That the Planning Commission approve the nomination of 434 EI Camino Real to the City of
Tustin Commendation Program and forward the commendation to the City Council for
Recently Restored
First Doctor's Office In Tustin
434 Fl Camino Real
434 EI Camino Real
March 14, 2017
Page 2
The City's Commendation Program recognizes an Old Town property of outstanding merit as
often as every calendar quarter. Residential, commercial and institutional properties may be
nominated to the program. Upon Planning Commission review and approval, a decorative sign
is displayed at the property, and the property owner is recognized at a City Council meeting.
Properties commended to date include: 355 West Second Street, 320 West Third Street, 520
West Main Street, 160 South Pacific Street, 335 South C Street, 340 West Main Street, 200
South A Street, 310 South Pasadena Avenue, 705 West Main Street (or 350 South Myrtle
Avenue), 525 West Main Street, 410 Pacific Street, and 138 North B Street. The most recent
nomination of 150 &158 W. Main Street (the Artz Building) was approved in September of 2014.
The City of Tustin is nominating the property at 434 EI Camino Real for a commendation.
Typically, the Tustin Preservation Conservancy or the Tustin Area Historical Society would
nominate a property; however, a City-initiated nomination is being brought forward to recognize
the building as an outstanding property in Old Town Tustin, In 2002, the building was
nominated for and received into the Tustin Historic Register Plaque Program by the Tustin
Cultural Resources Advisory Committee.
+ •
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434 EI Camino Real
Facade with Plaque
434 EI Camino Real
March 14, 2017
Page 3
The property is important, in part, because of its association with early Tustin residents. Dr.
James Sheldon was the first doctor to practice in Tustin, and constructed the building in 1885.
The building has also served other uses, including a medical office for Dr. James Patton Boyd.
Florence Stone, the City's first Postmistress subsequently used the office and lived in the
quarters in the rear of the building. In the 1930s, the building operated as Crawford's Frock
shop by Mrs. Ernie Crawford.
Dr. James Sheldon, M.D.
The building is also colloquially referred to as the Jabberwocky Building, so nicknamed for the
teen and pre-teen clothing shop. "The Jabberwocky", was operated by Margaret Pottenger
between 1959 and 1988. Ms. Pottenger remains the property owner. She became a leader in
Tustin's business community and was the first woman to be on the Board of Directors of the
Tustin Chamber of Commerce. Ms. Pottenger was named Tustin Woman of the Year in 1966.
The Jabberwocky Sign
434 EI Camino Real
March 14, 2017
Page 4
`'" I
Newspaper photograph of Ms. Pottenger in front of The Jabberwocky
retail clothing store for teens and pre-teens.
The original Victorian Italianate structure received an "A" rating in the City of Tustin's 1990
Historical Survey and a 3S rating in the City's 2003 Historical Resources Survey. A 3S
indicated that the building appeared eligible for a separate listing on the National Register.
According to the City's 2003 survey, the original building was a rare board and batten, single-
wall construction structure still standing in Tustin and was significant for its Italianate
architecture and its association with prominent Tustin community members mentioned above.
Character defining features of the building include, but are not limited to:
• Storefront with heavy wood cornice, trimmed in molding and brackets
• Medium width shiplap siding, trimmed with corner boards, covering the face of the
parapet and an ornate cutwork vent centered on the top
• Additional cutwork located below the sill and brackets to carry the design up to the
cornice line
• Shed-style porch roof sheltering two (2) cantilevered store bays, with a main entrance
• 1880s door with a large window at the top, a molding trimmed horizontal panel across
the middle, and a pair of matching vertical panels below
The site also contained an existing residential structure (approximately 840 sq. ft.) and an existing
storage shed (approximately 500 sq. ft.) which are located to the rear (west) of the main structure.
On December 15, 2011, approximately 80% of the structure was extensively damaged by fire.
Restoration and reconstruction of the building began in November, 2012. Following the fire, the
Tustin community helped to raise funds and volunteered on site to help with the restoration and
434 EI Camino Real
March 14, 2017
Page 5
rebuild of the building. The reconstruction included the preservation and stabilization of the
1885 facade and existing windows on the south elevation, new vintage windows on the north
elevation to match the original windows, accessible doors and ramp, and fresh paint. Neither
the residential structure nor the storage shed were damaged in the fire.
As part of the historically sensitive rebuild of the property, an architectural "hypen" connecting
the original 1885 building with the reconstructed portion was inserted to connect the rear
addition to the main building. The hyphen provides a clear distinction between the old and new
portions of the structure with a connection that is in tune with, but not a duplication of, the 1885
design of the original building.
Fire fighters on scene at 2011 fire;
restoration work in progress
The current tenant, Zama Tea Company, moved into the restored building and opened in
December of 2015.
Fully Renovated
The First Doctor's Building in Tustin
New Tenant
Zama Tea Company
434 EI Camino Real
March 14, 2017
Page 6
The property is being nominated for a commendation as a result of the outstanding completion
of a project in Ofd Town Tustin and the dedication on the part of the property owner, together
with volunteer workers and financial support from the community, to restore one of Tustin's
oldest buildings following a near-devastating fire, and the successful adaptive reuse of the
restored building as a retail tea shop.
Elaine Dove, AICP Elizabeth A. Binsack
Senior Planner Community Development Director
Attachment A—2003 Historical Resources Survey Excerpt
Attachment B — Orange County Register Newspaper Articles
2003 Historical Resources Survey Excerpt
A rich-Italianate storefront crowns this small,single-storied building. The front is attached to a front-facing gabled roof which
naps the original 12-ft-long section. It telescopes from a ca.. 1910 front-facing gabled roof which covers the second section.
-Various shed-style wings extend from both sides and the back.' The storefront features a heavy wood cornice,trimmed in molding
and-brackets. Medium-width shiplap siding, trimmed with corner boards, covers the face of the parapet and an ornate cutwork
went is centered in the top. More cutwork accents the area-below the sill, and brackets carry the design up into the cornice line.
,.The shed-style porch roof shelters two'cautilevered store bays, centered with the main entrance door. The door is 1880's in style,
' with a large window at the top, apolding-trimmed horiiontal panel across the middle, and a pair of matching vertical panels
below. The shop windows, which are not original, are slanted bays, and replace the original double-hung windows at the back of
the bays. A matching 1880's door is in place on the north side. This building is significant because of its age, its original
Y� integrity, and its Italianate architectural details.
Dr.7afii s,-Sheldon is believed to have had the building constructed for his office. He was Tustin's first physician and'the father of
Mrs:C.E'Utt(Mary)..Dr James Patton Boyd subsequently used.the building as his part-time office, having another office in Santa
Ana:,Florence Stone, postmistress from 1920 to 1924, owned the building and lived in the quarters at the rear during the 1920's'
and-30'srMrs:Ernie Crawford operated Crawford's Frock shop there in the 1930's and added the display windows at that tithe.
Margaret Pottenger 'rented, and later purchased the building for her clothing shop, the Jabberwocky. She lived in the rear quarters.
During tier tenure in the building, 1959 to 1988, she was a leader in the business community and was the first woman to be on the
board'of directors of the Tustin Chamber of Commerce. Because of its age, its role as a rare example.of a wooden Italianate
storefront,its"representation of Tustin's primary settlement period, and its associations with Dr. Shelton, this building appears to
be eligible for the National Register.
r r �
See following pages for property information
State of California—The Rem Agency Primmv #
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State of California—The Resources AaencY Nmary #
Page_ of : *Resourroe Name or#iAmAq,,ea DT r =dert ,f,'143s E Can t 10 Real
AmWded by: THA n Date. Nowem!`w-2IOiIZ
CnribmiabM Lj Update
The buiMng's cbmacter defnmg features ai1ude,but are not tined to:
• ca. 1914 f romt facing gabled roof
• varam diced style wings extend from both sides and the bark
• sumdrout with a hmy mood corcmce. thmmed to molding and brackets.
• menu width shiplap siding,triatmied with comer boar&,ccn-erre;the face of the poet and an omtre curwod dent
centered on the top
• Mitt [ca wmt located below the sill and bracket to cavy the design up into the co r mce line
• sbed style poach roof sheltermg two cantilevered store bays.with a mam ewnmce do r
18845 door with a laage wmdu%-at the torp,a molofing trunxned honzo uml panet actors the=We,and a pair of matcWza
vortical panels belga-
• matrang 7 ESOs door is on the north side
DPR 523L *Required irnfomiatio n
Orange County Register Newspaper Articles
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The very first Jabberwocky High School Board in 1965 posed on a
staircase while viewing a sample line of sportswear at a Teen
Board meeting. Their short corduroy skirt outfits were strictly for
fun . . . far too short to meet school dress code standards at
that time. Can you identify these campus leaders from Foothill,
Valley, Connally, Marywood, Orange, Mater-Dei, Santa Ana, and
Villa Park?
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