HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-82FY BUDGET N ::c 0'1 - ~ ~ a M ~ i ~ [;¡J ~ ; ~ U) ~ >< '"J ,.. ~ ~ I CI'J :;¡ - ¡.. H (X U H 0'\ ¡¡" .x: H ~ ,0 ~ ~ - >- ~ !:: u ;:¡ '"J ¡.. g. 8 :;¡ =:I -.....- - - - - - - - - - ,-' - -- -. -"" . TO: CITY OF TUSTIN HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: WILLIAM A, HUSTON, CITY MANAGER RE: FINAL BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 1981-82 Transmitted herewith is the final budget for fiscal year 1981-82 as adopted by the City Council on July 20, 1981. The final budget includes a total allocation of $18,115,891 which consÍsts of the following: Operating Expenses $ 11,109,955 Capital Improvements 5,658,400 Total Appropriations $ 16,768,355 Budgeted Reserve 1,347,536 Total Allocation $ 18,115,891 Resources consist of the following: Fund Balances $ 3,321,111 Revenue 14,794,780 Total Resources $ 18,115,891 The budget includes various sections which describe the components of the budget and provide a distribution of revenue and expenses by fund. The 1981-82 budget ensures continuation of the level of City services provided last fiscal year. The ability of the City to sustain those levels of service given its fiscal constraints will continue to require policy and managerial scrutiny and long range planning. While there are constraints, the City has the opportunity through City Council policy direction and City management to provide for the continuation of efficient and effective City services into the future. A balanced economic development program will be the key to the City's ability to guarantee its fiscal viability. BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN The 1981-82 budget also accomplishes the following: The funding of capital improvement projects which provide for public safety, result in reduced operating costs and protect the City's investment in its public facilites. Continuation of the redevelopment program which is essential in order to achieve a viable local economic base. Funding of an engineering analysis of the water system. The-analysis will provide the basis to schedule necessary capital improvements and develop an appropriate water rate structure. Funding for preparation of a park and recreation master plan and site and design plans for Columbus-Tustin Park. These plans will enable the City Council to make decisions with regard to the neea for and funding of future park and recreational facilities. For budget purposes, City departments are segregated by divisions. This approach to budgeting places departments into divisions which have common organizational functions and types of expenditures. For example, the City Manager's office, Finance Department and Personnel Department constitute the Administration Division. The budget includes total expenditures for the Administration Division for each department within the Division. The total of seven divisions include: Legislation Administration Community Development Public Works Water Police Community Services Included in the budget is a brief description by department of services to be provided in 1981-82. Beginning in fiscal year 1982-83, the divisionalized approach to budgeting will be expanded to include programs and specific tasks to be accomplished by division and department. This will allow the City Council to gauge-the costs of City services against the proposed benefits. It will also serve as a tool for the City Council and City management to analyze the status of programs and projects on an ongoing basis. City staff looks forward to working with the City Council in carrying out its policy directives and accomplishing the projects included in the 1981-82 budget, BUDGET- CITY OF TUSTIN 'lliE ImORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COONCIL Œ' THE CI'lY CF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA Enclosed is one of the most severely trinmed budgets I have submitted in the past twelve years. '!be reasons are clear. '!be national recession has held the City's major source of revenue, sales taxes, to a level below expectation. In ërldition, proposition 13 has finally irrpacted the State and penetrated the last of the State's surplus reserves. '!he result of this State crisis is legislative consideration of significant reductions ($257,959 in the case of Tustin) in city revenues in order to fund State programs. Recognizing the seriousness of the present budget constraints, all departments have cooperated in reducing their requests for next year. It must be emphasized that the present budget does not provide staffing at a level ooequate to suwort present levels of service' for the existing population. '!he service level can be maintained for 6 to 12 months with the present staff if they believe the service level will be reduced or staffing will be increased as soon as feasible. '!he future of the City's revenues is difficult to predict. Sales taxes CDuld increase in future years to the point where it might suwort the present quality of service. If not, (buncil CDuld consider approaching the legislature for additional revenues, or approach the citizens with increased business license or new construction taxes, or roe of several new revenue sources. '!he third alternative is to reduce the level of service to fit within the existing revenues. I believe the citizens of Tustin want to maintain the reputation of the City as a quali ty conmuni ty and will suwort the expense so long as they believe they are receiving value for Cbllar spent. '!he City of Tustin is rot unique in this crises as many cities are facing severe problems. Tustin is BUDGET fortunate to have established 'excellent reserves through good planning, management arrl circumstances whim permit a long range view point to be taken. '!he City's CXXIIIIercial and industrial developnents are producing financial resources which carry a significant part of the CDSt of government. However, the .City must seek to enhance its romnerci.al developnents if it is to adequately fun:} services in the future. '!he City Council has charted a course which will further inprove our City. '!he acquisition of the Tustin Water WOrks is highlighted on the cover of this budget and the first budget for the water service is included in this document. '!be potential of administering the street lighting function for our oonmuni ty is ready to be CDnsidered by the Council as well. '!be El Camino Real inprovement proj ects of the Redevelopnent .l\gency are into the inplementation stage, Aloo, many inportant capital irrprovements are present in this budget to further enhance the CXXIIIIunity's physical plant, 1981-1982 Budget '!his document is the Preliminary Budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1982 which is sutmitted for your consideration arrl action, Integrated into this Budget is the Five-Year financial plan as a long-range guideline for .l\dministration and Council. . '!be five-year plan is to be updated prior to the preparation of the final budget cbcument. Aloo included in this document is the five-year capital irrprovement program and the budgets for the Tustin Comnuni ty Redevelopnent .l\gency and City of Tustin Water Service which are in essence indeperx'lent agencies administered by the Council. In overview, the City of Tustin is finally CITY OF TUSTIN operating with a large reserve after fifty-four years of operation, '!his budget leans 00 that reserve, even though the Ci ty' s sales tax revenues are suworting 46,0 percent of the cperating Budget because of the recession and the proposed State reductioo of Ci ty revenues for whim we have provided, However, this is rot a time to over-react with further reductions whim \\,QuId seriously damage existing programs, Instead, I \\,QuId reronmerx'l a watchful eye during the coming year along with specific actions such as encouraging the State to provide additional revenues and minimize 'planned reductioos, a careful review of existing service fees arx'I taxes, and ronsideration of potential new taxes and fees, Personnel Even though the City has annexed significant territory arx'I added over 10 percent in population, only four positions have been added to the City budget, arx'I only ore of these is a true addition, '!he other three are part-time positions in Iblice that have been upgraded to full-time positions, A number of additional positioos are warranted to serve the larger population, but cannot be funded at this time, If the State cbes not reduce the City's revenues or does provide substitute sources, then Council should ronsider the addition of a number of maintenance, engineering arx'I police positions , '!he Staff cannot serve an expanded populatioo without additional help except for a limited time, The City had .150 full-time positions budgeted for the erx'l of the current year but added a clerk-typist in Coomunity Services as the ooly mid-year adjustment. The city assumed 20 employees from the Tustin Water WOrks acquisition but this is self-suworting arx'I represents a new service function, '!he City's ratio of enployees per 1000 population, excluding water, has been significantly reduced, BUDGET Revenues '!he most significant aspects of the 1981-1982 are the lack of growth in Property Taxes (~1,133,223 due to the State's expected $257,959 reduction) arx'I the inconsistent growth of Sales Taxes ($3,643,580) even though it represents 46.0 percent of the operatißJ budget (canpared with 32 percent six years ago). Otherwise, revenues are expected to reflect a strori:J local economy, Building activity is expected to remain strong as illustrated by new Construction Taxes ($120,000) and Construction Permits ($130,000), Federal Revenue Sharing is expected to continue ($165,000), Recreation Fees are double what they were five years ago. Investment revenues for 1980-81 ($270,000) were remarkably high due to the aggressiveness of the Finance Department am the high interest rates (which may be nearing a ¡;x=riod of decrease), Total General Furrl revenues are cbwn from the current year projection ($7,351,520 cCtnpared with $7,385,743) due to a one-time $551,900 Flood Control Grant for the Bryan-Browning street am storm drain proJect in the current year. '!he revenues of the Tustin Comnunity Redevelopnent .l\gency are increasing rapidly from $209,237 in 1977-78 to $992,688 in 1981-82, We may reach our $600,000 average in revenue in another year or t\\,Q, '!he rost of the planned projects have likewiæ increased. '!be revenues of the City of Tustin Water Service are present for the first time am reflect an anticipated 12 percent increase in rates to keep pace with inflation, The revenues show $3,096,556 which will go into the independent Water Fund. Fund Balances '!he City of Tustin has a General Fund Balance projected for June 30, 1981 of $1 ,043,799 which is CITY OF TUSTIN in ërldition to the $1,125,000 loan to the Services (a 22 percent gain). '!be Police increase Redevelopnent .l\gency (which will be returned at is due in part to the new Canine program an:! the sorœ future date) and the $571,378 reserve for a conversion of three part-time positions -to future Recreational/Cultural Arts facilities. full-time. '!he Fire increase is due to a revised '!hese reserves have been developed over the past formula for calculating costs arx'I an four years arx'I must be protected for three ext;:ra-ordinary increase in County fire employee reasons. '!he first is that they provide a means rosts , '!he Comnunity Services increase is due to for financing the Redevelopnent Agency's program the additioo of the typist clerk late in the without resorting to expensive oonds. '!he second current year and reiuDurseable program costs reason is that they provide a means for furx'!ing offset by a revenue increase to keep the same additional capital irrprovements of streets and level of self-support, . other facilities, especially wh~ matching federal or rounty grants, '!he third reasoo is that sourx'! financial management requires a ten percent of operating budget "operating reserve" for ërlequate cash flow and tenporary emergency funding, It will be noted that the Annual Budget SLmlllary recap page shows a negative balance in several of the special furx'!s projected for June 30, 1982, In most cases this is due to the volume of capital projects proposed, '!be appropriations are speculative since the ultimate contract prices are unknown arx'I there may be a question if saœ of the projects can be brought to construction during the year for a variety of reasons, By budgeting the projects, they can be scheduled for engineering and, at \oUrst, could be held over to the following year if funding required it, ~rating Expenditures Normal operations of the City (excluding the independent agencies of Redevelopnent and Water Service) are projected at $7,928,323 which is only 8.5 percent over the existing year's budget of $7,305,326. '!his growth represents less than the inflatioo whim has occurred, to say nothing aoout the OITer ten percent growth in pI:)pllation served, '!be full-time staff has increased fran 151 to 155, or only a 2.6 percent increase, '!he austere nature of this budget speaks for itself, '!be largest increases are in Police (a 14 percent gain), Fire (a 34 percent gain), and Cornnunity BUDGET It will also be roted that many departments show a lower cost for the new year in part due to equipnent p.¡rchases which have been successfully p.¡rchased fran the current year budget wi th::>ut the need for loans as originally contenplated (eg, \\,Qrd processing arrl the computer,) In Special Furx'!s, it should be noted that the Park Bond Furx'!, the Civic Center Bond Furx'! am the Sewer Trust Furx'! are' used only for debt service now, '!he Redevelopnent .l\gency Fund is reinbursing the General Furx'! for actual staff expenses expected m behalf of the .l\gency. '!he Water Service Furx'! has added $2,866,455 to the Total cperations budget, but is in fact a self-f\Jl',lded . entity with 20 enployees at present, CëiE.i tal- Imf>rovemen t '!be Capital Improvement Budget of $5,805,400 is the equivalent of 73 percent of the Operating Budget of $7,928,323. '!his is another measure of the City Council's arx'I Staff's CXXIIIIitment to operational efficiency while protecting and enhancing the Oonmunity's investment in its streets, traffic controls, parks, p.¡blic buildings, storm drains, and other capital assets, '!he Capi tal ImprOlTement Budget is IIOre fully explained at the start of Section 7 of the Budget document, All of the City's needs are not being læt, but the rate of improvements is encouraging, In fact, this clear resolve to reinvest in the CXXIIIIuni ty has been the key factor CITY OF TUSTIN now Tustin. while the Sales Tax has asswned the funding of half of the cperating Budget. '!be level of staffing is conservative in relation to other cities am is inadequate to serve our present population, primarily in the area of Police arrl Maintenance, in creating the quality image that is Of the 1980-81 budget of $5,700,400, $3,508,823 has been completed this year with approximately $2,000,000 in projects carried forward and rebudgeted, '!be major reasoo for this carryover has been Federal Aid Urban street projects awaiting federal approval or project delays beyorx'l the City's rontrol. Next year's budget is œavily funded by Federal Aid Urban and lÈdevelopnent Agency furx'ls and atterrpts to take ërlvantage of any matching fund potentials, It is note\\oQrthy that a $241,000 Major Maintenance Program is scheduled for 1981-1982, aloog with the balanœ of a five-year program to place the City on an optimum maintenance program thereafter. '!he four future planned fiscal years of the five-year program are rot to be ooostrued as funded, It is easy to see that the City does not have $2,000,000 per year in General Funds nor approximately $750,000 pe~ year in Gas Tax FuOOs. However, it is inportant to identify and track important CDIMIUnity capital needs, and to seek funding opportunities for them, Conclusions The 1981-82 Proposed Budget is an inadequate financial plan whim is balanced by the use of reserve funds and still does not maintain coosistent service to our expanded population, In the face of Proposi tioo 13 and Proposi tion 4 restrictions, the State has exercised its power over finances for the approaching year, much to our detriment, '!he city has experienced a population growth of over ten percent with ooly a t\\oQ percent increase in personnel whim is üñã'cceptable for longer than one year, Reserves are relatively high, as are services and capital improvements (due to. extensive use of Federal Aid Urban street funds and Redevelopnent .l\gency furx'ls) , '!he City's reliance 00 the Property Tax as a revenue sourœ has been greaUyreduced, BUDGET Effectiveness, efficiency, am economy must be criteria by \\hich we live, along with equality, environment and social conscience. '!his is true in the good years as well' as the lean years, '!be City must continually establish goals, objectives, priorities, arrl schedules. In addition, effective OOlIIII.1nication with the public must be established in order to oooroinate City goals with cOllmmity goa;Ls arrl to develop public awareness and suwort, After all, the resources of the Ci ty are public resources. It is through the use of the resources allowErl by the p..¡blic that City services and inprovements are acrorrplished, But is the public aware of the cost of sustaining certain programs, and is the public willing to provide resourœs to fun:} tOOse programs? If not, services and programs should be curtailed to a level consistent with the resources provided, Departments cannot be given an assignment beyond their resources, or dedication and efficiency will collapse into bureaucratic rorrplacency, If Sales Tax revenues <i:> not increase arrl if the State does not maintain the City's revenues, the City must 1ook for additional funding, Tustin is fortunate to have an excellent Ci ty Council am staff \\oQrking together for the citizens' good, '!his budget provides another opportunity to determine row to allocate the 'City's resources am energies to better serve the public, '!hat is the purpose of City government, I want to express my appreciation for the conscientious budgeting effort of earn department head, for the imagination of Director of Public i'brks, Bob Ißdendecker, in preparing tœ initial CKTY OF TUSTIN draft of the Capital Irrprovement Budget, and for the hard \\,Qrk of the Finance Department staff, arx'I those secretaries who produced this cbcWlent from a myriërl of notes and rough drafts, I especially want to thank the Director of Finance, lbn Nault, who has relieved me of the intimate involvement I have had to take in prior years in developing the budget, while also keepirg a firm handle on the broad overview of the budget, His supportive attitude in a year of real budgeting difficulty was much a¡:preciated, In closing, I \\,QuId like to CDIIIIIent 00 the fact that this represents my thirteenth and last involvement in a City of Tustin budget and the last by a "City Mninistrator", '!hose have been good years for myself and for the COI1m..mity. Significant changes in service, service levels, efficiency, technology, parks, 'streets, developnent, arrl the organizatioo have occurred. In 1968, the City of Tustin had many dreams and hopes. I am prow to have hërl a small part in changing those dreams into reality, May the next thirteen years be as productive as the last thirteen years, Respectfully, DAN BLANKENSHIP, City Mninistrator BUDGET SECTICN 1 - GENERAL Organization Chart Basic City Data Definition of Terms Budget Format Appropriation Limit SECTICN 2 - RECAPITULATICN AND FIVE-YEAR BULGEI' Recap of Annual Budget Annual Budget SlDImary Furx'I Distribution 1981-82 Five-Year Budget Recapitulation SECTICN 3 - REVENUES Revenue Chart Summary of Revenue by Fun:} Revenue Detail Fund Accounting Explanatioo Revenue Accounts Explanation SECTICN 4 - PERSCNNEL Persoonel Chart Sumnary of Positions SlDImary by Divisioo Salary Range Number by Classification CITY OF TUSTIN TABLE CF aNl'ENTS Page 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-5 1-6 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-8 3-10 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-5 BUDGET SECTICN 5 - EXPENDI'IURES Expenditures Chart Activity Structure Expenditures Experx'!itures by Category SECTICN 6 - OPERATI~ BULGEI' Legislation lIdministratioo Cbmnuni ty Developllent Public Works Police Fire Cbnmunity Services Non-Departmental SECTIOO 7 - CAPITAL IMPIO./EMrnI' PRCGRAM Capi tal Inprovement Budget SlIImary of Plan by Category SlU1Jßary of Plan by Revenue Sóurœ Capital Irrprovement Program Five-Year Maintenance Program Other Projects - Unscheduled SECTICN 8 - INDEPENDlliT FUillS Redevelopuent Agency Chart Redevelopnent .l\gency Budget Water Page 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-3 6-1 6-9 6-20 6-26 6-44 6-56 6-5~ 6-70 7-1 7-3 7-3 7-4 7-17 7-21 8-1 8-2 8-10 "" z ~ :;¡ ¡.. ¡¡" 0 >- ¡.. ü 5 ¡ ~ ~ U) t c Q :;¡ =:I -. - - - - - - - ...... - - ,...,. --------, ~~~ÿ I I I I I I I I I I I I , i : I I t - -------------_..: , I -COORDINATION AND COOPERATIOt CITY Of TUSTIN. CITIZENS Of TUSTIN HAlER ENGIIIEERING STREETS~ EQUIP/FACILITIES BUDG~T 1:"1 CITY OF TUSTIN BASIC DATA 1981 Tustin was foun:led in 1868 and incorporated as a General Law city Septenber 21, 1927, 72-73 73-74 74-75 75-76 76-77 IJ:::!!?. 78-79 79-80 80-81 81-82 --.-.. Area of City (sq,mi.) 4.4 4,5 4,56 4.61 7,5 8,1 8.1 9,6 11,2 11,2 Assessed Valuatioo (in $1,000,00) 69.0 77,1 90,4 107,6 128.9 150,0 174,3 '210.3 233,3 261,3 General Property Tax Al.location per $100 A,V,* ,95 .95 .932 .96 ,9955 ,96 ,92 .59 ,49 ,43 Fire Insurance Classifi- cation 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 Population (at mid- fiscal year) 26,957 27,500 28,050 31,290 32,650 32,792 33,700 33,717 36 ,962 37,264 Registered Voters 9,138 13,238 12,238 9,272 9,676 13,074 13,537 13,254 15,321 15,560 Housing Units 10,278 10,902 11,549 12,564 12,700 12,976 13,618 14,085 16,233 16,261 Retail & Trade Outlets (Taxable Sales) 488 528 525 612 684 763 891 1,104 1,075 1,090 Miles of Sewer Service 37,1 37.5 41,8 42,2 43.5 44.3 44,5 44,5 47,9 47,9 Miles of City Streets 51,5 54,8 59.4 60.5 67,7 68.4 70,2 70.7 75,0 75,0 Arterial 15,8 16,4 17,3 17.8 23.6 24,0 24.1 24,4 25,3 25,3 Local 35,7 38,4 42,1 42,7 44,1 44,4 46,1 46,3 49,7 49,7 Miles of City-owned Alleys ,71 ,71 .71 .71 .71 .71 .71 .71 ,71 .71 City-owned Buildings 9 11 10 14 14 14 10 11 9 9 Parks Maintained 5 6 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Signalized Intersections 28 31 32 33 34 40 42 39 43 43 City Vehicles (total) 47 56 58 60 61 63 56 63 78 78 General 9 9 9 10 10 11 12 13 13 13 Fire 8 9 9 9 9 10 0 0 ° o Police 14 20 22 22 22 22 23 26 27 27 Maintenance 16. 18 18 19 20 20 21 24 24 24 Water - - - - - - - - 14 14 Regular Enployees per 1,000 population 4,36 5,05 5.19 5,03 4.11 3,98 3,48 3,95 4,07 4.2 Per Capita Cost-Normal cperations Unadjusted 80.16 112,85 112.31 114,76 125.45 121.33 134,03 137.96 200,55 212,06 Adjusted to '67 base yr, 64.23 83,46 74,23 69.68 71,77 65,41 67,15 59,31 76.99 81.61 CPI January 124,8 135,2 151.3 164,7 174.8 185.5 199,6 232,6 260,5 283.9 % Annual Increase 4,0 8,33 11.91 8.86 6,13 6,12 7.60 16,53 11,99 9.0 *Bonded Irx'!ebtedness Tax Rate Park Bond , 1365 .1250 .1153 ,1103 .0912 ,0835 ,0715 ,0918 ,0618 .00858 Civic Center - ,1180 ,917 ,0692 ,0577 .0600 .0534 .0552 ,0221 .00616 BUDGET 1-2 CITY OF TUSTIN 1. Budget: A. Preliminat:y: B, Final: 2. Fund: A, General: B. Special: 3. Personnel: 4. Supplies _&. ~ryl.ces: 5. Capital O.1tJ.ay: 6. CaJ2ital Inproverænts: 7, Sa],ary 1\djustment: DEFINITIœ OF TERMS A oonprehensive plan, expressErl in financial tenlS by which an operating pro- gram is effective for a given period of time, A performance budget is me whim is based upon the \\,Qrk or service to be aca:>mplished. An object ~t budget is one in which furx'!s are budgeted for specific items of experx'!iture. ~udget of Tustin is basically an object account budget, but inrorporating the principles of performance budgeting. '!he budget recomnerx'!ed by the City Manager to the City Council for their consideration, '!be budget whid1 has been approved by the. Ci ty Council for the financing of goverrunental operations for the ensuing fiscal year. A sum of mooey set aside to carry on specific activities in accordance with special regulations or restrictions, A fum constitutes an independent ac- counting entity. A furx'! accounting for general goverrunent which is financed by revenues not otherwise restricted to special purposes, Accounting of fun:ls requiring experx'!i tures for special purposes under ex- isting regulations. '!he nt.lnber of, and salaries paid to City enployees, Expenditures for departmental operations arx'I relatErl expenses, Equipnent used in the operation of the City and of a non-experx'!able nature, i,e" with a useful life of several years. Major inprovements including larx'l am right~f-way acquisition, buildings, street ronstruction, and related facilities, . Changes in the cbllar amount for personnel resulting from a mange in salary rate or reclassification of positions. BUDGET 1-3 CITY OF TUSTIN 8, Appropriation: 9, Revenue: 10, Account Series: 11, Activity: Furx'ls authorized to be expended, Furx'!s received to finance the City's expenditures, An accounting level to record the rosts of a specific function, department, or group of services, '!be title of a particular account series, 1-4 BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN J¡lUOOET FORMAT '!his budget rontains basic operating arx'I capital' improvement revenue and expenditure guidelines for a five-year period, '!he inportance of multi-year programning cannot be overstressed, for that is the only way sourx'I planning can sustain essential programs, '!be five year projections are guide- lines which must be reviewed each year, refined, and a new fifth year added. '!be presence of these projections in this budget document will encourage sum an annual review arD ensure adequate visi- bilityof these significant guidelines, The projections in the Preliminary Budget are inconplete which will be c;onpleted in the final budget document, '!be budget document contains both an cperating Budget and a Capital II1provement Budget, with cer- tain overview tables drawing the t\\oQ together in a conprehensi ve plan, cperating Revenues and Capital II1provement Revenues are not mutually exclusive, thus the City's total needs must be prioritized arrl coordinated, Likewise, the Redevelopnent Agency and Water Service budgets are also integrated into overall recaps for better coordination of (Alblic policy and programs. BUDGET of many other cities because Tustin has CDlrbined many small budgeting "depãrtments" into only ten "departments" in order to inprove visibility am control. Accounting records are actually maintained by small departments arrl divisions in order to facilitate better management an::! greater budgeting accuracy, Information en that level is available for any Council members desiring that degree of detail. '!his budget also SUJIIIIarizes expenses by general categories rather than itemizing the cœplete detail by which accounting recqrds are maintained, in order to facilitate policy review an::! b:> reduce "rounting paper clips," 'lWo prior years of history are provided in order to plaœ the current an:i next year in better . perspective, In ërldition, a department's original request for next year is providErl along with the reconmended appropriations, '!his information may be of assistanœ in alerting Council to department head views 00 departmental needs, arD in evaluating department head managerial abilities. Tustin department heads are exceptional in their conservative arD careful budgeting whid:1 requires a mininum of "cutting," . 1-5 CITY OF TUSTIN 1981-82 GANN SPENDING LIMITATIŒ CALCULATICN FŒ GOVERNMENTAL FUNIS CNLY Determine: 1981-82 ~priation Limit Determine 1981-82 AppropriaUons Subject to Limit 1980-81 Appropriation Limit $ 8,562,986 'lbtal Appropriations of Goverrunent Fun:ls $11,004,157 Cumulative Growth: Growth in per capita personal income 9, 12% ì\dd: Increaæ to Reserves 57,031 Growth in populatioo as of January 1981 1,0912 x 1,1613 = 1.2672 Less: Non-Proceeds of Tax General Cbligation 8orx'! Debt PERS Current Unfun:led Liability (2,878,878) (189,000) (40,000) 16,13% 1981-82 Appropriation Limit $10,851,016 NET 1981-82 APPK>PRIATICNS SUBJECl' 'ID LIMIT ~ 7,953,310 Determine: 1981-82 Proceeds of Tax 1981-82 APPRæRIATICN LIMIT $10,851,016 $ 2,897,706 Proceeds of Tax Non-proceeds $ 7,726,658 2,878,878 under/(Over) Limit TOl'AL REVENUE $10,605,536 1-6 BUDGET N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ >< ~ ~ ~ ,.. g. 8 :;¡ =:I z ¡: CI'J :;¡ ¡.. "" 0 >- ,.. ü 3 ~ U) .-- ...... .... CiTY OF TUSTIN RESaJRCES rom BALANCES œ 6-30-81 General Fun:} Traffic Safety Fund Revenue Sharing Gasoline Tax F\lrx'! Park Developnent Fun:} Sewer Furx'! Beautification Fund Park 8:Jnd Fund Civic Center Bond Fun:} Redevelopnent Agency Fun:} Water 'lUrAL (ESTIMATED ) ESTIMATED REVENUE 1981-82 'lUrAL RESOOOCES RECAPI'IULATICN œ 1981-82 BUrGEI' $ 1,043,799 70,232 118,693 138,197 (24,295) 83,061 266,314 135,300 1,482,098 7,712 $ 3,321,111 $14,794,780 $18,lJ5.,891 '!he plrpose of this mart is to recapitulate the 1981-82 budget by showing the resources available, as represented by the beginning furx'! balances, plus the estimated revenues for 1981-82 (shown on BUDGET APPRCPRIATICNS 1981-82 ALLOCATICN CF RESŒJRCES Personnel Supplies & Services Capital Outlay RI>A,lWater Reimbursement 'IUI'AL CPERATIN:> BUrGET CAPITAL IMPIVVEMENT BUOOET 'lUrAL ( BUrGETED) BUOOETED RESERVE 'lUrAL ALLOCATI CN $ 5,306,856 5,801,430 110,001 ( 108,332) $11,109,955 $ 5,658,400 16,768,355 1,347,536 $18,115,891 the left side of the page) equal the awropriations for 1981-82, plus the budgeted reserve or ending balances (shown on the right side of the page). 2-1 CITY OF TUSTIN ANNUAL BUOOEl' SUMMARY ES~TED 1980-81 BUDGETED 1981-82 Balance Balance Balance 6-30-80 Revenue EKpendi tures 6-30-81 Revenue Appropriations 6-30-82 General Furx'! $ 924,453 $ 7,385,743 $ 7,266,397 $1,043,799 $ 7,601,920 $ 7,442,057 $1,203,662 Traffic Safety Fun:} - 154,685 154,685 - 150,000 150,000 - Revenue Sharing Fun:} 127,032 167,000 223,800 70,232 167,000 249,000 (11,76tl) Gas Tax Fun:} 592,645 1,981,548 2,455,500 118,693 2,410,048 2,783,700 (254,959) Park Developnent Furx'! 138,197 - - 138,197 - 130,400 7,797 Bus Furx'I - 1,052 1,052 - - - Sewer Trust Furx'!* (27,295) 3,000 - (24,295) 3,000 - (21,295) Beautification Fun:} 71,561 71,500 60,000 83,061 60,000 60,000 83,061 Park Ibnd Furx'! 250,156 137,996 121,838 266,314 154,600 118,000 302,914 Civic Ctr, Bend Fun:} 156,665 52,500 73,865 135,300 58,968 71,000 123,268 Redevelopnent Agency Fund** 1,644,687 896,139 1,058,728 1,482,098 992,688 2,372,432 102,354 Water Furx'! - 1,689,478 1,681,766 7,712 3,196,556 3,391,766 (187,498) TOl'ALS $3,878,101 $12,540,641 $13,097,631 $3,321,ill $14,794,780 $16,768,355 $1,347,536 * Represents amount transferred to Sanitatioo district and aIIDunt of loan owe::! at year's erx:'1, ** Balance at 6-30-80 includes $1,125,000 loan from the General Furx'! to the Redevelopnent .l\gency. INTERNAL FUNDS Equipnent Fund $ 142,257 $ 214,225 $ 224,824 $ 132,658 $ 315,290 $ 209,100 ~ 238,848 Health Benefit Fun:} 108,239 247,977 198,699 157,517 302,624 220,000 240,141 Risk Mgmt, Funds 376,373 455,091 220,446 611,018 427,304 230,000 808,322 Capital Irrp, Fun:} 25,118 - - 25,118 - - 25,118 '!he purpose of this chart is to recap, by fund, both the 1980-81 Combined cperating and Capital Irrprovement budget as projected to the year's end, and the 1981-82 Coobined cperating and Capital Irrprovement Budget as œcoJIII1eI'XÍed, O1e feature of this chart shows the Furx'I balances after the 1980-81 canbina:} budget projections, arrl the anticipated Fund balances after the 1981-82 preliminary budget, At the tottan of the mart is a recap of internal revolving fun:ls, the Equipnent Fund, the Health Benefit Fund, the Risk Management Furx'ls, and the Capital Irrprovement Fund, Equipnent F'lID:I "revenues" are charges to the department for "rental" of vehicles and equipnent, arrl "expenditures" or "appropriations' are reimbursements to the General Furx'I for the purchase of replacement equipnent and the direct cost of vehicle operations (gasoline, oil, and wash) and repairs (not including City labor). Risk Management Furx'! "revenues" are charges to the departments in lieu of \\oQrker's ~nsations arrl unerrployment insurance premiums, arrl "experx'!itures" are administrative, re-insurance, damage claims, legal, medical and disability expenses of the program, '!he Health Benefit Fun:} is similar to the Risk Management Fund, with the purpose to fund health arrl dental costs. The Capital Improvement Furx'! is for revenues and expenditures as authorized by the City Cbuncil, Currently, revenue from the Irvine Annexatioo e¡;¡st of Browning and north of the freeway has 70% of its city property taxes so earmarked, arrl revenue from the Irvine-Peters Canyon Annexatioo has 90% of its city property taxes so earmarked, 2-2 BUDGET CITY OF TUSTiN FUID DISTRIBUI'ICN 1981-82 OPERATIID BUOOET CAPITAL GENERAL - PUßLfc- PUBLIC cœMUNITY (PERATIm IMPRJlTEMENr GRJlND FUND 00IlE:lR1ENI' SAFETY WORKS SERITICES TOI'AL BJJX;ET 'IDrAL ....-- General $1,206,033 $4,052,450 $1,643,822 $ 454,852 $7,357,157 $ 84,900 $7,442,057 Traffic Safety - - 150,000 - 150,000 - 150,000 Revenue Sharing - - - - - 249,000 249,000 Gasoline Tax - - 146,000 - 146,000 2,637,700 2,783,700 Park Developnent - - - - - 130,400 130,400 Beautification - - 60,000 - 60,000 - 60,000 Park Ebnd 118,000 - .- - 118,000 - 118,000 Civic Center Bond 71,000 - - - 71,000 - 71,000 Redevelopnent .l\gency 100,332 - 9,500 - 109,832 2,262,600 2,372,432 Water - - 3,097,966 - 3,097,966 293,800 3,391,766 'lUI'AL AIL FUNDS $1,495,365 $4,052,450 $5,107,288 $ 454,852 $11,109,955 $5,658,400 $16,768,355 Percentage of ~rs, 13,4% 36,5% 46,0% 4,1% 100% 51.2% 151.0% Percentage of Grand Total. 8,9% 24.2% 30.5% 2,7% 66.3% 33,7% 100% '!he purpose of this chart is to show the sourœ of furx'ls which finance the basic functions of the City's budget for the 1981-82 fiscal year. '!he Capital IIIprovement Budget rolumn identifies the sourœ of funds used to finance the Capital Improvement Program, while the C\)erating 'lbtal colUlll1 performs the same functioo for the ~rating Budget, BUDGET General Government includes legislation, .l\dministration, Cbrnnunity Developnent, Non-Departmental, Grant Personnel, Bond Retirement, and Redevelopnent .l\gency. Public Safety includes Police and Fire. Public WOrks ..... includes Engineering, Maintenance, arx'I Water. Comnunity Services include:; only the Cofimunity Services Department. 2-3 CITY OF TUSTIN FIVE-YEAR ROCAPITUIATIrn PAST FUTURE 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 ASS~ICNS Population (1,000) 34,30 35.00 37,30 36.30 37,00 38,00 38,00 Land Area (sq ,miles) 6,47 6,56 6,60 6,70 6,80 6.90 6,90 Assessed Valuation 167,5 179,2 191,8 205.2 219.6 234,9 251 .4 Inflation Rate 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 6.0 6,0 6.0 REVENUE ESTIMATES ($1,000) Property Tax-General 1,658,3 1,774.1 1,898,8 2,031,5 2,174.0 2,325,5 2,488.9 -Debt svc 201,0 105,7 190,4 185.0 179,6 174,1 178,4 Sales & Use Tax 1,694,0 1,829,0 1,975,0 2,133,0 2,304,0 2,488.9 2,637,0 New Construction Tax 110,0 100.0 100,0 55.0 65.0 70.0 100,0 Oonstruction Permits 120,0 105.0 105,0 60.0 72,0 105,0 105.0 State Apportionments 788.0 805,0 819.0 836,0 853,0 875,0 901.0 Vehicle Code Fines 128.0 134.0 147,0 148.0 155.0 163,0 170.0 Revenue Sharing Comnunity Dev. Act Other Revenues 471,0 493,0 518.0 544,0 576.0 605.0 641.0 TCIl'AL REVENUES 5,170,3 5,345.8 5,753.2 5,992,5 6,378,6 6,805,6 7,221,3 Less Restricted (217) (218) (221) (224) (227) (232) (235) NEr AVAILABLE-oPERATICNS 4,953,3 5;127.8 5,532,2 5,768,5 6,151.6 6,573,6 6,986,3 Percentage Increase 6,9% 3,3% 7,6% 4% 6.4% 6.6% 6% PPERATIOO EXPENDITURES ($1,000) LegIslation 215,7 243,9 268.5 295.4 324,9 357,4 393.1 Staff 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 .l\dministratioo 356,0 500.4 439,5 483,5 531 ,8 585,0 643,5 Staff 12 14 14 12 12 12 12 Coomunity Developnent 281,9 347,0 334.7 330.5 363.6 399,9 439.9 Staff 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 PubH c Works 1,365,3 1,839,6 1,952,8 2,148.1 2,362,9 2,599,2 2,859,1 Staff 40 40 41 41 41 41 41 Police 1,985.2 2,383,9 2,969.6 3,147.8 3,336,6 3,536,8 3,749.1 Staff 68 74 76 78 79 81 81 CoIIInunity Services 295,7 342,1 438.3 464,6 492,5 522,0 553.3 Staff 7 8 8 8 10 12 12 Non-Departmental 446,9 453.0 461,9 471.5 482,1 493,5 505,9 Redevelopnent Agency 7,4 15,2 109.8 120.8 132,9 146.1 160,8 Water 1,660.3 3,098.0 3,407.8 3,748,6 4,123,4 4,535.8 Staff 19 19 19 19 19 19 BUDGET 2-4 CnTY OF TUSnN FIVE-YEAR RECAPITULATICN (continued) PAST FUTURE 1979"':80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 'lUrAL DEPARIMENI'S 4,954.1 7,775.4 10,073,1 10,870.0 11,775,9 12,763.3 13,840,5 Staff 142 170 173 172 175 179 179 BUDGET 2-5 CITY OF TUSTIN PURPœE '!his mart represents staff estimates of future revenues using such variables as past history, assessed valuation, population, proposed growth and inflatioo as predictors. Tœ experx'!iture guidelines are to be listed prior to preparation of the final Budget. Annually, these revenue estimates arx'I expenditure guidelines will be reviewed arx'I revised as necessary. '!he Five-Year Buâget provides a guideline for realistic planning, Í11proved budgeting, and soun:l financial management, REVENUES Property Tax General: Debt Service: Sales and Use Tax: New Construction Tax and Constructioo Permits: State Apportionments: Vehicle Code Fines: Total Revenues: Less Restricted: EXPENDITURES GENERAL PURPœE RE.VENUE AVAIIABIE Includes all furx'!s as well as homeowner and business inventory tax relief reinburse- ments, Anticipates a constant tax percentage (post Prop, 13) with assessed valuation going up 12% per year until 1981-82 and 7% thereafter. Based on actual needs of Park arx'I Civic Center 8orx'! issues, '!he debt service tax rate is expected to decrease over the five-year period fran approximately 8,S< : to 6i:/$100 AV, Increased due to anticipated inflation increases of 6%, Based 00 estimates of new construction arx'I developnent, Increases based upon population growth, Increases based upon population growth, Excludes furx'! which is not regularly available arx'I Sewer Main Trunk Fund as this is not a "useable" revenue for projects other than sewer lines, Revenues restricted for capital irrprovements include Gas Tax Section 2106; Arterial Highway Funding Program; Federal Aid Urban Street; Conmunity Developnent Act; and County Revenue Shadng allocatìons, Departmental estimates include increases based on assumed rate of inflation, refers to full-time enployees within the departments, Staff '!his reflects a surplus or deficit in potential operating revenues after revenues whim are restricted to capital inprovements are subtracted and operatil'B expendi- tures are subtracted, Any surplus is therefore available to help establish an a:1e- quate cperating Reserve or suwort the Capital Irrprovement Program, BUDGET 2-6 . z ¡: CI'J :;¡ ¡.. ¡¡" 0 >- ¡.. ü ----- - - M æ i ,.. g. 8 :;¡ =:I 15 ~ U) - ---- ..." - .- z ¡: V'J ::;¡ Fo ¡;¡. 0 >- Fo Ü co Q Z :;j ~ ...I ...I < I CO ,¡J :;j Z ,¡J > ,¡J a: 8 a :0 8 . . ...., : ;1. : ; . 8 M .1 t"1 ,¡J 0 a: :;j 0 CO > ID CO ,¡J :;j Z ,¡J > ,¡J a: I hlill IUïlu ¡... g. 8 :;¡ =- ~ - . ..-. "I CITY OF TUSTIN SUMMARY CF REVENUES BY FUID Prior History 1980-81 1981-82 1978-79. 1979-80 Budget Projection ~ FUND General $5,772,208 $7,102,130 $6,962,729 $ 7,385,743 $7,601,920 Traffic Safety 168,305 150,025 180,240 154,685 150,000 Revenue Sharing 165,304 193,998 167,000 167,000 167,000 Gas Tax 376,139 680,157 2,123,100 1,981,548 2,410,048 Park Developnent 67,390 47,155 - - Tustin City Bus 4,630 2,662 1,200 1,052 Capital OJtlay - 25,118 - - SeweJ;' Trust 3,787 4,111 2,000 3,000 3,000 Beautification 69,384 67,004 60,000 71,500 60,000 Grant Persoonel 329,881 40,232 - - - Park Bonds 125,188 209,049 75,000 137,996 154,600 Civic Center Bonds 92,221 123,065 30,000 52,500 58,968 Redevelopnent .l\gency 302,339 758,638 704,550 896,139 992,688 Water - - - 1,689,478 3,196,556 TOl'AL ALL FUNœ $7,476,776 $9,403,344 $10,305,819 $12,540,641 $14,794,780 BUDGET 3-2 CITY OF TUSTBN SOORCE CITY REVENUES Prior History 1980-81 1981-82 1978-79 1979-80 Budget Projectioo Estimate GENERAL FUND 1110 Property Taxes Secured $ 529,762 $ 854,930 $ 930,500 $1,133,428 $1,076,281 1111 Property Taxes Unsecured 48,227 94,610 82,000 99,883 91,058 1112 Property Taxes Delinquent 18,563 - 8,000 9,745 8,884 1200 Franchise F~s 161,900 184,418 197,600 197,600 275,000 1310 Sales & Use Tax 2,532,193 3,372,306 3,500,000 3,168,331 3,793,580 1315 Transient Wdging Tax 52,562 54,246 50,000 49,181 50,000 1320 Business License Tax 146,203 157,643 150,000 149,169 155,000 1340 New Coostruction Tax 188,242 150,348 120,000 120,000 120,000 1350 Bank In Lieu - - - 25,512 - 2150 Construction Permits 263,004 172,137 130,000 130,000 130,000 2160 Street & Curb Permits 7,332 7,239 4,800 4,800 5,000 2190 Other Licenses & Permits 5,465 5,432 5,500 5,500 5,500 3120 Non-traffic Fines 22,167 21,049 18,500 17 ,870 17 ,000 4110 Interest 190,148 348,909 175,000 270,000 330,000 4130 Rents-oommunity Ctr. 24,812 33,674 33,000 28,.038 33,000 4135 Rents-Fire Station 11,471 10,516 11,472 11,472 11,472 4140 Rents-Park Land 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 5110 Alcoholic Beverage Licenses 18,392 20,789 18,500 20,473 - 5120 f-btor Vehicle Lic.Tax ' 518,513 519,554 541,080 752,196 750,000 5140 Homeowner's Tax Relief 38,777 55,084 49,000 56,457 58,000 5141 Business Inventory Tax Relief 19,174 12,480 10,500 89,524 50,000 5145 State-Mandated Costs 3,684 4,836 4,500 5149 State Prop, 13 Relief 267,710 - - 5150 Trailer Coach In-lieu Tax 22,867 7,917 7,500 14,070 8,000 5160 Cigarette Tax 134,276 138,916 135,000 183,408 180,000 5170 Hwy, Carriers License 4,986 4,794 6,504 5,185 - 5174 State SB 174 Furx'ls-Park 21,153 1,287 6,188 8,'400 8,000 5190 State Grant-Parks 25,675 5320 Cbunty Park District 70,000 5340 Sr, Citizen's Grant - 7,428 5390 Cbunty Grants Other - - 500,000 551,900 5572 Urban Mass Transportation Furx'ls - - 6,500 - 6,500 BUDGET 3-3 CITY OF TUSTIN REVENUE DETAIL SOORCE Prior History 1980-81 1981-82 1978-79 1979-80 Budget Projectioo Estimate GENERAL FUND (rontinued) 5590 Federal Grant HCDA $ - . $ 20,709 $ - $ - $ 6110 Planning Fees 11 ,734 17 ,354 10,500 19,325 19,000 6115 Subdivision Fees 5,799 4,205 1,500 6.616 6,500 6125 Sale of Maps & Publications 577 698 575 - 575 575 6130 Street Constructioo 35,000 6133 Street Reimbursement - 6135 Parkway Tree Fees 600 500 400 300 400 6140 Weed Abatement 100 2,588 600 555 600 6141 Sports Fees - - 72,160 65,500 71,390 6142 Class Fees - - 114,550 107,000 156,810 6143 Youth Service Fees - - 18,100 19,000 40,470 6144 Sr, Citizen's Hum.Serv,Fees - - 11 ,800 20,000 30,000 6145 Recreation Fees 177,430 189,220 - - - 6165 False Alarm Fees 6,730 12,417 5,000 1,835 2,000 6170 Police Services 10,435 16,367 10,000 14,700 12,000 6190 Other Current Charges 9,074 58 - 10 - 7110 Sale - City Property 146,517 433,127 - 280 90,000 7115 Sale of Surplus Property - 102,921 - 9,312 - 7120 Sale - Unclaimed Property 3,732 3,579 1,500 1,500 1,500 7180 Damaged Ci ty Property 12,056 13,537 5,000 6,270 7183 Developer Share of Projects - 24,645 - - 7190 Sundry Revenue 2,766 11,476 1,000 2,423 7191 Library Landscape Maint. - 5,787 6,000 6,000 6,000 TOl'AL $5,772,208 $7,102, 130 $6,962,729 $7,385,743 '$7,601,920 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND 3110 Vehicle Code Fines $ 168,305 $ 150,025 $ 180,240 $ 154,685 $ 150,000 REVENUE SHARI~ FUND 4110 Interest $ 10,026 $ 9,005 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 5510 IÈvenue Sharing 155,278 184,993 165,000 165,000 165,000 TOl'AL $ 165,304 $ 193,998 $ 167,000 $ 167,000 $ 167,000 BUDGET 3-4 CITY OF TUSTIN REVENUE DErAIL SaJRCE Prior History 1980-81 1981-82 1978-79 1979-80 Budget Projection Estimate STATE GASOLINE 'D-\K 4110 Interest $ 3,828 $ 45,008 $ 10,000 $ 8,000 $ 8,000 5175 Bicycle Trail Funds - 22,712 12,000 6,500 6,500 5190 State Grants-other - - . 79,000 - - 5210 Section 2106 174,995 167,030 177,700 152,548 152,548 5220 Section 2107 149,573 142,092 148,700 140,000 140,000 5230 Sectioo 2107.5 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 5310 Cbunty Grants of State Gas Tax (AHFP) 41,743 176,800 291,200 270,000 73,800 5570 Federal Aid Urban Hwy, - - 1,398,500 1,398,500 2,023,200 7110 Sale of City Property - 39,115 7182 Ieturn of Deposits - 81,400 'IUI'AL $ 376,139 $680, 157 $2,123,100 $1,981,548 $2-;4Hf,048 PARK DEVELOPMENT FUND 7150 Parkland Dedication Fees $ 67,390 $ 47,155 $ - .$ - $ TUSTIN CITY BUS FUND 6150 Bus Fares $ 4,630 $ 2,662 $ 1,200 $ 1,052 $ CAPITAL OOTLAY FUND 1120 Property Taxes $ - $ 25,118 $ - $ - $ SEWER '!RUST FUND 7130 Sewer Connection Fees* $ 3,787 $ 4,111 $ 2,000 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 *Prior to 1977-78, City received 75% of Sewer connection Fees for trunk line extensions within the city, '!hereafter, City received 5% of such fees for unrestricted use (after rompleting payoff of outstarx'l ing obligations to County Sanitation District No.7). BUDGET 3-5 CITY OF TUSTIN REVENUE DETAIL SOORCE Prior History 1980-81 1981-82 1978-79 1979-80 Budget Projectioo Estimate BEAUTIFICATIŒI FUND 1330 Real Property Transfer Tax $ 69,384 $ 67,004 $ 60,000 $ 71,500 $ 60,000 GRANl' PERSŒlNEL FUND 5180 State Grant-Traffic Safety $ 63,130 $ - $ - $ - $ 5395 CETA 266,751 40,232 'lUI'AL $329,881 $40,232 PARK BCND FUND 1110 Property Taxes Secured $ 92,362 $140,468 $ 57,685 $ 116,372 $130,337 1111 Property Taxes Unsecured 4,890 34,281 6,255 12,619 14,133 1112 Property Taxes Delinquent 6,066 - 500 1,009 1,130 4110 Interest 12,752 18,010 5,000 5,000 4,500 5140 Haæowner' s Tax Relief 5,205 6,351 3,475 2,996 3,500 5141 Business Inventory Tax Relief 3,913 9,939 2,085 - 1,000 5174 State SB 174 Furx'ls 5190 State Grant-Park Bonds 'lUI'AL $125,188 $209,049 $ 75,000 $ 1J'7,996 $154,600 CIVIC CENTER BCtÐ FUND 1110 Property Taxes Secured $ 69,682 $ 87,100 $ 21,331 $ 40,337 $ 46,297 1111 Property Taxes Unsecured 3,188 14,181 2,313 4,482 5,020 1112 Property Taxes Delinquent 4,565 - 300 581 651 4110 Interest 8,059 13 ,495 4,000 5;000 4,500 5140 Homeowner's Property Tax Relief 3,927 3,893 1,285 1,100 1,500 5141 Business Inventory Property Tax Relief $ 2,800 $ 4,396 $ 771 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 'lUI'AL $ 92,221 $ 123,065 $ 30,000 $ 52,500 $ 58,968 'lUI'AL CI'1Y RE.VENUES $7,174,437 $8,644,706 $9,601,269 $9,955,024 $10,605,536 BUDGET 3-6 "I REVENUE ŒrAIL SOORCE INDEPENDENT l\GENCIES REDEVELOPMENI' l\GFNCY 1112 1119 4110 5140 5141 7183 Property Taxes Delinquent Property Taxes-Increment Interest Homeowner' sProperty Tax Relief Busi~ss I~~roryProper~ Tax Relief Developer Share of Project TCJrAL WATER FUND Water Sales - Residential Water Sales - Business Water Sales - Industrial Water Sales - Government Water Sales - Unmetered Water Sales - Fire Protection Water Sales - Misc. Equity Assessment Credit 'lUI'AL TCJrAL INDEPENDENT AGENCIES GRAND 'lUI'AL cnv OF TUSTIN Prior History 1978-79 1979-80 $ 4,260 $ 253,763 685,874 27,400 44,000 2,358 2,944 14,558 25,820 - - $ 302,339 $ 758,638 $ 302,339 $ 758,638 $7,476,776 $9,403,344 BUDGET 1980-81 Budget -- ßrojection 1981-82 Estimate $ - $ - $ 667,000 822,936 921,688 10,000 20,000 16,000 2,550 4,364 5,000 25,000 48,839 50,000 - - - $ 704,550 $ 896,139 $ 992,688 $ 1,438,863 2,676,203 129,542 240,941 31,208 58,046 65,925 122,616 1,383 2,572 18,186 33,825 4,371 12,353 - 50,000 $ 1,689,478 $ 3,196,556 $ 704,550 $ 2,585,617 $ 4,089,244 $10,305,819 $12,540..,,641 $14,794,780 3-7 CITY OF TUSTIN FUND ACCOONTING EXPLANATICN GENERAL ~ Furx'lOl Approximately seventy percent (70%) of all revenues received by the Ci ty is deposited into the General Fund, arx'I is used to finanCE general City operations. '!he major portion of General Furx'I revenue is received from property arx'I sales taxes, TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND Furx'I 0 2 Revenues derived from fines inposed upoo ron- . viction of misdemeanor violations of the Vehicle Code and from bail which has been forfeited by the persons violating the code, are deposited into the Traffic Safety furx'!, State law prohibits the use of monies in this fun:l for police officer OOIfIJen- sation, REVENUE SHARING FUND Furx'I 05 Federal Revenue Sharing funds are distributed based 00 a formula of pop.llation, local tax effort, and average per capita inco¡œ, GASOLINE TAX FUND Furx'I 1 0 Furx'ls collected under Section 2106 and 2107 of the Streets and Highways code are distributed to cities, primarily 00 the basis of pop.llation, and are deposited into the Gasoline Tax Fund, fobnies so received IIUst generally be expended for the constructioo of the State-approved "select aid system" of streets, or for maintenance. BUDGET 3-8 SEWER MAIN T.RUNK FUND Furx'I 2 0 Fees collected by the Ci ty from property owners for ronnections made to the City's sewer system are deposited into this fund. Prior to 1976-77, lOOI1ies were distributed co the basis of 25% to the County Sanitation District No, 7 for the construc- tion and maintenance of æwers, arrl 75% to the Ci ty for constructioo of new trunk æwers by Ci ty contract, Since June 1977, 95% of all fees are distributed to the District, and 5% are creditea to the City for administration am unrestricted use, '!his fund will be eliminated when outstand- ing obligations are fulfilled, ~ITAL 00'l'LAY FUND Fund 21 A furx'! established by resolution of rouncil to ac- cumulate a portioo of property tax revenæ on an- nexed land held in agricultural preserve for fu- ture capital outlay within the area. 'Ib:! accumu- lation ends in the budget year following the issu- anœ of a structural permit, '!his fun::l does not show as a source of revenue because it is an ac- counting transfer fran the General Fund, CITY B~I!rIFICATICN FUND Furx'! 30 Established by ordinanCE of the City Council, all lOOI1ies received from real property transfer taxes are deposited into the Beautification Fund, The furx'! is used to finance the ronstruction am maintenance of beautificatioo projects of the City, '1 I I CITY OF TUSTIN PARK B<JID FUND Fund 40 FUND ACCOONTIOO EXPLANATICN Proceeds of the $1,200,000 twenty-year General <1:>- ligation Park Bond Issue, approved by the citizens in 1971, were deposited and expended in this fund, '!he fun:l is used to control revenues and expenditures relating to the Bond Issue's debt service, CIVIC CENTER BCND FUND Fund 41 Proceeds of the $950,000 twenty-five year General C1>ligation Civic Center Bond Issue, approved by the citizens in 1972, were deposited into this furx'!, '!hese m.:>nies were restricted to coostruc- tioo of a new Civic Center at Main Street and Cen- tennial Way, '!he furx'! is now used solely to con- trol revenues and expenditures relating to the Bond Issue's debt service,; ÐJ{JIPMENT FUND Fund 70 A separate internal accounting furx'! has œen es- tablished to provide adequate reserves with whim to replace existing equipnent on a planned, eco- nomical basis, Using departments are charged a monthly rental on their vehicles and equipnent which provides for replacement, operational expense, and repairs. '!his furx'! cbes not show as a source of revenue because it is an accounting transfer from the benefited departments to the fund, WORKERS' CGlPENSATICN FUND Fund 81 A separate internal fun:l has been' estal ished to self-furx'! the recurring rosts of statutory "- payments under the WOrkers' Conpensation Law for on-the-job injuries and occupational illnesses. Departments are charged a "premium" based on BUDGET normal insurance rates (adj usted by the fund's experience) am applied to that department 's payroll, Expenses of the furx'! include medical claim payments, disability claims, administrative rosts, reinsurance rosts, -legal expenses, and other expenses. '!his fUrD does not shaw as a source of revenue because it is an accounting transfer fran the benefite:i departments to the furx'!. LIABILITY FUND Fund 82 A separate internal furx'! has been established to fun:l the self":insured retentioo excess insurance, paid claims, administrative costs, legal am other expenses, '!his furrl does not shaw as a sourœ of revenue because it is an accounting transfer from the non-departmental operating budget to the furd, HEAL'lli BENEFIT, FUND Fund 84 A separate trust furrl has œen establishErl to self-furx'! the routine cases of enployee health anj dental care, Departments are charged a "premium" based 00 enployees am coverage within the department. Expenses of the furrl include paid claims, administrative rosts, reinsurance oosts, and other expenses, '!his furD does not sOOw as a source of revenue œcause it is an accounting transfer fran the benefited departments to the fund, WATER FUND Fund 90 Established during the 1980-81 fiscal year, '!he Water F\1rrl is used to collect the revenue £ran water sales arD account for the operating expenses am capital improvement of the City-owned water transmission arD distribution S¥stem, 3-9 CITY OF TUSTIN REVENUE ACCOONTS fro'LANATI<N PROPERlY TAXES 1110, 1111, 1112 Prior to July 1, 1978, general law cities were authorized to set a one-àollar tax rate 00 both secured and unsecured properties for General Fun:l purposes, However, Propositioo 13 has created a new system whereby the amount of property tax is greatly reduced and is distributed as provided by the State Legislature, FRANCHISE TAX FEES 1210, 1211,1212, 1213 Franchises for operations within the city, for whim a fee is charged, are presently held by the local electric, natural gas, cable television, and refuse collection companies, CITY SALES AND USE TAXES 13 10 '!he City tax rate 00 all goods and services authorized urx'!er the Bradley-Bums Tax Law is one percent (1%) and is State-collected, BQSINE'.SêJ:.lÇENSE TAX 1320 The City Business License Ordinance establishes the annual license fee charged to all categories of businesses operating within the city. REAL PRœERlY TRANSFER TAXES 1330 Established by ordinance and effective January 1, 1968, a twenty-seven and one-half cent (27 1/2~) tax is applied to earn five hundred dollars of sales of real property transacted within the City, This tax is County-collected and returned to the City moothly, BUDGET 3-10 NEW CCNSTRUCTI<N TAXES 1340 New residential arrl other ooostruction is taxed by ordinance effective October 1972. 'IŒ proceeds' go to the General Fund to support the increased rost of municipal services generated by tœ new deve- lopnent, ~IIDING PERMIT FEES 2150 Fees for new building ronstruction are based 00 local ordinance arrl include electrical, plumbing, and other related permits and fees, STREET PERMITS AND INSPECTI<NS 2160 A permit fee is marged for the inspection of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, arrl other street work installed by property owners or developers, OIHER LICENSES AND PERMITS 2190 Permit fees are marged for a license to operate taxicabs, prOllide entertainment in public estab- lishments, and for other purposes, FINES AND FORFEITURES 3110,3120 Includes Vehicle Code and non-traffic fines col- lected primarily by the Orange County Municipal Court. Eighty-fi ve percent (85%) of the amount received by the Court for offenses occurring with- in the city is returned to the City, with the ex- ceptioo of 50% returned to the Ci ty for arrests mërle by the California Highway Patrol, (continued) " CITY OF TUSTIN REVENUE 1\CCaJNTS EXPLANATICN TRAILER cææ FEES 5150 INTEREST 4110 Interest received on invested surplus or inactive monies arx'I deposited into the General, Pevenue Sharing, Gas Tax, City Beautification, Park Ibnd, and Civic Center Bond Funds, INTEREST CN DELI~ TAXES 4 120 Interest received on delinquent property tax pay- ment, RENTS 4130 1.413_5_, 4140 Rent received for use of City buildings and prop- erty, primarily the Clifton C, Miller Coomunity Center, and the lease of Fire Station No, 2, ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSJ;: FEES 5110 Fees paid annually to, and distributed by, the Al- coholic Beverage Control Board arx'I based on loca- tion of the licensed facility, 90% of which is re- turned to the City, MOl'OR VEHICLE LIcmSE FEES 5120 Is in ÜèU of local property tax on vehicles and is based on two percent (2%) of the market value of the vehicle, Fee is distributed 00 the basis of population and rot the location of the vehicle's registration. STATE PROPERlY TAX RELIEF 5140, 5141 Payments by the State to the City in lieu of prop- erty taxes on Hoiœowner and Business Inventory tax exemptions, BUDGET Is in lieu of property tax 00 trailers and is based on the locatioo of registratim of the trailer. Revenues are distributed me-third each to schools, counties, and cities, Mobile/modular homes placed on permanent fourx'lations are row taxed as real property, C I GARE.Tl'E TAXES 5 16 0 . A three-cent (3c :) tax per pack of cigarettes, es- tablished October 1, 1967, is State-collected, arx'I is distributed to cíties, one-half on the basis of taxable sales of all other pt:oducts, arrl one-half on the basis of population, HIGHWAY CARRIERS' BUSINESS LICENSE 5170 State-collected business license fees on highway carriers in lieu of City business license fees, distributed on the basis of population, STATE GRANTS 5180 Grants administered by State to City projects or programs of an eligible nature. Traffic Safety Grants fran the State Offiœ of Traffic Safety are included in this category, STATE GASOLINE TAXES 5210,5220,5230 State-collected gas tax is apportioned to ci ties under various State laws arrl may œ used for engi- neering, right-of-way, construction arrl mainten- ance, primarily of non-local streets, (continued) 3-11 CITY OF TUSTIN COONTY GRANTS OF STATE GASOLINE TAXES 5310 REVENUE ACCOONTS EXPIJINATICN Contributioos from County Gas Tax Furx'!s to City projects of county-wide benefit, FEDERAL GRANTS 5510, 5590 Grants from the Federal government to City pro- jects or programs of an eligible nature. Grants under the Federal Revenue Sharing Program are. included within this category. PLANNING FEES 6110 Fees for Use Permits, Variances, and Zone Changes are charged the property owners when applying for such actions from the City, SUBDIVISICN MAP FEES 6115 Include subdivision map filing fees and charge for engineering review and plan checking of such maps. SALE OF MAPS AND PUBLICATICNS 6125 A charge is made for city map;> and reproductioo of documents distributed to private individuals, STREET CCNSTRUCTICN 6130 Monies paid by property CMners in lieu of required installatioo by owner of curbs, gutters and paving when developing property, STREET REIMBURSÐ1ENT 6133 Cootributions from private property CMners for curbs and gutters in connection with street im- provement projects. BUDGET )-12 PARKWAY TREE FEES 6135 Charges mërle to developers, subdividers, and others for the purchase and installatioo of park- way trees by the City. WEED ABATÐ1ENT 6140 Assessment marges mërle against property CMner when the City is required to clear weeds 00 pri- vate property. RECREATICN FEES 6141,6142,6143, and 6144 Fees for sports, special classes, youth arrl senior citizen programs, charged to partially offset the rost of services, BUS FARES 6150 Charges ¡me to users of the City public transpor- tatioo system (discontinuw after December 1980), FALSE AlARM FEES 6165 Serviœ charges made to businesses, etc" having excessi ve false alarms 00 burglary and :robbery alarm systems. SPOCIAL POLIC~ SERVICES 6170 Charges made to the public for police protection at dances and special events, OIHER CURRENT CHAOOES 61 90 Charges mërle to the public for special services and required installatioo of street signs in new developnents. (continued ) CITY OF TUSTIN REVENUE l\CCaJN1'S EXPLANATIGI SALE OF CITY PROPERTY 7110 DAMl-IGED CITY PRæERTY 7180 Revenue received from the sale of surplus City property, SALE OF UNCLAIMED PRœERTY 7120 Collections from insurance cuupanies arrl private parties for damage to City property, such as parkway trees, street signs, buildings, etc, SUNDRY 0lHER REVENUE 71 90 ' Revenue received fran the sale of abandoned and unclaimed property, Refurx'!s, miscellaneous rollections, arx'I other revenues are included in this account, SEWER CcmOCTIGI FEES 7130 WATER SALES A connection fee is marged to property owners when sewers are installed arx'I connected to the. City's sewer system, Prior to 1977-78, 75% was retained by the Ci ty for trunk main extensions and 25% was paid to the Sanitatioo District, Since that time, 5% is retained by the City for adminis- trati ve expense and the balance returned to the District. . levenue collected frail the sale of water for all uses arrl equity assessment credits, CCNrRIBUTIGlS 7140 Donations and contributions paid to the City for specific or general purposes. - PARK LAND DEDICATIOO FEES 7150 Fees required from subdividers of residential property in lieu of providing park larrl and facil- ities for future residents. Such fees are used to provide alternative recreational facilities, BUDGET 3-13 z 1= CI'J :;¡ ¡.. ¡¡" 0 >- ,.. ü - - - -----'-- .... s ~ Po. ~ 8 :;¡ =:I ~ ~ U) - - - ..... --- - ...,; - cnTY Of YUSTUN CITY MHAGER ßUDG~T 4~1 CITY OF TUSTIN SlMtARY CF PŒITI<NS 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual ~t FULL TIME PCSITICNS Legislatioo 4 4 5 5 4 4 4 .l\dministration 7 7 7 9 12 14 14 Oonmunity Developnent 11 9 11 11 11 11 11 Non-Departmental - - - - - - - Police 52 54 56 64 68 74 76 Fire 25 25 - - - - - Publi c Works 28 28 31 37 41 40 41 Comnunity Services 3 3 4 4 7 8 8 'lUl'AL CITY FULL-TIME 130 130 114 130 143 1ST 154 1\djusted Total per 1,000 4.15 3.98 3.48 3.86 4,24 4,08 4.16 Population Water - - - - - 19 19 qRAND TOl'AL FULL TIME 130 130 114 130 143 170 173 1\djusted total per 1,000 Population 4,15 3.98 3,48 3,86 4,24 4,60 4.67 TEMPORARY PCSITICNS* Crossing Guards 3.21 4.52 6,54 6.71 5,86 7,78 7,85 Police Reserves or Cadets ,72 - - - - 1,50 Part-Time Others ,30 - - - - ,50 Recreation 2,80 3,08 3,85 3,13 2,92 3,57 2.83 Traffic Grant - - 4,00 2,00 - - - 1\djusted all Positions 137.03 137.60 128.39 141,84 151,78 1 ã3:Tš 184,68 Per 1,000 Populatioo 4,38 4,21 3,92 4.21 4,50 4,96 4,96 City Population 31,290 32,650 32,792 33,700 33,717 36,962 37,264 *Budget man-year equivalents of City positions, based on 2,080 work hours per year per position. kljusted totals include all full-time arx'I part-time, but exclude elective City Council, City Clerk, am appointed City Attorney. BUDGET 4-2 CITY OF TUSTIN SœMARY Œ' FULL-TIME PŒìITICNS BY DEPARl'MENTAL DIVISICN Bldg, Facilities 1 Senior Custodian 1 Maintenance WOrker 2 Custodians 41 LEGISLATICN City Council City Clerk PUBLIC WORKS J\dministration City Attorney 'IUI'AL -0- 1 Chief Deputy Clerk 1 Deputy Clerk 2 Typist-Clerks -0- -r Engineering ADMINISTRATICN City Manager 1 City Manager 1 Administrative Asst, 1 Administrative Secy, Finance 1 Finance Director 1 Asst, Finance Director 1 Senior Account Clerk 1 License Coordinator 1 Payroll Clerkinator 1 Account Clerk 1 Secretary I Streets Persoonel 1 Personnel Director 1 Personnel Analyst 1 Intermediate Clerk Typist 14 Trees Parks 'IUI'AL CœMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Planning 1 Comn. Dev. Director 1 Senior City Planner 2 Associate Planners 1 Public Services Asst, 1 Secretary I Vehicles Building 2 Buidling Inspectors 1 Plan Checker 1 Building Planning Àid 1 Ccmnuni ty Dev, 'Iechnician 11 'IUI'AL 1 Dir, Public Wks/City Engr, 2 Maintenance Superintendents 1 Secretary I 1 Intermediate Clerk Typist 1 J\dm, Assistant 1 Asst. City Engineer 1 Traffic Engineer 1 Asst, Civil Engineer 1 Public WOrks Inspector 1 Engineering Aid 1 Junior Civil Engineer 1 Foreman 1 Maintenance Leadman 2 EquifIllent q;,erators 7 Maintenance WOrkers 1 Equipnent q;,erator II 6 Maintenance WOrkers 1 Custodian 1 Leadman 1 Tree Trinmer 1 Maintenance WOrker 1 Foreman 2 Equipment Mechanics (rontinued) BUDGET 4-3 CITY OF TUSTIN SUMMARY CF FULL-TINE PŒITICNS BY DEPARlMENTAL DIVISICN POLICE Administratioo cperations Investigations Services 'IUl' AL 1 R:>lice Chief 2 Captains 1 Office Coordinator 1 Division Secretary 1 R:>lice Officer 1 Conm, Services Officer 3 Lieutenants 5 Sergeants 31 Officers 1 Parking Control Officer 6 Communications Officers 2 Sergeants 2 R:>lice Clerks 2 Agents 6 Officers 1 Lieutenant 1 Agent 1 Records Supervisor 7 Records Clerks 1 Officer 1 Police Clerk 1 Property Officer 76 4-4 BUDGET CG1MUNI'lY SERVICES Administration Sports 1 Collin, Services Director 1 Dept, Clerk 1 'lyPist-Clerk .5 Recreation Supervisor 1 Recreation Cooråinator Classes/Cultural ,5 Recreation Supervisor 1 Recreation Coordinator Youth Services Human Services 'IUl'AL WATER Administration cperations Billing 'IUl'AL ,5 Recreation Supervisor 1 Recreation Leader ,5 Reacreation Supervisor -¡j 1 Water Service Analyst 1 Water Services Manager 1 Water Superintendent 1 Water Service Technician 1 Equipnent Operator 9 Maintenance WOrkers 1 Supervisor 1 Accountant 2 Billing Clerks 1 Data Entry Clerk 19 ~ C~TY OF TUSnN SALARY mw;E NUMBER BY CIA'3SIFICATICN Positioo 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 Classification .Actual .Actual .Actual .Actual .Actual Budget I. AæINISTRATIVE CFFICERS-UNCIASSIFIED City Manager 2750 3015 3286 3621 4222 4690 Assistant City Administrator 2431 - - - - - Police Chief 2288 2565 2796 3081 3495 3883 Director of Public Works 2288 2465 2990 3294 3737 4152 Conmunity Developnent.Director - 1915 2087 2644 3140 3488 Finance Director - 1900 2398 2693 3140 3238 Conmunity Services Director 1773 1859 2000 2311 2332 2590 Personnel Director - 1650 1700 2336 2268 2520 Chief DePJty City Clerk 1373 1439 1300 1878 2130 2367 City Attorney (Retain O1ly) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1500 2000 City Clerk (Elected Position) 150 150 150 150 150 150 II, MANAGDŒNT CFFlCERS-:-CIASSIFIED Police Captain - - - 2546 2942 3243 Maintenance Superinterx'!ent 1650 1747 1904 2098 2335 2533 Police Lieutenant 1650 1981 2159 2379 2673 2947 Assistant City Engineer 1812 1899 2169 2390 2839 3080 Assistant Finance Director - - - - - 2622 Traffic Engineer 1755 1840 1917 2112 2351 2551 Building Official - 1827 1926 2122 2362 - Police Sergeant. 1631 1710 1864 2054 2308 2544 Assistant to City Administrator 1443 1450 1552 - - - Assistant Maintenance Superintendent 1376 1443 1573 1733 1929 2093 Finance Coordinator - 1415 1542 1898 2112 - Maintenance Foreman 1310 1373 1497 164~ 1835 1991 Assistant Planner 1189 1309 1645 1915 2227 - Recreation SUpervisor - 1205 1313 1597 1777 1982 Police Records Supervisor - - - 1485 1668 1839 Water Services Manager - - - - - 3345 Water Services Analyst - - - - - 3345 III, GlliERAL EMPLOYEES-CLASS IFIED Assistant Civil Engineer 1353 1631 1827 2013 2224 2407 Plan Checker - 1565 1631 1797 1986 2150 Police Agent 1452 1522 1522 1814 2039 2248 BUDGET 4-5 CITY OF TUSTIN III, GENERAL EMPLOYEES-CIASSIFIED (Continued) Position 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 Classificaticn Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual ~ Public Services Assistant 1443 1513 1577 1738 1920 207ti Associate Planner - - - 1697 1779 1926 Building Inspector 1421 1490 1553 1711 1891 2047 Police Officer 1384 1451 1451 1728 1942 2141 Public WOrks Inspector 1288 1373 1540 1697 1943 2103 Equipnent Mechanic 1207 1265 1318 1452 1604 1736 Administrative Assistant - 1260 1237 1697 1938 2153 Leadman - Tree Department - 1205 1256 1384 - - Equipnent cperator 1132 1187 1237 1363 1506 1603 Maintenance Leadman 1132 1187 1256 1384 1529 1655 Senior Custodian 1095 1148 1196 1318 1456 1576 Tree Trinmer 1095 1148 1214 1340 1481 1603 Recreation Coordinator 1095 1148 1196 - 1502 1626 Planning Aide - 1108 1156 1274 - Building Aide - - 1156 1274 1408 .l\dministrative Secretary - 1108 - 1340 1531 1701 Office Coordinator - - 1212 1335 1524 1693 Engineering Aide 1042 1093 1139 1402 1549 1677 Maintenance WOrker II 1042 1093 1156 1274 1408 1524 Communications Officer 1027 1077 1102 1299 1435 1553 De¡:oty City Clerk 1009 1058 1102 1351 1493 1616 Community Services Officer 1009 1058 1102 1214 1341 1452 Maintenance WOrker I 994 104 1102 1214 1341 1452 Secretary II 961 1007 1102 1232 1361 1473 Records Administrator - 1007 - Classification Analyst - 1007 1007 Business License Clerk - 984 1025 1129 1248 1351 Secretary I 915 960 1025 1183 1307 1415 Senior Account Clerk - 959 1000 1258 1390 1505 Recreation Specialist - 959 1000 1102 1218 - Administrative Aide - 959 - - 1408 1677 Custodian 900 944 984 1084 1198 1297 Maintenance Trainee 900 944 - - Senior Typist 871 937 976 1075 Personnel Aide - - 976 - Records Clerk - 893 976 1075 1188 1286 Community Services Officer I - 893 931 1051 BUDGET 4-6 CiTY OF HJSnN III. GENERAL EMPOOYEES-CIÆSIFIED (Continued) Position 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 ClassifiCation Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Budget Property Officer - - - 1214 1341 1452 Bus Driver - - - 982 1341 1452 Department Clerk - Police - - - - 1242 1344 Parking Control Officer - - 896 111-3 1230 1311 Account Clerk 831 871 95;¿ 1092 1207 1307 Payroll Clerk - - - - 1207 1307 Intermediate Clerk-Typist 831 871 908 1000 1105 1196 Recreation Clerk - - 908 1000 - - Clerk-Typist 752 788 821 982 1085 1175 Police Service Aide - 662 - - - - Dispatcher/Clerk-Typist - - - 982 1085 1175 Recreation Leader - Senior Citizen - - - 1000 1105 1196 Water Accountant - - - - - 1849 Water Billing Supervisor - - - - - 1566 Data Entry cperator - - - - - 1196 Water Billing Clerk, - - - - - 1175 Water Constr, Supt, - - - - - 2533 Water Serv. Tech, - - - - - 2047 IV. PARr-TIME AND 'IEMPœARY-HaJR[,Y WAGE Bus Driver - 5.16 5.16 - - - Senior Recreation Specialist - - 8.00 5,25 5.25 6.62 Pool Manager 4,00 4,25 - - - - Recreation Specialist - - 5.00 4,50 4.50 5.63 Recreation Clerk - 4,10 4.10 - - - Recreation Leader II 3.00 3.20 3.90 3,90 3,90 4,96 Recreation Leader I 2.90 2,90 3.40 3.40 3,40 3.86 Recreation Aide - - 2,65 2,90 2.90 - Crossing Guard 2,65 2.75 2,90 4.00 6.00 6.00 Reserve Police Officer - - - - - 10,16 General Labor - - - 3.50 Mechanic Helper - - - 5,25 Crossing Guard Coordinator - - - 6,00 6,00 6.00 Police Cadet - - - 4.00 - - Maintenance Aide - - - - - 4.50 BUDGET 4-7 z ¡: CI'J :;¡ ¡.. ¡¡" 0 >- ¡.. ü - - - - - I/') ~ i ~ ~ e U) - ¡.. g. 8 :;¡ =:I - - - ,- - - z ¡: CI'J ~ ¡... ¡,¡. 0 >- !: u U) Q Z ~ ~ > ~ U) .... z w ~ w > 0 e: ~ ~ ..I < .... ã: < 0 : .. ~ i ; ï ..... .1 If> .... z w 2 l- e: < ~ w Q > ~ U) Z 0 ¡: < æ ~ 0 e: ~ ~ < ~ Z ¡: < e: w ~ 0 ..! .. : E-- g. 8 :;¡ ø:¡; .. .. . .. . c i ..1. . .: . .... = : .. . .. ,8' I I CITY OF TUSTIN ACTIVITY STRUClURE CPERATIN3 BUOOET General Government 10 Legislation 20 Administration 30 Cormunity Developnent 80 l'bn-departmental Public Safety 50 fblice 55 Fire Public ~rks 40 Public Works Cœmuni ty Services 70 Conmunity Services Redevel~nt 90 Redeveiopnent Agency Water Service 60 Water ServiCE¡!s CAPITAL BUOOET 10 Public Facilities 30 Beautification Projects 40 Parks and Recreation Facilities 60 Transportation Facilities 70 Flood Control Facilities 80 Waste Disposal Facilities 90 Water Supply & Distribution 5-2 BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN EXPENDITURES OPERATItI; BUOOEl' Prior History 1980-81 1981-82 1978-79 1979-80 Budget ProjectiCl! ~est AH;>roved Activity Legislation $ 193,188 $ 215,670 $ 212,572 $ 243,861 $ 248,511 $ 259,429 lIdministration 224,636 356,046 548,999 500,413 .521,294 439,466 Oonmunity Developnent 281,575 281,910 362,354 347,021 - 384,233 336,538 Public WOrks 1,100,559 1,365,293 1,843,554 1,829,609 2,163,814 1,999,822 Police 1,585,459 1,985,192 2,604,182 2,383,862 3,106,641 2,996,450 Fire 678,703 610,105 860,000 806,944 1,155,000 1,056,000 Conmmity Services 199,981 295,661 357,857 342,074 452,156 454,852 Non-Departmental 626,405 597,771 515,808 615,284 366,100 359,600 NORMAL CPERATIŒlS $4,890,506 $5,767,648 $ 7,305,326 $ 7,069,068 $ 8,397,749 $ 7,902,157 Redeve lopnen t .l\gency 42,429 7,360 220,751 15,228 109,832 109,832 Water - - - 1,660,326 2,866,455 3,097,966 'lOrAL CPERATIŒIS $4,932,935 $5,715,008 $ 7,526,077 $ 8,744,662 $11,374,036 $11,109,955 CAPITAL 1MPRCJ\1EMENl'S 2,535,982 425,455 5,700,400 3,530,263 5,805,400 5,658,400 GRAND 'IU1'AL $7 f.~lh346 $6, 140d~ $1~206,477 $1),274,885 $17,179,436 $16,768,355 1 1981-82 BY CATroORY OPERATItI; BUOOEl' Supplies & Capital R,D,A. Water 1981-82 Activity Personnel Services Oltlay lèinbursenent 'lbtal Legislation $ 149,201 $ 109,678 $ 550 $ 259,429 lIdministratioo 368,097 104,777 4,204 (37,612) 439,466 Comnunity Developnent 307,331 65,927 - (36,720) 336,538 Public Works 1,076,064 944,299 13,459 (34,000) 1,999,822 Police 2,620,388 322,395 53,667 2,996,450 Fire - 1,056,000 - 1 ,056,000 Coom.mi ty Services 205,566 237,351 11,935 454,852 Non-Departmental - 358,100 1,500 359,600 NORMAL CPERATIŒlS $4,726,647 $3,198,527 $ 85,315 (108,332) $ 7,902, 157 Redevelopnent .l\gency .70,943 38,889 - - 109,832 Water 538,681 2,534,599 24,686 - 3,097,966 'lOrAL CPERATIŒIS $5,336,271 ~5,772,015 $ 110,001 (108,332) $11,109,955 CAPITAL 1MPRCJ\1EMENl'S - - 5,658,400 5,658,400 GRAND '.I.Ul'AL $5t336,271 ~5,772,015 $5,768,401 (108,332) $16,768,355 BUDGET 5-3 z ¡:: CI'J :;¡ ,.. ¡¡" 0 >- ¡.. ü ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ 8 :;¡ =:I ~' - Y"I'"" ....".- --'- - ---v- '---" CITY OF TUSTIN OBJECTIVES DEPARlMENI' 1 0 The City Council is the legislative arx'I policy-making body of the City, Such activities are acoorrplished through the adoption of ordinances or City laws, the aCbption of po:ticy resolutions, the approval of contracts and agreements, the approval of the City's Annual and Ten-year Budgets, arx'I the review of the City's General Plan, EXPENDITURE SU+iARY Staff Persoonel Supplies & Service Capi tal Oltlay TCJrAL EXPENSE P KJGRAM Prior History 1978-79 1979-80 . 7/5 7/4 $110,904 $114,653 82,285 98,444 2,573 $215,670 $193,189 '!he legislative function is responsible for the adoption of policies arx'I legislation be better service the roßmunity and to guide the City staff in this critical pericrl of collmmity developnent. FIVE-YEAR GUIDELINE Staff Budget (in $l,OOOs) 1979-80 ---¡ 215,7 1980-81 ---¡ 243,9 1981-82 ---¡ 259,4 BUDGET IEGISLATIOO BUIX;E:!' SUMMARY The City Council is assisted in its legislative function by the City Clerk, who is respoosible for maintaining the official records of the City, and by the City Attorney, \\'ho p:!rforms all routine legal services for City officials arx'I departments, legislation encompasses four activities: City Council, City Clerk, City Attorney, and elections, 1980-81 ~ Projection ----r¡4 7/4 $131,813 $127,204 76,375 113,101 4,384 3,556 $212,572 ¡243,861 1981-82 Request Awroved 7/4 4 $138,283 $149,201 109,679 109,678 550 550 $248,511 $259,429 Public safety, departmental. organi zational studies, annexations and elections, alternative methcrls of providing City ærvices, long-range revenue legislation, arx'I architectural arx'I land use standards are areas of special CU1cern, 1982-83 - ----¡ 295,5 1983-84 ----¡ 324,9 1984-85 --¡¡ 357.4 1985-86 --¡¡ 393,1 6-1 CITY OF TUSTIN CITY COONCIL - DIVISIili 101 BUIX;ET. DETAIL PERSCNNEL SCHEDULE Council tSnbers 'IDI'AL PŒITIiliS ACCOONTING DETAIL Elected Salaries Retirement & Insurance 'IDI'AL PERSCNNEL Supplies..!. Se~-i~s Prior History 1978-79 1979-80 Office Expense Departmental Expense, Training & Developnent Menbe r sh ips 'IDI'AL SUPPLIES & SERVICES CaEi.ta!~tlay Office Equipnent 'IDI'AL CAPITAL OOTLAY GRAND 'IDI'AL 6-2 BUDGET IEGISLATIC1II 1980-81 BudqE!,t Projection 1981-82 IE~s.~ j\pQroved 5 (289) 5 5 (289) 5 5 (289) -5 5 (289) 5. $19,125 $17 ,325 $17,759 $17,759 §11,590 10,454 12,544 12,544 $30,715 $27,779 $30,303 $30,303 $ 250 $ 250 $ 250 ~ 250 1,750 1,000 1,000 1,150 10,000 10,000 12,280 12,280 100 100 100 100 $12,100 $11,350 $13,630 $13,780 812 m 812 -----š-f2 $43,627 $39,941 $44,083 ~43,933 CITY OF TUSTIN DIVISICN 10 1 BUOOEI' CCH1ENI'ARY CI'lY CaJNCIL PERSCNNEL Elected salaries include authorized salary adjustments, SUPPLIES AN) SERVICES Departmel11:<!~~nse : Includes $1,150 for printing and miscellaneous expense, Training.&Deye).~nt: Includes $9,600 for Council expenses and $2,680 for meetings and conferences. CAPITAL amAY None BUDGET 6-3 0'1 I ,¡:.. .. ,., (") ! ¡;; -" ~ .::!is .... i ~ ... "" 0 .... ~ ~ c g 'tI1 .., - ... !is 12 ¡;; ,.,::; ~ ~i ~ ii :: ::.~ ~ - - (") ~ Ii: ~ P s¡ ,., ... .. ~ - - - g ,., .., Ii: ... s¡ .... ~ ~ -< 0 "1:1 ..., C t'> ..., Z ~ .... ... (") .- ,., .. ~ ~ .... .... (") .- ,., ~ CUTY OF TUSTIN CITY CLERK - DIVISICN 102 BUOOET DETAIL Prior History 1978-79 1979-80 PERSCNNEL SCHEOOLE Chief Deputy City Clerk Deputy City Clerk Typist Clerk 'lUrAL PŒITICNS ACCaJNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salaries Part-time Retirement & Insurance SUPPHes & Services Office Expense Departmental Expense Transportation Expense Training & Developnent Legal Advertising Elections & Annexations 'lUrAL SUPPLIES & SERVICES Capit~J. _<Ã!t.l.ËY Office Eguipnent 'lUI'AL CAPITAL OOTIAY GRAND 'lUl'AL BUDGET LEGISLATICN 1980-81 Budget Projection 1981-82 lequest - _AEEroved 1 (2,009) 1 (1,493) 2 (1,085) 4---- 1 (2,367) 1-( 1,616) 2 (1,175) 4 1 (2,367) 1 (1,616) 2 (1,175) 4 -- 1 (2,130) 1 (1,493) 2 (1,085) "4 $63,203 $60,986 $68,988 $72,393 1,800 2,704 1,800 1,800 13,963 13,793 14,976 15,589 $78,966 $77,483 $85,764 $89,782 $ 100 $ 100 $ 100 $ 100 2,197 1,907 4,168 4,018 3,340 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,538 644 2,481 2,045 5,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 3,000 4,000 18,000 18,000 $15, 175 $16,851 $34,949 $34,363 $ 3,572 $ 2,744 $ 550 $ 550 $3,572 $ 2,744 $ 550 $ 550 $97,713 $97,078 $1;n~263 $124,695 6-5 CITY OF TUSTIN, BUOOE!' . CCM1ENI'ARY PERSCNNEL DlVlSICN 102 CI'IY CLERK Maintains current level of staff, SUPPLIES AID SERVICES TransE2.rta~:i.<>.n EXpense: Trainin~~velQpment: Legal Advertisi~: Includes $100 per month auto allowanCE for the City Clerk, Includes $1,815 for meetings and conferences and $230 for memberships arrl subscriptions, Includes required legal p.¡blication of ordinances and ootices. Elections & Annexations Includes an estimated anount for miscellaneous annexation expenses arrl Council election in April, 1982. CAPITAL OOTLAY Office Equipment: Provides $250 for a 2-drawer file with lock: and $300 for t\\oQ typists' chairs (one for switchboard operator arrl ooe for Micom operator), BUDGET 6-6 CUTY OF 1fUSTnN CITY ATIDRNEY - DIVISICN 103 BUOOEl' DETAIL Prior History 1978-79 1979-80 PERSCNNEL SCHEDULE City Attorney 'IUl'AL PO3ITICNS ACCaJNTING DETAIL Personnel Part-time Salaries Retirement & Insurance 'IUl'AL PERSCNNEL Supplies & Services Cootractual Services' Departmental Expense Training & Developnent 'IUl'AL SUPPLIES & SER\TICES GRAND TOrAL BUDGET LEGISLATION 1980-81 ~~t:. . - __1>I"ojection 1981-82 ~~t.. ---- - . Approved 1 (1,500) 1 - 1 (2,000) ; $18,000 $17 ,954 $18,000 $24,000 4,132 3,988 4,216 5,116 $22, 132 $21,942 $22,216 $29,116 $48,000 $84,000 $60,000 $60,000 100 100 100 100 1,000 800 1,000 1,435 $49,100 $84,900 $61,100 $61,535 $711.232 $106,_8.4~ $_8.3.,)11) L~01651 6-7 CITY OF TUSTIN DIVISIOO 103 BUOOEI' CQ'oIMENTARY CITi ATTORNEY PERSOONEL Includes a retainer of $2,000 per month arx'I fringe benefits. SUPPLIES AID SERVICES Contractual Servi~s: Includes the services of the City Attorney arx'I other legal counsel over am above the services rovered by the monthly retainer. Training & Developnent: Includes $635 for IœIIÌ:Ierships arx'I subscriptions arx'I $800 for meetings arx'I conferences. BUDGET 6-8 CijTY OF TUSTijN CITY MlVtAŒR BUDGET 6-9 OBJOCTIVES CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARIMENT 20 AœINISTRATIGI BUIX;EI' SUMMARY '!he C:ity Manager is awointed by the City Council as the chief ërlministrative officer of the City, responsible for the irrplementatioo of Council policy and the supervision of all municipal activities, He advises the Council 00 the financial condition and needs of the City, on the irrprovement of City services, arx'I 00 the long-range developnent of the ronmunity and its environment, '!he City Manager's staff acoorrplishes many of the centralized responsibilities in the area of EXPENDITURE SU>!MARY Prior History 1978-79 1979-80 Staff 9 12 Personnel $153,174 $263,727 Supplies & Services 49,907 56,397 Capital QJUay 21,555 35,922 Redevelopnent Reinburse- ment 'IDrAL EXPENSE $224,636 $356,046 p ROORlIM Annexations, spheres of influence, conmmity prarotion, CDJmIIlnity relations, exploratioo of alternative ¡æthods to provide efficient and effective City services, arx'I adequate financial planning to suwort those services, continue to be areas of major concentration, ' Enployee relations, errployee safety, equal q:çortuni ty, risk manage- FIVE-YEAR GJIDELINE Staff Budget (in $l,OOOs) 1979-80 12 356,0 1981-82 14 439,5 1980-81 ----;4 500.4 BUDGET 6-10 finance, personnel, municipal researm, procedures analysis, plrchasing, arx'I budget studies, '!he department is also responsible for studies 00 the application of modern management techniques; use of o:xnputers, microfilming, an] information systems; the efficient arrl econanical operation of the City organizations; arrl assistin;J other departments with special problems. '!his activity encompasses three departments: City Manager, Personnel, and Finance. 1980-81 1981-82 Budget Projection lèquest Approved 14 14 15 14 $352,697 $316,320 $389,690 $368,097 109,009 91,447 112,172 104,777 87,293 92,646 19,432 4,204 (37,612) $548,999 $500,413 $521,294 $439,466 ment, developnent of parks, continued refine¡ænt of five-year capital irrprovement arx'I operating programs, and inple¡æntation of the Redevelopnent .l\gency and Water Service plans aloo represent areas of prillleoonsideration. 1982-83 12 483,5 1983-84 -U 531,8 1984-85 12 585.0 1985-86 ~ 643,5 CiTY OF TUSTiN ALMINI STRATI (]\I BUOOEr DErAIL Prior History 1980-81 1981-82 1978-79 1979-80 Budget Pro..iection, ~~§.L- - -----Approved ACCOONTING ŒrAIL Personne], Regular Salary $123,652 $222,629 $293,673 $264,288 $331,584 $313,203 Overtime - 160 750 600 750 750 Educational Incentive 2,157 1,997 3,570 1,930 - - Retirement & Insurance 27,365 38,941 54,704 49,502 57,356 54,144 PERSCmEL $153,174 $"163,727 $352,697 $316,320 $389,690 $368,097 Supplies & Services Contractual Services $ 41,668 $ 43,294 $ 69,130 $ 57,262 $ 66,480 $ 66,480 Facility Expense 500 500 Office Expense 650 650 1,150 1,150 1,185 1,185 Departmental Expense 1,887 4,341 7,810 6,482 9,580 8,580 Transportation Expense 2,551 3,032 4,460 4,030 4,500 4,500 Training & Developnent 3,151 5,080 5,959 5,523 10,427 9,532 Personnel Recruitment - - 20,500 17 ,000 20,000 14,000 'IOl'AL SUPPLIES & SERVICES $ 49,907 $ 56,397 $109,009 $ 91,447 $ 112,672 $104,777 Capital Qltlay Office Equipnent $ 1,380 $ 3,231 $ 3,572 $ 1,155 $ 19,432 $ 4,204 Comp.tter Equipnent 20,175 32,691 83,721 91,491 - - 'IOl'AL CAPITAL aJl'LAY $ 21,555 $ 35,922 $ 87,293 $ 92,646 $ 19,432 $ 4,204 Redevelopnent/Water Reirrbursement (37,612) GRAND 'IOl'AL $244,636 $356,046 $548,999 $500,.413 - $521,794 ~439,466 BUDGET 6-11 CITY OF TUSTIN CITY MANAGER - DIVISICN 201 Bur:GET DETAIL Prior History 1978-79 1979-80 PERSCNNEL SCHEOOLE City Manager Administrative Assistant Adndnistrative Aide Administrative Secretary '!UrAL POOITICNS ACCOONTING œTAlL Personnel Regular Salaries Educational Incentive Retirement & Insurance '!UrAL PERSCNNEL Supplies & Service~ Contractual Services Office Expense Departmental Expense Transportation Expense Training & Developnent 'lUI'AL SUPPLIES & SERVICES Cap! t,al OJtlay Office Equipnent TOl'AL CAPITAL OOTLAY GRAND TOl'AL BUDGET 6-12 AI.MINISTRATIOO 1980-81 ~t, n . Pr()jection 1981-82 Reqllest Approved 1 (3,983) , 1 (1,828) 1 (1,549) 1 (1,444) '4 1 (4,222) 1 (1,938) 1 (1,549) 1 (1,531) '4 1 (4,690) 1 (,2,153) 1-(1,677) 1 (1,701) '4 1 (4,690) 1 (2,153) 1 (1,677) 1 (1,701) '4 $102,547 $88,453 $113,861 $ 97,649 1,320 720 - - 16,944 15,382 18,133 15,215 $120,811 $104,555 $131,994 $112,864 $ - $ 459 $ - $ 350 350 385 385 435 32 380 380 1,910 1,680 2,000 2,000 2,334 1,953 3,777 3,582 $ 5,029 $ 4,474 $ 6,542 $ 6,347 $ 2,880 $ 835 $ 2,926 $ 755 $ 2,880 $ 885 $ 2,926 ~ 755 $128,0700 $109,864 $141,462 $119,966 CITY OF TUSTIN B(J[X;E!' C<M1ENrAR'l PERS<mEL DIVISIW 201 CITY MANAGER This budget maintains current level of staff. SUPPLIES AtÐ SER\TICES DeE'!!:tmel1t:.éI.!l':Jt~nae : Transportéltion Expense: Traini~! Dev~!~nt* CAPITAL OOTIJ\Y , Of fi ce EkJlI i PIJ:!ß t : Provides $220 for departmental supplies and $160 for printing expenses, Provides $150 monthly allowance for City Administrator and $200 for vehicle mileage reimbursement. . Provides $2,510 for meetings and oonferences; $375 for training, aM $892 for menbershi¡s an:) subscriptions, Provides $660 for one desk, $475 for one 4-drawer legal size lateral tile $755 for one 4-drawer credenza; $285 for one 2-drawer legal size lateral file, and $751 for three swivel tilt-arm chairs. 8UDGET 6-13 0'\ I f-' -'> :I ~ 5 ~ . . . is -- ~;:; 81 --= -... -;;; ,..... =i ...- ",. .... -. "'... '";;; .'z I ¡;¡ . .. I I - . ~ '"' III III - ..... -... """' "'. ...... ... ..... ,.,- ,. '"' .. ... '" Ifl w I I I I I I I I I I m !! ill! ... .. i 0 ~ ~ i ¡;¡ ~ S 0 "" ..¡ ~ ~ ...¡ % I i I CITY OF TUSTIN FINANCE - DIVISION 202 AIXo1INISTRATICN BULGEr DErAIL Prior History 1980-81 1981-82 1978-79 1979-80 Budget Projection lèquest Approved PERSONNEL SCHEDUlE Finance Director 1 (2,962) 1 (2,915) 1 (3,238) 1 (3,238) Assistant Finance Director - - 1 (2,622) 1 (2,622) Finance Coordinator 1 (2,112) 1 (2,112) - - Sr. J\ccount Clerk 1 (1,390) 1 (1,390) 1-(1,505) 1 (1,505) Secretary I 1 (1,307) 1 (1,307) 1 (1,415) 1 (1,415) License Coordinator 1 (1,248) 1 (1,248) 1 (1,351) 1 (1,351) Payroll Clerk 1 (1,207) 1 (1,207) 1 (1,307) 1 (1 ,307) J\crount Clerk 1 (1,207) 1( 1 ,207) 1 (1,307) .1 (1,307) TOrAL PœITlCH) 7 7 7 7 AŒŒlNTIl'G DErAIL Personnel Regular Salaries $134,730 $122,354 $141,486 $152,509 OI.7ertime 250 250 250 250 Educational Incentive 2,250 1,210 - - Retirement & Insurance 27,852 24,906 25,831 27,815 TOrAL PERSONNEL $165,082 $148,720 $167,567 $180,574 Supplies & Services Contractual Services $ 54,530 $ 42,300 $ 50,230 $ 50,230 Facility Expense 500 500 Office Expense 500 500 500 500 Departmental Expense 5,175 5,250 6,700 6,700 Transportation Expense 1,350 1,150 1,300 1,300 Training & Developnent 2,325 1,750 4,200 3,500 TOrAL SUPPLIES & SERVICES $ 63,880 $ 50,950 $ 62,930 $ 62,730 Capital ()Jtlay Office Equipment $ - $ - $ 2,285 $ 2,035 Departmental Equipnent 83,721 91,491 1,000 1,000 Conp.1ter Equipnent 2,680 885 - - 'lUl'AL CAPITAL aJI'LAY $ 83,721 $ 91,491 $ 3,285 $ 3,035 GRAND rorAL $312,683 $291,161 $233,782 $246,339 BUDGET - 6-15 CITY OF TUSTIN BUIX;El' CCMMFNl'ARY PERSCNNEL DIVISICliI 202 FINANCE '!he Finance Coordinator is re-classified to Assistant Finance Director in line with .,her present duties, SUPPLIES AID SERVICES Contractual Services: Departmental~nse : Provides $10,230 for outside independent audit of financial records, and ~40,OOO for data processing support ærvices from Public Agencies Data Systems (PAœ) , Provides $1,500 fordepatmental supplies ¡ $1,000 for special equipment maintenance¡ $1,000 for printing¡ and $3,200 for computer supplies. TransEQ!"!:~Uorl_~nf3es: Provides $100 monthly auto allowanCE for Finance Director and $100 for vehicle mileage reinbursement. Traini~ ~ ~elopment: CAPITAL OO'l'LAY Office fgu~nt: De2êl...!"tltlEmtal EquiIJt1ent: Provides $1,500 for meetings arx'I ronferences¡ $1,500 for training¡ arrj ~500 for membership:> and subscriptions. Provides $960 for two Steelcaæ desks¡ $425 for t\\oQ chairs¡ and $900 for three printing display calculators. Provides $1,000 for ooe d1eck signer-burster. BUDGET 6-16 .... I"'i I \D z ¡:: CI'J :;¡ F ¡¡" 0 >- po. Ü ... - 1 s - - =..:... 1/1/'""" æ~A: ;"'=- - I ..... 0... '"'~ ~! !I!~ æ¡"" ... ...... ! ~- ...- : ¡- "" S & ;:¡ =:I CITY OF TUSTIN PERSONNEL - DIVISION 203 AJ:1otINISTRA'l'I Œ.J BUOOEI' DErAIL Prior History 1980-81 1981-82 1978-79 1979-80 Budget Projection lÈque s t Approved PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Personnel Director 1 (2,140) 1 (2,268) 1 (2,520) 1 (2,520) Persoonel Analyst 1 (1,613) 1 (1,710) 1 (,1,899) 1 (1,899) Personnel Aide - - 1'(1,408) - Intermediate Typist-Clerk 1 (1,105) 1 (1,105) 1 (1,196) .1 (1,196) 'lUl'AL PŒHTICNS 3 3 4 3 ACCOONTING DErAIL Personnel Regular Salaries $ 56,396 $ 53,481 $ 76,237 $ 63,045 Educational Incentive 500 350 500 500 RetireJœnt & Insurance 9,908 9,214 13,392 11,114 'lUl'AL P~EL $ 66,804 $ 63,045 $ 90,129 $ 74,659 Supplies & Services Contractual Services $ 14,600 $ 14,503 $ 16,250 $ 16,250 Office Expense 300 300 300 300 Departmental Expense 2,200 1,200 2,000 1,500 Transportation Expense 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 Training & Developnent 1,300 1,820 2,450 2,450 Personnel Recruitment 20,500 17,000 20,000 14,000 'lUl'AL SUPPLIES & SERVICES $ 40, 100 $ 36,023 $ 42,200 $ 35,700 Capi tal Oltlay Office Equipment $ 712 $ 270 $ 1,882 $ 414 'IDl'AL CAPITAL CXJTLAY $ 712 $ 270 $ 11,882 $ 414 GRAND 'IDl'AL $107,616 $ 99,338 $144,211 $110,773 6-18 BUDGET caTV OF TUSTiN DIVISICN 203 BUOOEl' CCMotEm'ARY PERSOONEL PERSCNNEL Maintains current level of staff, SUPPLIES AN) SERVICES Cbntractual Services: Provides $9,000 for pre-errployment physicals $2,250 for psychological evaluations and $5,000 for annual rhysical program, Departmental Expense: $1,000 fior printing, arx'I $500 fior departmental supplies, Transportation Expenses: Provides $100 moothly auto allowance fior Personnel Director, Trainil!! _~~eJ..ojl1lent: Prsonnel :R:!cruitment: Provides $100 for meetings and (XXlferences ¡ $1,000 fior training $600 for ,memberships am subscriptions¡ and $750 for staff developnent, Provides $10,000 for advertising¡ $4,000 for Personnel testing. CAPITAL arrLAY Offi~_~~nt: Provides $414 for one 4-àrawer legal file. BUDGET 6-19 '" I N 0 = c: 8 ~ II~~--- ,...iIR ,... ~ =3 -< -0 ." .. c: en ..¡ Z .' CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARlMENT 30 œJECTIVES CCMILNITY IEVELOPMENT BUOOEI' SUMMARY '!he Coommity Developnent function is responsible for land use planning and various inspection services. '!be planning responsibility ensures conpliance with the General Plan and established community objectives. The Department provides technical ërlvice and reoonmendations to the Planning .l\gency, City Council and City ManagerJ irrplements the General PlanJ ërlministers and en- forces zoning, signs, litter, arx'I related regu- lationsJ and assists the general plblic with '!he Building Divisioo ensures that all buildings in the city are constructed arx'I maintained in COII'Q?liance with the starx'lards of safel:¥ and sani tation established by the City's ajopted CXJdes arx'I other applicable City, County, and State laws, In acrorrplishing these obj ecti ves, the Division reviews plans for'conformanœ with existing laws, ërlvises thè public on proper methods of constructioo with the adopted standards, and inspects <XJI1Struction to ensure that it is in accordance with the approved plan, EXPENDITURE S\H1ARY Prior History 1978-79 1979-80 11 11 $227,354 $261,262 36,107 30,529 18,114 119 1980-81 Budget Projection ----rr - --,r- $303,843 $293,318 43,159 38,458 15,352 15,245 1981-82 Request Appro<Jed 12 --n $338,101 $307,331 45,328 65,927 804 Staff Personnel Supplies & Services Capi tal QJtlay Redevelopnent Reim- bursement (36,720) $281,575 mT,910 $362,354 $347,021 $384,-233 $336,538 TarAL EXPENSE PROORAM '!he 1981-82 fiscal year will be spent preparing a variety of studies and projects, as well as harx'lling sane major site developnent and construction proposals, Special projects bD be accollplished include the developnent of specific design plans for the revitalization of the Redevelopnent Area, as well as alternatives to enhance growth, '!he Coommity Developnent Depart- ment will also begin programning the future 00- velopnent of the undeveloped areas recently annexed, As time allows, the City's General Plan, Zoning Ordinance, an:! other programs will be updated, FIVE-YEAR GUIDELINE 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 11 11 ' 10 10 10 10 347,0 334,7- 330.5 363,6 399,9 439,9 BUDGET 1979-80 ----,,- 281,9 Staff Budget (in $l,OOOs) 6-21 CITY OF TUSTIN PlANNING - DlVISICN 301 BULGET DETAIL Prior History 1978-79 1979-80 PERSCNNEL SCHEDULE Community Dev,Director Senior City Planner Public Services Asst, Associate City Planner Secretary I Planning Intern (p,t.) TOl'AL PŒITICNS ACCOONTIt{; DETAIL Personnel Regular Salaries, Educational Incentive CNertime & Part-time Retirement & Insurance TOl'AL PERSCNNEL Supplies & Services Contractual Services Office Expense Departmental Expense Transportation Expense Training & Developnent TOl'AL SUPPLIES & SERVICES Capi tal OJUay Office Equipnent Departmental Equipnent TOl'AL CAPITAL OOTLAY GRAND TOfAL BUDGET 6-22 COOMUNI'IY DEVELCI?MENT 1980-81 ~E!.t. __.hC>jection 1981-82 R2quest Approved 1(2,962) 1(3,140) 1(3,488) 1 (3,488) 1(2,227) 1(2,227) 1(2,416) 1(2,416) 1(1,920) 1( 1 ,920) 1(2,078) 1(2,078) 2(1,779) 2(1,779) 2(1,926) 2(1,926) 1(1,307) 1(1,307) 1(1,415) 1(1,415) 1 (666) 1 (666) 1 (666) 1 (666) 7 7 7 7 $140,944 $135,630 $152,592 $163,493 440 967 1,050 1,050 6,875 5,775 6,900 6,900 21,922 21,498 24,375 26,336 $170,181 $163,870 $184,917 $197,779 $ 19,982 $ 16,000 $ 19,500 $ 19,500 330 330 360 360 2,073 1,900 2,161 2,321 7,230 7,080 7,230 7,818 2,282 1,797 2,602 1,680 $ 31,897 $ 27,107 $ 31,853 $ 31,679 $ 309 $ 159 $ 159 $ 10,578 10,578 - $ 10,887 $10,737 $ 159 "$ $212,965 $201,714 $216,929 $229,458 CiTY OF TUS'HN BUOOEI' CCMotENI'ARY PERSœNEL DIVISICN 301 PUINNING Maintain current level of staff, SUPPLIES AID SERVICES Contractual Services: DepaI'~nt~ Expense Transport¡;¡tion -~nse: Training- &- JJe_YEÜ()I:~~nt: Provides $16,000 for Planning Consultant services, $2,500 for Architect- Engineering services as needed ¡ $500 for professional arrl consulting services ¡ and $500 for weed abatement whim provides for the cost of cleaning litterED or over-grown vacant property until the City is reillbursed by the pt'operty owner, Provides $1,150 for printing¡ $1,011 for departmental supplies¡ arx'I $160 for special equipnent maintenance, Provides $100 monthly automobile allowance for the Oonmunity Developnent Director¡ $6,468 for rental of two sedans arrl ooe pick-up truck iran the Fquipnent Furx'I ¡ and $150 for vehicle mileage allowances, Includes $1,457 for meetings arx'I conferences and $445 for memberships and subscriptions, BUDGET 6-23 CITY OF TUSTIN PlANNING - DIVISICN 302 BUIX;Er DETAIL Prior History 1978-79 1979-80 PERSCNNEL SCHEDULE Building Official Plan Checker Building Inspector Comn, Dev. Techniqian Building Aide Inspector Trainee 'lUI'AL PŒITICNS ACCOONTIt'G DErAIL Personnel Regular Salaries Educational Incentive Overtime & Part-time Retirement & Insurance 'lUI'AL PERSCNNEL Supplies & Services Contractual Services Office Expense Departmental Expense Transportation Expense Training & Developnent 'lUI'AL SUPPLIES & SERVICES Ca.l2!t~! Q.1~!a.Y Office Equipnent Departmental Equipnent 'lUI'AL CAPITAL CU'l'LAY GRAND TOl'AL BUDGET 6-24 <:XXofo1UNITi DEVELCI?MENT 1980-81 ~et Projection 1981-82 lËqUefit Approved 1(2,362) 1( 2,362) 1(2,362) 1(1,986) 1(1,986) 1(2,150) 1(2,150) 2{1,891) 2(1,891) 2(2,047) 2(2,047) - - 1 (1,597) 1(1,597) 1(1,408) 1(1,408) - - - 1(1,239) 5 5 6 4 $111,102 $108,707 $125,904 $ 89,514 360 -0- 500 500 225 101 255 255 21,975 20,640 26,525 19,283 $133,662 $129,448 $153, 184 $109,552 $ 1,500 $ 1,636 $ 3,300 $ 23,300 270 270 294 294 1,697 1,895 1,991 2,641 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,600 1,795 1,550 1,890 1,413 $11,262 $11,351 $13,475 $34,248 $ 265 $ 400 $ 645 4,200 4,108 - $ 4,465 $ 4,508 $ 645 $149,389 $145,304 $167,304 $ $143,800 CITY OF TUSTIN DIVISICN 302 BUOOEl' C<HŒNI'ARY BUILDING PERSCNNEL Provides for re-classificatioo of the Building Aide to Cblmunity Developnent Technician, SUPPLIES AID SERVICES Contractual Services: Provides $3,300 for microfilming rerords, Departmal'ltaJ.~nse : Includes $1,150 for printing¡ $841 for departmental supplies¡ and $650 for special equipnent maintenance, TransEQrtation Expense: Provides $6,600 for rental of t\<t'O pick-up trucks arx'I ooe ædan from the Equipnent Fund. Training & Devel~nt: Includes $1,445 for meetings am conferences and $445 for memberships and subscriptions. BUDGET 6-25 ENGINEERING DlVISIOII ASST. CITY ENGINEER(I TRAFFIC ENGINEER (11 AST. CIVIL ENGINEER 2), PIIIlIC WORKS INSP. 1)1 ENGIIIHRING AllIE (1 STREET/PAlIK/TREE OIVISION ItA INTEIWICE SIJIERIHTEHDEIIT STREET FOREMAN EQUIPI1ENT OPERATOR (2) LEAmAN (1) 14AIHTENANCE WORKER (1) PARK AND TREE FOREMAN lEAOIWt (I) TREE TRIlt1ER (1) ItAIHTENANCE WORKER (1) CUSTODIAN (I) 6-26 CITY Of TUSTIN DIRECTOR Of PIIIUC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER MAINTENANCE 01 VI S 100 BUILDING fACILITIES SENIOR CUSTODIAN (I) CUSTODIAN (2) MAINTENANCE WORKER (1) BUDG~T EXPENDITURE S(Ho1ARY CiTY OF TUSTiN DEP ARl'MENT 40 PUBLIC WCRKS Prior History 1980-81 1978-79 1979-80 Budget Projection $ 37 $ 40 $ 40 $ 40 597,830 750,163 969,280 889,310 484,357 606,399 787,880 869,856 18,372 8,731 86,394 70,443 Staff PerSQIIDel Supplies & Services Capital Oltlay Redevelopnent/Water Reimbursement IDrAL EXPENSE ~1,100,559 $1,365,293 ~1,843,554 $1,829,609 P RŒRAM '!he following projects were CDIIpleted during the 1980-81 fiscal perioo by the Public WOrks Depart- ment: Civic Center irrprovements1 Slurry Seal Program 1 and San Juan Street widening, Sane projects currently under construction include: Newport Avenue center median landscaping, sidewalk FIVE-YEAR GUIDELINE Staff Budget (in $l,OOOs) 1979-80 40 1,365.3 1981-82 41 1,952,8 1980-81 40 1,829.6 OBJOCTIVES '!he Public WOrks Department OOITbines the functions of the Engineering and Maintenance Departments of past years, '!he cperating Divisions of the Public WOrks Department are: (1) Mninistration1 (2) Engineering: responsible for capital inprovement planning, project rost estimating, and project engineering 1 (3) Street Division: responsible for the maintenance, repair, and cleaning of FAlblic !;!treets arx'I related facilities; (4) Parks BUDGET BULGET SUMMARY Request ~roved $ 46 1,178,730 957,199 - 37,385 (9,500) $2,163,814 $ 41 1,076,064 944,299 13,459 (34,000) $1,999,822 and curb repair program, El Camino Real under- groun:l utility project, ranp constructioo for the harx'licaFPErl, and Second and "C" Streets sanitary sewer irrprovements. '!hese projects am others totaled $2,811,00 in capital inprovements, 1982-83 41 2,148.1 1983-84 41 2,362,9 1984-85 41 2,599,2 1985-ü6 41 2,859,1 Division: responsible for mäintenanœ arx'I cleaning of City park facilities1 (5) Trees Division: responsible for the planning, plantirg am care of median arx'I parkway trees; (6) Vehicle Services Division: responsible for the repair and maintenance of the fleet of vehicles; (7) Building Facilities Division: responsible for the operation and maintenance of City buildings; (8) Refuse Collection Division: responsible for the pickup of refuse through a private contract ærvice, 6-27 ADMINISTRATION - DIVISION 401 BlIIX>Er DErAIL CITY OF TUSTIN PUBLIC rKRKS Prior History 1978-79 1979-80 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Director of Public ~rks/City Engineer Maintenance Superintendent Assistant Maint. Superintendent Public WOrks Admin. Assistant Secretary I Intermediate Clerk-Typist Dispatcher (6 mos.) 'IDI'AL PŒITIONS ACCOONTING ŒrAIL Personnel Regular Salaries CNertime E'ducational Incentive Retirement & Insurance 'IDI'AL PERSONNEL SuEQlies & Services Contractual Services Office Expense Departmental Expense Transportation Expense Training & Developnent 'IDI'AL SUPPLIES & SERVICFS Capi tal Oltlay Office Equipment Departmental Equipnent 'IDI'AL CAPITAL OOTLAY GRAND 'IDI'AL BUDGET 6-28 1980-81 ~~tProjection 1 (3,525) 1 (1,307) 1 (1,105) lJ 1,085) 4 $170,604 1,000 12,554 $184,158 1 (3,737) 1 (1,307) 1 (1,105) 1 (1,085) "4 $ 67,972 490 12,227 $ 80,689 1981-82 Request - _Af£roved 1 (4,152) 1 (2,533) 1-(2,093) 1 (1,916) 1 (1,415) 1 (1,196) '6 1 (4,152) 1 (2,533) 1 (2,093) 1 (1,916) 1 (1,415) 1 (1,196) 0 $149,653 200 500 27,133 $177,486 $159,634 200 500 29,728 $190,062 $ - $ 912 $ - $ 1,860 1,860 1,860 1,860 11,800 11,800 2,250 2,250 3,120 3,147 7,060 7,060 2,950 2,150 3,071 3,071 $ 19,730 $ 19,869 $ 14,241 $ 14,241 $ $103,888 $ $100,558 $ 1,140 3,901 $ 5,041 $196,768 $ 1,140 3,901 $ 5,041 $209,344 CITY OF TUSnN BUOOEI' CCM1EN.l'ARY PERSCNNEL DIVISICN 401 AaoIINISTRATICN '!his budget adds one Public Works .l\dministrative Assistant. SUPPLIES AN) SERITICES Depëlrtmental Expense: TranSEQ.r1:a.1:ion Expense: Training_& _Developœnt: CAPITAL a.rrLAY Office Сuipnent: DeEëir~ll.t:.a.1. ~i~nt: Provides $500 for departmental suppplies; $200 for printing; and $1550 for maintenance of equipnent. Provides $100 IOOI1thly automobile allowance for the Public Works Director arrl $1,920 for rental of three (3) vehicles fran the Equipnent Fund, Provides $2,075 for meetings arx'I conferences; $846 for training; and $150 for nte11Derships arx'I subscriptions. Provides $660 for one Cbuble pedestal desk; $250 for me swivel chaiq and $230 for one table, Provides $3,901 for one duplication machine, BUDGET 6-29 CITY OF TUSTIN ENGINEERING - DIVISICN 402 PUBLIC WCRKS BUIX;Er DErAIL Prior History 1980-81 1981-82 1978-79 1979-80 Budget Projection lèquest Approved PERSCNNEL SCHEDULE Assistant City Engineer 1 (2,839) 1 (2,839) 1 (3,080) 1 (3,080) Traffic Engineer 1 (2,351) 1 (2,351) 1- (2,551) 1 (2,551) Assistant Civil Engineer 2 (2,224) 2 (2,224) 2 (2,407) 2 (2,407) Associate Civil Engineer 1 (2,020) - Public WOrks Inspector 1 (1,943) 1 (1,943) 1 (2,103) 1 (2,103) Engineering Aide 1 (1,549) 1 (1,338) 1 (2,020) 'lOl'AL PœITICNS 6 6 7 '5 AccœNTllG DErAIL Personnel Regular Salaries $154,699 $137,911 $179,020 $167,705 Redevelopnent Agency Salaries - - (9,000) (9,500) ()¡ertime & Part-time -200 -800 800 800 Educational Incentive - - 200 200 Retirement & Insurance 27,700 26,908 33,708 31,942 'lOl'AL PERSCNNEL $182,599 $165,819 $204,72~ $191,147 Supplies & Services Contractual Services $108,200 ~112,200 $134,600 $134,600 Departmental Expense - - 5,020 5,020 Transportatioo Expense 6,000 6,000 6,000 7,200 TOI'AL SUPPLIES & SER\TICES $114,200 $118,200 $145,620 $146,820 Capital D.Jtlay Office Equipnent $ 100 $ 100 $ 1,280 $ - Departmental Equipnent 2,711 2,711 4,944 1,484 'lOl'AL CAPITAL OOTLAY , $ $2,811 $ 2,811 $ 6,224 $ 1,484 GRAND 'lOl'AL $299l~1Q $286,830 $356,~72 $339,451 BUDGET 6-30 CaTY OF TUSnN BULGEr Cc:MtENl'ARY PERScmEL DIVISIGI 402 ENGINEERING Maintains current level of staff, \ SUPPLIES AID SER\TICES Contractual Service$: DeE'!rtmental Expense: Trans~I'~at.iOll_~nse : CAPITAL QJTI.AY De~1:JI\en~._~~nt: Provides $7,500 for architect/engineering services, $41,300 for signal maintenance contract, $6,500 for. repair of accidental damage be signals, $52,800 for signal energy, and $26,500 for street light energy. Provides $2,550 for departmental supplies and $2,470 for printing expense. Provides $7,200 for rental of one van, one pick-up, an:'l one statioo wagon fran the Equipnent Furx'!, $1,484 for one traffic counter, BUDGET 6-31 CITY OF TUSTIN PUBLIC WCRKS STRE~£S - DIVISION 403 BUOOE:!' DE:!'AIL Prior History 1978-79 1979-80 PERSCNNEL SCHEDULE Street Foreman Maintenance Leadman Equipnent cperator Maintenance ~rker II Maintenance WOrker I 'IŒ'AL PO3~TIrnS ACCOONTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salaries Olertime & Part-tiIœ Retirement & Insurance TOrAL PERSCNNEL' Supplies & Services Contractual Services Facilities Expense Departmental Expense Transportation Expense TOrAL SUPPLIES & SERIlICES Ca12i tal QJt1ay Office Equipnent Departmental Equipnent TOrAL CAPITAL OOTIAY GRAND TOrAL BUDGET 6-32 1980-81 Bu:1g~~~_- Rr;()jection 1981-82 lEquest 1\¡£roved 1(1,835) 1(1,529) 2(1,506) 2(1,408) 4(1,341) 10 1(1,835) 1(1,529) 2( 1,506) 2( 1 ,408) 4(1,341) 10 -~- . . . 1(1,991) 1(.1,655) 3(1,630) 1(1,524) 6(1,452) 12 1 ( 1 ,991) 1(1,655) 2( 1 ,630) 1(1,524) 6(1,452) 11' --- $208,997 $182,300 $201,555 $198,676 6,300 6,750 7,000 7,000 65,067 58,602 62,526 60,681 $280,364 $247,652 $271,081 $266,357 $177,500 $227,500 $235,500 $235,500 8,500 11 ,750 14,000 14,000 51,070 45,570 57,600 59,256 34,470 34,470 34,500 41,400 $271,540 $319,290 $341,600 $350,156 $ 424 $ 223 $ - $ - 82,362 66,735 4,840 4,840 $ 82,786 66,958 $ 4,840 $ 4,840 $634,690 $633,900 $617,521 $621,353 CITY OF TUSTiN BUOOEl' CCM1ENTARY PERSrnNEL DIVISICN 403 STREE'l'S Maintains current level of staff. SUPPLIES AID SER\TICES Contractual Serviceß: Facilities~nse: Departmental Expense: Trans~r!.é!ti..on Expense: CAPITAL aJ'I'LAY DeEëirtmental.J~~ll.i~nt : Provides $40,000 for sign maintenance and striping¡ $45,000 for sidewalk construction¡ $150,000 for street and alley repair¡ and $500 for Warner Avenue landscaping, Provides $5,500 for electric and $8,500 for water, Provides $550 for smàll tools¡ $4,656 for uniforms¡ $550 for safety supplies arx'j equipment¡ $4,500 for street materials¡ $7,500 for street sweeping supplies¡ ,$18,000 for traffic signs and paint¡ $16,000 for center island supplies¡ and $4,500 for weed control supplies, Provides $41,400 for rental of various pieces of mobile equipment frem the Ð:}uipnent Fund, Provides $2,862 for one cement mixer¡ $371 for one rotary lawrurower¡ $292 for one lawn edger¡ $679 for me reel-type mower¡ and $636 for one vacuum test machine, BUDGET 6-33 CITY OF TUSTIN PARKS - DIVISICN 404 FUBLIC WCRKS BUIX;EIT' DEI'AIL Prior History 1980-81 1981-82 1978-79 1979-80 Budget Projection lequest Approved PERS~EL SCHEDULE Park Foreman 1 (1,835) 1 (1,835) 1 (1,991) 1 (1,991) Maintenance ~rker II 1 (1,408) 1 (1,408) 1'(1,524) 1 (1,524) Maintenance WOrker I 5 (1,341) 5 (1,341) 5 (1,452) 5 (1,452) Custodian 1 (1,198) 1 (1,198) 1 (1 ,297) .!( 1,297) 'lOI'AL POOITICNS 8 8 8 8 ACCOONTIN2 DEIT'AIL Personne;I. Regular Salaries $122,975 $108,940 $141,652 $134,660 OI1ertime 4,900 500 3,500 3,500 Retirement & Insurance 40,340 36,496 44,546 41,709 'lOI'AL PERSŒNEL $168,215 $145,936 $189,698 $179,869 Suppli~s & Services Facilities Expense $ 57,500 $ 44,000 ~ 52,750 $ 52,750 Departmental Expense 23,520 23,300 28,400 29,280 Transportation Expense 8,700 8,700 21,988 21,988 'lOI'AL SUPPLIES & SERITICES $ 89,220 $ 76,000 $103,138 $104,018 Capi tal OJUay Departmental Equi¡;ment - - 1,564 1,564 'lOI'AL CAPITAL aJTLAY $ J,564 ~ 1,564 - - GRAND 'lOI'AL $257,985 $221,936 ~294,400 $285,451 BUDGET 6-34 BUOOE:!' CCMIENI'ARY PERSCNNEL SUPPLIES AN) SERVICES Facilities Expense: DepartmentalE:xpense : Tranl3.EQJ:'t.a.1:ion Expense: CAPITAL aJTLAY Department~~nt : CnTY OF TUS'fUN DlVISICIiI 404 PARKS Provides $18,750 for electric; $17,500 for sports lighting; and $16,500 for water, Provides $300 for small tools; $2,480 for uniforms; $500 for safety supplies arrl equipnent; $25,000 for park supplies; and $1,000 for departmental supplies, Provides $21,988 for rental of various pieces of equipment iran the Equipnent Fund, Provides $742 for t\\K> rotary lawnmowers; $292 for one lawn edger; and $530 for t\\K> gasoline ¡x)wered grass and leaf blowers, BUDGET 6-35 CITY OF TUSTIN TREES - DIVISION 405 PUBLIC WCRKS BUOOEl' DErAIL Prior History 1980-81 1981-82 1978-79 1979-80 Budget Projection lÈquest Approved PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Maintenance Leadman (1 (1,205) (1 (1,384) (1 (1,529) 1 (1,529) 1 (,1,655) 1 (1,655) Tree Trinmer (1 (1,214) (1 (1,340) 1 (1,481) 1 (1,481) 2'(1,603) 1 (1,603) Maintenance Worker I (1 (1,102) (1 (1,214) 1 (1,341) 1 (1,341) 1 (1,452) 1 (1,452) '!UrAL PœITIONS 3 3 5 3 ACCOONTING DErAIL Personnel Regular Salaries 16,394 $ 49,056 $ 41,546 $ 83,040 $ 52,445 ()¡ertime 106 2,100 1,600 600 600 Stand-By Pay 776 1,000 1,500 1,500 Educational Incentive - 636 636 636 Retiremant & Insurance 6,090 15,428 13,642 25,963 15,428 '!UrAL PERSONNEL 23,366 $ 66,584 $ 57,424 $111,739 $ 70,609 Supplies & Services Contractual Services 1,810 $ 8,000 $ 5,000 $ 8,000 $ 8,000 Departmental Expense 4,155 17 ,860 16,860 18,500 19,052 Transportation Expense ~,265 10,530 10,530 12,670 12,670 '!UrAL SUPPLIES & SERVICES 11,230 $ 36,300 $ 32,90 $ 39,170 $ 39,772 Capi tal Q.\tlay Vehicles $ - $ - $ - $ 8,215 - Departmental Equipnent - - - 1,696 530 '!UrAL CAPITAL <I1TLAY $ - $ - $ - $ 9,911 $ 530 GRAND '!UrAL $ 34,596 $102,994 $ 89,1;114 $160,820 $110,861 BUDGET 6-36 CiTY OF TUSTIN BUOOEl' C<.HŒNl'ARY PERSœNEL DIVISICN 405 'lREES Maintains current level of staff, SUPPLIES AlV SER\TICES Contractual Services: Departmerltal ~nse: Transp:>rt:ationExpense : CAPITAL CUTLAY Depar:bnental Fquipnent: Provides $8,000 for street tree maintenance, Provides $300 for small tools¡ $1,000 for uniforms¡ $200 for safety supplies and equipnent¡ $12,500 for trees¡ $3,500 for tree maintenance supplies¡ am $1,000 for deparbnental supplies, Provides $12,670 for rental of various pieces of equipnent fran the Equipnent Fund . Provides $530 for t\\K> gasol ine powered main saws. BUDGET 6-37 CITY OF TUSTIN VEHICLE SERVICES - DIVISION 406 PUBLIC WCRKS BUIX;ET .DETAIL Prior History 1980-81 1981-82 1978-79 1979-80 Budget Projection IEquest Approved PERSONNEL SCHEOOLE Mechani c Foreman 1 (1,835) 1 (1,835) 1(1,991) 1 (1,991) Equipnent Mechanic 2 (1,604) 2 (1,604) 2- (1,736) ~ (1,736) TOrAL PŒITIONS 3 3 3 3 ACCOONTIN; DETAIL Personnel Regular Salaries $ 79,678 $ 79,678 $ 75,517 $ 61,114 Overtime 1,400 500 1,000 1,000 Educational In~ntive - 130 130 130 Retirement & Insurance 21,002 21,002 22,026 17,244 TOrAL PERSONNEL $102,080 $101,310 $ 98,673 $ 79,488 Sugplies & Servi~s Departmental Expense $ 1,020 $ 1,090 $ 2,236 $ 2,788 Transportation Expense 84,300 126,800 185,372 160,372 Charges Other Accounts (83,500) (83,500) (165,500) (165,500) TOrAL SUPPLIES & SERVICES $ 1,820 $ 44,390 $ 22,108 $ (2,340) Capi tal Q.Jtlay Departmental Equipnent $ - $ - 1,590 TOrAL CAPITAL OOTIAY $ - $ - $ 1,590 ~ GRAND TOrAL $103,900 $145,700 $122,371 $ 77,14t; BUDGET 6-38 CHY OF TUSTIN BU:IX;El' CCMtENl'ARY PERSCNNEL DIVISIŒ 406 VEHICLE SERVICES Maintains current level of staff, SUPPLIES AID SERVICES De£ð.rtmeTl.tal ~n~: ~é¥1s'p:>r:tation Expense: Charges Other Accounts: Provides $350 for small toolsf $1,552 for uniforms; and $886 for departmental supplies, Provides $40,000 for vehicle operationsf $45,000 for vehicle repair; $20,000 for sweeper repair; $3,500 for vehicle conversionf and $1,872 for rental of equi¡;ment from Equipnent Furx'!, cperating cost for vehicles which is dlarged to department arrl division mere ,vehicle is assigned. BUDGET 6-39 CITY OF TUSTIN BUILDING FACILITIES - DIVISION 407 PUBLIC WCRKS BUDGEr.DEI'AIL Prior History 1980-81 1981-82 1978-79 1979-80 Budget Projection lèquest A[:proved PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Building Maintenance WOrker - - 1 (1,529) Senior Custodian . 1 (1,456) 1 (1,456) 1-(1,576) 1 (1,576) Maintenance WOrker II 2 (1,408) 2 (1,408) 2 (1,524) 2 (1,524) Custodian 1 (1,198) 1 (1,198) 1 (1,297) 1 (1,297) TOl'AL PŒITIONS 4 4 5 4 ACCOONTIK; DErAIL Personnel Regular Salaries $ 61,253 $ 61,253 $ 79,980 $ 66,717 OIlertime 2,800 8,000 10,000 10,000 Retirement & Insurance 21,227 21,227 26,345 2l,81~ TOl'AL PERSONNEL $ 85,280 $ 90,480 $116,325 $ 98,532 Supplies & Services Facilities Expense $107,450 $100,300 ~115,500 $115,500 Departmental Expense 1,180 1,010 1,150 1,510 Transportation Expense 800 800 1,872 1,872 TOl'AL SUPPLIE.S & SERITICE.S $109,430 $102,110 $118,522 $118,882 Capi tal Q.¡tlay Vehicles $ - $ - $ 8,215 ~ Departmental Fquipnent 797 674 - TOl'AL CAPITAL aJ'I'LAY $ 797 $ 674 $ 8,215 "$ GRAND TOl'AL $195,507 $193,264 $243,062 ~217,414 BUDGET 6-40 CiTY OF TUSTIN DIVISIŒ 407 BUOOIfi' CCM4ENl'ARY BUILDING FACILITIES PERSCNNEL Maintains current level of staff, SUPPLIES AN) SERVICES Facilities~nse: Provides $20,000 for building maintenance and repair¡ $6,500 for custodial supplies¡ $68,000 for electric¡ $1,500 for natural gas¡ $3,500 for water¡ and $16,000 for telephone, De~rtmental Expense: Provides $250 for small tools¡ $1,010 for uniforms¡ and $250 for department supplies, TranSIX>.l:"téiUQI! ~~se: Provides $1,872 for rental of various equi¡;xœnt from Equipment Furx'!, BUDGET 6-41 CITY OF TUSTIN REFUSE COLLECTICN - DIVISICN 411 BUDGET. DETAIL Prior History 1978-79 1979-80 PERSCNNEL SCHEDULE None ACCOONTIID DETAIL SUpplies & Services Contractual Services 'IüI'AL SUPPLIES & SERVICES GRAND TC1l'AL BUDGET 6-42 1980-81 Buj~L _!'J:Qjection $145,000 $145,000 $145,000 $157,607 $157,607 $157,607 PUBLIC WæKS 1981-82 ~st Approveá $172,800 $172,800 $172,800 :;;172,800 $172,800 $172,800 CHY OF TUSTiN _c_-~-- DIVISIrn 411 BUOOEl' CCIIfoIENI'ARY REFUSE CCLLECl'ION SUPPLIES AID SERVICES Contractual Services: '!his service is provided by a private contractor with an exclusive City franchise which expires July 1, 1983, Cbntract provides for semi-ånnual CPI adjustment. Provides $172,800 for estimated contract cost. BUDGET 6-43 CITY OF TUSTIN FISCAl YEAR 81-82 CHIEF Of POLICE CRIME ANALYSIS I OfFICER OfFICE COORDINATOR I CONSUlTANT t--I. RESERVES . I CRIME PREVENTION 1 CSO OPERATIONS DIVISION . CAPTAIN INVESTIGATIONS/ SERVICES DIVISION CAPTAIN ------- ADHINISTRATIVE SECRETARY SERVICES LIEUTENANT FISCAL MNAGEMENT PLANNING/RESEARCH 2 INVESTlGA- 6 INVESTlGA- 7 CLERKS I ŒC TORS TORS RECORDS 1 tt:n CLERK RESERVE VlCE/INTELL CRIMES/PERS STATS '1 PIIOP OfC JIlT NARCO CRIMES/PROP EIIP 1 AIDE 25 OffiCERS ECOHOfIIC JUVENILE WORDPROC PERSONNEL/ CRIME CRT lJA/WARR FRONT DESK TRAINING 1 AGT 1 DEPT ClERK MiSt FOlLOW- DUPLICATION PIIOP/EVIO 4 OFfiCERS \I' WWANTS EQUIP /SLOG 1 PCO I DEPT CLERK MAINTENANCE 1 PIT CLERK PURCHASING 21 X/GUARDS 6-44 BUDGt:T' CrfY OF TUS1ìïN DEPARTMENT 50 œJæTlVES Police services provide protectioo to life and property through crime and accident prevention, detectioo and apprehension, '!be patrol function is to disrourage violations, detect those which occur, arx'I appreherx'! violators, '!be detective function ronplements the patrol function by providing thorough investigation leading to' identification, apprehensions, and the recovery of EXPENDITURE SlM1ARY Staff Personnel Supplies & Services CapitalOJtlay TOrAL EXPENSE PROORAM Prior History 1978-79 1979-80 64 68 $1,359,097 $1,741,996 156,988 168,317 69,374 74,879 $1,585,459 ~1,985,192 POLICE BUDGEl' SUMMARY stolen goods, '!be traffic enforcement function is -to facilitate the safe am efficient IIOvement of vehicles and pedestrians through enforcement of State and local traffic laws. '!he department also provides educational programs 00 burglary and theft prevention, narcotic cootrol am bicycle safety, supervises school crossing guards, and performs numerous noo-enforœment cxmnuni ty services, 1980-81 ~get Projection 74 74 $2,243,164 $2,016,256 271,125 270,532 89,893 97,074 $2,604,182 $2,383,862 1980-81 lèquest A¡;proved 78 76 $2,722,790 $2,620,388 322,395 322,395 61,456 53,667 $3,106,641 ~2,996,450 In 1980 this Department harx'lled 18,187 calls for service. In 1981 an estimated 20,700 calls slDuld IE handled, whim will be a 13,8% increase over 1980, Part I crimes increased less than 1% (.6%) from 3,467 in 1979 to 3,491 reported in 1980, FIVE-YEAR GJIDELINE Staff Budget (in $l,OOOs) 1979-80 68 1,985,2 1980-81 74 2,383.9 BUDGET 1981-82 77 2,969,6 1982-83 78 3,147,8 1983-84 79 3,336,6 1984-85 81 3,536.8 1985-86 81 3,749.1 6-45 CITY OF TUSTIN POLICE ADMINISTRAXION - DIVISON 501 BUrGEr DErAIL Prior History 1978-79 1979-80 PERSONNEL OCHEOOLE Police Chief Police Captain Police Officer Office Coordinator Division Secretary CoImunity Services Officer 'IDI'AL PŒITIONS ACCOONrING ŒrAIL Personnel Regular Salaries Educational Incentive Overtime Retirement & Insurance Uniform Allowance TCJl'AL PERSONNEL Supplief) 1< .~rvice!3 Contractual Services Office Expense Departmental Expense Transportation Expense Memberships & Meetings Training Reimbursable Training TCJl'AL SUPPLIES & SERVICES Capi tal OJUay Office Equipnent Departmental Equipnent TCJl'AL CAPITAL WTLAY GRAND TOrAL BUDGET 6-46 1980-81 ~~t_- Projectioo 1981-82 ~~f)t.- Approved 1 (3,297) 1 (2,775) 1 (1,832) 1 (1,438) 1 (1,307) 1 (1,341) 7 , 1 (3,883) 2 (3,243) 1 (2,141) 1 -( 1 ,693) 1 (1,473) lJ..1..t 452) 7 1 (3,883) 2 (3,243) 1 (2,141) 1 (1,693) 1 (1,473) 1 (1,4~2) 7 1 (3,495) 2 (2,942) 1 (1,942) 1 (1,524) 1 (1,307) 1 (1,341) 7 $177,804 $168,572 $200,349 $202,896 3,000 1,568 1,568 1,568 3,332 4,200 3,901 2,975 48,160 46,696 57,554 58,012 300 486 486 486 $232,596 $221,522 $263,858 $265,937 $ 700 $ 600 $ 800 $ 800 - - 3,212 3,212 6,394 5,000 5,276 5,276 12,720 12,720 12,720 12,720 2,759 2,933 3,976 3,976 , 12,064 6,000 11,095 11,095 (10,000) (4,000) (3',573) (3,573) $ 24,637 $ 23,253 $ 33,506 $ 33,506 $ 16,604 3,294 $ 19,898 $277,131 $ $ 20,100 3,200 $ 23,300 $268,075 $ 2,065 $ 2,065 $301,508 3,265 $ 3,265 $300,629 CITY OF TUSTIN BUIX;El' Ca+lENTARY PERSrnNEL DEPARl'MENT 501 PCLICE Maintains current level of staff salaries for 1981-82. Includes annual salary ërljustments, SUPPLIES AND SERVICES Contractual Services: Office ExIJense: De(>a!'bnental Expense: Trans~rtation Expense: Provides $800 for joint emergency services from County of Orange, Provides $3,212 for \\K>rd processor expense. Provides $106 for uniforms ¡ $390 for special eqiupnent maintenance ¡ $3,700 for printing¡ and $1,080 for departmental suppÌies. Provides $12,720 for monthly rental of four administrative vehicles from the Equipnent Furx'!, Membershi~ _~Meetings: .Provides $2,202 for meetings arx'I $1,774 for menberships arrl subscriptions, Traini!19. : CAPITAL <Ul'LAY Deparbnen~a.l_Equ~nt: Provides $11,095 with $3,573 reimbursable by POST. Provides $2,065 for cassette tape recorder¡ 3-M overhead projector¡ arrl film, BUDGET 6-47 CITY OF TUSTIN OPERATIONS - DIVISION 502 POLICE BlJI)3E!' DErAIL Prior History 1980-81 1980-81 Budget Projectioo Budget Projectioo Request ApprolTed PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Police Lieutenant 3 (2,159) 3 (2,379) 3 (2,522) 3 (2,673) 3 (2,947) 3 (2,947) Police Sergeant 4 (1,864) 4 (2,054) 4 (2,177) 4 (2,308) _5 (2,544) 5 (2,544) Police ./\gent 1 (1,522) 1 (1,814) 1 (1,924) 1 (2,039) - - Police Officer 26 (1,451) 26 (1,728) 26 (1,832) 29 (1,942) 31 (2,141) 31 (2,141) Parking Control Officer 1 (896) 1 (1,113) 1 (1,230) 1 (1,230) 1 (1,331) 1 (1,331) Oonmunications Officer 5 (1,174) 5 (1,299) 5 (1,435) 5 (1,435) 6 (1,553) ....2. (1,553) TOl'AL FUU.. TIME 40 40 40 43 46 46 Police Reserve 25 - 25 - 2S - 25 - 25 - 25 Crossing Guard Coord. - - 1 (5,50) 1 (5.50) 1 (5.50) 1 (5,50) Crossing Guards 16 (2.90) 17 (4,00) 18 18 (4.00) 19 (5.00) .!2.... J !) , 00 ) TOl'AL PARI' TIME 41 42 44 44 45 45 TOl'AL PCSITICNS. 81 82 84 87 91 91 ACCOONl'ING DErAIL Personnel Regular Salaries - $ 377,047 $ 952,784 $ 829,315 $1,169,804 $1,113,771 OIlerti.Iæ - 36,376 75,420 77,300 121,885 94,080 Court Time - 19 Special Events - 330 Court Starx'! By Pay - 1146 Part Time And Temporary - 913 - - 5,720 5,720 Crossing Guard Salaries - 19,973 43,160 48,374 54,250 54,250 Police Reserves - 3,148 - 5,295 Educational Incentives* - 6,096 15,000 13,262 Bi Lingual Pay - 623 1,454 1,500 1,500 Retirerænt & Insurance - 144,944 327,173 304,173 376,356 355,466 Uniform Allowance - 4,242 11,100 12,881 13,000 13 ,000 TOl'AL PERSONNEL - $ 594,857 $1,424,637 $1,292,674 $1,742,515 $1,637,787 * Education Incentive For Division 502 Is Incorporated In The Regular Salaries 6-48 BUDGET CHY OF TUS1fBN OPERATIONS - DIVISION 502 POLICE PRIOR HISTORY 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 BUOOET PROJOCTION 1981-82 REQUEST APPROVED SUPPLIES & SERVICES Contractual Services Departmental Expense Transportation Expense Ment>erships & Meetings Training Reinbursable Training TOl'AL SUPPLIES & SERVICES $ 278 $ $ 400 $ 1,800 $ 1,800 10,424 37,363 51,106 ' 48,372 48,372 46,860 93,720 93,720 - 114,480 114,480 266 1,160 650 3,422 3,422 4,055 29,636 20,000 31,921 31 ,921 (6,484) (22,000) (12,000) (39,924) (39,924) 55,399 $ 139,879 $ 153,376 $ 160,071 $ 160,071 '$ CAPITAL OOTLAY GRAND 'lUl'AL 736 700 808 411 251 10,054 10,000 24,000 23,550 2,746 2,746 2šf 10,790 10,700 27,554 26,707 $ 251 $ .!!!.t790 $1,456,750 $1,930,140 ~1,824,565 Office Equipnent Rescue & Safety Eq,lipnent Departmental Equipnent TOl'AL CAPITAL OOTIAY BUDGET 6-49 BUOOEIT' CX»ŒNrARY CITY OF TUSTIN DIVISICN 502 POLICE PERSCNNEL '!his budget reflects a reclassification of four p:>lice agent positions; ooe was upgraded to ~1ice Lieutenant aM transferred to Services Division, <ì1e was upgrërloo to Police Sergeant arrl two were reclassified to ~lice Officer position, Fducational Incentive Pay for this Division is included in the figure for regular salaries. '!his includes annual salary adjustments. SUPPLIES AN:> SERI/ICES Cbntractual Services: Provides $1,800 for Golden West Laboratories, De~r~n..~~L~nse : Provides $5,868 Departmental Supplies; $21,572 for uniforms; $12,387 for maintenance of special equipnent; $5,585 for rental of special equipnent; and $2,960 for printing, Trans¡:x>rtation Expense: Provides monthly rental for 12 patrol vehicles, 2 K-9 vehicles, an Mninistrative vehicle aM 5 motorcycles from the equipnent fund. Provides $1,230 for meetings and $2, 192 for menberships arrl subscriptions. Membershi~ ~ ~~:lngs: Training: Provides $31,921 for training with $39,924 reilnbursable from POST, CAPITAL aJ'I'LAY Office Equipment: Provides $411 for filing aM storage cabinets. Provides $23,550 for rescue aM safety equipnent; arrl $2,746 for other miscellaneous equipnent. De~rtInent.al Eguipnent: BUDGET 6-50 INVESTIGATION - DIVISION 503 BUOOgr DETAIL CllTY OF 1fVS1f~N Prior History 1978-79 1979-80 Personnel Schedule Police Sergeant Police Agent Police Officer Department Clerk 'lOl'AL PŒITIONS 2(1,864) 2(1,522) 6(1,451) iõ Accounting Detail Personnel Regular Salaries Part-time or Tenporary Court Stand By Regular CNertime Educational Incentive Retirement & Insurance Uniform Allowance romr. PERSONNEL Supplies & Services Contractual Services Departmental Expense Transportatioo Expense Memberships & Meetings Training Expense Reimbursable Training - Post 'lOl'AL SUPPLIES & SERVICES CaEi.t.~_Q.ltlay Other Office Furniture Dictation Equipnent Other Office Equipnent Audio Visual & CoImIunications TOTAL CAPITAL aJTIAY GRAND 'lUI'AL 2(2,054) 2(1,814) 6(1,728) 1-0 -~ " =~-~ POLICE 1980-81 I31Jdqe.L - _l'!'O.Jectioo 1981-82 Request, - - u- ..-l\p£rove,d 2(2,177) 2( 1 ,924) 6( 1 ,832) 2(1,242) 12 . 2(2,544) 2(2,248) ,- 5(2,141) 2(1,344) fi 2(2,544) 2(2,248) 5(2,141) 2( 1 ,344) fi 2(2,308) 2(2,039) 6(1,942) 2(1,242) 12 . $ 94,444 $ 223,017 $ 188,888 $ 271,024 $ 273,483 688 4, 160 2,148 2,148 2,148 42 - - - - 8,930 20,651 17 ,860 26,054 19,540 2,228 3,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 34,596 75,336 70,768 86,198 86,641 910 2,700 2,960 2,960 2,960 $ 141,838 $ 328,864 $ 287,624 $ 393,384 $ 389,772 $ 1,416 $ 8,656 $ 4,400 $ 6,320 $ 6,320 710 14,738 6,449, 10,077 10,077 11,690 24,834 24,405 31,296 31,296 540 2,114 1,600 2,559 2,559 1,851 11,454 5,500 11,053 11,053 - (9,500) (4,000) (7,368) (7,368) $ .16,207 $ 52,296 $ 38,354 $ 53,937 $ 53,937 $ 623 $ - $ 623 $ 2,772 $ 1,267 2,013 2,000 - 300 300 788 3,415 3,400 600 600 $ 2,678 $ 5,728 $ 6,326 $ 3,372 $ 600 $ 160,723 $ 386,888 $ 332,301 . $ 450,693 $ 444,309 BUDGET 6-51 BUDGET CCMo1ENl'ARY CITY OF TUSTIN DIVISICN 503 POLICE PERSCNNEL Maintains current level of staff salaries for 1981-82 and includes an upgraded Aide position from part-time Aide to full-time Department Clerk-Police, Includes annual salary adjustments. SUPPLIFE AN:> SERVICES Cbntractual Services: Provides $400 for psychological criminal profiles;' $2,920 for medical exams for rape victims; and $3,000 for handwriting arx'I Cbcument examinations, Def)éi..!'~l1tal Expense: Provides $1,800 for special equipnent maintenance; $264 for special equipment rental; $1,382 for printing; $3,000 for investigative expenses; and $3,649 for department miscellaneous supplies, Transportation E;xpense: Provides $22,896 for monthly rental of six lIdminjDetective vehicles from the equipment fun:l and $8,400 for monthly rental for bio undercover operations vehicles, Membershi~ .~ ~~tings: Provides $1,048 for menberships arx'I subscriptions; arrl $1,511 for meetings, TrainiI1g : Provides $11,053 for training with $7,368 reinbursable by PO3T. CAPITAL QJ1'LAY Audio Visual/Cœmunications: Provides $500 for a 35mn camera arx'I electric condenser micro¡Xlone, BUDGET 6-52 CITY OF 'JI'USYUN SERVICES - DIVISION 504 POLICE BUIX;El' DErAIL Prior History 1980-81 1981-82 1978-79 1979-80 Budget Projectioo Budget }\Wroved PERSONNEL æHEOOLE Police Lieutenant - - - 1 (2,673) 1 (2,947) 1 (2,947) Police ./\gent 1 (1,522) 1 (1,814) 1 (1,924) 1 (2,039) - - Police Officer 1 (1,451) 1 (1,728) 1 (1,832) 1 (1,942) , 1 (2,141) 1 (2,141) Records Supervisor - 1 (1,485) 1 (1,574) 1 (1,668) 1 (1,839) 1 (1,839) Records Clerk 5 (976) 7 (1,075) 7 (1,188) 7 (1,188) 7 (1,286) 7 (1,286) Departmental Clerk (Police) - - 1 (1,242) 1 (1,242) 1 (1 ,344) 1 (1 ,344) Property Officer - 1 (1,214) 1 (1,341) 1 (1,341) 1 (1,452) .J.. (1,452) TOl'AL pœITIcm 7 11 12 13 12 12 Police Aide Total Part Time - - 1 (4,00) 2 (4,00) 3 (4,00) 3 (4,00) - - 1 2 3 3 TOrAL PERSœNEL 7 11 13 15 15 15 ACCOONTING DErAIL Personnel Regular salaries - $ 69,047 $ 160,002 $ 153,925 $ 236 ,830 $ 246,787 Educational Incentive - 1,227 4,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 OIrertime (Regular) - 2,436 15,513 10,000 15,460 11 ,595 OIrertime Training - 223 3,255 2,000 - Part Time or 'l'errporary - 688 8,320 4,000 4,160 Police Reserves - 184 - - - Retirement & Insurance - 18,783 45,377 40,911 62,983 64,910 Uniform Allowance - 300 600 600 600 600 'IDl'AL PERSœNEL $ 92,888 $ 257,067 $ 214,436 $ 323,033 $ 326,892 BUDGET 6-53 SERVICES - DIVISION 504 BUOOEl' DETAIL CITY OF TUSTIN Prior History 1978-79 1979-80 Su~lies & Services Contractual SerVices Office Expense Departmental Expense Transportation Expense Menberships & Meetings Training Reimbursible Training-Post Personnel Recrui tement 'IOl'AL SUPPLIES & SERVICES Capi tal Q..itlay Office Equipnent Departmental Equipnent DlVISICN 'IOI'AL DEPARlMENI' rorAL 6-54 $ 6,116 7,694 3,180 546 4,686 37 $ 22,259 POLICE 1980-81 Budget Projectioo $ 1,200 $ 1,300 22,104 23,369 21,203 21,408 6,360 6,360 1,217 1,000 10,729 8,500 (8,500) (6,500) - 37 $ 54,313 $ 55,474 1981-82 Request A¡proved $ $ 26,136 26,136 26,961 26,961 5,220 5,220 2,260 2,260 18,237 18,237 (3,933) (3,933) - - $ 74,881 $ 74,881 $ 399 $ 5,849 $ 5,902 $ 10,150 $ 9,817 5,647 10,118 12,000 17,115 14,478 $ 6,046 $ 15,967 $ 17 ,902 $ 27,265 $ 24,295 $ 121,193 $ 327,347 $ 287,812 $ 425,179 $426,068 $1,240,772 $2,604,182 $2,383,862 $3,106,641 $2,996,450 BUDGET CiTY OF TUSTiN BUDGEI' c.'CHŒNI'ARY DIVISICN 504 POLICE PERSCNNEL Maintains current level of staff salaries as well as the addition of one lieutenant positioo am one part-time Police Aide to the 1981-82 budget. SUPPLIES AND SERVICES Office Ex¡¡ense: Provides $6,973 for office operating supplies¡ $6,530 for duplication expense¡ $10,670 far microfilm/microfiche expense¡ and $1,963 for word processing expense. De~t:mentaJ.Ex.IJense : Provides $13,519 for departmental supplies¡ $1,364 for uniforms¡ $1,418 for the maintenance of special equipnent¡ $2,160 for the rental of special equipnent¡ $8,000 for printing expenses¡ and $500 for investigative expenses, Tr~~r.~at.i.on._~nse : Provides $3,180 for the monthly rental of t\\K> administrative intermediate sedans from the equipnent furx'!, Provides $443 for melIœrships and subscriptions arx'I $1,817 for meetings, Membership ~ f1eetings: Train.ing: Provides $18,237 for training with $3,933 reimbursable by post. CAPITAL aJTLAY Office ~ipœnt: Provides $479 for desks arx'I tables¡ $435 for chairs and seating¡ $6,053 for filing and storage cabinets¡ $807 for dictation equipment¡ arx'I $2,043 for other office furniture, De~t:JIental ~~nt: Provides $4,797 for audio visual arx'I ronmunication¡ $231 for construction and maintenance equipnent¡ $9,000 for computer ooftware¡ arx'I $450 for other departmental equipnent, BUDGET 6-55 CITY OF TUSTIN DEPAR'lMENl' 55 OBJECTIVES Fire services provide protectioo to life and property through fire prevention, fire suppression, and emergency rescue services. '!he prevention function is to provide ¡;.ublic education on fire safety, fire prevention inspections, arx'I review of proposed develo¡inent plans for fire safety, '!be suppressioo functioo involves the EXPENDITURE S{MoIARY Prior History 1978-79 1979-80 Supplies & Service TOrAL EXPENSE $678,703 $678,703 $610,105 $610,105 FIRE DEPAR1MENl.' ACTlVI'IY Alarm RefiIJC>l1.ses FIRE BUOOEr SUMMARY deployment of sufficient apparatus ard trained personnel in quick am effective response to any fire alarm, Since April 1975 the City has provided Paramedic service am, since January 1978, fire protectioo services through a contract with the County of Orange, 1980-81 ~ Projection 1981-82 ~st Approved $860,000 $860,000 $806,944 $806,944 $1,155,000 $1, 155,000 $1,056,000 $1,056,000 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 Fires 258 242 277 (Proj,) Rescues 1,129 1,330 1,387 (Proj,) Other 607 354 401. (Proj,) .BUDGET , 6-56 (]TY OF TUSTUN FIRE BUOOEl' SUfoIoIARY (continued ) PRa3RAM '!be contract with the Orange Cbunty Fire Department provides full service fire protectioo, including paramedics, mutual aid, and their entire resources in the event of need (e ,g " foam, capabili ties for airline crashes). TWo fire stations within the city house the essential fire apparatus serving Tustin, Station 3 (City-owned) is located at 14901 Red Hill Avenue arx'I contains one 4-man engine (full time), Statim 21 is located at 1241 Irvine B:>ulevard (County-owned) am responds with one 3-man engine (full time): one 3 to 6-man engine (paid-call volunteers): one 4-man aerial truck (2 full time, 2 paid-call personnel): and one paramedic truck carrying 2 full tiJæ paramedics. A Battalion Chief, serving in a portion of the Tustin area, also responds to fire alarms. In ërldition to fire suppression activities, the contract provides for 2 full tiJæ fire positions at City Hall, handling the fire prevention responsibilities for this area, FIVE-YEAR œIDELINE Staff Budget (in $l,OOOs) 1979-80 610.1 1980-81 806,9 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1,056,0 1,267.2 1,520.6 1,672,7 1,839.9 BUDGET 6-57 RECRfATIOH SUPERVISOR (CLASSES, CULTURAL ARTS, SENIOR CITI- ZENS. HUlIAN SERVICES PIIIUC RELATIOHSI (t RECREATIOH COORDINATOR (I) COHTRACT EMPLOYEES. COHTRACT INSTRUCTORS. VOI..UlHEERS 6-58 CITY OF TUSTIN DIRECTOR OF COtfUUTY SERVICES BUPG~T RECREATIOH SUI'ERVISOR (SPORTS. PLAYGROUNDS, YOUTH SERVIŒS PROGRAMS) ( I) (II CONTRACT EMPLOYEES¡ , . SPORTS OFFlC¡ VOUlnEERS COHTRACT EMPLOYEES¡ RECREATION SPECiAliSTS. VOI..IltTEERS CYTV OF TUSTiN DEPARIMENl' 70 CXH1tNITY SERVICES BUDGEl' &/MMARY OBJECTIVES The Comnuni ty Services Department plans, organi zes arx'I manages recreatioo arx'I oonmunity services pro- grams which enable residents of all ages, interests, arx'I capabilities to experience self-satisfaction, personal growth and fulfillment. Fees arx'I marges are secured where appropriate in suwort of pro- grams and services, '!he 1981-82 budget is 6'5% self-funded with fees arx'I charges returning EXPENDITURE SlMfARY Prior History 1978-79 1979-80 Staff Personnel Supplies & Services Capi tal OJUay TOl'AL EXPENSE 4 $ 87,796 111,250 935 $199,981 7 $138,423 155,507 1,731 $295,661 P RCX;RAM Revenue Sl.IIIDarY $285,170 to the General Furx'!, Programs entail city-wide special events, arts arx'I cultural programs, sports, volunteer involvement, ænior citizen service facilities, informatioo am referral, and technical aSsistance to oœmunity groups, '!he Department is aloo oœmitted to realistic long-range planning fiDr facilities to meet coommi ty needs. 1980-81 1981-82 Budget Projecticn Request Approved 7 8 8 8 $173,263 $151,428 $189,025 $205,566 178,567 184,773 240,247 237,351 6,027 5,873 22,884 11,935 $357f857 $342,074 H~2..r 156 ~4.54.,852 Sports - - $ 72,160 $ 65,500 $ 71,390 $ 71,390 Classes/CuI turalArts (Data not - 114,550 107,000 126,810 156,810 Divisionalized) Youth Services - - 18,100 19,000 40,470 40,470 Human Services 11,800 20,000 30,000 30,000 rorAL CŒMJNITY SERVICES FEES $177,430 $189,220 $216,610 $211,500 $268-,-670 $298,1>70 Building Rental (50%) 12,406 16,837 16,500 14,019 16,500 16,500 rorAL $189,836 $206,057 $233,110 $225,519 $285,170 $315,170 Percent of Experx'!itures 94,9%* 69,7%* 65,1% 65,9% 63,1 % 70,0% *Higher percentages are a reflection of a large amount of CE'l2-\. personnel. BUDGET 6-59 CITY OF TUSTIN AJ:MINISTRATICN - DIVISCN 701 BUOOEI' DErAIL Prior History 1978-79 1979-80 P ERSCNNEL SCHEOOLE Director of Recreation/Cbmmunity Services Department Clerk Typist-Clerk 'IDrAL PœITICNS ACCOONTING DErAIL Personnel Regular Salaries Part-tiIœ or Tenq:¡orary Educational Incentive Retirement & Insurance 'IDrAL PERSCNNEL' SuEEHes & Services Facilities Expense Office Expense Departmental Expense Transportation Expense Training & Developnent 'IúrAL SUPPLIES & SERIJICES Capi tal CUt1éiY Office Equipnent Departmental Equipnent 'IDrAL CAPITAL a1I'LAY GRAND 'IDrAL BUDGET 6-60 CŒMlNITY SERVICES 1980-81 Budget Projection 1981-82 ~~¡;t:_- Approv-ed 1 (2,200) 1 (1,105) 1 (1,085) 3 1 (2,332) 1 (1,242) 1 (1,085) 'ju _H -- 1 (2,590) 1 (1,344) 1 (1,l75) 'ju 1 (2,590) 1-(1,344) 1 (1,175) 'j ... . $ 39,416 $ 42,997 $ 55,663 $ 63,386 960 17 97 97 60 60 120 120 6,03~ 6,038 8,716 10,106 $ 46,474 $ 49,112 $ 64,596 ~ 73,709 $ 720 $ 535 $ 3,400 $ - 25 25 150 150 16,027 15,600 21,130 21,130 1,200 1,200 1,200 1 ,200 1,380 1,423 2,970 2,970 ~ 19,352 $ 18,793 $ 28,850 $ 25,450 $ - $ - $ 14,009 $ 3,060 2,491 2,200 - - $ 2,491 $ 2,200 $ 14,009 ~ 3,060 $ 68,317 $ 70,105 $107,455 $102,219 en'Y OF TUSTIN 1 BUOOEr C<B1ENTARY PERS<HæL DIVISICN 701 RECREATI (N-AŒUN ISTRATI (l\ Maintains current level of staff, SUPPLIES AID SERVICFB De~tmen~~J._~~ : TransportatiOl!_~nse : Traini~~vel~nt: CAPITAL CUTLAY Office ~u.i.pnent: Includes $17,630 for typesetting, printing, am in-city mailing of four issues of TUstin TOday; $3,000 for departmental supplies; am $500 for miscellaneous printing expenses, Provides $100 per month vehicle allowance for the Director. Includes $2,745 for meetings am conferences and $225 for memberships and subscriptions, Provides $960 for one typing credenza desk; $1,320 for t\\oQ Cbuble ~destal desks; and $780 for t\'oO 4-drawer legal size files. BUDGET 6-61 CITY OF TUSTIN SPORTS - DIVISION 702 BUIX;Er DErAIL Prior History 1978-79 1979-80 PERSONNEL æHEOOLE Recreation Supervisor/ Recreation Coordinator TOl'AL PœITIONS ACCaJNTING DErAIL Personnel Regular Salaries Retirement & Insurance TOl'AL PERSONNEL Supplies & Services Contractual Services Office Expense Departmental Expense Transportation Expense Training & Developnent TOl'AL SUPPLIES & SERVICES Capi télJ. _Q..1t1ay l>btor Vehicles Departmental Fq.1ipnent TC1I'AL CAPITAL OOTLAY GRAND TOl'AL BUDGET 6-62 1980-81 Budgi:!t: Projectioo 1 (1,777) 1 (1,502) "2.. - $ 35,079 7,131 $ 42,210 $ 34,960 25 15,575 1,440 605 $ 52,605 $ 1,500 106 $ 1,606 $ 96,421 1 (1,777) 1 (1,502) 2 $ 34,048 7,131 $ 41, 179 $ 32,859 25 13,524 1,440 605 $ 48,453 $ $ 1,500 106 1,606 CŒ!M{}U'.ry SERVICES 1981-82 Request: u __~~ærOlTed 1 (1,928) 1 n ,626) 2- $ 26,052 4,418 $ 30,470 $31,085 100 15,780 1,440 840 $ 49,245 $ 4,200 2,000 $ 6,200 $ 85,915 1 (1,928) 1 (1,626) -ž-- $ 28,641 4,884 ~ 33,525 $ 31,085 100 15,780 1,584 840 $49,389 $ 4,200 2,000 $ 6,200 $ 89,114 $ 91,238 CiTY OF TUSTDN BULGEr C<H4ENI'ARY PERSCNNEL DlVISICN 702 RECREATI CN-SPORl'S Present staffing level is maintained. SUPPLIES AN) SERVICES Contractual Service~: Departmental Supplies: Transportation_Elœe.nse: Trainin[~ Development: CAPITAL OOTLAY Vehicles: Departmental&;¡uipœnt: Provides for umpires and other sports officials. Provides $15,400 for trophies, softballs, and other equipnent; and $380 for printing expenses, Provides $1,584 for one pick-up truck for ball field maintenance, Includes $695 for meetings and conferences, and $145 for mentJerships arrl , subscriptions, Provides $4,200 for one 3-wheel Cushman run-about, Provides $2,000 for 2 aluminum bleachers. BUDGET 6-63 CITY OF TUSTIN CLASSES & CUUruRAL ARTS - DIVISION 703 CŒMLNITY SERVIŒS BUOOET DETAIL Prior History 1980-81 1981-82 1978-79 1979-80 Budget Projectioo Request 1-\pI>roved PERSONNEL æHEOOLE Recreation Supervisor/ 1 (1,777) 1 (1,777) 1 (1,928) 1 (1,928) Recreation Coordinator 1 (1,502) 1 (1,502) 1 (-1,626) .1 (1,626) TOrAL PŒITIONS 2 2 2 2 ACCOONTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salaries $ 19,344 $ 18,364 $ 24,482 $ 27,004 Recreation Leaders ' 248 - - - Educational Incentive 60 - 90 90 Retirement & Insurance 4,246 2,81( 5,658 6,112 TOrAL PERSCNNEL $ 23,898 $ 21,181 $ 30,230 $ 33,206 Supplies & Services Contractual Services $ 63,000 $ 63,000 $ 82,310 $ 82,310 Facilities Expense 12,300 12,300 12,000 12,000 Office Expense 25 25 60 60 Departmental Expense 4,132 5,881 8,350 8,350 Transportation Expense 2,750 1,440 1,755 1,875 Training & Developnent 205 205 1,465 1,465 TOrAL SUPPLIES & SERVICES $ 82,412 $ 82,851 $105,940 $106,060 Capital Oltlay Departmental E'quipnent $ 1,885 $ 1,885 $ ~,675 $ 2,675 TOl'AL CAPITAL ŒITLAY $ 1,885 $ 1,885 $ 2,675 $ 2,675 GRAND TOrAL $108,195 $105,917 $138,845 $141,941 6-64 BUDGET CITY OF YilJS1I'GN BUOOEI' C<MmNTARY PERSCNNEL DIvISICN 703 RECREATlCN-<:LASSES & CULWRAL Am'S Present staffing level is maintained, SUPPLIES AN) SERIJICES Contractual Services: Facilitie~_Expense: Departmental Expense: Transportation. _E:IcEE!nse: TrainincL&.~~3.~nt: CAP ITAL OOTLAY DepartmntalÐ;¡uipnent: Provides for instructors for self-suworting City programs arxî classes. Provides for rental of Lambert School fran Tustin Unified School District, Provides $5,145 for admissioo tickets¡ $1,705 for departmental supplies¡ arx'I $1,500 for printing. Provides ooe-third of the rental cost of me pool vehicle £ran the Equi¡:xnent Fund and $875 for excursion bus rental. Incluqes $1,240 for meetings and conferences¡ and $225 for memberships arxî subscriptions, Provides $800 for one (1) mirror for dance studio ¡ $525 for one (1) fat mat for gymnastics¡ $600 for one (1) balanCE beam¡ $300 for one (1) gym trap¡ and $450 for t\\oQ (2) gym mats, BUDGET 6-65 CITY OF TUSTIN YOUTH SERVICES - DIVISION 704 BUOOEr DErAIL CCM1LNITY SERVICES PERSONNEL æHEOOLE Prior History 1978-79 1979~80 1980-81 ~L Pr()jectioo 1981-82 Request l\pI>roved Recreation Supervisor Recreation Specialist Recreation Leader II Recreation Leader I 'lUI'AL PŒITIONS .5 (1,928) .5 (1,928) (P,T.) (P.T,) (P,T,) .5 ,5 ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salaries Part-time Salaries Recreation Leaders Educational Incentive Retirement & Insurance 'lUI'AL PERSONNEL $ $ $ $ 10,662 $ 11,729 2,088 2,088 9,692 29,201 19,192 23,561 21,061 - - - - - 485 969 969 2,703 2,895 $ 12,265 $ 30,170 $ 22,249 $ 36,926 $ 35,685 SuEelies & Services Contractual Services Office Expense Departmental Expense Transportatioo Expense Training & Developnent 'lUI'AL SUPPLIES & SERVICES $ 4,341 $ 2,292 $ 10,007 $ 6,270 $ 6,270 13 25 25 100 100 2,732 4,925 5,175 16,352 16,352 617 3,915 1,827 3,215 3,335 - 125 125 1 260 1,260 7,703 $ 11,282 $ 17,159 ~ 26,197 ~ 26,317 '$ Ca]2ital QjUay Departmental Fquipnent 'lUI'AL CAPITAL OUTIAY $ ~ 137 137 $ $ 45 45 $ 182 $ 182 $ L- GRAND 'lUI'AL $ 20,105 $ 41,497 $ 39,590 $ 63,123 ~ 62,002 BUDGET 6-66 CiTY OF TltJS'fiN BUOOEl' <XM1FNI'ARY DIVISIŒ 704 CXMUNITY SERVICES PERSrnNEL SUPPLIES AND SERVICES Contractual Services: Provides $5,475 for recreation services arx'I $795 for barx'! entertainment. Office Expense: Provides $100 for office operating supplies. DePéir~~talExIJEmse : Transp:>rt.ation Expense: Provides $4,067 for departmental supplies; $11,935 for admission tickets; and $350 for printing expenses. Provides $1,000 for vehicle leasing fran the equipnent furx'!; and $2,335 for excursion bus rental. Trai'l!!19.~ Dev~1.Ql:Ine.nt: Provides $150 for training; $60 for meetings; and $50 for IœJTberships arrl subscriptions, BUDGET 6-67 CITY OF TUSTIN HUMAN SERVICES/SENIOR CITIZENS - DlVISICN 705 BULGE!' DETAIL ffiolMllUTY SERVICES PERSCmEL OCHEOOLE Prior History 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 ~- - - J>rojection 1981-82 Bud9.~t Approved Recreation Supervisor Recreation Leader 'lUI'AL PERSCNNEL 1 (1,105) 1 1 (1,105) 1 .5 (1,92B) ,1 (1,196) , T:š - -- .- .5 (1,928) 1 (1,196) ï:-š - ,- ACCOONTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salaries $ 8,062 $ 25,884 $ 14,743 $ 22,361 $ 24,600 Educational Incentive 30 30 Retirement & Insurance 1,483 4,627 2,964 4',412 4,811 TarA!. PERSCNNEL $ 9,545 $ 30,511 $ 17,707 $ 26,803 $ 29,441 Supplies & Services Contractual Services $ 4,242 $ 9,496 $ 10,292 $ 12,337 $ 12,337 Office Expense 13 25 25 25 25 Departmental Expense 74 1,495 5,350 15,883 15,883 Transportation Expense 440 1,480 1,480 1,130 1,250 Training & Developnent 51 420 370 640 640 TarA!. SUPPLIFS & SERVICES $ 4,820 $ 12,916 $ 17 ,517 $ 30,015 $30,135 GRAND 'lUI'AL $ 14,365 $ 43,427 $ 35,224 $ 56,818 $ 59,576 BUDGET 6-68 CnTY Of T1US],~N BUDGET a::MIENTARY DIVISICN 705 CŒMlNITY SERVICES PERSOONEL SUPPLIES AND SERVICES Contractual Services: Provides $12,337 for recreation services. Office Expense: Provides $25 for office operating supplies. DepartJI\e_nt~j:x~nse : Provides $1,023 for departmental supplies, $14,110 for admission tickets, and $250 for excursion bus rental, Trainil'19...... And Developnent: Provides $150 for training, $100 for meetings, and $390 for memberships and subscriptions. BUDGET 6-69 CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARlMENI' 80 NC»- DEP ARr~TAL BUlXlli'f SUMMARY OBJECTIVES '!he Non-Departmental activity contains those expenditures that affect all departments of the city as a whole, Exarrples of these are City liabil i ty and property damage insurance, duplication expenses, postage arx'I office equipnent maintenance, and special census expenses. Ðnployee insurance arx'I retirement expenses have been spreërl to the benefited activities and thus EXPENDITURE SlH1ARY Prior History 1978-79 1979-80 Staff Personnel Supplies & Services Capital Oltlay 'IDI'AL EXPENSE $ 61,466 554,269 10,670 $626,405 $ 7,274 531,035 59,462 $597,771 PRŒRAM Programs òf the Non-Departmental activity include the following: 1 , Purchase of replacement vehicles finances through charges to using departments, ' Rental charges also rover the rost of operating and maintaining the vehicles. 2, Provisioo of errployee benefits to protect the errployees' welfare and maintain a oonpeti ti ve errployment envirooment. FIVE-YEAR GUIDELINE 1979-80 1980-81 Staff Budget (in $l,OOOs) 446.9 453,0 BUDGET €;-70 are ro longer included , Furx'Is for comnuni ty prOf!K)tion, sum as City merrberships in other organi zations, Chanber of Cœmerce services, arx'I conmunity advertisirg are budgeted in this acti vi ty - as they represent city-wide expenses, 1980-81 1981-82 Budget Projection Peque s t AH?roved - - - $ - $ - $ - $ 469,733 486,346 358,100 358, 100 46,075 128,938 1,500 1,500 $515,808 $615,284 $359,600 $359,600 3. PrOl7isioo of adequate insurance to protect the City's interest in liability and property damage cases, 4. Centralization of certain common office expenses and duplication costs for greater visibility and control, 5, '!be debt retirement cost for Park Bom and Civic Center Bond have been included as Non-Departmental expenses, 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 461,9 471,5 505.9 493,5 482.1 CiTY OW TUS'fliN NG -DEPAR'IMENl'AL BUIX;EI' DETAIL Prior History 1980-81 1981-82 1978-79 1979-80 Budget Projectioo I~guest AWroved PERSOONEL OCHEOOLE (None) ACCOONTIl{; DETAIL Personnel UndistrïbutedFringe Benefits ~ 61,466 $ 7,274 $ - $ - $ - $ Supplies & Services Contractual Services Professional Services $ 2,696 $ 38,487 $ 25,000 $ 58,297 $ - $ Refuse Collection 113,965 125,932 Auditing 18,000 2,741 City Insurance 163,577 26,590 161,150 162,591 80,000 80,000 Medical Services 4,424 18,186 - - Office Èxpense Postage 16,775 19,378 21,550 18,728 25,000 25,000 Office Equip. Maint. 1,253 1,488 2,500 1,000 15,200 15,200 Duplication Expense 17 ,556 18,265 17 ,500 15,000 17,500 17 ,500 Printing - 1,111 - 3,228 Other 4,952 4,623 6,850 3,100 Misc, Expense - 19,762 - - Training & Developnent 2,221 2,409 4,000 3,500 4,500 4,500 Personnel Recruitment 7,554 21,873 Other Expenses Bus Expenses 7,026 - Bond Expense 181,378 201,026 195,703 195,703 189,000 189,000 City Cbntributions - - 7,500 - - - City Memberships 4,373 4,593 5,650 5,000 6,000 6,000 City Advertising 919 574 1,200 200 BUDGET 6-71 CITY OF TUSTIN NOO-DEPAR'IMENTAL BUrGEr DErAIL ACCOONTIK> DErAIL (continued) Chamber of Conmerce & Jr.Chamber of Conmerce $ 7,600 $ 14,778 $ 11,900 $ 4,700 $ 11,900 $ 11,900 Fourth of July celebration - 6,719 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 Tustin Tiller Days - -2,500 230 6,299 TOl'AL SUPPLIES AND SERVICES $554,269 $531,035 $469,733 $486,346 $358,100 $358,100 Capital QJtlay fobtor Vehicles $ 65,754 $124,918 $107,900 $132,766 $209,100 $209,100 Equipnent FUrx'! Reimbursement (58,296) (79,638) (107,900) (107,900) (209,100) (209,100) Office Equipnent 3,212 6,411 6,075 6,072 1,500 1,500 Departmental Equip, 7,771 40,000 98,000 - - TOl'AL CAPITAL OOTLAY $ 10,670 $ 59,462 $ 46,075 $128,938 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 GRAND TOl'AL $626,405 $597,771, $515,808 $615,284 $359,600 $359,600 Prior History 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 Budget Projection 1981-82 Ie~t. . Approvea 6-72 BUDGET CiTY OF 'HJS'II'HN BUOOEl' CCM1F1.iTARY NCN-DEPARrMENTAL PERSŒINEL None SUPPLIES AND SERVICES Contractual Services Refuse Collection: Auditing: Ci ty Insurance: Medical Services: Office Expense: Postage: Office Equipnent Maintenance: Duplication Expense: Other: Traini119.~ Developnent: Other Expenses: Bus Expense: Bond Expense : City Contributions: City Memberships: City Advertising: ChaIrber of Comnerce & Jr. Chamber of Calm. Transferred to Public Works in 1980-81. Transferred to Finance in 1980-81. Provides for liability, w:xkers a:>npensation, pr:operty damage am insurance, arx'I other risk management expenses, Transferred to Persoonel in 1980-81. surety Provides for postage for all departments, Provides for maintenance of all City office equipnent, Includes equipnent lease payment, maintenance, am supplies, Provides for operating the central supply :roc:xn, Provides for tuition reinbursement and enployee recognition, Transferred to Public WOrks 1980-81. Provides for Park and Civic Center Born interest, principal, and related expenses, Provides $9,000 for July 4th activities, Provides $1,500 for Santa Ana River Flood Protection Agency; $1,500 for Orange County League of Cities; $3,000 for league of California Cities; and $500 for Public Agencies Data Systems (PAœ) , Includes miscellaneous City advertising expenses, Provides $2,400 for City share of ChaJrber-Historical Society lease agreement; $7,000 for Jaycees Tiller Days parade; and $2,500 for Chamber of Cœmerce, BUDGET 6-73 BUOOm' CCH1ENl'ARY (continued) CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL aJTLAY M:>tor Vehicles: Equipnent Furx'I Reimbursement: Office Equipment: Provides $79,915 for replacement of ten police patrol units; $7,300 for replacement of one pick-up truck and !¡i8, 200 for replacement of one sedan for Conm.mity Services; $24,645 for replacement of three sedans for Public Works; $76,320 for replacement of one street sweeper; $12,720 for replacement of t\\K> riding-type lawn JIDWers, Reimbursement of General Furrl by Equipment Fun::! for replacement of vehicles and equipnent, Provides $1,500 for ërlditional shelving in basement. 6-74 BUDGET ,~ z ¡: CI'J :;¡ ,.. ¡¡" 0 >- ,.. ü ~ 8 ~ r-- I ~ ~ U) H ~ H 6 ~ '" Q :;¡ çQ ~-- -------- - - - - - - ,- ..." "1 I CiTY Of' TUSTIN œJECTIVES The Capital Inprovement Budget is a separate and equal partner to the Operating Budget which must be ronsidèred in any allocation of romrunity resources. '!his Budget atterrpts to schedule those capital inprovements which benefit the p.lblic directly or whim assist one or more departinents to perform their mission, As a ronvenience, the Budget is segregated into major categories. Public Facilities (10) contains building arx'I grounds projects, Beautification Projects (,30) contains those projects of primarily a beautification nature arx'I excludes those projects of a functional recreational usage. Parks and Recreation Facilities (40) contains those projects of primarily recreation or park functions, although anbiguities may develop as in the case of FIVE-YEAR GUIDELINE 1979-80 1980-81 Staff Budget (in $l,OOOs) PRŒRAM 543.0 574.2 Though the program ($2,396,600) for 1981-82 is broad in scope, it will not meet all the needs and concerns of the citizens, '!be capital investments are made p:>ssible in part from highway and flood control grants as well as Redevelopnent ./\gency furx'!s, Projects will be reviewed on an on~oing basis to re-evaluate these fun:ling sources and changes to the City, due to annexations, traffic cooditions or any other possible impacts, '!he five-year plan will require additional General Funds and Gas Tax Furx'!s to successfully undertake many other necessary programs, 10, Public Facilities ($43,000). The City plans to make saœ building modifications in City Hall arx'I the Police Department ($35,000)7 rehabilitate parts of the Comnunity Center BUDGET CAPITAL IMPIDVEl-1ENr BlJIX;ET the Comnunity Center being categorized as a "Public Facility." Transportation Facilities (60) rontains any project designed to facilitate the movement of pedestrian and vehicular traffic, Such projects \\K>uld include street construction or major renovation, bridges, overpasses, bike trails and related studies. Traffic Controls (65) contains pedestrian and vehicular traffic control devices sum as signals or special lane markings. Flood Control Facilities (70) contains storm drain and flood rontrol projects, Waste Disposal Facilities (80) contains any projects relatEd to the collection arx'Idistribution of liquid or solid wastes, Water Supply and Distribution (90) contains any projects affecting the local Cbmestic water systems, 1981-82 1982-83 N/A 1984-85 N/A N/A 1985-86 1983-84 N/A N/A ($7,000) 7 and provide bicycle racks at City Hall ($1,000). 30, Beautification Projects ($201,000). '!he major project this fiscal year is the undergrounding of utilities street lighting in the areas of Yorba Street to Prospect Avenue and Prospect Avenue to 601 t Avenue ($140,000) , Other activities include El Camino Real identification ($50,000) am a general street lighting program ($11,000), 40. Parks arx'I Recreation Facilities ($338,400), An anbitious program is planned for fiscal year 1981-82 with the biggest project being the design arx'I engineering of the CollJITbus Tustin Recreation Facility ($150,000). Other 7-1 CITY OF TUSTIN PRCGRAM (continued) projects include (1) developing a Master Plan of Parks and Recreation Facilities ($50,000); drainage irrprovement, apparatus replacement; and park repairs, 60, Transportation Facilities ($4,087,100), This year's budget includes a continuing Major Street Maintenance Program ($241,000); lwbultoo Parkway realignment ($481,000); El Camino Real parking facility ($250,000); Newport Avenue extension ($57,900); street widening, pedestrian crossings, paving, beautification and arx'I off-street bicycle trail, Additional funds are available from the Urban Mass Transit Authority arx'I several County sources, 65, Traffic Control Facilities ($535,100), The major project in this area is the Irvine Boulevard, Yorba Street to Red Hill Avenue interconnect, arx'I new installation at Fashion Lane ($480,100), 70. Flood Control Facilities ($311,000), Improvements are planned for Irvine Boulevard drain, FO7 Channel to Holt Avenue ($55,000), and other drains arx'I catrn basins programs, 80. Waste Disposal Facilities, N.J programs are planned for the roming fiscal year. 90, Water Suppl~ arx'I Distribution ($289,800). Primary proJects include the replacement of 7-2 BUDGET several water mains and hydrants, and an Engineering study and analysis of the recently acquired Tustin Water Service, , 1 CITY OF TUSTIN "'" I. SUMMARY OF PLAN BY CATEX;ORY 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 BUOOET PROJECTICN OOffiET PLANNED PLANNED PLANNED PLANNED 10, PUBLIC FACILITIES $ 75,000 -- $ 42,000 $ 413,000 $ 300.,000 $ 300,000 $2,000 ,OUO 30. BFAUTIFICATICN PROJOCTS 1,387,600 $ 864,000 ,201,000 528,000 587,100 470,000 662,900 40, PARKS/RECRFATICN FACILITIES 79,100 18,890 288,400 1,225,000 725,000 700,000 --- 60. TRANSPORTATICN mCILITIES 3,075,500 1,307,727 4,084,100 3,907,600 3,031,000 3,158,400 2,722,000 65, TRAFFIC CCNl'ROlS 637,000 747,506 535,100 299,500 155,000 127,000 162,000 70. FLCXD CCNl'ROL FACILITIES 416,200 486,200 214,000 3,930,000 3,604,000 451,700 502,300 80, WASTE DlSPœAL FACILITIES 30,000 24,500 -- -- -- --- --- 90. WATER SUPPLY/DISTRIBUTICN - -- 293,800 361,000 210,000 182,000 200,000 'lUI'AL PRCGRAMS $5,700,400 $3,508,823 $5,658,400 $10,664,000 ~8,612, 100 $5,389,100 $6,249,200 II, SumARY OF PLAN BY REVmJE GENERAL FUND (GF) $ 882,300 $ 693,717 $ 56,400 $3,192,600 $2,306,200 $ 614,300 $ 822,300 COONTY FLCXD <XNI'ROL (CFC) 500,000 551,600 -- 1,665,000 1,665,000 STA'Œ SB 17 4 FUNDS (SF) -- - 8,000 URBAN MASS TRANSIT ArJotIN, (tm'A) 6,500 -- 6,500 STATE PARK B(lí [) (SPB) -- --- - 150,000 DEVELOPER (DEV) -- -- 8,000 COONTY REIMBURSEMENT (CO) -- - 6,000 REVENUE SHARING (RS) 174,700 223,800 249,000 220,700 211,000 215,800 215,000 GAS TAX-CITY (Gl') 610,300 186,800 540,700 1,569,900 828,400 846,000 753,100 ARI'ERIAL lIVY FUNDING PIŒRAM (AHFP) 270,000 221,700 73,800 507,100 263,500 51,000 151,000 FEDERAL AID URBAN STREEl'S (FAU) 1,398,500 508,706 2,023,200 1,595,000 1,595,000 1,595,000 1,595,000 STATE MATCHING FUNDS (SMF) 79,000 79,000 -- --- PARK DEVELOPMENT FUND (PD) -- -- 130,400 56,800 BEAlJI'IFICATICN FUND (B) -- --- -- --- 13,000 ---- 12,800 REDEVELOPMENI' AGENCY (ROO) 1,779,100 1,043,500 2,262,600 1,346,000 1,520,000 1,885,000 2,500,000 WATER FUND (WF) - - 293,800 361,000 210,000 182,000 200,000 'lUI'AL REVENUE SaJRCE $5,700,400 3,508,823 $5,658,400 $10,664, 100 $8,612,100 $5,389,100 $'6,249,200 BUDGET ~ 7-] CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPIOVEMENr PID;Rl\M 1980-81 .EUND l3udget 10. PUBLIC FACILITIES 1, Miscellaneous Building Modifications City Hall/Recreation Dept. GF Police Department GF 2, Rehabilitation to Clifton C, Miller Comnuni ty Center Carpet arid Vinyl Tile Replacement Installation of Vertical Blinds and Tinting of Windows TOI'ALS FUl'Ð RECAP -~ $75,000 GF GF $75,000 GF $75,000 BUDGET 1980-81 1981-82 Projection Budget $ -- $ -- 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 Planned Planned Planned Planned $15,000 $100,000' 20,000 13,000 7,000 $42,000 $113,000 $ ---- $ -- $ -- $42,000 $113,000 $ ---- $ -- $ ---- "] CITY OF TUSTIN r CAPITAL IMPIVVEMENI' PRXRAM I 1980-81 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 FUND ~t._- Rr<>jecti()n Budget Planned Planned Planned Planned 30. BFAUTIFICATICN PROJEC'IS (***)1, Newport Avenue Center Island RS $ 25,800 $12,600 3, Columbus Tustin Ballfield Tree Planting Mjacent to Irvine Boulevard and Prospect Avenue (22) GF 6,800 5,900 (***)4, Irvine Boulevard and Yorba Street Utility Undergrounding and Street Lighting, Yorba Street to Prospect Avenue GF 39,000 39,000 5. Private Property Service Conversions - El Camino Real GF 60,000 60,000 Undergrourx'l Dist, No, 5 ' (***)6. Bryan-Main Triangle Landscaping GF 29,400 -- 7, General Street Lighting Prograu (16) GF - -- -- -- -- $40,000 $40,000 a. Raleigh Ave" Walter Ave" Debusk Ave, GF 2,500 2,500 b, Easterly side of Red Hill Ave., Valencia to North Boundary of M,C,A,S, GF - -- 11,000 c, Easterly side of Red Hill Avenue, Warner Avenue to Valencia Avenue GF --- -- - $49,200 d. Easterly side of Red Hill Avenue, Barranca Road to Warner Avenue GF - --- --- $49,200 $84,900 13,000 8, Seventeenth Street Center Island, Yorba Street to Prospect Avenue ill' B (***) Additional furx'ling urx'Ier Redevelopnent Agency BUDGET 7-5 CITY OF TUSTIN "'\ CAPITAL IMPR:>VEMENr PRŒRAM 1980-81 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 FUND Budget Projection Budget Planned Planned Planned Planned 30, BEAUTIFICATIOO PROJEC'IS 9, Newport Avenue Center Island, GI' -- --- --- --- ---- ---- 110,100 McFadden Avenue to Sycamore Avenue B -- -- --- --- --- ---- 12,800 - $163,500 $120,000 $11,000 $49,200 $147,100 $40,000 $162,900 FUND RECAP GF $137,700 $107,400 $11,000 $49,200 $49,200 $40,000 $40,000 RS 25,800 12,600 -- ---- ---- ---- ---- GI' --- -- -- -- 84,900 - 110,100 B -- --- -- ---- 13,000 --- 12,800 BUDGET ..) 7-6 , ] I 40. PARKS AND RECRFATIœ FACILITIES 1, Centennial Park (16) Replace Asphalt Walks with Concrete (Phase II) Modify Lighting System Install TWo Parking Lot Lights 2. Columbus Tustin Park Landscaping of Parking Lot 3 , Magnolia Tree Park Sidewalk 4, Masterplan of Parks and Recreation Facilities (***)5, Columbus Tustin Recreation Facility GF Architecture and Engineering SPB Facility Construction PD 6. Cblumbus Tustin Park Irrprovements Drainage Irrprovements, Picnic Shelter, Drinking Fountain (Field#2), Bleachers, Miscellaneous Concrete Construction, Trees, and Signage 7, Pe~rtree Park Inprovements Par Course Installation, Replacement of Play Apparatus, Signage and Bicycle Racks PD 8, centennial Park Irrprovements Par Course, Volleyball Court, Replacement of Play Apparatus FUND GF GF GF GF GF PO PO CiTY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPIDIlEMENT PIŒRAM 1980-81 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 Budget Projection !Jdget Planned Planned Planned Plarmed $50,000 $50,000 4,500 4,674 2,200 1,716 20,000 20,000 2,400 2,500 $50,000 $535,000 150,000 56,800 32,000 12,900 PD 19,000 (***) lIdditional furx'ling urx'ler Redevelopnent Agency BUDGET 7-7 CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPR:NE:MENT POCGRAM 1980-81 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 mND ~et. hojection Buc1get Planned Planned Planned Planned 40. PARKS AND ROCREATICN FACILITIES 9, Frontier Park Inprovements Playground/Fort Area Drainage Improvements, R:!pair/Replace Play Apparatus and Bicycle Racks PO --- -- $11,500 10, Magnolia Tree Park Improvements Replace Basketball Court, R:!pair/ Replace Play Equipœnt SF -- -- 8,000 11. Pinetree Park Improvements Disc G:>lf Course, R:!place Basketball Standards and Bicycle Racks PO -- -- 5,000 TOl'ALS $79, 100 $78,890 $ 138 ,400 $741,800 $--- $------ $----- FUID RECAP GF $79,100 $78,890 $---- $535,000 $--- $----- $------ SPB ---- ----- ----- 150,000 PO --- --- 130,400 56,800 SF ---- ----- 8,000 7-8 BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPIDVEMENT PR:JGRAM 1980-81 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 FUND Budget Projection Budget Planned Planned Planned Planned 60. TRANSPORI'ATICN FACILITIES 1. Major Maintenance Program RS $150,000 $150,000 $241,000 $213,000 $211,000 $215,800 $215,000 2. Bus Benches, O.C.T,D, Ibutes GF 3,000 -- UM'ffi. 6,500 - 6,500 3, Browning-Bryan Intersection CFC 5QO,000 551,600 Widening and Flood Control (62) AHFF 270,000 221,700 GF 284,000 246,400 4, Red Hill Avenue Widening, Bell to Valencia (63) Gl' 35,000 -- -- 39,000 5. Seventeenth St, Widening, Cbsta Mesa Freeway to Yorba St, Gl' 34,500 18,000 6. Moulton Parkway Realignment (78) Gl' 67,000 9,000 67,000 330,000 330,000 330,000 330,000 FAU 414,000 -- 414,000 1,595,000 1,595,000 1,595,000 1,595,000 7, Newport Avenue Extension (79) GF 3,400 - 3,400 60,000 Gl' 54,500 - 54,500 307, 100 AHFP -- - --- 307,100 8. Main Street Underpass Lighting (84) GF 16,600 4,100 9. Sycamore Avenue Raiload Pedestrian Crossing (65) GF 14,800 14,800 10. Warner Avenue Railroad Crossing Protective Devices Gl' 7,000 - 8,100 11, San Juan St, Widening, Orange to Green Valley GF 40,700 62,000 12, Jamboree Ri/Centennial Park Fencing (83) GF 8,000 9,527 13, Red Hill Avehue Sidewalk (Easterly side), Valencia to North Bourx'lary æAS GF $ 20 ,600 $ 20,600 BUDGET 7-9 60 , TRANSPORTATICN FACILITIES 14. Bryan Avenue ~rary Realignment, from 650' to 3850' Easterly of Browning Ave, 15. Irvine Boulevard Widening, E/O Ranch\\U:rl to Realigned Myford Rj 16. Red Hill Avenue, Lance Dr, to Irvine Blvd. FUND GF Gl' FAU Gl' AHFP *17, Irvine Blvd, Prospect Ave. to ** Newport (Pavement Reronstruction & Gl' (xx) A.C, Cap, Median Construction) FAD 18, TUstin Meadows Area Pedestrian Lighting Kingsboro Circle to Walnut Ave Royal R:], to Green Meadow Green Meadow to Braebourn Amherst to EÌl\erywood Royal Oak to Fallen Leaf GF GF GF GF GF 20, 19, Nelson School Off-Street Bike Trail RS Orange Street, Laguna Rj, to San Juan St. 21. San Juan Street, Newport to Orange 22. Walnut Street, Newport to Orange GF GF GF CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMProvEMENT PlœRAM 1980-81 Budget 1980-81 1981-82 Projection Budget 49,400 144,000 702,500 $ 159,800 859,200 107,800 73,800 54,900 337,100 1982-83 Planned 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 Planned Planned Planned $7,200 2,200 $7,200 3,400 2,200 8,000 140,000 50,000 55,000 *Additional funding under Flood Control Facilities **Additional funding under Traffic Control Facilities (xx)Additional funding under Beautification Facilities 7-10 BUDGET CITY OF TUSTiN CAPITAL IMPRJ\1EMENl' PIœRAM 60, TRANSPORl'ATICN FACILITIES *23, Red Hill Ave. (Westerly Side) from 670' to 810' Northerly of Walnut 24, Red Hill Avenue (Easterly Side Northerly of Walnut) & Walnut Ave, (Northerly Side Easterly of Red Hill) 25, Valencia Avenue Reronstruction Red Hill to Costa Mesa Fwy (34) *26. Bryan Avenue Widening, fran Browning to Myford *27, utt Street, San Juan to Andrews * 28, Green valley, San Juan to Lance 29, Red Hill Avenue Bike Trail, Vicinity of Santa Ana Freeway 30, "B" Street, McFadden to Mitchell *31, Mitchell Ave/"B" Street, from Newport to Nisson 32. Yorba Street, From 130' NVO Laurie to Leaf\\K>od 33, First Street, Costa Mesa Fwy to ** Westerly City Limits 34 , Nisson Road, from Browning to Red Hill ,I í FUND GT GT GT AHFP GT AHFP GF GF GF GT GT GT AHFP GT AHFP GF 1980-81 BlXIget 1980-81 1981-82 P:rojection~et 1982-83 Planned 98,000 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 Planned Planned Planned 254,000 63,500 63,500 250,000 250,000 200,000 200,000 $ 82,000 100,000 123,200 -- $164,000 149,000 44,000 30,000 32,000 21,000 73,000 BUDGET 7-11 60. TRANSPORI'ATICN FACILITIES 35. Newport Avenue Bike Trail, Vicinity of Santa Ana Freeway 36, "c" Street, from Mitchell to Northerly Terminus *37. Stonehenge Dr" from Bryan to Cromwell *38. Williams Street Widening, from Mc Fadden to Main 39. "A" Street, from First St, to 250' S/O Irvine 40. "B" Street, from First St. to 250' S/O Irvine 41, Alley Easterly of Yorba Street and Southerly of Linda Lane TOI'AIS FUND RECAP CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPOOVEMENI' PKX>RlIM ~ 1980-81 Budget 1980-81 1981-82 Projection Budget 1982-83 Planned 1983-84 Planned 1984-85 Planned 1985-86 Plannea GF 49,600 GF $53,000 GF 51,000 GT AHFP 151,000 151,000 GF 104,000 GF 46,000 GF 26,000 $2,825,500 $1,307,727 $2,395,100 $3,907,600 $3,031,000 $2,703,400 $2,722,000 GF $ 590,500 $507,427 $ 3,400 $ 314,400 $ 318,000 $ 122,600 $ 280,000 UMTA 6,500 -- 6,500 CFC 500,000 551,600 --- AHFP 270,000 221,700 73,800 507,100 263,500 51 ,000 151,000 GT 342,000 27,000 452,100 1,278,100 643,500 719,000 481,000 FAU 1,116,500 - 1,610,300 1,595,000 1,595,000 1,595,000 1 ,595,000 RS -- --- 249,000 213,000 211,000 215,800 215,000 7-12 BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPiVVEMENl' PKX;RJ\M 1980-81 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 ruN[) Budget Projection Budget Planned Planned Planned Planned 65. TRAFFIC CCNl'ROLS 1. Newport Avenue Interconnect with New Installatioo at Holt Avenue (34) GT $64,000 $5,000 FAU 200,000 391,106 SMF 62,000 62,000 2, Seventeenth Street at Yorba Street (South and North) (42) GT 20,500 5,500 FAU 82,000 117 ,600 SMF 17,000 17,000 3, Red Hill Avenue at Valencia Avenue GT 16,800 --- -- $16,800 (Signal Relocation) (28) RS 7,700 -- --- 7,700 4. Walnut Avenue at Franklin Avenue (43) GT 55,000 46,500 5. Browning Avenue at Walnut Avenue (44) GT 45,000 43,000 6, Main Street at williams Street (41) GT 47,000 44,000 7, Newport Avenue Traffic Signal Conduit GT 20,000 15,800 (x)8. Irvine Boulevard, Yorba Street to (xx) Red Hill Avenue Interconnect, New GT - -- 33,600 (***) Installatioo at Fashion Lane FAU --- - 412,900 9, Irvine Boulevard at "B" Street GT -- - 55,000 10, Newport Avenue Interconnect, Nisson Road to Sycamore, New Installatioo at Sycamore GT -- --- - 250,000 11, Harvard Avenue at M?ulton Parkway GT --- -- -- 25,000 (X) Additional funding available under Transportation Facilities (XX) Additional funding available under Beautification Facilities (***) Additional funding available under Redevelopnent ./\gency BUDGET 7-13 CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPIDVEl-1ENT PIœR1\M 1980-81 1980-81 1981-82 1982-!ß 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 FUND Budget Projection Budget Planned Planned Planned Planned 65, TRAFFIC CCNl'ROLS 12, Yorba Street at Vandenberg Lane Gl' -- --- --- ---- $50,000 13, Walnut Avenue at McFadden Avenue Gl' -- -- --- 50,000 (x)14, First Street at Tustin Avenue (fobdification) Gl' --- -- --- ---- --- $50,000 15, Walnut Avenue at Myford Road Gl' --- ---- --- ---- --- 27,000 16, Red Hill Avenue at Bell Avenue Gl' -- -- -- --- --- 50,000 17, Browning Avenue at Bryan Avenue Gl' -- --- --- --- --- --- $52,000 18. Bryan Avenue at Myford Road Gl' -- --- -- ---- -- --- 55,000 19. Irvine Boulevard at Myford'lbaj Gl' - --- -- -- -- -- 55,000 'IDI'ALS $637,000 $747,506 $501,500 $299,500 $100,000 $127,000 $162,000 FUND RECAP Gl' $268,300 $159,800 $88,600 $291,800 $100,000 $127,000 $162,000 FAU 282,000 508,706 412,900 SMF 79,000 79,000 --- RS 7,700 -- --- 7,700 (X) Additional funding under Transportation Facilities BUDGET 7-14 '] CHTY OF 1f'!US'f~N CAPITAL IMP~ PRXlW1 FUND 70, FLCX:D CCNlROL FACILITIES 1 , McFadden Avenue Drain - Williams Street to 1400' Westerly RS 2, Main st, Drain, 150' Easterly to 50' Westerly of Williams Street RS (***)3, Irvine Boulevard Drain, FO7 Channel to Hol t Avenue DE.V 4, Santa Fe arx'I Industrial Way at Red Hill Avenue Catch Basin GF Construction COONl'Y (X) 5, Red Hill Drain No.2, Walnut Avenue to Mitchell Avenue GF (X) 6, Utt Drive Drain, Mitchell Avenue to Veeh Drive GF 7, Sixth Street Drain, "B" Street to Pacific Street GF 8, Pacific Street Drain, Sixth Street to Main Street GF 9. Bryan Avenue Flood Channel, from Browning Avenue to CFC 4000':1: Easterly GF 10. San Juan Street Drain, Red Hill Avenue to utt Drive GF (X) 11, Green Valley Drain, San Juan Street to 700' Northerly GF 12. Utt Drive Drain, San Juan Street (X) to 700' Northerly GF 1982-83 Planned 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 Planned Planned Planned 1980-81 Budget 1980-81 1981-82 Projec:,tiQ!1 .J3l1é19.et $121,200 20,000 (X) Additional Funding Urx'Ier Transportation Facilities (***) Additional Funding Under Redevelopnent ./\gency BUDGET $191,200 20,000 8,000 ---- 13,000 6,000 6,000 ~237,000 34,000 129,000 $103,000 1,665,000 $1,665,000 1,665,000 1,665,000 130,000 72,000 72,000 7-15 CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPID'ilEMENT PIœ:AAM 70, FLOOD CONTROL FACILITIES 13, Mitchell Avenue Drain, Newport (X) Avenue to 100'% westerly 14, Yorba Street Drain, Seventeenth Street to Laurie Lane 15. Venta Storm Drain, F-lO Channel to Walnut Avenue (23) F-l0 Channel to Sycamore Avenue Sycamore Avenue to Walnut Avenue (X) 16, Stonehenge Drive Drain, Bryan Avenue to Cromwell Drive 17, Amaganset Way Drain, Prospect Avenue to Brookline Avenue '!UrALS FUND RECAP FUND GF GF GF GF GF GF GF R5 COONTY DEV CFC 191:10-81 F.!udget 1980-81 1981-82 Projection Budget $141,200 $211,200 $--- 141,200 ~ -- 211 ,200 (X) Additional funding under Transportation Facilities 7-16 BUDGET 1982-83 1983-84 Planned Planned 1~84-8S 191:15-1:16 Plannea Planned $26,000 177,000 241:1,700 $216,300 151,000 $135,000 $ 14,000 $3,846,000 ~3,604,000 $451,700 $502,300 6,000 $ ---- $2,181,000 $1,939,000 ~451,700 ~502,300 14,000 1,665,000 1,665,000 CITY OF TUSTIN SU1MARY OF FIVE YEAR MAJOR STREET MAINTENANCE PRCX;RJ\M 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 19!J5-ij6 PRQJECT DESCRIPTICN Budget Planned Planned Planned Planned Charloma Drive, Mauna Loa Roa:] and Coral Reef, Northerly of First St" Heater Remix and Asphalt OIlerlay -- $19,000 Laburnum Drive, fran Olwyn Drive Northerly, Heater Remix and Asphalt OIlerlay ---- -- -- 5,500 Silverbirch Drive, fran Olwyn Drive Northerly, Heater Remix and Asphalt OIlerlay ----- --- ----'-- 5,700 Epping Way, fran Lance Drive Northerly, Heater Remix and Asphalt OIlerlay --- ----- ---- 6,000 First Street, fran Charloma Drive to Red Hill Avenue, Heater Remix and Asphalt OIlerlay ---- -- ----- -- $25,700 "B" Street, from Main Street to Second Street, Heater Remix and Asphalt OIlerlay --- --- ---- --- 10,400 Irvine Boulevard, from Newport Avenue to Red Hill Avenue, Heater Remix and Asphalt OIlerlay --- --- --- - 109,000 Andrews Street and Estero Circle, fran Newport Easterly, Heater Remix and Asphalt OIlerlay --- -- ---- ---- 8,500 Slurry Seal of Various Streets' --- --- --- --- 61,400 'IUI'ALS $241,000 $213 ,500 $211,000 $215,800 $215,000 This summary is a recap of the major street maintenance program and is a supplement to item #1 of Transportation Facilities, BUDGET 7-17 PRQJECl' DESCRIPTIOO Bryan Avenue, frail 200' westerly of Browning Ave, to Red Hill Avenue, Heater Remix and Asphalt OVerlay Andrews Street, frail Utt Drive Westerly, and Fielding Circle, Heater Remix and Asphalt overlay utt Drive, frail San Juan Street to Lance Drive, Heater Remix and Asphalt OVerlay Green Valley, frail San Juan Street to Lance Drive, Heater remix and Asphal t OVerlay Red Hill Avenue, frail A,T,&S,F. k.R, Tracks to Walnut Avenue, Heater Remix and Asphalt OVerlay Slurry Seal of Various Streets Utt Drive, from Lance Drive to Bryan Avenue, and Lear Lane CuI de Sac, Heater Remix and Asphalt OVerlay Charloma Drive, frail Andrews Street to Lance Drive, Heater Remix and Asphalt OVerlay Red Hill Avenue, from Walnut Avenue to Santa Ana Freeway, Heater Remix and Asphalt OVerlay Edinger Street, from Red Hill Avenue to the Costa Mesa Freeway, Heater Remix and Asphalt OVerlay CITY OF TUSTIN SUMMARY OF FIVE YEAR MAJOR STREET MAINTENANCE PRŒAAM 1981-82 Budget 1982-1j) Planned $64,000 11 ,000 14,000 15,000 112,500 24,500 $8,500 4,600 96,000 76,500 7-18 BUDGET 1983-84 Planned 1984-&5 Planned 1985-&6 Plannea Î CITY OF TUSTIN SœMARY OF FIVE YEAR MAJOR STREET MAQn'EN.C.E PROORAM PR<lJOCT DESCRIPTICN Walter Avenue, f~ Raleigh Place to Del Am:> Avenue, Heater Remix and Asphalt OVerlay Raleigh Place, from Mitchell Avenue to Walter Avenue, Heater Remix and Asphalt OVerlay DeBusk Lane, from Mitchell Avenue to Walter Avenue, Heater Remix and Asphalt OVerlay "B" Street, f~ Sixth Street to Main Street, Heater Remix and Asphalt OVerlay Prospect Avenue, from Irvine Boulevard to Amaganset Way, Heater Remix and Asphalt OVerlay Old Irvine Blvd" f~ Newport Avenue to Irvine Boulevard, Heater Remix and Asphalt OVerlay Newport Avenue, fran Irvine Boulevard to Wass Street, Heater Remix and Asphalt OVerlay Newport Avenue, f~ McFadden Avenue to Sycamore Avenue, Heater Remix and Asphalt OVerlay Iverness Way, from Amaganset Way to westbury Lane, Heater Remix and Asphalt OVerlay Evanston Circle, from Westbury Lane Northerly, Heater Remix and Asphalt OVerlay 1981-82 Budget 1982-83 Planned $7,000 6,200 5,900 8,800 BUDGET 1983-84 Planned 1984-85 Planned 1985-86 Planned $25,500 19,600 35,200 78,000 4,600 3,600 7-19 PROJEC'r DESCRIPTIOO White Sands Drive, from Bryan Avenue to First Street, Heater Remix and Asphalt Overlay Lance Drive, from Diamondhead Drive to Red Hill Avenue, Heater Remix and Asphalt Overlay Kenyon Drive, from Newport Avenue Westerly, Heater Remix and Asphalt Overlay Mear Lane, Del Amo Avenue and Drayton Avenue, Southerly of Sycamore Avenue, Heater Remix and Asphalt Overlay Bryan Avenue Service Road, from Stonehenge Drive Easterly, Heater Remix and Asphalt Overlay Seventeenth Street, from Costa Mesa Freeway to Prospect Avenue (So.), Heater Remix and Asphalt Overlay Walnut Avenue, from McFadden Avenue to Red Hill Avenue, Heater Remix and Asphalt Overlay "A" Street, from Main Street to First Street Heater Remix and Asphalt Overlay Falmouth Place, from Stonehenge Drive westerly, Heater Remix and Asphalt Overlay Farmingtoo Road, from Bryan Avenue to Stonehenge Drive, Heater Remix and Asphal t Overlay 7-20 CITY OF TUSTIN SUMMARY OF FIVE YFAR MAJOR STREET MAINTENANCE PRCGW-¡ 1981-82 Budget 1982-83 Planned BUDGET 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 Planned Plannea Planned ~9,900 5,500 11,100 14,200 3,800 $81,000 71,000 15,800 4,000 7,800 CITY OF TUSTIN I, I! ornER PROJOCTS - UNSCHEOOLED IN FIVE YEAR PRX>RAM 10, PUBLIC FACILITIES (NCNE) 30, BEAIJTIFICATICN PROJECTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Red Hill Avenue Center Islands from Santa Ana Freeway to Lance Drive """.,.,.".,.",.""...,.,. ~126,8UO Red Hill Avenue Center Islands from Walnut to Santa Ana Freeway..",..,..""",."..,..""..",... 145,800 Red Hill Avenue Center Islands from NjO First St, to Irvine Boulevard,.,.,.,.""" -, . , . , , . , . . , . , , . ,. 130,000 Red Hill Avenue Center Islands from Warner Avenue to A,T,&S,F, Railroad............................. 368,400 Irvine Boulevard Center Islands from Old Irvine to Red Hill.,.."""..,..."",."""".,.,."".,. 81,000 40, PARK AID RECREATICN FACILITIES (NCNE) 60. TRANSPORTATICN FACILITIES 1, "c" Street, First Northerly ."",.",.""",..,..".""",.""",..""""".,..,.""""",.., $60,000 2, Mountain View, First Street to 250' SjO Irvine Boulevard ."""",.".""",."".,.,.",.".,.".. 100,000 3, Second Street, from "A" Street to "B" Street"""".".,.".",."""",.,...""""".,....,..." 17,000 4, California Street, from Main Street to Third Street ",.".",.""",.",."""",.".,.",.""..., 24,000 5, Main Street, from pasërlena Avenue to "c" Street """""..,.".""""".,...,."""".,.,..".., 196,200 6, Alley Southerly of Bonita Street from Newport Avenue to Orange Street.,.,.,..""",..""",.",..,. 27,000 7, Alley Southerly San Juan Street, from Newport Avenue to Orange Street................................ 28,000 8, Alley Northerly of First Street, from "B" Street to 150' EjO "c" Street .............................. 14,000 9 , Alley Northerly of Second Street, from Pasadena Avenue to Myrtle Avenue............................... 8,000 65, TRAFFIC CCNTROLS 1 , Del Amo Avenue at Edinger Street,."""""".",.,.""",...,."",.".,..""".,.,.,..,.,."... $50,000 2, Harvard Avenue at Valencia Avenue ",..".,.,..,.",.",.,.....",.",..."."""...,..,.",.""...,55,000 3, Red Hill Avenue, Irvine Boulevard to Barranca Road Cbmputerization """.",.,."".,.,.".,.,.,.", 700,000 70, FL<XD CCNTRCL FACILITIES 1, Red Hill Avenue Drain, 400' Northerly of Industrial Way to Edinger Street .",.".,...."".,.",.,.. $76,000 2, Amaganset Way Drain, Brookline Way to Yorba Street """,."..""""..".,..",..,.~",.,...",..,,172,000 3. First Baptist Church Drain, from Tract 10628 to Newport Avenue .,..,.,.",.,....".",.".......,.,..,56,000 4, Freeway Ramp Drain, Pasadena Avenue to Newport Avenue """,.."".,.."...."""".""",..""", 68,000 5, Mitchell Avenue Drain, Browning to 1300'% westerly """".,.",.".,.,.,."."".,.""".....,..., 158,000 6, Tustin Meadows Area Nusiance Water Drains.,.""",.,.",."...."...",.,..,."",..,.". " , , . , , , . .. 434,000 7, Holt Avenue Drain, Irvine Boulevard to Lillian Way "".,.""""".,..."""",.,.",."....."..,. 55,000 8, Acacia Drive Drain, Jacaranda Avenue Southerly ,,.,.,',.,',...,..,',."..,"""',...,.,"',.,~,."... 87,000 9. Laguna Road Drain, Red Hill Avenue to Tustin High School ,..,.,.""",."..",."""..".,..-,....,. 155,000 10, Olwyn Drive Drain, Red Hill Avenue to Laburnum Drive ,...,...,.,."""...",.""...".,.""""..., 63,000 BUDGET 7-21 CITY OF TUSTIN ornER PIDJECTS - UNSCHEDULED IN FIVE YEAR PRXRAM 70, FUXD CCNl'RŒ. FACILITIES 11. Carfax Avenue Drain, Sycamore Avenue to Scherer ".",.,.,.."",.,..",."",.,..""",..."""" $120,000 12, Wildeve Lane Drain, Walnut Avenue to Windemere Drive .,."".",."",.""""."".",..,.""""" 90,000 13, Mitchell Avenue Drain, Utt Drive to Del Amo Avenue """.,."""",.".."""""..,.""".."", 128,000 14. McFadden Avenuè Drain, Myrtle Avenue to Pasadena Avenue ."".".,.",.""..".""".""""""." 47,000 *15, San Juan Street Drain, 600'* Westerly of ~ing to Falmouth Drive ",.",.,.."".",.""""",.., 54,000 *16, Laguna Road DraIn, Browning Avenue to Red Hill Avenue "."""".".,.,."...".""",.,.,."".", 386,000 *17, Prospect Avenue Drain, Wellington Drive to Arbolada Lane """",."".,.",.,.,.."""".,."".", 87,000 80. WASTE DlSPCSAL FACILITIES (NCNE) WATER SUPPLY AND DlSTRIBUTICN (NCNE) 90, *Denotes proJects that are presently within County islands, BUDGET 7-22 z ¡:: CI'J :;¡ ¡.. ¡¡" 0 '>- ¡.. ü ~ 8 ~ ~ § ~ ~ ~ ~ i II H ~ ~ ¡.. g. " Q :;¡ =:I - - ~ - CITY ATTORftEY PUBLIC WORKS CITY CLERK cny OF TUSTIN REDEVElOP"'NT AGENCY (CITY COIIICIL) FINANCE BUDGET EXECUTIVE DIRECT. (CITY I1ANAGER) ClltlUNITY DEVElOPMENT COlt-1UN1TY SERVICES 8.:..1 CITY OF TUSTIN OBJECTIVES 'Ihe Tustin Redevelopnent Agency was formed for the purpose of irrproving the economic, physical and social environment of the major portion of Tustin's commercial areas arx'I old central business district, Major enphasis is 00 irrplementing public illprovements whim will enhance the value of, and environment for, businesses and residences in the project area. Since 1977-78 was the first EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Prior History 1978-79 1979-80 REDbVELOPMEl'JT Jlí>fNCY BULGb'T SUMMARY full year of the Agency's operation, maJor fast emphasis has been placed on establishiny proJect priorities, estimating rosts and inpacts, involv- ing residents and businesses in the area, ard ac- corrplishing preliminary studies, libw, the oore significant phases of the plan' are being imple- mented, 1980-81 Budget ~ojection Staff $ - $ - $ - :;; Personnel 8,177 6,407 22,751 Supplies & Services' 32,002 953 198,000 15,228 Capital OJUay 2,250 - - - 'lUl'AL CPERATIŒS $42,429 $7,360 $220,751 $15,228 Capital Irrprovements 104,121 473,287 1,779,100 1,043,500 'lUl'AL RDI\ EXPENSE $146,500 $,480(647 $1,999,851 $1,058,728 PRŒRAM Following the June 1978 election, the possibility of a borx'I approach to project funding beCaIœ a moot ~int, Fbrtunately, over the past t\\oQ years, the City has developed a General Fun:} reserve which is ërlequate to furx'l the Redevelopnent Program over a reasonably short tiJœ span, 'Ihe urx'lergrourx'ling of El Camino Real utilities is scheduled for constructioo in early 1981, Plan- ning has been roI\1llenced on the street irrproveJœnts to follCM the undergrounding project, '!his plan- ning will lead to a 'design theme, street design, lighting and street furniture styles, and other decorative fixtures, 'Ihe emphasis is row BUDGET 8-2 1981-82 Iequested l\fproved $ - $ 70,943 70,943 38,889 38,889 - - $109,832 $109,832 2,396,600 2,262,600 $2(506,4~2 $2(37~,432 switching from a planning m:xIe to ooe of planning and active implementation, Other projects being pursued in 19¿¡1-82 include: El Camino Real identification and laooscaping, Coll.IIIt>us Tutin Park developnent, alley reronstruction projects, and flood rontrol projects, Planning will operate concurrently to examine the parking alternatives and to propose projects to follCM the major El Camino Real redevelopnent, CITY OF TUSTiN PERSOONEL SCHEDULE (None) ACCOONTU{; DErAIL Personnel Regular Salaries 'IüI'AL PERSrnNEL ~upplies~ Se_~ices Contractual Services Departmental Expense 'IDrAL SUPP. & SEW, GRAND ,rorAL REDEVELOPMENT 1\GENCY BUIX;Er DETAIL Prior History 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 Bud9.e_L Pro.Jection 1981-82 lÈ~st...~roved Capital Oltlay Departmental 'Equipnent $ 2,250 'IDrAL CAPITAL CUTLAY $ 2, 250 $ 8,177 $6,407 $ 22,751 ! $ 8,177 $6,407 $ 22,751 481 953 185,000 15,228 31,521 - 13,000 - $32,002 $ 953 $198,000 $15,228 $ 70,943 :;; 70,943 26,000 12,888 :;; 3t!,888 $42,429 $7,360 $15,228 $109,831 $220f751 BUDGET 8-3 $ 70,943 :;; 70,943 26,000 12,889 :;; 38 ,889 $109,832 CITY OF TUSTIN BUIX;ET CCMMENTARY REDb'VELOPMENT l\ŒNCY PERSŒNEL ' Represents the wages of City staff while \\K>rking 00 the Redevelopnent Agency's program ana activities, SUPPLIES AND SERVICES Contractual Services: Provides $3,000 for auditing services; $3,000 for legal services; ~20,OOO for architect/engineering services or consulting services, Departmental~nses : Provides $12,889 for departmental supplies, BUDGET 8-4 CITY OF ']['USTIN REDEVELOPMENl' .AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROI1EMENI' PRŒRAM 1980-81 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 Budget Projectioo Budget Planned Planned Planned Planned $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 ----- - - --- $2,000,000 $ --- $ --- $- $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $2,000,OUO 10, PUBLIC FACILITIES Land Purchase for .Additional Space Needs Enlargement (20,000 S,F.) of City Hall Facility with Parking SUB-'lUI'AIS 30, BEAUTIFlCATICN PROJæTS Newport Avenue Center Islands, Irvine Boulevard to McFadden Avenue (15) El Camino Real Identification (17) (***)Irvine Blvd and Yorba Street Utility Undergrourx'l District and Street Lighting (***)El Camino Real Utility Undergrourx'l District and Street Lights (21) Bryan-Main Triangle Landscaping El Camino Real Landscaping and E'umi ture Irvine Boulevard Center Island Landscape and Irrigation, Prospect to Newport Avenue Irvine Blvd Undergroun:ling and Street Lights fran Holt Avenue to Newport Avenue $53,300 $71,300 10,000 --- $10,000 140,000 -- 140,000 984,000 838,750 36,800 36,800 40,000 $130,000 200,000 Holt Avenue Undergrourx'ling and Street Lights fran Newport AveIJYfi! to I¡:vine ~lvd, " (***) Addltlonal fundlng under beautlficatloo projects) BUDGET 148,800 8-5 CITY OF TUSTIN REDEVELCJPMmr lIGE1IICY CAPITAL IMPROJEMENr PRŒRAM 1980-81 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 Budget Projection Budget Planned Planned Planned Planned 30, BEAUTIFICATICN Newport Avenue Undergrourx'ling and Street Lights frcm Bryan Avenue to Irvine Blvd. and First St, Westerly --- --- -- ---- $440,000 200 Yards First Street Undergrounding and Street Lights from Prospect Avenue to Newport Avenue --- --- -- --- -- $430,000 Prospect Avenue Undergrounding and Street Lights from First Street to Beneta Way --- - -- -- -- -- $500,000 SUB-'lUl'ALS $1,224,100 $946,850 $190,000 $478,800 $440,000 $430,000 $500,000 BUDGET 8-6 CUTV OF TUSTiN REUEVEIDPMENT ÞGENCY CAPITAL IMPROIlEMJiNl' PRŒRAM 1980-81 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 19tJ5-8b Budget Projection Budget Planned Planned Planned Planned 40, PARKS AND ROCRFATICN FACILITIES Columbus Tustin Park (Final Phase) Architecture and Engineering -- -- $50,000 Park Development (Non Structural) --- -- - $225,000 $225.,000 Columbus Tustin Recreational Facility Architecture and Engineering --- -- 100,000 Facility Construction --- --- -- 258,200 500,000 ~500,000 PeH;)ertree Park Parking Area Acquisition and Developnent --- ---- -- --- -- $200,000 SUB-'IUl'ALS $ -- $ -- $150,000 ~483,200 $725,000 $700,000 ~ --- 60, TRANSPORTATICN FACILITIES El Camino Real Parking Facilities $250,000 $250,000 Alley Easterly of El Camino Real Between Main Street and Third Street 15,000 El Camino Real/El Camino Way !bad Reconstruction 1,300,000 Alley Reconstruction, South of First Street, from Centennial Way to Westerly of Preble Drive 72,000 BUDGET 8-7 CITY OF TUSTIN REDEVEWPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPkCNEMENI' PRCGRAM 1980-81 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-ti6 Budget Projectioo Budget Planned Planned Planned PI anned 60. TRANSPORrATIOO FACILITIES Alley Reconstruction, Westerly of El Camino Real, from '!hird Street to El Camino Real --- -- $15,000 Alley Reconstruction, Westerly of El Camino Real and lobrtherly of Second Street --- -- 15,000 Newport Avenue Bike Trail, Main Street to Irvine Boulevard --- - 22,000 Prospect Avenue Widening and Reronstructioo from Main Street to Beneta Way --- --- - -- --- $455,000 SUB-TOTAlS $250,000 $ -- $1,689,000 $- $- $455,000 $-- 65. TRAFFIC CCNI'ROL FACILITIES Irvine Boulevard, Yorba Street to Red Hill Avenue Interconnect, New Installation at Fashion Lane --- -- $33,600 First Street at Prospect Avenue (fotX ification) --- --- --- --- $55,000 SUB-TOTAlS $ -- $ -- $33,600 $ ~- $55,000 $ -- $-- 70, FUXD CCNl'ROL FACILITIES Main Street Drain, El Camino Real to "B" Street $97,000 $97,000 Main Street Drain, from Easterly of Centennial Way to Prospect Avenue 86,000 86,000 Sixth Street Drain, from El Camino Real to "B" Street 92,000 92,000 BUDGET 8-8 CnTY OF TUSTUN REDE.VELOPMEN'f AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROJEMENI' PRŒRAM 1980-81 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 Budget Projectioo Budget Planned Planned Planned PI anned 70, FLCn> CCNI'ROL FACILITIES (11)Irvine Boulevard Drain, from F07 Channel to Holt Avenue -- -- $47,000 Irvine Boulevard Drain, from Hol t Avenue to Col. Tustin School --- --- . 153,000 Prospect Avenue Relief Drain, First Street to Irvine Boulevard -- --- -- 84,000 SUB-'IUl'ALS $275,000 $275,000 $200,000 $84,000 $ --- $-- $ --- (11) Indicates additional funds ($8000.00) available from developer 80, WASTE DISPœAL FACILITIES Second Street/"C" Street Sanitary Sewer $30,000 $24,500 SUB-'IUl'ALS $30,000 $24,500 $ -- $ --- $ ---- $ -- $-- GRAND 'IDI'ALS $1,779,100 $1,246,350 $2,262,600 $1,346,000 $1,520,000 $1,885,000 $2,500,OUO Five Year Program 'Ibtal Oonmencing 1981-82 through 1985-86 = $11,238,700 BUDGET 8-9 CITY OF TUSTIN œJECT IVES '!he Tustin Water Service was acquired by the City in November, 1980 and is operated as a totally separate entity. '!be area served by the Water Service is located both within the city limits of Tustin arx'I also outside the city within the unincorporated territory of the rounty, '!his acquisition will allow the City to analyze and upgrade the entire water system as funding beromes EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Prior History 1978-79 1979-80 Staff Personnel Supplies & Services Capi tal Oltlay 'IDI'AL EXPENSE ~ $ - Capital Improvements rofAL WATER r1JND EXPENSE $ - $ - PR(X;RAM With the recent acquisitioo of the Tustin Water' WJrks, it will be necessary to begin a three-year engineering study arx'I analysis of the water system, '!his program will determine locations where main line arx'I hydrant replacements will occur in both city and rounty unincorporated areas, '!he fiscal year 1981-82 capital inprove- ment budget of $289,800 includes such projects as the replacement of a main line on Nisson Road, BUDGET 8-10 WATER BUCGE'f SUMMARY available. 1981-82 is the first full year of operatioo un:ler City rontrol arx'I a nooest, but meaningful, capital inprovement is planne::1 that will benefit the entire system, As time progresses a more definitive plan of inprovements arx'I operation will be available. 1980-81 &rlget Projection 19 300,7&0 1,318,176 41,370 $ - $1,660,326 1! 81-82 Requested Approved 19 19 496,845 538,681 2,344,924 2,534,599 24,686 24,686 $2,866,455 $3,097,966 2J,440 $ 2!i9,800 $ 293,800 $ $1,681,766 $3,156,255 $3,391,766 easterly of Red Hill Avenue¡ the C'OIIplete con- version of an irrigation well to cbmestic service at Red Hill and Walnut Avenues¡ lam acquisition for the replacement of Well No, 1 ¡ arx'I other pro- jects to benefit both city ai--d county residents.. CITY OF TUSTiN SERVICE BILLING - DIVISIŒ 951 BUOOEr DErAIL PERSCNNEL æHEOOLE Water Service Analyst Supervisor Accountant Billig Clerk Data Entry Clerk 'lUl'AL PŒITICNS AŒaJNTIN3 DErAIL Personnel Regular Salaries Retirement & Insurance 'lUl'AL PERSCNNEL SuP2lies & Services Contractual Services Facilities Expense Office Expense Departmental Expense Transporation Expense Other Expenses 'lUl'AL SUPPLIES & SERVICES Capi tal QItlay Office Equipment 'lUl'AL CAPITAL aJTLAY GRAND TOI'AL Prior History 1978-79 1979-80 BUDGET 1980-81 Budqe.L Projectioo 1 (3,345) 1 (1,443) 1 (1,708) 2 (1,085) 1 (1,105) r- $ 73,746 14,388 $ 88,134 $ 13 ,557 4,317 10,689 7,850 434,758 $ 471,171 $ 559,305 WATER 1981-82 Request - - - _}\wroved 1 (3,345) 1 (1,443) '1 (1,708) 2 (1,085) 1 (1,105) r- $ 114,913 21,474 $ 136,387 1 (3,345) 1 (1,566) 1 (1,849) 2 (1,175) 1 (1,196) 6- $ 124,589 23,<!82 $ 147,871 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 14,230 14,230 15,000 15,000 20,010 20 ,010 - - 562,775 752,450 $ 617,015 $ 806,690 $ "$ $ 753,652 250 250 250 250 $ "$ $ 954,tn 1 8-11 CITY OF TUSTIN SERVICE BILLIOO BUIX;EI' CCM1ENl'ARY DIVISICN 951 WATER PERSCNNEL Maintains current level of staff, SUPPLIES & SERVICES Cbntractual Services: Provides $5,000 for independent audit of financial recoras of system, Faciliti~s _~nses: Includes $5,000 for maintenance and repair of water service office building; $800 for custodial supplies; $3,250 for office electricity; $640 for natural gas; $4,540 and for telephone expenses, Ofnçe Expenses: Provides $15,000 for postage for various billings, etc, [)epartment:alJ:xpenses: Include $700 for miscellaneous department supplies; $l,OUO for maintenance of various office machines; $8,000 for printing of romputer fonns; and $4,000 for romputer maintenance, Qt;her Expenses: Include $607,450 debt service for borx'ls and purchase of system, $120,000 for annual payment of developer ëi.lvances; $25,000 to reinburse the general furx'! for administrative expenses, CAPITAL OOTLAY Qffi~ u~ipœnt: Provides $250 for a replacement \\K>rktable, BUDGET 8-12 CITY OF TUSTIN OPERATIONS & SERVICES - DIVISION 952 BUOOEr DE:l'AIL Prior History 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 Bu<J<!~~ -- - E'r...Qjection PERSONNEL æHEOOLE Water Services Manager Water Superintendent Water Service Technician Equipnent Cþerator Maintenance WJrker Mai,ntenance WJrker II Maintenance WJrker I 1 (3,345) 1 (2,335) 1 (1,891) 1 (1,604) 2 (1,408) 7 (1,341) 13 ACCaJNTIN; DErAIL Personnel Regular Salaries C>\Tertime Part Time & Temporary Retirement & Insurance 'lUI'AL PERSONNEL $ 153,506 10,320 1,723 47,097 $ 212,b46 SuE2lies & Services Contractual Services Departmental Expense Transportation ExpenSe Training & Developnent 'lUI'AL SUPPLIES & SERIJICES $ 841,784 5,178 43 $ 847,005 CAPITAL CUTLAY l'btor Vehicles Departmental Fquipnent 'lUI'AL CAPITAL ŒJTLAY GJ:WID 'lUI'AL WATER 1981-82 Req u ~ ~ ~ - J\I:.I1>. roved 1 (3,345) 1 (2,335) 1(1,891) 1 (1,604) 2 (1,408) 7 (1,341) 13-- $ 257,361 19,070 3,919 80,lOH $ 360,45& $ 1;> 9,000 1,633,280 83,620 2,009 $1,727,909 1 (3,345) 1 (2,533) 1 (2,047) 1 (1,736) 9 (1,524) 13 $ 279,032 20,676 4,250 86,852 390,810 1;> 9,000 1;633,280 83,620 2,009 $1,727,909 BUDGET 8-13 $ 41,370 $ 23,800 $ 23,800 - 636 636 $ 41,370 $ 24,436 $ 24,436 $1,101,021 $2,112,803 $2,143,155 CITY OF TUSTIN OPERATICNS & SERVICES PERSCNNEL Maintains current level of staff, SUPPLIES & SERVICES Contractual Services: De~~n.t:c=!_~ ~nses: Trans¡:O...!'~é1~iQnE:x..IJenses : Traini!l9..~ ~v_~lo{J1lent E:xpenses: CAPITAL ŒJ'I'IAY M:>tor Vehicles: ~¡Jartnlental ~ipnent: DlVISICN 952 WATER Provides $9,000 for consultant engineering services, Includes $1,128,250 for purchased water, $276,100 for purchased power; $120,000 for purrping taxes; $109,030 for all other transmission ana distribution system repairs, Includes $15,300 for fuel costs; $9,560 for vehicle repairs; ~9,100 for special equipment repairs; and ~49,560 for vehicle leases, Provides $2,009 for training, meetings and memberships in professional organizations, Provides $7,400 to replace the manager's vehicle; and $16,400 to replace t\\K> pick-up trucks, Provides $636 for an urx'Iergroun:l pipe locator, BUDGET 8-14 CITY OF TUSTiN BUDGEI' a:M1ENl'ARY WATER PERSCNNEL Maintains current level of staff, SUPPLIES AND SERVICES Contractual Services: Facilities Expenses: Office Expense: DeI>élrtmental Expense: TranSIJQ.J:"t.atiO..!l ~nse: Training and Deve 10I!l\E!.h t : CAPITAL ŒlTLAY Vehicles: Office Equipnent: ~r:tmental Equipnent: Provides $1,000 for auditing; $4,000 for data pDDCessing services; $9,000 for architect/engineering services; and $25,000 for administrative service provida:l by the General Furx'!, Provides $4,540 for telephone; $3,250 for electricity; $640 for natural gas; $5,000 for building maintenance arx'I repair; and $800 for custodial supplies, Provides for office operating supplies, Provides $1,198,250 for purchased water; $276,000 for utility expenses; $120,000 for p.mp tax; and $32,610 for service line maintenance, Provides $15,300 for maintenance of vehicles; $49,560 for leasing from the Equipnent Fund; and $18,760 for vehicle arx'I equipnent repair, Provides $1,929 for meetings and training, and $180 for subscriptions, Provides $7,400 for one sedan and $16,400 for two pick-up trucks, Provides $250 for one ronputer table, Provides $636 for one magnetic locator, BUDGET 8-15 CfiTV OF TUSTiN CAPITAL IMPOOVEMEm' PKX:;RAM 1980-81 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 FUND Budget Projection Budget Planned Planned Planned Planned 90. WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTICN 1, DJdge Avenue, Easterly of Hewes Avenue, Replace Main Line and Hydrants (Cbunty Territory) WF -- --- $24,000 2. Bubbling W=ll Roërl arx'I Singing WOod Drive, from La Colina Drive to Rainbow Drive, Replace Main Line and Hydrants (County Territory) WF --- --- 25,400 3, Fairhaven Avenue, from Costa Mesa Freeway to Hewes Avenue, Reline 10" Steel Main (County Territory) WF -- -- 76,400 4, Mitchell Avenue, easterly of Newport Avenue, Connect 4-6" Main Lines to 16" Transmission Line in Newport Avenue (City Territory) WF -- -- 18,000 5. Red Hill Avenue at Walnut Avenue W=llsite, Oorrplete Conversion of Irrigation Well to lXJnestic Service W=ll (City/County Benefit) WF - - 30,000 6, Land Acquisition for Replacement of W=ll No, 1 (City/County Benefit) WF --- -- 35,000 7, Red Hill Ave.,.Water Main Replacement Between Lance Dr, & Irvine Blvd, (City/County Benefit) WF -- --- 40,000 8, Engineering Study and Analysis of Water System WF --- -- 45,000 $45,000 $45,000 BUDGET 8-16 CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PIœRAM 1980-81 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 FUND Budget Projection Budget Planned Planned Planned Planned 90, WATER SUPPLY AND DlSTRIBUTICN 9, Beverly Glen Drive, Westerly of Browning Avenue, Replace Main Line' and Hydrants (County Terri tory) WF -- -- --- 24,000 10, Nisson Road, Easterly of Red Hill Avenue, Replacement of Main Line (City Territory) WF -- --- -- 12,000 11 . well NQ. 1 Replacement (City/County Benefit) WF - --- -- $130,000 12, Various Main Line and Hydrant Replacement, locations to be determined, WF --- --- -- 150,000* $165,000* $182,000* ~200,000* 'IDrALS $- $ -- $293,800 $361,000 $210,000 $182,000 $200,000 * These amounts are ooly preliminary estimates. '!he exact locations arx'I amounts of these replacements will be determined when the Engineering study arx'I analysis has been initiated arx'I/or completed, '!hese amounts are most likely to increase rather than decrease, BUDGET 8-17