HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 PUBLIC HEARINGAgenda Item _�! 'PORT City er , Y �n � La ,; Finance DIreeter NIZ L� - IVEETING DATE: AUGUST 7, 2007 TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER � FROM: MARIA P. H'DIZAR, CHIEF DEPUTY CITY CLERK SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING: AMEND THE COMPREHENSIVE SCHEDULE OIL FEES AND CHARGES FOR CITY SERVICES SUMMARY Annually, City departments review the Comprehensive Scheduie of Fees and Charges as they apply to their respective departments. The Buiiding [Division and )Public Works Department have identified some fees that need to be modified or deleted. Also per Evidence Code §1563, the City wishes to standardize the fees as they apply to third ,party civil subpoena. State law allows the collection of $160 per day, per ,person for witness fees and actual cost reimbursed for production of materials. Proposed modifications to the Fee Schedule are outlined in agenda report and are included in Resolution No. 07 -60. Said resolution deletes some fees, adds and modfies only a small number of fees, with the bulk of the fees remaining the same. RECOMMENDATION That the City Council conduct a puNic hearing and adopt Resolution No. 07 -60 amending the Comprehensive Schedule of Fees and Charges for City Services. FISCAL IMPACT None. No net increase to City revenue expected. Increased fees offset increased City costs. BACKGROUND The City ,provides a variety of services and ,programs to the community. Most of these services such as law enforcement, park operations, street maintenance, public facility operations, community events, city facility operations, etc. are for 'the benefit of the public at- large. These services and programs are paid for by general revenues derived frorn taxes and other revenue. Other types of service provided by the City benefit a particular individual or entity as opposed to the community at- large. These services inciude such things as the planning and engineering division review, processing of applications for development, issuance of building and grading permits, encroachment permits, building and engineering inspection, community services programs and facility usage, and other miscellaneous services and programs. These services are funded through tees charged to those individuals and /or entities deriving benefit from the services. These charges are Misted by department using specific exhibits for each department in the attached resolution. it has historically been the City Council's policy to avoid a general subsidiz ' ®n of the cost to provide extemporaneoUs services to the public. The City has endeavored to recover onily the cost to provide these services, not to contribute to the net revenues of the City. The various departments periodically review the cost of providing services and the charges to outset these costs. if this review indicates that there exists an unreasonable variance between the two, recommended changes are brought to the City Council. The flee modifications proposed are only cost recovery amounts, The revised Comprehersive Schedule of Fees attached to the resolution reflects both the existing fees that are unchanged by the proposed Resolution as well as the ,proposed fee modifications (including some deletions), as summarized below; PF�3WU 6--LD kJUDh'l(GATIONS EXHIBIT B COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT 3. BUILDING DIViSiON FEES - OTHER INSPECTIONS 9 n f 1fi`e na-�sS nsir�r �:'�� otldi �rw_-St�t�o!p�t Footnote for Other Fees; Page 2 of 7 °ADI_N c A_�Y© PR\ YMA I E IMPR0VFX�Ej'\\ a FEE 5 $ 4- If a 8. Mass Grading and Rough Gradi vg Pian Check, Precise Grading and Private Improvements Dian Check. • 0­2 ft * Foos include Feyiewrcw -, G+atev v &V'- -. Drainage reports and soils reports will be reviewed separately based upon the fee schedule in Exhibit C 0C)NSTRUC I ION & DEMOLITION ` AO T E .FFIZECYC 9n9 0 PROGRAM (All construction, demolflkn, and renovation projects valued at $50,000 or greater are required to divert at lease 50% of all project - related C & D Debris) ae Footnote changes as follow: 2. PLANNING DIVISION AND REDEVELOPMENT GEE 5 $155.00 /Hour $155.00/Hocr Index of Exhibits. Stem B.2 should read "Planning Division and Redevelopment Agency Gees Items For Concept Plan Review, Code Amendments, Conditional Use Permits, Design Review, development agreement, subdivisions, variances, should also Page 3 of 7 1. ind °cite by footnotes that these are standard fees and need to also reflect any outside consultant services used in review. This would add a footnote (2) and (1 0) to each of these categories and the individual entitlement actions beneath them as well. Modified footnote 12 to delete, "to be negotiated pursuant to an Exclusive Agreement to Negotiate" and replace with "unless an agreement is reached with developer to modify this requirement." Modified footnote 10 to read; "Fees are intended to cover the cost of processing a standard application typically including but not more than two (2) .meetings with the applicant. Requests or requirements for additional staff meetings, responses to correspondence /e- mails, the need for the City to engage outside consultants, are to be reimbursed at actual staff and City attorney /Special Counsel, or special consultant costs." E k-1lSiT G pU e UCH WORKS DEPARTMENT NU8CELLAiNEOUS FEES Qty,st� se- map e�onp 90 Tr N'4c -k 9—w M .0-9 Lip i1y %,-- .-9Q �p b l �9s -Jnim �sg1 $12.00 II V0.00 City Construction Management Oversight 1.5% of overall (Applicable when public financing is involved) construction costs Digitizing / Scanning of Vl/ li P $1.00 / sheet Page 4 of 7 20 EN101\11E'E3ING IMAASION PLAN CHECK FEEE SCHEDULE (D 7,VE[LOY)N1FEN Water CtaaRNI 'JVanagement Plan (V1f;�cV() $2,7010 3 4. Major Thoroughfare and Bridge Fee For Foothill / Eastern `transportation Corridor Agency On July 1 of each year, the fee rate schedule will increase by 2.667% for the San Joaquin Hills Area and 2.206% for the Foothill /Eastern Area PUBLIC WORKS ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FEES Permit Items Effective 29052007 thru June 30, 2907 2008 Single Family $4,560 -$4 -;462 Zone A Multi Family $2,663 $2-,-606 Non - Residential $6.34 sf $5-29 Single Family $3,246 $3;4 -76 Zone B Multi Family $1,889 $17848 Non Residential $3.68 sf -$3:50 See Attached map for Zone A & B locations S Street tree in tree well or parkway (15 gallon without Q-Q Root Barrier), each $1 `10.0; Hourly Inspection Rates Goes not inckide Consultant $53.00 Reguiar Inspection which will be billed at invoice cosh $73.00 ®vertie Double Check Back low Assernbly (excluding meter) $140,00 Above Ground Mg _.9_94P1_Va7U4 Water Maln and Appurtenance Health Test, each $45.00 WATER METERS 6" Water Mister $3,275.00 8" Water Meter 9 $4,375.00 k Denotes that City furnishes material or itern, and City installs Denotes that City furnishes rnaterlal or item, and a,p,pilcant installs. NOTE: All stated water gees not app cabin where Page 5 of 7 IRWD is the service provider. 4U. VMr SCEzLLAf�lEOUS A�?7_z\TEIR FEES EXHIBIT A AND D GENERAL CITY SERVICES POL1017 DEPARTMENT Witness Fee (Sworn and Non- Sworn) $150.00 Evidence Code § 1553 provides for the recovery of certain "reasonable costs" incurred by the City in complying with Civil subpoenas, which are to be calculated at the following reimbursement rates: • Standard reproduction of documents of a size d 1/2 Y, 14 $0.10 per page inches or less; • Copying of documents from microfilm; $0.20 per page • Reproduction of oversized documents or the reproduction of Actual costs documents requiring special processing which are made in response to a subpoena; • Clerical costs incurred in locating and snaking the records $2,4.00 / per hour available to be billed per person or $6. 00 per quarter Dour • Postage charges; and Actual Charge • Third person for the retrieval and return of records held offsite by that third person. Actual Cost GleFi $`! Statistical Data search (hourly rate) Actual Cost . 0 Page 6 of 7 r-� State Law has established the requirement that new or increased City fees May Only be modified through a public hearing process, Although most fees remain the same, the proposed amendments require a pu bUc hearing. ai)A Maria R. Huizar Chief Deputy City CDerk Attachment: Resolution No. 07 -60 Page 7 of 7 Other Documents Unreinforced Masonry Bldg. 35 $3.50 Residential _Wunder Package DL LL 7i lSffl`s free d"1 (C). ©f "E, FY 0%AM` F-s 1. Zonung Map 1 $x.30 Z individual Districts vary free 3. Sign Code (ne%x ) 72 $7.20 East Tustln (Phase I Standards 43 $4.00 Redevelopment Plan 49 $4.93 I . Town Center & Amendments 30 $3.00 2. Soup h Central Plan 40 $4.03 3. Redevelopment Map 1 $2.30 4. Pacific Center East 451 a. S'peclflc flan 63 $5.30 b. IR 109 $10.90 C. Technical Appendices 150 $15,9'3 d. Final EIR 139 $13,90 5. !Citizen Oulde to Redevelopment $3,00 Other Documents Unreinforced Masonry Bldg. 35 $3.50 Residential _Wunder Package free (Landscape & Irrigation Standards free Other Applications free Par,Mng & Landscape Standards free Grading Manual 79 $7.00 Grading Ordinance 19 $1.00 Historical Survey 131 $16.10 Historical Resources Sur iey Report 49 $4.93 CONSOLIDATED PLAN (i'\90 Charge Per Federal free La�jAi) East T us'kln C IR 35 -2 302 $30.23 Cultural Resources District — Residentlal Guy deilnes 145 lc.�Izl g,n BUILDING DIVISION FEES BUILDING PERMIT AND PLAN CHECK FEES: See Exhibit B.1 Additional Plan Check required by changes additions or $84.00 revisions to approved plans (Hourly - Minimum 2 hours) IResoUion No. 07- Page I I of 42 0 0 Plan Check outside of normal business hours or a licant $126.00 requested fast - tracking (Hourly Minimum 3 hours) Re- inspection Fee per Section 305.8 (Hourly - Minimum 2 $72.00 hours Inspections outside of normal business hours $108.00 (Hourly — Minimum 4 hours) PERMIT ISSUANCE BASE FEES (additional fees assessed based on detailed schedule) Building Permit 35.00 Grading and Private Improvement Permit $35.00 Mechanical Permit $25.00 Electrical Permit $25.00 Plumbinq Permit $25.00 Sign Permit 25.00 Supplemental Permit Fee (When original permit has not expired) 53.00 Permit or Plan Check Extension (When original permit has not $35.00 expired) Changes to Permit (When original permit has not expired) $35.00 MISCELLANEOUS PLAIN CHECK AND PERMIT FEES — MISCELLANEOUS VALUATIONS Chain Link Fencing (use valuation multiplier X to�a9 area for fee calculations) Valuation $2.50/ ft.2 Minimum Ran Check Fee (Hourly — rnirlm m 2 $84.00 hours#rs: ) Minimum Permit Fee $110.00 Greenhouse or Solarium valuate OTI - $31.26/ ft.z Plan Check () Up to 200 sq. ft. (Hourly - �Wdmum 2 hours#) M84.00 over 200 sq. ft (Hourly - Minimum 2 hours#ns}: MB4.00 Subsequent rechecks (Hourly - Wnimurn 1 hr) M84.00 Permit Fee Up to 200 sq. ft, $110.00 200 -1,000 sq. ft. $250.00 over 1,000 sq. ft. (ease ,�ia9uatjon mu9-� ppl er �Arlth $250.00 minimum fee) Resdution No. 07- Page 12 of 42 Masonry Walls '(Not Reaaining �Ajalls) (use valuation multiplier X total area for fee calculation) valuation $6.00/ ft.2 Minimum Plan Check '('Hourly - Minimum I hrs) $5084.00 Subsequent Plan checks (dourly - Minimum I hr) $5984.00 Minimum Permit fees $100.00 Open Lattice Pa-do Covers (not exceeding 500 sq. Ft,) Valuation $14,00/ ut,2 Galan Check (Hourly e Minimum I 'hr Subsequent Plan Checks (Hourly - MiniMUM I hr) $84.00 $ 84.00 Minimum Permit Fee $110,00 Pe- plastering, or Wet Sand Blasting up to 20 sq. fl'L, lNo Fee 20 to 200 sq. ,ft. $30.00 each additional sq. .t $00.05 Pe- roofing – ,Ashen engineering not required Valuation $2.50 2 Minimum Permit Fee $14,'0,00 Pie- rooting – when en0ineering required Valuation $2.50 / ft. 2 Plan 'Check (Hourly e Minimum 2 hours) $ 84.00 Subsequent Plan Checks (dourly m Minimum I hour#r) $7684.00 Minimum Permit Pee $140.00 T'Retaining VValls (use valuation multiplier x total area for tee calculation) Valuation $10.00 / ft.2 Minimum Flan Check Fee (Hourly e lWn MUrn I hour#F) $7-684.00 Subsequent Plan Checks (Hourly) $ 84.00 Minimum Permit Fee $100.00 SNyvimmino 'Pnnhs nor qn-i —q Valualbn X31, S/ _I t.2 Pre - Permit Inspection Fee - 976.00 Plan Check ,(dourly) — Swimming Pools $76.00 Spa $5976.00 Pool and Spa $76.00 Minimum Permit Fee $200.00 Resol atbn No. 07- Page 13 of 42 Minor Tenant improvements v no change of tenant, accessibiiity, structural, or fire- se'uety components up to 2,000 Valuation $21.22/ `U=t.2 Plan Check Fee (I check and I recheck) $380.00 Subsequent Additbnei Plan Checks (Hourly e Minimum I hours Permit Fee $ 00 V,Vood Decks (30 inches or higher) (use valuation multiplier /X total 2rea for -fee calculation) valuation $9.94/ ft.2 Plan Check up to 200 sq,'rt $- 5984.00 over 200 sqe ft (dourly e NAWmurn 2 hours # n -)- $4984.00 Permit Fee _. _ up to 200 sq. ft . $110.00 200-1 ,000 sq. ft e $250.00 over 1 ,000 (utilize vala al(ion multiplier with rnlnimUm fee) $250.00 Wood Fences (use valuation multiplier X total area -for fee calculations Valuation $2.50/ ft.2 MWmum Plan Check Fee (I check and I recheck) —: $5984.00 Subsequent Plan Check (Hourly e Minimum 1 hour*)- $5984.00 Knimurn Permit Fee $100.00 Wrought dron Fences (lase valuation multiplier X total area for fee calculations) valuatbn $5.00/ -fj.2 Knimum Plan Check Fee $5984,00 Subsequent; Plan Check Pee �Hl curly - JWnirnurn I hour#F) $50`84.00 Minimum Permit Fee $1Fm0 Refer .t© Building Permit and Pian Check Fees attached. OTHER INSPECTIONS Real Estate Inspection Group R occupancies (1 °4 units) $200.00 5+ Units (per `Emil) —Plus $200 $50.00 Other Occupancies Less than 5,000 sq. UZ $375.00 Resolution No. 07- 5,000 to 10,000 sp. ft. $500.00 10,000 sqa ft. and over $700.00 Code Enforcement Officer Investiqation and Report Fees $76.00 Hourly - Minimum 6 hours Substandard Structure Inspections anal Reporl (Hourly - $76.00 MiniMUM 6 _ our s) Frailer Coach T iedown inspection or Permit $100.00 Search and Single Copy of INcrofilmed Permit $04-91.00 Photo Copy $0:81.00 Temporary Certifica'le of Occupancy — Appl °cad on or Each $275.00 Rcncmftjal PenaRy flee for Corns ruction Work conduc sd y0thout permit. Min. $300.00 Permit fee ,plus Penalty charge of two tomes the permit fee 'with a mWmum of $300 and a maximum of $3,000 � 11 Resolution No. 07- Page 15 ,of 42 OTHER FEES Seismic (Structural) - State Mandated Charae H Residential (3 stories or less $.0001 x valuation Non- Residential, hotels & motels $.00021 x valuation Board of AppeaU Hearing Gee $250.00 Cerfifieatbn of Record $50.00 iDD gg t zz ng Gee for BLJUng IDoeUrnents (Per Sheet e Standard Sheet SUze) $1.0035 Performance Bond Rrooessing ... I% of Bond Co&s of (Hans (Require owner and/or designees approvaU) Actual DupUication cost P us Gee $50.00 EncineerUn Services (Hourly -> �Knirngrn 2 hoursHeufs) $110.00 Api Sic lion for Unreasona'Ne fI--iardship Exceptions to Disabled Access Re_uirements � UoOy - Minimum 2 hours) $110e00 Request for Substitution of Akernate Materials or Method (Hourly - Minimum 2 hours) $110.00 PER FSSUANG -€ FEE ( *1) A re- inspection fee may be assessed for each inspection or re- inspection when such a portion or work -for which inspection is caned is not complete or when corrections cafleod are not make. This subsection is not to be interpreted as requiring re- inspection -fees the first time a job is rejected for faiiure to comp9y with the requirements of true tecWcai codes, but as controiiing the practice of caning for Resoiution No. 07- Page 16 of 42 inspections before the job is ready for inspection or re- imospootion. ( *2) Only when 2L]thorizod by the Director of Community Development, SYSTEM FEE SCHEDULE For nelj�i multi-family residential buildings (apartments & condominiUms) three emits or more net including attached garages or carports $0.07/ ft.2 For ne?nr single and twoafamily residential not including M07/ ft.2 garages, cariports, accessory buildings For other types of occupancies, alterations, additions and Use Unit Fee mod°Mca-tiens to existing buildings Schedule For nex residential swimming pools, each $37.58 For spas, hot tub, above grade swlrnming ,peels, Unit Fee al°teraUons to existing pools CARNINALS AND CIRCUSES For electric generators and electrically drkien rides, each $18 For mechanically ddven riles and ti /Ajak— through attractions $5.64 �jMth lighting, each For area and booth lighting, each $6.42 For permanently installed rides, booths, displays, and Use Unit Fee attractions 3ched1-1l�n TEMPORARY POWER SERVICE Fortemporarldy ser-Ace pole or pedestal and $100.80 appurtenances, each For temporary pctij�ier dis'tribu'tion system, each M39 Resolution No. 07- Page 17 of 42 UM T FEE SCHEDULE For receptacle, s�,Aji'toh Dog'h-Jng outlets, first 20, each Mluoe Each ad&tonal $0.55 For 1lgMng fixtures, sockets, or other Damp holding $0,89 devices, free 20 each Each addKbnal fixture $0.56 For pole or platform mounted fixtures, each Moog For theatrioal type 9ughting fixtures or assembfles, each $0,89 For fixed rasodentla9 appl4anoes not exceeding I pup, each $3.77 Note: for other hypes of air eond°Kbners and ocher motor driven appllanoes having larger e9ectr�cal ratings, see Power Apparatus, POWER APPARATUS For motors, generators, transformers, reaffiers, converters, eapacutors, undu;stdal haai ng, air eondli,loners and heat Pumps, 000Nng or baMng equa prnent, and other apparatus, as uollo�]� /S: Rai ng in 4HP, KW, KVA, KVAR, or re =MgeraJon -tons Up -to and inaluding 1, each $3.77 Over I and no-t over 10, each $2.32 Over 10 and not over 50, each $18.80 Over 50 and no-lover 100, each $37.58 Over 100, each $56.47 NIC E: 1. For equipment or appliances having more ''than one motor, transformer, heater, etc., the sum of the combined ratings may be used. 2. These Fees incLde aid switches, circuit breakers, contractors, thermostats, relays and other directly related corntTol epulpmen't. Resoia'tion l@lo. 07- Page 18 of 42 For trolley and plug-in busNijays, each 160 feet or fractbn $6.64 thereof NOTE: An additional foe w�H be required for lighting fixtures, motors and other appHancos that are connected to 'tro9ioy and plug -in 'typo busways. No uoo is required for portable tools. SIGNS. OUTLINE LIGHTING AND (MARQUEES For one si gn and one branch circuK, each $16.60 For additional branch circuits, each $3.77 5 LE-P— SYMTCH BOARD SECTIONS, PANEL BOARDS For services of 600 V or loss and not over 200 Amps in $23.09 rating, each For services of 606 V or less and over 206 Amps -to 1,000 $46.98 Amps. in rating, each For services over 666 V or over 1 ,006 Amps. in rating, $96.95 each For rniscolian—sous conduits and conductors $13.71 OTHER Plan check is 50% of perms' UTee for services, panel boards, motors, etc., when 606 amps or over Other inspections and miscellaneous fees as shown in "Building Permit and Plan Check Fees" attachment shall be applicable here PLUMBING PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE Resolution No. 07., Page 19 of 42 For each plumbing fixture or trap or set of fixtures on one $7,51 trap (including drainage, vent, water piping bac'kuloi\j prevention devices thereof) Re- piping of portable water system (per dNAjelling unit) $74,53 ($7,34 per Mixture with a maximum tee of $73,50) For each permanent-type dishwasher, whether individually $7,51 trapped or not For each industrial waste pretreatment interceptor, $15,00 including its trap and vent, excepting kitchen -type grease interceptors - functioning as fi.ture traps G or each ss�iirnrning pool drainage trap and receptor, $939 whether connected to a building drain or a building sewer (water supply -for pool not included) For each gas piping system of one -to four outiets, or $177 alteration or retest of existing gas piping system For each additional outlet over four $0.89 For each gas pressure regulator other than appliance $7,51 regulators For each water Theater and/or vent $2.39 For repair or alteration of drainage and /or piping $7.51 For each piece Of �jAjater- treating equipment and /or �j�iater $7.51 piping installed �'�iithout accompanying plumbing For lawn sprinkler systems on any one meter, including $11,14 backflow prevention devices therso', For .ins-tallation of each solar heating system, domestic or $37.25 pool system For back - lolAj prevention devices on unprotected 'j�iater $9,39 supplies, pools, tanks, vats, etc. (including incidental mater piping) one to five Ransdulion No. ®7- G ago 20 of 42 For each additional device over five For each building drain installed �,Ajithout accompanying plumbing Solar portable wader hewing system, including ,pater heater and vent; For each fire sprinkler head up to five For each additional fire sprinlder head over five, each For the connection of a house sewer to a ;public se1juer, or for ,he extension of a house lateral onto a lot for future use (separate permit required for each such connection or extension For installation of a section of house sewer for future use For the connection of each additional building or addiVonal work to a house sewer For each private setijvage disposal system (septic dank and seepage pit or pits and/or drain field) For each cesspool, overfloiy seepage pit, percolation `s-st Pit, &JAjimming pool drywall, or drain field extension or replacement For disconnection, abardnnmen l e��,�i�,n r- o.5 �o u h �i}✓�uu u and house sewer or private selivage disposal system or part thereof OTHER, FEES Flan check is 50% of the plumbing permit fee $2.00 $T51 $37.37 $2.54 $0.34 $18.80 $18.80 $12.49 $55,37 $55.37 ResdMllon �Mo. 07- Page 21 of 42 Other inspection and Miscellaneous fees as shown in "Building Permjti and Plan Check Fees" attachment shall be applicable here. ME CHAINLMAL � EIRMIT FEE SCHEDULE For the installation, alteration or relocation of each refrigerator compressor or absorption unit, anal for each fuel burning furnace, heater, boiler, and vented decorative appliance including vents attached thereto: Up to and including 100,000 BTU $11.29 More than 100,000 BTU to and including 1,000,000 BTU $13.70 More than 1 ,000,000 BTU $1 6.35 For each air inlet and air ou-Net served by any air $2,54 conditioning system Or for each 1,000 square feet or fraction thereof of conditioned area NOTE: When a Permit is applied for and the totai number of air inlet and air outlets is unknown, the fees shall be 'based on the SgUare feet of conditioned area. For the inatallation, relocation, or replacement of each $5.74 appliance vent installed and not included in an appliance permit F er the installation or alteration of each air handling unit for air conditioning including ducts attached thereto: Up to and including 2,000 CV l Each unit up to 10 $4,98 Each unit over 10 1.32 Resolution Flo. 07- Page 22 of 42 More than 2,000 CRM, to and including 10,000 CF M $8,19 iMore than 10,000 CFM 13.72 NOTE- This fee sha➢i not apply to an air blanching unit which is a por'ion of a factory assambioc1 air conditioned appliance for which a permit is required elsewhere in rids Coda. For each evaporative cooler other than portable type 8.19 For required ventilation fans which serve a single register Each fan tip to 10 $5.74 Each fan over 10 $2.62 For each required ventilation system AjjjNch is not a portion $8.19 of any air conditioning systern for which a permit is required eisewhere in this code For the installation of each commercial kitchen hood or $00.19 spray booth served by mechanical exhaust, including the fans and ducts attached thereof For the installation of each fire damper $4.98 For the alteration of an existing duct system for which a $8.19 permit is not required else��> here in this code OTHEP FEES For all project with the exception of SCR the applicant shall pay a plan check fee of 50% of the mechanical parmn ,I. Other inspection and miscelianeoUs fees as shmiAin in "Building Permit and Plan Check Fees" attachment shall also be applicable here. SIGN PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE Perm;± lssulanGe Combination sign, final sign, projecting sign or roof sign up $25.10 to 30 square feat Resoiution Nlo, 07- Page 23 of 42 Pole sign Lip to 50 Square feet $25.10 �JA9all sign up to 200 SgUare ,feet All signs, each additional 100 square feet ®r ,fraction $3T58 thereof over the above respective 30, 50, or 200 square ,feet Plan check fee regOred ,fer ground base signs. Fees are based on building plan check constructi on valuation e See "Miscellaneous Plan Check and Permit Fees" Schedule. GRADING AND UP fIVATE IMF FS'P 9 7zdl . \9 7 G LE 5 ;HEDULE PRECISE GRADING & ANY PRIVATE ROUGH l GRADI G ONLY IMPROVEMENTS C R DII`I 'SAN CHECK (per sq. ft. of site area) (per sq. ft. of site area) less than 5 acre sites .004 with $370 minimum ,fee $.016 with $370 minimum fee 5 -25 acres .003 Nj�jith $540 minimum 'Te $.018 tiglIlth minimum ,fee 26 acres + $120/hr. NjAji`�Lh $655 rain morn 120/hr lsjith $655 'Fee minirnum fee, (Plan c,heckfees incIude plan checks 1 =3. Subsequent plan checks shall be charged at $120 per hoer. GRADING PERMIT FEES ROUgh grading $0.001 / �.2 of site area Prec4se grading only $0.01 6 / ftv2 of site area Neliv construction en -site lrnprc'Vements curb and gutter, $0.015 / -Jt.2 of site sideli✓alUks, pavement, catch basins, storm drains, etc. area Resduflon fie. ©7- Page 24 of 42 Existing repair of ore -site improvements Curb & Gutter Side? alk Pavement OTHER FEES Permit Ic c � anne �� � °_�vacrr-rvc ITAIUNHT 66111-11 ft .. am we Al I • w . • w * 1 When approved by Diroclor of Community Dovoiopment NEW CONSTRUCTION FEES RESIDENTIAL Single - family dwellings, attached or de-sac'hed, per unK Duplexes, per unit Multifamily dweiiings, TownhoUses or Condominiums (three or more units ) or Condominium conversions (multifamily dwellings having already paid a tax may credit such amount agains1 the new amount), per unit plus, per bedroom over one (1) in, each unit Moblle home park pe�ds, per pail COMMERCIAL PR0FES &Q'\JAL OR li\JDU3 TV �lAL For each commercial, prof- ssslonal or industrial building $0.099/ linear ft. $0.037 / ft.2 $350°00 $350,00 $1 00.00 $100,00 $g,1 g / _IFj,2 Resolution No. 07_ Page 25 of 42 until in the building, per square -foot of gross floor area, induding any area Ripon or within a bu lding designed for the ,parking of vehicles For each (hotel or motel rental unit without a kitchen, per $100.00 Unit REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF ILLEGAL SIGNS ON PUBLIC PROPERTY --CODE ENFORCEMENT / SIGNS Task Code Enforcement Officer Senior Enforcement Officer Staff Cost* Physical Tasks Locate the sign-, Park_ the vehicle; Photograph the -sign; Remove the 20 minutes PfLsign N/A per sign sign; Place sign in vehicle; and 21ispose sign Administrative Tasks Print photograph- Create case file; hours for the 30 minutes per sign type $175 for the first sign plus $10 per extra s!� first sign plus 10 minutes per extra sign Enter info in computer Contact Parties; Complete activity log; Report activity; Close and file case; and Respond to complaints Invoicing Tasks Prepare invoice: Mail invoice; and Monitor payment 1 hour per invoice 15 minutes per invoice 135 er invoice Appeal /Hearing Tasks Notify persons; Prepare report; Attend hearing; and Provide written 5 hours per hearing .1 ...hour per hearing 390 per hearing notice *Staff costs are subject to change with future salary and /or benefit arih mtmAntQ me determined by the Director of Community Development CONSTRUCTION & DEMOLITION WASTE RECYCLING PROGRAM (All construction, demolition, and renovation projects valued at $50,000 or greater are required to diveri at least 50% of all project - related C & D Debris) Application Fee A $50.00 per ton refundable deposit is also required prior Rosoduflon Flo. 07-- Page 26 of 42 F-F SOGFiAlR1 (Ses Map attached -for "Arses ") AREA A AREA 8 $5.53 / V 2 $3.31 / t, Resduflo n N©. 07- Page 27 of 42 a a STUDY AREA BOUNDARY sa y grAarnnaa FROMMO sans 2"m m� micu ac m m SANTA ANA/TUST%f 7 737? STUDY AREA BOUNDARY STUDY AREA Resolution No. 07- Page 28 of 42 0 RESOLUTION O. 07 -60 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUS 1 Iii ,AMENDING THE CITY -VAII lDE CO-MPREHENSIVE SCHEDULE OF FEES AND REPEALING RESOLUTION V�90e 06-85 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Cl V Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUS V l'N AS FOLLMAIS0 Section 1: The City Council hereby, finds, determines and declares as follows: A. For the convenlence of the public it is desirable to gather in a single document a comprehensive list of -fees and service charges imposed by the City for City ser`jice& The document knmiAm as he "Comprehensive Schedule of Fees," is attached to this res6ution and is made a part hereof by this references Each fee or service charge is identified under second column. 'New or increased fees or charges are shovkin in bold, C. In developing nevi✓ or increased fees for the Comprehensive Schedule of Fees, the Community Deveiopment, Finance, Police, Pubflc �\Jcrks, and Redevelopment 'Departments analyzed the cost to administer the various programs, act�ivi-jes and applications for Nj,,jhicb the City proposes to charge new or increased fees or service charges. The proposed nmjAj and increased fees or charges do not exceed the es�timatad cost of service for which the Bees or charges are levied. D. It is not its intention to repeal previously adopted foes and adopt new fees of exactly the same amount, but is simply repeating these fees with the Resolution so that the Fee Schedule can be a comprehensive source of City fees and service charges. E. Charges subject to Proposition 218 are adopted separately, but hill be incorporated into said resolLrdon aster approval for the use and convenience of the public and city staff. Section 2: The Comprehensive Schedule of Fees is hereby adopted. Each fee or service charge set forth in this l- esolUtion and shall be levied until further resolution of this Council. RE298 1 of 57 Resolution No. 07 -60 Section 3: This ResoluJon supersedes all prior resolutions on the same subjects including but not limited to City Council Resolution Flo. 06 -85 Section /-,L: if any charge, 'Fee, service charge, section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this Resolution is for any .reason held to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the vaildi'<ty of the remaining po.rflons of this Resolution. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passel and adopted this Resolution, and each and all provisions hereof, lrrespectia�e of the fact that one or more provisions may be declared invalid, Section 5: That except as may be stated otherwise above, this Resolution shall be opera'.Nve from and after adoption of resolution, ADOPTED this 7" day of August, 2007, LOU !BO'\9E, Mayor PAMELA STOKER, City Clerk S J A f E CF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF OIRANGE ) SS CITY OF T USTIN I, Pameia Storer, City Clem and ex- officio Clem of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, do hereby certify that the whole ember of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 07 -50 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Counci% held on the yah day of August, 2007 by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBER AYES: COUNCILMEMBER NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: PAMELA STOKER, City Clerk 'age 2 of 57 Resdufuon No. 07 -60 /r EN IlI_ llT A, G nu [ f L (M d `T 0 i l,� AINC FEE �1��i� Fiscal Year Budget (draft and final) ComprehensMe Financial Report Lgqndas and Wnutes Agendas (Annual Fee) jWnutes (Annual Fee) One -gear Agenda Packet Distribution Dupllcatlon of Mesting Recording (VHS or CD) Miscellaneous Duplication Fees Standard 8 % x 11 page (Per Page) Us, gal 8 Y2 x 14 page (Per Page) Computer General Report � er Flags) Political Reform Act Docurnents Also referred to as FPPC Forms (Per Page' Specialized Report Recordin /Duplication Audio cassette CD / DVD recording Video tape duplication Blank, video cassette tape Blank audio cassette tape Subpoena Charges Witness Fee (Sworn and Non- Sworn) Evidence Code § 1563 provides for the recovery of certain "reasonable costs" incurred by the City in complying with civil subpoenas, which are to be calculated at the following reimbursement rates: • Standard reproduction of documents of a size 8 1/2 x'14 inches or less; • Copying of documents from microfilm; • Reproduction of oversized documents or the reproduction of $20.00 $1 5.00 $15.00 $20.00 $350.00 $15.00 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 $0.10 Cased on actual time spent $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $5.00 $2.00 $150.00 per day $0.10 per page $0.20 per page Actual costs Page 3 of 57 Pesolutlon No. 07 -50 documents requiring special processing which are made in response to a subpoena; • Clerical costs incurred in locating and making the records $24.00 / per hour available to be billed at the maximum rate of twenty -four per person or $6.00 per quarter hour • Postage charges; and Actual Charge • Third person for the retrieval and return of records held offsite by that third person. Actual Cost Statistical Data search (FHourly) $16.00 Actual costs $45.00 Miscellaneous research / legal opinbns requested Actuai City Attornay/ Actual special counsel Fees /Actual Cisy and Agency staff and outside cornsuRant costs 'ago 4 of 57 ResoVllon No. 07 -60 ILU a,1lo17 I1 C OC M N1 U Xl ]77 DID IEYEU0LPIN1E[\]7 AN 10 .;`3C ©E'IV/ELaPiM EdM i M 3]i1 ES 5 LICEU15- E a b1\J E Every person �il�ho engages in 'business within the City or Tustin and /or has an established place of business ,,ftiiMn t e City limits shall pay a Iicense tax based upon the gross receipts of business done �jAjithin the City, unless othemJse specified in the City Code (see enumerated business below). Gross receipts shad be based on the prior years' receipts, or in the case of a nmw business, calculated on current year's estimates. Payment of 'business license fee and /or approval of business license Aces not v aive or preclude any other licenses or permits required by 1 uaUn City Code. The license tax period Is calendar year January 1 through December 31. Pro -rated fees For ne'vv businesses are effective April 1, July I and October 1. For failure to pay the license tax vihen due, a penalty will be added of t�j�isnty flue percent (25 %) of such license tax on the last day of each month after the due date thereof, provided that the amount of such penalty squall not exceed one hundred percent (100%) of the amount of the license tax due. $0.00 O $25,000 $25,001 TO $130,033 $100,001 TO $200,030 $200,001 TO $300,000 $300,001 TO $600,033 $630,030 TO CV'E -( ANNUAL GROSS RECEIPTS TABLE ENU> ERA J FD BU &MESSES Ambulance (Per Vehicle) Amusement facility and devices Auction Sale Baths, steam rooms, pools, gyms, health clubs (annual) Bill Posting (except billboards) (Per Day) Building Contractor (A or 6 License) (Annual) too .I $25.00 Contact License Clerk $200.00 plus $53,3 for each auctioneer or $25.00 per day, independent $35.3!0 $.00 $80.00 Page 5 of 57 RosoDu' ion Flo. 07 -50 Building Subcontractor (C, D or Haz) (Annual) $40.00 a- uses $25.00 plus $10.00 Day nursery or child care center (Annual) for each vahicl $25.00 Delivery by vehu cle (lamer Vehicle) $25.00 Fortune Telling $100.00 plus Sample distribution (Annual) posted Bond $50.00 dome for the aged 1 to 4 guests (Annual) $15.00 5 to 0 guests (Annual) $25.00 10 or more (Annual) $35.00 House movers (Annual) $40.00 Newspaper Magazine distributors (Annual) $25.00 Lawn Care / Gardeners (Annual) $25.00 Outdoor advar`tising Contact license 'a j�j n broker Cler�k $100.00 Prlva'te pa,tro% detective agency, security patrol (Annual) $25.00 Rental of residential, commercial, industrial Less than 4 rental units No Tax 4 or more rental units (Annuals $25.00 Rooming / boarding houses; 9ess than 4 roomers No Tax 4 to 0 roomers (Annua9) $25.00 10 or more roomers (Annual) $35.00 Routs sales/ services (Per Vehicle/ Annually) $25.00 Solicitors (Per Person / Por Day' $10.00 Taxicabs / Limos $25.00, plus $10.00 Trailer Parks and mobile home parks per Vehi6e $25.00 for first 4 plus $1.00 each additional Transfer (except human passengers ) space Contact License C9erk � , O-! A T ED FE -E FOR BUSIF\IESS starting APR L I OR LATER Original Fee as of April 1 as of July 1 as of October 1 $25.00 $18.75 $12.50 $6.25 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 50.00 37.50 25.00 12.50 60.00 45.00 30.00 15.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 100.00 75.00 50.00 25.00 Fags 5 of 5e Rosoludon No. 07 -60 / ~ O PENAL T lES FOR LATE PAYMENT starting FEBRUARY I Crl lnal i Fee ebr��ar1LI March I �;oy M_ ay 1 $25.00 $31.25 $37.50 $43.75 $50.00 40.00 50.00 30,00 70,00 30,00 50.00 6Z50 75.00 37,50 100,00 60.00 75,00 00,00 105.00 120.00 30.00 100.00 120.00 140.00 150,00 100,00 125.00 150.00 175.00 200,00 * nalerence ordnance jmo. 927® T` IP 7t� OF CHARGE, �55y 'Criteria for c5ssrm nr ng Ph,:Innonj�Q Fn -)s" !bzkovl) F y 0,B-07 Fy5a Appeals Certificate of Compliance City Attorney / Special Counsel Services Code Amendment `'> (10) Concept Plan Review (2) (10) Conde tional Use Permits and Amendments `2) (10) Major Minor (new development Minor (existing developrnenr ) Amendment to Con&Jons of Approval ABC License Time Extensions Design Reviews and Amendments {2) i10) Major Nev Major Remodel Minor New Minor Remodel Sign Appllca ion Gee $05,00 ACTUAL !City Attorney; Special Counsel, City and Agency Staff, and outside consultant Costs (2) $050.00 $3,000 Deposit (9) $3,000 Deposit (9) $305,00 $350.00 $350.'00 $255,00 $250.00 $3,000 Deposit �9) $635,00 $510.00 $350,00 $55.00 Page 7 of 57 ;Rosolulbn No. 07 -50 Amendment to Conditions of Approval $350 00 Time Extensions $250x00 Development Agreements (2) (i0) $2,000 (2) (11) (12) Miscellaneous Research / Legal opinions (Extraordinary Actual City Attorney, research) Special Counsel Feos; City and/or Agency staff, and outs de consultant costs EnAronmenlal R N ajor (Deposit) $4,000 '(2)(4) r lid �Wnor (Deposit) $2,500 (2)(4) Supplemental R Actual Costs (2) Addendum ElR ActL]2l Costs (2) initial S-Wdy $95e00 �Nlegat ve Dec9aralior $125.00 (4) Notice of Completbn $50,00 Nlotice of Determn na bn $25.00 Notice of Exemption $25°00 '(4) General Plan Amendments Land Use Map $085°00 Major Text Amendment $2,000 (2) Minor Text Amendment $750,00 Large rr arnily Day Care Revievj $350,00 Lot Line Adjustment $255.00 Lot Merger $100.00 Miscellaneous Documents $190.00 (0) Newsrack Permit (per permit location $125.00 (4+ perrnit locations) $500.00 deposl� Temporary Use Permit (TUP) $95.00 T irne extension on TUPs $50.00 SUbd ,9isions and Amendments (2) (10) Tentative Trace Map $0,000 Deposit (9) Tentative Farce9 Map $3,000 DeposK (0) Tentative Tract Map SET l- roject) $2,730 (sago 8 or 57 Ros®duflon No. 07 -00 T enACgti Ve Tract A p T Sector) ,71 Fina I Tract Map F; nal Pcqrcel /lap $1$1,110 mendmen' to Conditions of Approval $350,00 Reversion to Acreage Map Fee -� $55.00 Time Extension $250°00 /Jester Association Documents, CC &R revimjAi Actual Costs (2) Use lnterpretations $125°00 Variances and Amendments (2) (10) JJ�or (q) $3,00!� Deposi- '((q) ' Minor $080.00 Amendments to Condltlons of Approval $350,00 Time Extensions $250,00 Zone Change $950°00 `honing Administrator Action Admn nlstra'dva AdjustmemVjWnor Adjustments $25.00 Soil Remediation $95,00 Minor Conditional Use permlts (existing development) (5) Time Extensions (s) Amendment to Conditions of Approval (7) Design Redelj✓ (RDA) ($) Written zoning eon irma'Jon /non -conforming s` atus letter $50.00 (Hourly) !Planning reyieAjj of plan check subrnitt,-,:ils 20'% of [wilding Division lan Check or Permit Fee CRITERIA FOR DETERNil ING PLAN1 HNG FEES CONDITIONAL USE PERM 75 MAJOR CUP: Ne -,v uses ire comNnation vjith neliv construction or existing development in excess of 5,000 squ2re feet of floor area, new auto services or repair related uses, and nsAjv apartment or condominium projects in excess of 3 dwelling units, condominium conversions. MHNOR CUP: New uses in combination, tij,\4th ne1jnj construction or existing development with 5,000 square feet or less of Page g of 57 Resolution Flo. 07 -60 floor urea, nevV uses within existing slJuctures, expanded or modified existing uses, signs, nev�f apartment or condominium project �jvi h 3 dlAielliing units or less, second single family d%vAjellings. QESS GN REVlEYJAI MAJ0jR NEE JV: Ne�jAj development in excess of 5,000 square feet of floor area or building relocations. MIlNl0F,1, NEW: Ne)skj development vvijth less than 5,000 square feet of floor area. MAJOR LEWOD L: Modifications to existing structures or site which include an increase in existing floor area in excess of 50%, sand /or existing fag ade or site modifications which constitute a change in 3 or more major design elements on a building elevation or site tiA /hick result in a complete - iacade upgrade. Definition of an element includes windows, doors, colors, materials, parking lot changes, etc, M HNOR REMODEL: Modifications to existing structures �Livhich include an increase in existing floor area of 50% or less, anal /or existing fagad-- or site modifications �jNjNch consldtute a change in 3 or less major design elements which Flo not result in a complete fagade. upgrade, single family homes not pars of a subdivision, residential room additions, and nevi or modified accessory structures associated �,�iith existing development. VARIANCES MAJOR VARIAiNICE. development that deviates from a specific development standard, all existing development which deviates from a standard by more than 10 %. MINOR VARIANCE: Existing development 41hat deviates from a specific development stand aTd by less than 10%, nelj9 single family homes not part of a saubdkiision, or projects where the site vjill contain less than 3 ne�jv apanl(ments or new condominiums. PLEASE NOTE: YA /mere There is a WSskn as to ljAjha'k category a project should be classified, the Director reservers the ,Page 10 Of 57 Resduflon No. 07 -60 right to dsterrnt ne the applicable category a project shoWd fall 1jj1thin. Footnotes: (1) Includes cursory review Of applications by building staff. (2) City Attorney; Special Counsel; City and Agency staff; and outside consultant tees to be reimbursed at the actual cost incurred to City. (3) Examples: Parking Agreements, Access Agreements, Deed Restrictions. (4) The applicant will be required to provide the City with a cashier's check for $43, payable to the Orange County Clerk - Recorder within 48 hours of project approval, for filing of environmental documents. Substantial additional fees may be required by the Orange County Clerk - Recorder when the City files the Notice of Determination, In accordance with AB 3158, as established by the California State Department of Fish and Came. If additional fees are required, the applicant will be required to provide the City with a cashier's check for the additional fees, payable to the Crange County Clerk - Recorder within 48 hours of ,project approval. (5) See flee for Minor CUP (existing development). (6) See fee for Time [Extensions (CUP, Design Review, Variance and Subdivision) (7) See fee for Amendment to Conditions of Approval (CUP, Design Review, Variance, and Subdivision) (8) See fees for Design Reviews. (g) Initial deposit flees are required at the time of application submittal ffor large developments. Actual staff costs will be subtracted from the deposit and any additional staff costs incurred above the initial deposit will be due to the City. (16) Fees are intended to cover the cost of processing a standard application typically including but not more than 'two (2) meetings with the applicant. Requests or requirements for additional staff meetings, responses to correspondence /e- mails, the need for the City to engage outside consultants e#e- are to be reimbursed at actual staff and City Aftorney /Special Counsel costs. (11) This fee is for a Development Agreement as provided for under Government Code Section 65864 and does not apply to an Agency or City "Disposition and Development Agreement'. A deposit of $2,000 shall be required and actual costs reimbursed based on the same parameters as established in footnote 2, unless an agreement is reached with the developer to modify this requirement. (12) Initial and any on -going deposits and costs to reimburse the City or Agency for actual city attorney, special counsel or actual staff or outside consultant costs to be negotiated unless an agrearnent is reached with developer to modify this requirement. 21 APPLICATION FEES FOR PERMIT 5 IDENTIFIED IN ARTBCf>=FE� 3 OF THE TUSTIN CITY CODE Adult Entertainment Booking 'agency :Permit Amusement ActiAty Permr ,Jt Appeal Fee Autobroker G ermlt Bingo Permit Check Casher PermK Extraordinary Research or background investlgatlon (Hourly - 2 Hours Minimum) r=or,unetelling Permit 'urge Outdoor Gathering Permit Live Entertainment Permit Massage Operator Permit FY 06 -07 Fees $100.00 $100.00 $2 r0 0 O $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $50.00 $1 00.0'0 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 Page 11 of 57 Resolufion No. 07 -50 2.ii. 2.HL �J Massage Operator Permit renewal) Massage Technician Permit Massage Technician �orrrait �rerae���a9� )\Mobile AuZormobjis SeTv cos Permit Mobile Ice Crearn Vendor Permit Pa�jvnbroker Permit Secondhand Doaler Permit Tattoo /Body Piercing /IPerrnanan -t Cosmetics �Qormit Weapons Business Permit $50.00 $100.00 $50.00 $100°00 $100.00 $1 00.00 $100,00 $100.00 $100.00 REMOVAL ACID Ul )Fr ZAL r.0, ILL LEGAL 5l ��9 5 7n9 PUBLIC PROG»��T CODE ENFORCEM �j1\171 Sl��,�9 5 Task [Eaiorca ncGTa« 5 i Staff Officesl,ra�arr Cost* ahy sical Tasks 20 minutes per $9 per Locate the sign; 'ark true vehicle; sign sign Photograph, the sign; IRamove the sign; Mace sign in vehicle; and Dispose sign _ clministrative basks 2 hours for the 30 rn rnutes $78 for Print photograph; Crea�a case file; first sign pies per sign the first Enter info in computer; Contact 10 minutes per type sign plus parties; Complete activity log; extra sign $5 per Report activity; !Close and file case; extra sign and Respond to complaints lnyoic LCLLasks I hour per 15 minutes 39 per Prepare invoice; Mail invoice; and invoice per invoice iravoico Monitor payment Appeal /Hearing Tasks 5 hours per I hour per V 83 per Notify persons; Prepare report; hearing hearing bearing Attend hearing; and Provide written notice 'Staff costs are subject to change with future salary and /or benefit adjustments, as determined by the Director of Community Development. MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS (FEES) Do�ument No. of FY 06 -07 Pa Pc Fpp First Street Specific Plan I. Design Guidslinos 107 10 70 32 $3.90 VPe2ga 12 of 57 Rssolutbn No. 07 -60 7©c Lim Z-)n �Y O0 °'77 ��.' 2, Policy / Day. Begs, 33 $6,30 East Tustin Specific Plan 313 $31.33 1, Development Standards pages 3 -1 to 53 $5,33 2, Land Use Map 1 $2,03 Auto Center j'Vtr, Pan 11- $11.40 1. Design Cr�ter�a 71 $7,10 2, Development Reguia icns 20 $Z00 3, &gn Cr�terja 23 $Z30 Ent re General Plan NjMth Dnder $50,50 1, Land Use 71 $7.13 2. Housing 30 $3.00 3, Open Space 30 $3,03 4. Njoise 31 $3,10 5, Circula -Jon 52 $5,20 3, Grc "Mmh Mara emesn� 21 $2,10 7, Safety 33 $3,30 3, Glossary area lntroducVon 33 $3,31 9. Lard Use Map (nonh and south) K50 lrAne lndustriai Complex 19 $1.90 Red f H1 industrial Cc pica 21 $2.10 Zonn g Code 94 $9.40 1, inn ng Map 1 $2.03 2. lndividual Dstricls ?nary free 3. Vgn Code (ne��) 72 $7.20 East Tustin Phase, l Standards 40 $14.30 Redevelopment Plans Redevelopment Map 1 $2.00 Pacific Center East U-6.10 a. Specific Plan 63 $6.30 b, EIR 109 $10.90 c. Technical Appendices 150 $15.00 d. Fnal EIR 139 $13.90 Citiz'esn Guide to Redevse opment $3,13 Pag a 13 or 57 Resduliorl No. 07 -60 3, ED cc) T aumanI -900 © FY 00 -017 MCAS Tustin Redevelopment Plan dated 175 $17.50 February 27, 2003 free uMCAS Tustin Specific Flan dated $50.00 April 17, 2005 free Ndterm Revs eju and Public Hearing on 40 $4.00 Wtial G ive -Year lmplementation (Plan 70 $7.00 for MCAS Tustin 10 $1.00 Toxin Center Redevelopment Plan 144 $14.40 South Central Redevelopment Plan 149 $l,�,00 Other Documents Unreinforced Masonry B° dg. 35 $0.50 c--Residential Builder Package free Landscape & lrrigation Standards free Other Applications free Parks ng & Landscape Standards free Grading Manual 70 $7.00 Grading Ordinance 10 $1.00 listorical Survey 101 $16.10 Historical Resources Survey Report 49 $4.90 CONSCLIDA T ED PI-AN (No Charge Per Federal free Law) East Tustin ElR 55 -2 302 $30.20 Cultural Resources District – Residential Cup de9lnes 145 $14.50 BUILDING DJV =, N G=(F �5 MISCELLANEOUS PLAN CHECK AND PERMIT FEES MISCELLANEOUS VALUATIONS Chain Link Fencing fuse valuation muiltipUsr X total area for fee calculations, Valuation $2.50/ -�j 2 Minimum Plan Check Fee (Hourly – Minimum 2 (hours) $50.00 Minimum Permit Fee $110.00 Greenhouse or Solarium valuation $31.25/ ft.2 Plan Check Page 14 of 57 Resd uflon Flo. 07-50 0 C) Up to 200 sq. -ate (Hourly — IWnirnurn 2 hours) $76,00 over 200 sq. ut (Hourly - uti %Any rnum 2 hours) $76,00 Subsequent rechecks (Hcuriy - AftiMUM I hour) $7&00 PermK Fee Up to 200 sq. ft. $110.00 200 -1,000 sq. ,Ft. $250,00 Over 1,000 sq, ft. (use ✓aivation rnultipllerwith 250,00 MMirnurn fee) Masonry �Olalls (Not Retaining YAJ, tills) (use valuation multiplier x total area for -fee calculation) Valuation F�&00/ -ite2 M,Arirnum Plan Check (Hourly = A Wrnurn 1 hr) $50.00 Subsequent (Plan checks (Hourly , Minimum I fur) $50°00 Knimurn Permit -fees $1010.00 Open Lattice Patio Covers (not exceeding 500 sq. ft,) Valuation ��,��/ F�, 2 $,14,35/ Plan Check (Hourly = 1Wnimu m I hr) $76.00 Subsequent Plan Checks (Hourly e Knimum 1/2 fur) $76.00 Minimum Permit Fee $110.00 Vie- piastering, or YVe.� Sand !Blasting Lip to 20 sq. ft. No Fee 20 to 200 sq. . $30.00 each addiVonal sq. ,R $Oom Re,roo-fing --- whan engineering not required va9uavcn $2.50 / .ft02 MWmum Permit Fee $140 LO Re-roofing — �jyhen engineering required Valuation T 2 Plan Check (Hcurly e �Wrn mum 2 hours) $7600 Subsequent Plan Checks (Hourly ® Mjnirnu m I hour) $76.00 Minimum Permit Fee $1 A, Retaining Walls (use vaivaticn multiplier X total area to uee calculation) Valuation -q.2 Minimum Plan Check Fee (Hourly — MWrnurn I hour) smoo Subsequent Plan Checks (Hourly) $50.00 Minimum Permit Fee $100.00 Swimming Pools or Spas valuation $31.46/ f�.2 Page 15 of 57 Resduflon �No. 07-60 PPS- Psrmit Inspection Fee $50.00 Plan Check (Flourly) SliA ming Pools $76.00 Spa $50.00 Pool and Spa i �75a00 Minimum Permit Fee $200.00 Minor Tenant Improvements e no change of tanant, accessibility, structural, or fire safety components, up to 2,000 sq. ft. Valuation $21.22/ ft.2 Plan Check Fee (I check and I recheck) $380.00 Subsequent AddKl oral Plan Checks (hlourly - Minirnum 1/2 hour Permit Fee (1 ) ��7�5,�u $200.00 VAlood (Decks (30 inches or higher) (use valuation multiplier X total area for fee calculation) VaILlation / _T� 2 Plan Check Lip to 200 sgeft $50.00 over 200 sq. t (dourly - Minimum 2 hours) . $50°00 Permit Fee up to 200 sq. ft. $110,00 200 - 1,0''0'0 sq° t . $250,00 over 1 ,000 (utilize vaivatIon multplier ,iivIth minimum fee) $250.00 VAlood Fences (use valua ton rnul'liplier X -Total area for fee ca9cula.Nons) Valuation r 2 Minimum Han Check Fee �1 check and I recheck).. $50,00 Subsequent Plan Check (louriy - I\/JinImum I ihour) $50.00 Minimum Permit Fee ... $100.00 VAIrought Iron Fences ;Use valuation multiplier X total area for fee calculations) Valuation $5.00/ ft.2 Minimum Plan Check Fee ... $50.00 Subsequent Plan Check Fee (Hourly - Minimum 1 hour) $50.00 !Minimum Permit Fee , i,00 °,O 0 Refer to attached Building Permit and Tian Check Fees attached. OTHER INSPEC AONS Re- inspection Fee per Section 3058 (1) (Hourly - Minimum 2 $50.00 hours) Inspections ou-Islde of normal business hours $75.00 Page, 15 of 57 Rosdufuon jr\lo. e,7 =6e, (Hourly - �]Wnimum 4 (hours) (2) Ri�Irc +n +° InSpeGtinrl 00 5+ Units (per Unit) Plus $200 $50.00 I-Pj;q than ' $ 5,000 t-e 10,000 sq. $500.00 10,000 ReIGGatieR-ef Building Investigation and Repo# Less than 5,000 sq. -ft $150.00 Mnrp than 5,000 sq. ft (Heur) Substandard Structure lnspec�bns and ;�eporis (Hourly — $76.00 AAinimum 6 hours) Trailer Coach T iedoNim lnspccUon or Permit $100.00 Search and &n& Copy of Microfilmed Permit 0.10 Photo Copy $0.10 Temporary Certificate of Occupancy — Application or Renewal $275.00 (each) !Penally fee for Construction VAfork conduced without permK. Permit flee pies pone�ly charge of two boas the permit fee with e minimum of $300 and e maximum of $3,000 PLAN CHECK Standardized Plan Plan GheGl( (StrUGtUFal) 0 of Plan GheGl( Landscaping and Irrigation Plan Cheep (Hourly - MWmum 4 $76.00 hours) Energy Flan Check (iNon- residential) ( Hourly - Minimum $76.00 Seismic (Structural) c Stage N`ianda1ed Charge Residential (3 stories or less $.! of x va9uation Non- Residen -lial, hc'�els & motels $.00021 x valuation $70.00 Page 17 of 57 ResoMion No. 07-50 Plan Check outside of normal business hours or appflCant $114x00 requested fast- tracMrg (Hourly , Mnlmum 1 fur) (2*) U ddKicnal Plan Check (Structural) regL lred by changes, $70.00 ad tons or revisions to approved plans (dourly - jWnlmum 2 hours) OTHER FEES Building !Board of Appeal Hearing Fee MOM Cerffication of Record $50.00 Digitizing see for 130ding Documents (Per Sheet - Standard Sheet size) $1.00 $-1 -50:9 Performance Bond Processing ... 1 % of Bond Copies Of Plans (Raquire c�,Ajner and /or designees approval) Actual Duplication cost Plus G=ee $50.00 Engineering Services (Hourly — Minimum 2 Hours) $110.00 Appllcatlon `For Unreasonable Flardship Exceptions to DisaYad Access RegLJrements (HourGy — Minimum 2 hours) $110.00 Request for SubstKU'kicn Of Alternate jMaterlals or Method (T�--9curly — Mjnimum 2 hours) $110.00 PERMIT ISSUANCE GEES Building 'Permit $35,00 Grading and Private Improvement Permn -.t $35,0,0 Mechanical Permit $25,00 Electrical Permit $25.00 Plumbing Permit $25.00 Sign Permit $25.00 SUpplemental Glermit Fee (When original permit has not expired) $53.00 Permit or P an Check Exltension (Wl hen original permit has not $35.00 Page 18 Of 57 posdul�on'9o. 07 -60 expired) Changes to Permit (V�jhen original permit has not expired) $35.'00 (*I) A ro- inspection fee may be assessed for each inspection or re- inspection when such a portion or work for vvhich, inspection is called is not complete or 1,ahen corrections called are not make. This subsection is not to be interpreted as requiring re- inspection fees the first time. a job is rejected for failure to comply vjith the reg0rornents of the technicai codes, but as controlling the practice of caifing for inspect6ons before the job is ready for inspection or re- inspection. (*2) Only when authorized by the Director Of COMMUnity Development. IEL EM RICAL PERMIT FEES Permit Issuance $25.00 SYSTEM FEE SCHEDULE For nejAj muM-family resldsntlal buildings '(apartments condominiums) three unKs or more not including attached garages or carports $0.07i J�.2 For new sin'gls and tVVo -f @ally residantial not incIuding $0.079 ft.2 garages, carports, accessory buildings For other types of occupancies, alterations, addikns and Use Unit Fee modifications to existing buiidings Sche'duIa, For nett/& residential swimming pools, each $37.58 For spas, hot tab, above grade s1jAjJ ming spools, Unit Fee aKer"�-Itlons to existing pools CARNIVALS AND CIRCUSES For electric gensra�Zors and 'slectricslly driven riles, each $18.80 For mechanically driven rides and lives — through attractions $5.84 1jv th lighting, each For area and booth lighting, each $6.,Q For ,permanently installed rides, booths, dispIays, and Us grit Fe's attractions Schaduis TEMPORARY POWER SERVICE Page 19 of 57 RasoMion No. 07 -60 For temporary ser\Iloe pole or pedestal and $18,80 appurtenances, each For temporary po�jAjer dus -Zrubu -don system, each $9.39 UNIT FEE SCHEDULE For receptacle, s�juoteh IlgMng Outlets, first 20, each $0eU9 Each addutibnal 0.56 For fighting fixtures, socke -Zs, or other lamp hoUng $0.82 dev�oes, first 20 each Each addftbasal fixture $0,56 For pole or platform moue -led fixtures, each $0.89 For hsa- sruoa9 type l�ghVng fixtures or assemblies, each, $0,82 For fixed res4denVal appNances not excee6ng I hp, each $3.77 Note: for other types of air eondK oners and other motor driven appliances having larger electftal ratngs, see PmjNier ApparaWs. For rotors, generators, transformers, reaffiers, converters, eapaol( ors, 4ndustrlal hea'Ing, air ooru&knars and heal pumps, cooNng or bakung equIprent, and other apparatus, as follows: Rating in � IF', KW, KVA, KNIAR, or refrlgeraVon -'ons Up to and including 1, each $3.77 Over I and not over 30, each $9.39 Over 10 and not over 50, each $18.80 Over 50 and not over 100, each $37°58 Over 100, each $56.47 Page 20 of 57 Rosdukn No. 07 -60 O NOTE: 1. For equipment or appliances having more than on-- motor, transformer, heater, etc., the sum of the combined ratings may be used. 2. These fees include afl switches, circuit breakers, contractors, thermostats, relays and other directly related control equipment. BUSVVAYS For -srolloy and plug -in bbis�jAiays, each 100 Pest or fract on thereof NOTE: An additional fee mill be required for fighting fixtures, motors and other appllances that are connected to trolley and plug -in type busways. No fee is required for ,portable tools. SIGNS, OUTUNE- LIGHTH\,jG AND MARQUEES For One sign and One branch circuit, each For add( tjonal (branch clrcu ts, each SERVICES, SVIVITCHSOARD SECTIONS PANEL BOARDS For ser 4ces of 600 V or less and not over 200 Amps In raking, each For services Of 600 V or less and over 200 Amps to 1,000 Amps. in rats ng, each For services Over 600 V or over 1,000 Amps. In rats ng, each For miscellaneous condu is and conductors OTHER Plan check is 50% of permit fee for services, panel (boards, motors, etc., when 600 amps or Over 01her lnspec-Jons and miscellaneous ,uses as shocvkin in TJUnq Permit and Plan Check Fees" aRac'hmeni shall $5.64 $18.80 $3.77 $23.09 $4.98 $93.95 $13.71 Page 21 of 57 Resolution No. 07 -60 be applicable here ;permit lssuance $25.00 IN A'DDTlON For each plumbing fb(ture or trap or set of fixtures on one $7.51 trap (including drainage, vent, v/ater piping backtlow prevention devices thereof Re- piping of portable tij�iatsr system (per d� yelling unit) $74.53 ($T04 per ti,,ctture 'vAjith a maximum tee of $73.50 For each permanent -type dishljnjasher, �jAjhether indiividuOy $7.51 trapped or not For each industrial lAjaste pretreatment interceptor, $15.00 including its trap and vent, excepting kitchen -type grease interceptors functioning as fixture traps For each mjAjimming pool drainage trap and receptor, $939 whether connected to a boding Train or a building sewer (water supply for pool not included For each gas piping system of one to tour outlets, or $3.77 alteration or retest of existing gas piping system For each additional outlet over four Mag For each gas pressure regulator other than appliance $7.51 regulators For each vv�ate,r heater and /or vant $939 For repair or alteration of drainage anal /or piping $7.51 For each piece of water - treating sguipment and /or water $7.51 piping installed without accompanying plumbing For lawn sprinkler systems on and one meter, including $11.14 backflow prevention devices thereof For installation of each solar heating system,, domestic or $37.25 pool systsmi Flags 22 of 57 Rosolufoon Nlo. 07 -60 For backflo%jii prevention devices on unprotected %jAjater $9.39 supplies, pools, tanks, vats, etc. (including incidental mater piping) one to five For each additional device over five $2.00 For each bu lding drain installed �jAJt uout accompanying $7.51 plumbing Solar portable ijAjater beating system, including �jAjater $37.37 heater and vent For each fire sprimder head up to five $2.54 For each additional fire sprinkler head over five, each M34 TABLE ll For the connection of a house sever to a publlc sewer, or $18.80 for the extension of a house lateral onto a lot for future use (separate permit required for each such connection or extension) For installation of a section of house sewer -for, future use $1 8.80 or the connection of each addi'lional bu lding or add °oticnal $1Z42 viork to a house sexAjer For each private se"vkiage disposal system (septic tarok and $56.37 seepage pit or pies and/or drain field) For each cesspool, overuloljtii seepage pit, percolation tsst $5637 pit, swimming pool driall, or drain field extension or replacernennl For disconnection, abandonment, alteration or repair of $18,80 and house sewer or private sevja e disposal system or part thereof OTHER FEES Flan check is 50% of the plumbing permit -Fee Page 23 of 57 Resd floe No. 07 -60 Other inspection and misceflaneous -Fees as shoo n in "'B�„ Ml ng �Ferrni�t and Man Chock, Fees" atsachr�nent shall be appflcable herea MECHANICAL, MERMIT FEES Permit issuance NJ ADDITION For the installation, aitera� ion or reioca -ion of each refrigerator compressor or absorption uNt, and -for each fuae burning furnace, heater, boiler, and vented decorative appllance including vents attached thereto- Up ,to and inciud °ng 100,000 STU $25.00 $11,29 More than 100,000 STU to and including 11,000,000 STU $13.70 More 'than 1,000,000 BTU $16.35 For each air inlet and air outlet served by any air $2.54 conditioning system Or for each 1,000 square feet or fraction thereof of conditioned area NOTE: When a permit is applied for and the total number of air inlet and air outlets is unknoain, the foes shall be based on the square feet of conditioned area. For the installation, roiocation, or replacement of each $5,74 appliance vent installed and not included in an appliance permit For the installation or alteration of each air handling unit for air conditioning inch! ng ducts attached thereto: Up to and lncludlng 2,000 CFM Page 24 of 57 Resolution No. 07 -60 WA Moo. M Is MECHANICAL, MERMIT FEES Permit issuance NJ ADDITION For the installation, aitera� ion or reioca -ion of each refrigerator compressor or absorption uNt, and -for each fuae burning furnace, heater, boiler, and vented decorative appllance including vents attached thereto- Up ,to and inciud °ng 100,000 STU $25.00 $11,29 More than 100,000 STU to and including 11,000,000 STU $13.70 More 'than 1,000,000 BTU $16.35 For each air inlet and air outlet served by any air $2.54 conditioning system Or for each 1,000 square feet or fraction thereof of conditioned area NOTE: When a permit is applied for and the total number of air inlet and air outlets is unknoain, the foes shall be based on the square feet of conditioned area. For the installation, roiocation, or replacement of each $5,74 appliance vent installed and not included in an appliance permit For the installation or alteration of each air handling unit for air conditioning inch! ng ducts attached thereto: Up to and lncludlng 2,000 CFM Page 24 of 57 Resolution No. 07 -60 �`_J Each unit Lip -so 10 $4.03 Each unit over 10 $1.32 More than 2,000 Ci' M to and inclUding 10,000 CFM $3.10 More than 10,000 CG IkV $13.72 NOTE- This ifee shall not apply to an air handing unit which is a portion of a factory assembled air conditioned appliance for which a permit is required elsswhsre in this code. For each evaporative cooler other than portable hype $3.10 For required ventilation -Fans which serve a single register Each fan yap to 10 $5.74 Each fan over 10 $2.62 For each required venNation system a&c'h is not a portion $3.10 of any air conditioning sys am For wNch a permK is required elsmjuhere in thris code For ,the installa-lion, of each commarcial kitchen hood or $8.19 spray booth served by mechanical exhaust, including he fans and ducts attached hereof For ,the ins�alla-sion of each fire damper $4.03 G or the altsraFion of an existing duct system -For which a $3,19 permit is not required elsewhere in �Ihis code OTHER FEES For all project with the except on of Su=p � sloe applicant shall pay a plan check IFee of 50% of she mechanical permR. Other inspection and miscellaneous fees as shown in "Suflding Permit and Plan Check Fees" attachment shall also be applicable here. 8i -N TE -TE;RMIT FEES Permit Issuance $25.00 Page 25 of 57 Resolution No. 07 -50 Combination sign, final sign, projecting sign or roof sign up $25.10 to 30 square feet Pole sign up to 50 square feet $25.10 Wall sign up to 200 square Feet $35.51 All signs, each additional 100 square feet or fraction $37.58 thereof over the move respective 30, 50, or 200 square feet Plan check fee required for ground base signs. Fees are !based on building plan check construction valuation - See "Miscellaneous Plan Check and (Permit Fees" Schedule. GRADING AND PRIVATE IMPROVEMENT FEES DD C7� p CJ Ir-r-c� /vA- iT--�c GRADING 8-. AA1Y ROUGH GRADING IAAPRON /E'AAENJTC* PLAN AI (''{-- IGCI.! ron + (per ,. f of site area) per sq f+ of site Mrs Itz..;'; thAn -5 aGFe sites $.016 with $fig m1r11mUm fro 5-25 aGres- .003 with $540 minimurn fee $-018 with $655 minims im fee 26 aGres + $120/hr. with $655 MiRiMUM $120/hr with $655 fee miRimUm fee Mass Grading and Rough Grading Plan Check $155.00 /1-lour Precise Grading and Private Improvements Plan Check $155.00 /1-lour Plan GheGk fees inGlude PIaR GheGks i 3. Subsequent plan -GheGks shall be GhaFged at $120 per hour. * Drainage reports and soils reports will be reviewed separately based upon the fee schedule in Ex Nib C PERMIT FEES Page 26 of 67 Resduflon Flo. 07 -60 Rough grading $0.0013 / fj,2 of site area Precise grading only '$0.016 � ut.2of site area Ne�v construction ors -site improvements curb and gutter, $0.01,5 / f,1.2 of sidewalks, pavement, catch basins, storm drains, etc. site area Existing repair of on-site improvements Curb &!Gutter $0.099/ linear ft. Sidevialk $0.037 / Vt.2 Pavement $0.012 / fte2 OTHER FEES (Permit Issuance $35.00 Additional p ➢an check required by changes, additions or $86.6614 re ✓isions to approved plans (1- lourly — 2 hours minimum) Plan check outside of normal business hour or requested $131.28 -fast tracking (dourly - 2 hours minimum) (°') Inspections outside of normal business (hours (dourly e 3 $75.00 hours minimum) * I When approved by Director of Community Dsyss opr ant NEW CONSTRUCTION FEES RESIDENTIAL Single-family dwellings, attached or detached, per unit $350.00 DUpleXes, per unit $350.00 Multifamily dwellings, Totikjnhouses or Condominiums $350.00 (three or more units) or Condominium conversions (multifamily dwellings having already paid a tax may credit Page 27 of 57 Resolution �No. 07 -60 such amount against the nejAj amount), per unit plays, per bedroom over one (1) in each unit $1 00.00 Mobile (home park pads, per pad $100.00 COMMERCIAL, PROFESSIONAL OR INDUSTRIAL For each cornmercial, prctessional or industrial building $0.10 /, e2 unit in the building, per square foot of gross Moor area, including any area upon or �iAJIt'bin a b0d'ng designed -tor the parking of vehicles For each hotel or motel rental emit Aj9dthout a kitchen, per ?100.00 unit CONSTRUCTION & DEMOLITION WASTE RECYCLING PROGRAM (All construction, demolition, and renovation projects valued at $50,000 or greater are required to divert at least 50% of all project - related 0 & D Debris Application Fee $50.00 A $50.00 per ten Fefundable deposit quiredprief re TUSTIN Tf ANSPORTATION OY07L ,-fib IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (see Map attached for "Ar- ea") AREA A $5.53 / -ftt 2 AREA B Page 28 of 57 Resolution No. 07 -80 STUDY AREA BOUNDARY 4 raoNwo nom mmm or r� MW AN WCUe®M IN US Fn AREA) a STUDY AREA BOUNDARY (Pawx ema rsawm Dome Fonnow or' WWMArtr AM ZMCUemDDID M MEC FM Alma) Figure I SANTA ANA/TUSTRY TS7p STUDY AREA Page 20 of 57 Reno Micn N®. 07 -60 J SUILQEN0 F7URH�'I AM) FUAN CM17Li��C F�E5 - -- - - - -- VALUA IONF UP TO $500 ----- --- - -- )-)LAN C�HFCK $12.98 - - - - -- , $18.55 $600 $1 4.71 $21.02 $700 $16.44 $23.49 $800 $18.18 $25,97 $900 $19.91_ $28.44 $1,000 $21.64 $30.91 $1,100 $23.37 $33.38 $1,200 $25.10 $35.86 $1,300 $26.83 $38,30 $1,400 $28.56 $40,80 $1,500 $30.29 $43.28 $1,600 $32.02 $45,75 $1,700 $33,76 $48.22 $1,800 $35.49 $50.69 $1,900 $37.22 $53.17 X2,000 $38.95 $5$.64 $3,000 $46.74 $5&77 $4,000 $54.53 $77.90 $5,000 X62.32 $89,03 $6,000 $70.11 $100.15 $7,000 $77.90 $111.28 $8,000 $85.69 $122.41 $9,000 $93.48 $133.54 $1 0,000 $1 01.27 $144.67 $11,000 $109,06 $155.79 $12,000 $116.85 $166.92 $13,000 $124.64 $178.05 _ $14,000 $132,42 $189.18 $15,000 $140.21 $200.31 $16,000 $148.00 $211.43 $17,000 $155179 $222.58 $18,000 $163.58 $233.69 $19,000 $171.37 $244,82 $20,000 $179.16 $255.95 $21,0 009 $185.95 $267.08 $22,000 $194.74 $278.20 $23,000 $202.53 $289.33 $24,000 $210.32 $300,46 $25,000 $218.11 $311.59 $26,000 $223.74 $319.63 $27,000 $225.31 $021.87 $28,000 $230.83 $329.76 $29,000 $236.36 $337.66 YXL\�[ M'A T'JN l,) V, it a _ - - $30,000- FLAN - '� t � K - - $246,24 _ iE _ $351.77 $31,000 $251.87 $359.81 $32,000 $257.49 $367.85 $33,000 $263.12 $375.88 $34,000 $268.74 $383.92 $35,000 $274.37 $391.96 $36,000 $280.00 Wann $37,000 $285.62 $408.03 $38,000 $29125 $416007 $39,000 5296.87 $424.11 _ $40,0010 $002750 $432,14 $41,000 $303,13 $440.18 $42,000 $313.75 $448.22 $43,000 $319.38 $45625 $44,000 $325.00 $464.29 $45,000 $330.63 $472.33 $46,000 $336,26 $480.36 $47,000 $341.88 $488.40 $48,000 $347.51 $496.44 $49,000 $353.13 $504.48 $50,060 $358.76 $512.51 $51,000 $362.65 $518,08 $52,000 $366.55 $523.64 $53,000 $370.44 $529.21 $54,000 $374.34 $534.77 $55,000 $378.23 $540.33 $56,000 $382.13 $545.90 $57,000 X386,02 $551.46 $58,000 $389.92 $557.03 $59,000 $393.81 $562.59 $60,000 $397.71 $568.15 $61,000 $401.60 $573.72 $62,000 $405.50 $579.28 $63,000 $409.39 $584.85-1 $64,000 $413.29 $590.41 $65,000 $417.18 $595.97 $66,000 $421.08 $601.54 $67,000 $424.97 $607.10 $68,000 $428.87 $612.67 $69,000 $43236 _ $618.23 $70,000 $436.66 _ $623.79 $71,000 $440.55 $629.36 $72,000 1$444.45 $634.92 Page 30 of 57 asol kn No. 07 -00 Up FO $73,000 co� J IL _- w$443,34 F- IE 11c $640.49 $74,000 $452.24 $646.05 $75,0100 $456.13 $651.61 $76,10100 $460.03 $657.18 $77,000 $463.92 $662.74 $73,000 $467.81 $668.31 $79,000 $471.71 $673.37 $80,000 $475.60 $679,44 $81,000 6479.50 $685.00 $82,000 $483.39 $690.56 $83,000 $487.29 $696.13 $84,000 $491.18 $701 069 $85,000 $495.08 $707,26 $86,000 $498.97 $712.32 $87,000 $502.87 $718.38 $88,000 $506.76 $723.95 $39,000 $51 0.66 $729.51 $90,000 $514.55 $735.08 $91,000 $518.45 $740.64 $92,000 $522.34 $746.20 $93,000 $526.24 $751,77 $94,00!0 $5310.13 $757.33 $95,000 $534.03 $762.90 $96,000 $537.92 $763,46 $97,000 $541,82 $774.02 $98,000 $545.71 $779.59 $99,000 $549.61 $735.15 $100,000 $553.50 $790.72 $101,000 $553.53 $795.04 $102,000 $559.516 $799.37 $103,000 $562.59 $803.70 $104,00'0 $565.62 $803.03 $105,000 $568.65 $812.3_5 $106,000 $573.68 $816.68 $107,000 $574.71 $821,101 $108,000 $577.74 $825.34 $109,000 $530.77 _ $829.67 $110,000 $583.79 $833.99 $111,000 $586.82 $838.32 $112,0100 $589.85 $842.65 $113,000 $592.88 $8416.93 $114,000 $595.91 $851.30 YAL_L,IUZA FI l (0�l $11 -,000 a I�_,/A�(11�_.� $598.94 .F�` I�'S11 %��� `$855.63 $116,0010 $601,97 $859.96 5117,000 $605.00 $364.29 $118,000 $603,03 $868.61 $119,000 $611,06 $872.94 $120,000 $614.09 $377.27 $121,1000 $617.12 $881060 $122,1000 $1620.15 $885.92 $123,000 _ $623.13 $890.25 $124,000 $626.21 $894,58 $125,000 $629.23 $398.91 $126,0100 $632.26 $90323 _ $127,000 $635.29 $907.56 $128,000 $638.32 $911.89 $129,000 $641.35 _ $916,22 $130,000 $644.38 $920.54 $131,000 $647.41 $924.37 $132,000 $650,44 $92920 $133,000 $653.47 $933.53 $134,000 $656.510 $937.36 $135,000 $559.53 $942.18 $136,000 $662.56 $946.51 $137,000 $665.59 $950.84 $138,000 $668.62 $955.17 $139,000 $671.65 59.49 $140,000 $674,67 19-6 3.82 $141,'000 $677.70 $963.15 _$142,000 $6810,37 $143,000 $683.76 _$972.48 $976.810 $144,000 $686.79 $931.13 15145,10010_ $689.82 $985,46 $146,000 $692.85 $989.79 $147,000 $695.83 $994.11 $143,0010 $698,91 $998.44 $149,000 $701,94 $1,002.77 $150,0100 $704.97 $1,007.10 $151,0010 $708.00 $1,011.42 $152,000 $711,103 $1,015.75 $153,000 $714.06 $1,020.03 $154,000 $17024,41 $155,000 _$717.09 $720.11 $1,028.74 $156,0010 $723.14 $1,033.106 Page 31 of 57 Rssda tbn No. 07 -60 VALUATI� -__UP TO $157,000 PLAN IPC, K - 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-^ C-IIEIC- I $3,006.39 c- G -ILRt $4,294.85 $979,000 $3,008.99 $4,298.55 $980,099 $3,011.59 $4,302.26 $981,000 $3,014.18 $4,305.97 $982,000 $3,016.78 $4,309.68 $983,000 $3,019.38 $4,313.39 $984,000 $3,021.97 $4,317.10 $985,000 $3,024.57 $4,320.81 $986,000 $3,027.16 $4,324.52 _$987,000 $3,029.76 $4,328.23 $988,000 $3,032.36 $4,331.94_ $989,9_00 $3,034.95 $4,335.65 $990,000 $3,037.55 $4,339.36 $991,000 $3,040.15 $4,343.07 $992,000 $3,042.74 $4,346.78 $993,000 $3,045.34 �b4,350.49 $994,000 $3,047.94 $4,354.20 $995,000 $3,050.53 $4,357.91 $996,000 $3,053.13 $4,361.61 $997,000 $3,055.73 $4,365.32 $998,909 $3,958.32 $4,369.03 $999,000 $3,060.92 $4,372.74 $1,900,000 $3,063.52 $4,376.45 $1,001,000 $3,065.25 $4,373.93 $1,002,000 $3,066.98 $4,381.40 $1 ,003,000 $3,068.71 $4,383.87 $1,904,009 $3,070.44 $4,386.34 $1,005,000 $3,972.17 $4,388.82 $1,996,000 $3,073.99 $4,391.29 $1,097,090 $3,075.63 $4,393.76 $1,008,000 $3,077,37 $4,396.24 $1,009,000 $3,079.10 $4,398.71 $1,010,000 $3,080.83 $4,401.18 $1,011,000 $3,082.56 $4,403.65 $1,012,000 $3,084.29 $4,406.13 $1,013,000 $3,086.02 $4,408.60 $1,014,000 $3,087.75 $4,411.07 $1,015,000 $3,08948 $4,413.55 $1,01 6,900 $3,091.21 $4,416.02 $1,917,000 $3,992.94 $4,418.49 $1,018,900 $3,094.68 $4,420.96 $1,019,000 $3,096.41 $4,423.44 $1,029,000 $3,098.14 $4,425.91 $1,921,000 $3,099.87 $4,428.38 Page 41 of 57 R3sd ljon No. 07.50 0 VALUA a UON UP 10 $1,022,000 -- PLAN � — t`H1�-T,'K $3,101.60 —F7hJ NII U —' FFEF" $4,430.8-6- $1,023,000 $3,103.33 $4,433.33 $1,024,000 $3,105,06 $4,435,80 $1,025,000 $3,106.79 $4,438.28 $1,026,000 $3,108.52 X4,440.75 $1,027,000 $3,110.25 $4,443.22 $1,028,00 0 $3,111.99 $4,445.69 $1,029,000 $3,113.72 $4,448,17 $1,030,000 $3,115.45 $4,450.64 $1, 031, 000 $3,117.18 $4,453.11 $1,032,000 $3,118.91 $4,455,59 $1,033,000 $3,120.64 $4,458.06 $1,034,000 $3,122x37 $4,480.53 $1,035,000 $3,124.10 $4,463.00 $1,036,000 $3,125.83 $4,465.48 $1,037,000 $3,127.57 $4,467.95 $1,038,000 $3,129.30 $4,470.42 $1,039,000 $3,131.03 $4,472.90 $1,040,000 $3,132.76 $4,475.37 $1,041,000 $3,134.49 $4,477.84 $1,042,000 $3,136.22 $4,480.32 $1,043,000 $3,137.95 $4,482.79 $1,044,000 $3,139.68 $4,485.26 $1,045,000 $3,141.41 $4,487.73 $1,046,000 $3,143.14 $4,490.21 $1,047,000 $3,144.88 $4,492.68 $1,048,000 $3,146.61 $4,495.15 $1,049,000 $3,148.34 $4,497.63 $1,050,000 $3,150.07 $4,500.10 $1,051,000 $3,151.80 $4,502.57 $1,052,000 $3,153.53 $4,505.04 $1,053,000 $3,155.26 $4,507.52 $1,054,000 $3,156.99 $4,509.99 $1,055,000 $3,158.72 $4,512.46 $1,056,000 $3,160.46 $4,514.94 $1,057,000 $3,16219 $4,517.41 $1,058,000 $3,163.92 $4,519.88 $1,059,000 $3,165.65 $4,522.35 $1,060,000 $3,167.38 $4,524.83 $1,061,000 $3,169.11 $4,527.30 $1,062,000 $3,170.84 $4,529.77 $1,063,000 $3,172.57 $4,532.25 $1,064,000 $3,174.30 $4,534.72- $1,055,000 $3,176.03 $4,537.19 VALUATIOJI\j — UP TO PLAN r $3,177.77 ?LI MIT $4,539.67 $1,066,000 $1,067,000 $3,179.50 $4,542.14 $1,068,000 $3,181.23 $4,544.61 $1,069,000 $3,182.96 $4,547.08 $1,070,000 $3,184.69 $4,549.56 $1,071,000 $3,186.42 $4,552.03 $1,072,000 $3, 1 88.15 $4,554.50 $1,073,000 $3,189,88 $4,556.98 _ $1,074,000 $3,191.61 $4,559.45 $1,075,000 $3,193.35 $4,561.92 $1,076,000 $3,195.08 $4,564.39 $1,077,000 $3,196.81 $4,566.87 $1,078,000 $3,198.54 $4,569.34 $1,079,000 $3,200.27 $4,571.81 $1,080,000 $3,202.00 $4,574.29 _ $1,081,000 $3,203.73 $4,576.76 $1,082,000 $3,205.46 $4,57923 $1,083,000 $3,207.19 $4,581.70 $1,084,000 $3,208.92 $4,584,18 $1,085,000 $3,210.66 $4,586.65 $1,086,000 $_3,212.39 $4,589,12 X1,087,000 $3,214.12 $4,591.60 $1,088,000 $3,215.85 $4,594.07 $1,089,000 $3,217.58 $4,596.54 $1,090,000 $3,219.31 $4,599.02 $1,091,000 $3,221.04 $4,601.49 $1,092,000 $3,222.77 $4,60-3,96 $1,093,000 $3,224.50 $4,606.43 $1,094,000 $3,226.23 $4,608.91 $1,095,000 $3,227.97 $4, 611.38 $1,096,000 $3,229.70 $4,613.85 $1,097,000 $3,231.43 $4,616.33 $1,098,000 $3,233.16 $4,618.80 $1,099,000 $3,234.89 $4,621.27 $1,100,000 $3,236.62 $4,623.74 $1,101,000 $3,238.35 $4,626.22 $1,102, 000 $3,240.08 $4,628.69 $1,103,000 $3,241.81 $4,631.15 $1,104,000 $3,243.55 $4,633.64 $1,105,000 $3,245.28 $4,636.11 $1,106,000 $3,247.01 $4,638.58 $1,107,000 $3,248.74 $4,641.05 $1,108,000 $3,250.47 $4,643.53 $1,109, 000 $3,252.20 1 $4,646.00 Page 42 of 57 Resdd.➢llon No. 07 -80 I \LLL9zl J T\9 UP TO 9,939 - -- �r�_ IN — - K 3,2 3.93 Frl p, -V F B �L _ X4,64, $1,111,000 $3,256.66 $4,669,95 $1,112,000 $3,257.39 $4,653.42 $1,113,000 $3,269.1 2 $4,656.39 $1,114,000 $3,260.36 $4,663.37 $1,115,000 $3,262.59 $4,660.84 $1,116,000 $3,26432 $4,663.31 $1,117,000 $3,266.06 $4,665.73 $1,118,000 $3,267.73 $4,663.26 $1, 91 9,000 $3,269.61 $4,670.73 $1,120,000 $3,271.24 $4,673.20 $1,121,000 $3,272.97 $4,675.63 $1,122,000 $3,274.79 $4,673.15 $1,123,000 $3,276.44 $4,630.62 $1,124,00( $6,273. 7 $4,633.99 - x,125,909 G�F� _ $4,636.57. $3,279,99 $1,126,996 $3,261.63 $4,633.94 $1,127,000 $3,233.36 $4,690.51 $1,123,000 $3,235,09 $4,692.99 $1,129,000 $3,236.32 $4,695.46 $1,130,000 $3,233.55 $4,697.93 $1,131,000 $3,290.23 $4,700.41 $1,132,000 $3,292.01 $4,702.33 $1,1333,000 $3,293.75 $4,705.35 $1,134,000 $3,295.400 $4,797.32 $1,135,000 $3,297.21 $4,710.30 $1,136,000 $3_,293,94 $4,712.77 1,1 37,000 $3,300.67 $4,71 5.24 $1,138,000 $3,3 02.43 $4,717.72 $1,139,000 $3,304.13 $4,720,19 FOR VALUA T SONS OF $1 MILL�ON AND OVER $4,166.76 FOR THE 9RST $1,000,000.00 PLUS $2.35 FOR EACH ADDS a IONAL, $1,000.00 OR FRAC70N THEREOF PLAN CHECK FEE ® 70% OF PE4MO T FEE M CRO � ( *15 + (A4x500)/*100` 2 );,d.06xL033A .036A.025A e01,d.01 X9 .024 * T HESE NUMBERS !CHANGE ACCORDING TO VALUES AND COLUMNS REVISED JANUARY 1998 Page 43 of 57 Resdution No. 07-60 1. 0 PLJ UC-JWCRKIS oF:7CA-IR jI1E -IXU MISCIELLANEGUS F Ef- 5 Set /11" v 47 "\ €aGh half (8 ',42" x 1 °} City Street Base Map City annexation Map List of City Streets Standards, plus aGtual postage Plan Prc ed ires, sect City Construction Management Oversight (Applicable when public financing is involved) Transportation Permit for Over -Limit Single Trip Annlua9 PerrnK Standard D rslj�jings Street Address leap Photo Copy / Duplication Fee 8 Y2 "X I Il ao 8 Y2 x 1 00 18" x 26" and 24" x 36" Bicycle Locker Rental Paint4ng Addresses on Curbs (/Jax. donation) Digitizing / Scanning of WQMP .� .a 1.5% of overall construction costs $ 15.00 $00,00 $20,00 per set $8.00 per set $5.00 per sheet $15.00 / month $12.00 / douse $1.00 / sheet Page 44 of 57 Rasolutoon No. 07 -60 DI'\A3 O'iV\9 PLAIN cCHI MK SCK9 cDD LJU (,o E'VFzL o pd\31FN it SER7\lmu 1n V 11inlmi rUm iIl n Z"[hZ9h U inai Map $1,000 Parcel Map plus $50 per ices $1,00!0 p9us $50 per lot Public Improvements (street, livater, storm drain, etc.) $500 (Per Sheet) Grading (Per Sheet) $500 Drainage S-Iudl es $500 Soils Reports $500 Traffic Stud es $1,000 Traffic Control (Per Sheet) $500 Striping & &gring (P,cr Sheet) $500 Traffic Signal Modi ica bn / Installation (Per Sheen $500 Wafer Uuaiity Managerneni ilian (i%VQi\ /] ') $2,700 Record Documents $500 ((,ease ments, dedI cations, ion line adjustments, Deco) Sign ;evu'e w $200 Extraordinary Research (Per dour - 2 hour mr nimum) $50.00 T eiecommunications Appiication Review Fee $5,000 Landscape Plan (Per Sheet) $500 Wsceilaneous (gRacyofing P an, etc) $500 Nliajcr Thoroughfare and Bridge Fee Effective 2086200.1, tbru Jane 30 For FooHli / Eastern V ransporiaJon Corridor Agency 2007 2008 Single Family $4,560 - $4,462 Zone A Multi FaMHY $2,663 $2,606 Non-Residential $6.34 sf $648 Single Family $3,246 $3,47-6 Zone B Multi Family $1,889$446 Non Residential $3.68 sf -$3.68 On Jaly' Of each year, the tee rate schaduie vjiN increase by 2.667% for See Attached map "for Zone A & 8 'he San Joaquin HWs Area and 2.206% for the V oothidl /Eastern Area locations Rage 45 of 57 Resolu'lion No. ,07-60 1 /u,`�_. l� 1�L1 J I-.sLi s- �`--I ��- .F u'° `5'j'1! �'s: • G L'.i`r� �f I'i�f R11-00 I� SCALE NONE � ,P 37e v � � Ao L - . - �6 ra 0 I1 TU Page 46 ®� 57 Rssdu bn No. 07,60 -a I 1&\-jr1-S-Z 75 ��- COU31177 S4^, AV,71 C= OF 'N 13=17 A'=ra 7= CenlnnnkA '-Yay CA 9272 2-0172 '17unihi, C-7hk=in D=0 phanz� P16), 52-2411 -, Ph, lira U 3,1,) 5 a0 -31510 in ntccnlance ft=' 'Rula3 =10 ',I C7a W1lY SAbltnthM Distriel 7,7 31ml=-Y sev= conmce-li�on' UC9.0 \ ajI53 F=Tnh mml -'z signed by On C312 or bill mpm5eninnu. anal all thna '; a 2,,=T �a paid In C3,3'h PACT ELEMMAUZZEW FOR CQhINEMON To ITLI 'L ...... a in - ---Be facilities al' the Qty of Tuain Im hereby 3mnjcd to applicant providing such copn(23� j.q(n ) maLle within Permission one year from the date selllytt.'andbii .Cwdnncc A-ith City and Snillaijun approved pines ds ii li: A new se ca 1. tion and permit must be obtained Trans 011. Cij�, sif7nsain. Emilinearing Division and pal, rnt of additional c Ion leas may be mqui:7"T`10'11.1=!rsnn0t PhYsicnIlY Made to the mweralla facilities ,,AthM n nn,-year period from The I IT ces a A bulkling permit min c obtained from the City ofTuTam. BOiRding Division prior to ennimesicing of any ithin pTivnte prop areas. A L .a coi3Xtroc0bnfscm41 r work in the public right-nPwoy m—I be rbirri.nd 11mm the City fTusflr$, Engineering Division at ➢�97 29. -hours Prier to corn ancing of Min the 7P any construction In the public right -or -way. nill Perollf 2 gives the applicant ji�ml"jnn to dischaMe only purely 4otneslic scwnge thmugh the csinnection(s) hminnboyz DuthQri7zd into the Sewer SY11MM"I'th- ilyofTualin. The discharge of any Indlistri III Or C"ITI'mrsrial waste is not authorized without a N, they and scpmrme per ala to he nh�ja\inz:dffO Orange Co ty permit Disinct Receipt #r required Posts; as apeci fi-I by 0,,rge cco.1 y S.r,mi sin Dintrics Onlinnn— No- ocsy,)-aq is hereby acknowledged by the C.ity orTostie. Amount Paid - City Engineer Cr Aulholi-d Sig—l- wl"Ia - mile rnpy "Ye11-- - Arrli—n, plot. - Giiiii - Building Page 47 of 57 Resduflon j1\1o. 07-60 AAM Zip rade In ll'i.' AP911-71-s' nppl ledgem ifirst iy ii—nit Issued will 0-TISM.t. 3 if �=P%Tid by Dlipli—IL, M bV i'il n.fi." aI. 1— —d1w tqj.c.fimi 7 Date: 1cr—all oT =Dnn zlnn [Addr—v--s LeaaQ L.'S Tract No. No or Lot; ;,m Pe oz, WI;9Z CALCUL,�',—, ION INSTIM ONS i. F. N, M , A K 2 Bzdmcazun 'I $2,340M 3 _71 Building 3 7'eJT0 m Sqmmre FboaaSe- -_Xj17Q13XUDS-F. Bnd-'Tom All other ccmn2clinmn ncl ipcclf5--4 unrl= Lmy or High Capacity Demand Building Square FOUL'Llr�z —X $1,05 oil ODD S.F. Studio d-c- 12"=..an HLOR -11—_'D� S2,020.01D Restaurants: StoperimaTitsvis; Carwashes; Coin Lnundrim; 3 B -O- x $2,570.00 Afnusemcnt Parks', Shopping Centers with Remmumms 41 BV. . x $3,120.00 $ BuDding WMAL Sqnnm Fooinge --X $2,490/ 000 S.1' S 9 VS: 7 P CTA3- EBS- $ f L'iSS REFUNDS: 11TZT COMME11CIALZINDUSTRIAL COHN-SC NS- ELEMMAUZZEW FOR CQhINEMON To ITLI 'L ...... a in - ---Be facilities al' the Qty of Tuain Im hereby 3mnjcd to applicant providing such copn(23� j.q(n ) maLle within Permission one year from the date selllytt.'andbii .Cwdnncc A-ith City and Snillaijun approved pines ds ii li: A new se ca 1. tion and permit must be obtained Trans 011. Cij�, sif7nsain. Emilinearing Division and pal, rnt of additional c Ion leas may be mqui:7"T`10'11.1=!rsnn0t PhYsicnIlY Made to the mweralla facilities ,,AthM n nn,-year period from The I IT ces a A bulkling permit min c obtained from the City ofTuTam. BOiRding Division prior to ennimesicing of any ithin pTivnte prop areas. A L .a coi3Xtroc0bnfscm41 r work in the public right-nPwoy m—I be rbirri.nd 11mm the City fTusflr$, Engineering Division at ➢�97 29. -hours Prier to corn ancing of Min the 7P any construction In the public right -or -way. nill Perollf 2 gives the applicant ji�ml"jnn to dischaMe only purely 4otneslic scwnge thmugh the csinnection(s) hminnboyz DuthQri7zd into the Sewer SY11MM"I'th- ilyofTualin. The discharge of any Indlistri III Or C"ITI'mrsrial waste is not authorized without a N, they and scpmrme per ala to he nh�ja\inz:dffO Orange Co ty permit Disinct Receipt #r required Posts; as apeci fi-I by 0,,rge cco.1 y S.r,mi sin Dintrics Onlinnn— No- ocsy,)-aq is hereby acknowledged by the C.ity orTostie. Amount Paid - City Engineer Cr Aulholi-d Sig—l- wl"Ia - mile rnpy "Ye11-- - Arrli—n, plot. - Giiiii - Building Page 47 of 57 Resduflon j1\1o. 07-60 3. PU9 DEL ICC WORM C�N CFIR7ACH ]M EIM T FIIF�Es Fm1� l` amz IFY NM FOnz Basic Psrrn6t Issuance Fee �:[�umpster — Placement $50,00 includes Inspectioon Fee) A.C. Pavement Replacement Deposit (if required), per $100,00 ton $2,500 rruinirruurru Curb & Gutter (Hourly rate may be used over 500 $0,50 LE), per LF. $75.00 minimum Sidaa�j,valk (Hourly rake may be used over 1,500 &F.), $0,25 per &F. $75.00 jWnirruurn Residential IOrivmji ay Apron or Access Ramps, each $05.00 Cornmercial Driveway Apron or Cross Gutter, each $120,00 x$240.00 Radius Type, Pavement or Coll Pano ng MAL. 'Cap (Hourly rake $0.15 may be used over 3,000 S.F.), per S.F. $75,00 rn nr rnum Storm Drain (Less Than 24 "), per L.F. $1,50 $05,00 Min mum Storm Drain (24" and over), per L.F, $Z25 $145.00 rnin rnum Storm Drain Structure (J.S. & C -33 ), each $145,00 Street Name, Trafflc Sign, Legands and Curb Cores, $15.00 each N iscellansous and Monitoring Wells $20M Traffic Signal (Plus consultan'� inspection billed $3,840.00 separate a-� actual hourly rated or hourly rate Traffic'Contro% StTiping, Sewer & U-JlKy Construction Hourly Rate on are MMdual project basis. Street tree in tea Ai�iell or park/ay (15 gallon 11TV°thout $104.00 Root Barrier, each $110.00 G age, 4 3 of a7 Resolutio n No. ,07-60 A Soul Dsnsity and Nscellaneous T esdng Actual Cosh plus Admjn stradve Coss Penalty Gee (includes stardng Ai�jork ti4Zhout a perms t), $100.00 mun murn and ff appkable Hourly lnspectlon Rates (Does not unClUde Consultant $48:80 $53.00; Regular lnsp'ectior liAi dch will be billed at dnxfolce 'cosh $66.00- $73.00 Overtime L.F. Water Main (Hourly rate may be used over 300 $1.25 L. F.), per LF. $240.00 rn nr murn Double Check !Back low Assembly (e- cluding mater) $140.00 Above Ground $190-00 in Vaul F= re Hydrant Only or Tapping Sleeve (lncludl ng Gate $05.00 Valve), each Gate Valve or INaser Ser\,4ce (Including Corp Stop), $70x00 each Water Madn and Appurtenance q Health Test, each $35.00-$45.00, Y''Vater IMSeIer Vardable according to size (See Table "A") �YAIA f '-� R J LU IE RR3 VAI'ater I`Ieter Size Gee Per Meter 3/4" Water Meter $75,00 I" Water Meter $140.00 `* 1 -1/2" Water Meter $285.00 ** 2" Water Meter $390.00 3" Water Meter $620.00 .r: 4" Water Meter $1,1 00,00 6° Water Meter $2,025.00- $3,276.00 ** 8" Water Meter $3,400.00- $4,375.00 Denotes that Cott' furnishes material or item, and City lnstadls *` Denotes that Tit, furnishes maIlerial or item, and appfloant installs. NOTE: All stated Yvater tees net appllcaNe where 1RIAID is the serve cs provider. Page 49 of 57 Resolution No. 07 -50 4.L Wes`, U III--�R FEES ftffi, . ' . . ' � a �� .. Meter Key Deposit - 548„ V Damage to Construction Hydrant Meter - parts and 9abor, plus 27 %, on, a case by ease determination Doljvns�ze Water Meter �I" �to 518 "), plus eos� of meter Upgrade Water Meter - parts and labor, on a case by case determination $A, 0.00 $44.00 Actual Cost Ac -1 gal Cost Actual Cost Page 50 of 57 Resdutoon No. 07 -60 ENH131 7 :o F (D L10 i7EIFF)A 3i1 MIL7C `7 Be. P orts G "olce Report (Per Page) I ncldent Report (Per Page) Police Photographs Polaroid or 35 MM or dlglta'd Vehicle Release Impounded Repo G=ee Subpoena Charges Witness (Non -Sworn and Sworn) Evidence Code § 1563 provides for the recovery of certain "reasonable costs" incurred by the City in complying with civil subpoenas, which are to be calculated at the following reimbursement rates: • Standard reproduction of documents of a size 8 1/2 x 14 inches or less; • Copying of documents from microfilm; • Reproduction of oversized documents or the reproduction of documents requiring special processing which are made in response to a subpoena; • Clerical costs incurred in locating and making the records available to be billed at the maximum rate of twenty -four • Postage charges; and • Third person for the retrieval and return of records held offsite by that third person. FY 05 -071 Fees $0.10 $0.10 $20.00 $50.00 $15.00 $150.00 per dad $0.10 per page $0.20 per page Actual costs $24.00 / per hour per person or $6.00 per quarter hour Actual Charge Actual Cost Page 51 of 57 Rosdufoon Flo. 07 -60 Statistical Data search (hourly) Actual costs $45.00 ,5ip Du luc� Tapes from ,prolog multi channel logger $20.00 Audio cassette tape I hr rein. $15,11 Video tape duplication $15.00 Blank video cassette tape $5x00 Blank aurc b cassette tape $Z00 Statisticai Data Searches $45.00 Special Police Services Police Officers (hourly) Actual Cost Police Supervisors (hourly) Actual Cost P oNce Clearance, letter $15.00 l',\Jotary Fee $10.00 Concealed Weapons Permit Application G=ee $5.00 Investigation Fee (Charged by State) $150,00 special Policing Service Police Officer ('hourly ) $30.00 Police Supervisor (hourly) $35.00 Citation Sign -off City Residents or Recipients of citations issued by Flo charge (Tustin Police Department Non residents or other Agency citations $10,00 3urglar & Robbery Alarm Fees Annual Alarm user permit fees — commercial/'business $25.00 Annual Alarm user permit fees residential $1 0.10 Penalties for Excessive False Alarms Fourth false burglary alarm in 365 day period $50.00 Fifth false burglary alarm in 365 day period $75.00 Sixth false burglary alarm in 365 day period $100.00 Seventh and successive false burglary alarms in 355 day $250.00 period First through third false robbery alarm in 305 day period $100.00 Fourth and successive false robbery alarm in 305 day $250.00 Page, 52 of 57 Rasd 'lion No. e,7 -6e, pedod \SSponSe a� any non- pearmitted burglary or robbery alarm, Nii'hather false or not Alarm 9nsta99a ion Company (1) lf aiso holding a vafl 9 Clty business Duoanse — No additional fee (2) Du no -I holding a valid City business license or each employee doing work in the !City, Alarm Agent $250.00 $25.00 plus $10.00 year $10-00 PIUS true fee charged Cry the State of Caf§f®rnua for fingerprint and record check, every three years Page 53 of 57 Rosd floe No. 07 -60 FENHO E13 J T LS PARKS /�f\9DL I o 1,3 UILE �d"\M3 AN10, FACILITY RENTAL FEES 0 911 C)1U�9 c� INTER- RESIDENT NOW COMMER r1 1 GOV. NOW PRIVATE RESIDENT RESIDENT Group 1 I AGENCY PROFIT Group 7 A NOW PRIVATE Group 3 Group 5 (3 8 PROFIT Group 10 & 4 6 Grou 9 -4 UST 71P\1 FA -111-Y Z 'YOOU7H Csj'\17ER per Dour $27.00 $40.00 $50.00 $50.00 $60.00 $80.00 TASC AUDITORIUM per hour $27.00 $50.00 $74.00 $74.00 $89.00 $118.00 TASC CATERING KITCHEN $25.00 $25.00 $28.00 $28.00 $28.00 $28.00 TASC MULTIPURPOSE per hour $27.00 $50.00 $68.00 $68.00 $83.00 $10.9.00 TASC CLASSR®®u'tl per hour $27.00 $40.00 $51.00 $51.00 $61.00 $80.00 COMMUNITY CENTER per hour $27.00 $50.00 $74.00 $74.00 $89.00 $118.00 COMMUNITY CENTER CATERING KITCHEN $25.00 $25.00 $28.00 $28.00 $28.00 $28.00 DEPOSIT without Alcohol $150.00 $150.00 $150.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 DEPOSIT with Alcohol N/A $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 ALCOHOL PERMIT N/A $35.00 $35.00 $55.00 $55.00 $55.00 POLICE SECURITY SCHEDULED BY CITY 1St Officer, per hr. $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 _ 2nd Officer, per hr. 1 $45.00 $4500 $45-00 $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 3 d Officer, per hr. $60.00 X60..00 X60 0n QF;n nn �_ p II 1,rn nr) eczn „n ­­v Paga, 54 of 57 Resolution loo. 07 -60 2. � 1 LIABILITY INSURANCE PURCHASED FROM THE CITY OF TDSTIN $160.31 A DESIGNATED ED SERVER 13 REQUI1RED FOR EVENTS S SERVING ALCOHOL For Sunday room reservation add $26.00/hr PARK OR PICNIC AREA FEES Cede Grove, Cen(enruia9, Pioneer Real, Tustin S;eerss Park (100 Me�ir'rlum) # of People Group I Greue H Under 50 51 -100 $75.00 $150.00 $150.00 $250.00 Group is Resident groups and non - profit non - resident groups. Group d9: All other non - resident groups. All Other 'arks (50 Nftdmum) Group I NO Li P-1I $45.00 $ 75.00 N 077. Bees for various Community Spor's, I.o. Sport League 5, and Community Classes a.fe NOT Included in this fee szhedule as they, vary are 'Zl are based on actual co ss of Centractors /Consultantz that provide service. Page 66 of 67 Rosolufuon 'No. 07 -60 INI' f FE, FRIc -- - -- - - 00Y, A�(C [NklY 6R)1) .N9'']' N]C)NI RES NOW =F Or ®w�7 "� i���i�r�d -], ��� _ G G3I17,/1\ a r4 N {)NI , RESIDLN PRIVATE COMMER W- . & 4 GYMNASIUM per hour $22.00 $22.00 $66.00 $60.00 $01.00 $122.00 13'y Nj1 N1; 3I U IM ,LAS S f 'Z00 V A9 .7i per hour $22.00 $22.00 $62.00 $76.00 $37.00 $114.00 cDD F�p0S1 T $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $000.00 $300.00 $300.00 -- EALL FED IANM 0 [I\] DE 0 FI'7LLD3 By per hour $11.00 $11.00 $16.00 $16.00 $16.00 Arran emenl- ALL DIAMOND / FIELD S with D1 h,l $22.00 $22.00 $27.00 $27.00 $27.00 TSD _ 1.0URN] -A (I`1E[ENI T $22.00 $22.00 $22.00 $22.00 $22.00 TBD 7 10, U R) N AN1IE N]if 'xilh Iighls $22.00 $22.00 $22.00 $22.00 $22.00 TED u 7L�N]N115 IO T5 -- per Dour / por By court $6.00 $6.00 $7.00 $7.00 $7.00 Arrangement u LL_N]N115 ,0U TS vyoth Jghts per hour/ per By Court $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $3.00 $$.00 Arrangement PARK OR PICNIC AREA FEES Cede Grove, Cen(enruia9, Pioneer Real, Tustin S;eerss Park (100 Me�ir'rlum) # of People Group I Greue H Under 50 51 -100 $75.00 $150.00 $150.00 $250.00 Group is Resident groups and non - profit non - resident groups. Group d9: All other non - resident groups. All Other 'arks (50 Nftdmum) Group I NO Li P-1I $45.00 $ 75.00 N 077. Bees for various Community Spor's, I.o. Sport League 5, and Community Classes a.fe NOT Included in this fee szhedule as they, vary are 'Zl are based on actual co ss of Centractors /Consultantz that provide service. Page 66 of 67 Rosolufuon 'No. 07 -60 Io E LI 1 U 1 7 F 1��\ 1-/1 \-NC FL'� ©F9iIF'p, \ R 7 JM I Iz-[r17 W 7�F,-\', 5Fjq���CF RATE The b�- monthly Nmater usage rates and charges are hereby astabiished as felleljvs; F 9XED CF BARGE 01/01/2007 Meter Size Qarqe 5/5 " X 3/4 $ 20,24 1 00 0,50 1 -1/2" $ 101,20 2 oa $ 151,01 'g 300�3.59j ,3 �$ 5 " or Larger $ 19011,07 Mu tt ple 1 nKs $ 1'5,10 Charge /Unn t PON C11-1AR E - per on-- hundred cubic -feet '(HCF) 01/,01/2008 �hh rQ-8 $ 22.25 $ 55,55 $ 111,32 $ 175,11 $ 330,05 $ 555.53 $1,110,15 $ 17.31 Volume Bieck Multi -farnihf* 01/01/2007 01/01/2008 0 -12 hcf 0 -10 ho $ ,44 e $ ,40 10-40 hcf 11-32 Iho $ 1 ,42 $ 1,55 41 -50 hcf 33 -45 hcf $ 1,52 $ 1,57 Over 50 hey Over 43 hof $ 1.57 $ 1,54 Multiple dwesHing is per unit charge FIRE METER CHARGE 01/01/2007 01/01/2003 47o $ 51.2 —,$7 0 , 42 5°' $ 77,15 $ 53.73 5 00 c� 93,�O�J $ 10T,04 a o0 124.92 $ 14&66 10 °° $ 154.32 $ 177.E 7 12 7o $ 134.94 $ 212,53 CONSTRUCTION ME7��13S Application Fee $10.00 Deposit $700.00 Flat Charge $0,00 per day 'ago 56 of 57 Resolution No. 07-60 CrJJ111 5 7 RLj C71VN 11�y�E i IE-�Fz`j NJ112ter Charge Unable to obtain Real NEW SEJ'-���0CE Deposit Sarre Day Service after 1:00 IPM Boor Tag for water use �ftjho a no customer has signed up -for service PAST DUCE H LLE 1 st No-tice - Balance over $10,00 Door Tag - Ba9ance over $30,!00 Shut Off - Balance over $30,00 Reconnect after 4;30 Ply 2nd Shut Cut' Broken 'dock Dull Meter Reinstall Replace Meter Remove Service AFTER AOURS SERVICE Reconnect from Past Due (After 5:30 PM) GenneGt New S PA-.a Turn- on/Turn -off Water at request of Customer 'Jll^ter Theft Tier 2,3 & 4 of current viater rates $20,00 $50.00 or 2 times an average bill NftfNch ever us Ngher $20.00- $35.00 $20.00 $35.00 10% of Balance Due $64M-$1 0.00 $29-:00- $35.00 $65.00 $29:00- $35.00 $20.00 $25.00- $30.00 $25:90-$30.00 Time & Materials V1-07-- 09-$118.00 . $118.00 Case by Case Remedy as Needed Pogo 57 or 57 Resd utbn No. 07 -60