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AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: NOVEMBER 20, 2007 TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: SCOTT M. JORDAN, CHIEF OF POLICE SUBJECT: POLICE DEPARTMENT VEHICLE PURCHASES SUMMARY Purchase one (1) 2008 Dodge Charger and one (1) 2008 Chevrolet Tahoe police units to replace older model high mileage vehicles. Purchase one (1) 2008 Dodge Charger unmarked unit and one (1) 2008 Dodge Durango unmarked unit to replace older model high mileage vehicles. Purchase three (3) 2008 Harley Davidson police motorcycles to replace older model BMW motorcycles. Award contract for police equipment conversion work for newly purchased police units. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the purchase of: 1. One (1) 2008 Dodge Charger (police package) from Moss Brothers Dodge in Riverside, California in the amount of $24,046.70 (Including tax and license). 2. One (1) 2008 Dodge Charger (unmarked unit) from Moss Brothers Dodge in Riverside, California in the amount of $22,308.69 (Including tax and license). 3. One (1) 2008 Dodge Durango (unmarked unit) from Hoblit Hayes Dodge Chrysler in Woodland, California in the amount of $21,336.85 (including tax and license). 4. One (1) 2008 Chevrolet Tahoe (police package) from George Chevrolet in Lakewood, California in the amount of $ 33,305.61 (including tax and license). 5. Three (3) 2008 Harley Davidson FLHTP-I police motorcycles from Laidlaw Harley Davidson in Baldwin Park, California in the amount of $62,970.75 (including tax). There will be an 800 MHz radio installation cost of $2,436.00 per motorcycle from Orange County Sheriff Communications (only known source) added to the cost. The grand total for all three motorcycles is $70,104.74 Police Department Vehicle Purchase November 20, 2007 Page 2 of 4 6. Police equipment conversion packages for the conversion of one (1) 2008 Dodge Charger marked police vehicle and one (1) Chevy Tahoe marked police vehicle from North Star Electronics in Downey, California in the amount of $22,693.08. 7. Authorize the Police Department to transfer Chevrolet Tahoe (retiring unit 3401) to the civilian police fleet and retire Unit 3431 - 2002 Ford Expedition from the civilian fleet as surplus. FISCAL IMPACT Adequate funds are currently available in account #84-801-9730 (Vehicle Equipment Lease and Replacement Fund) in the amount of $193,795.67. BACKGROUND In fiscal year 2007/2008 it is necessary to replace the above listed vehicles due to age, mileage and/or safety history. Purchase of the three (3) police motorcycles due for rotation will complete the motor transition to Harley Davidson which we have been converting over the past several rotation cycles. A breakdown of each vehicle replacement is as follows: Marked Police Unit 3401 is scheduled for replacement due to high mileage and scheduled rotation. Unit 3401 is a 2003 Chevrolet Tahoe currently utilized as a Field Supervisor vehicle. It was purchased for its size and cargo/passenger capacity, however, when purchased; it did not come equipped with a police package, rendering it unsafe for law enforcement applications including high speed and/or pursuit stability. The 2008 Tahoe with which we will replace this unit is equipped with these safety features. Because Unit 3401 was used solely as a supervisor vehicle, despite its higher mileage, it is still mechanically sound. Marked Police Unit 3431 - a 2002 Ford Expedition currently assigned to the civilian police fleet is experiencing a high number of costly repairs and is in poor mechanical condition. A problem with the air-conditioning system in this vehicle has resulted in a strong chemical odor within the cockpit of the vehicle. Drivers have complained that the strong odor makes it very difficult to spend significant time in the vehicle. The Ford dealer has informed the city that this problem cannot be repaired and is the result of a manufacturer's defect in that model year. The police department, with the support of the Field Services Maintenance Supervisor and the Field Services Manager, proposes surplussing the Expedition and replacing it with the retiring 2003 Tahoe which is mechanically sound and more suitable for the proposed civilian use. The rotation schedule for unit 3431 will accordingly be extended by one year at which time the unit will be replaced with a Dodge Durango which is consistent with the remaining civilian fleet. This proposed change will have no impact on the budget since replacement funds for both vehicles are adequate to support the proposal; and this action will eliminate the mechanical problems associated with the Expedition. Police Department Vehicle Purchase November 20, 2007 Page 3 of 4 Marked Police Unit 3411 is scheduled for replacement due to high mileage and scheduled rotation. We intend to replace this older model Ford Crown Victoria with a 2008 Dodge Charger as we continue to transition the police fleet to the Dodge vehicles. Our first generation of Dodge Chargers outperforms any other police package vehicle on the market today and we continue to appreciate the safety features the Dodge Charger offers specific to law enforcement applications. Unmarked Plain Unit 3426 is scheduled for replacement due to high mileage and scheduled rotation. We intend to replace this older model Chevrolet Trailblazer with a 2008 Dodge Durango plain unit. Unmarked Plain Unit 3430 is scheduled for replacement due to high mileage and scheduled rotation. We intend to replace this older model Pontiac Grand Prix with a Dodge Charger plain unit. Police Motorcycle Units 3441, 3444 and 3449 are scheduled for replacement to complete the conversion of the fleet to Harley Davidson. While the mileage on the retiring BMW motorcycles is not high, the maintenance cost for these vehicles is significant and no longer covered under the agreed lease contract due to the cancellation of the state contract with BMW. Once these three units are rotated the entire motor fleet will consist of the preferred Harley Davidson police motor option. Dodge Vehicle Purchases: To insure that the offered price from Moss Brothers Dodge is competitive, staff reviewed published prices obtained from local vendors and compared those prices to those offered by Moss Brothers Dodge. Staff also contacted Tustin Dodge in the Tustin Auto Center and received a quote for a Dodge Charger plain unit vehicle. (Refer to Appendix "A", City of Tustin Informal Bid Process.) Harley Davidson Motorcycle Purchases: The Tustin Police Department purchase through Laidlaw Harley Davidson is based upon the formal bid process conducted by the Los Angeles World Airport Police Department for the purchase of their police motorcycles. Tustin Police Department was able to negotiate the same purchase price with Laidlaw as that awarded to Los Angeles World Airport Police Department, at $21,313.05 per unit. (Refer Appendix "D", Los Angeles World Airport Police Department bid process #105-325; and Laidlaw quote for the City of Tustin.) The Tustin Police Department also conducted an informal competitive bid process with local Harley Davidson dealerships as a comparison and Laidlaw Harley Davidson of Baldwin Park was upheld as the lowest bid. (Refer to Appendix "B", City of Tustin Informal Bid Process.) Police Department Vehicle Purchase November 20, 2007 Page 4 of 4 Purchase of Police Equipment Conversion Services: In pricing conversion services, it is important to note that, while there are a number of vendors available in a tri-state area including Nevada and Arizona, proximity to the Police Department is a major factor in the decision making. The proximity factor is significant with regards to transporting the vehicles to and from the vendor's facility and in the oversight of the conversion process. Since all police agencies operate under. slightly different conversion specifications, it is the duty of the fleet coordinator to oversee the conversion process by inspecting the vehicle at various stages of development (i.e. wiring schematics, equipment mounting devices and location, etc.) With this oversight, the coordinator makes multiple personal trips to and from the conversion vendor's location and is also responsible for scheduling necessary personnel to deliver and pick-up vehicles from the vendor's facility. With these factors, we are limited to the selection of a vendor within a 100 mile radius of the Police Department, as any further distance would be counterproductive, staff time and personnel intensive, and costly. The second consideration for a conversion vendor is the size of their operation. The size of the operation directly correlates to the amount of time the conversion process will take. Smaller operations with fewer employees will obviously require a longer processing period than those larger companies with more available manpower. Conversions can take anywhere from one week to three months to complete. The longer processing period requires more time from the fleet coordinator and delays the availability of the vehicle. With these considerations in mind, staff solicited bids from all vendors within a feasible proximity to the Police Department and with sufficient staff to process the vehicles within a reasonable time frame. North Star Electronics in Downey, California submitted the lowest bid. (Refer to Appendix "C" City of Tustin Informal bid Process). Tustin Police Fleet staff has also negotiated with two additional conversion vendors, both of whom have agreed to honor or beat the low bid conversion price as set by North Star Electronics for the conversion of one "test" vehicle. These two vendors, 9-1-1 Vehicle (who will complete their test conversion at no charge) and Concepts Plus; will each convert one vehicle in order that we may field test their proprietary power management systems for future consideration. SCOTT M. JORDAN Chief of Police CHRISTINE SCHWARTZ Support Services Division Manager Attachments: Appendix A -Vehicle Quotes Appendix B -Motorcycle Quotes Appendix C -Conversion Package Quotes Appendix D - Laidlaw Bid /Piggyback Contract APPENDIX "A" OPEN MARKET PURCHASE QUOTES Date: ;a-~~,y~- ~~ Estimated Cost: s Item: ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~-~~, G~~t~--~~~. ~~r~;~,c.~ e ~r~-~C.-~~~ Z ~m c ~ E ~ HOW WERE QUOTES REQUESTED? ~vr~~-~ L F(91~ HOW WERE QUOTES RECEIVED? ~~n-~~~ L ~~ ~ QUOTES VENDOR AMOUNT s 2 ~ ~ ~S r4 3 1. L ~`~~ iR- ,ddDC-~E ~ IF PURCHASE IS TO BE MADE FROM OTHER THAN LOWEST BID, PLEASE EXPLAIN REASON. - ~ 0~, 0 07 15:33 7147301920 KEVIN DRAUCKER PAGE 02/03 This is not .en invoice. The pricep shown a,re ,for fn~ormatfon purposes only and ere subs ect ~o change or oaxrection without priax notice. Printed; September 27, 2007 18:29 VZN: VON• estimated Skip Date: pxder Ststus• BA Quantity• 01 Sold 431 74 TUTTLE-CLZCR' S TUSTIN CHRYSLER Ship 43174 'TUTTLE--CLICR' S x'USTIN CHRYSLER to : 40 ~i,UTO CENTER DRIVE to: 40 AUTO CENTEk~ DRIVE TUSTIN, CA 92782 TUSTZN, GA 927$2 LXDH4$ 2008 Dodgs CHARGER RTrdD Equipment Description MSRP SWP Model.: LYDH48 Dodge CH.~j,RGER RWD - ~ 21 , 675 20, 668 Package: 29A Customer Preferred Package 29A 4,355 4,007 EZB 5.7L Henri Multi Displacement Engine 3,330 3,064 DGJ 5-Speed Auto w5A5$0 Transmi4siQn 0 0 Color: ~ PXR 'Brilliant Black Crystal Pearl Goat 0 0 APA Monotone Paint 0 0 *X5 HD Cloth Pucket Seats w/vinyl Rear 120 110 -DV Dark Slate Gray 0 0 Options: LNF Black Left Spot 1,2,mp z00 184 JPR Power $-Way Driver Seat' 380 350 LNA Matchi~.g Right Spot Lamp 200 184 GX1;' Enti7Ce Fleet Alike Key (FREQ 1 } 40 37 4FT F],eet Sales Order ' 0 4 Discounts: XGF 8 Additional Gallons of Gas 0 22 NAE California Emissions Q 0 NQr--Equipment: 4FA Special Bid-Ineligible For Incentive 0 0 Funds: S66 CALIFORNIA PPA/E$pF 0 210 YDH Customer One Own;ex' Loyalty Mail.iz~g 0 25 De;3tiriat~,on: ~ 675 67S Total Price(USD): 30,975 29,536 Priozity Code: 01 Fleet Account One: Fleet Account Two: Client Code: Special Bid Nurnbez': FT231103 PSP Week {month f week) Customer Name: Address: Ord~ar Type : Fleet IristruCt~4ns; Purcha;~e Order: ~2 3, 43 ~ -t- ~~ --3~F~v-~-..u~ ~ Seq~ Z~`3 $~ t~~`F _T-04-200~(THU) 15;13 Lasher motors colinga Inc (FAX ).9164210149 P. 001/052 ~~! Z ~ ~ ~. "~~ ~, ~.'~ Prepared By: ~,~ r admm~s ra o / ~~ ~~' ~, l~~i, ~' ~ Coalinga ChovylLasher Dadge 625 East Elm Street D~ 4 ~~ Coalinga, CA 93210 ~~ rJ ~ Ph4ne: 916) 429-4700 ( ~- ~.~C~J Fax: (916) 421-0149 ~~~ ~,(~~~ ~ e at ~ Emari. Blli Kem ry k lasherauto.oom ~. bill a~ ) ~~ ~`/rte ~ /~.~' r~~ 200$ Fle~tlNOn-Retail Dodge Ch~rg~r 4dr Sdn POlice RWD LXDH48 . ~ ~~ i hc~ ~' ~ ~~ DOW STlCK~R ~C~ ~ ~ ~ ... _ .._ tally ~.,.. __ 2048 Dodge Charger 4dr Sdn ,,.olic~"R~il~!_~ Interior. DV Dark S a ray • 45 CID * C 8 ~r~i~C~ Exterior 1: XR Brilliant Blac Crystal Pr! 5.7L/3 ~T~~ Exterior 2: ~~ * 5-Speed Auto tic ~ ~: ~~ r,~/ /yam- ;fo,~~! r~~' ~ ~~ _~...~. - MsRP , CQDE M4Q. f LXDI-148 2008 Qo'dg€..C~ierger 4dr Sdn Polico RWD ---~~._m_ 521,676.00 ,I I OPTIONS CALIFORNIA REGION NATIONAL DELIVERY NqE CALIFORNIA EMISSIONS EZB 5.7L HEMI MULTI-DISPLACEMENT V$ ENGINE DGJ 5-SPElwD AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION W/On 2gq 29A POLICE CUSTOMER PREFERRED ORDER SELEC~'ION PKG TWM P225/60R18 pERFORMANGE BSW TIRES C8_ MD CLOTH FRQNT BUCKET SEATS p STANDARD PAINT JPR $-WAY PWf~ DRIVER SEAT XFX ~ EQUIPMENT MOUNTING BRACKET L BLACK 4RIVER-SIDE SPOT LAMP ~ MATCHING PASSENGER-SIDE SPOT LAMP CW6 DEACTIVATE REAR WINDOWS S, DOOR LOCKS BLACK VINYL FLOOR COVERING ~ XF FLEET SINGLE KEY SYSTEM (FREQ 1) TgW Ft~LL•SIZE SPARE TIRE WJMATCMING WHEEL GGS SUPPLEMEN~'AL SIDE AIRBAGS YEP MANUFACTURER STATEMENT OF QRIGIN - SUBTOTAL _ _, . ~o.oo ~ $0.00 ! 50.00 $3,330.00 ~ $0,00 $4,355.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ~ $380.00 ~ $0.00 j $200,00 ~~ $200.00 $25.00 575.00 ~ $40.00 $160.Q0 $590.00 I $o.ao $39,03Q.00 Report content is based on current data version referenced. Any performance-related Galoulations are offered solely as guidelines. Actual unit performance will depend on your operating conditions. GM Auto6ook, Data Version: 130.2, Data updated 10/2/2007 9:29:00 AM QCopyright 1986-2005 Chrome Systems Corporalidn. All rights reserved. Customer File: October 04, 2007 10:35:24 AM Page 1 C.~ ~,~ ~ , c.~' 09/26/2007 11:18 951.6888314 PAGE 02/02 ~~~~ A~AVEA~SID~ ~_ Qvo~ CTTY OF TUSTIN 2008 DODGE CHARGER POLICE CARS BLACK & WHITE PA'T'ROL CARS BASED ON' CITY OF .LOS ANGELES L,A.P.D PZG~Y Br.~.GI~ 1 200 DODGE CI~ARCxER. 5.7 LI7E~t. V-$ POLIO CAR INCLUDES LxSTED OPTIONS FULL SIDE SPARE REAR ~ID CLO'~I~ EUC~.ET SE.~TS W/CLOTI~ 4 KEG`S ,AND TWO RENIO'~ES Si / ~I'I~R. V~8 BLACK V~NY~ FLOOR LEFT ,AND RxGI~T SFdT L,~MFS (UNI'T`~~ E~RGENCY PLEASE HANDLES ENTIRE ~'L,EE~' ~-~ KEY PAIl~TT 4 pOORS AND ROUE' RED$~WI-~TE LIO~E LIG~~"~' POWER SEAT SUB TO'I"AL DELE~'ED OPTIUN NOS NEEDED 18" W~EL COVERS E.r WARD CANCExVER TOTAL CAR.. PRICE S~',~.It SCAN TOOL CIS-900 ~'LT SUB TO'~AL cA T~ T,ra~ 'T'OTAL ~`OR C.A,xi./ STAR SCAN 22y911.00 -2$.00 -5'~~.00 22,E 09.00 - . 25,909.00 2,007.94 8.75 ~!'J M'1./~YI r~~ ~~.?ter 2.~t ~ o`I ~ . ~v 8151 Auto Drive • Riverside • Calif~irnia • 92504 • (951) 688-fi200 • Fax (951) 68$8314 • www.mossbrQsdadgeriv.com OPEN MARKET PURCHASE QUOTES Date: ~ G -~ `Z~ -~ ~~ Estimated Cost: s Item: C~.N~ ~> ~~~~ C.~~~~F-R- ~~ Irv ~~.n~1'~l 2oaQ~ t~ncl7E L l HOW WERE QUOTES REQUESTED? E.mAI~- (FIT HOW WERE QUOTES RECEIVED ~m~~~, I F.~ QUOTES VENDOR 1. l~ ~ ~~CT `~~ b~b~zE 2. '~v`~~~ 1 N 1~c~E 3 . ~ oSS '~c ~b~{'tE~S ~o~i~~ AMOUNT S 3~,~cSb~~ 5 $ 2~ ,q2~ ~ ~;5 S 22,3~~~t~~ IF PURCHASE IS TO BE MADE FROM OTHER THAN LOWEST BID, PLEASE EXPLAIN REASON. 10/19/2007 15:57 FAX 562 947 2621 FLEET DEPT FLEET ~ 001 ~Q7" ~~- 1 -- sfo~%~ ~-- _ ~ - ~_- • ' .-. ~ t . i, . • / • ri •~ .- . • • LXDP48 S • L 2008 Dodge C1~fARGER R/T RWD ff! ' f Eg1.lipment bescription ~• Model:- LXpP4B Dodge CHARGER R,~T RWD ~ ' Package: 29N Customer PreFerzed Packs a 29N g EZB 5.7L Hemi Muiti Displacement Engine) . DG~7 5-Speed Auto W5F-580 Transmission ~ ' Color: PBM - 'steel Blue Metallic Clear Coat ! APA 14onotane Paint *ML :~eather Trimmed Aucket Seats -DV ]park Slate Gray Options: NAE c'alifornia Emissions ' YGF F• Additional Gal7.ons of Gas Funds: YDH C'usComer One Owner Loyalty Mailing B66 CALIFORNIA PPA/EBPF Destination: ' Total Price(USD): Priority Code: 99 PSP Meek (month/week) . Order Type: Retail '~ Instructions: 3va d P~~~ ~~ . Whittier Chrysler Jeep Dodge /~~ ca ~ . CHRYSLER ..~ ~ ~~~~~a ~ ~.~ VS ~.¢J~ !~~/C~ ' V" 0 9r...Oo ~ oooa~ ~~ ~ ' . 6J FIVE s rAR Rollie Wiehl 0 0 0 O O ~_ Fleet do Soles Marwger ~ 13840 E. WhlttJer B1vG. New do Used i WtiBfie6 C,A 90605.1906 P.O.6our 4549 t66?,y 9~5-1436 WhHtler. CA 90607-4b49 Fauc: G~62) 318-3555 . wvnw.whRH~~an.oom ' Mon,-Fr1, 9:g0orr}S:OO,am ' - ~~ • .09/27/ 2007 15:33 7147301920 KEVIN DRAUCKER PAGE 03/03 w ~~. Thf ~ i,s not an .invoice. T1~e prices Shown are :for information purposes only and are s~jeaf fa charge or correction without prior notice. Printed: September Z7, 2007 18:30 VIN: VON: Est it~tated Ship Aate : ~ Order Status : SA Quan.t ity : 01 S p1,d 43174 TUTTLE--CLTCK'S TUSTTN CHRYSLER Ship 43174 TUTTLR-CLICI{'S TIISTZN CHRYSLER -to: 40 AUTQ CENTER DRIVE to: 40 AUTO CENTER DRIVE TUSTIN, CA 92782 TUSTTN, CA 92782 >aXpH4$ 2048 DodgQ CHARGER RWD 'EgUJ.pment Description MSRP FWP Model : LXDH48 Dodge CH,A.RGER RWp 21 , 675 20, 668 package: 29A Customer Preferred Package 29A 4,355 4,007 EZB 5.7L Henri Multi Displacement Engine 3,330 3,064 DGJ 5-Speed Auto W5A580 xransmission 0 0 Color: PBM Steel Blue Metallic Clear CO~t 0 0 APA Monotone Paint 0 0 *X5 Hb Cloth Pucket Seats w/Vinyl Rear 120 110 -DV Da7:k Slate Gray 0 0 Qpt-ions: JPR Power $-Way Driver Seat 380 350 4FT Fleet Sales Order 0 0 piscdunts: YGF S Additional Gallons of Gas 0 22 NAE California Em~.ssions 0 0 Non-Equipment: 4FA Special 13xd-Ineligible For Iricentive 0 0 Fund: B66 CALIFORNIA PpA/EBPF 0 210 YDH CuStOmer One Owner Loyalty Mailing 0 25 Destinatioxl: 675 675 Total Price(USD): 30,535 29,131 Priority Code: 01 Fleet Account One: Fleet Account ,Two: Client Code: Special Bi,d Number: ~'T231103 Purchase Order: PSP Week (month/ooeek) CLtStbm~r Name; ~~ V Address: ~ 1~ Order Tppe: Fleet Instruct iox~B ; This ins not an introic~. The prices shown are for .#22formation purposes only and are subject to change Cur correction without prior notice, ®~~ ~~®~® ~O~G E R I V E R S I D E QUOTE CITY OF TUSTIN 2008 DODGE CHARGER POLICE CARS BASED ON O~GE COUNTY SHERIFF DEPT 2008 DODGE CHARGE 5.7 LITER COl~~IlVIAND VEHICLE INCLUDES LISTED OPTIONS HD CLOTH BUCKET SEATS WICLOTH REAR CARPET FLOOR I~UB CAPS 18" WHEEL COVERS FULL SIZE SPARE 4 KEYS & TWO REMOTES SIDE AIR BAGS POWER SEAT SELLING PRICE SUB TOTAL SELLING PRICE SALES TAX CA TIRE TAX 7.75% TOTAL 20,696.00 20,696.00 20,696.00 1,603.94 8.75 22,3 08.69 EACH NOTES: THE CO STAFF CARS ARE NOT KEYED ALIKE TIDY HAVE ALARM WITH SENTRY KEY 8151 Au#o Drive • Riverside • California • 92504 • (951) 688-6200 • Fax (951) 688-8314 • www.mossbrosdodgeriv.com OPEN MARKET PURCHASE QUOTES Date: ~ l`~ ~ ~2.~ ~' ~ ~ Estimated Cost: S Item: ~y~c. ~~ C,1~t~~(~~~`C" 'r'i`tHG~c--(~'r~:~e~ ~'~~tca~~ 2cC,Q~ Vti')t~~t L, HOW WERE QUOTES REQUESTED? ~~~i~- ~~x HOW WERE QUOTES RECEIVED? ~v,~~r~ t-/~igl~ QUOTES ..~.~r.r.r, 1. ~ c~ fir? C~~~E~i-~T 2. C~t~~~zt-T~ C~tv~~c~"T n nnn~ ~wiT $ ~3`~~1 ,`Z.~ S ~ ~3 , CaC`~(a • 1 ~j IF PURCHASE IS TO BE MADE FROM OTHER THAN LOWEST BID, PLEASE EXPLAIN REASON. lLLorxJr~~ FLEET ~lV1.'SION ~ 247 West Main Street; P fl:. gp~t',~~3~p,rAlherrtbre, CA~ 91803 626/457 559Q~'~ B2~~15~`? -558 ~ .Fax .- .. ., .. _ p. October 22, 2007 Mr. Ronnie Sandoval Tustin Police Department 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 Delivery Via Email -~ ; . ,, ''~ wj ~:~~ x , - u ~, Dear Mr.Sandoval, ~ - In response to your inquiry, we are pleased to submit the following for your consideration: Wondries Fleet Group will sell, service and deliver at the Tustin Police Department, new/unused 2008 Chevrolet Tahoe PPV with the attached specifications for $ 31,189.00 plus tax. This pricing includes spot lights and black and white paint per your paint scheme available under the Cooperative Purchase Provision of the County of Los Angeles PO# 31105094. ~,, t _ ,}~~,_~, , . , ^F r~Lt Terms are net 20 days. Delivery 60-90 days A.R.O. Availability is subject to prior sale. Sincerely !~ ~. John Oviyach Wondries Fleet Group .__ „~ _ _~, ~',a,c ~ ~Hl~.l 33 ~oc~ .~ .+~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ii i i ~ ^ ~~~~~ j f v .; Page 1 of 2 Sandoval, Ronald Ronnie Sandoval You ~ ind revised spe ifications, including the right and left spotlights, for the Police Tahoe attached. Your price f r a 2008 model, er these specifications, is $31,500.00 plus sales tax per unit. If you nt a black d white unit we do cover the aftermarket paint. within the price I am quoting you. Depending on the BI ' e configuration you require, we order either solid black or white from the factory than have the secondary color done locally. From: Marilyn Fisher [marilyn_fisher@soppchevrolet.com] Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 2:46 PM To: Sandoval, Ronald Subject: RE: Quote for Police Tahoe _ ~ ~LI u ~ . Z~ Attachments: Police Tahoe.pdf ~ _i Thank You for the opportunity to quote you this truck. Marilyn Fisher Sopp Chevrolet P# (323)562-8613 Ext. 303 --. F# (323)587-7434 . E-Mail marilyn fisher(a~soppchevrolet.com • : ._. `~ , From: Sandoval, Ronald [mailto:RSandoval@tustinca.org] Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 8:22 AM To: Marilyn Fisher Subject: RE: Quote for Police Tahoe Marilyn, ~.~ _ I have been in a three week training course so I apologize for the lack of communication. I think the standard 2008 Police 2wd, 4dr Tahoe has all the right equipment. The only thing I would like to add would be the left and right spot lamps. Can you send me a quote for this equipped Tahoe? Thanks, Ronnie Sandoval Tustin P.D. .. _, , .., _: Fleet Operations Coordinator _ ,_ _ ~ _ _- ~- . - (714) 573-3212 From: Marilyn Fisher [mailto:marilyn_fisher@soppchevrolet.com] Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 3:41 PM To: Sandoval, Ronald Subject: Quote for Police Tahoe Ronnie Sandoval, ,~_~. Attached are the basic specifications for the 2008 Chevrolet Tahoe with Police Package, and a list of all options available on the 2008 Chevrolet 10/ 1 /2007 lp/18/2007 1.1:02 F:~1 ~~o ~c~,~ ~~"~ P-Qlx C_.. Prepared By: Marla Burillo ~ oo2/oio 2008 FleetlNon-Retail Chevrolet Tahoe Police 2WD Cdr CC10708 PRlClNG SUMMARY PRICING SUMMARY - 2008 FIeeVNon-Retail CC10706 2WD 4dr MS,RP Base Price $34,095.00 Total Qptions: $1,045.00 Vehicle Subtotal $35,140.00 Advert/Adjustmertts $0.00 Destination Charge $900.00 GRAND TOTAL $36.040.00 V~ tlj . ~J ~~i ~~~ .~~ ?j J Report content is based on current data version re#erenced. Any performance-related calculations are offered solely as guidelines. Actual unit performance will depend on your operating conditions. GM AutoBook, Data Version: 130.3, Data updated 10/92007 9:29:00 AM ©Copyright 1986-2005 Chrome Systems Corporation. All rights reserved. Customer File: October 18, 2007 10:16:06 AM Page 6 OPEN MARKET PURCHASE QUOTES Date: (~ ~ ~-`1 ' 01 Estimated Cost: S Item: pNE ~~> ~©~~~ ~u~-~ltv~C~ ~ 'Zw~ ~ '-~ ~R 200$ ~c~oEL. HOW WERE QUOTES REQUESTED? .~,v~ni9 ~ L ~~~x HOW WERE QUOTES RECEIVED? ~~~,~ ~.~~ QUOTES ~ i~w~nno 1. ~~noss 3 ~~E ~ t'-~DCz~~ 2. ~-Mt S NEB ~ e ~~ E AMOUNT S 2~, X17.23 $ ~Z 1 , ~~3~. $~ 3 . ~o~L~~ D dO~E C ~ ~. Si_~.2 ..~ IF PURCHASE IS TO BE MADE FROM OTHER THAN LOWEST BID, PLEASE EXPLAIN REASON. AUG-~?9-?0071~'ED) 10:09 Hohl it Hayes Dole Chrysler- Jeep (F,4h) 530 fiGG i99? P. 001;'004 ~• C A Y ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M E S S A G E ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ To: CITY OF TUSTIN FAX: 17142587392 From: Dwane Galatti - Hoblit~Fleet Group FAX: 530 fififi 7992 TEL : 530 fi66 7931 2008 STATE CONTRACT LINE 148 F.O.B. L.A. IS $21,134.00 PLUS SALES TAX & TIRE FEE CREDIT ~$1,802.40> TO DOVIINGRADE TO A 2WD SXT. ADD $85.00 TO DELIVER TO TUSTIN PLEASE REVIEW & RESPOND, THANKS, D~iVANE ~ ~~ ~ / / . ~o $. ~s ~82-~ w -Fee I~~~~ 3$a.a`I iq?23 •Z~ ~~ ~q,~a3,ag ~ s~I ~ S ~ ~- ~ y ~ ~. a o + 5 2g. ~ to ~ ~ ~•~` ai, aa~,~o ~ ~, a o .~ ~ ~~~~ ~~`~ , 0~'i-04-200~(THU) 15,14 Lasher motors colinga inc ~~~ ~ ~f /7~f ~ ~,. (FAX)9164210149 P. 022/052 Q Prepared By: / 0 ~ ~~ ~i_ g~ administrator c.r~ Coalinga Chevy/Lasher Dodge ~ csG ~~ ~ 625 East Elm Street ~--~ ~.~ -" ~~ ~ ~ Coalinga, CA 93210 ~~ Phone: (916) 4Z9-4700 ~~~ ~--~ FBx: (91 fi) 421-0149 ~~ ~~.t~-~~„~ Email: Biil Kemery at ~-- ~ ~ ~ b~llk~lasherauto.com ) ~~~ 2008 ~IeefilNOn-R~t~il Dodge Duran o 2WD 4dr SX7' H~1 M74 WlND~W STICKER ,~ i 2008 Dodge Durango 2WD 4dr SXT _ Interipr: D8 Dark/Light Slate Gray 4.70287 CID ~ Gas V8 Exterior ~: DM Mineral Gray Metallic "' S-Speed Automatic Extoriar 2: CODE MODEL MB1M7~F 2008 17odge burango 2WD 4dr SXT QPTIONS CALIFORNIA REGION NATIONAL DELIVERY NAE CALIFORNIA EM1SS10NS EVE 4.7L V$ "MACaNUM" ENGINE bGQ 5-SPEED AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION 26C 26C SXT CUSTOMER PREFERRED ORDER SELECTION PKG AJ_ CLOTH SEATS p_ STANpARD PA1NT CLX LUXURY FRONT/REAF2 1=LOOR MATS MJA MOLIOEI~-IN-CdLOR BODYSIDE MOLDING~.,~.-- -~r --_ ,... sueYOTaL -r.' -'' Advert/AdjustmontS Destination Charge TQTAL PRIGS Est City. '` -TBD -mpg Est Wighway: ` -TBD - EstHighway Cruising F ~~ ~~~ MSRP 526,455.00 ,~'~~elcc,a ~J ~L / '-TBD-mi ~~~ / 50.00 $0,00 X0,00 5985.00 575.00 50.00 ' $0.00 $0.00 $30.00 I $75,00 $27,620.00 $o.oo $745,00 $28,365.00 I Report content is based on current data version roferenced_ Any performance-related calculations are ot~ered solely as guidelines. Actual unit performance will depend on your operating conditions. GM AutoBook, beta Version: 130.2, Data updated 10/212007 9:29:00 AM ~Copyric~ht 1986-2005 Chrome Systems Corporation. All rights reserved. Customer File: October 04, 2007 3:23:31 PM I Page 1 y ~ ~% ~O~G E R I V E R S I D E QUOTE CITY OF TUSTIN 2008 DODGE DU~F.ANGO SXT BASED ON CITY OF LOS ANGELES L.A.P.D PIGGY BACK 1) 2008 DODGE DLIIZANGO SXT 4.7 LITER V-8 SELLING PRICE 22,206.00 PER CONTRACT SUB TOTAL 22,206.00 DELETED OPTION NOT NEEDED E.J WARD CANCEIVER -5 74.00 TOTAL SELLING PRICE 21,632.00 TAX 7.75% 1,676.48 CA TIRE TAX 8.75 TOTAL FOR CAR 23,317.23 EACH 8151 Auto Drive ~ Riverside • California • 92504 • (951) 688-6200 • Fax (951) 688-8314 • www.mossbrosdodgeriv.com ~ ~ : ~ APPENDIX "B" OPEN MARKET PURCHASE QUOTES Date: ~[) - `~~ -(~`~ Estimated Cost: S Item: -ffit~2+~E ~3) 2.0~$ ~-fl~t~~ l~V ~~So~ ''r c~~er' ~c~~~. ~l.f~'r~ E1..EG i Q-~ - C-~1.11)~ HOW WERE QUOTES REQUESTED? ~ ~~¢~~ ~~x HOW WERE QUOTES RECEIVED? ~~~%~ `,¢x QUOTES VENDOR AMOUNT 1 . ~N~ l-~E~w, - rv~~.~.ER.-Ccn~ ~t~FZ.L~`1 ~w~v ~osav.~ $ i~ ~~ 32 . ~ 2. S~it~ FoRbti~C-E ~t19fLL~'4 ~r~v~bSer-~ $ ~L,~~.'~J 3. L.I~-~~~~w~ N~L~~ o~v~~Sc~l $ 7~, i o~.~y~. IF PURCHASE IS TO BE MADE FROM OTHER THAN LOWEST BID, PLEASE EXPLAIN REASON. Page 1 of 1 Sandoval, Ronald From: Anderson, Scott [scottanderson@skipfordyce.com] Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 3:39 PM To: Sandoval, Ronald Subject: RE: Bid <: ";t= :`_ Ronnie, ~ '~ Please find below the break down for the 2008 FLHTP I .with ABS. The quote below includes the two tone paint, - parts etc installed. If you have any questions feel free to contact me. I will v tended warranty in the morning and if you can go out the three additional years the cost woul a $999.00. Bike Cost $15,397.00 Freight & Set Up $999.00 Parts & Labor $5786.36 Waste Tire Fee $3.50 Vehicle Tax $1723.39 Doc Fee $55.00 License Fee $211.00 ~ ~ Total $24,175.25 Each ~ '~ ~ ~ ~~ fi ~ 1~ x Thank you, '~ ~ ~~ ~ , ~ ,, ~ ~ ~,~-.~~ ~ ~~ ~ ` Scott Anderson '~~ ~ ~' ~~ ~' Skipfordyce/Corona Harley Davidson & Buell~,~~~; -_ _: _ _ 2410 Wardlow Road #105 Corona, CA 92880 951-273-3800 Ext 242 ...a. ~s~a ~1~-i3t3ai b ~ .~ w:. , ~ _. , f :. d ~. ~-t.r,....T +`' ~t _. ~- x~ i ~ ~ . . _.. a. - 10/22/2007 • `~ Xy~ f~,~ ............. / August 2~8; X07 ~_.~._~_ City of Tustin Police Motorcycle bid August 2007 Ronnie Sandoval Police Fleet Coordinator Tustin Police Department 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 Dear Ronnie; Enclosed herein are the latest prices and availability quotation for the purchase of three 2008 Harley-Davidson Police Model FLHTP Electra-Glide motorcycles pursuant to the specifications emailed to H-D Anaheim-Fullerton on August 21, 2007. This quote will itemize the motorcycle and police equipment accessories installed by the Dealership. Quoted prices are good for 90 days with a minimum purchase for three units. Model: 2008 Harley-Davidson FLHTP Electra-Glide with ABS brakes, painted special option two tone CHP Black/White with Artic white tank side panels with 2 each pin stripes, artic white fenders, artic white fairing and black saddlebags and side panels. $ 16,140 Motorcycle Accessories 1. Stage 1 Air Cleaner 2. ECM Software modification 49-State legal Police exempt 3', Stage 1 Sport Touring mufflers with end caps 4. Heated hand grips 5. Owner's Manual with 3 sets of keys 6. Left/right side touring mirrors Dealer Installation (excludes police radio equipment) Whelen Police Package installed by Dealer =# , 1. LED light system 2. Side lights on front fenders plus mounting hardware 3. No battery back-up system 4. Side lights "off' on positionl of Code-3 activation 5. Siren amplifier and speaker 6. Black tour pack with brake light kit, side lights ~i~~~~ v (,,~ j ~ l~ i Il.~ l~ ~-~ ~ L h 21 ~~ .~~ I ~ 5`i . 2~ r~x ©~ `~ t,V ~i-tr ~ t~ 3~ . o © ~-r~-o ~ p t ~ ~ ~~~; 2~ ~ 3 Total for each unit 3 units complete ~~ ~~ Y ~Z ~,°r~~` $ 887 each $ 713 each $3516 each $ 21,256 plus tax _ (~ ~~7~ $ 63,768 plus tax ' + iL ~ _ --"_".._ f~-- 10/17/2007 15:18 6268510034 LAIDLAWS °~I~ N RK ~A4 s~,,,~ W-~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ k ~ '~~~ ~a~ )DII PAGE ~ ~~ ~ti~~ r~ ~ 01 y~ vu o~ ~,,.u ",.,~ , - . , ~ti~~~q.~ '~"~ ~ h~ ~ ~ v, , tom. f~j s ~ ~ w~ ~'. ~i~,,~, ~ ,k„~;f . l S, 989 °n ~°n' ~«~ ,7a,t ~ 3Ba) 3A y.%J*'.."`~-yr~~ SZ X91 aai~ .0y 3 ~ ^~~/ ( f~ 9y `~ ~,Q,,,,,. NOEL /~m ~li~+~ `Y"`. ~ A2°932. 19,19 Puente Avenue + Baldwin Park, California 91706 • 626-Z80-3977 • Fax 626-852-8652 • www.laidlawsharley.cvm 800 Mhz radio removal and installation for. motor units. Sandoval, Ronald Page 1 of 1 From: Branson, Tom [Tom.Branson@ocgov.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 11:48 AM To: Sandoval, Ronald Subject: 800 Mhz radio removal and installation for~~motor units Ronnie; The removal and basic installation form a BMW to Harley would not go beyond 22 hours. Ou r hourly rate is $88 per hour, the labor cost would be a maximum of $1939.00 per bike. Parts on a basic installation average around $500.00 per bike. Total cost per bike would not exceed $2436. Call me for an installation appointment. Tom Branson Supervising Communication Tech. 714 704 8089 •2~t 3c~ x 3 ~8 ~~ ~_ '" :., ?Y r `~, ~ Y t:3.f ?f~ ~. -! ~y~ ~ _ F j .T ~ Y`~ L b._ A. ~ ~J~ -Y' 'ssF' Y .. s; ~, ~~~ r' .. ~,:.- 10/24/2007 APPENDIX "C' OPEN MARKET PURCHASE QUOTES Date: ~O - 2~t - a~ Estimated Cost: Item: Z~®Q~ ~n~Gzt C~A~R-~t.IZ C'.c~r.~vu~,S~orv Cpc~.~c,c ~~;-r~.C-~~,~ HOW WERE QUOTES REQUESTED? ~~,-~~~. I F-~x HOW WERE QUOTES RECEIVED? ~~n-~w,L IF~4.n QUOTES VENDOR AMOUNT 1. C~r>C.tp-ts ~?~-v~S ~~C, ~~ ~r~~'T ~ F t ~ ~''R-~rvC-,S , ct~ S ~,o~ •~ 2. ~c~'C11 S'f r~(z t;l.E~'C~R o+viLS ~ T~owrv ~y , C i~ $ ~$C~~ •O~ 3 . ~, ~C'~r2..~E ~'~ E i1JS'Cp- ~uR ~ 1 G l`-~ 5 ~ ~+~ w ~ N a. , L~ $ °1, (~ `1 ~ r ~ 9 IF PURCHASE iS TO BE MADE FROM OTHER THAN LOWEST BID, PLEASE EXPLAIN REASON. North Star Electronics dales Quote 12126 Woodruff Ave. sales Quote No: Downey, Ca 90241 gales Quote date' ' Phone: " {562) 803-5535 Due date: Fax; (562) 803-0255 Reference: E-mail: Northstarelectronics@verizon.net To; city of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, Ca. 92780 1151 10/16/2007 ~~--- Sales Pers on I i Contact name Ronnie S Payment terms -_....-- ---. andova ~ _~.--~ _ ..__.___._. -__ Delivery da te .- ... __.......-_ ._...-- Patrol Marked Dodge Charger I i Federal TM4 ._._____..._.. Touch Master w/ UMNCT & UP1CM $595'00 595.00 T $170.00 T $ 1 100W Speaker 100W Speaker $170.00 00 $400 $400.00 T i Troy TP-15-SS Front Ca e w Slidin Window 9 / 9 . 00 71 ~ $71.00 T 1 Tray 2-iCP-CHRG06 Stash-n-Stow Lower Kck Panel . 1 -SS Troy CC-CHWC-22 Charger 22" Console $260.00 $260.00 T 00 T 1 915 $ i Code 3 2197-AtRC LED Li9htbar wj $1,915.00 . r I _1~ Arrowstick,TD,AIIys,Red/Blue LED's ' Whelen MBLMU5 $175.00 $175.00 T 1 1 ~ Prisoner Seat Rear Prisoner Seat w/ IGt Laguna#DC9501 $425.00 , $425.00 T 1 Power Tamer Power Time Off System $85.00 00 $40 ~ $85.00 T $40,00 T 1 i > Cote Hersee# 24143 AR15/870 w/ locks and Butt plates (Selina) . $365.00 365.00 T $ i 1 ' Dual Shot Gun Rack ~ Go Rhino Pushbumper #5075 175.00 $ $175.00 T 1 1 GR Pushbumper i ~ Troy AC- ~Trunki/2SIideTray $175.00 $175.00 T CYTRAY50 MAV Overhead control/Display mount $25.00 $25.00 T 1 1 ~ Battery Box Battery Box (Steel) l $125.00 00 $40 $125.00 T 40.00 T $ e Bricts needed for Mounting MDC to Conso . 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 Trunk Organizer Trunk Organizer $175.00 $85'00 $175.00 T 85.00 T 1 ~ Misc.Materiais ~Wire,fuses,brkrs,andEtc. 350.00 $1 $1,350.00 1 ~ ~ ~~• Labor to install Emerg. Eq. " " , 00 25 $ $25.00 1 Labor Rear window Drop -3 Labor bo install 2 . 00 $25 $25.00 i Labor Labor to install rear door disable . I ~ 3 ~,~pp ~- Ca 3 ~ ~ wµT SS4 of Pa,~N 'i~+,~~~'~~'- ~ - , li{ 2d°5 •~a "r ~ ~~P-E~C S ~ 24~5.vo Page 1/1 -~ 3 1 ~ . ~ subtotal -$~eroo- ~~, p7 Sales tax ~~3T.'3~^ ~ ~p~-~, f?~ Total ', ' . CQI7C~in~S ~lC1S ,I~IC 9950 Bell Ranch dr 105/100 Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 502.941.2377 Fax 941.4463 Name !Address TUStin l~oliCe Department 300 Centennial yVay Tustin, CA 92780 nescription Siren Speaker MS-100 with bracket Siren TM~-4 Prisoner transport screen with lower pane! extension Havis Center Console with Cup Holder Code 3-2100 Iced/blue light bar w/ 2~rrowstick and controller Whalen MBL-N105 Red/blue Mirror lights Prisoner transport seat (as p®r build sheet) with belts PowerTamer 200 Amp soleniod Vehicle specific push bumper Fabrication of trunk area mounts {MDG,MAVS Vault,2nd Battery) AUX Battery Miscellaneous Parts RedlBlue~Push Bumper mounted L.E.D Lights Labor / Installation shop rate Phone # { Fax # E-mail Q~y 562.941.2377 { 502,941.4463 { cunceptsplus.inc~verizQn.net ~S~IIT?~~G' Date Job 10/17/2007 Our Build 0'~'~ ~.~a ~~ P.O_ ~o. Vehicle Charger Cost Total 1 ~ 189.00 1$9.OOT 1 589.38 559.381 1 ! 4$9.00 489.OOT 1 ~ 329.00 329.OOT 1 2,118.02 2,118.02T ~ ; 189.00 37$.00T , 1 ` 420.00 420.OOT ~, 1 ~ 11s.oo 11s.ooT'~ 1 45.00 45.OOT 1 ! 229.00 229.OOT i ~ X55.00 255.OOT 1 '!29.00 129.QOT 1 15.00 150.OOT 2 119.OQ 238.OOT 17 ; 83.50 i 1,419.50 S Sales ~'ax ($.25%) Total ~-- ~~, ~,~.e.`~ $7, 096.90 $468.39 ~7,ss~.z9 ~ ~- X21 ~ o~ So8~~3~ ~Ol~~t°p~S P/CIS' .lf7C 9950 Bel! Ranch dr 7 p5l1 U6 Santa Fe Springs, CA 9Q~7p 562.941.277 Fax 94~l.4463 I Name I ,Address I Tustin Police Department 300 Centennial Way Tus#in, CA 92780 estimate Aate Job 10/17/2007 Spec Bulld o~ ~~~ P.t]. No. Vehicle Charger Description ~ Qty host Total Siren Speaker MS-1 QO with bracket 1 1$9.00 189.007 Siren TMr4 1 589.38 589,387 Prisoner transport screen with lower panel extension 1 489.00 489.007 Havis Center Console with Cup Holder 1 329.Q0 329.007 Code 3-2100 Redlblue light bar wl arrowstick and 1 2,118.02 2,118.027 con#roAer Whalen MBA,-M05 Red/blue Mirror lights 2 189.00 378.407 Prisoner transport seat (as per build sheet) with belts 1 420.00 420.QOT Power Tamer 1 119.00 119.007 200 Amp soleniod '! 45.p0 45.007 Vehicle specific push bumper 1 229.00 229.007 Fabricatipn of trunk area mounts (MDC,MAVS Vaul#,2nd 1 255.00 255.007 SatterY3 AUX Battery 1 9.00 129.007 Miscellaneous Parts 9 1 0.00 150.007 Labor / tnsieliation shop rate 15. 83.S0 1,252,5Q SUbtOtal $6,699.90 Phone # Fax # E-mail dales Tax (8.25°i6) $4.48 75 . 562.841.2377 562,94'!.4483 canceptsplusJnc~verizvn.net TQ~~) $7,140.65 1430 South Grand Avenue Santa Ana, CA 92705-4400 P. (714) 954-0797 ~ a!r ~ F. (714) 954-0795 TF (866) X60-2233 • ~ N S T A L L A T I O N S www.extreme-installations.com Name /Address City of Tustin Police Department Ronnie Sandoval 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 Estimate Date Estimate # 10/ 18!2007 161 ~_ CHARGER EST/MA TE AS PER Tl/ST/N PD EQ~IJ/PMENT SPECIF/CAT/FNS L/ST AND VERBAL REQUESTS J Project ~ CHARGER 8 Tahoe -..__.~ ~ Description ~ i Rate ~ Qty Total '~ UNITROL Touchmaster UTM4 siren controller with blackout f 1 682.43 f ~ E 682.43T ~ 'function ~ FEDERAL SIGNAL D;rnaMax Speaker, 100W, High Output, ~ `• 1 215.99 = 215.99T j Compact Class A, includes universal bail bracket # '' 18 I ~ 18 l 8.l 8T ' EDERAL SIGNAL DynaMax brackets for Charger & Magnum s . ~ 1 ~+ ~ Window Partition 1/2 Polycarbonate & 1/2 i 1 518.40 ~ 518.40T onary 's SETfhIA Stat Vinyl Coated Expanded Metal Window ° : Recess Panel Extension for Charger/Magnum ~ ] ~ 43.00 ~ 84 1 294 43.OOT 294.84T Havis Shield Magnum/Charger 12" Angled console with extension 2 . 18; 18T' 117 HAVIS SHIELD Side Mount Telescoping Computer Base 1 117. 1 ~ 27.41 ~ , . 27.41 T' HAVIS SHIELD Monitor Adapter Kit 84 ~ 1 105 105.84T ;HAMS SHIELD Monitor mount for Datalux . 03 ~ 1 137 137.03T HAMS SHIELD Keyboard Mount t ~ . 1 t 57.65 ' S7.65T Havis Shield Tilt Swivel j CODE 3 RX2700 PriZm Technology 47" light bar 12 LED PriZm ~ 1 ( 2,000.00 ~ 2,000.OOT Lightheads at each corner, ;ix 8 LED PriZm Lightheads, 3 LED ~ ` s Directional PriZm, SSw Halogen Takedown Lights, 35w MR-11 = { _ f Alley Lights; includes Lighted LIT3 Mounting Kit. f WHELEN PAIR of Mirror Mounted LING Super-LED Lighthead s 1 i 252.72 252.72T (1) BLUE (l) RED for Dodge Charger & Magnum 00 l ~ 399 OOT 399 LAGUNA Prisoner seat for Charger with Laguna seat belts . 23 ` 1 66 . 66.23T Copeland Power Tamer VS Voltage sensing ~ S . 64: 1 31 64T 31 Kimball -Solenoid . . t 3 Subtotal Terms and conditions of Sale: 1. All claims for shortage, damage and shipping errors must be made within 7 days of receipt. 2. All non-defective R1VIAs are subject to a 20% restocking fee and must be returned to Extreme lustallations within 21 days of invoice date. 3. All special order item sales are final. 4. All past due invoices will be charged at a rate of 2% monthly. • Sales Tax (7.75%) Tota I Page 1 1430 South Grand Avenue Santa Ana, CA 92705-4400 P. (714) 954-0797 ® ~ ~ ~ F. (714) 954-0795 • TF (866) 560-2233 ! N S T A L L A T! O N S www.extreme-installations.com Name /Address City of Tustin Police Department Ronnie Sandoval 300 Centennial Way s Tustin, CA 92780 Estimate Date ` Estimate # E 10/ l 8/2007 161 1 CHARGER ESTIMA TE AS PER TUST/N PD EQI!/PMENT SPECI/~/CAT/OHS LIST AND VERBAL REQUESTS Project Description Go Rhino Push Bumper for Magnum/Charger GAMBER JOHNSON Complete Trunk Shelf Package (Dual Shelves, Storage Box and Y-Strap) EI -DUAL BATTERY SYSTEM FOR VEHICLES IGN ME UP SIGNS Decals for BW vehicles CV & Tahoe 3 E ***************ADD-ONS PER VERBAL REQUEST******************** i Extreme Installations Power Management ~, VdHELEN -HEADLIGHT FLASHERS Headlight & Grill Light Flasher with 4 flash patterns for positive and negative headlight Switching WHELEN Hideaway Strobes CSP690 Power Supply with Four HA238C Strobe Power Supply Cables 25' ******** SUB-TOTAL of items before tax INTRODUCTORY DISCOUNT FOR NEW CUSTOMER Qty 1 l 1 l 1 Terms and conditions of Sale: 1. All claims for shortage, damage and shipping errors must be made within 7 days of receipt. 2. All non-defective RMAs are subject to a 20% restocking fee and must be returned to Extreme Installations within 21 days of invoice date. 3. All special order item sales are final. 4. All past due invoices will be charged at a rate of 2% monthly. • ~ CHARGER 8 Tahoe i Rate ~ Total 165.92 ; 165.92T 1,108.89 1,108.89T 388.00 397.80 r f I 350.41 46.98 i f 285.12 ~ t ]0.13 ~ a -10.00% t { Subtotal Sales Tax (7.75%) 388.OOT 397.80T 350.41 T 46.98T 285.12T 10.13T 7.720.79 -772.08 Tota I Page 2 1430 South Grand Avenue Santa Ana CA 92705-4400 P. (714) 9s4-0797 ~ '~ s ~ F. (714) 954-0795 • TF (866) 560-2233 N S T A L L A T I O N S www.extreme-installations.com Name /Address City of Tustin Police Department Ronnie Sandoval 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 Estimate _ ~~a -.._~.._._... Date .Estimate # 10/ 18/2007 161 CHARGER EST/MA TE AS PER TUST/H PD EQU/PMENT SPEC/F/CAT/ONS L/ST Al1/D VERBAL REQUESTS Project bescription Miscellaneous supplies for installation of emergency lighting & equipment. Computer systems, and other electronic components. Includes but not limited to: wire, connectors, loom, etc. 3 stallation Service of equipment and goods purchased from treme Installations or equipment and goods on hand at Customer's site and/or as stated in the scope of work. Any travel expenses necessary will be charged separately. The hourly rate is `based on a per man/hour unit. Shipping and Handling charges CHARGER 8~ Tahoe Qty Rate ~ Total i _ 1 ~ .100.00 ~ l OO.OOT I S 1 1 ~ 1,600.00 1,600.00 1 1 z 500.00 ~ 500.00 SUbtOta~ $9,148.71 Terms and conditions otSale: 1. All claims for shortage, damage and shipping errors must be made within 7 days of receipt. 2. All non-detective RMAs are subject to a 20% restocking fee and must be returned to Extreme Installations within 21 days of invoice date. 3. All special order item sales are final. 4. All past due invoices will be charged at a rate of 2% monthly. Sales Tax (7.75%) $s46.28 Tota I $9,694.99 Page 3 OPEN MARKET PURCHASE QUOTES Date: ~~-~ 2,~{ - C7~ Estimated Cost: s Item: 2~0~ Gfi'~~v~y `~1 ~tt~~~ ~~.~~-•~ ~st~N ~Pe~~c~ P~LK~~.`r~ HOW WERE QUOTES REQUESTED? ~ tr~~~L/F~9x HOW WERE QUOTES RECEIVED?~ ~"Y-'~~ I L ~/~-~c QUOTES VENDOR AMOUNT ~ , G~~~pTs ~ L~~ 1 NC.• ~ ~~rn~~ F~ SCR ~NC-~3 ~ C~1 $ I'J ~ ~1q~.~~ 3. ~'C~:L i~rl ~ iNS'[~ 1.i.iatTtQrV~ ; S~1v'C~t~ Prt~ t~, ~~- $ ~ IF PURCHASE IS TO BE MADE FROM OTHER THAN LOWEST BID, PLEASE EXPLAIN REASON. Concepts Plus Inc 9950 Bell Ranch dr 105/106 Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 562.941.2377 Fax 941.4463 Name /Address Tustin Police Department 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 Estimate Date Job 10/22/2007 Our Build P.O. No. Vehicle Tahoe Description Qty Cost Total Siren Speaker MS-100 with bracket 1 189.00 189.OOT Code 3-2147A6RB 2100 L.E.D Lightbar 1 2,018.02 2,018.02T Code 3 -NASL839 Code 3 L.E.D Arrowstick 1 1,289.00 1,289.OOT Jotto 425-6026 with equipment specific face plates and 1 459.00 459.OOT cup holder Jotto 425-6216 arm rest and stroage 1 189.00 189.OOT Rear trunk Vault 1 4,500.00 4,500.OOT Map light 1 49.00 49.OOT Federal Signal TM-4 /UMNCT-SB 1 .675.00 675.OOT High beam headlight flasher ~ 1 89.00 89.OOT Grill L.E. D lights red/blue 2 149.00 298.OOT Code 3-Red/Blue L.E.D lights mounted on push 2 219.00 438.OOT bumper Vehicle specific push bumper 1 289.00 289.OOT 6-output strobe power supply with 6 clear hide-a-way 1 289.00 289.OOT strobes rear area door work light 1 89.00 89.OOT Miscellaneous Parts 1 255.00 255.OOT Labor /Installation shop rate to install all listed 25 83.50 2,087.50 equipment and up to 1 agency supplied 2-way radio and roof mounted antenna, Power inverter system and components . 1-year warranty on all new parts and labor Subtotal Phone # Fax # E-mail Sales Tax (8.25%) 562.941.2377 562.941.4463 conceptsplus.inc@verizon.net TOtaI Page 1 Concepts Plus Inc 9950 Bell Ranch dr 105/106 Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 562.941.2377 Fax 941.4463 Name /Address Tustin Police Department 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 Estimate Date Job 10/22/2007 Our Build P.O. No. Vehicle Tahoe Description ` Qty Cost Total Fabrication as per Spec for MAVS,2nd battery,MDC 1 389.00 389.OOT and bike rack (design to be approved) AUX Battery 1 129.00 129.OOT Tripp-lite Power Inverter DC to AC 350 watt 2 body 1 550.00 550.OOT mounted power plugs with "watertite" sealing covers and all necessary components 1-year warranty on all new parts and labor Subtotal $14,270.52 Phone # Fax # E-mail Sales Tax (8.25%) $1,005.10 562.941.2377 562.941.4463 conceptsplus.inc@verizon.net TOtaI $15,275.62 ~ '521 •n~ Page 2 Concepts Plus lnc 9950 Bell Ranch dr 105/106 Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 562.941.2377 Fax 941.4463 Name /Address Tustin Police dept Estimate Date Job 10/23/2007 graphics P.O. No. Vehicle Description Qty Cost Total Vehicle logos complete Labor /Installation shop rate 1 1 389.00 100.00 389.OOT 100.00 S u btota I $489.00 Phone # Fax # E-mail Sales Tax (8.25%) $32.09 562.941.2377 562.941.4463 conceptsplus.inc@verizon.net Total $521.09 1430 South Grand Avenue Santa Ana, CA 92705-4400 ~ P. (714) 954-0797 ~r ~ ~- F. (714) 954-0795 TF (866) 560-2233 N S T A L L A T I O N S w~nv.extreme-installations.com Name /Address € City of Tustin Police Department '; Ronnie Sandoval 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 Estimate { Date ; Estimate # 10/18/2007 s 162 Tr4HOE EST/MA TE AS PER TUST/N PD EQU/PMEHT SPEC/FICA T/OHS L/ST AHD VERBAL REQUESTS ~_ ----- Project 3 ~- CHARGER 8 Tahoe i .~_.~._,.~~.~.~_ ._..._.-...~_~ ._._....-.~ § Description t QtY ~ -- Rate ~ , Total ? _ _ WHELEN -HEADLIGHT FLASHERS Headlight & Grill Light 1 ~ 46.98 ~ 46.98T Flasher with 4 flash patterns for positive and negative headlight 3 'Switching FEDERAL SIGNAL Grille Lights RED Halogen 1 ~ 51.03 ~ 51.03T Go Rhino Sumatra 3000 Push Bumper for Chevy Tahoe 00-06-07 ~ I 227.80 227.80T Extreme Installations Power Management ~ 1 ~ 350.41 ~ 350.41T EI -DUAL BATTERY SYSTEM FOR VEHICLES ~ 1 388.00 ~ 388.OOT **************ADD-ONS PER VERBAL ~ E *********************s* { ;REQUEST E t ` SIGN ME UP SIGNS Decals for Tahoe ` 1 425.00 j 425.OOT WHELEN -HEADLIGHT FLASHERS Headlight & Grill Light ~ l ; 46.98 ; 46.98T , Flasher with 4 flash patterns for positive and negative headlight `Switching 'WHELEN Hideaway Strobes CSP690 Power Supply with Four 1 ~ 285.12 285.12T' " HA238C ;Strobe Power Supply Cables 25' ~ ! l ~ 10.13 10.13T `WHELEN Mirror Mounted LING Super-LED Lightheads includes I # 399.33 s 399.33T 15' cable with AMP Connectors, Textured Black Finish for Chevy Tahoe & Suburban *****************************************************ss **s****: Subtotal Terms and conditions otSale: 1. All claims for shortage, damage and shipping errors must be made within 7 days of receipt. 2. All non-detective Rb1As are subject to a 20% restocking fee and must be returned to Extreme Installations within 21 days of invoice date. , 3. All special order item sales are final 4. All past due invoices will be charged at a rate of 2% monthly. Sales Tax (7.75%) Tota I • Page 2 1430 South Grand Avenue Santa Ana. CA 92705-4400 ~ P. (714) 954-0797 ,~ ~r s F. (714) 954-0795 TF (866) 560-2233 N S T A L L A T I O N S v~~ww.extreme-installations.com • a Name /Address YCity of Tustin Police Department '~ Ronnie Sandoval 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 1 Description SUB-TOTAL of items before tax ]NTRODUCTORY DISCOUNT T FOR NEW CUSTOMER Miscellaneous supplies for installation of emergency lighting & equipment, Computer systems, and other electronic components. Includes but not limited to: wire, connectors, loom, etc. Installation Service of equipment and goods purchased from Extreme Installations or equipment and goods on hand at Customer's site and/or as stated in the scope of work. Any travel expenses necessary will be charged separately. The hourly rate is based on a per man/hour unit. Shipping and Handling charges Estimate Date Estimate # 10/18/2007 ~ 162 TAHOf fST/MA TE AS PfR TUST/N PD EQU/PMENT ~~~ SPECIF/CAT/ONS L/ST AHD VfRBAL REQ[/ESTS I Project i CHARGER ~ Tahoe Qty J Rate f Total i - i ~ S 12,270.61 -10.00% 1 -1,227.06 4 ] ~ 125.00 l 25.OOT i 3 } l 1 2,000.00 ~ 2,000.00 i f 1 i I 750.00 750.00 f Subtotal jr~ i57~'f . E i _._- _-__-_~_ ...~. Terms and conditions of Sale: 1. All claims for shortage, damage and shipping errors must be made within 7 days of receipt 2. All non-defective RMAs are subject to a 20% restocking fee and must be returned to Extreme Installations h'ithin 2l days of invoice date. 3. All special order item sales are final. 4. All past due invoices will be charged at a rate ot2% monthly. Sales Tax (7.75%) ~.4'1;1~? ~'~' Tota I I o~ ~o ~~ -~-- ~/~ Page 3 North Star Electronics 12126 Woodruff Ave. Downey, Ca 90241 Phone: (562) 803-5535 Fax; (562) 803-0255 E-mail: NorthstarelectronicsC~verizon.net To: dty of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, Ca. 92780 Sates Quote Sales Quote No: 1153 Sales Quote date: 10/16/2007 Due date: Reference: ~. _...__ ..... _.._ . _.... - Ronnie Sandova Contac name _-- -- ._ ..._ ', Sates Person _.__ . __. _.__ _.. _ -... _ _.... ;_ -_ ~ _. ..i.. _ ._P _ _ - ---- ---_ . _ -- - ._.. _. _. _.. . _ ._.. Delivery date ayment terms Net -- - -- _ --- i ~ Chevy Tahoe Patrol I i 1 i GR pushbumper i ~ I Go Rhino Pushbumper # Tahoe 175.00 $ 0 165 2 > Code3 LXDCBIW (Side 1.FD's White for side 0 . $ of Push bumper wJ 94 degree bracket) I F Head light Flasher f i $45.001 1 l Wig Wag ~ $170.0 11 100W Speaker 100W Speaker 0 1 1 Maplight Federal TM4 I Maplight ' ;Touch Master w/ MIC and UPKM ~ 595.00' $ ~ 1 ~ Federal GH2 (Halogen Red & Blue) 95.00 $ i Whl 5660CCCC Strobe System $285'00 $195.00 1 > ~ Whelen Mirror Beams LED 1 Code 3 2147-ALRC LED Lightbar w/ ~ $1,915.00 .1~ Arrowstick,TD,AIIys,Red/Blue LED's i " 11 > Code3 NASL839RB . ~ $875.00 0 i ~ Console I ns01e ~ lotto Desk 425-6026 (Co ) $325.0 00 $60 1 ! > ! lotto Desk 425-6033 (Cup Holder) . 1 > ~ ]otto Desk 425-6216 (Arm Rest) .. $172.00 1( Dual Shot Gun ~ ! ~ AR15/870 wJ locks and Butt plates i 365.00 $ ' Rack ~ t Cables, Brkrs, etc. (NO ~ vv/ Bane Box rY $250.00' 1 ery Dual Bat , ~ "BATTERY) i 1 System > ~ Qupo Battery $215.00 ! 1; Power Tamer ;Power Time Off System ~5•~' 00 1 > :Bike Racks I $60. 1 Misc. Materials ~ Wire,fuses,brkrs,and Etc. I $85.00 1 Labor _ Labor to install Emerg. Eq. -1-_.~~ ____~-._._-.__... .__I_-_ $1,475.00 _~ Page iJ2 $175.00 T $330.00 T $45.00 T $170.00 T $50.00 T $595.00 T $95.00 T $285.00 T i $195.00 T $1,915.00 T $875.00 T $315.00 T $60.04 T i $172.00 T $365A0 T $250.00 T $215.00 1 T $85.00 T $60.00 T $85.00 T _--T~ `$1,475.00 Subtotal Sales tax 'total i North Star Electronics Sales Quote Sales Quote No: 1153 12126 Woodruff Ave. Salmi Quote date: 10/16/2007 Downey, Ca 90241 Due date: Phone: (562) 803-5535. Reference: Fax: (562) 803-0255 E-mail: Northstarelecb'onics@verizon.net To: city of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, Ca. 92780 _ .. _ _...___ _.- Ronrne Sandoval __.. __._...._. ; Contact name _. _ i Sales Person _ _...____ ._ ._.... __...._ _ _...._. ~_..__.. Net 30 __... _ ....._.. ..._ .. ..... '. _... __.._. Payment tert»s Delivery date __.._...._ .. _.__.._ . $200.00 1 Labor Labor to strip old unit k vault (Investigator wJ Map Board & T $200.40 ! 4 500.00 l $ ~ i $4,500.00 T 1 ruc > Drawer) 2000w and 110 outlets for outside t ~ $1,000.00 $1,000.00 T i 1, er Inver ~ of unit both sides 1 ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ j 85•~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ i I ~) ~g?v2 -b~`?Subtotal ~~' \'o O1 •'o~ Sales tax --3 ra~~t0 .~ 1 y ~~ , O~Total $i~r,386:i8 page 2/2 ~- APPENDIX "D" &~ 4~ . ~ ~ ~ ~'~ Ip'4RK Ce°-L~f G City of Austin Attention: bonnie ~endaval We can honor your request to piggy back on the Los Angeles World Airport bid for the purchase of three (3) Harley-Davidson Police Motorcycles FI_HTP. sincerely, alter Ro~ law ~9" Laidlaw's Harley-Davidson 1.91 ~ Puente Avenue • $eldwin Perk, Gsliforn-e 91706 + fi2$-$51-0412 * FaX 6~6-851-$652 • www.laidlaWSh~rley.com 11/08/2007 17:50 6268510034 LAIDLAWS PAGE 01 OPEN MARKET PURCHASE QUOTES Date: ~~j - `~.~ -C~~ Estimated Cost: S Item: -ffit~2E~ ~3) 2.~$ t~f~c..1c~ 1~-~~~So~v t~c,~~c.~ ~tc~~l, i- l.i~ ~~ ECG i R-~l - C--~~.tlj~ HOW WERE QUOTES REQUESTED? ~ ~~~~ ,~,~x HOW WERE QUOTES RECEIVED? ~~~~%~ ~/~,~ QUOTES VENDOR AMOUNT 1 . ~tN~ ~tF,~~, - rv~u,E~.-~cr~ ~t~t.L~`1 p~v,OSo-U $ i~g~ 32 . ~D 2. S~ i R FCRb'~~CE ~t~~L~l ~rt~v~~~er~-~ $ ~ G., ~ ~.~`~ 3. L~.~1~~~w~ Nr~Q-L~'~ o~Rv~oScr~ $ ~~ 10~.7~. IF PURCHASE IS TO BE MADE FROM OTHER THAN LOWEST BID, PLEASE EXPLAIN REASON. Page 1 of-1 Sandoval, Ronald From: Anderson, Scott [scottanderson@skipfordyce.com] Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 3:39 PM To: Sandoval, Rcnuld Subject: RE: Bid Ronnie, Please find below the break down for the 2008 FLHTP=I~witli~ABS. The quote below includes the two tone paint, parts etc installed. If you have any questions feel free to contact me. I will v tended warranty in the morning and if you can go out the three additional years the cost woul a $999.00. Bike Cost $15,397.00 Freight & Set Up $999.00 Parts & Labor $5786.36 - Waste Tire Fee $3.50 Vehicle Tax $1723.39 - ~.v.----t= ='--- -~ -- Doc Fee $55.00 License Fee $211.00 Total ,~ ~ . ~~ $24,175.25 Each 2~'~.7 Thank you, ~ ~ .... ,~~ ~~....~ < < `/~ ~ 2~ ~ :C`Y '~' ~ s~ Scott Anderson ~ ~ l - ~~ + Skipfordyce/Corona Harley Davidson & Buell- ~T: ~ -~~ -~ 2410 Wardlow Road #105 ~ ~~ Corona, CA 92880 951-273-3800 Ext 242 P 5 ' _ .i "fit ~. 3~f ,~ri ~.~.~- $ ` - ~ .... , c vF A _Ma2 y> ~ ~~+-...-V` .. l 0/22/2007 ~~ /'y August 3~$;"007 City of Tustin. Police Motorcycle bid August 2007 Ronnie Sandoval Police Fleet Coordinator Tustin Police Department 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 Dear Ronnie; Enclosed herein are the latest prices and availability quotation for the purchase of three 2008 Harley-Davidson Police Model FLHTP Electra-Glide motorcycles pursuant to the specifications emailed to H-D Anaheim-Fullerton on August 21, 2007. This quote will itemize the motorcycle and police equipment accessories installed by the Dealership. Quoted prices are good for 90 days with a minimum purchase for three units. Model: 2008 Harley-Davidson FLHTP Electra-Glide with ABS brakes, painted special option two tone CHP Black/White with Artic white tank side panels with 2 each pin stripes, artic white fenders, artic white fairing and black saddlebags and side panels. $ 16,140 Motorcycle Accessories 1. Stage 1 Air Cleaner 2. ECM Software modification 49-State legal Police exempt 3. Stage 1 Sport Touring mufflers with end. caps 4. Heated hand grips 5. Owner's Manual with 3 sets of keys 6. Left/right side touring mirrors Dealer Installation (excludes police radio equipment) Whelen Police Package installed by Dealer _- 1. LED light system 2. Side lights on front fenders plus mounting hardware 3. No battery back-up system 4. Side lights "off ' on positionl of Code-3 activation 5. Siren/amplifier and speaker 6. Black tour pack with brake light kit, side lights SI~~~t~ I U 5~ • 2~I 1-ft~ D ~ ° c~ W ~i-1~+-r.jf~ -~~- ~ ~ ~~~; 2~ ~ ~ ~q ~• ~Z Total for each unit 3 units complete r ~~~ ~~~ $ 887 each $ 713 each $3516 each $ 21,256 plus tax ~ (~ ~~7~ $ 63,768 plus tax _- ,.~' .~_". 10/17/2001 15:18 6268510034 LAIDLAWS W~^ ~.i~ K ~p4. PAGE 01 .~ ~Ll~• r~ ~ vu o~ ~ru ZooB ff~d- /~a„-;,C<o. FL/~ rI' .~.xi /1° ~'/ PHd ~~, e erJ~ ~:~~ ~~„ ,w„~ . l R, 989 °~ ,~~ LVtas~'h**~ Az~ aa'GI ~ -010~ ~- 3~ ~21L"'y'~ ~. '~ 99 `o n ~/~- ~' $0932. ~~~ 800 Mhz radio removal and installation for. motor units. Sandoval, Ronald Page 1 of 1 From: Branson, Tom [Tom.Branson@ocgov.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 11:48 AM To: Sandoval, Ronald Subject: 800 Mhz radio removal and installation fore-motor units Ronnie; The removal and basic installation form a BMW to Harley would not go beyond 22 hours. Ou r hourly rate is $88 per hour, the labor cost would be a maximum of $1939.00 per bike. Parts on a basic installation average around $500.00 per bike. Total cost per bike would not exceed $2436. Call me for an installation appointment. Tom Branson Supervising Communication Tech. 714 704 8089 1 ~8 ~~ wK-.. .. yW:.; ~. '_R{ ~. .~~" ~~ i rAi.YTYC T 1 r'i ~ ' A' ~. k ~~ ~~ e ~ ~~t .~i h 3C ,4 :. 43: e 0 .21t.S Ay ~ti ~ VY. _.r~ew~-.~..~.. .. +.++f.~' n.--~'-- .. ., ~ 3 ~ K ~ ~.- ti..- ' ..c ::i- . ;. ""°"'~qff'' s Ls ..- ___.. .~ . 10/24/2007 ~~ LAX 7411 World Way West Los Angeles, CA 90045 Facsimile Cover Sheet L os A ngeles World Airports Construction and Maintenance To: Ron Sandoval / TPD From: Richard Shintani Equipment Specialist II (310) 646-3279 -phone (310) 215-5399 -fax rshintani(c~lawa.org Number of pages 3 including this cover sheet: Comments: November 13, 2007 Fax No.: 714-730-8027 Ron, Attached is the resolution from our Board of Commissioners for contract DA-4142 with Laidlaw HD. I will FEDEX next day the copy of the actual contract. You should have it by tomorrow morning. If you have any questions or need additional information, please call or write. Regards, Richard..... ~.. ~ . r y ~w ,~ - .~.. ~~ ~ t Los Angeles World Air~borts RESOLUTION N0.23111 LAx Ontario Van Nuys Palmdale City of Los Angeles Antonio R. Villaraigosa Mayor Board of Airport Commissioners Alan I. Rothenberg President Valeria C. Velasco Vice President Joseph A. Aredas Michael A. Lawson Sylvia Patsaouras Fernando M. Torres-Gil Walter Zifkin Lydia H. Kennard Executive Director Board Fil9 No.~~j~12 WHEREAS, on recommendation of Management, there was presented for approval, Award of Contract to Laidlaw's Harley Davidson Sales, Inc., Bid No. 105-325, for the purchase of 16 police motorcycles to be used by the Airport Police Division at Los Angeles International Airport; and WHEREAS, motorcycles will enable all newly-trained Los Angeles International Airport (°LAX") Police Division officers to respond quickly, maneuver easily through traffic and crowds, and promote a highly visible law enforcement presence. In addition, the motorcycle unit will be utilized for random vehicle inspections, ensuring safety and security at special events, and facilitating an orderly flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic; and WHEREAS, advertisements for Request for Bids were made available through the City of Los Angeles Internet site and in local newspapers. In addition, notifications were sent to vendors through the City of Los Angeles' Business Assistance Virtual Network. Bids were sent to nine vendors including Honda of Hollywood, Honda of North Hollywood, Honda of Santa Monica, Huntington Beach Honda, Los Angeles Honda, Mid-Cities Honda, Laidlaw's Harley Davidson Sales, Inc., Harley Davidson of Glendale, and Desert City Honda; four responded as follows: Vendor Laidlaw's Harley Davidson Sales, Inc. Huntington Beach Honda Desert City Honda Honda of North Hollywood Unit Price Total Price not included) (tax not included) $19,045 $304,720 $19,085 $305,358 $19,326 $309,201 $21,014 $336,221; and WHEREAS, the total contract expenditure includes state sales tax of 8.25% and an additional state tire disposal fee of $1.75 for each of the three tires (two plus one spare) for these vehicles. The expenditure limit calculation is as follows: Laidlaw's Harley Davidson Sales, Inc. $304,720 8.25% sales tax 25,140 $1.75 per tire x 3 tires per vehicle 84 Total Expenditure: ~~;~~44; and WHEREAS, this action, as a continuing administrative activity, is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Article II Section 2 (f) of the Los Angeles City CEQA Guidelines, as amended by the City Council on July 31, 2002; and WHEREAS, this action is statutorily exempt from the provisions of the Living Wage/Service Contractor Worker Retention Ordinances; and WHEREAS, Procurement Services reviewed this item. No specific Minority/Women Business Enterprise levels of participation were set for this project, as no subcontracting opportunities were identified. Pursuant to Mayor's Executive Directive 2001-26, this project was also reviewed by the Mayor's Office of Economic Development, who concurred with Procurement Services' recommendation; and WHEREAS, Laidlaw's Harley Davidson Sales, Inc. has submitted an Affirmative Action Plan, and will comply with the provisions of the Affirmative Action Program; and t A. d 7 Resolution No. 23111. -2- WHEREAS, Laidlaw's Harley Davidson Sales, Inc. must provide a Business Tax Registration Certificate number prior to contract execution; and. WHEREAS, Laidlaw's Harley. Davidson Sales, Inc. has submitted the Certification of Compliance with Child Support Obligations, and will comply with the provisions of the Child Support Obligations Ordinance; and WHEREAS, Laidlaw's Harley Davidson Sales, Inc. has submitted the Contractor Responsibility Program Questionnaire and Pledge of Compliance, and will comply with the .provisions of the Contractor Responsibility Program; and WHEREAS, actions taken on this item by the Board of Airport Commissioners will become final pursuant to the .provisions of the Los Angeles City Charter Section 245; NOW, THEREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Airport Commissioners determined fat this action is exempt from CEQA requirements, adopted the Staff Report, approved the Award of Contract to Laidlaw's Harley Davidson Sales, Inc., Bid No. 105.325, for the purchase of 16 police motorcycles to be used. by the Airport Police Division at LAX, authorized the Executive Director to execute the Contract with t_aidlaw's Harley Davidson Sales, Inc., upon approval as to form by the City Attorney, and further authorized the transfer of $329,944 in Fiscal Year 2006-07 from the Unappropriated Balance to Los Angeles World- Airports. Operating Budget in LAX Cost Center 1150025 -Construction and Maintenance Chief, Commitment Item 104600 -Vehicles. 000 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. 23111 adopted by the Board of .Airport Commissioners at a Special Meeting held Monday, October 23, 2006. i~~ Sandra J. Miller -Secretary BOARD OF AIRPORT COMMISSIONERS y. ~. t. Board Fug No. M_ ~{1`f2. CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES AND LAIDLAW'S HARLEY-DAVIDSON SALES, INC. FOR THE PURCHASE OF 16 POLICE MOTORCYLES FOR LOS ANGELES INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT THIS CONTRACT is made and entered into this day of 2006, by and between the CITY OF LOS ANGELES, a municipal corporation, (hereinafter referred to as "City"), acting by order of and through the Board of Airport. Commissioners (hereinafter referred to as "Board") of the Department of Airports (hereinafter referred to as "Department" or "LAWA"), and LAIDLAW'S HARLEY-DAVIDSON SALES, INC. (hereinafter referred to as "Vendor"). RECITALS WHEREAS, City desires to purchase sixteen (16) police motorcycles to be used by the Airport Police Division at Los Angeles International Airport; and WHEREAS, Vendor submitted the lowest responsive and responsible bid to provide the specified goods under the terms and conditions set forth herein. TERMS AND CONDITIONS NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and conditions hereinafter contained to be kept and performed by the respective parties, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: Section 1.0 Vendor's Product. 1.1. Vendor agrees to sell City sixteen (16) police motorcycles as identified specifically in Bid No. 105-325 which is made a part of this contract, attached as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference. 1.2. Vendor agrees to deliver ownership and possession to City, including the Manufacturer's Statement of Origin, upon delivery of the motorcycles to City. 1.3. Each motorcycle must meet the specifications and conditions itemized in LAWA's Request For Bid, Bid No. 105-325, including all the addendums thereto ("LAWA's RFB"), and in Vendor's Response. If there is a conflict between LAWA,'s RFB and Vendor's Response, LAWA's RFB will prevail. LAWA's RFB and Vendor's Response are attached hereto as Exhibit "A", both of which are incorporated herein by this reference. 1.4. Vendor agrees to provide City each motorcycle free and clear of any and all encumbrances, liens, hypothecations, or claims of ownership from anyone not a party to this contract. If anyone not a party to this contract makes a claim of ownership, encumbers, places a Laidiaw Harley-Davidson 1 Purchase of Police Motorcycles BCO/092106/#237471 lien, or hypothecates any motorcycle, then Vendor shall indemnify City and pay for the defense of City. City shall designate lawyers to defend- itself. If at any point in time City is required to relinquish possession of any motorcycle pursuant to litigation, then, without delay, Vendor shall give City a replacement motorcycle highly similar to the motorcycle for which City was required to relinquish possession. City shall maintain possession and gain ownership of the replacement motorcycle, and the Vendor shall provide a Manufacturer's Statement of Origin for the motorcycle to City. Section 2.0 Vendor's Fee. 2.1 For all Products, all direct or indirect costs, incurred by Vendor pursuant to this Contract, City shall pay Vendor a fee not to exceed Three Hundred Twenty-Nine Thousand, Nine Hundred Forty-Three and 40/100 Dollars ($329,943.40). 2.2 All requests for payment submitted pursuant to this Contract shall be certified by a duly authorized officer of Vendor. City reserves the right to require additional substantiation of any payment request submitted if, in the opinion of the Executive Director, such would be in the best interest of City. Section 3.0 Notices. 3.1 Notice to Citv. Written notices to City hereunder, with a .copy to the City Attorney of the City of Los Angeles, shall be given by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, and addressed to: Department of Airports 1 World Way Post Office Box 92216 Los Angeles, CA 90009-2216 or to such other address as City may designate. by written notice to Vendor. 3.2 Notice to Vendor Written notices to Vendor hereunder shall be given by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, and addressed to: Walter Robert Laidlaw, President Laidlaw's Harley-Davidson Sales, Inc. 1919. Puente Avenue Baldwin Park, CA 91706 or to such other address as Vendor may designate by written notice to City. Laidlaw Harley-Davidson 2 Purchase of Police Motorcycles BCO/092106/#237471 3.3 The execution of any such notice by Executive Director shall be as effective as to Vendor a,s if it were executed by the Board, or by Resolution or Order of said Board, and Vendor shall not question the authority of Executive Director to execute any such notice. 3.4 All such notices, except as otherwise provided herein, may either be delivered personally to Executive Director with a copy to the Office of the City Attorney, Airport Division, in the one case, or to Vendor in the other case, or may deposited in the United States mail, properly addressed as aforesaid with postage fully prepaid by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, and shall be effective five (5) days after deposit in the mail. Section 4.0 City Held Harmless. 4.1 Vendor shall indemnify, defend, keep, and hold City, including Board, and City's officers, agents, servants, and employees, harmless from any and all costs, liability, damage, or expense, including costs of suit and fees and reasonable expenses of legal services, claimed by anyone by reason of injury to or death of persons, or damage to or destruction of property, including property of Vendor, sustained in, on, or about the Airport or arising out of Vendor's use or occupancy of Airport, or as a proximate result of the acts or omissions of Vendor, its agents, servants, or employees. Section 5.0 Restrictions and Regulations. 5.1. Vendor shall be solely responsible for fully complying with any and all applicable present and/or future rules, regulations, restrictions, ordinances, statutes, laws and/or orders of any federal, state, and/or-local government authority. 5.2 Vendor shall be solely responsible for fully complying with any and all applicable present and/or future orders, directives, or conditions issued, given or imposed by the Executive Director, which are now in force or which may be hereafter adopted by the Board and/or the Executive Director with respect to the operation of Airport. 5.3. Vendor shall be solely responsible for any and all civil and/or criminal penalties assessed as a result of its failure to comply with any of these rules, regulations, restrictions, restrictions, ordinances, statutes, laws, orders, directives and or conditions. Section 6.0 Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action Pro ram. 6.1 Federal Non-Discrimination Provisions. 6.1.1 "The Contractor assures that it will comply with pertinent statutes, Executive Orders, and such rules as are promulgated to assure that no person shall, on the grounds of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age or handicap be excluded from participating in any activity conducted with or benefiting from Federal assistance. This provision obligates Laidlaw Harley-Davidson 3 Purchase of Police Motorcycles BCO/092106/#237471 the Contractor or its transferee for the period during which Federal assistance is extended to the airport program, except where Federal assistance is to provide, or is in the form of personal property or real property or interest therein or structure or improvements thereon. In these cases, the Provision obligates the party or any transferee for the longer of the following periods: (a) the period during which the property is used by the sponsor or any transferee for a purpose for which Federal assistance is extended, or for another purpose involving the provision of similar services or benefits; or (b) the period during which the airport sponsor or any transferee retains ownership or possession of the property: In the case of contractors, this Provision binds the contractors from the bid solicitation period through completion of the contract" [Requirement of FAA . Agreement Guide) 6.2 Municipal Non-Discrimination Provisions. 6.2.1 Non-Discrimination In -Use Of Airports. There shall be no discrimination against or segregation of any person, or group of persons, on account of race, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, age, physical handicap, marital status, domestic partner status, or medical condition in the Contract, transfer, use, occupancy, tenure, or enjoyment of the Airports or any operations or activities conducted on the Airports. Nor shall Contractor or any person claiming under or through Contractor establish or contract any such practice or practices of discrimination or segregation with reference to the selection, location, number, use or occupancy of contractors, subcontractors, or vendors of the Airports. Any assignment or transfer, which may be permitted under this Contract, shall also be subject to all non-discrimination clauses contained herein. 6.2.2 Non-Discrimination In Emplovment. During the term of this Contract, Contractor agrees and obligates itself in the performance of this Contract not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of the employee's or applicant's race, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, age, physical handicap, marital status, domestic partner status, or medical condition. Contractor shall take affirmative action to insure that applicants for employment are treated, during the term of this Contract, without regard to the aforementioned factors and shall comply with the affirmative action requirement of the Los Angeles Administrative Code, Section 10.8, et seq., or any successor ordinances or law concerned with discrimination. 6.2.3 Equal Emplovment Practices. If the total payments made under this Contract are $1,000, (one thousand dollars) or more, this provision shall apply. During the performance of this Contract, Contractor agrees to comply with Section 10.8.3 of the- Los Angeles Administrative Code ("Equal Employment Practices"), which is incorporated herein by this reference. By way of specification but not limitation, pursuant to Sections 10.8.3.E and 10.8.3.F of the Los Angeles Administrative Code, the failure of Contractor to comply with the Equal Employment Practices provisions. of this Contract may be deemed to be a material breach of this Contract. No such finding shall be made or .penalties assessed except upon a full and fair Laidlaw Harley-Davidson 4 Purchase of Police Motorcycles BCO/092106/#237471 i hearing after notice and an opportunity to be heard, has been given to Contractor. Upon a finding duly made that Contractor has failed to comply with the Equal Employment Practices provisions of this Contract, this Contract maybe forthwith terminated, cancelled, or suspended. 6.2.4 Affirmative Action Program. If the total payments made under this Contract are One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($ 100,000.00), or more, this provision shall apply. During the- performance of this Contract, Contractor agrees to comply with Section 10.8.4 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code ("A~rinative Action Program"), which is incorporated herein by this reference. By way of specification but not limitation, pursuant to Sections 10.8.4.E and 10.8.4.F of the Los Angeles Administrative Code, the failure of Contractor to comply with the Affirmative Action Program provisions of this Contract may be deemed to be a material breach of this Contract. No such finding shall be made or penalties assessed except upon a full and fair hearing after notice and an opportunity to be heard has been given to Contractor. Upon a finding duly made that Contractor has failed to comply with the Affirmative Action Program provisions of this Contract, this Contract may be forthwith terminated, cancelled, or suspended. Section 7.0 Attorney's Fees. 7.1 If City shall, without any fault, be made a party to any litigation commenced by or against Vendor arising out of Vendor's Products, then Vendor shall pay all costs, expenses, and reasonable attorney's fees incurred by or imposed upon City in connection with such litigation. Each party shall give prompt notice to the other of any claim or suit instituted against it that may affect the other party. Section S.0 Assignment or Transfer Prohibited. 8.1 Vendor shall- not, in any manner, directly or indirectly, by operation of law or otherwise, hypothecate, assign, transfer, or encumber this Contract, or any portion thereof or any interest therein, in whole or in part, without the prior, written consent of Executive Director. Section 9.0 Child Support Urders. 9.1 This Contract is subject to Section 10.10, Article I, Chapter 1, Division 10 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code related to Child Support Assignment Orders, which is incorporated herein by this reference. Pursuant to this Section, Vendor (and any subvendor of Vendor providing services to City under this Contract) shall (1) fully comply with. all State and Federal employment reporting requirements for Vendor's or Vendor's subvendor's employees applicable to Child Support Assignment Orders; (2) certify that the principal owner(s) of Vendor and applicable subvendors are in compliance with any Wage and Earnings Assignment Orders and Notices of Assignment applicable to them personally; (3) fully comply with all lawfully served Wage and Earnings Assignment Orders and Notices of Assignment in accordance with Laidlaw Harley-Davidson 5 Purchase of Police Motorcycles BCO/092106/#237471 California Family Code Section 5230, et seq.; and (4) maintain such compliance throughout the term of this Contract. Pursuant to Section 10.10(b) of the Los Angeles Administrative Code, failure of Vendor or an applicable subvendor to comply with all applicable reporting requirements or to implement lawfully served Wage and Earnings Assignment Orders and Notices of Assignment or the failure of any principal owner(s) of Vendor or applicable subvendors to comply with any Wage and Earnings Assignment Orders and Notices of Assignment applicable to them personally shall constitute a default of this Contract subjecting this Contract to termination where such failure shall continue for more than ninety (90) days after notice of such failure to Vendor by City (in lieu of any time for cure provided elsewhere in this Contract). Section 10.0 Waiver. 10.1 The waiver by either party of any breach of any term, covenant, or condition herein contained shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other term, covenant, or condition, or of any subsequent breach of the same term, covenant, or condition. Section 11.0 Default and Right of Termination. 11.1 In the event Vendor fails to abide by the terms, covenants and conditions of this Contract, City shall give Vendor written notice to correct the defect or default and, if the same is not corrected, or substantial steps are not taken toward accomplishing such correction, within five (5) days after City's mailing such notification, City may terminate this Contract forthwith upon giving Vendor a ten (10) day written notice. 11.2 Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, either party has the right to terminate this Contract, with or without cause, upon thirty (30) days advance written notice to the other party, Section 12.0 Business Tax Registration. 12.1 Vendor represents that it has registered its business with the Office of Finance of the City of Los Angeles and has obtained and presently holds from that Office a Business Tax Registration Certificate ("BTRC"), or a Business Tax Exemption Number, required by City's Business Tax Ordinance (Article 1, Chapter 2, Sections 21.00 and following, of City's Municipal Code). Vendor shall maintain, or obtain as necessary, all such Certificates required of it under said Ordinance and shall not allow any such Certificate to be revoked or suspended during the term hereof. Laidlaw Harley-Davidson 6 Purchase of Police Motorcycles BCO/092106/#237471 Section 13.0 Insurance. 13.1. Vendor shall procure at its expense, and keep in effect at all times during the term of this Contract, the types and amounts of insurance specified in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein. Section 14.0 Miscellaneous Provisions, 1.4.1. Fair Meaning. The language of this Contract shall be construed according to its fair meaning, and not strictly for or against either City or Vendor. 14.2. Section Headings. The section headings appearing herein are for the convenience of City and Vendor, and shall not be deemed to govern, limit, modify, or in any manner affect the scope, meaning, or intent of the provisions of this Contract. 14.3. Void Provisions. If any provision of this Contract is determined to be void by any court of competent jurisdiction, then such determination shall not affect any other provision of this Contract, and all such other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. 14.4. Two Constructions. It is the intention of the parties hereto that if any provision of this Contract is capable of two constructions, one of which would render the provision void and the other of which would render the provision valid, then the provision shall have the meaning which renders it valid. 14.5. Laws of California. This Contract shall be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of California and venue shall lie at the Southwest District of the Los Angeles Superior Court. 14.6. Gender. The use of any gender herein shall include all genders, and the use of any number shall be construed as the singular or the plural, all as the context may require. 14.8 Amendments to Ordinances and Codes. The obligation to comply with any Ordinances and Codes which have been incorporated into this Contract by reference, shall extend to any amendments which may be made to those Ordinances and Codes during the term of this Contract. 14.9 Contractor Responsibility Program. Vendor expressly agrees, as part of its obligations under this Contract, to comply with the terms of the Contractor's Responsibility Program, as adopted by the Board of Airport Commissioners in Board Resolution No. 22759, including any future amendments thereto and incorporated herein by reference. Laidlaw Hanley-Davidson 7 Purchase of Police Motorcycles BCO/092106/#237471 14.10 Contract Contains Entire AEreement. The provisions of this Contract, including the documents and provisions incorporated herein by reference, contain the entire agreement between the parties hereto and said agreement may not be changed or modified in any manner except by written amendment fully executed by City and Contractor. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City has caused this Contract to be executed on its behalf by Executive Director and Vendor has caused the same to be executed by its duly authorized officers, all as of the day and year first hereinabove written. APPROVED AS TO FORM: Rockard J. Delgadillo, City Attorney Date ~ ~ ~ ~Gi By Deputy City Attorney CITY OF LOS ANGELES By Ci, xecutive Direct Department of orts By Chief Financi fficer Department of Airports ATTEST: B ~~ 8~ f- ignature (Sect tart') Print Name [SEAL] Laidlaw Harley-Davidson Purchase of Police Motorcycles BCO/092106/#237471 LAIDLAW'S HARLEM-DAVIDSON SALES, INC. By ~~~1 ~%t~Jf Signature Print Name ~'o~ ~sJCPeN ~' Print Title 8 ~~. `RETURN B~11 TQ: CITY OF LOS ANG'E~.ES ~, DEPAR7'hfEN'p OF ~lltP°R7's DEPARTMENT OF A~R~ORT~_ p~G°~`~ REQ~JE~T F4~t BID cos woxLn wAY i~-rEST LOS ANGELES. CA 90045. .. ~ ~ .~ . TEis is NoT AN oRD$R . .:ice.: g.~~._.p. . ~ tSb~i! tbti uoa~btr oe:e»~ei~}:..105=325 FRIDAY, AUGUST 2~ 2006 ' • ~ ~ •~ ~- ~ ~~ .:: .:. _ ... Qra~in i~,iviiaa r~n;~ Befi3rc z:~oo P:~. ~fiA~s ~ ~ T~'-~ ~ oE~~.os ~ab~ EIEt,:.:...o ~.. ' ..:.. ty~:. B . ~ /k` ~I~aeic 3Y0-646-7390 ~ J ommclnde Etbese taxeEs A F ~~s• ~d P~T~cd a<e a ACQUES BaAZIEL ederal Excise Tax Exempti~ Pbon~. ~ ~ Mr./Ms. Certificate w;u be signed by the City on rogxsi.. PtiLASE QU4'TB PRICES :ON THE FOLLOWING ITEMS FOR•DELiVERY F.O:H. TOs • ' ~ SEE BID . .. _ NOTE: Bid is subject to the general cc~ndi~ions encloses: Bids are requested by the City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles World Airports, also known as (L.AWA), to furnish the following for delivery: I. T~EM_ QTY U_T DESCRIPTION ~Z' E PRICE Ol 16 EA Police Motorcycle in accordance - with attached specification 1~ g~~~ #07XIPMC/4AP16 $ r J $ State here information as toe ui ment uoted on: 9 P q Make/Brand of e ui ment ~ / 9 P Delivery Tome ~ ~ ~/~ n ~ ~N ,Model Year ~l~ ,-Model Name~~ ~ ~` Model No. Do not include sales tax in your Bid. Sales Tax will be added at time of order. BIDDER'S CONFERENCE: ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 2006, PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS ARE INVITED TO A BIDDERS' CONFERENCE. ALL BIDDERS PLA-1`1NIlVG TO ATTEND SHALL MEET AT .10:00 A.M. ON THIS DATE AT: 7303 World Way West 1S` floor, Los Angeles, CA. 90045 FOR ANY FURTHER INFORMATION ABOUT THE BIDDERS' CONFERENCE, CALL:.Jacques Braziel AT: 310-646-8720, or email at: jbraziel C lawa.org. DEVIATION FROM SPECIFICATIONS. These specifications are to describe the construction, design, size and quality of equipment desil-ed, and are not intended to be restrictive to any particular brand. Bids will be considered for brands deviating from the specifications if such brands comply substantially with the specifications. Each deviation from the specifications must be stated in the bidder's response in the blank space on the right side of the specifications. Submit complete illustrative and technical data on items bid on. Failure to do so may nullify bid. ~~ -~`.~ D ~%~'' 1~:~ '~ 10015883 ~~~ ~~~`~~ r _ ti~ Bid. 145 325 07/20/Q6 ~--~ ~'~ ~ ~~-~ L2~~ Spec. # 07X/PMC/4AP16: 1~ EACH, POLICE MOTORCI~CLES. . GENERAL: The intent of this specification is to describe a motorcycle that is specifically designed to be used as a law enforcement patrol .type motorcycle. Shall come from the ~ . manufacturer as a "police Interceptor''. Retrofitted motorcycles. or ~ motorcycles that were not designed for police operations are not acceptable. Shall have electronic fuel injection shaft drive, and .anti-lock brake system. Any or ail materials, sub-assemblies, or accessories not specifically mentioned herein, but necessary to furnish a complete unit, ready for immediate use shall be included. All materials and equipment .shalt be new and unused. Shall be a onda~ ST1300PA Police motorcycle, o.a~ ~~ ,~ ~ ENGINE: ~ ~-~- Shah be, a DOHC gasoline. engine, V-4 I 1261 cc minimum. ~ Shall have a minimum 125 brake horsepower rating. ~- Shall have a minimum of 85 Ib/ft of for ue. q ~ Shall have a liquid cooled system. ~-~- Shall have electronic fuel injection, with an automatic type choke. or enrichment s stem Y i for cold starts: Sh lt h a ave approximately 10.8:1 . i compression. i ~ Shall have side lower engine guards. ~ Shaul meet CARB emissions standards at lime of delivery. V ~2 ~~gU cc 102.~~~zsao P o,~~ ~~1 a . ~ : i ry~ o~~c ~~ .,emu [~ I FUEL SYSTEM ~ ~-~ ~-~- Shall have a fuel capacity of approximately ' 7.5 US gallons. ~ , ~ ~S I ~ .Shall be electronic fuel injection system. ~ Shall have an electronic. e fuel 0~' { typ pump- ~ ~ o ,~ 1 of 7 r ~ ~ ~ TRANSMISSION:. ~ Shaft have five: (5) forward speeds. ~ Shall have a wet type multi-disc clutch dt,~ ~ system, with hydraulic type control system. ~ ~~ a ~.~ ~ Cable type ctutch/handle /~/~ ac-~eple. ^' ~ C~~'~ ~ Final drive shall be s P2,},v~ BRAKES:. Shalt have dual full floating 310-mm disc with three piston calipers in front. ~-~ ~~~ . ~-~- Shall have single 316 mm disc and three .piston caliper in the rear. ~ ABS system shall be a finked system for I~U'~~ _ front to rear brakes. 1~:,~~5 [~ SUSPENSION: Co a ~l~ ~ .Front shalt be a 45mm HMAS cartrid a fork ~ bs ~ ~d ~J ~ 9 with a minimum 4 inches of travel. :t!r ~ Rear shall be a single HMAS gas charged ,~~ _-. single shock with a minimum five (5) position ~ ~ .~~~'`~' spring pre-load ~adjustability, with a minimum . of 4.8 inches of travel. ~ f WHEELS AND TIRES: _ ~~ ~ Front tire shall be "Z" s eed rated. Shall be ~~ P 120.70ZR-18. JZ'~'~'i ~ ~ Front wheel shall be an alto threes ke Y t~ ~Cf ~ /~ type, 3.5" wide. ~ Rear fire shall be "Z" speed rated, Shall be ~ ~t~ 170/60ZR=17. ~ ~'~~ >-~- Rear wheel shall be an alloy three spoke U- - (} section, five 5 inches wide. ~~~~`~ ~~'y~ >3- VENDOR SHALL PROVIDE AT THE TIME OF DELIVERY, TWO (2) EACH front and rear tire and wheel assemblies, read for aZ~ Y immediate use, as SPARE TkRE AND WHEELS. ~ Assemblies shall include but not be limited to, bratce rotors, bearings, seats, wheels, and G+~~ mounted tires. ~ Quantities of spare tires and wheels are for this specifrc package, NOT EACH a motorcycle. [~ ~~ ELECTRICAL: ~ ^~ ~,i1~ ~ ~.~ De ~~ ~ Highest CCA rated batte available:- ~ $~ ry ~ Alternator shall be arr cooled, rated at 600 ~~b ~`~ ~ ' 2of7 watts minimum. ~ Shall have electronic controlled 2.5" headlight angle adjustment. ~ Shall have extra electrical control switches for additional accessories. ~ Shall have a rear component cover for 0~ electronics weather protection. ~'~ . [~ INSTRUMENTS: ~ Stiati include but not limited to, .calibrated _. ~~,~- pofice speedometer, tachometer, and fuel level gauges: ~ Shall have warning light system for engine /j'`~' coolin oil and ~~ g, electncal charging, ~a~ f headlights, etc. [~ MIRRORS: ~ ~ Shall have dual outside breakaway type mirrors, ~ D '' to minimize damage in case of unit tip-over. ~~-f' ~ 1 y. ~~ [~ -I EXTERIOR: ~ Shall have full faring body with side and ~~' rear panels. ~- Shalt have integrated lockable and ~ ^ /n~L ~ detachable saddlebags, with a mm~mum 35 ~ a~' liters of capacity each_ ''v" ~ Shall have breakaway side mirrors incase ~,~, of tip over. ~ Shalt have acenter--stand assist that folds I %~,i away. when not in use. ~ Shall have a lockable fairing compartment. I ,/Y~~ ~ This specifcation requires special j EXT ~ lea'`, ' ~~ RA (aftermarket) police equipment u~~ ',~~'a' package "Package #1 Police Motorcycle ~ ~ ~ 07'; W ~-- f ~-~- Vendor shall provide complete wiring -- .~~z~ , ou%t schematics for LAWA Fleet Maintenance , ~ ~ ,~~ on additional police equipment supplied PAINT: ~ Atl parts to be painted shall be cleaned, `..~~,, , cw'. ~~,v-~' treated, puttied primed, sealed and water ,sp~~ . t/ w sanded before.paint. i ~ ~ Paint thickness-shall be six (6) mils, ~~~'- f~'1, minimum. The frnish paint shall be free ~ ~~ j~ ~} ~' 1~ , from "orange peel", runs, and other ~ ~ ~~~~ .imperfections. _ - ©S " ~ ~ `l' D 7 __ ~ The color shalt be PPG Conbept CLV 2185 3 of 7 ~_.._. White, or equa~- ~ Paint'shali be warranted against rust through, peeling, blistering, cracking; chalking and fading for three (3) years, minimum: FACTORY MANUAL: ~ Sixteen. (~ 6) operator's manuals. ~ Three (3) complete sets of factory service manuals shall be provided at the time of delivery. ~ Shall include but not be limited to all adjustments tolerances, replacement and repair procedures, recommended preventive maintenance cycles and practices, trouble shooting, diagnostics, unit overhaul, electrical schematics and emissions. ~- Manuals shall be in. English. ~- Manuals shall be factory published bound type manuals. Photocopy or reproductions of manuals will- not be accepted. ~ Quantities of.manuais are for this package, not each MOTOF~CYCLE. '~" ~k ~ [~ ~ TEST EQUIPMENT: i ~~,~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ Vendor shall provide all needed software ~ d and hardware for IAWA fleet repair. ~ ~ Shalt include if needed, notebook computer, ~ hand-held scan tool, links, cables and ~ /~. j~,~~•f manuals for diagnostic and repair of the - ~ ~ + units by LAWA Fleet Maintenance. II ~'~~ -- _~._ _~ [~ TRAINING/ SET-UP: ~ The vendor shall provide factory-certified instructor(s) to conduct on-site training for a minimum of four (4) mechanics. ~ Training to include but not limited to, complete operation, adjustments, maintenance, testing, and trouble shooting G2'~ on the equipment and. components provided ~ Scheduling of the time and location shall be determined by t..AWA staff, after delivery and acceptance of the equipment. ~ If on-site training can not bq provided, the vendor shall provide portal to .portal transportation, ground transportation, hotel accommodations, and meals. 4of7 ~ Vendor shall provide factory training of operation and maintenance to a minimum of . four mechanics, minimum of 16 hours training. [~ .ADDITIONAL L•QUIPMENT: ~ Vendor shall provide for the first service ' needed fitters for each motorcycle. ~~ ~ Shalt include but not be Limited to, fuel, air, and oil. Vendor shall supply at the time of delivery ,for each motorcycle, one (1) Honda Qptimate battery minder, No. 31670-BMS- 000. NO EXCEPTIONS. LIGHTING: ~ All fighting shalt comply with the mounting and orientation instructions Division 12 of Chapter 2, of the State of Califomia Vehicle Code, and the Federal Motor Vehicle. ~~ Safety Standards, as last revised. ~ .All emergency equipment shall meet~or ~ exceed California title 13 rules and ! i regulations. [~ WORKMANSHIP WIRINGlFITTINGS: ~- All workmanship, installation, and construction to be in the best manner of the trade. ~ All systems shall be funcfional upon delivery of. the completed vehicles. ~ All work shall be performed in a manner as not to void the vehicle or equipment's manufacturers warranty. ~- Vendor shall not use "Scotch Lock" type _ connectors on the electrical wiring. ~ Alt wiring connectors shall be waterproof and insulated. ~ All wires shall be protected from chafing, . scraping, cuts, etc. by use of grommets and loom type protective covering. ~ All penetrations of the vehicle body shall be weatherproof. ~ Workmanship shall be subject to inspection anal approval by LAWA ~1=1eet Maintenance. 5 of 7 [~ QUALITY OF CONSTRUCTION: ~ _The yendor.shatl be responsible for the guality.of materials purchased from others, i.e. sub-contractors, suppliers, secondary vendors, etc. ~ All burrs and sharp edges on construction . regularly exposed to operators and maintenance personnel shall be dressed to prevent injury: [~. WIRING: --______ ~ ~ All wiring,that is exposed, shall be installed in flexible non-metallic loom, with crimped . connectors, properly insulated, and shall be of adequate size ~to cony designed electrical load without excessive voltage drop. ~- Wiring passing through partitions or bulkheads shall have ~a rubber grommet at that point for chafe protection and routed securely to prevent damage from abrasion and heat. _. ~ Wiring shall be color or number coded continuous throughout individual circuit, from beginning to end. ~ Electrical circuits shaft have manual reset circuit breaker protection devices. K_ EYS: -- --~. Six (6) complete factory type sets for each motorcycle shall be provided at time of delivery. ~ WARRANTY: - ~ State terms and conditions of factory warranty. Minimums of three (3) years or 36,000 miles, "bumper to bumper", to ..include all parts and labor. ~ Vehicle and all components thereof, must comply with all Federal, State and local regulations and certifications that may apply at time of delivery. ~ Vendor shall be responsible to provide the Qepartment of Airports, Fleet Maintenance, all applicable service bulletins. -These shall be mailed to the same location as the delivery address. 6 of 7 ,~'~` q- ~d~ i ' LICENSING: Upon award of contract, the Department of Airports will supply to the contractor the equipment number for each motorcycle. Contractor shall register said motorcycles with the Department of Motor Vehicles with the equipment number on the registration. i.iGense plates shall be installed prior to delivery. . Motorcycles shalt.have California exempt, "E" license:plates registered to: City of L.AJAirports Equip Number C/O Purchasing Agent 555 Ramirez Street, Space B-10 Los Angeles, CA 90012 *TO BE SUPPLIED BY DEPT. OF AIRPORTS. INVOICE: PAYMENT INVOICE SHALL ACCOMPANY VEHICLE OR EQUIPMENT AT TIME OF DELIVERY : ~ . If the invoice is not made available at the time of vehicle or equipment delivery, delays ~n payment may occur. Please .include on your invoice, the delivery address, requestors name and the Sub-P. O., P O. number, or DA. contract number - DELIVERY ADDRESS: Los Angeles World Airports 7411 World Way West Los Angeles, CA 90045 Equipment Acquisitions Attn: Richard Shintani (requestor) (310) 646-3263 policemotorcyc1e07.doc 7of7 . SPECl~ICATIONS: PACKAGE #1 POLICE MOTORCYCLE Q7 Vendor shall have the sub-contractor if used, to contact Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) requestor (Richard Shintani) for specifc mounting details, layout of equipment supplied, questions or additional information, at 310-646-3279. AiI~eQUipment, accessories, .hardware, brackets, wire looms, electrical connectors, etc not s ecifically mentioned herein, but needed for a complete installation ready for immediate ~usE shall be included. All.parts shall be new and unused. All installation and quality of parts installed are applicable to the motorcycle unit specifications. All mounting hardware shall be stainless steel, unless otherwise approved by LAWA. EQUIPMENT THAT DOES NOT INDICATE "or equal" SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH NO EXCEPTIONS. (Equipment with no exceptions is a standardized accessory for the entire fleet.) 1. 1 each. Sound Off Signal,~steady Red LED No. EP2SSMDBR mounted on the left side of the windshield, forward facing. 2. 1 each.. Sound Off Signal, flashing Blue LED No. EP2SSMDB mounted on the -right side of the windshield, forward facing. 3. 2 each. Stainless Steel Mounting brackets for forward facing lights No. PDRSSMSBM, or equal. 4. 2 each. Blue lights mounted on the left and right side, facing the side of the lower fairing, flashing LED No. EP2SSMDB 5. 2 each. Billet aluminum mounting wedge type mounts for the front side facing LED lights, No. 1300-FR-WDG, or equal. 6. 2 each. .Blue/Red LED flashing lights, facing the side, mounted on the left and right side of the rear radio box, No. EP2DSSDBJ. 7. 1 each Blue/Red LED alternating flashing LED lights, facing rearward, mounted on the center back side, No. EP2DGSDOJ. 8. 1 each. Blue flashing light mounted on the rear crash bars, facing the rear, No. EP2SSMDBB. 9. 1 each. 10. 1 each. 11.2 each. 12. 1 each. Red flashing light mounted on the rear crash bars, facing the rear No. EP2SSMD6R: Red pilot flashing warning light mounted on the dash for the emergency lights. No. 130005-10, or equal. Blue LED marker lights mounted on the rear crash bars, facing the rear, No. 1300-03227, or equal. ST130..0. wiring harness; No. 1.300-HARNESS ~~ FED A Nq/- 1 of 2 Revised: 07/10/06 13. 1 each. Compact electronic siren, with wail, yelp, and air horn in place of standard motorcycle horn, mounted on.the front crash bar left side froward facing No. SA4209-6B. 14. 1 each. Siren speaker mount. No. 1300-SPBK,~ or equal. 15. 1 each. Unitrol or equal, power~supply for the siren, ~No. UM80K n 16. 1 each. Chrome lated ~ .dC/G-~: p farnng anal engine crash guards MC No. 1300-001. 1~'~c 17. 1 each Chrome plated rear. saddlebag crash guards MC No. 13Q0-002. )-~-~, ~°`"~' 18. 1 each. Baton and flashlight holder mounted on the right front of the fairing guards MC No. 1300-001 G~ 1 each. Hondaline Accessory wire harness. /N~" ..{~ 19. 1 each. Mondaline 12 volt pC power accessory plug. - ~/~ 20. 1 each. Shotgun rack, for Remington 870 shotgun mounted on the right side rear, G~ longitudinally at an approximate 40 degree angle, MC, No. 1300-SGR. 21. 1 each. Electronic shotgun lock, No. SC-1. ~~ 22. 1 each. Electronic timer with 8 second delay for the gun lock, No. USGT %~!~' 23. 1 each. Momentary switch for the timer, No. 1300-MS. 0~ 2 of 2 Revised: '07/10/06 x . ~. v.. t LOS ANGELES WORLD AIRPORTS CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITY PROGRAM QUESTIONNAIRE On December 4, 2001, the Board of Airport Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 21601, establishing I.AWA's Contractor Responsibility Program (CRP). The intent of the program is to ensure that all LAWA contractors have the necessary quality, fitness and capacity to perform the work set forth in the contract. To assist LAWA in making this determination, each bidder/proposer is required to complete and submit with the bid/proposal the attached CRP Questionnaire. If anon-competitive process is used to procure the contract, the proposed contractor is required to complete and submit the CRP Questionnaire to LAWA prior to execution of the contract. Submitted CRP questionnaires will become public records and information contained therein`will be available for public review for at least fourteen (14) calendar days, except to the extent that .such information is exempt from disclosure pursuant~~to applicable taw. The signatory of this questionnaire guarantees the truth and accuracy of all statements and answers to the questions herein. Failure to complete and submit this questionnaire may make the bid/proposal non-responsive and result~in non-award of the proposed contract. During the review period if the biclderlproposer or contractor is found nop- responsible, he/she is entitled to an Administrative Hearing if a written request is submitted to LAWA within ten (10) working days from the date LAWA issued the non-responsbility notice. Final determination of non-responsibility will result in disqualification of the bid/proposal or forfeiture of the proposed contract. All Questionnaire responses must be typewritten or printed in ink. Where an explanation is required or where additional space .is needed to explain an answer, use the CRP Questionnaire Attachment A. Submit the completed and signed Questionnaire and all attachments to LAWA. Retain a copy of this completed questionnaire for future reference. Contractors shall submit updated information to LAWA within thirty (30) days if changes have occur-ed that would make any of the responses inaccurate in any way. A. PROJECT TITLE: ~L~ g. BIDDER/CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Legal Name 5veet Address Contact Person, LAIDLAW'S RAREFY-DAVIDSQM y 919 PUENTE AVENUE ~~-, ~ BALDWIN PARK CA 91706- ,. City State Zip Phone Fax C. TYPE OF SUBMISSION: The CRP Questionnaire being submitted is: ^ An initial submission of a CRP Questionnaire. Please complete all questions and sign Attachment A. An update of a prior CRP Questionnaire ated / / .Please complete all questions and / ` sign Attachment A. ~~~`~( ~ ~~ '_ , r ^ A copy of the initial CRP Questionnaire dated / / /. Please sign below and return this Pa9e• certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that there has been no change to any of the responses since the firm submitted the last CRP uestionnair ~~- ~ ~~0~ J~ Yn ~ ~v~ Print Name, Title Signat re p ~~~ q ~~ CRP Questionnaire r ,. Los Angeles World Airports Contractor Responsibility Program Questionnaire A. OWNERSHIP AND NAME CHANGES 1. ~ In the past five (5) yea ,has your firm changed name? . ^ Yes No If Yes, list on Attachment A all prior Legal and D.B.A. names, addresses, and the dates when used. Explain .the specific (s) reason for each name change. ~. FINANCIAL RESOURCES AND RESPONSIBILITY 2. In the past five (5) yea , .has your firm ever been the debtor in a bankruptcy proceeding? ^ Yes No If Yes, explain on Attachment A the specific circumstances and dates surrounding each instance. 3. Is your company now in the process of, or in negotiations toward, or in preparations for being sold? ^ Yes ~No If Yes, explain on Attachment A the specific circumstances, including to whom being sold and principal contact information. 4. In the past five (5) years, has your firm's financial position signifcantly changed? ^ Yes tJ No If Yes, explain the specific circumstances on Attachment A. 5. In the past five (5) years, has your firm ever been denied bonding? ^ Yes No If Yes, explain on Attachment A the specific circumstances surrounding each instance and include the name of the bonding company. 6. In the past five (5) years, as any bonding company made any payments to satisfy any claims made against a bond issued on your 's behalf or a firm where you were the principal? ^ Yes No If Yes, explain on Attachment A the specific circumstances surrounding each instance. C. PERFORMANCE HISTORY 2 7. In the past five (5) years, as your firm ever defaulted under a contract with a governmental entity or with a private individual or en. ' ? ^ Yes No If Yes, explain on Attachment A the specific circumstances surrounding each instance. CI~P Questionnaire :,. . Los Angeles World Airports 3 Contractor Responsibility Program Questionnaire 8. In the past five (5) years, has a governmental or private entity or individual terminated your firm's contract prior to completion of the contract? ^ Yes ~No . If Yes, explain on Attachment A the specific circumstances surrounding each instance, and principal contact information. 9. to the past five (5}yea ,has your firm ever failed to meet any scheduled deliverables or milestones? ^ Yes No If Yes, explain on Attachment A the circumstances surrounding each instance, and principal contact information. 10. List on a separate attachment prior contracts your firm has had with any private or governmental entity over the last ten (10) years which are similar to the work to be performed on the contract for which 'you are bidding or proposing. For each contract listed in response to~ this question, include: (a) contract number and dates; (b) awarding authority; (c) contact name and phone number, (dj~description and success of pertormance; and (e) total dollar amount. Indude audit information if available. ^ Check the box if you have not had any similar contracts in the last ten (10) years. D. COMPLIANCE 11. In the past five (5)years, has your firm or any of its owners, partners, or officers, been penalized for or been found to have violated any federal, state, or local laws in the performance of a contract, including but not limited to laws regarding health and safety, labor and employment, wage and hours, and licensing laws which affect employees? ^ Yes LYl No If Yes, explain on Attachment A the specific circumstances surrounding each instance, including the entity involved, the specific infraction(s), the dates of such instances, and the outcome and current status. 12. In the past five (5) years, has your firm ever been debarred or determined to be anon-responsible bidder contractor'? ^ Yes [~No If Yes, explain on Attachment A the specific circumstances surrounding each instance, including the entity involved, the specific infraction(s), the dates of such instances, and the current status. E. BUSINESS INTEGRITY 13. In the past five (5) years, has your firm been convicted of, or found liable in a civil suit for making a false claim(s) or material mi representation(s} to any private or governmental entity? ^ Yes No If Yes, explain on Attachment A the specific circumstances surrounding each instance, including the entity involved, the specific infraction(s), the dates of such instances, and the outcome and current status. 14. In the past five (5) years, has your firm or any of its executives, management personnel, and owners been convicted of a crime, including misdemeanors, or been found liable in a civil suit involving the bidding, awarding, or performance of a government contract; or the crime of theft, fraud, embezzlement, perjury, or bribery? CRP Questionnaire i "•, e j Los Angeles World Airports 4 . .Contractor Responsibility Program Questionnaire ^ Yes Ua ry~ . tf Yes, explain on Attachment A the specific arcumstances surrounding each instance, including the entity involved, the specific infraction(s), the dates of such instances, and current status. CRP Questionhaire ~s a s ~ :Y Los Angeles World Airports 5 Contractor Responsibility Program . Questionnaire ' ATTACHMENT "A" FOR ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS IN SECTIONS A THROUGH E Use the space below to provide required additional information or explanation(s). Information submitted on this sheet must be typewritten. Indicate the question for which .you are submitting the additional information. Information submitted on this Attachment will be available for public review except to.the extent that such infomnation is exempt from disclosure pursuant to applicable law: Insert additional Attachment A pages as necessary. CERTIFICATION UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that f have read and understand the questions contained in this CRP Questionnaire. I further certify that I am responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the answers to each question, and that all information provided i response to this Questionnaire is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. t~A~ . ~ Print Name, Tit{e Signature Date CRP Questionnaire LOS ANGELES WORLD AIRPORTS CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITY PROGRAM PLEDGE OF COMPLIANCE The Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) Contractor Responsibility Program (Board Resolution #21601) provides that, .unless specifically exempted, LAWA contractors working under contracts for services, for purchases, .for construction, and for leases, that require the Board of Airport Commissioners' approval shall comply with ati applicable provisions of the LAWA Contractor Responsibility Program. Bidders and proposers are required to complete and submit this Pledge of Compliance with the bid or proposal or with an amendment of ~a contract subject to the CRP. In addition, within 10 days of execution of any subcontract, the contractor shall submit to LAWA this Pledge of Compliance from each subcontractor who has been listed as performing work on the contract. The contractor agrees to comply with the Contractor Responsibility Program and the following provisions: (a) To comply with all applicable Federal, state, and focal laws in the performance of the contract, including but not limited to, laws regarding health and safety, labor and employment, wage and hours, and licensing laws which affect employees. (b} To notify LAWA within thirty (30) calendar days after receiving notification that any government agency has initiated an investigation that may result in a finding that the .contractor is not in compliance with p~lragraph (a). (c) To notify LAWA within thirty (30) calendar days of all findings by a government agency or court of competent jurisdiction that the contractor has violated paragraph (a}. (d) To provide LAWA within thirty (30) calendar days updated responses to the CRP Questionnaire if any change occurs which would change any response contained within the completed CRP Questionnaire. Note: This provision does not apply to amendments of contracts not subject to the CRP and to subcontractors not required to submit a CRP Questionnaire. (e) To ensure that subcontractors working on the LAWA contract shall complete .and sign a Pledge of Compliance attesting under penalty of perjury to compliance with paragraphs Via) through (c) herein. To submit to LAWA the completed. Pledges. (f} To notify LAWA within thirty (30) .days of becoming aware of an investigation, violation or finding of any applicable federal, state, or local law involving the subcontractors in the ..performance of a LAWA contract. (g) To cooperate fully with LAWA during an investigation and to respond to request(s) for Information within ten (10) working days from the date of the Notice to Respond. Failure to sign and submit this form to LAWA with the bid/proposal may make the bid/proposal non-responsive.. LAIDLAW'S HARLEY-DAVIDSON Company Name, Address and Phone Number , BALDWIN PARK CA 91706 Signatu"re of Officer or Auth ~- Print Name and Title of Officer or Authorized Representative Date epresentative ~/off CRP Pledge RETURN BID TO: DEPARTMENT OF AIRPORTS . PURCHASING OFFICE T343.w4zunwAy.wE~r #05 AivGEi:ES; ~;x Midas Quot3tian.~Glutt :Bx:DtBverca: B~efoi 4~~:00: P:M: ForFurtherlnformation p~n~ 310-646-7398 CITI't OF LOS ANGELES DEPIkR'~'MENT OF AIRPORTS REQUEST FOR BID .. ~ `T`HIS :1S NQT. AN ORDER (~i ' ~~.D ~~ ' FRIDAY. AUGUST 25, 2006 ~; jam.: JACQUES BRAtIEL~ .. PLF,ASE QUOTE PRICES ON TAE FOLLOWING TI'EMS FOR DELIVERY F.O.B. TO: SEE BID .. (SDoiv Ws numDtr on ec~lup6) 105-325 TAXES, The Cty of Los Angeles, Dept. of is examptd from payinS Fodeaal Excise Texas, andA~4uotal aie sot to include these taxes. A Federal Excise Tax Excmptigs CertiScate wiU be signed by the City on request. . NOTE: Bid is subject to'tha general conditions cncloscd:~ Cash. Terms~1~~~~ % ~ days. (25 da s, minimum for Y consideration in comparing bids.) Delivery: STATE DATE YOU CAN MARE DELIVERY, AND TERMS OF PAYMENT. No charge will be allowed. for package or dtyage unless so specified on this, bid.' Unit prices, extensions and total must be made by. bidder. The right is ;reserved to accept or reject quotations on each item separately or as a whole. Prices shall include delivery to a partiCU- lar room or floor within a buildiag. . t 4 D a ental Purchasing -- TIiIS BID MUST BE SIGNED .+. The undersigned hereby proposes and agrees to furnish and deliver the goods or services, in accor- dance with the terms, conditions, specificatio~dwxt pri herein quoted. FIRM NAME ' Br 1 ~J Q G WITH 1NK OR INDELIBLE PENCIL f / / L (~,,,,,~ STREET ADDRESS ~ ~ Crl'Y _ z~ ~ ~ STATE .ZIP ~~ ~1-~~{~~- TELEPII E LOS ANGELES WORLD AIRPORTS CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITY PROGRAM PLEDGE OF COMPLIANCE The Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) Contractor Responsibility Program (hoard Resolution #21601) provides that, unless specif<cally exempted, LAWA contractors working udder contracts for services, for purchases, for construction, and for leases, that require the Board of Airport Commissioners' approval shall comply with all applicable provisions of the LAWA Contractor Responsibility Program. Bidders and proposers are required to complete and submit this Pledge of Compliance with the bid or proposal or with an amendment of ~a contract subject to the CRP. In addition, within 10 days of execution of any subcontract, the contractor shall submit to LAWA this Pledge of Compliance from each subcontractor who has been listed as pertorming work on the contract. The contractor agrees to comply with the Contractor Responsibility Program and the following provisions: (a) To comply with all applicable Federal, state, and local laws in the performance of the contract, including but not limited to, laws regarding health and safety, labor and employment, wage and hours, and licensing laws which affect employees. (b) To notify LAWA within thirty (30} calendar days after receiving notification that any government agency has initiated an investigation that. may result in a finding that the contractor is not in compliance with paragraph (a). (c) To notify LAWA within thirty (30) calendar days of a!I findings by a government agency or court of competent jurisdiction that the contractor has violated paragraph (a). (d) To provide LAWA within thirty (30) calendar days updated responses to the CRP Questionnaire if any change occurs which would change any response contained within the completed CRP Questionnaire. Note: This provision does not apply to amendments of contracts not subject to the CRP and to subcontractors not required to submit a CRP Questionnaire. (e) To ensure that subcontractors working on. the LAWA contract shall complete and sign a Pledge of Compliance attesting under penalty of perjury to compliance with paragraphs (a) through (c) herein. To submit to LAWA the completed Pledges. (f) To notify LAWA within thirty (30) .days of becoming aware of an investigation, violation or finding of any applicable federal, state, or local law involving the subcontractors in the pertormance of a LAWA contract. (g) To cooperate fully with LAWA during an investigation and to respond to request(s) for information within ten (10) working days from the date of the Notice to Respond. S~ ~~~ Failure to sign and subnZ~~~i~~gfrg ~i~,iI~Id/proposal may make the bid/proposal non-responsive.. L.Ait~LAW'S RAREFY pAVID30N ~y~~ ~~'~ 1919 PUENTE AVENUE Company Name, Address and Phone Number 't 919 PUENTE AVENUE BAL P K CA 91706 ~ALDWIN PARK CA 91706 ~ j~ .Signature of Offi or Authorized Representative Date u~ ~' ~ Print Name and Title of Officer or Authorized Renresentativ CRP Pledge BcA F°"Y't~i~oo) ~ CITY OF LOS ANGELES NONDISCRIMINATION EQUAL EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES AFFIRMATIVE ACTION CONSTRUCTION & NONCONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS (VENDORS, SUPPLIERS, CONSULTANTS) Los Angeles Administrative Code {LAAC), Division 10, Chapter 1, Article 1, Section 10.8 requires entities doing business with the City to comply with aNondiscrimination/Affirmative Action Pro (Refer questions. regarding these requirements to the Bureau of Contract Administration, Office of Contract Compliance, Afl~rm five Action Section, at (213) 847-6480.) In order to comply, it is necessary that the bidder/proposer/respondent complete, sign and return with the bid/proposaUresponse, the following: A. For all contracts, the contractor agrees to adhere to the following Nondiscrimination Clause: 1. The contractor agrees and obligates the company not to discriminate during the performance of this contract against any employee or applicant for employment because of the employee's or applicant's race, religion, national on ' ances sex a e se ual orientation, dis bitty, marit ,status, domes~i'c artner status, qr medical ~onditign; aqd ~' ~' ' 2. Agl~ subcontracts awarded under t~is contract sha~I contain a like Nondlscrlmmahon Clause. B. For construction, contracts from $1,000 to under $5,040 and nonconstruction contracts from $1,000 to under $100,000, the contractor agrees to: 1. Adhere to the Nondiscrimination Clause above; 2. Designate a management Level Equal Employment Opportunity Officer as provided for in Section "E" below; and 3. Adhere to Equal Employment Practices provisions as outlined in LAAC § 10.8.3 and on Page A-3 of this document. C. For construction contracts of S5t000 or more and non-construction contracts of $100,000 or more, the. contractor agrees to; 1. Adhere to the Nondiscrimination Clause above; 2. Designate a management level Equal Employment Opportunity Officer as provided for in Section "E" below; 3. Adhere to Equal Employment Practices provisions as outlined in LAAC § l 0.8.3 and'on Pages A-4 and A-S of this document• 4. Complete the Ethnic Composition of Total Work Force Report provided on Page A-2, of this document; and . ' 5. Sign and submit an Affirmative Action Plan. The bidder must submit one of the two following plans: a. Plan A. Los An ~ eles Cit Affirmative Action Plan ("Los Angeles Ci~ Affirmative Action Requirements") on Pale A-6 an Page A-7 which is an approved plan requiring only signature o acceptance along with the Ethnic Composition of Work Force (Page A-2) and submittal to be effective; or, . b. Plan B. The Bidder's own Affirmative Action Plan fora roval which must contain at a minimum all of the elements of the City's Plan. . D. Subcontractors: 1. The contractor shall require the same documents indicated above to be submitted for subcontractors of any contract awarded by the City; and 2. The contractor shall be responsible for obtaining the Affirmative Action Plans from its subcontractors. Additional forms are Available from the Office. of Contract Compliance or the awarding authority. E.. Equal Employment O ort i fficer• ~ ti~~ . ~y~~ l~ Please be advised that ~ is hereby NAME OF DESIGNEE.. designated as the Company's Equal Employment Oppportunity Officer. The Oflcer has been given the au~tho~ to establish, disseminate and enforce the Equal Employment and Affirmative Action Policies of this firm to ensure nondiscrimination in all of its employment practices. The Officer may be co tacted at: lei 1 ~ ®° ~~~ ~ 1-- ADDRESS _ ( ~) `"` /r~ ~~ ~ ~/ ~" WORK ' G}-~ +~ D ~, TELEPHONE F. Signed Certif cation -The Contractor by its .signature affixed hereto declares under penalty of perjury that: 1. The contractor has read the Nondiscrimination Clause in "A" above and certifies that it will adhere to the practices in the performances of all contracts; 2. The contractor has read the E ual Employment Practices provisions on Page A-3 and certifies that it will adher practices in the performance of any construction contract $1,000 to under $5,000 and nonconstruction contract $I,000tho under $100,000; 3. The contractor has designated the Equal Employment Opportunity Offcer as noted in Section "E" above; 4. The contractor has read the Affirmative Action Program provisions on Pages A-4 and A-5, certifies that it will adhere to the practices in the performance of any construction contract of $5,000 or more and nonconstruction contract of $100,000 or more and submits an Affirmative Action Plana Indicate which plan is submitted: D Ci#y Plan; ^ Company Plan. 5. The information contained herein is true and correct. All Certificates and Plans are effective for 12 months from date of approval by the ce of Con~r t Compliance. ~LAIDLAW'S HA~LEY•DAVIDSC)N COMPANY NAM~919 PUENTE AVENUE AUTHO SIGNATURE ADDRESS .. CITY, COUNTY, STATE, ZIP NAME AND (TYPE OR PRINT) . . A-I .TELEPHONE DATE g/o U O W V O w O w O O" .H O a O U E++ O H 0 0 n ... H ~. 0 Gti U :,. s ~. :~ a. ~ ,~' A ~ O V~r o ~1 ~~ Y M0 ti w 0 H ~o ~w .,., ao 3~ f~' 1. O O a a a 0 0 UU ]3CA Fam(7/6D0) EQUAL EMPI,OYIIENT PRACTICES PROVISIONS Construction Contracts in excess of $1,000 or more but lass than $5000 and Nonconstruction Contracts of 51,000 or more but less than $100,000 Sec.10.8.3. Equal Employment Practices Provisions. Everynon-construction eontcet-with or ~ behalf of the City ofl..os Angeles fce which tbe considerati~ is $1,000 or nxxe, and . ' . the currsideration is $1,000 ar move, shall contain the following provisror~ which shall be designated as the EQUAL EINPLOYIv1PNP PRACZICES far whidr such contra proyjg~.~ A . During the perfom~ance of this contras the contractor agrees and rents that it w~7I provide sub~~ntrceboe Irere~rndex wftl enure that in his or her exr~loymerit practices p are emP~Y~ ~ ~P-)ices and the caritr~ctor and each because ofraoe, religion, ancestry, national origin, seat, sexual orientation, age, disabr'lity, mental status, c pai~trrr or ~~cal to or 1. This provision applies to work or seavice performed or materials manu~ctured or assembled in the United States. . 2. Nothing in this section shall i equir+e or protu'bit the establishYr~ent ofnew classifications of employ~aes in any given craft, work or seavice category. 3. The corrhnctor agrees to post a copy of Paragraph A hereof in conspicuous places at its place of business available to employees and applicants far employment. B. The contractor will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees Placed, by or on behalf of the G~tractor state . partner status, orrnaned 1 ~t U re~ to their rice, religion, ancestry, national orign~, sex, sean~al orientation, age, disab~~manthai~stah~ ~ G As part of the City's supplier registration process, and/or at the request of the awarding authority,'or the Board of Public Works, Office of Contrail Compliance, the contractor shall certify in the specified fom~at that he or she has not discriminated in the perfomrance of C', against any employee part erl status, orm~- adtcal ~nditione ~s or because of race, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex; seacual orientation, age,~disabih'ty, n~antal status, dognestic D. The contractor shall peamit access to and may be required to provide certified copies of all of his or her records Practices by the awarding authority or the O11ice of Contract Com fiance for the P~~g tO ~i1o't ~ to employment mply ~ ~ oymen Practices provisions of City contracts On their or either of their recpjuesCthe contractor shall provle'de~dence r~has or will co e ~~ 1 t E. The failure of any contractor to comply with the Equal Employment Practices provisions of this contract may be de~aned to be a rnateaial breach of City contracts. Such failure shall only be established upon a finding to that effect by the awarding authority, on the basis of its own investigation or that of the Board of Public Works, Off ce of Contract Compliance. No such finding shall be made or penalties assessed except upon a full and fair hearing after notice and an opportunity to be heard has been given to the contractor. F. Upon .a finding duly made that the contractor has failed to comply with the Equal Em Io forthwith canceled, terminated or d P yment Practices provisions of a City contract, the contract may be suspen ed, in whole or m part, by the awarding authority, and aH monies due or to become due henelmder may be foawar~ded to and retained by the City of Los Angeles. In addition thereto, such far`lure to'comply may be the basis for a debennination the awardin Board of Public Works that the said contractor is an ble bidder or ~ g h' ce ~ Angeles. In the event ofsuch a deterininati ~ ProP~ pursuant to the provisions of Section 371 of the Charter ofthe City of Los on, such contractor shall be disqualified from being awarded a contract with City of Los Angeles for a period of two . years, or until the: contractor shall establish and carry out a program in conformance with the provisions hereof. G. Notwithstanding any other provision of this contract, the City ofLos Angeles shall have arty and all other remedies at law or in equity for any breach hereo£ 1-i. The Board of Public Works shall promulgate Hiles. and regulations through the Office of Contract Co li Language to the awarding authorities to 6e included in City Request for Bids or est for ~ ~' and provide necessary forms and required implementation ofthe ual to ~ ~'oP~ P~ or in supplier registration requirements for thre E9 Emp yment Practices provisions of this contract; and such Hiles and regulations and foams shall, so far as pr ''cable, be similar to thoso adopted inapplicable Federal Executive orders. No other rules, regulations or forms may be used by an awarding authority of the Crty to aabmplish the contract Compliance program. I. Nothing contained in this contrail shall be construed in any manner so as to require or pemut any act which is prohibited bylaw. J. At the time a supplier registers to do business with the City; or when an individual bid or ro tted, the contractor shall ~, Equal Employment Practices specified herein d the P ~ submr ~ adhere to the uring perfom~ance or conducted of City Contracts. K. Equal Employment Practices shall, without limitation as to the subject or nature of employment activity, be concerned with such employment practices as: 1. Hiring practices; 2. Apprenticeships where such approved programs are functioning, andother on-the-job training for non-apprenticeable occupations; 3. Training and promotional opportunities; and 4. Reasonable accomrrlodationsfcr persons with disabilities. L. All contractors subject to the provisions of this section shall include a like provision in art subcontracts awarded for work to be perfom~ed undue the contract with the City and shall impose the same obligations, including but not limited to fiiitrg acid reporting obligations, on the subcontractors as arse applicable to the contractor. Failure of the contractor to comply with this r~aqurreinent or to obtain the comphanee of its subcontractors with all such obli contractor to the imposition of any and all sanctions allowed by law, including but not }united to termination of the contractor's contract~with the ~~ the A3 r . BCA Form (7!6/00) AF~~RMA'T'IVE ACTION PROGRAM PROVISIONS Gonstruct~tan Contracts of $5,000 or 1VIore and Nonconsdvction Contracts of $100,000 or More Sea 10.8.4. A~rmative Action Progr~arn iPr~ovision~ Ems' nar-~struc~tior'r contract with ar on behalf of the City ofLas Angdes far which the consideration is $100,000 a move and behalf of the City of Los Angles for which the oa~sideration is $S,ppp or more shall contain the foUowin ~Y 00on e°n~ with a an ACTION PROGRAIy provisions ofsuch contract g Provisjons which shall be designated as the A,FFIRMA7IVE A During the perfamarx~e of a City oartract, the . certifies ~ ~ that the contractor and each subc~orrtractor hereunder will adhere to an affirrrrative action program to ensure that in its anployir>ent ptactroes, persons ~ ~p)~ ~ ~ t~Dod ~~ emplay~oes equally and without regard to ce ber~c of reli ancestry, national origin, sex, sean>al ~ age, d'isab' • marital status, domestic paurtrrer status, or medical condition. ~ ~' l . 7t»s provision applies to work or savioes performed orrrrateyials ~~ or assembled in the United Stags. 2. Nothing in this section shall require ctrprohrbit the establishrrrer>t ofnew c)assificat7ions ofemployees in arty given ~, work or service categay, 3. The contractor shall Post a oopY of7Paragaph A l~~eof is oorupiara~s places at its place of t~iness available to ~Pl~ ~ applicants for employment. B. The contractor wrTl, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees Placed by or on behalf of the contractor, state that all ~~n>edi'c~l ~~~ t without regard to their race, religion, anoestiy, national .origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, marital domestic p~~ C. As part of the City's supplier registration pcncess, and/or- at the request of the awarding authority or the Office of Contract Compliance, the contractor shall oatify on an electronic or hard Dopy form to be supplied, that the contractor has not discxirninated in the perfomrance of City contracts employment on the basis or berarrse of race, religion, ancestry, national origin,-sex, sexual orientatio ~'~ any employee or ~ for n~eclical condition. ~ ~ ~~ty, marital status, a partr>er status, or D. The contractor shall pemvt access to and may be required to provide cati fled copies of all ofits nacorcLs to to the awarding authority or the Office of Contract liar for the ~~g ~ Y~ and to its employment practices by provisions of City contrac,~ts, and on their or either of theme' ~ ce' ~ of investigation to li~ with the A,ffimrative Action Pnogr-arn request provide evidence that~it has or will comply therewith. 1? The failure of any contractor to comply with the Affinnaiive Action program provisions of Ci contracts failure shall only be established tY may be dearred to be a material breach ofcontraet Such Office of Contracx ~ a Srrdir~g to that effect by the awarding authority, on the basis of its own investigation or that of the Board of Public World contractor. Compliance. No such finding shall be made except upon a full and fair hearing affix notice and an o~pporturrity to be heard has been given to the F. Upon a finding duly made that the contractor has breac}red the Active Action ~~ ~ Program provisions of a .City oontracx, the contract srrspencled, in whole a in part, by the awarding authority, and all monies due or to become due hererrrrder ~Y be forthwith canceled, City of Los Angeles, In addition thereto, such breach may be the basis for a determination the ~Y be f x~wanied to and refairrod by tl~ contractor is an in~sponsible bidder or proposer pursuant to the ~' awarding authority or the Board of Public Wodss that the said contractor shall be disqualified from be' Peons of Section 371 of the Los Angeles City Charter. In the event .of such determination, such pm "moons h~ a eorrbract with the City ofLos Angeles for a period oftwu years, or until he or she shall establish and carry out a program in corrfonnarx~e with the G. In the event of a finding by the Fair Fmployn~t and Housing Commission of the State of Califonva, or the Board of Public Works of the City of Los Angeles, or any court of competent jurisdiction, that the contractor has been guilty ofa willful violation of the California Fair Fmploymerrt and Housing Ad, or the Affim~ative Action Progr-am provisions of a City contract, there may be deducted from the amount payable to the contractor- by the City of Los angeles under the contract, a penalty of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) for each person for each calendar day on which such person was diseximirrated against in violation of the provisions of a City. contract. K Notwithstandingany otherprovisions ofa City contract, the City DEEDS Angeles shall have any and all other remedies at law or in equity for any broach hereof 1. The public Works board of Comrnissionas shat! pr'omtdgate nrles and authorities electronic and hard Dopy foam for the implementation of the Affirmative A~ ~ t~ ~ce of Contract Compliance and provide to the awarding forms shall, sfl far as practicable, be similar to those m ~°~''~ provisiom of City contracts, and nrles and regulatiors and awarding authority of the City to aeoompiish this oontrad~ applicable Federal Executive Ordexs.. No other rules, regulations or fomis maybe used by an 0°mPP J. Nothing contained in City mnttacfs shall be ~ any ~. ~ as to require orpermit arty act which is prohibited by law A-4 BcA Faro (~lsoo> K. The contractor shall submit an A>~nmtive Action Plan whidi shall meet the regrri~nents of this ~ Chapter at the time it submits its bid or~propos'<~il or at the tune it registers to do business with the Criy. The plan shall be to ~ vat the Office of Contract ~Y ~ ~l-we carrtractors and st to take part m a p~ C~ P~ ~ award of the oaytrac~ The a~vva~,d~g lerr>errt a ~ p~award eanfiera>ce in ~ m rmp qualifying A-ffumative Action Plan. Atffiimative Action nom' ~ , or develops iir~xeve ar from the date of approval by the Office of Contract ~ ~ ~~ to this sectien shall be effective for a period of twelve months Canplianee, 1n case of prior lion of a Plan, the e A~nabve Action Plan approved try the Office of Contract Ckxnplianoe within the previous twelve meths ffthe ~ den that it has an contractor mkt submit a new Plan to the Office ofContrad Canpliarioe and that Plan must be °~ ~ or ~ finrn ~P the . approved before the contract is awarded. . (I) Every contract of X5,000 or more which may provide ~ demolition, ~, oonserva6on or corm}' with the requirerrrenis of Section 10.13 ofthe Los Angeles A~d~ Code ~1a mainterrarroe ~ any kind shall in addition (2) A contractor may estabii~h aril adopt as its awn Affirrr~tive Action P famished by the Office ofContrad Compliance, ce it ~' ~ his ~ her signat<rre thetetq an Affnrr>ative Action Plan preyed and ~' and submit its own Plan for approval. L The Office of Contract Compliance shall annually supplj- the a ' g auti>oiities of the City with a list of a~a~ors ~ A~m~rtive Action PrograrnS. For each c~ontrailor and supplier the Office of Contract ~~ vrbo have developed Compliance shall not wit]xhaw its approval for any A~ Action Plan or chary ~ hence state the date the approval eacpires The Office of Contract eontrvaot term without the mutual agne~nent ofthe ~ ~ Action Plan a~ the date. of oontzxt award for the errtire aNarding authority and the mntractor: M. The A~ Action Plan required m be submitted hereunder and thepre-region, p~~ ~ ~ 1~-~~ conference which x~ray be requirod by the Board of Public Works, Office of Contract Compliance or the awar~ng ~, ~ without lrrnrtation as to the subject or nature of l ooncemed with such err~loymexrtpractices as~ ~ emp oymerrt activity, be l' `°'p~tre~P ~~ appreved progtarrrs are furxtioning andother on-tho-job trairrnr~ for no ticeable coca 2. Classroom preparation for the job when not apprerrtioeable; ~ P~~; 3. Pre~appnenticeshipectucation and preparation 4. Upgrading training and opportcrnities; S. F,rrcauaging the use of contractors, suboontracbors and suppliers of all racial and ethnic shall require the contractor, subcontrailor or Irer ~ t~~ provided, however, that any contract subject to this or~d'u><vxe supp ' provide not less than the prevailing wage, working condition and practices generally oluerved in private industries in the contractor's, subcontractor's orsupplier's geographicatarea for such worm 6. The entry ofqualified wornerr, minority and all other joumcyrr~en into the industry; and 7. The provision ofneeded supplies or job condition to permit persoru yvith disabilities to be employed, and m~nmrize the irrrp~ of any disability. N... Any adjushnerrts which may be mae~ in the conhailor's or supplier's wvrk force to achieve the requirements of the city's Affirmative Action Contract Corrrpliance ~g~ in P~~g and construction shall be aeoomplished by either an increase in the size of the work force or replacerrrerrt of those employees who leave the work force by reason of resignation, ~t or death and not by termination,layo~ deanotion or change in grade: O. Affirmative Action Agre~ner>ts restilbng from the proposed Affinr>atne Action Plan or the pro-registr~tion, pre-bid, Pn} ~.~ ~. shall not be confidential and may be publicised by the contr~tor at his or her discretion Approved eve Action Agreements become the property of the City and may be used at the discretion of the City in its Contract Compliance Affirmative Action Program. P. This ordinance shall not confer upon the City ofLos Angeles or airy Agency,Board or Commission thereof the legality of any existing collective bargaining agreernu and shall have hcatiion ~ p°~ not °~~~ provided by law to determine engaged in the performance of City contracts; ~ °~' tO ~ anploynrent practices by oorrtractors or suppliers Q. All contractors subject to the prevision of this section shall include a like provision in all subcontracts awanled for work to be City and shalt impose the same obligations, inchrding but not limited to film and P~~~d under the contrail with the Faihire ofthe contractor to comply with this g ~g obligriions, on the subcontractors as are applicable to the contractor: imposition ofany and all sanction allowed by~lawe, inchrding butnot limited t~o~icrminat on of~conhactor's contract v~the C' shah subject the eontr~ctor to the ity. A-5 BCA Form (7/6/00) LOS ANGELES CITY A]E'CtRMMA1'IyE ACTION PLAN LOS ANGEI.E~S CITY ' ' 1~IATIVE ACTION MANDATORY PROVISIONS Notwithstandingany other provision of this Division to the contrary, every constniction contract invo an expenditure of $5,000 or more of C' funds, except in cases of urgent necessity, as provided in Section 371 of the Charter of.the city of Los eles and ex as I0.9 of this Code, shall contain as part of the contract an A,ilfrinative Action Plan ~ provided in Segi~ contractor's signature affixed thereto, shall constitute and be established as the contraCtor~s ~~ ~ set orth in this section and which . by the p by the contractor or the City's pro Plan pa Affirmative Action Plan. The Plaq which ma be a lan of tract Compliance prior to award of tfie contractpTfie pjan~ ~ ~~ °f C°ntract Campliance, shall be suh•ect to the appreval °~~ O~ce previous twelve months. If the '~ a ~' consist of a Plan approved by the Office otJContract Compliance within the Contract Compliance which ~sub~ectpo a ved Plan is 30 days or less fiogn expiration, the contractor must subnvt a new Plan, to the Office of J pproval before the contract maybe awarded. . Sec. 10.13. Mandatory Provisions Pertaining to Nondiscrimination in Employment and Affirmative Action in Hiring Emplo ees in the Performance of Work on Certain City Construction Contracts, Y 1. Construction Contracts Included. The contractor shall not be eligible for an award of a City both 'on Contract in excess of ~5,000, unless the contractor has submitted as part of the bid a written Affim~atrve Action Plan eambodymg 1 antic and (2) specific affirmative action steps directed at ~ P~ levels of mirior~ity*, vwmen and all other staffing uh'lization, women and all other potential staff or is deemed ~hl a~ve sgub~'tt~ sum a 1° a nondiscriniinat°ry manner ~ ~~ a~ employ miuonty, anticipated levels and the affirmative action steps must be taken and~~ app h'ed ~ farth~ ~ t a nondiser minatory ma~er t~,o ~ Both the meet the requirements of this section for all trades which are to be utilized on the protect; whether subcontracted or not. *`~linority" is defined as the term `~imnmori attempt ~ ty person" is defined in subsection (f) of section 2000 of the California Public Contract Code. 2. Aritlcipated Utilization. The plan must set forth anticipated .minority, women, and all other sfiaffing utilization by the contractor and all subcontractors on each pro'eet constructed by the Cittyy using those trades within the area of 'urisdiction of the Los Angeles Building acid Construction Trades Cotu~ciI widen the City 'of Los An eles in each work class .and at all Ievel's in terms of staff hours. The antici staffing utilization shall be the levels at which each of those groups are represented in the relevant v~votrkforce s of minority, women and other as determined bx the U..S. Bureau. of the Census and made available by the Office of Contract Compliance. Aetta vnent of the~azib~~ed levels of utilization may only be used as an indicia of whether the contractor has com lied with the applied its Affirmative Action Plan in ood faith and in a non~t n+Quu'ements of this section and has not, by itself, disqualify the contractor for award of a contract or subject the~contrac~tor o~~ " to attain the anticipated levels of uh~ahon shall In no event may a contractor utilize the Y sanctions or penalties. on account of race, color, reli 'o an requirerrients of ~ ~tiOn m such a manner as to cause or result in discrimination against any person or national origin. g' im' ~~'~ age, disability, medical condition, marital status, domestic partner status, sex, sexual orientation, 3. An Affirmative Action Plan The contractor certifies and agrees to immediately implement good faith.efforts measures to recruit and em to minori wom potential staffin a nondiscriminatory manner including, but not limited to, the following actions. The contraac or hall: ty' ~ and other a. Recruit and make efforts to obtain such employees through; (1) Advertising employment oppolluimities in tnino and other, comet community organizations off employment opportunities. ~Y news media. Notifying minority, women and other (2) Maintaining contact with schools with diverse populations of students to notify them of employment opportunities. (3) . Encouraging present minority, women and other employees to refer their friends and relatives. (4) ; Promoting a$er school and.vacation employment opportunities for minority, women and other youth (5) Validating all job specifications, selection requirements, tests, etc. (6) Maintaining a file of names and addresses of each worker referred to the contractor and what action was taken c worker. oneeming such (7) Notifying the appropriate awarding authority of the City and the Office. of Contract Compliance in writin wh whom the contractor has a collective bargammg agreement has failed to refer a minority, woman or other worker, en a union with 6. Continual}y evaluate personnel practices to assure that Kirin nondiscriminatory manner so as to achieve and maintain a divei~sewor~k fore promotions, transfers, demotions and layoffs are made in c. ~olize training programs and assist minority, women and other employees in locating, qualifying for and engaging in such trairmin p grams fo enhance their skills and advancement. g d. Secure cooperation or compliance from the labor referral agency to the contractor's contractual affirmative action obligations. e.. Establish a person at the management level- of the contractingg enti to be the Equal Ernp Io have the authority to disseminate and enforce the company's Equal~m to yinent Opportumty Office; such individual to P yrrient grid A~ffumative Action Policies. A-6 i3C~1 Form (7/6/00 f. Maintain such records as are necessary to deternvne compliance with equal employment and affirmative action obligations, and making such records available to City, State and Federal authorities upon request 4. The contractor shall make a good faith effort with respect to .apprenticeship and training program to: a. Recnrit and refer minority, women and other erriployees to such programs; b ~ ~ p~tt~ns within the company and/or its association that wi71 prepare minotity, women ahd other employees for c. Abide by the rExluirements ofthe Labor Code of the Smote of Califonria with respect to the provision of apprenticeship job opportuulities. 5. The contractor shall establish written c~npany policies; ruled and procedures which shall be encompassed in a compan}~;wide Aimative Action Plan for all its o~or>s and contracts. Said polies shall be provided to all erployees, subcontruc;tors, vendors, moons, and all others with whom the contracfo~r may become inrvolved in fi~1fi1lmg an}, of its contracts. The company's Afhnnatrve Action Plan shall ents contained herein as a minimum and shall be submitted with its bid to the appropriate awarding authority of the Ci~ t~ ~f Contract Compliance of the City. 6. Where problems are experienced by the contractor in complying with its obligations pursuant to this section, the contractor shall document its good faith effort to comply with the recluirelnents by the following procedure. The contractor shall state: a. What steps were taken, how and on what date. b. To whom those efforts were directed. c. The responses received, from whom and when d. What other steps were taken or will be taken to comply and when e. Why the contractor has been or will be unable to comply. 7. The contractor shall complete and file, and require each of its known subcontractors to complete and file with the contractor's bid for the subject project as acceptable Affirmative Action Plan 8. The contractor shall submit and require each of its subcontractors to~submit an Ethnic Composition of the Company's Total Work Force (by employees) prior to the date of award of the contract 9. No 'contract shall be executed until the appropriate awarding authority of the City of Los Angeles, and the Federal funding agency (if Federal funds are involved), has deternuned in wntrng that such contractor has executed and filed with the awarding authority and the City Office of Contract Compliance the required Affirmative Action Plan 10. It shall be no excuse that the union with which the contractor has a collective bargaining agreement providing for referral, exchrsive or otherwise, failed to refer minority,Rwomen or other employees. 1 1. Subject to this subsection the contractor shall execute such further forms and documentation at such times and as may be required by the appropriate awarding authority of the City of Los Angeles. . I2. Where the contractor has failed to comply with the requirements contained in this section, any and all sanctions allowed by law may be imposed upon the contractor. l3. The Office of Contract Compliance within the Department of Public Works shall be responsible for administering the City's Contract Compliance Program in the manner descnbed in Sectrons 22.359 through 22.3595 of this Code. 14. All contractors subject to the provisions of this section shall include a h~ce provision in all subcontracts awarded for work to be performed under the contract wrth the Crty and shall impose the same obligations, including but not limited to filing and reportingg obligations, on the subcontractors as are applicable to the contractor. Failure of the contractor to domply with this requirement or to obtain the compliance of its subcontractors with all such obligations shall subject the contractor to the imposition of any and alI sanctions allowed by law,'includmg but not limited to termination of the contractor's contract with the City. By its execution hereof,. a contractor accepts and submits the foregoing as its Affirxnativ ' n plan. .. ~ OFFICER'S SIGNATUItFS x , TJAME . ON A-7 ~ X19 I~UEIVr~ AY~?NUE vrrtt,rtc s tv~uvi~ ANl) 7 T11.E (TYPE OR PRWI) 13e'~LC"AtiNtN R~Rt[ ne ea~.-~ _RE7'URl\T BID TO: :CrrY OF LOS AN~EFES: • nErARTl~xroF.vxPORTS ~ DEPARTMENT OF A~R~ORTS~ PURCHASINC3 OFFICE r3a3woRLnwnYivESr~ REQ~,JI+.~Z' FQ~~.$~D I,os nrr c>z.E~ ca- 9ooas THIS tS NQT' AN ORDEit ~ ,:...: ~ ~ , - . ~BeY3eL ~ FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 2006 • . ~1 ~• Q~~: 've~+cd~Bcfore 2:00 P:M. .. , . • .. : . •, . -~ . :.......: ;, .. Fot~~fh~.tufoimatic~. ~ . TAXES., ,.~ ~ ,: :: • .. w... ~., .... ..:.,:.. •'iT~' qty. of'I.yaa l~rgtlct~; . •~; '~' P~Qi oted~~ .310-646-7390 _ ~~Pn~B Faisal Exciao,~axes, an'~ P.boti+a. Mr./14Js. JACQUES BRAZIEL to include these fazes. A Federd~Excsae Tax Exemptioar •. Catificata~will be signed by the CSty on rogi~est.• FI:EASE QUOTE PRIC~•ON TSE FOLLOWING ]TENS - FOR~DELIVEI~Y F.O.ZI. TOs . . - SEE BID . . . . . NOTE; Bid is subject to the general.ec~ndi~ions encloscdc '. . ADDITIONAL OUA1V'I'ITIES• The City desires the option to purchase additional quantities of the above item(s). State if ou will accept orders for additional quantities at the same prices, terms and conditions y additional quantity does not exceed that shown above and providing the Cit exercisesoviding the before June 30, 2007 Y the option Option Granted . Option Not Granted If option is not granted, state length of time prices are good and additional orders acce table. Prices good until ~ p IlWOICE INSTRUCTIONS: To ensure prompt payment of invoices, please follow the instructions listed below: All payment invoices for Los Angeles, Ontario, Palmdale and Van Nuys orts pertaining to materials and services, which ordered must accom an v ~ equipment at the time of delivery p y ehicle or 1. All invoices MUST HAyE THE p~C~SE ORDERJDA CONTRACT I~TUMBERS PROVIDED, BY THE. ENTITY ORDERINGlRECETVING THE MATERIAL OR SERVICE. Airport and Division name(i.e. LAX Police, Finance, etc.) must also be provided as part of the ordering requirements. Invoices without division name may delay the payment process due to incomplete information. 2. All invoices WITH INCORRECT OR MISSING PURCHASE ORDERlDA RX 10015883 6 Bid: 1'05-32 5 o~~zo~oo s ! a INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR LOS ANGELES WORLD AIRPORTS NAME: City of Los Angeles Department of Airports AGREEMENT 1 ACTIVITY:.R>=B -16 Police Motorcycles TERM: The insured must maintain insuran ne coverage at limits normally required of its type operation; however the following coverage noted with an X are the minimum required and. must be at least the level of the Combined Single Limits indicated. LIMITS jX} .Workers' Compensation (Statutory}/Employer's Liability (X) Broad Form~~All States Endorsement (X} Voluntary Compensation Endorsement (*} Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act Endorsement (X) Waiver of Subrogation j~. Automobile Liability -covering. owned, non-owned & hired auto Aviation/Airport Liability OR Commercial General Liability, including the following coverages: (X) Premises .and Operations (X) Contractual (Blanket/Schedule) (X) Independent Contractors (X) Products /Completed Operations (X) Broad Form Property Damage (X) Personallnjury X Statutory 1~0 $1,000,OOOCSL 1osooocsL (.) Explosron,Collapse & Underground (required when work involves digging, excavation,gradin or~use of.explosive materials.) 9 *** .Coverage for Hazardous Substances Sudden Occurrence ~* Non-sudden Occurrence ~ *** ** Builder's Risk Insurance - (All Risk Coverage, including material in transit) Value of Im rovemen p is Comments: * If exposure exists, coverage is required. ** Required if property or building ultimately revert to City. *** Must meet Federal and/or State requirements. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR OWN OR HIRED EQUIPMENT AND SHALL HOLD AIRPORT HARMLESS FROM LOSS, DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION TO SUCH EQUIPMENT. INSURANCE COMPANIES WHICH D_ OT HAVE A BEST RATING OF B MINIMUM FINANCIAL SIZE OF AT LEAST 4, MUST BE SUBMITTED TO EXECUTTTER, AND HAVE A ACCEPTABILITY, IVE DIRECTOR FOR PLEASE- RETURN WITH EVIDENCE OF INSURANCE IRV1 10/05 -No lease involved. For vendor/contractor work at LAX, ONT. VNYS, PMD Revised-10/26/05 ~` G~C~t /U ~.-r ..~ ~~ ~ ~ Insurance Contractor shall procure at its own expense, and keep in effect at all times during the term of this Agreement, the types and amounts of insurance specified. herein.. The specified insurance shall also, either by provisions in the poticles, by City's own endorsement form or by other endorsement attached to such policies, include and insure City its Department of Airports, its Board of Airport Commissioners (hereinafter referred to as Board ), and all of its officers, employees and agents, their successors and assigns, as insureds, against the area of risk described herein as~ respects Contractor's acts or omissions in its operations, use and occupancy of the premises hereunder or other related functions performed by or on behalf of Contractor on Airport. .Each specified insurance policy (other than. Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability and fire and extended coverages) shall contain a Severability of Interest (Coss Liability) clause which states, "tt is agreed that the insurance afforded by this policy shall apply separately to each insured against whom clairr~ is made or suit is brought except with respect to the limits of the cornpan~s liability," and a Contractual Endorsement which shall state, "Such insurance as is afforded by this policy shall also apply to liability assumed by the insured under this Agreement with the City of Los Angeles," All such insurance shall be primary and noncontributing with any other insurance held by City's Department of Airport where liability arises out of or results from the acts or omissions of Contractor, its agents, employees, ofFcers, assigns, or any person or entity acting for or on behalf of Contractor. Such policies may provide for reasonable deductibles and/or retentions acceptable to the Executive Director of the Department of Airport (hereinafter referred to as "Executive Director") based upon the nature of Contractor's operations and the type insurance involved. City shall have no liability for any premiums charged for such coverage(s). The inclusion of City, its Department of Airports, its Board, and all of its officers, employees and agents, and their agents and assigns, as insureds, is not intended to, and shall-not, make them, or any of them a partner or joint venturer with Contractor in its operations at Airport. In the event Contractor fails to furnish City evidence of insurance and maintain the insurance as required, City, upon ten (10} day prior written notice to comply, may (but shall not be required to) procure such insurance at the cost and expense of Contractor, and Contractor agrees to promptly reimburse -City for the cost thereof. plus~fifteen percent (15%) for administrative overhead. At least ten (10) days prior to the expiration date of any of the above policies, documentation .showing that the insurance coverage has been renewed or extended shall be filed with City. If such coverage is canceled or reduced, Contractor shall, within fifteen (15) days of such cancellation or reduction of coverage, file with City evidence that the required insurance has been reinstated or provided through another insurance company or companies. Contractor shalt provide proof of all specified insurance and related requirements to City either by production of the actual insurance policy(ies), by use of City's own endorsement form(s), by broker's letter acceptable to Executive Director in both form and content in the case of foreign insurance syndicates, or by other written evidence of insurance acceptable to Executive Director. The documents evidencing all specified coverages shall be filed with City prior to Contractor occupying the premises hereunder. They shall contain the applicable policy number, the inclusive dates of Insurance Rev. 8101 policy coverages and the insurance carrier's name, shall bear an original signature of an authorized representative of said carrier, and shall provide that such insurance shalt not be subject to cancellation, reduction in coverage or nonrenewal except after written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the City Attorney of the City of Los Angeles at least thirty (30) days prior to'the effective date thereof. City and Contractor agree that the insurance policy limits specified herein- shall be reviewed for adequacy annually throughout the term of this Agreement by Executive [?irector, who may. thereafter require Contractor to adjust the amounts of insurance~covera~ge to whatever amount Executive Director deems to be adequate. City reserves the right to have submitted to it, upon- request, all pertinent information about the agent and carrier providing. such insurance. City Held Harmless Except for the sole negligence of City, Contractor undertakes and agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless City and any~and all of City's Boards, officers, agents, employees, assigns, and successors in interest from and against atf suits and causes of action, claims losses; demand and .expenses, including, but not limited to, attorney's fees and cost of litigation, damage or Ii~bility of any nature whatsoever, for death or injury to any person, including Contractor's employees and agents, or damage of or destruction to any property of either party hereto or of third persons, in any manner arising by reasons of or incident to the performance of this Agreement on the part of Contractor, whether or not contributed to by any act or omission of City or any of the City's Boards, officers, agents, or employees. Hazardous and Other Regulated Substances _ (a) Contractor agrees to accept sole responsibility for full compliance with any and all applicable . present and future rules, regulations, restrictions, ordinances, statutes, laws and/or other orders of any governmental entity regarding the use, storage, handling, distribution, processing and/or disposal of hazardous wastes, extremely hazardous wastes, hazardous substances, hazardous materials, hazardous chemicals, toxic chemicals, toxic substances, pollutants, contaminants or other similarly regulated substances (hereinafter referred to as "hazardous substances") regardless of whether the obligation for such compliance or responsibility is placed on the owner of the land, on the owner of any improvements on the premises, on the user of the land or on the user of the .:improvements. Said hazardous substances shall include, but shall not,be limited to, gasoline, aviation, diesel and jet fuels, lubricating oils and solvents. Contractor agrees that any damages, penalties or fines levied on City and/or Contractor as a result of noncompliance with any of the above shall be the sole responsibility of Contractor and further, that Contractor shall indemnify and pay and/or reimburse City for any damages, penalties or fines that City pays as a result of noncompliance with the above. (b) In the case of any hazardous substance spill, leak, discharge or improper storage on the premises or contamination of same by any person, Contractor agrees to make or cause to be made any necessary repairs or corrective actions as welt as to clean up and remove any leakage, contamination or contaminated ground. In the case of any hazardous substance spill, leak, discharge or contamination by Contractor or its employees,. servants, agents, contractors or subcontractors which affects other property of City or its tenants' property, Contractor agrees to make or cause to be made any necessary corrective actions to clean up and remove any spill, leakage or contamination to the satisfaction of Executive Director. If Contractor fails` to repair, cleanup, property dispose of or take any other corrective actions as required herein, City may (but shall not be required to) take all steps it deems necessary to properly repair, clean up or otherwise correct the conditions resulting from the spill, leak or contamination. Any such repair, clean-up or corrective actions taken by City shall be at Contractor's sole cost and expense and Contractor shall .indemnify and pay for andlor reir»burse City for any and aq costs (including any administrative costs) City incurs as a result of any repal~r, clean-up or corrective action it takes. (c) !f Contractor installs or uses already installed underground storage tanks, pipelines or other improvements on the specified premises for the storage, distribution, use ,treatment or . dispo$al of any hazardous substances, Contractor agrees, upon the expiration and/or termination .of this Consent, to remove andlor dean up, at the sole `option of Executive Director, the above- referred to improvements. Said removal andlor clean-up shall be at Contractor's sole cost and expense and shall be undertaken and completed in full compliance with all federal, state and Coca! taws and regulations, as well as with the reasonable directions of Executive Director. (d) Contractor shall promptly supply City with copies of all notices, reports, correspondence and submissions made by Contractor to any governmental entity regarding any hazardous substance spill, leak, discharge or clean-up including all test results. (e) This Section and the obligation therein, shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of this Consent to Agreement. ~~ SPARTA SPARTA is an insurance program that was developed to accommodate small contractors vvho need an alternative to high cost general liability insurance. Tlus program should prove very beneficial to local minority, women and disabled veteran owned businesses. This program has been preapproved by the City of Los Angeles and the application process is simple. Coverage is affordable. This program is available to City contractors. Coverage: I. General Liability: Program limits, $2,MM General Aggregate/$1MM Per Occurrence, limits to $SMM available, $500 deductible%laim. ,Meets all minimum requirements for the City of Los Angeles. - Applicable bodily injury and property damage caused by contractor's activities while under - contract to the City of Los Angeles. iI. Non-Owned Auto Liability: Coverage applies only to the City of Los Angeles as limited by the specific work performed under this certificate. No coverage afforded to certificate holder. III. Professional Liability: In conjunction with General Liability only. Service contractor Minimum Premium: $450.00 +SLA taxes + certificate fee. Quoted on aper-project basis. IV. Misc. Med. Malpractice: In conjunction with General Liability only Participants in SPARTA: The City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles World Airports, Port of Los Angeles, Artisan Trade Activities Contractors participating in the City of Los Angeles SPARTA Program. Type of work covered: Personal services contracts; consultants, tenants, providers of goods, General contractors and their subcontractors (Certain specialty trades are excluded) Contract Size and Cost: No maximum: all contract sizes considered - Minimum: No contract minimum General Liability Service Contractor Minimum Premium: $250.00 +SLA taxes + certificate fee General Liability Artisan Contractor Minimum Premium: $450.00 +SLA taxes + certificate fee Underwritten by Essex Insurance Company, rated AX by A.M. Best Company Master policy issued annually to cover contracts with the City of Los Angeles; and It's Departments. Certificate is issued showing contract participation in master program. Administered by Municipality Insurance Services, Inc. 302 W. Cerritos Ave., Bldg. 7 Anaheim, CA 92805-6550 FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL THE SPARTA OFFICE AT 1-800-420-0555 Administered by: Municipality Insurance Services, Inc. 302 W. Cerritos Ave., Bldg. 7, Anaheim, CA 92805-6550 Tele# (714)687-1100 Fax#(714)687-1106 a-mail carol ,2sparta. com License # OC04849 Web Site www.2sparta. com Spaita Rev. 5/9/06 ~- O c. c 3 ~ O W ~ ~ ~w ~ `~ ~ O J ~"' O ~' U ,... o .` a .~ ..,c ~.. c L U - cu -~:.. c' c~ L O ~ ~ a ~ ~ •i N - ~ N d ~ O ~ • C ~ C (III ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Cn -- `p, ~ ~ E ~ U ~ v -a _c 07 ,~,.. ~ ~ ~ v O ~ c N ~ ~ ~, ~ C1 .~ C N ~ ~~ O a'i U ~ o~ ~~ m ~~ ~ ~~ o = ~Q ~ a~ z ~. ~, ~ ~ o ~ ~_ ~ ~ c ~ ~` O U U a _ \ N N .,~' ~ U v ~~ w Q ~ ~ o m ~c .~ .c w ~ '~ .«- cn o .~ o= w~ ZO U ~ O_.. \ C '~ ~p Itf ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~~ °° ~ O o ~ "may ~ 4- U ~ z .. N J ~~. City of Los Angeles CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH CHILD SUPPORT OBLIGATIONS This document must be returned with~the ProposaUBid Response - LAlDLAW'S HARLEY-DAVlDSON The undersigned hereby agrees that 1919 PUENTE AVENUE tl~%[-~ will: Name of Business BALDIKlN PARK CA 91706 1. Fully comply with all applicable State and Federal employment reporting requirements for its employees. 2. Fully comply with and implement all lawfully served Wage and Earnings Assignment Order and Notices of Assignment. 3. Certify .that the principal owner(s) of the business are in compliance with any Wage and Earnings Assignment Orders and Notices of Assignment applicable to them personally. 4. Certify that the business will maintain such compliance throughout the term of the contract. 5. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when the parties entered into this transaction. 6. The undersigned shall require that the language of this Certification be included in all subcontractors and that all subcontractors shall certify and disclose accordingly. To the best of my knowledge, I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and was executed at: LAIDLAW'S HARLEY-DAVIDS4N ~x~ c~~ . 1919 PUENTE AVENUE l BALDWIf~~A`!~'/~~ 91706 Date G lvame of Business Address ~- ~~~ ~v~ ~ ,d ~-~w 1 ~ ~ ~-. ~ ~ Signature of Authorized Officer of Representative Print Name Telephone Number CeriCSO Rev. 5/Ol _ .B~;_SS. TA~i RECtSTRATION CERTIFICATE NUMBER OR BUSINESS TAX EXEMPTION NUMBER FORM All persons who do business with or within the City of Los Angeles, must first file with the Office of Finance (TaxlPermit Division), and obtain from that office ~ .Business Tex Registration Certificate aECOUnt number (BTRC) or Vendor Registration Number (VRN}. Registration is renewable annually. For further information, contact the Tax and Permit Division located ~at 201 iV. Main Street, ,Rm. 1.01, Los Angeles, 90012, (213} 626-9271. (Authority: Article 1, Ch ter 2, Section 21.00 et seq. - LAMC) Company Name• ~ 1~ ~ m Enter your current Business Tax Registration or Vendor Registration Number: State effective dates here: to If you have an application pending. in the Office of Finance, and have not as yet received your number, a copy of your application must be submitted with your bid, proposal or agreement. ~f you have received an exemption from the Office of Finance, provide an explanation for he exemption and the exemption number. Exern tion Number: Explanation: ENG. 3--1 M-4-59---(R} AFFIDAVIT TO ACCOMPANY PROPOSALS OR BIDS STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY O.F LOS ANGELES }SS. who submits herewith to the board of Airport Commissioners the attache proposal; That he the person whose name signed to .the hereto attached al; that sai genuine; that the same is not sham or collusive; that all statements of fact therein are true; that. such proposal was not_made in the interest or behalf of any person, partnership, company, association, organizatign, or corporation not herein named or disclosed. . Affiant further deposes ans says: that the bidder has not directly or indirectly by agreement;' communication or conference the any attempted to induce action prejudicial to the interests of the public body which is to award the contract , or of any other bidder, or any one else interested in the proposed contract; that the bidder has not in any manner sought by collusion to secure for himself, itself, themselves, an advantage over any other bidder. (Strike out words not appropriate) Affiant further deposes and says that prior to the public opening and reading of bids the said bidder:' (a) did not, directly or indirectly, induce or solicit anyone else to submit a false or sham bid; (b) did not, directly or indirectly, collude, conspire connive or agree with any one else that said bidder or anyone else would submit a false or sham bid, or:that anyone should refrain from bidding or withdraw his bid; (c) did not, in any manner, directly or indirectly, seek by agreement, communication or conference with anyone to raise or fix the bid price of said bidder or of anyone else, onto raise or fix any overhead, profit or cost element of his, its, their price or of that of anyone else; (d) did not, directly or indirectly, submit his, its, their bid price or any breakdown (Strike out words not appropriate) thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulge- information or data relative thereto, to any corporation, partnership, company, association"organization, bid depository, or to any member or agent, thereof, or to any individual or group of individuals, except to the awarding authority or to any person or person who have a partnership or other financial interest with said bidder in his, its, their business. (Strike out words not appropriate) Subscribed and sworn to before me this daY of 20 ~~ (Seal of Notar) Signed: CGS"' DC'" " -r (Title) ~J'~~'°'Y~°~ WARNING Bids will not be considered unless the affidavit hereon is fully executed including then affidavit of the Notary - and the Notarial Seal. ~ Y~~ "" "/ ~/ `r" `~/ ~`'" ;being first duly sworn, deposes and says: that he i e~ P .f_'~_~/ oa tQ~,N 'ARK CA~-~~ ~ August 11,2006 To Whom It May Concern: I am authorized by Harley-Davidson Motor Company to allow LAWA to piggy back on existing LAPD contract that will deliver you your. choice of FLHP or FLHTP units with the same equipment as specified in LAPD contract for $14,992.00 plus sales tax. Harley-Davidson Motor Company By alter R. Laidla 1.919 Puente Avenue • Baldwin Park. California 91706 • 626-851-0412 • Fax 626-851-8652 • www.laidlawshartey.com