HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-81FY BUDGET CITY or TUSTIN A PROGRAM OF MUNICIPAL SERVICES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR JULY 1, 1980 - JUNE 30, 1981 BUDGET CITY or TUSTIN HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL Tnis is the approved 1980-81 Fiscal Year Budget for the City of Tustin, adopted on July 21,1980, by Resolution No. 80-77. This final budget is the result of numerous hearings and workshops. It is the third budget adopted under Proposition 13 ground rules and the first under Pro- position 4 ground rules. The City of Tustin has emerged in a sound financial position, at least to the degree that any city may be sound in the environ- ment of Proposition 13 and Proposition 4 (the Gann IISpi rit of 13"), the prospect of even further re- . strictions, and the continuing actions of the legis- lature and Governor. These are turbulent times which require a creative attitude on the part of all govern- ment policy makers and administrators. The approved budget contains a capital improvement program representing $5,320,700 or 41.7 percent of the total $12,759,006 budget. This is a significant investment in the City's physical plant of streets, traffic signals, drains, parks, etc. These invest- ments in the Community are a major force in the in- creasing reputation of Tustin as a quality city in which to live and work. This also insures the pre- servation of the City's facilities. The $7,438,306 Operating Budget includes $2,604,182 for police protection, $860,000 for contract fire protection, and $1,848,591 for public works activi- ties. This budget contains seven and one-half new positions, and six of these positions are in the Police Department alone. BUDGET The Estimated Revenues were increased by $79,000 in State Matching Funds and $702,500 in Federal Aid Urban Street Funds so as to conform to the approved Capital Improvement Program. Council auth- orized adding two more police officers (motorcycle officers) to the four police officers and equivalent of one-and-a-half-other positions proposed in the preliminary budget. The Operating Budget was increased by Council in the amount of $304,226 (including $75,000 fer the two equipped motorcycle officers, $1,084 for office equipment for a new position, $9,000 for the second 4th of July celebration, $40,000 for word pro- cessing equipment upon submittal of an approved plan, and a net adjustment of $179,142 to provide for the approved salary and benefit increases). Capital Improvements were increased by $576,800 through the addition of $2,400 for the Magnolia Park sidewalk, of $275,000 for the expediting of three storm drains in the Redevelopment area, of $250,000 for pursuing park- ing in the El Camino Real area, of $20,000 for land- scaping the Columbus Tustin Park parking lot, and of $29,400 for constructing and landscaping the Bryan- Main Street triangle. Insufficient information is available from the State with regard to definitions and other implementation criteria of Proposition 4, but it is believed that this budget conforms or is close to conforming to that appropriations limitation. This compliance assumes that the federal grant category of Federal Urban Aid Street Funds will be found to be an exempt expenditure as a federal grant, which appears to be a reasonable expectation. Once the definitions and implementing criteria have been established, the Staff will re-evaluate the budget for compliance and recommend such ad- justments as may be necessary. Both Council and Staff must recognize the fact that supplemental appropriations must be much more limited in the future, and, after the City's expenditure limit is reached, can only be approved with a corres- ponding reduction in some other appropriation. This budget represents a healthy financial plan for the City of Tustin for 1980-81 which the Staff will attempt to execute in the most effec- tive way possible. Respectfully submitted, &K~ City Administrator CITY or TUSTIN " BUDGET THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA Municipal government faces a battle for survival. Citizens continue to expect service as usual after approving Proposition 13 and Proposition 4. These propositions were born of frustration with State and Federal Legislators who failed to address in a timely and effective manner the public's concerns with taxation, government expenditures, and over- regulation. The citizens' actions were a dangerous but calculated risk, for they assumed that the en- tire system of state and local government finance would be reprioritized by the State legislature when local government's major revenue source, the property tax, was cut drastically, and a cap was placed on expenditures. The battle to repriori- tize is far from over, and the preservation of local control is still in question. The legis- lature is responding to the challenge with legis- lation prepared in haste that sometimes creates almost as many questions as it answers. Pressures .by special interest groups reach a new high. There are inequities as some special interests received a windfall and others, such as renters, in many cases received nothing. Three concerns continue to confront municipal government. The first is to carry out the intent of these propositions and make them work. The se- cond is to secure sufficient revenue to provide the services the public wants without sacrificing local control to the State. The third is to protect the relative position of cities to perform their ser- vices as all levels of government fight for the CITY OF TUSTIN BUDGET remaining resources. And yet, the crisis has not reached its pea~ as voters go to the polls in June to consider still a new and major reduction in governmental revenues by halving the income tax. As difficult as this crisis is for municipal gov- ernment in general, the City of Tustin is fortunate to be in a better position than most cities through good planning, management and circumstances. Tustin's commercial and industrial developments are producing financial resources which carry a significant part of the cost of government. This trend, as well as other Council decisions such as contracting for fire protection and self-funding insurance liabili- ties produces a sound financial base for the City. And yet, Tustin has one of the lowest business license tax rates, has a major capital improvement program, provides a small bus service and senior citizen program, and provides free refuse collection to residential and small commercial establishments not requiring bin service. This is a record of which to be proud. But it is also a challenge to further excel. And the City Council has already embarked on a course to further improve our fair City. The purchase of the Tustin Water Works is calculated to improve water service. Consideration of assuming administration of the Tustin Lighting District is based on maintaining and improving this important service. The Redevel- opment Agency undergrounding project on El Camino Real is imminent. And a fresh look at fire service is taking place. CITY OF TUSTIN 1980-81 Budget. This document is the Preliminary Budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1981~ which is submitted for yoùr consideration and ac- tion. Integrated into this Budget is the ten-year financial plan developed in 1975 as a long-range guideline for Administration and Council. The ten- year plan is now obsolete and must be updated as soon as the future sources of income available to the City are determined by legislative action in Sacramento, whenever the situation stabilizes. new tenth year added. The presence of these pro- jections in this Budget document will encourage such an annual review and insure adequate visibi- lity of these significant guidelines. The projec- tions in the Preliminary Budget are the obsolete 1976 estimates which will be revised as soon as the financing of cities becomes more stable. In overview, the City of Tustin is operating with a large reserve for the first time in its fifty-. three-year existence, with the City's sales tax revenues supporting 48.8 percent of the Operating Budget. Thus, with careful management, there is an opportunity to maintain a sound financial base and to meet a significant number of community capi- tal improvement needs. The large reserve is extre- mely critical at this time for two reasons: the first is that it provides a means for financing the redevelopment area's program without resorting to expensive bonds. The second reason is that it provides a means for funding additional capital improvements of streets and other facilities. This large reserve must be carefully protected and not used for normal operations or the City will be living beyond its means. The Budget document contains both an Operating budget and a Capital Improvement budget with certain over- view tables drawing the two together in a comprehen- sive plan. Operating Revenues and Capital Improvement Revenues are not mutually exclusive, and thus the City's total needs must be prioritized and coordinated. Like- wise, the Redevelopment Agency's Budget is also inte- grated for better coordination of Public policy and programs. The City of Tustin Budget is further unique from the budgets of many other cities because Tustin has com- bined many small budgeting IIdepartments" into only ten "departments" in order to improve visibi 1 ity and control. Divisions are provided for the first time on a trial basis to provide Council with more detailed in- formation on the distribution of resources. Budget Format This Budget also summarizes expenses by general cate- gories rather than itemizing the complete detail by which accounting records are maintained, in order to facilitate policy review and to reduce IIcounting paper c 1 i ps . 11 This Budget contains basic operating and capital improvement revenue and expenditure guidelines for a ten-year period. The importance of multi-year programming cannot be overstressed, for that is the only way that sound planning can sustain essential programs. . The ten-year projections are guidelines which must be revipwed each year, refined, and a Two prior years of history are provided in order to place the current and n~xt year in better perspective. In addition, a department's original request for next year is provided along with the recommended appro- priations. This information may be of assistance in BUDGET ii CITY or TUSTIN alerting Council to department head views on departmental needs, and in evaluating depart- ment head managerial abilities. Tustin depart- ment heads are exceptional in their conservative and careful budgeting which requires a minimum of IIcutting.1I Personne 1 The 1979-80 fiscal year started with 139 full- time regular positions. Four positions were added during the year, for a total of 143; two were related to the continuation of the City's bus service, when efforts to contract were un- successful, one was related to the bus service and maintenance, and the last was related to the senior citizen program in the Recreation Department. Ten positions were requested by the departments for 1980-81, of which a net of 5.5 are recommended. In administration, there are two: an assistant to the City Administrator and a typist for Finance. In Public Works, we are budgeting the cancellation of the bus service after six months (a reduction of one "man-year" in the two positions), plus adding a maintenance man for the last six months, which is a net reduction of 0.5 employees. The Police Department is increased by four of the six posi- tions they requested. The four are police officers due to increased calls for service. The Police Department is adding three part-time Police Cadets, one part-time crossing guard coordinator, and one part-time traffic records clerk to help in the ad- ministrative support for the department and relieve police officers from non-police work. This net gain of 5.5 positions to the original 143 regular full-time positions will establish a total authori- zation of 148.5 positions with no CETA positions. The City has successfully terminated its partici- pation in the CETA program. Reven ues The most significant aspect of the 1979-80 fiscal year revenue picture is the strength of the City's Sales Tax Revenue ($3,500,000), which represents 48.8 percent of the operating budget, compared with 32 percent five years ago. Building activity is expected to remain strong in reference to New Construction Taxes ($120,000) and Construction Permits ($130,000). We are anticipating the continuation of Federal Revenue Sharing ($165,000). We also expect to receive a State "bail-out" amplified Property Tax Revenue ($1,080,bOO) similar to last year. Recreation fees ($216,610) are double what they were four years ago and will need to be monitored closely. . Investment revenues for 1979-80 ($310,000) were re- markably high due to the agressiveness of the Finance Department and the increased interest rates (which are now significantly decreasing). The Sale of City Pro- perty Account was very high due to the sale of the surplus Sixth Street property, and of the old City Hall modules. The revenues of the Tustin Community Redevelopment are increasing remarkably from $209,237 in 1977-78, to $704,550 in 1980-81. However, the cost of the planned projects have also increased greatly. Fund Balances The City of Tustin has a General Fund Reserve projected for June 30,1980 of over $1.5 million which has been developed over the last three years. This reserve is very important because it will provide the cash flow for the El Camino Real undergrounding and street improve- ments by the Redevelopment Agency. This will be by a loan to the Agency which will ultimately be returned to the General Fund for an operating reserve and for other capital improvements. It should not be used for opera- ting expenditures, as this deficit financing promotes BUDGET iii CITY OF TUSTIN living beyond one's means. The large June 30, 1980 deficit balance in the Redevelopment Agency Fund represents the amount borrowed from the Genera 1 Fund. O~e!~tiB9--E~penditures Normal Operations ($6,913,329 excluding the Re- development Agency) have increased 17.7 percent over the 1979-80 Budget (excludes the supplemental appropriations approved during the year). This represents basically the inflation for the year. This Budget contains 148.5 full-time regular posi- tions as opposed to 139 positions at the start of 1979-80, a 6.8 percent increase in staff (4 posi- tions in 1979-80, and 5.5 positions in 1980-81). The major increase occurred in the Police Depart- ment with a 19 percent increase to $2,478,070 due to the addition of four positions over July 1, 1978. The Public Works Department increased 36 percent to $1,771,544 due to the cost of continuing to operate the bus system; the rapid rise in fuel, energy, water and asphalt costs; capital outlay; and the transfer of refuse collection costs from non-departmental. Community Services (Recreàtion) increased 30 percent to $343,443 primarily due to an added senior citizen position in 1979-80 and increased programs. Administration increased 36 - percent to $478,189 due to adding two positions and the transfer of auditing and personnel recruit- ment expenses from non-departmental. Non-depart- mental has actually decreased 30 percent due to the transfers of functions to other departments. Other departments increased less than 15 percent. The Operating Budget plans for the continuation of the City's bus service for six months, at which time the Orange County Transit District will commence service for senior citizens; for adding four police officers to patrol; for implementing a police report dictating and transcribing procedure which should save significant officer time/ for purchase of a tractor-trailer rig to haul sweeper and other debris to the dump for disposal; for continuation of the Planning Consultant during this period of rapid growth and annexation; for purchase of microfilm equipment for Community Development and Legis-. lation; purchase of a word processor for Community Development; and the development of a police system on the City's computer, with related necessary equipment. In Special Funds, it should be pointed out that the Park Bond Fund and Civic Center Bond Fund are used only for debt service now. The Sewer Trust Fund is used to re- tire the no-interest loan from the Sanitation District, and will then be eliminated. The Redevelopment Agency anticipates a revenue of $704,550, primarily from property tax increment revenues, although the expenditures pro- posed are $1,298,051. Capita 1 Improvements The Capital Improvement Budget of $4,743,900 is the equivalent of 66 percent of the Operating Budget of $7,134,080. This is another measure of the City Council's and staff's commitment to operational efficiency while protecting and enhancing the community's investment in its streets, traffic controls, parks, public buildings, storm drains, and other capital assets. The Capita.l Improvement Budget is more fully explained at the start of that section of the Budget document. All of the City's needs are not being met, but the rate of improvements is encouraging. Planned for next year are $2,796,900 in street improvements; $525,000 in traffic controls; $1,119,100 in beautification projects; $75,000 in public facilities improvements, and many other improvements. BUDGET . i v CITY or TUSTIN Conclusions The 1980-81 Proposed Budget is a satisfying financial plan which is balanced, and provides an expanded scope of service in the face of Proposition 13 and Proposition 4 restrictions. Reserves are at new highs, as are services and capital improvements. The City's reliance on the Property Tax as a revenue source has been greatly reduced, while the Sales Tax has assumed the funding of half of the Operating Budget. The level of staffing has been improved but is still conservative in relation to other cities. Effectiveness, efficiency, and economy must be criteria by which we live, along with equality, environment and social conscience. This is true in the good years as well as the lean years. The City must continually establish goals, ob-. jectives, priorities, and schedules. In addition, effective communication with the public must be established in order to coordinate City goals with community goals and to develop public awareness and support. After all, the resources of the City are public resources. It is through the use of the resources allowed by the public that City services and improvements are accomplished. But is the public aware of the cost of sustaining cer- tain programs, and is the public willing to provide those programs? If not, services and programs should be curtailed to a level consistent with the resources provided. Departments cannot be given an assignment beyond their resources, or dedication and efficiency will collapse into bureaucratic complacency. Tustin is fortunate to have an excellent City Council and staff working together for the citizens' good. This budget provides another opportunity to determine how to allocate the City's resources and energies to better serve the public. That is the purpose of City governmen t. In closing, let me express my appreciation for the conscientious budgeting effort of each department head, for the imagination of Director of Public Works, Bob Ledendecker, in preparing the initial draft of the Capital Improvement Budget, for the hard work of Director of Finance, Ed Bushong, in reviewing the requests and compiling the endless details for the Finance Department staff, and for the patient and careful effort of Holly Rossi in the typing, etc. Dan Blankenship City Administrator BUDGET v SECTION I - GENERAL Organization Chart Basic City Data Definition of Terms SECTION 2 - RECAPITULATION AND TEN-YEAR BUDGET Recap of Annual Budget Annual Budget Summary Fund Distribution 1980-81 Ten-Year Budget Recapitulation SECTION 3 - REVENUES Summary of Revenues Revenue Deta i 1 Fund Accounting Explanation Revenue Accounts Explanation SECTION 4 - PERSONNEL Summary of Positions Salary Range Number by Classification CITY OF T! ISTIN TABLE OF CONTENTS Page -1 -2 -7 -10 -1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 -4 -1 -2 BUDGET SECTION 5 - EXPENDITURES Page Activity Structure Expenditures Expenditures by Category -1 -2 -2 SECTION 6 - OPERATING BUDGET Legislation. Administration Community Development Public Works Police Fire Community Services Non-Departmental Redevelopment Agency -1 -5 -9 -13 -19 -23 -27 -32 -37 SECTION 7 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Capital Improvement Budget -1 Summary of Plan by Category -4 Summary Q{ Plan by Revenue Service -4 Capital Improvement Program -5 Other Projects-Unscheduled -19 SECTION 8 - REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BUDGET Redevelopment Agency Budget -1 vi ~ r-- VJ ~ r-- ¡;-. 0 >- t: u :z a '.. f- u w '" ...J 4: e<: w :z w ø r-- ¡¡,¡ C-' 1:4 ~ ~ f-' I f-' c '"' C'.; ~ ~~~;~, ~~ ~ ¡; æ::; "O"C~þ .. -.." c '" ~ -il~ ~ ~ " ~ ~~;f,.~ -"Ot n ~ ..--,0 ...ooc"" ,<.,< '< - Z """...~ """~,.... """= ....... ~~ ~:;: /, 8 ;;. ~ ,- b , .. , '" . .. 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BASIC DATA 1980 If FO1.mded in 1868, incorporated as Ge.'1eral Law City Septerrber 21, 1927 C,eneral 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 --- II Area of City (sq. mi.) 3.55 4.4 4.5 4.56 4.61 7.5 8.1 8.1 8.1 9.6 Assessed Valuation (i.¡1 millions) $53.4 $58.5 $69.0 $77.1 $89.9 $106.4 $128.9 $152.4 $174.3 $210~3 G<!ncral Property Tax II Allocation per $100 A. V. * $0.95 $0.95 $0.95 $0.932 $0.96 $0.9955 $0.96 $0.92 $0.59 $0.48 Fire Insurance Classification 6 G 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 Population 24,100 25,650 25,874 26,957 28,050 31,644 32,650 33,056 33,807 34,500 II Regi~tered. Voters 7,861 9,138 13,238 12,238 9,272 9.676 13,074 13,537 13,254 14,342 HoUSlJ1g !Jruts 10,278 10,278 10,902 11,549 12,564 12,700 12,976 13,618 14,085 14,254 Retail & Trade Oùtlets II (Taxable Sales) 429 488 528 525 612 684 763 891 1,104 1,121 tlJÌles of Sewer Serviœ 35.0 36.0 37.1 37.5 41. 8 42.2 43.5 44.3 44.5 44.5 Miles of City Streets 47.4 47.9 51. 5 54.8 58.9 60.5 67.7 68.4 70.2 70.7 II Arterial 13.1 13.1 15.8 16.4 17.3 17.8 23.6 24.0 24.1 24.4 Loc.al 34.3 34.8 35.7 3:J.4 42.1 42.7 44.1 44.4 46.1 46.3 , Miles of City-o.olJ1cd Alleys 0.71 D.'ll 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 City-c:wned Buildings 7 9 11 10 14 14 14 10 11 9 Parks Maintained 4 5 6 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 Signalized Intersections 24 28 31 32 33 34 40 42 39 40 City Vehicles - (total) 40 47 56 58 60 61 63 ;36 63 63 G'illeral 9 9 9 9 10 10 11 12 13 13 Fire 5 8 9 9 9 9 10 0 0 0 Police 11 14 20 22 22 22 22 23 26 26 r-1ainter>.ance 15 16 18 18 19 20 20 21 24 24 TIegular Dnployees per lOOO [XJpulation 3.72 4.36 5.05 5.19 5.03 4.11 3.98 3.48 3.95 Per Cc":lpita Cost - 1'brrrol Operations Una.àjustE..'<Ì $80.05 $80.16 $112.85 $112.31 $114.76 $125.45 $121.13 $134.03 $137.96 Adjusted to 167 base year $68.59 $66.80 $90.42 $83.07 $75.85 $76.17 $69.41 $72.25 $69. 12 CPT Janua.xy 116.7 120.0 124.8 135.2 151. 3 164.7 174.8 185.5 199.6 % Annual Increase 4.57 2.83 4.00 8.33 11.91 8.86 6.13 6.12 7.60 *Bonded Inde.btedness Tax Rate Park Bond 0.1365 0.1365 0.1250 0.1153 0.1103 0.0912 0.0835 0.0715 0.0918 Civic Center - - 0.U80 0.917 0.0692 0.0577 0.0600 0.0534 0.0552 1'Dl'E: Data as of July 19 80, except population, which has been projected for the calendar year BUDGET . 1-2 CITY OF TUSTIN DEFINITION OF TERMS 1. Budget: A comprehensive plan, expressed in financial terms by which an operating program is effective for a given period of time. A performance budget is one which is based upon the work or service to be accomplished. An object account budget is one in which funds are budgeted for specific items of expenditure. The budget of Tustin is basically an object account budget, but incorporating the principles of performance budgeting. A. Pre 1 im i na ry: The budget recommended by the City Administrator to the City Council for their consideration. B. Final: The budget which has been approved by the City Council for the financing of governmental operations for .the ensuing fiscal year. 2. Fund: A sum of money set aside to carryon specific activities in accord- ance with special regulations or restrictions. A fund constitutes an independent accounting entity. A. Genera 1 : A fund accounting for general government which is financed by revenues not otherwise restricted to special purposes. B. Special: Accounting of. funds requiring expenditures for special purposes under existing regulations. 3. Personne 1: 4. Supplies and Services: 5. Capita] Outlay: The number of, and salaries paid to City employees. Expenditures for departmental operations and related expenses. Equipment used in the operation of the City and of a non-expendable nature, i.e., with a useful life of several years. 6. Ca2~~rovements: Major improvements including land and right-of-way acquisition, buildings, street construction, and related facilities. 7. Salary Adjustment: Changes in the dollar amount for personnel resulting from a change in salary rate or reclassification of positions. 1- 3 (lunG ET CITY OF TUSTIN DEFINITION OF TERMS 8. Appropriation: 9. Revenue: 10. Account Series: 11. Activit)': Funds authorized to be expended. Funds received to finance the City's expenditures. An accounting level to record the costs of a specific function, department, or group of services. The title of a particular account series. BUDGET 1-4 z I- LJ.. CJ Z 0 0 :::> N CO Z ~ Cl: 0 .....I <t: :::> LJ.. I- I- >- u , LJ.. a.. z VI <t: LJ.. u I- LJ.. Cl: 0 Z <t: E- ¡¡J ~ Q ;:¡ :Q ~ - ~ '-' ~ CITY OF TUSTIN I I I I I I I I I I l RECAPITULATION OF 1980-81 BUDGET RESOURCES ALLOCATION OF RESOURCES APPROPRIATIONS 1980-81 FUND BALANCES ON 6/30/80 Genera 1 Fund Traffic Safety Fund Revenue Shari ng Gasoline Tax Fund Park Development Fund Beautification Fund Grant Personnel Fund Park Bond Fund Civic Center Bond Fund Redevelopment Agency Fund $1,007,922 $4,200,198 2,965,986 272,122 $7,438,306 Personnel Supplies & Services Capital Outlay 114.652. 406 ,085 102,545 64,557 (1,578) 230,232 147,199 640,352 $2,711,966 TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 5 ,320, 700 TOTAL (BUDGETED) $12,759,Q06 BUDGETED RESERVE 256,779 TOTAL ALLOCATION $13,015,785 TOTAL (ESTIMATED) ESTIMATED REVENUE 1980-81 10,303,819 $13,015,785 TOTAL RESOURCES The purpose of this chart is to recapitulate the 1980-81 Budget by showing the resources avail- able as represented by the beginning fund balances, plus the estimated revenues for 1980-81 (shown on the left side of the page) equal the appropriations for 1980-81, plus the budgeted reserve or ending fund balances (shown on the right sid~ of the page). BUDGET 2-1 CITY OF TUSTIN "' 1 ANNUAL BUDGET SGI'MARY fSTrMATED 1919-80 BUDGETED 1980-81 BALANCt BALMCr. 8ALMCÈ "n_21JOI79 R.LYSJIQr.. F~f.-".Q.IT.!!.RJL .on_.i!!lY{I12. RfYrNII~ AP".~OPJ'.:I_ATrqN-"- on 6130/81 .- --.-.---.-. GrN.l.£AL_D!!LQ ($ 72 ,lOb) ~r,.198.0Ib $~,IIH,Ü41\ $1.001.922 $962,129 $I.9il2,:,!, $ (1\,9úl) TPNFI G SAFETY fUND. -0- 110,200 110 ,ZOO -0- 180,240 130.210 -0- ~VENUL~G miL 18,442 190,500 94,290 114,652 161,000 174,100 106,952 GASOLINE TAX FUND 60,324 667,856 322.095 406,085 2,123,100 2,321.500 207,685 PARK W!..El~UNO 67,390 47,155 12,000 102.545 - - - 20.GOO 82.545 Q.~.IJfIQ.. -0- 2.500 2.500 -0- 1,200 1.200 -0- BEAiJTIElCATION FUND 64,557 60 ,000 60,000 64.557 60.000 60.000 64.557 GRANT PERSOTìNEt FUND -0- 38.745 40.323 (I.578) - - - - - - (J.578) pAR~. 8Q!!.!?JUiI0 166.694 18J,I26 125.588 230,232 75,000 121.838 183.394 'CIYIC WITER BONO FUND 109,039 113.600 75.440 147.199 30.000 73,J365 103.334 P£DEVELOPflo£NT (,GEUCY FUND (l06. I~)j) 758.638 12.185 640.352 704,550 1,823,051 (418,149) L TOTAL ALL Elmos $308.239 $8.976.396 $6.572.669 $2,711.966 $10,303,819 $12,75.3,006 $256.779 SEWER TRUST FUNQ ($ 31.407) 3.800 - - -* ($ 27,607) $ 2.000 $---' ($ 25,607) 'Represent. a"",unt transferred to Sanitation District and amount of loan owed at ycar end. NTE;¡NAL FLI'fD5 [quip,:enCfund $ 8,843 $ 210.342 $ 110,311 $ 108,874 $ 131.])4 $ .107.900 $132,088 Health Ceneflt Fund 84,018 217,"°0 198.000 103,318 278.907 238,849 143,376 Risk l'iaOd9"..nt Fund 4ßfj,I67 264,176 271.625 478,7\8 395.964 316.558 558,124 Capital Improvement FUND - - - 6,250 - - - 6.260 7,500 - - - 13,760 The purpose .of this chart Is to re<^D by Fund both the 1979-80 Colilhlned Operatin9 and Capital Improvement 8udgct as projected to the ycar's end. and the 1980.01 Cu,,"fned Operating and Capital Improvement 8udget. as recoOinended. Onc ieature of this chJrt show, the Fund b.l Jncos after the 1979-80 Coirl>ined ßuhet project ions, and thc ant i ci pated rund balances a ftcr the 1980-81 pre llmi nary budget. At the bottom of the chart is a recap of Internal Revolving Funds. the Equipment Fund. the Heal to Conefit Fund, thc Risk Manage"tOnt Funds. and the Capital Improvement Fund. Equipment Fund "revenues" ^"e ch".ges to the depart"",nt for "rental" nf vehicles and equipment., and "cx- pcndltures" or "appropriations" are rei.mursements to the General Fund for the purchase of replacement equipment and the direct cost of vehiclc operations (gasoHne. 011 and wash) and rcpalrs (not. including City labor). Risk Mandgl'<1lent Fund "rcverues" arc chargcs to the departments in lieu of worker's compensations and unemployment insurance premiums. and "expenditurcs" are administrative. reinsurance, damage claims, legal. medical and dIsability expcn,es of the program. The Hcalth 8encfit Fund Is simìlar t.o thc Risk Management Fund, with the purpose to fund health and dental costs. The Capita] Improvement Fund is fa.. revenues .nd expenditures as 4uthorlzed by the City Council. Currently. revenue from the Irvine AnnexaUon east .of 8rowning and north of the Freeway has 70"' .of its City property taxes so ea,.",arked. and ,.evenue from the I,'vlne-peters Canyon Annexatl.on has 9Ot of its city property taxes so eaM1lðrked. BUDGET J r CITY OF TUSTIN FUND DISTRIBUTION 1980-81 OPERATING BUDGET PUBLIC COM~DNìIY WORKS SERVICES I I GENERAL FUND I REVENUE SHARING I GASOLINE TAX I BUS FUND I GRANT PERSONNEL I PARK BOND I REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY I I I I l GENERAL GOVERNMENT $1,351,822 PUBLI C SAFETY $3,464,182 OPERAtING TOTAL $6,625,712 FUND $1,452,451 180,240 $357,257 TRAFFIC SAFETY 180,240 154,700 154,700 PARK DEVELOPMENT 1,200 60,000 1,200 BEAun FI CAnON 60,000 121,838 73,865 121,838 73,865 CIVIC CENTER BOND 220,751 $1,768,276 $1,848,591 $357,257 220,751 $7,438,306 $3,464,182 TOTAL ALL FUNDS Percentage of Operations 46.5% 23.8% 24.9% 4.8% 100.0% Percentage of Grand Total 13.9% 27.2% 14.4% 2.8% 58.3% CAPITAL IMP ROVEMENT BUDGET $1,356,900 174,700 2,166,800 20,000 1, 602 ,300 $5,320,700 71.5% 41. 7% GRAND TOTAL $7,982,612 180,240 174,700 2,321,500 20,000 1,200 60,000 121,838 73,865 1,823,051 $12,759,006 171. 5% 100.0% The purpose of this chart is to show the source of funds which finance the basic functions of the City's Budget for the 1980-81 Fiscal Year. The Capital Improvement Budget column identifies the source of funds used to finance the Capital Improvement program, while the Operating Total column performs the same function for the Operating Budget. General Government includes legislation, Administration, Community Development, Non-Departmental, Grant Personnel, Bond Retirement and Redevelopment Agency. Public Safety includes Police and Fire. Public Works includes Engineering and Maintenance. Community Services includes only the Community Service Department. BUDGET 2-3 CITY OF TUSTIN This is a 1976 projection which i~ scheduled for revision in 1980 PAST 1974-75 NOTE: TEN VU,R BUDGET RECAPITULATION FUTURE 1980-81 1981-82 1984-85 1985-86 1983-84 37.00 6.80 219.6 6.0 1982=83 36.30 6.70 205.2 6.0 1977-78 1978-79 19-79-80 34.30 6.47 167.5 6.0 1975-76 1976- 77 1973-711 AS.S.UHPT IONS Population (1000) 26,95 Land Area (sq.mlles) 4.56 . Assessed Valuatlon($mll)$ 77.10 Inflation Rate 9.7% 35.00 6.56 179.2 6.0 38.00 6.90 251.4 6.0 38.00 6.90 234.9 6.0 35.60 6.60 191.8 6.0 33.60 6.37 149.5 6.0 28.5. 29.8. 4.82 6.15 106.4 . 119.2 .12% 0.0 33.00 6.21 133.5 6.0. 27.0 4.75. 86.33 12% REVENUE ESTIHATES ($1,000) Property Tax-General 686.3 -Debt SVC 134.3 Sales & Use Tax 1,030.0 New Construction Tax 194.6 "Construction Permits 130.7 State Apport I onments 643.7 Vehlcl" Code Fines 155.7 Revenue Sharing 92.3 Community Dev.Act --- Other Revenues 796. J TOTAL REVENUES 3,889.4 Less.Restricted 427.5 NET AVAI LABLE-OPERATlONS3,461.9 Percentage Increase 9% . OPERATING EXPENDITURES ($1,000) Legislation 98.7 Staff 4 Administration 152.3 Staff 7 Community Development 178.8 Staff 11 Non-Departmental 161.8 Debt Service 134.3 2,1¡88.9 178.4 2,637.0 100.0 105.0 901.0 170.0 2,17'1.0 179.6 2, 304 .0 65.0 72.0 853.0 155.0 1,898.8 190.4 1,975.0 100.0 105.0 819.0 147.0 1,774. I 105.7 1,829.0 100.0 105.0 805.0 1311.0 2,325.5 1711. I 2,488.9 70.0 105.0 875.0 163.0 1,658.3 20 1.0 1,69/1.0 110.0 120.0 788.0 128.0 2,03\.5 185.0 2,133.0 55.0 60.0 836.0 148.0 1.400. I 18\. 4 1,568.0 120.0 150.0 774.0 122.0 874.5 153.4 1,110.3 82.5 . 105.0 647.0 110.0 112.6 496.4 3,861. 7 (301) 3.380.7 115% J.180.0 101.4 1,345.0 110.0 105.0 742.0 110.0 73.0 84.0 478.0 4,408.4 (284) 4,124.4 (5.5%) 1,032.3 186.0 1,21,11.6 100.0 105.0 672.4 110.0 156.9 39.5 1,004.9 4,651.6 (261) 4,390.6 20% 1,321.7 186.2 1,452.0 110.0 120.0 757.0 116.0 126.0 466.0 4.654.9 (201) 4,453.9 5.5% 576.0 605.0 641.0 6,378.6 6,805.6 7.221.3 (227) (232) (235) 6,151.6 6.573.6 6,986.3 6.4% 6.6% 6% 441.0 471.0 493.0 518.0 544.0 4,836.5 5.170.3 5,345.8 5,753.2 5,992.5 (201) (217) (218) (221) (224) 4,635.5 4,953.3 5,127.8 5,532.2 5,768.5 3.9% 6.9% 3.3% 7.6% 4% 208.7 4 335.3 10 363.7 10 327.5 178.4 185.9 4 290.4 10 323.7 10 302.6 179.5 165.5 173.5 4 . 4 264.6 281.5 10 10 288.1 305.4 10 10 271.5 286.6 190.3 " 184.9 1,819.7 1,912..7 61 62 1,066.9 1,145.9 29 29 227.9 240.3 7 7 154.3 4 250.5 10 271.8 16 257.2 105.7 1,707.8 60 1,021.5 29 211. I 7 948.4 .)0 222.9 4 195.0 . 4 316.3 10 343.1 10 319.5 174.0 2,158.5 65 .1,277.7 29 264.3 7 145.5 4 236.3 10 256.4 10 245.8 201.0 1,619.7 58 964.6 29 189.6 7. bd3.5 29 97.4 4 150.3 8 205.9 11. 142.8 153.3 1,128.8 56 554.9 28 132.8 7 .549.9 24 126.6 3 137.3 4 228.0 10 225.6 9 231. I 181.3 1,521.0 57 919.8 29 169.9 6 834.7 29 198'5 4 127.5 4 206.7 . 9 212.8 9 220.1 186.2 1,437.8 56 871.4 29 164.3 6 776.3 28 186.7 4 109.0 4 156.5 7 226.9 11 115.4 186.0 1,153.4 53 662.3 25 130.9 6 559.7 22 140.1 3 119.9 . 4 192.3 9 197.0 9 205.3 181.3 1,333.9 55 802.5 28 151. I 6 2,287.2 65 1,354.0 29 280.1 7 2,037.1 63 1,205.8 29 249.4 7 Pc 1 ice- Staff Fi re Staff Engineering Staff Maintenance Staff . 975.3 56 507.1 28 111.6 6 491.1 24 99.9 3 1,1'25.7 31 263.6 4 697.1 26 173.5 4 1,004. 31 235.7 4 1,063.1 31 249.2 4 .262.4 31 294.9 . 4. , ,119.2 31 278.8 4 RecreatIon Staff 207.8 4 3,242.7 3,440.2 TOTAL DEPARTMENTS 2,898.6 138 J,,053.9 4,389.5. 4,6~7.2 148 4,950.2 151 5,534.3 156 5,843.1 157 6,171.7 158 . (20; I) 6,519.2 160 6,892.2 .160 5.151.2 154 Staff Genera 1 Purpose Rev. AvaIlable 141 141 145 64.4 131 94.1 54.4 (74.6) (2.1) (23.4) 0.1. 7) BUDGET 3.1 563.3 138.0 950.4 70.5 2-4 ('" I I PURPOSE CITY OF TUSTIN This chart represents staff estimates of future revenues using such variables as past history, assessed valuation, population, proposed growth and inflation as predicators. The expenditure guidelines are listed as approved by the City Council in November of 1975. Annually these revenue estimates and expenditure guidelines will be reviewed and revised as necessary. The Ten Year Budget provides a guideline for realistic planning, improved budgeting, and sound financial management. REVENUES Property Tax General: Oebt Service: Sales and Use Tax: New Construction Tax and Construction Permi ts: State Apportionments: Vehicle Code Fines: Tota I Revenues: Less Restricted: EXPENDITURES GENERAL PURPOSE REVENUE AVAILABLE ~ Includes all funds as well as homeowner and business inventory tax reI ief reimbursements. Anticipates a constant $1.00 tax rate with assessed valuation going up 12% per year until 1980-81 and 7% thereafter. Based on actual needs of Park and Civic Center Bond issues. The debt service tax rate ii expected to decrease over the ten year period from approximately 18c to 12C/$100 AV. Increased due to anticipated inflation increases of 6%. Based on estimates of New construction and development. Increases based upon population growth. Increases based upon population growth. Excludes Grant Personnel Fund which is not regularly available and Sewer Main Trunk Fund as th i s is not a "useab I e" revenue for proj ec ts othe r than sewer 1 i nes. Revenues restricted for capital improvements include Gas Tax Section 2106, Arterial Highway Funding Program, Federal Aid Urban Streets, Community Development Act, and County Revenue Sharing allocations. Departmental estimates include increases based on assumed rate of inflation. Staff refers to full-time employees within the departments. This reflects a surplus or deficit in potential operating revenues after revenues which are restricted to capital improvements are subtracted and 9perating expenditures are subtracted. Any surplus is therefore available to help establish an adequate Operating Reserve or support the Capital Improvement Program. BUDGET 2-5 z ¡:: rr. ::> f- ¡¡. 0 >- E- O / M :z 0 l- t.) UJ VI f- LtJ {,:1 Q ::> ~ VI UJ :::> :z UJ ::> UJ ct: CITY OF TUSTIN SUMMARY OF REVENUES Prior History 1978- 79.. 1980~81 SOURCE 1977-78 1978- 79 Budget Projection Budget --- Property, Sales and $4,185,812 Other Tax $4,055,555 $4,718,700 .$5,686,315 $5,853,484 Licenses and Permits 163,432 275,801 165,000 166,700 140,300 Fines & Forfeitures 135,652 190,472 148,000 128,700 198,740 Use of Money & Property 117,744 290,896 193,872 437,622 252,872 Revenue from Other Agencies 2,090,328 2,035,438 2,905,762 1,773,468 3,598,538 Current Service Charges 193,265 262,109 237,050 249,925 246,385 Other Revenue 362,746 236,248 26,140 537,466 15,500 TOTALS $7,118,722 $7,476,776 $8,394,524 $8,980,196 10.305,819 BUDGET 3-1 CITY OF TUSTIN } REVENUE DETAIL Prior History 1979-80 1980-131 SOURCE 1977-78 1978- 79 Budget Projection Estimate GENERAL FUND Property Tax 1110 Secured $1,156,936 $ 529,762 $ 860,950 $ 862,000 $ 930,500 1111 Unsecured 100,1 86 48,227 54,750 80,500 82,000 1112 Delinquent 20,901 18,563 8,000 8,000 8,000 1200 Franchise Fees 110,758 161 ,900 156,050 183,915 197,600 1310 Sales & Use Tax 1,973,486 2,532,193 2,746,150 3,200,000 3,500,000 1315 Transient Lodging Tax - - .- - - 52,562 40,000 50.000 50,000 1320 Business License Tax 130,882 146,203 147,000 150,000 150,000 1340 New Construction Tax 99,405 188,242 11 0,000 145,000 120,000 2150 Construction Permits 142,429 263,004 155,000 155,000 130,000 2160 Street & Curb Permits 15,515 7,332 4,000 6,200 4,800 2190 Other Licenses & Permits 5,488 5,465 6,000 5,500 5,500 3120 Non-Traffic Fines 23,344 22,167 18,000 18,500 18.500 4110 Interest 42,369 190,148 95,000 310,000 175,000 4120 Other Interest 24,331 ----- ----- ----- ----- 4130 Rents-Community Center 21,870 24,812 31,000 30,000 33,000 4135 Rents-Fire Station 4,780 11,471 11 ,472 11,472 11 ,472 4140 Rents-Park Land - - - -.- 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 5110 Alcoholic Beverage Licenses 19,751 18,392 18,500 20,800 18,500 5120 Motor Vehicle License Tax 426,435 518,513 507,425 576,270 541,080 5140 Homeowners Tax Relief 68,808 38,777 22,450 49,000 49,000 5141 Business Inventory Tax Relief 38,876 19,174 20,950 10,500 10,500 5145 State-Mandated Costs ----- 3,684 ----- 5,000 4,500 5149 State Prop. 13 Relief ----- 267.710 ----- ----- - - .- - - ~150 Trailer Coach In-Lieu Tax 7,198 22,867 15,500 8,000 7,500 5160 Ci garette Tax 133,534 134,276 150,000 135,000 135,000 5170 Hwy Carriers License 4,414 4,986 4,425 6,538 6,504 5174 State SB 174 Funds-Parks ----- 21 ,153 2,300 6,188 6,188 5190 State Grant-Parks ----- 25,675 ----- ----- ----- 5320 County Park District ----- 70,000 ----- ----- _.- - -- 5340 Sr. Citizens Grant ----- ----- ----- 7,657 ----- 5390 County Grants Other 177 ,588 ----- 500,000 ----- 500,000 5572 Urban Mass Transportation Funds -----. ----- 6,500 ----- 6,500_~ BUDGET 3-2 CITY OF TUSTIN SOURCE GENERAL FUND, (cont'd.) Pri or Hi story 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 Budget Projection 1980-81 Estimate $ 5590 Federal Grant HCDA 6110 Planning Fees 6115 Subdivision Fees 6125 Sale of Maps & Publications 6130 Street Construction 6133 Street Reimbursement 6135 Parkway Tree Fees 6140 \~eed Ab.atement 6 "l41SDorts FFees 6142 Cl ass ees 6143 Youth Service Fees. 6144 Sr. Citi zens/Hum. Serv. Fees 6145 Recreation Fees 6165 False Alarm Fees 6170 Police Services 6190 Other Current Charges 7110 Sale-City Property 7120 Sale-Unclaimed Property 7180 Damaged City Property 7190 Sundry Revenue 7191 Library Landscape Maint. 92 , 31 5 18,920 6,772 586 15,461 111 3,515 568 ----- - - - - 138,037 850 5,669 1,565 339,021 892 3,577 1,697 ----- TOTAL $5,378,840 TRAFF I C SAFETY FUN D 3110 Vehicle Code Fines $ 112,308 REVENUE SHARI NG FUND 4110 Interest 5510 Revenue Sharing $ 4,131 162,903 $ 167.034 TOTAL $ ., .¡ ., $ 20,700 $ 20,700 $ - - - - 11 ,734 12,000 16,000 10,500 5,799 400 5,000 1,500 577 500 575 575 35,000 ----- ----- - - - - .- ----- ----- ----- -.- - - - 600 ----- 700. 72 ,~g8 . 100 300 600 - - - - ----- ----- 114,5.50 ----- ----- ----- 1 a, 1 00 ----- ----- ----- 11 ,öoo 177,430 211,350 201,000 ----- 6,730 5,000 9,500 5,000 10,435 6,000 14,000 10,000 9,074 1,500 50 ----- 146,517 20 , 1 40 467,500 - .- - - - 3,732 1,500 1,500 1,500 12,056 1,500 10,224 5,000 2,766 1,000 1,500 1,000 ----- ----- 5,787 6,000 $5,772,208 $5,975,712 $6,798,076 $6,962,729 $ 168~305 $ 1l0,tOO $ 180,240 $ 130 ;000 $ 10,026 155,278 $ 165,304 $ 2,000 163,000 $ 165,000 $ 5,500 185,000 $ 190.500 $ 2,000 165,000 $ 167.000 BUDGET 3-3 CITY OF TUSTIN .... SOURCE STATE GASOLINE TAX 4110 Interest 5175 Bicycle Trail Funds 5190 State Grants - Other 5210 Section 2106 5220 Section 2107 5230 Section 2107.5 5310 County Grants of State Gas Tax (AHFP) 5570 Federal Aid Urban Hwy. TOTAL PARK DEVELOPMENT FUND Prior History 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 Budget ~ojection 1980-81 Estimate $ 11,249 $ 3,828 ----- - - - - ----- ,- - - - 172,203 174,995 144,409 149,573 6,000 6,000 ----- 41,743 144,700 - - - - $ 478,561 $ 376,139 $ 10,000 12,000 79,000 177 ,700 148,700 6,000 291 ,200 1, 398 , 500 $ 10,000 14,500 17,500 11 , 356 - - - - - - - - 181, 700 175,000 148,800 147,600 6,000 6,000 326,695 175,400 696,000 138,000 1,386,695 $ 667,856 $- - - - $ 47,155 $- - - - $ 2,500 $ 2,000 $ 3,800 $2,123,100 7150 Parkland Dedication Fees $- - - - - $ 67,390 $- - - - - TUSTIN CITY BUS FUND 6150 Bus Fares SEWER TRUST FUND. 7130 Sewer Connection Fees * $ 1,200 1,211 $ 4,630 $ 2,000 17,559 $ 3,787 *Prior to 1977-78, City received 75% of Sewer Connection Fees for trunk line extensions within City. Thereafter, City received 5% of such fees for unrestricted use (after completing payoff of outstanding obligations to County Sanitation District No.7). BEAUTIFICATION FUND 1330 Real Property Transfer Tax $ 64,965 $ 60,000 $ 60,000 $ 69,384 $ 60,000 ') n BUDGET ) I 1 1 I I I .1 I 1 I 1 I J ~ CITY OF TUSTIN Prior History 1979-80 1980-81 SOURCE 1977-78 1978-79 Budget Projection Estimate GRANT PERSONNEL FUND 5180 State Grant-Traffic Safety $ 67,444 $ 63,130 $ 17,151 $ 11 ,651 $---- 5395 CETA 308,111 266,751 53,166 27,094 - - - - TOTAL $375,555 $329,881 $ 70,317 $ 38,745 $---- PARK BOND FUND Property Taxes 1110 Secured $104,987 $ 92,362 $105,000 $143,826 $ 57,685 1111 Unsecured 9,513 4,890 10,500 19,000 6,255 1112 Delinquent 1 ,903 6,066 500 500 500 4110 Interest 4,540 12,752 4,000 11 ,250 5,000 5140 Homeowners Tax Relief 6,244 5,205 4,000 6,350 3,475 5141 Business Inventory Tax Relief 4,117 3,913 2,000 8,200 2,085 5174 State SB 174 Funds 13,375 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5190 State Grant-Park Bonds 74,572 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5330 County Grant-Federal Revenue Sharing Funds 130 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . TOTAL $219,381 $125,188 $126,000 $189,126 $ 75,000 CI VI C CENTER BOND FUND Property Taxes 1110 Secured $ 75,540 $ 69,682 $ 65,000 $ 89,000 $21,331 1111 Unsecured 6,029 3,188 4,500 8,400 2,313 1112 Delinquent 1,355 4,565 300 300 300 4110 Interest 4,028 8,059 3,000 8,500 4,000 5140 Homeowners Property Tax Rel ief 4,486 3,927 2,000 3,800 1,285 5141 Business Inventory Property Tax Relief 2,633 2,800 1 ,000 3,600 771 TOTAL $ 94,071 $ 92,221 $ 75,800 $113,600 $ 30,000 BUDGET 3-5 CITY OF TUSTIN SOURCE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Pri or Hi story 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 Budget ~",-ojec ti on 1980-81 Estimate 1112 Delinquent $ - - - - - $ 4,260 $-- - - - - $ - - - - - 1119 Property Taxes-Increment 198,709 253,763 350,000 685,874 4110 Interest 446 27,400 35,000 44,000 5140 Homeowners Property Tax Rel ief 845 2,358 1,050 2,944 5141 Business Inventory Property Tax Relief 9,237 14,558 16,950 25,820 TOTAL $ 209,237 $ 302,339 $ 403,000 $ 758,638 GRAND TOTAL $7,118,722 $7,476,776 $8,394,524 $8,980,196 I . . $ - - - - 667,000 10,000 2,550 25,000 $ 704,550 tlO ,305 ,819 BUDGET 3-6 GENERAL FUND Fund 01 Approximately seventy percent of all monies received by the City is deposited into the General Fund, and is used to finance general City operations. The major portion of Gen- eral Fund monies is received from property and sa 1 es taxes. TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND Fund 02 Revenues derived from fines imposed upon con- viction of misdemeanor violations of the Vehicle Code and from bàil which has been forfeited by persons violating the Code, are deposited into the Traffic Safety Fund. State law prohibits the use of monies in this Fund for police officer compensation. REVENUE SHARING FUND Fund 05 Federal revenue sharing aid to cities and counties for a five-year period became effective December 1972. This initial pro- gram has been extended for a 3-3/4-year period, to October 1980. Distribution of monies is based on a formula of population, local tax effort (rate), and average per capita income. GASOLINE TAX FUND Fund 10 Funds collected under Section 2106 and 2107 of the Streets and Highways Code are distri- buted to cities, primarily on the basis of population, and are deposited into the Gaso- 1 i ne Tax Fund. Moni es so received mus t gen- erally be expended for the construction of the State-approved "select aid system" of streets, or for maintenance. CITY OF TUSTIN FUND ACCOUNTING EXPLANATION SEWER MAIN TRUNK FUND Fund 20 Fees coll ected by the Ci ty from property owners for connections made to the City's sewer system are deposited into this Fund. Prior to 1976-77, monies were distributed on the basis of 25% to the County Sanitation District No.7 for the construction and maintenance of sewers, and 75% to the City for construction of new trunk sewers by City contract. Si nee June 1977, 95% of a 11 fees are distributed to the District, and 5% are credited to the City for administration anq unrestricted use. This Fund will be eliminated when outstanding obligations are fulfilled. CAPITAL OUTLAY FUND Fund 21 A fund established by resolution of Council to accumulate a portion of property tax revenue on annexed land held in agricultural preserve for future capital outlay within the area. The accu- mulation ends in the budget year following the issuance of a structural permit. This Fund does not show as a source of revenue because it is an accounting transfer from the General Fund. CITY BEAUTIFICATION FUND Fund 30 Established by ordinance of the City Council, all monies received from Real Property Transfer Taxes are dep~sited into Beautification Fund. The Fund is used to finance the construction and maintenance of beautification projects of the City. BUDGET 3-7 CITY OF TUSTIN FUND ACCOUNTING EXPLANATION GRANT PERSONNEL FUND Fund 39 A separate accounting Fund has been established to record the collection and disbursement of monies from other governmental agencies which support additional employees and related costs for specific programs. An example of these pro-. grams is the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act. Such programs are for limited periods and the employees involved are employed only so long as the funds are provided. which provides for replacement, operational expense, and repairs. This Fund does not show as a source of revenue because it is an account- ing transfer from the benefited departments to the Fund. WORKERS'COMPENSATION FUND Fund 81 PARK BOND FUND Fund 40 A separate internal Fund has been established to self-fund the recurring costs of statutory payments under the Workers 'Compensation Law for on-the-job injuries and occupational ill- nesses. Departments are charged a "premium" based on normal insurance rates (adjusted by the Fund's experience) and applied to that de- partment's payroll. Expenses of the Fund include medical claim payments, disability claims, ad- ministrative costs, reinsurance costs, legal expenses, and other expenses. This Fund does not show as a source of revenue because it is an accounting transfer from the benefited depart- ments to the Fund. Proceeds of the $1,200,000 twenty-year General Obligation Park Bond Issue approved by the citizens in 1971 were deposited and expended in this Fund. The Fund is used to control revenues and expenditures relating to the Bond Issue's debt service. CIVIC CENTER BOND FUND Fund 41 Proceeds of the $950,000, twenty-five year General Obligation Civic Center Bond Issue approved by the citizens in 1972 were deposited into this Fund. These monies were restricted to construction of a new Civic Center at Main Street and Centennial Way. The Fund is now used solely to control revenues and expenditures relating to the Bond Issue's debt service. LI AB I LI TV FUND Fund 82 EQUIPMENT FUND Fund 70 A separate internal Fund has been established to fund the sulf-insured retention excess insur- ance, paid claims, administrative costs, legal and other expenses. This Fund does not show as a source of revenue because it is an accounting transfer from the non-departmental operating budget to the Fund. A separate internal accounting Fund has been established to provide adequate reserves with which to replace existing equipment on a planned, economical basis. Using departments are charged a monthly rent.!ll on their vehicles and equipment HEALTH BENEFIT FUND Fund 84 A separate trust Fund has been established to self-fund the routine cases of employee health and dental care. Departments are charged a BUDGET 3-8 FUND ACCOUNTING EXPLANATION HEALTH BENEFIT FUND Lc_oJ1~'d.J Fund 84 "premium" based on employees and coverage within the department. Expenses of the fund include paid claims, administrative costs, reinsurance costs, and other expenses. This fund does not show as a source of revenue because it is an accounting transfer from the benefited departments to the Fund. RISK MANAGEMENT & OTHER SELF-INSURANCE FUNDS Funds 83,85,86, 87,89 Internal Service Funds to account for reserve and/or premiums collected, and expenses of the unemployment compensation, long-term dis- ability, mobile equipment fleet and other risk management programs. CITY OF TUSTIN BUDGET 3-9 CITY OF TUSTIN REVENUE ACCOUNTS EXPLANATION PROPERTY TAXES 1110, 1111, 1112 NEW CONSTRUCTION TAXES 1340 Prior to July 1,1978, general law cities were authorized to set a one-dollar tax rate on both secured and unsecured properties for General Fund purposes. However, Proposition 13 has created a new system whereby the amount of property tax is greatly reduced and is dis- tributed as provided by the State Legislature. New residential and other construction is taxed by ordinance effective October 1972. The proceeds go to the General Fund to sup- port the increased cost of municipal ser- vices generated by the new development. BUILDING PERMIT FEES 2150 Franchises for operations within the City, for which a fee is charged, are presently held by the local electric, natural gas, water, cable television, and refuse col- lection companies. Fees for new building construction are based on local ordinance and include electrical, plumbing, and other related permits and fees. FRANCHISE TAX FEES 1210~ 1211~L212~ 1213 STREET PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS 2160 CITY SALES AND USE TAXES 1310 A permit fee is charged for the inspection of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and other street work installed by property owners or developers. The City tax rate on all goods and services authorized under the Bradley-Burns Tax Law is one percent and is State-collected. OTHER LICENSES AND PERMITS 2190 The City Business License Ordinance establishes the annual license fee charged to all categories of businesses operating within the City. Permit fees are charged for a license to operate taxicabs, provide entertainment in public establishments, and for other pur- poses. BUSINESS LICENSE TAX 1320 FINES AND FORFEITURES 3110, 3120 Established by Ordinance and effective January 1, 1968, a twenty-seven and one-half cent tax is applied to each five hundred dollars of sales of real property transacted within the City. This tax is County-collected and returned to the City monthly. Includes Vehicle Code and non-traffic fines collected primarily by the Orange County Municipal Court. Eight-five per- cent of the amount received by the Court for offenses occurring within the City is returned to the City, with the excep- tion of 50% returned to the City for arrests made by the California Highway Patro 1. REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER TAXES 1330 BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN REVENUE ACCOUNTS EXPLANATION INTEREST 411 0 STATE PROPERTY TAX RELIEF 5140,5141 (Cont'd) Interest re.ceived on invested surplus or inactive monies and deposited into the General, Revenue Sharing, Gas Tax, City Beautification, Park Bond, and Civic Center Bond Funds. Inventory tax exemptions. TRAILER COACH FEES 5150 Interest received on delinquent property tax payment. Is in lieu of p~operty tax on trailers and is based on the location of registration of the trailer. Revenues are distributed one-third each to schools, counties, and cities. Mobile/ modular homes placed on permanent foundations are now taxed as real property. CIGARETTE TAXES 5160 INTEREST ON DELINQUENT TAXES 4120 RENTS 4130, 4135, 4140 Rent received for use of City buildings and property, primarily the Clifton C. Miller Community Center, and the lease of Fire Station No.2. A three-cent tax per pack of cigarettes, established October 1, 1967, is State- collected, and is. distributed to cities, one- half on the basis of taxable sales of all other products, and one-half on the basis of populat ion. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE FEES 5110 Fees paid annually to and distributed by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board and based on location of the licensed facility, 90% of which is returned to the City. HIGHWAY CARRIERS BUSINESS LICENSE 5170 State-collected business license fees on high- way carriers in lieu of City business license fees, distributed on the basis of population. MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE FEES 5120 STATE GRANTS 5180 Is in lieu of local property tax on vehicles and is based on two percent of the market value of the vehicle. Fee is distributed on the basis of population and not the location of the vehicle's registration. Grants administered by State to City projects or programs of an eligible nature. Traffic Safety Grants from the State Office of Traffic Safety are included in this category. STATE PROPERTY TAX RELIEF 5140, 5141 STATE GASOLINE TAXES 5210, 5220, 5230 Payments by the State to the City in lieu of property taxes on Homeowner and Business State-collected gas tax is apportioned to cities under various State laws and may be used for engineering, right-of-way, construc- tion and maintenance, primarily of non-local streets. BUDGET 3-11 CITY OF TUSTIN REVENUE ACCOUNTS EXPLANATION COUNTY GRANTS OF STATE GASOLINE TAXES 5310 STREET REIMBURSEMENT 6133 Contributions from County Gas Tax Funds to City projects of Countywide benefit. Contributions from private property owners for curbs and gutters in connection with street improvement projects. FEDERAL GRANTS 5510, 5590 Grants from the Federal government to City projects or programs of an eligible nature. Grants under the Federal Revenue Sharing Program are included within this category. PARKWAY TREE FEES 6135 Charges made to developers, subdividers, and others for the purchase and installation of parkway trees by the City. PLANNING FEES 6110 WEED ABATEMENT 6140 Fees for Use Permits, Variances, and Zone Changes are charged the property owners when applying for such actions from the City. Assessment charges made against property owner when the City is required to clear weeds on private property. SUBDIVISION MAP FEES 6115 RECREATION FEES Include subdivision map filing fees and charge for engineering review and plan checking of such maps. Fees for the Summer Recreation and other recreation programs, charged to partially offset the cost of services. SALE OF MAPS AND PUBLICATIONS 6125 BUS FARES 6150 A charge is made for City maps and repro- duction of documents distributed to pri- vate individuals. Charges made to users of the City public transportation system. STREET CONSTRUCTION 6130 FALSE ALARM FEES 6165 Monies paid by property owners in lieu of required installation by owner of curbs, gutters and paving when developing property. Service charges made to businesses, etc., having excessive false alarms on burglary and robbery alarm systems. SPECIAL POLICE SERVICES 6170 Charges made to the public for police pro- tection at dances and special events. BUDGET '-I? CITY OF TUSTIN REVENUE ACCOUNTS EXPLANATION OTHER CURRENT CHARGES 6190 PARK LAND DEDICATION FEES 7150 Charges made to the public for special ser- . vices and required installation of street signs in new developments. Fees required from subdividers of resi- dential property in lieu of providing park land and facilities for future resi- dents. Such fees are used to provide alternative recreational facilities. SALE OF CITY PROPERTY 7110 Revenue received from the sale of surplus City property. DAMAGED CITY PROPERTY 7180 Revenue received from the sale of abandoned and unclaimed property. Collections from insurance companies and private property for damage to City property such as parkway trees, street signs, buildings, etc. SALE OF UNCLAIMED PROPERTY 7120 SEWER CONNECTION FEES 7130 SUNDRY OTHER REVENUE 7190 A connection fee is ~harged to property owners when sewers are installed and con- nected to the City's sewer system. Prior to 1977-l8, 75% was retained by the City for Trunk Main extensions and 25% was paid to the Sanitation District. Since that time, 5% is retained by the City for administrative expense and the balance returned to the District. Refunds, miscellaneous collections, and other revenues are included in this account. CONTRIBUTIONS 7140 Donations and contributions paid to the City for specific or general purposes. BUDGET 3-13 z ¡: (/J ::> r-- ¡¡.. 0 >- r-- Ü -' <::t" IJJ :z :z :z a a VI I- a: u IJJ IJJ a.. VI r-- ~ c Q ::> ¡:Q CITY OF TUSTIN SUMMARY OF POSITIONS 1974-75 1975-76 1976- 77 1977-78 1978- 79 1979-80 1980-81 Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Budget Legislation 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 Administration 8 7 7 7 9 12 14 Community Development 11 11 9 11 11 11 11 Non-Departmental -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Police 56 52 54 56 64 68 74 Fire 28 25 25 -- -- -- -- Public Works 31 28 28 31 37 41 40.5 Community Services 3 3 3 4 4 7 7 Total Permanent 148 137 137 121 137 150 157.5 Less Elected & Attorney -7 -7 -7 -7 ..::l. ..::l. ...::L Adjusted Total Per 141 130 130 114 130 143 150.5 1000 Population 5.03 4.11 3.98 3.48 3.95 4.24 4.36 Temporary Positions* Crossin~ Guards 3.21 3.21 4.52 6.54 6.71 5.86 7.78 Police eserves or Cadets .72 .72 ---- ---- ---- ---- l. 50 Part Time Others .30 .30 ---- ---- ---- ---- .50 Recreation 4.06 2.80 3.08 3.85 3.13 2.92 3.57 Traffic Grant ---- ---- ---- 4.00 2.00 ---- ---- Adjusted All Positions 149.29 137.03 137.60 128.39 141.84 151.78 163.85 Per 1000 Population 5.32 4.33 4.21 3.92 4.31 4.50 4.75 City Population 28,050 32,650 32,792 32,900 33,700 34,500 31,644 *Budget man-year equivalents of City positions, based on 2,080 work hours per year per position. Adjusted totals include all full-time and part-time, but exclude elective City Council and City Clerk and appointed Ci ty Attorney. BUDGET 4-1 CITY OF TUSTIN --- '1 SALARY RANGE NUMBER BY CLASSIFICATION Position 1975-76 1976- 77 1977- 78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 I Classification Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Budget I. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS-UNCLASSIFIED I City Administrator 2500 2750 3015 3286 3621 4222 I Asst. City Administrator 2210 2431 ---- ---- ---- ---- Police Chief 2080 2288 2565 2796 3081 3495 Director of Public Works 2080 2288 2465 2990 3294 3737 I Community Development Director ---- ---- 1915 2087 2644 3140 Finance Director ---- ---- 1900 2398 2693 3140 Community Services Director 1612 1773 1859 2000 2311 2332 Personnel Director ---- ---- 1650 1700 2336 2268 I City Clerk 1248 1373 1439 1300 1878 2130 City Attorney (a) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1500 City Clerk (b) 150 150 150 150 150 150 I II. MANAGEMENT OFFICERS-CLASSIFIED Police Captain ---- ---- ---- ---- 2546 2942 I Maintenance Superintendent 1456 1650 1747 1904 2098 2335 Police Lieutenant 1650 1650 1981 2159 2379 2673 Asst. City Engineer 1647 1812 1899 2169 2390 2839 I Traffic Engineer 1595 1755 1840 1917 2112 2351 Building Official 1638 ---- 1827 1926 2122 2362 Police Sergeant 1483 1631 1710 1864 2054 2308 I Asst. to the City Administrator ---- 1443 1450 1552 ---- ---- Asst. Maintenance Superintendent ---- 1376 1443 1573 1733 1929 Finance Coordinator ---- ---- 1415 1542 1898 2112 I Maintenance Foreman 1191 1310 1373 1497 1649 1835 Asst. Planner 1081 1189 1309 1645 1915 2227 Recreation Supervisor ---- ---- 1205 1313 1597 1777 I Police Records Supervisor ---- ---- ---- ---- 1485 1668 III. GENERAL EMPLOYEES-CLASSIFIED Asst. Civil Engineer 1230 1353 1631 1827 2013 2224 I Pl an Checker ---- ---- 1565 1631 1797 1986 Police Agent 1320 1452 1522 1522 1814 2039_~ Public Services Assistant 1312 1443 1513 1577 1738 1920 BUDGET 4-2 CITY OF TUSTIN III. GENERAL EMPLOYEES-CLASSIFIED (Cont'd.) Pos iti on 1975- 76 1976- 77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 Cl ass ifi cat ion Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual ßudget Associate Planner ---- ---- . ---- ---- 1697 1779 Building Inspector 1292 1421 1490 1553 1711 1891 Police Officer 1258 1384 1451 1451 1728 1942 Public Works Inspector 1115 1288 1373 1540 1697 1943 Equipment Mechanic 1097 1207 1265 1318 1452 1604 Administrative Assistant ---- ---- 1260 1237 1697 1938 Leadman - Tree Department ---- ---- 1205 1256 1384 ---- Equipment Operator 1029 1132 1187 1237 1363 1506 Maintenance Leadman 1029 1132 1187 1256 1384 1529 Senior Custodian 995 1095 1148 1196 1318 1456 Tree Trimmer 995 1095 1148 1214 1340 1481 Recreation Coordinator 995 1095 1148 1196 ---- 1502 Planning Aide ---- ---- 1108 1156 1274 " Building Aide ---- ---- ---- 1156 1274 1408 Administrative Secretary ---- ---- 1108 ---- 1340 1531 Office Coordinator ---- ---- ---- 1212 1335 1524 Engineering Aide 947 1042 1093 1139 1402 1549 Maintenance Worker II 947 1042 1093 1156 1274 1408 Communications Officer 934 1027 1077 1102 1299 1435 Deputy City Clerk 917 1009 1058 1102 1351 1493 Community Services Officer 917 1009 1058 1102 1214 1341 Maintenance Worker I 904 994 1042 1102 1214 1341 See reta ry II 874 961 1007 1102 1232 1361 Records Administrator ---- ---- 1007 ---- Classification Analyst ---- ---- 1007 1007 Business License Clerk ---- ---- 984 1025 1129 1248 Sec reta ry I 832 915 960 1025 1183 1307 Senior Account Clerk ---- ---- 959 1000 1258 1390 Recreation Specialist ---- ---- 959 1000 1102 1218 Administrative Aide ---- ---- 959 ---- ---- . 1408 Custodian 818 900 944 984 1084 1198 Maintenance Trainee 818 900 944 ---- ---- Senior Typist 792 871 937 976 1075 Personnel Aide ---- ---- ---- 976 ---- Records Cl erk ---- ---- 893 976 1075 1188 Community Services Officer I ---- ---- 893 931 1051 ---- Intermediate Clerk Typist 755 B31 871 908 1000 1105 RecreatiC1n Clerk ---- ---- ---- 908 1000 ---- Account Clerk 755 831 871 952 1092 1207 Payroll Clerk ---- . ---- ---- ---- ---- 1207 BUDGET 4-3 CITY OF TUSTIN III. GENERAL EMPLOYEES-CLASSIFIED (Cont'd.) Pos it ion 1975-76 1976-77 1977-],8 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 Cl ass ifi cati on Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Budget - - Parking Control Officer ---- ---- ----, 896 1113 1230 Clerk Typist 684 752 788 821 982 1085 Police Service Aide ---- ---- 662 ---- ---- ---- Personnel Analyst ---- ---- ---- ---- 1497 1710 Property Officer ---- ---- ---- ----. 1214 1341 Bus Driver ---- ---- ---- ---- 982 1341 Department Clerk - Police ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 1242 Dispatcher/Clerk Typist ---- ---- ---- ---- 982 1085 Recreation Leader - Sr. Citizen ---- ----- ---- ---- 1000 1105 IV. PART-TIME AND TEMPORARY-HOURLY WAGE Bus Driver -- -- ---- 5.16 5.16 ---- ---- Senior Recreation Specialist ---- ---- ---- 8.00 5.25 5.25 Pool Manager ---- 4.00 4.25 ---- ---- ---- Recreation Specialist ---- . ---- ---- 5.00 4.50 4.50 Recreati on Cl erk ---- ---- 4.10 4.10 ---- ---- Recreation Leader II ---- 3.00 3.20 3.90 3.90 3.90 Recreation Leader I 2.90 2.90 2.90 3.40 3.40 3.40 Recreation Aide ---- ---- ---- 2.65 2.90 2.90 Crossing Guard 2.50 2.65 2.75 2.90 4.00 6.00 Reserve Police Officer ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- General Labor ---- ---- ---- ---- 3.50 Mechanic Helper ---- ---- ---- ---- 5.25 Crossing Guard Coordinator ---- ---- ---- ----. ---- 6.00 Police Cadet ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- 4.00 , 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I (a) Plus legal fees (b) Salary established by electorate 4-4 BUDGET ) z r- rf'. :J r- ¡¡.. 0 >- r- Ü (/) '" w ~ :z ::) 0 I- .1- 0 u :z w w (/) Cl.. X W ¡... ¡,..¡ '-' Q :J ~ CITY OF TUSTIN OPERATING BUDGET: General Government 10 Legislation 55 101 City Counci 1 551 102 City Clerk 103 City Attorney 70 20 Administration 701 702 201 City Administrator 703 202 Finance 704 203 Personnel 705 30 Community Development 80 301 Planning 801 302 Building 90 40 Pub 1 i c Works 901 401 Administration 402 Engi neeri ng 403 Streets 404 Pa rks 405 Trees 406 Vehicles 407 Building Facilities 408 Transit Services 409 Refuse Collection 50 Police 501 Administration 502 Operati ons 503 Investigation 504 Servi ces ACTIVITY STRUCTURE Fire Protection Contract Administration Community Services Administration Sports Classes/Cultural Arts Youth Services Human Services/Senior Citizens Non-Departmental Non-Departmenta 1 Redevelopment Redevelopment Agency BUDGET 5-1 CAPITAL BUDGET: 10 30 40 60 65 70 80 90 . Public Facilities Beautification Projects Parks and Recreation Facilities Transportation Facilities Traffic Control Projects Flood Control Facilities Wast~.Disposal Facilities Water Supply & Distribution REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BUDGET: ( I OPERATING BUDGET Act i vi ty Legisl ation AdminiStration Community Development Pub 1 i c Works Police Fi re Community Services Non- De pa rtmen ta 1 NORMAL OPERATIONS Grant Personnel Redevelopment Agency TOTAL OPERATIONS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS GRAND TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET Acti vi ty Legislation . Administration Community Development Pub 1 i c Works Police Fire Community Services Non- De pa rtmen ta 1 NORMAL OPERATIONS Redevelopment Agency TOTAL OPERATIONS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS GRAND TOTAL Prior History 1977-78 1978-79 $ 167,460 201,342 231,949 964,147 1,349,508 755,727 198,684 561,737 $4,430,554 339,396 32,708 $4,802,658 1,894,577 $6,697,235 Personnel $ 131,813 352,697 303,843 972 ,667 2,243,164 173,263 $4,177,447 22,751 $4,200,198 $4,200,198 $ 193,188 224,636 281,575 1,100,559 1,585,459 678,703 199,981 626,405 $4,890,506 322 ,372 42,429 $5,255,307 2,535,982 $7,791,289 CITY OF TUSTIN EXPENDITURES 1979-80 Budget Projection 1980-81 Request Approved $ 194,766 350,652 296,271 1,302,465 2,081,016 749,800 264,805 631,493 $5,871,168 70,317 . 70,450 $6,012,035 2,485,218 $8,497,253 $ 201,848 353,991 276,460 1,347,353 2,057,767 816,745 274,695 640,879 $5,969,738 40,323 9,185 $6,019,246 553,423 $6,572,669 $ 212,797 $ 212,572 444,139 486,178 334,779 359,772 1, 771,544 1,848,591 2,567,398 2,604,182 860,000 860,000 358,852 357,257 440,003 489,003 $6,989,512 $7,217,555 - - - - - - - - 220,751 220,751 $7,210,263 $7,438,306 5,320,700 $12,759,006 1980-81 BY CATEGORY Supplies & Services Capital 1980-81 Outlay Total $ 4,384 $ 212,572 25,572 486,178 15,352 359 ,772 86,394 1,848,591 89,893 2,604,182 - - - 860,000 6,027 357,257 44,500 489,003 $ 272 ,122 $7,217,555 - -.- 220,751 $ 272,122 $7,438,306 5,320,700 5,320,700 $5,592,822 $1.f-,-759_,OO6 $ 76,375 107,909 40,577 789,530 271,125 860,000 177 ,967 444,503 $2,767,986 198,000 $2,965,986 $2,965,986 BUDGET 5-2 z I- L1J co C> I.D => III Z 0 CO - :z I- u I- ~I « 0:: L1J D- O E-< ~ '" Q :J ~ z ;=¡ ¡;. ç ç I~ I I I I I I I I I I I r ~ I OBJECT! YES CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 10 LEGISLATION BUDGET SUMMARY The City Council is the legislative and policy- making body of the City. Such activities are accomplished through the adoption of ordinances or City laws, the adoption of policy resolutions, the approval of contracts and agreements, the approval of the City's Annual and Ten-Year Budgets, and the review of the City's General Plan. The City Council is assisted in its legislative function by the City Clerk, who is responsible for maintaining the official records of the City, and by the City Attorney, who performs all rou- tine legal services for City officials and de- partments. Legislation encompasses four activities: City Council, City Clerk, City Attorney, and Elections. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Staff Personne 1 Supplies & Services Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENSE PROGRAM Pri or Hi story 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 Budget Projection Requested Approved 4 4 4 4 $117,432 $109,372 $150,038 $131,813 75,112 89,900 58,375 76,375 2,222 ;1,576 4,384 4,384 $194,766 $201,848 $212,797 $212,572 5 $ 91,241 72,374 3,845 $167,460 4 $110,904 82,285 - - - - $193, 188 The legislative function is responsible for the adoption of policies and legislation to better service the community and to guide the City staff in this critical period of community development.- Public safety, departmental organizational studies, annexations and elections, alternative methods of providing City services, long-range revenue legislation, and architectural and land use standards are areas of special concern. TEN YEAR GUIDELINE (1976 Projections) 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 --¡-- 120.0 129.6 137.3 145.6 154.3 165.6 173.5 185.9 195.1 208.8 Staff Budget (in $lOOOs) BUDGET 6 -1 CITY OF TUSTIN LEGISLATION BUDGET DETAIL Pri.or History 1979-80 1980-81 1977-l8 1978-79 Budget Projection Requested Approved ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salary $ 49,602 $ 58,060 $ 62,236 $ 58,270 $ 62,316 $ 63,203 Elected or Part-time 27,040 30,686 29,550 30,580 55,125 38,925 Educational Incentive - - - - 62 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Retirement & Insurance 14,599 22,096 25,646 20,522 32,597 . 29..685 TOTAL PERSONNEL $ 91,241 $11 0 ,904 $117,432 $109,372 $150,038 $f31,813 Supplies & Services Contractual Services $ 37,089 $ 60,415 $ 41,000 $ 61,000 $ 30,000 $ 48 ,000 Office Expense 100 113 100 100 350 350 Departmental Expense 2,322 1 ,952 1,500 1,000 4,047 4,047 Transportation Expense 56 - - - - 700 700 3,340 3,340 Training & Development 12,636 9,546 12,612 9,400 12,538 12,538 Legal Advertising 7,013 6,832 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Membershi ps 525 258 200 200 100 100 Elections & Annexations 12,633 ~,169 14,000 12,500 3,000 3,000 TOTAL SUPPLI ES & SERVICES $ 72,374 $ 82,285 $75,112 $ 89,900 $ 58,375 $ 76,,375 Capital Outlay Office Equipment $ 3,845 - - - - $ 322 $ 616 $ 4,384 $ 4,384 Other Dept. Equipment - - - - - - - - 1,900 1,960 - - - - - - - - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 3,845 - - - - $ 2,222 $ 2,576 $ 4,384 $ 4,384 GRAND TOTAL $167,460 $193,188 $194,766 $201,848 $212,797 $212,572 "' J I I I I I I I I I I I I BUDGET ) 6-2 CITY OF TUSTIN BUDGET COMMENTARY PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT 10 LEGISLATION Salaries for 1980-81 include annual salary adjustments. Supplemental benefit costs for employee retirement and insurance have been charged to the Department to allow for a more accurate representation of personnel costs. Long-term disability is no longer included as this cost has been added to salaries and established as a payroll deduction. SUPPLIES AND SERVICES Contractual Services: Office Expense: DeQartmental Expense: Includes the services of the City Attorney (at $65 per hour and $55 per hour for deputies) and other legal counsel over and above services covered by monthly retainer. Includes office supplies. Includes printing and departmental supplies. Transpor~ation Expense: Includes $100 per month auto allowance for Chief Deputy City Clerk, $100 for mileage for use of employee vehicles, and $2640 for rental of 1 pool vehicle from the Equipment Fund. Training & Deve]opment: Includes $8,100 for Council expenses, $4,038 for meetings and conferences (Council $1,900, City Clerk, $1,338, and City Attorney $800) and $400 for memberships and subscriptions ($200 for City Clerk and $200 for City Attorney). Legal Advertising: Memberships: Includes required legal publication of ordinances and notices. Includes misceilaneous memberships. Elections & Annexations:lncludes an estimated amount for miscellaneous annexation expenses. CAP ITAL OUTLAY Office E~lQment: Includes $592 for desk and $220 for chair for Mayor/Council, $265 for a 2-drawer lateral file with lock; $265 for 1 book shelf cabinet; and $3,042 for 1 micro-fiche reader-printer, a storage cabinet and necessary supplies to utilize the Police Department micro-fiche system for City Clerk Records. BUDGET 6-3 CITY OF TUSTIN LEGISLATION PERSONNEL DETAIL Prior History 1979-80 1980-81 1977-78 1978- 79 Budget Projection Reques ted App roved Personnel Schedule Chief Deputy Clerk 1 (1439~ 1 (1300) 1 (1878) 1 (1878) 1 (1878) 1 (2009) Deputy City Clerk 2 (l058 2 (1102) 1 (1351) 1 (1351) 1 (1351) 1 (1493) License Coordinator 1 ( 984) 1 (1025) - - - - - - - - - - - - Typist Clerk 1 ( 788) 1 ( 821) 2 (982) 2 ( 982) 2 ( 982) 2 (l085) TOTAL FULL-TIME 5 5 4 4 4 4 Counci 1 Members 5 ( 263) 5 ( 263) 5 (263) 5 ( 289) 5 ( 289) 5 ( 289) City Cl erk 1 ( ]50) 1 ( 150) 1 (150) 1 ( 150) 1 ( 150) 1 ( 150) City Attorney 1 (1000) 1 (1000) 1 (1000) 1 (1000) 1 (3000) j-illQ_0 ) TOTAL PART-TIME 7 7 7 7 7 TOTAL POSITIONS 12 12 11 11 11 11 Personnel Commentary Salaries for 1980-81 include annual salary adjustments. Elected salaries reflect authorized salary adjustments also. The City Attorney has requested an increase in the monthly retainer, which was approved at $1,500 a month. The department maintains its current level of staff. 6- BUDGET CITY or TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 20 ADMINISTRATION BUDGET SUMMARY OBJECTIVES The City Administrator is appointed by the City Council as the chief administrative officer of the City-responsible for the implementation of Council policy and the supervision of all muni- cipal activities. He advises the Council on the financial condition and needs of the City, on the improvement of City services, and on the long- range development of the community and its en- vironment. of the centralized responsibilities in the area of finance, personnel, municipal research, proce- dures analysis, purchasing and budget studies. The department is also responsible for studies on the application of modern management techniques; use of computers, microfilming, and information systems; the efficient and economical operation of the City organizations; and assisting other depart- ments with special problems. This activity encom- passes three activities: City Administrator, Personnel and Finance. The City Administrator's staff accomplishes many EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Staff Personnel Supplies & Services Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENSE 7 $142,616 57,512 1,214 $201,342 9 $153,174 49,907 21 ,555 $224,636 1979-80 1980-81 Budget Projection Requested Approved 12 12 13 14 $270,150 $257,404 $311 ,553 $352,697 51,761 57,416 107,909 107,909 28,741 39,171 24,677 25,572 $350,652 $353,991 $444,139 $486, 17B Prior History 1978-79 1979-80 PROGRAM Annexations, spheres of influence, community pro- motion, community relations, exploration of alter- native methods to provide efficient and effective City services, and adequate financial planning to support those services, continue to be areas of major concentration. Employee relations, employee safety, equal opportunity, risk management, develop- ment of parks, continued refinement of ten-year capital improvement and operating programs, and implementation of the Redevelopment Agency plans also represent areas of prime consideration. TEN YEAR GUIDELINE (1976 Projections) 1976- 77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 Staff -g- 9 10 10 ---,-0 Budget (in $lOOO's) 192.4 206.7 228.0 236.4 250.6 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 2~~.6 2Å~.5 2~g.4 3~g.3 31g.3 BUDGET 6- 5 CITY OF TUSTIN ADMINISTRATION BUDGET DETAIL Prior History 1979-80 1980-81 1977-78 1978- 79 Budget Projection Requested Approved ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salaries $118,014 $123,652 $226,089 $215,500 $254,999 $293,673 Overtime - - - - - - - -- - - - - 250 750 750 Educational Incentive 1,292 2,157 2,150 1,925 3,570 3,570 Retirement & Insurance 23,310 27,365 41,911 39,729 52,234 54,704 TOTAL PERSONNEL $142,616 $153,174 $270,150 $257,404 $311,553 $352,697 Supplies & Services Contractual Services $ 4"1,691 $ 41,668 $ 39,366 $ 44,582 $ 69,130 $ 69,130 Ut il ities - .- - - - - - - - - - - - - .- - 1,000 1,000 Offi ce Expense 400 650 650 650 1 ,150 1 ,150 Departmental Expense 1,621 1,887 3,075 4,884 18,810 7.810 Transportation Expense 2,841 2,551 3,400 3,100 3,360 3,360 Training & Development 4,959 3,151 5,270 4,200 5,959 5.959 Personnel Recruitment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8,500 20,500 TOTAL SUPP. & SERV.$ 57,512 $ 49,907 $51,761 $ 57,416 $107,909 $107,909 Capital Outlay Office Equipment $ 914 $ 1,380 $ 2,332 $ 3,477 $ 2,677 $ 3,572 Computer Equipment 300 20,175 26,409 35,694 22,000 22,000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 1,214 $ 21,555 $ 28,741 $39,171 $ 24,677 f25:Ë i2 GRAND TOTAL $201,342 $244,636 $350,652 $353,991 $444,139 $486,178 lIUDGET 6-6 BUDGET COMMENTARY PERSONNEL CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 20 ADMINISTRATION This budget adds a Secretary I, and reclassifies one Account Clerk to Payroll Clerk and the Accounting Coordinator to Finance Coordinator in the Finance Department. An Administrative Aide is added in the City Administrator's office. Salaries for 1980-81 include annual salary adjustments. Supplemental benefit costs for employee retirement and insurance have been charged to the department to allow for a more accurate representation of personnel costs. SUPPLIES AND SERVICES Contractual Services: Provides $10,230 for outside independent audit of financial reco~ds, $44,300 for data processing support services from Public Agencies Data Systems (PADS), $9,000 for preemploy- ment physicals, $600 for psychological evaluations, and $5000 for annual physical program. Office Ex¡:Jense: Includes office supplies. ~~tment~_~yn~e~- Provides $1,675 for equipment maintenance, $2,550 for printing and $2,585 for departmental supplies. Transp~rtation Expense: Provides monthly automobile allowances of $150 for the City Administrator, and $100 each for the Finance Director and Personnel Director; and $360 for vehicle mileage reimburse- ment for others. Training&_Qey_eJQpment: Provides $2,825 for meetings and conferences; $1,350 for training and $1,364 for memberships and subscriptions. Personnel Recruitment: Provides $12,000 for advertising; $7,500 for personnel testing; and $1,000 for oral boards. CAPITAL OUTLAY Computer_J_quipment: Provides $3,572 for 2 desks, 1 work table, 3 chairs, 2 filing cabinets and 1 credenza. Provides $22,000 for third-year lease payment on PADS computer. Office Equipment: BUDGET 6-7 ADMINISTRATION PERSONNEL DETAIL CITY OF TUSTIN Prior History 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 Bud~e1 Projection 1980-81 Reques ted Approved 1 (3621) 1 (3983) 1 (2693) 1 (2962) 1 (2336) 1 (2140) 1 (2088) 1 (2112) - - - - - - 1 (1697) 1 (1828) 1 (1497) 1 (1613) 1 (1340) 1 (1444) 1 (1258) 1 (1390) 1 (1129) 1 (1248) - - - - - - 1 (1232) 1 (1307~ 1, (1549) 1 (1549 - - - - - - 1 (1183) 1 (1207) 1 (1040) 1 (1207) 1 (1000) l~ 14 14 Personnel Schedule City Administrator Finance Director Personnel Director Finance Coordinator Accounting Coordinator 1 (1415) Asst. Personnel Dir. 1 (1411) Administrative Asst. 1 (1260) Personnel Analyst - - - Administrative Sec. 1 (1108) Senior Account Clerk 1 ( 959) License Coordinator Secretary II Secreta ry I Administrative Aide Personnel Aide Payro 11 Cl erk Account Clerk Int. Typist Clerk TOTAL POSITIONS 1 (3015) 1 (1900) 7 1 (3286) 1 (2398) 1 (1 700) 1 (1542) 1 (1237) 1 (3621) 1 (3621) 1 (2693) 1 (2693) 1 (2336) 1 (2336) - - - - - - 1 (1898) 1 ( 1898) - - - - - - 1 (1697) 1 (1697) 1 (1497) 1 (1497) 1 (1340~ 1 (1340) 1 (1258 1 (1258) 1 (1129) 1 ( 1129 ) 1 (1000 ) 1 (1102) 1 ( 976) 1 ( 952) 9- 2 (1092) 1 (1000) 12 2 (1092) 1 (1000) 12 Personnel Commentary This budget adds a Secretary I to the Finance Department, and reclassifies one Account Clerk to a Payroll Clerk and the Accounting Coordinator to a Finance Coordinator. These changes will accommodate a more functional operation within the department. An Administrative Aide is added to the City Administrator's office to provide necessary staff support due to increased workloads. Salaries for 1980-81 include annual salary adjustments. 6-8 BUDGET ') ! I I I I I I I - I I I I I j CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 30 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUDGET SUM1'~ARY OBJECT! VES The Community Development function is responsible for land use planning and various inspection services. The planning responsibility insures compliance with the General Plan and established community objectives. The Department provides technical advice and recommen- dations to the Planning Agency, City Council and City Administrator; implements the General Plan; administers and enforces zoning, sign, litter and related regula- tions; and assists the general public with development information and suggestions. The Building Division insures that all buildings in the City are constructed and maintained in compliance with the standards of safety and sanita- tion established by the City's adopted codes and other applicable City, County, and State laws. In accomplishing these objectives, the Division reviews plans for conformance with existing laws, advises the public on proper methods of construction with the adopted standards, and inspects construction to insure that it is in accordance with the approved plan. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Staff Pers onne 1 Supplies & Services Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENSE Pri or Hi story 1979-80 1980-81 1977-78 1978-79 Budget Projection R~quested Approved 11 11 11 11 11 11 $197,149 $227,354 $259,451 $245,534 $273,354 $303,843 33,059 36,107 36,820 30,807 40,577 40,577 1,741 18,114 - - - - 119 20,848 15,352 $231,949 $281,575 $296,271 $276,460 $334,779 $159":772- PROGRAM The 1980-81 Fiscal year will be spent preparing a variety of studies and projects, as well as hand- ling one of the largest construction periods in the past five years. Special projects to be accomplished include development of specific plans and alternatives in the Redevelopment area; and annexation of the unincorporated areas within Tustin's sphere of influence. As time allows" the City's General Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and other programs will be updated. TEN YEAR GUIDELINE (1976 Projections) 1976-77 1977-78 1978-],9 1979-80 1980-81 Staff 9 9 9 10 ~ Budget (in $lOOO's) 197.1 212.8 225.6 256.4 271.8 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 --nr-- 10 10 10 10 288.1 305.4 323.8 343.2 363.8 BUDGET 6-9 CITY OF TUSTIN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUDGET DETAIL Prior History 1979-80 1980-81 1977-78 1978-79 Budget Projecti on Requ~sted fWj)roved ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regul a r Salary $165,168 $180,230 $223,057 $218,433 $223,665 $252,046 Redevelopment Reimbursement - - - - - - - - (9,950) (9,950) - - - - - - - - Educational Incentive 302 552 600 724 800 800 Overtime & Part-time 139 11,633 7,500 808 7,100 7,100 Retirement & Insurance 31,540 34,939 38,244 35,519 41,789 43,897 TOTAL PERSONNEL $197,149 $227,354 $259,451 $245,534 $273,354 $3 b3,843 Supplies & Services Contractual Services $ 17,738 $ 19,373 $ 1 9,900 $ 14,623 $ 19,500 $ 19,500 Office Expense 475 543 500 500 600 600 Departmental Expense 4,528 4,083 3,400 2,630 3,770 3,770 Transportation Expense 6,863 9,572 10,170 10,020 12,630 12,630 Training & Development 3,455 2,536 2,850 3,034 4,077 4,077 TOTAL SUPP. & SERVo $ 33,059 $ 36,107 $ 36,820 $ 30,807 $ 40,577 $ 40,577 Capital Outlay Motor Vehicles $---- $ 6,358 $ - - - - $ - - - - $ - - - - $ - - - - Office Equipment 416 - - - - - - - - 119 574 574 Departmental Equipment 1,325 11 ,756 - - - - - - - - 20,274 14,778 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 1,741 $18,114 $ - - - - $ 119 $ 20,848 $ 15,352 GRAND TOTAL $231,949 $281 ,575 $296,271 $276,460 $334,779 $359,772 BUDGET 6-10 c:JTY OF TUSTIN BUDGET COMMENTARY DEPARTMENT 30 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PE RSONNEL Salaries for 1980-81 include annual salary adjustments. Supplemental benefit costs for employee retirement and insurance have been charged to the Department to allow for a more accurate representation of personnel costs. SUPPLIES AND SERVICES Contractual Services: Provides $15,000 for Planning consultant services, $2500 for architect-engineering services, as needed, $500 for reimbursable weed abatement on private property, and $1,500 for records microfilming. Includes office supplies. Office Expenses: Departmental Expenses: Provides $2070 for printing and $1,700 for departmental supplies. Transportation Expenses: Provides $100 monthly automobile allowance for Community Development Director, $11,880 for rental of 3 sedans and 3 pick-up trucks from the Equipment Fund, and $150 for vehicle mileage allowance. Training & Deyelopment: Provides $3187 for meetings and conferences, and $890 for memberships and subscriptions. CAPITAL OUTLAY Offi ce Equipment: Includes $415 for 2 file cabinets and $159 for reconditioning one typewriter. Departmenta 1 Equi pment: Provi des $4200 for mi crofil m reader pri nter; and $10,578 for word proces sor unit, maintenance and supplies. BUDGET 6-11 CITY OF TUSTIN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PERSONNEL DETAIL Prior History 1979-80 1980-81 1977-78 1978-79 Budget Projection Requested Approved Personnel Schedule Community Dev. Dir. 1 (1915) 1 (2087) 1 (2644) 1 (2644) 1 (2644) 1 (2962) Building Official 1 (1827) 1 (1926) 1 (2122) 1 (2122) 1 (2122) 1 (2362) Assistant Planner 1 (1309) 1 (1645) 1 (1915) 1 (1915) 1 (1915) 1 (2227) Plan Checker 1 (1565) 1 (1631) 1 (1797) 1 (1797) 1 (1797) 1 (1986) Pub. Services Asst. 1 (1513) 1 (1577) 1 (1738) 1 (1738) 1 (1738) 1 (1920) Building Inspector 3 (1490) 2 (1553) 2 (1711) 2 (1711) 2 (1711) 2 (1891) Associate Planner - - - 1 (1540) 1 (1697) 2 (1540) 2 (1540) 2 (1779) Building Aide - - - 1 (1156) 1 (1274) 1 (1274) 1 (1274) 1 (1408) Planning Aide 1 (1108) 1 (1156) 1 (1274) - - - - - - - - - Secretary I 1 ( 960) 1 (1025) 1 (1183) 1 (1183) 1 (1183) 1 (1307} Sen. Typist Clerk 1 ( 937) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL FULL-TIME 11 11 11 11 11 11 Planning Intern (Part-time) - - - - - - - - - - - - 1(3.85) 1(3.85) TOTAL POS ITIONS 11 11 11 11 12 12 Personnel Commentary A part-time Planning Intern is added to assist the department with organization and management of micro- filming project and preparation of graphics. Otherwise, the department maintains its existing level of permanent staff. Salaries for 1980-81 include annual salary adjustments. BUDGET 6-12 CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 40 OBJECT! VES The Public Works Department combines the functions of the Engineering and Maintenance Departments of past years. The Operating Divisions of the Public Works Department are: 1) Administration, 2) Engi- neering, 3) Streets, 4) Parks, 5) Trees, 6) Vehicle Services, 7) Building Facilities, 8) Transit Ser-' vices, and 9) Refuse Collection. The Administration Division consists of the Public Works Director, Secretary, and supervisory support staff necessary to manage the Public Works Depart- ment. The .Engineering Division is responsible for capital improvement planning, project cost estimating, pro- ject engineering, contract administration, construction inspection, traffic engineering, subdivision and lot division review, zoning application review, maintenance of street and underground facility map records, street dedications and technical advice to the City Council and City Administrator on all subjects involving engineering. The Streets Division is responsible for the mainte- nance, repair and cleaning of public streets and related facilities, and to extend the useful life of these faci- lities. Activities of this division include street and alley repair, sign maintenance, pavement striping and crosswalk painting, tree trimming, landscape maintenance, street wiping and sidewalk repair. The Parks Division is responsible for the mainter,ance and cleaning of City-owned and leased park facilities. BUDGET PUBLIC WORKS BUDGET SUMMARY The Trees Division is' responsible for the pl an- ning, planting and care of median and parkway trees. Activities of this division include pruning, feeding, planting, and removal of trees within the City. The Vehicle Services Division is resDonsible for the repair and maintenance of the City fleet of vehicles. The Building Facilities Division is responsible for the operation and maintenance of City buildings. The cost of custodial supplies, utìlities, repairs and custodial services are included in this division. The Transit Services Division is responsible for the operation of the Tustin Dial-A-Ride bus. Activities of this division include dispatch, drivers and re- porting ridership statistics. The Refuse Collection Division is responsible for the pickup of refuse at single-family, duplex and triple~ residential property and commercial busi- nesses requiring only minimum service. This ser- vice is provided by a private contractor who holds an exclusive City franchise. 6-13 CITY OF TUSTIN DEP ARTMENT 40 PUBLI CWORKS BUDGET SUMMARY EXPENDITURE SUMMARY PM or Hi story 1977-78 1978-79 Staff Personne 1 Supplies & Services Capita 1 Outl ay TOTAL EXPENSE 31 $511,510 398,280 54,357 $964,147 37 $ 597,830 484,357 18,372 $1,100,559 PROGRAM The following projects were completed during the 1979-80 fiscal period by the Engineering Division: Columbus Tustin Parking Lot, Centennial Park Side- walk Replacement and Light System Modification, Major Maintenance Program, Main St. and Prospect Ave. Sidewalk projects, Sycamore Ave. Reconstruc- tion, Curbs and Gutters Town Center, Sycamore Ave. R.R. Pedestrian Crossing, Walnut Ave. Widening Easterly of Red Hill Ave., Mitchell Ave. Street Reconstruction, Red Hill Storm Drain No.3, and Sycamore Ave. Storm Drain; with the following projects under design and construction: Civic Center Site Improvements, Bryan/Browning Inter- section Improvements, Seventeenth Street Widening and Signal Improvements, Moulton Parkway Realign- ment, Newport Ave. Signal Interconnect, Main/ Williams Street Signal and the Second Street/ "C" Street Sewer Relocation. 1979-80 1980-81 Budget Projection Reques ted Approved 4û 41 42 40.5 $ 786,415 $ 774,715 $ 895,620 $ 972,667 504,856 . 561,471 729,530 789,530 11 ,194 11 ,167 86,394 86,394 $1,302,465 $1 ,347,353 $1,771,544 $1,848,591 Other projects and work areas include preparation of annexation maps and legal descriptions, applications to other governmental agencies for grants and/or cooperative proj ects. The Maintenance Divisions consisting of streets, trees, parks, building facilities have continued to maintain the plant facilities in order to extend their useful life spans and create a safe and pleasing atmosphere for the residents of the community. The Vehicle Services Division maintains all of the City equipment and vehicles to prolong their useful life through a routine preventive maintenance program. The Transit Service Division has increased its daily ridership to almost double the amount at the first of the fiscal period. This service is projected through. December 31, 1980, when the OCTD Dial-A-Ride system is scheduled to begin operations within the community. TEN YEAR GUIDELINE (1976 Projections) 1976- 77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 198~-84 1984.~5 1985-86 Staff 25 28 29 29 30 31 31 31 31 31 Budget (in $lOOO's) 697.2 776.3 834.7 883.6 948.4 1,004.1 1,063.2 1,125.8 1,192.0 1,262.4 BUDGET 6-14 CITY OF TUSTIN PUBLI C WORKS BUDGET DETAIL Prior History 1979-80 1980-81 ACCOUNTING DETAIL 1977- 78 1978-79 Budget Projection Req ues ted fuJ¡¡roved Personne 1 Regul ar Salary $404,619 $480,043 $637,593 $620,411 $686,326 $745,351 RDA Reimbursement - - -- - (8,177) (14,000) (6,000) - - - - - - - - Overtime 12,122 13,063 16,100 16,000 1 7 ,700 1 7 ,700 Part-time - - - - 1,792 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Educational Incentive 2,367 1,440 1,700 1,700 1,000 1,000 Retirement & Insurance 92,402 109,669 145,022 142 ,604 190,594 208,616 TOTAL PERSONNEL 15'-' ,510 $597,830 $786,415 $77-4 , 715 $895,620 $~/~,bbl Supplies & Services Contractual Services $154,198 $216,596 $191,000 $257,215 $438,700 $438,700 Facilities Expense 115,482 143,381 158,500 150,000 173,700 173,700 Office Expense 1,143 929 960 960 1,860 1,860 Departmental Expense 74,962 85,790 98,725 97,805 106,500 106,500 Transportation Expense 128,826 124,449 122,971 148,971 149,320 149,320 Training & Development 1,223 712 2,700 2,520 2,950 2,950 Charges to O:her Acmunts (77,554) (87,500) (70,000) (96,000) ( 83,500) (83,500) TOTAL SUPPLIES & SERVICES $398,280 $484,357 $504,856 $561,471 $789,530 $789,530 Capital Outlay Motor Vehicles $ 18,096 $ 4,256 $ - - - - $ - - - - $ - - - - $ - - - .- Building Modifications 11 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .- Office Equipment 7,012 141 583 200 524 524 Departmental Equipment 29,238 11,675 10,611 10,967 85,870 85,870 Equi pment Fund Reimbursement - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .- Other Improvements - - - 2,300 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 54,357 $ 18,372 $ 11,1 94 $ 11,167 $ 86,394 $ 86,394 GRAND TOTAL $964,147 $1,100,559 $1,302,465 $1,347,353 $1,771 ,544 $1,848,591 BUnG ET h, , ¡:: BUDGET COMMENTARY PERSONNEL CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 40 PUBLI C WORKS The Tustin Dial-A-Ride One (1) additional Maintenance Worker. One (1) position is added in the Parks Division. bus program is funded through December 1980. Salaries for 1980-81 include annual salary adjustments. Supplemental benefit costs for employee retirement and insurance have been charged to the department to allow for a more accurate representation of personnel costs. SUPPLIES AND SERVICES Contractual Services: Facilities Expense: Offi ce Expense: Dep~rtmental Expense: Transportation Expense: Provides $7,500 for architect-engineering services, $1,200 for microfilming, $35,000 for signal maintenance contract, $6,500 for repair of accidental damage to signals, $40,000 for signal energy, $18,000 for street lighting energy, $37,000 for sign main- tenance and striping, $40,000 for sidewalk construction; $100,000 for street and alley repair, $500 for maintaining Warner Avenue landscaping, $8,000 for street tree màintenance, and $145,000 for refuse collection contract. Provides $8,000 for custodial .suppl ies, $22,500 for building maintenance and repair, $98,000 for electricity ($4,000 for streets, $10,000 for parks, $28,000 for sports lighting, and $56,000 for buildings), $28,000 for water ($4,500 for streets, $18,000 for parks, and $5,500 for buildings), $1,500 for natural gas; $12,250 for telephone service, and $3,450 for telephone maintenance. Provides for office supplies. Includes $8,300 engineering supplies, $4,500 street materials, $6,500 for street sweep- ing supplies, $17,000 for traffic signs and paint, $15,500 for center island supplies, $4,000 for weed control, $21,000 for park supplies, $12,500 for trees, $4000 for tree maintenance supplies, etc. Provides $100 monthly automobile allowance for the Public Works Director, $65,220 for rental of vehicles and equipment from the Equipment Fund, $37,500 for vehicle operations, $31,500 for vehicle repair, $12,000 for sweeper repair, and $2,500 for vehicle conversions. Continued on Page 6-18. BUDGET 6-16 CITY OF TUSTIN PUBLIC WORKS PERSONNEL DETAIL Prior History 1979-80 1980-81 1977-78 1978- 79 Budget Projection Requested Approved Dir. Public Works/ Ci ty Engi neer 1 (2465) 1 (2990) 1 (3294) 1 (3294) 1 (3294) 1 (3525) Asst. City Engineer 1 (1990) 1 (2169) 1 (2390) 1 (2390) 1 (2390) 1 ( 2839 ) Traffic Engineer - - - 1 (1917) 1 (2112) 1 (2112) 1 (2112) 1 (2351) Assoc. Traffic Eng. 1 (1840) - - - - - - - .- - - - - - - - Mtn. Superintendent 1 (1747) 1 (1904) 1 (2098) 1 (2098) 1 (2098) 1 (2335) Ass't. Civil Eng. 2 (1631) 2 (1827) 2 (2013) 2 (2013) 2 (2013) 2 (2224) Pub. Works Inspector 1 (1373) 1 (1540) 1 (1697) 1 (1697) 1 (1697) 1 (1943) Ass't. Mtn. Supt. 1 (1443) 1 (1573) 1 (1733) 1 (1733) 1 (1733) 1 (1929) Mechanic Foreman 1 (1373) 1 (1497) 1 (1649) 1 (1649) 1 (1649) 1 (1835) Park Foreman 1 (1373) 1 (1497) 1 (1649) 1 (1649) 1 (1649) 1 (1835) Street Foreman 1 (1373) 1 (1497) 1 (1649) 1 (1649) 1 (1649) 1 (1835) Equipment Mechanic 2 (1265) 2 (1318) 2 (1452) 2 (1452) 2 (1452) 2 (1604) Engineering Aide - - - - - - 1 (1402 ) 1 ( 1402) 1 ( 1402) 1 (1549) . Streets Leadman 1 (1187) Tree/Parks Leadman 1 (1205) Leadman - - - 2 (1205) 2 (1384) 2 (1384) 2 (1 384) 2 (1529~ Equipment Operator 2 (1187) 2 (1237) 2 (1363) 2 (1363) 2 (1363) 2 (1506 Tree Tri mmer 1 (1148) 1 (1214) 1 (1340) 1 (1340) 1 (1340) 1 (1481) Senior Custodian 1 (1148) 1 (1196) 1 (1318) 1 (1318) 1 (1318) 1 (1456) . Mtn. Worker II 3 (1093) 3 (1156) 3 (1274) 3 (1274) 3 (1274) 3 (1408) Mtn. Worker I 4 (1042) 8 (1102) 10 (1214) 11 (1214) 12 (1214) 11. 5( 1341) Bus Driver - - - 1 ( 675) 1 ( 982) 1 ( 982) 1 (121 4) 0.5 (1341 ) Secretary I 1 ( 960) 1 (1025) 1 (1183) 1 (1183) 1 (1183) 1 (1307) Custodian 3 ( 944) 3 ( 984) 3 (1084) 3 (1084) 3 (1084) 3 (1148) Int. Clerk Typist 1 ( 871) 1 ( 908) 1 (1000) 1 (1000) 1 (1000) 1 (1105) Dispatcher - - .- 1 ( 782) 1 (982) 1 ( 982) 1 ( 982) ~. (LQI3§l TOTAL FULL-TIME 31 37 40 41 42 40.5 BlJ )(;ET 'EI 17 CITY OF TUSTIN PUBLIC WORKS PERSONNEL DETAIL -2- Personnel Commentary The Public Works Department is now a combined department of engineering and maintenance. One (1) additional maintenance worker is added in the Parks Division at mid-year to maintain current level of service. The Tustin Dial-A-Ride bus program and personnel (driver and dispatcher) are funded through Dec., 1980, when OCTD Dial-A-Ride will replace our service. Salaries for 1980-81 include annual salary adjustments. SUPPLIES AND SERVICES commentary continued from Page 6-16. Trai ni ng~eye}(Jj)ment: Provides $2,100 for meetings and conferences, $650 for training, and $200 for memberships and subscriptions. Char~e~To Other A~~ou_~t~: Reimbursement to department for vehicle and equipment operational and repair costs from Equipment Fund on "rented" vehi cles. CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment: De~a rtl11entaLlqt¿jJJmen t: Includes $424 for one printing calculator. Includes $55,120 for a diesel tractor, $26,500 for a dump semi-trailer rubbish body, and mi nor items. BUDGET 6-18 CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 50 OBJ ECTI YES Police services provide pY'otection to life and property through crime and accident prevention, detection and apprehension. The patrol function is to discourage ~iolations, detect those which occur, and apprehend violators. The detective function complements the patr-ol function by pro- viding thorough investigation leading to identi- fication, apprehensions, and the recovery of EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Prior History 1977-78 1978-79 Staff Personne 1 Supplies & Services Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENSE 56 $1,194,070 147,113 8,325 $1,349,508 64 $1,359,097 1 56,988 69,374 $1,585,459 PROGRAM In 1979, this Department handled 18,157 calls for service, a 7% increase over 1978. In 1980, an esti- mated 20,262 calls should be handled, which will be a 12% increase over 1979. Part I crimes increased 13% from 3,079 in 1978 to 3,647 reported in 1979. TEN YEAR GUIDELINE (1976 Projections) POLICE BUDGET SUMMARY stolen goods. The traffic enforcement function is to facilitate the safe and efficient movement of automobiles and pedestrians through enforcement of State and local traffic laws. The department also provides educational programs on burglary and theft prevention, narcotic control and bicycle safety, supervises school crossing guards, and performs vacation security checks. 1979-80 1980-81 Budget Projection Requested Approved 68 68 74 $2,243, 1l4 $1,817,772 $1,802,431 $2,197,014 179,452 179,121 274,545 271,125 83,842 76,215 95,839 89,893 $2,081,016 $2,057,767 $2,567,398 $2,604,182 In 1980, an estimated 3,814 crimes should be reported, which will be a 10% increase over 1979. 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 Staff 55 56 57 58 60 61 62 63 65 66 Budget (in $lOOO's) 1,333.9 1,437.8 1,521.0 1,619.7 1,707.8 1,819.7 1,912.7 2,037.1 2,158.5 2,287.2 BUDGET 6-19 CITY OF TUSTIN POLICE BUDGET DETAI L Prior History 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 Budget Projection 1980-81 Requested Approved ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salaries $ 869,938 $1,014,267 $1,164,362 $1,240,000 $1,490,938 $1,546,087 Educational Incentive 18,890 22,357 43,776 25,000 25,000 25,000 Overtime 44,666 88,283 117,295 136,427 121,584 118,171 Reserve Of~icers 62 623 ----- ----- ----- - - .- - - Crossing Guards 33,608 28,347 39,000 38,500 64,740 43,160 Retirement & Insurance 226,906 193,576 374,831 348,404 479,452 496,046 (In i form Al' owance ----- 11 ,644 16,000 14,100 15,300 14,700 TOTAL PERSONNEL $1,194,070 $1,359,097 $1,755,264 $1,802,431 $2,197,014 $2,243,164 Supplies & Services Contractual Services $ 3,809 $ 4,717 $ 4,580 $ 4,400 $ 10,556 $ 10,556 Office Expense 16,751 10,875 12,400 10,300 22,104 22,104 Departmental Expense 36,241 31 ,783 51,578 46,550 83,118 79,698 Transportation Expense 80,416 104,308 106,760 106,260 137,634 137,634 Training & Development 9,896 5,305 4,134 11 ,611 21 ,133 21,133 TOTAL SUPP. & SERVo $ 147,113 $. 156,988 $ 179,452 $ 179,121 $ 274,545 $ 271,125 Capita 1 Outlay Motor Vehicles - -.- - - Office Equipment 2,046 Departmental Equipment 6,279 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 8,325 $ 22,203 14,207 32,964 69,374 GRAND TOTAL $1,349,508 $1,585,459 6-20 ----- ----- 15,526 15,526 48,295 47,415 26,806 26,806 35,547 28,1100 53~7 4715~l $ 83,842 $ 76,215 r-95 ,839- $ 89,893 $2,081,016 $2,057,767 $2,567,398 $2,604,182 BUDGET BUDGET COMMENTARY PERSONNEL CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 50 POll CE This budget adds 6 full-time Police Officer positions for patrol and traffic enforcement in the Operations Divi- sion. Also 4 Part-time positions are added as follows: 1 Crossing Guard Coordinator in the Operations Division; 1 Police Cadet in the Investigation Division; 1 Police Cadet for Records in the Services Division; and 1 Police Cadet for Property and Evidence in the Services Division. Salaries for 1980-81 include annual salary adjustments. Supplemental benefit costs for employee reitrement and insurance have been charged to the department to allow for a more accurate representation of personnel costs. SUPPLIES AND SERVICES Contractual Services: Office Expense: De~art~ental Expense: Includes $3,400 for investigative assistance, $5,256 for medical rape examinations, $700 for joint emergency services, $300 for County Jail booking fees, and $900 for laboratory analysis. Provides $4,400 for office supplies, $8,794 for duplication expenses, $4,970 for micro-fiche expense, and $3,940 for word processing expense. Includes $19,489 for supplies, $20,990 for uniforms, $8,762 for maintenance of equipment, $7,800 for rental of equipment, and $9,502 for printing. Transportation Expense: Provides for rental of vehicles, motorcycles and parking enforcement scooter from Equip- ment Fund. Training_~ Development: Includes $7,250 for memberships and meetings, $63,883 for POST training, and a reimbursement of $50,000 by POST for qualified training. CAPITAL OUTLAY Motor Vehi cl es: Offi ce Equipment: Includes $7,526 for 1 patrol unit and $8,000 for 2 motorcycles. Includes $13,000 software development, printer and terminals for police computer system; $3,000 for memory typewriter for Chief's office; and $4,657 for recording and transcribing equipment. Departmel1tal Equipment:. Includes $17,655 for radio equipment, $6,240 for locker room modernization, $3,294 for .16 mm. projector and 3 films, and assorted other equipment. BUDGET 6-21 POLICE PERSONNEL DETAIL Personnel Schedule Police Cadet Crossing Guard Reserve Offi cer TOTAL PART-TIME TOTAL POSITIONS Personnel Commentar~ Prior History 1977-78 1978-79 1 (2565) 3 (1981) 7 (1710) 11 (1522) 21 (1451) 5 (1077) 2 ( 937) 4 L893) 56 -- - 15 (2.75) 10 ( 0) 25 -- 81 1 ( 2796 ) 3 (2159) 7 (1864) 8.5 (1522) 28 (1451) 1 (1212) 5 (1179) 1 (11 02) 1 (1025) 1 ( 896) 2 ( 976) 5.5( 976) 64 16.(2.90) ~m_~ 41 105 CITY OF TUSTIN 1979-80 Budget Projection 1980-81 Request~~ Approved 1 (3081) 2 (2546) 3 (2379) 7 (2054) 7 (1814) 28 (1728) 1 (1485) 1 (1335) 1 (1299) 1 (1214) 1 (1214) 1 (1183) 1 (1113) 2 (1075) 7 (1075) 68 1 (3081) 2 (2546) 3 (2379) 7 (2054) 7 (1814) 28 (1728) 1 (1485 ) 1 (1335) 5 (1299) 1 (1214) 1 (1214) 1 (1183) 1 (1113) 2 (1075) 7 (1075) 68 1 (3081) 2 (2546) 3 (2379) 6 (2054) 7 (1814) 35 (1728) 1 ( 1485 ) 1 (1 335 ) 5 (1299) 1 (1214) 1 (1214) 1 ( 1183) 1 (1113) 2 (1075) 7 (1075) 74 3 (4.00) 18 (4.00) 25 ( 01 46 1 (3297) 2 (2775) 3 (2522) 6 (2177) 7 (1924) 35 (1832) 1 (1574) 1 (1438) 5 (1435) 1 (1341) 1 (1341) 1 (1307) 2 (1 242 ) 1 (1230) 7 (1188) 74 3 (4.00) 18 (4.00) 25 .L -~ 46 120 This budget adds 6 full-time Police Officers; 4 in regular patrol and 2 full-time Officers for traffic motorcycle duty. Additionally, 4 part-time positions are added as follows: 1 Crossing Guard Coordinator and 3 Police Cadets (one each in Investigation, Records, and Property/Evidence Divisions). The two Senior Typist Clerks are re-classified to Department Clerk-Police and given a 5% salary adjustment reflecting job responsibility and to maintain a proper clerical stratification. 1980-81 salaries include the annual salary adjustments. BUDGET Police Chief Captain Lieutenant Sergeant Police Agent Police Officer Records Supervisor Office Coordinator Comm. Officer Property Officer Corum. Services Officer - - - Secreta ry II 1 (l007) Secretary I 1 ( 960) Dept. Clerk-Police Parking Control Off. Sen. Clerk Typist . Records Cl erk TOTAL FULL-TIME 6-22 17 (4.00) ~~ 42 110 17 (4.00) 25 ( ~ 42 -- 110 120 CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 55 OBJECT! VES I I i I , I I - j ; I I I I I I I Fire services provide protection to life and property through fire prevention, fire suppression, and emer- gency rescue services. The prevention function is to provide public education on fire safety, fire preven- tion inspections, and review of proposed development plans for fire safety. The suppression function in- EXPENDITURE SUMMARY pri or Hi story 1977-78 1978-79 25 $370,769 381,683 , 3,275 $755,727 Staff Personne 1 Supplies & Services Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENSE - - - - $- - - - 678,703 - - - - $678,703 FIRE DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY Alarm Responses Fi res Rescues Other 1977-78 258 1,129 607 1978-79 242 1,330 354 FIRE BUDGET SUMMARY volves the deployment of sufficient apparatus and trained personnel in quick and effective response to any fire alarm. Since April, 1975, the City has provided Paramedic service; and, since January, 1978, fire protection services, through a contract with the County of Orange. 1979-80 Budget P,]'oj ecti on 1980-81 Reque~ted Approved - - - - - - - - $- - - - $- - - - 816,745 816,745 - - - - . - - - - $816,745 $816,745 - - .- - - - - - $- - - - $- - - - 860,000 860,000 - - - - - - - - $860,000 $860,000 1979-80 277 (Proj.) 1,387 (Proj.) 401 (Proj.) BUDGET 6-23 CITY or TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 55 FIRE BUDGET SUMMARY (Cont'd.) PROGRAM The contract with the Orange County Fire Department provides full-service fire protection, including paramedics, mutual aid, and their entire resources in the event of need (e.g., foam capabilities for airline crashes). Two fire stations within the City house the essential fire apparatus serving Tustin. Station 37 (City-owned) is located at 14901 Red Hill and contains one 4-man engine (full-time). Station 21 is located at 1241 Irvin~ Boulevard (County-owned) and responds with one 3-man engine of full-time personnel, one 3-to-6-man engine (paid-call volunteers), one 4-man aerial truck (2 f~ll-time, 2 paid-. call personnel), and one paramedic truck carrying 2 full-time paramedics. A Battalion Chief, serving in part of the Tustin area, also responds to fire alarms. In addition to fire suppression activities, the contract provides for 2 full-time fire positions at City Hall handling the fire prevention responsibilities for this area. TEN YEAR GUIDELINE (1976 Projections before County Contract) 1976-77 1977-78 1978- 79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 Staff 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 Budget (in $lOOO's) 802.5 871.1 919.9 964.6 1,02l.5 1,066.9 1,145.9 1,205.8 1,277.7 1,354.0 IllIn(;¡.:' ' 6-;;4 CITY OF 'TUSTIN FIRE BUDGET DETAIL . 1979-80 Budget~rojection 1980-81 Requested Approved Prior History 1977-78 1978-79 - - - - - - - - - - - - PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Fire Chief Operations Officer Fire Marshal. Fi re Capta i n Fi re Engi neer Fireman Secretary II TOTAL POSITIONS 1 (2115 1 (1903) 1 (1899) 6 (1647) 6 (1456) 0 (1366) 1 (1001) 25 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personne 1 Regular Salaries $272,473 Overtime 30,442 Educational Incentive 5,040 Retirement & Insurance 62,814 TOTAL PERSONNEL $370,769 Sup~lies & Services Contractual Services Hydrant Rental $ 9,368 Communications Center 12,787 Data Processing 2,000 County Fi re Contract 253,731 Paramedics 77,579 Office Expense 353 Departmental Expense 9,501 Transportation Expense 15,159 Training & Development 1,205 TOTAL SUPP. & SERV $381,683 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,- - .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _.- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .- - 0 ij 0 0 () $ - - - $ - - - $ - - - $ - - - $---- - - - - - - - - -..- - - :$---- $ - - - "$ - - - $ - - - "$ - - - $ 9,650 $ 9,800 $ 9,800 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 669,053 806,945 806,945 850,000 850,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $678,703 $816,745 $816,745 $860,000 $860,000 BUDGET 6-25 CITY OF TUSTIN FIRE BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTING DETAIL (Cont'd.) Prior History 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 Budget ~r~jection 1980-1981 Requested A2Qroved Ca~it_alJ)l!tlay Land Acquisition or Appraisal $ 1,800 Building Modifications 1,475 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 3,275 GRAND TOTAL $755,727 $---- $ - - - - $----. $ - - - - $ - - - - - - - - - - - - -.- - - - - - - . - - - - $ - - - - $ - - - - $ - - - - $ - - - - $ - - - - $678,703 $816,745 $816,745 $860,000 $860,000 BUDGET 6-26 ( I I I I I I I I I I I I '-- CITY OF TUSTIN DEPARTMENT 70 COMMUNITY SERVICES .BUDGET SUMMARY OBJECTI VES The Community Services Department is responsible for providing a well-balanced recreational and cultural program.within the budgeting limits on a year-round basis, which will be of general benefit and interest to all Tustin area residents. The Department avoids the duplication of recreation programs and facilities wherever possible by encouraging the efforts of and coordinating with private groups and other public agencies. The Department also works with other City departments in park plan- ning, utilization and maintenance. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Pri or Hi story 1979-80 1980-81 1977-78 1978-79 Budget Projection Requested Approved Staff 3 4 6 7 8 7 Personnel $ 94,574 $ 87,796 $139,800 $134,323 $171 ,599 $173,263 Supplies & Services 102,484 111 ,250 121,005 1 37,180 177 ,967 177,96/ Ca pita lOut 1 ay 1,626 935 4,000 3,192 9,286 6,027 TOTAL EXPENSE $198,684 $199,981 $264,805 $274,695 $358,852 $:I!)?,?!)] PROGRAM Revenue Summa ry Sports Fees - - - - - - - - - - .- - - - - - $ 72,160 $ 72,160 Class Fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 114,550 114,550 Youth Service Fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18,100 18,100 Sr. CHi zen/ Human Services Fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11 ,800 11 ,800 TOTAL RECREATION PROGRAMS $138,037 $177 ,430 $211 ,350 $201,000 $216,610 $216,610 Building Rentals (Non-Maintenance 50%) 10,985 12,406 15,500 15,250 16,500 16,500 TOTAL $149,022 $189,836 $226,850 $216,250 $233,110 $233,110 j Percentage oL Expendi tures 75.0% 94.9% 93.0% 78.7% 65.0% 65.2% BUDGET 6-27 CITY OF TUSTIN COMMUNITY SERVICES BUDGET SUMMARY (cont'd.) DEPARTMENT 70 TEN YEAR GUIDELINE (1976 Projection) 1976- 77 1977-78 1978- 79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 Staff 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Budget (in $lOOOs) 173.6 186.8 198.5 207.9 222.9 235.7 249.3 263.6 278.8 294.9 BUDGET 6-28 CITY OF TUSTIN COMMUNITY SERVICES BUDGET DETAIL Prior History 1979-80 1980-81 1977-78 1978-79 Budget Projection Req ues ted Approved ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regul ar Salary $ 49,320 $ 58,668 $ 97,458 $ 92,750 $117,688 $119,723 Part-time Salaries 5,217 312 - - - - - - - - 4,848 960 Educational Incentive 604 258 300 323 180 120 Recreation Leaders 30,064 17,665 24,319 24,300 23,686 29,449 Retirement & Insurance 9,369 10,893 17 ,723 16,950 25,197 23.011 TOTAL PERSONNEL $ 94,574 $ 87,796 $139,800 $134,323 $171,599 $173,263 Supplies & Services Contractual Services $ 88,290 $ 67,179 $ 75,370 $ 92,270 $109,748 $109,748 Facilities Expense - .- - - 5,000 12,600 12,uOO 13,020 13,020 Office Expense 45 100 100 100 125 125 Department Expense 12,750 22,671 20,775 24,645 42.154 42.154 Transportation Expense 4,863 8,360 11 ,080 6,830 10,185 10,185 Training & Development 1,651 532 1,080 1,335 2,735 2,735 Bus Expense Rei mbursement ( 5,115). 7,408 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL SUPP. & SERVo $102,484 $111 ,250 $121,005 $1 37 ,180 $177 ,967 $177 ,967 Capital Outlay Office Equipment $ 897 $- - - - $- - .- - $ 1,507 $ 1 ,271 $- - - - Improvements-Park - - - - - - - - 1,000 - - - - 1,500 1,500 Dept. Equi pment 729 935 3,000 1,685 6,515 4,527 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 1,626 $ 935 $ 4,000 $ 3,192 $ 9,286 $ 6,027 GRAND TOTAL $198,684 $199,981 $264,805 $274,695 $358,852 $.35L257 BUDGET 6-29 CITY OF TUSTIN BUDGET COMMENTARY PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT 70 COMMUNIT'l SERVI CES Salaries for 1980-81 include annual salary adjustments. Supplemental benefit costs for employee retirement and insurance have been charged to the Department to allow for a more accurate representation of personnel costs. SUPPLIES AND SERVICES Contractual Services: Facilities Expense: Offi ce Expense: De~artmental Expense: Transportatio_n~ense : Training & Development: CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvements - Parks: Depõ.rJrnental Equipment: GENERAL INFORMATION Provides $34,960 for umpires and other sports officials, $63.000 for instructors for self-supporting City programs and classes, $2,292 for band entertainment and youth services, and $9,496 for instructors for human services programs. Provides $720 for telephone service if moved outside of City Hall, and $12,300 for rental of Lambert School from Tustin Unified School District. Includes office supplies. Includes $12,400 for printing and mailing of 4 issues of Tustin Today, $15,575 for trophies and other sports equipment, and $4989 for admission tickets. Includes $100 per month automobile allowance for the Director, $2,640 for rental of one pool vehicle from Equipment Fund, $5,335 for excursion bus rental, and $170 for vehicle mileage allowances Includes $2,075 for meetings anq conferences, and $660 for memberships and subscriptions. Provides $1,500 for infield material to properly maintain 3 ballfields. Includes $2,491 for replacement of 10 folding tables for the Community Center, $106 for power edger for ballfield maintenance, $554 for special record/tape unit, $276 fo~ 4 card tables, $801 for four gym mats, and $212 for ballet hand barre. The proposed department budget of $357,257 is funded by fees and charges to the extent of $233,110, or 65.2% of the total. It is undesirable to achieve 100 percent self-sufficiency unless the limiting City resources force such an action to the detriment of non-self-supporting staff or service functions. BUDGET 6-3Ò CITY OF TUSTIN COMMUNITY SERVICES PERSONNEL DETAIL Prior History 1979-80 1980-81 1977-78 1978- 79 Budget Projection Requested ßpproved Personnel Schedule Di r. of Cœm. S:!rvi ces 1 (1859 1 (2000) 1 (2311) 1 (2311) 1 (2311) 1 (2200) Recreation Supervisor 1 (1205) 1 (1313) 2 (1597) 2 (1597) 2 (1597) 2 (1777) Recreation Coordinator 1 (1148) 1 (1196) - - - - - - - - - - - - Recreation Specialist - - - - - - 2 (1102) 2 (11 02) 2 (11 02) 2 (1218) Secretary I 1 ( 960) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Recreation Leader - - - - - - - .- - 1 (1000) 1 (1000) 1 (11 05) Int. Clerk Typist - - .- 1 ( 908) 1 (1000) 1 (1000) 1 (1000) 1 (1105) Sr. Recreation Spec. - - - - - .- - - - - - -. 1 ( 910) - - .- TOTAL FULL-TIME 4 4 6 7 8 7 Sr. Rec. Spec. (P. T.) - - - - - - - - - 1 (5.25) - - - 1 (5.25) Recreation Spec.(P.T.) - - - - - - 5 (4.10) 5 (4.10) 5 (4.10) 5(4.10) Rec. Leader (P.T.) 36 (4.00) 36 (4.00) 24 (4.00) 24 (4.00) 15 (3.65) .]2J)-. (j5J TOTAL PART - TI ME 36 36 29 30 20" 21 TOTAL POSITIONS 40 40 35 37 28 28 - - - - - - Personnel Commentary The Director's title has been changed from Parks and Recreation to Community Services Director. This change refl ects the growi ng emphas is on Human Servi ces (Youth and Seni or Citi zens) as we 11 as conti nui ng recreation programs by the department. A Senior Recreation Specialist was requested full-time for the Youth Services program, but was approved as a part-time position. 1980-81 salaries include the annual salary adjustments. BUDGET ~-31 CITY OF TUSTIN . DEPARTMENT 80 NON- DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET SUMMARY OBJECTIVES The Non-Departmental activity contains those ex- penditures that affect all departments of the City as a whole. Examples of these are City liability and property damage insurance, duplication expenses, postage and office equipment maintenance, and special census expenses. Employee insurance and retirement expenses have been spread to the benefited activities EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Pri or Hi story 1977-78 1978-79 Staff Personnel Supplies & Services Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENSE PROGRAM $ 56,975 501 ,512 3,250 $561,737 $. 61,466 554,269 10,670 $626,405 Programs of the Non-Departmental activity include the following: 1. Purchase of replacement vehicles financed ihroug:, charges to using departments. Rental charges also cover the cost of operating and maintaining the vehicles. 2. Provision of employee benefits to protect the employees' welfare and maintain a competitive employment environment. and thus are no longer included. Funds for Community Promotion, such as City memberships in other organizations, Chamber of Commerce services, and community advertis-. ing are budgeted in this Activity as they re- present Citywide expenses. 1979-80 Budget Projection 1980-81 ; Requested Approvèd $ - .;. - - 614.633 16,860 $631 ,493 $ - - - - 624,648 16,231 $640,879 $ ---- 435,503 4,500 $440,003 $ - - - - 444,503 44,500 $489,003 3. Provision of ad~quate insurance to protect the City's interest in liability and property damage cases. 4. Centralization of certain common office expenses and duplication costs for greater visibility and control. 5. The debt reti rement cos t for Park Bond and Ci vi c Center Bond have been included as Non-Departmental Expenses. Expenses. TEN YEAR GUIDELINE (1976 Projections) 1976- 77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 Sta ff Budget (in $lOOO's) 386.7 412.6 446.9 406.4 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 453.0 461.9 471.6 482.2 493.6 505.9 BUDGET 6-32 CITY OF TUSTIN NON- DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET DETAIL Prior History 1977- 78 1978- 79 1979-80 Budget Projection 1980-81 Requested Appro~~cI PERSONNEL SCHEDULE (None) ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personne 1 Undistributed Fringe Benefits $ 56,975 $ 61,466 $ - - - - $----- $ - - - - $ - - - - Supplies & Services Contractual Services Professional Services $ 14,480 $ 2,696 $ 23,000 $ 32,000 $ - - - - $ - - - - Refuse Collection 98,397 113,965 122,500 125,932 - - -- - - - - Auditing 9,245 18,000 10 , 000 9,300 - - - - - - - - Ci ty Ins uran ce 129,413 163,577 151,500 151,150 161,150 161 ,150 Medical Services 8,816 4,424 15,400 7,500 - - - - - - - - Office Expense Postage 12, 900 16,775 18,725 18,725 21,550 21,550 Office Equipment Maint. 1,218 1,253 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Duplication Expense 19,911 17,556 15,900 17,900 17,500 17,500 Pri nti ng 397 - - - .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Other 10,378 4,952 6,600 4,225 6,850 6,850 Training & Development 3,162 2,221 4,500 3,300 4,000 4,000 Personnel Recruitment - - - - 7,554 9,150 24,500 - - - - - - - - Other Expenses Bus Expenses 3,195 7,026 12,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - Bond Expense 186,728 181,378 201,128 201 ,028 195,703 195,703 City Contributions - .- - - - - - - - - - .- - - - - 7,500 7,500 City Membersh ips 8,018 4,373 5,800 5,800 5,650 5,650 City Adverti sing 664 919 1,450 1,000 1,200 1,200 Chamber of Commerce 8,390 7,600 14,930 14,788 11,900 11 ,900 Fourth of July celebration - - - - - - - - - - - - .- - - - - - 9,000 Charges-Other Accounts (18,003 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL SUPPLI ES 501,512 $554,269 $614,633 $624,648 $435,503 $444,503 BUDGET 6-33 CITY OF TUSTIN BUDGET COMMENTARY NON-DEPARTMENTAL PERSONNEL None SUPPLIES AND SERVICES Contractual Services: Medical Services: Provides for water consultant expense. Transferred to Public Works in 1980-81. Transferred to Finance in 1980-81. Provides for liability, workers compensation, and other risk manàgement expenses. Transferred to Personnel in 1980-81. property damage & surety insurance Professional Services: Refuse Collection: Auditing: Ci ty Insurance: Offi ce Expense: Postage: Office Equipment t1aintenance: Duplication Expense: Other: Provides for postage for all departments. Provides for maintenance of all City office equipment. Includes equipment lease payment, maintenance and supplies. Provides for operating the central supply room. Training & Development: Other Expenses: Provides for tuition reimbursement and employee recognition. City Advertising: Chamber of Commerce: Transferred to Public Works 1980-81. Provides for Park and Civic Center Bond interest, principal & related expenses. Provides $5,000 for July 4th activities and $2,500 for Tiller Days Street Fair. Provides $1,250 for Santa Ana River Flood Protection Agency; $1,300 for Orange County League of Cities; $2,600 for League of California Cities; and $500 for. Public Agencies Data Systems (PADS). Includes miscellaneous City advertising expenses. Provides $2,400 for City share of Chamber-Historical Society lease agreement; $2,500 for Jaycees Tiller Days Parade, and $7,000 for Chamber of Commerce. Provided for reimbursement of overhead costs from Personnel Grants. Bus Expense: Bond Expense: City Contributions: Cit~ Memberships: Charges-Other Accounts: nUDGET 6-34 CITY OF TUSTIN NON-DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET DETAIL ACCOUNTING DETAIL (Cont'd.) Prior History 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 Budget Projection 1980-81 Reques ted Approved Capital Outlay Building Modification $ - - - - $---- $ - - .- - $ - - - - $---- $ - - - - Motor Vehicles 105,704 65,754 80,500 79,838 107,900 107,900 Equi pment Fund Rei mbursement (105,136) (58,296) (80,500) (79,838) (107,900) (107,900) Office Equipment 2,682 3,212 16,860 ---.l6 ~ 4,500 44,500 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 3,250 $ 10,670 $ 16,860 $ 16,231 $ 4,500 $ 44,500 GRAND TOTAL $561,737 $626,405 $631,493 $640,879 $440,003 $489,003 BUDGET 6-35 CITY OF TUSTIN BUDGET COMMENTARY (Cont'd.) NON- DEPARTMENTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY Motor Vehicles: Provides $36,500 for replacement of 5 Police patrol units; $61,500 for replacement aerial truck for Trees Division; $6,700 for replacement of 1 pickup truck in Parks Division; and $3,200 for replacement of 1 sprayer for Streets Division. Equipment Fund Rei mbursement: Reimbursement of General Fund by Equipment Fund for replacement of vehicles & equipment. Provides $1,000 for additional shelving in basement; $500 for replacement of small calculators as needed; $3,000 for 3 replacement typewriters-l each for City Clerk, Planning and Recreation; and $40,000 for a Word Processing system. Office E~~ment: - BUDGET 6-36 CITY OF TUSTIN OBJECTIVES The Tustin Redevelopment Agency was formed for the purpose of improving the economic, physical and social environment of the major portion of Tustin's commerci al areas and old central business district. Major emphasis is on implementing public improve- ments which will enhance the value of and environ-, ment for businesses and residences in the project area. Since 1977-78 was only the first full year EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Prior History 1977-78 1978-79 Staff Personne 1 Supplies & Services Capita 1 Outl ay TOTAL EXPENSE $ - - - 32,709 19,071 $ 51,780 $ 8,177 32,002 2,250 $ 42,429 PROGRAM Following the June 1978 election, the possibility of a bond approach to project funding became a moot point. Fortunately, over the past two years, the City has developed a General Fund Reserve which is adequate to fund the Redevelopment program over a reasonably short time span. The Undergrounding of El Camino Real utilities is tentatively scheduled for construction in early 1981. Hearings have been scheduled on the formation of the underground dis- trict, Planning has been commenced on the street improvements to follow the undergrounding project. This planning will lead to a design theme, street design, lighting and street furniture styles, and other decorative fixtures. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BUDGET SUMMARY of the Agency's operation, major emphasis has been placed on establishing project priorities, estimating costs and impacts, involving residents and businesses in the area, and accomplishing preliminary studies. Projects planned for actual implementation the last few years were limited by a modest but growing tax in- crement revenue source. Now, the more significant pha- ses of the plan are to be implemented over the next three years. 1979-80 Budget Projection 1980-81 Re~ted Approved $ 23,950 46,500 $ 70,450 $ 22,751 198,000 $220,751 $ 7,500 1,685 $ 9,185 $ 22,751 198,000 $220,751 The emphasis is now switching from a planning mode to one of planning and implementation. Other projects are being pursued: landscaping the Newport center islands ,improved El Camino Real iden- tification, improving the alley east of El Camino Real, and relocating a sewer to 2nd Street at "C" Street. Planning will operate concurrently to examine the parking alternatives and to propose projects to follow the major El Camino Real redevelopment. BUDGET 6-37 r CITY OF TUSTIN REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BUDGET DETAIL Prior History 1979-80 1980-81 1977-78 1978- 79 Budget Projection Reques ted Approved PERSONNEL SCHEDULE (None) ACCOUNTING DETAIL Personnel Regular Salaries $ - - - $ 8,177 $ 23,950 $ 7,500 $ 22,751 $ 22,751 TOTAL PERSONNEL -$--- $ 8,177 $ 23,950 $ 7,500 $ 22,751 $ 22,751 Supplies & Services Contractual Services - - - 481 4,000 1,685 185,000 185,000 Departmental Expense 32,709 31 ,521 42,500 - - - 13 ,000 13,000 TOTAL SUPP. & SERVo $32,709 $ 32,002 $ 46,500 $ 1,685 $198,000 $198,000 Capita lOut 1 ay Departmental Equipment 19,071 2,250 .- - - - - - $ - - - $ - - - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 19,071 $ 2,250 $ - - - $ -.- - $ - - - $ - - - GRAND TOTAL $ 51,780 $ 42,429 $ 70,450 $ 9,185 $220,751 $220,751 [ .6-38 BUDGET b.-gf CITY OF TUSTIN BUDGET COMMENTARY PERSONNEL REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Represents the wages of City staff while working on the Redevelopment Agency's program and activities. SUPPLIES AND SERVICES Contractual Services: Provides $3,000 for auditing services; $1,200 for legal services; $118,000 for architect/engineering services; and $64,800 for administra~ve/inspection services. Provides $3,000 for departmental supplies and $10,000 for interest expense which will be partially offset by interest earned on investments. Departmental Expenses: BUDGET 6-39 ...... , I ) .J r.:.. ,..., ~ I- LU ø CI ~ c:> I- :z ...... LU ~ :z LU a > a I- cr; <...> 0.. w ~ VI -' « I- 0.. « LJ E- u.¡ " '" - ;:> :0 z ¡: z ¡:: Ë CITY OF TlJSl'l N r OBJECTIVES \ The Capital Improvement Budget is a separate and equal partner to the Operating Budget which must be I cons i dered in any a 11 ocati on of community resources. ¡ This Budget attempts to schedule those capital j improvements which benefit the publ ic directly or ~ which assist one or more departments to perform ! their missions. As a convenience, the Budget is II segregated into major categories. Public Facilities (10) contains building and grounds projects. Beautification Projects (30) contains those projects of primarily a beautification I nature and excludes those projects of a functional . recreation usage. Parks and Recreation Facilities . (40) contains those projects of primarily recreation \ or park functions, although ambiguities may develop I I ,. Staff Budget (in$lOOOs) 1,008.3 631.9 I ¡ PROGRAM I I I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET as in the case of the Community Center being categori zed as a "Pub 1 i c Facil i ty" . Transportati on Facilities (60) contains any project designed to facilitate the movement of pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Such projects would include street construction or major renovation, bridges, overpasses, bike trails and related studies. Traffic Controls (65) contains pedestrian and vehicular traffic control devices such as signals or special lane markings. Flood Control Facilities (70) contains storm drain and flood control projects. Waste Disposal Facilities (80) contains any projects related to the collection and distribution of liquid or solid wastes. Water Supply and Distribution (90) contains any projects affecting the local domestic water systems. TEN YEAR GUIDELINE (1976 Projection) 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 -- 503.0 543.0 574.2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A The program for 1980-81 is ambitious, but even the $5,320,700 planned will not meet all of the many titlzen lnterests and perceived community needs. It does represent a healthy program and high rate of capital investment made possible in part with grants such as the Federal Aid Urban, County Arterial Highway Funding Program, and County Flood Control Program. The first major phase of the El Camino Real Redevelopment improvements is also included. The projects contained in the first year are still subject to changes in policy by the grant sources. The projects contained for the balance of the five years are tentative only, as grants and existing city funds may not be sufficient to accomplish the planned scope of work. Projects must also be reviewed each year to reevaluate due to new annexations, changes in street or traffic conditions, or the availability of grants for specific projects. The five year plan after the first year specifically calls for more General Funds and Gas Tax Funds that are currently available and thus requires other funding or project delays. 10. Public Facilities $75,000). The City needs to make various bui ding modifications to accommodate its existing operation with the consolidation with the Water Works. The estimated cost for these modifications is $75,000. BUDGET 7-1 CITY OF TUSTIN 30. Beautification Projects ($1,148,500). The major project thlS flscal year lS the undergrounaing of utilities on El Camino Real at a cost of $984,000 to the Redevelopment Agency. This project has been re-scheduled from last year due to delay in project design and coordination. The secónd major project is the Newport Avenue Center Island Landscaping ($79,100), with the 3rd major project being the Utility Under- grounding along Irvine Blvd. between Yorba St. and Prospect Ave. ($39,200- City's share). Three other projects are the Bryan-Main Triangle Landscaping ($29,400), El Camino Real Identification signing ($10,000) and the planting of trees along Prospect Ave. and Irvine Blvd. adjacent to Columbus-Tustin Park. 40. Parks and Recreation Facilities ($79,100). The completion of the sidewalk replacement and lighting system modifications in Centennial Park ($50,000 and $6,700) are the major projects for the Park Facilities this year. Two other projects are also scheduled as follows: Landscaping of Columbus- Tustin parksitp parking lot ($20,000) and sidewalk construction at. Magnolia Tree Park ($2,400). 60. Trans ortation Facilities ($3~046,900). This year's program incl udes a contlnulng ~ajor Street Maintenance program ($150,000), Main St. Underpass Lighting ($16,000), Warner Ave. RR. Crossing Protective Devices ($7000), the City's share for the widening of Irvine Blvd. easterly of Browning Ave. ($144,000) in which the balance of funding ($702,500) is to be provided by the F.A.U. program. A project designated as the Bryan Ave. Temporary Realignment ($49,000) has been programmed in the event Bryan Ave. ex- periences additional damage from overflow of the F07 Channel. The widening of San Juan St. adjacent to Tustin High School ($40,000) and preliminary engine- ering for the Newport Ave. extension have also been included within this program. An amount of $250,000 from the Redevelopment Agency Budget has been dei gnated for the land acquisition for a parking 7-2 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET facility in the El Camino Real area. The fo}lowing projects which were previously scheduled for 1979-80, but have not started construction or right of way acquisition: Bryan/Browning Intersection Improvements (1,054,000), Red Hill Ave. Widening ($35,000), Moulton Parkway Rea- lignment ($67,000 for preliminary engineering and partial. right-of-way acquisition) ,Seventeenth St. Widening ($34,500~. 65. Traffic Control Facilities ($525,000). Two major i projects are still awaiting clearance from the State and I' F.H.W.A. and will require re-budgeting this fiscal year. These projects are the Newport Avenue Traffic Signal Interconnect ($326,000) and the Seventeenth Street Traffic I Signal Interconnect at Yorba Street ($119,500). Other projects are a new signal installation at Walnut Avenue, and Franklin Avenue ($55,000) and a signal relocation at ' Red Hill and Valencia Avenues ($24,500), which is a joint I effort with a private development. r I 70. Flood Control Facilities ($416,200) Five projects are scheduled this year which will help eliminate some continuing problems the City has experienced over the years. The first project is the McFadden Avenue Drain ($121,000), which will eliminate the continuous wet and hazardous intersection at McFadden Avenue and Williams Street and eliminate continual pavement maintenance at the intersection. The second project is the Main Street Storm Drain ($20,000), which will reduce the flooding and closure of the Main Street Underpass during heavy rain- storms. The 3 remaining projects are within the Redevelop- ment Agency area and are as follows: Main St. drain between El Camino Real and "B" Street ($97,000), Main i Street drain between a point westerly of Centennial Way I and Prospect Avenue ($86,000), and the Sixth Street drain between El Camino Real and "B" Street ($92,000). : 80. Waste Disposal Facilities ($30,000). The Second St./ "C" Street sewer project is the relocation of an exist- ing sewer within the Redevelopment Agency area. This project will permit the consolidation of four lots and the ultimate construction of an office building with BUDGET CITY or TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET underground parking. 90. Water Supply and Distribution ($----- ). This area previously has been the responsibility of a private utility company, except for certain special projects that the Redevelopment Agency has assumed responsibility for in order to allow new development to take place with adequate fire protettion. With the acquisition of the Tustin Water Works by the City, this program will have increased activity in the upcoming years. Unmet Needs The City is faced with many unmet capital improve-. ment needs, which are not included within this document. General Obligation bonds are no longer an alternative as the City cannot levy a property tax to pay them off. On the other hand, at the present. rate of accomplishment, a pay-as-you-go approach appears sound. The City of Tustin is more fortunate than many other agencies and is doing more to invest in the com- munity and maintain its physical plant than many other agencies. This reinvestment is essential as can be seen from the problems Santa Ana and other older communities have allowed to develop by false economy. The City Council and staff must continue to attempt to balance the needs of the community in the area of capital improvements against the avail- able resources in living within the City's and community's needs. BUDGET 7_~ ...... I .þ I~ II~ ¡; '" CD -< ;a .., » .., n < " ~ '" ~~~~~~8i~~¡~~~~~8~ ~ » -~-C'~---~~CD~-n»- - - -~~ ~--~- /0 ~ W~~ ~ ~ W - -~ NO~ W ONe : N ~~~~W~: ~ 00: a'a'~a'~~~'a, .~,a~~ 0'0'00'~<a~,0' 'o'oow O'O'OO,~OO'O"o'OO'" ~ Ii ::3 ...~ W N .00',00',0', ",,:~ ~ ~~ a ~~,o"",~~ O'<>'O"'~O:O:::',g¡;; ~ ~ W N..~ ~ ~ :;¡ ~ ~;:¡ ~~ ~ :5 ~ g¡:8: :go::815~:8::g, 8 ~ 0,0"0'000'0"0 a a I~ ,8 N ~ ~ § ~ ~ ~" 'w'~ 0' , , , , . 0, , , '0 '0 0' , , , , , 0, "0 ,0 0" , ë" g: ò 0 0 b/E ~ 18 ;" '" ~ w 0 ~ <0 '" '" ::::15:g,;:¡::,.:,.::,:, " <>'00' 0, go: Ò -:0 0 0 0 0,. .~ ~ ':: ~15:"ò"~:::::: 0 0' : : g:: 0' " " II~ ~ '" I'" '" 0' , 0 0 0' , 0 0 0' , ~ ~ ~ '" 0 <>0", : g:~ c;: ,. ,,' , ,: '0,00' w ~ ~ 0 ~ ,=,. ~ ;3 0 ~ '" g ~ ~ 0 ... :g C ¡;¡ ~ a 0 - ~ ~ » .., ... <> ~ ~ F: I .... w ë" ~ ~ '" '" w ~ ~ V> '" w ~ ~ g .... ~ b :?, ë" 0 <> '" '" '" ~ a 0 0 V> '" ~ '" ~ g¡ 0 ~ I, g I: '" <> '" » ;:¡ :;: n E ;:! .., ~ w <> a N g 8 .,., S 0 '" 8 '"' ~ '" ~ :;: ~ ;:! :;¡ :: '" ... '" '" è3 go: <> '" N '" ~ 0 ~ 0 0 g g ~ a 0 8 :5 ~ 0 ~ ~ ? ~ -< ~ '" !G a V> ;a .... » ;:! <> '" :;: r:! j; ~ ~ C ;:! n '" '" ~ ¡;; ;a ~ ;a M » ~ g ... » n ;= ~ ¡;¡ ... ;:! M ~ w ~ ë" <> 0 a ~ ::3 ¡:¡ ~ g g w :¡: ~ ~ g g w '" 0 ~ :;; t;, ~ ~ ~ g g g '" ~ ~ ~ ~ g g: ~ 8 0 0 0 g ~ g: ~ ~ g ~ '" 0 ë" :5 w 0 '" ~ '" ... a ~ g g 8 ~ 0 0 8 '" ~ g: ~ 0 g ... ? ¡s ? " C 00 C ~ n ~ ;:! . '" '" .., 2 M ¡;¡ ~ c: ;:! :;¡ .... ~ ~ ¡::.¡ ~ I~ !! ,0 I .... ~ ~ ~¡ ¡;1 !g: '0>- ~:¡g ~ ¡~:~ ~: V> ¡~~ ¡;;:b ."1'" ¡ . <A !"- if!~ ¡c.:w I! ~ .... 13:; I.~.", ~:~ I~'" , ' t <A '3- ,I:: ~ 2 ~ ~ ç '" '" -< s ;;: '" ?¿ CITY OJ' TUSTIN 10. PUBLIC FACILITIES 1. Civic Center Grounds (30) Sidewalk & Curb Installation Fence & Gates - Police Parking Lot Courtyard Drains Landscape & Irrigation Parking Lot Repair & Slurry Seal Masonry Block Wall - Police Area 2. City Hall Building Council Chambers Elec. Revision GF Council Chamber Microphone Modif.(32) GF Air Conditioning GF Fire Wall & Signing Requirement GF Glass Door Modifications GF Security, Fire & Smoke Detection System 3. Police Department Air Conditioning (34) 4. Miscellaneous City Hall & Recreation Department Modifications TOTALS FUND RECAP CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1979-80 1979-80 Budget ~r~jection Fund GF GF GF GF RS RS GF GF GF RS $ 28,338 10,100 1,500 10,000 39,640 22,750 1,500 8,400 3,500 20,000 $ 28,338 1 0 1 00 1,500 10,000 39,640 22,750 1,500 8,400 3,200 20,000 $145,728 $145,728 $ 83,338 $ 83,338 $ 62,390 $ 62,390 BUDGET 1980-81 Budget $ 75,000 $75,000 $75,000 1981-82 1982 -83 Planned Planned 1983-84 Planned $ 1984-85 Pl anned $ $ $ 7-5 CITY OF TUSTIN 30. BEAUTIFICATION PROJECTS 1. Newport Avenue Center Island (15) Irvine Boulevard to McFadden 2. El Camino Real Identification (17) 3. Columbus Tustin Ballfield Tree Planting Adjacent to Irvine & Prospect CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1979-80 1979-80 Budget PriJjection Fund RS RDA RDA GF 4. Irvine Blvd. & Yorba Street Easterly Utility Undergrounding & Street GF Lights (Edison Co. Share - $151,200) 5. El Camino Real Utility Undergrounding & Street Lights (21) RDA 6. General Street Lighting Program (16) GF a. Raleigh Ave., Walter Ave., Debusk Avenue. b. Easterly side of Red Hill Ave., Valencia to north boundary M.C.A.S. c. Easterly side of Red Hill Ave., Warner Ave. to Valencia Ave. d. Easterly side of Red Hill Ave., Barranca Rd. to Warner Avenue 7. El Camino Real Landscaping and Street Furniture (18) 8. Bryan - Main Triangle Landscaping 9. Irvine Blvd. Center Island Landscaping only Prospect Avenue to Newport Avenue * GF GF GF GF RDA GF RDA $ 23,200 $ --- 48,000 984,000 3,000 1980-81 Budget $ 25,800 53,300 10,000 6,800 39,200 984,000 29,400 *Additional Funding under Transportation Facilities and Traffic Controls nUDGET 7-6 1981-82 1982-83 Planned Planned $ 35,800 24,200 40,000 $ 44,800 113 ,400 1983-84 Planned $ 44,800 1984-85 Planned $ 36,000 30. BEAUTIFICATION PROJECTS (cont'd) 10. Seventeenth Street Center Island Yorba Street to Prospect Avenue 11. Newport Avenue Center Islands McFadden Avenue to Sycamore Avenue TOTALS FUND RECAP CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1979-80 1979-80 Budget ~r~jection Fund GT B GT B $1 ,055,200 GF $ RS 23,200 GT B RDA 1,032,000 BUDGET 1980-81 Budget 1981-82 1982-83 Planned Planned 1983.,.84 Planned 1984-85 Planned $ 73,800 $ _n 11 ,300 95,700 12,000 $3,000 $1,148,500 $100,000 $158,200 $129,900 $143,700 $n- 3,000 $ 75,400 $ 60,000 $ 44,800 $ 44,800 $ 36,000 25,800 1,047,300 40,000 113,400 73,800 11 ,300 95,700 12,000 7-7 CITY OF TUSTIN 40. PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES 1. Pine Tree Park Lighting Modification (17) 2. Lambert School Improvements (37) Soundproof two walls Wood flooring Security lighting 3. Centennial Park (16) Replace asphalt walks with concrete (Phase 11) Modify lighting system Install two parking lot lights 4. Columbus Tustin Park Phase III - Landscape & Playground Phase IV - Future Building Landscaping of Parking Lot. 5. Magnolia Tree Park Sidewalk TOTALS FUND RECAP CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Fund 1979-80 1979-80 Budget Projection 1981-82 1982-83 Planned Planned 1983-84 Planned 1980-81 Budget GF $ 1,800 (Recommend Cancellation) $ $ PD PD PD $ 5,000 6,300 700 $ $ 5,000 6,300 700 1984-85 Planned $ GF --- --- 50,000 GF 8,400 7,900 4,500 GF --- --- 2,200 GF --- --- --- 11 0 ,400 GF --- --- --- .--- 175,000 175,000 167,500 PD --- --- 20,000 GF --- --- 2,400 $22,200 $19,900 $ 79,100 $110,400 $175,000 j175,000 $167,500 ---- ----- GF $10,200 $ 7,900 $ 59 , 1 00 $110,400 $175,000 $175,000 $167,500 PD 12,000 12,000 20,000 7-8 BUDGET CITY OF TUSTIN 60. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES 1. Major Maintenance (Supplemental) (55) 2. Bus Benches, OCTO Routes (56) 3. Main Street Sidewalk (North Side) Easterly of Williams Street (73) 4. Prospect Avenue Sidewalk between Lockwood and First Street 5. Browning-Bryan Intersection Widening and Flood Control (62) 6. Red Hill Avenue Widening Bell to Valencia (63) 7. Seventeenth Street Widening Costa Mesa Fwy. to Yorba Street 8. Curbs & Gutters Town Center (77) 9. Moulton Parkway Realignment (78) 10. Mitchell Avenue Street Reconstruction (80) 11. Yorba Street Widening, First Street to Irvine Boulevard 11a. El Camino Real Pkg. Facility CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1979-80 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 Fund Budget Projection Budget Planned 1982-83 Planned 1983-84 Planned 1984-85 Planned GF $ 69,700 $ 69,700 $150,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 GT 135,495 135,495 RS 7,100 7,100 GF 3,000 --- 3,000 UMTA 6,500 --- 6,500 BT 17,500 22,000 GF 2,000 2,500 CFC 500,000 --- 500,000 AHFP 270,000 --- 270,000 GF 270,000 13,000 284,000 GT 14,500 --- 35,000 GT 34,500 --- 34,500 HCDA 20,700 20,700 GF --- 1,400 GT 67,000 11 ,000 67,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 FAU 414,000 --- 414,000 1 ,450,000 1,450,000 1 ,450,000 1,450,000 GF 59,000 18,000 GT 61,695 AHFP 56,695 RDA 250,000 BUDGET 7-9 60. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES (cont'd) 12. Newport Avenue Extension (79) 12a. Main Street Underpass Lighting 13. Alley Easterly of El Camino Real between Main Street & Third Street 14. Sycamore Avenue Railroad Pedestrian Crossing~(65) 15. Warner Avenue Railroad Crossing Protective Devices 16. San Juan Street Widening Orange Street to Green Valley (64) CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Fund 1979-80 1979-80 Budget Projection GF $ 4,700 GT AHFP GF RDA GF DEV RS GT GF 17. Irvine Boulevard Widening - Browning GT Avenue to East City Limits FAU 18. Bryan Avenue Temporary Realignment from 650' to 3850' Easterly of Browning Avenue 19. Valencia Avenue Reconstruction Red Hill Avenue to Costa Mesa Fwy. (34 ) GF GT AHFP 7- 2,700 35,000 24,800 BUD(;ET $ 1,300 22,800 35,000 24,800 1980-81 Budget 1981-82 1982 -83 Planned Planned $ 3,400 $ $ 54,500 302,500 302,500 1983-84 1984-85 Planned Planned 16,600 14,800 7,000 40,700 144,000 702,500 49,400 13,800 70,000 341,500 76,200 76,200 $ $ 60. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES (cont'd) 20. . 26. Irvine Boulevard - Yorba Street to Red Hill Avenue, Pavement Reconstruction & AC Cap, Median Construction * 21. El Camino Real/Laguna Road Reconstruction CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Fund 1979-80 1979-80 Budget Projection GT $ --- FAU RDA GF CFC GT AHFP GT AHFP GT AHFP GF GF GF RDA GT 22. Nisson Road Widening and Sidewalk Construction Red Hill to Browning 23. Bryan Avenue Widening - Browning to East City Limits 24. Browning Avenue - S/O San Juan Street to Bryan Avenue First Street Widening - Newport Freeway to West City Limits 25. Utt Street - San Juan Street to Andrews Street 27. . Green Vall ey - San Juan Street to Lance Drive 28. First Street Reconstruction and AC Cap - Red Hill Avenue to Prospect Avenue Red Hill Avenue Reconstruction S/O Lance Drive to Melvin Way 29. $ --- 1980-81 Budget . $ --- 1981-82 1982-83 Planned Planned 1983-84 1984-85 Planned Planned $ 22,600 $ 28,800 $ 139,300 177,300 $ 1,071 ,900 71 ,500 1,650,000 456,500 93,000 * Additional Funding under Beautification and Traffic Controls per FAU Project BUDGET 1 ,650,000 456,500 93,000 90,200 90,200 37,700 25,300 26,600 29,000 70,000 76,000 276,100 7-11 CITY OF TUSTIN 60. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES (cont'd) 30. Alley Reconstruction- Centennial Way west to First Street 31. Yorba Street - Laurie Lane to North City Limits 32. Red Hill Avenue Sidewalk (easterly side) between Valencia Ave. and north boundary M.C.A.S. 33. San Juan Street, Walnut Avenue, Orange Street, Two Alleys-Widening and Reconstruction 34. Williams Street Widening McFadden Ave. to Main (39) 35. "B" Str.-Main Str. to Sixth Str. 36. "B" Str.-Main Str. to Third Str. TOTALS Fund RDA $ GT GF GF GT AHFP GF RDA GF RDA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1979-80 1979-80 1980-81 Budget Projection Budget $ $ 1981-82 Planned $ 1982-83 Planned $ 1983-84 Planned $ 41,700 $ 1984-85 Planned 302,500 91 ,400 60,900 14,600 14,600 13,000 13,000 $2,076,585 $384,795 $.3,046,900 $6,587,500 $4,750,600 $2,305,400 $2,410,000 7- BUDGET 69,000 18,600 CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 60. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES (cont'd) 1979-80 Fun<! ~udget 1979-80 Projection 1980-81 Budget 1981-82 Planned 1982-83 Planned 1983-84 Planned 1984-85 Planned Fund Recap GF $411 ,100 $128,700 $ 561,900 $ 221,500 $ 275,600 $ 168,600 $ 480,100 RS 31 ,900 31,900 --- --- --- --- --- GT 313,190 146,495 342,000 1,227,800 913 ,200 645,100 391,400 RDA --- --- 250,000 1,085,700 76,000 41,700 27,600 FAU 414,000 --- 1,116,500 1,930,800 1,627,300 1,450,000 1,450,000 AHFP 326,695 --- 270,000 471 ,700 208,500 --- 60,900 CFC 500,000 --- 500,000 1,650,000 1 ,650,000 BT 17,500 22,000 HCDA 20,700 20,700 DEV 35,000 35,000 UMTA 6,500 --- 6,500 BUDGET 7-13 65. TRAFFIC CONTROLS CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Fund 1. Newport Avenue Interconnect with new installation at Holt Avenue (34) GT FAU SMF 2. Seventeenth Street at Yorba Street (South and North) 3. Red Hill Avenue @ Valencia Avenue Signal Relocation (28) 4. Walnut Avenue at Franklin Avenue 5. Irvine Boulevard - Yorba Street to Red Hill Avenue Interconnect, New Installation at Fashion Lane * 6. Irvine Boulevard at "B" Street 7. Walnut Avenue at McFadden Avenue 8. First Street at Tustin Avenue 9. Newport Avenue at Sycamore Avenue 10. Yorba Street at Vandenberg Lane 11. Browning Avenue at Walnut Avenue 12. Walnut Avenue at Myford Road 1979-80 1979-80 Budget Prgjection $ 56,000 200,000 $ GT 17,800 FAU 82,000 SMF --- GT 16,800 RS GT GT FAU GT GT GT GT GT GT GT 1980-81 Budget $ 64,000 $ 200,000 62,000 20,500 82,000 17,000 16,800 7,700 55,000 *Additional Funding under Beautification and Transportation per FAU Project 7-14 BUDGET 1981-82 1982-83 Planned Planned 1983-84 Planned $ 52,000 45,000 1984-85 Planned $ 45,000 25,000 $ 27,200 34,500 166,500 212,000 55,000 47,000 45,000 TOTALS CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1979-80 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 Fund Budget Projection Budget Planned Planned Pl anned Planned GT $ --- 1..:.::.:- $ --- $ --- $ --- $ --- $ 45,000 $372 ,600 $ -0- $525,000 $295,700 $291,500 $ 97,000 $115,000 ¡ 65. TRAFFIC CONTROLS (cont'd) I 13. Newport Avenue at Old Irvine Boulevard RECAP RS GT FAU SMF 90,600 282,000 7,700 156,300 282,000 79,000 129,200 166,500 79,500 212,000 97,000 115,000 BUDGET 7-15 CITY OF TUSTIN 70. FLOOD CONTROL FACILITIES 1. McFadden Avenue Drain - Williams Avenue to 1400' Westerly 2. Main Street Drain - 150' Easterly to 50' Westerly of Willaims Avenue RS 3. Main Street Drain - El Camino Real to "B" Street 4. Main Street Drain from East of Centennial Way to Prospect Avenue 5. Sixth Street Drain - El Camino Real to liB" Street 6. Sixth Street Drain - "B" Street to Pacific Street 7. Pacific Street from Sixth Street to Main Street 8. San Juan Street Drain - Red Hill Avenue to Utt Drive 9. Green Valley Drain - San Juan Street to 700' Northerly 10. Utt Drive Drain - San Juan Street to 700' Northerly 11. Venta Storm Drain - F-10 Channel to Walnut Avenue (23) F-10 Channel to Sycamore Avenue GF Sycamore Avenue to Walnut Avenue GF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Fund RS RDA RDA RDA GF GF GF GF GF 1979-80 1979-80 Budget Projection $ _u 1980-81 Budget $ -u $121 ,200 $ 20,000 97,000 86,000 92,000 7-16 BUDGET 1981-82 Planned 1982-83 Planned $ 92,000 71,900 91,200 61,700 61 ,700 1983-84 Planned $ 184,000 1984-85 Planned $ 160,000 CITY or TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1979-80 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982 -83 1983-84 1984-85 Fund Budget Projection Budget Planned Planned Planned Planned 70. FLOOD CONTROL FACILITIES (cont'd) 12. Red Hi 11 Ora in - Valencia Avenue to Edinger GF $ --- $ --- $ --- $ --- $ --- $ 66,000 $ 13. Red Hill Drain No.2 Walnut Avenue to Mitchell Avenue GF --- --- --- --- --- --- 144,000 TOTALS $ --- $ --- $416,200 $ --- $378,500 $250,000 $304,000 FUND RECAP GF $ --- $ --- $ --- $ --- $378,500 $250,000 $304,000 RS --- --- 141,200 RDA --- --- 275,000 BUDGET 7-17 CITY OF TUSTIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Fund 80. WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITIES 1. Second Street / "C" Street Sanitary Sewer RDA TOTALS 7-18 1979-80 1979-80 Budget Projection $ n- $ _n ~ $ _n 1\ lJ )C; ET 1980-81 Budget $30,000 $30,000 1981-82 1982-83 Planned Planned ~ $ n- ~ $ n- 1983-84 Planned 1...::.:- $ _n 1984-85 Planned 1...::.:- $ _n CITY OF TUSTIN OTHER PROJECTS ~ UNSCHEDULED IN FIVE YEAR PROGRAM 10. PUBLIC FACILITIES (NONE) 30. BEAUTIFICATION PROJECTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Red Hill Avenue Center Islands from Santa Ana Freeway to Lance Drive. Red Hill Avenue Center Islands from Walnut Avenue to Santa Ana Freeway. Red Hill Avenue Center Islands from First Street to Melvin Way. .. Red Hill Avenue Center Islands from Warner Avenue to A.T. & S.F. Railroad. Irvine Boulevard Center Islands from Old Irvine to Red Hill Avenue. $110,300 126,800 63,000 315 ,100 70,400 - 60. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES 1. Stonehenge Drive Reconstruction from Bryan Avenue to Cromwell Drive. 2. Old Irvine Boulevard from Newport Avenue Easterly. '. . . . . 3. Red Hill Avenue from A.T. & S.F. Railroad to Santa Ana Freeway. 4. Bryan Avenue from 200' West of Stonehenge Drive to Browning Avenue. 5. "A" Street from First Street to 250' South of Irvine Boulevard. 6. "B" Street from First Street to 250' South of Irvine Boulevard. 7. Mountain View from First Street to 200' South of Irvine Boulevard. 8. Second Street from "A" Street to liB" Street. . . 9. "A" Street from Main Street to Second Street. . 10. California Street from Main Street to Third Street. 11. Main Street from Pasadena Avenue to "c" Street. . . 26,600 13,000 200,000 66,500 60,500 30,800 48,800 9,700 26,600 14,500 111 ,300 65. TRAFFIC CONTROLS (NONE) 70. FLOOD CONTROL FACILITIES 1. Irvine Boulevard Drain from F07 Channel to West of Holt Avenue. 2. Prospect Avenue Relief Drain from First Street to Irvine Boulevard. 3. Stonehenge Drain from Bryan Avenue to Cromwell Drive. . 4. Mitchell Avenue Drain from Utt Drive to Del Amo Avenue. (Plus County Share of $26,700) 5. Mitchell Avenue Drain from Browning Avenue to 1350' Westerly. 6. Amaganset Way Drain from Yorba Avenue to Prospect Avenue 7. Tustin Meadows Nuisance Water Drains. 58,300 71,000 107,900 72,200 120,000 167,900 350,000 BUDGET 7-19 CITY OF TUSTIN .1 OTHER PROJECTS - UNSCHEDULED IN FIVE YEAR PROGRAM (cont'd) 80. WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITIES (NONE) 90. WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION (To be included under separate document at a later date). 7-20 BUDGET ~ z ¡: (/J ;:;) ¡..., u.. 0 >- ¡..., ü co z ....0 I- u w V> I- UJ C) c ::> /XI >- U Z w C) <t: I- Z UJ ::E: a.. 0 ..J w > w c UJ cr: ¡.... ¡.¡.¡ Ç,.? Q ;:;) ~ f CITY OF TUSTIN REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BUDGET The Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency is a separate agency, although its budget is integrated in this Budget document in order to provide a total picture of various activities of the City and the Agency. The Agency budget is recapped below in its entirety. The Agency will receive a loan from the City's General Fund in order to commence projects before property tax increment revenue is received. This loan will be repaid to the City by the Agency as tax increment and other revenues become available. 1980-81 Pri or His tory 1979-80 Budget. 1977-78 1978-79 Budget Projection BEGINNING BALANCE $ --- $ 98,057 $253,846. ~253,84€ $1,000,299 REVENUE Property Tax Increment $198,709 $258,023 $350,030 $685,874 $667,000 Homeowner & Business Inventory Tax Relief 10,082 16,916 18,000 28,764 27,550 Interest 446 27,400 35,000 44,000 10,000 TOTAL REVENUE $209,237 $302,339 $403,000 $758,638 $704,550 EXPENDITURES Personnel-City Staff $ --- $ 8,177 $ 23,950 $ 7,500 $ 22,751 Contractual Serv~ces --- 481 4,000 1,685 185,000 Interest Expense 21,000 31 ,500 42,000 --- 10,000 Departmental Expense 11 ,709 21 500 --- 3,000 Capital Outlay 19,071 2,250 --- . --- --- OPERATING BUDGET $ 51,780 $ 42,429 $ 70,450 $ 9,185 $220,751 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 59,400 104,121 $ 48,000 3,000 $1,602,300 TOTAL BUDGET $111 ,180 146,550 $118,450 $ 12,185 $1,823,051 ENDING BALANCE $ 98,057 253,846 538,396 $1,000,299 ($118,~.02) (Excluding Loans) BUDGET 8-1 CITY OF TUSTIN REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1979-80 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 Budget Projection Budget Planned Planned Planned Planned 30. BEAUTIFICATION PROJECTS Newport Avenue Center Islands Irvine Boulevard to McFadden Avenue (15) $ 48,000 $ u- $ 53,300 $ $ $ $ El Camino Real Indentification (17) --- --- 10,000 El Camino Real Uti lit) Undergrounding and Street Lights (21 984,000 3,000 984,000 El Camino Real Landscape & Furniture --- --- --- 40,000 Irvine Boulevard Center Island Landscape and Irrigation only - Prospect to Newport Avenue --- --- --- --- 113,400 60. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES Alley Easterly of E1 Camino Real between Main Street and Third Street --- --- --- 13,800 El Camino Real/Laguna Road Reconstruction --- --- --- 1,071 ,900 First Street Reconstruction - Red Hill Avenue to Prospect Avenue --- --- --- --- 76,000 Alley Reconstruction - Centennial Way West to First Street --- --- --- --- --- 41,700 "B" Street - Main to Sixth Street --- --- --- --- --- --- 14,600 liB" Street - Main to Third Street --- --- --- --- --- --- 13,000 El Camino Real Parking Facilities --- ---- 250,000 ..... IIUDl;E'J' 8-2 CITY OF TUSTIN REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1979-80 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982':'83 1983-84 1984-85 Budget Projection Budget Planned Planned Planned Pl anned 70. FLOOD CONTROL FACILITIES Main Street Drain - El Camino Real to "B" Street $ --- $ --- $ 97,000 $ --- $ $ $ Main Street Drain - E/O ~entennial Way to Prospect --- --- 86,000 Sixth Street Drain - El Camino Real to "B" Street --- --- 92,000 80. WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITIES 2nd Street / "c" Street Sanitary Sewer --- --- 30,000 - -- TOTALS $1,032,000 $3,000 $1,602,300 $1,125,700 $189,400 $41,700 $27,600 BUDGET 8-3