HomeMy WebLinkAbout21 H.R. 3752 - INDIAN GAMING 11-06-07Agenda Item 21
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_ ~ AGENDA REPORT City Manager
. .
Finance Director
H.R. 3752 (Campbell) would provide that the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act shall not apply
to an Indian tribe or to Indian lands of an Indian tribe until that Indian tribe has been
federally recognized for a period of not less than 25 continuous years. A copy of the bill is
included as Attachment A to this report.
That the City Council take a position to support H.R. 3752 and direct staff to transmit the
attached letter of support to Congressman Campbell.
The cost to local governments associated with Indian gaming casinos in urban areas can
be significant. The fiscal impact would need to be identified in conjunction with a specific
proposal to establish a casino in the vicinity of a particular city.
At the October 16, 2007, meeting, Mayor Bone requested that H.R. 3752 be agendized
for the Council's consideration. H.R. 3752 would provide that the Indian Gaming
Regulatory Act shall not apply to an Indian tribe or to Indian lands of an Indian tribe until
that Indian tribe has been federally recognized for a period of not less than 25 continuous
years. H.R. 3752 has been referred to the House Committee on Natural Resources.
Attached is a brief report prepared by Congressman John Campbell that explains the
Congressman's reasons for introducing H.R. 3752. It should also be noted that casinos
in urban areas have the potential to significantly impact cities by generating traffic,
increasing crime, causing adjacent business to lose revenues, and demanding high
levels of water, sewer, law enforcement, and fire services.
Scott Reekstin
Senior Planner
Attachments A: H.R.3752
S:\Cdd\CCREPORIIHR 3752 Indian Gaming.doc
Elizabeth A. Binsack
Community Development Director
B: Draft Letter of Support
H.R. 3752
Search Results -THOMAS (Library of Congress)
HR 3752 IH
1st Session
H. R. 3752
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To provide that the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act shall not apply to an Indian tribe or
to Indian lands of an Indian tribe until that Indian tribe has been federally recognized
for a period of not less than 25 continuous years.
October 4, 200?
Mr. CAMPBELL of California introduced the following bill; which was referred to the
Committee on Natural Resources
To provide that the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act shall not apply to an Indian tribe or
to Indian lands of an Indian tribe until that Indian tribe has been federally recognized
for a period of not less than 25 continuous years.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States
of America in Congress assembled,
The Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (25 U.S.C. 2701 et seq.) is amended by
adding at the end the following:
This Act shall not apply to an Indian tribe or to Indian lands of an Indian tribe
until that Indian tribe has been a federally recognized Indian tribe for a period of
not less than 25 continuous years. This section shall not apply to Indian tribes
that were federally recognized before the date of the enactment of this section.'.
http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/C?c 110:./temp/~c 1 l OQgOlg3 10/30/2007
From Congressman John Campbell's laptop to yours
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From Congressman John Campbell's laptop to yours:
Friday, October 12th, 2007
Of Casinos and Indian Tribes: By now you may have
heard that there are several groups trying to get federal
recognition as the federally sanctioned Juaneno Indian
Tribe in Orange County. It is very clear that the groups
seeking recognition as this tribe are doing so because
they intend to establish a casino in urban Orange County.
I have a copy of a lobbying contract under which the
lobbyists are paid only by a contingent fee of the "take" of
the eventual casino. If there is no casino, they are
working for free. Furthermore, the Orange County
Register recently featured a story in which one of the
tribe organizers, Joyce Stanfield Perry, says, "it is our
inherent right to build any kind of economic development
once we have agovernment-to-government relationship."
There has been talk of putting this casino in San Juan
Capistrano or near Irvine's Great Park. The Federal
Bureau of Indian Affairs is scheduled to decide whether to
recognize this tribe in about 60 days. If they do achieve
recognition technically they could establish a casino on
any land they buy in Orange County, although they would
have to get a gambling "compact" with the state.
I oppose the recognition of this tribe and I oppose a
gambling casino in Orange County, or frankly any other
urban area. Lest you think I am not consistent on this
issue, while in the California State Legislature
I aggressively opposed the establishment of what would
have been the largest casino on earth for a roughly 20
member tribe that had been recognized in Berkley,
California. We have been successful so far in stopping
that one. Here is why I oppose these things:
1) Indian casino gambling was originally conceived in
order to provide economic opportunity for big groups of
largely full-blooded Indians who were poor and whose
ancestral reservations were in remote areas with little
economic opportunity. That has worked in many areas.
Fine. But now you see a handful of professional people
tracing small fractions of Indian ancestry, in urban areas
where economic opportunity abounds wanting to become
tribes so they can make tons of money on gambling. If
they would agree to never have a casino, as a tribe in
North Carolina recently agreed to do, then we would know
that they were merely trying to preserve their cultural
heritage. But the Juanenos are not doing that.
2) The federal tribal recognition process has existed for
30 years. Why has this tribal application only surfaced in
the last 20 years or so? Perhaps because the availability
of and profitability of casino gambling only came to
California recently.
http://campbell.houseenews.net/mail/util.cfm?gpiv=1999930561.90943.354&gen=1 10/30/2007
From Congressman John Campbell's laptop to yours
3) These are not tribes of thousands of people here. The
people trying to establish these tribes usually number less
than a dozen. I remember meeting once with a group of 6
trying to establish a tribe and a casino in downtown San
Diego. So, we're supposed to grant gigantic casino rights
so that 6 people can have economic opportunity?
4) Indian casinos are federally granted monopolies. You
and I cannot open one to compete with the Juanenos if
we wanted to. In an urban -area, why not? They are also
basically self-regulated in California so their profit margins
are very high because of that lack of competition.
5) Casinos in urban areas are usually accompanied by
increases in crime and spousal abuse and gambling
6) These things are hard to stop because they are very
profitable that there is plenty of money to go around for
lobbyists and cities and consultants and the only losers
are the public.
For all these reasons I have introduced a bill to place a 25
year moratorium on Indian casinos for newly recognized
tribes. This will preserve the tribal recognition process for
those who truly desire to preserve their heritage, but it
will stop the practice of setting up these monopoly casinos
in urban areas for at least a while.
If you agree with this bill or that we should not have
casinos in urban areas like Orange County, please a-mail
me back so that I can show the Bureau of Indian Affairs
the breadth of the opposition to this tribe's plans.
More TV Time: Last Friday, I made an appearance on the
CBS Evening News to talk about the "paint shield"
earmark. Here is the clip for those of you who didn't see
Until next week, I remain respectfully,
Congressman John Campbell
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http://campbell.houseenews.net/mail/util.cfm?gpiv=1999930561.90943.354&gen=1 10/30/2007
Draft Letter of Support
November 7, 2007
The Honorable John Campbell
48th District, California
1728 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Congressman Campbell:
On behalf of the City of Tustin, I wish to express our support for H.R.
H.R. 3752 would provide that the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act shall not
apply to an Indian tribe or to Indian lands of an Indian tribe until that Indian
tribe has been federally recognized fora period of not less than 25
continuous years.
Casinos in .urban areas have the potential to significantly impact cities by
generating traffic, increasing crime, and causing adjacent businesses to lose
revenues. Casinos also demand high levels of water, sewer; law
enforcement, and fire services. For these reasons, the City of Tustin
opposes casinos in urban areas and supports H.R. 3752 and its 25 year
moratorium on Indian casinos for newly recognized tribes.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me or
Elizabeth Binsack, Community Development Director, at (714) 573-3031.
Lou Bone
cc: Congressman Nick J. Rahall, II -Chair, House Committee on
Natural Resources
S:\Cdd\SCOTT\LEGISLAT\HR 3752 Indian Gaming Support Letter.doc