HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-83FY PROG & FINC'L PLAN 1982 - 1983 PROGRAM AND FINANCIAl PLAN CITY COUNCIL RICHARD B. EDGAR, MAYOR URSULA E. KENNEDY, MAYOR PRO TEM DONAlD J. SAlTAREllI, COUNCILMAN RONAlD B. HOESTEREY, COUNCILMAN FRANK H. GREINKE, COUNCILMAN CITY OF TUSTIN MANAGEMENT STAFF WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER JAMES ROURKE, CITY ATTORNEY MARY WYNN, CITY CLERK RON NAULT, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE BOB LEDENDECKER, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER MIKE BROTEMARKlE, DIRECTOR OF COtloUUTY DEVElOPMENT ROYLEEN WHITE, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES ROY GONZALES, DIRECTOR OF PERSONNEL CHARLES THAYER, POlICE CHIEF BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE NO. TITLE PAGE NO. CITY MANAGER BUDGET MEMO SECTION I 2 - 11 DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURE PROGAMS LEGISLATION ADMINISTRATION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC WORKS POLICE FIRE ADMINISTRATION COMMUNITY SERVICES NON-DEPARTMENTAL 40 - 48 49 - 61 62 - 69 70 - 90 91 - 104 105 - 108 109 - 126 127 - 129 CITY-WIDE ORGANIZATION CHART DEFINITION OF TERMS PROPOSITION 4 SPENDING LIMIT BASIC DATA SECTION II 14 15 - 16 17 18 - 19 STATEMENT OF FUND BALANCES SECTION II I 21 SECTION VI REVENUES FUND DESCRIPTIONS ACCOUNT DESCRIPTIONS REVENUE CHARTS SECTION IV 23 - 26 27 - 28 29 - 32 33 CITY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FUND RECAP PROGRAM DETAIL UNSCHEDULED PROGRAM NEEDS MAJOR STREET MAINTENANCE PROGRAM SECTI ON V II 130 131 132 - 142 143 - 144 145 - 146 SUMMARY OF POSITIONS SECTION V 35 TUSTIN REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ORGANIZATION CHART OPERATIONS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS SECTI ON V II I 147 148 149 - 150 151 - 155 COMBINED PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 37 EXPENDITURE CHARTS 38 DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURE PROGRAMS 39 TUSTIN WATER SERVICE ORGANIZATION CHART OPERATIONS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS APPENDIX 156 157 . 158 - 162 163 - 166 167 BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN TO: FROM: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER The City Council adopted the final budget for 1982-83 following a public hearing held on August 2,1982. This amount is based on the The adopted budget includes appropriations for all funds of $17,282,129. amount included in the preliminary budget as modified by the following: a) b) c) d) e) Including authorized salary adjustments. Reducing proposed expenditures in energy accounts based upon the latest information from the Edison Company. Additional appropriations for the El Camino Real Improvement project. Reducing the appropriations for the Irvine Blvd. project. Appropriating an additional $318,000 from the General Fund for capital improvement projects; Red Hill storm drain ($237,000), Red Hill-Walnut traffic signal ($29,000) and Newport-Sycamore traffic signal ($52,000). Appropriating an additional $19,700 from the Revenue Sharing Fund for the following projects: Senior Citizen Center site analysis ($7,700); Tustin Boys Cl ub ($4,000), and ATSC Juvenile Counseling service ($8,000). . The format of the final budget has been adjusted to include the following items which were requested by the City Council during its budget review sessions: f) a) b) c) d) A chart which includes comparative information (number of City employees per 1,000 population, assessed valuation, etc.) An explanation of budget accounts which include expenditures of $10,000 or more. A revised five year capital improvement program format. A comparison of 1981-82 and 1982-83 balances for all funds. BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN Total appropriations for 1982-83 are 3.6% more than the amount authorized in 1981-82. The 1982-83 General Fund operating budget, less the increase in fire contract, is 7.1% more than the 1981-82 authorized budget. The City Council has received memorandums under separate cover which list cost reduction and control measures to be implemented in 1982-83 and the method for determining that the 1982-83 budget is balanced. WH:dmt BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: RE: 1982-83 PRELIMINARY BUDGET The Prel iminary Budget for 1982-83 constitutes the Management Team's recolllllendations with regard to the allocation of resources projected to be available and levels of service to be provided in fiscal year 1982-83. In reviewing the preliminary budget, the City Council will be faced with the difficult task of reconciling increasing demand and need for City services with limited resources. Because of the City's dependency upon the State for a significant portion of the City's General Fund revenue, it is not possible at this point to be absolutely certain as to the total amount of General Fund revenue in 1982-83. Like the past two fiscal years, the State Legislature is unable to finalize the State budget in a timely manner, thereby causing cities to speculate about a significant portion of their discretionary revenue. The State appears to again be looking to cities to solve its fiscal crisis. The City's 1982-83 budget has been developed on the assumption that there will be a further reduction in State subventions. Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict what the loss will amount to until the State budget is adopted. It is my recolllllendation that the City Council begin its review of the 1982-83 preliminary budget and depending upon what the State ultimately does, adjust the budget accordingly. BUDGET OVERVIEW The format of the 1982-83 budget has been modified. The budget is now entitled "Program and Financial Plan". The reason for this title is to reflect what the budget is intended to convey; it expresses in . program (level of service) and financial terms what explicitly can be accomplished and implicitly cannot be accomplished in 1982-83. Beginning in 1981-82 the budget was re-organized into divisions and departments. This approach to budgeting places divisons which have common organizational functions and types of expenditures into one of seven departments which include: Legislation Administration Colllllunity Development Colllllunity Services Public Works Water Police BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN The divisionalized approach has been expanded to include a description of each division and specific tasks to be accomplished. The cost of each division is indicated along with total department costs. This will enable the City Council to guage the costs of City services against the proposed benefits. This approach sets forth the levels of City services to be provided and facilitates qualifying and/or quantifying the implications of increasing or decreasing resources allocated to a particular division. It will also serve as a tool for the City Council and City management to analyze the status of programs and projects on an ongoing basis. Listed below is a comparison of the adopted 1981-82 budget and the preliminary 1982-83 budget: 1981-82 1982-83 Operations $11 ,769,055 $13,069,599 Capital Improvement $ 5,658,400 $ 3,609,200 TOTAL $17,427,455 $16,671,797 The operations portion of the combined budget, (all funds) which includes personnel and operating expenses, self insurance expenses, bond payments, and capital outlay items, is 11% more than 1981-82. It should be noted that the amount for 1982-83 does not include salary adjustments which are still being negotiated. Capital improvement expenditures are down because there are less resources available. The scheduling and financing of capital improvements are discussed later in this memorandum. The following assumptions were made in developing the preliminary budget: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Levels of service should be maintained at or near those provided in 1981-82. Operating expenses should be adjusted according to projected costs increases. Depreciation and allocation to self-insurance reserve funds should continue as operating expenses. Equipment should be replaced where justified on the basis of the cost of maintaining and operating existing equipment, safety and efficiency of operations. Capital improvements should be funded where the improvement results in a reduction of annual maintenance costs, improves the efficiency of City services, and/or provides for public safety. BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN The preliminary budget proposes the reduction of four positions (Business License Coordinator, Administrative Assistant, Accountant and Water Billing Supervisor) and does not contain any new City programs or services. GENERAl FUND Listed below is a comparison of adopted 1981-82 General Fund expenditures and preliminary 1982-83 expenditures: 1981-82 1982-83 $7,838,672 $8,419,687 The 1982-83 preliminary budget is 7.4% more than the 1981-82 adopted budget. As noted above, the preliminary budget does not include salary adjustments. Most operating expenses have been limited to a 9.1% increase except where it is known or anticipated that costs will exceed that amount, such as utilities and the County fire contract which increased 26% ($269,000). Total operating expenses, including allowance for the 26% increase in the fire contract and a projected 40% increase in utility rates, are up 11.7% from 1981-82. Two General Fund positions have been eliminated and no new positions are proposed. Capital outlay expenditures are $23,557 for 1982-83 compared to $120,269 in 1981-82. While the demand for and need for services. provided through the General Fund have increased, the number of personnel has not. For example, the Police Department is experiencing an increase in calls for miscellaneous service. With the construction of additional median islands and the El Camino Real improvements, the Public Works Department has a greater workload. The 1982-83 budget dOes not include additional personnel to respond to these types of demands. It does, however, include some capital items which will facilitate greater productivity with existing personnel such as additional equipment for the Police Department computer system. The ability of the city to sustain or increase levels of service is a recurring issue which cannot be totally solved in 1982-83. It requires strategies which address the abil ity of the City to generate revenue and maximize its resources over the long term. Projected 1982-83 General Fund revenue is $8,184,622, which is 9.6% more than the projected 1981-82 amount of $7,459,293. The principal sources of General Fund revenue and the changes projected in 1982-83 are as foll ows: Property taxes - are projected to be 12% higher than 1981-82. This amount is based upon the 2% increase pursuant to Proposition 13, anticipated property re-sales and their subsequent reassessment and new construction. BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN Sales tax - is projected to be 10% higher than 1981-82. The 1982-83 projected amount reflects the decl ine in taxable sales which occurred in the second half of fiscal year 1981-82. The increase projected for 1982-83 takes into account inflationary growth and nominal real growth attributable to increased sales. Motor Vehicle In-Lieu tax - is projected to be $10 per capita compared to $19 per capita in 1981-82. The State Legislature reduced the 1981-82 amount in what was purported to be a one-til~ reduction in this subvention to cities. It is now obvious that the motor vehicle in-lieu fee will be further reduced in 1982-83. The extent of the reduction is subject to the State Legislature's ultimate solution to eliminating the State's substantial deficit. At this point, staff feels the $10 per capita amount is the most realistic number to use. However, based upon the State's past performance and the vunerability of this subvention, it could be further reduced. The dependency of the City's General Fund budget upon these sources of revenue which are extremely elastic, points out the difficulty in developing long-term financial projections. The City has very limited flexibility from a budget standpoint because of its dependency upon the State and an elastic revenue base. All other sources of General Fund revenue are relatively the same amounts as projected for 1981-82. The June 30,1983 projected General Fund balance is $1,406,632. Of that amount, $572,000 has been reserved for improvement of Columbus-Tustin Park. The balance of $834,632 is the unrestricted General Fund balance available for salary adjustments and cash flow/contingency requirements. The $1,406,632 balance does not include the outstanding loan of $1,125,000 made to Redevelopment Agency. Repayment of the loan will be evaluated through the Agency's financial plan to be completed this fiscal year. The 1982-83 General Fund unrestricted fund balance is predicated upon projected revenue which as noted above could be subject to further adjustment upon adoption of the State budget. In the event 1982-83 revenue is reduced further, the following options would have to be considered: 1. 2. Reduce expenditures. Increase revenue sources such as the business license fee. 3. Utilize a portion or all of the $572,000 earmarked for Columbus-Tustin Park and/or a portion of the $834,632 unrestricted balance. 4. Accelerate repayment of the loan made to the Redevelopment Agency. During the fiscal year, revenue and expenditures are monitored in order to make adjustments necessary to ensure that deficit spending does not occur. Because of the constraints affecting the financial posture of the General Fund, it may be necessary to reduce expenditures (freeze vacant positions, eliminate positions, reduce operating expenses, etc.) during the fiscal year. The Ci~ Council will, of course, be kept apprised of any trend which would require adjustments to the adopted 1982-83 budget. BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN WATER SYSTEM The 1982-83 preliminary budget for the water system includes expenditures of $3,506,519 and revenue of $3,722,116. Listed below is a comparison of the 1981-82 and 1982-83 water system budgets: 1981-82 1982-83 % DIFFI:.RENCE Operations $3,097,966 $3,367,619 8.7% Capital Improvements 297,800 138,900 (53.4%) TOTAL $3,395,766 $3,506,519 3.3% The preliminary expenditures amount does not include the cost of salary adjustments which are currently being negotiated. The increase in expenditures is primarily attributable to the increase in energy costs, projected to be 40% (energy constitutes 11.4% of the operating budget), and purchased water, projected to be 14% (purchased water constitutes .33.5% of the operating budget). ~ecause the water system requires energy to operate pump stations and purchased water to supplement pumped water, these increased costs cannot be avoided. The 1982-83 preliminary budget for the system is predicated upon a 15% increase in the water consumption rate. The meter charge for single family residential, apartment, colllllercial and industrial uses would not change. The rate increase is necessary in order to: 1. 2. Generate income to cover increased operating expenses. Generate a nominal fund balance to cover contingencies and debt obligations. A 15% increase in the consumption rate will generate approximately $325,000. When the new consumption rate is combined with the current water meter charge, the water bill of the average single family dwelling until will increase 9.8% or $1.63 per month. The projected June 30,1983 fund balance of $ 230,547 is considered minimal given the amount of the water system operating budget and the capital improvement and debt funding requirements of the system. In order to address the financial status of the water system, a water management plan for the system will be submitted to City Council this fall which addresses: 1. 2. The basic objectives of the system. Feasibility of expanding or decreasing the scope of the system. BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Evaluation of groundwater production vs. purchased water; pumping vs. storage facilities; water quality constraints vs. consumer costs, and system redundancy vs. interruptible water pricing. Definition of the short and long-term tasks the City must undertake to address the needs of the system. Evaluation of the system's ability to meet the demands of present and future development domestic and fireflow requirements. Evaluation of the condition of system facilities. A master water system plan for future development. A capital improvement plan (including funding and scheduling). The plan is necessary in order to have a benchmark upon which to evaluate the system's present and future rate structure. The rate increase authorized last fiscal year and proposed for 1982-83 merely offset increased operating expenses. They do not generate a sufficient amount of funds to finance the system's long term capital improvement requirements and the retirement of debt assumed from the Tustin Water Works. For example, a $900,000 bond payment is due in January 1985, yet the present rate structure is not generating enough income to set-aside funds to fully cover that obligation and subsequent bond payments. The Water Management Plan will provide the data necessary to address these issues and enable the City Council to make decisions regarding the City's water system with a full awareness of the policy, financial and administrative implications. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY The 1982-83 preliminary budget for the Redevelopment Agency includes expenditures of $1,525,800 and tax increment revenue of $1,246,113. Except for a $14,000 street widening project at 130 Prospect Avenue and $41,500 to supplement yas tax and FAU funds earmarked for the Irvine Blvd. improvement project, the Agency's 1982-83 capital improvement expenditures consist of carryover projects authorized in 1981-82. A total of $148,600 is budgeted as a reimbursement to the General Fund and direct Agency expenses for staff support and consultant fees. The projected June 30,1983 fund balance of $389,534 is proposed to be an unappropriated reserve pending completion of the Agency's financial plan. The General Fund no longer has the financial ability to loan monies to the Agency thereby creating a debt of the Agency in accordance with the requirement of State redevelopment law. It appears that beginning in 1983-84, the combined loans of $1,475,000 frolo the General BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN Fund to the Agency will be less than the Agency's annual tax increment revenue. Each tax increment dollar in excess of the loans or other form of indebtedness would revert to other taxing agencies. The financial plan, which will be completed within 90 days, will set forth options with regard to the funding of Agency projects, each of which would satisfy the debt obligation of the Agency. Since it is apparent the Agency will be marketing bonds in the near future, the $389,534 fund balance should be reserved to defray costs associated with a bond sale. The bonding capacity of the Agency, bond sale costs, and specific projects will be covered in the financial plan. The list of five year capital improvement projects within the Town Center Project Area is based upon previously determined priorities. .However, it is subject to change depending upon decisions made through the Agency's review and approval of the financial plan. The capital improvement budget does not include expenditures for the South/Central Project Area since a final project area plan has not been adopted as yet and tax increment revenue for this project area will not begin to accrue until fiscal year 1983-84. The financial plan will also address the South/Central Project Area. CAPITAl IMPROVEMENTS FINANCING As indicated in the preceeding sections concerning the water and redevelopment budgets, the financing of capital improvements through these functions is being evaluated. However, the City has numerous other needed capital improvement projects which are underfunded. Except for the water system, gas tax fund and Redevelopment Agency, the City has no other recurring source of income to finance capital improvements than the General Fund, Beautification Fund and Revenue Sharing. As evidenced by the current and projected General Fund balance, no General Fund monies for capital improvements are available unless operating expenses are correspondingly reduced and/or the fund balance is utilized. The Beautification Fund generates approximately $30,000 a year in revenue. Revenue Sharing is scheduled to terminate in 1983 and whether it will be continued would be speculation at this point. Gas tax revenue is restricted to street and right-of-way improvements, water fund revenue to water system improvements, and Redevelopment Agency revenue to projects which benefit the Town Center Project Area. A limited source of funds for capital improvement projects (projects financed by other than gas tax, water or redevelopment funds) will result in delaying projects unless: 1. General Fund revenue is earmarked for capital improvements, with a reduction in operations (levels of service). 2. Other means of financing are identified, such as assessment districts, or additional revenue is generatea. BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN The uncertainty concerning the City's State subventions compound the problem. While the long-term financial prognosis for the City is good (continuation of efforts to develop a balanced local economic base will improve the City's financial situation), the short term of 2-5 years is uncertain. While staff will continue to seek possible solutions, it should be expected that during the short term, the City Council will be faced with the dilemna of increasing demands for City services, a need for capital improvements, and limited resources. The five year list of capital improvement projects has been modified to include only those projects for which it is known or anticipated that funding will be available. Essentially, only gas tax (including allocated FAU funds), tax increment, revenue sharing and the beautification fund are the known sources of revenue available for future capital improvements. It is assumed that revenue sharing funds will be available after 1982-83. All other projects, i.e. those for which funding has not been identified, are included in a list of unscheduled and unfunded capital improvement needs. The desired budget year is indicated; the challenge will be generating the necessary funds. Some projects, primarily the beautification projects, could be eliminated without affecting public safety or annual maintenance costs. GENERAl COMMENTS There is nothing which indicates. the State will formulate a local government financing plan which has continuity. As long as there are cycles in the economy which negatively affect State finances, the State Legislature will look to local government subventions as a means to solve the State's fiscal problems. While the City's options are limited, it is essential that the City minimize its dependency upon State bail-out funds and subventions. Until that happens, the City Council and staff will be forced to approach the budget process with the same uncertainty as has happened the past three years. It was pointed out earlier that strategies need to be developed in order for the City to.be more self-reliant and have greater control over its future direction. While the City is moving in that direction, it is important to periodically review them and ensure that a particular action or strategy of the City is not counterproductive. The strategies are: 1. Promotion of a strong local economic base to the extent that it is feasible from a market standpoint and conforms with the community's needs and desires, and satisfies planning criteria. 2. Continue to identify and implement means of increasing productivity in the delivery of City services. Priority should be placed upon measures which enhance productivity through capital outlay and work methods rather adding personnel. 3. Continue to identify alternative means of financing capital improvement projects. BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN 4. 5. Conti nue to resi st attempts by the State Legi s 1 ature to mandate unfunded programs and requi rements upon cities. Continue to educate the community with regard to the constraints which preclude the City from expanding levels of service or adding new programs. Listed below are major projects proposed to be accomplished in 1982-83 which conform to the above strategies: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Completion of the Redevelopment Agency Financial Plan. Preparation of the Irvine Company lands specific development plan. Preparation of a Water System Management Plan. Completion of the Columbus-Tustin Park Site Plan. Completion of the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Consolidation of the Water system billing and accounting functions with the Finance Department. Implementation of the Police Department computer and management information systems. Preparation of a comprehensive Traffic Engineering Analysis of the City's street system. Initiation of a water meter review and replacement program to insure accurate recording of water usage and revenue. Initiation of supervisory training programs. Development of a city-wide management information system. Preparation of a report concerning the options for increasing General Fund revenue, including the business license fee, building and zoning pennits, a trash collection fee and creation of assessment districts to cover the cost of maintaining medians, parkway trees and parks. I want to thank the Department Heads and their management staff for their cooperation and assistance in preparing the 1982-83 preliminary budget. Their willingness and abili~ to deal with the City-wide issues rather than solely deparbnental issues is indicative of their professionalism and concern about the future of the City. A special thank you is due Director of Finance, Ron Nault for his efforts in compiling the 12. BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN budget and analyzing the financial implications of the various budget options considered. the department secretaries were also instrumental in compiling the budget. I'\Y secretary and Staff looks forward to working with the City Council in reviewing and implementing the budget and in carrying out the Council's policy directions in the coming fiscal year. BUDGET f- - E - ....J CJ:) z: - V) ¡::: f- E z: sæ ex: w ~ c... ::c V) u ~ U- .:r z: 0 ¡- - 0 z: '" - z: 0 <: ;:j f- 0 - ~ ¡- <: - f- z: N f- - ¡::: ¡¡. 0 - - V) 0 - z: z: 0 U f- <: - c... - )0 U CJ:) U- 0 V) !:: w ex: w ex: ëã u V) a ¡::: c... ¡- ¡¡,¡ a Q ;:j =:I -14- CITY OF TUSTIN CITIZENS OF TUSTIN CITY CLERK REDEV. AGENCY I I I I , , I I I I I L_____~ I COORDINATION AND COOPERATION SPEC. DIST. CONTRACT SERVo PRIV. UTIL. LIBRARY FIRE ELECTRICITY LIGHTING REFUSE NATURAL GAS SEWERS ANIMAL CONT. TELEPHONE FLOOD CONT. CABLE TV POLICE BUDGET -15- CITY OF TUSTIN DEFINITIO~ OF TERMS A. Preliminary: A plan which establishes the City Council's short and long term priorities through the allocation of resources for City services and the improvement of public facilities. The budget recomnended by the City Manager to the City Council for their consideration. 1. Budget B. Final: The budget which has been approved by the City Council for the financing of governmental operations for the ensuing fiscal year. 2. Fund: A sum of money set aside to carryon specific activities in accordance with special regulations or restrictions. A fund constitutes an independent ac- counting entity. A. General: B. Special: A fund accounting for general government which is financed by revenues not otherwise restricted to special purposes. Accounting of funds requiring expenditures for special purposes under ex- isting regulations. 3. Personnel: The number of, and salaries paid to City employees. Expenditures for departmental operations and related expenses. 4. Suppies & Services: 5. Capital Outlay: Equipment used in the operation of the City and of a non-expendable nature, i.e., with a useful life of several years. Major improvements including land and right-of-way acquisition, buildings, street construction, and related facilities. 6. CaPital !lIIJ!rovements: 7. Salary Adjustment: Changes in the dollar amount for personnel resulting from a change in salary rate or reclassification of positions. BUDGET -16- CITY OF TUSTIN 8. Appropriation: Funds authorîzed to be expended. Funds received to finance the City's expenditures. 9. Revenue: 10. Account Series: An accounting level to record the costs of a specific function, department, or group of services. 11. Activity: The title of a particular account series. BUDGET -17- CITY OF TUSTIN 1982-83 GANN SPENDING lIMITATION CALCULATION FOR GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS ONLY Step 1. Step 3. Determine 1982-83 ApprQpriation Limit: 1981-82 Appropriation Limit Cumulative Growth: Change in Consumer Price Index 6.79% $ 10,851,016 Determine 1982-83 Appropriations Subject to Limit: Total Appropriations of Governmental Funds $ 11,218,887 1.0679 x 1.0093 = X 1.077831 $ 11,695,561 Add: Increase to Resources Less: Non-Proceeds of Tax General Obligation Bond debt PERS Unfounded Liability Use of Reserves to Fund Current Appropriations -0- 2,320,954 ) 180,075 ) 41,000 ) 548,044 ) * Growth in Population as of Jan. 1982 .93% 1982-83 Appropriation Limit Step 2. Net 1982-83 Appropriations Subject to Limit $ tl,128,814 $ 11,695,561 Determine 1982-83 Proceeds of Tax: Proceeds of Tax $ 8,411 ,507 2,320,954 1982-83 Appropriation Limit Under/Cover Limit $ 3,566,747 Non-proceeds Total Revenue $ 10,732,461 * Certified PopulatioQ ,for 1982-83 is 38,223 BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN -1:8- 8ASIC DATA 1982-83 Tustin was founded in 1868 and incorporated as a General law city Septe.mer 21, 1927. 73-74 74-75 75-76 76-77 77-78 78-79 79-tlO tlO-81 111-11£ 8£-113 population la) 26,957 27,520 28,050 31.290 32,650 32,792 33,700 31>,96£ 37,264 38 ,223 Regi stered Voters 13,238 12,238 9,272 9,676 13,074 13,537 13,254 15,321 15,560 15,700 Housing Onits 10,902 11,549 12,564 12,700 12,976 13,618 14,085 16,233 16,261 16,321 Area of City (sq.m1.1 4.5 4.56 4.61 7.5 8.1 8.1 9.9 10.7 10.7 10.7 Property Valuations (millions $) 308.4 361.6 430.4 515.6 600.0 697.2 841.2 933.2 1.192.5 l,26t1.5 property tax Revenue (b) (thousands $) 660.2 767.8 957.9 1,123.2 1,278.0 596.5 949.5 1,12t1.9 1,344.6* 1,558.8* Taxable Sales Ie) (in $1,000) ** 101,255 103,487 120,308 155,558 212,840 281,332 301,673 33O,2UO ** Number of Retail Store Permits ** 277 289 287 325 392 404 404 404 ** All other 'Outlets ** 335 395 476 566 661 709 787 854 ** Total all outlets ** 612 684 763 891 1,053 1.113 1,191 1.258 ** Fire Insurance Cl ass 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Hlles of City streets 54.8 59.4 60.5 67.7 68.4 70.2 70.7 75.0 75.0 75.1 Arterial 16.4 17.3 17.8 23.6 24.0 24.1 24.4 25.3 25.3 25.3 local 38.4 42.1 42.7 44.1 44.4 46.1 46.3 49.7 49.7 49.8 Hiles of City owned alleys .71 .71 .71 .71 .71 .71 .71 .71 .71 .7 Signalized intersectIons (d) 31 32 33 34 40 42 39 43 43 51 City owned bulldings 11 10 14 14 14 10 11 9 9 9 Parks maintained 6 7 g 9 g 9 9 9 9 9 CIty vehicles (totall 56 58 60 61 63 56 63 7t1 78 82 General 9 9 10 10 11 12 13 13 13 16 Fire (e) 9 9 10 10 11 -- -- -- -- -- PolIce 20 22 22 22 22 23 26 27 27 30 Maintenance 18 18 19 20 20 21 24 24 24 23 Water (f.) -- -- -- 14 14 13 BUDGET -19- CITY OF TUSTIN (page two) BASIC DATA 19112-83 73-74 74-75 75-76 76-77 77-78 711-79 79-110 110-111 111-112 112-113 Full-time employees (per 1,000 population) (g) 5.15 5.08 4.67 4.12 4.04 3.72 4.12 4.59 4.64 4.34 Excluding fire + water 4.11 4.07 3.77 3.32 3.27 3.72 4.12 4.011 4.13 3.119 Per cap 1 ta cost for operations (unadjusted) (h) 112.85 112.31 114.76 125.45 121.33 134.03 137.96 200.55 212 .06 236.111 Adjusted for Inflation (base year 19671 83.46 74.23 69.68 71.77 65.41 67.15 59.31 76.99 111.61 III. 4 CPI (1) 135.2 151.3 164.7 174.11 185.5 199.6 232.6 260.5 2113.9 290.1 i Annual Increase 8.33 11.91 8.86 6.13 6.12 7.60 16.53 11.99 9.0 11.3 Bonded Indebtedness tax rate Park Bond .1250 .1153 .1103 .0912 .0835 .0715 .0918 .0616 .D0056 .00644 Cl vi c Center .1180 .917 .0692 .0577 .0600 .0534 .0552 .0221 .00616 .00491 tìõ1'ß: * Estimates ** Not avallable (a) State Dept. of Finance Cert1flcatlon as of Jan. I, since 1978. (b) Prop. 13 effectlve In 1978 (c) Calendar year report, Board of Equalization (d) 42 Intersections maintained by cIty (e) Contract services wIth Orange County FY 1976-79. (f) Water servl ce acqul red FY 1980-81 (g) Includes Fl re Dept. prior to FY 78-79 and water ut1l1ty after FY 1980 (h) Excl udes water service, RDA, and capital Improvements (1) 1982-83 Is June 1982, previous CPI as of January BUDGET V') L.I..I U :z: <I: ....J ~ z ¡: '" ::> í- "'" 0 ;.. í- Ü - - ~ :z: ::::I u.. u.. e I- :z: l.I.J E L.I..I I- <I: l- V') í- ¡;¡,¡ g ::> ~ :z: e - I- U L.I..I V') -21- CITY OF TUSTIN STATEMENT OF COMPARATIVE FUNO BALANCES 1981-B2 19B2-83 Projected Est Imated Balance Transfers Balance Transfers Balance Expenditures 6/30/81 Revenue Expendl tures In/Out 6/30/82 ~ Appropriations In/Out 6/30/82 General 1,206.105 7,824,588 7,862,297 531,010 1.699,406 8,587,967 9,015,796 348,701 1,620,278 Traffic Safety -0- 241,000 -0- (241,000) -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Revenue Shari ng 374 ,058 277 ,000 414,045 -0- 237,013 279,000 463,940 -0- 52,073 Gas Tax 338,921 1,168,430 980,506 (152.000) 374 ,845 1.633.876 1,668,900 (157,376) 182,445 Park Redevelopment 138.035 42,700 161,100 -0- 19,635 -0- -0- -0- 19,635 Sewer Trust (26,245) 3.000 -0- -0- (23,245) 3.000 -0- -0- (20,245) Beautification 91,633 30,000 -0- (30,000) 91,633 30,000 42,200 (30,000) 49,433 Park 8onds 266,584 86.500 118,000 -0- 235,084 81,500 110,700 -0- 205,884 Civic Center 8onds 140,800 63,500 71,000 -0- 133,300 55,500 69,375 -0- 119.425 Tustin ROA 1,669,260 1.202,000 2,058.402 (83,010) 729,848 1.250,000 1,507,294 (133,825) 338,729 Water 96,981 3,094,402 3.151.433 (25,000) 14,950 3,676,640 3,438,923 (27,500)' 225,167 Equipment 129,129 251.257 245,532 -0- 134,854 130,493 88,000 -0- 177 ,367 Health 8eneflt 192 ,647 325,080 281,250 -0- 236,477 339,467 288,300 -0- 287,644 Risk Management 110,718 414,751 134,940 -0- 390.529 396,796 240,000 -0- 547,325 Capital Improvement 25.118 -0- -0- -0- 25,118 -0- -0- -0- 25,118 4,753,744 15,024,208 15,478,505 -0- 4,299,447 16,464,239 16.933,428 -0- 3,830,258 BUDGET V) z: 0 V) - ~ z: I- 0 Q.. ¡.. - - V) en - I- 0::: I- :¡ - Q.. Co.) 0::: ¡.. ¡.. - - V) <I: >Iol 0::: !:!S ::: t.:) ¡¡", Co.) Co.) Q 0 V) V) ;:¡ >- z: I.I.J I.I.J I- I.I.J ~ 0 ;::) ~ ::z: ;::) t: - z: ;::) ::z: U I- I.I.J ~ 0 I.I.J Co.) > ::z: Co.) > I.I.J I.I.J ;::) Co.) I.I.J V) 0::: u.. < 0::: -23- CITY OF TUSTIN SUMMARY OF REVENUES BY FUND Prior History 1981-82 1982-83 FUND 1979-80 1980-81 Budget Projection Budget General $7,252,155 $ 7,771,192 $ 7,751,920 $ 7,824,588 $ 8,587,967 Revenue Sharing 193,998 282,422 167,000 277,000 279,000 Gas Tax 680,157 542,295 2,410,048 1,168,430 1,633,876 Park Development 47,155 - - 42,700 Tustin City Bus 2,662 Capita 1 Outl ay 25,118 Sewer Trust 4,111 1,050 3,000 3,000 3,000 Beautification 67,004 80,000 .60,000 30,000 30,000 Grant Personnel 40,232 - - - - Park Bonds 209,049 138,266 154,600 86,500 81,500 Civic Center Bonds 123,065 58,155 58,968 63,500 55,500 Redevelopment Agency 758,638 833,855 992,688 1,152,273 1,250,000 Water - 1,689,478 3,196,556 3,094,402 3,676,640 TOTAL All FUNDS $9,403,344 $11,396,713 $14,194,780 $13,142,393 $15,591,483 BUDGET -24- CITY OF TUSTIN REVENUE DETAIL SOURCE CITY REVENUES Prior History 1981-82 1982-83 1979-80 1980-81 Budg~t Projecti on Estillélte GENERAL FUND 1110 Property Taxes Secured $ 854,930 $1,021,917 $1,070,363 1,170,314 1,431,852 1111 Property Taxes Unsecured 94,610 89,839 94,098 195,734 124,767 1112 Property Taxes Delinquent - 11 ,230 11,762 28,314 20,000 1200 Franchise Fees 184,418 263,118 275,000 280,000 320,000 1310 Sales & Use Tax 3,372,306 3,372,528 3~793,580 3,912,185 4,303,404 1315 Transient Lodging Tax 54,246 60,186 50,000 41,000 50,000 1320 Business License Tax 157,643 155,292 155,000 150,000 155,000 1340 New Coristruction Tax - 150,348 89,949 120,000 202,927 200,000 1350 Bank In Lieu ,,- - 54,124 - - - 2150 Construction Permits 172,137 164,616 130,000 60,000 150,000 2160 Street & Curb Permits 7,239 7,297 5,000 5,000 5,000 2191l, Oth:r Licenses & Per~ 5,432 7,787 5,500 5,500 5,500 ',~llO Vehlcle Code Fines 150,025. 211,736 150,000 241,000 241,000 3120 Non-traffic Fines 21,047 33,177 17,000 20,000 25,000 4110 Int~rest 348,909 388,117 . 330,000 330,000 375,000 4130 Rents-Colllllu ni ty Ctr.. ~> 33,674 22,754 33,000 25,000 20,000 4135 Rents-Fire Station 10,516 11 ,472 11 ,472 11,472 11 ,472 4140 Rents-Park Land 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 5110 Alcoholic Beverage Licenses 20,789 21,377 - - - 5115 POST Reimbursement - - - - 61,518 5120 Motor Vehicle Lic.Tax 519,554 , 615,931 750,000 504,795 395,519 5140 Homeowner's Tax Relief - --"... 55,084 58,431 58,000 61,098 67,200 5141 Business Inventory Tax Relief. 12,480 91,920 50,000 96,883 100,000 5145 State-Mandated Costs >-- 4,836 10 ,156 - - - 5150 Trailer Coach In-lieu Tax ., 7,917 15,990 8,000 8,000 8,000 5160 Cigarette Tax 138,916 155,637 180,000 146,000 150,000 5170 Hwy. Carriers License- 4,794 7,891 - - - 5174 State SB 174 Funds-Park 1,287 - 8,000 8,000 4,000 5190 State Grant - Other - - - 1,873 5320 County Park District - 5340 Sr. Citizen's Grant 7,428 5390 County Grants Other - 500,000 - - 6,000 5572 Urban Mass Transportation Funds - - 6,500 BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN. REVENUE DETAIL SOURCE Prior History 1979-80 1980-81 GENERAL FUND (continued) 5590 Federal Grant HCDA $ 20,709 $ y110 Planning Fees ----c: 17,354 18,657 '~115 Subdivision Fees~~ 4,205 7,121 6125 Sale of Maps & PUbl ication5:) 698 629 6135 Parkway Tree Fees 500 160 6140 Weed Abatement 2,588 948 6141 Sports Fees 62,443 66,142 6142 Class Fees 87,041 104,284 6143 Youth Service Fees 11 ,353 15,451 6144 Sr. Citizen's Hum.Serv.Fees 28,383 23,049 6165 Fal se Alarm Fees_// 12,417 3,375 6170 Special Police Services 16,367 20,750 6190 Other Current Charges 58 24 7110 Sale - City Property 433,127 - 7115 Sale of Surplus Property 102,921 7,092 7120 Sale - Unclaimed Property "\ 3,579 - 7180 Damaged City Property \ 13,537 22,046 7183 Developer Share of Projects ~ 24,645 24,310 7190 Sundry Revenue --- 7 11 ,476 5,351 7191 Library Landsçape Maint: 5,787 6,931 TOTAL $7,252,155 $7,771,192 REVENUE SHARING FUND 4110 5510 Interest Revenue Sharing $ 9,005 184;993 $ 193,998 $ 25,767 256,655 $ 282,422 TOTAL BUDGET -25- 1981-82 Budget Projection $ - $ 19,000 17,898 6,500 4,022 575 250 400 2,050 600 600 71,390 75,000 156,810 130,000 40,470 12,000 30,000 39,000 2,000 2,000 12,000 12,000 - - 90,000 14,773 - - 1,500 1,500 - - - - - - 6,000 6,000 $7,751,920 $7,824,588 1982-83 Estimate $ 15,000 4,000 500 500 600 101,570 141,200 18,500 43,000 2,000 12,000 10,465 6,000 $8,587,967 $ 2,000 165,000 $ 167,000 $ 2,000 275,000 $ 277,000 $ 3,000 276,000 $ 279,000 -26- CITY OF TUSTIN REVENUE DETAIL SOURCE Prior History 1981-82 1982-83 1979-80 1980-81 Budget Projection Estimate REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 1119 Property Taxes-Increment $ 685,874 $ 704,507 $ 921,688 $1,053,842 $1,146,843 4110 Interest 44,000 76,144 16,000 40;000 38,887 5140 Homeowner's Property Tax Relief 2,944 4,365 5,000 9,049 9,950 5141 Business Inventory Property Tax Relief 25,820 48,839 50,000 49,382 54,320 TOTAl $ 758,638 $ 833,855 $ 992,688 $1,152,273 $ 1,250,000 WATER ENTERPRISE FUND Water Sales - Residential - $ 1,438,863 $2,676,203 $2,580,817 $3,059,011 Water Sales - Business - 129,542 240,941 232,353 275,406 Water Sales - Industrial - 31,208 58,046 55,979 66,351 Water Sales - Government - 65,925 122,616 118,248 140,157 Water Sales - Unmetered - 1,383 .2,572 2,482 2,942 Water Sales - Fire Protection - 18,186 33,825 32,610 38,653 Water Sales - Misc. - 4,371 12,353 11,913 14,120 Equity Assessment Credit - - 50,000 60,000 80,000 TOTAl - $1,689,478 $3,196,556 $3,094,402 $3,676,640 GRAND TOTAl $9,403,344 $11 ,396 ,713 $14,794,780 $13,742.393 $15.597.483 BUDGET -27- CITY OF TUSTIN FUND ACCOUNTING DESCRIPTIONS GENERAl FUND Fund 01 Approximately seventy percent (70%) of all monies received by the City is deposited into the General Fund, and is used to finance general City oper- ations. The major portion of General Fund monies is received from property and sales taxes. REVENUE SHARING FUND Fund 05 Federal Revenue Sharing funds are distributed based on a formula of population, local tax effort, and average per capita income. GASOLINE TAX FUND Fund 10 Funds collected under Section 2106 and 2107 of the Streets and Highways code are distributed to cities, primarily on the basis of population, and are deposited into the Gasoline Tax Fund. Monies so received must generally be expended for the construction of the State-approved "select aid system" of streets, or for maintenance. SEWER MAIN TRUNK FUND Fund 20 Fees collected by the City from property owners for connections made to the City's sewer system are deposited into this fund. Prior to 1976-77, monies were distributed on the basis of 25% to the County Sanitation District No.7 for the construction and maintenance of sewers, and 75% to the City for construction of new trunk sewers by City contract. Since June 1977,95% of all fees are distributed to the District, and 5% are credited to the City for administration and unrestricted use. This fund will be eliminated when outstand- ing obligations are fulfilled. CAPITAl OURAY FUND Fund 21 A fund established by resolution of council to ac- cumulate a portion of property tax revenue on an- nexed land held in agricultural preserve for fu- ture capital outlay within the area. The accumu- lation ends in the budget year following the issu- ance of a structural permit. This fund does not show as a source of revenue because it is an ac- counting transfer from the General Fund. CITY BEAUTIFICATION FUND Fund 30 Established by ordinance of the City Council, all monies received from real property transfer taxes are deposited into Beautification Fund. The fund is used to finance the construction and mainten- ance of beautification projects of the City. BUDGET -2(;- CITY OF TUSTIN FUND ACCOUNTING DESCRIPTIONS PARK BOND FUND Fund 40 CIVIC CENTER BOND FUNÐ Fund 41 normal insurance rates (adj usted by the fund's experience) and applied to that department's payroll. Expenses of the fund include medical claim payments, disability claims, administrative costs, reinsurance costs, legal expenses, and other expenses. This fund does not show as a source of revenue because it is an accounting transfer from the benefi ted departments to the fund. Proceeds of the $1,200,000 twenty-year General Ob- ligation Park bond Issue, approved by the citizens in 1971, were deposited and expended in this fund. The fund is used to control revenues and expenditures relating to the Bond Issue's debt service. Proceeds of the $950,000 twenty-five year General Obligation Civic Center Bond Issue, approved by the citizens in 1972, were deposited into this fund. These monies were restricted to construc- tion of a new Civic Center at Main Street and Cen- tennial Way. The fund is now used solely to con- trol revenues and expenditures relating to the Bond Issue's debt service. LIABILITY FUND Fund 82 EQUIPMENT FUND Fund 70 A separate internal fund has been established to fund the self-insured retention excess insurance, paid claims, administrative costs, legal and other expenses. Thi s fund does not show as a source of revenue because it is an accounting transfer from the non-departmental operating budget to the fund. A separate internal accounting fund has been es- tablished to provide adequate reserves with which to replace existing equipment on a planned, eco- nomical basis. Using departments are charged a monthly rental on their vehicles and equipment which provides for replaement, operational expense; and repairs. This fund does not show as a source of revenue because it is an accounting transfer from the benefited departments to the fund. HEAlTH BENEFIT FUND Fund 84 A separate trust fund has been established to self-fund the routine cases of employee health and dental care. Departments are charged a "premium" based on employees and coverage within the department. Expenses of the fund include paid claims, administrative costs, reinsurance costs, and other expenses. This fund does not show as a source of revenue because it is an accounting transfer from the benefited departments to the fund. WORKERS' COMPENSATION FUND Fund 81 A separate internal fund has been estalished to self-fund the recurring costs of statutory payments under the Workers' Compensation Law for on-the-job injuries and occupational illnesses. Departments are charged a "premium" based on WATER FUND Fund 90 Established during the 1980-81 fiscal year. The Water Fund is used to collect the revenue from water sales and account for the operati ng expenses and capital improvement of the City-owned water transmission and distribution system. BUDGET -29- . CITY OF TUSTIN REVENUE ACCOUNTS DESCRIPTION PROPERTY TAXES 1110, 1111, 1112 NEW CONSTRUCTION TAXES 1340 Prior to July 1,1978, general law cities were authorized to set a one-dollar tax rate on both secured and unsecured properties for General Fund purposes. However, Proposition 13 has created a new system whereby the amount of property tax is greatly reduced and is distributed as provided by the State Legislature. New residential and other construction is taxed by ordinance effective October 1972. The proceeds go to the General Fund to support the increased cost of municipal services generated by the new deve- lopment. BUILDING PERMIT FEES 2150 FRANCHISE TAX FEES 1210, 1211, 1212, 1213 Fees for new building construction are based on local ordinance and include electrical, plumbing, and other related permits and fees. Franchises for operations within the city, for which a fee is charged, are presently held by the local electric, natural gas, cable television, and refuse collection companies. STREET PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS 2160 CITY SALES AND USE TAXES 1310 A permit fee is charged for the inspection of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and other street work installed by property owners or developers. The City tax rate on all goods and services authorized under the Bradley-Burns Tax Law is one percent (1%) and is State-collected. OTHER lICENSES AND PERMITS 2190 BUSINESS lICENSE TAX 1320 Permit fees are charged for a 1 icense to operate taxicabs, provide entertainment in public estab- lishments, and for other purposes. The City Business License Ordinance establishes the annual license fee charged to all categories of businesses operating within the city. FINES AND FORFEITURES 3110,3120 Established by ordinance and effective January 1, 1968, a twenty-seven and one-half cent (27 1/24) tax is applied to each five hundred dollars of sales of real property transacted within the City. This tax is County-collected and returned to the City monthly. Incl udes Vehicl e Code and non-traffic fi nes col- lected primarily by the Orange County Municipal Court. Eighty-five percent (85%) of the amount received by the Court for offenses occurring with- in the city is returned to the City, with the ex- ception of 50% returned to the City for arrests made by the Ca 1 iforni a Highway P a tro 1 . REAl PROPERTY TRANSFER TAXES 1330 (conti nued) BUDGET -30- CITY OF TUSTIN REVENUE ACCOUNTS DESCRIPTION COUNTY GRANTS OF STATE GASOLINE TAXES 5310 PARKWAY TREE FEES 6135 Contributions from County Gas Tax Funds to City projects of county-wide benefit. Charges made to developers, subdividers, and other.s for the purchase and installation of park- way trees by the City. FEDERAl GRANTS 5510, 5590 Grants from the Federal government to City pro- jects or programs of an eligible nature. Grants under the Federal Revenue Sharing Program are included within this category. WEED ABATEMENT 6140 Assessment charges made against property owner when the City is required to clear weeds on pri- vate property. . PLANNING FEES 6110 RECREATION FEES 6141,6142,6143, and 6144 Fees for Use Permits, Variances, and Zone Changes are charged the property owners when applying for such actions from the City. Fees for sports, special classes, youth and senior citizen programs, charged to partially offset the cost of services. SUBDIVISION MAP FEES 6115 FAlSE AlARM FEES 6165 Include subdivision map filing fees and charge for engineering review and plan checking of such maps. Service charges made to businesses, etc., having excessive false alarms on burglary and robbery alarm systems. SAlE OF MAPS AND PUBLICATIONS 6125 A charge is made for city maps and reproduction of documents distributed to private individuals. SPECIAl POLICE SERVICES 6170 STREET CONSTRUCTION 6130 Charges made to the publ ic for pol ice protection at dances and special events. Monies paid by property owners in lieu of required installation by owner of curbs, gutters and paving when developing property. STREET REIMBURSEMENT 6133 OTHER CURRENT CHARGES 6190 Charges made to the publ ic for special services and required installation of street signs in new developments. (continued) Contributions from private property owners for curbs and gutters in connection with street improvement projects. BUDGET -31- CITY OF TUSTIN REVENUE ACCOUNTS DESCRIPTION INTEREST 4110 Interest received on invested surplus or inactive monies and deposited into the General, Revenue Sharing, Gas Tax, City Beautification, Park Bond, Civic Center Bond Fund, Redevelopment and Water Funds. INTEREST ON DElIN~UENT TAXES 4120 Interest received on delinquent property tax pay- ment. RENTS 4130, 4135~ 4140 Rent received for use of City buildings and prop- erty, primarily the Clifton C. Miller Community Center, and the lease of Fire Station No.2. AlCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE FEES 5110 Fees paid annually to, and distributed by, the Al- coholic Beverage Control Board and based on loca- tion of the licensed facility, 90% of which is re- turned to the City. Repealed by State Action 1980-81. MOTOR VEHICLE lICENSE FEES 5120 Is in lieu of local property tax on vehicles and is based on two percent (2%) of the market value of the vehicle. Fee is distributed on the basis of population and not the location of the vehicle's registration. STATE PROPERTY TAX RELIEF 5140, 5141 Payments by the State to the City in lieu of prop- erty taxes on Homeowner and Business Inventory tax exemptions. BUDGET TRAILER COACH FEES 5150 Is in lieu of property tax on trailers and is based on the location of registration of the trailer. Revenues are distributed one-third each to schools, counties, and cities. Mobile/modular homes placed on permanent foundations are now taxed as real property. CIGARETTE TAXES 5160 A three-cent (3~) tax per pack of cigarettes, es- tablished October 1.1967, is State-collected, and is di stri buted to ci ti es, one-half on the basi s of taxable sales of all other products, and one-half on the basis of population. HIGHWAY CARRIERS' BUSINESS lICENSE 5170 State-collected business license fees on highway carriers in lieu of City business license fees, distributed on the basis of population. Repealed by State Action 1980-81 STATE GRANTS 5180 Grants administered by State to City projects or programs of an eligible nature. Traffic $afety Grants from the State Office of Traffic Safety are included in this category. STATE GASOLINE TAXES 5210, 5220, 5230 State-collected gas tax is apportioned to cities under various State laws and may be used for engi- neering, right-of-way, construction and mainten- ance, primarily of non-local streets. (continued) -32- CITY OF TUSTIN REVENUE ACCOUNTS DESCRIPTION SAlE OF CITY PROPERTY 7110 DAMAGED CITY PROPERTY 7180 Revenue received from the sale of surplus City property. Collections from insurance companies and private parties for damage to City property, such as parkway trees, street signs, buildings, etc. SAlE OF UNCLAIMED PROPERTY 7120 Revenue received from the sale of abandoned and unclaimed property. SUNDRY OTHER REVENUE 7190 SEWER CONNECTION FEES 7130 Refunds, miscellaneous collections, and other revenues are included in this account. A connection fee is charged to property owners when sewers are installed and connected to the City's sewer system. Prior to 1977-78,75% was retained by the City for trunk main extensions and 25% was paid to the Sanitation District. Since that time, 5% is retained by the City for adminis- trative expense and the balance returned to the District. WATER SAlES Revenue collectea from the sale of water for all uses and equity assessment credits. CONTRI8UTIONS 7140 Donations and contributions paid to.the City for specific or general purposes. PARK lAND DEDICATION FEES 7150 Fees required from subdividers of residential property in lieu of providing park land and facil- ities for future residents. Such fees are used to provide alternative recreational facilities. BUDGET -33- CITY OF TUSTIN REVENUES-All FUNDS REVENUES BY SOURCE REYDUE SHARING I.BS $219,000 GAS TAX 31 $459,816 INTEREST 21 $315,000 MOTOR VEHiClE IN-LIEU 2S $395,519 BUDGET z ¡:; r.n ;::¡ E- ¡¡. 0 >- E- O en z: 0 - I- - en 0 > c.. - ~ z: >- 0 :æ - I- ~ u :E: L.I.J :::;) CI) CI) E- ~ i:S ;::¡ ~ ~~~--- -'----- -35- CITY OF TUSTIN SUMMARY OF POSITIONS FUll TIME POSITIONS 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 DEPARTMENT. ACTUAl ACTUAl ACTUAL REQUEST Legislation 4 4 4 4 Administration 12 14 13 11 Community Development 11 11 10 10 Public Works 41 38 41 41 Police 68 74 76 76 Community Services 7 8 8 8 Water -- 19 19 17 - TOTAL 143 168 171 167 BUDGET z ¡: CI:I ~ ¡.. t.. 0 >- ¡.. ü > >- i == CI) UJ !:II:: == I- - Q ffi ~ Q.. == X I- UJCI)- I- Q E ~ Z :æ = ~ <.DUX 0 UJ !:II:: UJ Q.. !:II:: I- == Z QI-UJ UJ - E Z Q I- - Z !:II:: CClUJ<r: E Q.. Q.. OXUJ U UJ Q ¡.. ¡,¡,¡ '" Q ~ ¡:Q CI) ~ <.D ~ Q.. z: 0 - I- U UJ CI) -37- . CITY OF TUSTIN 1982-83 COMBINED PROGRAM EXPENDITURE SUMMARY TUSTIN - CITY PERSONNEL SUPPLIES/SERVICES CAPITAl OUTLAY TOTAl $ 165,456 $ 91,815 $ 445 $ 257,716 346,121 119,969 5,790 . 471,880 319,802 70,086 377 390,265 1,169,807 1,095,313 4,228 2,269,348 2,881,823 435,762 5,796 3,323,381 -- 1,325,000 -- 1,325,000 211 ,811 246,480 6,915 465,206 618,000 -- 618,000 185,000 -- 185,000 187,376 2,681,415 2,868,791 $5,094,753 $4,374,801 $2,705,033 $12,174,587 $ 3,600 $ 166,000 $1,471,519 $1,641,119 $ 518,753 $2,781,460 $ 166,210 $3,466,423 $5,617,106 $7,322,261 $4,342,762 $17 ,282,129 Legislation Administration Community Development Public Works Police Fire Community Services Internal Service Funds Non-Departmental Capital Improvement/ Inter-Fund Transfers TOTAl CITY TUSTIN COtMJNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TUSTIN WATER SERVICE GRAND TOTAL All FUNDS BUDGET -38- CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS BY FUNDS GAS TAX 421 $1,668,900 WATER 5.21 $138.900 REVENUE SHARING 791 . $293,500 8EAUTIFICATION 0.81 $33,200 REDEVElOPMENT AGENCY 371 $1,471,519 OPERA TING APPROPRIATIONS BY DEPARTMENT RDA 11 - $166,000 LEGISlATION 21 - $251,716 NON-OEP ARTMENT AI. 21 - $185,000 COIIIUNITY DEVElOPMEIIT 31 - $390,265 COMMUNITY SERVICES 41 - $465.206 AOHINISTRATION 41 - $471,880 BUDGET z 1= (J) ::> E- ¡¡" 0 >- E- O "'" ~ 0::: <Jj 0 >- a::: .....J L.IJ Q.. z: - z: 0 (",.) ~ 0::: L.IJ - :z:: a::: 0 0::: ~ ~ L.IJ I- :::I 0 .....J ~ I- .....J (",.) (",.) E- - en >L1 ¡::::¡ - >- >- >- " z: <Jj I- I- I- Q L.IJ L.IJ - - - ::> Q.. .....J (",.) (",.) (",.) ¡:Q >< L.IJ I- I- z: :z:: ~ L.IJ :z:: E 0 I- I- - 0::: 0::: "'" 0< 0< - Q.. Q.. > L.IJ L.IJ - ¡::::¡ ¡::::¡ ¡::::¡ -40- CITY OF TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL CITY CLERK CITY CHIEF DEPUTY CITY CLERK ATTORNEY DEPUTY CITY CLERK CLERK TYPIST CLERK TYPIST (XEROX OPERATOR) (SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR) BUDGET -41- CITY OF TUSTIN 1982-83 BUDGET REQUEST DEPARTMENT SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: lEGISLATION 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 ACTUAl BUDGET PROJECTION ADOPTED PERSONNEL DETAIL Full-time Staff 4 4 4 4 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personne 1 Salaries $100,449 $115,952 $112,647 $125,169 Retirement + Insurance 29,754 33,249 36,209 40,287 Total Personnel $130,203 $149,201 $148,856 $165,456 ~lies & Services ontractual Services $ 67,694 $ 60,000 $ 66,000 $ 63,100 Office Expense 350 350 350 360 Departmental Expense 12,749 14,268 13,537 12,500 Transportation Expense 3,840 1,200 1,200 1,200 Training + Development 13,134 15,860 16,879 14,655 Other Expenses 5,820 18,000 16,000 Total Supplies + Services $103,587 $109,678 $113,966 $ 91,815 Capital Outlay Office Equipment $ 4,972 $ 550 $ 462 $ 445 Total Capital Outlay $ 4,972 $ 550 $ 462 $ 445 DEPARTMENT TOTAL $238.762 $259,429 $263,284 $257,716 BUDGET -42- CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: LEGISLATION CITY COUNCIL DESCRIPTION : The City Council provides policy direction with regard to all municipal functions. Through its review and approval of the City's annual operating and capital improvement budget, the City Council determines the level of City services to be provided. The City Council also serves as the Board of Directors of the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency. The Board of Directors is responsible for providing policy directions with regard to implementation of the Town Center Project Area Plan. . City Council members also serve as representatives to various County and regional agencies responsible for transportation, airport, planning, sanitation and flood control functions. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Outlay Total $35,301 $13,680 $ -- $48,981 BUDGET -43- . CITY OF TUSTIN 1982-83 BUDGET DETAil DEPARTMENT: lEGISLATION DIVISION: CITY COUNCIL 1980-81 ACTUAl $289-289 5 $17,453 11 ,297 $28,750 $ 250 821 12,324 $13,395 $ 1,788 $ 1,788 $43,933 PERSONNEL DETAIL Counci 1 Members 5 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Sã'1ãrf es Retirement + Insurance Total Personnel ~pl ies + Services Office Expense Departmental Expense Training + Development Total Supplies + Services CaJ>ital Outlay Office Equipment Total Capital Outlay DIVISION TOTAl: 1981-82 1982-83 BUDGET PROJECTED REQUEST $289-289 5 $289-318 5 $318-318 $17,759 $17 ,620 $19,100 12,544 14,176 16,201 $30,303 $31,796 $35,301 $ 250 $ 250 $ 250 1,150 1,284 1,400 12,380 13,784 12,030 $13,780 $15,318 $13 ,680 $44,083 $47,114 $48,981 BUDGET -44- CITY OF TUSTIN lEGISLATION DEPARTMENT: CITY CLERK DIVISION: The City Clerk's office maintains official documents, contracts, agreements and records of the City. In coordination with all departments, the City Clerk's office prepares the City Council and Redevelopment Agency meeting agendas and coordinates follow-up of Council and Agency actions. DESCRIPTION: TASKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Provide administrative direction to all division functions. Develop and administer the department's annual budget. Evaluate, train and supervise division personnel. Coordinate division activities with other departments. Prepare the City Council and Redevelopment Agency Agenda, Actton Agenda, ~Iinutes and coordinate all City Council and Redevelopment Agency follow-up and the retention of Council and Agency related records (resolutions, ordinances and agreements). Prepare for printing all amendments to the Municipal Code, distribute printed amendments and maintain copies of the Code. Administer the telephone system including the switchboard operation. Administer all incoming and outgoing mail for City Hall and Police. Oversee ordering all supplies for and maintenance of the Xerox 8200 and Savin 770 reproduction machines and provide staff for City duplicating. BUDGET -45- (City Clerk tasks continued) CITY OF TUSTIN Act as Filing Officer for Conflict of Interest forms for all members of the City Council, Redevelopment Agency, Planning Agency, and all Designatd Employees, notifying all affected persons of due dates, providing forms, and coordinating all follow-up for the timely filing of qll reports. 10. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Outlay TOTAL $ 100,784 $ 16,600 $ 455 $ 117,829 BUDGET -46- CITY OF TUSTIN 1982-83 BUDGET DETAIL DEPARTMENT: lEGISLATION DIVISION: CITY CLERK PERSONNEL DETAIL Chief Deputy City Clerk Deputy City Clerk Clerk Typist ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Salaries Retirement + Insurance Tota 1 Personnel ~lies + Services Contractual Services Office Expense Departmental Expense Transportation Expense Training + Development Other Expenses Total Supplies + Services Capital Outla~ Office EqUlpment Total Capital Outlay DIVISION TOTAl: 1 1 2 4" 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 ACTUAl BUDGET PROJECTED ADOPTED $2,009-2,130 1 $2,254-2,367 1 $2,254-2,367 1 $2,485-2,584 $1,228-1,493 1 $1,329-1,616 1 $1,329-1,616 1 $1,452-1,765 $893-1,085 2 $967-1,175 2 $967-1,175 2 $1,056-1,283 4" 4" 4" $. 65,042 $ 74,193 $ 71,027 $ 82,069 14,319 15,589 17,178 18,715 $ 79,361 $ 89,782 $ 88,205 $100,784 $ -- $ -- $ 6,000 $ 3,100 100 100 100 110 11 ,922 13,018 12,153 11 ,000 3,840 1,200 1,200 1,200 576 2,045 1,660 1,190 5,820 18,000 16,000 -- $ 22,258 $ 34,363 $ 37,113 $ 16,600 .L 3,184 $ 550 $ 462 $ 445 $ 3,184 $ 550 $ 462 $ 445 $104.803 $124.695 $125.780 $117,829 BUDGET -47- CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: lEGISLATION CITY ATTORNEY DESCRIPTION : The City Attorney's office provides legal advice and services pertaining to City affairs to the City Council, City Manager and other City officials. TASKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Attend City Council, Redevelopment Agency and Planning Agency meetings for the purpose of providing 1 egal advice. Review and prepare ordinances, resolutions, franchises, agreements, contracts and other documents. Provide legal advice to City departments. Represent the City in court proceedings. Review and monitor general liability and worker's compensation claims processed by the City's claims administrator. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Outlay $29,371 $61,535 TOTAl $90,906 BUDGET -48- CITY OF TUSTIN 1982-83 BUDGET DETAIL DEPARTMENT: lEGISLATION DIVISION: CITY ATTORNEY PERSONNEL DETAIL Ci ty Attorney ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personne 1 Sal ari es Retirement + Insurance Tota 1 Personnel ~lies + Services Contractual Services Departmental Expense Training + Development Total Supplies + Services Capital outla,}' DIVISION TOTAl: 1 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 ACTUAl BUDGET PROJECTED ADOPTED $1,750-1,750 1 $2,000-2,000 1 $2,000-2,000 1 $2,000-3,000 $17,954 $24,000 $24,000 $24,000 4,138 5,116 4,855 ~71 $22,092 $29,116 $28,855 $29,371 $67,694 $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 6 100 100 100 234 1,435 1,435 1,435 --- $67,934 $61,535 $61,535 $61,535 $90,026 $90,651 $90,390 $90,906 BUDGET z ~ r.I) ~ E- tJ.o 0 >- E- O V) ~ 0::: c.c z:: 0 0 0::: - 0::: Q.. I- I.I.J <C c.c I.I.J 0::: <C ....J 0::: t:; z:: I.I.J :;:) ~ I.I.J z:: E- I- - U z:: ¡¡,¡ - z:: :z: 0 (,:) Q - >- <C V) Q z:: !S I- z:: 0::: ~ I.I.J - - I.I.J ::0 Q.. <C u u... Q.. >< I.I.J I- I- z:: z:: I.I.J I.I.J z:: E E 0 I- I- - 0::: 0::: en <C <C - Q.. Q.. > I.I.J I.I.J - Q Q Q -50- CITY OF TUSTIN CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE CITY MANAGER EXEC. DIRECTOR REDEV. AGENCY ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY CONTRACT SERVICES BUDGET -51- CITY OF TUSTIN 1982-83 BUDGET REQUEST DEPARTMENT SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: ADMINISTRATION 1980-81 ACTUAl 1981-82 BUDGET PROJECTION 1982-83 ADOPTED PERSONNEL DETAIL Full-time staff 14 13 11 11 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Salaries Retirement + Insurance Total Personnel $266,933 $313,953 $248,!?26 $295,140 50,304 54,144 52,173 50,981 317,237 368,097 300,699 346,121 $88,039 $68,709 $85,ti40 $64,753 733 500 833 -- 1,188 1,185 1,100 1,198 17,248 18,580 31,486 32,819 3,958 4,500 2,525 5,440 14,209 13,532 11,430 15,759 125,375 107,006 133,214 119,969 $ -- $8,824 $8,824 $ -- 1,185 3,204 2,741 4,990 99,307 1,000 1,000 8ÒO 100,492 13,028 12,565 5,790 543,104 488,131 446,478 471,880 ~lies + Services Contractual services Facilities expense Office expense Departmental expense Transportation expense Training + Development Total Supplies + Services Capital Outlay Mobile equlpment Office equipment Department equipment Total Capital Outlay DEPARTMENT TOTAl BUDGET -52- CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: ADMINISTRATION CITY MANAGER Under policy direction of the City Council, the City Manager's office is responsible for planning, organizing and evaluating municipal serv1ces and providing management direction to all City departments through the Department Heads. DESCRIPTION: TASKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Keep the City Council constantly apprised as to the status of City programs and activities. Prepare and present the prop~sed 1983-84 budget to the City Council. Monitor State and Federal legislation as it relates to City programs and activities. Respond to and resolve citizen complaints. Serve as Executive Director of the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency. Coordinate preparation of the Redevelopment Agency Financial Plan. Coordinate the assessment and filing of annexat~ons. Develop a management information system which provides quarterly status reports regarding projects and activities of all City departments. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel $ 91,237 Operations $ 7,793 Capital Outlay., $ .4,565 TOTAL $103.595 BUDGET -53- CITY OF TUSTIN 1982-83 BUDGET DETAIL DEPARTMENT: ADMINISTRATION DIVISION: CITY MANAGER 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 ACTUAl BUDGET PROJECTED ADOPTED PERSONNEL DETAIL City Manager 1 $3,938-4,222 1 $4,467-4,690 1 $4,500-4,500 1 $4,723-4,914 Administrative Assistant 1 1,594-1,938 1 1,738-2,112 1 1,733-2,112 Administrative Aide 1 1,274-1,549 -- -- Administrative Secretary 1 1,260-1,531 1 1,399-1,701 1 1,399-1,701 1 1,528-1,1)57 4 3 3 2 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Salaries $90,329 $97,649 $75,417 $79,435 Retirement + Insurance 15,754 15,215 16,645 11 ,802 Total Personnel 106,083 112,864 92,062 91,237 ~plies + Services Contractual servi ces $ 459 $ 2,229 $ 2,229 $ Faci 1 iti es expense 300 -- 333 Offi ce expense 388 385 300 327 Departmental expense 155 380 3,225 650 Transportati on expenses 1,692 2,000 25 2,740 Training + Development 2,562 3,582 3,730 4,076 Total Suppl ies + Services 5,556 8,576 9,842 7,793 Capital Outlay Mob, 1 e equ, pment $ -- $ 8,824 $ 8,824 $ -- Office equipment 899 755 891 4,565 Total Capital Outlay 899 9,579 9,715 4,565 DIVISION TOTAl: 112,538 131,019 111.619 103,595 BUDGET -54- CITY OF TUSTIN DIRECTOR OF FINANCE SECRETARY (11. , I O.C.C.R.M.A." ~----______I ----------~ P.A.D.S.* I * PUBLIC AGENCIES DATA SYSTEM .. ORANGE COUNTY CITIES RISK MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY BUDGET -55- CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTME~T: DIVISION: ADMINISTRATION FINANCE DESCRIPTION: TASKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. The Finance Division is responsible for recording the financial activities of the City in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and standards of the National Committee on Governmental Accountingànd Auditing. Deposit and record all revenues of the City. Administer the purchasing ordinance of the City at the direction of the Purchasing Officer. Maintain an aggressive idyll funds investment program. Process water utility billings. Prepare quarterly financial reports. Prepare monthly management information reports (expense ledgers by account and vendor, construction 1 edgers, etc.) Complete Annual Report of Operations for the State Controller, Office of Revenue Sharing reports, State Street Report and other reports as required by other agencies. Prepare documents required for the annual year end audit. Maintain fixed asset records. Administer the payroll and accounts payable functions. Administer the risk management program which includes health, long term disability, worker's compensation and general liability insurance. BUDGET -56- CITY OF TUSTIN (Finance tasks continued) 12. 13. Assemble the 1983-84 operating and capital improvement budget. Provide the treasury function for outstanding bond issues. 14. Represent the City on the Public Agency Data System (PADS) Advisory Committee. PAD5 is a joint powers agency organized to share in and contain the cost of computer systems software development and maintenance. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Outlay $ 172,454 $ 73.001 $ 1,225 $ 246,680 TOTAl BUDGET -57- CITY OF TUSTIN 1982-83 BUDGET DETAIL DEPARTMENT: ADMINISTRATION DIVISION: FINANCE 1980-81 1981-82 ACTUAl BUDGET PROJECTED PERSONNEL DETAIL Finance Director 1 $2,962-2,915 1 $3,280-3,444 1 $3,280-3,444 1 Finance Coordinator 1 1,738-2,112 1 1,886-2,292 1 1,886-2,292 1 Sr.Account Clerk 1 1,144-1,390 1 1,238-1,505 1 1,238-1,505 1 Secretary 1 1,075-1,307 1 1,164-1,415 1 1,164-1,415 1 License Coordinator 1 1,027-1,243 1 1,111-1,315 Account Clerk 2 993-1,207 2 1,075-1,307 2 1,075-1,307 2 I I 6 6 ACCOUNTING .DETAIl Personne 1 Salaries $121,019 $152,759 $110,100 Retirement + Insurance 25,089 27,815 24,747 Total Personnel 146,108 180,574 134,847 Supplies + Services Contractual services $41,753 $50,230 $67,261 Facilities expense 433 500 500 Offi ce expense 500 500 500 Departmental expense 8,068 6,700 15,852 Transportation expense 1,066 1,300 1,300 Training + Development 2,105 3,500 2,250 Total Supplies + Services 53,925 62,730 87,663 Capital Outlay Offlce equipment $. - $2,035 $I ,500 Deparbnent equipment 99,307 1,000 1,000 Total Capital Outlay 99,307 3,035 2,500 DIVISION TOTAL ,. 299,340 246,339 225,010 1982-83 ADOPTED $3,616-3,761 2,058-2,502 1,352-1,643 1,271-1,545 1,174-1,427 $144,722 27,732 172,454 $46,253 546 20,319 1,500 4,383 73,001 $ 425 800 1,225 246,680 BUDGET I c~ l!\ I z ¡: CI) ~ ¡.. ¡¡. 0 >- ¡.. ü - w:: 1-1- <CeI) õ~ w> ::!:I- e:~ We: I-w z... -(.) u..... Ow e:z gz (.)~ We: e:w õC>. ...~ w- Zl- ZeI) 0> eI)'" e:<C wZ c>.<c ¡.. ¡¡,¡ 8 ~ = -59- CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: ADMINISTRATION PERSONNEL DESCRIPTION: The Personnel Division is responsible for attracting, hiring and maintaining the highest quality staff available, coordinating the delivery of all employee benefits programs and insuring compliance of all applicable laws regarding personnel matters. TASKS: 1. Recruitment and selection of all employees including advertising and testing for positions, ana developing testing materials and procedures. ~bnitor employee benefits programs such as medical and dental insurance, life insurance, long term disability and educational benefits. 2. 3. . Coordinate employee training and development programs such as Management/Supervisory training and CPR/First Aid programs. 4. Coordinate employee safety activities including coordination of the Safety Committee, in-house safety inspections and safety awareness and training activities. 5. Monitor compliance with Affirmative Action guidelines including analysis of selection and personnel procedures for compliance with federal equal employment guidelines. Maintain compensation plan including reviewing and recommending salary levels for all city classes. 6. 7. Maintain position classification plan including reviewing and developing valid job descriptions for all classes. 8. Monitor employee relations activities including coordinating the employee relations committee, monitoring compliance with the Personnel Rules and Regulations and working with departments to resolve employee relations problems. BUDGET -60- CITY OF TUSTIN (Personnel tasks continued) 9. Labor relations which includes support for all meet and confer sessions with employee organizations and implementatin of and monitoring compliance with all agreements with the organizations. DIVISION BUDGET: Personne 1 Operations Capital Outlay $ $ $ $ 121,605 82,430 39,175 TOTAl BUDGET -61- CITY OF TUSTIN 1982-83 BUDGET DETAIL DEPARTMENT: ADMINISTRATION DIVISION: PERSONNEL 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 ACTUAl BUDGET PROJECTED ADOPTED PERSONNEL DETAIL Personnel Director 1 $2,140-2,268 1 $2,400-2,520 1 $2,400-2,520 1 $2,646-2,752 Personnel Analyst 1 1,407-1,710 1 1,562-1,899 1 1,562-1,899 1 1,706-2,074 Clerk Typist 1 893-1,085 1 967-1,175 1 967-1,175 1 1,056-1,283 3 3 3 3 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Salaries $55,585 $63,545 $63,009 $70,983 Reti rement + Insurance 9,461 11 ,114 10,781 11 ,447 Tota 1 Personnel 65,046 74,659 73,790 82,430 ~plies + Services Contractual services $45,827 $16,250 $16,350 $18,500 Offi ce expenses 300 300 300 325 Departmental expense 9,025 11 ,500 12,409 11 ,850 Transportation expense 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 Training + Development 9,542 6,450 5,450 7,300 Total Supplies + Services 65,894 35,700 35,709 39,175 Capital Outlay Offi ce equi pment $ 286 $ 414 $ 350 $ -- Total Capital Outlay 286 414 350 DIVISION TOTAl 131,226 110,773 109,849 121,605 BUDGET I- z: U.J Con :E: :æ c.. 0 a: ....J CJ:I U.J 0 > a: ~ c.. z U.J >- a: I- CJ:I CJ:I 1- :::::I - z: z: CI) I- z: - - ::J - :::::I z: Q 1- Q ~ Z: ....J ¡,¡" Z < - U.J 0 ....J :::::I 0 c.. u c.. a::t ;>0 >< t: U.J U I- I- z: z: U.J U.J z: :E: :E: 0 I- I- - a: a: Con < < - c... c... > U.J U.J - Q Q Q 1- ¡¡.¡ " Q ::J ~ -63- CITY OF TUSTIN CITY COUNCI L ---, I I , I PLANNING AGENCY DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING SENIOR PLANNER (11 ASSOCIATE PLANNER (2) BUDGET -64- CITY OF TUSTIN 1982-83 BUDGET REQUEST Department Summary DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Full-time staff 1980-81 ACTUAl 11 1981-82 BUDGET PROJECTION 10 10 1962-83 ADOPTED 10 PERSONNEL DETAIL ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Salaries Retirement & Insurance $247,332 $261,712 $241,292 $273,968 42,516 45,619 42,928 45,834 289,848 307,331 284,220 319,802 $ 24,374 $ 42,800 $ 57,086 $ 45,300 600 654 654 714 3,900 4,962 4,118 5,055 13,089 14,418 14,418 15,607 2,439 3,093 2,646 3,410- $ 44,402 $ 65,927 $ 78,922 $ 70,086 $ 4,537 $ -- $ -- $ 377 $ 4,537 $ -- $ -- $ 377 $338.787 $373,258 $363.142 $390.265 Total Personnel ~plies & Services Contractual services Office expenses Departmental expense Transportation expense Training & Development Total Supplies & Services Capital Òutlay Office equipment Total Capital Outlay DEPARTMENTAL TOTAl BUDGET -65- CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING The Planning Division includes current and advanced planning and Redevelopment Agency functions. Current Planning provides for the review of proposed development to ensure conformance to City Zoning and development standards. 'Advanced Planning provides for any needed revisions to the Tustin Area General Plan in order to maintain a viable document reflecting community goals and State statutes. The Redevelopment Agency monitors and reviews proposed developments and public improvements to ensure the revitalization of the Town Center Area as set forth in the redevelopment plan. The Planning Division provides required staff support to the City Council, Planning Agency and Redevelopment Agency. DESCRIPTION: TASKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Process applications for zoning and subdivision permits. Coordinate local land use policies and plans with regional planning agencies. Coordinate zoning and business license enforcement. Prepare reports to the Planning Agency, City Council and Redevelopment Agency concerning zoning, sign and subdivision regulations. Prepare reports to the Planning Agency or City Council concerning review of the Tustin Area General Plan. Prepare land use studies as directed by the City Council. Assist in preparation and coordination of a specific land use plan for the Irvine Company land. Maintain statistical data concerning population and land use (housing, commercial and industrial) within the City. BUDGET -66- (Planning tasks continued) CITY OF TUSTIN Assist the Executive Director of the Redevelopment Area as directed, to prepare graphics. reports or studies with regard to the Town Center Project Area. Review planning studies and environmental impact reports prepared by other agencies which affect the City of Tustin. 9. 10. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Outlay TOTAL $ 199,123 $ 25,038 $ 377 $ 224,538 BUDGET -67- CITY OF TUSTIN 1982-83 BUDGET DETAIL DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION: PLANNING 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 ACTUAl BUDGET PRWECTED ADOPTED 1 $ 2,962-3,140 1 $ 3.322-3,488 1 $ 3.322-3,488 1 $ 3,662-3,808 1 1,832-2,227 1 1,988-2,416 1 1,988-2,416 1 2,170-2,638 1 1,580-1,920 1 1,710-2,078 1 1,710-2,078 -- 2 1,464-1,779 2 1,687-2,050 2 1,687-2,050 2 1,842-2,239 -- -- -- 1 1,663-2,021 1 1,075-1,307 i 1,164-1,415 -- -- I 1,106-1,344 1 1,207-1,467 .5 1,066 6" 6" 6" 6.5 $ 137,758 $ 171 ,443 $ 152,089 $ 172,177 21,165 26,336 24,226 26,946 $ 158,923 $ 197,779 $ 176,315 $ 199,123 $ 21,608 $ 19,500 $ 12,486 $ 12,000 330 360 360 393 1,591 2,321 2,111 2,358 7,089 7.818 7,818 8,407 1,080 1.680 1,353 1,880 $ 31,698 $ 31,679 $ 24,128 $ 25,038 $ 233 $ -- $ -- $ 377 $ 233 $ -- $ -- $ 377 $ 190,864 $ 229.458 $ 200,443 $ 224,538' BUDGET PERSONNEL DETAIL Community Dev. Director Senior Planner Public Services Asst. Associate Planner Assistant Planner Secretary Department Clerk Part-time Clerk Typist ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Sal aries Retirement & Insurance Total Personnel ~plies & Services Contractual Services Office Expense Departmental Expense Transportation Expense Training & Development Total Supplies & Services Capital Outla~ Office Equlpment Total , Capital Outlay "IVI§ION ffifAL: -68- CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION DESCRIPTION: The Building Division provides for the establishment of and enforcement of building regulations to ensure that new and existing buildings are sfe and suitable for their intended use. TASKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Receive and plan check applications for permits to ensure compliance with State and City building requirements. Issue building, plumbing, electrical, mechanical, grading and sign permits. Make daily inspections of residential, convnercial and industrial construction to ensure compliance with the approved plans. Review and make recommendations for the adoption of all uniform codes. Assist the public with technical information regarding City and State codes. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Outlay $ 120,679 $ 45,048 $ -0- $ 165,727 TOTAL BUDGET -69- CITY OF TUSTIN 1982-83 BUDGET DETAIL DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY DEYElOPMENT DIVISION: BUILDING 1980-81 ACTUAl 1981-82 BUDGET PROJECTED 1962-83 ADOPTED PERSONNEL DETAIL Building Official 1 $ 1,943-2,362 $ -- $ -- $ Plan Checker 1 1,634-1,986 1 1,892-2,300 1 1,892-2,300 1 2,067-2,512 Building Inspector 2 1,556-1,891 2 1,658-2,047 2 1,684-2,047 2 1,839-2,235 Planning/Building Aide 1 1,158-1,408 1 1,314-1,597 1 1,314-1,597 1 1,435-1,744 ~ 4 4 4 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Salaries $ 109,574 $ 90,269 $ 89,203 $ 101,791 Retirement & Insurance - 21,351 19,283 18,702 18,888 Total Personnel $ 130,925 $ 109,552 $ 107,905 $ 120,679 SuEPlies & Services - Contractual Services $ 2,766 $ 23,300 $ 44,600 $ 33,300 Office Expense 270 294 294 321 Departmental Expense 2,309 2,641 2,007 2,697 Transportation Expense 6,000 6,600 6,600 7,200 Training & Development 1,359 --- 1,413 1,293 1,530 Total Supplies & Services $ 12,704 $ 34,248 $ 54,794 $ 45,048 Capital Outlay Office Equipment $ 4,304 $ -- $ -- ! Total Capital Outlay $ 4,304 $ -- $ -- $ DIVISION TOTAl $ 147,933 $ 143,800 $ 162,699 $ 165,727 BUDGET ] ] CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURE PROGRAMS DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS . DIVISION: I ADMINISTRATION ENGINEERING STREETS PARKS TREES FACILITIES MAINTENANCE VEHICLES REFUSE BUDGET -71- CITY OF TUSTIN DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS I CITY ENGINEER ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT (1) SECRETARY I (1) .. WATER SERVICE DIVISION WATER SERVo MANAGER (1) WATER CaNST. SUPER. (1) WATER SERVo TECH. (1) EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (1) MAINTENANCE WORKER (91 ENGINEERING DIVISION ASST. CITY ENGINEER (1) TRAFFIC ENGINEER (1) ASST. CIVIL ENGINEER (1) JR. CIVIL ENGINEER (1) PUBLIC WORKS INSP. (1) ENGINEERING AIDE (1) MAINTENANCE DIVISION STREET I PARK I TREE DIVISION MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT (1) STREET FOREMAN EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (2) LEADMAN (1) MAINTENANCE WORKER (7) PARK AND TREE FOREMAN LEADMAN (1) TREE TRIMMER (1) MAINTENANCE WORKER 171 CUSTODIAN (1) VEHICLE I FACILITY I REFUSE DIVISION MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT (1) MECHANIC FOREMAN EQUIPMENT MECHANIC (2) BUILDING FACILITIES SENIOR CUSTODIAN (1) CUSTODIAN (2) MAINTENANCE WORKER (1) BUDGET -72- CITY OF TUSTIN 1982-83 BUDGET REQUEST DEPARTMENT SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS 1980-81 ACTUAl 1981-82 BUDGET PROJECTION 1982-83 ADOPTED PERSONNEL DETAIL Full-time staff Total Personnel 38 41 41 41 $ 701 ,188 $ 867,017 $ 774,118 $ 936,75~ 188,260 218,547 212,237 233,055 $ 889,448 $1,085,564 $ 986,355 $1,169,807 $ 492,735 $ 550,90Ó $ 56~ ,610 $ 624,877 1,136 1,860 1,860 6,520 150,947 18~,250 195,400 't.37,244 105,762 119,156 120,880 137,167 229,592 252,562 297,225 291,100 450 3,071 3,165 5,705 (83,500) 1190,000) 1190,000) (207,300) $ 897,122 $2,005,363 $ 991,140 $1,095,313 $ -- $ 1,140 $ 1,140 $ -- 75,322 12,319 ----.!b272 4,228 $ 75,322 $ 13,459 $ 13,412 $ 4,2~8 $1,861,892 $2.018,822 $1,990,907 $2,269,348 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Salaries Retirement + Insurance ~plies + Services Contractual services Office expense Facilities expense Departmental expense Transportation expense Training + Development Other expenses Total Supplies + Services Ca¡>ital Outlay Office equipment Department equipment Total Capital Outlay DEPARTMENT TOTAl BUDGET -73- CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMEHT: DIVISION: PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION The Administration Division coordinates and provides direction to all Public Works divisions and Water Department field operations. It provides research for and analysis of current/proposed publ ic works projects in order to ensure their useful life and the safety and convenience of the public. DESCRIPTION: TASKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Investigate the feasibility of the City's assumption and administration of the existing County street 1 i ghting program. Implement an Emergency Services Program. Prepare a management audit of the Water Service operation. Establish a computerized fleet vehicle maintenance/purchase program. Prepare a departmental space needs study, inclusive of the WaterSer~ice operations. Prepare a departmental productivity study. Search for and promotion of any County, State, or Federal grants for cooperative Capital Improvement projects. . Establish and implement department policies. Develop and administer the Department's annual budget and the City-wide capital improvements plan. DIVISION BUDGET: Personne 1 Operations Capital Outlay TOTAL $204,751 31,865 -0- $236,616 BUDGET -74- CITY OF TUSTIN 1982-83 BUDGET DETAIL DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: ADMINISTRATION PERSONNEL DETAIL Director of Public Works Maintenance Superintendent Administrative Assistant Secretary Intermediate Clerk Typist Dispatcher (6 mos.) ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personne 1 Salaries Retirement + Insurance Total Personnel ~plies + Services Contractual services Office expense Departmental expense Transportation expenses Training + Development Total Supplies + Services Capital Outlay Office equipment Departmental equipment Total Capital Outlay DIVISION TOTAl: 1 1 1 "4 1 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 ACTUAl BUDGET PROJECTED ADOPTED $3,525-3,737 1 $3,954-4,152 1 $3,954-4,152 $4,360-4,534 2 $2,084-2,084 2 $2,084-2,084 2 $2,276-2,766 1 $1,738-2,112 1 $1,738-2,112 1 $1,898-2,307 $1,075-1,307 1 $1,164-1,415 1 $1,164-1,415 1 $1,271-1,545 $909-1,105 1 $984-1,196 1 $984-1,196 1 1,074-1,3ú6 $893-1,085 -- -- b b b $ 67,798 12,347 $ 80,145 $ 160,334 $ 142,437 $173,720 29,728 25,227 31,031 $ 190,062 $ 167,664 $204,751 $ -- $ -- $ -- 1,860 1,860 6,520 2,250 2,665 11,935 7,060 7,060 7,705 - 3,071 3,071 5,705 $ 14,241 $ 14,656 $ 31,865 $ 1,140 $ 1,140 $ 3,901 3,901 - $ 5,041 $ 5,041 $ $ 209 .344 $ 187,361 $236.616 1,111 1,136 7,240 3,147 408 $ 13,042 $ $ $ 93,187 BUDGET -75- CITY OF TUSTIN PmLIC ~II{S DIVISICN: DEPAImtml': acI:NEERIlC 'flle Engineering Division designs and prepares plans for the City's annual Capital Improvement program. Engineering inspects all projects within the public right of way and IMintains records to proTlDte the general safety and well-being of the community. It also coordinates all inter-communityand related regional traffic pertinent to pedestrian and vehicular safety and flow. DFSCRIPrICN : TASKS : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Prepare plans, cost estimates, and reports for Capital Improvement projects. Plan check all subdivision/parcel IMpS and perform construction inspections involving public improvements. ' Perform warrant studies for various stop sign, traffic signal, and crossing guard requests throughout the City. Coordinate the City-wide traffic study, inclusive of the arterial highway classification review, inpact of new developrrent within the City and the nodification and synchronization of all of the traffic signal systems. Monitor the City's traffic safety program through collision report evaluation. Perform the on-going traffic <:x>unt program to provide data for traffic studies, IMrketing studies, etc. Maintain IMPS, records, and reports for all public tmprovements. Provide assistance to the public by responding to engineering related complaints, inquiries, and concerns. Provide technical assistance and contract administration to all City departments. BUDGET -76- (Engineering tasks continued) DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Outlay TOTAL $209,036 160,412 -0- $369,448 CITY OF TUSTIN BUDGET -77- CITY OF TUSTIN 1982-83 BUDGET DETAIL DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: ENGINEERING 1980-81 1981-82 1982-B3 ACTUAl BUDGET PROJECTED ADOPTED PERSONNEL DETAIL Assistant City Engineer 1 $2,336-2,839 1 $2,534-3,080 1 $2,534-3,080 1 $2,767-3,363 Traffic Engineer 1 $1,934-2,351 1 $2,099-2,551 1 $2,099-2,551 1 $2,292-2,786 Assistant Civil Engineer 2 $1,830-2,224 1 $1,980-2,407 1 $1,980-2,407 1 $2,162-2,628 Junior Civil Engineer --- 1 $1,730-2,103 1 $1,730-2,103 1 $1,960-2,383 Public Works Inspector 1 $1,399-1,943 1 $1,730-2,103 1 $1,730-2,103 1 $1,889-2,296 Engineering Aide 1 $1,274-1,549 .J. $1,380-1,677 1 $1,380-1,677 1 $1,507-1,831 6 6 6 6 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personne 1 Sal aries $ 138,316 $ 168,705 $ 145,050 $ 176,050 Retirement + Insurance 24,473 31,942 28,926 32,986 Total Personnel $ 162,789 $ 200,647 $ 173,976 $ 209,036 ~lies + Services ontractual services $ 121,512 $ 134,600 $ 137,160 $ 149,857 Departmental expense 29 5,020 5,020 2,700 Transportation expense 6,000 7,200 7,207 7,855 Total Supplies + Services $ 127,541 $ 146,820 $ 149,387 $ 160,412 Capital Outlay Departmental equipment $ 2,344 $ 1,484 $ 1,484 $ Total Capital Outlay $ 2,344 $ 1,484 $ 1,484 $ DIVISION TOTAl: $ 292,674 $ 348,951 $ 324,847 $ 369,448 BUDGET -78- CITY OF TUSTIN Dm>ARIIŒNT: PœLIC K>ŒS DIVISlœ: STREET DFSCRIPl'Iœ: TASKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The Street Division maintains in good repair all streets, sidewalks, bike trails medians, parkways, storm drains, and catch basins within the public right of way. It also provides street sweeping throughout the COII1Dunity to pronote a desired esthetic image and hazard-free environment. The Street Division is responsible for the upkeep of signing and striping for the safety and SIfOOth flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Maintain the paving within public streets, parking lots, and bike trails through administration of a contractual service and minor in-house repairs. Expand the in-house construction program for sidewalk and curb/gutter replacemant. Renove all debris from and maintain all storm drains, catch basins, and surface drainage facilities. Mow and edge all turf, fertilize lawns, and spray foilage within the street medians, parkways, City Hall grounds, and Maintenance Facility grounds on a scheduled basis. Maintain a weed abatement and litter control program for all areas within the public street rights of way. Mministrate the annual street striping contract and repaint ~ll crosswalks, stop bars and legends on an as-needed basis. Replace all traffic signing as required and install all new signing as directed by the Traffic Engineer. Provide street, bike trail, and parking lot sweeping throughout the City on a scheduled weekly basis. BUDGET (Street tasks continued) DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Outlay TOTAL $289,662 394,786 1,190 $685.638 CITY OF TUSTIN BUDGET -79- -80- CITY OF TUSTIN 1982-83 BUDGET DETAIL DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: STREETS 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 ACTUAl BUDGET PROJECTED ADOPTED PERSONNEL DETAIL Maintenance Foreman 1 $1,510-1,835 1 $1,638-1,991 1 $1,638-1,991 1 $1,789-2,175 Maintenance Leadman 1 $1,258-1,529 1 $1,362-1,655 1 $1,362-1,655 1 $1,487-1,808 Equipment Operator 2 $1,239-1,506 2 $1,341-1,630 2 $1,341-1,6~0 2 $1,464-1,780 Maintenance Worker 6 $1,158-1,408 7 $1,137-1,524 7 $1,137-1,524 7 $1,242-1,664 10 11 11 IT ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Salaries $ 202,652 $ 205,676 $ 197,811 $ 222,878 Retirement + Insurance 62,598 60,681 64,263 66,784 Total Personnel 265,250 266,357 262,074 289,662 Supplies + Services Contractual services $ 204,887 $ 235,500 $ 240,950 $ 261,295 Facilities expense 12,873 14,000 17,825 22,681 Departmental expense 54,198 59,256 59,698 65,640 Transportation expenses 34,430 41,400 41,421 45,170 Total Supplies + Services $ 306,388 $ 350,156 $ 359,894 $ 394,786 Capital Outlay Departmental equipment $ 71,750 $ 4,840 $ 4,840 $ 1,190 Total Capital Outlay $ 71,750 $ 4,840 $ 4,840 $ 1,190 DIVISION TOTAL: $ 643,388 $ 621.353 $ 626.808 $ 685.638 BUDGET -81- CITY OF TUSTIN PUBLIC WRKS DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: PARKS DESCRIPTION: The Parks Division provides for the maintenance of all City parks in order to provide the desired esthetic image of the colllllunity and to help insure the general TASKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Mow and edge lawn areas on a scheduled basis. Inspect and repair irrigation system to ensure proper watering. Fertilize lawns and spray foliage as required. Remove and replace foliage when necessary. Prune, shape and ground trim trees as needed. Remove litter and other foreign/hazardous matter from parks and Tustin City Center daily. Inspect play equipment regularly and repair as needed. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Outlay $196,348 119,160 300 $315,808 TOTAL BUDGET -82- CITY OF TUSTIN 1982-83 BUDGET DETAIL DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: PARKS 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 ACTUAl BUDGET PROJECTED ADOPTED PERSONNEl DETAIL Foreman 1 $1,510-1,835 1 $1,638-1,991 1 $1,638-1,991 1 $1,789-2,175 Maintanance Worker 6 $1,158-1,400 6 $1,137-1,524 6 $1,137-1,524 6 $1,242-1,664 Custodian 1 $ 986-1,198 1 $1,067-1,297 1 $1,067-1,297 1 $1,165-1,416 8" 8" 8" 8" ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Salaries $ 106,437 $ 138,160 $ 124,467 $ 152,508 Retirement + Insurance 35,185 41,709 40,464 43,840 Total Personnel 141,622 179,869 164,931 $ 196,348 ~lies + Services Facilities expense $ 41,259 $ 52,750 $ 57,665 $ 64,095 Departmental expense 31,137 29,280 28,730 31,065 Transportation expenses 8,700 21,988 21,998 24,000 Tota 1 Supp 1 i es + Servi ces 81,096 104,018 108,393 $ 119,160 Capital Outlay Departmental equipment $ 554 $ 1,564 $ 1,517 $ 300 Total Capital Outlay 554 1,564 1,517 $ 300 DIVISION TOTAl: $ 223,272 $ 285,451 $ 274,841 $ 315',808 BUDGET -83- CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: PUBLIC WRKS TREES DESCRIPTION: The Tree Division maintains trees located in the public right of .way and public properties for the preservation of environmental quality and esthetic imagery. TASKS: 1. Trimming, lifting, and general health care of all publicly owned trees. Planting of public trees as required by new developments. 2. 3. Removal and/or replacement of publicly owned trees when deemed necessary by the City Council. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Outlay TOTAL: $76,390 41,670 530 $118.590 BUDGET -84- CITY OF TUSTIN 1982-83 BUDGET DETAIL DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: TREES PERSONNEL DETAIL Maintenance Leadman Tree Trimmer Maintenance Worker ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Salanes Retirement + Insurance Total Personnel ~plies + Services Contractual services Departmental expense Transportation expenses Total Supplies + Services Capital Outlay Departmental equipment Total Capital Outlay DIVISION TOTAl: 1 1 1 , 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 ACTUAl BUDGET PROJECTÉD ADOPTEIJ $1,258-1,529 1 $1,362-1,655 1 $1,362-1,655 1 $1,487-1,808 $1,218-1,481 1 $I ,319-1 ,603 1 $1,319-1,603 1 $1,440-1,750 $1,158-1,408 1 $1,137-1,524 1 $1,137-1,524 1 $1,242-1,664 3 3 3 $ 44,181 $ 55,181 $ 38,170 $ 58,755 13,796 15,428 14,911 17,635 57,977 70,609 53,081 76,390 $ 8,640 $ 8,000 $ 5,500 $ 8,725 11,244 19,052 17,625 19,120 10,530 12,670 12,685 13,825 30,414 39,722 35,810 41,670 $ -- $ 530 $ 530 $ 530 530 530 530 $ 88,391 $ 110,861 $ 89,421 $ 118,590 BUDGET -85- CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: DESCRIPTION: TASKS: PUBLIC WRKS EQUIPMENT/VEHICLES The Equipment/Vehicle Maintenance Division provides for the general repair and preventative maintenance of all City vehicles and other equipment. It also maintains a vehicular/equipment history so that replacements and/or new purchases can be made in a timely, cost-effective manner. Perform major and minor repairs on vehicular and other equipment. Perform preventative maintenance on vehicles and other equipment. 1. 2. Coordinate major mechanical repairs with repair garages. Provide fuel and fuel usage reports for City and school district vehicles. 3. 4. 5. Provide for licensing and inspection of vehicles as required by the State Department of Motor Vehicles. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Outlay TOTAL $92,206 (12,596) 1,118 $80.728 BUDGET -86- CITY OF TUSTIN 1982-83 BUDGET DETAIL DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: VEHICLES 1980-81 1981-82 ACTUAl BUDGET PROJECTED PERSONNEL DETAIL Foreman 1 $1,510-1,835 1 $1,638-1,991 1 $1,638-1,991 1 Equipment Mechanic 2 $1,320-1,604 2 $1,428-1,736 2 $1,438-1,736 2 3" 3" 3" ""3 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Salaries $ 72,765 $ 62,244 $ 62,810 Retirement + Insurance 20,124 17,244 20,680 Total Personnel $ 92,889 $ 79,488 $ 83,490 Supplies + Services Departmental expense $ 1,184 $ 2,788 $ 6,117 Transportation expenses 165,985 160,372 204,982 Training + Development 42 -- 94 Other expenses (83,500) (190,000) 1190,000) Total Supplies + Services $ 83,711 $ (26,840) $ 21,193 Capital Outlay Departmental equipment $ -- $ -- -.! Total Capital Outlay -- -- DIVISION TOTAL: $ 176,600 $ 52 ,648 $ 104,683 BUDGET 1982-83 ADOPTED $1,789-2,175 $1,560-1,896 $ 70,733 21,473 $ 92,206 $ 4,509 190,195 -- (207,300) $ (12,596) $ 1,118 $ 1,118 $ 80,728 -87- CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC OKS FACILITY MAINTENANCE DIVISION: DESCRIPTION: The Facility Maintenance Division performs custodial services in order to provide a clean and healthy environment for all employees and the public; performs minor building maintenance and repairs to provide for the safety of eml-oyees and the general public in all public facilities. This division is also responsible for the security of all public buildings. TASKS: 1. Perform custodial tasks (dusting. vacuuming, etc.) in the City Hall, Community Center, and Police faci 1 iti es. 2. Perform minor building repair (structural, plumbing, electrical, painting. etc.) in all public facilities. 3. Perform maintenance tasks (building security, furniture moving, set-up for special functions, etc.) in all public facilities. Supervise and assist in major building repairs performed under .contract. 4. 5. Maintain public restrooms located in City parks. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Outlay $101,414 155,016 1,090 $257,520 TOTAL BUDGET -88- CITY OF TUSTIN 1982-83 BUDGET DETAIL DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: FACILITIES MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL DETAIL Senior Custodian Maintenance Worker Custodian ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personne 1 Salaries Retirement + Insurance Total Personnel ~plies + Services Contractual services Facilities expense Departmental expense Transportation expenses Total Supplies + Services Capital Outlay Departmental equipment Total Capital Outlay DIVISION TOTAl: 1 2 1 If 1980-81 ACTUAl 1982-83 ADOPTED $1,416-1,721 $1,242-1,664 $1,165-1.416 1981-82 BUDGET PROJECTED $1,297-1,376 1 $1,137-1,524 1 $1,067-1,297 2 If $1,198-1,456 1 $1,297-1,576 1 $1,158-1,408 1 $1,137-1,524 1 $ 986-1,207 2 $1,067-1,297 2 If If $ 69,039 $ 76,717 $ 63,373 $ 82 , lû8 19,737 21,815 17,766 19,306 $ 88,776 $ 98,532 $ 81,139 $ 101,414 $ 3,063 $ -- $ -- $ -- 96,815 115,500 119,910 150,468 730 1,510 1,025 2,198 800 1,872 1,872 2,350 $ 101,408 $ 118,882 $ 122,807 $ 155,016 $ 674 $ -- $ -- $ 1,090 $ 674 $ -- $ -- $ 1.,090 $ 190,858 $ 217,414 $ 203,946 $ 257,520 BUDGET -89- CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: DESCRIPTION: DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Outlay TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS REFUSE The Refuse Division provides for the collection of resiòential refuse on a weekly basis. Refuse collection is provided through an exclusive franchise granted by the City. Under terms of the franchise, the City is billed for collection of all residential refuse, the cost of which is paid out of the General Fund. $ -0- 205,000 -0- $205,000 BUDGET -90- CITY OF TUSTIN 1982-83 BUDGET DETAIL DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION: REFUSE PERSONNEL DETAIL 1980-81 ACTUAl 1981-82 BUDGET PROJECTED 1982-83 ADOPTED ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Supplies + Services Contractual services $ 153,522 $ 172,800 $ 179,000 $ 205,000 Total Supplies + Services $ 153,522 $ 172 ,800 $179,000 $ 205,000 Capital Outl ay DIVISION TOTAl: $ 153,522 $ 172,800 $ 179,000 $ 205,000 BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURE PROGRAMS DEPARTMENT: POLICE DIVISION: ADMINISTRATION FIELD OPERATIONS I NVESTI GA TI ON SERVICES BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN -')2- CHIEF OF POLICE CONSULTANT RESERVES GEN.INV. . LT. RECORDS SUPERVISOR TECH.SERV. SGT. FISCAL MGMT. PLANNING / RESEARCH 5 INVESTIGA- 7 CLERKS 10FC 2 INVESTIGA- TORS 1 PIT AIDE 1 DEPT CLERK TORS CRIMES/PERS RECORDS 1 PROP OFC RESERVE I I VICE/IN TELL CRIMES/PROP STATS 2 PIT AIDES UNIT NARCO JUVENILE EDP PERSONNEL! 25 OFFICERS ECONOMIC CRT LlAIWARR WORDPROC TRAINING CRIME MISC FOLLOW- FRONT DESK PROP/EVID 1 DEPT CLERK UP DUPLICATION EQUIP/SLDG COMMUNICATIONS I I 1 DEPT CLERK WARRANTS MAINTENANCE 6 COMM. OFFICERS PURCHASING 1 AGENT 4 OFFICERS 1 PCO 1 PIT CLERK 21 X/GUARDS BUDGET -93- - CITY OF TUSTIN 1982-83 BUDGET REQUEST DEPARTMENT SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: POLICE 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTION ADOPTED PERSONNEL DETAIL Sworn Offi cers 54 54 54 54 Support Personnel 20 22 22 22 Tota 1 Full-time Staff 74 76 76 76 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Salaries $1,653,693 $2,033,313 $1,938,356 $2,253,956 Reti rement + Insurance 487,511 582,075 580,887 627,867 Total Personnel 2,141,204 2,615,388 2,519,243 2,881,823 ~pplies + Services Contractual services $5,601 $8,920 $5,075 $5,tl73 Faci 1 i ti es expense 1,927 ------ 993 620 Office expense 21,889 29,348 29,348 35,610 Departmental expense 84,933 90,686 85,650 108,102 Transportation expense 135,990 163,716 163,716 184,188 Training + Development 18,705 29,725 30,448 101 ,369 Total Supplies & Services $269,045 $322,395 $315,230 $435,76£ .f!pital Outlay Mob, 1 e Equ, pment $9,523 ___un _n___- -___n- Office Equipment 59,112 $10,828 $11,425 $2,146 Department Equipment 4,771 68,969 55,969 3,650 Total Capitol Outlay 73,406 79,797 67,394 5,796 DEPARTMENT TOTAl. , $2.483,655 $3.017.580 $2,901,867 $3.323.381 BUDGET -94- CITY OF TUSTIN POLICE DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: ADMINISTRATION/CRIME PREVENTION The Administration/Crime Prevention Division provides leadership and management direction to all Police Department functions. Its primary responsibility is to ensure that the Department's purpose of providing protection to 1 He and property through crime and accident prevention, detection and apprehension is achieved. The Administration and Crime Prevention Division is also responsinle for maintaining open lines of communication between the Police Department and the Coml1lJnity. Crime prevention is achieved through educating the community about safety awareness. Crime statistics are maintained and research projects conducted to assist all Department Division in achieving the Police Department's goal of reducing crime. DESCRIPTION: TASKS: L 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Provide administrative11eadership to the entire Department. Provide budget direction and control. Review and implement new programs to enhance effectiveness of Department. Provide supervision and direction to the Crime Prevention Unit. Ensure free flow of internal and external information. Participate in citywide team management concepts. Provide training and learning opportunities to all police personnel as it relates to their individual \~sk assignments. Provide direction and analysis to staff projects. BUDGET -95- CITY OF TUSTIN (Administration tasks continued) 9. Coordinate with other law enforcement agencies, local, state and federal. 10. Coordinate Police Department activities with other City Departments. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel $ 297,610 Operations $ 44,250 Capital Outlay $ 2,100 TOTAL $ 343.960 BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN -96- DEPARTMENT: POLICE DIVISION: ADMINISTRATION PERSONNEL DETAIL Police Chief Captain Police Officer Office Coordinator Police Secretary Comm. Services Officer ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel SãTãrì e s Retirement + Insurance Total Personnel ~lies + Services ontractual services Facilities expense Offi ce expense Departmental expense Transportation expense Training + Development Total Supplies + Services Capital. Outlay Office equipment Departmental equipment Total Capital Outlay DIVISION TOTAL: 1 2 1 1 1 1 I 1982-83 BUDGET DETAIL 1980-81 1981-82 ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTION $3297-3495 1 $3698-3883 1 $3698-3883 2420-2942 2 2668-3243 2 2668-3243 1598-1942 1 1761-2141 1 1761-2141 1254-1524 1 1393-1693 1 1393-1693 1075-1307 1 1212-1473 1 1212-1473 1103-1341 . 1 1195-1452 1 1195-1452 I I $187,576 $207,439 $204,702 49,292 58,498 60,853 $236,868 $265,937 $265,555 $492 $800 $800 ---- 35 3,212 3,212 4,500 5,276 5,666 12,720 12,720 12,720 5,429 11 ,498 11 ,498 $23,141 $33,506 $33,931 $9,259 ---- $170 2,065 2,065 $9,259 $2,065 $2,235 $269,268 $301 ,508 $301,721 BUDGET 1982-83 ADOPTED 1 $4077-4240 2 2913-3541 1 1923-2338 1 1521-1849 1 1324-1609 1 1305-1586 I $231,592 66,018 $297,610 $800 3,938 7087 13,920 18,505 $44,250 2,100 $2,100 $343,960, -97- CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: POlICE FIELD OPERATIONS The Field Operations Division is comprised of two areas of service; Patrol and Traffic. The Patrol program includes the availability of a uniformed officer responsible for responding to citizen calls for service and personal observations of criminal or suspected criminal activity twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year; the initial investigation and subsequent documentation of violations of the law; statistical analysis of specific criminal offenses; enforcement of local and state laws and the arrest of suspected offenders; investigation of miscellaneous, non-criminal incidents; preservation of life and property during natural disaster, providing emergency first aid as required at scenes of medical emergencies; provision for mutual aid as needed; general traffic enforcement and investigation in the absence of specialized traffic accident investigation personnel; supervision, coordination training and deployment of all uniformed personnel including the personnel of the K-9 Program, the police Reserve Program and Communications personnel. DESCRIPTION: TASKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The Traffic program supplements the Patrol Section through specialized deployment of motorcycle officers to combat specific traffic problems as outlined by the traffic accident analysis; Parking Control Program and the abatement of abandoned vehicles. Respond to calls for emergency police service with a goal of a 3 minute response time. Respond to non-emergency (report) calls for service with a goal of a 10 minute response time. Maintain an average patrol time availability of 25% per Officer. Write and/or record all police reports. Crime suppression through specific crime analysis and a high degree of visibility of patrol units in the high crime areas. Crime suppression through deployment of special enforcement units. BUDGET -98- CITY OF TUSTIN (Field Operations tasks continued) 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Reduce traffic accidents through a traffic analysis program coupled with comprehensive selective enforcement program. Cross-train all patrol officers in.traffic matters. Apprehension. transportation and booking of offenders. Document and evaluate job performance of all assigned personnel. Conduct presentations before publ ic and private groups including Community Watch Programs. Receiving, interpreting, recording and transmitting information appropriately via the Communications Center. Conduct briefing sessions and roll-call training. Conduct bi-monthly training days for all assigned personnel. Conduct firearms training and qualification. Decrease the number of abandoned vehicles left on City streets and private property through the vehicle abatement program. Maintain an appropriate number/level of available resources (personnel and equipment) in order to achieve the above-stated tasks without the necessity of service level reductions. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Outlay $ 1,839,730 $ 231,792 $ 2,350 $ 2.073,880 TOTAL BUDGET -99- - CITY OF TUSTIN 1982-83 BUDGET DETAIL DEPARTMENT: POLICE DIVISION: OPERATIONS 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTION ADOPTED PERSONNEL DETAIL Lieutenants 3 2199-2673 3 2425-2947 3 2425-2947 3 2647 -3218 Sergeants 4 1899-2308 5 2093-2544 5 2093-2544 5 2285-2778 Police Agent 1 1677-2039 1 1849-2248 1 1849-2248 1 2019-2454 Police Officer 29 1598-1942 30 1761-2141 30 1761-2141 30 1923-2338 Parking Control Officer 1 1062-1230 1 1095-1331 1 1095-1331 1 1196-1454 Communications Officer 5 1181-1435 6 1278-1553 6 1278-1553 6 1395-1696 -U- 40 4b 40 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Salaries $1,033,162 $1,264,321 $1,213,046 $1,434,164 Retirement + Insurance 319,644 368,466 366,717 405,574 Total Personnel $1,352,806 $1,632,787 $1,579,763 $1,839,738 ~plies + Services Contractual services $965 $1,800 $1,455 $1,800 Facilities expense ---- ---- ---- 533 Departmental expense 49,312 48,372 45,409 50,220 Transportation expense 92,580 114,480 114,480 134,028 Training + Development 8,445 - 4,581 - 4,351 45,211 Total Supplies + Services $151,302 $160,071 $156,993 $231,79"- Capital Outlay Mobile Equípment . $9,523 $---- $---- $---- Office equipment 23,708 411 411 800 Departmental equipment 3,353 41,426 28,426 1,550 Total Capital Outlay $36,584 $41,837 ~28,837 $2,350 DIVISION TOTAL: .. $1,540,692 $1,834,695 $1,765,593 $2,073,880 BUDGET -100- CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: POLICE INVESTIGATION The Investigation Division is responsible for investigating crimes against persons and property, juvenile cases, vice, narcotics, white collar crime, and criminal intelligence gathering. DESCRIPTION: TASKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Manage, plan, organize and audit the investigate functions of the Department. Provide required support functions for the Investigations Section. Provide case audit and management of workable follow-up investigations for the identification, apprehension of offenders, and recovery of property. . Identify and respond to comnlunity needs and expectations concerning the juvenile justice system. Utilize the juvenile diversion program provided by the Assessment and Treatment Services Center. Maintain an ongoing liaison with the District Attorney's office. to ensure proper prosecution of criminals arrested by this Department. Investigate crimes dealing with vice, narcotics and white collar crimes. Maintain criminal intelligence and liaison with other agencies and the community. Support the Field Operations Division as necessary to ensure achievement of the Department's goals and tasks. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Outlay $ 436,978 $ 61,719 $ 400 $ 499,097 TOTAL BUDGET -1:01- CITY OF TUSTIN 1982-83 BUDGET UETAIL DEPARTMENT: POLICE DIVISION: INVESTIGATION 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 ACTUAL BUDGET PROJ ECTION ADOPTED PERSONNEL DETAIL Lieutenant --------- --------- --------- 1 2647-3218 Sergeant 2 1899-2308 2 2093-2544 2 2093-2544 1 2285-2778 Police Agent 2 1677-2039 2 1849-2248 2 1849-2248 1 2019-2454 Police Officer 6 1598-1942 5 1761-2141 5 1761-2141 6 1923-2338 Departmental Clerk 0 --------- 2 1106-1344 2 1106-1344 2 1207-1467 10 rr rr rr ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personne 1 Salaries $256,845 $300,171 $305,485 $333,140 Retirement + Insurance 75,938 89,601 98,745 103,838 Total Personnel $332,783 $389,772 $404,230 $436,978 Supplies + Services Contractual services $3,644 $6,320 $2,820 $3,273 Facilities expense 1,670 ---- ---- ---- Departmental expense 2,732 10,077 9,114 13,417 Transportation expense 24,330 31,296 31,296 29,280 Training + Development -228 6,244 6,244 15,749 Total Supplies + Services $32,148 $53,937 $49,474 $61,719 Capital Outlay $400 Officer equipment $5,510 $600 $600 Total Capital Outlay $5,510 $600 $600 $400 DIVISION TOTAL: $370,441 $444,309 $454,304 $499,097 BUDGET -102- CITY OF TUSTIN POlICE DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: SERVICES The Services Division provides support assistance to field operations and investigation personnel in order to maintain the 24 hour operation of the Police Department. It also coordinates the selection and training of police personnel and maintains a centralized records system for the Police Department. DESCRIPTION: TASKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Provide planning and research for various Police Department functions. Investigate businesses requiring city permits and/or licenses. Coordinate and monitor the Departments' fiscal activities on a daily basis. Provide copies of police reports, statistics, etc. to the public in accordance with State guidelines. Maintain and provide criminal, incident and traffic activity information. Provide statistical and crime data to Federal and State agencies and to police personnel. Coordinate the processing and selection of the best qualified persons for positions within the Police Department. Maintain complete and accurate personnel and departmental records. Coordinate the training for all departmental personnel. Provide accurate recording, storage and retrieval of all property and evidence. Identify and purge accumulated property within legal guidelines. BUDGET -103- CITY OF TUSTIN (Services tasks continued) 12. Coordinate the annual police auction. Maintain accurate records for fiscal review and order department supplies and equipment. 13. 14. Complete implementation of the Department's data processing system. DIVISION BUDGET: Personne 1 Operations Capital Outlay $ 307,497 $ 98,001 $ 946 $ 406,444 TOTAl BUDGET -104- CITY OF TUSTIN - 1982-83 BUDGET DETAIL DEPARTMENT: POLICE DIVISION: SERVICES 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTION ADOPTED PERSONNEL DETAIL Lieutenant 1 2199-2673 1 2425-2947 1 2425-2947 0 --------- Sergeant 0 --------- 0 --------- 0 --------- 1 2285-2778 Police Agent 1 1677-2039 0 --------- 0 --------- - --------- Police Officer 1 1598-1942 1 1761-2141 1 1761-2141 1 1923-2338 Records Supervisor 1 1372-1668 1 1513-1839 1 1513-1839 1 1652-2008 Property Cl erk 1 1103-1341 1 1195-1452 1 1195-1452 1 1305-1586 Department Clerk 1 1022-1242 1 1106-1344 1 1106-1344 1 1207-1467 Records Clerk 7 977-1188 7 1050-1286 7 1050-1286 7 1155-1404 13 12 12 12 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Sal aries $176,110 $261,382 $215,123 $255,060 Retirement + Insurance 42,637 65,510 54,572 52,437 Total Personnel $218,747 $326,892 $269,695 $307,497 ~lies + Services ontractual services $500 $---- $---,,:, $---- Facilities expense 257 ---- 958 87 Office Expense 21,889 26,136 26,136 31,672 Departmental expense 28,389 26,961 25,461 37,378 Transportation expense 6,360 5,220 5,220 6,960 Training + Development 5,059 16,564 17,057 21,904 Total Supplies + Services $62,454 $74,881 $74,832 $98,001 Capital Outlay Officer equipment $20,635 $9,81'7 $10,244 $946 Departmental equipment 1,418 25,478 25,478 ---- Total Capital Out.l~y $22,053 $~ $35, 722 $946 DIVISION TOTAL: $303.254 $437,068 $380,249 $406,444 BUDGET z ¡:: en :J ¡.. ¡¡" 0 >- ¡.. ü V') ~ a::: (,g 0 a::: c.. I.LJ a::: ::;) I- - ,::¡ :z: I.LJ c.. >< I.LJ I- :z: I.LJ :IE: I- a::: <I: c.. I.LJ ,::¡ :z: 0 - ~ a::: l- V') - :z: - :IE: ,::¡ <I: I.LJ a::: - u. ¡.. ¡¡,¡ e" 0 :J ~ I- :z: I.LJ E I- ~ c.. I.LJ ,::¡ :r \D 0 ,...¡ I z ~ VJ ;:¡ ¡- ¡¡,. 0 >- ¡- u w ~ w > t:I za: z:> -w "'", <u "'w a:z ::;)a: Ow "'- U-t:I U-U- 0< 0... :>w :>u ...a: ...< z- -a: ::;)U- u... o ~ u u ¡- ¡¡,¡ 8 ;:¡ = -107- CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT: DESCRIPTION: DEPARTMENT BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Outlay TOTAl FIRE Since January of 1978 the city of Tustin has contracted with the County of Orange for Fire Protection Services. The contractual amount is adjusted annually by the County Fire Agency based on a cost allocation plan developed by the County and the cities that are participants in the Structural Fire Fund. $ $ 1,325,000 $ $ 1,325,000 BUDGET -108- CITY OF TUSTIN 1982-83 BUDGET DETAIL DEPARTMENT: FIRE ADMINISTRATION PERSONNEL DETAIL BUDGET PROJECTED 1982-83 ADOPTED 1980-81 ACTUAl 1981-82 N/A ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel N/A Supplies + Services Contractual services $ 806,945 $ 806,945 $1,056,000 $1,056,000 $1,056,000 $1,325,000 $1,325,000 Total Supplies + Services $1,056,000 Capital Outlay N/A DEPARTMENT TOTAl: $ 806,000 $1,056,000 $1,056,000 $1,325,000 BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT EXPENDITURE PROGRAMS DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION: ADMINISTRATION SPORTS CLASSES/CULTURAL ARTS YOUTH SERVICES HUMAN SERVICES/SENIOR CITIZENS BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT CLERK (1) -llO- RECREATION SUPERVISOR (CLASSES, CULTURAL ARTS, SENIOR CITIZENS, HUMAN SERVICES, PUBLIC RELATIONS) (1) RECREATION SUPERVISOR (SPORTS, PLAYGROUNDS, YOUTH SERVICES PROGRAMS) (1 TYPIST CLERK (1) RECREATION COORDINATOR (1) CONTRACT EMPLOYEES; CONTRACT INSTRUCTORS; VOLUNTEERS RECREATION LEADER I SENIOR CITIZENS (1) RECREATION COORDINATOR (1) CONTRACT EMPLOYEES; SPORTS OFFIC; VOLUNTEERS BUDGET CONTRACT EMPLOYEES; RECREATION SPECIALISTS; VOLUNTEERS -111- CITY OF TUSTIN 1982-83 BUDGET REQUEST DEPARTMENT SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES Full-time Staff 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 ACTUAl BUDGET PROJECTION ADOPTED 8 8 8 H PERSONNEL DETAIL ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Salaries Retirement + Insurance $130,944 $176,758 $170,552 $182,726 20,156 28,808 27,452 29,085 $151,100 $205,566 $198,004 $211 ,811 $114,315 $132,002 $127,728 $143,025 13,651 12,000 13,250 18,500 139 435 435 600 45,131 77,495 73,242 68,591 6,007 9,244 8,314 9,740 2,887 6,175 6,175 6,024 $182,130 $237,351 $229,144 $246,480 $ -- $ 4,200 $ 4,812 $ -- 1,466 3,060 3,132 620 2,919 4,675 4,227 6",295 $ 4,385 $ 11,935 $ 12,171 $ 6,915 $337,615 $454,852 $439,319 $465,206 Total Personnel ~plies & Services Contractual Services Facilities Expense Office Expense Departmental Expense Transportation Expense Training + Development Total Supplies + Services Capital Outlay Mobile Equípment Office Equipment Departmental Equipment Total Capital Outlay DEPARTMENT TOTAl BUDGET -112- CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT : DIVISION : COMMUNITY SERVICES ADMINISTRATION Administration is responsible for overseeing the entire Department, including personnel management, fiscal policy, long-range planning, training, and operational policies. The Community Services Department plans, organizes, and manages recreation and community services programs which will enable Tustin residents of all ages, interests, and capabilities to experience self- satisfaction, personal growth, and fulfillment through participation in leisure activities. DESCRIPTION : TASKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. . 7. 8. Allocate the necessary resources including labor, finances, equipment, and facilities for the provision of leisure services. Ensure effective management by setting standards, evaluating, and controlling the performance of staff . Evaluate programs, areas, facilities, and make necessary changes to ensure that participant expectations are being met. Secure appropriate fees and charges in support of programs and services. Attract participants to leisure activity programs; to maintain a positive public image. Work with community agencies, institutions, organizations, and individuals by making staff available for consultation services. Design and establish public facilities, parks, and open space which meet the needs and interests of the community. Develop meaningful long-range plans and strategies for future open space. BUDGET -113- CITY OF TUSTIN (Administration tasks continued) 9. Maintain contact with the legislative network and professional lobbyists which serve the interests of the recreation and parks movement. 10. 11. Schedule and rent Clifton C. Miller Community Center, Council Chambers, and other public facilities. Coordinate Parks and Recreation Master Plan and Columbus Tustin site plan projects with consultants and citizen groups. 12. Participate in specific land-use planning for. the Irvine Company land. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Outlay TOTAL $ 81,148 $ 19,475 $ 620 $ 101,243 BUDGET -114- CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT: COMIJNITY SERVICES DIVISION: ADMINISTRATION PERSONNEL DETAIL Director of Community Services 1 Department Clerk 1 Typist Clerk 1 ., ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Salaries Retirement + Insurance Total Personnel ~plies + Services Facilities Expense Offi ce Expense Departmental Expense Transportation Expense Training + Development Total Supplies + Services Capital Outlay Office Equfpment Department Equipment Total Capital Outlay DIVISION TOTAL: 1982-83 BUDGET DETAIL 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 ACTUAl BUDGET PRW[CTED ADOPTED $2,200-2,332 1 $2,925-3,071 1 $2,925-3,071 1 $3,225-3,354 $1,022-1,242 1 $1,106-1,344 1 $1,106-1,344 1 $1,207-1,467 $ 893-1,085 1 $ 967-1,175 1 $ 967-1,175 1 $1,056-1,283 , j 3" $ 42,924 $ 63,603 $ 62,546 $ 70,353 6,908 10,106 10 ,046 10,795 $ 49,832 $ 73,709 $ 72 ,592 $ 81,148 $ 651 $ -- $ -- $ 3,500 25 150 150 250 14,106 21,130 20,530 11 ,300 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,798 2,970 2,970 3,225 $ 17,780 $ 25,450 $ 24,850 $ 19,475 $. 1,466 $ 3,060 $ 3,132 $ 620 166 -- $ 1,466 $ 3,060 $ 3,298 $ 620 $ 69,078 $102,219 $100,740 $101,243 BUDGET -ll5- CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES SPORTS DIVISION: DESCRIPTION: The sports division provides recreational sports programs for all ages up to and including senior softball for persons over 55 years of age. It promotes and conducts the only recreational youth track clinic in Orange County that has consistently led Tustin youth to Southern California Championships. This division is the only sports division in the county to conduct 40 weeks of adult softball play each calendar year. It is responsible for the park and athletic facility reservations and scheduling. As many as 50 teams including over a thousand participants use the Columbus Tustin facility at least once per month. It coordinates use of school facilities with the Tustin Unified School District, Bobby Sox Softball, Amateur Softball Association, and Little Leagues monthly. TASKS: 1. Schedules over 1,200 adult sports games involving approximately 18,000 players plus spectators. Assigns field maintenance and game officials forty weeks for leagues and forty-eight weeks per year for community groups. 2. 3. Coordinates weekend use of sports facilities averaging 500 participants in official games. The division compiles and maintains records of all athletic programs. Some accounts and statistical data are printed daily in the local newspaper for the benefit of all participants. 4. BUDGET -116- CITY OF TUSTIN (Sports tasks continued) 5. Conducts an annual youth track and field meet in conjunction with the Jaycees that services in excess of 100 boys and girls. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Outl ay TOTAL $ 39,936 $ 49,436 $ 3,580 $ 92,952 , BUD<:ET -1:17- CITY OF TUSTIN 1982-83 BUDGET DETAIL DEPARTMENT: COtMJNITY SERVICES DIVISION: SPORTS Recreation Supervisor Recreation Coordinator . 1 1 2" 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 ACTUAl BUDGET PROJECTED ADOPTED $1,462-1,777 .5 $1,586-1,928 .5 $1,586-1,928 .5 $1,732-2,105 $1,236-1,502 1 $1,338-1,626 1 $1,338-1,626 1 $1,460-1,775 13 U T3 PERSONNEL DETAIL ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Salaries Retirement + Insurance $ 35,726 $ 28,641 $ 28,224 $ 31,428 6,763 4,884 7,208 8,508 $ 42,489 $ 33,525 $ 35,432 $ 39,936 $ 26,559 $ 31,085 $ 29,590 $ 30,230 25 100 100 100 14,574 15,780 15,550 16,503 1,440 1,584 1,584 1,728 523 840 840 875 $ 43,121 $ 49,389 $ 47,664 $ 49,436 $ -- $ 4,200 $ 4,812 $ -- , 1,034 2,000 1,200 3,580 $ 1,034 $ 6,200 $ 6,012 $ 3,580 $ 86,644 $ 89.114 $ 89.108 $ 92,952 Total Personnel ~plies + Services Contractual Services Office Expense Departmental Expense Transportation Expense Training + Development Total Supplies + Services Capital Outlay Mobile Expense Department Equipment Total Capital Outlay DIVISION TOTAL: BUDGET -118- CITY OF TUSTiN DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: COMMUNITY SERVICES CLASSES/CUlTURAL ARTS The Cultural Arts/Classes division promotes, coordinates, and supervises all recreation classes, plays, dances, lectures, adult and cultural excursions, and special programs such as Game Basket, Carousel, and Santa Suit. The division is responsible for publicity (including the City brochure), procurement of instructors, supplies and facilities, coordination with the School District, class registrations, and records. The division assists in City-wide events such as Tiller Days and Fourth of July. DESCRIPTION : TASKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Provide 113 recreation classes per quarter in such areas as dance (for Tiny Tots through Seniors), music, drama, crafts, sports, exercise programs, tennis, gymnastics, bridge, assertiveness training, spéed reading, and more. Offer 6-8 recreation and cultural excursions per quarter to such places as the J. Paul Getty Museum, Festival of Lights, Pageant of Masters, Rose Parade, and Norton Simon r~seum. Sponsor cultural activities such as Evening of Dance, "The Good Doctor," "Play It Again, Sam," and "Catch Me If You Can." Support Dance Kaleidoscope and Local Motion Dance Companies. Promote many speci al programs such as Youth Arts Carousel, a high qual ity fi ne arts program for children, Game Basket, Santa Suit, Cheerleading Clinics, Piano lessons, and tennis tournaments. Offer lectures on subjects of interest to the community. Some topics have included: Program Yourself for Achievement, Women at Home, Estate Planning Seminar, and Investment Seminar. BUDGET -119- (Classes/Cultural Arts tasks continued) 6. CITY OF TUSTIN Act as liaison to other community groups and agencies. Act as member of the Tustin Tiller Days Committee. Coordinate part of the Fourth of July program. Promote "June as Recreation Month." DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Outlay TOTAl $ 36,6~0 $ 113,587 $ 2,715 $ 152,922 BUDGET -120- CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT: COtM.INITY SERVICES CLASSES/CULTURAl ARTS DIVISION: PERSONNEL DETAIL Recreation Supervisor Recreation Coordinator ACCOUNTING.DETAll Personnel Salaries Retirement + Insurance Total Personnel ~plies + Services Contractual Services Facilities Expense Office Expense Departmental Expense Transportation Expense Training + Development Total Supplies + Services Capital Outlay Departmental Equipment Total Capital Outlay DIVISION TOTAl: .5 1 1"3 1982-83 BUDGET DETAIL 1980-81 ACTUAl 1981-82 1982-83 ADOPTED PROJECTED BUDGET $1,462-1,777 .5 $1,586-1,928 .5 $1,586-1,928 .5 $1,732-2,105 1,236-1,502 1 $1,338-1,626 1 $1,338-1,626 1 1,460-1,775 1"3 1"3 1"3 $ 16,440 $ 27,094 $ 26,403 $ 30,092 2,716 6,112 5,437 6,528 $ 19,156 $ 33,206 $ 31,840 $ 36,620 $ 72 ,928 $ 82,310 $ 82,310 $ 85,590 13,000 12,000 13,250 15,000 25 60 60 100 5,930 8,350 8,267 9,072 1,306 1,875 1,875 2,650 207 1,465 1,465 1,175 $ 93,396 $106,060 $107,227 $113,587 $ . 1,885 $ 2,675 $ 2,861 $ 2,715 $ 1,885 $ 2,675 $ 2,861 $ 2,715 $114,437 $141.941 $141,928 $152,922 BUDGET -121- CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: COMMUNITY SERVICES YOUTH SERVICES The Division plans, organizes, and coordinates youth services activities. These activities include playground programs at Magnolia, Frontier, and Centennial Parks which entail sports, crafts, special events, movies, tournaments, excursions, special events, and general supervision. The Division is also responsible for a summer Day Camp, Easter Day Camp, special youth programs, and excursions. In addition, information and referral service is provided, as well as sponsorship for two Scout Explorer Posts at Tustin High School in backpacking and skiing. DESCRIPTION: TASKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Provide supervision for school-age children at three local parks. Manage summer and Easter Day Camp programs for elementary-age campers. Produce programming that is cost effective and relevant to the teenage population. Organi ze, coordinate, and supervi se the youth Vol unteen hours of volunteer assistance to Community Services and their time at Summer .Day Camp, on the parks, at special functions, and many other community events. Figured at services total $15,000 per year. program, which in turn creates hundreds of other Departments. The Volunteens give events, in the office, at senior citizen a minimum wage of $3.50 per hour, volunteer Create and promote special events for youth, both on park areas and at centralized locations such as the Community Center. BUDGET (Youth Services tasks continued) CITY OF TUSTIN -122- Work with community agencies, institutions, organizations, and individuals by co-sponsoring activities, such as Bicycle Rodeos, Explorer Posts in skiing and backpacking, special programs in response to homeowner group requests, concession activities at Fourth of July Program, and so forth. 6. DIVISION BUDGET: Personne 1 Operations Capital Outlay TOTAl $ 24,725 $ 21,406 $ -0- $ 46,131 BUDGET -123- CITY OF TUSTIN 1982-83 BUDGET DETAIL DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION: YOUTH SERVICES 1980-81 ACTUAl 1981-82 BUDGET PROJECTED 1982-83 ADOPTED PERSONNEL DETAIL Recreation Supervisor (Various Part-time) .5 -:5 $1,462-1,777 .5 $1,586-1,928 .5 -:5 -:5 $1,586-1,928 .5 -:5 $1,732-2,105 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Salaries Retirement + Insurance $ 20,615 $ 32,790 $ 29,247 $ 24,269 969 2,895 943 456 $ 21,584 $ 35,685 $ 30,190 $ 24,725 $ 4,515 $ 6,270 $ 3,491 $ 11 ,605 39 100 100 100 6,841 16,352 5,842 6,519 1,181 3,335 2,405 2,972 18 260 260 210 $ 12,594 $ 26,317 $12,098 $ 21,406 $ -- $ -- $ -- $ -- -- - $ -- $ -- $ -- $ $ 34 ,178 $ 62.002 $ 42,288 $ 46,131 Total Personnel ~plies + Services Contractual Services Offi ce Expense Departmental Expense Transportation Expense Training + Development Total Supplies + Services Capital Outlay Total Capital Outlay DIVISION TOTAl: BUDGET -124- . CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: COMMUNITY SERVICES HUMAN SERVICES/SENIOR CITIZENS The Senior Citizen/Human Service division is responsible for all Senior Services including the Senior Citizen Club, liaison to Transportation, Lunch, and Counseling (TLC). coordination with Assistance League and Tustin Community Hospital, excursions, tax preparation, speakers,and referral services. The division is also responsible for the Tiny Tots programs. The division also provides information and referral service for the general community. DESCRIPTION : TASKS: 1. 2. Coordinate, provide, and promote senior citizen activities. a. publish monthly calendar b. blood pressure testing c. glaucoma testing d. flu clinics e. health screening f. excursions g. tax assistance h. assistance to TLC i. senior discount program with local merchants j. recreation and social programs k. organization of volunteers 1. distribute food from Food Bank m. peer counselling n. coordinate programs with Saddleback College o. liaison to Senior Citizens Club p. information and referral Some areas include: Provide liaison and staff assistance to Tustin Senior Citizens Coordinating Council, as well as its Housing Subcommittee. BUDGET -125- CITY OF TUSTIN (Human Services/Senior Citizens tasks continued) 3. Assist the Housing Subcommittee toward becoming a nonprofit organization, charged with actively pursuing innovative solutions to senior adult housing problems. . Provide Tiny Tots program for 50 youngsters aged 3-5 years. Provide enrichment classes for 102 children in such areas as music, cooking, Spanish, body rhythmics, and group games. 4. 5. Information and referral in such areas as youth sports, community organizations, school programs, county agencies, other City departments, child care, housing, et cetera. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Outlay $ 29,382 $ 42,576 $ -0- $ 71,958 TOTAl BUDGET -126- CITY OF TUSTIN 1982-83 BUDGET DETAIL DEPARTMENT: COfMINITY SERVICES DIVISION: HUMAN SERVICES/SENIOR CITIZENS 1980-81 ACTUAl 1981-82 BUDGET PROJECTED 1982-83 ADOPTED PERSONNEL DETAIL Recreation Supervisor Senior Recreation Leader 1 1" .5 $1,586-1,928 .5 $1,586-1,928 .5 $1,732-2,105 $ 909-1,105 1 $ 984-1,196 1 $ 984-1,196 1 $1,074-1,306 TI T:5 T:5 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Salaries Retirement + Insurance Total Capital Outlay $ 15,239 $ 24,630 $ 24,132 $ 26,584 2,800 4,811 3,818 2,798 $ 18,039 $ 29,441 $ 27,950 $ 29,382 $ 10 ,313 $ 12,337 $ 12,337 $ 15,600 25 25 25 50 3,680 15,883 23,053 25,197 880 1,250 1,250 1,190 341 640 640 539 $ 15,239 $ 30,135 $ 37,305 $42,576 $ -- $ -- $ -- $ -- -- -- - $ -- $ -- $ -- $ $ 33,278 $ 59,576 $ 65,255 $ 71,958 Total Personnel ~lies + Services Contractual Services Offi ce Expense Departmental Expense Transportation Expense Training + Development Total Supplies + Services Capital Outl ay DIVISION TOTAL: BUDGET z ¡:: ~ :¡ ~ ¡¡,. 0 >- ~ ü c.i? E -< e::: (.0 <::> e::: c.. L.I.I e::: ;::) I- - Q z: L.I.I c.. >< L.I.I I- z: L.I.I E l- e::: -< c.. L.I.I Q ...J -< I- :z:: L.I.I E I- ~ c.. L.I.I Q I z: <::> z: ~ ... '-' 0 :¡ ¡:Q I- z: L.I.I E I- ~ c.. L.I.I Q -120- CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT: NON-DEPARTMENTAL DESCRIPTION: The non-departmental accounts are general in nature and cannot easily be assigned to a specific department. They consist of items such as liability insurance premiums, postage for all departments, duplicating'expenses for all departments, City contribution to various community activities and City memberships. Included in. these accounts are the replacement of six police patrol vehicles and the rebuild of motorcycles which will be funded by the equipment replacement fund. Purchase of computer hardware necessary to complete the implementation of the police computer system and the purchase of additional storage capacity for the existing computer; improvements to the Community Center; and a major traffic engineering study are budgeted here to be reimbursed by the Revenue Sharing Fund. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel $ Supplies/Services $ 185,000 Capital Outlay $ TOTAL $ 185,000 BUDGET -129- CITY OF TUSTIN 1982-83 BUDGET DETAIL DEPARTMENT: NON-DEPARTMENTAl 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 ACTUAl BUDGET PROJECTED ADOPTED PERSONNEL DETAIL N/A ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel N/A Supplies + Services Contractual services $ 107,040 $ 80,000 $ 135,250 $ 100,000 Facilities expense 777 -- 1,140 -- Offi ce expense 46,960 42,500 38,342 45,000 Departmental expense 784 15,200 241 5,000 Training + Development 3,573 4,500 3,333 3,000 Other expense 26,664 26,900 17 ,046 32,000 Total Supplies + Services $ 185,798 $ 169,100 $ 195,352 $ 185,000 Capital Outlay Motor Vehicles $ -- $ 216,000 $ 216,000 $ 88,000 Reimbursement from Equipment Replacement Fund -- (216,000) (216,000) (88,000) Office equipment 103,866 1,500 -- -- Department equipment -- -- 10 ,262 170 :440 Reimbursement from Revenue Sharing Fund -- -- -- (170,440) Total Capital Outlay $ 103,866 $ 1,500 $ 10 ,262 $ DEPARTMENT TOTAL: $ 289,664 $ 170,600 $ 205,614 $ 185,000 BUDGET 1 CITY OF TUSTIN SECTION VI CITY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FUND RECAP PROGRAM DETAIL UNSCHEDULED PROGRAM NEEDS MAJOR STREET MAINTENANCE PROGRAM BUDGET -131- CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM TOTAL FUND RECAP 1981-82 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 FUND BUDGET PROJECTION BUDGET PLANNED PLANNED PLANNED PLANNED GF $ 208,480 $ 172,800 $ 328,000 $ 876,200 $1,995,200 $2,455,000 $1,388,900 GT 554,600 148,300 710,600 843,600 1,428,700 602,500 473,200 RS 427,200 414,045 293,500 196,000 147,000 200,000 200,000 PD 161.100 161,100 ---- ---- FAU 1,672,706 685,406 958,300 3,612,000 SMF 79,000 79,000 ---- ---- AHFP 73,800 73,800 ---- ---- 780,400 360,000 128,800 DEV 8,000 8,000 ---- ---- ---- B ---- ---- 42,200 ---- 13,100 13,500 CO ---- 31,000 ---- ---- PD ---- ---- ---- 56,800. SPB ---- ---- ---- 150,000 CFC ---- ---- ---- ---- 1,665,000 1,665,000 TOTALS $3,184,886 $1,773,451 $2,332,600 $5,734,600 $6,029,400 $5,296,000 $2,190,900 BUDGET -132- - CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1981-82 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 . FUND BUDGET PROJECTION BUDGET PLANNED PLANNED PLANNED PLANNED 10. PUBLIC FACILITIES 1. Miscellaneous Building Modifications City Hall/Recreation Dept. GF $15,000 $44,200 $---- $---- $---- $---- $---- Police Department GF 20,000 5,800 2. Rehabilitation to Clifton C. Miller Community Center Carpet and Vinyl Tile Replacement B ---- ---- $14,200 Installation Vertical Blinds and Tinting of Windows GF 7,000. 6,100 ---- 3. Sandblasting/painting of City Hall B ---- ---- 19,000 TOTALS $42,000 $56,100 $33,200 $---- $---- $---- $---- FUND RECAP GF $42,000 $56,100 $---- $---- $---- $---- $---- B ---- ---- $33,200 BUDGET -133- \1 CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1981-82 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 FUND BUDGET PROJECTION BUDGET PLANNED PLANNED PLANNED PLANNED 30. BEAUTIFICATION PROJECTS 1. Irvine Blvd. Underground District Yorba to Prospect GF $39,000 $1,000 $---- $---- $---- $---- $---- 2. E1 Camino Real Underground District Service Conversions GF 60,000 60,000 3. General Street Light Program a. Easterly Side of Red Hill from Valencia to North Boundary of MCAS B 11 ,000 (GF) ---- 8,350 b. Andrews St. Lighting B 1,480 (GF) ---- 650 c. .Easterly Side of Red Hill from Warner Ave. to Valencia Ave. GF ---- ---- ---- 49,200 d. Easterly side of Red Hill from Barranca Rd. to Warner Ave. GF ---- ---- ---- ---- 49,200 4. Seventeenth St. Center Island from Yorba St. North to Prospect Ave. GT ---- ---- ---- ---- 84,900 North B. ---- ---- ---- ---- 13,100 5. Newport Ave. Center Island from GT ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 121,500 McFadden Ave. to Sycamore Ave. B ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 13,500 - - TOTALS $111 ,480 $61,000 $9,000 $49,200 $147,200 $135,000 $---- FUND RECAP GF $99,000 $61,000 $---- $49,200 $49,200 $--_.:. $_h- B . 12,480 ---- $9,000 ---- 13,100 13 ,500 GT ---- ---- ---- ---- 84,900 121,500 BUDGET -134- CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1981-82 . FUND BUDGET 1981-82 1982-83 PROJECTION BUDGET 40. COMMUNITY SERVICES FACILITIES 1. Centennial Park Sidewalks GF $36,600 $40,200* $---- PO 30,700 30,700* PD 50,000 50,000 2. Columbus Tustin Parking Lot 3. Masterplan of Parks and Recreation Facilities 4. Columbus Tustin Park Improvements Drainage Improvements, Picnic Shelter Drinking Fountain (Field #2), Bleach- ers, Miscellaneous Concrete Con- struction, Trees, and Signage PD 32,000 32,000 5. Peppertree Park Improvements Par Course Installation, Replacement of Play Apparatus, Signage, and Bicycle Racks PD 12,900 12,900 ---- 6. Centennial Park Improvements Par Course, Volleyball Court, Replacement of Play Apparatus PD 19,000 19,000 7. Frontier Park Improvements Playground/Fort Area Drainage Improvements, Repair/Replace Play Apparatus, and Bicycle Racks PD 11 ,500 11,500 8. Magnolia Tree Park Improvements Replace Basketball Court, Repair/ Replace Play Equipment SF 8,000 12,500 9. Pinetree Park Improvements Disc Golf Course, Replace Basketball Standards and Bicycle Racks PD 5,000 5,000 *Oenotes carryover from 1980-81 f\ '- BUDGET 1983-84 PLANNED $---- 1984-85 PLANNED $---- 1985-86 PLANNED 1986-87 PLANNED $---- $---- -135- CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1981-82 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 FUND BUDGET PROJECTION BUDGET PLANNED PLANNED PLANNED PLANNED 40. COMMUNITY SERVICES FACILITIES 10. Miscellaneous Park Improvements GF $---- $---- $4,000 $---- $---- $---- $---- 11. Columbus Tustin Recreation Facility Architecture/Engineering GF ---- ---- ---- 535,000 Construction (Additional Funding SPB ---- ---- ---- 150,000 Under RDA Budget) PD ---- ---- ---- 56,800 - TOTALS $205,700 $213,800 $4,000 $741,800 $---- $---- $---- FUND RECAP GF $36,600 $40,200 $4,000 $535,000 $---- $---- $---- PD 161,100 161,100 ---- 56,800 SPB ---- ---- ---- 150,000 SF 8,000 12,500 BUDGET -136- - CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1981-82 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 . FUND BUDGET PROJECTION BUDGET PLANNED PLANNED PLANNED PLANNED 60. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES 1. Major Maintenance Program RS $241,000 $228,275 $255,000 $196,000 $147,000 $200,000 $200,00 2. Moulton Parkway Realignment GT 67,000 30,000 37,000** -~-- FAU 414,000 176,700 237,300** 3,612,000 GT ---- ---- 294,000 294,000 3. Newport Ave. Extension GF 3,400 ---- ---- GT 54,500 ---- 30,000** 4. Warner Ave. Railroad Crossing Protective Devices GT 8,100 ---- 8,100** 5. Irvine Blvd. Widening Easterly of Ranchwood GT 159,800 ---- 150,000** 6. Red Hill Ave., Lance Or. to GT 107,800 107,800 Irvine Blvd. AHFP 73,800 73,800 CO ---- 31,000 7. Irvine Blvd., Prospect Ave. to GT 54,900 ---- 29,900** Newport (Additional funding FAU 337,100 ---- 325,100** required under traffic control and RDA) 8. Nelson School Bike Trail RS 8,000 6,300 9. Irvine Blvd. Median Modification GF 15,500 15,500 10. Bus Benches, O.C.T.D. Routes RS ---- ---- 4,500 11. "B" St. Widening and Reconstruction, from McFadden Ave. to Mitchell Ave. GT 164,000 . **Denotes 1981-82 funds to be rebudgeted in 1982-83 1\ BUDGET 60. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES 21. San Juan St. Reconstruction and Widening between Newport Ave. and Orange St. 22. Walnut Ave. Reconstruction and widening, between Newport Ave. and Orange St. 23. Alley between Walnut and San Juan St.., Reconstruction between Newport Ave. and Orange St. 24. Newport Ave. Extension to Edinger St. 25. Edi.nger St. Widening and Re- construction, from Red Hill Ave. to Costa Mesa Freeway 26. Bryan Ave. Widening. from Browning to Myford Rd. 27. Tustin Meadows Area Pedestrian Lighting Kingsboro Circle to Walnut Ave. Royal Oak Rd. to Greenmeadow Greenmeadow to Braeburn Amherst to Emerywood Royal Oak to Fallenleaf 28. Utt Drive Reconstruction, from San Juan St. to Andrews Utt Drive Storm Drain CITY OF TUSTIN -137- \1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1981-82 .FUND BUDGET GF GT AHFP GT AHFP GT AHFP GF $---- GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GF 1981-82 1982-83 PROJECTION BUDGET $---- BUDGET $---- 1983-84 PLANNED $---- 1984-85 PLANNED $55,000 57,000 29,000 425,000 307,000 250,000 250,000 1985-86 PLANNED $---- 400.,000 360,000 8,000 2,400 8,000 3,700 2,400 87,600 72 ,000 1986-87 PLANNED $---- -138- 60. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES 29. Green Valley Dr. Reconstruction, from Sah Juan St. to Andrews Green Valley Storm Drain 30. Valencia Ave. Reconstruction from Red Hill Ave. to Costa Mesa Fwy 31. Williams St. Widening, from McFadden to Main 32. Red Hill Ave. Bike Trail, Vicinity of Santa Ana Fwy. 33. Newport Ave. Bike Trail, Vicinity of Santa Ana Fwy. 34. Nisson Rd., Browning Ave. to Red Hill Ave. 35. Stonehenge Dr., from Bryan Ave. to Cromwell Drive Stonehenge Storm Drain 36. "A" St., from First St. to 250' S/O Irvine 37. "B" St., from First St. to 250' S/O I rvi ne 38. Alley Easterly of Yorba St. and Southerly of Linda Ln. TOTALS CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1981-82 FUND BUDGET GF $---- GF GT GT AHFP GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GF $1,544,900 II 1981-82 1982-83 PROJECTION BUDGET $---- $---- 1983-84 PLANNED $---- 1984-85 PLANNED $---- 1985-86 PLANNED $108,200 72,000 1986-87 PLANNED $---- 115,000 193,200 128,800 134,300 54,500 77,500 52,500 151,000 113,300 51,000 26,500 $669,375 $1,370,900 $4,545,600 $2,250,200 $1,324,300 $1,297,600 BUDGET -139- . \1 65. TRAFFIC CONTROLS 1. Newport Ave. Signal Interconnect Project 2. Seventeenth Signal Interconnect at Yorba st. (north and south) 3. Irvine Blvd., Yorba St. to Red Hill Ave. Signal Interconnect, New Installation at Fashion Lane (Additional funding required under Transportation Facilities and RDA) 4. Irvine Blvd. at "B" Street 5. Red Hill Ave. and Barranca Rd. Traffic Signal Modification 6. Walnut Ave. at Oxford Ave. 7. Red Hill Ave. at Walnut Ave. Modification 8. Newport Ave. at Sycamore Ave. 9. Yorba St. at Vandenberg Lane 10. Harvard Ave. at Moulton Parkway 11. Walnut Ave. @ McFadden Ave. CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1981-82 FUND BUDGET 1981-82 1982-83 PROJECTION BUDGET 1983-84 PLANNED 1984-85 PLANNED 1985-86 PLANNED 1986-87 PLANNED GT $5,000 $5,000* $---- $---- $---- $---- $---- FAU 391,106 391,106* SMF 62,000 62,000* GT 5,500 5,500* FAU 117,600 117,600* SMF 17 ,000 17,000* GT FAU 33,600 412,900 GT 55,000 GT GT GF GF GT GT GT *Denotes carryover frøm 1980-81 **Denotes 1981-82 funds to be rebudgeted in 1982-83 BUlX;ET 21,600** 395,900** 57,000** 31,000 52,000 29,000 52,000 53,000 27,000 52,000 -140- - CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1981-82 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 . FUND BUDGET PROJECTION BUDGET PLANNED PLANNED PLANNED PLANNED 65. TRAFFIC CONTROLS 12. Newport Ave. Signal Interconnect, from Nisson to Sycamore GT $---- $---- $---- $---- $250,000 $---- $---- 13. Edinger St. @ Del Amo Ave. GT ---- ---- ---- ---- 52,000 ---- 14. Walnut Ave. @ Myford Rd. GT ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 28,000 15. Red Hill Ave. @ Bell Ave. GT ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 53,000 16. Browning Ave. @.Myford Rd. GT ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 55,000 17. Irvine Blvd @ Myford Rd. GT ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 55,000 18. Bryan Ave. @ Myford Rd. GT ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 55,000 TOTALS $1,099,706 $598,206 $638,500 $132,000 $302,000 $81,000 $165,000 FUND RECAP GF $ ---- $ ---- $81,000 $---- $---- $---- $---- GT 99,100 10,500 161,600 132,000 302,000 81,000 165,000 FAU 921,606 508,706 395,900 SMF 79,000 79,000 I' BUDGET -141- CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1981-82 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 FUND BUDGET PROJECTION BUDGET PLANNED PLANNED PLANNED 70. FLOOD CONTROL FACILITIES 1. McFadden Ave. Drain, Williams St. to 1400' Westerly RS $162,970 $162,970* $---- $---- $---- $---- $---- 2. Main St. Drain, from 150' Easterly to 50' westerly of Williams St. RS 15,230 16,500* ---- 3. Irvine Blvd. Drain, F07 Channel to Holt Ave. DEV 8,000 8,000* ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 4. Easement Drain, Northerly of Main St., between Pasadena and the Costa Mesa Fwy. RS ---- ---- 21,000 5. Santa Fe and Industrial Way at Red Hill Avenue - Catch Basin RS ---- ---- 13,000 Const ruct i on GF ---- ---- 6;000 6. Red Hill Ave. Drain No.2, Walnut Avenue to Mitchell Avenue GF ---- ---- 237,000 7. Utt Drive Drain, Mitchell Ave. to Veeh Drive GF ---- ---- ---- 34,000 8. Sixth Street Drain, "B" St. to Pacific St. GF ---- ---- ---- 129,000 9. Pacific St. Drain, Sixth St. to Mai n St. GF ---- ---- ---- 103,000 10. Bryan Ave. Flood Channel, Browning CFC ---- ---- ---- ---- 1,665,000 1,665,000 Ave. to 4000't Easterly GF ---- ---- ---- ---- 1,665,000 1,665,000 *Denotes carryover from 1981-82 BUDGET -142- - CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1981-82 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 . FUND BUDGET PROJECTION BUDGET PLANNED PLANNED PLANNED PLANNED 70. FLOOD CONTROL FACILITIES 11. San Juan St. Drain, from Red Hill to Utt Dr. GF $---- $---- $---- $---- $---- $130,000 $---- 12. McFadden Ave. Drain, from Myrtle Ave. to Pasadena Ave. GF ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 47,000 13. Venta Storm Drain, from F-10 Channel to Walnut Ave. Channel to Sycamore GF ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 248,700 Sycamore to Walnut GF ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 216,300 14. Yorba St. Drain, from Seventeenth St. to Laurie Lane GF ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 177 ,000 15. Amaganset Way Drain, from Prospect Ave. to Brookline Way GF ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 135,000 TOTALS $186,200 $187,470 $277 ,000 $266,000 $3,330,000 $3,755,700 $528,300 FUND RECAP RS $178,200 $179,470 $34,000 $---- $---- $---- $---- DEV 8,000 8,000 CO ---- ---- CFC ---- ---- ---- ---- 1,665,000 1,665,000 GF ---- ---- 243,000 266,000 1,665,000 2,090,700 528,300 r' BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN -143- \1 OTHER PROJECTS - UNSCHEDULED IN CITY OF TUSTIN FIVE YEAR PROGRAM 10. PUBLIC FACILITIES (NONE) 30. BEAUTIFICATION PROJECTS 1. Red Hill Avenue Center Islands from Santa Ana Freeway to Lance Drive ......................... 2. Red Hill Avenue Center Islands from Walnut to Santa Ana Freeway............;................. 3. Red Hill Avenue Center Islands from N/O First St. to Irvine Boulevard ........................ 4. Red Hill Avenue Center Islands from Warner Avenue to A.T.&S.F. Railroad ...................... 5. Irvine Boulevard Center Islands from Old Irvine to Red Hill.................................. 40. PARK AND RECREATION FACILITIES (NONE) 60. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES 1. "c" Street, First Northerly ................................................................... 2. Mountain View, First Street to 250' S/O Irvine Boulevard ...................................... 3. Second Street, from "A" Street to "B" Street .................................................. 4. California Street, from Main Street to Third Street ........................................... 5. Main Street, from Pasadena Avenue to "c" Street (AHFP=86,320) (GT=129,480) .................... 6. Alley Northerly of First Street, from "B" Street to 150' E/O "c" Street ....................... 7. Alley Northerly of Second Street, from Pasadena Avenue to Myrtle Avenue ....................... $126,800 145,800 130,000 368,400 81,000 $65,600 106,300 20,600 27,600 215,800 15,000 8,500 65. TRAFFIC CONTROLS 1. Harvard Avenue at Valencia Avenue ............................................................. 55,000 2. Red Hill Avenue, Irvine Boulevard to Barranca Road Computerization ............................700,000 70. FLOOD CONTROL FACILITIES 1. Red Hill Avenue Drain, 400' Northerly of Industrial Way to Edinger Street ..................... 2. Amaganset Way Drain, Brookline Way to Yorba Street ............................................ 3. First Baptist Church Drain, from Tract 10628 to Newport Avenue ....~........................... 4. Freeway Ramp Drain, Pasadena Avenue to Newport Avenue ......................................... 5. Mitchell Avenue Drain, Browning to 1300':1: Westerly............................................ 6. Tustin Meadows Area Nusiance Water Drains ..................................................... 7. Holt Avenue Drain, Irvine Boulevard to Lillian Way ............................................ 8. Acacia Drive Drain, Jacaranda Avenue Southerly ................................................ 9. Laguna Road Drain, Red Hill Avenue to Tustin High School...................................... 10. Olwyn Drive Drain, Red Hill Avenue to Laburnum Drive ..................................~....... 11. Carfax Avenue Drain, Sycamore Avenue to Scherer ................................................ $76,000 172,000 56,000 68,000 158,000 . 434,000 55,000 50,000 155,000 63,000 120,000 BUDGET -144- CITY OF TUSTIN OTHER PROJECTS - UNSCHEDULED IN CITY OF TUSTIN FIVE YEAR PROGRAM 70. FLOOD CONTROL FACILITIES (Continued) 12. Wildeve Lane Drain, Walnut Ave.nue to Windemere Drive ........................................... 13. Mitchell Avenue Drain, Utt Drive to Del Amo Avenue ............................................. *14. San Juan Street Drain, 600'! Westerly of Browning to Falmouth Drive ............................ *15. Laguna Road Drain, Browning Avenue to Red Hill Avenue ........................................... *16. Prospect Avenue Drain, Wellington Drive to Arbolada Lane ....................................... 17. NMP-7 Williams Street Drain - McFadden to Alliance ............................................. 80. WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITIES (NONE) 90,000 128,000 54,000 386,000 87,000 106,000 1\ BUDGET -145- \1 í CITY OF TUSTIN MAJOR MAINTENANCE PROGRAM SUMMARY PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1. Newport Avenue, from Irvi ne to Wass $31,200 2. Newport Avenue, from McFadden to Sycamore 70,800 3. Iverness Way, from Amagansett to Westbury 4,300 4. Evanston Circle, from Westbury No. to cul de sac 3,300 5. Laburnum Dr., from Olwyn No. to cul de sac 4,800 6. Silverbirch Dr., from Olwyn No. to cul de sac 5,200 7. Charloma, Mauna Loa and Coral Reef, from 1st to 1st. 17,400 8. Epping Way, from Lance No. to cul de sac 5,500 9. Lance Dr., from Red Hill to Diamond Head 5,100 10. Seventeenth St., from Costa Mesa Fwy. to Prospect 72;600 11. First St., from Charloma to Red Hi 11 23,600 12. Red Hill Ave., from Walnut to Santa Ana Fwy. ---- $86,900 1985-86 1986-87 Projects to be determined upon completion of pavement analysis of streets constructed in late 1960's and early 1970's BUDGET -146- CITY OF TUSTIN MAJOR MAINTENANCE PROGRAM SUMMARY PROJEÇT DESCRIPTION 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 13. Irvine Blvd., from Newport to Red Hill ---- $98,300 14. Edinger St., from Red Hill to Costa Mesa Fwy. ---- ---- $69,100 15. Prospect Ave., from Irvine to 100't N/O Amaganset ---- ---- 23,200 16. "B" St., from Main to Second ---- ---- 9,600 17. "A" St., from Mai n to First ---- ---- 14,500 18. Andrews St./Estero Circle, from Newport Easterly ---- ---- .7,900 19. Bryan Service Rd., Stonehenge, Easterly to cul de sac ---- ---- 3,500 20. Falmouth Pl., Stonehenge Westerly to cul de sac ---- ---- 3,700 21. Farmington Dr., from Bryan to Stonehenge ---- ---- 7,200 Reclamite Testing and Traffic Striping $11,200 $9,800 8,300 TOTALS $255,000 $196,000 $147,000 $200,000 $200,000 Ii BUDGET >- (.,.) :z: UJ '-C c:C I- V) :::z: I- UJ I- :z: :E: == UJ ~ c:C :E: ~ 0 :::: UJ ....J (.,.) :> ¡... - UJ 0 rJJ - :> :z: == ;:¡ :> UJ 0 i: ¡... ~ - V) UJ I- :z: - ¡,¡,. == c:C 0 0 :z: N - ....J 0 :z: - I- c:C ;>0 - - ::z: c:C l- t I- I- c:C == - U (.,.) V) '-C UJ ~ UJ => == ~ c:C V) I- 0 0 (.,.) ¡... ~ <.:ì Q ;:¡ ¡Q -148- ¡J CITY OF TUSTIN TU~TIN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS CCITY COUNCIL) BUDGET -149- CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT: TUSTIN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY The Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency was established in 1976 for the purpose of providing needed public improvements and facilitating economic development within the Town Center Project Area. The. City Council serves as the Agency Board of Directors and City staff provide required Agency staff support. DESCRIPTION: TASKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Agency is administered in accordance with the Town Center Area Redevelopment Project Area Plan and State redevelopment law. Agency expenses include capital improvement projects and operating costs which include. required staff support and consultant services. Complete capital improvement projects scheduled for 1982-83 and carryover projects approved in 1981-82. Continue to identify Agency funded projects and programs which result in achievement of goals set forth in the Town Center Project Area. Complete acquisition of the parking structure constructed in conjunction with the Stevens Square Office development. Prepare a financial plan for the Agency which includes projected tax increment revenue and a plan (alternatives and strategies) for financing scheduled and proposed projects within the Agency's project areas. The plan will provide the basis upon which to consider the issuance of bonds to finance Agency projects. Consider adoption of a redevelopment plan for the South/Central Project Area following the Agency's consideration of the costs and benefits associated with potential redevelopment activities in that area. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Impróvements TOTAl - $ 3,600 $ 166,000 $1,471,519 $1,641,119 BUDGET I' -150- IJ CITY OF TUSTIN 1982-83 BUDGET DETAIL DEPARTMENT: TUSTIN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 ACTUAl BUDGET PRWEcTED ADOPTED PERSONNEL DETAIL Agency members 5 $ 60 - $ 60 5 $ 60 - $ 60 5 $ 60 - $ 60 5 $ 60 - $ 60 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Sal aries $ 1,839 $ 70,943 $ 70,000 $ 3,600 Total Personnel $ 1,839 $ 70,943 $ 70,000 $ 3,600 Supplies + Services Contractual Services $ 17 ,856 $ 26,000 $ 39,000 $166,000 Departmental Expense -- 12,889 -- -- Total Supplies + Services $ 17 ,856 $ 38 ,889 $ 39,000 $166,000 Capital Outlay Capital Improvements $765,262 $3,150,874 $2,041,912 $1,471 ,519 Total Capital Outlay $ 765,262 $3,150,874 $2,041,912 $1,471?519 TOTAl $ 784,957 $3,260,706 $2,150,912 $1,641,119 BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN TOWN CENTER REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1981-82 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 BUDGET PROJECTION BUDGET PLANNED PLANNED PLANNED PLANNED $---- $---- $---- $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $---- --- ---- ---- $2,000,000 -- $'---- $---- $---- $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $2,000,000 -151- 10. PUBLIC FACILITIES 1. Land Purchase for City Hall Expansion 2. City Hall Facility Enlargement SUBTOTALS 30. BEAUTIFICATION PROJECTS 1. Newport Center Islands McFadden to Irvine $43,949 40,550 2. Bryan/Main Triangle 3. El Camino Real Identification Signing 10,000 4. El Camino Real Landscaping and Furniture 40,000 5. Irvine Blvd. and Yorba St. Utility Underground District and Street Lighting 360,000 6. El Camino Real Utility Underground District 207,000 50,000 7. "c" Street Pl ala 8. Irvine Blvd. Center Island Landscape and Irrigation, between Prospect Ave. and Holt Ave. (Additional funding required from Transportation Facilities and traffic controls.) 9. Irvine.Blvd. Undergrounding and Street Lights from Holt Avenue to Newport Avenue. *Denotes 1981-82 funds to be rebudgeted in 1982-83 [, $7,200 40,550 $---- $---- $---- $---- $---- $10,000** 40,000.** 260,000 221,500 50,000 55,600 $200,000 BUDGET -152- CITY OF TUSTIN TOWN CENTER REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1981-82 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 BUDGET PROJECTION BUDGET PLANNED PLANNED PLANNED PLANNED 30. BEAUTIFICATION PROJECTS 10. Holt Avenue Undergrounding and Street Lights from Newport Avenue to Irvine Blvd. $---- $---- $---- $148,800 $---- $---- $---- 11. Newport Avenue Undergrounding and Street Lights from Bryan Avenue to Irvine Blvd. and First St. Westerly 200 Yards ---- ---- ---- ---- 440,000 12. First Street Undergrounding and Street Lights from Prospect Avenue to Newport Avenue ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 430,000 13. Prospect Avenue Undergrounding and Street Lights from First Street to Beneta Way ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 350,000 SUBTOTALS $751,499 $579,250 $105,600 $348,800 $440,000 $430,000 $350,000 40. COMMUNITY SERVICES FACILITIES 1. Columbus Tustin Park Development - Architecture Engineering $50,000 $15,000 $---- $---- $---- $- --- $---- 2. Columbus Tustin Recreational Facility Architecture and Engineering 100,000 65,000 35,000** 3. Columbus Tustin Park Final Con- st ruct i on Phase ---- ---- ---- 225,000 225,000 4. Columbus Tustin Recreational Facility Construction (Additional funding under City of Tustin) ---- ---- ---- 258,200 500,000 500,000 **Denotes 1981~82 funds to be rebudgeted for 1982-83 BUDGET -153- 40. COMMUNITY SERVICES FACILITIES 5. Peppertree Park Parking Area Acquisition and Development SUBTOTALS 60. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES 1. El Camino Real Area Parking Facility 2. Alley Reconstruction Easterly of El Camino Real, between Main Street and Third Street 3. Alley Reconstruction Southerly of First St., between Centennial Way and Preble Drive 4. Alley Reconstruction Westerly of El Camino Real, from Third to El Camino Real. 5. Alley Reconstruction Westerly of El Camino Real and Northerly of Second St. (Project cancelled) 6. El Camino Real/El Camino Way Road Reconstruction 7. Newport Avenue Biketrail, Main St. to Irvine Blvd. CITY OF TUSTIN TOWN CENTER REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1981-82 BUDGET 1981-82 1982-83 PROJECTION BUDGET 1983-84 PLANNED 1984-85 PLANNED 1985-86 PLANNED 1986-87 PLANNED $---- $---- $---- $---- $---- $200,000 $---- $150,000 $80,000 $35,000 $483,200 $725,000 $700,000 $---- $250,000 $684,000 $---- $---- $---- $---- $---- 15,000 15,000 72,000 67,000 15,000 13 ,000 15,000 ---- 1,300,000 150,0001,230,219** 22,000 16,000 8. Prospect Ave. Road Widening at 130 Prospect **Denotes 1981-8? funds to be rebudgeted in 1982-83 14,000 BUDGET -154- ,J CITY OF TUSTIN TOWN CENTER REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1981-82 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 BUDGET PROJECTION BUDGET PLANNED PLANNED PLANNED PLANNED 60. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES 9. Prospect Ave. Widening and Reconstruction between Main and Fi rst. $---- $---- $---- .$---- $350,000 $---- $---- 10. Alléy Southerly of Bonita, from Newport to Orange ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 28,500 ---- - SUBTOTALS $1,689,000 $945,000 $1,244,219 $---- $350,000 $28,500 $---- 65. TRAFFIC CONTROL FACILITIES 1. Irvine Blvd. Signal Interconnect and New Installation at Fashion Lane $33,600 $---- $33,600** $---- $---- $---;- $---- 2. El Camino Real and Sixth St. Signal 51,775 ---- 53,100** ---- ---- 3. First St. at Prospect Ave. Signal Modification ---- ---- ---- ---- 55,000 SUBTOTALS $85,375 $---- $86,700 $---- $55,000 $---- $---- 70. FLOOD CONTROL FACILITIES 1. Main St. Drain, El Camino Real to "B" St. $97,000 $102,406 $---- $---- $---- $---- $---- 2. Main St. Drain, Preble Dr. to Prospect 86,000 93,873 3. Sixth St. Drain, E1 Camino Real to "B" St. 92,000 88,183 4. Irvine Blvd. Drain, from F07 Channel to Holt"Ave. $47,000 $47,000 **Denotes 1981~82 funds to be rebudgeted for 1982-83 BUDGET -155- CITY OF TUSTIN 70. FLOOD CONTROL FACILITIES 5. Irvine Blvd. Drain, from Holt Ave. to Col. Tustin School 6. Prospect Ave. Relief Drain SUBTOTALS GRAND TOTALS $84,000 $475,000 $437,662 $---- $---- $---- $84,000 $---- $3.150,874 $2,041,912 $1,471.519 $1.132,000 $1,870,000 $1,542,500 $2,350,000 TOWN CENTER REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1981-82 BUDGET 1981-82 1982-83 PROJECTION BUDGET 153,000 106,200 1983-84 PLANNED 1984-85 PLANNED 1985-86 PLANNED 1986-87 PLANNED BUDGET I' u.J Co/') c...> I- - I- z: > ~ ~ 0:::: Z ~ :: u.J - c...> > ~ - 0 rJ'J - 0:::: z: 0:::: ~ ~ > u.J 0 Q.. ¡¡,¡ ~ ~ - Co/') 2: 0 I- z: - Q ¡¡. 3 « 0 ~ 0 z: N - cæ = >- 0 :z: - I- - - Z « I- 1: I- I- « 0:::: - U c...> Co/') (,!j u.J Q.. u.J :::I = Q.. « Co/') I- 0 0 c...> 0. r-- II) ,..., I z ~ ~ í- "" 0 >- í- U w (.) :> a: w en a: w ~ 3: ~ Ii; ::) í- u. 0 > í- ë3 C) z ..~ W...l u- zm <W zu ¡¡:s; a: W '" a: W C) < z « ~ > ~ ü í- ¡¡,¡ 8 ~ = -158- CITY OF TUSTIN 1982-83 BUDGET REQUEST DEPARTMENT SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: WATER 1980-81 ACTUAl 1981-82 BUDGET PROJECTION 1982-83 ADOPTED PERSONNEL DETAIL Full-time staff 19 19 19 17 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Salaries $ 213,906 $ 428,547 $ 377 ,374 $ 416,036 Retirement + Insurance 55,979 110,134 94,303 102,717 Total Personnel $ 269,885 $ 538,681 $ 471 ,677 $ 518,753 ~plies + Services Contractual services $ 14,881 $ 14,000 $ 25,600 $ 105,025 Facilities expense --- 14,230 9,405 10,960 Office expense 5,924 15,000 14,067 12,500 Departmental expense 830,864 1,653,290 1,485,916 1,793,665 Transportation expense 5,179 83,620 92,862 98,110 Training + Development 101 2,009 1,627 2,200 Other expenses 162,552 752,450 753,021 759,000 Total Supplies + Services $ 1,019,501 $ 2,534,599 $ 2,382,498 $ 2,781,460 Capital Outlay Mobile equípment $ 41,370 $ 23,800 $ 23,822 $ --- Department equipment --- 886 636 27,310 Total Capital Outlay $ 41,370 $ 24,686 $ 24,458 $ 27 ~310 Capital Improvements $ --- $ 293,800 $ 297,800 $ 138,900 Total Capital Improvements $ --- $ 293,800 $ 297,800 $ 138,900 DEPARTMENT TOTAl .. $ 1,330,756 $ 3,391,766 $ 3,176,433 $ 3,466,423 BUDGET -159- " CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT: DIVISION: WATER SERVICE BILLING DESCRIPTION: The service billing function of the City Water Service is responsible for the preparation of the monthly water bills and the interface between. the office and field operations concerning the maintenance of the utility billing structure. TASKS: 1. Prepare monthly bills from the data represented by the consumption of the utility since the previous billing. 2. 3. Receive payments and reconcile accounts receivable reports. Notify customers of non-payment. 4. Prepare work orders for field operations concerning meter repair, tur.n-ons and turn-offs. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Outlay TOTAL $ 110,444 $ 802,400 $ 4,500 $ 917 ,344 BUDGET -160- CITY OF TUSTIN 1982-83 BUDGET DETAIL DEPARTMENT: WATER DIVISION: SERVICE BIllING 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 ACTUAl BUDGET PROJECTED ADOPTEU PERSONNEL DETAIL Water Service Analyst 1 $3,345-3,345 1 $3,345-3,345 1 $3,345-3,345 1 $3,686-3,980 Supervisor 1 $1,187-1,443 1 $1,288-1,566 1 $1,288-1,566 Accountant 1 $1,405-1,709 1 $1,501-1,849 1 $1,521-1,849 Water Billing Clerk 2 $ 893-1,085 2 $ 967-1,175 2 $ 967-1,175 2 $1,056-1,283 Data Entry Clerk 1 $ 909-1,105 1 $ 984-1,196 1 $ 984-1,196 1 $1,074-1,306 -0 -0 -0 4" ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Salanes $ 48,357 $ 124,589 $ 97,000 $ 94,367 Retirement + Insurance 12,978 23,282 19,720 16,077 Total Personnel 61,335 147,871 116,720 110,444 ~lies + Services Contractual servi ces $ 14,881 $ 5,000 $ 16,600 $ 15,000- Office expense 5,924 15,000 14,067 12,500 Departmental expense 2,757 20,010 14,500 15,900 Transportati on expenses --- --- 50 Training + Development 58 --- 350 Other expenses 162,552 752,450 753,021 759,000 Total Suppl ies + Services $ 186,172 792,460 798,588 802,400 Capi tal Outl ay Offi ce equi pment $ --- $ 250 $ --- $ 4,500 Total Capital Outlay $ --- $ 250 $ --- $ 4,500 DIVISION TOTAl: $ 247,507 $ 940,581 $ 915.308 $ 917 ,344 BUDGET -161- CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT: WATER OPERATIONS DIVISION: DESCRIPTION: TASKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The Water Operation Division supplies, without interruption, water which meets various Federal and State Safe Drinking Water Standards to. the entire community and adjacent areas. This division also maintains water main lines, service laterals and meters. It also performs meter reading for water billing purposes. Participate in the management audit of the Water Service operation. Prepare of a water management plan and complete enginéering analysis of the system facilities. Develop a Divisional Operations Policy and Procedures Manual. Prepare of an inventory control program to monitor all Water Service materials. . Initiate a water meter review and replacement program to insure accurate recordation of useage. Perform routine maintenance duties and emergency repairs of an system facil ities. Review all water needs of new developments and coordinate the installation of all required facil ities. DIVISION BUDGET: Personnel Operations Capital Outlay TOTAL $ 408,309 1,979,060 22,810 $2,410,179 BUDGET -162- CITY OF TUSTIN 1982-83 BUDGET DETAIL DEPARTMENT: WATER DIVISION: OPERATIONS PERSONNEL DETAIL Water Service Manager Water Superintendent Water Service Technician Equipment Operator Maintenance Worker ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personne 1 Salaries Retirement + Insurance Total Personnel ~plies + Services Contractual services Facilities expense Departmental expense Transportation expenses Training + Development Total Supplies + Services Capital Outlay Mobile equípment Departmental equipment Total Capital Outlay DIVISION TOTAl: 1 1 1 1 9 IT 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 ACTUAl BUOGET PROJECTED ADOPTED $3,345-3,345 1 $3,686-3,686 1 $3,686-3,686 1 $3,686-3,980 $1,921-2,335 1 $2,084-2,533 1 $2,084-2,533 1 $2,276-2,766 $1,556-1,891 1 $1,684-2,047 1 $1,684-2,047 1 $1,839-2,235 $1,320-1,604 1 $1,428-1,736 1 $1,428-1,736 1 $1,560-1,896 $1,103-1,341 9 $1,137-1,524 9 $1,137-1,524 9 $1,242-1,664 IT IT IT $ 165,549 $ 303,958 $ 280,374 $ 321,669 43,001 86,852 74,583 86,640 $ 208,550 $ 390,810 $ 354,957 $ 408,309 $ --- $ 9,000 $ 9,000 $ 90,025 --- 14,230 9,405 10 ,960 828,107 1,633,280 1,471 ,416 1,777,765 5,179 83,620 92,812 98,110 43 2,009 1,277 2,200 $ 833,329 $1,742,139 $1,583,910 $1,979,060 $ 41,370 $ 23,800 $ 23,822 $ --- .--- 636 636 22,810 $ 41,370 $ 24,436 $ 24,458 $ 22,810 $1,083,249 $2,157,385 $1,963,325 $2,410,179 BUDGET -163- " 90. WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUl'IOO 1. Dodge Avenue, Easterly of Hewes Avenue, Replace Main Line and Hydrants (County Territory) 2. Bubbling Well Road and Singing Wood Drive, fran La Colina Drive to Rainbow Drive, Replace Main and Hydrants (County Territory) 3. Fairhaven Avenue, fran Costa Mesa Freeway to Hewes Avenue, Reline 10" Steel Main (County Territory) 4. Mitchell Avenue, Easterly of Newport Avenue, Connect 4-6" Main Lines to 16" Transmission Line in Newport Avenue (City Territory) 5. Red Hill Avenue at Walnut Avenue Wellsite, .Canplel::e Conversion of Irrigation Well to Domestic Service Well (City/County Benefit) 6. Land Acquisition for replacement of Well No. 1 (City/County Benefit) 7. Red Hill Ave. Water Main Replacement ßetween Lance Dr. & Irvine Blvd. (City/County Benefit) 8. Engineering Study and Analysis of Water System 9. Private Street (Vayano Way) 800'~ Northerly of Skyline Dr. and Westerly of Red Hill Ave. (County Territory) CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN WATER SERVICE CAPITAL IMPROITEMENl' PIœW\H 1981-82 BUOOET 1981-82 1982-83 POOJOCTIOO BUOOET $24,000 $27,000 25,400 30,200 76,400 116,500 18,000 2,500 30,000 2ß,200 35,000 -0- 40,000 58,400 45,000 35,000 ---- 20,000 BUDGET 1983-84 ~LANNED 1984-85 l'~ED 1985-86 PLANNED 1986-87 PLANNED -164- 90. WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBurION 10. Palanar Way and Olynpia Way between Fairhaven Dr. and Ranier Drive (County Territory) 11. Nissan Rd., Easterly of Red Hill Ave. (City Territory) 12. Laguna Rd., 200' Easterly of Red Hill Ave. (City Terdtory) 13. Myrtle Ave., from Main St. to First St. (City Territory) 14. Well No. 1 Rep1acenent (City/ County Benefit) 15. Beverly Glen, from Skyline Or. to Browning Ave. (County Territory) 16. Malta St. and Vale Ave., Westerly of Hewes Ave. (County Terdtory) 17. Karen Way and Sierra Vista Dr., Westerly of Browning Ave., (County Territory) 18. Santa Clara Ave. from Yorba St. to Costa Mesa Fwy. (City territory) 19. Red Hill Ave. fram Irvine Blvd. to Skyline Drive (County territory) CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN WATER SERVICE CAPITAL IMPOCIIlEMENl' PI03R1\M 1981-82 BUOOEl'~ 1981-82 1982-83 ProJOCTION BUOOEl' $80,700 38,200 1983-84 PU\NNED $9,000 44,000 130,000 42,000 25,000 27,000 14,200 1984-85 . PLANNED $149,000 1985-86 PLANNED 1986-87 PU\NNED I I I BUDGET --~ -165- \' CITY OF TUSTIN TUSTIN WATER SERVICE CAPITAL IMPRJ\TEMENl' PKX;Rl\M 90. WATER SUPPLY AND DlSTRIBIJI'IOO 20. Eton Pl., Sussex Pl., GréllTlllercy Pi. and Sandhurst Pi. Sootherly of Dodge Ave. (Coonty Territory) 21. Rebecca Lane, Gwen Ave. and Lucinda Way Westerly of Red Hill Ave. (Coonty Territory) 22. Kenneth Dr., and Keith Pl. Westerly of Red Hill Ave. (Coonty Territory) 23. Foothill Blvd. fran New(X)rt Ave. to Arroyo Ave. (County Territory) 24. Wass St. fran New(X)rt Ave. to .and Including Elizabeth Way (County Territory) 25. Arroyo Ave. franSkyline Dr. to Risa Pl. (Coonty Territory) 26. Garland Ave., Wreath Pi. and Olaplet Pi. Easterly of Red Hill Ave. (Coonty Territory) 27. Bikini Pl., Saigon Pl. and Linda Lane Easterly of Hewes Ave. (Coonty Territory) 28. Edinger St. Westerly fran Del I\Joo Ave. to Newport Ave. New(X)rt from Edinger to Walnut Ave. (City territory) 1981-82 BUDGET $--- 1981-82 1982-83 POOJECTIOO BUOOET $---- BUDGET $---- 1983-84 PlANNED $---- 1984-85 . P~ill $68,000 47,000 36,000 1985-86 PLANNED $---- 62rOOO $44,000 80,000 41,000 62,000 1986-87 PIANNED $---- ---- $147,200 -166- CITY OF TUSTIN 'IUSTIN WATER SERVICE CAPITAL IMPIiJln:MENl' PROORl\M 1981-82 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 BUOOET ProJECl'IOO BUOOET PLANNED PLANNED PLANNED PLANNED 90. WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTIOO ----->' 29. Windsor Lane, Sierra A1ta Dr., Del Rey Dr., La Bella Dr. and Catalina Dr. Southerly of La Colina Dr. (County Territory) $---- $---- $---- $---- $---- $---- $165,000 30. Ethelbee Way, Northerly of Santa Clara Ave. (County Territory) ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 31,000 31. Trcpic Lane, Easterly of Newport Ave. (County Territory) ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 19,000 32. EI Camino Lane, Easterly of Newport Ave. (County Territory) ---- ---- --- ---- ---- 18,000 TOTALS $293,800 $297,800 $138,900 $291,200 $300,400 $289,000 $280,200 I I BUDGET ~ ~ ¡- ~ :;¡ ¡- ¡¡" 0 >- ¡- ü >< - Q :z: u.J c... c... -< ¡.. ¡¡.¡ c 0 :;¡ == CITY OF TUSTIN -168- \' DESCRIPTION OF ACCOONTS $10.,,000 OR MORE DEPARTMENT - r.egiBhUon DIVISIOH - Cit:y Council Account: Supplies + Services Training + Development: OIVISIOH - CUy Clerk Account: supplies + Services Deparbnental Expense DIVISIOH - cit:y At:t:orney Account supplies + Services Cont:ract:ual Services 19S1-82 Budget: $12,390 ~ Budget: $13,019 ~ Budget .$60,000 ~ Budget: $12,030 1982-83 Budget $11,000 1982-S3 Budget $60,000 ß IHGFT OescripUon Monthly expense allowance (Mayor $200/Month, Councllperaons $ ISO/Month) League of ClUes In San Diego Monthly OC League Meeting. Host: Mayor'. Breakfa.t Membership and SubscrlpUons roTJ\L oescripUon Legal MvertIøIng Oeparb.ental .upplies such as Re.., Ord., and Minute Booko, Postal Rate Card., Cassette Tape., Microfiche, etc. Printing Expen.e. roTAL DescripUon Cont:ractual service. of James G. Rourke roTJ\L $9,600 1,805 360 165 ~ $12,030 $9,000 1,500 ~ $11,000 $60,000 $60,000 ::= C ::: ~ m -! ..~~- 0> 0> 0>" ,,<... " 0:: ,. =.... ~ "',. ~g~::: ...",.,. 0::" .. ... .. ~5:';- ..." -...,. ~It)< -"" ..., .. Q."" "'" 0" ~ ° Wi; "",.... ..g" --ë 0> ,,0:: ... " ..." ... '" ~: ~ .. 0>'10 "'~ ~ ~...", i ... E ,. '" ,. '10 0> ... ... ~ " £ '" ~ .. " '" .. "B~5"'- i :. ~ :.-ê 1'\ "" "'" ,,""- 0::..." ...-0:: ........"-,,, .. ".. " ,. ,. ... 0> "'" '" " .... " o' '10" "'" .... 0> ,.. ,...- '10..0.' _. ,. 0 . "", ... 0> 0"" 0... " _.c- O>. "'..... - &..:;~~õ' .... _°'" ....." ... :;g'~õ'",~ ~ 0] ... 1$ ~ . ......."",,- 0"'" -0> ...... -0>- ,,- "" ~... Q. 0:: 0> -It,. ......".c"" ,,""" 0:: 0> ~ '" _.... 0> 0> C"" .. !£;....~~ -"" ° C"" .... ;¡ ¡;; 2: ë. ..... ° " ~ \i!; ... ..... c 0 0> c:: - z: -< V> ,. ... ~ " .. '" 0 '" ." > '" -< 3: '" z: -< :: " 0> " " .. .... '" '", '" N .~ \~ ::: ~ N 0 ...., :ë ~ \:ë '" '" '" ~ Óo .., '" Q.""'" :: ~1'\ "0 - -00:: 00'" "" 0" .. '" ,..... "O"" ...... .... ,,:" ¡~ '10'" 0:: ...~ ,. o ... ... I:!~ '" '" ...- ~:::. - " """ 0:: '" '" '" .. 0... ... < .. - " 0> .. &'" 2: is '" ... V> ..... '" .., -< ë % I f-' c¡, \D I '" '" V> ..... '" :;; -< ë z 0 .., > ..... ..... c:: c:: z. -< V> ~ ::¡ -< 0 "'1:1 -! C V> ::::! z .... ë 0 c 0 c 0 '" ~ '" '" ,- I CITY OF TUSTIN -170- DESCRIPTION OF ACCOUNTS $10,000 OR r«JRE DEPARTMENT: C.....nity Oevelo.-ent OIYiSION ACCOUNT 1901-02 1902-03 .- 500 $ 16,000 2.500 11,500 500 500 $ 19,500 $ 12,000 $ 20,000 $ 31,000 3,300 2,300 $ 23.300 $ 33,300 PlannIng ProfessIonal ServIces PlannIng Consultant ArchItectural & EngIneering Weed Abatement Contractua I Services Oul1dlng Plan Check/Oulldlng OffIcial MIcrofilMIng Contractual ServIces nUnGF.T DESCRIPTION Or. Fleagle's servIces are now charged under Redevelopment, some work Is antIcipated wIth the IrvIne land SpecifIc Plan, other activItIes should be al1ocated under the Oulldlng DIvisIon; weed abatement remaIns the same. The estIMated $20,000 was Insufflent; however, because of budget surpl uses. was covered by Inter-account trans fers rather than needing a Council budget adjustonent. Actual '01-'02 expendItures for Plan Check/Ouildlng OffIcial were $32.910. The account Is dIrectly offset by fees charged 1651. of plan check fee covers the cost of the plan check consultant. The balance of 351. Is General Fund Revenue} and Is controlled by applIcant subnllttals. MicrofilMing as mandated was reduced based on experIence. ThIs account Is offset by fees col1ected. == c " ~ l"I'J - ..",,% ...-.. .. ..... 0'< 0 " .. 10.. ..."'- 0 C. '" " " .."'.. ..", or.... "...'" c.""" '" '" '" .. .."'.. '" 0 -"'.. '" " .. C "C .. " ..-It _0'" 0 '" 0 .. ,,~ '<0'" '" "'.. '" ..~ ;;1"'15 '" "Co .... '" ..'" c.- .. It '" I: .. ... '" .. ,.., " .., '" '" :;: '" N '" oN '" N 1:'"..""0- ..""".....", '< -'" .. '" " :,,~~g.g=- ;~~~¡. .. - .. '" -00'" 0""'-'" '" O"^ .. '" '"' ",. ,,0"'<: n!.. § c."",,'" '" "'I "'.. ... "",. 0 ....."""þ.. . .'.' 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Õ ... . . ;; '" » ... ... ~ '" ~ '" > '" N ~ ~ '" ~ :!. ; 0 '" . '" . 0 ~ := ~ '" » '" ~ 0 0." ~. . " " ~. . . . n 0 . . 0 " . .. 0 0 0" :!. g . . C 00. C 0 . 0 0 C ~ ~ . 0 ~ ~~. 0.- 0 ,"0 ~. O. 0 O. . 0 . 0 . 0 ... 0.0"0 g ;. ~ ;:.~. 0" 0 . . oo :: c . ... . . .. . 0 :; '" . ... . ¡; . õ 8 ... ... ~ ~ õ < . . ~. :!. g ;? < . 0 0 c ~ ~ ë :z ,. c-. " 0 c: :z .. I! I! " '" '" " .. :;: ... ê '" c '" .. ,. " ~ :z .. I I-' -..J IJ1 I '" N 0. C . ~ ~ . : oo 0 . . ;; 0 ~. ~.. 0 0 0 < < . . . . . ~ : ;:. ~.. oo oo "< . . ~ ~ 0. ~. ~. C < 0 . . 0 . ~ . . 0 . ... . . 0 0 C ~ . . .. c '" ;:; '" c '" tr. " .. :;: .. ~ n ~ -< 0 'T1 oo C VJ :: z ~ " . 0" 0 . . 0 ~ ~ 0 .., > " " 0 c: '" .. '" <Þ Õ " 0 " 0 '" ~ '" '" CITY OF TUSTIN -176- " Ul>(RIPTIUN Of Al:CUUNT~ UU,UOU uN t\Ultl \JU'I\RTI1lNT: COHHUNITY SERVICES ulVISIIJU "CC\JUNt 1911Hll CONTRACTUAL SERVICES $132,002. FACILITIES EXPENSE $ 13.250. DEPARTMENTAL EXPENSE $ 11,495. 19l1l-IIJ $143,025. $ 18,500. $ 68,591. 8Uf)(',ET UlSClIlPTIUN Provides $17 ,280. for sports offlcia Is; $6 ,000. for field maintenance personnel; $4,000. for field supervision; $2,950. for specla1tzed sports Instructors; $13,500. for crass Instructors' $2,800. for play in cooperation with l. P. Repertory; !4.850. for Youth Arts Carousel; $4,440. for special pr09rams; $3,600. for Day Camp transportation; $5.766. for Day Camp staff; $2,239. for specialized youth- service contractors' and $15,600. for TIny Tots. Instructors. The 8i Increase Is due to expanded programs which wl11 be covered by additIonal revenue. Provides $3,500 for telephone ßIOdl flcatlons; and U5,Ooo. for lease for [antlert School Dulldll1Q "C." the lease fee was Increased slightly, due to l11creasod utility costs. Provides $25,882. for specialized departntental supplies (sports equlplOOnt, crafts supplies, tiny tots galOOs, playground supplies, and other activity supplies), $33,284. for excursion admissions; $7 ,300. for mailing Tustin Today brochure; and $2,125. for outside printing (specialized forms and flyers). This account has decreased $8,904., due to the agreement staff negotiated with Shoreco Publishing, they assume printing and production costs In exchange for the right to sel1 advertising. -177- CITY OF TUSTIN O[SCRIPTION OF ACCOUNTS 110,000 OR I'DR[ D[PARTM£NT: PUBLIC IÐRKS DIVISION ACCOÙNT 1981-82 1982-83 A""nls tratl on Departmental Suppl1es 1,210 10,025 [ngtneerlng Street light [nergy $ 26,500 34,450 SIgnal t4alntenance Signal [nergy 41.300 52,800 45,100 68,640 Streets Sign MaIntenance & StripIng $ 40,000 $45,000 45,000 49,100 150,000 163,650 8,300 16,675 18,000 22,640 16,000 19,955 SIdewalk Construction Street & All ey Repa! r Water TraffIc SIgn & Paint Center Island Suppl1es BUDGET O[SCRIPTION Departmental suppl1es were previously budgeted In each dIvision. To provide Increased adminIstrative controL departmental supplies, for all divisIons eKcept water servIces, are budgeted In DivisIon 401. In to.tal, this reflects a 9.1'1. Increase ov~r the fiscal budget '81-'82. Reflects .30'1. Increase over mid-year projections to 'fleet risIng utility costs as Indicated by [dlson Company rate schedules. Reflects 9.1'1. Increase over fiscal budget '81-'82. Reflects 30'1. Increase over mId-year projections to meet rising utility costs as Indicated by [dlson Company rate schedules. Reflects 9.l'I. Increase over fiscal budget '81-'82 plus $1,360 for recently completed and projected Installations. Reflects 9.1'1. Increase over fiscal budget '81-'82. Reflects 9.1'1. Increase over fiscal budget '81-'82. Reflects 15'1. Increase over 'old-year projections to meet quoted costs of purchased water. Reflects 9.l'I. Increase over fiscal budget "H-'82 plus $3,000 to upgrade sl gns to meet state corle and to Initially sIgn/stripe n(w areas. Reflects 9.1'£ Increase over fiscal budget '81-'82 plus $2,500 for additional supplies requlre,1 for recently constructed/proposed constructlo" of lenter 15laollls. CITY OF TUSTIN -178- \' DESCRIPTION OF M:COUNTS no ,000 OR KlR£ DEPARTMENT: PlJ8l1C WRKS DIVISION ACCOUNT ~ 1902-03 $ 41,400 $ 45,110 $ 10,150 $ 24.315 11 ,500 30.500 16,500 10,000 25,000 21,215 21,900 24,000 $ 12,500 $ 13 ,625 12,610 13 ,025 $ 90,000 $ 90,200 45,000 50,125 20 ,000 20,500 Streets - Conti nued VehIcle leaslng/Equlpoaent Fund Par\(s Electric Sports lightIng \later Par\( Supplies Vehicle leasIng/EquIpment Fund Trees Trees VehIcle leasIng/Equipotent Fund Vehicles Vehicle Operations Vehicle RepaIrs Sweeper Repal rs nUOGET DESCRIPTION Reflects 9.1\ Increase over fiscal budget '01-'02. Reflects 30\ Increase over mId-year projectIons to meet rising utilIty costs as IndIcated by Edison Company rate schedules. Reflects 30\ .Increase ovèr mId-year projectIons to meet risIng utility costs as IndIcated by Edison Company rate schedules Reflects 15\ Increase over MId-year projectIons to meet quoted costs of purchased water. Reflects 9.1\ Increase over fiscal budget '01-'02. Reflects 9.1\ Increase over fIscal budget '01-'02. Reflects 9.1\ Increase over fIscal budget '01-'82. Reflects g.1\ Increase over fIscal budget' 01- '02 Reflects 9.1\ Increase over fiscal budget '01-'02. Reflects 9.\'1, Increase over mid-year projectIons based on e"perienced costs. Reflects g.l\ Increase over fiscal budget '01-'02. -179- CITY OF TUSTIN OESCR IPTION OF ACCOUNTS 110.000 OR MORE DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC IÐRKS DIVISION ACCOUNT 19B1-B2 1982-83 $ 20.000 $ 26.040 68.000 88.400 16,000 18.750 $ 45,000 $ 70,000 1,089,820 1.084.700 31,430 40,300 276,000 384.385 16.590 20.000 120,000 120,000 11 ,000 35,000 26,375 32.950 14.470 19,800 10.420 24,775 15.300 24.000 9.560 10.000 8ul1dln9 Facilities Bulldln9 Maintenance & Repairs Electrtc Tel ephone Water Services Water Study Eas t Orange County Water 01 strict City of Orange Electric Equipment Maintenance Pump Tax Property Tax Main Ltne Maintenance ServIce Lateral Maintenance Meter lIaintenance Vehicle Operations Vehicle Repai r BUDGET OESCRIPTION Reflects g.1\ Increase over fiscal budget '81-'82 plus $4.215 for addItional miscellaneous building repaIrs. Reflects 30\ Increase over mId-year projections to meet rIsIng utilIty costs as IndIcated by Edison Company rate schedules. Reflects 9.1\ Increase over fiscal budget '81-'82. Sècond phase of the Water System audIt, $25.000 carried forward from fiscal budget '81-'82. Estimated purchase of water. Estimated purchase of water. Reflects 30\ Increase over mId-year projecttons to meet rising utility costs as Indicated by Edison Company rate schedules. Reflects 9.1\ Increase over ftscal budget '81-'82 plus $\.900 from the 5360 account. No Increase. Estimated by City Finance Oepartment. Reflects 9.1\ Increase over fiscal budget '81-'82 plus $4.175 from the 5560 account. Reflects 9.1'1, Increase over fiscal budget '81-'82 plus $4.013 from the 5560 account. Reflects 9.1\ Increase over fiscal budget '81-'82 plus $13,407 from the 5560 account. Reflects 9.1\ Increase over mId-year projections based on expertenced costs. Reflects 4.6\ Increase over fiscal budget '81-'82. :. I 0 00 '"" I ~ ¡ ~ ¡- ~ ~ ¡- ¡¡. 0 ;.. ¡- " Ct: 0 0 0 o. S .. VI 0- :z: 5 ~ ~ :z: 0 ;: ~ Ct: U VI "" 0 ~ !i u ~ :0 .. 0- :z: "" 2: 0- Ct: C .. 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