HomeMy WebLinkAbout14 AWARD OF SOLID WASTE CONTRACT 05-01-2007Agenda Item 14 ~ /~ ( ~T /~ D Reviewed: / C1`j~l ~! ~C-1 ~1 O~~ City Manager ;- ~~~~ Finance Director ~r'`~., MEETING DATE: MAY 1, 2007 TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: AWARD OF SOLID WASTE CONTRACT SUMMARY The City Council Subcommittee and staff have reviewed all proposals received from solid waste haulers in response to the City's Request for Proposal for the Collection, Transportation and Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste and the Collection, Transportation, Processing and Diversion of Recyclable Materials, Yardwaste and other Materials. After a thorough evaluation process and based upon the completeness of their response, experience with similar municipalities and proposed rates, the subcommittee and staff are recommending that the City Council award the contract to CR&R Incorporated. RECOMMENDATION The City Council Subcommittee and staff recommend that the City Council award the City's Solid Waste Franchise to CR&R Incorporated and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract. FISCAL IMPACT The City will receive a minimum of $175,000 for contract administration costs and to provide AB 939 Recycling Program support in each year of the contract in lieu of commercial franchise fees. BACKGROUND The City's current solid waste contract was awarded to Federal Disposal Service for seven years in May of 2000. The contract commenced on October 1, 2000 and will expire on September 30, 2007.. The current contract resulted in the successful implementation of residential recycling programs, limited success in business and multifamily recycling, adequate customer service and a total municipal waste diversion rate of 31.4% for 2006. Because business and multifamily recycling programs did not achieve the results desired by the City and the California Integrated Waste Management Board, a substantial change to business and multifamily recycling programs became necessary. The new contract is intended to substantially increase business and multifamily recycling. The current contract has achieved a 19% diversion rate for all business customers and a 22% diversion rate for all multifamily customers. With the new contract, rate increases for some of these customers are inevitable due to the City's requirement for 50% business and multifamily recycling. Award of Solid Waste Contract May 1, 2007 Page 2 On January 15, 2007, the City Council approved a Request for Proposal (RFP) and the proposal evaluation criteria in conformance with the requirements of Measure EE, approved by voters in November of 2006. The new contract requires 50% overall diversion of the municipal waste stream and also requires new recycling programs for all business and multifamily customers. While approving the RFP the City Council also established a City Council Subcommittee to conduct the proposal review process. The subcommittee members are Mayor Lou Bone and Council member Doug Davert. At the direction of the City Council, a member of the Chamber of Commerce, Karol Reedy, the Senior General Manager of The Marketplace, was added to the staff evaluation team. Staff released the RFP document to haulers on January 23, 2007. On February 20, 2007 staff returned to the City Council to seek approval for various minor modifications to the RFP and the proposal evaluation criteria. The initial submittal deadline of March 1, 2007 was extended to March 6, 2007 to allow more time for potential proposers to prepare their submittals. Four proposals were received from the following companies: CR&R Incorporated, Stanton, CA ? Federal Disposal Service, Tustin, CA ? Republic Services (Taormina Industries), Anaheim, CA ? Ware Disposal, Santa Ana, CA ? The City Council subcommittee met with staff on March 7, 2007 and March 15, 2007 to complete a general review of all proposal submittals. The initial evaluation involved a proposal completeness check and a general review using the Council adopted proposal evaluation criteria in accordance with the requirements of Measure EE. The subcommittee determined that Federal Disposal Service and Ware Disposal proposals did not submit the minimum information required by the RFP and were eliminated from the evaluation process. The proposal completeness check utilized by the subcommittee and staff is attached as Exhibit 1. The Federal Disposal Service proposal was eliminated from further consideration due to the request for 80 exceptions from the scope of work and the contract, seven missing or materially incomplete forms, and the failure to respond to the requirement to provide rates for cart services for commercial waste collection recycling specified in the RFP. The Ware Disposal proposal was rejected primarily because of the lack of experience in a comparably sized City, the lack of customer base similar to Tustin’s, and inadequate information with respect to material recovery facilities, rates, and program personnel. Award of Solid Waste Contract May 1, 2007 Page 3 The evaluation of the proposals from CR&R and Republic Services continued with a more detailed analysis of the proposals using the Proposal Evaluation Criteria (Exhibit 2), reference checks from various agencies and seeking clarification from both companies on issues identified by staff and the Subcommittee. The results were reviewed with the Subcommittee on March 21, 2007 and staff was directed to obtain clarification on some issues identified in the reference checks. On March 29, 2007, the staff evaluation team met with representatives from CR&R and Republic Services to discuss various issues including waste diversion, processing capabilities, customer service, and recycling support to commercial and multifamily customers. Based upon the meetings, additional information related to overall waste diversion strategies was requested from each of the companies. At the April 5, 2007 the subcommittee met with the staff evaluation team to review the results of the company interviews and the overall assessment of the rates contained in the proposals. The subcommittee agreed that CR&R offered superior waste diversion programs with excellent recycling program support to businesses and multifamily customers and superior waste diversion facilities needed to successfully implement the waste diversion programs. The subcommittee also found the business and multifamily rates proposed by CR&R and Republic to be generally comparable with the exception of lower residential rates proposed by CR&R. The tables below provide an overview of how each of the two finalist's proposals compare to one another. In the first two tables, the numbers in each of the boxes refer to the standing of each company with respect to the specific category being evaluated. For instance, in "Experience and Financial Capability" (Proposal Forms 14, 18, 21)" both firms were equal. In "Consistency of Calculations" (Proposal Forms 12, 13), both firms were consistent but CR&R provided a higher level of detail and thus was given the "1+". As the table shows, both firms provided excellent responses to the RFP. GENERAL NUMBER AND EXPERIENCE MAXIMIZING MATERIALITY AND COMPLETENSS CONSISTENCY DIVERSION NAME OF OF CONTRACT FINANCIAL OF SUBMITTED OF RATES PROPOSER EXCEPTIONS CAPABILITY FORMS CALCULATIONS PLAN (FORM 20) (FORMS 14, (FORMS 12, 13) (FORM 13) 18, 21) CR&R 0 exceptions 1 1+ 1+ 1 Republic 1 1 1 2 All resolved Award of Solid Waste Contract May 1, 2007 Page 4 A qualitative comparison of the proposed waste diversion programs has proven to be a deciding factor. The subcommittee and the staff evaluation team determined that the CR&R proposal could best perform the required recycling programs while complying with state requirements and serving the needs of the city's business and multifamily customers. The summary table below shows the results of the evaluation of collection programs. COLLECTION -PROGRAMS BREADTH OF ACCURACY OF COLLECTION NAME OF SERVICES COMPREHENSIVENESS WASTE IMPLEMENTATION PROPOSER PROVIDED OF REPORTING ALLOCATION PLAN (FORM 13) (FORMS 11 & 13) METHOD(S) (FORM 3) (FORM 11) CR&R 1+ 1 1 1 Republic 1 1+ 1+ 2 The subcommittee and the staff evaluation team also considered current commercial and multifamily rates to those proposed by CR&R and Republic The comparison shows a sizable increase over current rates when compared by the same service frequency and type of service. The basis for this disparity is that the existing contract required that all recycling costs to be recovered on the trash service rates for bin service. There is no longer free recycling. The hauler will be allowed to recover costs to collect and process recyclables. However, the rate structure of the new contract is much more complex and offers the customer more control over the rates that they pay. Those customers who choose to participate in the recycling programs will pay a significantly lower rate than those who do not participate. The comparison below uses the rates provided by each of the firms in Proposal Form 12. In order to provide an "apple-to-apple" cost analysis, an identical number of containers for each sector (residential and commercial) was input into an Excel rate model and the dollar totals were then compared to determine the lowest cost provider. Award of Solid Waste Contract May 1, 2007 Page 5 STANDARDIZED REVENUE COMPARISON SINGLE- TOTAL TOTAL ANNUAL FAMILY ANNUAL TOTAL ANNUAL RESIDENTIAL NAME OF PROPOSER MONTHLY RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL AND RATE PER REVENUE REVENUE COMMERCIAL HOUSEHOLD REVENUE CR&R $13.79 $1,764,977 $2,576,964 $4,341,941 Republic $15.08 $1,982,543 $2,488,133 $4,470,676 Current FDS Contract $13.69 N/A N/A N/A (rate request 03-07) The subcommittee's conclusion was that business and multifamily customers will pay less to CR&R on a gross basis than to Republic. A more thorough evaluation of hauler revenues is attached as Exhibit 3. The .simple comparison of commercial rates provided below shows current and proposed rates for one typical service category that further illustrates the rate and program differences. Note that customers can avoid the higher "A" and "B" service rates by actively participating in recycling programs. RATE COMPARISON Commercial and Multi Family 3 Yard Bin 3 times per week Current FDS rates CRS~R Republic Commercial and Multifamily Source Separated Recycling Service (50% less than B Route) "Free" 104.50 89.42 Commercial and Multifamily Bins Single Stream Recycling Service (33% Less than B Route) "Free" 140.03 119.37 Commercial and Multifamily Bins MSW A Route Service 198.59 209.00 211.50 Commercial and Multifamily Bins MSW B Route Service 198.59 209.00 211.50 While Republic's rates appear lower in a straight comparison, due to the complexity of the new rate structure, the subcommittee determined that the gross revenue comparison would take precedence over analyzing the dozens of services categories on a case by case basis. CR&R's full proposal and Republic's rate proposal are attached as Exhibits 4 and 5 respectively. Award of Solid Waste Contract May 1, 2007 Page 6 Based on a thorough evaluation of the proposals submitted, the City Council Solid Waste Contract Subcommittee and the staff evaluation team concluded that CR&R's proposal was the superior proposal and recommend that the City's Solid Waste Contract be awarded to CR&R Incorporated due to the lower total cost to customers and a more comprehensive diversion strategy and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract -~ Tim D. Serlet Director of Public Works/City Engineer Attachments: Exhibit 1 -Proposal Completeness Check Exhibit 2 -Proposal Review.with Evaluation Criteria Exhibit 3 -Hauler Revenue Analysis Exhibit 4 - CR&R Proposal Exhibit 5 -Republic Rate Proposal C Jo yers Administrative Services Manager Award of Solid Waste Contract.doc EXHIBIT 1 Proposal Completeness Check N N ~ ~ C Q d E E y v c~ E Y Y Y (0 (O f6 E E E 7~ ~ W Z w H W J a O U 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ x w 0 t0 .m ~ p ~ d O W d O c ~ d d 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ~ ~ ~ '7 7 ~ ~ N O ~ ~ a°1i Z 7 ~ a°i Z 7 ~ m Z 7 Q ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 7 7 ~ ~ ~ 7 ~ 7 ~ ~ ~ LL c a~i 0 0 a d ~ U w ~ o z z ~' c Q o m a ~ «~ ~. A ~ = ~ . a ~ U y 'a L c y 'o O N C) O Q O ~ M o O ~ Q Q p m O R Q G7 m> d J :. 3 C ~ ~ L O ~ L ~ ~ ~1 is d C ~+' ~y ~ ~ ~ ~ O _ ~r N Q• d N c N C ~ E d 01 ~ ~ w _ ~ f0 ' .a V V C i O E + . 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N d d OD O U a d 3 QQLL y J ~= d dQQ i a m a i a OL a d Y ~ tn d ~ d a K w C ii 0 U 7 >• Zm O t~ O r N M ~ ~ t0 h 00 Of O r N M r N M d' O t0 1~ OD M r r r r r r r r r r N N N N E E E E E E L E L E L E L E L E L E L E L E L E L E L E L E L E L E L E L E L E L L O L O L O L O L O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O LL. {L lL LL. LL lL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL EXHIBIT 2 Proposal Review with Evaluation Criteria Q W H Z J Q W J N a O a `W r N J O L ~ O ~ O C ~ ~..~ O O } C ~ •~ U ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C ~ O U Q ~ Qc~U ~ ~ c c o to plc 03 >, c-~ v ~ o _ ~ z C V ~ O ~ ~ OU a~ O~ O . 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Description of MRF's Section 5. Description of Compost Facility Section 6. Description of Construction and Demolition Debris Facility Section 7. Description of Waste-to-Energy Facility Section 8. .Collection Vehicles Section 9. Additional MSW, Recyclable Materials, Yardwaste and Construction and Demolition Debris Containers Section 10. List of Contractor-Furnished Personnel Section 11. Protocol for Conducting Quarterly Diversion Allocation Audits Section 12. Proposed Rates Section 13. Annual Diversion by Program Section 14. Proposer Background and Experience Section 15, Proposer References Section 16, Key Personnel Section 17. Structure of Project Team Section 18. Resumes, Qualifications and Experience of Key Personnel Section 19. Pending Litigation Section 20. Exceptions to Contract Section 21. Financial Statements Section 22. Contractor's Detailed Description of Diversion Programs Section 23. Containers to Be Used INCORPOR~LiED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Proposal Form 2 PROPOSER INFORMATION The following person should be contacted concerning questions about the submitted proposal: Company Name: Contact Person: Telephone: Fax: E-Mail CR&R Incorporated Dean A. Ruffridge, Senior Vice President 11292 Western Avenue Stanton, California 90680 714.826.9049 949.412.8244 (cellular) 714.890.6347 deanr@crrmail.com CR&R Incorporated is a California Corporation, established in 1963. Chief Executive Officer: Chief Financial Officer: Chief Operating Officer /Division President: Principal Officers: Clifford Ronnenberg David Ronnenberg Patricia Leyes Joyce Amato Directors: Clifford Ronnenberg David Ronnenberg Senior Executive Management: Clifford Ronnenberg David Ronnenberg David Fahrion Joyce Amato Paul Relis Dean Ruffridge Years of Operating Experience = 43 1 Clifford Ronnenberg Joyce Amato David Ronnenberg Chairman Secretary, Division President Vice President Chief Financial Officer Chairman Secretary Chief Executive Officer Division President Division President Chief Financial Officer Senior Vice President Senior Vice President ~~ INCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED. WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Proposal Form 3 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Past Experience with Implementation Schedules Throughout its operating history, CR&R has had extensive experience with the development and implementation of various refuse, recycling, and yard waste collection programs. Specifically, over the past ten years, CR&R has implemented fully automated collection systems for the Cities of Stanton, Bellflower, Perris, Temecula, Canyon Lake, Lake Elsinore, San Juan Capistrano, San Clemente, Laguna Niguel, Dana Point, Laguna Hills, Rancho Santa Margarita, and Aliso Viejo. The development of the three-container, fully-automated collection system for refuse, recyclables and .yard waste was pioneered by CR&R in 1991. In October of 1991, CR&R implemented this revolutionary system as the first of its kind in the State of California for the residents of Temecula. The program. was designed with a 50% diversion goal of the total residential waste stream. As with your City, this system is the program of choice in most Requests for Proposals issued by municipalities throughout California. As the developer of this program, CR&R believes that this is the most customer friendly program in the State today, as well as the only program that can guarantee maximum diversion from the residential waste stream. Implementation Schedule CR&R accepts the implementation time line proposed by the City of Tustin. The attached chart at the end of this Proposal Section (Tustin Solid Waste Plan of Action "POA") defines the action steps that will occur prior to the start of the new Franchise Agreement. Cart additions and replacements will occur on an on-call basis throughout the Implementation Time-Line. Additional recycling and green waste carts, being advertised as "free" up to three per resident, will draw interest from the residents for the first six months of the new Franchise. The replacement of existing carts one year later will also be attractive to the residents. CR&R will be stocked with replacement containers for City residents and will have a beginning inventory of 400 each type of container for replacements or new deliveries. Procurement of Vehicles and Containers CR&R has long term secure purchasing relationships that will assure delivery of alternatively fuel powered vehicles (specifically Compressed Natural Gas - CNG) to serve the City of Tustin. By way of example, in 1993, CR&R purchased 35 new fully automated trucks to serve the cities of San Clemente, Dana Point, San Juan 'Z INCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Capistrano, and Laguna Niguel. The 35 new fully automated trucks were purchased and 100% internally financed at the most competitive rates available to the industry. In 2003, CR&R replaced 25 diesel. powered collection vehicles with new, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) powered clean air vehicles for the cities of San Clemente and San Juan Capistrano. In 2004, CR&R also purchased 12 additional new LNG collection vehicles for the new Franchise Agreement for the City of Rancho Santa Margarita. Our most recent purchase, in 2006, included 12 additional LNG vehicles for the start up and new City of Laguna Hills Franchise Agreement. CR&R has discussed the need for 14 additional Natural Gas powered vehicles with our , supplier and, subject to AQMD regulation of 2007 engines, is guaranteed delivery by the implementation and start date of the new Tustin Franchise. The collection vehicles will be Autocar, Expeditor services 8.3L CNG L-series natural gas powered vehicles. Fueling of CNG vehicles will initially take place at public stations located near the Stanton Western Avenue operations center. One station is at the SDGE office complex, within a mile and close to the intersection of Lampson Avenue and Monarch Street in the City of Garden Grove. The other fueling facility, owned by Clean Energy, is at 12931 Garden Grove Blvd. in Garden Grove. CR&R has a strong, long-standing relationship with the manufacturer of the automated carts used in the City. that will go a long way to assure that replacement and replenishment carts will be available within the time frame established by the City. The following schedule addresses the full procurement of equipment and services needed for the City of Tustin: Order Date Delivery Date Customer Vehicles April 4, 2007 Sept. 1, 2007 Oct. 1, 2007 Vehicle Shake-down Sept 1-20, 2007 Driver Training Sept. 21-30, 2007 Automated Containers April 4, 2007 Beginning Oct 1 On-going Commercial Containers All containers are currently in-place from the current service provider. CR&R will replace all existing containers with new or refurbished containers and coordinate the replacements with the current provider so that no customer is ever without a container.** INCORPOR~iED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Personnel Brochures & Literature August, 2007 June, 2007 Sept. 15, 2007 Sept. 1, 2007 Oct 1, 2007 Sept 25, 2007 ** CR&R will negotiate the purchase of all existing containers with the existing hauler in Tustin with the understanding that all existing containers will be replaced with new or refurbished containers within the first 90 days of the new franchise start date. Procurement of Personnel All existing collection drivers, bin and barrel drivers, the route manager, customer service representatives, and administrative staff will be provided with applications for CR&R employment. Advertisements will be placed in the local newspaper and on Monster.com for all positions. Our Human Relations Manager, Mr. Carlos Lima, will take personal responsibility for all hiring and make certain all employees are available and trained prior to the start-up date. Qualified applicants seeking employment with CR&R would be scheduled for an interview conducted by our Human Resources Manager, Recycling Manager, and Senior Vice President. Applicants successfully completing the interview process would be required to undergo apre-placement physical examination and drug screen. All new employees will receive CR8~R's company orientation. A training session will be conducted by the fleet manager to acquaint new employees with the particulars of the equipment, how to carry out pre-trip and post-trip inspections and the proper completion of the Vehicle Condition Report. All new employees are hired on a three-month probationary period. During this probationary period, the Senior Vice President would monitor the probationary employee's progress in developing the skills necessary to perform the assigned job responsibilities. Qualified Applicants seeking employment in CR&R office administration would be scheduled for an interview conducted by CR&R's Human Resources Manager. Applicants successfully completing the interview process will be required to undergo a pre-placement physical examination and drug screen. The position of a new Recycling Coordinator to work exclusively with the City of Tustin will be advertised and staffed prior to August 1, 2007. Ms. Maria Lazaruk, a long time resident of the City of Tustin, is our Recycling Manager and will take personal responsibility for recycling activities and contract diversion requirements for the City of Tustin. All of the CR&R operations and office personnel are continuously trained in safety and professional conduct in the performance of their assigned duties. V " 4 INCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Billing and Fee Collection Services With current City and tax roll billing for residential customers, we will assume that records have been analyzed to assure proper billing. At the time of records transfer to CR&R billing, we will implement a full audit of the tax roll accounts and compare the records to a physical inventory in the field. This will include verifying the addresses of each parcel and the number of living units to insure proper billing of all residential users. A similar circumstance, but in reverse, was implemented by CR&R when residential accounts were acquired from the previous hauler in the Temecula area. Physical inventory and tax roll records were used to account for all residential users within the city limits. For commercial accounts, CR&R will acquire the listings from the current hauler and verify service levels with actual billing. All accounts will receive cone-on-one review to assure proper billing per the franchise agreement approved rate schedules for the service supplied. CR&R is equipped with a State of the Art Industry software program allowing ease of operation by Customer Service Representatives and Operations personnel. The program allows access to a multitude of information relating to CR&R's service. This program allows customer service representatives and operations personnel to respond quickly to requests for service, promptly resolve complaints and address the concerns of the City in a timely manner. The general information available in the tracking system includes, but is not limited to: Name, account number, service address, and billing location of each account. • Service notes pertaining to specifics of a customer account, including the time and date of phone calls, items discussed during the phone conversations and the service representatives that responded to the calls. Dates of bulky-item pick-ups, missed pickups and types of violations. • Container identification numbers linked to the service address where the container was assigned. Customer billing history, type of service, and scheduled collection days. CR&R has the ability to create detailed reports using the above information through sorting by date, route, container size, violations, type of service, street names, ~~~~l- " 5 INCORPORATED CR&R II~TCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN driver's name, etc. This data is readily accessible and can be made available upon request by CR&R's contracted cities. To protect this information from loss or corruption, the data is updated at the end of each day onto aback-up system and stored off-site. Determination of Routes Each collection route will be determined through the use of a computerized grid system with each stop listed sequentially. This system allows CR&R's field operations the ability to provide maximum efficiency with a minimum number of collection vehicles on surface streets. CR&R drivers are trained to respond to instances of significant traffic congestion and other emergency conditions and to inform our dispatch of such circumstances. Dispatchers will, accordingly, modify any collection route in order to maintain uninterrupted service to our customers. Residential routing will not experience any significant collection day change. Commercial accounts will be re-routed to effectively implement the "A" and "B" routing system, as well as the multi-family residential collection routing. In order to achieve the highest diversion potential, this routing can be easily modified to accommodate customer changes. No impact on collection frequencies to our commercial customers is anticipated. For the first 90 days of the new franchise agreement, CR&R personnel will analyze each route to determine if each account is on the appropriate route for maximum diversion results. During this time period, we will determine if any errors were made in the initial routing. If necessary, reassigning accounts to other routes is effortless due to our computer routing techniques. All of CR&R's collection routes are reviewed at a minimum of once per year. Any daily changes in routing are performed by the designated foreman and approved by the CR&R Operations Manager and the General Manager. CR&R maintains detailed Operational and Customer Service policies and procedures. Because of its long history in providing dependable and high quality solid waste management services, CR&R has developed systems and controls to accommodate the changing needs of all cities that CR&R serves. Safety Training The CR&R Safety Director conducts monthly meetings with all drivers and maintenance personnel. Topics relating to safe operating procedures are taught in both English and Spanish. Personnel are encouraged to bring to the Director's attention any unsafe working condition which may exist for the immediate attention and correction by management. ~"', 6 INCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Delivery of Containers For all new cart and bin deliveries, CR&R will pre-arrange a delivery site, approved by the City, to stage the assembly and distribution process. As CR&R has experienced in past conversions in cities of similar size, the delivery process can be accomplished in a two to four week period. Delivery of new or replacement commercial, multi-family residential and roll off bins will be accomplished during the start up period of the contract. Meetings with City Staff On-going and no later than seven weeks before the implementation of any new residential and commercial integrated waste management program, CR&R will arrange a meeting with .the designated City staff and CR&R's Transition Team. Together we review the draft informational material, finalize and present to the residents and businesses. CR&R has a long successful history in providing smooth and seamless transitions of service for all the jurisdictions we presently service. Some of the selected methods we have used to accomplish these transitions are as follows: • A letter from the Mayor or designated city person introducing the new program to the commercial customers. A commercial and multi-family mailer explaining the program and discussing the different options available; such as container sizes, recycling options, diversion needs, etc. • An 8 1/2" by 14" quad-fold information brochure which describes the service and types of materials to be recycled will be mailed to each residential account. Once the containers have been delivered and/or replaced, CR&R will execute a full range of public relations strategies to encourage increased participation in both the residential and commercial integrated waste management programs. Upon completion of our initial meeting with the City Staff, several strategies to promote solid waste collection, green waste and recycling activities will be outlined. Press releases, advertising, media interviews, feature articles, and letters to the editor, as well as public service announcements and the use of public access television are some of the tools CR&R enlists in its media campaign. These avenues of information have proven successful to CR&R and will play an integral role in the success of the program in the City of Tustin. '7 INCORPORATED CR&R IhTCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Our team of professionals plays a key role in promoting the integrated waste management programs of the cities we serve by actively involving themselves in the activities and fund-raising needs of the community. Community involvement has always been and will always be an integral part of CR&R's commitment to the cities we serve. We accomplish this in several ways; • Attendance and participation in special events within the community Promotion of activities in the schools, such as science fairs, principal for a day, scholarship fundraising, and special assemblies • Attendance at public forums and workshops Serving on local committees or task forces Board and committee participation on local Chambers of Commerce • Presentations to local schools, community groups, organizations and community centers Monetary contributions in support of worthy local causes CR&R carries a wide array of material in both English and Spanish that are used as handouts at speaking engagements, special events, or placed in public information areas within our cities. Preparation of Procedures Upon award of the City contract, CR&R will mobilize its proven procedures to achieve a smooth transition of service for the residents and businesses in the City. Each member of the transition team participates in the preparation process in the area relevant to his or her area of expertise and will make recommendations or adjustments necessary to adapt the procedures to the unique needs of the City. This team of experienced professionals will be directed by the General Manager and Operations Manager who also serve as the primary contacts throughout the duration of the contract. 8 INCORPORATED -i . ~ N D X ~ 1 O z K .. ° ~: ti o X t x N X x 7 a X "~ _ ~( T 7 X '~ X V ~ }- W W N C 7 ~ x ~ ~~i X ;t, ~( a ` >( X X '-r, r s. ~ a~i X X ?~+ LL lC0 X X X 'ti"i o ~ x x ~ x x > z° ;,~ ~~ x x x x x Q o x x x x x x x x x x " O °' a N x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x z O a x x x x x x x x x x x V h N T ~ X ~~ X X X X X x ~... X x X Q ~ C {,-f O ~. .: z ~ x x , r- x x .J a Q X X X X ~~ m ~ ` N ~ ~`f eE ~ LL 3 - ~ ~, ^r> o ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~, U t3 ty ots aty ot3 otS otS ots u6 J~=~ F- o~ $. ~' as otS ots otS at1 otS otS atf atf ots ott otS otf cts atf otf ad atS otS ots ' o o y_ a~ U U U U U U ~~ U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U V U < U U U U U U U U U U ~, ~ Z'r ' • V fA N 7 3 m U m t a~ y c c 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ m m vi ~ -o d m 0 O > 0 ~ L 7 U O O LL atS •~ N f0 ~ ~ fA ~ . .. ~ N m y d > N C ~ O m d O N ~ Y U 'O N E C .0. ~ 'O 7 m ~ •~ C m C C 7 U N ~ N O ~ O N ~ N N C O N U C B O ~ +L-' C O L y •C - v aoi ~ 'n c •v U m ° o s '~ O m g U ~ •> •3 ~ ~ O w N ~ 'p ' O U ~ .~- N ~ N O C O ~ ~ ` C N F L= .O+ dl ~ ~ O t 1 ~ N - j • ~ ~ 0 C • o O v Q . A ~ C ~0 ~ •~ N > `~ U o C . 3 U _ U U O c e o .in x O N Q c m f0 .a - 'OO U .- ` N ~ y ~ w ._ ~ m Ul H fYA m c ~ ~' ~ o ~ .o c m ~ o ~ ~ d ~ a i '? y E - ~ ~ V ~ c m ~ ~ w o o a~ o o d ~ . y o v v d d 'c y > ~ ~ m ~ w °i~ a~ ~ U O -o c O 9 m ~ v •w E E a r f6 ~ X m O -v °1 _ ~ o y y U ~ m E € 3 ~ ~ ~ • ,~ m E o ~ a c m E ~ .~ ` c . ~ ~ . C O = o N C C N C l`6 c C ~ N ~ O U .O ~ ~ .~ E ~ ~ ~ r E Y ~ a E w j i ~ ~ O m y U ~ i , C N N ~ N d O V p F- ~ C C •2 .. ~° a . . ' m ~ O v w CO ~ , y U m 3 m ~ m - '~ Q u U 3 o ~ V ~ d ~ . w m ~ o i ~ m ~ . c : Z a~ `° U m ~ ~ , ~ a d ~ m ' m •~ ~ : t o z a i Z 3 ~ ~ o •~ ~ v ~ . c ~ ~ a~ 3 o o i° ~ ~ L y _ E m ~ : ? ~ , ,tS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d U ~ c A ~ y ~ w ~ c ~ ~; m . d o U g_ v o .~ o 0 0 Z v ~ m d ' c a~ E ~ E m m a~ om . .. c fn E ca i d E ~ m ~ ~ H ~ ~ = ~ ~ l E i o E O R ~ L N O E E ` 'O ` m ~ om > > ~ •,~ N -v ~ . •- v~ w N z E ~ V E ;r m O > ~~ ~ N ~ • ~ c ~ ~ a~ • ~ 0. LL r N > N. ~ N Z O U O N A J N D N O .- U 7 F- +-' C 7 ~ N ~ 'O = O V O V Z. ._ U L C.) - M ~ ~ N ~ O ~ C..) > ~ O U - ~ V N ~' ~ O fA V O ~ !n V N ~' O V O V ' ` CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Proposal Form 4 MRF PROCESSING FACILITIES Processing facilities proposed to be utilized for the following materials: 1. Recyclables. Name & Location of Facility CR&R Intermediate Processing Center 11292 Western Avenue Stanton, California Relationship of facility to CR&R Owned and operated by CR&R Incorporated Material to be processed All source separated recyclables Waste Stream Origination Residential and Commercial waste streams Available uncommitted processing capacity in Tons per day and Facilities total permitted capacity in tons per day Unlimited volume with no regulatory limit Contact Information Mr. Bob Williams, Recycling Manager 714-890-6300, ext. 2267 2. Green Waste Name & Location of Facility CRTransfer, Stanton Materials Recovery Facility (CRT) 11232 Knott Avenue Stanton, California Relationship of facility to CR&R Owned and operated by CR&R Incorporated Material to be processed All green waste collected under the residential curbside program and other source separated materials. () 1 NCORPORJliEO CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Waste Stream Origination Residential and commercial Available uncommitted processing capacity in Tons per day and Facilities total permitted capacity in tons per day Uncommitted and non-contracted up to 700 tons per day (this capacity can be reserved for our franchise customers) 1,800 tons per day permitted at the facility Note: Please refer to the last page of this Section for alternative owned MRF , facility for use of the City of Tustin. Contact Information Mike Plank, Plant Manager 714-890-6300, ext. 2005 714-310-1731 cell 3. Mixed Waste Processing of Roll-Off Box Loads and Commercial "A" Route Name & Location of Facility Stanton Material Recovery Facility (CRTransfer) 11232 Knott Avenue Stanton, California Relationship of facility to CR&R Owned and operated by CR&R Incorporated Material to be processed All mixed solid waste including commercial and temporary/permanent roll-off waste Waste Stream Origination Residential, Commercial and Industrial Available, uncommitted processing capacity in Tons per day and Facilities total permitted capacity in tons per day Uncommitted and non-contracted up to 700 tons per day (this capacity can be reserved for our franchise customers) Permitted to 1,800 tons per day 10 INCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN 4. Construction and Demolition Debris Diversion Name & Location of Facility Stanton Material Recovery Facility (CRTransfer) 11232 Knott Avenue Stanton, California Relationship of facility to CR&R Owned and operated by CR&R Incorporated Material to be processed All construction and demolition utilizing roll-off boxes and temporary drop bodies. Waste Stream Origination Residential, Commercial and Industrial Available uncommitted processing capacity in Tons per day and Facilities total permitted capacity in tons per day Uncommitted and non-contracted up to 700 tons (of the 1,800 tons) per day Permitted to 1,800 tons per day Note: Please refer to the last page of this Section for alternative owned MRF facility for use of the City of Tustin. Note: Materials generated from the City of Tustin from the various waste streams listed above will utilize the above facilities exclusively. Current capacity limits include these materials as part of the permitted capacity. With additional commercial "A" Route solid waste for processing, the needed added capacity is available and guaranteed to the City of Tustin. CR~R hereby commits available tonnage at the CRTransfer processing facility to accommodate all processing of tonnage from the various sources generated from the City of Tustin to The City of Tustin for the term of this Agreement. The CRTransfer Process: Waste materials arrive at the CRTransfer facility and are weighed at the Scale House upon entry. The gross and net weights are recorded via computerized system by jurisdiction and by waste type. ~.r II IXCORPOR~TED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN The loaded vehicle proceeds to dump the contents in the transfer station building. The materials to be processed are placed onto a feed conveyer and delivered to the MRF side of the building. The first stage of sorting includes alarge-scale trommel which sizes materials for subsequent sorting. Three (3) processing/sort lines are used for manual and mechanical screening. Each line is capable of handling capacities delivered to them from the trommel. A set of screens are in place to remove green waste, glass, grit. The screens progressively create a negative sort leaving recoverable paper and the manual removal of contaminants and a manual sort of cardboard, CRV types, aluminum, and a magnetic separation of ferrous metals. Additional separation includes two mechanized screens that separate light fraction from contaminants. These screens float paper and plastic materials. Plastics are removed as a contaminant. The paper is then baled. Separated materials (aluminum, plastics, cardboard, mixed fibers, and newsprint) are conveyed into separate storage bins and subsequently baled and shipped to secondary markets. Steel and ferrous materials are collected but not baled. These materials are shipped directly to secondary markets. Facility daily capacity is 1,800 tons per day with no annual capacity limitations. Municipalities served by this facility include the following: Santa Fe Springs, Bellflower, Rossmoor, Buena park, Signal Hill, Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, Midway City Sanitary District, Stanton, La Palma, Aliso Viejo, Laguna Hills, Laguna Niguel, Dana Point, San Clemente, San Juan Capistrano, and Rancho Santa Margarita. Other public customers include the California State Parks, San Onofre Power facility, and various public school districts. 12 INCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN The following list of customers represents the "committed tonnage" on a daily basis for CRTransfer. There is over 700 tons per day of non-committed tonnage capacity of which the City of Tustin will be able to utilize. Jul 2 005 Customer Contracted # Da s Daily Avera e 1 36.93 21 1.76 9 121.78 21 5.80 3 205.63 21 9.79 11 448.9 21 21.38 7 461.86 21 21.99 8 616.64 21 29.36 10 736.65 21 35.08 12 884.22 21 42.11 14 1,732.98 21 82.52 6 1, 771.46 21 84.36 5 2,266.43 21 107.93 4 2,493.39 21 118.73 2 3,551.30 21 169.11 13 3,627.91 21 172.76 Totals 18,956.08 21 902.67 13 INCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE .CITY OF TUSTIN • As noted above there is sufficient capacity per hour, per day and annually reserved for the City of Tustin. • Customer Names are available upon request. ADDITIONAL FACILITY AVAILABLE FOR CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION DEBRIS GENERATED FROM THE CITY OF TUSTIN: CR&R is currently constructing the first South Orange County .Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) specifically for the processing of Construction and Demolition (C&D) materials as well as green waste materials from residential and commercial sources. This facility is currently scheduled to be completed and begin processing materials by July 1, 2007. Additional information is available on pages in Section 5 of this Proposal. 14 INCORrOR~4TED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Proposal Form 5 DESCRIPTION OF COMPOST FACILITIES TO BE USED Southern California Comuosting Facilities (background): The future of existing and proposed facilities in the entire Southern California marketplace to process compostables is somewhat unpredictable for the long term due to the continuance of existing facilities and the regulatory process on proposed facilities. In addition, the use of processed green waste from residential containers as Alternative Daily Cover (ADC) at landfill operations has been questioned both locally and at the State CIWMB level. Green waste chip and grind facilities that have historically been sited with local conditions imposed. through the Land Use Process have recently begun to be scrutinized by the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) for Solid Waste Facility Permits. For the past ten 10 years, CR&R has been the primary user of the Tierra Verde Green Waste Facility identified below. This arrangement has a proven track record that is viable for the City of Tustin, subject to the use of the processed materials for Alternative Daily Cover (ADC) at the Prima Desecha and Bowerman Landfills owned and operated by the County of Orange. This current practice has proven to be not only reliable but cost effective at the current processing rate of $25.00 per ton. Due to questions of future availability of the use of ADC and the full diversion credit attainable for this product, a three year commitment from any agency as specified in the RFP is questionable. The Tierra Verde Green is permitted by the County of Orange and the CIWMB. This material processing center relies upon the delivery of ground materials for alternative daily cover to the Prima Desecha and Bowerman landfills owned by the County of Orange. Each municipality in Orange County has been given a daily and annual allotment of ADC at County Landfills. This allotment has been approved by the Director of the Orange County Integrated Waste Management Department, Ms. Jan Goss. The available amounts of ADC from the City of Tustin will continue through the change of haulers as well as any change to the processing/grinding facility utilized to process yardwaste for the City of Tustin. This facility has given south Orange County municipalities a remarkable 100% diversion of delivered loads of residential green waste materials. 15 INCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Facilities to be utilized for Comaostables: CRTransfer facility in Stanton (described previously in Proposal Form 4) is considered the Company's primary processor of green waste, compostables and stable bedding ,the grinding of materials for ADC as well as processing the materials for composting operations listed below, and transformation or bio-mass incineration. This facility guarantees capacity for the City of Tustin for current and future materials for the term of this Franchise Agreement. Tierra Verde Industries Green Waste Processing Facility 31748 La Pata Avenue San Juan Capistrano, Ca 92675 949-728-0401 Property owner: Rancho Mission Viejo Properties Operator: Arthur Kazarian Methodology used to calculate diversion: Actual load weights are used for the diversion statistics. There is less than 2% contamination form these loads. Sierra Soil Co., Inc. P.O. Box 856 31000 La Pata Avenue San Juan Capistrano, Ca 92675 949-661-7821 Property owner: Oaks Property and Stables Operator: Jim Stovall This vender has recently contracted with CR&R to handle up to five roll-off boxes per week of stable bedding and horse manure for the soils blending process. Through the grinding of various compostables, including stable bedding and manure materials and the blending with native soils, the operator produces a fine soil product utilized by landscape contractors throughout Orange County. The facility is permitted by the County under PA- 0165 for land use operations. As this facility has no scales to weigh and track tonnages, CR&R generates a weight ticket at its San Juan South County operations center for the municipality to record prior to delivery of materials to the Sierra Soils site. '" 16 INCORPORI-TED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Synagro, Inc. 10490 Dawson Canyon Road Corona, Ca 92883 951-277-2662 Operator and Manager: John Goodman This facility is a large scale bio-solids composting facility fully permitted by the County of Riverside and by the State of California Integrated Waste Management Board for composting of bio-solids, compostables, stable bedding and horse manure. Scales are available on-site and a certified weight ticket is generated for each delivery of materials. The end product is a viable soil amendment and fertilizer and is distributed throughout the Western United States. CR&R has utilized this facility for many years and has, until recently, delivered stable bedding generated from within the City of Tustin for full diversion credits. Although this facility has been fully permitted and has had full diversion, the permit expires at the end of 2007. The County has made the determination not to extend the term. As such, this facility is not considered along-term solution for products for the City of Tustin. Inland Empire Utilities Agency 6075 Kimball Road Chino, Ca 91710 Bio-Solids Plant Location is at 4th Street and Etiwanda Avenue in the City of Rancho Cucamonga, California. In-ground scales are available on site of all in-coming loads. Further details of this facility are found on page 23 of this document. Jeff Ziegenbein, Compost Facility Superintendent 909-993-1981 John Gundlach, Manager of Organics Management 909-903-1640 Paul Maglio, Organics Management Marketing and Sales Coordinator 909-993-1910 1/ INCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN 2007 "C&D" and "Green Waste" Processing Facility Opening CR&R South County Operations Center has completed the County Land Use permit, CEQA clearance, the State Solid Waste Facilities Permit, and is under construction on the first permanent South Orange County C&D and Green Waste processing facility. This project has received full commitment from all necessary regulatory agencies including the Orange County Health Department, Local Enforcement Agency (LEA), Orange County Planning Department, County of Orange Fire Authority and the reviewing staff of the California Integrated Waste Management Board. The South County Materials Processing Facility will serve as a materials processing and transfer facility that will handle up to 980 tons per day (tpd) of wastes and recyclables. The materials to be handled at this facility will come from Orange County cities with franchise agreements with CR&R and is available for all construction and demolition and green waste materials generated from. within the City of Tustin. CR&R has committed itself to serving the Orange County municipalities for many years to come and has invested in operating and processing facilities to accommodate the needs of our franchise communities. The proposed facility is located within the Rancho Viejo Specific Plan area. It is zoned PA13 under the Specific Plan. The surrounding zoning and plan designations are identical The project lies immediately north and east of CR&R's existing waste collection operations yard. This existing facility includes administrative offices, a truck maintenance facility, collection truck and employee parking, fueling facilities, and a recyclable materials transfer building. This site is permitted through the Orange County Planning Department under a separate Planning Application (PA960003). The following description is a part of the Orange County Land Use Application process and is submitted for reference purposes. Proposed Facilities/Operations CR&R is constructing a solid waste transfer station and materials recovery facility (MRF). The facility is designed as a materials recovery facility and municipal solid waste transfer station. Initially, the facility will primarily accept construction/demolition wastes and green wastes. Food waste composting is permitted for processing and is planned to begin as a pilot program at a later date. Construction/demolition wastes will be processed using a sort line with various size and material separation components to recover selected materials and segregate contaminants and residual municipal solid 10 INCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN wastes. Green and woody wastes will use a similar processing system to remove contaminants. Sorted green wastes will be ground for more efficient handling and be transported to end users. The proposed facility will consist of: ^ Recycling concrete pad. (approximately 46,300 square feet) with standing seam metal roof over sort line ^ A materials sorting system using various size and materials separation components ^ Hazardous materials storage container ^ Up to 10 employee parking spaces ^ Paved access road ^ Container storage area ^ Perimeter landscaping ^ Perimeter security fence Materials that may be received at the facility include residential and commercial municipal solid waste including the following: • Recyclable materials - Commercial recyclables - Residential recyclables • Construction and demolition materials (No asbestos or lead-based materials will be accepted.) - Wood - Metals - Gypsum - Cardboard - Concrete and asphalt - Inerts • Green waste - Residential curbside - Commercial bin service • Food waste - Resorts with food services - Restaurants - Grocery stores 19 1 NCORPORrITED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN In the event that the requirements for material processing and waste transfer change, the operator will adjust the onsite equipment accordingly to handle the accepted materials. If a significant change in materials handling occurs, the operator will amend the land use and operating permits as necessary. Food waste composting is permitted for processing using an in-vessel composting system. This process is not intended to begin until 2008 and at a daily limit of approximately 5 tons per day. If proven effective, the pilot program may ultimately be expanded. Most of the material to be handled at this facility will be transported to the site in commercial collection trucks, averaging 8 ton loads, and commercial roll-off trucks-. Incoming materials will be dumped onto paved tipping floors where it will be visually inspected prior to processing. In the event that the site receives an undesirable load of material with heavy contamination not suitable for processing, the material will be directly loaded into aroll-off container and .transported to an approved disposal facility. Once the waste stream is processed, recovered materials will be loaded into roll-off containers and transfer rigs for transport to secondary markets and end users. Contaminants and residual municipal solid wastes will be loaded into roll-off containers and transported to a permitted landfill. Initially, all wastes will be transported as required to the Prima Desecha Landfill or other landfills operated by the Orange County Integrated Waste Management Department. The proposed facility will include a temporary storage area for household hazardous waste (HHW) discovered in the waste stream. All HHW collected at the site will be stored in structurally sound, leak proof containers in accordance with 22 CCR Section 66262.34 and will be removed under manifest within 90 days. The containers will be kept in a designated hazardous waste storage facility located onsite. The facility is proposed to be operated 24 hours per day. During the initial phase of the project, it will accept and process materials primarily from 6:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday except for major holidays. Station personnel will be onsite, as needed, for maintenance, repair, cleaning or other operating requirements. The facility will use an existing in-ground truck scale located immediately west of the site at the adjacent waste collection operations yard. The scale house includes a restroom that may be used by facility employees. Employee parking is located in the southwest corner of the site. Additional employee parking is available at the waste collection operations yard. ZO INCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT .SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN The recycling pad is generally located in the center of the project site. It will be surfaced with concrete. The total pad area is approximately 46,300 square feet. A pre- engineered barrel vault standing seam metal roof will cover the majority of the processing equipment. Metal wind screens will surround the upper five to ten feet of the structure. Incoming vehicles will dump their loads at the east end of the recycling pad. The tipping area will be approximately 11,600 square feet and surfaced in concrete. The primary recovered materials load-out area will be located at the west and north ends of the recycling .pad. The facility will be operated using up to 10 employees. Ten employee parking stalls will be located at the southwest corner of the site. Additional employee parking is available at the adjacent waste collection operations yard. An area for empty storage containers will be located at the northeast corner of the site. This area will be surfaced with compacted crushed granite or comparable material base. The entire site will be fenced with 8-foot chain link to provide security. Agate at the main entrance to the adjacent operations facility regulates entrance during non- business hours. Lighting will be provided along the recycling pad roof to provide for security as well as light during winter afternoon operations and maintenance. Fire suppression equipment will be continuously operational and properly maintained. Class ABC fire extinguishers will be located throughout the facility to provide additional fire protection. Emergency safety and spill equipment will be inspected monthly and maintained as required. Fire extinguishers will be inspected once a month and recharged yearly by an operator. Fire hydrants are located along street frontages. The primary route for delivery of materials will be the Ortega Highway (State Route 74). Direct access is provided via an improved private industrial road connecting the site to the Ortega Highway. This access route will be used for all ingress and egress from the facility. Direct site access will be through the west side of the site. It will consist of a 30-foot wide access drive paved in asphalt concrete and will connect to the incoming materials tipping floor. Empty and full transfer trucks will access the site via the main entrance. These vehicles will proceed to loading positions adjacent to the finished processed materials storage 2 I I MCORPORItTED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN areas. Once filled, the transfer vehicles will exit the site through the main entrance. Prior to leaving the site, all transfer trailers will be tarped and cleaned of excess debris. Estimated trip generation by vehicle type at project build-out to be: Table II-1 Vehicles per Day Year 1 Ultimate Vehicle Type Tons/Day Tons/Load Vehicles Tons/Day Tons/Load Vehicles Commercial 585 8 73 980 8 123 Collection Transfer 585 10 58 940 10 94 Total 131 217 As indicated above, facility design capacity exceeds peak loading capacity under conditions of maximum daily tonnage (980 tons per day). Signs to direct drivers will be located at the entrance of the facility. The primary entrance sign will be located on the main entrance drive near the scale house. The entrance sign will state the facility name, operator, operational hours and telephone numbers for administrative offices during hours of operation. Directional signs will be installed at the entrance and within the facility, as necessary, to provide guidance for collection trucks and transfer trucks. The wording and placement of signs will be reviewed by the operator and LEA prior to the start of facility operations. All necessary utility services are directly available to the site. Electrical service is supplied to the site from existing facilities located at the adjacent waste collection operations .yard. Telephone service is provided to the scale house. Onsite communications will be provided by two-way radios and cell phones. Fire protection is provided by a private system maintained by the Rancho Mission Viejo, LLC. Domestic water is provided at the adjacent waste collection operations yard via an above-ground storage tank for water trucked to the site. Sanitary sewer service is provided onsite with subsurface disposal systems and portable toilets. Opening tonnages with contracted Orange County Municipalities is estimated at approximately 450 tons per day. There remains 530 tons per day available for use by the City of Tustin. Z2 1NCORPORAiED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OE TUSTIN Projects Under Develoament 1. Composting Facility with the South Orange County Water Authority Under a negotiated agreement, CR&R will be the exclusive provider of products for this Bio-Solids composting effort. Amendment materials to be provided by CR&R include green waste, wood waste, food waste, gypsum, horse manure, and sludge. This project has undergone several financial feasibility studies and is currently in the permitting process with the County of .Orange. The South Orange County Water Authority (SOCWA) and Orange County Sanitary District Boards will decide shortly on the next course of action. 2. Sage Ranch Composting Facility CR&R is the owner and will operate a composting facility at Sage Ranch located between Hemet .and Temecula in the County of Riverside. The project has recently completed the .environmental work and will be scheduled for review by the County Planning Commission of Riverside County. This facility will grind and compost green and woody wastes together with food and manure wastes. The end product will be marketable to the agricultural community as soil amendment. 3. CR~R South County C&D and Green Waste Processing Facility As described above, this 5-acre Construction & Demolition (C&D) processing operation will be available beginning the summer of 2007. Permitting is completed with the Orange County Planning Department for the Site Development Permit and Environmental analysis. The permitting of this project began with a lease amendment with the Rancho Mission Viejo organization and an Amendment to the County of Orange Non-Disposal Facility Element (NDFE) by the County Waste Commission at their May 12th meeting. The LEA and the State Integrated Waste Management Board have approved the project and have placed the project on high priority for fast-track permitting. Permitted at 980 tons per day, this facility will have capacity for CR&R's franchise municipalities current 450 tons per day generation of green waste and C&D materials for processing. The diversion projection for green waste is 95%; and 80% for all C&D materials. 4. Food Waste Composting The NDFE Amendment. to the Orange County Plan and Orange County permitting process, as well as the approved State Solid Waste Facilities Permit, allows the construction and operation of an in-vessel food waste facility capable of processing seven to ten tons per day of source separated and collected food waste. The collection will occur from restaurants, grocery stores and resorts having food waste production. An automated vehicle will collect food waste from 48-gallon automated containers for daily or every-other day collection. Extensive education and outreach to the restaurants will be needed prior to implementation to ensure the cleanliness of the food waste materials. Existing food waste collections in the cities of San Francisco and Los ~~- 'Z3 INCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Angeles have been visited to help establish the most appropriate collection process for our customers. The composted end product is planned to be delivered to the Sage Ranch facility for blending with processed green waste. 5. Inland Empire Utility District Composting Facility CR&R has been chosen as a key supplier to this approved 430,000 square foot building in the City of Rancho Cucamonga / Fontana. Recently toured by Mr. Relis and Mr. Ruffridge, this project will be open in March 2007 and will begin with utilizing 1,986 cubic yards of stable bedding/horse manure and ramping up to 15,888 cubic yards within one year. In addition, CR&R will provide from 2,979 yards to 10,560 cubic yards of wood/green waste materials from the South County C&D MRF processing center. The woody wastes will be ground and screened to 4" size, with the remaining fines delivered to the Prima Desecha landfill for full diversion credit as alternative daily cover. A signed contract for accepting organics from the City of Tustin is available, if desired, for review. Contracts are not municipality specific, although CR&R is committed to providing a guarantee to the City of Tustin. The following chart illustrates the "Amendment Schedule" for this Composting Facility: IERCF 2006 Amendment Schedule Month Stablebedding cJ ds Weekly loads Woad Chips c ds Weekly loads January 1986 7 2979 i0 February 3588 12 3594 12 March 5958 19 5708 18 April 7688 24 6169 20 May 7944 25 4997 16 June 8456 27 5536 18 July 11518 36 9667 30 August 13902 44 10486 33 September 15375 48 10551 33 October 15888 5Q 9994 31 November 15375 4$ 8764 28 December 15888 50 10506 33 Stablebedding will consist of dean pine and fir shavings with E10% other (manure, feed, straw) Wood chips will be clean ground green and tree trimmings at ~4" and >1"with no trash All loads are factored at 75 cyds 24 INCORPORJtiED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN .Proposal Form 6 DESCRIPTION OF .CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITIES 1. CRTransfer facility owned and operated by CR&R has been and will continue to be the primary Construction and Demolition Debris Faculty utilized for materials generated from within the City of Tustin. This facility is described in Proposal Form 4 herein. As identified in Proposal Form 4, there is available capacity to process all of the construction and demolition materials from the City of Tustin. 2. With construction completed and operations under way prior to the start of the Tustin Franchise Agreement, CR&R will have its new C&D South County MRF available for Tustin. When needed for the Legacy Project, over 500 tons per day of capacity will be available for waste from the City of Tustin. This facility has land leasing available for 25 years and is described in Proposal Form 5 herein. CR&R has capacity at both locations guaranteed for wastes form the City of Tustin. With two optional facilities available, the City can rest assured of proper processing capabilities for many years to come. Please refer to Proposal Form 14 "Experience", for information pertaining to CR&R's experience and proven capability to provide exemplary service to the Ladera "Green Building Project" of 1,260 houses for the Rancho Mission Viejo Development Group. The C ~ D Process: Incoming loads to CRTransfer arrive through the same incoming traffic lines and utilize the same scale house at noted in Proposal Form 4 for the MRF. C&D loads are dumped at the rear of the transfer station building where materials are sorted both by an excavator and manually. The excavator generally sorts large and heavy items for separation and consolidation of materials by type. As piles increase, these separated materials are loaded into separate containers for delivery to markets, or processing via a horizontal grinder at this location. Processed products are consolidated into large containers for transportation to markets. The CR&R South County C&D Processing Facility will be operational prior to the effective date of the new Tustin Franchise Agreement. The process, as illustrated on the following two pages, is a highly mechanical sort line which includes a water sort system. The process is designed to achieve a higher diversion rate with anticipated diversion up to 90%. 2S INCORPORJtTED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN This state of the art C&D facility will add additional processing capability for any C&D wastes generated from the City of Tustin. The design basis from the manufacturer is 90% recovery of C&D materials. After a 90- day start up process, CR&R anticipates achieving this diversion level. CR8~R SOUTH COUNTY MATERIALS RECOVERY FACILITY a~cr rl:~.ano R_1'~c:llc)'~IIS~Ic~\ t`II~:Ic~ . (~`I?I,`(iltl'1:\ l~:ltil'F: ]tl~;(:ti1"1~~It1' 1':1t:1I.1'1'l' rROros~n.e~:~rto~s ._ ~.,~; ..LL..,~ acaa.~c Z6 1NCORPORAiED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN 17<• 7fLUiiFEa 3t'A7U:k:: 0.b ; uM a •+' 1r~ _~•~ 4>FiCk£, J r 3ti'Y~A:P3k:dt~. ~~ 'k4INIkSIHU:11Lti iYIS YHIiAI: AYF . WLT ~1'AkA'If4'W C.W f: fAflixX.~ ~~~III IIII D' d' ['F3'~ L 3 N r Fu (> t9 4'.LKI F. GtYY•:)A81'.: ti 3kl.TJY tl4Ei FNt1u;!'iL: ,~p:~NiH1il`~::. 1 ~ r' ~>C'ti ~ ~ li'_ . • 1t ~ 4r~ ~•~' . aLCfiA3•J.T•_ . 6AG2k°. Cxi4'k911G!<.s. ~~~~~~ }:.1`~(:1~O~11~S1C)ti V'lli~(3 (a)I (~ltl~_}~:`4 ~\~'_~.~1°l: hJ_=~:{_l~ t_lt1" 1~:1t:1L1't"~` s 27 INCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Proposal Form 7 DESCRIPTION OF WASTE-TO-ENERGY/TRANSFORMATION FACILITY By definition, Transformation does not include Bio-Mass conversion. CR&R will utilize the following Bio-Mass locations for added diversion credits derived from green and woody wastes for the City of Tustin: 1. AES Delano 31500 Pond Rd; Delano, California 2. AES Mendota 400 Guillen Parkway Mendota, California 3. Rio Bravo 3350 South Willow Ave Fresno, California Phone number for all is 661.586.0611 Zg INCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Proposal Form 8 COLLECTION VEHICLES TO BE FURNISHED BY CONTRACTOR All Residential, Commercial, and Roll-Off collection vehicles for the City of Tustin will be new at the start of this Franchise Agreement. CR&R has recently incorporated the appropriate specifications for all new and replacement vehicles for our Orange County operations center as follows: Auto Car (AC), Expeditor cabs and chassis (3 and 4 axle chassis depending upon the operation) Engines will be Cummins 8.3C. Gas Plus (CNG) Fuel will be Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) with 119 gallon tanks mounted on each chassis. The Natural Gas Fuel (CNG vs. LNG) is the only change from that currently use in South Orange County. Compaction Bodies will be Amrep for commercial Front Loading and Residential side loading vehicles. Roll-off bodies will be reving cylinder Amrep units. CR&R currently operates the same type of vehicles in the cities of San Clemente, San Juan Capistrano, Laguna Hills, and Rancho Santa Margarita. These vehicles have proven to be efficient and productive. Collection Vehicles: # vehicles Vehicle Manuf. Type Fuel Residential MSW 2 AC Side Ldr CNG Residential Yardwaste 2 AC Side Ldr CNG Residential Recyclables 2 AC Side Ldr CNG Multifamily MSW 0 Multifamily Source Separated .5 AC FRT Ldr CNG Multifamily Single Stream .5 AC FRT Ldr CNG Multifamily "A" Route 3 AC FRT Ldr CNG Multifamily "B" Route 0 AC FRT Ldr CNG Commercial MSW 0 AC FRT Ldr CNG Commercial Source Separated 1 AC FRT Ldr CNG Commercial "A" Route 2~>> AC FRT Ldr CNG Commercial "B" Route 1 ~~~ AC FRT Ldr CNG Roll-Off MSW 2 AC Roll-Off CNG* Roll-Off Recycling .5 AC Roll-Off CNG* ~~ 29 INCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Route Supervisor 1 Chev pick up gas Recycling Coordinator 1 personal auto Container Vehicles 1 GMC flat bed diesel *Roll-off Vehicles option may be low-sulfur diesel. CR&R currently has in stock 6 brand new AC Roll-off equipped trucks that have not been placed into service. (1) Routing and numbers are flexible depending on success of implementing source-separated and single stream programs. Contact name of New AC Vehicle Manufacturer: Joe La Spina, Executive Director of Sales Autocar & Trucks 551 South Washington Street P.O. Box 190 Hagerstown, Indiana 47346 630-920-8161 ~~ 3 0 I NCORPORxTED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Proposal Form 9 ADDITIONAL MSW RECYCLABLE MATERIALS, YARDWASTE, AND CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION DEBRIS CONTAINERS TO BE FURNISHED BY CONTRACTOR All residential users currently have containers for trash, yardwaste and recyclables. With increased education and awareness to provide at no charge of up to 2 additional recyclable and/or yardwaste containers, there will be a need for CR&R to increase basic stock inventory prior to start of collection. Regular inventories will be approximately 200 each of the sized and types of containers. At the start of service, CR&R intends to have an additional 300 each of recyclable and yardwaste containers for customer requests. With added efforts to increase source separation of recyclable commodities through advertising and education within the residential and commercial customer base, CR&R will have sufficient containers for all types of services offered. These quantities can be added to and replenished on a daily basis with our manufacturers. Residential and Commercial Barrels: Roto Industries 1251 Jefferson Street Anaheim, California 92807 714-630-0272 Contact: Kerry Holmes, VP of Sales and Marketing Food Waste and Kitchen Containers (future): Toter -Heavy Duties P.O. Box 7 Sanger, California 93657-0007 818-406-2573 Contact: Rob Vezina, Regional Manager ~"~~ 3I INCORPORRTED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Commercial Bins: CR&R has in inventory approximately 200 - 3 and 4 cubic yard bins at the Stanton fabrication facility. For start up of operations, CR&R will have sufficient inventories of 3, 4, and 6 yard containers for immediate delivery of replacement containers for the commercial and multifamily customer base. Alternatively, CR&R will contact the existing hauler to determine if the existing steel containers can be refurbished and reused in the City of Tustin. This process could start by July 1, 2007 when CR&R can replace up to 100 containers per week with either new or completely refurbished containers. Roll-Off Boxes: CR&R's existing inventory of over 100 boxes will be more than sufficient for customers in the City of Tustin. Steel Container Manufacturer: Consolidated Fabricators 4600 South Santa Fe Vernon, Ca 90058 800-339-8335 Contact: Big John # Containers available from CR&R Residential Carts 35 gallon 65 gallon 95 gallon Recycling 100 200 200 Yardwaste 100 200 200 Trash 100 200 200 These are initial stock orders and will be replenished daily as supplies diminish. ~~ 32 INCORPORrtiED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Commercial Bins # of bins initially suoalied and maintained in stock Type Sizes 2cy icy 4cy 6 yd 90- gallon carts Recycling 25 40 20 10 200 Trash 25 75 40 25 100 Roll-Off Boxes Inventory 10 cy 20 20 cy 0 30cy 10 40cy 40 Compactors will be ordered on demand. ~~ 3 3 1 NCORPORAiED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Proposal Form 10 LIST OF PERSONNEL Office and Mana ement Headcount Number of FTE General Mana er Ro den Fu'imori Route Mana er, Residential Norma Fernandez Route Mana er, Commercial John Zapata Rec clin Coordinator TBD -new hire-Maria Lazaruk, Man er will be initial Office Mana er Rose Eriksson Com liance-Contract Dean Ruffrid e Rec clin /Communi Mana a Maria Lazaruk Division President David Ronnenber Collection and Transportation Headcount: Labor Category Number of FTE Residential Collection: MSW 3 Recycling incl. Yardwaste 2 Commercial Collection: MSW Driver 1 A Route Drivers 3 Recycling Driver 2 Multi-family Driver 3 Yardwaste 0.5 Roll Off Collection: MSW/Recycling/C&D 2 Relief Drivers & Spares: 1.5 Total 17 Maintenance Mechanics 1 Supervisor 0.5 Containers -Delivery 1 Mechanics Helpers 1 Other 1 Total 4.5 ~~ 3 4 1 NCORPORAiED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Proposal Form 11 PROPOSED PROTOCOL FOR CONDUCTING QUARTERLY DIVERSION ALLOCATION AUDITS Methodologies utilized to Calculate diversion• Every load brought to CRTransfer from a municipality is recorded by the jurisdiction of origin. Incoming loads from Tustin will be dropped on the tipping floor. These loads are not mixed with wet loads from sources like restaurants. The wet loads are treated separately and are pushed to a "disposal" pile because they have low amounts of recyclables and they pose odor management problems for the facility. Tustin tonnage is mixed with recyclable rich tonnage from other jurisdictions because it is infeasible to separate and process each municipality's loads separately. CR&R has developed a methodology for "allocating" tonnage to each city that receives diversion credit. This allocation system was developed by EcoNomics as part of work commissioned by CR&R to establish the most "transparent" reporting system for its mixed MRF processing. This work was undertaken in 2004 with the involvement of Mike Planck, the CRTransfer General Manager. The methodology for determining each city's allocation was reviewed and accepted by Orange County Integrated Waste Management Department (IWMD) and the California Integrated Waste Management Board's (CIWMB) senior staff as part of the County's reporting system to the CIWMB. This system is recognized by the CIWMB staff as the most "transparent" for auditing purposes of all reporting methods used in Orange County by the solid waste industry. The Tustin allocation percentage is established as follows: CR&R separates loads from Tustin and characterizes these loads in three categories; commercial, multi-family, and construction and demolition (C&D). Each characterization is done by hand and weights are established for each of the three waste categories. A five-day sampling is conducted to account for changes in the waste stream over a week's time. These daily samples are then averaged to produce a quarterly characterization that is used to establish the allocation percentage for each city. This characterization process is repeated every quarter to establish the next quarter's allocation to account for seasonal fluctuations. CR&R has run numerous tests of varying municipality's incoming waste and has successfully achieved varying diversion rates with results well over 50°/O. ~~~ 3 5 1 XCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN The recyclable commodities from this process are recovered paper, cardboard, newsprint, plastics (#s 1 &2), scrap metal, non-ferrous metals, aluminum, wood, green waste, drywall, and other assorted recyclable materials. We are successfully marketing all commodities recovered from the mixed waste stream and have been for over 35 years. The results of this recovery process at CR Transfer will be reported to the City of Tustin on a monthly basis. The CR&R Intermediate Processing Center located on Western Avenue establishes waste characterization allocations in a similar manner. Individual collection vehicles are directed from the Tustin routes to the processing center for dumping on the concrete floor. Quarterly, a total of 4 to 8 loads are processed separately. Materials are sorted by recyclable type and the results are weighed. These percentages are used for the load mix for the next quarter. ~~~ 3 6 1 XcORPORATED Proposal Form 12 PROPOSED RATES TO BE CHARGED Fill in the rates below for each level of service. Rates must be broken down to show the collection cost, processing cost and disposal cost. The procedure for adjusting costs throughout the term of the contract appears in Article 12 of the contract. A sample calculation is shown in Attachment J. The disposal portion will only be adjusted as that cost actually changes. Disposal costs are a pass through cost and cannot include any mark up, overhead or administrative costs. If your company does not plan to conduct any processing for any of the services listed below, please indicate this by placing a "0" in the "Processing" column for each applicable service. Rates must be submitted in October 1, 2007 dollars. This form will become an attachment to the final contract. 1. Residential Basic Level of Service 1a. Rec clin Cart Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 35, 65, 95 gallon (1st Cart) 3.96 (1.38) 0.31 2.89 per month Additional Cart' 3.96 (1.38) 0.31 2.89 per month 1 b. Yardwaste Cart Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Totat 35, 65, 95 gallon (1st Cart) 3.96 1.16 0.02 5.14 per month Additional Cart " 3.96 1.16 0.02 5.14 per month 1c. MSW Cart Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 35, 65, 95 gallon (1st Cart) 3.96 - 1.80 5.76 per month Additional Cart, 3.96 - 1.80 5.76 per month " (This charge applies only a fter a resident has received 2 additional Carts free of charge (i. e. upon the request fora 4th cart) Note: The total of the rates listed for items 1a, 1b, and 1c above will equal the total monthly residential rate. 2. Commercial and Multi-Family Source Separated Recycling Service (Rates for source separated Container Service shall be at least 50% less than the MSW 'B' Route Container service. The 50% savings shall be applied to each pick-up schedule. For example, the rate for 1 pick-up per week for Source Separated Recycling service shall be at leasf 50% less than the rate for 1 pick-up per week for MSW B' Route service. Likewise, the rate for 6 pick-ups per week for Source Separated Recycling service shall be at least 50% less than the rate for 6 pick-ups per week for MSW '8' Route service). 2a. 35 Gallon Cart Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week 19.00 (7.45) - 11.56 per month 2 pick-ups per week 38.00 (14.89) - 23.11 per month 3 pick-ups per week 57.00 (22.34) - 34.67 per month 4 pick-ups per week 76.00 (29.78) - 46.22 per month 5 pick-ups per week 95.00 (37.23) - 57.78 per month Page t of 22 6 pick-up per week 114.00 44.67 ( ) - 69.33 per month 2b. 65 Gallon Cart Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week 21.00 (8.04) - 12.97 per month 2 pick-ups per week 42.00 (16.07) - 25.93 per month 3 pick-ups per week 63.00 (24.11) - 38.90 per month 4 pick-ups per week 84.00 (32.14) - 51.86 per month 5 pick-ups per week 105.00 (40.18) - 64.83 per month 6 pick-up per week 126.00 (48.21) - 77.79 per month 2c. 95 Gallon Cart Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week 23.00 (8.63) - 14.38 per month 2 pick-ups per week 46.00 (17.25) - 28.75 per month 3 pick-ups per week 69.00 (25.88) - 43.13 per month 4 pick-ups per week 92.00 (34.50) - 57.50 per month 5 pick-ups per week 115.00 (43.13) - 71.88 per month 6 pick-up per week 138.00 (51.75) - 86.25 per month 2d. 2 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week 50.78 (16.28) - 34.50 per month 2 pick-ups per week 82.57 (23.07) - 59.50 per month 3 pick-ups per week 114.35 (29.85) - 84.50 per month 4 pick-ups per week 146.14 (36.64) - 109.50 per montn 5 pick-ups per week 177.92 (43.42) - 134.50 per month 6 pick-up per week 209.70 (50.20) - 159.50 per month 2e. 3 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week 72.86 (23.36) - 49.50 per month 2 pick-ups per week 106.73 (27.23) - 79.50 per month 3 pick-ups per week 130.59 (26.09) - 104.50 per month 4 pick-ups per week 164.46 (29.96) - 134.50 per month 5 pick-ups per week 198.32 (33.82) - 164.50 per month 6 pick-up per week 232.18 (37.68) - 194.50 per month Page 2 of 22 2f. 4 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week 94.94 (30.44) - 64.50 per month 2 pick-ups per week 130.89 (31.39) - 99.50 per month 3 pick-ups per week 166.83 (32.33) - 134.50 per month 4 pick-ups per week 202.78 (33.28) - 169.50 per month 5 pick-ups per week 238.72 (34.22) - 204.50 per month 6 pick-up per week 274.66 (35.16) - 239.50 per month 2g. 6 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week 142.42 (45.67) - 96.75 per month 2 pick-ups per week 196.33 (47.08) - 149.25 per month 3 pick-ups per week 250.25 (48.50) - 201.75 per month 4 pick-ups per week 304.16 (49.91) - 254.25 per month 5 pick-ups per week 358.08 (51.33) - 306.75 per month 6 pick-up per week 412.00 (52.75) - 359:25 per month 3. Commercial and Multi-Family Single Stream Recycling Service (Rates for single stream Container service shall be at least 33% less than the MSW 'B' Route Container service. The 33% savings shall be applied to each pick-up schedule. For example, the rate for 1 pick-up per week for Single Stream Recycling service shall be at least 33% less than the rate for 1 pick-up per week for MSW 'B' Route service. Lik ewise, the rate for 6 pick-ups per for Single Stream Recycling service shall be at least 33% less than the rate for 6 pick-ups per week for MSW 'B' Route service . 3a. 35 Gallon Cart ~ Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week 12.10 3.24 0.14 15.48 per month 2 pick-ups per week 24.21 6.48 0.28 30.97 per month 3 pick-ups per week 36.31 9.72 0.42 46.45 per month 4 pick-ups per week 48.41 12.96 0.56. 61.93 per month 5 pick-ups per week 60.52 16.20 0.70 77.42 per month 6 pick-up per week 72.62 19.44 0.84 92.90 per month 3b. 65 Gallon Cart Collection + Processin + Dis. osal = Total 1 pick-up per week 12.85 4.33 0.19 17.37 per month 2 pick-ups per week 25.71 8.66 0.38 34.75 per month 3 pick-ups per week 38.56 12.99 0.57 52.12 per month 4 pick-ups per week 51.41 17.32 0.76 69.49 per month 5 pick-ups per week 64.27 21.65 0.95 86.87 per month 6 pick-up per week 77.12 25.98 1.14 104.24 per month Page 3 of 22 3c. [ 95 Gallon Cart Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week 13.61 5.41 0.24 19.26 per month 2 pick-ups per week 27.23 10.82 0.48 38.53 per month 3 pick-ups per week 40.84 16.23 0.72 57.79 per montn 4 pick-ups per week 54.45 21.64 0.96 77.05 per month 5 pick-ups per week 68.06 27.05 1.20 96.31 per month 6 pick-up per week 81.68 32.46 1.44 115.58 per month 3d. 2 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week 34.03 5.13 7.07 46.23 per month 2 pick-ups per week 55.32 10.26 14.15 79.73 per month 3 pick-ups per week 76.62 15.39 21.22 113.23 per month 4 pick-ups per week 97.91 20.53 28.29 146.73 per month 5 pick-ups per week 119.21 25.66 35.37 180.23 per month 6 pick-up per week 140.50 30.79 42.44 213.73 per month 3e. 3 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week 48.82 7.36 10.15 66.33 per month 2 pick-ups per week 71.51 14.73 20.30 106.53 per month 3 pick-ups per week 87.50 22.09 30.45 140.03 per month 4 pick-ups per week 110.19 29.45 40.59 180.23 per month 5 pick-ups per week 132.87 36.81 50.74 220.43 per month 6 pick-up per week 155.56 44.18 60.89 260.63 per month 3f. 4 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week 63.61 9.59 13.22 86.43 per month 2 pick-ups per week 87.69 19.19 26.45 133.33 per month 3 pick-ups per week 111.78 28.78 39.67 180.23 per month 4 pick-ups per week 135.86 38.37 52.90 227.13 per month 5 pick-ups per week 159.94 47.97 66.12 274.03 per month 6 pick-up per week 184.02 57.56 79.34 320.93 per month Page 4 of 22 3g. 6 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week 95.42 14.39 19.84 129.65 per month Z pick-ups per week 131.54 28.78 39.67 200.00 per month 3 pick-ups per week 167.67 43.17 59.51 270.35 per month 4 pick-ups per week 203.79 57.56 79.34 340.70 per month 5 pick-ups per week 239.91 71.95 99.18 411.05 per month 6 pick-up per week 276.04 86.34 119.01 481.40 per month 4. Commercial and Multi-Family MSW 'A' Route Service (Rates for A' Route service shall be equal to or less than. rates for the 'B' Route Service.) 4a. 35 Gallon Cart Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week 19.00 1.73 2.38 23.11 per month 2 pick-ups per week 38.00 3.46 4.76 46.22 per month 3 pick-ups per week 57.00 5.19 7.14 69.33 per month 4 pick-ups per week 76.00 6.92 9.52 92.44 per month 5 pick-ups per week 95.00 8.65 11.90 115.55 per month 6 pick-up per week 114.00 10.38 14.28 138.66 per month 4b. 65 Gallon Cart Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week 21.00 2.07 2.86 25.93 per month 2 pick-ups per week 42.00 4.14 5.72 51.86 per month 3 pick-ups per week 63.00 6.21 8.58 77.79 per month 4 pick-ups per week 84.00 8.28 11.44 103.72 per month 5 pick-ups per week 105.00 10.35 14.30 129.65 per month 6 pick-up per week 126.00 12.42 17.16 155.58 per month 4c. 95 Gallon Cart Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week 23.00 2.42 3.33 28.75 per month 2 pick-ups per week 46.00 4.84 6.66 57.50 per month 3 pick-ups per week 69.00 7.26 9.99 86.25 per month 4 pick-ups per week 92.00 9.68 13.32 115.00 per month 5 pick-ups per week 115.00 12.10 16.65 143.75 per month 6 pick-up per week 138.00 14.52 19.98 172.50 per month Page 5 of 22 4d. 2 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week 50.78 7.66 10.56 69.00 per month 2 pick-ups per week 82.57 15.32 21.11 119.00 per month 3 pick-ups per week 114.35 22.98 31.67 169.00 per month 4 pick-ups per week 146.14 30.64 42.23 219.00 per month 5 pick-ups per week 177.92 38.30 52.79 269.00 per month 6 pick-up per week 209.70 45.95 63.34 319.00 per month 4e. 3 Cubic Yard Bin ~ Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week 72.86 10.99 15.15 99.00 per month 2 pick-ups per week 106.73 21.98 30.29 159.00 per month 3 pick-ups per week 130.59 32.97 45.44 209.00 per month 4 pick-ups per week 164.46 43.96 60.59 269.00 per month 5 pick-ups per week 198.32 54.95 75.74 329.00 per month 6 pick-up per week 232.18 65.93 90.88 389.00 per month 4f. 4 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week 94.94 14.32 19.74 129.00 per month 2 pick-ups per week 130.89 28.64 39.47 199.00 per month 3 pick-ups per week 166.83 42.96 59.21 269.00 per month 4 pick-ups per week 202.78 57.28 78.95 339.00 per month 5 pick-ups per week 238.72 71.60 98.69 409.00 per month 6 pick-up per week 274.66 85.91 118.42 479.00 per month 4g. 6 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week 142.42 21.48 29.61 193.50 per month 2 pick-ups per week 196.33 42.96 59.21 298.50 per month 3 pick-ups per week 250.25 64.44 88.82 403.50 per month 4 pick-ups per week 304.16 85.91 118.42 508.50 per month 5 pick-ups per week 358.08 107.39 148.03 613.50 per month 6 pick-up per week 412.00 128.87 177.63 718.50 per month Page 6 of 22 5. Commercial and Multi-Family MSW 'B' Route Service (Rates for'e' Route Service shall be equal to or more than those for A' Route Service.) 5a. 35 Gallon Cart Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week 19.00 1.73 2.38 23.11 per month 2 pick-ups per week 38.00 3.46 4.76 46.22 per month 3 pick-ups per week 57:00 5.19 7.14 69.33 per month 4 pick-ups per week 76.00 6.92 9.52 92.44 per month 5 pick-ups per week 95.00 8.65 11.90 115.55 per month 6 pick-up per week 114.00 10.38 14.28 138.66 per month 5b. 65 Gallon Cart Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week 21.00 2.07 2.86 25.93 per month 2 pick-ups per week 42.00 4.14 5.72 51.86 per month 3 pick-ups per week 63.00 6.21 8.58 77.79 per month 4 pick-ups per week 84.00 8.28 11.44 103.72 per month 5 pick-ups per week 105.00 10.35 14.30 129.65 per month 6 pick-up per week 126.00 12.42 17.16 155.58 per month 5c. 95 Gallon Cart Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week 23.00 2.42 3.33 28.75 per month 2 pick-ups per week 46.00 4.84 6.66 57.50 per month 3 pick-ups per week 69.00 7.26 9.99 86.25 per month 4 pick-ups per week 92.00 9.68 13.32 115.00 per month 5 pick-ups per week 115.00 12.10 16.65 143.75 per month 6 pick-up per week 138.00 14.52 19.98 172.50 per month 5d. 2 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week 50.78 7.66 10.56 69.00 per month 2 pick-ups per week 82.57 15.32 21.11 119.00 per month 3 pick-ups per week 114.35 22.98 31.67 169.00 per month 4 pick-ups per week 146.14 30.64 42.23 219.00 per month 5 pick-ups per week 177.92 38.30 52.79 269.00 per month 6 pick-up per week 209.70 45.95 63.34 319.00 per month Page 7 of 22 5e. 3 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week 72.86 10.99 15.15 99.00 per month 2 pick-ups per week 106.73 21.98 30.29 159.00 per month 3 pick-ups per week 130.59 32.97 45.44 209.00 per month 4 pick-ups per week 164.46 43.96 60.59 269.00 per month 5 pick-ups per week 198.32 54.95 75.74 329.00 per month 6 pick-up per week 232.18 65.93 90.88 389.00 per month 5f. 4 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week 94.94 14.32 19.74 129.00 per month 2 pick-ups per week 130.89 28.64 39.47 199.00 per month 3 pick-ups per week 166.83 42.96 59.21 269.00 per month 4 pick-ups per week 202.78 57.28 78.95 339.00 per month 5 pick-ups per week 238.72 71.60 98.69 409.00 per month 6 pick-up per week 274.66 85.91 118.42 479.00 per month 5g. 6 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week 142.42 21.48 29.61 193.50 per month 2 pick-ups per week 196.33 42.96 59.21 298.50 per month 3 pick-ups per week 250.25 64.44 88.82 403.50 per month 4 pick-ups per week 304.16 85.91 118.42 508.50 per month 5 pick-ups per week 358.08 107.39 148.03 613.50 per month 6 pick-up per week 412.00 128.87 177.63 718.50 per month Note: In completing the rates for Sections 6-17, Proposers shall use the assumed weights for roll-off boxes and compactors listed in Table 1 following Proposal Form 12. 6. Permanent Compactor and Roll-Off Box Source Separated Recycling Service (Rates for Source Separated Recycling Service shall be of least 50% less than the MSW 'B' Route rate.) 6a. 3 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 75.00 (32.55) - 42.45 per pull Page 8 of 22 6b. 4 Cu. Yd. Compactor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 80.00 (34.50) - 45.50 per pull 6c. 6 Cu. Yd. Compactor-~ Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 85.00 (35.35) - 49.65 per pull 6d. 10 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 205.00 (14.50) - 190.50 per pull 6e. 20 Cu. Yd. Compactor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 205.00 106.50 - 311.50 per pull 6f. 30 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 205.00 106.50 - 311.50 per pull 6g. 40 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 205.00 106.50 - 311.50 per pull 6h. 10 Cu. Yd. Roll Off Box Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call ar Scheduled Service 175.00 88.50 - 263.50 per pull 6i. 20 Cu. Yd. Roll Off Box Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 175.00 - 175.00 per pull 6j. 30 Cu. Yd. Roll Off Box Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 175.00 22.50 - 197.50 per pull 6k. 40 Cu. Yd. Roll Off Box Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 175.00 88.50 - 263.50 per pull 7. Permanent Compactor and Roll-Off Box Single Stream Recycling Service (Rates for Single Stream Recycling Service shall be at least 33% less than rates for'8' Route Service.) 7a. 3 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 75.00 (18.12) - 56.88 per pull Page 9 of 22 7b. 4 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 80.00 (19.03) - 60.97 per pull 7c. 6 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal Total On-call or Scheduled Service 85.00 (18.47) - 66.53 per pull 7d. 10 Cu. Yd. Compactor Collection + Processin + Dis osal ~ = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 205.00 50.27 - 255.27 per pull 7e. 20 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 205.00 212.41 - 417.41 per pull 7f. 30 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 205.00 212.41 - 417.41 per pull 7g. 40 Cu. Yd. Compactor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 205.00 212.41 - 417.41 per pull 7h. 10 Cu. Yd. Roll Off Box Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 175.00 178.09 - 353.09 per pull 7i. 20 Cu. Yd. Roll Off Box Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 175.00 60.17 - 235.17 per pull 7j. 30 Cu. Yd. Roll Off Box Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Totat On-call or Scheduled Service 175.00 89.65 - 264.65 per pull 7k. 40 Cu. Yd. Roll Off Box Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 175.00 178.09 - 353.09 per pull 8. Permanent Compactor and Roll-Off Box 'A' Route Service (Rates for A' - Route Service shall be equal to or less than rates for 'B' Route Service.) 8a. 3 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 75.00 8.80 1.10 84.90 per pull Page 10 of 22 8b. 4 Cu. Yd. Compactor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 80.00 8.25 2.75 91.00 per pull 8c. 6 Cu. Yd. Compactor ~ Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 85.00 10.75 3.55 99.30 per pull 8d. 10 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 205.00 132.00 44.00 381.00 per pull 8e. 20 Cu. Yd. Compactor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 205.00 313.50 104.50 623.00 per pull 8f. 30 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osat = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 205.00 313.50 104.50 623.00 per pull 8g. 40 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 205.00 313.50 104.50 623.00 per pull 8h. 10 Cu. Yd. Roll Off Box Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 175.00 264.00 88.00 527.00 per pull 8i. _20 Cu. Yd. Roll Off Box Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 175.00 132.00 44.00 351.00 per pull 8j. 30 Cu. Yd. Roll Off Box Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 175.00 165.00 55.00 395.00 per pull 8k. 40 Cu. Yd. Roll Off Box Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 175.00 264.00 88.00 527.00 per pull 9. Permanent Compactor and Roll-Off Box 'B' Route Service (Rates for'e' Route Service shall be equal to or more than those for A' Route Service.) 9a. 3 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 75.00 8.80 1.10 84.90 per pull Page 11 of 22 9b. 4 Cu. Yd. Compactor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 80.00 8.25 2.75 91.00 per pull 9c. 6 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 85.00 10.75 3.55 99.30 per pull 9d. 10 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 205.00 132.00 44.00 381.00 per pull 9e. 20 Cu. Yd. Compactor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 205.00 313.50 104.50 623.00 per pull 9f. 30 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 205.00 313.50 104.50 623.00 per pull 9g. 40 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 205.00 313.50 104.50 623.00 per pull 9h. 10 Cu. Yd. Roll Off Box Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 175.00 264.00 88.00 527.00 per pull 9i. 20 Cu. Yd. Roll Off Box Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 175.00 132.00 44.00 351.00 per pull 9j. 30 Cu. Yd. Roll Off Box Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 175.00 165.00 55.00 395.00 per pull 9k. 40 Cu. Yd. Roll Off Box Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service 175.00 264.00 88.00 527.00 per pull 10. Temporary Bin and Roll-Off Bin Source Separated Recycling Service -Including 2, 3, 4, and 6 yd Bin Service (Rates for Source Separated Recycling Service shall be at least 50% less than those for "t3' Route Service.) 10a. 2 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily {Same day Service) 75.00 (32.55) - 42.45 per pull Week-y (Mon. -Following Mon.) 75.00 (32.55) - 42.45 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) 75.00 (32.55) - 42.45 per pull Page 12 of 22 Other: - - - - per pull 10b. 3 Cubic Yard Bin -~ Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) 75.00 (32.55) - 42.45 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) 75.00 (32.55) - 42.45 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) 75.00 (32.55) - 42.45 per pull Other: - - - - per pun 10c. 4 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) 80.00 (34.50) - 45.50 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) 80.00 (34.50) - 45.50 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) 80.00 (34.50) - 45.50 per pull Other: - - - - per pull 10d. 6 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osat = Total Daily (Same day Service) 85.00 (35.35) - 49.65 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) 85.00 (35.35) - 49.65 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) 85.00 (35.35) - 49.65 per pull Other: - - - - per pull 10e. 10 Cubic Yard Roll-Off Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) 175.00 88.50 - 263.50 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.} 175.00 88.50 - 263.50 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) 175.00 88.50 - 263.50 per pull Other: - - - - per pull 10f. 20 Cubic Yard Roll-Off Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) 175.00 - - 175.00 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) 175.00 - - 175.00 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) 175.00 - - ~ 175.00 per pull Other: - _ _ - per pull Page 13 of 22 10g. 30 Cubic Yard Roll-Off Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) 175.00 22.50 - 197.50 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) 175.00 22.50 - 197.50 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) 175.00. 22.50 - 197.50 per pull Othef: - - - - per pull 10h. 40 Cubic Yard Roll-Off Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service} 175.00 88.50 - 263.50 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) 175.00 88.50 - 263.50 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) 175.00 88.50 - 263.50 per pull Other: - - - - per pull 11. Temporary Bin and Roll-Off Box Service - Including 2, 3, 4, and 6 yd Bin Service - Single Stream Recycling ServlCe (Rate for Single Stream Recycling Service shall be at least 33% less than those for 8' Route Service.) 11 a. 2 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) 75.00 (3.30) - 71.70 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) 75.00 (3.30) - 71.70 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) 75.00 (3.30) - 71.70 per pull Other: - - - - per pull 11 b. 3 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) 75.00 (3.30) - 71.70 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) 75.00 (3.30) - 71.70 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) 75.00 (3.30) - 71.70 per pull Other: - - - - per pull 11c. 4 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) 80.00 (3.30) - 76.70 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) 80.00 (3.30) - 76.70 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) 80.00 (3.30) - 76.70 per pull Other: - - - - per pull Page 14 of 22 11d. 6 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) Other: 85.00 (8.25) - 76.75 per pull 85.00 (8.25) - 76.75 per pull 85.00 (8.25) - 76.75 per pull - - - - per pull 11e. 10 Cubic Yard Roll-Off Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) 175.00 (49.50) - 125.50 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) 175.00 (49.50) - 125.50 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) 175.00 (49.50) - 125.50 per pull Other: - - - - per pull 11f. 20 Cubic Yard Roll-Off Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) 175.00 (66.00) - 109.00 per puu Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) 175.00 (66.00) - 109.00 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) 175.00 (66.00) - 109.00 per pull Other: - - - - per pull 11g. 30 Cubic Yard Roll-Off Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) 175.00 (99.00) - 76.00 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) 175.00 (99.00) - 76.00 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) 175.00 (99.00) - 76.00 per pull Other: - - - - per pull 11h. 40 Cubic Yard Roll-Off Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) 175.00 (132.00) - 43.00 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) 175.00 (132.00) - 43.00 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) 175.00 (132.00) - 43.00 per pull Other: - - - - per pull Page 15 of 22 12. Temporary Bin & Roll Off Box Service -Including 2, 3, 4, and 6 yd Bin Service -'A' Route Service (Rates for A' Route Service shall be equal to or less than rates for 'B' Route Service.) 12a. 2 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osat = Total Daily (Same day Service) 75.00 8.80 1.10 84.90 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) 75.00 8.80 1.10 84.90 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) 75.00 8.80 1.10 84.90 per pull Other: - _ _ _ per pull 12b. 3 Cubic Yard Bin ~ Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) 75.00 8.80 1.10 84.90 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) 75.00 8.80 1.10 84.90 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) 75.00 8.80 1.10 84.90 per pull Other: - _ _ _ per pull 12c. 4 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) 80.00 8.25 2.75 91.00 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) 80.00 8.25 2.75 91.00 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) 80.00 8.25 2.75 91.00 per pull Other: _ _ _ _ per pull 12d. 6 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis oral = Total Daily (Same day Service) 85.00 10.75 3.55 99.30 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) 85.00 10.75 3.55 99.30 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) 85.00 10.75 3.55 99.30 per pull Other: - _ _ _ per pull 12e. 10 Cubic Yard Roll-Off Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Totat Daily (Same day Service) 175.00 264.00 Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) 175.00 264.00 Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) 175.00 264.00 Other: _ _ 88.00 527.00 per pull 88.00 527.00 per pull 88.00 527.00 per pull - - per pull Page 16 of 22 12f. 20 Cubic Yard Roll-Off Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) 175.00 132.00 44.00 351.00 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) 175.00 132.00 44.00 351.00 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) 175.00 132.00 44.00 351.00 per pull Other: - - - - per pull 12g. 30 Cubic Yard Roll-Off Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) 175.00 165.00 55.00 395.00 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) 175.00 165.00 55.00 395.00 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) 175.00 165.00 55.00 395.00 per pull Other: - - - - per pull 12h. 40 Cubic Yard Roll-Off Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) 175.00 264.00 88.00 527.00 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) 175.00 264.00 88.00 527.00 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) 175.00 264.00 88.00 527.00 per pull Other: - - - - per pull 13. Temporary Bin & Roll Off Box Service -Including 2, 3, 4, and 6 yd B in Service -'B' Route Service (Rates for 'B' Route Service shall be equal to or greater than rates for 'A' Route Service.) 13a. 2 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) 75.00 8.80 1.10 84.90 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) 75.00 8.80 1.10 84.90 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) 75.00 8.80 1.10 84.90 per pull Other: - per pull 13b. _3 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) 75.00 8.80 1.10 84.90 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) 75.00 8.80 1.10 84.90 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) 75.00 8.80 1.10 84.90 per pull Other: - per pull Page 17 of 22 13c. 4 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) 80.00 8.25 2.75 91.00 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) 80.00 8.25 2.75 91.00 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) 80.00 8.25 2.75 91.00 per pull Other: - per pull 13d. 6 Cubic Yard Bin ~ Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) 85.00 10.75 3.55 99.30 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) 85.00 10.75 3.55 99.30 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) 85.00 10.75 3.55 99.30 per pull Other: - per pull 13e. 10 Cubic Yard Roll-Off Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) 175.00 264.00 .88.00 527.00 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) 175.00 264.00 88.00 527.00 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) 175.00 264.00 88.00 527.00 per pull Othef: - per pull 13f. 20 Cubic Yard Roll-Off Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) 175.00 132.00 44.00 351.00 per pull ' Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) 175.00 132.00 44.00 351.00 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.} 175.00 132.00 44.00 351.00 per pull Other: - per pull 13g. 30 Cubic Yard Roll-Off Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) 175.00 165.00 55.00 395.00 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) 175.00 165.00 55.00 395.00 per pull Weekend {Fri. -Mon.) 175.00 165.00 55.00 395.00 per pull Other: - per pull Page 18 of 22 13h. 40 Cubic Yard Roll-Off Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) 175.00 264.00 88.00 527.00 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) 175.00 264.00 88.00 527.00 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) 175.00 264.00 88.00 527.00 per pull Other: - per pull 14. Special Event Service -Source Separated Recyclables Collection (Rates for Source Separated Recyclables Collection shall be at least 50% less than rates for '8' Route Collection., Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 14a. 35 gallon cart 19.00 (7.45) - 11.55 per container 14b. 65 gallon cart 21.00 (8.04) - 12.96 per container 14c. 95 gallon cart 23.00 (8.63) - 14.37 per container 14d. 2 Cu. Yard Bin 50.78 (16.28) - 34.50 per container 14e. 3 Cu. Yard Bin 72.86 (23.36) - 49.50 per container 14f. 4 Cu. Yard Bin 94.94 (30.44) - 64.50 per container 14g. 6 Cu. Yard Bin 142.42 (45.67) - 96.75 per container 14h. 10 Cu. Yd. Roll-off 175.00 88.50 - 263.50 per pull 14i. 20 Cu. Yd. Roll-off 175.00 - - 175.00 per pull 14j. 30 Cu. Yd. Roll-off 175.00 22.50 - 197.50 per pull 14k. 40 Cu. Yd. Roll-off 175.00 88.50 - 263.50 per pull 141. 20 Cu. Yd. Compactor 205.00 106.50 - 311.50 per pull 14m. 40 Cu. Yd. Compactor 205.00 106.50 - 311.50 per pull 15. Special Event Service -Single Stream Recyclables Col lection (Rates for Single Stream Recyclables Collection shall be at least 33 % less than rates for '8' Route Collection.) Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 15a. 35 gallon cart 12.10 3.24 0.14 15.48 per container 15b. 65 gallon cart 12.85 4.33 0.19 17.37 per container 15c. 95 gallon cart 13.61 5.41 0.24 19.26 per container 15d. 2 Cu. Yard Bin 34.03 5.13 7.07 46.23 per container 15e. 3 Cu. Yard Bin 48.82 7.36 10.15 66.33 per container 15f. 4 Cu. Yard Bin 63.62 9.59 13.22 86.43 per container 15g. 6 Cu. Yard Bin 95.42 14.39 19.84 129.65 per container 15h. 10 Cu. Yd. Roll-off 175.00 178.09 - 353.09 per puts Page 19 of 22 15i. 20 Cu. Yd. Roll-off 175.00 60.17 - 235.17 per pull 15j. 30 Cu. Yd. Roll-off 175.00 89.65 - 264.65 per pull 15k. 40 Cu. Yd. Roll-off 175.00 178.09 - 353.09 per pull 151. 20 Cu. Yd. Compactor 205.00 212.41 - 417.41 per pull 15m. 40 Cu. Yd. Compactor 205.00 212.41 - 417.41 per pull 16. Spec ial Event Service -'A' Route Collection (Rates for 'A' Route Service shall be equal to or less than rates for 'B' Route Service.) Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 16a. 35 gallon cart 19.00 1.73 2.38 23.11 per container 16b. 65 gallon cart 21.00 2.07 2.86 25.93 per container 16c. 95 gallon cart 23.00 2.42 3.33 28.75 per container 16d. 2 Cu. Yard Bin 50.78 7.66 10.56 69.00 per container 16e. 3 Cu. Yard Bin 72.86 10.99 15.15 99.00 per container 16f. 4 Cu. Yard Bin 94.94 14.32 19.74 129.00 per container 16g. 6 Cu. Yard Bin 142.42 21.48 29.61 193.51 per container 16h. 10 Cu. Yd. Roll-off 175.00 264.00 88.00 527.00 per pull 16i. 20 Cu. Yd. Roll-off 175.00 132.00 44.00 351.00 per pull 16j. 30 Cu. Yd. Roll-off 175.00 165.00 55.00 395.00 per pull 16k. 40 Cu. Yd. Roll-off 175.00 264.00 88.00 527.00 per pull 161. 20 Cu. Yd. Compactor 205.00 313.50 104.50 623.00 per pull 16m. 40 Cu. Yd. Compactor 205.00 313.50 104.50 623.00 per pull 17. Special Event Service -'B' Route Collection Service (Rates for 'B' Route Service shall be equal to or greater than rates for 'A' Route Service.) Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 17a. 35 gallon cart 19.00 1.73 2.38 23.11 per container 17b. 65 gallon cart 21.00 2.07 2.86 25.93 per container 17c. 95 gallon cart 23.00 2.42 3.33 28.75 per container 17d. 2 Cu. Yard Bin 50.78 7.66 10.56 69.00 per container 17e. 3 Cu. Yard Bin 72.86 10.99 15.15 99.00 per container 17f. 4 Cu. Yard Bin 94.94 14.32 19.74 129.00 per container 17g. 6 Cu. Yard Bin 142.42 21.48 29.61 193.51 per container Page 20 of 22 17h. 10 Cu. Yd. Roll-off 175.00 264.00 88.00 527.00 per pull 17i. 20 Cu. Yd. Roll-off 175.00 132.00 44.00 351.00 per pull 17j. 30 Cu. Yd. Roll-off 175.00 165.00 55.00 395.00 per pull 17k. 40 Cu. Yd. Roll-off 175.00 264.00 88.00 527.00 per pull 171. 20 Cu. Yd. Compactor 205.00 313.50 104.50 623.00 per pull 17m. 40 Cu. Yd. Compactor 205.00 313.50 104.50 623.00 per pull 18. Emergency Service Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 18a. 3 Cu. Yard Bin 95.00 16.00 12.00 123.00 per container 18b. 4 Cu. Yard Bin 95.00 24.00 16.00 135.00 per container 18c. 6 Cu. Yard Bin 95.00 36.00 22.00 153.00 per container 18d. 10 Cu. Yard Roll-off 250.00 190.00 150.00 590.00 per pull 18e. 20 Cu. Yard Roll-off 250.00 190.00 150.00 590.00 per pull 18f. 30 Cu. Yard Roll-off 250.00 190.00 150.00 590.00 per pull 18g. 40 Cu. Yard Roll-off 250.00 190.00 150.00 590.00 per pull 19. Other Services Total 19a. Residential Bulky Goods Collection Service (4 items per pick-up) 25.00 per pick-up 19b. Commercial Bulky Goods Collection Service (4 items per pick-up) 45.00 per pick-up 19.c Residential/Commercial Bulky Good Collection for items containin g Freon. - per item 19d. Residential Electronic Waste Collection - per item 19e. Residential U-Waste Collection 70.00 per 5 items 19f. Commercial Electronic Waste Collection 25.00 per item 19g. Commercial U-Waste Collection 75.00 per 5 items 19h. Clean-up of Illegal Dumping 100.00 per incident 19i. Repair and Maintenance of Compactor $75/hour per service 19j. Bin Cleaning Service 60.00 per Bin 19k. Cart Replacement 45.00 per Cart 191. Commercial Bin Wheel-Out Service (25' - 50') 25.00 per month 19m. Commercial Bin Wheel-Out Service (51' - 75') 50.00 per month Page 21 of 22 The Following Services will be provided to a customer free of charge. 19n. Residential Backyard Wheel-Out Service for customers providing a physician's note. 190. Commercial Bin Wheel-Out Service for a distance less than 25 feet. 19p. Bin Locking Lids Page 22 of 22 CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Proposal Form 13 PROPOSED ANNUAL DIVERSION BY PROGRAM Residential 50% Code #2000-RC-CRB-commingled recyclables Code #3000-CM-RCG -yardwaste 99% 7040-FR-ADC 99% Multi-Family Code #2000-RC-CRB 50% Commercial Code #7000-RF-MRF 50% Code #2030-RC-OSP single stream 80% Code #2030-RC-OSP source separated 65% Coe#2080-RC-SPE 99% Roll-Off Code#4060-SP-CAR - 4050-SP-WDW 75% Code#7030-FR-CMF 90% Code#3020-CM-COG 99% Construction and Demolition Code#7000-FR-MRF 75% Code#4060-SP-CAR - 4050-SP-WDW 75% Other Code#2070-RC-SNL Bulky goods 90% Code#2030-SP-WHG White goods 100% Code#2070-RC-SNL Holiday Trees 100% Code#9045-HH-EWA electronics 100% Code#5000-ED-ELC 100% Code#5010-ED-PRn 100% Code#5020-ED-SCH 100% Code#5030-ED-EIN 100% Universal Wastes 50%+ Buy-Back Center Code#2020-RC-BYB 100% Government Code#2060-RV-GOV 100 ~~- 3'~ INCORPORAtED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Proposal Form 14 PROPOSER BACKGROUND AND EXPERIENCE Overview CR&R, including its wholly owned subsidiaries, provides solid waste collection and material recovery services to a population in excess of 2,500,000 people. CR&R also provides these services to more than 5,000 commercial establishments in Orange, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, San Diego, and Riverside Counties. These efforts result in the recovery of more than 120,000 tons of recyclable material each year. The citizens are the primary beneficiaries of these material recovery efforts. These actions annually conserve substantial amounts of the landfill capacity for use by future generations. Each of the cities in which CR&R provides solid waste collection and material recovery services, enjoys the fact that they are in compliance with the diversion requirements set forth in the Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989, commonly known as Assembly Bill 939 (AB 939). CR&R has been providing solid waste collection and material recovery services in Orange, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, San Diego, and Riverside Counties for approximately 40 years. It services the cities listed on pages 40 through 43 of this Section under long-term exclusive solid waste collection contracts. CR8~R, through its wholly-owned subsidiary, CR Transfer, has also constructed and owns and operates two state-of--the-art material recovery facilities and solid waste transfer stations (MRF/Transfer Stations) with permitted capacity of 3,600 tons per day. These MRF/Transfer Stations are located in the Cities of Stanton and Perris in California. At the Stanton MRF, CRTransfer has exclusive long-term agreements to handle the solid waste from the Cities of Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, Buena Park, La Palma, Rossmoor (County of Orange), Stanton and Midway City (Westminster). The Perris operations center handles all Riverside County municipalities. CR&R also derives revenue from public and private entities requiring efficient and cost- effective solid waste management programs. The Company's recycling network offers various hauling, collection and processing services to over 400 recycling customers in over 100 cities in California. It currently has marketing contracts with domestic and foreign paper mills, metal, glass, and plastic processors. CR&R is currently processing and marketing all recyclable materials from over 25 curbside programs throughout Southern California. G 3 8 INCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN CR&R's subsidiary, Solag Disposal, has been providing solid waste collection and materials recovery services in South Orange County for more than 40 years. It has exclusive municipal solid waste management contracts with the cities of Aliso Viejo, Dana Point, San Clemente, San Juan Capistrano, Laguna Niguel, Rancho Santa Margarita, and Laguna Hills. The Operations Facility is located outside the City of San Juan Capistrano within the Rancho Mission Viejo. Included in this facility is administration, vehicle and container repair, vehicle storage as well as a 20,000 square foot transfer station used exclusively for recyclable materials. CR&R was recently successful in permitting and is under construction on the first Construction and Demolition (C&D) Processing facility in south Orange County. This facility has received all necessary permits and will process up to 980 tons per day of construction and demolition debris from various orange County municipalities. Anticipated diversion is estimated at 75 to 85%. Jackson Disposal was acquired by CR&R and is the hub of solid waste and recycling services within the Los Angeles County region. Included with a large segment of unincorporated areas, Jackson services residents and businesses within the cities of Bellflower, Santa Fe Springs and Norwalk and has been a premier company for more than 50 years. The operating facility was recently moved to the Lakeland Road address which allows the addition of business due to its size and centralized location. CR&R, through its Haulaway Storage Container Division, is also one of the leading providers of portable steel security containers in the Western United States: For over twenty years, through a network of seventeen regional service centers in California, Arizona, Colorado, Utah and Washington, Haulaway has served major industries with temporary, on-site storage space. Using portable steel security containers to protect building materials, tools, and other equipment on job sites has become an industry norm since Haulaway introduced this concept in the late 1960s. With its own manufacturing capabilities, Haulaway has designed and refined its containers to provide weather- resistant, theft-resistant, completely portable security containers to meet the specific needs of its diverse customer base. With over 1200 employees and a fleet of over 800 trucks and trailers, CR&R, including its subsidiary companies, Solag Disposal and CR Transfer, is one of the premier environmental services companies in California. 39 INCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Names of Public Agencies Being Serviced and Brief Descriptions of Services Set forth on the next three pages are the names of the public agencies to which CR&R currently provides integrated waste management services and brief descriptions of the services being provided. Orange County City of Newport Beach Midway City Sanitary District City of Stanton Mr. Mark Hammel Ms. Ronney Liddell General Service Director General Manager (714) 644-3055 (714) 893-3553 Contract Date: 7/1 /96 Contract Date: 1 /1 /99 Customers Serviced: Customers Serviced: Commercial Collection 1,000 Commercial 800 Customers Services Performed: MRF/Transfer Services Performed: Commercial Collection Method: Front Loader Collection Method: Front Loader Annual Tonnage: 37,500 Annual Tonnage: 29,731 Costa Mesa Sanitary District Mr. Rob Hamers District Manager (714) 754-5043 Contract Date: 4/1 /96 Customers Serviced: 24,000 Residential Collection & Processing MRF Services Performed: MRF/Transfer Collection Method: Automated Annual Tonnage: 31,000 County of Orange Ms. Jan Goss Director of Integrated Waste Mg't (714) 568-4160 Contract Date: 7/1/99 Customers Serviced: 1,000 Residential 300 Commercial Services Performed: All Collection Method: 3-Can Auto'd Annual Tonnage: 24,190 City of San Clemente Mr. David Lund Public Works Director (949)361-8391 Contract Date: 8/6/97 Customers Serviced: 18,200 Residential 1,000 Commercial Services Performed: All Collection Method:3 Can Auto'd Annual Tonnage: 52,648 City of Dana Point Ms. Shanna Wolf Public Works Admin. Mgr. (949) 248-3571 Contact Date: 8/27/97 Customers Serviced: 11,000 Residential 700 Commercial Services Performed: All Collection Method: 2-Can Auto'd Annual Tonnage: 39,688 40 Mr. Jake Wager City Manager (714)379-9222 Contract Date: 10/23/90 Customers Serviced: 3,600 Residential 1,500 Commercial Services Performed: All Collection Method: 1-Can Automated Annual Tonnage: 28,504 City of San Juan Capistrano Mr. Ziad Masboudi Senior Civil Engineer (949) 443316 Contact Date: 12/17/96 Customers Serviced: 9,500 Residential 750 Commercial Services Performed: All Collection Method:3-Can Auto'd Annual Tonnage: 46,347 City of Laguna Niguel Mr. Ken Montgomery Director of Public Works (949) 362-4339 Contact Date: 7/7/92 Customers Serviced: 16,300 Residential 1,200 Commercial Services Performed: All Collection Method: 2-Can Auto'd Annual Tonnage: 58,791 1XCORPORJtTED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL F4R INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO TAE CITY OF TUSTIN City of Laguna Hills City of Aliso Viejo City of Rancho Santa Margarita Mr. Don White Assistant City Manager (949) 707-2610 Contact Date: 1/23/96 Customers Serviced: 5,300 Residential 900 Commercial Services Performed: All Collection Method: 3-Can Auto'd Annual Tonnage: 29,457 Mr. John Whitman City Engineer (949) 425-2512 Contract Date: 12/1998 Customers Serviced: 11,800 Residential 700 Commercial Services performed: All Collection Method: 3-Can Auto'td Annual Tonnage: 35,000 Dr. Nate 1=amsworth Associate Planner 949-635-1800 Contract Date 5-1-05 Customers Services: 10,800 Residential 500 Commercial Services Performed: All Collection: 3-Can Auto'd Annual tonnage: 47,231 Riverside and San Bernardino Counties City of Temecula City of Canyon Lake City of Perris Mr. Shawn Nelson City Manager (909) 694-1989 Contract Date: 5/28/91 Customers Serviced: 21,000 Residential 1,500 Commercial Services Performed: All Collection Method: 3-Can Auto'd Annual Tonnage: 86,687 City of Lake Elsinore Mr. Bob Bradey City Manager (909) 674-3124 Contract Date: 6/9/92 Customers Serviced: 7,000 7,000 Residential 1,200 Commercial Services Performed: All Collection Method: 3-Can Auto'd Annual Tonnage: 30,165 Ms. Kathy Bennett City Manager (909) 244-2955 Contract Date: 1/14/92 Customers Serviced: 3,600 Residential 50 Commercial Services Performed: All Collection Method: 3-Can Auto'd Annual Tonnage: 9,165 County of Riverside Mr. Hans Kemkamp Director of Solid Waste (909) 955-1399 Contract Date: 1 /1 /99 Customers Serviced: 10,000 Residential 750 Commercial Services Performed: All Collection Method: Auto'd Annual Tonnage: 21,288 41 Mr. Hector Apodaca City Manager (909) 943-6100 Contract Date: 10/25/93 Customers Serviced: 8,000 Residential 1,000 Commercial Services Performed: All Collection Method: 1-Can Auto'd Annual Tonnage: 35,160 County of San Bernardino Mr. Peter Wolfman Director of Solid Waste (909) 387-8600 Contract Date: 7/1 /98 Customers Serviced: 3,000 Residential 300 Commercial Services Performed: All Collection Method: Auto'd Annual Tonnage: 12,150 INCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN City of San Jacinto City of Riverside City of Ca/imesa Mr. Peter Cossintini City Manager (909) 654-7337 Contract Date 7-1986 Customers Serviced: Residential 8,000 Commercial 700 Serviced Performed: All Collection Method:Aut'd Annual Tonnage: 25,000 Mr. Brain Nakamra Mr. Dick Watenpaugh Recycling Coordinator City Manager (909) 826-5560 (909)795-9801 Contract Date:S-2001 Contract Date: 7-1991 Customers Serviced: Customers Serviced Commercia11,500 Residential 2,200 Commercial 200 Serviced Performed: Commercial Services Performed: All Collection Method: Frontl'der 8~ R-O Automated Annual Tonnage: 42,000 Annual Tonnage 15,500 Los An_ge/es County City of Norwalk City of Santa Fe Springs City of Lakewood Mr. Ernie Garcia City Manager (562) 929-5700 Contract Date: Customers Serviced: 3,500 Residential 165 Commercial Services Performed: All Collection Method: 3-Can Auto'd Annual Tonnage:14,100 County of Los Angeles Mr. Fred Latham City Manager (562) 868-0511 Contract Date: Customers Serviced: 890 Residential 900 Commercial Services Performed: All Collection Method: 3-Can Auto'd Annual Tonnage:15,900 City of Bellflower Mr. Larry Schroedor Director of Finance (562) 866-9771 Contract Date: Customer Serviced: MRF Processor 50% diversion Services Performed: Annual Tonnage:18,000 Mr. James A. Noyes Department of Public Works (626) 458-4000 Contract Date: 1968 Customers Serviced: 3,500 Residential Services Performed: All Collection Method: Semi-Automated Annual Tonnage: 10,000 Mr. Brian Smith Assist. Public Works Director (562)804-1424 x 2270 Contract Date: Customers Serviced: 150 Commercial 12,000 Residential Services Performed: All Collection method: 3-Can Automated Annual Tonnage: 64,515 42 ~1 INCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO TAE CITY OF TUSTIN General Customer Base Qualifications The previous pages illustrate over 200,000 residential curbside customers serviced weekly in various degrees. The above information illustrates over 18,865 commercial customers with multiple bins and bin collection frequencies every week. General Statement of Safety of CRSzR CR&R carries out monthly safety training for all employees and has established monthly managerial meetings to review and discuss by Division any and all accidents. All accidents are reviewed to determine if they are preventable or non-preventable and to educate all managers of how to avoid similar cases in the future. By industry standards, CR&R enjoys to be one of the safest companies within all of Southern California. The current experience modification is 73. Community Participation and Involvement Community involvement is an important part of CR&R's commitment to the cities it serves. CR&R's team of professionals play a key role in supporting the community by actively participating in the following: • Attendance at and participation in special events within the community • Promotion of activities in the schools, such as science fairs, principal for day, scholarship fundraising, and special assemblies • Attendance at public forums and workshops • Service on local committees and task forces • Board and committee participation on local Chambers of Commerce • Appointments to state boards • Presentations to local schools, community groups, organizations and community centers • Monetary contributions in support of worthy local causes 43 INCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Examales of Service Transitions 1. An exemplary service change and transition in Orange County has been with the City of Laguna Hills. This City incorporated in 1994 and, in 1995, requested Proposals for integrated waste management services via an exclusive solid waste provider. Prior to this time, several solid waste providers, including CR&R, Inc. were collecting throughout the city limits. Prior to implementing a 3-container automated curbside residential collection method with the new franchise, various haulers had either manual and /or automated services. The new Franchise took effect in July of 1996 and CR&R delivered all new containers to all residential service locations. Commercial and Industrial services incorporated similar collection techniques as previously provided, with the exception that commercial and source-separated recycling services were offered to all subscribers. In 2000, the City of Laguna Hills annexed a large area referred to as North Laguna Hills, which included the residential areas of Laguna Village, Laguna Mobil Home Estates, and approximately 500 additional commercial customers. At that time, the previous solid waste collection company was given their 5-year notice of collections rights. Subsequently, CR&R acquired those remaining rights in this annexed area and provided the residential and commercial subscribers the collection containers for automated and recyclable collection. This transition included mailing a brochure designed to explain the new programs and "Take-me" stickers for identifying refuse containers the customers did not wish to keep. In addition, CR&R worked directly with the previous company and acquired all commercial bins so that the customers did not experience any difficulty in the transition of service providers. CR&R changed the commercial bins throughout the next 6 months, thereby replacing or refurbishing all old containers. In order to handle the increased call volume, CR&R installed 11 additional customer service call lines and increased our Customer Service Department by 1 additional person. Also, we provided a direct line for our regular and construction customers that utilize temporary roll off box service. 2. Cities of Bellflower and Rancho Santa Margarita. These two service transitions took place in the last two years and both instances involved .replacing residential curbside barrels and commercial bins from the previous service providers. CR&R arranged for ease of residential transition by arranging for the pick up of the old containers and delivery of three new barrels at each household, so that the resident had less confusion and did not have to place out the old containers on any day other than the normal collection day. Letters were sent out to all customers informing them of the container changes and letting them know of the new containers sizes and appropriate uses. Applicable literature was included with the new containers, and special colorful 44 INCORPORATED CR&R IlvCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN stickers were placed underneath the lids of the recycling and green waste containers illustrating in words and pictures appropriate materials to be placed in each container for recycling. All barrels included stamped imprinting of applicable materials on the outside of each lid, as well as the telephone number of CR&R's customer service department. Commercial bin exchanges were also handled on the regular collection day, whereby the collection vehicle dumped the prior service company's bin, and a new bin was set in place. Arrangements with the previous service provider were made so that they picked up their bin the same day as a new bin was delivered. The customer was never without a bin for accumulation of solid waste for more than two hours, and the vast majority never was without a bin on site. Miscellaneous Qualifications All drivers for CR&R Incorporated are required to wear uniforms identifying the Company either in a light tee-shirt or jacket type of upper wear. The company issues denim slacks for. all drivers and appropriate work shoes are required within the labor union contract. In addition, all drivers wear a bright reflective vest while performing all tasks in the field. Work hats are issued and are required to be worn if any head wear is worn by the employee. Leather gloves are issued to all employees. Hard hats are issued primarily for use at the County landfills and processing centers. Customer Service CR&R will have Customer Service Representatives for the City of Tustin in the Orange County Customer Service Center located at the Company's principle offices in Stanton, California. The Customer Service Representatives are available on regular collection days (Monday through Friday) from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. and on Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. CR&R's staff includes both English and Spanish speaking Customer Service Representatives to better assist residents of different ethnic backgrounds. Each of CR&R's Representatives has been prepared to assist customers in a courteous and professional manner on a wide variety of questions including missed pick-ups, spills and litter, collection schedule and routing changes, container problems, improperly prepared set-outs, noise complaints and traffic issues. All incoming calls receive a live voice response. Based upon the request, the receptionist shifts the call to the appropriate location (customer service, dispatch, operations or administration). CR&R's Customer Service Representatives are continuously trained. All necessary customer service representatives are on staff to satisfy the needs and requirements of the City of Tustin Solid Waste Franchise Agreement. Special steps will be taken to train CR8~R's Customer Service Representatives to handle customer calls during the transition to the new service levels in the City of Tustin. V 45 INCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT .SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN CR&R will have no problem integrating customer information from the City into its computer database. Astate-of--the-art computer program has been specially designed to meet the specific needs of the Company's customers and the cities it serves. CR&R is equipped with a premier computer program allowing ease of operation by Customer Service Representatives and Operations personnel. The system allows access to a multitude of information as it relates to CR&R's service. This program allows Customer Service Representatives and Operations personnel to respond quickly to requests for service, promptly resolve complaints and address the concerns of the City of Tustin in a timely manner. The general information available in the tracking system includes, but is not limited to: Name, account number, service address, and billing location of each account. • Service notes pertaining to specifics of the customer account, including the time and date of phone calls, items discussed during the phone conversations and the service representatives that responded to the calls. Each note is coded by type depending on information requested by each contract city. Dates of bulky-item pick-ups, missed pickups and types of violations. • Container identification numbers linked to the service address where the container was assigned. • Customer billing history, type of service, and scheduled collection days. • CR&R has the ability to create detailed reports using the above information through sorting by date, route, container size, violations, type of service, street names, driver's name, notes codes, etc. This data is readily accessible and is made available upon request by CR&R's contracted cities. To protect this information from loss or corruption, at the end of each day the data is updated onto a back-up system and stored off-site. CR&R fully recognizes that the customer is number one and must always be satisfied to allow the Company to be successful. CR&R will initiate, as we have in other contract cities, a program where customer input is continually requested through a "Customer Satisfaction Report" regarding CR&R's service performance. This type of program will ensure that the community continually gets an opportunity to grade the performance of CR&R's employees, the appearance of its equipment, and the overall effectiveness of the Company's. implemented programs. 46 INCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Each of CR&R's .collection and service vehicles is equipped with a telephone for communication with the dispatcher, customer service representatives, and the maintenance department. Urgent customer service calls may be handled through direct communications between the dispatcher and the route driver. CR&R's key management personnel conduct weekly meetings to review details of any program changes, and to identify and address any concerns, which may exist. This is also used as an opportunity to exchange ideas, which may improve present methods of operation. A general office meeting is conducted one time each month to distribute information, provide training, and promote steam-building atmosphere. These meetings are conducted by the Office Manager and attended by management personnel. Complaint Process All customer complaints will be directed and handled by CR&R. CR&R will record all complaints received by mail, by telephone, or in person (including date, name, address of complainant, and nature of complaint). CR&R will use its best efforts to resolve all complaints by the close of business on the same day on which the complaint is received if received prior to 10:00 a.m. and by the close of business on the next business day if the complaint is received after 10:00 a.m. In addition, CR&R will designate a Government Liaison who will be responsible for working with the City Manager or the City Manager's designee to resolve any customer complaints that are not, resolved by the mutual agreement of CR&R and the city designee. Method of dealing with contamination issues from Source-Separated Programs: Various techniques have been experimented with at all of the CR&R divisions. In addition, this topic has been discussed at a number of solid waste conventions and workshops to identify various programs that work or don't work and the reasons for each. The system to be utilized is for the driver to "tag" a bin to identify to the customer that inappropriate materials are being placed into a source separated container. In addition, a copy of this "tag" is returned to the Customer Service Department at the end of the work day and the information is input into the customer "notes" on the computer account. A customer service representative or the corresponding recycling coordinator for the city will attempt to contact the customer to discuss contamination issues. Letters will be generated and sent to the service address. In addition, CR&R has invested in digital cameras that are issued to appropriate drivers to allow photographs to be taken of contaminated containers. These photographs are L~- '"' /~'~ INCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN then downloaded into the computer and a letter is generated affixing the date on the photograph and a request to the customer to discontinue contamination of the recycling bin. This program began as the "operation overflow" program for commercial drivers to identify customers who repeatedly overfill solid waste bins. Not only does this program identify customers who may not subscribe to adequate service levels for the waste generated at the site, but it assists communities in water run-off issues should container lids be constantly left open by the customer with rain water filling the container and being discharged upon collection. Community Education Programs The following public outreac public's familiarity with CR&R plan will be submitted to th Agreement. Why Recycle? h efforts will also be utilized in order to maximize the refuse collection and recycling programs. A fully detailed e City Manager within 60-days of the execution of the The public education and marketing campaign will be multifaceted and conducted in two phases. The first phase will focus on how any NEW or enhanced recycling programs are an integral part of the total solid waste collection scheme of doing things in the City of Tustin. CR&R will coordinate with the City to send a separate mailer to each customer (residential and commercial). This document will be highly instructional to the reader and walk them through the means and ways of the sorting, set-out and collection process. CR&R will set up separate work shops with homeowners groups in the single family and multi-family projects, as well as commercial business groups, to educate and inform customers of the "opportunities" in recycling and ultimate diversion from the landfill. The idea that this is "Everybody's Business" and "Recycling for Now and the Future" slogans will be highly utilized. We will invite members of the City staff and the City Council to join us in these workshops, which will reinforce the recycling theme to all those in attendance. In addition, we will supply the local newspaper organizations of each meeting date, with notices of attendance and subjects discussed so that those unable to attend will have the full understanding of implementation and compliance with solid waste programs. We will also offer to supply the homeowner and business groups with a meeting recap for distribution to all residents and business owners of the areas serviced. CR&R will also schedule City Council PowerPoint presentations for added public awareness of the programs to be implemented. We would suggest a minimum of two City Council events that will include presentations of the operations, as well as the City's compliance to AB 9393. We will work directly with the City's representative on the ~~7i- 4S INCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR 1NTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN presentations so that the goals in meeting the State mandates and the operations provided to the customers totally mesh to meet the desired result. The second phase of public awareness comes with the distribution of residential containers and the contact of commercial customers for implementing on-site recycling programs at each property. Anytime new containers are delivered to a residence, the owners will positively respond and typically read the literature attached (Instructions packet).. Each set of containers will have specifically designed literature for the City of Tustin customers describing the program as well as all other special services available to them throughout the year. We will also refer the customer to the CR&R Orange County Recycle-web site where many of their questions can be easily answered. Our Customer Service Department will be already equipped with added staff to handle any influx of calls from the community. In addition, we will place recycling and green waste stickers on the under side of the lids of the respective cart, that further reminds the residents of what to place into the cart - and what not to place in the cart. Samples of these stickers are included in the appendix for your review. We have found that after installing these stickers, we have an increase in participation as well as a significant decrease in contamination of the products. CR&R will include the following: "How-to Brochure" Quarterly Billing Inserts Corrective Action Notices Web page bulletins and payment options Classroom education curriculum with the School District locations Company Representative for community presentation News Releases CR&R will write and disseminate news releases outlining the scope, benefits, and schedule of the recycling program. We will also develop an at-a-glance fact sheet describing details of the program. Feature Articles 8 Editorial Support CR&R will contact appropriate editors at target media outlets requesting that the publications and broadcast stations write and produce feature stories on the recycling program /~(~ INCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Advertising CR&R will secure advertisements in the local newspapers announcing the beginning of the recycling program to area residents. These advertisements will encourage participation in the program. Children's Recycling Book CR&R has produced a children's "activity book". The book explains the need to conserve landfill space and our natural resources along with the importance of recycling. The book encourages children to get involved in the recycling program by asking their families to recycle at home. Nonprofit Groups CR&R and nonprofit volunteers will distribute materials and talk one-on-one about the recycling program with residents prior to the beginning of the first collection. The volunteers will arrange for updates and promotion of the program in all community organization newsletters, school newspapers, and others on a monthly basis. In addition, CR&R will make speakers available to public and private groups. These speakers, from the CR&R staff and participating nonprofit volunteers, will be a valuable resource for the education and marketing campaign. Public Service Announcements CR&R will begin distribution of a continuing series of public service announcements to radio and television stations. Major television and radio stations will be targeted in addition to local independent radio and television stations. ~~- 5 o I NCORPOR1tTED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Special Event Recycling Programs. In 2003, CR&R was the innovator of a program that was recognized and partially funded by the California Department of Conservation. In lieu of utilizing cardboard boxes for waste and recycling collection at special events, reusable containers would be used for waste and recycling. This procedure would eliminate the landfilling of a multitude of special event cardboard boxes and plastic bags at Special Events. In order to achieve a 50% recycling rate for these events, CR&R worked very closely with a number of Orange county municipalities to adopt local ordinances regarding recycling of wastes at special events. Included was establishing special rates for containers, the types of containers utilized at the events for liquids, and the need for consolidation containers for waste and recycling materials. With the appropriate training of our customer service personnel and recycling coordinators, each event is recorded for the container needs, the contamination of the containers and weight tickets were generated for the trash and recycling materials. At the end of the one year pilot program, CR&R reported the data to the Department of Conservation for analysis and to determine the feasibility of continuing the program. This program continues today, with some variations for customers that would rather use cardboard boxes and have everything recycled at the end of the events. CR&R is committed to providing comprehensive recycling efforts at all Tustin community Events. AS outlined in the following pages, CR&R has prepared policies and formats for special events for on-site recycling activities. In the alternative, .the City may request full MRF processing of events. The following events will have afull-time Recycling Coordinator and Educational Booth on-site to assist in Community Diversion efforts throughout the City's Waste Streams: Fourth of July Celebration Tustin Street Fair/Chili Cook Off Tree Lighting Community Yard Sale Tustin Tiller Days Carnival and Parade Others as Directed by the City Residential, Commercial and C&D Educational programs Examples of educational programs started by Ranch construction program for recovery of C&D (program included herein), and residential barrel recycling and green waste barrels at the curbside. 51 CR&R include the exclusive Ladera materials for 1,000+ residential units stickers under the lids of commingled ~.^R ~ `^ INCBRPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN HOW TO HANDLE WASTE FROM SPECIAL EVENTS Each event has a unique design to recycling and refuse generated during the festivities. CR&R has designed this flyer to assist event planners, event staff and event volunteers in handling these materials. Determine "Who" is in charge of overseeing the Recycling/Refuse from the event. This person is ideally responsible for contacting CR8~R to set up service. They may also coordinate volunteers to handle the material and educate vendors/volunteers/staff on the program logistics. 2. Contact CR&R at least 8 weeks in advance of your event. This allows you enough time to reserve appropriate containers for the event and to work with CR&R to design your overall Recycling and Refuse flow. 3. Notify your vendors of their Recycling/Refuse requirements. Vendors are just as important to the success of your Recycling/Refuse program as they are to the success of your event. It is critical to give them enough notice so that they can "plan" for what to bring to the event, how to transport it there and what they are expected to take home. 4. Establish your Waste Brigade. At most events, world-class volunteers monitor Recycling/Refuse. These individuals can make or break your events Recycling/Refuse program so it is important to take the time to train them in Recycling 101. With enough notice CR&R or your host City may be able to provide a specially designed "Recycling Team". Please contact CR&R for more details. 5. Ready... Set... RECYCLE! With these simple steps, you've now created and established a successful Special Event Recycling 8~ Refuse Plan. CR8~R looks forward to working with you and your event. If you have questions, would you please contact us at (877) 728-0446. S Z I NCORPOR~4TED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN CR&R, Inc. SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92693 (949) 240-0446 (949) 240-0195 Facsimile SERVICE AGREEMENT ACCOUNT NUMBER # ~ CHECK HERE IF CHANGE OF BILLING INFORMATION BH.LING NAME SERVICE NAME BILLING ADDRESS SERVICE ADDRESS CITY/STATE CITY/STATE ZH' ZIP P.O. # OTHER BILLING CONTACT/PHONE SERVICE CONTACT/PHONE PLEASE INDICATE SERVICE REQUESTED AND EFFECTIVE DATE IF APPLICABLE: Start Billing/Service: Close Account Effective: Service Increase Effective: Service Decrease Effective: INSTRUCTIONS/COMMENTS: PAVEMENT DAMAGES: CR&R shall not be responsible for damage to Customer's pavement or other driving surface caused by normal wear and tear in the course of providing service. SIGNED BY CUSTOMER Title Date 5 ^I 1 NCORPORJtiED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Lades Ranch HOW THIS PROJECT'S SUCCESS CAN RELATE TO THE "LEGACY PROJECT" The Rancho Mission Viejo Plan is a comprehensive open space preservation/management and land use plan for the remaining 23,000 acres of Rancho Mission Viejo. The Rancho Mission Viejo Company (the Ranch) partnered with CR&R Incorporated to provide construction and demolition (C&D) recycling in the largest green-oriented production-style residential village in the nation known as Ladera Ranch. The partnership was the result of a competitive bid process which consisted of three finalists for consideration. Of the three finalists, the Ranch rated CR&R Incorporated the most responsive and environmentally progressive and awarded the exclusive contract in the development of Terramor. The mandatory on-site recycling program became a collaboration among the Ranch, CR&R, and the Ladera Ranch 10 neighborhood builders. A total of 1,260 homes are slated to be built in phases, with a majority of these already completed. The goal of the on-site recycling program was to divert as much debris as possible from local landfills through a combination of "source separation" and "mixed processing" of debris generated .during the homebuilding and community construction process. The Leadership Team consisted of Mr. Marc Lamkin with the Rancho Mission Viejo, Ms. Cathy Baranger, Consultant, and Maria Lazaruk, CR&R Recycling Manager. CR&R and the Ranch Consultant met with builders on a monthly basis to provide recycling tonnage numbers, training materials, and receive input to review practices for the purpose of increased diversion. Diversion reports generated were provided at the monthly builders meeting and also electronically mailed. As result of the monthly meeting and on site visits, CR&R developed special signage and educational material to support recycling diversion activities. Site visits were scheduled with both underachievers & overachievers to assess program strengths and weaknesses. Overall diversion for the Terramor and Covenant Hills project to date is 68% diversion. CR&R continues to provide service in the Ladera Ranch commercial building area providing service to Platinum LEED building projects. ~- •" S 4 I NCORPORJtTED €~ ~~ ~~~~~: n~ ~a. :_ V rt O i'3 1 ~ t ~ r ~ z `~ ~` ~ ~ CONSTRUCTION RECYCLING PROGRAM fie 11ag ritaehed to a 40 rird er 10 rird eootal~r sMuld be filleA wilA ereted~l as fosows Trash tBasural Red Roof Tile, Red Brick Insulatlon, Black Paper, latlie Paper, Felt Paper, lunch Trash 'vaHous size eoMainers Wood [Madera] Wood lumber, IandscaMe, Green Waste, Pallets Wood Boxes,Shrubs/Bushes 'nails are ok ' 40 Yard Mixed Recycle [Mixto de Reciclaiesl Drywall, Metal & Plastic, Stucco [10 yard only], Composite Roofing, Glass, Empty Mud Boxes, Paper/Cardboard, Carpet Padding, Concrete Washout, Concrete with rebar [10 Yard only] * general mix recycle * carious size containers Concrete [Concreto] Concrete [no rebar], Asphalt, Black/White/Grey Tile * no colors * 10 yard only ~ "" ~-~~_ LADES RANCH CR&R,INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Example of LaDera Construction and Demolition Reporting Project.' Proposal for Construction Material Recovery & Refuse Services PRESENTED TO REPRESENTING Rancho Mission Viejo =.~ -~, PRESENTED BY 31641 Ortega Hwy San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 (949) 728-3240 www. southcountyrecycling. com S S INCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Table of Contents TRANSMITTAL LETTER ............................................................................................................2 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................3 Who is CR8~R, Inc .................................................................................. 3 CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION RECYCLING OPTIONS .................................................3 Target Materials .................................................................................... 3 C&D Recovery Methods ..................................................................... 4 Source Separated Materials .............................................................. 4 Commingled Materials ................................................................... 4 Combination of Source Separated and Commingled ................5 Container Options ............................................................................... 5 ADDITIONAL CR&R, INC. SERVICES .......................................................................................5 Location ................................................................................................. 5 Transfer Station ..................................................................................... 5 Processing Plant ................................................................................... 6 Reporting ............................................................................................... 6 Training & Education ........................................................................... 6 Regulatory Assistance ......................................................................... 7 APPENDIX .................................................................................................................................7 Sample Reporting ................................................................................ 7 Sample Weight Tickets ........................................................................ 7 Sample Ordinance .............................................................................. 7 Other Helpful Information ................................................................. 12 ~L.R S 6 1 NCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED. PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Introduction Who Is CR&R, Incorporated CR8~R, Incorporated is a privately owned company, which was incorporated as a California corporation in October of 1963. We have been providing solid waste collection and materials recovery services in Orange, Los Angeles, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties for more than 40 years. There are a number of South Orange County cities in close proximity Ladera Ranch that have established exclusive municipal solid waste management contracts with CRB~R, Inc. These include Aliso Viejo, Dana Point, Laguna Hills, Laguna Niguel, San Clemente, San Juan Capistrano and portions of Unincorporated Orange County. We also own and operate three Materials Recovery Facilities and solid waste Transfer Stations (MRF/Transfer Station) located in the Cities of Stanton, San Juan Capistrano and Perris, California. Currently CRB~R provides solid waste collection and material recovery services to a population in excess of 2,500,000 people. CR8~R also provides these services to more than 10,000 commercial establishments in the various counties we service. These efforts result in the recovery of more than 120,000 tons of recyclable material each year. With over 800 employees and a fleet of over 500 trucks and trailers, CRS~R is one of the premier environmental services companies in California. Construction and Demolition Recovery Options Target Materials Through our local activities in Orange County, in addition to our other operations, CR8~R currently participates in numerous construction and 5 7 1 NCORRORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN demolition (C&D) material recovery programs. There are tremendous opportunities for diversion resulting from C8~D programs due to the nature of materials used in the building process. Listed below are only a few examples of the materials CR&R recycles: © Wood (stakes from concrete pours, pallets, framing lumber) © Greenwaste/Dirt (landclearing, leveling phase) © Concrete/Asphalt (from home slabs, asphalt roofing and road projects as each phase develops) © Gypsum/Drywall (walls) © Metals (iron, rebar, copper, aluminum, brass, stainless steel) © Plastics/Cardboard (5 gallon buckets, boxes) C&D Recovery Methods When handling C&D materials, like any other recyclable, there are basically two types of recovery methods or a combination of both. Each method presents its own characteristics. CR8~R is able to provide the Ladera Ranch builders with any of the C8~D recovery methods listed. Source Separated Materials Materials sorted by type and placed in separate containers are called "Source Separated". This method is commonly used on CB~D projects for several reasons. Due to the 'phase' nature of the construction process, builders work primarily with one type of material at a time and have different subcontractors to handle each phase. For example, in Ladera Ranch the typically builder has seven to ten phases per project with 90 to 120 lots total. Each phase includes approximately ten to fifteen homes, with the phases beginning on average one to two months apart. Source separated recycling of concrete easily fits the phase pattern in such a way that as one phase completes all the foundation pours the next phase prepares to begin theirs utilizing the same equipment and the same crew of people. Gf 5 8 I NCORPORJtTED CR&R Il~TCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Source separated materials are also more common in C8~D recovery programs due to potential economic incentives. The act of separating materials at the job site decreases the amount of labor required to recycle the materials and return them to market. When less labor is involved in sorting, the cost to process the materials to the builder is typically less. In many cases, builders chose to educate their employees and work with them more on the `front end' of a project than to pay additional MRF processing costs prior to disposal. Commingled Materials Commingled materials result when no source separation occurs. All materials placed into the same container are considered "Commingled". When working with hired labor and under the time constraints of projected project deadlines, materials produced from a job site tend to become commingled. These materials are no less recyclable because they are mixed together but they result in a higher cost to the developer due to the manual sorting or processing needed at a MRF. The number of facilities available to accept mixed C&D is very limited for South Orange County. Combination of Source Separated and Commingled EDAW also has the option of allowing builders to source separate targeted materials for recovery and to commingle the remaining materials. This method would be used to target standard items such as concrete, wood, dirt for source separation and to commingle all other CS~D materials resulting from the projects. A good example when to use commingling is at the completion of projects, where many types of wastes are produced all at one time. Container Options CR8~R offers a variety of collection containers for use during the Ladera Ranch project. Our large 40 cubic yard open tops work well to accommodate lighter loads of drywall, wood scraps, and general construction was#e. Items such as concrete and dirt would be moved utilizing our smaller low boy 10 cubic yard open tops. The 10 cubic yard open top allows for the maximum legal weight of material to be placed easily inside the shorter box. We also offer 3 cubic yard S9 INCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN clean up bins that are commonly found scattered on construction sites for a variety of uses. Please see our website for pictures and dimensions of our containers, www.southcountyrecyclina.com under Bin Information. Additional CR&R. Inc. Services Location No other company can offer a closer location or a quicker response time for the builders of Ladera Ranch than CR8~R, South County. Our San Juan Capistrano facility is located less than six miles from the project site. At our facility we maintain a constant supply of containers and equipment readily available to the needs and demands of the various builders. Our policy is 24 hour turn around time, and in most cases our location to your project would allow for same day service on full containers, deliveries and removals. Transfer Station As your containers become full, they would be `called in' to our office for a pick up and then taken directly to their respective facilities for processing, no matter what the distance. Because our local facility has transfer station capabilities, CR&R is able to mitigate the cost of long hauling individual boxes by bringing them through our facility for consolidation before transporting them to a North Orange County processing facility. This aspect will be of greatest benefit when moving commingled C&D material due to the fact that there are no South Orange County mixed C8~D processors currently in operation. Processing Plant Throughout the course of construction at Ladera Ranch, CR8~R guarantees processing plant capacity at our fully permitted facility located in Stanton, California. All MRFs, Processing Facilities and Transfer Stations have daily limits to the amount of material they may legally take in. Our North Orange County Facility will guarantee space for all materials generated from the .Ladera Ranch project. As a result, containers on site will be serviceable immediately upon request and not have to sit or be stored on the job site for several days until space is available at a processing facility. ~~ 60 INCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Reporting The staff of CR8~R is well trained and familiar with the rigorous reporting systems needed to accurately track disposal and diversion tonnages from Ladera Ranch. All open top containers collected for either material recovery or disposal will be individually weighed and have a corresponding weight ticket created. Weights will also be provided from any clean up bin dumpsters used. On a monthly basis CR&R will send reports stating how many tons of materials were disposed, how many tons of material were recycled and. what typed of materials were recycled based on weight tickets collected. We will work with you to outline the reporting in a structure that is easy to understand and descriptive of the results. We currently employ a similar process to track AB939 diversion rates established by the California Integrated Waste Management Board for our franchised cities to use when reporting recycling activities to the State. . Training 8~ Education The contractors on each site are critical to the success of any diversion program and CR&R realizes how important it is to work with them towards an understanding and education of the recycling program. The key to a successful program is "training, training, training and more training". CR8~R's dedicated staff is experienced in working with builders and businesses to train employees on the "do's and don'ts" of recycling. We have the ability to work with each builder individually to provide information in English and Spanish so that their employees are properly trained on how their specific recycling program operates. In addition to the training, CR&R will provide labels and signs for all bins according to their specific type of material. Labeling the bins in addition to training ensures that the people using them to separate materials properly. Regulatory Assistance CR8~R is well experienced in the regulatory aspects imposed by the State of California on all cities and counties to meet 50% diversion rates according to AB939. We have worked with our local cities in designing and establishing local C&D ordinances requiring diversion from similar projects. As a result of working with communities on establishing these requirements we are also familiar with 61 INCORPORATED CR&R Il~TCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN meeting the demands to fulfill these requirements and working with all parties involved to do so. Appendix Sample Reporting Lades Ranch Diversion Report for the Month of June 2003 Builder Refuse Concrete Wood Commingled Total Diversion Disposed (tons) (tons) (tons) Tons Rate (tons Rec cled William 250 50 20 25 95 38% 1. on Standard 200 30 50 10 90 45% Pacific Shea 300 40 30 60 130 43% Pro erties Totals 750 120 100 95 315 42% Sample Weight Tickets Available upon request via fax or us mail Sample Ordinance The following ordinance was provided by the California Integrated Waste Management Boards website. Additional ordinances may be found at the link listed below. http~//www.ciwmb.ca.gov/ConDemo/SamgleDocs/ County of San Mateo Ordinance No. 04099 62 INCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Proposal Form 15 PROPOSER REFERENCES Set forth on the next three pages are the names of the public agencies to which CRB~R currently provides integrated waste management services and brief descriptions of the services being provided. Orange County City of Newport Beach Midway City Sanitary District City of Stanton Mr. Mark Hammel Ms. Ronney Liddell General Service Director General Manager (714) 644-3055 (714) 893-3553 Contract Date: 7/1 /96 Contract Date: 1 /1 /99 Customers Serviced: Customers Serviced: Commercial Collection 1,000 Commercial 800 Customers Services Performed: MRF/Transfer Services Performed: Commercial Collection Method: Front Loader Collection Method: Front Loader Annual Tonnage: 37,500 Annual Tonnage: 29,731 Costa Mesa Sanitary District Mr. Rob Hamers District Manager (714)754-5043 Contract Date: 4/1 /96 Customers Serviced: 24,000 Residential Collection & Processing MRF Services Performed: MRF/Transfer Collection Method: Automated Annual Tonnage: 31,000 County of Orange Ms. Jan Goss Director of Integrated Waste Mg't (714) 568-4160 Contract Date: 7/1/99 Customers Serviced: 1,000 Residential 300 Commercial Services Performed: All Collection Method: 3-Can Auto'd Annual Tonnage: 24,190 City of San Clemente Mr. David Lund Public Works Director (949)361-8391 Contract Date: 8/6/97 Customers Serviced: 18,200 Residential 1,000 Commercial Services Performed: All Collection Method:3 Can Auto'd Annual Tonnage: 52,648 City of Dana Point Ms. Shanna Wolf Public Works Admin. Mgr. (949) 248-3571 Contact Date: 8/27/97 Customers Serviced: 11,000 Residential 700 Commercial Services Performed: All Collection Method: 2-Can Auto'd Annual Tonnage: 39,688 63 Mr. Jake Wager City Manager (714)379-9222 Contract Date: 10/23/90 Customers Serviced: 3,600 Residential 1,500 Commercial Services Performed: All Collection Method: 1-Can Automated Annual Tonnage: 28,504 City of San Juan Capistrano Mr. Ziad Masboudi . Senior Civil Engineer (949) 443-6316 Contact Date: 12/17/96 Customers Serviced: 9,500 Residential 750 Commercial Services Performed: All Collection Method:3-Can Auto'd Annual Tonnage: 46,347 City of Laguna Niguel Mr. Ken Montgomery Director of Public Works (949) 362-4339 Contact Date: 7/7/92 Customers Serviced: 16,300 Residential 1,200 Commercial Services Performed: All Collection Method: 2-Can Auto'd Annual Tonnage: 58,791 INCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN City of Laguna Hills Mr. Don White Assistant City Manager (949) 707-2610 Contact Date: 1/23/96 Customers Serviced: 5,300 Residential 900 Commercial Services Performed: All Collection Method: 3-Can Auto'ed Annual Tonnage: 29,457 City of Aliso Viejo Mr. John Whitman City Engineer (949) 425-2512 Contract Date: 12/1998 Customers Serviced: 11,800 Residential 700 Commercial Services performed: All Collection Method: 3-Can Auto'ed Annual Tonnage: 35,000 Riverside and San Bernardino Counties City of Temecula Mr. Shawn Nelson City Manager (909) 694-1989 Contract Date: 5/28/91 Customers Serviced: 21,000 Residential 1,500 Commercial Services Performed: All Collection Method: 3-Can Auto'd Annual Tonnage: 86,687 City of Lake Elsinore Mr. Bob Bradey City Manager (909) 674-3124 Contract Date: 6/9/92 Customers Serviced: 7,000 7,000 Residential 1,200 Commercial Services Performed: All Collection Method: 3-Can Auto'd Annual Tonnage: 30,165 City of Canyon Lake Ms. Kathy Bennett City Manager (909) 244-2955 Contract Date: 1/14/92 Customers Serviced: 3,600 Residential 50 Commercial Services Performed: All Collection Method: 3-Can Auto'd Annual Tonnage: 9,165 City of Rancho Santa Margarita Dr. Nate Farnsworth Associate Planner 949-635-1800 Contract Date 5-1-05 Customers Services: 10,800 Residential 500 Commercial Services Performed: All Collection: 3-Can Automated An' 1 tonnage: 47,231 City of Perris Mr. Hector Apodaca City Manager (909) 943-6100 Contract Date: 10/25/93 Customers Serviced: 8,000 Residential 1,000 Commercial Services Performed: All Collection Method: 1-Can Auto'd Annual Tonnage: 35,160 County of Riverside Mr. Hans Kemkamp Director of Solid Waste (909) 955-1399 Contract Date: 1 /1 /99 Customers Serviced: 10,000 Residential 750 Commercial Services Performed: All Collection Method: Auto'd Annual Tonnage: 21,288 64 County of San Bernardino Mr. Peter Wolfman Director of Solid Waste (909) 387-8600 Contract Date: 7/1/98 Customers Serviced: 3,000 Residential 300 Commercial Services Performed: All Collection Method: Auto'd Annual Tonnage: 12,150 INCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN City of San Jacinto City of Riverside City of Ca/imesa Mr. Peter Cossintini City Manager (909) 654-7337 Contract Date 7-1986 Customers Serviced: Residential 8,000 Commercial 700 Serviced Performed: All Collection Method:Aut'd Annual Tonnage: 25,000 Mr. Brain Nakamra Mr. Dick Watenpaugh Recycling Coordinator City Manager (909) 826-5560 (909)795-9801 Contract Date:S-2001 Contract Date: 7-1991 Customers Serviced: Customers Serviced Commercia11,500 Residential 2,200 Commercial 200 Serviced Performed: Commercial Services Pertormed: All Collection Method: Frontl'der 8~ R-O Automated Annual Tonnage: 42,000 Annual Tonnage 15,500 Los Angeles County City of Norwalk City of Santa Fe Springs City of Lakewood Mr. Ernie Garcia City Manager (562) 929-5700 Contract Date: Customers Serviced: 3,500 Residential 165 Commercial Services Performed: All Collection Method: 3-Can Auto'd Annual Tonnage:14,100 County of Los Angeles Mr. Fred Latham City Manager (562) 868-0511 Contract Date: Customers Serviced: 890 Residential 900 Commercial Services Pertormed: All Collection Method: 3-Can Auto'd Annual Tonnage:15,900 City of Bellflower Mr. Larry Schroedor Director of Finance (562) 866-9771 Contract Date: Customer Serviced: MRF Processor 50% diversion Services Performed: Annual Tonnage:18,000 Mr. James A. Noyes Department of Public Works (626) 458-4000 Contract Date: 1968 Customers Serviced: 3,500 Residential Services Performed: All Collection Method: Semi-Automated Annual Tonnage: 10,000 Mr. Brian Smith Assist. Public Works Director (562)804-1424 x 2270 Contract Date: Customers Serviced: 150 Commercial 12,000 Residential Services Performed: All Collection method: 3-Can Automated Annual Tonnage: 64,515 65 INCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN References from Public Agencies and Special District utilizing MRF-ing, and/or collection through CR&R and applicable facilities: 1. Capistrano Unified School District (CUSD). Customer contact: Joe Dixon office# 949.489.7293 School Facilities in most of South Orange County and headquarters in San Juan Capistrano. Total School facilities are 54 and all are serviced by CR&R. Source separated recycling bins are provided as requested, and annual offering to each school property is given by CR&R. All roll-off loads are sent for processing to the CRTransfer facility in Stanton. The contact has been on-going since the late 1980's and was recently re-awarded to CR&R through the competitive process for an additional five year term. 2. California Department of State Beaches. Department of Parks and Recreation 3030 Avenida del Presidente, San Clemente, Ca Contact Steven Scott, office # 949.366.8510 The contract was awarded in 2005 and annually renews. It encompasses five (5) beach and campground locations with a mandate to divert a minimum of 50% of the waste stream. Waste is collected via front loader bins, roll-off boxes and manual barrels. It also requires recycling of special event wastes from concert series at the Doheny Beaches throughout the summer months. All waste is either source separated or processed at the CRTransfer Facility in Stanton. 3. Southern California Edison Company. San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station SONGS. P.O. Box 128 San Clemente, Ca Contact: Greg Agosti, Purchasing Agent John Hodgkinson, Mgr. Program/Contract office # 949.368.7925 This contract began in 1998 and was recently renewed for an additional four (4) years. The Contract requires CR&R to divert 50% of the waste stream collected. Edison utilizes a third party to collect high grade ledger paper throughout the project. High security and 24-hour on-call requirements make this contract highly important and very demanding for CR&R's operations staff. 66 INCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OE TUSTIN Proposal Form 16 KEY PERSONNEL General Manager Operations Manager Field Supervisor Contract Administrator Recycling Coordinator Customer Services Manager Maintenance Supervisor Billing Specialist Royden Fujimori Norma Fernandez John Zarate Dean Ruffridge Maria Lazaruk Rose Eriksson Frank Alvarez Sandra Alvarez 67 INCORPORItTED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT .SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Proposal Form 17 STRUCTURE OF PROJECT TEAM Operations Management: As noted in Proposal Form 16, the Operations of the Tustin Franchise will be come from the Stanton operations center, with Royden Fujimori as the General Manager. Managers and supervisors listed are existing personnel with extensive experience in general municipal solid waste operations. Commercial routing will be performed by Mike Campuzano under the direction of Royden Fujimori. Both individuals have extensive experience from establishing "A" and "B" routing procedures for the new CR&R Franchises in the City of Laguna Hills and Aliso Viejo. Routes for source-separated and single stream recycling will be established with ample capacity to expand due to the recycling coordinator's efforts. Residential routing will incorporate existing route days with the least amount of day changes for the customers. All efforts will be made to not have any day changes except to balance the routes on a five-day basis. Roll-off routing will be performed as follows: Permanent roll-off and compactor service will establish days of the week for collection. All Temporary and on-call roll- off/compactor service will have a customer service person directly responsible for taking incoming calls from these customers. There will be no customer confusion regarding any of these routing issues. Administrative Management: Dean Ruffridge will be directly responsible for all administrative and contract compliance issues relative to the Tustin Franchise Agreement. This will include directing Rose Eriksson, Customer Service Manager, to set up the applicable rate schedules, customer service education, data screens, customer lists, etc. Also, Mr. Ruffridge will supervise Maria Lazaruk to set up the recycling and diversion programs and outline all necessary procedures and duties to be assigned to the new recycling coordinator to work exclusively in the City of Tustin. In addition, Mr. Ruffridge will be directly responsible to establish the local Office, Buy- Back Center, and Universal Waste consolidation/packaging center. This facility is planned to be within the City Limits of Tustin. Please note attached "Executive Management" Flow chart. 68 INCORPORATED o ~ m .£ ~ ~ ~ 'c E ~ '~ ~ ~ m a~ ~ a z t~3~ ycy ao ~ ~~~ ~ ~Q ~ ~ E A a 05~ 1~ © ~ ~ '~. '~ W ~3 - L ~iT r`y~, M V ~~ /y ^rj= ~ 4 ~n ~ ~ ~ {~ o~ ~ a ~~ '~ ~ - ~ ~ ' .~ ~ ~ m~ ~ a ~~ ~ ~ V ~T C {~~y~y..r~ (~}QJ. VV m y ~ 3 L ~ C Ij) ~ ~ //{y/ Yi Q ~ ~ Q ~ ~~ ~° ~~.~~ >~'~a' ~ ~ c c o a ca,$ ~ ?~'"~ -y ~ G3=~ ~ ~~ CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Proposal Form 18 RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL CR&R offers the City of Tustin what is perhaps the most experienced solid waste management team now in place in Southem California. All of the CR&R's managers have long standing experience. Furthermore, virtually all of its key decision makers live and work in the surrounding areas. Together, the senior personnel that will be involved in the administration with the City have a combined total of more than 150 years of experience covering all facets of the solid waste management business. Cliff Ronnenberg Mr. Ronnenberg is the founder, owner, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of CR&R Incorporated. He has more than 40 years of experience in the solid waste management business. During that period, he has built CR&R into one of the largest and most progressive privately owned solid waste management companies in Western United States. He manages all aspects of the business from his corporate office in Stanton. His vision and leadership are the primary reasons why CR&R can offer a complete package of solid waste management services -residential, commercial and industrial collection, recycling, composting, transfer and disposal throughout Southern California. CR&R also offers storage container services across the Western United States through its Haulaway Storage Container Division. David Ronnenberg David Ronnenberg is the President of CR&R's Recycling Division. He has worked exclusively for CR&R and its subsidiaries for over 20 years in a wide range of its facility and production operations. He presently serves on CR&R's Executive Committee, which is responsible for the overall management direction of the Company. Over the years, his responsibilities have included procurement, dispatching, transportation, production management, product quality, buy-back center operations, and cost control management. Mr. Ronnenberg is currently responsible for all operations within CR&R's Recycling Division. These include oversight of all recycling contracts, transportation, processing and marketing activities as well as sourcing and marketing secondary fibers. He has negotiated contracts with Alcoa, Jefferson, Smurfit Newsprint, Anheuser-Busch and other international suppliers and end-users of recyclable materials. From his office in Stanton, he currently manages over 300 employees, and a fleet of 100 trucks and trailers. 69 INCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO -THE CITY OF TUSTIN David Fahrion Mr. Fahrion is the President of CR&R's Waste Services Division. He has worked in the waste ma a ement industry for 30 years and exclusively for CR&R and its affiliates during the~a~t twenty years. During his career, Mr. Fahrion has worked on all facets of waste management business, from dispatching and routing to contract negotiations and state facility permitting. He is currently responsible for all of CR&R's Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino County waste, recyclable material and green waste collection activities as well as its material recovery, waste transfer, composting and final disposal operations. He has offices both in San Juan Capistrano and Perris. He assists, reviews, plans, and supervises all activities related to the management of the waste services division, participates in acquisitions, divestitures, business development, annual projections and budgets, local, state and federal legislation, and negotiates and manages all proposals, contracts, franchise agreements, and permits with various governmental agencies. He presently serves on the CR&R's Executive Committee responsible for corporate growth and bottom line financial reporting and is also responsible for implementing administrative policies, operation controls, safety, and customer service and maintenance procedures. Mr. Fahrion is a Past President of the California Refuse Removal Council, which represents independent solid waste collectors throughout California. Joyce Amato Joyce Amato, Chief Financial Officer, has been employed with CRB~R since 1998. Ms. Amato is responsible for managing all aspects of finance, information, systems, and accounting, company wide. She has over 17 years experience in senior management, responsible for the supervision, coordination, and production of financial reporting, information systems design and development, and business plans and strategies. From her office at the Corporate facility in Stanton, she monitors the financial performance of the facility and banking relationship and insures that the company's financial statements are in compliance with GAAP. Ms. Amato presently serves on the Executive Committee responsible for the overall management and direction of the company. Paul Relis Paul Relis is Senior Vice President of CR&R. He is involved in new business development, strategic planning, regulatory affairs and government relations for the Company. Prior to joining CR&R in early 1998, Mr. Relis had been a Member of the California Integrated Waste Management Board, a position to which Governor Pete Wilson appointed him in 1991. As a Board Member, Mr. Relis oversaw California's solid waste system and the implementation of AB 939. His areas of specializations as a Board member included 70 INCORPORATED CR&R Il\TCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN market development, financing for new recycling industries in California, the development of a regulatory system for composting facilities and guidelines for compost quality, and regulatory streamlining. Mr. Relis has had extensive interaction with the heads of other state regulatory agencies, the Governor's office and the legislature and local government. Mr., Relis has an in depth knowledge of the basic commodities industries such as paper, plastics, steel and glass. Prior to his Board appointment, Mr. Relis was Executive Director and President of the Gildea Resource Center of Santa Barbara, California. This not-for-profit education and research organization pioneered recycling and hazardous waste management in Santa Barbara County and consulted on solid waste issues in the U.S. and internationally. He served on the State's blue ribbon task force that provided input into the development of AB 939 and U.S. EPA committees on waste prevention and recycling Mr. Relis has authored numerous technical and policy papers on waste prevention, recycling, conversion technology and other subjects related to integrated waste management. Dean Ruffridge (Responsible for Administrative Management) Mr. Ruffridge is Senior Vice President of CR&R and has been primarily responsible for the South Orange County facilities and municipal franchise agreements. A graduate of the University of Southern California with a graduate degree in Public Administration, Mr. Ruffridge has been assigned the majority of the municipal associations of the Corporation. With his knowledge and experience of the public sector side of the business and his over 20 years experience in solid waste and liquid waste management, Mr. Ruffridge will be technically responsible for all aspects of the City of Tustin Franchise. Prior to joining CR&R in 2002, Mr. Ruffridge was responsible for over 20 municipal franchises for a large publicly held solid waste management organization. As a previous owner of his own waste company, he held various positions from general manager, district manager and vice president, and has directed the majority of all municipal contracting for the Southern California Inland Empire area. Royden Fujimori (Responsible for Operational Management) Mr. Fujimori is the General Manager for the Stanton Operations Center. He is directly responsible for quality customer service to over 75,000 residential households receiving three separate services per week (refuse, recyclables and green waste). In addition, Mr. Fujimori supervises the dispatch operation for bulky item collection, a-waste collection /recycling, temporary bin, and roll-off collection for all of Orange County operations. A graduate of the University of California in Irvine, and with over 12 years experience in the transportation industry, Mr. Fujimori has the knowledge and experience to handle any type of solid waste collection, transportation, processing or disposal question. ~'~-~"' '71 INCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Maria Lazaruk (Responsible for Diversion Program Management) Ms. Lazaruk is the Community Service Director for CR&R in Orange County. She has 21 years of industry experience working in Orange County on solid waste and recycling programs with various municipalities. Specifically, in managing effective customer service programs and working with customers to identify individual concerns relative to solid waste and recycling issues. She played an active role in the Laguna Hills service transition and public education outreach program in 1996 converting the city to its present 3-container system. In addition, Ms. Lazaruk has served as President of the Laguna Niguel and Aliso Viejo Chambers of Commerce, Tustin Chamber of Commerce, and currently serves on the Board of the Dana Point Chamber of Commerce. She is a member of the Kiwanis and Lions Club service organizations and a member of the California Women's Leadership Organization and on the advisory committee of Beta Foster Care. Ms. Lazaruk has held several key committee positions within the cities served by CR&R and heads our community events recycling program working with non- profit groups to recycle at public events. Ms. Lazaruk's office is located at the San Juan Capistrano operations center. George Lazaruk Mr. Lazaruk is responsible for community relations and special projects related to recycling and program development in cities served by CR&R. Since joining CR&R in 1993, he has been involved in general management of CR&R operations, including the transition to and administration of fully automated solid waste collection systems in Laguna Hills and other franchised cities. Mr. Lazaruk has 40 years of experience in the solid waste management industry. Prior to joining CR&R, he served for many years as Vice President and General Manager of Waste Management's Dewey's Rubbish Division located in Irvine, with over 200 employees and 150 operational routes. Mr. Lazaruk has had extensive experience with sales and marketing strategies in the solid waste management business. He was one of the first to implement a customer service and telemarketing program. He has been a recipient of the "Best Recycling Program" award issued by the State of California for programs established in Irvine California. Mr. Lazaruk currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Laguna Hills Chamber of Commerce and The Boys & Girls Club of the South Coast Area. Mr. Lazaruk's office is located in Stanton. '72 tNCORPORAIED ~R&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Proposal Form 19 PENDLNG LITIGATION There is no litigation pending involving more than 10°/O of the Company's annual revenue As such, all other questions on Proposal Form 19 do not apply. '73 INCORPOR~iED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Proposal Form 20 EXCEPTIONS TO CONTRACT CR&R Incorporated takes no exceptions to the Franchise Agreement. ""' '7(} INCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Proposal Form 21 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. Banking References: Bank of the West 4400 Macarthur Blvd. Newport Beach, California 92660 949.797.1962 Atn: Daniel Leppo 2. Surety Reference Great American Insurance Company 580 Walnut Street Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 425.778.4069 x11 Atn: Helen Lally 3. Insurance References: General Liability Insurance Company: Greenwich Insurance Company 520 Eagleview Blvd. Exton, Pennsylvania 19341 610.321.9598 Atn: Kevin Troutman Workmen's Compensation Insurance: Zurich American Insurance 801 North Brand, Penthouse Glendale, California 91203 818.500.4793 Atn: Michael Pentzer '75 INCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Proposal Form 22 CONTRACTOR DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF DIVERSION PROGRAMS Please refer to the attached Matrix Titled "City of Tustin Diversion Programs Listed By Waste Streams for Program listing and information pertaining to the requirements of Proposal Form 22. All Programs will be performed per the requirements of Attachment B of the Tustin , Franchise Agreement. As such, reiterating each program is not done here. Educational programs are also outlined in the Franchise Agreement and will be performed as identified. In addition to that noted in Proposal Form 14, CR&R's Recycling Coordinator will diligently pursue all multi-family residential and commercial establishments to encourage on-site source-separation and single-stream recycling activities. Educational brochures will be prepared specific to the Tustin Agreement and made available as well as an encouragement letter from the City of Tustin. Rate sheets specific to Tustin will be prepared to illustrate the cost differences to each customer to assist in encouraging the on-site diversion process. Special residential brochures for multi-family complexes will be prepared and individually sent to each residence to explain the on-site recycling programs. "It's Everybody's Recycling Responsibility" message will be sent. And "Don't Trash the White Container" message to eliminate contamination. "It costs YOU if you Do Not Properly Dispose" message on each bin will also assist. Sending the Cost and Financial message can assist. Both English and Spanish languages will be utilized if requested by each complex. '76 I NCORPOR~iED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Electronic and Universal Waste Collection and Diversion Program for the City of Tustin• CR&R is very excited about providing this specialized service for the residents and businesses of the City of Tustin. In fact, CR&R has been providing Electronic Waste collections at households for the Cities of San Clemente, San Juan Capistrano, Dana Point, Laguna Niguel, Laguna Hills and Rancho Santa Margarita for the past several years. This service is currently not charged to the residential curbside customer and has been included in many of these Franchise agreements as included in standard residential service. Our bulky item collection vehicles are equipped to collect and handle these items, for appropriate processing and handling at special areas of our facilities. CR&R is also the County's innovator in proposing to collect Universal Wastes both at residential curbside, multi-family enclosures, as well as all commercial establishments. Our proposals are currently being considered by our Orange County franchised municipalities. The following is an excerpt out of our proposals offered to the above listed cities: This letter explains CR&R's new "Special Waste Division" start up for the collection and removal of hazardous wastes from residences and businesses within your community. Program Summary: CR&R will provide adoor-to-door collection of hazardous wastes (as listed below) on a year round basis with the inclusion of all Electronic and Universal Wastes. There will neither be limits to the number of collections per customer or the amounts of waste set out for collection. To begin the program, CR&R will collect the following from door-side (not curbside to reduce any exposure of these wastes to the general public): Electronic Wastes including: Televisions various types, computer monitors, Computer CPU's, key boards, mouse, Printers, desk Copiers, multi-function machines, VCR's, DVD/CD/Tape players, Cell phones, microwaves, toasters, irons, stereos and speakers, cables, scanners. '7'7 1 NCORPOR~tiED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Other Universal Wastes .including: • Common batteries (AA, AAA, C cells, D cells and button batteries), automobile batteries will not be accepted initially, in that they fall under different law. • Fluorescent Tubes and Bulbs and Other Mercury-Containing lamps. This includes fluorescent light Pubes and bulbs, high intensity discharge (HID), metal halide, sodium, and neon bulbs. • Thermostats containing mercury. • Electrical switches and relays, containing mercury. This will include pre-1972 washing machines, sump pumps, electric space heaters, clothing irons, and silent light switches. • Pilot light sensors from gas appliances. • Mercury Gauges from barometers, manometers, blood pressure, and vacuum gauges. • Mercury-added Novelties such as greeting cards that play music when opened, athletic shoes with flashing lights in soles and mercury maze games. • Mercury Thermometers. • Emptied Aerosol Cans that contain hazardous materials. In addition, CR&R will include the following Universal Wastes that will become mandatory for separation from the solid waste stream as of September 2008: Syringes Prescription Drugs Non-prescription drugs (not including controlled substances) Once this program has been established in Orange County, CR&R will consider options to expand the program fo include other hazardous materials that your City may wish fo be included in this program. Operations: From an operational standpoint, CR&R will perform as follows: 1. On-Call and On Collection Day: This program will be handled as an on-call basis for all customers, similar to the existing bulky-item collection program. Residents and businesses are notified via special fliers as well as the quarterly Recycle Newsletters that the program will remove their Universal Wastes directly from their homes or businesses in the most convenient of '78 INCORPORATED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN ways. This Door-To-Door program allows customers to participate when it is convenient for them, with the least risk to their health and the health of others. With public education, customers will simply call our customer service toll-free number to arrange for collection of these wastes at their front door or other place of collection. Customers will not be billed for this service. 2. Collection Vehicles: These vehicles will have special confinement areas for the various wastes collected. Cube-type, two-axle vans will be purchased and used for this collection service. 3. Consolidation Facility: CR&R will utilize a separate properly apart from any existing solid waste site, for the consolidation and packaging of these materials for proper reclamation and disposal. All efforts are in place with Clean Harbors Environmental Services, Inc. to recycle and reclaim these materials. Diversion and recycling will be our top priority in lieu of hazardous waste land tilling as the least proposed disposal option. 4. Transportation to the Clean Harbors Hazardous Waste faculty in Southern California. 5. Ultimate Recycling, Reclamation and/or Disposal. 6. Environmental Pollution Control Insurance coverage for further City protection. Customers will be informed on how to handle these wastes, store them until there is a sizable quantity for collection, and place them in a container (such as a cardboard box) available to them for CR&R collection crews. Convenience is the ultimate priority for the customer. Program Pricing: CR&R is proposing the following rate program: The assumption for the first year of the program will include usage of up to 5% of residential and commercial bin customers (including multi-family residential users) for the 12-month period. Any overages each year will be added to the following years' annual rate adjustments with the option of adjusting the base percentage of users. Residential -single family curbside service: '7(~ I NCORPORJtTED CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN At the beginning of this contract, $0.35 per month per customer will be added to the monthly billing in the manner chosen by your City. Options include a separate billing line-item on the quarterly CR&R invoice, the charge contained within the CR&R monthly base rate, or billing directly to the City for payment. Commercial Bin Service (businesses and multi-family residential): With each billing, CR&R will add $0.50 per cubic yard collected on a weekly basis. For example, a customer with one 3-cubic yard bin collected one time per week, would have an additional charge of $1.50 per month; a customer with a 3-cubic yard bin with 4 times a week frequency would be billed for 12-yards or $6.00 per month, and a customer with a 40-cubic yard compacter collected one time per week would be charged an additional $20.00 per month. This proposed program offers the City of Tustin the most innovative and comprehensive program available for the collection of these hazardous wastes and the prevention of these wastes ending up in a local solid waste landfill. This convenient program is available based upon the customer's schedule to meet individual needs, thereby providing the highest degree of participation in your community. If the City wishes to use Block Grant funds for this program, CR&R will supply separate billing to be submitted to the CIWMB. We anticipate that more than 80% of these wastes collected will be recycled, adding to your city's already successful recycling and diversion program. The program has the following highlights: • Special assistance to seniors and disabled persons • Collection and Disposal of all waste collected (recycling over 80%) • Provide postage paid survey cards (mailed back to the City) • Create monthly reports • Provide bi-annual comprehensive reports and analysis • Provide documentation for each collection • Provide proof of consolidation and ultimate disposal • Hotline referrals for non-program item calls • Environmental Pollution Control Insurance coverage, naming the City as an additional insured Management of these Wastes include the following: 80 1 NCORPORlLTED CR&R Il~TCORPORA'TED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY. OF TUSTIN All wastes collected will be recorded on an inventory form. Each item collected will be listed along with the name and address of the participant. A copy of the form will be left with the participant (if requested). Data from the collection is entered into CR&R's Special Waste database where the computer calculates the approximate weight of the waste collected. This information is included in reports. Wastes from each community will be collected and kept separate from other communities. In that these wastes are not required to be manifested by the State, the City will not be listed as a generator and a standard bill of lading will be completed by CR&R. A complete set of inventory receipts, manifests and other reporting documents is prepared and included with invoices as your City requests. ~~~ 81 INCORPORATED I ~ l ~ I i I I i j ~ I ~ o W o ~0 10 0 0 ~o l ~o lo o ;0 0 o io 0 ~ 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 ;o ;o W C7 ~-Q o ~ R o r I to '0 , o 0 lo 0 o ~f f , o X0 lo 0 , I io 0 ~ lo 10 o 10 ,o ;~ io N o r o N lo jO o ~ lo r o N ,o iM cn j Z CO e- r OD tA i e- r i r ;N M i ~ N , ' ; I ~ I I I p I ~ i .o Z Q' 0 ~O 0 O o l O o O t 0 O + ro j0 o i0 ~ 1° 0 0 O + ~ o \ 'O + ,o 0 1 ~o 10 o O io ~O o ,~ io IO io ;~ 0 ~ 0 i0 0 10 o 1~ io IO o O m :.+ m W ~ I~ 10 ~ O ~ Ov ! a 'tp ~ IO 0 IO 0 ,0 t1~ ~ ~ O ,ti ti O) Ir O ~ N ~ C _ 0 O O N m ~ ~ ~ Z io I W N O N N N N } N p N ~ N } N } N ~ N } N } N } N ~ N ~ N } N } N ~ N } N N U ~ } } ~ } I C } ' I I i~- O p a N ~ W m m m m m m m N O N N N N N O N N 0 0 ~ N Z N ~ N ~ U U 'U U I U ~ 'U S U ~ S 0 m 0 m 0 m 0 m 0 m 0 Im 0 m 0 m 0 m 0 ;m N a N s ''' ~ H U U °~ c otS c oiS c oiS c ~ o~S c ot c ~ o~ c ~ i ~0 0 0 O O O I O I O O I O E E ~- Z o m m m m lm ~m m ~ a' a 1 a a a a 'a a a I a ~ ~ i ~ c~ z j ; ~, N a~ o Z a~ ~ c ~ m ' a~ c a~ c a~ c a~ c a~ c a~ c a~ c a~ c a~ c a~ c a~ c a~ c a~ c a~ c a~ c a~ c I a~ c a~ c a~ c J I ~ o ~ ~ ~ = J 0 J J 0 J 1 J J J J 1 J J J J J J J J J J J 0 C V m "' ~ J ~ O ~ Ur 0 ~ ~ 0 (~ O (n' O fn' O Cn O fA O (n' O (A: O ~ 0 C~ 0 fn 0 fn' O fn O fn O fn' O tn' O (n 1 'fn O ;LL CO ;LL N Q ` O W ~ ~ ` Q I p ' I ' D ami ~ I ~ ~, Q IL I~i ~ ~ ~ -i LL ~; LL ~ LL ~; ~ ~ ~, N m ~ c m o Q c m c; m. 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W ~ d E ~~ ~ :) (nl ~a~ v , ~ O~ (n~ a~I ' C°i ~ •~ O a~ M ~n c ~ ,c ~ c •E'~ , v , ~ umi' Q a 4:! ~ 4: ~ ~ N E m N Q W ~l Ci a~ m p ~ =u 3 rn C_ ~I, OI ° d' m N ~ DI E Oi °~ ~I °Irn Q'C ~ O 1- j0 rn C ~I O o Q ~ ~' W m ~ E O, E O E~,~ O orS ~ O ~ ~ O O b pj o ~~ o ~ a? O ~ y C? ~ ~! t/~, r~(~; ~: fA; u), < UI C~I C~I <; rim~ m ;rl fnl u)~ < I-, U, U', U; UiU; (~', (/)Ifn, U~ <'~ m, Z m CR&R INCORPORATED PROPOSAL FOR INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN Proposal Form 23 SPECIFICATION OF NEW CARTS TO BE SUPPLIED BY CONTRACTOR All carts to be supplied by CR&R in 2008 will be manufactured by Roto Industries in Anaheim, California. The attached brochure illustrates the types, colors and sizes available. It is anticipated to replace same size carts for that currently on each home site. Should the City wish, we will prepare a questionnaire to be mailed to each resident to verify the size of carts for the replacements. Cart colors will be provided as specified in the Franchise Agreement. ~.^R - `^ gZ 1 NCORPORJtTED EXHIBIT 5 Republic Rate Proposal Proposal Form 12 /~~° a r'~'~ `t ~- PROPOSED RATES TO BE CHARGED Fill in the rates below for each level of service. Rates must be broken down to show the collection cost, processing cost and disposal cost. The procedure for adjusting costs throughout the term of the contract appears in Article 12 of the contract. A sample calculation is shown in Attachment J. The disposal portion will only be adjusted as that cost actually changes. Disposal costs are a pass through cost and cannot include any mark up, overhead or administrative costs. If your company does not plan to conduct any processing for any of the services listed below, please indicate this by placing a "0" in the "Processing" column for each applicable service. Rates must be submitted in October 1, 2007 dollars. This form will become an attachment to the final contract. 1. Residential Basic Level of Service 1a. Rec clin Cart Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 35, 65, 95 gallon (1st Cart) $2.74 $2.56 $0.34 $5.64 per month Additional Cart * $2.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2.00 per month 1 b. Yardwaste Cart Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 35, 65, 95 gallon (1st Cart) $2.74 $1.78 $0.02 $4.54 per month Additional Cart " $6.00 $1.78 $0.02 $7.80 per month 1e. MSW Cart Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 35, 65, 95 gallon (1st Cart) $2.74 $0.00 $2.16 $4.90 per month Additional Cart $6.00 $0.00 $2.16 $8.16 per month (This charge applies only after a resident has received 2 additional Carts free of charge (i. e. upon the request fora 4th cart) Note: The total of the rates listed for items 1a, 1b, and 1c above will equal the total monthly residential r 2. Commercial and Multi-Family Source Separated Recycling Service (Rates for source Separated cont. Service shall be at least 50% less than the MSW 'B' Route Container service. The 50% savings shall be applied to eac pick-up schedule. For example, the rate for 1 pick-up per week for Source Separated Recycling service shall be at leas. less than the rate for 1 pick-up per week for MSW 'B' Route service. Likewise, the rate for 6 pick-ups per week for Source Separated Recycling service shall be at least 50 % less than the rate for 6 pick-ups per week for MSW 'B' Route service). 2a. 35 Gallon Cart Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week $6.74 $2.96 -$1.72 $7.98 per month 2 pick-ups per week $13.48 $5.92 -$3.43 $15.97 per month 3 pick-ups per week $20.22 $8.88 -$5.15 $23.95 per month 4 pick-ups per week $26.96 $11.84 -$6.86 $31.94 per month 5 pick-ups per week $33.70 $14.80 -$8.58 $39.92 per month Page 1 of 22 6 pick-up per week 2b. 65 Gallon Cart 1 pick-up per week 2 pick-ups per week 3 pick-ups per week 4 pick-ups per week 5 pick-ups per week 6 pick-up per week 2c. 95 Gallon Cart 1 pick-up per week 2 pick-ups per week 3 pick-ups per week $40.44 $17.76 -$10.30 $47.90 per month Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total $6.74 $6.01 -$2.77 $9.98 per month $13.48 $12.02 -$5.54 $19.96 per month $20.22 $18.03 -$8.31 $29.94 per month $26.96 $24.04 -$11.08 $39.92 per month $33.70 $30.05 -$13.85 $49.90 per month $40.44 $36.06 -$16.61 $59.89 per month Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total $6.74 $8.97 -$3.90 $11.81 per month $13.48 $17.94 -$7.80 $23.62 per month $20.22 $26.91 -$11.70 $35.43 per month 4 pick-ups per week $26.96 $35.88 -$15.60 $47.24 per month 5 pick-ups per week $33.70 $44.85 -$19.50 $59.05 per month 6 pick-up per week $40.44 $53.82 -$23.40 $70.86 per month 2d. 2 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week $54.50 $19.00 -$37.68 $35.82 per month 2 pick-ups per week $93.72 $38.00 -$75.36 $56.36 per month 3 pick-ups per week $133.02 $57.00 -$113.04 $76.98 per month 4 pick-ups per week $172.24 $76.00 -$150.72 $97.52 per month 5 pick-ups per week $211.60 $95.00 -$180.86 $125.74 per month 6 pick-up per week $250.80 $114.00 -$211.01 $153.79 per month 2e. 3 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week $54.81 $28.50 -$43.33 $39.98 per month 2 pick-ups per week $94.38 $57.00 -$86.66 $64.72 per month 3 pick-ups per week $133.92 $85.50 -$130.00 $89.42 per month 4 pick-ups per week $173.52 $114.00 -$173.33 $114.19 per month 5 pick-ups per week $213.00 $142.50 -$207.99 $147.51 per month 6 pick-up per week $251.46 $171.00 -$242.66 $179.80 per month Page 2 of 22 2f. 4 Cubic Yard Bin 1 pick-up per week 2 pick-ups per week 3 pick-ups per week 4 pick-ups per week 5 pick-ups per week 6 pick-up per week 2g. 6 Cubic Yard Bin 1 pick-up per week 2 pick-ups per week 3 pick-ups per week 4 pick-ups per week 5 pick-ups per week 6 pick-up per week Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total $55.12 $38.00 -$48.98 $44.14 per month $94.96 $76.00 -$97.97 $72.99 per month $134.76 $114.00 -$146.95 $101.81 per month $174.56 $152.00 -$195.94 $130.62 per month $214.60 $190.00 -$235.12 $169.48 per month $254.40 $228.00 -$274.31 $208.09 per month Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total $63.39 $57.00 -$62.87 $57.51 per month $109.20 $114.00 -$125.75 $97.45 per month $154.97 $171.00 -$188.62 $137.35 per month $200.74 $228.00 -$251.50 $177.25 per month $246.79 $285.00 -$301.80 $229.99 per month $292.56 $342.00 -$352.10 $282.46 per month 3. Commerciale and Multi-Family Single Stream Recycling Service (Rates for single stream container Ser shall be at least 33% less than the MSW'8' Route Container service. The 33% savings shall be applied to each pick-u schedule. For example, the rate for 1 pick-up per week for Single Stream Recycling service shall be at least 33% less than the rate for 1 pick-up per week for MSW '8' Route service. Likewise, the rate for 6 pick-ups pei for Single Stream Recycling service shall be at least 33 % less than the rate for 6 pick-ups per week for MSW 't3' Route service . 3a. 35 Gallon Cart Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week $6.74 $4.46 -$0.64 $10.56 per month 2 pick-ups per week $13.48 $8.92 -$1.29 $21.11 per month 3 pick-ups per week $20.22 $13.38 -$1.93 $31.67 per month 4 pick-ups per week $26.96 $17.84 -$2.57 $42.22 per month 5 pick-ups per week $33.70 $22.30 -$3.22 $52.78 per month 6 pick-up per week $40.44 $26.76 -$3.86 $63.34 per month 3b. 65 Gallon Cart Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week $6.74 $6.46 -$1.31 $11.89 per month 2 pick-ups per week $13.48 $12.92 -$2.61 $23.79 per month 3 pick-ups per week $20.22 $19.38 -$3.92 $35.68 per month 4 pick-ups per week $26.96 $25.84 -$5.23 $47.57 per month 5 pick-ups per week $33.70 $32.30 -$6.53 $59.47 per month 6 pick-up per week $40.44 $38.76 -$7.84 $71.36 per month Page 3 of 22 3c 3d 4 pick-ups per week 95 Gallon Cart Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week $6.74 $8.46 -$1.95 $13.25 per month 2 pick-ups per week $13.48 $16.92 -$3.90 $26.50 per month 3 pick-ups per week $20.22 $25.38 -$5.85 $39.75 per month 4 pick-ups per week $26.96 $33.84 -$7.80 $53.00 per month 5 pick-ups per week $33.70 $42.30 -$9.75 $66.25 per month 6 pick-up per week $40.44 $50.76 -$11.70 $79.50 per month 2 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week $54.50 $11.00 -$17.50 $48.00 per month 2 pick-ups per week $93.72 $22.00 -$35.00 $80.72 per month 3 pick-ups per week $133.02 $33.00 -$52.50 $113.52 per month 5 pick-ups per week 6 pick-up per week 3e. 3 Cubic Yard Bin 1 pick-up per week 2 pick-ups per week 3 pick-ups per week 4 pick-ups per week 5 pick-ups per week 6 pick-up per week 3f. 4 Cubic Yard Bin 1 pick-up per week 2 pick-ups per week 3 pick-ups per week $172.24 $44.00 -$70.00 $146.24 per month $211.60 $55.00 -$87.50 $179.10 per month $250.80 $66.00 -$105.00 $211.80 per month Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total $54.81 $16.50 -$21.35 $49.96 per month $94.38 $33.00 -$42.70 $84.68 per month $133.92 $49.50 -$64.05 $119.37 per month $173.52 $66.00 -$85.40 $154.12 per month $213.00 $82.50 -$106.75 $188.75 per month $251.46 $99.00 -$128.10 $222.36 per month Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total $55.12 $22.00 -$24.50 $52.62 per month $94.96 $44.00 -$49.00 $89.96 per month $134.76 $66.00 -$73.50 $127.26 per month $174.56 $88.00 -$98.00 $164.56 per month 5 pick-ups per week $214.60 $110.00 -$122.50 $202.10 per month 6 pick-up per week $254.40 $132.00 -$147.00 $239.40 per month 4 pick-ups per week Page 4 of 22 3g. 6 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week $63.39 $33.00 -$32.03 $64.36 per month 2 pick-ups per week $109.20 $66.00 -$64.05 $111.15 per month 3 pick-ups per week $154.97 $99.00 -$96.08 $157.90 per month 4 pick-ups per week $200.74 $132.00 -$128.10 $204.64 per month 5 pick-ups per week $246.79 $165.00 -$160.13 $251.67 per month 6 pick-up per week $292.56 $198.00 -$192.15 $298.41 per month 4. Commercial and Multi-Family MSW 'A' Route Service (Rates for A' Route Service shall be equal to or less rates for the 'B' Route Service.) 4a. 35 Gallon Cart Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week $6.74 $4.46 $4.80 $16.00 per month 2 pick-ups per week $13.48 $8.92 $9.60 $32.00 per month 3 pick-ups per week $20.22 $13.38 $14.40 $48.00 per month 4 pick-ups per week $26.96 $17.84 $19.20 $64.00 per month 5 pick-ups per week $33.70 $22.30 $24.00 $80.00 per month 6 pick-up per week $40.44 $26.76 $28.80 $96.00 per month 4b. 65 Gallon Cart Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week $6.74 $6.46 $6.80 $20.00 per month 2 pick-ups per week $13.48 $12.92 $13.60 $40.00 per month 3 pick-ups per week $20.22 $19.38 $20.40 $60.00 per month 4 pick-ups per week $26.96 $25.84 $27.20 $80.00 per montn 5 pick-ups per week $33.70 $32.30 $34.00 $100.00 per month 6 pick-up per week $40.44 $38.76 $40.80 $120.00 per month 4c. 95 Gallon Cart ~ Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week $6.74 $8.46 $8.80 $24.00 per month 2 pick-ups per week $13.48 $16.92 $17.60 $48.00 per month 3 pick-ups per week $20.22 $25.38 $26.40 $72.00 per month 4 pick-ups per week $26.96 $33.84 $35.20 $96.00 per month 5 pick-ups per week $33.70 $42.30 $44.00 $120.00 per month 6 pick-up per week $40.44 $50.76 $52.80 $144.00 per month Page 5 of 22 4d. 2 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week $54.50 $11.00 $6.24 $71.74 per month 2 pick-ups per week $93.72 $22.00 $12.48 $128.20 per month 3 pick-ups per week $133.02 $33.00 $18.72 $184.74 per month 4 pick-ups per week $172.24 $44.00 $24.96 $241.20 per month 5 pick-ups per week $211.60 $55.00 $31.20 $297.80 per month 6 pick-up per week $250.80 $66.00 $37.44 $354.24 per month 4e. 3 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week $54.81 $16.50 $9.36 $80.67 per month 2 pick-ups per week $94.38 $33.00 $18.72 $146.10 per month 3 pick-ups per week $133.92 $49.50 $28.08 $211.50 per month 4 pick-ups per week $173.52 $66.00 $37.44 $276.96 per month 5 pick-ups per week $213.00 $82.50 $46.80 $342.30 per month 6 pick-up per week $251.46 $99.00 $56.16 $406.62 per month 4f. 4 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week $55.12 $22.00 $12.48 $89.60 per month 2 pick-ups per week $94.96 $44.00 $24.96 $163.92 per month 3 pick-ups per week $134.76 $66.00 $37.44 $238.20 per month 4 pick-ups per week $174.56 $88.00 $49.92 $312.48 per month 5 pick-ups per week $214.60 $110.00 $62.40 $387.00 per montn 6 pick-up per week $254.40 $132.00 $74.88 $461.28 per month 4g. 6 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week $63.39 $33.00 $18.72 $115.11 per month 2 pick-ups per week $109.20 $66.00 $37.44 $212.64 per month 3 pick-ups per week $154.97 $99.00 $56.16 $310.13 per month 4 pick-ups per week $200.74 $132.00 $74.88 $407.62 per month 5 pick-ups per week $246.79 $165.00 $93.60 $505.39 per month 6 pick-up per week $292.56 $198.00 $112.32 $602.88 per month Page 6 of 22 5. Commercial and Multi-Family MSW 'B' Route Service (Rates for'e' Route service shall be equal to or more than those for A' Route Service.) 5a. 35 Gallon Cart Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week $6.74 $4.46 $4.80 $16.00 per month 2 pick-ups per week $13.48 $8.92 $9.60 $32.00 per month 3 pick-ups per week $20.22 $13.38 $14.40 $48.00 per month 4 pick-ups per week $26.96 $17.84 $19.20 $64.00 per month 5 pick-ups per week $33.70 $22.30 $24.00 $80.00 per month 6 pick-up per week $40.44 $26.76 $28.80 $96.00 per month 5b. 65 Gallon Cart Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week $6.74 $6.46 $6.80 $20.00 per month 2 pick-ups per week $13.48 $12.92 $13.60 $40.00 per month 3 pick-ups per week $20.22 $19.38 $20.40 $60.00 per month 4 pick-ups per week $26.96 $25.84 $27.20 $80.00 per month 5 pick-ups per week $33.70 $32.30 $34.00 $100.00 per month 6 pick-up per week $40.44 $38.76 $40.80 $120.00 per month 5c. 95 Gallon Cart Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week $6.74 $8.46 $8.80 $24.00 per month 2 pick-ups per week $13.48 $16.92 $17.60 $48.00 per month 3 pick-ups per week $20.22 $25.38 $26.40 $72.00 per month 4 pick-ups per week $26.96 $33.84 $35.20 $96.00 per month 5 pick-ups per week $33.70 $42.30 $44.00 $120.00 per month 6 pick-up per week $40.44 $50.76 $52.80 $144.00 per month 5d. 2 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week $54.50 $11.00 $6.24 $71.74 per month 2 pick-ups per week $93.72 $22.00 $12.48 $128.20 per month 3 pick-ups per week $133.02 $33.00 $18.72 $184.74 per month 4 pick-ups per week $172.24 $44.00 $24.96 $241.20 per month 5 pick-ups per week $211.60 $55.00 $31.20 $297.80 per month 6 pick-up per week $250.80 $66.00 $37.44 $354.24 per month Page 7 of 22 5e. 3 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week $54.81 $16.50 $9.36 $80.67 per month 2 pick-ups per week $94.38 $33.00 $18.72 $146.10 per month 3 pick-ups per week $133.92 $49.50 $28.08 $211.50 per montn 4 pick-ups per week $173.52 $66.00 $37.44 $276.96 per month 5 pick-ups per week $213.00 $82.50 $46.80 $342.30 per montn 6 pick-up per week $251.46 $99.00 $56.16 $406.62 per month 5f. 4 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week $55.12 $22.00 $12.48 $89.60 per month 2 pick-ups per week $94.96 $44.00 $24.96 $163.92 per month 3 pick-ups per week $134.76 $66.00 $37.44 $238.20 per month 4 pick-ups per week $174.56 $88.00 $49.92 $312.48 per month 5 pick-ups per week $214.60 $110.00 $62.40 $387.00 per month 6 pick-up per week $254.40 $132.00 $74.88 $461.28 per month 5g. _6 Cubic Yard Bin - ~ Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 1 pick-up per week $63.39 $33.00 $18.72 $115.11 per month 2 pick-ups per week $109.20 $66.00 $37.44 $212.64 per month 3 pick-ups per week $154.97 $99.00 $56.16 $310.13 per month 4 pick-ups per week $200.74 $132.00 $74.88 $407.62 per month 5 pick-ups per week $246.79 $165.00 $93.60 $505.39 per month 6 pick-up per week $292.56 $198.00 $112.32 $602.88 per month Note: In completing the rates for Sections 6-17, Proposers shall use the assumed weights for roll-off boxes and compactors listed in Table 1 following Proposal Form 12. 6. Permanent Compactor and Roll-Off Box Source Separated Recycling Service (Rates for Source Separated Recycling Service shall be at least 50% less than the MSW '8' Route rate.) 6a. 3 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $15.81 $1.80 -$6.00 $11.61 per pull Page 8 of 22 6b. 4 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $15.90 $1.80 -$6.00 $11.70 per pull 6c. 6 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $18.29 $4.50 -$15.00 $7.79 per pull 6d. 10 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $138.00 $36.00 -$110.00 $64.00 per pull 6e. 20 Cu. Yd. Compactor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $138.00 $72.00 -$200.00 $10.00 per pull 6f. _30 Cu. Yd. Compactor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $138.00 $90.00 -$250.00 -$22.00 per pull 6g. 40 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $138.00 $108.00 -$300.00 -$54.00 per pull 6h. 10 Cu. Yd. Roll Off Box Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $131.00 $18.00 -$60.00 $89.00 per pull 6i. 20 Cu. Yd. Roll Off Box Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $131.00 $27.00 -$90.00 $68.00 per pull 6j. 30 Cu. Yd. Roll Off Box Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $131.00 $36.00 -$120.00 $47.00 per pull 6k. 40 Cu. Yd. Roll Off Box Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $131.00 $54.00 -$180.00 $5.00 per pull 7. Permanent Compactor and Roll-Off Box Single Stream Recycling Service (Rates for Single Stream Recycling Service shall be at least 33% less than rates for '8' Route Service.) 7a. 3 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $15.81 $6.90 -$7.50 $15.21 per pull Page 9 of 22 7b. 4 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $15.90 $6.90 -$7.50 $15.30 per pull 7c. 6 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $18.29 $13.80 -$15.00 $17.09 per pull 7d. ~ 10 Cu. Yd. Compactor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $138.00 $92.00 -$100.00 $130.00 per pull 7e. 20 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $138.00 $230.00 -$250.00 $118.00 per pull 7f. 30 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $138.00 $276.00 -$300.00 $114.00 per pull 7g. 40 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $138.00 $322.00 -$350.00 $110.00 per pull 7h. 10 Cu. Yd. Roll Off Box Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $131.00 $69.00 -$75.00 $125.00 per pull 7i. 20 Cu. Yd. Roll Off Box Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $131.00 $92.00 -$100.00 $123.00 per pull 7j. 30 Cu. Yd. Roll Off Box Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $131.00 $138.00 -$150.00 $119.00 per pull 7k. 40 Cu. Yd. Roll Off Box ~ Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $131.00 $184.00 -$200.00 $115.00 per pull 8. Permanent Compactor and Roll-Off Box 'A' Route Service (Rates for ;4' Route Service shall be equal to or less than rates for '8' Route Service.) 8a. 3 Cu. Yd. Compactor ~ Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $15.81 $6.30 $2.48 $24.59 per pull Page 10 of 22 8b. 4 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $15.90 $7.00 $2.75 $25.65 per pull 8c. 6 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $18.29 $9.10 $3.58 $30.96 per pull 8d. 10 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $138.00 $92.00 $44.00 $274.00 per pull 8e. 20 Cu. Yd. Compactor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $138.00 $218.50 $104.50 $461.00 per pull 8f. 30 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Totat On-call or Scheduled Service $138.00 $218.50 $104.50 $461.00 per pull 8g. 40 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $138.00 $218.50 $104.50 $461.00 per pull 8h. r10 Cu. Yd. Roll Off Box Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $131.00 $184.00 $88.00 $403.00 per pull 8i. 20 Cu. Yd. Roll Off Box Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $131.00 $92.00 $44.00 $267.00 per pull 8j. 30 Cu. Yd. Roll Off Box Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $131.00 $115.00 $55.00 $301.00 per pull 8k. 40 Cu. Yd. Roll Off Box Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $131.00 $184.00 $88.00 $403.00 per pull 9. Permanent Compactor and Roll-Off Box 'B' Route Service (Rates for'e' Route Service shall be equal to or more than those for A' Route Service.) 9a. 3 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $15.81 $6.30 $2.48 $24.59 per pull Page 11 of 22 9b. 4 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $15.90 $7.00 $2.75 $25.65 per pull 9c. 6 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $18.29 $9.10 $3.58 $30.96 per pull 9d. 10 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $138.00 $92.00 $44.00 $274.00 per pull 9e. 20 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $138.00 $218.50 $104.50 $461.00 per pull 9f. 30 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $138.00 $218.50 $104.50 $461.00 per pull 9g. 40 Cu. Yd. Com actor Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $138.00 $218.50 $104.50 $461.00 per pull 9h. 10 Cu. Yd. Roll Off Box Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Totaf On-call or Scheduled Service $131.00 $184.00 $88.00 $403.00 per pull 9i. 20 Cu. Yd. Roll Off Box Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $131.00 $92.00 $44.00 $267.00 per pull 9j. 30 Cu. Yd. Roll Off Box Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $131.00 $115.00 $55.00 $301.00 per pull 9k. 40 Cu. Yd. Roll Off Box Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total On-call or Scheduled Service $131.00 $184.00 $88.00 $403.00 per pull 10. Temporary Bin and Roll-Off Bin Source Separated Recycling Service -Including 2, 3, 4, and 6 yd Bin Service (Rates for Source Separated Recycling Service shall be at least 50% less than those for "8' Route Service.) 10a. 2 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) $46.00 $2.07 -$19.07 $29.00 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) $51.00 $2.07 -$21.57 $31.50 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) $49.00 $2.07 -$20.57 $30.50 per pull Page 12 of 22 Other: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 per pull 10b. 3 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) $51.00 $3.11 -$20.11 $34.00 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) $56.00 $3.11 -$22.11 $37.00 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) $54.00 $3.11 -$21.11 $36.00 per pull Other: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 per pull 10c. 4 Cubic Yard Bin Collection , + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) $61.00 $4.14 -$23.14 $42.00 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) $66.00 $4.14 -$25.64 $44.50 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) $64.00 $4.14 -$24.14 $44.00 per pull Other: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 per pull 10d. 6 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) $96.00 $6.21 -$36.21 $66.00 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) $101.00 $6.21 -$38.71 $68.50 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) $99.00 $6.21 -$37.71 $67.50 per pull Other: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 per pull 10e. 10 Cubic Yard Roll-Off Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) $161.00 $18.00 -$60.00 $119.00 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) $171.00 $18.00 -$60.00 $129.00 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) $161.00 $18.00 -$60.00 $119.00 per pull Other: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 per pull 10f. 20 Cubic Yard Roll-Off Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) $161.00 Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) $171.00 Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) $161.00 Other: $0.00 $27.00 -$90.00 $98.00 per pull $27.00 -$90.00 $108.00 per pull $27.00 -$90.00 $98.00 per pull $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 per pull Page 13 of 22 10g. 30 Cubic Yard Roll-Off Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) $161.00 $36.00 -$120.00 $77.00 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) $171.00 $36.00 -$120.00 $87.00 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) $161.00 $36.00 -$120.00 $77.00 per pull Other: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 per pull 10h. 40 Cubic Yard Roll-Off Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) $161.00 $54.00 -$180.00 $35.00 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) $171.00 $54.00 -$180.00 $45.00 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) $161.00 $54.00 -$180.00 $35.00 per pull Other: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 per pull 11. Temporary Bin and Roll-Off Box Service - Including 2, 3, 4, and 6 yd Bin Service - Single Stre~ RecyCling Service (Rate for Single Stream Recycling Service shall be at least 33% less than those for '8' Route S~ 11a. 2 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) $46.00 $3.22 -$23.22 $26.00 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) $51.00 $3.22 -$26.22 $28.00 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) $49.00 $3.22 -$25.22 $27.00 per pull Other: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 per pull 11 b. 3 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) $51.00 $4.83 -$30.79 $25.04 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) $56.00 $4.83 -$30.79 $30.04 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) $54.00 $4.83 -$30.79 $28.04 per pull Other: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 per pull 11c. 4 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) $61.00 $6.44 -$36.40 $31.04 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) $66.00 $6.44 -$36.40 $36.04 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) $64.00 $6.44 -$36.40 $34.04 per pull Other: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 per pull Page 14 of 22 11d. 6 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) Other: $96.00 $9.66 -$55.59 $50.07 per pull $101.00 $9.66 -$55.59 $55.07 per pull $99.00 $9.66 -$55.59 $53.07 per pull $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 per pull 11e. 10 Cubic Yard Roll-Off Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) $161.00 $69.00 -$75.00 $155.00 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) $171.00 $69.00 -$75.00 $165.00 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) $161.00 $69.00 -$75.00 $155.00 per pull Other: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 per pull 11f. 20 Cubic Yard Roll-Off Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) $161.00 $92.00 -$120.00 $133.00 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) $171.00 $92.00 -$125.50 $137.50 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) $161.00 $92.00 -$120.00 $133.00 per pull Other: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 per pull 11g. 30 Cubic Yard Roll-Off Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) $161.00 $138.00 -$153.00 $146.00 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) $171.00 $138.00 -$156.00 $153.00 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) $161.00 $138.00 -$153.00 $146.00 per pull Other: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 per pull 11 h. 40 Cubic Yard Roll-Off Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) $161.00 $184.00 -$200.00 $145.00 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) $171.00 $184.00 -$200.00 $155.00 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) $161.00 $184.00 -$200.00 $145.00 per pull Other: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 per pull Page 15 of 22 12. Temporary Bin & Roll Off Box Service -Including 2, 3, 4, and 6 yd Bin Service -'A' Route Sen (Rates for 'A' Route Service shall be equal to or less than rates for '8' Route Service.) 12a. 2 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) $46.00 $10.50 $1.65 $58.15 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) $51.00 $10.50 $1.65 $63.15 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) $49.00 $10.50 $1.65 $61.15 per pull Other: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 per pull 12b. 3 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) $51.00 $15.75 $2.48 $69.23 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) $56.00 $15.75 $2.48 $74.23 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) $54.00 $15.75 $2.48 $72.23 per pull Other: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 per pull 12c. ,4 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) $61.00 $21.00 $3.30 $85.30 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) $66.00 $21.00 $3.30 $90.30 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) $64.00 $21.00 $3.30 $88.30 per pull Other: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 per pull 12d. 6 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) $96.00 $31.50 $4.95 $132.45 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) $101.00 $31.50 $4.95 $137.45 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) $99.00 $31.50 $4.95 $135.45 per pull Other: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 per pull 12e. 10 Cubic Yard Roll-Off Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) $161.00 $184.00 $88.00 $433.00 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) $171.00 $184.00 $88.00 $443.00 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) $161.00 $184.00 $88.00 $433.00 per pull Other: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 per pull Page 16 of 22 12f. 20 Cubic Yard Roll-Off Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) $161.00 $92.00 $44.00 $297.00 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) $171.00 $92.00 $44.00 $307.00 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) $161.00 $92.00 $44.00 $297.00 per pull Other: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 per pull 12g. 30 Cubic Yard Roll-Off Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) $161.00 $115.00 $55.00 $331.00 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) $171.00 $115.00 $55.00 $341.00 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) $161.00 $115.00 $55.00 $331.00 per pull Other: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 per pull 12h. 40 Cubic Yard Roll-Off Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) $161.00 $184.00 $88.00 $433.00 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) $171.00 $184.00 $88.00 $443.00 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) $161.00 $184.00 $88.00 $433.00 per pull Other: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 per pull 13. Temporary Bin & Roll Off Box Service -Including 2, 3, 4, and 6 yd Bin Service -'B' Route Sen (Rates for 'B' Route Service shall be equal to or greater than rates for 'A' Route Service.) 13a. 2 Cubic Yard Bin ~ Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) $46.00 $10.50 $1.65 $58.15 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) $51.00 $10.50 $1.65 $63.15 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) $49.00 $10.50 $1.65 $61.15 per pull Other: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 per pull 13b. 3 Cubic Yard Bin ~ Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) $51.00 $15.75 $2.48 $69.23 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) $56.00 $15.75 $2.48 $74.23 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) $54.00 $15.75 $2.48 $72.23 per pull Other: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 per pull Page 17 of 22 13c. 4 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) $61.00 $21.00 $3.30 $85.30 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) $66.00 $21.00 $3.30 $90.30 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) $64.00 $21.00 $3.30 $88.30 per pull Other: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 per pull 13d. 6 Cubic Yard Bin Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) $96.00 $31.50 $4.95 $132.45 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) $101.00 $31.50 $4.95 $137.45 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) $99.00 $31.50 $4.95 $135.45 per pull Other: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 per pull 13e. 10 Cubic Yard Roll-Off Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) $161.00 $184.00 $88.00 $433.00 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) $171.00 $184.00 $88.00 $443.00 per pull Weekend (Fri. ~- Mon.) $161.00 $184.00 $88.00 $433.00 per pull Other: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 per pull 13f. 20 Cubic Yard Roll-Off Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) $161.00 $92.00 $44.00 $297.00 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) $171.00 $92.00 $44.00 $307.00 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) $161.00 $92.00 $44.00 $297.00 per pull Other: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 per pull 13g. 30 Cubic Yard Roll-Off Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) $161.00 $115.00 $55.00 $331.00 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) $171.00 $115.00 $55.00. $341.00 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) $161.00 $115.00 $55.00 $331.00 per pull Other: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 per pull Page 18 of 22 13h. 40 Cubic Yard Roll-Off Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total Daily (Same day Service) $161.00 $184.00 $88.00 $433.00 per pull Weekly (Mon. -Following Mon.) $171.00 $184.00 $88.00 $443.00 per pull Weekend (Fri. -Mon.) $161.00 $184.00 $88.00 $433.00 per pull Other: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 per pull 14. Special Event Service -Source Separated Recyclables C ollection (Rates for Source Separated Recyclables Collection shall be at least 50% less than rates for 'B' Route Co/lec Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 14a. 35 gallon cart $30.00 $1.03 -$14.96 $16.07 per container 14b. 65 gallon cart $30.00 $1.49 -$14.96 $16.53 per container 14c. 95 gallon cart $30.00 $1.95 -$14.96 $16.99 per container 14d. 2 Cu. Yard Bin $49.00 $4.42 -$22.85 $30.57 per container 14e. 3 Cu. Yard Bin $54.00 $6.63 -$24.52 $36.11 per container 14f. 4 Cu. Yard Bin $64.00 $8.84 -$28.69 $44.15 per container 14g. 6 Cu. Yard Bin $99.00 $13.26 -$44.54 $67.72 per container 14h. 10 Cu. Yd. Roll-off $161.00 $18.00 -$10.00 $169.00 per pull 14i. 20 Cu. Yd. Roll-off $161.00 $27.00 -$40.00 $148.00 per pull 14j. 30 Cu. Yd. Roll-off $161.00 $36.00 -$60.00 $137.00 per pull 14k. 40 Cu. Yd. Roll-off $161.00 $54.00 -$80.00 $135.00 per pull 141. 20 Cu. Yd. Compactor $138.00 $72.00 -$100.00 $110.00 per pull 14m. 40 Cu. Yd. Compactor $138.00 $108.00 -$140.00 $106.00 per pull 15. Special Event Service -Sing le Stream Recyclables Colle ction (Rates for Single Stream Recyclables Collection shall be at least 33% less than rates for 'B' Route Collection. Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 15a. 35 gallon cart $30.00 $1.03 -$9.65 $21.38 per container 15b. 65 gallon cart $30.00 $1.49 -$9.80 $21.69 per container 15c. 95 gallon cart $30.00 $1.95 -$9.45 $22.50 per container 15d. 2 Cu. Yard Bin $49.00 $10.50 -$19.07 $40.43 per container 15e. 3 Cu. Yard Bin $54.00 $15.75 -$21.47 $48.28 per container 15f. 4 Cu. Yard Bin $64.00 $21.00 -$26.20 $58.80 per container 15g. 6 Cu. Yard Bin $99.00 $31.50 -$40.95 $89.55 per container 15h. 10 Cu. Yd. Roll-off $161.00 $184.00 -$75.00 $270.00 per pull Page 19 of 22 15i. 20 Cu. Yd. Roll-off $161.00 $92.00 -$100.00 $153.00 per pull 15j. 30 Cu. Yd. Roll-off $161.00 $115.00 -$150.00 $126.00 per pull 15k. 40 Cu. Yd. Roll-off $161.00 $184.00 -$200.00 $145.00 per pull 151. 20 Cu. Yd. Compactor $138.00 $218.50 -$250.00 $106.50 per pull 15m. 40 Cu. Yd. Compactor $138.00 $218.50 -$350.00 $6.50 per pull 16. Special Event Service -'A' Route Collection (Rates for 'A' Route Service shall be equal to or less than rates for '8' Route Service.) Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 16a. 35 gallon cart $30.00 $1.03 $1.11 $32.14 per container 16b. 65 gallon cart $30.00 $1.49 $1.57 $33.06 per container 16c. 95 gallon cart $30.00 $1.95 $2.03 $33.99 per container 16d. 2 Cu. Yard Bin $49.00 $10.50 $1.65 $61.15 per container 16e. 3 Cu. Yard Bin $54.00 $15.75 $2.48 $72.23 per container 16f. 4 Cu. Yard Bin $64.00 $21.00 $3.30 $88.30 per container 16g. 6 Cu. Yard Bin $99.00 $31.50 $4.95 $135.45 per container 16h. 10 Cu. Yd. Roll-off $161.00 $184.00 $88.00 $433.00 per pull 16i. 20 Cu. Yd. Roll-off $161.00 $92.00 $44.00 $297.00 per pull 16j. 30 Cu. Yd. Roll-off $161.00 $115.00 $55.00 $331.00 per pull 16k. 40 Cu. Yd. Roll-off $161.00 $184.00 $88.00 $433.00 per pull 161. 20 Cu. Yd. Compactor $138.00 $218.50 $104.50 $461.00 per pull 16m. 40 Cu. Yd. Compactor $138.00 $218.50 $104.50 $461.00 per pull 17. Special Event Service -'B' Route Collecti on Service (Rates for '8' Route Service shall be equal to or greater than rates for 'A' Route Service.) Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 17a. 35 gallon cart $30.00 $1.03 $1.11 $32.14 per container 17b. 65 gallon cart $30.00 $1.49 $1.57 $33.06 per container 17c. 95 gallon cart $30.00 $1.95 $2.03 $33.99 per container 17d. 2 Cu. Yard Bin $49.00 $10.50 $1.65 $61.15 per container 17e. 3 Cu. Yard Bin $54.00 $15.75 $2.48 $72.23 per container 17f. 4 Cu. Yard Bin $64.00 $21.00 $3.30 $88.30 per container 17g. 6 Cu. Yard Bin $99.00 $31.50 $4.95 $135.45 per container Page 20 of 22 17h. 10 Cu. Yd. Roll-off $161.00 $184.00 17i. 20 Cu. Yd. Roll-off $161.00 $92.00 17j. 30 Cu. Yd. Roll-off $161.00 $115.00 17k. 40 Cu. Yd. Roll-off $161.00 $184.00 171. 20 Cu. Yd. Compactor $138.00 $218.50 17m. 40 Cu. Yd. Compactor $138.00 $218.50 18. Emergency Service $88.00 $433.00 per pull $44.00 $297.00 per pull $55.00 $331.00 per pull $88.00 $433.00 per pull $104.50 $461.00 per pull $104.50 $461.00 per pull Collection + Processin + Dis osal = Total 18a. 3 Cu. Yard Bin $54.00 $15.75 $2.48 $72.23 per container 18b. 4 Cu. Yard Bin $64.00 $21.00 $3.30 $88.30 per container 18c. 6 Cu. Yard Bin $99.00 $31.50 $4.95 $135.45 per container 18d. 10 Cu. Yard Roll-off $161.00 $184.00 $88.00 $433.00 per pull 18e. 20 Cu. Yard Roll-off $161.00 $92.00 $44.00 $297.00 per pull 18f. 30 Cu. Yard Roll-off $161.00 $115.00 $55.00 $331.00 per pull 18g. 40 Cu. Yard Roll-off $161.00 $184.00 $88.00 $433.00 per pull 19. Other Services 19a. Residential Bulky Goods Collection Service (4 items per pick-up) 19b. Commercial Bulky Goods Collection Service (4 items per pick-up) 19.c Residential/Commercial Bulky Good Collection for items containing Freon 19d. Residential Electronic Waste Collection 19e. Residential U-Waste Collection 19f. Commercial Electronic Waste Collection 19g. Commercial U-Waste Collection 19h. Clean-up of Illegal Dumping 19i. Repair and Maintenance of Compactor 19j. Bin Cleaning Service 19k. Cart Replacement 191. Commercial Bin Wheel-Out Service (25' - 50') 19m. Commercial Bin Wheel-Out Service (51' - 75') Total $45.00 per pick-up $45.00 per pick-up $50.00 per item $35.00 per item $60.00 per 5 items $35.00 per item $60.00 per 5 items $35 p/Man Hr per incident plus Disposal $75 p/Man Hr per service plus Parts $80.00 per Bin $70.00 per Cart $52.00 per month $62.00 per month Page 21 of 22 The Following Services will be provided to a customer free of charge. 19n. Residential Backyard Wheel-Out Service for customers providing a physician's note. 190. Commercial Bin Wheel-Out Service for a distance less than 25 feet. 19p. Bin Locking Lids NOTE: Overweight Roll-Off Surcharges will apply to all "A" & "B" Route Tonnage in excess of "Table 1" assumed weights at $46.00 p/ton. Page 22 of 22