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TCA's Initial Review of the Proposed AIP-R Alternative by Smart Mobility, Inc. Tustin City Council November 6, 2007 Transportation Corridor Agencies P es_02_28_07 Federal Resource Agency Involvement • A collaboration of agencies developed the purpose statement and the alternatives that would be analyzed: MJiM.Al — Environmental Protection Agency — Army Corps of Engineers — US Fish and Wildlife Service — Caltrans, and — Camp Pendleton US Army Corps of Engineers° Map 2 FIE Boar 10.18-07 alternatives Widening Improving HE BoaM 10.1M7 �IOa A(m58W „�� Laguna �-- Mission © Viejo 11® �� .Nap-aeflwr. Park Rd �- Laguna Hills San Onire Pm�k'PaI RS 11® Abad Pkxy \�.. Park Le Par RL Caada oaza Foa'NIFNorth General Thomas Oso Pkq. F. Riley F--WiMemess Park Ladera Ranch rYtlUN Pdry. .--San Juan Laguna © Niguel Capistrano Gwn vaby Pkxy. %San Juan Creek Rd S1.dme Galen Laaem La Nwaave. prone Urdm oa IaMIW Canvno Lac Rvnaas ODana ca n bLo Nme Point Talega Gaspers Wlldemess Park Is Donna O'Neill Land F— Conservancy TRW Test Site 4 February 2006: Green Alignment chosen as the Environmental Consensus • Relieves traffic on 1-5 and arterial intersections • Least environmentally damaging practicable alternative (preliminary determination) • Located along the eastern boundary of Camp Pendleton — to not impact military operations • Does not displace homes or businesses F/E Board 10.18-07 AM Ie PYa- San Onire . eac Beall Park San R°�' men ' \Park i�San Clemente St' Marine Caps Base Camp Pendleton NORTH Not to ScaleaSan Raan Ono 4 February 2006: Green Alignment chosen as the Environmental Consensus • Relieves traffic on 1-5 and arterial intersections • Least environmentally damaging practicable alternative (preliminary determination) • Located along the eastern boundary of Camp Pendleton — to not impact military operations • Does not displace homes or businesses F/E Board 10.18-07 • AIP stands for Arterial Improvements Plus widening of I-5 .......one of the alternatives that was studied during the SOCTIIP Collaborative process. • The AIP alternative had similar traffic relief as the locally preferred Green Alignment but was eliminated from further study by the Collaborative due to high relative cost and socioeconomic impacts. • In the refined AIP (or AIP-R), Smart Mobility has taken the concept of the AIP alternative and revised the designs to reduce impacts to homes and businesses. • California Coastal Commission staff relied heavily on this study in their consistency denial recommendation. • TCA engineering staffs initial review has determined that the study is seriously flawed $ HE Board 10.1 M7 • Smart Mobility Inc. is based in Norwich, Vermont about 2,500 miles away from San Clemente. • In 2006 the population of Orange County was 4.8 times the population of the entire State of Vermont. Source: US Census Bureau • Their website lists a staff of four including a treasurer. • None appear to be registered as Professional Civil Engineers in the State of California • None appear to have Caltrans highway experience 6 F E Board 10-1M7 2 Smart Mobility Inc. Partial List of Clients • Audubon Naturalist Society • Baltimore Regional Partnership • Chicago Metropolis 2020 • Chittenden County (VT) Metropolitan Planning Organization • Conservation Law Foundation • Environmental Defense Source: www.smartmobility.com • Environmental Law and Policy Center • Envision Central Texas • Neighbors for Bucks • County Preservation River Fields (Louisville, KY) • Safety, Agriculture, Villages and Environment (S.A.V.E.) • Sierra Club • Solebury Township (PA) • Town of Barnard (VT) F/E BoaW 10-1M7 1. Claims of equivalent traffic relief are unsubstantiated 2. Safety first - Caltrans has standards for a reason 3. The urban interchange has limitations 4. We live in a three-dimensional world 5. Local streets are important 6. We need redundancy in our transportation system 8 FIE Board 10.18-07 -•C �..- r� ....moi - _ _ z. �: - _-y±� p-'�_...: Ale - _�__i -��i � _~� � �•��.� _l -�'/ _ yam- -�"/ � / _ - ++. _ �� - ` ' 40 C�-' mg 4 SMI added only 1 HOV lane in the AIP-R _ T � QC .! S`. � - .w � :.•a�'r r � i �{ Int - �.... r C�aii»s of equiva/e _ ` fleli� f t1D0 I,.t rel u sufb�stan a= eco 1 ,N 117'-39'36.38" W r Streamin,y: ,III IIII III 100,° 1av„�,.,, _ _ EMalt a —667 ft" Foothill -South - r o u uCT"�i'i._u-tii The Single Point Interchange is difficult for pedestrians to maneuver through. Smart Mobility has proposed this type of interchange at EI Toro Road, Crown Valley Parkway, Ortega Highway and Avenida Pico. Interchange Det B Tom Road and- �• - . _ --c-�-= -� == — _ -cam �_— :z__�-,_- - _- a '=�-tSSou�l�be ,to 0 o � yc•• j5 � ry � , _ �.. _ c� 'A v'a. ya . _ -IT •.<-..-- � t gip, ,� �,� g f Traffic volumes, sight distance, distance to adjacent y intersections, and pedestrian traffic need to be evaluated. ' Legend Traw.4 Lanes Appro Limit cf Smart Mobility states "design issues need to be addressed .... in -J� PFavalTalungs later stages of engineering. FullTaldngs Yet they now offer this solution as practical and feasible. ®°e0g"`°"B�``K i S♦ J FIE BoaW 10lM7 This flyover would have to go either over Crown Valley Parkway or in between Crown Valley and I-5. The first would require lengthening of the SB off-ramp, the RM second would require raising of Crown Valley Parkway (or lowering of I-5) in both directions. n Y . "�',� Tr- °"'�p"i .` aF . \ ' o I, lJ• I '�.� :c :.. :_y-'�i�e.s 11M rw ip NEI� I - � 'I I E r it_ P" •�� � w •• Y J 1, ` , .. •air .. �y 4, �5`1_ +y �, 10-1e-07 Figure 7. Avenida Pico Inrerchange: AIP-SEIR and _ 1P -R .zip-SEIR QIP -P. rry,.,l,�' l F-,�,r*' � ` � j/��( I' .gyp•.. �' � ip • t4 q� { ✓ FRS. •• all piopeitr located as shown. �ageinent Plan_ FIE Board 10.18-07 { x Figure 16.• AIP-R Plan for 1- i sr Crass Secrion S, San Clen2enre Figure Y• E1 Camino Real ar Cross Secrion S, San Clemente FID 320 feet Existing Cross Section Source: 2007 Smart Mobility AIP-R Study 20-6- 6-12-12-12-12 - 16 - 12 - 12- 12- 12- 12- 12- 8- 8- 12- 12- 12- 12- 12- 10 - 6 - 5 - 12- 12- 5- 6-14 A Ar 70,�, Proposed _'tIPAlternative Cross Section I a 20-6- 7-4-1 1-1 1- 4- 6- 10- 10-12-12-12-12-4-12-11-3-11-12-4-12-12-12- 12- 10- 8- 6 - 5- 12- 12- 5- 6- 14 FIE Board 10.18-07 r • The Smart Mobility proposal exacerbates South Orange County's dependence on Interstate- 5, the only major highway through this area, • Alternatives need to be available in case of unforeseen breakdowns from accidents, structure or pavement failures, landslides, etc. FIE Board 10.18-07 Vital artery will be closed for days Only two major earthquakes have halted traffic on Interstate 5 between Los Angeles and the San Joaquin Valley for a longer time. By Jeffrey L. Rabin and Dan Weikel, Los Angeles Times Staff Writers October 14, 2007 The closure underscores the vulnerability of the region's highway network, "This is a lesson for planners. You can't put all of your eggs in one basket. " Hasan Ikhrata, planning director for the Southern California Assn. of Governments Source: Los Angeles Times HE Board 10.1M7 i Northbound Interstate 5 . Time Comparson/' 1bF.06t4blih-Sk-ObtTravel I OU 70 30 20 12 AM 02 AM 04 AM 07 AM 09 AM 12 PM 02 PM 04 PM 07 PM 09 PM 12 AM Source: PEMS Time of Day FieBoard iaie-07 David W. Lowe, P. E, M. ASCE Transportation Corridor Agencies Acting Chief Engineer Registered Professional Civil Engineer #36807 State of California, July 1983 (949) 754-3488 F/E Boaf 10-18-07