HomeMy WebLinkAbout08 SURPLUS PROPERTY 03-01-04 AGENDA REPORT Agenda Item 8 Reviewed: ~ City Manager Finance Director MEETING DATE: March 1, 2004 TO: William A. Huston, City Manager FROM: Ronald A. Nault, Finance Director SUBJECT: DECLARATION OF SURPLUS PROPERTY SUMMARY: The City has accumulated a large quantity of obsolete and/or damaged computers, miscellaneous office furniture and other equipment. The listed items are no longer usable or required for City use. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Declare the listed equipment and furniture surplus and not required for public use. 2. Authorize staff to sell/have auctioned serviceable equipment of value and otherwise dispose of assets beyond repair. 3. Authorize staff to dedicate any auction or sales proceeds to the maintenance of the Senior Center Computer Lab. FISCAL IMPACT: No cost to the City, minimal return on auction items. BACKGROUND: The City no longer uses the equipment and furniture listed. Staff proposes to offer these items for auction and those items not sold to be destroyed. The attached lists comprise items to donated, or otherwise disposed of. ~~ V be declared surplus prior to being auctioned, sold, Ronald A. Nault Finance Director Attachment RAN: DedarationOIS u rpl us PropertyStaffReport. doc Auction List 2003200 Printer i 12003201 Printer ~-_. ,...,.., - 2003202 Office chair 2003203 I Office chair 2003204 I Office chair 2003205 I Office chair ---.. 2003-2061 Office chai~ 2003207 Office chair 2003208 I Office chair 20'03209 I Office chair I ,.~ 2003210 . Office chair 2003211 Offi ce ch . 2003212. Desk i 12003213 i Office 2003214 I Office 2003215 Office 2003216 Office 2003217 Office chair 2003218 Office chair 2003219 I Copier l. f'anasonic ~-P2123 ¡ Panasonic kx-p2123 . u, r .. : Generic . Generic Generic --,..._- Generic I Generic I ---- ¡ Generic I Generic Generic -',-..-- Generic G 1?dmbnbf72569 i 3dsbndO9528 ..- ----.. r~ 'IC ¡Wood ,3X6 I --t-= -.- chair Generic ........ chair ,Generic ~_..,_.- chair Generic - .,... chair Generic Generic Generic -.....-- Canon , Þ=-- N P8580 i cpcO7415 Information Technology Department Page 1 2/19/2004 Auction List 2003220 ¡ Scanner 2003221 . Printer 2003222 Mailer 2003223 Scale 2003224 Router -' 2003225 Csu/Dsu 2003226. Co~puter 200~?27 . Compljter 2003228 Printer 2003229 Printer 2003230. Computer 1 .. , 2003231 13" Monitor 2003232 Camera 2003233 VCR 2003234 14" Monitor 2003235 Computer 2003236113" Monitor 2003237. UPS 2003238 I Computer 2003239 115" Monitor HP Canon Hasler IMS Radwiz Easternrsh --..-..- Generic ¡ Generic Epson Apple HP ~......- Apple ¡Sony Quasar Generic Apple Septre Elgar I Generic -----..- Panasonic Information Technology Department Scanjet lic C2500 ,----"'-'- Mailer ,1000 --- Mrt Dns1500 PI! 500 PI! 500 FX 1 050 LaserWriter II Vetra 286 Apple Color Evo-110 Vh5169 I ¡ N 1528 Mac II ¡Mm-1 1 IPS-1100sl PI1500 St-900y Page 2 1 09-546 41889 130295a 13724 2845845 .------ ----- 123862 16291223 15091223 --.....- -,- Oe11003727 ca82518g 3029a06781 5040647 201159 62611114 33~4000u20569 i f746631 m5ÕOÖ-----l 1 144gbO0112041 1568 14891223 I ' ka7120176 346 376 399 2/19/2004 Auction List 2003240 I Modem Osicon ..... "cgEP~980 ---~~ 9803190 142 2003241 Pri nte~____- HP Laser Jet 4 dp!~902893 1319 2003242' Computer Data General Avian 2150 zO0410135 .." ----- - 2003243 Computer Data General Avian 2700 14388370 ,.. 2003244 15" Monitor Data General 1554 9178502024 ~,- .. .......--- 2003245 15" Monitor Data General 1554 9178502024a -" -.., --------- 2003246 21" Monitor NEC 2131-vma z54a 451 --.... .., 2003247 21" Monitor NEC 2131-vma z54b 449 ~--,.. ,-- , ' .,----- 2003248 21" Monitor NEC 2131-vma ,z54c 447 -----.------ .. ..,-,-_..,--- ..,"--"'-~ 2003249 '21" Monitor NEC 2131-vma z54d 445 ,,- ..,,---....- 2003250 .. Hub Cabletron iShe-22 116698120163240c ,------- . 2003251 Computer Compaq Deskpro 6~1.§)bsb3p233 2003252 Computer Ç,()_r:I1P99- -'--.. De§~pr~ ,6818bsb3q259 I I 2003253..l.cO m p ute r Compaq Deskpro .. 6819bsb_3p313 2003254', Computer Compaq Deskpro 6~18bsb3q68~_- ----. -_..-.. 2003255 Computer Compaq -----,---- Deskpro~--.. 6819bsb3p355 2003256 15" Monitor Panasonic St-900y ka6520137 ,..-- 2003257 15" Monitor , Panasonic St-900y ka6520122 -- --", 2003258 15" Monitor .. Panasonic St-9_QOy ka6520127 - .,- - .., ,---- 2003259 15" Monitor 1 Panasonic I St-900y ka6520121 Information Technology Department Page 3 2/19/2004 Auction List 2003260 Computer 2003261 1 C°l!!.puter 2003262 i Compute~ 2003263 Computer 2003~64 Compute~ 2003265 Cg~puter _2003266Icomp!Jter ~2.°3267 ! Compl¿ter 2003268! Compu!er 2003269 1 Computer 2003270 1 Computer 2003271 113" Monitor 2003272 117" Monitor ~OO3273lcomputer 2003274 Computer 2003275 1 Computer .... ' 2003276 I Computer ! 2003277 Computer 20032,?8 ComP':J_ter 2003279 ,Computer Generic : PIli 866 Generic Pili 866 ~ ".." ------..--- - -~ Generic Pili 866 Generic PIli 800eb , '--~ Generic Pili 800eb Generic Pili 800eb Generic Pili 800eb Generic PIli 866 I ,-,-- --..-, ..-- Generic PIli 800eb Generic Pili 800eb Generic Pili 800eb .compaq_--- 471 Viewsonic IE771 'Generic PIli 866 ,--",- ",---- ¡Generic PIli 800eb I ..., Generic PI I 500 Generic P II 500 Generic PII 500 ,-- .., Generic PI1500 ¡Generic IPI1500 Information Technology Department Page 4 8110219 8010219 7910219 21701130 21501130 121801130 ----- 21101130 8210219 21401130 21201130 2131130 _u- -+-,-- dh921 04569 12790218 22001130 15491223 15891223 ,16491223 .7790818 I 16391223 434 504 307 301 411 ~95 315 2/19/2004 Auction List 200~280 ¡ Computer Generic PI1500 115591223 --- ,.. .., 2003281 1 Computer Generic PIli 800eb 860062 --",-, , 2003282 1 Computer Generic PII1800eb . 8500626 ",- ,--- 2003283 Co~puter HP Brio PII 400 usa90808571 .. ,_..,- -- ,..._, 2003284 ¡ Computer HP '1 Brio PII 400 usa90808594 , ".. 20032851 C°r:!lputer Dell --,~ XPS 200 20032861 Computer Dell ,XPS T450 , J 8iyf6 .." 2003287 I Computer Dell I XPS T500 6tsti 1660 ".." .. 2003288 ¡Computer Dell XPS 266 8d3048 .9798032 , ,-_.... "" ,..-- ,....,---, 2003289 1 Computer Compaq Prolinea I 6~3~her70667 ,.. -,..., 2003290 ! Scanner HP S~9~let 5p sg753 ~ 2Qj2 1359 2003291 Scanner Canon Dr 3020 aa306953 -- -- 2003292 Scanner Canon lOr 3020 aa306949 I 2003293 .. Printer HP Laserjet II 8990031 I;~~ .. 2003294 Printer HP Laserjet III 3126a07582 397 ~ ...--- ..-- 2003295 Slip, Printer DH Tech Dh 4700 2003296 Computer Dell IXPS T450 15aOqf __--1743 I 2003297 Computer Generic Pili 800eb :21901130 476 I 2003298 gomputer Generic PIli 800eb 13801020 463 ,~....._..- 2003299 Computer Dell XPS R400 hc9bf Information Technology Department Page 5 2/19/2004 Auction List 2003300 Computer i 12003301 ¡Co~puter _~2.Q3302 Computer ---- 2003303 Cqr:nputer 2003304 I Computer 2003305 1 Computer 2003306 Comp~ter 2003307 1 Compu~er 2003308 1 Comput~r 20033091 Computer 20033101 Computer 2003311 1 Computer ~9_Q.~312 Computer 2003313 Computer 2003314 1 Computer 2003315 Computer 2003316 Computer 2003317 Computer 2003318 Computer 2003319 Computer Dell Dell Dell Dell Dell Dell ¡Dell Dell Dell Dell Dell Dell Dell Dell Dell Dell Dell Dell Dell Dell Information Technology Department XPS V400 29h2a XPS R400 hc9bc >5P§ T4_~9_...__..._,_~a9qi XPS B866r h88220b XPS T 450 5a3bh 41 00 crjfcO 1 41 00 5trj rc ,4100 brjfc01 14100 4vjfc01, 4100 1 sjfc01 -"',,-",,"',,-',,',...",,",..._.......'..m " "~~- XPS T500 bwq55 41 00 hvjfcO 1 4100 ¡ 8rjfc01 4100 i4tjfc01 4100 .9sjfc01 ¡ 41 00 i dtjfcO 1 4100 csjfcO 1 41 00 fvjfcO 1 4!QO,.._..._~,u_n_' 7tjfcO 1 4100 c~vc01 488 497 1499 I------- 495 741 496 535 510 576 531 492 .500 1--- 489 538 Page 6 2/19/2004 Auction List 1 , , 2003320' Fax Machine 20(j3321 I Compu~ 2003322 Computer 2003323 1 Computer 2003324 1 Computer 2003325 ¡ Computer 2003326 .15" Monitor -- .. 20033271 Computer 2003328 1 Computer 2003329 ¡ Printer 2003330 Scanner 2003331 1 Computer 2003332 1 Computer 2003333 1 Computer 2003334 1 Computer I 2003335 1 Computer , 2003336 Computer I 2003337 Computer 2003338 i Camera 2003339 Controller Brother Dell Dell Dell Packard Bell Dell Dell Compaq,_, Dell HP HP ~ 'Dell Dell Dell Generic Generic Generic Generic Kodak --~- MindPath Information Technology Department MFC 1170 XPS V400__J2~~~~ XPS V400 i29h1e XPS V400 29h2e ..~"..._,_.... Legend 436cdt 842056104 XPS T500 5b4xe 01625 2989532 -----"',,..__..,-~ ~~9..Ii~,rlL~000 . 3862g702 XPS T450 6tssx 820cxi us68d 140bs Scanjet 6100c sg7aa140mv XPS 266 dr102 XPS T 450 hccvO XPS T 450 5a39v PIli 800eb 21601130 Pili 800eb 12700523 Pili 800eb 12600523 ---- , "". Pili 800eb 12800523 DC220 ¡ EKG83601389 ¡XP 66087 665 515 480 740 731 730 Page 7 2/19/2004 Auction List : 12003340 lfomp_lJter 2003341 1 Printer 2003342 ----,-- 2003343 -- 2003344 -,-,- 2003345 2003346 2003347 2003348 ! 2003349 _..--~ 2003350 Gateway HP P-166 5L 5260113 USCB040913 Information Technology Department Page 8 2/19/2004