HomeMy WebLinkAbout WORKSHOP - CONGESTION RELIEV-NEWPORT, RED HILL & IRVINE 10-16-07AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 16, 2007 TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER Agenda Item P Reviewed: City Manager ~~ Finance Director FROM: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION SUBJECT: CONGESTION RELIEF FOR NEWPORT AVENUE, RED HILL AVENUE, AND IRVINE BOULEVARD SUMMARY In response to increasing concerns regarding traffic congestion on Newport Avenue, Red Hill Avenue and Irvine Boulevard, traffic studies have been prepared for each arterial roadway. It has been determined that areas of congestion along each arterial can be relieved by increasing roadway capacity with the addition of a third travel lane in certain locations. However, on-street parking must be removed in order to provide the additional travel lanes. A residential preferential parking program has also been developed to provide areas impacted by spillover parking a means to mitigate the spillover parking in those neighborhoods through the use of a permit system . RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that at the conclusion of the workshop, the City Council consider agendizing the following actions for a future council meeting: 1. A resolution authorizing removal of on-street parking and striping of a third travel lane in each direction, where possible, on the following arterial roadways within the limits shown: • Newport Avenue between Walnut Avenue and First Street • Red Hill Avenue between Sycamore Avenue and Mitchell Avenue • Irvine Boulevard between Prospect Avenue and Holt Avenue; 2. Amend the City's current Capital Improvement Program (FY 2007-2008) to provide $15,000 for design of "Median Modifications on Newport Avenue at Andrews Street and Main Street" and provide $125,000 for construction of improvements in the FY 2008/2009 Capital Improvement Program from future Proposition 1 B allocations; 3. Authorize staff to write a letter to the County of Orange requesting that six (6) travel lanes be striped on Irvine Boulevard from Red Hill Avenue to east of Ranchwood Road within County unincorporated jurisdiction; 4. Adopt the attached Policy and Procedures for Permit Parking on Public Streets and authorize City Staff to issue permits accordingly; and 5. Direct preparation of amendments to the Tustin City Code related to Off Street Parking Regulations as may be necessary. Traffic Evaluations for Newport Avenue, Red Hill Avenue and Irvine Boulevard October 16, 2007 Page 2 FISCAL IMPACT The estimated cost to remove on-street parking and add a third travel lane in each direction on the three arterials is: Signing Signal Stri in Detection • Newport Avenue from Walnut Av. to First St. $19,000 $16,000 • Red Hill Avenue from Sycamore Av. to Mitchell Av. $6,000 $3,000 • Irvine Boulevard from Prospect Av. to Holt Av_. 5 000 3 000 Total $30,000 $22,000 There are currently adequate funds available in the Public Works Department's operating budget to perform this work. However, amid-year budget adjustment will be necessary to replace these funds to provide for annual maintenance. The project entitled "Median Modifications on Newport Avenue at Andrews Street and Main Street" with funding provided through future Proposition 1 B allocations is recommended to be added to the City's Capital Improvement Program: Task Fiscal Year Appropriation Amount Design FY 2007/2008 $15,000 Construction FY 2008/2009 $125,000 DISCUSSION Due to concerns over traffic congestion on three major arterial roadways, studies were conducted to investigate the possibility of providing additional roadway capacity by adding a third travel lane in each direction on certain portions of Newport Avenue, Red Hill Avenue and Irvine Boulevard. Each arterial highway has been evaluated individually and it has been determined that specific areas can be improved to a level of service (LOS) consistent with the policies of the Circulation Element of the General Plan by implementing 24 hour "No Parking" zones to provide for additional travel lanes. Level of service is an indication of quality of traffic flow and varies from LOS A (free flow with minimal delays) to LOS F (severe congestion). LOS D (tolerable congestion) is the minimum acceptable level of service for compliance with the City of Tustin Circulation Element. Striping six travel lanes and restricting parking only during AM and PM peak hours was considered in lieu of 24 hour parking restrictions. However, this could create an unsafe condition because of the rear end accident potential with parked cars in the third travel lane during off peak hours. Twenty-four hour parking restrictions along the following highway segments are recommended in order to provide a third travel lane in each direction and increase the level of service to acceptable standards: Traffic Evaluations for Newport Avenue, .Red Hill Avenue and Irvine Boulevard October 16, 2007 Page 3 • Newport Avenue between Walnut Avenue and First Street • Red Hill Avenue between Sycamore Avenue and Mitchell Avenue • Irvine Boulevard between Prospect Avenue and Holt Avenue Existing lane configurations along each of these arterial roadways vary between 4-lanes and 6- lanes. The 4-lane portions are generally 84 feet wide, measured between curbs, and are wide enough to provide six travel lanes if on-street parking is prohibited. Existing traffic volumes were utilized to analyze traffic at critical intersections during peak periods "before" and "after" the addition of a third travel lane in each direction. Likewise, street segment evaluations were analyzed for peak hour conditions. Based upon this analysis, an increase in level of service will occur during peak hours if on-street parking is removed on all three arterial roadways at critical locations to provide three travel lanes in each direction. Congestion resulting from inefficient lane utilization occurs when striping varies between 4 lanes and 6 lanes. This is because the curb lanes are not fully utilized when drivers know the lanes will terminate ahead. With a consistent 6-lane configuration, traffic flow is improved on a systematic basis and traffic signal management is improved. In addition, road safety is improved due to the reduction in weaving. There are potential impacts on adjacent streets and parking lots as a result of the removal of parking on certain portions of these arterial highways. A supply/demand analyses was conducted to determine the effect of the potential relocation of approximately 260 existing parking spaces from the three arterials to adjacent streets and parking lots. This information was used to forecast where the parked vehicles might relocate if the arterial parking restrictions are implemented. The analyses indicate that adjacent streets and parking lots appear to have adequate capacity to absorb parking that shifts from the arterials. It is noted that with this shift in parking some apartment managers may need to reassign parking spaces in order to provide more efficient parking for their tenants. Preferential Parking Permits Due to the impact of parking relocations from the three arterial highways to local streets, it is anticipated that permit parking may be necessary to address spillover parking on some adjacent residential streets. Spillover parking is the parking of vehicles in a neighborhood where the vehicle occupants have no destination in that neighborhood. Section 5331 n of the Tustin City Code presently allows parking by permit only on certain local streets between the hours of 2:00 AM and 6:00 AM. These local streets are specifically identified in the Code. In the past, as new streets are added to the Code (via ordinance amendments) parking permits have been issued as requested. A proposed policy and procedures for issuance of residential parking permits that provides 24 hour permit parking, seven days per week, if requested to mitigate the spillover traffic is attached for review. The proposed policy provides for the circulation of petition and fact sheet explaining the permit process to residents of the area that will be included in a preferential parking zone. The petition must be returned to the Public Works Department with 67% of the study area households approving the implementation of permit parking prior to an engineering study being conducted. Traffic Evaluations for Newport Avenue, Red Hill Avenue and Irvine Boulevard October 16, 2007 Page 4 Permit parking will only be studied for single family households adjacent to local streets within a half-mile of parking generation such as an institutional, commercial, industrial, recreational or multi-family use. If approved by the City Council, each household will be issued two permits for a fee as established by the City Council. Temporary guest permits will be available for a maximum duration of seven-days for no costs. Newport Avenue Newport Avenue is classified as a Major Arterial Highway on the City's Circulation Element from Valencia Avenue to Sycamore Avenue; a Modified Major from Sycamore Avenue to the I-5 Freeway and an Augmented Primary from the I-5 Freeway to the northern city boundary. These classifications are consistent with the County's Master Plan of Arterial Highways (MPAH) which classifies Newport Avenue as a Major and Primary Arterial Highway within the same limits. The "Modified Major" classification is able to carry six travel lanes within a restricted right-of-way until such time as sufficient right-of-way is acquired to accommodate a full Major Arterial Highway configuration. The "Augmented Primary" classification encourages one or more traffic capacity enhancement measures within the existing roadway, including such strategies as removal of on- street parking, additional lanes, preferential traffic signal timing, access consolidation, and other measures. Existing traffic volumes on Newport Avenue between Walnut Avenue and the northerly city limit vary from about 25,000 to 30,000 vehicles per day (vpd), with a high of about 35,000 at the I-5 Freeway. Existing volumes are about 12,000 vpd south of Walnut Avenue. Upon extension of the roadway to Edinger Avenue (which is anticipated within the next five years, subject to right-of- way acquisition and funding), Newport Avenue south of Walnut Avenue is estimated to carry 32,500 vpd by Year 2030, as projected by the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA). A map showing existing and future traffic volumes is attached for reference. Currently, Newport Avenue has the following lane configurations: • Cul-de-sac to Sycamore Avenue • Sycamore Avenue to First Street • First Street to Old Irvine Boulevard • Old Irvine Boulevard to City Boundary 2 travel lanes with parking 4 travel lanes with parking 6 travel lanes with no parking 6 travel lanes with parking in the City transitioning to 4 travel lanes with parking in the County Congestion that could be improved with the addition of travel lanes is presently being experienced on Newport Avenue between Walnut Avenue and First Street. Striping of six travel lanes on Newport Avenue is possible within the existing street section except at the intersections with Andrews Street and Main Street, where the road is restricted by a raised median. Under present conditions, three lanes can be striped for southbound traffic by restricting left turns into Andrews Street, but only two lanes can be striped for northbound Newport Avenue. The raised median at Andrews Street and Main Street must be modified in order to provide six travel lanes on Newport Avenue at this location. An exhibit is attached to illustrate these improvements. This Traffic Evaluations for Newport Avenue, Red Hill Avenue and Irvine Boulevard October 16, 2007 Page 5 modification would restrict left turn ingress and egress at Andrews Street, while simultaneously extending the existing short left turn lane for northbound Newport Avenue to westbound Main Street from its present 80 foot length to a 190 foot length. This construction would eliminate the backup problem at Main Street presently caused by left turners stacking into the northbound travel lane, creating delays at the traffic signal and a safety problem. The estimated cost of design, construction, and inspection for this median modification is $140,000. Exhibits are attached to illustrate these improvements. The following tables represent existing levels of service as calculated in the study based on recent surveys of traffic volumes: NEWPORT AVENUE Peak Hour Intersection Conditions Year 2007 AM Peak Hours Intersection Existing Confi oration Proposed Confi oration Si nalized Intersectio ns Volume/ Ca acit Level of Service Volume/ Ca acit Level of Service New ort Ave/S camore Ave 0.620 B 0.620 B New ort Ave/Walnut Ave. 0.751 C 0.649 B New ort Ave/Mitchell Ave. 0.820 D 0.655 B New ort Ave/EI Camino Real 0.868 D 0.868 D New ort Ave/6 Street-Walnut Street 0.804 D 0.661 B New ort Ave/B an Ave. 0.917 E 0.777 C New ort Ave/First St. 0.913 E 0.705 C New ort Ave/Irvine Blvd. 0.708 C 0.708 C Newport Ave/Old Irvine Blvd. 0.465 A 0.465 A Traffic Evaluations for Newport Avenue, Red Hill Avenue and Irvine Boulevard October 16, 2007 Page 6 Peak Hour Intersection Conditions Year 2007 PM Peak Hours Intersection Existing Confi uration Proposed Confi uration Si nalized Intersectio ns Volume/ Ca acit Level of Service Volume/ Ca acit Level of Service New ort Ave/S camore Ave 0.598 A 0.598 A New ort Ave/Walnut Ave. 0.764 C 0.666 B New ort Ave/Mitchell Ave. 0.692 B 0.657 B New ort Ave/EI Camino Real 0.976 E 0.792 C New ort Ave/6 Street-Walnut Street 0.698 B 0.592 A New ort Ave/B an Ave. 0.961 E 0.853 D New ort Ave/First St. 0.818 D 0.658 B New ort Ave/Irvine Blvd. 0.730 C 0.730 C New ort Ave/Old Irvine Blvd. 0.619 B 0.619 B Newport Avenue -Existing Volumes AM and PM Peak Hours -Peak Directions Street Segment Evaluation Existing Lanes Proposed Through Lanes Existing Through Volume Directional Capacity (Veh/Hr Range) Volume to Capacity Level of Service LOS Street Segment (Two Wa (Two Wa Direction (One Wa Two Lanes Three Lanes Two Lanes Three Lanes Two Lanes Three Lanes AM Peak Hour Newport Avenue Between: Irvine & Wass 6 6 SB 1720 3150 0.55 A First & Irvine 6 6 SB 1276 3150 0.41 A San Juan & First 4 6 SB 1514 2100 3150 0.72 0.48 C A EI Camino & San Juan 4 6 SB 1686 2100 3150 0.80 0.54 C A Walnut &Nisson 4 6 SB 1801 2100 3150 0.86 0.57 D A Sycamore & Walnut 4 4 SB 444 2100 0.21 A PM Peak Hour Newport Avenue Between: Irvine & Wass 6 6 NB 1756 3150 0.56 A First & Irvine 6 6 NB 1379 3150 0.44 A San Juan 8~ First 4 6 NB 1135 2100 3150 0.54 0.36 A A EI Camino & San Juan 4 6 NB 1248 2100 3150 0.59 0.40 A A Walnut &Nisson 4 6 NB 1255 2100 3150 0.60 0.40 A A Sycamore 8~ Walnut 4 4 NB 471 2100 0.22 A Traffic Evaluations for Newport Avenue, Red Hill Avenue and Irvine Boulevard October 16, 2007 Page 7 As shown in the tables, some of the signalized intersections on Newport Avenue between Walnut Avenue and First Street operate at levels of service D or E during peak hours. Also, one street segment operates at LOS D. When laneage is increased from four to six travel lanes, all levels of service are improved. Within these limits (Walnut Avenue to First Street) a total of approximately 115 parking spaces would be removed from Newport Avenue in order to stripe six travel lanes. Red Hill Avenue Red Hill Avenue is classified as a six-lane Major Arterial Highway on the City's Circulation Element from Barranca Parkway to north of Bryan Avenue. It is classified as a four-lane Primary Arterial Highway from north of Bryan Avenue to Irvine Boulevard. It has the same classifications on the County's MPAH. Existing traffic volumes on Red Hill Avenue between Barranca Parkway and Nisson Road are about 30,000 vpd, with a high of about 37,000 at the I-5 freeway. Existing traffic volumes range from about 22,000 vpd north of the freeway to about 16,000 vpd just south of Irvine Boulevard. Currently, Red Hill Avenue has the following lane configurations: • Barranca Parkway to Sycamore Avenue • Sycamore Av. to Walnut Avenue • Walnut Avenue to Mitchell Avenue • Mitchell Avenue to San Juan Street • San Juan Street to Irvine Boulevard 6 travel lanes with no parking 3 travel lanes northbound; 2 travel lanes southbound with parking 4 travel lanes with parking 6 travel lanes with no parking 4 travel lanes with parking Congestion that could be corrected with the addition of travel lanes is presently occurring on Red Hill Avenue between Sycamore Avenue and Mitchell Avenue. Striping of six lanes on Red Hill Avenue~is possible within the existing street section throughout its Major Classification limits. The existing Levels of Service north of San Juan Street for both the Major and Primary Classification portions exceed the requirements of the City's General Plan Circulation Element and no additional travel lanes are recommended. However, if 6 travel lanes were to be striped between San Juan Street and Bryan Avenue, 10 parking spaces would be removed adjacent to Pine Tree Park, in addition to 60 spaces adjacent to the existing apartments, condominiums and residences. A parking bay on Red Hill Avenue adjacent to Pine Tree Park (similar to the one on Bryan Avenue) could be constructed for approximately $175,000 in order to replace the 10 lost parking spaces. Three travel lanes cannot be striped on the east side of Red Hill Avenue north of Melvin Way due to the substandard width of the highway within these limits, which lies within county unincorporated territory. The County of Orange has no plans to widen Red Hill Avenue at this location. In fact, its intentions are to construct concrete curb and sidewalk at the present width. The following tables represent existing levels of service as calculated in the study based on recent surveys of traffic volumes: Traffic Evaluations for Newport Avenue, Red Hill Avenue and Irvine Boulevard October 16, 2007 Page 8 RED HILL AVENUE Peak Hour Intersection Conditions Year 2007 AM Peak Hours Intersection Existing Confi uration Proposed Confi uration Si nalized Intersectio ns Volume/ Ca acit Level of Service Volume/ Ca acit Level of Service Red Hill Ave/B an Ave. 0.617 B 0.617 B Red Hill Ave/San Juan St. 0.769 C 0.769 C Red Hill Ave/Mitchell Ave. 0.738 C 0.620 B Red Hill Ave/Walnut Ave. 0.766 C 0.726 C Red Hill Ave/S camore Ave. 0.979 E 0.842 D Red Hill Ave/Edin er Ave. 0.771 C 0.771 C Peak Hour Intersection Conditions Year 2007 PM Peak Hours Intersection Existing Confi uration Proposed Confi uration Si nalized Intersectio ns Volume/ Ca acit Level of Service Volume/ Ca acit Level of Service Red Hill Ave/B an Ave. 0.647 B 0.647 B Red Hill Ave/San Juan St. 0.756 C 0.756 C Red Hill Ave/Mitchell Ave. 0.854 D 0.701 C Red Hill Ave/Walnut Ave. 0.779 C 0.779 C Red Hill Ave/S camore Ave. 0.965 E 0.855 D Red Hill Ave/Edin er Ave. 0.667 B 0.667 B Traffic Evaluations for Newport Avenue, Red Hill Avenue and Irvine Boulevard October 16, 2007 Page 9 Red Hill Avenue -Existing Volumes AM and PM Peak Hours -Peak Directions Street Segment Evaluation Existing Lanes Proposed Through Lanes Existing Through Volume Directional Capacity (Veh/Hr Range) Volume to Ca aci Level of Service LOS Street Segment (Two Wa (Two Wa Direction (One Wa Two Lanes Three Lanes Two Lanes Three Lanes Two Lanes Three Lanes AM Peak Hour Red Hill Avenue Between: B an & First 4 4 SB 978 2100 0.47 A San Juan 8~ B an 4 4 SB 1056 2100 0.50 A Walnut 8~ Mitchell 4 6 SB 1309 2100 3150 0.62 0.42 B A Sycamore 8~ Walnut 5 6 SB 1938 2100 3150 0.92 0.62 E B PM Pe ak Hour Red Hill Avenue Between: B an 8~ First 4 4 NB 1064 2100 0.51 A San Juan 8~ B an 4 4 NB 1222 2100 0.58 A Walnut & Mitchell 4 6 NB 1284 2100 3150 0.61 0.41 B A Sycamore & Walnut 5 6 NB 1764 3150 0.56 A Existing levels of service at intersections during peak hour conditions vary between LOS C and E on Red Hill Avenue from Sycamore Avenue to Mitchell Avenue, and the peak hour level of service for one street segment is LOS E. With an increase from two to three travel lanes in each direction, all levels of service on these segments improve. Within these limits a total of approximately 62 parking spaces would be removed to stripe six travel lanes. Irvine Boulevard Irvine Boulevard is classified as a Major Arterial Highway from State Route (SR) 55 to Jamboree Road on both the City of Tustin General Plan Circulation Element, within City jurisdiction, and the County MPAH, within both City and County jurisdictions. Existing traffic volumes on Irvine Boulevard between the SR 55 Freeway and Jamboree Road are about 30,000 vpd, with a high of about 36,000 at the SR 55 freeway. Year 2030 traffic volumes are projected by the OCTA to vary from about 38,000 to 56,000 vpd. Currently, Irvine Boulevard has the following lane configurations: • SR 55 to Prospect Avenue • Prospect Avenue to Holt Avenue • Holt Avenue to Red Hill Avenue • Red Hill Avenue to Ranchwood Road* • Ranchwood Road to Jamboree Road 6 travel lanes with no parking 4 travel lanes with parking 6 travel lanes with no parking 4 travel lanes with parking 6 travel lanes with no parking *County of Orange jurisdiction Traffic Evaluations for Newport Avenue, Red Hill Avenue and Irvine Boulevard October 16, 2007 Page 10 Congestion that could be improved with the addition of travel lanes is being experienced on Irvine Boulevard between Prospect Avenue and Holt Avenue. Although congestion also occurs from Red Hill Avenue to east of Ranchwood Road, this portion is within the unincorporated County of Orange which would be solely responsible for any striping revisions. Striping of six lanes in the City of Tustin and the County of Orange is possible within the existing street section. Upon implementation of the recommended striping within the City of Tustin, city staff will request the County to do the same within its jurisdiction. This will require removal of parking and bike lanes which are included in the County's Master Bikeway Plan. The following tables represent existing levels of service as calculated in the study based on recent surveys of traffic volumes: IRVINE BOULEVARD Peak Hour Intersection Conditions Year 2007 AM Peak Hours Intersection Existing Confi uration Proposed Confi uration Si nalized Intersectio ns Volume/ Ca acit Level of Service Volume/ Ca acit Level of Service Irvine Blvd/Red Hill Ave. 0.866 D 0.815 D Irvine Blvd/Pros ect Ave. 0.865 D 0.693 B Irvine Blvd/Fashion Lane 0.906 E 0.729 C Irvine Blvd/Holt Ave. 0.702 C .0.702 C Irvine Blvd/New ort Ave. 0.703 C 0.703 C Irvine Blvd/Brownin Ave.* 0.980 E 0.786 C Peak Hour Intersection Conditions Year 2007 PM Peak Hours Intersection Existing Confi uration Proposed Confi uration Si nalized Intersectio ns Volume/ Ca acit Level of Service Volume/ Ca acit Level of Service Irvine/Red Hill Ave. 0.862 D 0.830 D Irvine Blvd/Pros ect Ave. 0.842 D 0.699 B Irvine Blvd/Fashion Lane 0.716 C 0.646 B Irvine Blvd/Holt Ave. 0.846 D 0.723 C Irvine Blvd/New ort Ave. 0.500 A 0.500 A Irvine Blvd/Brownin Ave.* 0.882 D 0.745 C *County of Orange jurisdiction Traffic Evaluations for Newport Avenue, Red Hill Avenue and Irvine Boulevard October 16, 2007 Page 11 Irvine Boulevard -Existing Volumes AM and PM Peak Hours -Peak Directions Street Segment Evaluation Proposed Existing Existing Through Through Directional Capacity Lanes Lanes Volume (Veh/Hr Range) Volume to Capacity Level of Service LOS Street Segment (Two (Two Direction (One Two Three Two Three Two Three Wa Wa Wa Lanes Lanes Lanes Lanes Lanes Lanes AM Peak Hour Irvine Boulevard Between: Holt & Pros ect 4 6 WB 1674 2100 3150 0.80 0.53 C A Browning 8~ Red 4 6 WB 1994 2100 3150 0.95 0.63 E B Hill Ranchwood Rd & 4 6 WB 1913 2100 3150 0.91 0.61 E B Brownin PM Pe ak Hour Irvine Boulevard Between: Holt & Pros ect 4 6 WB 1617 2100 3150 0.77 0.51 C A Browning 8~ Red 4 6 WB 1985 2100 3150 0.95 0.63 E B Hill Ranchwood Rd 8~ 4 6 WB 2009 2100 3150 0.96 0.64 E B Brownin Existing levels of service at intersections during peak hour conditions vary between LOS C and E on Irvine Boulevard from Prospect Avenue to Holt Avenue. Also, the existing peak hour level of service for this street segment is LOS C. With an increase from four to six travel lanes, all levels of service will improve. Within these limits a total of approximately 83 parking spaces would be removed to stripe six travel lanes. By eliminating on-street parking within select segments, the existing levels of service on Newport Avenue, Red Hill Avenue and Irvine Boulevard can be improved to provide congestion relief. A specific implementation timetable of one hundred twenty (120) days is recommended to allow for design and construction of modifications on the arterials, and to provide adjacent property owners that will lose on-street parking spaces time to make new parking arrangements. A policy and procedures for implementation of permit parking is recommended for ado tion to address spillover parking on a citywide basis. Tim D. Serlet Dana R. Kasdan Director of Public Works/City Engineer Engineering Services Manager Attachments: Map of Existing Lane Configurations Map of Proposed Lane Configurations Map of Existing and Projected Traffic Volumes Permit Parking Policy and Procedures Newport Ave. /Andrews St. Median Modifications S:\City Council Items\2007 Council Items\Traffic & Parking Analysis -Newport Av, Red Hill Av & Irvine Bl.doc CITY OF TUSTIN POLICY AND PROCEDURES PERMIT PARKING ON PUBLIC STREETS The Tustin City Council may adopt the following Policy and Procedures for the criteria, application, evaluation, administration, fees and implementation of Permit Parking as applicable to public streets within the City. Authority SECTION 22507 (a) Local Regulations of the State of California Vehicle Code (CVC) grants cities the authority. to establish preferential parking on designated streets upon approval by the City Council of an ordinance or resolution containing provisions that are reasonable and necessary to assure the effectiveness of a preferential parking program; and, after the proper signs giving notice of such regulations are placed. Criteria Only single-family residential streets shall be eligible for Permit Parking. 2. The single-family residential street or group of such streets comprising a Permit Parking Area must be adjacent to or within a half mile of an institutional, commercial, industrial, recreational or multiple family land use. For the purpose of this. Policy the term Permit Parking Area shall be used to generally describe single streets or groups of streets. 3. Permit Parking will not be approved if the identified parking intrusion can be mitigated with less restrictive parking or traffic control measures. 4. Permit Parking, if approved, shall be on a total Permit Parking Area and individual residences will not be excluded. 5. Permit Parking will be considered if the above criteria are met and: A. Sixty seven percent (67%) of the households within a potential Permit Parking Area agree to and would approve the implementation of Permit Parking on their street if warranted and approved by City Council. B. A traffic engineering study determines that parking intrusion is occurring and the intrusion is seriously impacting residents. 6. In the interest of community benefit or public safety, the City Council may, at its sole discretion, approve or deny any application for Permit Parking. -1- Cn Z O D Z 0 U z X W ~ ~ Z Z O O ~ ~ D o U U Z Z W W ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 p p m m = O O p m m ~ z uS v~ cn cn w w w w z z z z Q Q ¢ ¢ J J J J d' II to II N II M LLZ FN LL OW ~Z NA U~ 0 o U LA COL w ~ w wnss_ sT. - ~ OLD IRVINE BL W z a o Q o ~ ,,~ y Q IRVINE BLVD ~b ~ ~O W Z COUNTY OF Z ORANGE ~ 3 ~ U z Q z ~~Y~ 'S' d W ~ CITY OF TUSTIN m ~ z F O 1J~ ~~ ° FIRST ST. Q ~ ~o ~ ~~~ d ~• a ~~ BRYAN AVENUE ~5 P~~ ~'o d~d ~ i P~Q` ~Ci ~'f~ PARKVIEW ~ ~~ ~a, ~ J`~ ~~ SAN JUAN ST. Q ~'~d ~' ~P~,\N~ RFq~ Z ti ~ ~~~ ~. ~ FREEWAY s ?! ~ GjJb ~'~'~` O ~,` ~ °~ N~S$ON MITCHELL ROAD ~; AVENUE a ~~ ~~ p ~ _~ r c'~ oJ~~ ~~~~ ~ w ~P g `~ Z ~ ~ \~~,'~ ~ 7dd ~5~`' ~ WALNUT m ~ ~Ob a ~ `'/ ~n a " ~ a ~G~ ,~ Z SYCAMORE AV. o `r~, ~~ Pp~~ EDINGER ~ AVENUE ~ ~ P,~ O ~~\~~~~ ~ a ~ VALENCIA J AVENUE O w J Q Q J = Q W ~ O o Z AVENUE U F ~ ~ Q ~~~~ `~ VJ VJ Z Z ~_ U U NW W L.L I- ~ O O vJ v~ W W Z Z Q Q J J ~ ~ ~~ ~~ DYER ROAD ~ BARRANCA PARKWAY I LL Ow N ~ ~ 2 UF' I =OO m U ~ W Z ~ ~ O ~ O ~ cp® D O CJ~ M ~.[~ J u W ~~ cam, ' ^ ~ IRVINE BLVD. w 56~20~1 (50.400) ~~ti Q l ~2~p0 30,700 .~b ~~ W ^ COUNTY OF ro ~ S ORANGE t~ y S «~ W rn o CITY OF Q• N s', ~ g°, TUSTIN J ~ 1 v FIRST ST. Q "' ~l~~so ~ ~~1~ c~ d% ` ~ `~~' BRYAN AVENUE ~~~~s ~~~~ N ~- ~~ ~ ~ o b~d~-/ PPP J~~oO°~ y~ '~' ~, ~ . ~Q' ~1• v~ `~7 ~ SAN JUAN `~~'~ -- ~6, ~ o ~- ~ ~ ~ o ~-.z ~s' J ~ N ~r• ~~-- ~" ,~ Jba ~ S ~ N1S$ON ~a~ ~,~~~`' ~P~ ~ v MITCHELL AVENUE `,' -CZ` ~~ ~Py -- ~~ ^ v !- J~ ,~~ ~ S ~ ~soQpt `O ~ ~ ~ N - ~ ~~5~ 'ebb ~~J v WALNUT v N SAPRA ~ ~~~a- P s ~~ .~~y, ~ bd ~ ~ ~ /,Gj ~ ~ SYCAMORE AV. ~ ~ 0 ~~s ~~ ~~ ~s s POO~~ ~ a EDINGER ~ ~bj~ ~~` W ~ P~. z > a C~~ O o ~0~~ ~ ~ o J u-S ~s~ W P!i C`J Q VALENCIA AVENUE J Q J Q~ W = ~ °o ~ W ~ '`' ~ ~ O ~ AVENUE 0 z ~~ y,P~~ `~' ra ~j cJ ..~ DYER ROAD BARRANCA PKWY w W W G ~ ~ ~ O O J > U U ~ ~ ~ ~ H H U o M ~ N N ~ ~ LL W W Q } II ~-- II '~ x x x x x Application 1. An application for Permit Parking shall contain a description of the problem, the time the problem is occurring, the general area affected by the parking intrusion, proof of area residency and the applicant's home address and telephone number(s). 2. The City Engineer shall determine if the location criteria is met and, in concert with the applicant, determine the Study Area and appropriate times for the parking study to be conducted. 3. The applicant, or his designee, shall be the contact person for the City staff, may be responsible for circulating the program petition and fact sheet and shall be the liaison between the City and Study Area residents. Traffic Study 1. The City Engineer shall prepare a petition and fact sheet for circulation and review by each household to determine if 67% of the households within a potential Permit Parking Area would be in favor of Permit Parking if it were warranted and approved by the City Council. A. The fact sheet shall state the Permit Parking Program criteria, ramifications, participation requirements, fees and residents' responsibilities. B. The petition will contain each property address, a column indicating that each household is in favor of (or opposed. to) being included in the proposed Permit Parking Area and a signature block. 2. The City, at its discretion, may circulate the initiating petition and fact sheet by mail or other means and may elect to resurvey any potential Permit Parking Area at any time during the application process. 3. The petition shall be returned to the City Engineer within 45 days of issuance to applicant. If the returned petition indicates that there is not 67% approval for Permit Parking within a Study Area or if the petition is not returned within 45 days of issuance, no further action will be taken by staff on the application and the application process shall be officially terminated. 4. The City Engineer shall proceed with the traffic study upon receipt of the petition indicating a minimum of 67% of the Study Area households approve implementation of Permit Parking. -2- 5. If the location, petition, parking, and approval criteria are met, the City Engineer shall prepare and submit a staff report pertaining to the request for Permit Parking to the City Council. The applicant shall be provided a copy of the staff report and City Council meeting specifics. 6. If a Permit Parking Area is approved by the City Council, each household in the Permit Parking Area will be so notified and sent a Permit Parking Application. 7. Residents shall return completed and signed Parking Permit application to the City at time of permit issuance. This document will be the permanent record of the respective household's Program participation. 8. If the request for Permit Parking is denied or terminated, pursuant to Section 3 herein above, a second study of the same or similar Study Area will not be conducted for a minimum of twelve months unless there is a significant, identifiable change in parking characteristics as determined by the City Engineer. Subsequent studies of the same general Study Area will be subject to the same requirements and procedures as the initial study request. Permit Issuance 1. Each household will be issued two parking permits. There will be a Permit Issuance Fee for these permits. A. There shall be an additional Permit Issuance Fee for new permits issued as a result of change in home ownership. Parking permits are not transferable. Permit Issuance Fees are approved by the City Council and are included in the City- adopted fee schedule. 2. Temporary guest permits may, at the City's discretion, be issued at no cost to households in a Permit Parking Area subject to the following conditions: A. The City must receive a written request for the permits at least two business days prior to the event for which the permit is requested. B. The temporary event guest permits will be issued at the Police Department during normal business hours. C. Temporary guest permits shall have a maximum duration of seven (7) days and need not be returned to the City upon their expiration. 3. Parking Permits shall be obtained in person at the Police Department. The applicant must provide proof of residency, provide the completed and signed Permit Parking Application and pay the Permit Issuance Fees. -3- 4. All residents in a Permit Parking Area will be subject, without exception, to all related parking regulations. 5. Residents shall return completed and signed Parking Permit Application to the City at time of permit issuance. This document will be the permanent record of the respective .household's Program participation, acknowledgement and receipt of the Permit Parking Program's procedures and requirements. 6. Service, maintenance and construction vehicles, except those governed by the Public Utility Commission or other .Government Agencies, are considered guests and must display a permit when performing services on a Permit Parking street. It is the contracting resident's responsibility to provide permits for service, maintenance and construction vehicles. 7. Upon issuance of the Permit Parking Application, each household in the Permit Parking Area will be given a 30-day period to obtain their permits before regulatory signing is installed or displayed. A five-day "grace" period will be given all motorists after regulatory signs are displayed and enforcement commences. 8. All Parking Permits remain the property of the City and may be revoked if used contrary to the provisions of this policy. Bail Schedule 1. The fine for violation of the Permit Parking regulations shall be as the City Council may set from time to time. Misuse of Parking .Permits 1. Any person selling, fraudulently using, reproducing or mutilating a Parking Permit issued in conjunction with the Parking Permit Program shall be guilty of an infraction and shall be subject to a fine as the City Council may set from time to time and the forfeiture of all permits in conflict, or such other penalty as the City Council may, from time to time, set by ordinance. Program Removal 1. A Permit Parking Area or part thereof may be removed from the Permit Parking Program by the City Council pursuant to: A. Approval of a staff recommendation based on cause and a petition indicating 67% of all households in a Permit Parking Area request removal from the Program. B. A determination that removal from the Program is in the community interest or in the interest of public safety or at City Council discretion. -4- City Council action to remove an area from the Permit Parking Program requires notification to those affected and must occur in conjunction with an advertised public hearing. 2. There shall be no cost to the residents associated with removing an area from the Permit Parking Program. 3. If an existing Permit Parking Area is revoked, any request for reinstatement shall be subject to the same process as that of a new Parking Permit Area and if approved shall be assessed the total cost of the traffic study, permit printing and distribution cost and all re-signing cost. Exceptions 1. To accommodate particular events or circumstances, the Police Department may, from time to time, suspend enforcement of the Permit Parking regulations or issue additional permits. This may be done summarily or by covering the regulatory signs. 2. HARDSHIP: An interim parking deficiency due to changing family/residents needs as additional drivers come of age. This is provided only to those residents who currently utilize all available off-street parking and have an interim parking deficiency due to a hardship as defined herein. A "HARDSHIP" is considered to be a short-term need based on a family's need for an additional parking space as the children reach driving age and there are insufficient spaces on site for the added vehicles. The Police Department shall accept, review, approve, and issue or deny a property owner's request for additional permits under the Hardship definition for a Hardship Exemption Permit. The Hardship application requires that the property owner complete the appropriate application, submit the applicable (non-refundable) processing and filing fee as established by Council, and submit to an on-site inspection of the property by the Police Department. At that time the Police Department will verify that all garage, carport, driveway, and apron parking is being fully utilized for its intended purpose as vehicle parking for personal vehicles. All reasonable attempts to increase available parking on site, i.e. widening driveways and/or re-setting fence lines to provide additional parking adjacent to alleys, shall have been considered and deemed unavailable prior to further consideration of a Hardship Permit. Recreational vehicles, commercial business vehicles, miscellaneous equipment; and/or building materials, etc. shall not be stored on site in these locations, in what could otherwise be used for vehicular storage. -5- Signing and Marking 1. Installation and maintenance of regulatory signs and markings associated with Permit Parking shall be the responsibility of and at the sole discretion of the City. S:\Tim\2007\Permit parking on public streets.doc -6- i I I I I I ,a~ ,<< I ,a~ o ~ ' .~. 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