HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-67FY BUDGET ANNUAL BUDGET.. A PROGRAM OF MUNICIPAL SERVICES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR July 1, 1966 - June 30,1967 CITY OF TUSTIN, CAliFORNIA II II R E PO R T June 21,1966 The following document is the Final Budget for the City of Tustin for the fiscal year 1966-67. The Preliminary Budget dated June 6,1966, as prepared by the City Administrator and reviewed by the City Council, was adopted as the "1966-67 Annual Budget" for the City of Tustin by Resolution No. 831, dated June 20,1966. Total budgeted revenues, reserves, and fund balances amount to $1,084,333. Total budgeted expenditures for all activities and departments amount to $862,793. Unappropriated funds maintained for contingencies and unforeseen emergencies during the 1966-67 year, but not anticipated for disbursement, amount to $221,540. HEG/mb . THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ------ __~___n__- 1--- I ANNUAL BUDGET TABLE OF CONTENTS Section I - General Page :1 5 6 Letter of Transmittal Basic Data 1965-66 Definition of Terms Section II - Recapitulation City Budget Dollar Annual Budget Summary 8 9 Section III - Revenues Summary of Revenues Revenue Detail Fund Accounting Explanation Revenue Accounts Explanation 10 11 13 14 Section IV - Personnel Summary of positions Monthly Salary Schedule 17 18 Section V - Expenditures Summary of Expenditures Activity Structure Distribution of Activity: City Council city Administrator Office City Clerk Office Finance Office City Treasurer City Attorney Planning Government Buildings community Promotion Elections Other Non-Departmental Civil Defense Building Regulation Police Fire Public Works Administration Waste Collection Sa!)itary Sewers Street Construction S~reet Maintenance park Facilities Recreation 19 20 21 23 25 28 30 32 34 37 40 42 44 47 50 53 57 61 64 66 68 72 75 78 II l CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 1'-- ',=--ccc=-.c-=-:-:C:'CC-'--~-:-:--=- II !I I I , ANNUAL BUDGET ..5.EC1'.I ..QtLI. GENE PAL CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA --8 CITYo¿ TUSTIN INCORPORATED SEPTEMBER 21, 1927 CALIFORNIA CITY HALL 135 WEST THIRD STREET PHONE (714) 544-8890 June 6, 1966 THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA GENTLEMEN: Submitted herewith is the Preliminary Budget for 1966-67 for your consideration and review. All City departments and activities are included in this request for the fiscal year, ending June 30, 1967. A P4o94am o^ Se4viQe The 1966-67 request is a conservative budget, providing only those necessary functions of government which can be readily financed from available funds. Although major increases in several departments may be desirable, it is important that City reserves be maintained at a sufficient level to cover unforeseen financial emergencies. As the population and area of the City continue to grow, however, the programs of the City must necessarily be expanded to meet the needs of the community. With the related increase in revenues as indicated below, certain increases in City activities have been programmed in the Preliminary Budget which more closely match the requirements for municipal services than have been possible in prior years. Nevertheless, no major changes in staffing or programs are included in this Preliminary Budget, although some amplification of certain existing services is requested in order to properly perform the functions assigned to the Tustin City government. Revel'lue.ó Revenues for the 1966-67 fiscal year are estimated at $752,850, which is a 17.7% increase over the current year budget, although 3.9% below the final estimate for 1965-66. The decrease from final 1965-66 is primarily the result of a reduction in new building permits and sewer connection fees anticipated in 1966-67. Major revenue increases in this Preliminary Budget from budgeted 1965-66 have occurred in funds received from property taxes, sales taxes, and motor vehicle license fees, due to City area and population growth. The 1966-67 revenue estimate does not include 1 any increase which may result from a change in present city boundaries or in an expansion of present commercial development. In addition, this budget request does not recommend an increase in the City property tax rate of one dollar per one hundred dollars assessed valuation, the rate which has held constant since incorporation in 1927. Expendi.tu4e.6 Total expenditures for 1966-67 are budgeted at $862,793, an increase of 16.9% over budget 1965-66 compared to a revenue increase of 17.7% for the same period. Budgeted expenditures for 1966-67 exceed estimated 1965-66 by a greater amount however, due primarily to carry-over of prior year budgeted, but unexpended projects. Programs approved and budgeted in 1965-66 which will be expended in 1966-67 are not encumbered on June 30,1966, and must be re-budgeted in the new fiscal year. This re-budgeting of prior year projects account for $81,400 of the 1966-67 request. For the first time since incorporation, the budget of the City of Tustin will exceed one million dollars, including unappropriated reserve funds. Total reserve is estimated at $22l,540 in 1966-67, compared to a budgeted reserve of $162,442 in 1965-66. Of the 1966-67 figure, General Fund reserve is increased by $14,648 over prior year for a total General Fund reserve of $114,696. Addi.t~oY!al Requi4emen.t.6 The 1966-67 Preliminary Budget, in general, provides an adequate program of municipal service for the community during the fiscal year period. However, the 1966-67 request is a continuation of the policy of providing only a minimum budget commensurate with City needs and funds available. Although the number of employees budgeted is an increase over 1965-66, the number of positions related to City population is less than in prior years, exclusive of temporary recreation personnel. (see Page 17). Budgeted expenditures are only 71.4% of the total amount requested by the various departments. Additional and desirable programs of community benefit which necessarily had to be eliminated from the Preliminary Budget include: 1. An expansion of Fire Prevention activities to further reduce fire causes through investigation and education. 2. Additional Police investigation and dispatcher personnel to assist in performing the accelerated work-load of the Department. 2 3. Additional travel to professional conferences of City Personnel in order to receive newly developed information and techniques for on-the-job application. 4. Improved Civil Defense warning devices, emergency facilities, and communication equipment to better perform the assigned tasks in the event of a major disaster. 5. A higher level of street maintenance and street tree maintenance, primarily on arterial and secondary highways. 6. Construction or reconstruction of certain major streets in order to improve traffic flow for the public's convenience. 7. Installation of traffic signals at certain additional key intersections, which would reduce crossing hazards on public rights-of way. 8. The purchase of a variety of automotive and other equip- ment to further assist departments in performing assigned duties. 9. Additional planted center street dividers, park sites, and Ci,ty beautification efforts and projects. The above programs which are not included in 1966-67 are similar to the needs outlined in last year's request. Until revenues substantially increase through major changes in population or City growth, or new sources of funds are provided from a change in the revenue structure or in aid from other agencies, it is anticipated that such needs will continue for a period of time, programmed for accomplishment only as ade~uate fund surpluses can be generated from existing revenue sources. The 1966-67 Yea4 In adèition to the proposed budget request, the new fiscal year programs and policy decisions will include: completion of the General Plan and the related elements of capital improvements, parks, civic center, and other studies; determination of storm drain, streets, curbs, sidewalks, and center island needs and methods of financing such construction (private and/or public); community promotion and publicity to aid in the further development of the business and residential climate; exploration of additional revenue sources and financing techniques; investigation of methods to reduce the cost of government through improvements in procedures, utilization of new tools or equipment, and contracting for outside services where feasible; and finally, setting forth goals of performance to which the City staff can relate action to the levels of service desired by the community. 3 E66eQtive GOVe4nment The 1966-67 Preliminary Budget is an outline of programs and activities which are designed to keep pace with the dynamic progress in evidence within the community. without a change in the City's property tax rate or the creation of additional municipal taxes, all desired services can not possibly be included in this rc'quest 0 However, as your City Administrator, I believe that the.. accomplishments to be achieved in all departments upon completion of the new fiscal year as a result of expenditures incorporated in the budget document will adequat(;;ly match the requirements and needs of the City. The goal of the government of the City of Tustin, through Council direction and citizen interest, is to exercise efficiency in action and dedication in purpose. The 1966-67 Budget is another step in performing this continuing role. Respectfully submitted, Æ/ //" / ,,-y l::// I '/ / ,~?-' //¡f,A ¡¿I fC}. v (>t( J:rarry ~ Gi 11 City Ádministrator 4 ANNUAL BUDGET BASIC DATA 1965-66 GENERAL Area of City (square miles) Assessed Valuation population (April 1,1966) Registered Voters (April 1, 1966) Housing Units Retail & Trade Outlets (Taxable Sales) Hiles of Sewer Lines Hiles of City Streets (Total) Arterial Collector Local Hiles of City Owned Alleys City Owned Bui1dinqs Parks r,jaintained - Fire Vehicles Pcli ce Vehicles Signalized Intersections COUNTY & OTHER LOCAL Library Newspaper Clubs & Organizations PUBLIC SCHOOLS (Total) Elementary Intermediate High CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA -iI I I 2.81 $18,964,050 10,403 3,511 4,041 2Ie 16.42 31. 66 1. 54 6.81 20.33 0.71 5 1 5 6 5 1 1 20 6 4 1 1 5 ANNUAL BUDGET ~ I Ii Ii II I L II DEFINITION OF TERMS 1. A comprehensive plan, expressed in financial terms by which an operating program is effective for a given period of time. A performance budqe~ is one which is based UDon the work or service to be accomplished. Añ object account budget is one in which funds are budaeted for specific i~ems of expenditure. The b~dget of Tustin is a combination of the two basic tynes. Budget: A. Preliminary: The budget recommended to the City Council for their consideration by the City Administrator. " Ii B. Final: The budget \,.¡hich has been approved by the City Council for the financing of govern- mental operations for the ensuing fiscal year. 2. Fund: A sum of money set aside to carryon specific activities in accordance with special regulations or restrictions. A fund constitutes an independent accounting entity. A. General: A fund accounting for general government which is financed by revenues not other- wise restricted to sDecial purposes. B. Special: Accounting of funds requiring expenditures for special purposes under existing regulations. 3. Personnel: The number of paid employees. 4. Personal Services: Salaries or wages of paid employees. 5. Non-Personal Expense: Expenditures for operations, supplies and services. 6. Equipment Outlay: Equipment used in the operation of the City and of a non-expendable nature, i.e., with a useful life of several years. 7. Capi tal Improv~ments ,2- r1ajor improvements including land and right-of-way acquisition, buildings, street construction, and related facilities. CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ANNUAL BUDGET ----~. 10. :n. 12. lL. II I 8. Salary Adjustment: Changes in Personal Services resulting from a change in salary rate or reclassification of positions. 9. Appropriation~ Funds authorized to be expended. Revenue: Funds received to finance the City's expenditures. Account Series: An accounting level to record the costs of a specific function, department, or group of s~rvices. Acti vi ty ,~ The title of a particular account series. CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 7 ANNUAL BUDGET 11m II !I I I I I SECTION II RECAPITULATION I , I I i - II II II II :i II I L ~ CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ANNUAL BUDGET CITY BUDGET DOLLAR: 1966-67 ~W~S_------------------------------ 3.4(: Miscellaneous Revenue 19.91i: Grants and Subventions ,'-, " ¡-~ 57.1(: Property Sales, and Other Taxes 6.6(: Fines and Forfeitures 13.0(: Licenses and Permits EXPENDITU~S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3.0(: Parks and Recreation 37.0(: Public Safety ~ / " I f 14.3(: General Gove~nment i I , I L - 7.8(: Non-Departmental CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 37.9(: Public Works 8 -,-----_._------------"ccc-,c,= ANN U A L BUDGET II ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY i MOTOR TRAFFIC GASOLINE VEHICLE SEWER TOTAL GENERAL SAFETY TAX LICENSE TRUNK ALL FUND FUND FUNDS FUND FUNDS FUNDS ¡FUND BALANCE, on $l22,528 $ ---- $ 39,405 $ ---- $ 58,639 $220,57 : June 30, 1965 IESTIMATED: , 1965-66 Fiscal , , Year: REVENUE 561,146 46,000 86,295 59,000 31,540 783,98 EXPENDITURES 493,525 46,000 74,545 59,000 673,07 ! FUND BALANCE I! on 6/30/66 $190,149 $ ---- $ 51,155 $ ---- $ 90,179 $331,48 BUDGETED: 1966-67 Fiscal , Year: I REVENUE $543,830 $ 46,000 $ 82,020 $ 64,500 $ 16,500 $752,85 I EXPENDITURES 619,283 46,000 133,010 64,500 862,79 FUND BALANCE on 6/30/67 $114,696 $ ---- $ 165 $ ---- $l06,679 $221,54 RECAPITULATION OF 1966 - 1967 BUDGET EXPENDITURES, 19~6~67 FUND BALANCES on June 30, 1966: Personal Services $434,969 General Fund $190,149 Non-Personal Expense 224,692 Traffic Safety Fund Equipment Outlay 21,117 Motor Vehicle Fund Capital Improvements 182,015 Gasoline Tax Funds 51,155 Sewer Trunk Fund 90,179 TOTAL (Budgeted) $862,793 TOTAL (Estimated) $331,483 TOTAL $2,2~1540 $1,084,333 ESTI~T~D REVENUE 1.966-.67 $752,850 BUDGETED RESERVE 1966-67 TOTl\.¡' $1, 084,333 " ¡L - CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 9 r I ----ANNUAL BUDGET SECTION III REVENUES - CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA -------- ANN U A L BUD GET II II~ I SUMMARY OF REVENUES 1964-65 1965-66 1965-66 1966-67 SOURCE Actual Budget Estimate Budget Property, Sales, and Other Taxes $289,843 $306,575 $410,268 $429,925 Licenses & Permits 116,504 106,200 131,115 98,120 Fines and Forfeitures 48,989 47,000 50,000 50,000 Use of Money & Property 4,973 5,300 5,645 5,510 Current Service Charges 12,361 7,325 17,725 18,475 Grants & Subventions 116,389 161,410 161,843 149,520 Other Revenue 3,121 5,800 7,385 1,300 TOTAL $592,180 $639,610 $783,981 $752,850 L - CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 10 I ANNUAL BUDGET I REVENUE DETAIL SOURCE 1964-65 1965-66 1965-66 1966-67 GENERAL FUND Actual Budget Estimate Budget 910 Property Taxes-Secured $122,098 $135,000 $169,500 $175,000 911 Property Taxes-Unsecured 9,153 9,500 11,200 11,500 912 Property Taxes-Delinquent 1,848 1,700 13,000 8,500 913 Solvent Credit Taxes 169 175 225 225 914 Trailer Coach Fees 2,117 2,200 3,900 3,700 915 Sales and Use Taxes 143,354 143,000 195,000 215,000 916 Franchise Taxes 11 ,104 15,000 17,443 16,000 920 Business License Fees 34,693 36,000 38,000 39,000 1922 Bicycle License Fees 132 200 115 120 11924 Building Permits 57,792 60,000 58,000 40,000 11928 Street Permits 9,277 5,000 5,000 4,000 '931 Non-Traffic Fines 2,282 2,000 4,000 4,000 940 Interest-General Fund 3,293 3,500 1,235 1,200 942 Other Interest 55 10 943 Rents 1,680 1,800 1,600 1,600 950 Planning Fees 2,078 2,200 1,925 1,925 951 Sale of Publications 1,040 350 235 235 953 Sundry Service Fees 2,965 1,400 3,800 3,500 955 General Engineering Fees 375 315 315 956 Street Construction 550 957 Weed Abatement 900 500 958 Recreation Fees 6,278 3,000 10,000 12,000 971 Sale of Property 300 300 973 Contributions 100 974 Street Reimbursement 4,500 5,085 975 Sundry Other Revenue 3,121 1,000 2,200 1,000 980 Alcoholic Beverage License 3,991 4,000 4,463 4,200 989 County Grants 12,000 13,300 TOTAL $418,465 $444, 200 $561,146 $543,830 1930 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND Traffic Fines $ 46,708 $ 45,000 $ 46,000 $ 46,000 I "-- 1 MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE FUND I , 1981 Motor Vehicle Licenses $ 53,935 $ 59,000 $ 59,000 $ 64,500 , i i TOTAL GENERAL I PURPOSE FUNDS $519,108 $548,200 $666,146 $654,330 1 1 I i I L----- 11 - CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA I SOURCE STATE GASOLINE TAX FUND ¡1985 Gasoline Tax-2107 11986 Gasoline Tax-2107. 5 '987 Gasoline Tax-186.1 (a) 988 Gasoline Tax-186.1 (b) 940 Interest-Gas ,Tax Funds TOTAL SEWER MAIN TRUNK FUND 927 Sewer Connection Fees 940 Interest-Sewer Funds TOTAL ANNUAL BUDGET II :1 1964-65 1965-66 1965-66 1966-67 Actual Budget Estimate Bud~et , $ 27,562 $ 46,640 $ 44,280 $ 37,720 2,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 24,100 31,970 33,000 35,300 ---- ---- 1,215 1,200 $ 58,462 $ 86,410 $ 86,295 $ 82,020 $ 14,610 $ 5,000 $ 30,000 $ 15,000 ---- ---- 1,540 1,500 $ 14,61.2 $ 5,000 $ 31,540 $ 16,500 ~ 73,072 $ 91,410 $117,835 $ 98,520 $592,180 $639,610 $783,981 $752,850 F TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 12 TOTAL SPECIAL PURPOSE FUNDS TOTAL ALL FUNDS CITY 0 I- I Ii II I I ! l ---__~___n__~__- AN N U A L BUD GET- l I ¡ I I FUND ACCOillJTING EXPL~NATION GENERAL FUND Approximately seventy-five percent of all monies received by the City are deposited into the General Fund and it is used to finance general City operations. The major portion of General Fund monies are received from property and sales taxes. TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND Revenues derived from fines imposed upon conviction of misde~e~nor violations of the Vehicle Code and from bail which has been forfeited hy persons violating the Code, are deposited into the Traffic Safety Fund. State law prohibits the use of monies in this fund for police officer compensation. POTOR VEHICLE LICENSE FUND Hotor vehicle license fees are deposited into the t1otor Vehicle License Fund. "onies received are required to be expended for law enforcement; regulation, control, and fire protection of highway traffic; and other State purposes. GASOLINE TAX FUND Funds collected under Sections 186 and 2107 of the Streets and Highways Code are distributed to Cities, primarily on the basis of population, and are deposited into the Gasoline Tax Fund. Honies so received must generally be expended for the maintenance or construction of the State approved "select aid system" of streets. SEtvER 11AIN TRUNK FUND Fees collected by the City from property owners for connections made to the City's sewer system are deposited into this fund. i1onies so received are distributed on the basis of 25% to the County Sanitation District No.7 for the construction and maintenance of City sewers, and 75% to the City for construction of new trunk sewers by City contract. 13 -- CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ,- ANNUAL BUDGET -II I REVENUE ACCOUNTS EXPLANATION Property Taxes (9l0, 911 & 9l2); General law Cities may set a one dollar tax rate on both secured and unsecured properties for general fund purposes. However, an additional tax may be establi~hed by Cities for bonds, pension plans, parks, and certaln other special purposes. Solvent Credits Taxes (913): An intangible property tax on goods and services based on l/lO of 1% of the difference between outstanding accounts receivable and accounts payable of various business concerns. Trailer Coach Fees (914): Is in lieu of property tax on trailers and is based on location of registration of the trailer. Revenues are distributed one-third each to schools, counties, and cities. City Sales & Use Taxes (915): The City tax rate on all goods and services authorized under the Bradley-Burns Tax Law, is one percent and is State collected. Franchise Tax Fees (916); Franchises for operations within the City, for which a fee is charged, is presently held by the local natural gas, electric, and water companies. Business License Fees (920): The City's business license ordinance establishes the annual license fee charged to all catagories of businesses operating within the City. Bicycle License Fees (922): An annual bicycle license fee of $1.00 the first year, and $0.50 for each annual renewal of the license is imposed on all residents registering bicycles within the City. Building Permit Fees (924): Fees for new building construction is based on local ordinance and includes electrical, plumbing, and other related permits and fees. Sewer Connection Fees (927): A connection fee is charged to property owners when sewers are installed and connected to the City's sewer system. ! ! , I I I ~ Street Permits and Inspections (928); A permit fee is charged for the inspection of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and other street work installed by property owners or developers. 14 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ANNUAL BUDGET- Fines & Forfeitures (930 & 931): Includes vehicle code and non-traffic fines collected primarily by the Orange County Municipal Court. 85% of the amount received by the court for offenses occuring within the City is returned to the City, with the exception of 50% for arrests made by the California Highway Patrol. Interest on Investments (940): Interest received on invested surplus or inactive monies and deposited into the General, Gas Tax, and Sewer Trunk Funds. Other Interest (942): Primarily interest received on delinquent property tax payments. Civic Buildings Rents (943): Rent received for use of the Youth Center by various groups. Planning Fees (950): - Fees for Use Permits, Variances and Zone Changes are charged the property owners when applying for such actions from the City. Sale of Publications (951): A charge is made for City maps and reproductions of documents distributed to private individuals. Sundry Service Fees (953): Charges made to the public for special services including police protection at special events and required installation of street signs and trees in new developments. General Engineering Fees (955): Includes subdivis1on map filing fees and is charged for engineering review and plan checking of such maps. Street Construction (956): ì1onies paid by property owners in-lieu of required installation by owner of curbs, gutters, and paving when developing property. Weed Abatement (957); Assessment charge made against property owner when City required to clear weeds on private property. Recreation Fees (958): A, fee for the Summer Recreation and extension program is charged all participants to partially off-set the cost of special programs and services. Sale of Property (971): Includes revenue received from the sale of surplus City or abandoned property. 15 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA l ,I II II I I I I I I ANNUAL BUDGET ~ll " I Contributions (973): Donations and contributions paid to the City by public gratuities. Street Reimbursement (974): Contributions from private property owners for curbs and gutters in connection with street improvement projects. Sundry Other Revenue (975): Refunds, miscellaneous collections, and other revenaes are included in this account. Alcoholic Beverage License Fees (980): Fees paid annually to and dístributed by the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board and is based on location of the licensed facility, 90% of which is returned to the City. Does not include the excise tax on sale of beverages collected by the Board of Equalization. rotor Vehicle License Fees (981): Is in-lieu of local property tax on vehicles and is based on two percent of the market value of the vehicle. Fee is distributed on the basis of population and not where the vehicle is registered. State Gasoline Taxes (985, 986, 987 & 988) : State collected gas tax is apportioned to cities under various State laws and may be used for engineering, right-of-way, construction, and maintenance, primarily on non-local streets. County Grants (989): Contributions from County Gas Tax Funds to City projects of County-wide benefit. 16 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ':~=c.ccc==c===::-== ANN U A L BUD GET ,--..- SECTION IV PERSONNEL CITY OF TUSTII~, CALIFORNiA 1- ANNUAL BUDGET I] SUMMARY OF POSITIONS 1964-65 1965-66 1965-66 196-6-67 i ACTIVITY Actual Budget Estimate Budget City Council 5 5 5 5 City Administrator Office 1 1 1 2 City Clerk Office 5 5 5 3 Finance Office 1 1 2 City Treasurer 1 City Attorney 1 1 1 I' Planning 3 3 3 3~ Government Buildings 1 1 1 Community Promotion Elections Other Non-Departmental Civil Defense 2 2 2 2 Building Regulation 5 5 5 5 Police 16 19 19 22~ Fire 9 9 9 12 Public Works Administration 3 3 3 3 Waste Collection Sanitary Sewers Street Construction Street Maintenance 2 3 3 5 Park Facilities 2 1 1 1 Recreation (Director) 1 1 1 1 TOTALS 56 60 60 69 City Population 6,800 9,250 10,403 12,000 (est.) Personnel per 1,000 population 8.24 6.49 5.77 5.75 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 17 r~~====~~~ANNUAL BUDGET II MONTHLY SALARY SCHEDULE Range Steps * Step A Range A B C D E Hourly Number 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Equivalent ** 30 1255 1318 1384 1453 1526 7.24 29 1196 1255 1318 1384 1453 6.90 28 1139 1196 1255 1318 1384 6.57 27 1084 1139 1196 1255 1319 6.25 26 1033 1084 1139 1196 1255 5.96 25 984 1033 1084 1139 1196 5.68 24 937 984 1033 1084 1139 5.41 23 892 937 984 1033 1084 5.15 22 850 892 937 984 1033 4.90 21 809 850 892 937 984 4.67 20 771 809 850 892 937 4.45 19 734 771 809 850 892 4.23 18 699 734 771 809 850 4.03 17 666 699 734 771 809 3.84 16 634 666 699 734 771 3.66 15 604 634 666 699 734 3.48 14 575 604 634 666 699 3.32 13 548 575 604 634 666 3.16 12 522 548 575 604 634 3.01 11 497 522 548 575 604 2.87 10 473 497 522 548 575 2.73 9 451 473 497 522 548 2.60 8 429 451 473 497 522 2.48 7 409 429 451 473 497 2.36 6 389 409 429 451 473 2.24 5 371 389 409 429 451 2.14 4 353 371 389 409 429 2.04 3 336 353 371 389 409 1. 94 2 320 336 353 371 389 1.85 1 305 320 336 353 371 1. 76 * 5% between full range numbers and range steps. ** Based on a 40-hour week, the monthly rate is divided by 173.33 and the result rounded off to the nearest whole cent. Increases Within Salary Range (Permanent Employees): Step A: St.arting Salary Step B: After 6 months at A Step C: After 1 year at B Step D: After 1 year at C Step E: After 1 year at D 18 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ¡---CCC-=======ANNUAL BUDGET- f?~_Ç'!AQI:L~ EXPENDITURES I I I I II I! I' II I I CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ANNUAL BUDGET I-~ SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES 1964-65 1965-66 1965-66 1966-67 ACTIVITY Actual Budget Estimate Budget City Council $ 1,475 $ 4,400 $ 6,541 $ 10,615 City Administrator Office 4,697 15,774 15,155 20,713 City Clerk Office 33,292 3l,477 28,783 24,287 Finance Officer 6,618 6,264 15,643 City Treasurer 600 City Attorney 10,700 10,100 9,586 10,500 Planning 27,898 32,078 3O,355 41,611 Government Buildings 64,983 26,485 23,124 21,769 Community Promotion 896 7,895 5,538 4,980 Elections 1,100 1,077 Other Non-Departmental 27,473 34,385 35,09B 40,445 Civil Defense 10,461 6,914 5~609 7,590 Building Regulation 38,425 43,787 41,788 44,825 Police 111,090 133,483 141,370 174,401 Fire 61,392 81,319 80,427 92,449 Public Works Admin. 33,609 33,756 25,221 38,092 Waste Collection 26,211 29,800 31,200 35,400 Sanitary Sewers 14,074 Street Construction 46,917 162,490 110,103 169,015 Street Maintenance 58,147 50,251 51,515 84,644 Park Facilities 14,304 12,761 11; 161 10,009 Recreation 8,411 l2,960 13,l55 15,805 TOTALS $595,055 $737,833 $673,070 $862,793 i I ì n- I i I l_- CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 19 I I I I ! ANNUAL BUDGET --l II II II II City of Tustin ACTIVITY (DEPARTMENTAL) STRUCTURE ~eneral Government lOOO 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1800 City Council City Administrator Office City Clerk Office Finance Office City Treasurer Ci ty Attorney Planning Government Buildings Non-Departmental 2000 2100 2300 Community Promotion Elections Other Non-Departmental Public Safety 3000 3200 3400 3500 Civil Defense Building Regulation Police Fire Public Works 4000 4200 4300 5000 5600 Public Works Administration Waste Collection Sanitary Sewers Street Construction Street i1aintenance Parks & Recreation 8100 8200 Park Facilities Recreation 20 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ,---- - - I ! Ii II II II - Ii I I ¡ ,-_:=:-:.= ANN U A L BUD GET NOTE, l¡ II II ! DISTRIBUTION BY ACTIVITY Due to the change in the system of accounting for the City of Tustin beginning July 1,1965, relationships in the various revenue and expenditure accounts between 1964-65 and subsequent years may not be directly comparable. As an example, the cost of utilities formerly budgeted as a lump sum under Administration is budgeted in several departments beginning with the 1965-66 year. CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ANNUAL BUDGET ----- ------~ - ____m ---- ---- - - - ---- I ACCOUNT--- SERIES 1000 ACTIVITY City Council -------- -- ,- -~---- -~----- DESCRIPTION OF FUNCTIONS The City Council, elected by the people and composed of five members, is the legislative and policy-making body of the City. The Mayor is appointed as the presiding officer by a majority vote of the Council. The City Council also appoints all commissioners and City employees. The Council is responsible for the appropriation of City funds and the authorization of expenditures. EXPENDITURES 1964-65 1965-66 1965-66 1966-67 CIa s s ifica tiOll Actual Budget Estimate Budget PERSONAL SERVICES $ ---- $ ---- $ 1,500 $ 9,000 NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES. 1,475 4,400 5,041 1,615 EQ UIPMENT OUT LAY . . . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS. . TOTAL ACTIVITY. . . . . . .. $ 1,475 $ 4,400 $ 6,541 $10,615 FUND DISTRIBUTION Clas s ifica tiOll 1966-67 Budget GENERAL FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,615 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPECIAL GAS TAX FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SEWER MAIN TRUNK FUND ........................ TOTAL FUNDS ............... . . . . . . . . $10,615 21 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ANNUAL BUDGET 11---- II ACTIVITY__- \1 il I ------..- ---,-.--.,---.-- reCOUNT SERIES 1000 Ci ty Co),lncU ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTInN Description 1964-65 1965-66 1965-66 1966-67 Actual Budget Estimate ~udget -.- -..-- 5 5 5 (150) 5(150) ..-.. 5 5 5 5 1001 PERSONNEL~and Monthly Rate): Councilmen TOTAL POSITIONS NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES~ 1043 1048 1051 1073 $ --- $ --- $ 176 2,500 2,500 1,900 2 ,350 15 $(,,400 $5,041 1,600 15 $1,615 $ --- Special Unifor~ Expense Special Expense , Reimbursëment Travel & 1'1eetin<] Expense Nemberships TOTAL EXPENSES 1,475 $1,475 EQUIPHENT OUTLAY' None CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS: Ii L --- - ---- -- cm OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 1001 1048 1051 1073 None COI"I"ENTARY --- Effective May 1,1966, Ordinance 300 established salaries and wages for the City Council as authorized under State Law. Reimbursement of expenses incurred by members of the City Council in conducting Council business and related public matters. Attendance by the City Council at various local and out-or-town meetings and conferences in connection with City activities. Annual memberships in local organizations as required. ?? ¡" ANNUAL BUDGET ACTIVITY ._----__..__m______------~=_J. A~~~I~T ----~-_C..i.t;Y_bQItl~rlj.st~~t:.Q~__Of.f:i.ç_~.- - - --- 1100 DESCRIPTION OF FUNCTIONS The City Administrator is the chief administrative officer of the City and is responsible for municipal activities in accordance with Council policies and ordinances, State law, and other regulations. He advises the Council on the finan- cial conditions and needs of the City, and makes recommenda- tions to the Council on City affairs. The City Administrator I also serves as the Personnel Officer, Purchasing Agent, and Finance Officer. I EXPENDI TURES Classification 1964-65 1965-66 1965-66 1966-67 Actual Budget Estimate Budget $ 4,674 $13,974 $13,468 $19,348 23 l,800 1,687 l,;365 PERSONAL SERVICES NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES. EQUIPMENT OUTLAY. . . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS. . TOTAL ACTIVITY. . . . . . . . $ 4,697 $15,774 $15,155 $20,713 FUND DISTRIBUTION Clas s ification 1966-67 Budget GENERAL FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 20, ,713 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPECIALGASTAXFUND................ MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SEWER MAIN TRUNK FUND . . . . . . . . . TOTAL FUNDS ......,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20 .713 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA - ANNUAL BUDGET I~_____----------- , i l ACTIVITY ------- --------- ------ -- I Aff~I~~T 1100 ~_C:!1:Y A~rni.I1i.§j:~ato~- Off.i.c~__- ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTION Description PERSONNEL (and Range Number): 1101 1101 City Administrator Secre-tary TOTAL POSITIONS NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES: 1143 1151 1173 Special Uniform Expense Travel & Meeting Expense Memberships TOTAL EXPENSES EQUIPMENT OUTLAY~ None CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS; 1101 1151 1173 None 1964-65 Actual 1965-66 Budget 1965-66 Estimate 1966-67 Budget 1 (24) 1 (1200) 1 (1200) 1 (1200) 1 (6) 2 1 1 1 $---- $---- $ 42 $---- 23 1,750 1,600 1,315 50 45 50 $ 23 $1,800 $1,687 $1,365 COMMENTARY The position of Secretary is an existing position previously budgeted in the Office of City Clerk. Provides for mileage reimbursement and attendance at various meetings and conferences throughout the year. Annual memberships in various professional and governmental organizations are included in this account. 24 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ANNUAL BUDGET VITY . -~~~--- . ... ---_._--~ IACCcSfRol~~ T Ci t ~_<::!~ J:'~_.Qf fi c~--~~._- --~---~-~ ~I II Ii I 'I i .~-_._. DESCRIPTION OF FUNCTIONS The City Clerk is an elected position and is entrusted with the corporate seal, papers, records, and other official City documents as required by law. The Clerk also acts as Secretary to the City Council and keeps the proceedings of the Council, including all ordinances and resolutions. EXPENDITURES 1964-65 1965-66 1965-66 1966-67 Classification Actual Budget Estimate Budget PERSONAL SERVICES $24,705 $21,502 $18,773 $13,202 NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES. 8,587 9,450 9,175 10,:;65 EQUIPMENT OUTLAY. . . .. 525 835 520 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS. . TOTAL ACTIVITY. . . . . . .. $33,292 $31,477 $28,783 $24,287 FUND DISTRIBUTION Classification 1966-67 Budget GENERAL FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24,287 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND. . . . . . . . . SPECIALGASTAXFUND.............................. MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE FUND.................... SEWER MAIN TRUNK FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOTAL FUNDS ..................................... $24,287 25 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA r--- ANNUAL BUDGET -~--II !I ,--- ~IACCOUNT I ACTIVITY 1'00 I ----- ------ - ----Ci-ty--Clerk - Of..fice--~--- - SERIES - ----------- I I ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTION I 1964-65 1965-66 1965-66 1966-67 Description Actual Budget Estimate Budget PERSONNEL (and Range Number): 1201 City Clerk 1 (500) 1 (150) 1 (150) 1 (150) 1201 Office Supervisor 1 (6) 1 (6) 1 (8) 120l Deputy City Clerk 1 (6) 1 (6) 1 (6) 1 (6) 1201 Secretary 1 (6) 1 (5) 1201 Senior Clerk 1 (5) ~ ~-- 1201 Account Clerk 1 (5) 1201 Typist Clerk 1 (1) 1 (2) 1 (2) TOTAL POSITIONS 5 5 5 3 1202 Overtime $---- $---- $ 65 $---- i NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES: - I I 1211 Salary Survey $ 825 $---- $---- $----. Annexations 1,308 1212 Filing Consultant 1,500 1231 Office Supplies 2,382 2,340 1,400 1,400 1232 Postage 600 600 650 1234 Office Equipment I Maintenance 75 150 115 100 1235 Office Equipment Rental 1,890 2,150 2,150 , 1236 Printing 2,141 800 800 1,100 - I 1241 Department Supplies 250 180 130 1249 Sundry 641 600 600 200 1251 Travel & Meeting Expense 1,215 200 120 165 1271 Legal Advertising 2,500 3,000 3,000 1272 Recruitment Expense 100 190 150 1273 r1emberships 20 20 20 TOTAL EXPENSES $8,587 $9,450 $9,175 $10,565 EQUIPrmNT OUTLAY: 1285 Office Equipment $---- $ 525 $ 835 $ 520 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS: , II -IL- None 2 CITY OF TUSTIN, CAliFORNIA ANNUAL BUDGET II " I- i ACTIVITY I I 1201 1201 1201 1212 123l 1232 1234 1235 1236 1241 1249 1251 1271 1272 1273 1285 --_._._--_._--_._._.__._--_.~.__.._---_._------_.- - -Git-Y-Cle-rk--Of-fice---------_u_-_: ----~ A~f~I~~T 1200 COMMENTARY The position of Typist-Clerk is reclassified to Secretary and transferred to the Police and Public Works Department. The position of Secretary is transferred to the City Administrator's Office. Based on the salary survey of positions in Southern California, an increase in the range for Office Supervisor is budgeted. A records and file system consultant is budgeted to assist the City in a program for major revision of all departmental record keeping and retention procedures. General office and clerical supplies. [lail-out of general administrative and clerical matters. Provides funds for maintenance on typewriters and other equipment as may be required. For annual rental of a postage machine and a duplicator. Printing of various forms and documents used in general administration. The purchase of minute, ordinance, resolution and code books and other special supplies. Supplies not budgeted in other expenditure accounts are classified as sundry. Provides for attendance of the City Clerk to represent the City a~ various meetings throughout the year. Legal publication of notices, ordinances, and other actions as required by law. Publication of advertisements for position vacancies which may occur in the City service. Annual memberships in certain professional organizations. The purchase of a four-drawer file and a card index file is included in connection with the budgeted file revision program. 27 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ~~TIVIT~_~~n.~;~ce .. _ANN;_L~~:~~- . " II ,1 ACCOUNT SERIES 1300 DESCRIPTION OF FUNCTIONS The Finance Officer (City A&ninistrator) is the chief fiscal officer of the City and is responsible for establishing accounting procedures, maintaining fiscal records, preparing revenue estimates, controlling expenditures, and performing related duties. EXPENDITURES 1964-65 1965-66 1965-66 1966-67 CIa s s ifica tion Actual Budget Estimate Budget PERSONAL SERVICES $ ---- $ 4,578 $ 4,578 $13,838 NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES. 2,040 1,686 1,540 EQUIPMENT OUTLAY. . .. 265 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS. TOTAL ACTIVITY.. . . . . . . $ ---- $ 6,618 $ 6,264 $15,643 FUND DISTRIB UTION GENERAL FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1966-67 Budget $15,643 Classification TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND. . . . . . . . . ---- SPECLALGASTAXFUND......................... MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE FUND. . . . . . . . . . . SEWER MAIN TRUNK FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i TOTAL FUNDS Il- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15,643 28 . CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ANNUAL BUDGET [_. !i- ACTIVITY 11 I I I I I PERSONNEL (and Range Number): ! 1301 1301 _____1 ! " 1300 ----------------- rCCOUNT SERIES Finance Office --....---- u -----.-------------- ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTION Description 1964-65 Actual 1965-66 Budget 1965-66 Estimate 1966-67 Budget Finance Analyst Account-Clerk TOTAL POSITIONS 1 (5) 1 1 (5) 1 1 (19) 1 (5) 2 NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES: 1311 1313 1341 1351 Fina~cial Consultant $---- $ 600 $ 250 $---- 840 900 950 600 525 175 11 415 $2,040 $1,686 $1,540 265 Payroll Accounting Department Supplies Travel & Meeting Expenses ---~ TOTAL EXPENSES $---- 1385 EQUIPMENT OUTLAY: Office Equipment CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS: 1301 1313 1341 1351 1385 L None CŒJr1ENTAPY A Finance Analyst is budgeted to assist on financial & budget matters, prepare special studies & reports, and perform related duties. Automatic machine processing of City payroll by outside contract began July 1,1965. Includes the cost of special accounting forms and othe~ supplies required in this activity. Provides for mileage reimbursement and attendance at various meetings and conferences throughout the year. Office equipment for the new budgeted position. 29 , CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNiA rAC~ v; - ~~~~s~~~~:~L~ BUD GET=-- ~ Aff~I~~ r-~ II DESCRIPTION OF FUNCTIONS " i " I i I 1400 I , I i I I I I , i The City Treasurer is responsible for the receipt and custody of City funds; together with the City Admin- istrator, the disbursement of funds; the investment of surplus funds; and is designated to act as trustee for the bondholders of bonds issued in connection with special asséssment projects. EXPENDITURES 1964-65 1965-66 1965-66 1966-67 Clas s ifica tion Actual Budget Estimate Budget PERSONAL SERVICES $ 600 $---- $ ._--- $ ---- NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES. EQUIPMENT OUTLAY . . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS. -- I TOTAL ACTIVITY. . . . . . . . $ 600 $---- $ ---- $ ---- FUND DISTRIBUTION 1966-67 Budget Classification GENERAL FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ---- TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND ......................... SPECIAL GAS TAX FUND......................... MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . SEWER MAIN TRUNK FUND ..........,.... TOTAL FUNDS ..................................... 30 - CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ----- ACTIVITY - - ANNUAL BUDGET ---------------~- ---- -- --------------- ___n- -:~~:-=- I Af~~I~~T .__._~.__._----_.- City Treasurer ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTION Description 1964-65 Actual 1965-66 Budget PERSONNEL (and Monthly Rate) 1401 City Treasurer 1 1 TOTAL POSITIONS NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES: None EQUIPMENT OUTLAY: None CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS: 1401 I Il None COMMENTARY 1965-66 Estimate 1400 1966-67 Budget The position of City Treasurer was combined with the office of the City Clerk, beginning July 1,1965. CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 31 ANNUAL BUDGET --------------- - ------------- -------- _n --- u_-- ------------- --- !ACCOUNT I SE RI ES ACTIVITY City At to rn ey- -- ------------- ---~- 1500 DESCRIPTION OF FUNCTIONS The City Attorney is the legal counsel for the City and advises on contracts, legislation and other City actions. The County District Attorney serves as City Prosecutor in the adjudication of violators of City ordinances. EXPENDITURES 1964-65 1965-66 1965-66 1966-67 CIa s s ifica tion Actual Budget Estimate Budget PERSONAL SERVICES $ 2,977 $ 2,400 $ 2,300 $ 2,400 NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES. 7,723 7,700 7,2B6 8,100 EQUIPMENT OUTLAY. . . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS. . TOTAL ACTIVITY. . . . . . .. $10,700 $10,100 $ 9,586 $10,500 FUND DISTRIB UTION CIa s s ifica tion 1966-67 Budget GENERAL FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,500 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND .............................. SPECLALGASTAXFUND.............................. MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SEWER MAIN TRUNK FUND ............................ TOTAL FUNDS ......... . . . . . . . . $10,500 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 32 , ,---- I ANNUAL BUDGET ACTIVITY -- ----------------------------- ---------- ¡ACCOUNT - ____I SERIES 1500 City ~):t:Q:t'n~y____----------- ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTION Description 1964-65 Actual 1965-66 Budget PERSONNEL (and ~1onthly Rate); 1501 City Attorney TOTAL POSITIONS 1 1 1 (200) 1 NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES: 1511 1512 l5l5 Legal Fees (City Attorney) Legal F~~s (others) Codification TOTAL EXPENSES $7,723 $7,500 200 $7,700 $7,723 EQUIPMENT OUTLAY None CAPITAL IMPROVEHENTS 1501 1511 1512 1515 None Cm1r.1ENT ARY Normal legal services of the City Attorney. 1965-66 Estimate 1. (200) 1 $6,500 500 286 $7,236 1966-67 Budget 1 (200) 1 $7,500 600 $8,100 Extraordinary services by the City Attorney including right- of-way condemnation proceedinCJs to inclade suit pre!'arations, obtaining court o¡:ders and '~epresenting the City in court. Legal services performed for the City by other than the City Attorney. Annual codification of the City's adopted ordinances is performed by outside contract. CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA « ANNUAL BUDGET-~ I ACCOUNT- ~ ==1! I SERIES 1600 II II I! i I ------------ ---- ---~------_._--- ~---------'---______n . __n--____- ACTIVITY Plannin<J - -- ---- - ------ .--.-- DESCRIPTION OF FUNCTIONS The Planning Department is responsible for the preparation of a comprehensive General Plan for the long-'range development of the City; variances and special use permits; and making recoIT~endations to the Planning Commission and City Council regarding plan- ning matters. EXPENDITURES 1964-65 1965-66 1965-66 1966-67 Clas s ifica tion Actual Budget Estimate Budget PERSONAL SERVICES $18,936 $22,098 $18,575 $26,116 NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES - 7,978 9,680 11,280 l5,2/J5 EQUIPMENT OUTLAY. . . .. 984 300 500 250 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS. TOTAL ACTIVITY. . . . . . ., $27,898 $32,078 $30,355 $41,fill FUND DISTRIB UTION GENERAL FUND............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1966-67 Budget $.11,61l CIas s ification TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND. . . . . . . . SPECIAL GAS TAX FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SEWER MAIN TRUNK FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .----- TOTAL FUNDS ............... . . . . . . . . $1'1,611 CiTY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 34 r ,~ I ACTIVITY ,--- ! ------ - P!~~in9 - - _n___nn- __un_~__n ¡ACCOUNT SE RI ES ANNUAL BUDGET I ----I 16{)O I I I , I ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTION Description PERSONNEL (and Range Number): 1601 1601 1601 1601 1602 Planning Director Assistant Planner Draftsman Secretary TOTAL POSITIONS Overtime NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES: Planning Consultant Secretarial Service Utilities Office Supplies Postage Office Equip. Maint. Printing Departmental Supplies Special Expense Reim. Sundry Travel & Meet. Expense Memberships Publications TOTAL EXPENSES I EQUIPMENT OUTLAY: I 1685 i 1686 I I] I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS L None 1611 1612 1624 1631 1632 1634 1636 1641 1648 1649 1651 1673 1674 Office Equipment Special Equipment TOTAL EQUIPMENT 1964-65 1%5-66 1965-66 1966-67 Actual Budget Estimate Budget 1 (20) 1 (20) 1 (20) 1 (21) 1 (13) 1 (14) 1 (15) 1 (15) ~ (9) 1 (5) 1 (6) 1 (6) 1 (6) 3 3 3 3~ $ ---- $ 120 $ 375 $ 690 $2,698 $2,400 $4,250 $4,500 1,650 270 270 1,350 800 750 75 225 250 15 75 100 2,100 600 5,100 310 500 610 1,740 1,540 1,740 50 25 50 1,195 1,175 1,845 125 135 150 50 35 150 $9,680 $11,280 $15,245 2,170 1,518 382 1,210 $7,978 $ 984 $ 300 $ 500 $ ---- 250 250 $ 984 $ 300 $ 500 $ 35 - CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA I¡---":= - I-~- I ACTIVITY I , ANNUAL BUDGET -- ~~---- ~_~~__n_- ~- 1601 160l 1611 1612 1624 1631 1632 1634 1636 1641 1648 1649 1651 1673 1674 II II II L~ 1686 I ACCOUNT SE RI ES 1600 P1anni~ COMMENTARY Based on the salary survey of positions in So~ California, an increase in the range for Planning Director is budgeted. One new position of Draftsman is budgeted half-time each in this Department and Public Works Administration to develop graphic layouts, prepare maps, and perform other engineering and planning drafting. A consultant is employed to assist the planning staff in the overall development of the proposed General Plan. secretarial assistance was required in 1965-66 while permanent position was vacant. Gas and electric service. budg~ted in Department 1800 beginning July 1, 1966. General office supplies and materials. Mail-out of planning matters. Maintenance of office machines as required during 1966-67. printing of the proposed General Plan, revised subdivision ordinance, Civic Center study, and other publications are included in this account. Various supplies including lettering templates and other materials. Reimbursement of expenses incurred by members of the Planning Commission in conducting planning business and related matters. Items not specifically charged to other accounts. Provides for mileage reimbursement and the attendance of the Planning Commission and planning staff to represent the City at various meetingsand conferences throughout the year. Annual memberships in various professional organizations. Paid subscriptions and publications related to planning. One tape recorder is budgeted to permit transcript of Commission meetings for future record, as may be required. ----- ---~- CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA .,,'" II AZT~_~:;~~~~:;:;UDG E T I II i ! ACCOUNT SE RI ES 1800 DESCRIPTION OF FUNCTIONS The cost of operating the City Hall, and utilities, telephone, and custodial charges not distributed to other depart- ments are incurred in this account series. EXPENDITURES 1964-65 1965-66 1965-66 1966-67 Classification Actual Budget Estimate Budget PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ 3,740 $ 3,994 $ 5,574 NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES. 16,734 8,370 9,091 5,550 EQUIPMENT OUTLAY. . .. 645 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS.. 48,249 14,375 10,039 10,000 TOTAL ACTIVITY. . . . . . .. $64,983 $26,485 $23,124 $21,769 FUND DISTRIBUTION Classification 1966-67 Budget GENERAL FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $21,769 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPECIALGASTAXFUND.................... MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SEWER MAIN TRUNK FUND ........................ TOTAL FUNDS ..................................... $21,769 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 37 ANNUAL BUDGET r- II :1 ACTIVI~!~___- I! - -------------------.--------- ----- - ACCOUNT SERIES Government Buildings 1800 ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTION 1964-65 1965-66 1965-66 1966-67 Description Actual Budget Estimate Budget PERSONNEL (and Range Number): 1801 Custodian 1 (7) 1 (7) 1 (6) TOTAL POSITIONS 1 1 1 1802 Overtime $ ---- $ ---- $ 177 $ 360 NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES: 1811 Custodial Service $ 931 $1,100 $1,086 $ ---- 1821 Building Rental 2,666 1,920 1,630 1823 Build, Repair & Maint. 3,539 500 1,800 700 1824 Utilities 9,598 1,250 1,250 1,250 1833 Telephone 3,000 2,800 3,000 1841 Departmental Supplies 600 525 600 TOTAL EXPENSES $16,734 $8,370 $9,091 $5,550 EQUIP~ENT OUTLAY: 1886 Special Equipment $ ---- $ ---- $ ---- $ 645 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS: 1881 Land Acquisition $ $ 4,375 $ $10,000 1882 Building Purchase 48,249 10,000 10,039 TOTAL IMPROVEMENTS $48,249 $14,375 $10,039 $10,000 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 38 I¡-.._.-----------~~-~-~._~- D- G_-~-~ I ACTIVITY -- _§Q~E:!!"_nment_Buildings____--- 1801 1811 1821 1823 1824 1833 1841 1881 1882 1886 ¡ACCOUNT SE RI ES 1800 COMr-lENTARY Based on the salary survey of positions in Southern California, a decrease in the range for Custodian is budgeted. Custodial service on all City buildings performed by outside contract terminated in September 1965. Rental of City Hall site under previous lease-rental agreement terminated May 1966. Minor repairs and modifications to City buildings as may be required throughout the year. Cost of gas, water, and electric service at City Hall. Includes basic monthly charge and toll service of all departments on the City Hall telephone number. Purchase of janitorial and other miscellaneous supply items. Reserve for study and possible initial option of a fire station site, park facility, or additional Civic Center properties are included in this account. Final parcel (City Hall site) under previous lease-rental agreement, acquired in May 1966. A vacuum floor washer-buffer is budgeted for use primarily at the Youth Center. CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 39 ----==cc===---...-_cc=---:-.... _.A N N U A_L- . ..B.U....DG_E .T.- . - ..- :=11 I-- I II~T~ TY- - C""""unj ty ;~~~ on ~nn=_-==-J ~ ~~ T ---;-;o-~-I II DESCRIPTION OF FUNCTIONS ,i Ii I, The promotion of the City is an important function of municipal government and the cost of publications, advertisements, and the support of civic organizations are included in this activity. CIa s s ifica tieD EXPENDI TURES 1964-65 1965-66 1965-66 1966-67 Actual Budget Estimate Budget $ ---- $ ---- $ ---- $ ---- 896 5,895 5,538 1,980 2,000 3,000 $ 896 $ 7,895 $ 5,538 $ 1,980 PERSONAL SERVICES NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES. EQUIPMENT OUTLAY. . . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS. . TOTAL ACTIVITY. . . . . . . , FUND DISTRIBUTION CIa s s ifica tieD 1966-67 Budget GENERAL FUND............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 4,980 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPECIAL GAS TAX FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SEWER MAIN TRUNK FUND . . . . . . . . . TOTAL FUNDS ..................................... , , i I I L $ 4,980 -== CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ANNUAL BUDGET ,¡-='- I :- ACTIVITY -------~-------- ---------- ---- [ ACCOUNT SERIES 2000 Community Promotion ~_._-~- -- ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTION Description 1964-65 Actual 1965-66 Estimate 1966-67 Budget 1965-66 Budget PERSONNEL: None NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES: 2073 2074 2075 2076 2079 Hembership Publications Contributions Community Advertising Sundry Activitids TOTAL EXPENSES $ 896 $ 570 $ 543 $ 650 75 50 SO 5,000 4,500 750 220 250 250 225 250 $5,895 $5,538 $1,980 EQUIPMENT OUTLAY: $ 896 None 2083 CAPITAL IMPROVEI~NTS: 2073 2074 2075 2076 2079 2083 I.;ntrance Signs $ ---- $2,000 $ ---- $3,000 COMMENT ARY City membership in various governmental organizations including the League of California Cities. Various paid subscriptions for publications of City interest. Contributions to Civic organizations of City-wide benefit, which may be made throughout the year. Advertising in various publications of City-wide benefit. The City will host a general meeting of the Orange County League of Cities during 1966-67. A City entrance sign on Fourth Strezt, p~eviously budgated in 1965-66, and an entrance sign on Seventeenth Street are included in this account. CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 41 ANNUAL BUDGET -~CTIVITY-~-ctions ------------ ______n---- JAff~I~~T - -- ------------------------------------- --------.- ---- ----- 2100 DESCRIPTION OF FUNCTIONS The cost of conducting a special municipal election or including City elective offices and ballot propositions on State-wide primary or general elections is included in this account series. EXPENDITURES 1964-65 1965-66 1965-66 1966-67 Clas s ifica tion Actual Budget Estimate Budget PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ $ $ NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES. 1,100 1,077 EQUIPMENT OUTLAY. . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS. TOTAL ACTIVITY. . . . . . . $ $ 1,100 $ 1,077 $ FUND DISTRIBUTION Classification 1966-67 Budget GENERAL FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND .............................. SPECIAL GAS TAX FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . MOTORVEHICLELICENSEFUND........................ SEWER MAIN TRUNK FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOTAL FUNDS ..................................... 42 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ~=--=-,c- - -==-=,-- ~~-----------~-- ANN U A L BUD GET :1 ,1--- ------------- m~__- : ACTIVITY Elections :1- ---~ ---_____~m ---'------c----------~-I : ACCOUNT 2100 I m____L?ER:ES I ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTION Description 1964-65 Actual PERSONi~EL : Nont! NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES: $ ---- Registrar of Voters Election Officials Polling Place Rent Postage Department Supplies TOTliL EXPENSES $ ---- 2111 2112 2121 2132 2141 EQUIPMENT OUTLAY: None CAPITAL IHPROVEr.ŒNTS: None COl1r'1E~TARY 1965-66 Budget 1965-66 Estimate 3.966-67 Budget $ 150 $ 41 300 375 30 30 120 115 500 516 $1,100 $1,077 $ ---- $ ---- No election scheduled during the 1966-67 year which involves City offices or ballot propositions. 43 '-- CALiFORNIA i ------- I-~TIVI~ Ii 'I I ANNUAL BUDGET ¡ACCOUNT SERIES ---- -- --~---- ----------------- OtllerN~_..Q~J;)aJ:~me_!ltal ------------ ---- 2300 DESCRIPTION OF FUNCTIONS Expenditures under this account series apply to all City activities and there- fore are classified as "Non-Departmental". EXPENDITURES 1964-65 1965-66 1965-66 1966-67 Actual Budget Estimate Budget $ ---- $ ---- $ ---- $ ---- 2-7,473 34,385 35,098 40,445 Clas s ification PERSONAL SERVICES NON -PERSONAL EXPENSES. EQUIPMENT OUTLAY. . . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS. . TOTAL ACTIVITY. . . . . . . . $27,473 $34,385 $35,098 $40,445 - I I 11 II TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND I! I! SPECIAL GAS TAX FUND. . . . . . . II MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE FUND I! !I SEWER MAIN TRUNK FUND I[ I I Il_- FUND DISTRIBUTION Classification 1966-67 Budget GENERALFUND.................................... $40,445 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOTAL FUNDS ..................................... $40,445 CITY OF TUSTiN, CAliFORNIA 44 I!---- --------- ANN U A L BUD GET ACTIVITY ,-------- ------ - ---~-- --- -------------------- Other Non-Departmental 1965-66 Budget ~cCOUNi-, - mO _]1 - SER,ES___- I' I I! I I ! ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTION Description PERSONNEL: None NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES: 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 2348 Auditing General Insurance Health Insurance Retirement Special Census Surety Bonds Insurance Consultant Tuition Reimbursement TOTAL EXPENSES EQUIPMENT OUTLAY: None CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS: None C! 1964-65 Actual $ 2,270 13,417 1,223 10,373 190 $27,473 1965-66 Estimate 1966...67 Budget $ 2,000 $ 2,200 $ 2,200 14,500 17,200 17,200 1,500 1,500 6,200 12,300 10,370 14,000 2,210 2,390 220 125 48 125 1,250 1,340 500 50 500 $34,385 $35,098 $40,445 () fiN CÞ.LlFORNIA 45 c:cc=--=c-==--=c::=====--=:c--==:= ANN U A L BUD GET I¡_-_u--~-- .. ~1Jtñë1"-~öfi - Depi1rtfilentar i ACTIVITY 1--- II I I' II :1 Ii II I I I II Ii ,I " II Ii II I I II Ii ,I II I: II Ii II Ii I ~~==~~~=.=:_=~=: 2311 2312 2313 2314 23l5 2316 2317 2348 ---~--r-----nw-II ¡ACCOUNT I SERiES I ----------_.------ COl-1MENTARY An independent audit of the City's financial records each quarter, and the preparation of certain State reports are included in this account. General liability insurance, State Compensation, and employee life insurance coverage. Contribution by the City for health insurance coverage of employees, excluding dependents. Coverage of employees in the Social Security System, based on rate increases effective January 1967. State special census requostûd.in the 1967 calendar year to permit the City to receive the maximum in State allocated funds which are based on population. Annual premium of surety bond covering the position of City Treasurer. Bonds on all other employees prepaid through 1966-67 fiscal year. Insurance consultant employed during 1965-66 to revise the City's total liability insurance program. Reimbursement of portion of tuition fees of employees for educational courses successfully completed, which relate to performance on the job. 46 -:-,._-_C-- (;T'I ¡US Ti~" CA.LI FORNIA ANNUAL BUDGET -------- --- --- ------- ------------ ----- ACCOUNT SERIES - -- ------------- --------- --~---_._------- ----- -- . ---------- ACTIVITY Civil Defense 3000 DESCRIPTION OF FUNCTIONS The functions of Civil Defense include disaster planning, public information, and the coordina- tion of emergency action in order to insure the welfare of the public in the event of natural or man-made disasters. EXPENDITURES 1964-65 1965-66 1965-66 1966-67 CIa s s ifica tian Actual Budget Estimate Budget PERSONAL SERVICES $ 4,184 $ 4,314 $ 4,314 $ 4,695 NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES. 1,414 2,600 1,295 2,570 EQUIPMENT OUTLAY. . . .. 4,863 325 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS. . TOTAL ACTIVITY. . . . . . .. $10,461 $ 6,914 $ 5,609 $ 7,590 FUND DISTRIBUTION Clas s ificatian 1966-67 Budget GENERAL FUND................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7,590 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND .............................. SPECIAL GAS TAX FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ii SEWER MAIN TRUNK FUND. . . . . I! 11 Ii II ll~____- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOTAL FUNDS ..................................... $ 7,590 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ANNUAL BUDGET --- ------------- ---..-- ------------ ~ ACCOUNT II SERiES 3000 i ACTIVITY Civil Defense. ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTION 1964-65 1965-66 1965-66 1966-67 Description Actual Budget Estimate Budget PERSONNEL (and Salary Rate): 3001 Director Civil Defense 1 (300) 1 (15)* 1 (15) * 1 (16)* 3003 Secretary C.D. 1 (1.25) 1 (1.50) 1 (1. 50) 1 (1.50) TOTAL POSITIONS 2 2 2 2 * Range Number NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES: 3024 Utilities $ ---- $ ---- $ ---- $ 270 3031 Office Supplies 430 800 100 500 3032 Postage 300 10 300 3033 Telephone 200 130 3036 Printing 100 50 300 3041 Departmental Supplies 250 285 400 3051 Travel & Meeting Expenses 984 925 700 750 3073 Memberships 25 20 50 TOTAL EXPENSES $1,4l4 $2,600 $1,295 $2 ,~';'7e EQUIPMENT OUTLAY: 3085 Office Equipment $---- $ ---- $ ---- $ 325 3086 Special Equipment 1,863 TOTAL EQUIPMENT $4,863 $ ---- $ ---- $ 325 CAPITAL II1PROVE1~NTS: None 48 CiTY OF' TUSTiN- CALIFORNIA ACTIVITY 3001 3003 3024 3031 3032 3033 3036 3041 3051 3073 3085 ANNUAL BUDGET ~-----~--~,-------I --~-IACCOUNT3000 i SERIES ' - --- - I I' I ---~-----~---~ - Civil Defense ------------ COMMENTARY Based on the salary survey, the position of Director of Civil Defense is budgeted at one-half time in Range 16. A part-time Secretary at $1.50 per hour is included in Personal Services. Utilities are budgeted for the C.D. office on liD" Street, previously ocaupied by the Planning Department. General office supplies and materials. Mail-outs to the public, school district, and other organizations. Effective July 1, 1966, telephone charges are included in Department 1800. Outside printing of various forms and stationery. Special supplies including maps, overlay paper, batteries and medical supplies. Provides for mileage reimbursement and the attendance of the Director to represent the City at various meetings throughout the year. Annual membership in various Civil Defense organizations. Office equipment includes the replacement of one desk, one chair, and the purchase of one additional file cabinet. (Iif TiN, CAL!FOR~JlA ANNUAL BUDGET [1~TlVIT; Ii II I I I -----~~ii;Üng R~g~lati~-;;--- -----1 A~~~I~~T -~I 3200 I I DESCRIPTION OF FUNCTIONS Building regulation services are necessary to insure that all buildings and structures in the City, which exist or are constructed, comply with minimum standards of safety and sanitation. Such services include building, plumbing and electrical inspection; issuing permits; plan checking; and the administration and enforcement of building, zoning, signs, and related codes and ordinances. EXPENDI TURES 1964-65 1965-66 1965-66 1966-67 Actual Budget Estimate Budget $34,801 $39,035 $.37,833 $40,805 3,553 4,167 3,345 3,920 71 585 610 100 CIa s s ifica tion PERSONAL SERVICES NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES. EQUIPMENT OUTLAY. . . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS. . TOTAL ACTIVITY. . . . . . . . $38,425 $43,787 $41,788 $44,825 FUND DISTRIBUTION CIa s s ifica tion 1966-67 Budget $44,825 GENERAL FUND........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPECIAL GAS TAX FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE FUND. . . . . . . . . . . SEWER MAIN TRUNK FUND . . . . . . . . . . . TOTAL FUNDS ......................... $44,825 . . . . . . . . ~----- CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ANNUAL BUDGET Il---- :1 ACTIVITY ll--~- Build~ng Regulation IAff~I~~T 3200 ----------~-------------~----- -- ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTION 1964-65 1965-66 1965-66 1966-67 Description Actual Budget Estimate Budget PERSONNEL (and Range Number): 3201 Building Director 1 (20) 1 (19) 1 (19) 1 (20) 3201 Plan Checker 1 (16) 1 (16) 1 (16) 1 (16) 3201 Building Inspector 2 (15) 2 (15) 2 (15) 2 (15) 3201 Secretary 1 (5) 1 (6) 1 (6) 1 (6) TOTAL POSITIONS 5 5 5 5 NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES: 3211 Outside Plan Checking $ 282 $ 500 $ $ 200 3224 Utilities 220 260 260 3231 Office Supplies 591 l25 175 175 3232 Postage 200 40 40 3234 Office Equip. Maint. 50 3236 Printing 306 295 350 350 3241 Departmental Supplies 80 100 140 3249 Sundry 17 72 85 85 3251 Travel & Meet. Expense 2,357 2,450 2,200 2,470 3273 Memberships 115 105 85 3274 publications 110 30 65 TOTAL EXPENSES $3,553 $4,167 $3,345 $3,920 EQUIPI~NT OUTLAY: 3285 Office Equipment $ 71 $ 435 $ 450 $ 100 3286 Special Equipment 150 160 TOTAL EQUIPMENT $ 71 $ 585 $ 610 $ lOO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS: None 51 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ANNUAL BUDGET ___I , ACTIVITY ---------- - j ACCOUNT SERIES --------- 3200 Building Regulation ----- -- -- u_u--_u- --------- COMMENTARY Based on the salary survey of positions in Southern California, is increase in the range for Building Director is budgeted. 3211 Review and checking of major building plans by outside contract are included in this account. 3201 3224 3231 3232 3234 3236 3241 3249 3251 3273 3274 3285 Gas, electric, and water service. General office supplies. Mail-out of various building regulation matters. Repair and maintenance of office machines. Printing of permits and other forms. Special supplies include film, tracing paper, and other items. Items not covered by other specific accounts. Mileage reimbursement and attendance at various meetings of departmental personnel throughout the year. Annual memberships in various building professional organizations and associations. Purchase of building, electrical, plumbing, and heating codes. Three records, books, and file in this account. storage cabinets are budgeted 52 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA I--~--_n_~---------- ANN U A L BUD GET - ---~- ----- _u__n_- ------------------_u_--~ ----- --.~I I ACCOUNT I I SERIES 3400 I I AC~~_Y_~_police II I , I I I II " I ----- -------- ------- DESCRIPTION OF FUNCTIONS Police services provide protection to life and property and include traffic control, crime prevention and repression, criminal apprehension, crossing guards, and recovery of stolen and lost property. CIa s s ifica tion EXPENDI TURES 1964-65 1965-66 1965-66 1966-67 Actual Budget Estimate Budget $ 94,424 $114,693 $120,500 $147,850 13,374 1.6,610 18,820 19,040 3,292 2,180 2,050 7,511 $111,090 $133,483 $141,370 $174, !iOl PERSONAL SERVICES NON -PERSONAL EXPENSES. EQUIPMENT OUTLAY. . . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS. TOTAL ACTIVITY. . . . . . . . FUND DISTRIB UTION GENERAL FUND...................... . . . . . . . . . 1966-67 Budget $132,901 Classification TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND ............... . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 SPECIALGASTAXFUND.............................. MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39,500 SEWER MAIN TRUNK FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOTAL FUNDS .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $174,401 II L- -----==== CITY OF TUSTI~j, CALIFORNIA - 53 ANNUAL BUDGET ---~ l A~f~I~~T 3400 i ACTIVITY -- .!'olice ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTION Description 1964-65 Actual 1965-66 Budget 1965-66 Estimate 1966-67 Budget PERSONNEL (and Range Number): 3401 Police Chief 1 (20) 1 (21) 1 (21) 1 (22) 3401 Police Lieutenant 1 (17) 3401 police Sergeant 2 (14) 3 (15) 3 (15) 3 (16) 3401 Police Investigator 2 (13) 2 (13) 2 (13) 2 (14) 3401 policeman 5 (12) 5 (12) 5 (12) 7 (12) 3401 Policewoman 1 (6) 1 (7) 1 (7) 1 (8) 3401 Secretary % (6) 3401 Dispatcher Clerk 3 (5) 4 (5) 4 (5) 4 (5) 3403 Crossing Guard 2 (1.65) 3 (1.65) 3(1.65) 3 (1. 65) TOTAL POSITIONS 16 19 19 22>2 3402 Overtime $ ---- $lO,OOO $ 9,000 $ 8,000 3404 Reserves 9,750 6,000 NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES: 3411 County Jail $ 385 $ 600 $ 100 $ 300 3412 Medical Examinations 200 3424 Utilities 780 870 960 343l Office Supplies 1,433 800 1,425 1,400 3432 Postage 120 135 185 3433 Telephone 1,100 1,525 1,680 3434 Office Equip. Maint. 180 180 200 3436 printing 400 250 250 3441 Departmental Supplies 994 1,100 1,700 1,600 3443 Uniforms 2,200 1,200 2,000 3444 Special Equip. Maint. 2,356 600 150 300 3445 Special Equip. Rental 340 350 330 3449 Sundry 601 300 650 300 3451 Travel & Meeting Expense 36 250 175 215 3454 Vehicle Operation 3,500 4,400 4,800 3455 Vehicle Maintenance 7,569 4,000 5,700 4,000 3473 Memberships 311O 10 320 TOTAL EXPENSES $13,374 $16,610 $18,820 $19,040 EQUIPMENT OUTLAY: 3484 Motor Vehicles $ 3,292 $ 2,180 $ 2,050 $ 6,240 3485 Office Equipment 135 3486 Special Equipment 1,136 TOTAL EQUIPMENT $ 3,292 $ 2,180 $ 2,050 $ 7,511 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS: None CITY OF TUSTiN. CALIFORNIA 54 ACTIVITY 3401 3401 3401 3401 3402 3404 3411 3412 3424 3431 3432 3433 3434 3436 3441 ANNUAL BUDGET !I ------ -~- ---- j ACCOUNT SERIES ----- 3400 Police ---~ COMMENTARY An increase in the ranges for the positions of Police Chief, Police Sergeant, Police Investigator, and Policewoman is budgeted, based on the salary survey of positions in Southern California. Two additional positions of Policeman are budgeted to provide increased law enforeement City-wide. A Police Lieutenant is budgeted a fourth shi:'t \vatch com:nander and to serve ~s Acting Chief in his absence. One-half position of Secretary, formerly budgeted under City Clerk, is included to process business licenses as a function of the Police Department. Overtime for regular personnel over normal duty hours. utilization of Police Reserves as required during the year. Detention of persons violating City ordinances in the Orange County jail until sentenced by the courts. City-wide (all departments) medical examinations for new personnel. Electric service for police and fire facilities. General office supplies. Mail-out of police matters. Includes basic monthly charge and toll services. Maintenance of a photo-copier, mimeograph machine and typewriters. Printing of various forms and other records. Special supplies include ammunition, badges, helmets, flares, film, and other items. CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 55 ANNUAL BUDGET -------11 ¡ACCOUNT 1 -----1 SERIES 3400 Ii I' I , --~ -----....-------.- ACT! ~I~~--____~olice 3443 3444 3445 3449 3451 3454 3455 3473 3484 3485 3486 Uniform replacement as required throughout the year. Radio and radar maintenance costs. Rental of a teletype receiver with direct wire to the Orange County Communications Center. Items not budgeted in other accounts. Provides for attend~1ce of departmental personnel to represent the City at various meetings throughout the year, and other expenses in connection with court appearances and extradition. Gasoline, oil, and lubrication of the budgeted seven assigned vehicles. Non-routine maintenance and upkeep of the assigned vehicles. Annual meInberships in various police organizations, including annual firing range membership costs for each employee. Replacement of one patrol vehicle and the purchase of one new unit for evening patrol are budgeted in this account. Two file cabinets and two table-top chairs are included as office equipment. Special equipment includes one breathalizer to determine blood-alcohol content and one camera for use at traffic and crime scenes. CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 56 c~- !I- ACTIVITY -- ;, , ANNUAL BUDGET ----- -------------______n__-___- - -- ------ jACCOUNT SERIES 3500 Fire --- DESCRIPTION OF FUNCTIONS The Fire Department protects the public safety by fire prevention inspections, public education, extinguishing fires, and investigating fire causes. The program of fire defense for the City is designed to provide sufficient apparatus and trained personnel so distributed as to insure both quick and effective response to a fire alarm in order to reduce the loss of life and property. EXPENDI TURES ~ 1964-65 1965-66 1965-66 1966-67 Classification Actual Budget Estimate Budget PERSONAL SERVICES $48,502 $56,053 $56,195 $73,386 NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES. 5,263 11,466 10,132 10,::;37 EQUIPMENT OUTLAY . . . .. 7,627 13,800 14,100 8,226 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS. . TOTAL ACTIVITY. . . . . . .. $61,392 $81,319 $80,427 $92,449 FUND DISTRIBUTION Classification 1966-67 Budget GENERAL FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $92,':;,49 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND .............................. SPECIAL GAS TAX FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MOTORVEHICLELICENSEFUND.................... SEWER MAIN TRUNK FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOTAL FUNDS ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $92,449 IL - - CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ~~ 11- ANNUAL BUDGET li~~CTI;ITY - -_..~-_.._.-______m------ Fire ACCOUNT 3500 SERIES , -~---_. I I I ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTION I 1964-65 1965-66 1965-66 1966-67 Description Actual Budget Estimate Budget PERSONNEL (and Range Number): 3501 Fire Chief 1 (20) 1 (20) 1 (20) 1 (21) 3501 Asst. Fire Ch.ief 1 (*) 1 (*) 1 (*) 1 (*) 3501 Fire Captain 2 (15) 2 (15) 2 (16) 3501 Fire Engineer 3 (13) 1 (13) 1 (13) 2 (14) 3501 Fireman 2 (12) 2 (12) 2 (12) 4 (12) 3501 Secretary 1 (6) 3501 Dispatcher Clerk 1 (5) 1 (5) 1 (5) 3503 Fire Marshal 1 (H) 1 (14) 1 (14) 1 (15) TOTAL POSITIONS 9 9 9 12 * Asst. Fire Chief (rate per month) $ 50 $ 100 $ 100 $ 100 3502 Overtime 1,000 1,000 1,000 3503 Volunteer Fireman 3,340 2,150 2,000 2,000 NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES 3!511 Hydrant .Rental $2,090 $3,120 $2,712 $3,300 3524 Utilities 340 385 385 3531 Office Supplies 576 750 750 750 3532 postage 85 65 85 3533 Telephone 780 700 780 3534 Office Equip. Main. 90 70 25 3536 Printing 100 10 100 3541 Departmental Supplies 6B3 1,500 1,400 1,600 3542 Small Tools 120 100 100 3543 Uniforms 945 700 1,000 3544 Special Equip. Main. 1,510 1,500 500 3549 Sundry 107 100 35 100 3551 Travel & Meeting Expense 315 260 300 3554 Vehicle Operation 725 700 800 3555 Vehicle Maintenance 1,807 625 300 600 3573 Memberships 61 110 62 3574 Publications 300 335 350 I TOTAL EXPENSES $5,263 $11,466 $10,132 $10,B37 I EQUIPMENT OUTLAY: I --- I 3584 ¡'jotor Vehicles $7,627 $H.¡4QO $12,314 $7,050 , 3586 Special Equipment 2,400 1,786 1,176 I TOTAL EQUIPMENT $7,627 $13,800 $14,100 $8,226 I CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS: I None CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ::>¡s ------------ ANNUAL BUDGET I' - ACTIVITY -- 3501 3501 3501 3502 3503 3511 3524 3531 3532 ::;533 3534 3536 3541 3542 3543 3544 I I 3549 I , I 3551 , I l -----~-_._------ ----- 3500 ~--------- ACCOUNT SERIES Fire COMMENTARY As a result of the survey of salaries in Southern California, increases are budgeted in the positions of Fire Chief, Fire Captain, Fire Marshal and Fire Engineer. A reclassification of one position from Dispatcher Clerk to secretary is included in Personal Services, based on assigned duties. In order to increase the existing fire personnel to normal company strength on a 24-hour basis, an additional Fire Engineer and two Firemen are budgeted. Overtime for regular personnel on special call-out. Estimated costs of volunteer fireman call-outs during 1966-67. Rental charges on 275 fire hydrants within the City during the year. Gas, water and electric service in the fire station, including gas and water service in the police building. General office supplies. Mail-out of departmental matters. Includes basic monthly charge and toll calls during the year. Maintenance of office equipment. Stationery and special stencil reproductions used in fire prevention activities. The purchase of badges, oxygen, gloves, canvas, batteries and other special fire supplies. Additional tools for the rescue unit are included in this account. Uniform replacement as required throughout the year. Radio, resuscitator, projector and tape recorder maintenance costs. Miscellaneous items not included in other object accounts. Provides for the attendance of departmental personnel to represent the City at various meetings and conferences throughout the year. 59 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 1'-- 1-- ANNUAL BUDGET ------- -------~--- ACTIVITY ACCOUNT SERIES 3500 ----- 3554 3555 3573 3574 3584 3586 Fire -~---_. Gasoline, oil, and lubrication for the five assigned fire vehicles. Non-routine maintenance and upkeep of fire units. Memberships in various fire associations. Subscriptions and publications relating to fire activities. Second payment on the recently acquired fire pumper is included in this account. Special equipment includes an additional resuscitator, hand and flood lights and a rescue kit. 60 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ANNUAL BUDGET ---------~--_._----_.- ~----------------- ¡ACCOUNT SERIES =ll 4000 il Ii ~- ----- . I!CTIVITY Ii I' I I I I PuQlic NQ.:r;Jç!LAdm.inistratio~ DESCRIPTION OF FUNCTIONS Administration and supervision of public works activities, including engineering, waste collection, sewers, street construction and maintenance, signals and lighting, trees and parkways, and sidewalks and alleys is the function of this account series. EXPENDITURES 1964-65 1965-66 1965-66 1966-67 Clas s ification Actual Budget Estimate Budget PERSONAL SERVICES $22,739 $26,881 $19,936 $27,092 NON -PERSONAL EXPENSES. 8,775 6,875 5,285 10,525 EQ UIPMENT OUT LAY . . . .. 2,095 475 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS. . TOTAL ACTIVITY. . . . . . .. $33,609 $33,756 $25,211 $38,092 FUND DISTRIB UTION Clas s ification 1966-67 Budget GENERAL FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3~,()92 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPECIAL GAS TAX FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000 MOTORVEHICLELICENSEFUND........................ SEWER MAIN TRUNK FUND ............................ TOTAL FUNDS ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $38,092 , i ] IL_~__._.. ----.==0= CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ANNUAL BUDGET I I ACTIVITY 1------ , ACCOUNT SERIES 4000 Public Works Administration ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTION Description PERSONNEL (and Range Number): 1964-65 Actual 1965-66 Budget 1965-66 E8timate 1966 -6 7 Budget 4001 Director of Public Works 1 (20) 1 (20) 1 (20) 1 (22) 4001 Asst. Civil Engineer 1 (18) 1 (17) 1 (17) 1 (17) 4001 Draftsman ~ (9) 4001 Secretary !:í (6) 4001 Principal Engineering Aide 1 (14) 1 (14) 1 (14) TOTAL POSITIONS 3 3 3 3 NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES: 4011 4012 4013 4031 4032 4034 4036 4041 4044 4051 4054 4055 4074 City Engineer Contractual Services Storm Drain Plan Office Supplies Postage Office Equip. Maint. Printing Departmental Supplies Special. Equip. Maint. Travel & Meet. Expense Vehicle Operation Vehicle Maintenance Publications TOTAL EXPENSES EQUIPMENT OUTLAY: 4084 4085 14otor Vehicles Office Equipment TOTAL EQUIPMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS: None $ ---- 7,518 530 28 699 $8,775 $2,095 $2,095 $3,600 $3,600 $3,600 500 100 1,500 2,500 75 15 150 75 40 50 50 10 50 920 580 900 280 250 250 75 lO 50 700 525 1,200 400 100 100 150 30 150 50 25 25 $6,875 $5,285 $10,525 $ ---- $ ---- $ ---- 475 $ ---- $ ---- $ 475 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 62 ACTIVITY ANNUAL BUDGET --~----- iACCOUNT -_u_--~----J SERIES Public Works Administration 4000 ------ ----------- ----- n ---- ------- 4001 4001 4001 4001 4011 4012 4013 4031 4032 4034 4036 4041 4044 4051 4054 4055 4074 4085 COMMENTARY An increase in the range for Director of Public Works is budgeted, based on the salary survey of positions in Southern California. One new position of Draftsman is budgeted half-time each in this Department and the Planning Department to develop graphic layouts, prepare maps, and perform other engineering and planning drafting. The existing position of Secretary is reclassified from Typist-Clerk, previously budgeted in the Office of the City Clerk, and now included half-time each in this Department and Department 3400. The position of Principal Engineering Aide is reclassified to Maintenance Foreman and transferred to Department 5600. Part-time services of the City Engineer by contract. Anticipated soil testing and surveying which is not included in specific construction projects during the 1966-67 year. completion of a City-wide storm drain master plan authorized to begin in 1962, to be completed during 1966-67. General office supplies, a portion of which was previously budgeted under City Clerk. Mail-out of departmental matters. Maintenance of office equipment as required throughout the year. Outside blueprint and map reproduction services and supplies. The purchase of tracing cloth and paper, pens, and related items. Maintenance of the City's blueprint reproduction machine. Meeting expenses and mileage reimbursement for employees in this account series. Gasoline, oil, and lubrication of the assigned pick-up truck. Non-routine maintenance and upkeep of the assigned vehicle. Various subscriptions and books for the Department. Replacement of an unserviceable typewriter for the position of Secretary is budgeted. 63 CITY OF TUSTiN, CALIFORNIA ,---------- - ------ ! ------~ ~-ANNUAL BUDGET- ~---~- - .. --------- --~-------------- ~- ------------------------ ¡ACCOUNT SERIES -- ~I 4200 ' ! ACTIVITY Waste Collection - -.. ---- ------ DESCRIPTION OF FUNCTIONS The cost of the collection of rubbish from City residential units and the abatement of weeds is included in this account series. EXPENDI TURES 1964-65 1965-66 1965-66 1966-67 Classification Actual Budget Estimate Budget PERSONAL SERVICES $ ---- $ ---- $ ---- $ ---- NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES. 26,211 29,800 31,200 35,400 EQUIPMENT OUTLAY . . . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS. . TOTAL ACTIVITY. . . . . . .. $26,211 $29,800 $31 ,200 $35,400 FUND DISTRIBUTION Clas s ification 1966-67 Budget GENERAL FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35,400 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND .............................. SPECIAL GAS TAX FUND......................... MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SEWER MAIN TRUNK FUND ............................ TOTAL FUNDS """"""""'."""".""""'. $35,400 I L == CITY OF TUSTIN, CAUFORNIA 64 I[=--~- r~CTIVITY r---- II I ,i i! -ANNUAL BUDGET ----- Waste Collection- -- - - --- ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTION Description 1964-65 Actual PERSONNEL: None NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES: 4211 4212 Rubbish Collection Weed Abatement TOTAL EXPENSES $25,302 909 $26,211 EQUIP~ŒNT OUTLAY: None CAPITAL IMPROVEHENTS: 4211 4212 L None COMMENTARY 1965-66 Budget $29,000 800 $29,800 IACCOUNT--I I SERIES 4200 I I I 1965-66 Estimate 1966-67 Budget $.30,600 600 $31,200 $34,óOO 800 $35,400 Rubbish collection of residential areas is performed by contract at City expense. Abatement of weeds on private property, performed by the City after notice to abate weeds has been issued, becomes a tax assessment to the property owner. ----= CITY OF TUSTiN, CALIFORNIA 65 I~C~_n-"an:t~i-.wer; N UAL~~ DG~~~ I , ¡ACCOUNT SERIES ~I II DESCRIPTION OF FUNCTIONS The construction of new trunk sewers within the City is a function of this activity and is financed from fees charged when connections are made to the City's sewer system. EXPENDI TURES 1964-65 1965-66 1965-66 1966-67 Classification Actual Budget Estimate Budget PERSONAL SERVICES $ ---- $ ---- $ ---- $ ---- NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES. EQUIPMENT OUTLAY . . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS. 14,074 TOTAL ACTIVITY. . . . . .. $14,074 $ ---- $ ---- $ ---- FUND DISTRIBUTION Classification 1966-67 Budget GENERAL FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ---- TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPECIAL GAS TAX FUND. . . . . . . . . . . MOTORVEHICLELICENSEFUND........................ SEWER MAIN TRUNK FUND ............................ TOTAL FUNDS ..................................... $ ---- I L 66 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA l- I ACTIVITY I- I I ANNUAL BUDGET --.------- [ ACCOUNT SERIES 4300 Sanitary Sewers ---------- ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTION 1964-65 1965-66 1965-66 1966-67 Description Actual Budget Estimate Budget PERSONNEL: None NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES: None EQUIPMENT OUTLAY: None CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT: 4383 Trunk Sewer Construction $14,074 $ ---- $ ---- $ ---- COMMENTARY 4383 Construction of new trunk sewers by the City is not anticipated in 1966-67. 67 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA --- --~- -- ANNUAL BUDGET II~T~ II i I ------------- ----~--------------_._---- --- ACCOUNT SE RI ES SODa II 'I , Street Construction -------- ---.--------------------.- DESCRIPTION OF FUNCTIONS Expenditures for the construction and improvements on major and local streets, including necessary right-of-way acquisition and project engineering, are included in this account series. Construction may include traffic signals, signs, grading, paving, drainage structures, curbs, gutters, driveway aprons, street trees, and related work. EXPENDITURES 1964-65 Actual 1965-66 Budget 1965-66 Estimate 1966-67 Budget Classification PERSONAL SERVICES $ $ $ $ NON -PERSONAL EXPENSES. EQUIPMENT OUTLAY. . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS. . 46,917 $46,917 162,490 $162,490 110,103 $110,103 169,015 $169,015 TOTAL ACTIVITY. . . . . . . . FUND DISTRIBUTION Classification 1966-67 Budget $ 15,300 GENERALFUND............................... TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND .............................. 23,000 SPECIAL GAS TAX FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 t 715 MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23,000 SEWER MAIN TRUNK FUND. . . . . . . . . ..--- . . . . . . . . . TOTAL FUNDS ................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $169,015 i I , I I II L~--- 68 ~ CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ANNUAL BUDGET 1[; II~IYITY ~.~-~- rnUNT SERIES Street Construction 5000 ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTION 1964-65 1965-66 1965-66 1966-67 Description Actual Budget Estimate Budget -- PERSONNEL: None NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES None EQUIPMENT OUTLAY: None CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS: 5093 Street Improvements $ 46,917 $162,490 $110,103 $169,015 The following pages outline the budgeted Streets Capital Improvement Program for the fisc~l year 1966-67. Work will be performed under City contract or by agreement with Other agencies. 69 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ANNUAL BUDGET I I ACTIVITY i I I I I I i I St rE"E"t Const: rnr..H on jACCOUNT SE RI ES 5000 1. STREETS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM: 1966-67 Location STREET CONSTRUCTION 1. Warner Avenue (1) (2) Newport Freeway to Red Hill Avenue - Two lanes with center island 2. Fourth Street (1) (3) Yorba Street to Prospect Avenue - Four lanes, partial center island 3. Red Hill Avenue (1) (3) 530' S/O Edinger Avenue to Sycamore - Widen to four lanes 4. McFadden Street S.F.R.R. Tracts to Tustin Village Way - Two lane improvement 5. Yorba Street Fourth street to Seventeenth Street - Two lane improvement II. TRAFFIC SIGNALS 1. Type of Work Engineering Construction Total Engineering Construction Total Engineering Construction Total Engineering Construction Total Engineering Construction Total Total Street Construction Fourth Street at Yorba Street (1) (3) 2. Fourth Street at Prospect Avenue (1) (3) 3. Newport Avenue at Main Street (1) (3) 4. Seventeenth Street at Yorba Street (1) (3) CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA Budget Amount $ 3,000 17,000 $20,000 $ 3,000 13,000 $16,000 $ 3,000 12,000 $15,000 $ 4,600 23,000 $27,600 $ 2,640 13,200 $15,840 $94,440 $ 4,300 2,875 4,100 12,500 70 ANNUAL BUDGET Ii ;1--- 11- ACTIVITY ------- - --------- - ----- ----- !ACCOUNT I SERIES 5000 ----- --------- ------------______n_- Street Construction TRAFFIC SIGNALS (Cont'd.) 5. First Street at Prospect Avenue $11,000 6. First Street at ~D" Street 10,000 Total Traffic Signals $44,775 III. RAILWAY SIGNALS (4) 1. Ne\'lport Avenue at Holt Avenue 2. Newport Avenue at First Street 3. Newport Avenue at Main Street Total Railway Signals $12,300 8,000 5,000 $25,300 IV. CENTER DIVIDER Planter center median - East side Newport Freeway to Yorba Street on Seventeenth Street $ 3,500 Total Center Divider $ 3,500 V. STREET TREES Second year of City's major street tree program- 200 trees * $ 1,000 Total Street Trees $ 1,000 $169,015 GRAND TOTAL STREETS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (1) Carried over projects from 1965-66. (2) Joint Tustin and Santa Ana Project. (3) Joint Tustin and Orange County Projects. (4) Portion to be refunded by P.U.C. in 1967-68. * 65 to complete major streets within the existing City limits - additional trees for installation on major streets in areas which may be annexed during the year. -----_c_-~~ CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ------- ANNUAL BUDGET 1----- _U~-- .--_u_----- ------~----------------------- --------- ACCOUNT SERIES 5600 ACTIVITY Street Maintenance DESCRIPTION OF FUNCTIONS The maintenance of streets, alleys, traffic signals, parkways, sidewalks, street trees, and other facilities ~n the public right-of- way are classified as "'Street Maintenance". EXPENDITURES 1964-65 1965-66 1965-66 1966-67 Classification Actual Budget Estimate Budget PERSONAL SERVICES $ 9 ,296 $17,316 $17,590 $32,469 NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES. 29,110 32,635 33,475 49,875 EQUIPMENT OUTLAY. . . .. 19,741 300 450 2,300 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS. TOTAL ACTIVITY. . . . . . . . $58,147 $50,251 $51,515 $84,644 FUND DISTRIB UTION GENERAL FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1966-67 Budget $39,349 CIa s s ifica tion TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,000 SPECIAL GAS TAX FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,295 MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 SEWER MAIN TRUNK FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOTAL FUNDS ................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . $84,644 I II i i I I L L_==~~=~- -- 72 - CITY OF TUSTIN, C,A.LlFORNIA ANNUAL BUDGET r----- -, !--------------------- -, II-ACT~~ITY- Street._!'1aint~naI1...c~_u II - u- --- ACCOUNT SERIES 5600 -- ------- I ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTION 1965-66 1965-66 1966-67 I 1964-65 I' Description Actual Budget Estimate Budget PERSONNEL (and Range Number) : - I 5601 Måintenance Foreman 1 (13) 5601 Senior Maintenanceman 1 (8) 1 (8) 1 (8) 1 (9) 5601 Maintenanceman 1 (6) 2 (7) 2 (7) 3 (8) TOTAL POSITIONS 2 3 3 5 5602 Overtime $ $ $ 125 $ 1,000 NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES: 5611 Signal Maintenance $ $ 1,175 $ 1,175 $ 2,325 5612 Signal & Light Energy 1,000 1,000 1,900 5613 Sign Haint. & Striping 1,580 2,700 2,800 5614 Sidewalk Maintenance 3,287 2,000 700 1,000 5615 Street Tree Maintenance 3,500 6,900 7,000 5616 Street & Alley Repairs 20,954 11,930 10,500 22,600 5641 Departmental Supplies 3,347 8,000 7,000 8,000 5642 Small Tools 700 700 700 5644 Special Equip. Maint. l,522 500 50 50 5554 Vehicle Operation 75C 750 1,000 :>655 Vehicle Maintenance 1,500 2,000 2,500 TOTAL EXPENSES $29,110 $32,635 $33,475 $49,875 EQUIP~ŒNT OUTLAY: 5684 Hotor Vehicles $19,741 $ $ $ 5686.~ Special Equipment 300 450 2,300 TOTAL EQUIPHENT $19,741 $ 300 $ 450 $ 2,300 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS: None CI TY OF TUSTIN, CALI FORNIA 73 ~~-- ------- 11--- --- II-~TI~ITY II 1 I 5601 5601 5601 5602 5611 5612 5613 5614 5615 5616 5641 5642 5644 5654 í II I' II :1 I I I I I ,I iL--- - 5655 5686 ANNUAL BUDGET Street Maintenance --~:-:----l A~f~I~~T ---- ------------------ 5600 COMMENTARY Maintenance Foreman is reclassified from the existing position of Principal Engineering Aide, which was previously budgeted in Department 4000. An additional Maintenanceman is budgeted for work primarily on street trees and parkways. Based on the survey of positions in Southern California, an increase in the salary for positions of Senior Mlltintenanceman and IViaintenanceman. is budgeted. Overtime for emergency crew call-outs during the year. Maintenance by contract of all traffic signals within the City. E~ergy charges on traffic signals and safety lights. Maintenance and replacement of traffic signs and certain new striping by outside contract. Sidewalk and curb repair when performed by other than City crews. Certain major maintenance and removal of street and parkway trees. General repairs, patching, and other maintenance of City streets and alleys by outside contract. Special supplies include sweeper brooms, street name signs, lumber, cement, and other related maintenance items. This is the second of a four year program to purchase various small tools used in street maintenance activities. Maintenance of the traffic striping machine and skip loader. Gasoline, oil, and lubrication of the five assigned vehicles. Street sweeper and trucks non-routine maintenance as may be required throughout the year. The installation of a general government communications system, to include the purchase of one base station and one mobile unit for public works activities, are included in this account. ------ CI TY OF TUSTIN, CALI FORNIA - 74 ¡I-~~TI;=-:-;~:C::;~: ~:AL'U_DG~~ . - I DESCRIPTION OF FUNCTIONS ¡ACCOUNT SERIES 8100 Expenditures of the Parks and Recreation Commission and the maintenance and improvement of the Tustin Area Youth Center are the functions of this account series. Clas s ification EXPENDITURES 1964-65 1965-66 1965-66 1966-67 Actual Budget Estimate Budget $11,275 $ 6,876 $ 5,811 $ 6,294 1,978 5,085 4,550 3,215 1,051 800 800 500 $14,304 $l2,761 $1l,l61 $ 10,009 PERSONAL SERVICES NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES. EQUIPMENT OUTLAY. . . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS. TOTAL ACTIVITY. . . . . . . . FUND DISTRIBUTION GENERAL FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1966-67 Budget $ 10,009 CIa s s ifica tion TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND ................... . . . . . . SPECIAL GAS TAX FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ii II I TOTAL FUNDS............ I IL SEWER MAIN TRUNK FUND ............................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 10 ,OC 9 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 75 rACTIV~Y =--- - ;~;k~ci;;:U~ L B U : ~ ~.J Aff~I~~ T ~~-~--~_.~-~--~ 8100 ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTION Description PERSONNBL (and Range Number) 1964-65 Actual 1965-66 Budget 1965-66 Estimate 1966-67 Budget 8l01 Senior Maintenanceman 1 (8) 1 (8) 1 (8) 1 (9) 8101 rVlaintenanceman 1 (6) TOTAL POSITIONS 2 1 1 1 8102 Overtime $ ---- $1,200 $ 135 $ 30 NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES: 8123 8124 8132 8133 8141 8142 8144 8148 8149 8151 Building Maintenance Utilities Postage Telephone Departmental Supplies Small Tools Special Equip. Maint. Special Expense Reim. Sundry Travel & Meet. Expense TOTAL EXPENSES 8186 EQUIPMENT OUTLAY: Special Equipment CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS: , í I I I L----- None $1,042 $1,800 $1,800 $ 300 1,000 850 850 100 100 160 90 55 500 150 200 75 15 25 150 220 225 900 825 960 500 500 500 $5,085 $4,550 $3,215 869 55 12 $1,978 $1,051 $ $ $ 800 800 500 76 ~= CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ANNUAL BUDGET ACTIVITY ¡ACCOUNT SERIES 8100 ------- -- Park Facilities --- --- -_.---- 8l01 8102 8123 8124 8132 8133 8141 8142 8144 [;148 8151 8186 COMMENTARY Based on the salary survey of positions in Southern California, an increase in the range for Senior Maintenanceman is budgeted. Overtime is budgeted for occasional operation of the Tustin Youth Cente~ after normal duty hours and on weekends. Routine maintenance and painting of the park site. Gas, electric, and water. Mail-out of Park and Recreation Commission matters. Pbone service for the pay booth at the Tustin Youth Center. Special supplies and items at the Youth Center throughout the year. Miscellaneous small tools and equipment. Maintenance of lawnmowers and garden equipment. Reimbursement of expenses incurred by members of the Parks and Recreation Commission in conducting Commission business and related matters. Provides for reimbursement of expenses for various functions attended by members of the Parks and Recreation Commission throughout the year. Installation of equipment and improvements at the Tustin Youth Center during 1966-67. 77 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA I I -"cc=== ANN U A L BUD GET - ---iI I Recr:~-~¡;~~~===--- ---------- ---=-~~~____~Af~~I~~T R200 ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION OF FUNCTIONS Recreation includes programs, special avents and related services at the Tustin Youth Center and other facilities during the year, and at certain school sites during the summer. EXPENDITURES 1964-65 1965-66 1965-66 1966-67 Clas s ifica tion Actual Budget Estimate Budget PERSONAL SERVICES $ 6,440 $11,650 $1l,650 $12,900 NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES. 1,971 1,310 1,505 2,905 EQUIPMENT OUTLAY. . . . CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS. TOTAL ACTIVITY. . . . . . .. $ 8,411 $l2, 960 $13,155 $15,805 FUND DISTRIBUTION CIa s s ifica tion 1966-67 Budget GENERAL FUND........................ . . . . . . . . $15,805 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND . . . . . . . . . . . SPECIAL GAS TAX FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE FUND. . . . . . . . . . . SEWER MAIN TRUNK FUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOTAL FUNDS ..................................... $15,805 78 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA ANNUAL BUDGET ACTIVITY --- ------- ----- - ------- - --- ------ - ------ ACCOUNT SERIES 8200 Recrea.t.ion...__- ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTION Description PERSONNEL (and Hourly Rate): 8203 8203 8203 8203 ,I I ¡i ii Ii i II I' I I I II I , 11 I I I Recreation Director Recreation Specialist Sr. Recreation Leader Jr. Recreation Leader TOTAL POSITIONS NON-PERSONAL EXPENSES: 8232 8241 8244 8249 8251 8256 Postage Departmental Supplies Spec. Equip. Main. Sundry Travel & Beet. Expense Vehicle Rental TOTAL EXPENSES EQUIPMENT OUTLAY: None CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS: None 1964-65 1965-66 1965-66 1966-67 Actual Budget Estimate Budget 1 (2.50) 1 (2.75) 1 (2.75) 1 (2.75) 2 (2.00) 5 (2.25) 5 (2.25) 5 (2.25) 3 (2.25) 5 (2.25) 5 (2.25 7 (2.25) 4 (1. 80) 7 (1.50) 7 (1.50) 17 (1.50) 10 18 18 30 $ ---- $ ---- $ 30 $ 30 1,634 700 700 100 141 100 25 25 196 100 100 100 50 50 50 360 600 2,000 $1,971 $1,310 $1,505 $2,905 ------------~= CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 79 ANNUAL BUDGET ACTIVITY 8203 8232 8241 8244 8249 8251 8256 Recreation ~Aff~I~~T 8200 COMMENTARY Recreation personnel are employed part-time for the 1966 summer recreation program and June 1967 at five school sites, and for certain special activities during winter 1966-67. Mail-outs of recreational matters. Purchase of sports equipment, arts and crafts supplies, and special awards. Maintenance of various recreation equipment as required. Supplies not budgeted in other expenditure accounts are classified as Sundry. Provides mileage reimbursement for the Recreation Director for travel between the various recreation sites. Rental of charter bus for scheduled daily excursion programs during the summer. CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 80