HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 P C ACTION AGENDA 05-03-04 AGENDA REPORT Agenda Item 3 Reviewed: úJ£1- City Manager Finance Director ~ MEETING DATE: MAY 3,2004 FROM: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT TO: SUBJECT: PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA ACTION AGENDA TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - 7:00 P.M. 7:04 p.m. APRIL 26, 2004 CALL TO ORDER Given PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE All present ROLL CALL Plaque presented to Linda Jennings by Chair Amante PRESENTATION None PUBLIC CONCERNS CONSENT CALENDAR Approved 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - APRIL 12, 2004, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. PUBLIC HEARINGS Adopted Resolution Nos. 3910,3911,3912, 3913,3914,3915 2. ZONE CHANGE 03-002, TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 16481, DESIGN REVIEW 03-012, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 03-012, AND GENERAL PLAN CONFORMITY FINDING FOR DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY REQUESTING: 1) SUBDIVISION OF A 1.036 ACRE PARCEL INTO THIRTEEN (13) NUMBERED LOTS AND ONE (1) LETTERED LOT FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A Action Agenda - Planning Commission 4-26-04 - Page 1 COMMERCIAL BUILDING AND TWELVE (12) RESIDENTIAL LlVE/WORK UNITS; 2) ZONE CHANGE TO ESTABLISH A PLANNED COMMUNITY AND PLANNED COMMUNITY DISTRICT REGULATIONS; 3) DEVELOPMENT OF AN APPROXIMATELY 9,300 SQUARE FOOT (8,589 SQUARE FEET LEASABLE AREA) RESTAURANT, RETAIL, AND OFFICE BUILDING AND TWELVE (12) MIXED USE (LiVE/WORK) UNITS WITH RETAIL AND OFFICE USES ON THE GROUND FLOOR AND SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL USES ON THE UPPER FLOORS; 4) APPROVAL OF A REDUCTION IN OFF-STREET PARKING IN ACCORDANCE WITH TUSTIN CITY CODE SECTION 9271aa AND AN AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE OFF-SITE PARKING IN ACCORDANCE WITH TUSTIN CITY CODE SECTION 9252; AND, 5) AUTHORIZATION TO SELL ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES IN CONJUNCTION WITH A FUTURE RESTAURANT USE IN THE COMMERCIAL BUILDING ON LOT 1 OF TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 167481 (ABC LICENSE TYPE "47"). THIS PROJECT IS LOCATED IN THE CENTRAL COMMERCIAL AND PARKING OVERLAY DISTRICT (C-2P), CULTURAL RESOURCES OVERLAY DISTRICT, AND TOWN CENTER REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA. Resolution No. 3910 recommending that the City Council certify the Prospect Village Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) and adopt a Statement of Overriding Considerations and Mitigation Monitoring Program for Zone Change 03- 002 and Tentative Tract Map 16481 and certify the Prospect Village FEIR and adopt a Statement of Overriding Considerations and Mitigation Monitoring Program for Design Review 03-012, Conditional Use Permit 03-012, and a General Plan Conformity Finding for disposition of property. Resolution No. 3911 recommending that the City Council approve Zone Change 03-002 to establish a Planned Community District and adopt the "Prospect Village Planned Community District Regulations." Resolution No. 3912 recommending that the City Council approve Tentative Tract Map 16481 for subdivision of a 1.036 acre site into thirteen (13) Action Agenda - Planning Commission 4-26-04 - Page 2 RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission adopt: 1. 2. 3. None Director reported Floyd Pontious Nielsen 4. numbered lots and one (1) lettered lot for the purpose of developing a commercial building and twelve (12) live/work units within a Planned Unit Development. Resolution No. 3913 approving Design Review 03- 012 for development of the site with an approximately 9,300 square foot (8,589 square feet of leasable area) two-story commercial building and twelve (12) three-story livelwork units, with a reduction in off- street parking requirements and the provision of off- site parking, and alcoholic beverage sales in conjunction with a future restaurant. Resolution No. 3914 approving Conditional Use Permit 03-012 for establishment of a future restaurant with alcoholic beverage sales in a tenant space up to 3,000 square feet with 112 seats in the commercial building on Lot 1 ofTentative Tract Map 16481. Resolution No. 3915 finding the disposition of property by the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency for the Prospect Village Project is in conformance with the Tustin General Plan. 5. 6. REGULAR BUSINESS STAFF CONCERNS 3. REPORT OF ACTIONS TAKEN AT THE APRIL 19, 2004, CITY COUNCIL MEETING. The City Council took action on the Community Development Block Grant one-year action plan; staff will be forwarding the City's application to HUD for the dollar amounts. COMMISSION CONCERNS Stated he hopes there is not a perception that the City indiscriminately demolishes historical buildings in the City. Indicated he is very proud of this project. Noted the City has a 20-year history of making important efforts, including the Overlay District, to preserve history. Pointed out that the City of Tustin is mentioned on page 16 of Elizabeth George's most recent novel. Noted that the Armstrong project looks good so far. Action Agenda - Pianning Commission 4-26-04 - Page 3 Nielsen continued Menard Amante 9:39 p.m. Stated that tonight's decision was very difficult since he empathizes with the residents who want to preserve the Utt Juice building; he looked hard for some feasible way to make that happen; none was apparent. Indicated he looks forward to the new project going forward. Agreed that tonight's approval was a difficult decision. Thanked everyone on staff for their work. Reminded everyone that the Promenade is coming soon; and, encouraged everyone to tour some of the City's historical buildings. Stated that staff did an extraordinary job helping the Planning Commission understand this project. Thanked his colleagues on the Commission for doing a good job during a difficult evening. Indicated it is important to bear in mind that during these difficult economic times it is imperative to remain vigilant regarding properties within local government purview to prevent Sacramento's usurping of sales tax, residential property taxes, etc.; it is incumbent upon local government not to be reaching into the taxpayers' pockets to subsidize that which private industry can do and not be making public those things that should be privatized. Applauded staff for trying to work with the developer and not allow this property, which has been fallow for so long, to remain fallow; this is the right thing for Tustin, despite the difficult choices regarding the façade that has historical value. Indicated he attended Karaoke Night (or "Tustin Idol") and was very entertained; the proceeds will benefit the Seniors in Tustin. ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission is scheduled for Monday, May 24, 2004, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber at 300 Centennial Way. Action Agenda - Planning Commission 4-26-04 - Page 4