HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 AMEND COMP SCHED FEESAGENDA RE-� PORT Rnance Director I97A MEETING DATE: SEPTENISER 4, 2007 v" TO: WlLLIAM A. IUSTON, CITY MAINIAGER FROM. MARIA R, I-I'UIZAR, CH EF DEPUTY CITY CLERK SUBJECT. CONTlNUED PUBLIC HLARIING: AMElNID THE COMPREHENSIVE SCE IEDULE OF FEES AND CHARGES FOR CITY SERVICES SUMMARY This item ljlvas continued from the August 7, 2007 Council Meeting, Annually, City departments revisijv the Comprehensive Schedule of Fees and Charges as they apply to their respective departments. The Building Di�jision and Publlc Works Department have identified sorne fees that need to be modified or daleted. Also per Evidence Code §1563, the City wishes to standardize the tees as they apply to third party civil subpoenas. State law allows the collection of $150 per day, per person for %jAjitness -Fees and actual cost reimbursed for production of materials. Proposed modifications to the Fee Schedule are outlined in agenda report and are included in Resolution No. 07 -60. Said resolution deletes, and modifies only a small number of fees, �/Ajith the bulk of the fees remaining the same. RECOMMENDATION That the City Council conduct a public hearing and adopt Resolution No. 07 -60 amending the Comprehensive Schedule of 'Fees and Charges for City Services. FISCAL IMPACT None. No net increase to City revenue expected. increased fees offset increased City costs. BACKGROUND The City provides a variety of services and programs to the cornmUnity. Most of these services such as law enforcement, park operations, street dais e; an�ce, public facility operations, community events, city facility operations, etc. are -for the benefit of the public at- large. These services and programs are paid for by general revenues derived from taxes and other revenue. Other types of service provided by the City benefit a parrJcu; ar individual or entity as opposed to the community at- Large. These services include such things as the planning and engineering division review, processing of appiications for development, issuance of (building and grading permits, encroachment permits, building and engineering Page 2 inspection, community services programs and facility usage, and other miscellaneous services and programs. These services are funded through fees charged to those individuals and/or entities deriving benefit from the seniices. These charges are listed by depariment using specific exhibits for each departmem in the attached resolution. It has historically been the City Councils policy to avoid a general subsidization of the cost to provide extemporaneous services 10 the pubiic. 'The City has endeavored to recover only the cost to provide these services, not to contftute to the net revenues of the City. The various departments persodically review the cosh of providing services and the charges to o,Fsej these costs, if this review indicates that there exists an unreasonable variance be jA /een the -hAjo, recommended changes are brought to the City Council. The fee modifications proposed are only cost recovery amounts. The revised Comprehensive Schedule of Fees attached to the resolu,.ion reflects both the exis�ing fees that are unchanged by the proposed Resolution as well as the proposed fee modifications (deletien�s marked -in blue „tikeei and proposed changes in red), as summarized below: PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS EXHIBIT B COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT 2. PLANNING DIVISION AND REDEVELOPMENT FEES * Foo-Inote changes as follow: O Index of Exhibits. ltem B.2 should real "Planning Division and Redevelopment Agency Fees Items for Concept Plan Review, Code Amendments, Conditional Use Permits, Design Review, development agreement, subdivisions, variances, should also indicate by footnotes that these are standard fees and need to also reflect any outside consultant services used in revi&Al. This would add a footnote (2) and (10) to each of these categories and the individual entitlement actions beneath them as well. • Modified footnote 12 to delete, "to be negotiated pursuant to an Exciusive Agreement to Negotiate" and replace with "unless an agreement is reached with developer to modify this requirement." Modified footnote 10 to read; "Fees are intended to cover the cost o�' processing a standard application typically including but not more than two (2) meetings with the applicant. Requests or requirements for additional staff c Page 3 meetings, responses to correspondence /e- mails, the need for the City to engage outside consultants, are to be reimburssd at actual staTT and City Attorney/Speciad Counsel, or special consOtant costs.,, :3o FEL9lUMN1 0 BnAS 7�"I\'i I� E BULDING PERMIT Al\]D PLAN Cu =IECK FEES Additional Plan Check required by changes, additions or revisions to approved plans (Hourly Minimum 2 hours) Plan Check outsida of normal business hours or applicant requested fast- tracking (dourly Minimum 3 hours) (2�) Pe- inspecticn Fee per Section 305°8 (lcurly AAinimum 2 hours) Inspections outside of normal business hours (,Hourly - Minimum 4 'hours) (2') Chain link Fencing (use variation multiplier X total area for fee calculations) Minimum Plan Check Fee (Hourly minimum 2 hours) Greenhouse or Solarium • Up to 200 sq. TI, ('dourly - Min MUm 2 hours) • Over 200 sq. -TZ (Hourly - Mflnimum 2 heirs) • Subsequent rechecks (Hourly - �Knimum I hour) Masonry Wails (Not Detaining Walls) (use valuation multiplier X total area for fee calculation) ® Minimum Plan Check (dourly - AAWmum I hour) o Subsequent Plan checks (Hourly Minimum I hour) Open Lattice Patio Covers (nct axcsed °ng 500 spa CURRENT $70,00 $114,00 $50.00 $75,00 $76.00 $7!0.0!0 $70°00 $70,00 $50,00 PROPOSED $00A-D00 $126.0!0 $108000 $84.00 $8 /4,00 $004.00 $814,00 .III $841000 Page 4 Slj,A mina Poois or Spas • Fre -PermK lnscection see • Phan Check (Hourly) Spa $50.00 Minor Tenant Improvements — no change of tenant, accessibility, s-�ruc -lural, or fire - safety components up to 2,000 sq. ft. O Subsequent Additional Plan Checks70 (dourly -Minimum 1 hour) VAlood Decks X30 inches or higher (use valuaatjon rnul'.iioller X 0tal area for fee calculation • Plan Check up 'to 200 sq, ft $00 00 $84.00 • Plan Check over 200 sq. f� (Hourly - $50°00 $34.00 Minimum 2 hours) Wood Fences (use valuation multiplier X so -lal area for fee calculations) • Minimum Plan Check Fee (I check and $50.00 $84,00 1 recheck • Subsequent Plan Check (Hourly - $50.00 $004,00 Minimum 1 hoar) Wrought Iron Fences (Use valua jon multiplier X t0t2l area for fee calculations) 0 Minimum Plan Check Fee $50.00 $ CURRENT PIROPCSED ft, • Flan Check (Hourly - j�fdinimum I hour • Subsequent Plan Checks (l- lourly e $76.00 $84.00 Minimum I hour) Uwe- roofing — tiAjhen engineering required • Plan Check (Hourly - AMnimum 2 hours ) $76.00 $84,00 • Subsequent Plan Checks (Hourly - $76.00 $84.00 Minimum I hour) Retaining Walls (use valuation mul- iplier X total area for fee calculation) • Minimum elan Check Fee (Hourly e $7&00 $84.00 Minimum I hour • Subsequences flan Checks (Hourly) $760,00 $84,00 Slj,A mina Poois or Spas • Fre -PermK lnscection see • Phan Check (Hourly) Spa $50.00 Minor Tenant Improvements — no change of tenant, accessibility, s-�ruc -lural, or fire - safety components up to 2,000 sq. ft. O Subsequent Additional Plan Checks70 (dourly -Minimum 1 hour) VAlood Decks X30 inches or higher (use valuaatjon rnul'.iioller X 0tal area for fee calculation • Plan Check up 'to 200 sq, ft $00 00 $84.00 • Plan Check over 200 sq. f� (Hourly - $50°00 $34.00 Minimum 2 hours) Wood Fences (use valuation multiplier X so -lal area for fee calculations) • Minimum Plan Check Fee (I check and $50.00 $84,00 1 recheck • Subsequent Plan Check (Hourly - $50.00 $004,00 Minimum 1 hoar) Wrought Iron Fences (Use valua jon multiplier X t0t2l area for fee calculations) 0 Minimum Plan Check Fee $50.00 $ 0 Subsequent F12n Check Fee (F'louri MWMUM 1 hoar) Substandard Struc'lurs Insicec�ions / Code Enforcemer, and Report (�'--Ioudy - Minimum 5 hours) UOg4 jz6ng Fee -for +ag- loocumen�s (e'er Sheep Standard She. -I Size) OTHER INSPECTIONS \' Page 5 CURRENT I PROPOSED $50.00 $8 /4a00 $76.00 $75.00 GRADING AND PRIVATE IMPROVEMENT FEE SCHEDULE* .. .. MI *proposed fee converts from square footage charge to hourly rate $1.001 $1.35 .. • -- Mass Grading and Rough Grading Plan Check (per hour) $155.00 Page 6 Precise Grading and Private Improvements Plan Check (per hour) $155.00 . Drainage reports and soils reports will be reviewed separately based upon the fee schedule in Exhibit C REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF UEGA\ ENFORCEMENT /SIGNS Code Task Enforcement Officer ($ 72/h r. *) Physical Tasks Locate the sign; Park the vehicle; Photograph the sign; Remove the sign; Place sign in vehicle; and Dispose sign LAdministrative Tasks Print photograph; Create case file; Enter info in computer; Contact parties; Complete activity log; Report activity; Close and file case; and Respond to complaints Invoicing Tasks Prepare invoice; Mail invoice; and Monitor payment 20 minutes per sign 2 hours for the ulrst sign plus 10 Minutes per extra sign 1 hour per Invoice L SIGNS ON PUBLIC PROPPRTY _ CURRENT *e pla, nf w SUP DOrting $Upporting Nanager it—aff Staff 1 10 1hr. *; per sign per sign 30 minutes $70000 175.00 Per sign type 'for the —T,irst 'For the ���irst sign plus sign plus $10 per $10 per extra sign extra sign 15 minutes X0.00 �105e00 per invoice per Invoice per lnvolce Page 7 oonan0cn CUIU Qutuyv'�'�� Lu "( uJJc qu vvnn krwra saVary, and/or berlsfit adjustments, as determined by the [Director Of Community Deveioprnen'L, CONS T RUC V QN & QEJM0LiTQN WASTE RECYCLING PROGRAM Recycling Plan and Application Fee In addition to the application fee, each applicant shall deposit with the City a security deposit as security for performance in the amount as determined by the Public Works Director, but not more than five percent (5 %) of the project's valuation as determined by the Building Official. EXHIBIT C PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1. MISCELLANEOUS FEES Each half (8,11411 x _4 1'x \. Gity Street gala nn $8-09 Gity Annexation Map ' o 'z]o Task ��` :�rz ;� 1om Supporting Supporting Officer —4 Manager Staff Staff ($72 /hr.�) 5 hours per hearing ($110 hr.*) 1 hour Per hearing $183.00 per hearing $390.00 per hearing L peal /Hearing Tasks Notify persons; Prepare report; Attend hearing; and Provide vjrittsn notice CUIU Qutuyv'�'�� Lu "( uJJc qu vvnn krwra saVary, and/or berlsfit adjustments, as determined by the [Director Of Community Deveioprnen'L, CONS T RUC V QN & QEJM0LiTQN WASTE RECYCLING PROGRAM Recycling Plan and Application Fee In addition to the application fee, each applicant shall deposit with the City a security deposit as security for performance in the amount as determined by the Public Works Director, but not more than five percent (5 %) of the project's valuation as determined by the Building Official. EXHIBIT C PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1. MISCELLANEOUS FEES Each half (8,11411 x _4 1'x \. Gity Street gala nn $8-09 Gity Annexation Map 0 Traffin PIOW f°Tap Lost of City streets Pu blir Werks Minimum Design Standards, Trip Red intien/Transpertatien Demand Mananomont Plan PreGed gyres sot City Construction Management Oversight (Applicable when public financing is involved) O Gage a 1.5% of overall construction costs 2. ENGIUEERING DIVISION PLAN CHECK FEE SCHEDIULE (DEVELOPMENT 1S�RVICES) Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Major Thoroughfare and Bridge Fee For Foothill / Eastern T ranspor�ation Corridor Agency &ngle G;arn ly Zone A Multi Family Non-Residnantial Single 'Tarn ly Zone 8 Multi 'Family Non Rssidential On July 1 of each year, the fee rate schedule will increase by 2.667% for the San Joaquin Hills Area and 2.206% for the Foothill/Eastern Area CURRENT Effective 2005 thru June 30, 2007 $4,452 $2,605 $6.20 sf $3,175 $1,846 $3.60 sf PROPOSED $2,700 effective 2007 thru June 30, 2003 $4,560 $2,663 $6.34 sf $3,246 $1,330 $3,!03 sf lft rrno'� 11aM 5 Street �Iree In free NjAjell or p�rk�jnjay T15 gallon �jAiithout Recd 16arrier , each Hourly Inspection Rates (Dees not include Consultant lnspect�on which will be billed a-1 in'vo6ce cost) Double Check Back leNaj Assembly (excluding Meer) VAlater Mau n and Appurtenance Health Test, each 4. 1JAIIA : ) I] (E Il (� � 3 6" Water Meter x: 8" V\Iater Meter 4.1. �ir�0OC!ELLLANEOUS WATE ]RN FEES CURRENT $1 04.00 $430!3 Regular $66.03 Overtime $190,00 In Vault 1pz,, I,$..,., $3,400,90 .. Hydrant Meter Depesit and Usage Fee Meter Deposit ($675.00) plus rental of $30.00 pe menth or 00 per day fbr less than a ... plus water used at $ 1.10 per 00 GubiG feet After Hours Galleut Fee (Weekend, Holiday & Off Water at request Customer Page 9 PROPOSED $53,0!3 Regular $7&00 0 ✓ertms $14x,!00 Above Ground $45.00 PROPOSED $4,375,00 ' i 11 Page 10 X 11S17A IMFL) D G Fc N[Es Y \1, C 17 �3CFR-71ZE 3 F OU L V, E D-�F -ART-i EN CURRENT PROPOSED Subpoena Charges VAMness Fee (& jcrn and l,\lon- Slj�jorn ) $150M $150M par dad per day Evidence Code § 1563 prmJdes -For the recovery of certain "reasonable costs" incurred by the City in ccmplying cMl subpoenas, ljAjNch are to be calculated at the follcljljin reimbursement rates: Standard roprcduct on of documents of a 0.10 per size 8 112 x 14 inches or loss page Copying of documents from microfilm $0.20 per page Reproduction of oversized documents or Actual Cost the reproduction of documents requNncg special processing which are made �n response to a subpoena Clerical costs incurred in locating and $16.00 $24.00/per hr. making the records available to be billed at or the maximum rate of $24 -1hr, (charge is per 6.00 /,per persons qtr. hr, Postage charges Actual Cost Third person for the retrieval and return of Actual Coss records held offsite by that third person. Statistical Data search (Flourly) $45.00 Actual Cost 0 E- NHIBIT F FINANCFL� DEPA ME'JT 1, A,1NAWE R EERACE G3MTE 5 lNEAva9 SERVICE Same Day Service after 1 :00 PM Door Tag for aivater use when no customer has signed up for serAce PAST DUE GILLS Door Tag - Balance over $30,00 Shut Off - 3alance over $30,00 2nd Shut Off Pull �'\Aeter Reinstall - RDpJ- e Meter AFTER HOURS SERVICE Reconnect from Past Due (After 5 :30 p.m.) After He irs (`r+llel t Goo (Weekend After , Holiday & Off Fi4day) Turn On /Turn Off Water at Request of Customer O Page 11 CURRENTI PROPOSED $20,00 $35.00 $20,00 $35.00 $5.00 $1 0.00 $20.00 $35,00 $20.00 $35,00 $25,00 $30,00 $25,00 $107,00 $107.00 $118.00 SUMARY OF NEW FEES PROPOSED City Construction Management Oversight (Appiicable when public financing is involved) *OCTA and C rans use same formula Water Cual °ty Management Plan (YV, CMP) *new fee 1.5% of overall construction costs $2,700 State Law has established the requirement that new or increased City fees may only be modified through a public hearing process, Although most fees rsmain the same, the proposed amendments require a public hearing, Maria R. Huizar Chief Deputy City Clerk Attachment: Resolution No. 07 -60 RESOLUTION NO. 07 °30 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN AMENDING THE CITY- aJAIIDE COMPREHENSIVE SCHEDULE OF FEES ANID 'REEPE ALIVxIG RESOLUTION O. 06 -35 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF I-FIE 'CITY OF TUSTIN AS FOLLL'MAIS: Section 1. The City !Council hereby, finds, determines and declares as follmiAls. A. For the convenience of the public it is desirable to gather in a single document a comprehensive list of fees and ser\9ice charges imposed by the !City for City seTviices. B. The document known as the "Comprehensive Schedule of Bees," is attached to this resolution and is made a part hereof by this reference. Each tee or service charge is identified under second column. Ne�jaj or increased fees or charges are shown in bold. C. In developing ne1jAj or increased fees for'the Comprehensive Schedule of Fees, the Community Development, f=inance, Police, Public V\,Iorks, and Redevelopment Departments analyzed the cost 'to administer the various programs, activities and applications for li�jhich the City proposes to charge ne1,v or increased fees or service charges. The proposed new and increased fees or charges do not exceed the estimated cost of service for which the fees or charges are levied. D. It is not its intention to repeal previously adopted fees and adopt ne�v fees of exactly the same amount, but is simply repeating these fees ?Afith the Resolution so that the Fee Schedule can be a comprehensive source of City fees and service charges. E Charges subject to Proposition 218 are adopted separately, but v�jill he incorporated into said resolution after approval -For the use and convenience of the public and city staff. Section 2: The Comprehensive Schedule of G=ees is hereby adopted. Each fee or service charge set forth in this Resolution and shall be levied until further resolution of this Council. Section 3: This Resolution supersedes all prior resolutions on the same subjects including but not limited to City Council Resolution No. 06 -85 Resolution No. 07 -50 Page I of 58 Section 4: if any charge, fee, service charge, section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or viord of this Resolution is for any reason held to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision squall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Resolution. he City Council hereby declares that it would have passed and adopted this Resolution, and each and all provisions hereof, irrespective Of the face that one or more proti, lions may be declared invalid. Section 5: That except as may be stated otherwise above, this Resolution shall be operative from and after adoption of resolution. ADOPTED this day of 2007, LOU BONE, Mayor PAMELA STOKER, City Clerk STATE OF CALL ECG NI A COUNTY OF CR�L%NIC_E )SS CITY OF T USTI,NN9 I, Pamela Stoker, City Clerk and ex- officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of 7'usJn is fire; that the above and foregoing Resolution No, 07 -60 �,Jvas duly ,passed and adopted at a regular rn,,aeting of the Tustin City Council, held on the day o1 , 2007 by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBER AYES: COUNCILMEMBER NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: PAMELA STOKER, CRY Clerk uResduflon No. 07 -60 Page 2 of 58 X91 All 411 ii y Fiscal Year Budget (draft and final) Comprehensive Financlal Report Agendas and Ali inures Agendas (annual 'Fee) Minutes (Annual Fee) Ore -gear Agenda Packet D°ostribution DupficaJon of Meeting Record°ong (VHS or CD) Miscellaneous Duplication Fees Standard 8 A x 11 page (Per Page) !legal 8 J2 x 14 page (Per Page) Computer General Report (Per Page) Political Reform Act Documents Also referred to as FIPPC Forms (!Per Page) Specialized Report Record ina /DuullcaUon Audio cassette CD / DVD recording Video tape duplication blank video cassette tape Blank audio cassette tape Subpoena Charaes FY 07 -08 Fees $15°1010 $20.00 $350,00 $15,00 $0.10 $0,10 $0,10 $0, 1 0 Based on actual Jme spent $1 5,00 $15°010 $15 00 $5.00 $2,00 Witness Fee (Sworn and Non- Sworn) $150.00 per day Evidence Code § 1563 provides for the recovery of certain "reasonable costs" incurred by the City in complying with civil subpoenas, which are to be calculated at the following reimbursement rates: • Standard reproduction of documents of a size 8 1/2 x 14 inches or less; $0.10 per page esolu'tlon No. 07-60 Page 3 of 58 N • Copying of documents from microfilm; • Reproduction of oversized documents or the reproduction of documents requiring special processing which are made in response to a subpoena; • Clerical costs incurred in locating and making the records available to be billed at the maximum rate of twenty -four dollars an hour Postage charges; and Third person for the retrieval and return of records held offsite by that third person. M Statistical Data search (Hourly) Nscellaneous research / legal cpin ons requested FY 07 -06 Fees $0.20 per page Actual Cost $116.00 $24.00 / per hour per person or $6.00 per quarter hour Actual Cost Actual Cost $45.00 Actual Cost Actual City Attorney,/Actual Specual Counsel Fees /Actual CoIy and Agency staff and outsods consultant costs Resolution No. 07 -50 Page 4 Of 58 �` _/ CAIN MIJ14I l DFI _ \/f I1 -,c lL'� �1[=�i a /��N\9�) �[ C��[�,�9C�_,c � i�j]E: I`u .).1 1 U S I N E 5 S L I C FL_�1\13E 7 AtiX FEE S Evenj person viho engages in business within the City or Tustin anal /or has an established place of business �j &itbin the City limits shall pay a license 'tax eased upon the gross receipts of business alone vjithin the City, unless o1hemiise specified in the City Code (see enumerated business below). Gross receipts sell be used on the prior years' receipts, or in the case of a ne,Aj business, calculate[ on current year's estirna-les. Payment of business license tee and/or approval of business license sloes not Aj�jaive or prsciude any other licenses or permits required by Tustin, City Cole, The license tax period Is calendar year January I through December 31. Pro -rated tees -for new businesses are affective Aprii 1, July l and October 1, G'or failure to pay the license tax jAihen glue, a penalty will be added of th venty five percent (25 %) of such license tax on the last play of each month after the flue date thereof, provided that the amount of such penalty shall not exceed one hundred percent (1009/x) of the amount of the license -tax due. $0.00 TO $25,000 $25,001 TO $100,000 $100,001 TO $200,000 $200,001 TO $300,000 $300,001 TO $500,000 $500,000 TO OVER ANNUAL .L, G LOSS RECEIPTS TABLE ENUMERATED BU&NESSES Ambulance (Per Vehicle) Amusement facility and devices Auction Sale Baths, steam rooms, pools, gyms, health clubs (Annual) Bill posting (except billboards) (Per Day) Building Contractors or B License) (Annual) $25.00 Contact License Clerk $200,00 plus $50,00 for each auctioneer or 25.00 per day, independent $35.00 $5.00 $3!0.0x0 Resdudon ?9c. 07-61 Page 5 of 58 Building Subcontractor (0, D or Haz) (Annual) Buses Day nursery or ch ld care center (Annual) DaHvery by vah cle ('Per Vehlcle Fortune Telfing Sample distribution (Annual) Horne for the aged I to 4 guests (Annual) 5 to 9 guests (Annual) 10 or more (Annual) House movers (Annual) Newspaper Magazine 6stributors (Annual) Lawn !Care 0 Gardeners (Annual) Outdoor advoartising Pawn broker P rivate patrol, deteaU ve agency, security ,patrol (Annual) Rental of residential, commercial, lndustrial Less than 4 rental units 4 or more rental units (manual) Rooming / boarding houses; less than 4 roomers 4, to 9 roomers (Annual) I0 or more roomers (Annual) Route sales I seMces ('e'er Vehicle I Annually Soflcitors (Per ,Person / Per Day) TaAcabs / limos `railer ,Qarks and molbule home pans Transfer (except human passengers) $40.00 $25.00 plus $10.00 -for each vehicle $25.00 $25,00 $1 00.00 plus posted Bond $50.00 $15.00 $25.!00 $35.00 $40.00 $25.00 $25.00 Contact Ucense Clerk $1 0!0.00 $25.00 No Tax $25.00 l\,Jo Tax $25.00 $35.00 $25.00 $10.00 $25.00, plus $10.00 per vehicle $25.00 for first 4 plus $1.00 each additional space Contact Ucense Clark PRO -RATED FEE FOR BUSINESS starting APRIL I OR l.ATEPR Original Fee as of AH as of Jules as of October 1 $25.00 $18.75 $ -l2.5u $6.25 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 50.00 37.50 25.00 12.50 50.00 45.00 30,00 15.00 80.00 50.00 40.00 20,00 100.00 75.00 50..00 25.00 Resolution 'No. 07 -60 Page 5 or 58 PENALTIES FOR LATE PAYMENT slarling FEBRaUARY 1 Cri final Fee FebruaDZ I March 1 $25.00 $31.25 $07.50 $43.75 $50.00 40,00 50.00 660.00 70.00 80.00 50°00 6250 75.00 87,50 100,00 50.00 75.00 00.00 1 05.00 1 20.00 80.00 100.00 120.00 140.00 160.00 100.00 125.00 150,00 175,00 200 00 Referance ®rdl na nos No. '12-10 TYPE OF CHARGE (See °°Criteria -for 'D&Iarrninincl planning FY 07 -08 Gees Fees" below) - — _— (1) (10) Appeals % Application Fee Cerffioate of Compliance $95.00 City Attorney / Special Counsel Services Actual !City Attorney; special Counsel; CiIy and Agency Staff; and outside consultant Costs (2) Code f \mendment (2) (10) $050,00 Concept plan Review (2) (1 °) $3,000 Deposit (9) Conditional Use Permits and I\mendmants (2) (10) Major $0,000 Deposit (9) Minor �nsw development) $665.00 Minor (existing development) $350.00 Amendment to Conditions of Approval $350°00 ABC License $255.00 Time Extans'Mns $�50e00 Design Reviews and Amendments (2) (10) Major New $0,000 Deposit (9) Major Remodel $635.00 Minor Nelj?� $510.00 Minor Remodel $050°00 Sign $65.00 Amendment to Conditions of Approval $050.00 RpasoluUon No. 07 -60 Page 7 of 58 TYPE OF CHARGE GE QSee "Criteria for Determining �Plann q FY 07 -08 Foos Fees" below) (1) 61 ®D -fl me Extensions $250°00 Development Agreements $2,000 (2) (11) (12) Wscellansous 'Research / Legal opinbns (Fxtraordl nanj Actual C ty Attorney; research) Special Counsel G=ees; CRy and/or Agency staff, and outside consultant costs Env ronrnsntal EIR Major (Deposit) (2)(4) SR M ror �Deposi.t) (2)(4) Supplemental IR Actual Cost �2D Addendum EIR Actual Cost (2) Initial Study $05.00 Negative Declaration $125.00 (4) Notice of Completion $50.00 Notice of Determination $25.00 Notice of FExemption $25.00 (4) General Galan Amendments Land Use Map $085°00 Major Text Amendment $2,000 (2) jAAnor Text Amendment $750.00 Large Family Day Care 'Revs s, i $050°00 Lot Line Adjustment $255.00 Lot ]Merger $190°00 iWscellareous Documents $100,00 'c3) GIsv'jsrack Permit (per permit location $125.00 (4-1, permit locations) $500.00 deposit Temporary Use Permit ( UP) $05.00 T ims extansGon on 1 UF's $50.00 Subdivisb s and Amendments 6Rosoki- don'lo. 07 -50 Page 8 of 58 0 TYPE OF CHARS � , See "Criteria for Determining Planning FY 07-08 Fees Fees" below M CFO-) Tentat ve Tract Nlap $3,000 Deposit T entative Parcel i�iap $3,000 deposit (Tentative Tract Map (E !I project) $2,730 Tenla#ve Tract Map (ET Sector) $5,715 Final Tract Map $1,335 Final Parcel Map $1,110 Amendment to Conditions of Approval $350°00 Reversion to Acreage leap ogee + $65,00 Time Extension $250,00 Master Association Documents, CC &R review Actual Cost '(2) Use lnterpretations $325.00 Variances and Amendments Major $3,000 'd(aposit '(9) Minor $330,00 Amendments to Conditions of Approval $350°00 Time Extensions $250,00 Zone Change $950,00 Zoning Administrator Action Administrative Adjustment/minor Adjustments $95°00 Soil Remediation $05,00 Knor Conditional Use per its �e,,isting development) (5) Time Extensions (6) Amendment to Conditions of Approvai (7) Design Revieljj (FIDA ) (8) ANritten zoning confirmation/non-conform ing status lever $50,00 Hourly) Planning reVieNiAl of plan check submK-Ials 20% of Building 'division Ulan Check or U u rrnii Fee sscVfion No. 07-60 Page 2 of 58 CWTERIA FOR D T RMlNlVNG PLANNING FEES CONDl` TONAL USE PER l� ITS MAJOR CUP: NeNiv uses in combination NjAjlth ne1jAi construction or existing development in excess of 5,000 square feet of floor area, nev,j auto services or repair related uses, and ne -v1i a5 partment or condominium projects in excess of 3 dwelfing units, condominium conversions. MINOR CUP: NSIVIV uses in combination vdth nmi�� construction or existing development Ni�dth 5,000 square feet or less of floor area, neY�j uses ,Yidth n existing structures, expanded or modified existing uses, signs, apartment or condominium project ,�j,�jith 3 &�jelling units or less, second single family &� elfings. DESIGN REVIEYN MAJOR NEYV: Ns',v�j development in excess of 5,000 square feet of floor area or building relocations. M I N 0 R NEW,: development Ajith less than 5,000 square feet of floor area. MAJOR REMODEL: Modifications to existing structures or site which include an increase in existing floor area in excess of 50 %, and /or existing facade or site modifications vvhu ch constitute a change in 3 or more major design elements on a building elevation or site which result in a complete facade upgrade. Definition of an element includes 1 ,3AjindmAjs, doors, colors, materials, parking lot changes, etc. MINOR REMODEL- Modifications to existing structures -,jvHch include an increase in existing floor area of 50% or less, and /or existing facade or site modifications which constitute a change in 3 or less major design elements � \jHch do not result in a complete facade upgrade, single family homes not part of a subdivision, residential room additions, and new or modified accessory structures associated with existing development. VARIANCES MAJOR VARIANCE: New development that dev ates from a specific development standard, all existing development -vvhh ch dwdates from a standard by more than 10%. Resduflo No. 07-60 Rage 10 of 53 MINOR VARIANCE: Existing development that dev a aas from a specMc development standard by less than 10 %, nevu single fam ly homes not park of -a subd vl sion, or projects vvhem the site �jvill contain less than 3 neNiki apartments or rlmjv cCndorrliniums. PLEASE NOTE. Where there is a question as to NiAihat category a project should be classified, the iDrector reseTvas the right to determine the applicable category a prgjecf should fall Adthin. Footnotes: (`d) Includes cursory review of applications by building staff. (2) City Attorney; Special Counsel; City and Agency staff; and outside consultant fees to be reimbursed at the actual cost incurred to City. (3) Examples: Parking Agreements, Access Agreements, Deed Restrictions. (4) The applicant will be required to provide the City with a cashier's check for $43, payable to the grange County Clerk - Recorder within 48 hours of project approval, for flEng of environmental documents. Substantial additional fees may be required by the Orange County Clerk - Recorder when the City flies the Notice of Determination, in accordance with AS 3158, as established by the California State Department of Fish and Came. If additional fees are required, the applicant will be required to provide the City with a cashiers check for the additional fees, payable to the Orange County Clerk - Recorder within 48 hours of project approval. (5) See fee for Minor CUP (existing development). (6) See 'fee for Time Extensions (CUP, Design Review, 'variance and Subdivision) (7) See fee for Amendment to Conditions of Approval (CUP, Design Review, Variance, and Subdivision) (8) See fees for Design Reviews. (J) Initial deposit fees are required at the time of application submittal for large developments. Actual staff costs will be subtracted from the deposit and any additional staff costs incurred above the initial deposit will be due to the City. (10) t=ees are Intended to cover the cost of processing a standard application typically including but not more than two (2) meetings with the applicant. Requests or requirements for additional staff meetings, responses to correspondence /e- mails, the need for the City to engage outside consultants ete:- are to be reimbursed at actual staff and City Attorney /Special Counsel costs. (11) This 'fee is -for a Development Agreement as provided for under Government Code Section 65864 and does not apply to an Agency or City "Disposition and Development Agreement ". A deposit of $2,000 shall be required and actual costs reimbursed based on the same parameters as established in footnote 2, unless an agreement is reached with the developer to modify this requirement. (12) Initial and any on -going deposits and costs to reimburse the City or Agency for actual city attorney, special counsel or actual staff or outside consultant costs to be negetiated pursuant to an EXGlusiye Agreement to Negotiate unless an agreement is reached with developer to modify this requirement. R esolution No. 07 -60 Page 11 of 58 FREE E 2 F©" FI�TRR�A O l7 �l`9� FIIF D I ;� d it c�i OJT i �� J �� Adul t En- ier�ainmerjt � ool %irug Agency Permit 0��03 fees FY $100.00 Fees Amusement ActNjIZ y Permit $100.00 Appeal Fee $250.00 Autobroker Permit Y 07 -03 fees Bingo Permit $100.00 Check !usher Permit $100.00 Extraordinary Research or background hves'Jgation (Ho0y - 2 $100,00 $50.00 Hours Minimum) 2, Fortunstelling Permit $100.00 Large Ou-�door Gathering Permit $10,0e00 !dive E ntaTlainment Permit � 1 Massage Operator Qermi,� $$ Massage Operator Permit (reneA,iai) 10f0.0i0 dY � `le/'0 e $50.00 Massage Tochnlc�an Psrm�,� $100.00 Massage Technidan Permit (rene val) Mobiie Automobile Services Permit $50,00 $100.00 d`i obile lc,, Cream Vendor Permit 00 0D PaNwnbroker Perm`« $100.00 Secondhand Dealer Permit $100.00 Tattoo /Body Reresng/Permanent Cosmetics Permit $100.00 �Neapons Business Permi $2.00 i'N 5 L LLLANEOUS IOUGUMENT FEES Documen`t No. of Pa es Y 07 -03 fees ���rst "gee`s Spsciflo a lan 107 $ 10.70 7 . 'design GL ldelines 30 $3.90 2, Policy J De?i, Begs, 63 $5.30 East � �s-1in Specific Plan 115 $01, 80 Development Standards pages 3 -1 to 53 $5.30 2. Land Use Map 1 $2.00 Auto Center Mtr. Plan 11-4 $11 1. Design Criteria 71 ,40 $7.10 2. Development Regulations 20 $2.00 3. Sign Criteria 23 2.30 Rusu don No. 07 -60 Page 12 of 5-3 O Document No. of Pages FY 07 -08 Fees 2. South Cen"Tal Plan En� re General FNan vjith S rider $4.00 $50.30 1. Land Use 71 $T10 2. Housing 30 $8.00 3. !open Space 80 $8.00 Noy se 31 $3.10 5. Circulation 52 $5,20 3, Growth Management 21 $2.10 7. Safety 33 $3.80. 3. Glossary and Introduction 33 $3.30 9. Land Use Map (north and sou-1h) $3.50 $4,50 lr-,Jne lndustrial Complex 19 $1.90 Red Hill lndustrial Complex 21 $2.10 Zoning Cede 24 $9.40 1. Zoning Map 1 $2.00 Z Individual Districts vary free 3. Sign Cede (n'&jAi) Y2 $7.2 Easy T uadn Phase I Standards 40 $A_00 Redevelopment Plan 1. II ov n Center 8, Arnandments 30 $3.00 2. South Cen"Tal Plan 40 $4.00 3. Redaveleprnent ?dap 1 $2.30 Pacific Center Ease 431 $46.10 a. Specific Plan 53 $5.30 b. EIR 109 $10.93 0. Technical Appendices 150 $15.00 d. Final EIR 139 $13.90 5, Citjzen Guide to Redevelopment $3.30 Other Documents Unreinforced Masonry BE 35 $3.50 Residential Builder Package free Landscape & Irrigation Standards free Other Applications free Park ng, E� Landscape Standards f ree Grading N'lanual 70 $7.00 Grading Ordinance 13 $1.00 Resolution No. 07 -00 Page, 13 of 58 O Document X90. of 07 -08 Pees Pa_ es Hls.torical Survey 131 $16.10 Historical Resources Survey Rsport 40 $4,00 CONSOLIDATED PLAN (No Charge Per Federal free LL,atijv) East Tustin EIS 85 -2 302 $30.20 Cultural Resources District — Residential Guidelines 145 $14.50 B.3. BUILDING DIVISION FEES BUILDING PERMIT AND PLAN CHECK FEES See Ex'hibK B-.1 Additional Plan Check required by changes, additions or $76.00 revisions to approved plans (Hourly c �Knirnurn 2 hours) $84.00 Plan Check outside of normal business hours or applicant $114.00 requested fast- tracNng (Hourly - vlWmum 3 hours) 'T2'a $126.00 Re4spection Pee per Section 305.8 (Hourly - Knimurn 2 $58.00 hours ) $72.00 Inspections outside of normal business hours $108.00 (dourly e Minimum 4 hours) (2 °) PERMIT ISSUANCE BASE FED Lad&Jonal eies assessed biased on detailed schedule) Building Perrnl-t Grading and Private Improvement Perm t Mechanical Permit Electr cal Permit PlumNng Permit Sign Permit Supplemental Permit G=ee (�J�Ihen original permit has not expired) Permit or Plan Check Extension (YA]han original permit has not expired) Changes to Perrnit (When original peTmK has no`t expired) $35,00 $35.00 $2:.00 $25.0!0 $25.00 $25.00 $35.00 Resdudon No. 07 -50 FLAN CKiCK I7A'1 UNNTI]IO' N S Chain Link Fencing (use Valuation rnul'tipfler X total area for tee calculations) valuatlor $2.50/ 11.2 Kni rnijrn Plan Check G=ee (jlourly - mlnirnurn 2 hours) $76.00 $84.00 Nfln rMuM ParrnK Fee $110.00 Greenhouse or Solarium valuation $31.26/ ft .2 Galan Check Up to 200 sq. fL (dourly - Minimum 2 hours) $76.00 $84.00 over 200 sq. ft (Hourly , M nirnum 2 hours) $76.00 $84.00 Subsequent rechecks (Hourly - l\ANmurn 1 hour) $76.00 $84.00 P. -rrnit Fee Up to 200 sq. ft. $110.00 200 -1,000 sq. ft, $260.00 over 1,000 sq. fte (use valuation rnultiplieTv6lh $260°00 rniniMUM fee) Masonry �Alalls (blot Retaining YA]alls) (use valuation rnultipl °er X total area for flee calculation) Valuation $6.00/. ft .2 M Nrnurn Galan Check (Hourly - Minimum 1 hour) $50 08 $84.00 Subsequent (Plan checks (Hourly - Minirnurn 1 hour) $50.00 34.00 Minimum Perrnit fees $100.00 Open Lattice Patio Covers (not exceeding 500 sq. ft.) Valuation $14.36/ ft .2 Plan Check (Hourly - MWrnurn 1 hour) $76.00 $84.00 Subsequent Galan Checks (Hourly - INllnimu 1 hour) $76.00 $84.00 Minimum Permit Fee $110.00 F a-- plastering, or Y�Jst Sand Blasting up to 20 sq. ft. No Fee 20 'to 200 sq. ft. $30.00 Resolution No. 07 -60 Page 15 of 58 each additional sq. INt $00.05 Re- roofing -. , ,ilihan enjneering not required valUa lon $2.50 2 jMinlmum Permit 'Fee $140.00 Re—roofing — v, /hers engineering required Valuation $2.50 / ft.2 Man Check (HoLjrly e j�Airulmum 2 hours) $76.00 Subsequent Flan Checks (Hourly - il�Ainirnum I hour) $84.00 $76.00 JWnimu �errnit v=ee $84.00 $140,00 Retaining YA]alls (use valLjat on MU 'tipper X total area for fee calculation) Valuation $10.00 / ft.2 Minimum Plan Check Fee (Hourly - Minimum I hour) $76.00 Subsequent Plan Checks (dourly) $84.00 $76.00 Mini!rnum Permit 'Fee $84.00 $100.00 S?MMMing Fools or Spas Valuaton $31.46/ ft.2 Pr8-PSr it lnspection .Fee $50.09 Plan Check (Hourly) $76.00 Swimming .Poops $76.00 Spa $ Pool and Spa $76.00 Minimum Permit Fee $76 .00 $$76.00 Minor Tenant Improvements — no change of tenant, accessibility, structural, or fire-safety comPonents up to 2,000 sq. -ft. Valuation $2122/ i:t.2 Plan Check Fee (1 check and I recheck) $380.00 Subsequent Additional Flan Checks (Hourly - ��Ainimu m 1 $76.09 hour) $84.00 Permit Fee $280.00 ANood Decks (30 inches or higher ) (use valuat ion muitiplier X total area for fee calcUatlon) Valuation $0,040 u. RSSO t On 07 -50 Page Of 58 Galan Check Lip to 200 sq s $,59-00 4.0' over 200 sqe fly (dourly - AAnirnum 2 hours) $$ $88 00 Permit Fee $84.0, up to 200 sq. NZ. $110.01 200 -1,000 sq. =ft. $250.0, Over 1,000 (U'6i ze valuation muK(iplierwith minimum feed $250,01 IN cod Fences (use valLjation MKV�er X total area for fee calculaticns) valuation $2.50/ ft. AAWrnum Flan Check Fee (I check and I recheck) $50.00 $84.01 Subsequent flan Check (Hourly - Nlin rnum 1 hour) $59,00 $84.0 G�linimurn �errruit Fee $84.0, ANTOaiglht Iron Fences (lase valuation rnultiploer X total area or fee calculations vvaluaticn $5.00/ ft. Minimum Flan Check Fee $50-99 $84.0, Subsequent flan Check Fee (Hourly , u�A&jmurn I hour) $50.00 Minimum Permit Fee $84.0, Refer to Building Permit and Plan Check Fees attached. $100.0 0 7.1fff-i WSPEC-�i I ®NS Real E tale n&pe fi Other OGGUpaM4es Less than • $•�.'.�vnv •nvnV $5 .00 5,000 sqft $375.00 5,000 te 40,000 $500.00 10,000 sq. ft. and ove $700.00 Substandard Structure Inspections 'Code Enforcement and $76.00 Report (Hourly - Minimum 6 hours) Trailer Coach Tiedol /Ain Inspection or Permit $300.00 Search and Single Copy of Microfilmed Permit $0.10/ per page Rssoiuficn No. 07-60 Page 17 of 50 Photo Copy $0.10 per page Temporary Certificate of Occupancy — ,�pplicatior or Each $275,00 Renetiwal Penalty fee for Construc-Non Afflork conduc ad 'wil�ho ,t peTmi . Min. $300x00 (Permit fee plus penalty charge of tvao times the permit fee with a minimum of $300 and a maximum of $3,000 Seismic (Structural) Stale Manda-sed Charge Reside,nUal (3 stories or less $,0001 x Valua cn Ikon- Residentlial, hovels & rnotels $.00021 x valuation Board of Appeal 'Hearing Fee $250.00 Certification of Record $50.00 Dig6�Jzing Fee for Documenls (Per Standard She---I Size) $1.35 performance Bond Processing „e I % of Bond Copies of Plans (Require owner and /or designees approval) Actual Duplication cost Plus Fee $50.00 Engineering Services (Hourly — Minimum 2 hours) $1 10.00 ApplicaVon for Unreasonable Flardship `E:xcepsions to (Disabled Access Requirements (Hourly — Minimum 2 hours ) $110.00 Request for Substitution of Alternate Materials or Method (Hourly — Minimum 2 hours) $110.00 (*1) A re- inspection fee may be assessed for each inspection or re- inspection viihen such a portion or work for '.,hick inspection is called is not complete or when corrections called are not make, This subsection is not to be interpreted as requiring re- inspection fees the first time a job is rejected for failure to comply with the requirements of the technical codes, but as controlling the ,practice of caiJng for inspections before the job is ready for inspection or re- inspection. (*2) Only when authorized by the Director of Community Development. ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE IResodution No. 07 -50 Wage 18 of 58 SYSTEM FEE SCHEDULE For rmai mul-d-family residential buildings (a- pariments & condoms niurns) three units or more not includNg attached garages or carports $ &079 Vt.2 For new single and tvio- family residential root including $0.07/ ��.� garages, carports, accessory buildings For other types of occupancies, alterations, additions and Use Unit Gee mod °otications to existing 'build °ongs Schedule For nm /Ai residential swimming pools, each $37 .58 For spas, hot tub, above grade mj,�drnming pools, alteratiors Unit Gee to existing pools CARNIVALS PAND ClIRCUSES For electric generators and electrically driven riles, each $18,30 For mechanically driven riles and AdAialk— through attractions $5.64 with lighting, each For area and booth ligh'dng, each $6,42 For permanently installed rides, booths, displays, and Uss Unit Fee attractions Schedule TEMPORARY ;POYNER SERVICE For temporary serAce pole or pedestal and appurtenances, $18.80 each For temporary power distribution system, each $9.39 UNIT FETE SCHEDULE For receptacle, switch lighting outlets, first 20, each $0.39 Each additional $0.56 For lightirjg fixtures, sockets, or other lamp holding devices, $0.39 first 20 each Resolution No. 07 -60 Page 19 of 58 Each additional fixture $0.56 For pole or piatform mounted fixtures, each $0.89 For theatrical type lighting fixtures or assembfles, each $0eS9 For Mixed residential appliances not exceeding i hp, each $3.77 Note. for other types of air conditioners and other motor driven appliances having larger electrical ratings, see Poliver Apparatus. POWER APPARATUS For motors, generators, transformers, rectifiers, converters, capacitors, industrial heating, air conditioners and heat pumps, cooiling or ibal, ing equipment, and other apparatus, as follows: Rating in lHgFl, MAI, 'KWA, KVAR, or refrigeration -tons Up to and including 1, each $3.77 Over I and not over 10, each $9.39 Over 10 and not over 50, each $10',80 Over 50 and not over 100, each $37.58 Over 100, each $56.47 NOTE: 1. For equipment or appliances having more than one motor, transformer, heator, etc., the sum of the combined ratings may be used. 2. These fees include ell slit itches, circuit breakers, contractors, thermostats, relays and other directly reiated control equipment. BUSWAYS For trolley and plug -in busajuays, each 100 feet or fraction $5.64 thereof NOTE: An additional 'fee will be required for lighting fixtures, motors and other appliances that are connected to troiley and plug= in type busways. No fee is required -for ;portable tools. ;Resolution No. 07-60 'age 20 of 58 SIGNS OUTLINE LlGf -ITJ 1O AND MARQUEES For one sign and one branch circuit, each $13033 For additional branch &cuo «s, each $&77 SERVICES, SYN ITC HBOARD SECTQNS, PANEL BOARDS For services of 500 V or less and not over 200 Amps in $23.09 rating, each For seriiees of Boo V or less and over 200 Amps to 1,000 $46.93 Amps. in raking, each For services over 500 V or over 1,000 Amps. in rasing, each $93.95 For miscellaneous conduits and conductors $13.71 OTHER GEES Plan chack is 50% of psrmi� -fee for services, panel boards, moors, etc., �j,jjhen 600 amps or over Other inspections and miscellaneous Foos as shown in "Building Permit and plan Check Fees" attachment shall be applicable here PLUMBING PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE For -each plumbing fixture or trap or set of fixtures on one $7.51 trap (inclUding drainage, vent, wa-ler piping backflow prevension devices :l'hereof) Re- piping of portabie water system Viper dwelling unit) $74.53 ($7.04 per fixture with a maximum "lee of $73.50) For each psTmanen'I-type disbijk aster, �jvhether individua, y $7.51 trapped or nod For each industrial waste pre'.�reatment interceptor, $15.00 Reso�uflon Nlo. 07 -50 ,imago 21 of 58 including its trap and ven��, excep'sing kitchen -type grease interceptors functioning as fNture traps For each sNivirnrning pool drainage trap and receptor, $939 1�jhether connected to a bu lding drain or a building se�jver (viater supply for pool not included) For each gas piping system of one to four outlets, or $3.77 alteration or retest of existing gas piping system For each additional outlet over four $0.89 For each gas pressure regulator other than appliance $7.51 regulators For each later heater and /or vent $9.39 For repair or alteration of drainage and /or piping $T51 For each piece of treating equipment and/or �jAjater $7.57 piping installed �jAjAhout accompanying plumbing For la�jvn sprinWer systems on any one meter, including IAA, backuloAj,j prevention devices thereof For installation of each solar heating system, domestic or $37.25 pool system For hackfio'vk9 prevention devices on unprotected water $9.39 supplies, pools, tanks, vats, etc. (including incidental water ,piping) one to five For each additional device over five $x,00 For each building drain installed without accompanying $T51 plumbing Solar portable livater hewing system, including jAiater hearer $3737 and vent For each fire sprinkler head up to five Z54 For each additional dire sprinkler dead over five, each 0.34 For the connection of a house se���ar to a public sevier, or $18.80 ,osoUion No. 07 -50 Page 22 of 58 for the extension of a house lateral onto a lot for future Line (separate permit :required for each such connection or e xtenslon For installat�jcn of a section of hoarse serer for future u $18.80 For true connection of each addjtbnai building or addit:ionai �j'Vork to a hoarse seti�jer $12,49 For each private selillage disposal system (septic tank and see 29e Pit or pigs and /or drain field) $56.37 For each cesspool, overflo1jjj seepage pit, percolation test $55.37 pies, S'Wjmmr ng !peel drywall, or drain field extension or replacement For dlsconneclion, abandonment, aKeration or repair of and hoarse 3e1,,,�jer or private sewage d1 sposai system or par, thereof 0 j l-1 - ,zR F E E� 5 Man check is 50% of the plumbing permit fee Other inspection and fees as sho in in "°Bu ldling Flermr t and 0, 1an Check Fees" attachment shall be applicable hers. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE For the installation, alteration or :relocation of each refrigerator compressor or absorption unit, and for each fuel burning furnace, heater, boiler, and vented decorative appliance Including vents attached) thereto; Up to and including 100,000 BTU $11.22 More than 100,00 1TU to and inchuding 1,000,000 8 J -U More than 1,000,000 BTU :16.35 For each air inlet and air outlet serried by and air conditioning system $2 °54 F,SsoUioni uNo,. 07 -60 Pags 23 of 56 Or for each 1,000 square feet or frao'don thereof of conditioned area NOTE: When a permit is epipiied 'For and Ibe tO'Z2i nUrnber of air iniet and air outiots is ujr knoiynu, the fees shae l be based on true square fact of conditioned area. For she installation, relocation, or replacernens of each appliance vent installed and not included in are appliance �,7� permit For iho jnstaila�jon or aKeration of each air handling unit for air condo tjoning incMing ducts attached haretoe Up to and inciuding 2,000 CRA Each unii up to 10 $4.98 Each uni'� over I $1e32 More than 2,000 CJ M to and including 10,1000 CRM $00.19 More than 10,000 CRA $13.72 NOTE- Ibis uoo shall not apply �o an air handling unit which is e portion of e factory assembled air condo lioned appliance for which e permit is required o9sewhero in this Core. For -each 8vaP0r2titi e cooior other than portable -type For required Ventilation fans vihich soTvo a singis rs &terr Each ,fan up -Io 10 $5 74 Each fan over 1 For each required ventilation system which is not a portion $8.19 of any air conditioning system for which a permit is required elsewhere in this code For the installation of each commercial kitchen hood or $8.19 spray booth served by mechanical exhacs�, including the fans and ducts attached thereof For the installation of each; -Tire damper Resolution No. 07 -60 Pegg 24 of 58 For the altaradon Of are existing duck sys, .zero for lvAihich a Permit is not required SIS- MiAlhsre jn phis code 0T H am, FEE iE5 For all Wgject ay?jith the exception of Sisk the appllcant shall Pay a plan check fes eu 50% of the mechanical permit, CIher inspec ion anal miscellaneous fees as she����n in " BuiUng Permit and Plan Check Fees" a`�tachment shall also be applicab e here, SIGN PERMIT OCH[7 CombinaVon sign, final sign, projecting sign or roof sign Lip to 30 square Feet Pole sign Lip to 50 square feet Wall sign up Zo 200 square feet All signs, each addiUonal 100 square feet or fract o.n thereof over the above respective 30, 50, or 200 square feet Ran check use rs �irad for ground bass signs. Fees are !based on building plan check consl�ruc -lion valuation - See l Jiscellaneous flan Check and Parmit Fees" Schedule. GRADING AND PRIVATE IMPROVEMENT F g S I E $8.19 25,10 $25.10 $35,51 $37,50 Rurlso lion No. 07-60 Fags 25 of 58 fee minimum fee e Mass Grading and Rough Grading. Plan Check $155.00 /Hour Precise Grading and Private Improvements Plan Check $155.00 /1-lour GRADING PERMIT FEES Rough grading M0013 / -�v�,2 of sire area Precise grading only $ (O,gj 5 / .f�,2 of site area i'9e1JV conStrUGt« On ors -sKe improVements Curb and gutter, $0,01 � / of sideNivaNs, pavement, catch basins, storm drains, etc, si'Ie area Existing repair of on -site improvements Curb & Gutter $0.099/ linear Sidevial'is $0.037 / ft. 2 Pavement $0,012 / Tj. 2 * 1 When approved by Director of Community Development NEW CONSTRUCTION FEES RESIDENTIAL Single - family d,�Ajellings; attached or detached, per unit nn Duplexes, per unit $350.00 Multifamily dwellings, Townhouses or CondominL9ms �'�hres $350,00 or more units) or Condominium conversions (multiTamily dwellings having already paid a lax may credit such amount against the new amount), per unit Rsso lion Flo. 07 -6 Page 26 of 58 Pius, per bedroom over one (1' in each unit $100.00 Mobile home park pads, per pad $100.00 COMMERCIAL, PROFESSIONAL OR iii QUS J R-0AL For each commercial, professionai or industrial buflding unit $0,10 / `Ut.2 in the bLflUng, per square foot of gross floor area, inducing any area upon or �jivjthin a buji ding designed -for the parking of vehicles For each hotel or motel renjai unit I��i��oa�� snit a kitchen, per $100°00 FREMOVAL ANV L0 IOR -ALL F jll_Li�QBAJI_ 5i N 5 �- �P '-- f � CO o ENFORCEMENT 0 5111019 5 - - -.. - --- -� .. .u.gra, - �, ­m8t kiviisuu uusul-j badwy ana /or eenent adjustments, as determined by the Director of CommunKy Development. Rssdu2jon No. 07-60 Page 27 of 58 Code Task Enforcement Manager Supporting Officer ($110.00 /hr. *) Staff ($72.00 /hr. *) ($55.00 /hr. *) Phvsical Tasks _ 20 minutes N/A gg Locate the sign; Park the vshicie; per sign $20,00 per Photograph the sign; dRemove the sign, Place sign in vehicle; and sign Dispose sign Administrative Tasks 2 hors for the 30 nnin�es $78:80 Print photograph; Create case file; flrst sign plus per sign �Iyipe X175.00 for Enter info in computer; Contact 10 Minutes the first sign parries; com&ts activity log; per extra sign Pius $10 per Peporz activity; dose and file case; exllra sign and Respond to complaints Invoicing Tasks 1 hoUr per 1 minutes $39.00 Prepare invoice; AAafl invoice; and invoice per invoice $135.00 per Monitor payment invoice Appeal /Hearing Tasks 5 hours per 1 hour per Notify persons; Prepare report; (hearing hearing $390-00 per Attend hearing; and Provide written hearing .notice - - -.. - --- -� .. .u.gra, - �, ­m8t kiviisuu uusul-j badwy ana /or eenent adjustments, as determined by the Director of CommunKy Development. Rssdu2jon No. 07-60 Page 27 of 58 COAN,9 7 U a IO -N Z.1 107E hi7PUINDN VI 5 TE sI-C,Y LIN cD VP �\`� c � A�111 (P\ II Construction, damn ltbn, arid renovation projects valued a-I $50,000 or greater are regJrsd to diver(L at lease 50% of all project- rslatsd C 3, 0 Debris) Recycling Plan and Application Fee $50.00 In addition to the application fee, each applicant shall deposit with the City a security deposit as security for performance in the amount as determined by the Public Works Director, but not more than five percent (5 %) of the project's valuation as determined by the Building Official. °AUSTIN TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (see Map aftached for "Area ") AREA A .r 2 AREA B $3.31 ft. nosduflon No. 07 -60 Page 23 of 58 0 7 U57Jj'l Il zANSFOCR -A V ION SYOTEM SYSTEM hWFRG'VE, -N1E[M I F 6OS x/201 AR[EiA STUDY AREA BOUNDARY erne ia� M m Tine M Or Tim AM) c STUDY AREA BOUNDARY xmu An a( or ss aae2 Figure 1 SANTA ANA/TUSTIN TSJP STUDY AREA Rssolut� on No. 07 -60 Page 29 of 58 �J EXHIBIT B.1 BUILDING FEMNI a AND FLAN C�]E CX FE -9 VALUATION UP TO PLAN CHECK PERMIT FEE $500 $12.98 $18.55 $600 $14.71 $21.02 _ $700 - - -- $16.44 ` $23.49 $300 - $18.18 $25.97 _ $9.00 - $19,91 -- $28.44 $1,000 _ $21.64 $30.91 _ $1,100 _- $23.37 -- $33.38 $1,200 $25.10 $35.86 $1,300 $26.83 $38,30 -- $1,400 $28.56 _ - $40.80 - -- $1,500 $30.29 _ $43.2_8 -- $1,600 $32.02 _ $45.75 _ $1,700 $33.76 x$43.22 - $1,300 $35.49 $50.69 $1,900 $3722 $53.17 $2,000 $38.95 $55.64 $3,000 $46,74 - $66.77 $4,000 $54.53 - $77.90 $5,000 $62.32 $89.03 $6,000 $70.11 $100.15 $7,000 $77.90 _ $111.28 $8,000 $362.65 _ $122.41 _ $9,000 _- _$85,69 $93.48 - $133.54 $10,000 - -_ $10127 $529.21 $11,000 $109.06 _$144.67 $155.79 $12,000 _ $116.85 $166.92 $13,000 $124.64 $178.05 - -_- $14,000 $132.42 $189.18 $15,000 $140.21 $200.31 $16,000 $148,00 _ $211.43 $17,000 _ $155.79 $222.56 $18,000 $163.58 d$573.72 $19,000 $171.37 _$233.69 $244.82 $20,000 $17_9.16 $255.95_ __ $21, 000 _ - $186.95 $590.41 _ $22,000 $194.74 _$267.08 $278.20 $23,000 $202.53 $289.33 $2_4,000 $210.32 $607.10 $25,000 $218.11 _$300.46 $311.59 $26,000 $223.74 $319.63 $27,000 $225.31 $321.87 _ $28,000 $230.83 $329.76 $29,000 $236.36 $337.66 VALUATION UP TO PLAN CHECK PERMIT FEE $30,000 $246.24 $351.77 $31,000 - $_251.87 $359,81 - $32,000 $257.4_9 $367.35 $33,000 $263.12 $375,88 $34,000 $268.7_4 - $383.92 $35,900 $274.37 $391,96 -- $36,000 -- -_- $280.00 $400.00 $37,000 $285.62 $408.03 -� ---$38,000 $291.25 _ $416.07 $39,000 _ $296.87 $424.11 -- $40,000 _ $302.50 $432.14 $41,000 $308.13 $440.18 -- $42,0010 -- $31315 $448.22 $43,000 $319.38 $455.25 - _$44,000 $325.00 $464.29 _ $45,000 _ $330.63 $472.33 $46,000 $336.26 $480.36 $47,000 $341.88 $488.40 $48,000 $347.51 $496.44 - $49,000 $504.48 $50,000 __$353.13 $358.76 $512.51 _ $51,000 $362.65 $518.08 $52,000 $366.55 $523.64 - $53,000 $370.44 $529.21 $54,000 _ $374.34 $534.77 $55,000 $37823 $540.33 -- $56,000 $382.13 $545.90 - - -- $57,000 $386.02 $551,46 $58,000 _ $389,92 $557.03 $59,000 $393.81 $562.59 $60,000 $397.71 $568.15 $61,000 $4_01.60 d$573.72 $62,000 $405.510 _ '$579,28 $63,000 $4_09.39 $534,85 $64,000 $413.29 $590.41 $65,000 $417.18 $595.97 $66,000 $421.08 $601.54 $67,000 $607.10 _ $63,000 __$424.97 $428.87 $612.67 $69,000 _ $432.76 $618.23 $70,000 $436.66 _ $623.79 - $71,00'0 $440.55 __ $629.36 $72,000 $444.45 $634.92 Resolution No. 07 -60 Page 30 of 58 VALUATION UP TO $73,000 PLAN (; = -IHFCK $448.34 PERMIT F C is $640.49 $74,000 $452.24 $646.05 - 175,000 $456.13 $651.61 $76,000 $460.03 $657.18 $77,000 $463.92 $662,74 - -- -- $78,000 $467.81 _ $668.3_1 - - $79,000 $471.71 $673.87 - - - -- $80,000 $475,60 $679.44 $81,000 _ $479.50 _ $685.00 $82,000 _ $483.39 $690.56 $83,000 $487.29 $6_96.13 _ $84,000 $491.18 $701.69 - - -- $859000 $495.08 $7_07.26 -- $86,000 $498.97 $712.82 $87,000 -- $502,87 $718.38 $88,000 $506,76 _ $723.95_ _ $89,000 $510.66 $729.51 $90,000 $514.55 $735,08 _ $91,000 $518,45 $740.64 $92,000 $522.34 $746.20 $93,000 $526.24 $751.77 _ $94,000 $530.13 $757.33 _ $95,000 _ $534_.03 $762.90 $96,000 $537.92 _ $768.46 $97,000 $541.82 $774.02 $98,000 $545.71 -- $779.59 $99,000 $549.61 $785.15 -- $100,000 $553.50 - $790.72 $1_01,000 _ - $795.04 $102,000 _$556.53 $559.56 - $799.371 $133,000 _ $552.59 $803.70 $1 04,000 $692.85 $808.03 -- $105,000 _$565.62 $812.35 $106,000_ _$568.65 $571.68 $816.68 $107,000 $574.71 $821.01 $108,000 $577.74 $825.34 $109,000 $580.77 $829.67 $110,000 $533.79 $833.99 $111,000 $586.82 _ $838.32 $112,000 $589.85 $842.65 _ $113,000 $592.88 $846.98 $114,000 $595.91 $851.30 C) VALUATION UP T(1 $115,000 PLAN CHECK_ $598.94 PERMIT FEE $855.63 $116,000 _ $601,97 $859.95 $117,000 - -_ $605._00 $864,29_ - -- $11_8,000_ $608.03 $853.61 _ $119,000 $611.06 $872.94 $,120,000 $614.09 $877.27 _ - -- $617.12 $881.60 _$121,000 $122,000 $620.15 _ $123,000 $623,1_8 _$885.92 $890.25 $124,000 $626.21 - -- $894.58 $125,000 $126,000 _$629.23 $632.26 __$898.91 $903.23 $127,000 $635.29 $907.56 _ $128,000 $638.32 $911.89 $129,000 $641.35 _ $916,22 $1_30,000 $644.38 $920.54 $131,000 $647.41 $924.87 $132,000 _ $650.44 $929.20 _ $133,000 $653,47 $933.53 $134,000 $656.50 $937.86 $135,000 $659.53 $942.18 $136,000 $662.56 $946,51 $137,000 $665.59 $950.84 $138,000 $668.62 $955.17 $139,000 $671.65 $959.49 -- $140,000 $674.67 $963.82 $141,000 $677.70 $968.15 $142,000 _ $680.37 $972.48 $143,000 -- $683.76 $976.80 - - - -- $144,000 $686.79 $981.13 - $145,'000 _ $689.82 $985.46 $146,000 $692.85 _ $989.79 $147,000 $695.88 $994.11 - -- $148,000 $698.91 _ $998.44 $149,000 $701.9- _ $1,nn D2 77 $150,000 - $704.97 $1,007,10 _ $151,000 - - $708.00 $1,011.42 $152,000 $711.03 $1,015.75 _ $153,000 $714.06 $1,020.08 - -- $154,000 $717.0_9 $1,024.41 $155,000 $72_0,11 $1,028.74 $156,000 $723.14 $1,033.05 Resolution No. 07 -50 Page 31 of 58 VALUATIOm1 UP TO iPi.A -11\\d c�V i` : V L9; 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$913,000 $2,837.62 $4,053.74 $914,000 $2,840.21 $4,057.45 $915,000 $2,842.81 $4,061.15 $916,000 $2,845,41 $4,064,86 $917,000 $2,848.00 $4,068,57 $918,000 $2,850,60 $4,072.28 $919,000 $2,853.19 $4,075.99 $920,000 $2,855.79 $4,079.70 $921,000 $27858.39 $4,083,41 $922,000 $2,860.98 $4,087.12 $923,000 $2,863,58 X4,090.83 $924,000 $2,866.18 $4,094,54 $925,000 $2,868.77 $4,09825 _ $926,000 $2,871.37 $4,101,96 $927,000 $2,873.97 $4,105.67 $928,000 $2,876.56 $4,109.38 $929,000 $2,879.16 $4,113.09 - $930,000 $2, 881, 76 $4,116.80 $931,000 $2,884,35 $4,120.51 $932,000 $2,886.95 $4,124.21 $933,000 $2,889. 5 $4,127.92 Resolution No. 07-61 Page 40 of A% `\T„ ILI"A 77 C-) ll\,9 hl 1i?J PERMIT - LI 31.63- - $935,000 $2,694,74 $4,135.34 $936,000 $2,897.34 $4,139.05 $937,000 $2,899°93 $4,142.76 $938,000 $2,902.53 $4,146.47 $9 ,39,000 $2,905.13 $4,150.18 $940,000 $2,907.72 $4,153,89 $941,1000 $2, 910.32 $4,157.60 $942,000 $2,912.92 $4,161.31 $943,000 $2,915.51 $4,165,02 $944,000 $2,918.11 $4,168.73 $945,000 $2,920.71 $4,172.44 $946,000 $2,923.30 $4,176.15 $947,000 $2,925.90 $4,179.86 $948,000 $2,928.50 $4,183.56 $949,000 $2,931,09 $4,1 07.27 $950,000 $2,933.69 $4,190.98 $951,000 $2,936.28 $4,194.69 $952,000 $2,938.83 $4,198.40 $953,000 $2,941.48 $4,202,11 $954,000 $2,944.07 $4,205,82 $955,000 $2,946,37 $4,209.53 $956,000 $2,949.27 $4,213.24 $957,000 $2,951.85 $4,216.95 $958,000 $2,954,46 $4,220.66 $959,000 $2,957.06 $4,22437 $960,000 $2,959.65 $4,228.08 $961,000 $2,962.25 $4,231.79 $962,000 $2,964.85 $4,235.50 $963,000 $2,967.44 $4,239.21 $964,000 $2,970.04 $4,242.91 $965,000 $2,972.64 $4,246.62 $966,000 $2,975.23 $4,25033 $967,000 $2,977°83 $4,254.04 $968,000 $29980.43 $4,257.75 $969,000 $2,983,02 $4,261.46 $970,000 $2,985.62 $4,265.17 $971,000 $2,988.22 $4,268.88 $972,000 $2,990.81 $4,272.59 $973,000 $2,993.41 $4,273.30 $974,00!0 $2,996.01 $4,280.01 $975,000 $2,998,60 $42283.72 $976,00_0 $3,001.20 $4,287.43 $977,000 $3,003.80 $4,291.14 $978,'00'0 $3,006,39 710 ffl J F E y$4,294.85 $979,000 $3,008.99 $4,298.56 $980,000 $3,011.59 $4,302,26 $981,000 $3,014.18 $4,305.97 $982,000 $3,016.78 $4,309.68 $983,000 $3,019.38 $4,313.39 $984,000 $3,021.97 $4,317.10 $985,000 $3,024.57 $4,320.81 $986,000 $3,027.16 $4,324.52 $987,000 $3,029.76 $4,328.23 $988,000 $3,032.36 $4,331.94 $989,000 $3,034.95 $4,335.65 $990,000 $3,037.55 $4,339.36 $991,000 $3,040.15 $4,343.07 $992,000 $3,042.74 $4,346.78 $993,000 $3,045.34 $4,350.49 $994,000 $3,047.94 $4,354.20 $995,000 $3,050.53 $4,357.91 $996,00!0 $3,!053.13 $4,361.61 $997,000 $3,055.73 $4,365.32 $998,000 $3,053.32 $4,369.03 $999,000 $3,060.92 $4,372,74 $1,000,000 $3,053.52 $4,376.45 $1,001,000 $3,065.25 $4778,93 $1,002,000 $3,066.98 $4,381.40 $1,003,000 $3,068.71 $4,383.87 $1,004,000 $3,070.44 $4,386.34 $1,005,000 $3,072,17 $4,388.82 $1,006,000 $3,073.90 $4,391.29_ _ $1,007,000 $3,075.63 $4,393.76 $1,008,000 $3,077.37 $4,396,24 $1,009,000 $3,079.10 $4,398,71 $1,010,000 $3,080.83 $4,401.18 $1,011,000 $0,082.56 $4,403.55 $1,012,000 $3,084.29 $4,406,13 $1 013 000 �� 9� (M n8a W', v, U. $pA v� u �� ,4,nB.Sn $1,014,000 $3,087.75 $4,411.07 $1,015,000 $3,089.48 $4,413.55 $1,016,000 $3,091.21 $4,416.02 $1,017,000 $3,092.94 $4,418.49 $1,018,000 $3,094.68 $4,420.96 $1,019,000 $3,096.41 $4,423.44 $1,020,000 $3,098.14 $4,425.91 $1,021,000 $3,099.37 1 $4,428.38 Rasoludon lj\lo. 07 -00 Page, 41 of 58 VIAL 'U .'Z\77c0�M - x,022,000 PLAN $1,023,10100 $3, O3e33 _ $1 ,024,000 $3,105,06 $3,025,000 $3,106.79 $1.026 -000 �� i 1nq -,i9 �E $4,430. a6 $4,433.33 $4,435.30 $4,433.23 !�A A -An 7� $1,027,000 $3,110.25 $4,443.22 $1,023,000 $3,111.99 $4,445.69 $1,029,'0'00 $3,113.72 $4,443.17 $1,030,000 $3,115.45 $4,450.64 _ X1,031,0100 $3,117 °13 $4,453.11 __$1,032,000 $3,113.91 $4,455.59 $1,1003,0010 $3,12!0.64 $4,453.06 $1,034,0010 $3,122,37 $49460.53 $1,035,000 $3,124.10 $4,463.00 $1,036,000 $3,125.33 $4,465.43 $1,037,0001 $3,127.57 $4,467.95 $1,033,000 $3,129.30 $4,470.42 $1,039,1000 $3,131.03 $4,472,90 $1,040,0100 $3,132.76 $4,475,37 $1,041,000 $3,134.49 $4,477.34 $1,,0 000 $3,136.22 $45430,32 $1,0437000 $3,137.95 $4,432.79 $1,044,1030 $3,139.63 $4,435°26 $1, 045,10010 $3,141.41 $4,43.7.73 $1,046,000 $3,143.14 $4,490,21 $1,047,000 $3,144.33 $4,492.63 $1,04-8,1000 $3,146,51 -$4,495.15 $1,049,000 $3,143.34 $4,497.63 $1,050,000 $3,150.07 $4,500110 $1,051,000 $3,151.30 $4,502.57 $3,052,1000 $3,153.53 $4,505.04 $1,053,000 $3,155.26 $49507.52 $1,054,000 $3,156.99 $4,509.99 $1,055,000 $3,153.72 $4,512.46 $1,1056,000 $3,160.46 $4,514,94 $1,057,000 $3,162.19 $4,517.41 $1,0353,000 $3,163.92 $4,519.33 v,059,000 $3,165.65 $4,522.35 _$1,060,'000 $3,16733 $4,524.33 $1,061,'300 $3,169.11 $4,527.30 $1,062,000 $3,1710.34 $4,529.77 $3,063,000 $3,372.57 $4,532.25 $1,064,000 $3,17430 $4,53432 $1,055,000 $3,176.03 $4,537.19 $1,066,000 - LL- X3,177.77 $4,539.57 $3,067,000 $3,179.50 $4,542°14 $1,063,000 $3,131.23 $4,544,61 _ $1,069,000 $3,132.96 X4,547.03 $1,1076,000 $3,195.06 _ $4,5492.56 ��$1,��O'�@7'0�,yO0�0'� ,, II -ON II ll;�!l Ill!1 �$j 63�,1849e�6 �9_ -°Si.`� iqr, A5—F- d (zzi $1,072,000 $3,133.15 $4,554.59_ $1,073,000 $3,139.36 $4, 556.93 $1,074,000 $3,191,61 $4,559.45 $1, 0175, 000 $3,193.35 $49561.92 $1,1076,000 $3,195.06 $4,564,39 $1,1077,000 $3,1916.31 $4,566.37 $1,073,1000 $3,193.54 $4,559.34 $1,079,0001 $3,200.27 $4,571.81 $1,030,000 $3,202°00 $47574.29 $1,031,000 $3,203,73 $4,576.76 $1,032,000 $3,205.46 $4,579.23 $1,033,000 $4,531.70 $1,034,10010 _$3,207.39 $3,203.92 $41534.13 $3,035,000 $3,210.66 $4,536,65 $1,0136,0100 $3,212.39 $_4,539.32 $1,037,300 $3,214°12 $4,591.60 $1,033,1000 $37215.35 $4,594.07 $1,039,000 $3,217.53 $4,5915.54 $1,090,000 $3,219.31 $4,599.02 $1,091,000 $3,221.04 $4,6103.49 $1,092,1000 $3,222.77 $4,16103,96 $1,1093,0010 $3,224,50 $4,606,43 $1,094,000 $3,226.23 $4,6103.91 $1,095,000 $3,227.97 $011.33 $1,096,000 _ 53,229.70 $4,613.35 $1,097,000 $3,231.43 $4,616.33 $1,0_93,000 $3,2_33.16 $4,513.30 $1,099,000 $3,234°39 $4,621.27 $1,100,000 $3,236.62 $4,623°74 $1,101,000 w� 2 %5 -w(2"),,2) w/�L,b3�V .4d 09 $1,102,000 $3,240.03 $4,628.69 $1,103,01010 $3,241.31 $4,633.15 $1,104,0100 $3,243,55 $4,633.64 $1,105,000 $3,245.23 $4,636.11 $1,106,000 $3,247.101 $4,633,53 $1,107,000 $3,243.74 $4,641.05 $1,103, 000 $3,250.47 $4,643.53 $1,109,000 $3,252.20 $4,645.00 Resduflon j9o. 07 -50 Page 42 ,o 58 0 -VAL A 1 ilrZ-)NT _ , p if 0 _ _ ,11 ,0-- -0 ---- PLAN - `� - - -- 13,253.93 ERIVII -- TIM L 14,643.47 $1,111,000 $3,255.66 $4,650.95 $1,112,000 $3,257.39 $42653,42 12113,000 $3,252.12 $4,655,89 $1,114,000 $3,260.86 $4, 653.37 $1,115,000 $3,262.59 $4,660.34 $12116,000 $3,264.32 X4,663.31 $1,117,000 $3,266.05 $4,666,70 $1,113,000 $3,267.73 $4,66 ,8.26 $1,119,000 $3,269,61 $4,670.73 $1,120,000 $3,271.24 $4,673.20 1,121,000 $3,-2-/ 297 $4,675.63 $1,122,000 1 $3,274.70 ,$4,677.16 $1,123,000 $3,276,44 $4,63062 X51,124,00'0 $3,273,17 X4,720.19 - -- -- - - -- - -- $3,279.90 Fll LE 71 - - -, 685.57 X3,231.63 $4,633.04 $1,127,000 $3,233.36 $4,690.51 $1,128,000 $3,235.09 $4,692.99 1,1 29,000 $3,236.32 $4,696.46 $1,130,000 $3,233.55 $4,697.93 $1,131,000 $3,290.23 $4,700.41 $1,132,000 $3,292.01 $4,702.33 $1,133,000 $3,293.75 $4,705.36 X1,1 X4,000 _ $3,295.43 4,7'97,32 $1,135,000 $3,297.21 $4,710.30 $1,136,000 $3,293.94 $4,712.77 $1,137,000 X3,300.67 $4,715.24 $1,133,000 $3,302.40 $4,717.72 $1,139,000 $3,304.13 X4,720.19 FOR VALUATIO�NS OF $1 M �LL�OJN AND OVER 4,156.75 FOR THE FIRST $1,000,000.00 (PLUS $2.36 FOR ACIll ADDMONAL $1,000.00 OR FRACif�O�'\J THEREOF PLAN CHECK FEE = 70% OF P 'ERjW it FE NIACIRO = ( *15 + (A4*500)1*i 00* 2),,d.06A.033x9 .036x�.025A ;01 x1.01 x� .024 REVISED JANUARY 1998 Rssdutio -u T\1c. 07 -60 Page 43 of 58 O O 3 y i1il[ jr\ 1 C.1. MISCELLANEOUS ResoUion 1\90, 07 -50 Page -4 of 58 \ ,$20 nn nn City °�treet ga"e,-M-ap " City Annexation-map ion '1"r?atFtr-, '-Fi -map List city C +ran of +o ,P'-'b- lir, Works Minimi -m Desi6n Standards, pity arstUa postage $1200 Pm,.e, s, set City Construction Management Oversight $40.00 (Applicable when public financing is involved) 1.5% of overall construction costs Transportation Permit for Over -Limit Angle Trip Annual ;permit $15.00 $96,00 Standard Drawings $20,00 per set Street Address Map $8°00 per set Photo Copy / Duplication s J "x11" 8 Y2 si 14" I" x 17" x'0,10 per ;page 1 %C)ao of 25" and 24" 3610 $5.00 per sheet 9icycle Locker lgenta9 $15e00 d month Painting Addresses on Curbs (Max- donation $12.00 /House ResoUion 1\90, 07 -50 Page -4 of 58 Digitizing / Scanning $1.35 / sheet ,co. i 1f31 9FE IN c lVl 9'CO N PLAIM , � SCHEDULE (DEVELOPME \ u - L Review Items Minimum Plan V inai AAap Check Daoosit Fee $1,000 Parcel] Map plus $50 per io-t $1,000 Public improvernents Wreet, Yvater, storm drain, cttc.) ,� er pies 50 per lot Sheet) $500 Grading (Per Sheet Drainage Studies $500 Soii� V�eport� X00 $500 Traffic &udu ess Traffic Con2roi (Per Sheet) x ,000 Striping Signing (Per Sheet) $500 Traffic Signal Modification / Installation (Per Sheet) $500 Water Quality Management Plan (WQ; $500 $2,700 record Documents (easements, dedications, lot line adjustments, ��00 Sign Revle�jAj $200 Ex raoTdinary Research (Per ,Hour c 2 hoer minimum $50e00 eiecommunications Ap,pflca'tion Revia�,Ai Fee $5,000 !landscape Pian Per Sheet) $500 A�AJ scciianeous �Rscyciing Sian, etch $500 RosoUion N9o. 07 -60 Page 45 of 58 N ajor Thoroughfare and Bridge Fee For iFoothlild J «� � rn 1 ransiporiatlon Corridor Agency On iuly 1 of each year, true tee rate scheduie mill increase by 2.667% -for the San Joaquin Rills Area and 2.206% four the FocthiH /IEastern Area EfTective 2- 8"2007 thru June 30, 2008 Singie Family $4,E Zone A Multi Farnily $2,E Ncn- Residential $6.: Single Farnily $3,,- Zone 3 Multi Family $1,€ asidential $3.E Sao At tached map for Zone A & B locations Resolution Nlo. 07 -60 'age 46 of 58 c 71--A P110, 1,19 Q� QY In \ Resolution No. 07 -50 Page 47 of 58 _li"�I.�l 3�: h E33ic A3emn OCO 1CU^.. miinlIy'.a;y In ``stale CA 9-7720-D 772 7>313ia7o o ar. (7 16) 952-:2413 �J r a 11 1 �� M -3 3` 3" Casa -.� �mnse w e'hn Pknl n ndl - .A�aY9 3nr a � Ri=n. cn ly �au�J¢a�eon� ©inirfot for s an7.aTry ���ye�a C.v7n. at3a� 2'�ca �a J 'ts 195�J. by ;�rr73na - e ^DC.3D ;sPrgises, ei �a arnl rJ33 e'a5.arga: s. aaaa 3ia paid 4f� cash pasau r coeaasclfetn 251 Ctr >i 1�s3s. rt•lASrtnr.+re Phone No. Rtreq away:n.,i Mp vx:je ,-IMan. Im. Ag,P19x10e3" sPP9fesnt nnwtedgxea That nnnry;innvn.ia 9nacGd cvi73 oa�ut�ad7arta o TrtavaaeY. 37 .xcev e.a7 by xyrFlSuYmt. r n ny %4 cam? ;,] USq eiv38 aeaisca ll tncn �4as d�pvaxr6aa, as 35."S01?DP1 oG •a ToT^n4�d3a; ',� "r' 'F'uT ^:n, v_.a�3�ss9 CnrtastTatst9an y� q3 F•oosaste s 33701J,CCO3.7. aathaa saGOrzst32t;�s r 2 a 55fi. ;z n-jx , L.nw es 3 13h CQp=j3" Daraaad 753ita� S13Pa„aaa.Tks;s; Caa W5� ^ I; Coin 3�nndries; 3 wkl; S3aappe,t, Cc,-3 a a-T'tzh Raq,nvrnntn X $2,41701 ,OvO 5s`•. 'AL V5: 5 REFUNDS: COMMERCSALJJNZ'i�ST'j, %1L cO",,j iECT Ms• Tract No. /'"�u^�"tl.i'.:;D)77 st, ✓� 4`?:�it0 'LL.7'D3JTTJ ��% szo,313.0f) —% �tes7rta,in x S�o�}nD.�� �T��;s"LG�Ytt'4�' uIh�lPS�i i2t�in z `> �2�3.00 Secdr )am x 51,450.00 om c 52,020.00 B qtn ^ ,x,2,570.00 B om n 3 3,120.on CONNBCnONs; Lrsl_'1 PERM-TT ,-qo wurrnSssDOa t® cnnat/nINInined ti n(B) to 9Te .sar-cragc fasStsitra of tby City of Tustin 9s her '^s• pear Frssn the d'[, nnJ 3m aa.cs .7ansx 4^,•iYh rLL°f4 •-b:l ;�mt;9ea7 3o aT�3i":�rnt [Jrraai¢'ing such star nLsD istaroj tnacieit:aian y wtd Saniistion dySs9rlet 'r3anra}n n KUOa nray7rsa�y aPe�rnxad plans and , ;Siczrtions. �^^ sa ver connection ation on.! perm -,r.,i � a Yai,Ms9 from the City of Tasain Engl - axineq Diitii;tSOa r.Ir3 ioayanant of axidhiwxttS to neation !om Wray t:2 c^yvitsd if the conot p?tysisa1B,+ —,nz:= .� a rr.-va,Be fncilitles wlthSn a ane- y°..ar rzz?•rtti fireman 9sRYt;tnsa data of rtais penn9t. A ?rtl9ding permit mined 7-om the City of Tuin n, [lani7af' Sn,7 Divdsicn tsrio T to enInTeemcing of any Cottslt•ctctit'm s++atrk Nijbin it -tote public right- of -wey ray.,a , a ocamimd fmm a. e CSay FT—na, ;c- Birl cring D!,ia9en at 3¢ass �ef.h Private p araos. s� any csn;,stuctinn rk fit the pubiic rig?at- of -vny. ovm Prior to oozn eneyng of Tfuis Rmrmit n gives the nppliccaw perminsioaa an tii:53Yat only Pursjy f8atreslic sc*n,gc thrOgig a vim cnnn ecjjpn$g) h¢YSintt9)aua anthtttiae% into the Sewer System of aheJ, 9Y9� of 7ar:sYin. `The a93ss9i^arSe of nny 3ndustrini or Cnannasrciot Neste in not autlantiaed av9th.'ia,t a 9Zsathsr €atstl sspnmf¢ Orange cm snag :'sondaa7ia:ra Dimmici. PoneltMiheobtained fro ReeetPt f 3 e;tnir =x7 5ca rte .�.GCS5sr1 by 't✓YSao�c Ccanay Szinnatlnn 9)Sserict Orrtinanxn N.. CCS3p-i:�9 as s,ere9,y nskaosv3rcxgarl by tlta City afTustin. Dar . _ r;tsaain)1 Pair] _ City Engi;ineer _ SV 1n ae - Fill Cn dJr tAuu`tnr9zert 9igonf u.c p)'• Ycl9nw - Angrticarrr: rs'ink - fea>ansc: Cold - Huildiv51 Di -- Resdufuon Nlo. 07 -60 Fags 48 of 58 0, -2 � P B L I CC NV? -DV3KZ Fz J`J CRQz � CG� V � rI7,: MrM P[E�P�jj � -� �E Permit items EY 0 -08 Fees Basic Perrn�j issuance ,wee (Dumps -lor — placernenj includes inspection Fee) A.C. Pavement Replacement Deposit (if required), per MOM ton $2,500 rninimLjm Curb 91 Wrser (Hourly rate may be used over 500 L.F . $ per L.F. $75.00 minimum SidajAiak (Hourly rage may be used over 1,500 &F,), per $ $75.00 Minimum Residential Urivevjay P-\pren or access Ramps, each $95.00 Commercial Driveaivay Apron or Cross Gufter, each $120.00 ($240,00 Radius Type) Pavement ent or Cold PL,@ning �jq/A.C. Cap (Houriy rate may $�,� be used over 3,00!0 S,,.), per S.F. $7�.0� mini 0.15 Storm Drain (Less Than 24 ") per LE $1.50 $95,00 minima Storm !Drain (24" and over, per LE $2.25 $145.00 minimum Storm Drain S'tructure �j, , 1 C.B. , each $1A,5.00 Street Mare, Traffic Sign, Legends and 'Curb Cores, $15,00 each AAiscellaneous and monitcring yys7 is $20.00 Traffic Signal (€ ius ' consL ltan� inspection billed separate $3,840.00 at actual hourly rate) or hourly rate Traffic Control, Striping, Self \per & Utility Construction lHoudy Rate on an individual project basis. Street tree in tree well or parkway (15 gallon without Roos $104.00 Barrier), each $110.00 Resol 'don No. 07 -60 Page 49 Of 58 C.4. Permit l' erns FY 07 -08 Fees Soil Density and iKscellanecus Testing ACtUal COS-s plus Administralive Coss loenaKY l=ee (includes S�wdng vjv9crk 'without a permK), $100.00 Mn nirnum and if applicable u=lcLiriy lnspecUcn Rats (Does no-1 include Ccnsui and $48.00 $53.00 inspection �jAjhicb livill be billed at invoice cost) Regular $66.00 $73.00 Overtime L5. YAlater Njain ('dourly rake may be used over 300 L5.), $1.25 per LUG. $240.00 minimum Double Check BackfiovjAj Assembly (excluftg meter) $140.00 /,L\bove Ground $I QO 00 In 'It Fire � lydran-1 Only or Tapping Sleeve (inckid ng Gate $05.00 Valve), each Gate Valve or YMater Service (lncludd n0 Gorp Stop), each $70,00 Wader Main and APPurtenance Health Test, each $35.00-$45.00 Water Mater Variable according to size (See Table "A") WATER METERS AND MISCELLANEOUS FEES Water Meter Size 3/4" Water Meter Fee Per Meter 1 " Water Meter $75.00 ** 1-1/2" Water Meter $140.00 ** 2" Water Meter $285 .00 ** 3" Water Meter $285.00 ** 4" Water Meter $620.00 $620.00 6" Water Meter, $ ' 8" Water Meter �,,,� �n X025.0 3,276.00 $3,400.00-$4,375.00 Denotes that city furnishes rnaloriai or horn, and City inslos :} Denotes 'lhat city furnishes maieriai or horn, and appftanl irustos. Resolution jlo. 07 -60 Page 50 of 58 NOTE: I1f stated 1,vater fees not appHcab�-- 1,ayhere RVVD is the service provider. ff Meter Key Deposot - CDs„ 1 i3 Damage to Construction � �ydranI Meter - Paris and labor, plus 27 %, on a case by case desermjna(�on Doajajns�ze Water Mater (I" to 5/8 "), plus cost of meter Upgrade Water Deter - Paris and labor, on a case by ease determination After Hours Gaileut Pee (VVeekeRd, Holiday & Off Friday) Turn -on /Turn -off Water at request of Customer $40.'00 $A4.00 Actual Cost Actual Cost Actual Cost RasoUion �No. 07 -60 Page 51 of 58 DA. T)0LM[E o]ice RepoT� (per page) 9ncident Report (Peer Page) Police Photographs Polaroid or 35 ujAAM or digital Vehicle Release JMpounded repo Fee boa SUBPOENA CHARGES Imo) x L Witness (Non -Sworn and Sworn) Evidence Code § 1563 provides for the recovery of certain "reasonable costs" incurred by the City in complying with civil subpoenas, which are to be calculated at the following reimbursement rates: • Standard reproduction of documents of a size 8 1/2 x 14 inches or less; • Copying of documents from microfilm; • Reproduction of oversized documents or the reproduction of documents requiring special processing which are made in response to a subpoena; • Clerical costs incurred in locating and making the records available to be billed at the maximum rate of twenty -four (charge is per person) • Postage charges; and • Third person for the retrieval and return of records held offsite by that third person. FY 0 0, a eeS $0.1 $0.110 $20.00 $50.00 15.00 $150.00 per day $0.10 per page $0.20 per page Actual Cost 09424.00 / per hour per person or $6.00 per quarter hour Actual Cost Actual Cost Resduflon No. 07 -50 Page 52 of 58 IF Statistical Data search (hourly) OTHER it E«_9 Tape Dupkation Tapes from prolog muiti channel logger Audio cassette tape 1 dour rain. Video tape duplication 9- lank 1. dso cassette tape Clank audio cassette tape Statistical Data Searches Special Police Services Ponce Cfulcers (Dourly) Poke Supervisors (hourly) police Clearance, letter l"\iotary/ Fee Concealed IJAIsapons Permit Application, Fee investigation Fee (Changed by State) Speciai PoNcing Service Police Officer (hourly) !Police Supervisor �:hourly) Citation Sign -off City Residents or Recipients of citations issued by Tustin Police Department Non residents or other Agency citations QAI� BURGLAR & ROBBERY ALARM FEES Annual Alarm user permit fees — commercialdbuslness Annual Alarm user permit fees residential Penalties for Excessive False Alarms FY 07.08 Fees $45 00 Actual Cost $20.00 $15.00 $15.00 $5.00 $x.00 $45.00 Actual Cost Actual Cost $15.00 $10.00 $5.00 $150.00 $30.00 $35.00 lNo charge $10.00 $25.00 $10.00 Resolution jF\7o. 07_60 Page 153 of 58 F ounth -false burglary, alarm in 355 day period Fifth uelse burglary alarm in 335 day period Sixth false burglary alarm in 355 day period Seventh and sUcc8ssive -false burglary alarms in 365 day period First through third else robbery, alarm in 355 day period F ourlb and successive false robbery alarm in 355 day period Response to any non permitted burglary, or robbery alarm, �jybether else or nod l rri lnstallation coui Ly �1) If also holding a valid City business peens° —Flo additional flee (2) lu not holding a valid City business license for each e mployee doing work in the City, Alarm Agent Y 07-08 Fees $50000 $75.00 $1!00°00 $25!0.00 $10MO $250.00 $250,00 $25.00 Plus $10.00 year $10.00 plus the feed charged by he State of CaRfornia -for fingerprint and record check; every three years Resdufoon No. 07 -50 Pogo 54 of 58 0 0 EXHIBIT E E-1. BUILDING AND FXMIJ7 Y RENTAL Usk EL7�2 INTER- RESIDENTESIDENT �9On�e uNOM9c C10jN]m71-�C1AL GOV. NON- PRIVATE 3U � � a �� aLESID1=N i G no up I AGENOY PROFITrou 7 Group NOW PRIVATE Group 3 Group Z3 < 8 PROFIT Group 1® & 4 6 �� ®u � TUSTIN FAMILY 0, YOUTH CENT 7�[Z 1 er hour $27.00 $40.00 $50.00 $5_» 0,' ®0 I $'50.00 $80.00 �'AI;C AUDITORiUNI per hour $27.00 $50.00 $74.00 $74.00 $8�$89.00 1 $118.00 TAS C CATERING $25.00 ��13 $25.00 $28.00 $28.00 $28.00 $28.00 ilUL 7 UPUF,F051= ,,goer hour $27.00 $50.00 $68.00 $68.00 $83.00 $10�J.00 IASC CLASSRI 0000] Sr hour $27.00 $40.00 $51.00 COMMU1�11 J - $51..00 $61.00 $80.00 CENTER er hour $27.00 $50.00 $74.00 COMMUNITY ,1 $74.00 $80.00 $1118.00 CENTER CATERING KITCHEN $25.00 =1 $25.00 $28.00 $28.00 $28.00 $28.00 DEPOW -e withoutA1!ohol J $150.00 $1_50.00 $150.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 DEPOSIT with A9cohol uN /A $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 /ALCOHOL PERMIT N/A $35.00 $35.00 POLICE SECURITY $55.00 $55.00 $55.00 SCHEDULED BY J CITY VV 151 Officer, er hr. $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 i $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 2nd Officer, �er hr. $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 60.0 3`d Officer, per hr. $60.00 $ 0 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 $60.11' Resdu'don NO. 07-60 page 55 ®'T 5,9 E.2. PARK OR PICNIC AREA FEES Cedar Grove, Casn'tenn,9a1, PhrJner Road, Tustfin Bper'js pars Afl Other parks (100 I����Im�� 50 uma"drr um) �.� o�� people � GrOU� 11 Grog III ��� Grog Under 50 � X5.00 $150.00 51 -100 X$75.00 $45.00 $ 75.00 $250.00 Group 8: President groups and non - profit non - resident groups. Group P➢: Ali other non- resident groups. NOTE: Fees for various Community Sports, Ls. Sport Leag,uz , and Community Classes are NOT included in this fee schedWs a3 they vary and are based on actual cost c1 Contractors /Consultants that provicl) zervice. Resolution No. 07 -60 !Page 56 of 58 C LIABB iTY 8u\]S'L9uR, NCE PURCHASED FROM THE CITY OF TUSTdN $150.31 A DE &GNATiED SERVER 1S REQUIRED FOR EVENTS SERVING ALCOHOL For Sunday room reser�aficn add 25.00/hr i.�9 T Ede 33C?9e RE 01DHd' \J T d'AON- Al Ei\1CY \g3�g= ESWEN y RESIDE S` �1� E T PRIVATE NOW 131Ez�5�J ��'\J �h 1i 1 s Chi Z4 PROFIT 1 L%V/ T FC GYMNASJt9dF�/� er hour C3YMNASiUJ $22.00 $22.00 $66.00 $30.00 $01.00 $122.00 CLASS ROOMS A,B &C er hour $22.00 $22.00 $62.00 $7.00 $114.00 DEPOSIT $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $300.00 $600.00 $600 IS ALL DIAMO�9D I °00 FIELDS er hoar $13.00 $11.00 $16.00 $16.00 $15.00 'BY S L L LLD injRi70jr�9!FLD) I - Arran ,arnant �1'1h1s $22.00 $22.00 $27.00 $27.00 $27.00 TOURNAMENT $22.00 $,22.00 $22.00 $22 TBD TOURNAMENT °''00 $22.00 TBD W1th 11 his 1 ENN 5 c "ou STS $22.00 $22.00 $22.00 $22.00 _ $22.00 TBD per hoar / par court TENNIS 0c Lj TS $6.00 $6.00 $7.00 $7 °00 $7.00 By ArraE er�e�t with 1IgMs per hour/ per court $6.00 $6.00 $ 3.00 $x.00 $8.00 By By E.2. PARK OR PICNIC AREA FEES Cedar Grove, Casn'tenn,9a1, PhrJner Road, Tustfin Bper'js pars Afl Other parks (100 I����Im�� 50 uma"drr um) �.� o�� people � GrOU� 11 Grog III ��� Grog Under 50 � X5.00 $150.00 51 -100 X$75.00 $45.00 $ 75.00 $250.00 Group 8: President groups and non - profit non - resident groups. Group P➢: Ali other non- resident groups. NOTE: Fees for various Community Sports, Ls. Sport Leag,uz , and Community Classes are NOT included in this fee schedWs a3 they vary and are based on actual cost c1 Contractors /Consultants that provicl) zervice. Resolution No. 07 -60 !Page 56 of 58 F9, 1�hFARTMENT o� VIIAAT���° ��� >911c��� G�f J bi- on�x tiivp, atetip _ _�_ - - - - - -- l� r usage rakes and charges are hereby establlshed cis 'Tollmol, e CONSUMPTP ON CHARD Per one hundred cuNc � eet (HCF) velum 7b), lock F�XED CHARGE 0-12 hof �Meter size 513 °° X 3/4 °' 01/01/2007 01 L 11,2- 70 29.24 �j00a -, "t'L Y✓ 1- 102 °' � $ 55.63 2 ` 13123 $ 111.32 3 a° $ 161.91 $ 173,11 4 °a $ 303.59 $ 333.95 5 '° or Larger $ 505.93 $ 556.58 Nl lt'(i,Pls Units $ 1,011.97 $1,113.16 Charge-/Unit $ 1619 $ 17.31 CONSUMPTP ON CHARD Per one hundred cuNc � eet (HCF) velum 7b), lock Maki- Lerniivk 0-12 hof 9-110 hcf 13 -40 hcf 11 -32 ho-T 41 -60 h1of 33 -43 hof Over 610 hof * Over 43 hcf uMuRipp e &,vieliing is per unit charga- F.2. FIRE METER CHARGE 0110— 1_ 7 1- 101 /2008 ,44 $ .49 $1 .42 $ 1.56 $ 1.52 $ 1.87 1.67 $ 1,34 a0, CONSTRUCTION METERS Applica'k'icn Fee Deposit $10.00 $700.00 Resd lion No. 07-50 Gage 57 of 58 5°° 61,24 $ 79.42 Is a° $ 77.15 $ 33°73 3 °a $ 93.08 $ 137.04 10 °° $ 124.92 143aes 12 °' 154.32 127A7 $184.94 $ 212.53 a0, CONSTRUCTION METERS Applica'k'icn Fee Deposit $10.00 $700.00 Resd lion No. 07-50 Gage 57 of 58 F. 01 F.00 F.6. F.7. Rat Charge Water Charge Unable Ito obtain mead SEF',YIC Deposit Sarre !Day Service after 1 :00 ,O 'door Tag for water use when no customer has signed up for service L-IAZ3 T BlUE 07 -I-L 1st Notice - Baianoy over $10°00 Door Tag - Saianoe over $30.00 Shut Off - Balance over $30.00 Reconnect after 4.30 PM 2nd Shut off Broken l=ook F uli Meter Reinstall Reps Meter Remove Service AFTER HOURS SERVICE Reconnect from Past Due (After 5:30 PM) nrr Corrn nt � e— C' - AGe Tday)- Turn -on /Turn -off Water at request of Customer OTHER F DES Aillater Theft $3.00 per day Mier 2,3 & -� of current water rates $20.00 $50.00 or 2 times an average biii wNch ever is higher $29:99 - $35.00 $20 00- $35.00 N� X00- $10.00 S20 09- $35.00 $65.00 $2000 35.00 $20.00 $09-$30.00 $25 09- $30.00 Time & Materials $1-9700- $118.00 9- $118.00 Case by Case Remedy as Needed Resduflon 1\9o. 07 -60 page 50 of 58