A" st. 3" STL Water Main Replacement from First st. to Irvine Boulevard city Territory) 44. Ethelbee Way 6" STL Water Main Replace- ment northerly of Santa Clara Ave. and Santa Clara Ave. (County Territory) 45. Whitney Dr., Lassen Way, Lassen Dr., and Shasta Dr. Water Main Replacement (4") STL from Prospect Ave. to Ranier Ave. (County Territory) 46. Ranier Dr. 4" and 611 STL Water Main Replacement from Olympia Way to Prospect Ave. (County Territory) 47. County Lane Replacement of 4" STL Water Main northerly of La Colina (County Territory) 48. Sierra Alta Dr. Replacement of 4" STL Water Main from Red Hill Ave. to Windsor Lane (County Territory) 49. Ranch View Dr., Replacement of 4" STL Water Main northerly of La Colina Dr. (County Territory) $ -- -161- $ -- $ $ -- 104,600 $ 72,700 $-- 72,500 136,600 108,600 60,400 $ 185,300 28,200 n 00 ..., VI > ....... > rrI ~ VI (I) (I) n .... -t-t -t -t -t Ñ;Q ... > ....... -t 0 r nn c:: Z -t-t (I) -t 3: :z :z >< ~ 00 z :=::: 0 > < CDCD VI ..., C'\ U'1 VI 3: I I ..., ..., N- VI Z (I) -t 3: ..., ~ Z Ñ -t 0 VI '" :=::: > 3: (I) 'IUSTIN WA'l'ER SERVICE CAPl'I2\L :IMPOOVrnENr H~ 1988-89 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 IIJIX;EJ.' HIDl.'X:TI ON IUŒET PIANNED PIANNED PlANNED PIANNED 90. WATER SUPPLY AND DISIRIHJTION (Cont I d.) 50. Linda Lane, LaurÍ11da Way, Laurie Lane, Replacement of 4" STL Water main W'ly of Prospect Ave. (County Territory) -- -- -- -- -- -- 116,500 51. Kirk Ave. ,Dall Lane, Norwood Park Place, Replacement of 4" STL Water Main W'ly of Holt Ave. (County Territory) $ -- $ -- $ -- $ -- $ -- $ -- $180,600 52. Bigelow Park, Replacement of 4" STL \'later Main from Holt Ave. to Livingston (County Territory) -- -- -- -- -- -- 109,200 53. Clarissa Lane, Replacement of 4" STL Water Main northerly of Vanderlip (County Territory) -- -- -- -- -- -- 28,400 54. Brenan Way, Replacement of 4" STL Water Main from Vanderlip to Seventeenth st. (County Territory) -- -- -- -- -- 93,600 $1,912,100 $910,200 $2,126,900 $1,262,500 $1,161,100 $1,128,300 $991,800 -162- fillER FRl:TæI'S - tJNSaIEæIED ill WATER SERVICE FIVE YEAR IÐX:RAM 1. Arbolada Way, Replacement of 4" Water Main Westerly of Prospect Ave. (City Territory) ................................................... $ 35,400 2. Fiesta Way, Replacement of 4" Water Main Westerly of Prospect Ave. (City Territory) .................................................... 3. Kenwcxxl Lane, Replacement of 4" Water Main from La Colina Dr. to Sierra Alta Dr. (County Territory)............................................ 4. Lerrona In., Replacement of 4" Water Main Southerly of La Colina Dr. (County Territory) ................................................. 5. windsor PI., Replacement of 4" Water Main from Warren Ave. to Seventeenth st. (County Territory) ............................................. 6. Cameron In., Replacement of 4" Water Main Southerly of Vanderlip st. (County Territory) ................................................. 7. Ehlen Way, Brenan Way, Harp ct., Manning Dr., Replacement of 4" Water Main Northerly of Warren Ave. (County Territory) ............................................................,... 8. Theodora from Prospect to Holt, Replacement . of 6" STLWaterMain (County Territory) ....................................................... 9. Fairhaven from Hewes to Esplanade, Replace 1700 L.F. of 10" STL Water Main (County Territory) ............................................ 10. Esplanade from Fairhaven to Seventeenth, Install 5200 L.F. of new 10" Water Main (County Territory) ............................................ -163- 35,400 51,600 46,800 76,600 65,200 115,000 190,000 170,000 470,000 20. Fainnont Way South of Fairhaven, Replace 800 L.F. 4" STL Water Main (County Territory) ................................................ $ 72,000 CeBusk, Walter, Raleigh Northerly of Mitchell Ave. Replace 1600 L.F. of 4" STL Water Main (City Territory) ...................................... arnER FR:DECI'S - UNSŒEI:XJIED IN WATER SERVICE FIVE YEI\R FRX:RAM 11. 12. 13. "c" st. Northerly of Mitchell Ave., Replace 300 L.F. 3" STLWaterMain (City Territory) .................................................. 14. San Juan st. from utt to Red Hill, Replace 650 L.F. of 4" Sl'L Water Main (City Territory) ............................................... 15. Hewes Ave. from Ervin to Oak Ridge, Replace 1600 L. F. Water Main and from Vale to Old Foothill replace 900 L.F. of Water Main (County Territory) ............................................ 16. Rosalind Southerly of Fairhaven, Replace 900 L.F. of Water Main (County Territory) ............................................................. 17. Blue Ridge from Mt. Hood to Santa Clara, Oak Ridge from Mt. Hood to Blue Ridge, Replace 2300 L.F. of 6" STLWaterMain (County Territory) ......................................................... Mt. Hood, Sierra Madre and Allegeheny Northerly of Santa Clara, Replace 2300 L.F. of 4" Sl'L Water Main (County Territory) ...................................................................... 18. 19. Prospect Ave. from Seventeenth to Fairhaven, Replace 5200 L.F. of 8" STL Water Main (County Territory) ............................................ Santa Clara from Prospect to Esplanade, Replace 4200 L.F. of 8" STL Water Main (County Territory) ............................................ -164- 144,000 24,000 52,000 215,000 68,000 173,000 173,000 460,000 380,000 OIliER IRlJærS - UNSŒEOOIED IN WATER SERVICE FIVE YEAR FHXRAM 21. Modify piping on Seventeenth st. between Brennan and Newport to isolate flows from proposed Seventeenth st. well site nitrate removal plant to pressure zone #2 ............................................ $250,000 22. Install Booster stations at various Locations to lift well water pumped in pressure zone #1 to pressure zone #2 .............................................................................. 250,000 -165- EAST 'l'USTIN ASSESSMEN'r DISTIUC'r NO- 85-1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1988-89 BUDGET 1988-89 PROJECTION 1989-90 BUDGET 1990-91 PLANNED 60. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES 1. Tustin Ranch Rd. between Bryan Ave. and Irvine Blvd. (City contract) $ 645,860 2. New Myford Rd. between El Camino Real and Irvine Blvd. (City contract) 366,466 3. Southerly half of Irvine Blvd. from 800 ft. easterly of Browning Ave. to Myford Road (City contract) 524,051 4. Jamboree Rd. (Myford) from I-5 Fwy to Irvine Blvd. (City contract) 1,834,459 5. El Camino Real from easterly boundary of Auto Center.to Myford Rd. (City contract) 582,589 6. Bryan Ave. from Browning Ave. to Myford Rd. except south half between Browning Ave. and 300' easterly of Tustin Ranch Road (City contract) 620,050 7. Easterly half of Browning Ave. from Bryan Ave. to 1300 ft. northerly of Bryan Ave. (City contract) 40,093 8. Tustin Ranch Rd.jI-5 Interchange (Caltrans contract) 6,041,000 SUBTOTALS $10,654,568 -166- $ $ $ 555,860 90,000 261,466 105,000 414,051 110,000 1,764,459 60,000 502,589 80,000 500,050 120,000 34,093 6,000 200,000 8,583,131 3,000,000 $4,232,568 $9, 154 , 131 $3,000,000 65. 1. EAST TUSTIN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM TRAFFIC CONTROL FACILITIES Tustin Ranch Rd. at Bryan Ave. (City contract) 2. El Camino Real at Browning Ave. (City contract) 3. Bryan Ave. at Browning Ave. (Ci ty contract) 4. Tustin Ranch Rd. at Auto Center Dr. (Ci ty contract) 5. Bryan Ave. at Jamboree Road (Ci ty contract) 6. Irvine Blvd. at Jamboree Rd. (City contract) 7. El Camino Real at Jamboree Road (City contract) 8. Tustin Ranch Rd. at Irvine Blvd. (City contract) 1988-89 BUDGE'f 1988-89 PRO,TECTION 1989-90 BUDGET 1990-91 PLANNED $ 36,300 $ 36,300 3,800 3,800 117,200 121,000 -- 121,000 117,200 -- 117,200 36,300 36,300 '36,300 36,300 36,300 36,300 36,300 36,300 -167.. 6~ 9. 10. 11. 12. 13 . 14. 15. 16. 70. EAST TUSTIN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 85-1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1988-89 BUDGET 1988-89 PROJEC'rION TRAFFIC CONTROL FACILITIES (Cont'd.) Tustin Ranch Rd. north at 1-5 Interchange (Caltrans contract) 121,000 Tustin Ranch Rd. south at 1-5 Interchange (Caltrans contract) 121,000 Sector II Access at Jamboree Rd. (City contract) 121,000 New Myford at Irvine (City contract) 36,300 36,300 New Myford at Bryan (City contract) 36,300 36,300 New Myford at Heritage (City contract) 36,300 36,300 New Myford at El Camino Real (City contract) 117,200 105,100 Tustin Ranch Rd. at Heritage/Park Center (City contract) 36,300 36,300 SUBTOTALS $1,048,900 $435,600 FLOOD CONTROL FACILITIES NONE TOTALS $11,703,468 $4,668,168 --163- 1989-90 BUDGET 41,000 41,000 121,000 12,100 $570,500 $9,724,631 1990-91 PLANNED 80,000 80,000 $160,000 $3,160,000 40. 1. 60. 1. 65. 1. EAST TUSTIN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-2 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM COMMUNITY SERVICES FACILITIES Regional Trails SUBTOTALS TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES North 1/2 of Irvine Blvd. from Jamboree Rd. to westerly City boundary 2. Tustin Ranch Rd. from Irvine Blvd. to Jamboree Rd. 3. Jamboree Rd. from Irvine Blvd. to Santiago Rd. (Relocated) 4. Portola Parkway from Jamboree Rd. to Tustin Ranch Rd. 5. La Colina Dr. from Tustin Ranch Rd. to westerly city boundary 6. Tustin Ranch Rd. Interchange SUBTOTALS TRAFFIC CONTROLS Tustin Ranch Rd. at Irvine Blvd. (1/2 intersection) 2. Tustin Ranch Rd. at Fairgate (Golf Course entrance) 3. Tustin Ranch Rd. at Rawlings 1988-89 .BUDGET 1988-89 PROJECTION 1989-90 BUDGET 1990-91 PLANNED $ 735,900 $ 640,280 $ 3,718,760 2,555,788 9,792,200 18,209,977 2,900,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ 679,700 200,000 $ $ 679,700 200,000 $ 1,376,180 6,274,548 30,902,177 530,229 237,100 293,129 460,682 147,100 313,582 4,445,000 2,965,000 $43,988,816 $14,631,060 $24,977,756 $ 60,000 $ 40,000 $ 20,000 $ 120,000 80,000 40,000 120,000 80,000 40,000 ...169... 479,700 479,700 1,480,000 $4,380,000 ~ 4. 10. 11. 12. 13 . 14. 15. 16. EAS'l' 'l'US'l'IN ASSESSMENT DISTRIC'l' NO. 86-2 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM TRAFFIC CONTROLS (Cont'd.) Tustin Ranch Rd. at La Colina 5. Tustin Ranch Rd. at portola Parkway. 6. Tustin Ranch Rd. at pioneer Way 7. Tustin Ranch Rd. at Jamboree Rd. 8. Jamboree Rd. at Irvine Blvd. (1/2 intersection) 9. Jamboree Rd. at Robinson Dr. Jamboree Rd. at Lot 20 Jamboree Rd. at Champion Way Jamboree Rd. at Portola Parkway Irvine Blvd. at Robinson Dr. Irvine Blvd. at Myford Rd. (1/2 intersection) Portola Parkway at Lot 23, Ped crossing Jamboree Rd. at "A" st. 1988-89 BUDGET 1988-89 PRO,TECTION 1989-90 BUDGET 1990-91 PLANNED $ 120,000 $ 80,000 $ 40,000 $ 120,000 '80,000 40,000 120,000 80,000 40,000 120,000 80,000 40,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 120,000 80,000 40,000 120,000 24,000 96,000 120,000 24,000 96,000 120,000 24,000 96,000 120,000 80,000 40,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 120,000 -- 24,000 96,000 ~20,OOO -- 24,000 96,000 -170-- 65. 17 . 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 70. 1. EAST TUSTIN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-2 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1988-89 BUDGET 1988-89 PROJECTION 1989-90 BUDGET 1990-91 PLANNED TRAFFIC CONTROLS (Cont'd.) Jamboree Rd. at "B" st. Jamboree Rd. at "c" ~t. $ 120,000 $ -- $ 24,000 $ 96,000 120,000 -- 24,000 96,000 120,000 -- 24,000 96,000 120,000 -- 12,000 108,000 120,000 -- 12,000 108,000 61,320 10,000 41,320 10,000 $2,401,320 $ 842,000 $ 853,320 $ 706,000 Jamboree Rd. at Canyon View Ave. Jamboree Rd. at Chapman Ave. Jamboree Rd. at Santiago Canyon Rd. Traffic signal Interconnection SUBTOTALS FLOOD CONTROL FACILITIES Peters Canyon Wash (Phase I) Retarding Basin Facility $5,410,378 $3,571,170 $1,839,208 $ 2. Peters Canyon Wash (Phase II) Storm Drain Facility 2,000,570 2,000,570 SUBTOTALS $7,410,948 $3,839,778 $3,571,170 ACQUISITIONS 1. Tustin Ranch Rd. 2. Jamboree Rd. , 3. Portola Parkway 4. La Colina Dr. $ $ 457,848 430,251 33,917 15,048 457,848 430,251 33,917 15,048 SUBTOTALS $ 937,064 $ 937,064 -.171-- EAST TUSTIN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-2 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT INCIDENTALS Preliminary Engr., Design Engr., Soils Engr., Plan check/Inspection, Surveying and Printing for all projects SUBTOTALS TOTALS -172- 1988-89 BUDGET 1988-89 PROJECTION 1989-90 BUDGET 1990-91 PLANNED $ 9,729,360 $ 9,729,360 $ 65,147,208 $ $ $ 2,741,000 4,988,360 2,000, a $ 2,741,000 $ 4,988,360 $2,000,00 $ 22,722,294 $34,859,214 $7,565, 0