HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 94-19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 94-19 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 94-01, UPDATING ALL ELEMENTS OF THE TUSTIN AREA GENERAL PLAN. The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The City Council finds and determines as follows: Ao Government Code Section 65358 provides that when it is deemed to be in the public interest, the legislative body may amend all or part of an adopted General Plan. Government Code Section 65358(b) states that no mandatory element of a General Plan shall be amended more frequently than 4 times during any calendar year. However, each amendment may include more than 1 change to the General Plan. Appropriately in conjunction with General Plan Amendment 94- 01, while all elements are being amended the action shall be considered as one amendment per Section 65358(b). Co Do The Planning Commission at a regular meeting on January 10, 1994 recommended to the City Council approval of General Plan Amendment 94-01. In accordance with Government Code Section 65353, a public hearing was duly noticed, called, and held on the proposed amendment by the City Council on January 17, 1994. Eo General Plan Amendment 94-01 has been reviewed in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act and Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) 94-01, which adequately addresses the general environmental setting of the proposed project, its significant environmental impacts and the project alternatives and mitigation measures related to each significant environmental ..- effect for the proposed project has been reviewed and considered by the Planning Commission and it is determined that any remaining significant effects on the environment found to be unavoidable have been balanced against the benefits of the project and against the project alternatives and those benefits have been found to be overriding on each significant impact identified in the EIR. General Plan Amendment 94-01 is in the best interest of the public based on the following: The comprehensive update of the General Plan ensures that the City conforms to changes in State law, reflects current court decisions and provides an integrated and internally consistent set of goals and policies designed to reflect the changing characteristics and growth of the communiD'. The updated General Plan will project and direct future growth and development in the City of Tustin. The updated General Plan reflects community input on goals and objectives through the public participation process. lI' 6 8 10 11 12 13 Resolution No. 94-19 Page 2 The updated goals, policies and implementation programs will ensure that the City of Tustin has an adequate General Plan. II. The City Council does hereby approve the following: General Plan Amendment 94-01 amending all Elements of the Tustin Area General Plan conditioned upon certain textual and map changes being made to the General Plan Elements identified as Errata to General Plan Documents, and attached as Exhibit A and B, incorporated herein by reference. Said textual and map changes will be made in the printing of the Final document. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin at a regular meeting held on the 9th day of February, 1994. 14 171 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) 18 COUNTY OF ORANGE ) I~ CITY OF TUSTIN ) 19i 21! 231 COUNCILMEMBER AYES: 24 .! COUNCILMEMBER NOES: i COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED: 25 COUNCILMEMBER:ABSENT: 26! ,I 27 z.,' ~.,,_.x_x~ ~- i,tMARY E. WYNN CERTIFICATION FOR RESOLUTION NO. 94-19 MARY E. WYNN, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the Ci~ Council of the City of Tustin is 5; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 94-19 was duly and regularly introduced, passed, and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, held on the ~th day of February, 1994. None None None Saltarelli, Pontious, Puckett, Thomas EXHIBIT A ERRATA TO GENERAL PLAN DOCUMENTS RESOLUTION NO. 94-19 JANUARY 17, 1994 Additions to and deleted text in the Errata are identified as: Deletions: strikcout Additions: ~~ LAND USE ELEMENT Certain Figures in the Land Use Element do not contain streets that are shown on the other figure exhibits. For consistency with other Figures and the DEIR, the following Land Use Figures shall be revised as follows: Add Yorba Street, south of Seventeenth Street to Figure LU-2. b. Add Myford Road to the Figure LU-3. c. Add Valencia Avenue to the Figure LU-3. Page 45 - Figure LU-6, Special Management Areas. MCAS, Tustin' legend does not match graphics delineating the MCAS area. The legend and the. MCAS Specific Plan Study Area shall be reconciled. ~ On all city exhibit maps, changes shall be made to show - Santa Clara at the top of map as Fairhaven. Santa Clara is located to the south and would be moved down to the next major street as shown on the attached example Attachment (A.1). Corrections will be made to the following Exhibits: Figures I-l, Page 3, Introduction LU-1, Page 26 LU-2, Page 27 LU-5, Page 41 LU-6, Page 45 LU-7, Page 46 Page 48 discussion of North Tustin Specific Plan Management Area shall be modified to read: North Tustin Specific Plan: The North Tustin Specific Plan applies to portions of the uninccrporated area of North Tustin in the general vicinity of 17th Street and Newport Avenue. Ail development activities within this area of the County are subject to provisions of the North Tustin Specific Plan. A more lengthy discussion of the plan can be found in the Land Use Technical Memorandum. 1 The Nurth TuJti'~,':.' SpeciflC?~.l~n.f:'..(NTsP). 'is :. a: count~, d0cu~ent ... ... . .:~.::.~ · -.......:......::.:...,.:... $:..:~....:..: ~ .......: .:? ~::..:...~ ::~..:.:.'~....:':. :... b~z'. t~he: .Communi tl~ i.. Pro f i 1 e" 2 The last two paragraphs on Page 49 shall be modified to read as follows: ¢'~' "'":'. '~'"." "'":'~: ":~':':'".'"" ~ '~ ""{. ~'". ':"':".'"' '"":':~:.'"> :.:"~ '< ::.. '~: :.':::'~:::':':':::'U'4:~4:.~:'~:~:~:::'::~::':'::~.~'¢:~:~)~'¥:::~9:::S:~ :::::::::::::::::::::::::: !:%::. ========================= ======================= ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The unincorporated portion of the planning area is comprised of the North Tustin area. These areas are included in the City's planning area because they relate to the long range planning efforts undertaken by the City. The North Tustin area lies within the City's Sphere of Influence (SOI) and portions or all of this area could potentially be annexed to Tustin within the next 20 years. ~.~~:~:.~[~~~~:~[~>~~~.:~:~~' ~... ..... ..:. q.. :~:¥: :. ::: '. .:.~::: :~ .... .~:~ ': .: -...:~...:. . ':-. ~ · . .. ~... ~. · . ... . . ..~. ·: -.:~.~ ..... : .... ... .: .... .:.:.: ... :~.:...... .: .. ..... ..: ... . .~ ~ .~ ~ ..~.. . .~.~.... ...~ .. .:~: ~: : .. :~::... · . ":".'""'~'" ::::: ?"[:~:~::'":'"'.' ' '[. g'":'"':'"F '":g~:.:'.:"':' '""" '" '""'" ":' :'":" · '"" "'"'"~'"""'"'":::"'::~" :':~ ": '.' :.' ':~::'~ K[.::~?~: ":'": :' '¢~¢~:~." "' ':"'"'""::" ~:' ":'":":':'~..¢¢~'"'""' ' ~:":'~.~:.::? ' '"':" "' ":'" ".'2~ ~'"~. '::.~.: '"" :::'::.' ~' ' ..' '.":' ~.' ~'~" '.:': 3 o ~aj'a ~:~ i...<.:t 0:.::..~:~ .t ~e ..:ci:~.~.:ii!ii::~i?.i.i:~:;ii:~:.ik:;~.:::2~:.~i included in the City of Irvine SCI. The two incorporated areas ~ bctk lie ~'~ northwest or ~6~:~"~ of the futurc alignment of ~:'~'~e Road which ~'~":'::'"~:~:~::'"':::recently `:,`'' ~b ~'~:a:!:::~%'a3r ..,~:'" 8'~e a t e a t r a f f i c c o r ~':i'a ~:~'"~ff~:a~ff:'' ~::'"~'6'ffS~'~'::':~'O:'['~:~:{i:a%::::~'~nda~ line between the cities of Tustio Commission (~C:'. would bc A new section shall be added on page 10 to read as follows: ~'6~{:~''~.... ~.B~;.n~.~;i~ij~.~..n....~E~:~..~i:~.~.~:.~::....:~....::~?......~.~`.:! ........... :.....,:..:...?,,.::::.:,.....::::...:......,:::...: ............. ~... ...... ..... "' '"" 'X~.~'::;::'~a ~. ::: ~:a'aa. The [o!lowin9 policies shall be modified ho read as follows: "Policy 1 6 E.,c~-,age ~ompa~xbI~.. and:.~omplemen~ar~ ~nf=]l o~ previously by-passed parcei'~ in'a~ea's aI~ea'~y'p'~edominantly developed." "Policy 1.7. Ens]re an adequate supply of commercial and industrial land ~h:i~.;::'~h~:i'..:.C~t~i'.:~'~:..i~.::~u~t~n for potential commercial and indu~:t~i:~i'"'~p~'~6h"'~'d'd~eiopment." "Policy 1.13 Evaluate all future annexation proposals within the City's sphere of influence for their potential financial, social and environmental impacts on the City of Tustin. and cxplorc opportunitic-~ to imposc thc financial obligations for ncw capital improvcmcnt o nccco-~ary in anncxcd arcao on propcrty owncro within cach anncxation arca. ~i~i~:~;i~:~:~.~:~:.:~h~.~..:~:~:~.~&~:i~.::6~::.:~.~.:.~.~;~.i.:.~'i'~p&~'~: ~p:~:~[~::::~:¢~.~,~[$~:~.~: .......... . ..................... . ..... . .................................. : ..................... . .............. ....:.. .... .:... .......... . Page 33 of second paragraph, second sentence under discussion of Low Density Residential Designation shall be modified to read as follows: This designation allows a maximum of seven single family units per net acre of land. ~i'6~b?~"'~'hS'6I'~'"~i~A'i'h"'i'"I~w'Bensity character with building heights generally not exceeding 30 feet. Page 6 under "Balanced Development in Tustin" shall be modified to read: There is a lack of commercial services in geographic areas such as in North Tustin and in the Irvine Business Center, which warrants consideration of additional commercial designations. (Bullet ~1) The annexation of certain areas in North Tustin could brin~ additional wc!l c~tablishcd rcoidcntial ncigD~orhoodo into Tustin and with agrccmcnt of affcctcd rcsidcnts establish more logical city boundaries. (Bullet #5) Hillside areas within the City's Sphere of Influence may be subject to slope i~nstability, in the event of annexation, significant infrastructure deficiencies, w~.~: ":.:. ~'~i: .. :' ~'~'~:~::i: :'::.:::'~:'h~'~ .l "::. i b el::::::: :m i ~.i ~ a'~: ~::.:: :::.::'t ¥ :. ::. ::: ':: ~ ~. :: ::i~ ~ e ~ · ~:~:~::i~::~':":'::'"i:~'::::~'::'~'~ .... · ........................................ i0. A new Goal and Policies shall be added on Page 23 of the Land Use Element Goals and Policies section to read as follows: 5 11. 12. Figure 5U-6 (Special ~anagement Areas) shall be corrected to delete the northwest corxer of ~araboree and ~.dinger and the southeast corner of Red Hill and Edinger from the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan Study Area boundary as shown on the attached example (Attachment A-2) . Policy 7.2 shall be ar. ended as follows: Capitalize on Tustin's office and hotel markets through encouraging the development of these uses. 13. Policy 7.5 shall be amended as follows: i.(i~')i~i Focus retail development into consclidated economically viable and attractive centers of ade~m/ate size and scale which offer a variety of retail goals and amenities; ?!(:~.. reinforce quality highway and scenic d=vea~oment adfiacent'"to the City's major transportation corridors: ::('c)' discourage typical strip commercial development. 14. Table LU-3 shall be revised to show 1539 dwelling units under the Military Land Use designation. Totals on Table LU-3 shall be revised accordingly. All text where dwelling unit counts appear shall be revised tc reflect the new total Planning Area and city dwelling unit ccunt. Circulation Element Corrections to Page 24, Paragraph i, 2nd Sentence shall be made to read: "Supers%feets" have been renamed to "Smart Streets" o Figure C-5 (Bikewa'y Plan. : The County Regional Trail legend (Jamboree Road at Portoia Parkway to Peter's Canyon Regional Park) should be shown as continuing into Peter's Canyon 6 o Regional Park and within Tustin City limits. At the far northerly alignment, the trail should be shown to the east of the City of Tustin boundary as indicated on the attached example (Attachment A-3). Policy 1.9 shall be amended as follows: Policy 1.17 shall be amended as follows: Policy 7 4 shall be amended as follows: Reduce use of ~^-- arterial streets for on-street parking in an effort to maximize traffic flow characteristics of roadways. The following statement shall be added to the end of paragraph The statement, "many of these au~nentation features are currently in place along this section of Newport Avenue," shall be removed from page 30 under discussion of Newport Avenue roadway section. On Page 3, under the discussion South Coast Air Basin and Air Ouality Management Plan, the following text shall be added to end of the existing paragraph: 7 Policy 3.9 shall be amended as follows: Work with the Southern California Rag~Rail Authority, the Orange County Transportation Authcrif~ ..... (OCTA and AT&SF) to reduce or eliminate current traffic interruptions due to rail crossings along arterials. Housin~ Element Page 14 - Second paragraph under Military Personnel should be amended to delete reference to family housing. Delete the following sentences: "Duc to noisc and !and constraints at ncarby MCAD E1 Toro, all milita~, family housing shall bc built at MCAE Tustin. Currcnt plans call for 70 units to bc constructcd within tko City of Tustin during 1992. Thc Marincs havc 5ndicatcd that 200 additional units will bQ constructcd during tk~ ncxt two ycars." o On Page 24 under the Financing subsection, revise the first paragraph, to read as follows: Financing: Whilc ~interest rates h~vc fallcn mora than tcn points from thcir~':hcar 20 pcrccnt high in thc aarly 1950s, thcy stil~_ substantial impact on housing costs which is renters, purchasers ~%d developers. Some mortgage financing is variable rate, which offers an initial lower interest rate than fixed financing. The ability of lending institutions to raise rates to adjust for inflation will cause many existing households to overextend themselves financially, as well as a return to a situation where high financing costs substantially constrain the housin~ market. An additional obstacle for the first-time home buyer ~!iii~i~'~i~i~ continucs to be the 10 20 pcrccnt ~i~~downpay~'~'~:':'~"~:~red by lending institutions. Table H-3 shall be ccrrected to reflect 1539 dwelling units for MCAS, Tustin. Rcuh existing and maximum buildout totals shall be revised acccrdin~ly. Al! text where dwellin~ unit counts appears shall be revised to reflect the new total Planning Area and cit-.' dwelling unit count. Conservation/Open S~ace/Recreatlon Element On all city exhibit msps, Santa Clara at the top of map shall be labeled Fairhaven. Santa Clara moves down to the next 8 o o o o o major street. Corrections shall be made to the following Exhibits as shown on the attached example (Attachment A-l): Figures: COSR-2, Page 33 COSR-3, Page 38 COSR-4, Page 39 COSR-5, Page 46 Page 34, second paragraph, second sentence shall be amended as follows: The two wcllu ~ at the City's Seventeenth Street n~trate leveIs and h~gh~eveIs o~ total d~ssolved solids. Certain information in Table COSR-2 shall be corrected as follows: Clifton Miller Center .10 acres Tustin Area Senior Center .40 acres Total Areas 47.2 acres. Table COSR-2 shall be retitled from Existing Parks and Recreational Facilities to: Existing ~'~i~ Parks and Recreational Facilities. Table COSR-3 shall be retitled from Proposed Parks an~ Recreational Facilities, to: Proposed ~.~i~ Parks and Recreational Facilities. On Page 54, Item 9: "Public Works" shall be added to the list of Responsible Agencies. On Figure COSR-3, Page 38 shall be revised to include the address next to each Historic Resource property outside the Old Town Area. On Page 51, under the discussion of the Air Quality Implementation Program, Paragraph Two shall be deleted and replaced with the following text: 9 Th~'~Jr~h'~:': '~6Un't:~.'' League .of. Ci ties has ~rovide .C. odnt'~i:::::~i~"y:.!.~i~s::.?.:f.a:i:r::':..share' hrip 'reduction. goal ~:..::::~)..~h:e'.~::[~i~y. ~'.~':~':~.~'S~':~e~" r&~n~"i~:.~:..~ec~nized, ms h'avi~g m~.'~?~.i2.~..~?'~.~f::.~:~:~[~'~ ~l.!~c.a:.~:~'d':.~[~':~h'i~'ie':]~:,.~ ~p~:.:.".:redu c~fion';::~ goat"l.: ~:~ ....[.'[TheP~: ~:'.~ ~?~?.[~2~.~.~?~'aa~:~iS~.~..~.~;~:~h ~":~:~:· ? ~a:~:~:~a.;~:~::k~'~:::~.:~:~.~.~::~::~::::~:~;~'&:~.~:~ ~:~.~:'~: ~:~:'::. c ~..~.::~:~:~:.~:~?:~:~'~.~:~& ............. . .......................... . .................................................. o Page 53, Implementation Program No. 6 shall be revised .to read: ..... "Traffic Flow Improvements· D'~i~ f:~ ~'t'i.~:):} :.~'~ ~'~?:}~.:i~:~:~iS ~i::~'ii.. [~ ~:'::: ::. Ci..~:~wi:de'.??:int.~:~:~!~:..:: ~ ~ !0. On Page 54, Implementation Program No. 7 shall be revised to read: Develop intergovernmental a~reements and ~]ii~'~'~i:!'~ ~'I~'~iiiii:'~ adopt a local ordinance t~attain target:~:~:""~'~d~'~6'~ ~f":%~:{~le Miles Traveled and growth management goals of thq Growth Management Plan (implements Tier 1 Me,sure 17 of the 1991 AQMP) . 11. On Page 54 Implementation Program No. 8 shall be revised to · .i.""~r:"i.!.i~i~¥.~'.:i"~"i~."~'"":?'!'':..F":?'":'..:'::':-'.:.~: ......... ...... ....... .:...: ~ read. ~%.......~r~.i:~:~.::i:.:S~u~y.:.:.:~he~e~:.:ii..:t0 ado~ an ordinance restric~'i'~g ...... ~d06'~ .... ~[0r'a~ ..... Of 'fi~e ..... particulate matter, requiring liners for truck beds and covering of loads, and controlling construction activities and emissions from unpaved areas, and paving areas used for vehicle maneuvering or areas otherwise identified by the Air Resources Bc~rd (implements Tier 1 Measures 12.a and i2.b of the 1991 AQM?). Public Safety Element Page 27 - Table PS-4. Identify responsible agency/department for recovery operations. Finance Departmen: will have the primary responsibility for Recovery Operations, all other city departments and agencies will provide supporu functions. On Page 26, Figure PS-!. Revise Exhibit :o show correct location of Fairhaven and Sa::t~ Clara (=_e_ = examples, irt Attachment 1) . 3. Page !3, Policy 7.6 ~0 Continua to oppooc thc futurc uoc of MCAS E1 Toro and MCAC Tuotin for cOmmcrcial air opcrationo or gcncral aviation opcrationo. Page 3C, Implementation Program No. l(g) ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Continua to opposc commcrcial or gcncral aviation usc of MCAE E1 Tore and MCAE Tumtin. Noise Element On Page 14, Figure N-1. Revise Exhibit to show correct locaticn of Fairhaven and Santa Clara (see examples in Attachment 1). 2. Page 8, Policy 1.5 Continue to oppouc any futurc commcrcial or gcncra! aviation uuc of ~'~ ° E1 ..~A~ Toro and MCAS, Tustin. 3. Page 24, Implementation Program No. 4 Thc City of Tustin will continuc to participatc in thc p!annin~ proccs~cs for JWA, MCAS Tustin and MCAS E1 Toro to avoid incrcaocd noisc cxposurc from thc aviation activitics aosociatcd with thcoc facilitics. 11 ,-ATTACHMENT A 1 ............. SOUTH HALF (See Figure LU-3) ? ! ' GENERAL PLAN P R 0 G R A M Figure LU-1 Land Use Plan Policy Map Key 26 'ATTACHMENT A 2 // // .'======================================= P R O G R A M 4.5 EXISTING SPECIFIC PLANS ~ First Street ~ East Tustin ~ Pacific Center East ~ North Tustin SPECIFIC PLAN STUDY AREAS ~ MCAS Tustin I ~- ~ ~igure LU-6 Special Management Areas Specific Plans ATTA~HMF N T A~ Figure C-5 CITY. OF TUSTIN BII<~WAY PLAN 37 C~ RCUk~TION EIJT~'vfF_Jx'r S 'F-J'rI~MBER 199:' EXHIBIT B ERRATA TO GENERAL PLAN DOCUMENTS RESOLUTION NO. 94-19 FEBRUARY 7, 1994 Public Safety Element (Policy 7.6) Continuc to opposc thc futurc usc of MCAE E1 Toro and MCA$ Tustin for commcrcial air opcrations or gcncral aviation opcrationu. Noise Element (Policy 1.5) Continuc to oppouc any futurc commcrcial or gcncral aviation usc of MCAE E1 Toro and MCAS, Tustin. ....................................... Mitiqation Measure (~1, Bullet 7) Opposc futurc commcrc!al or gcncral aviation usc of MCAE E1 Toro and MCAS Tustin (Im~!cmcntation Program No. i from thc Gcncral Plan Public Safcty Elcmcnt) . Implementation Proqram Noise ~4 Thc City of Tustin will continuc to participatc in thc planning proccuscu for JWA, MCLS Tustin and MCAS E1 Toro to avoid incrcascd noisc cxposurc from thc aviation activinics ausociatcd with thcuc facilitics. Errata to General Plan Documents Resolution No. 94-19 January 17, 1994 Page 2 Continuc to oppooc commcrcial or gcncral aviation usc cf ~o ~ Tcro and MCAg Tustin. ~;~a~.E~.':.' :~P.~'~'O~S.:.;~'~:~:.?.~;~.~.t:!~'::~:)~i:': .ji.opp~s'zn~::~.~e:~an~n~ :.:...~u~u~f~ . reus~ of~ ~k~ '~:'~.' :~:~ ~:~[~:::~;:;~:~ ~:::::';;~~ [~[?::?.~.:"~:~~:[].':::]:~'~'~.~ ~.~'~::::;:: ~:['?:[6pe r~ ti'ohs; Environmental ~mDact Report Page 5.9-15 - Figure 5-15. Figure 5-15 has been revised tc refle-- Transportation Corridor Agency's projected volumes on the Eastern Transportation Corridor (Attachment ! Exhibit B). General Plan Traffic Ana!¥sis Page IV - 5 - Figure IV-3. Figure IV 3 has been revised ~o reflect Transportation Corridor Agency's projected volumes on the Eastern Transportation Corridor (Attachment 2 - Exhibit B). RW: kbc\el e~... mis ! ALii IMENT El 1 35 /(~ ~ NORTH ncx to scale $I SOURCe_: Austin-Fo'-'~ Associates, Inc. BNVI~,0NMBNTAL lUl~ACT ~BPOI~T # 30 # .: : /! /// · eeee City Boundary ----Planning Area Boundary Figure 5-15 General Plan Buildout (2010 +) Volumes (Thousands) $.9-15 ATTACHMENT B 2 -' so so ~ ao ~0 50 LEGEND eeeee Ct%y Boundary ---- Planning Area Boundary Figure IV--3 POST--Z010 ADT VOLUMES (O00's) Tuslin, General Plan Traffic Analysis IV-5 Austin-Foust Associates, Inc. tTIOOT.OP