Redevelopment Law requires that the Redevelopment Agency submit to the legislative
body an annual report for the preceding fiscal year.
It is recommended the Redevelopment Agency receive and file its annual report and
transmit such report to the Tustin City Council.
It is recommended that the City Council take the following actions:
1. Receive and file its Annual Report for FY 2006-2007.
2. .Direct that a copy of its Annual Report for 2006-2007 and all other required
reporting documents and forms be executed in final form and filed with the City of
Tustin, the State Controller and State Department of Housing and Community
The only fiscal impact of this action has been the staff time and supporting audit
services necessary for required State reporting.
California Health and Safety Code Section 33080.1 require the preparation and filing of
an annual report by a redevelopment agency with its legislative body. A copy of this
report must also be filed with the State Controller and with the State Department of
Housing and Community Development within six months after the end of the Agency's
fiscal year.
City Council Report
December 4, 2007
2006-2007 Annual Report
Page 2
The annual report must contain the following information:
1. An independent financial audit for the previous fiscal year. The audit must, at
minimum, meet the audit guidelines prescribed by the State Controller's Office
and also include a report on the Agency's compliance with laws, regulations and
administrative requirements governing activities of the Agency, and a calculation
of the Excess Surplus in the Low and Moderate Income Fund.
2. A fiscal statement for the previous fiscal year containing the information required
by Section 33080.5 which shall include the following:
a. The amount of outstanding indebtedness of the Agency and each project
b. The amount of tax increment property tax revenues generated in the
Agency and in each project area.
c. The amount of tax increment revenues paid to taxing agencies pursuant to
subdivision (b) of Section 33401 or Section 33676.
d. The required Annual Report of Financial Transactions to the State
Controller's Office.
e. The amount allocated to school or community college districts pursuant to
certain CRL provisions.
f. The amount of existing indebtedness, as defined by Section 33682, and
the total amount of payments required to be paid on existing indebtedness
for that fiscal year.
g. Other financial information which the Agency believes useful to describe
its programs.
3. A description of the Agency's activities affecting housing and displacement
containing the information required by Sections 33080.4 and 33080.7
City Council Report
December 4, 2007
2006-2007 Annual Report
Page 3
a. The total number of households displaced or moved from their dwelling
units as part of a redevelopment project during the 2006-2007 fiscal year,
by household type.
b. An estimate of the total number of households that will be displaced or
removed during the 2007-2008 fiscal year, by household type.
c. The total .number of units which have been destroyed or removed from the
housing stock during the 2006-2007 fiscal year as part of a redevelopment
project of the Agency, by household type.
d. The total number of Agency-assisted dwelling units constructed,
rehabilitated, acquired or subsidized during 2006-2007 for occupancy at
affordable cost by persons and families of low to moderate income,
respectively, specifying those units which are not currently so occupied,
those units which have replaced units destroyed or removed pursuant to
Section 33413, and the length of time any agency-assisted units are
required to remain available at affordable costs.
e. The total number of new or rehabilitated units subject to paragraph (2) of
subdivision (b) of Section 33413, including separate subtotals of the
number originally affordable to and currently occupied by, elderly persons
and families, but only if the units are restricted by agreement or ordinance
for occupancy by the elderly, and by very low income households, other
lower income households, and persons and families of moderate income,
respectively, and the length of time these units are required to remain
available at affordable costs.
f. The status and use of the Low to Moderate Income Housing Fund, created
pursuant to Section 33334.3.
g. A compilation of the Agency's annual monitoring reports of rental and
owner-occupied affordable housing and projects in violation.
h. The total amount of funds expended for planning and general
administrative costs as defined in subdivisions (d) and (e) of Section
City Council Report
December 4, 2007
2006-2007 Annual Report
Page 4
Any other information the Agency believes is useful to explain its housing
j. The total number of dwelling units for very low, low and moderate income
households to be constructed under the terms of an executed agreement
or contract, including the name and execution date, within the last two
k. The date and amount of all deposits and withdrawals of monies deposited
to and withdrawn from the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund.
Any excess surplus funds which have accumulated in the Agency's Low
and Moderate Income Housing Funds. Excess surplus funds are defined
as any unexpended or unencumbered amount in the Housing Fund that
exceeds the greater of $1,000,000 or the aggregate amount deposited in
the fund in the preceding four (4) fiscal years. Monies are deemed
encumbered if committed by a legally enforceable contract or agreement.
4. A description of the Agency's progress, including specific actions and
expenditures, in alleviating blight in the previous fiscal year.
5. A list of, and status report on, all loans made by the Redevelopment Agency that
are fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) or more that, in the previous fiscal year,
were in default or not in compliance with the terms of the loan approved by the
Redevelopment Agency.
6. A description of the total number and nature of the properties that the Agency
owns and those properties the Agency has acquired in the previous fiscal year.
7. Any other information the Agency believes is useful to explain its programs.
Since there is only one Agency meeting scheduled in December, 2007, it is necessary
to provide the Agency's audit materials in draft form. While the materials are assumed
to be substantially complete, the Finance Director and independent auditor may need to
make non substantial adjustments to the final numbers prior to submitting them to the
State. The following responds to specific information required by the State:
City Council Report
December 4, 2007
2006-2007 Annual Report
Page 5
1. Independent Financial Audit and Compliance Audit:
A copy of the draft independent financial audit and compliance audit for 2006-
2007 is included as Attachment I.
2. Fiscal statement:
a. The amount of outstanding indebtedness of the Redevelopment Agency,
as of June 30, 2007, was reported to be $38,030,000 and reported by
Project Areas as follows:
• Town Center Project Area was reported to be $13,030,000;
• South Central Project Area was reported to be $0;
• MCAS Tustin Project Area was reported to be $25,000,000.
In addition, the Agency has the following outstanding loan obligations:
• $2,776,042 to the Town Center Housing Set-Aside Fund Deficit;
• $8,005,430 to the City of Tustin for loans made to the South Central
and Marine Base Project Areas; and
• $46,407,736 to the City of Tustin for loans made to assist the
Agency in meeting affordable housing obligations under the MCAS
Tustin Redevelopment Plan and MCAS Tustin Specific Plan.
b. The amount of gross tax increment property tax revenue generated by the
Redevelopment Agency in 2006-2007 was $16,232,157.
The amount of gross tax increment property tax revenue generated by
each individual Project Area the:
• Town Center Project Area was $3,956,734;
• South Central Project Area was $3,822,289; and
• MCAS Tustin Project Area was $8,453,134
c. The amount of tax increment paid to taxing agencies pursuant to Section
33401 was $2,000 to the Orange County Water District in the South
Central Project Area.
City Council Report
December 4, 2007
2006-2007 Annual Report
Page 6
d. The required annual report of financial transactions to the State Controller
will be submitted with all final reporting documentation, forms and the final
audit report prior to December 31, 2007.
e. The amount allocated to school and community college districts pursuant
to each of the following provisions: (1) Section 33401; (2) Section 33445;
(3) Section 33445.5; (4) paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 33676
and (5) Section 33681 was $0.
f. The amount of existing indebtedness, as defined by Section 33682, and
the total amount of payments required to be paid on existing indebtedness
for 2006-2007 was $0.
g. There is no other fiscal information the Agency believes is useful at the
present time.
3. Activities Affecting Housing and Displacement
a. The total number of households displaced or moved as part of Town
Center, South Central, and MCAS Tustin Redevelopment projects during
2006-2007 was 0.
b. The total number of households estimated to be displaced as part of Town
Center, South Central, and MCAS Tustin Redevelopment projects in
2007-2008 is 0.
c. The total number of low to moderate-income dwelling units demolished or
removed from the housing stock in 2006-2007 was 0.
d. The total number of Agency-assisted dwelling units constructed,
rehabilitated, acquired or subsidized during 2006-2007 for occupancy at
affordable cost by persons and families of low to moderate income,
respectively, specifying those units which are not currently so occupied,
those units which have replaced units destroyed or removed pursuant to
Section 33413, and the length of time any agency-assisted units are
required to remain available at affordable costs was 0.
City Council Report
December 4, 2007
2006-2007 Annual Report
Page 7
e. The total number of new or rehabilitated units subject to restrictions by
agreement or ordinance for very low, low and moderate income
households respectively and the length of time these units are required to
remain available at affordable costs are listed in Table 1.
Table 1
Income Level Elderly Non-Elderly Length of
Households Households Affordability Term
Very low income 0 12 45 years
Low income 0 19 45 years
Moderate income 0 27 45 years
f. As of June 30, 2007, the Agency's low to moderate-income housing set-
aside fund balance for the South Central Project Area was $8,068,518
which, after an adjustment for land held for resale, results in an available
fund balance of $7,363,518. The available funds balance does not reflect
other Agency approved encumbrances as reported on the HCD Report
Schedule C.
As of June 30, 2007, the Agency's low to moderate-income housing set-
aside fund balance for .the Town Center Project Area was $6,538,996.
The available funds balance does not reflect other Agency approved
encumbrances as reported on the HCD Report Schedule C.
As of June 30, 2007, the Agency's low to moderate-income housing set-
aside fund balance for the MCAS Tustin Project Area was $3,252,979.
The available funds balance does not reflect other Agency approved
encumbrances as reported on the HCD Report Schedule C.
g. The Agency requires participants in the City's affordable housing
programs to complete an annual certification form to verify continuing
occupancy. During the 2006-2007 fiscal year, the Agency monitored 128
ownership and 57 rental units. There are approximately 391 additional
affordable rental units that are monitored by the County of Orange on an
annual basis. Attached is a compilation of the Agency's annual monitoring
reports of rental and owner-occupied affordable housing (See Attachment
City Council Report
December 4, 2007
2006-2007 Annual Report
Page 8
h. The total amount of Agency Housing Set Aside funds expended for
planning and administrative costs for 2006-2007 was $191,306.
There is no other information the Agency believes is useful to explain its
housing program.
j. The total number of dwelling units for very low, low, and moderate income
households to be constructed under the terms of an executed agreement
or contract within the last two years is 0.
NOTE: There are currently a total on 250 affordable housing units
to be constructed under the terms of executed agreements;
however, these agreements were executed more than two years
k. Attached is a General Ledger report detailing the date and amount of all
deposits and withdrawals of monies deposited to and withdrawn from the
Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund (See Attachment III).
As of July 1, 2007, there is no excess surplus in the Housing Set-Aside
Fund for the combined Project Areas.
4. The Agency has provided funding for a number of programs in an effort to reduce
blighting conditions in and around the three Redevelopment Project Areas.
While not a complete listing, the following is a description of the Agency's
progress, including specific actions and expenditures, in alleviating blight in
• The Agency provided financial assistance in the amount of $350,000 for
the Heritage Place senior development, which consists of 54 one- and
two-bedroom apartment units for active seniors. As a condition of the
loan, the Developer was required to provide 17 very-low- and 36 low-
income units. This project assisted in removing the blighting influence to
the adjacent South Central Project Area.
Financing for this project also consisted of a Bridge Loan in the amount of
$250,000 from the City of Tustin via financing from the HELP Program
sponsored by the California Housing Financing Authority to assist the
City Council Report
December 4, 2007
2006-2007 Annual Report
Page 9
developer in the acquisition of land. During this reporting period the
Agency repaid CHFA the principal amount of the $250,000 loan, plus
accrued interest in the amount of $38,396, for a total of $388,396.
• The Agency provided two Housing Rehabilitation Program grants totaling
• The Agency provided funding in the amount of $20,200 to the City's
Graffiti Removal Program.
• The Agency provided funding in the amount of $137,000 for the Library
expansion project. The funding assisted with final design and acquisition
costs. In addition, the Agency secured a Workforce Housing Reward
Program Grant in the amount of $124,000.
• Funding in the amount of $20,000 was provided for improvements to the
Agency owned property at 450 EI Camino Real in the Old Town area.
In an effort to alleviate blighting through public infrastructure/ street improvement
programs, the Agency provided funding for the following efforts:
• The Agency provided funding to assist with the Newport Avenue/SR-55
Ramp Reconfiguration; $11,800,000 over the two-year period of 06-07
and 07-08.
• The Agency provided funding in the amount of $650,000 to assist with
improvements on the Valencia North Loop Road and Armstrong Avenue
located within the Tustin Legacy Development.
• The Agency provided funding in the amount of $250,000 for the Tustin
Legacy Portal Entry at Redhill Avenue and Valencia Avenue.
5. There are no loans of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) or more that were in
default or out of compliance with the terms of the loan during the previous fiscal
City Council Report
December 4, 2007
2006-2007 Annual Report
Page 10
6. The Agency owns three parcels with a land value of $27,050,000. The Agency
acquired one parcel through a Court Order of Possession with a value of
$25,000,000 during the previous fiscal year.
• South Central Project Area - 2 residential parcels $ 2,050,000
• MCAS - 1 industrial/commercial parcel $25,000,000
Benefits MCAS Tustin, but outside Project Area.
7. There is no other information the Agency believes to be useful at the present
Agency staff will be available to respond to any questions at the Agency and City
Council meeting of December 4, 2007. As a result of the recommended actions, all final
reporting documentation and forms will be filed with the State Controller and State
Department of Housing and Community Development prior to December 31, 2007.
Christine A. Shingleton
Assistant City Manager
Kimberly McAllen
Redevelopment Project Manager
Jerry Craig
Redevelopment Program Manager
I. Draft June 30, 2007 Independent Financial Audit and Compliance Audit
II. Agency Affordable Housing Monitoring Report
III. Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund General Ledger Report
Attachment I
Draft June 30, 2007 Independent Financial Audit and Compliance Audit
Annual Financial Il~eport
June 30, 2007
Annual Financial Report
June 30, 2007
Independent Auditors' Report 1
Management's Discussion and Analysis (Unaudited) 3
Basic Financial Statements:
Statement of Net Assets 8
Statement of Activities 9
Balance Sheet -Governmental Funds 10
Reconciliation of the Balance Sheet of Governmental Funds to the
Statement of Net Assets 13
Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances -
Governmental Funds 14
Reconciliation of the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in
Fund Balances of Governmental Funds to the Statement of Activities 17
Notes to Financial Statements
Independent Auditors' Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting
and on Compliance (Including the Provisions Contained in the
Guidelines for Compliance Audits of Redevelopment Agencies) and
Other Matters Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed in
Accordance with Government Auditing Standards 31
The Board of Directors of the
Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency
Independent Auditors' Report
We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the governmental activities and each
major fund of the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency (Agency), a component unit of the
City of Tustin, California as of and for the year ended Jwne 3~i, 20Q7, which collectively comprise
the Agency's basic financial statements as listed in the gable of contents. These financial statements
are the responsibility of the Agency management. fur responsibility is to express opinions on these
financial statements based on our audit.
We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United
States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government
Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards require
that we plan and perform the audit to obtain. reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes
assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as
evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a
reasonable basis fon our opinions.
In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the
respective financial position of the governmental activities and each major fund of the Agency as of
June 30, 2007, and the respective changes in financial position thereof for the year then ended in
conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.
In accordance with Government Auditnng_ Standards, we have also issued our report dated
2007, on our consideration of the Agency's internal control over financial reporting
and our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, grant
agreements and other matters. The purpose of that report is to describe the scope of our testing of
internal control over financial reporting and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to
provide an opinion on the internal control over financial reporting or on compliance. That report is
an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards and
should be considered in assessing the results of our audit.
The management's discussion and analysis identified in the accompanying table of contents is not a
required part of the basic financial statements, but is supplementary information required by the
Governmental Accounting Standards Board. We have applied certain limited procedures, which
consisted principally of inquiries of management regarding the methods of measurement and
presentation of the required supplementary information. However, we did not audit the information
and express no opinion on it.
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Statement of Net Assets
June 30, 2007
Assets Activities
Cash and investments $ 53,159,920
Taxes receivable 360,309
Interest receivable 448,964
Loans receivable 1,142,081
Prepaid items 3,640
Land held for resale 27,050,000
Restricted Assets:
Investments with fiscal agent 1,677,517
Capital assets, not depreciated 23,904,164
Capital assets, net of accumulated depreciation 7,937,422
Total Assets 115,684,017
Accounts payable 2,859,286
Interest payable 51,420
Unearned revenue 1,150,240
Due to the City of Tustin 8,005,430
Noncurrent Liabilities:
Due within one year 5,101,000
Due in more than one year 32,929,000
Total Liabilities 50,096,376
Net Assets
Invested in capital assets 31,841,586
Restricted for:
Debt service 1,677,517
Community development 17,097,397
Unrestricted 14,971,141
Total Net Assets $ 65,587,641
See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.
Statement of Activities
For the Year Ended June 30, 2007
Governmental activities:
Community development
Interest on long term debt
Net (Expenses)
Revenue and
Changes in
Net Assets
Total Governmental Activities
General revenues:
Tax increment
Rental income
Investment earnings
Gain on disposal ~cf assets
Total General Revenues
Change in Net A sets
$ 4,459,945 $ (4,459,945)
1,610,021 (1,610,021)
~ 6,069,966. (6,069,966)
Net Assets, Beginning of Year, as Restated
Net Assets, End of Year
See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.
$ 65,587,641
Balance Sheet
Governmental Funds
June 30, 2007
Debt Service Funds
South Central Town Center Marine Base
Project Area Project Area Project Area
Cash and investments
Investments with fiscal agents
Taxes receivable
Interest receivable
Loans receivable
Prepaid items
Land held for resale
Total Assets
Accounts payable
and accrued liabilities
Due to City of Tustin
Deferred revenue
Total Liabilities
Fund Balances
Reserved for:
Debt service
Land held for resale
Low income housing
Unreserved - undesignated
Total Fund Balances (Deficits)
Total Liabilities and Fund Balances
$ 15,975,062 $ 6,482,632 $ 8,726,897
118,624 43,121 67,238
164,432 61,996 68,041
$ 16,258,118 ~ 8,265,266 $ 8,862,176
$ 1,817,535
$ 8,159
8,159 1,817,535
$ 16,258,118 8,257,107 7,044,641
16,258,118 8,257,107 7,044,641_
$ 16,258,118 $ 8,265,266 $ 8,862,176
See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.
Capital Projects Funds
South Central Town Center
South Central Low Income Town Center Low Income
Project Area Housing Project Area Housing
$ 7,263,320 $ 6,480,289
44,722 $ 1,065 26,530
56,762 33,853
938,773 203,308
$ 3,640
1,345,000 705,000
$ 1,348,640 $ 9,008,577 $ 1,065 $ 6,743,980
$ 599,675 $ 200 ~
3,001,086 1,086
2,267 $ 590
1,086 1,086
3,600,761 940,(~~9 3,353
1,345,000 705,000
7,363,518 6,538,996
(3,597,121) (2,288)
(2,252,121) 8,068,518 (2,288) 6,538,996
$ 1,348,640 $ 9,008,577 $ 1,065 $ 6,743,980
Balance Sheet
Governmental Funds (Continued)
June 30, 2007
Cash and investments
Investments with fiscal agents
Taxes receivable
Interest receivable
Loans receivable
Prepaid items
Land held for resale
Total Assets
Accounts payable
and accrued liabilities
Due to City of Tustin
Deferred revenue
Total Liabilities
Reserved for:
Debt service
Land held for resale
Low income housing
Unreserved - undesignated
Total Fund Balances (Deficits)
Total Liabilities and Fund Balances
Capital Projects Funds
Marine Base
Marine Base Low Income
Project Area Housing
252,885 $ 2,859,286
$ 4,769,223 $ 3,462,497 $ 53,159,920
42,200 16,809 360,309
37,322 26,558 448,964
25,000,000 27,050,000
$ 29,848,745 ~ 3,505,864 $ 83,842,431
~ 186,134 $
5,187,220 252,885
$ 29,848,745
See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.
3,252,979 17,155,493
3,252,979 71,827,475
$ 3,505,864 $ 83,842,431
Reconciliation of the Balance Sheet of Governmental Funds
to the Statement of Net Assets
June 30, 2007
Amounts reported for governmental activities in the Statement of Net
Assets are different because:
Fund balance for governmental funds $ 71,827,475
When capital assets (land, buildings, equipment) that are to be used
in governmental activities are purchased or constructed, the
costs of those assets are reported as expenditures in
governmental funds. However, the Statement of Net Assets
includes those capital assets among the assets of the Agency as a
Beginning balance, net of depreciation $ X9,260,331
Current year additions 4,891,739
Current year deletions (2,090,000)
Current year depreciation (220,484)
Ending Balance, Net of Depreciation 31,841,586
Long-term liabilities applicable to the Agency's governmental
activities are not due and payable in the current period and
accordingly are not reported as fund liabilities. All liabilities,
both current and long-term, are reported in the Statement of Net
Assets. (38,030,000)
Interest on long-term debt is not accrued in governmental funds, but
rather is recognized as an exlrenditure when due. (51,420)
Net Assets of Governmental Activities $ 65,587,641
See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.
Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances
Governmental Funds
For the Year Ended June 30, 2007
Debt Service Funds
Use of money and property
Rental income
Other revenue
Total Revenues
Community services
Capital outlay
Debt service:
Principal retirement
Interest and fiscal charges
Total Expenditures
Excess of Revenues Over
(Under) Expenditure
Other Financing Sources (Uses):
Proceeds from debt issuance
Transfers in
Transfers out
Proceeds from sale of land
Total Other Financing Sources (Uses)
Net Change in Fund Balances
Fund Balances (Deficits), Beginning of Year
Fund Balances (Deficits), End of Year
South Central Town Center Marine Base
Project Area Project Area Project Area
$ 3,057,831 $ 3,165,387 $ 5,061,499
1,010,717 428,946 391,655
4,068,548 3,594,333 5,453,154
634,397 245,619 144,423
153,613 645,340 774,776
788,010 1,890,959 919,199
3,280,538 1,703,374 4,533,955
(3,514,862) (280,832)
(3,514,862) (280,832)
(234,324) 1,422,542 4,533,955
16,492,442 6,834,565 2,510,686
$ 16,258,118 $ 8,257,107 $ 7,044,641
See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.
Capital Projects Funds
South Central Town Center
South Central Low Income Town Center Low Income
Project Area Housing Project Area Housing
$ 764,458 $ 791,347
405,816 184,252
$ 10,774 61,090 $ 8,036 2,009
21,947 1,647
10,774 1,253,311 8,036 979,255
96,586 230,460 201,020 208,499
5,726,054 90,136
5,822,640 268,835
(5,811,866) 98,476 (283,120) 770,756
3,514,862 280,832
291,156 208,499
984,476 (2,288)
44,883 7,084,042 4,201,740
$ (2,252,121) $ 8,068,518 $ (2,288) $ 6,538,996
Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances
Governmental Funds (Continued)
For the Year Ended June 30, 2007
Use of money and property
Rental income
Other revenue
Total Revenues
Community services
Capital outlay
Debt service:
Principal retirement
Interest and fiscal charges
Total Expenditures
Excess of Revenue Over
(Under) Expenditure
Other Financing Sources (Uses):
Proceeds from debt issuance
Transfers in
Transfers out
Proceeds from sale of land
Total Other Financing Sources (Uses)
Net Change in Fund Balances
Fund Balances (Deficits), Beginning of Year
Fund Balances (Deficits), End of Year
See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.
Capital Projects Funds
Marine Base Total
Marine Base Low Income Governmental
Project Area Housing Funds
$ 1,690,627 $ 14,531,149
$ 259,099 151,121 2,831,606
78,773 160,682
337,872 1,841,748 17,547,031
87,659 1,954,347
87,659 10,953,304
1,754,089 6,593,727
24,661,525 1,754,089
1,498,890 38,667,248
$ 24,661,525 $ 3,252,979 $ 71,827,475
Reconciliation of the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in
Fund Balances of Governmental Funds to the Statement of Activities
For the Year Ended June 30, 2007
Amounts reported for governmental activities in the Statement of
Activities are different because:
Net change in fund balances -total governmental funds $ 33,160,227
When capital assets that are to be used in governmental activities
are purchased or constructed, the resources expended for those
assets are reported as expenditures in governmental funds.
However, in the Statement of Activities the cost of those assets
is allocated over their estimated useful lives and reported as
depreciation expense. This is the amount b}~ which asset
additions $4,891,738 exceeded deletions ($2,090,000) and
depreciation ($220,484) in the current period. 2,581,254
The issuance of long-term debt provides current fnancial resources
to governmental funds, while the repayment of the principal of
long-term debt consumes the current financial resources of
governmental funds. Neither transaQtion, however, has any
effect on net assets. This is the amounts by which the issuance
of debt ($25,000,000 exceeded repayment of principal (24,000,000)
$1,000,000 in the current period.
Some expenses reported in the Statement of Activities do not
require the use of current financial. resources and therefore are
not reported as expenditures in the governmental funds:
Net change in accrued interest for the current period 2,084
Change in Net Assets of Governmental Activities $ 11,743,565
See Accompanying Notes to Financial Statements.
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Notes to Financial Statements
June 30, 2007
I. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
A. Description of Reporting Entity
The Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency (Agency), a component unit of
the City of Tustin, (City) was established October 20, 1976, pursuant to the State
of California Health and Safety Code, Section 33000, entitled "Community
Redevelopment Law". Its purpose is to prepare and carry out plans for
improvement, rehabilitation, and redevelopment of blighted areas within the
territorial limits of the City of Tustin. The City provides management assistance
to the Agency, and the members of the City Council also act as the governing
body of the Agency.
In accordance with GASB Code Section 2100, "Defining the Reporting Entity",
the Agency's financial activities will be included (blended) with the financial
activities of the City of Tustin for reporting purposes.
Tax Increment Financing
The Agency's primary source of revenue, other than loans and advances from the
City, comes from property taxes. Property taxes allocated to the Agency are
computed in dire following manner:
(a) TIIe assessed valuation of all property within the project area is determined
on the date of adoption of the Redevelopment Plan.
(b) Property taxes related to .the incremental increase in assessed values after the
adoption of the Redevelopment Plan are allocated to the Agency. All taxes
on the "frozen" assessed valuation of the property are allocated to the City
and other districts.
The Agency has no power to levy and collect taxes, and any legislative property
tax reduction might correspondingly reduce the amount of tax revenues that would
otherwise be available to pay the principal of, and interest on, long-term debt.
Broadened property tax exemptions could have a similar effect. Conversely, any
increase in the tax rate or assessed valuation, or any reduction or elimination of
present exemptions would necessarily increase the amount of tax revenues that
would be available to pay principal and interest on long-term debt.
Notes to Financial Statements (Continued)
June 30, 2007
Financial reporting is based upon all GASB pronouncements, as well as the FASB
Statements and Interpretations, APB Opinions, and Accounting Research Bulletins
that were issued on or before November 30, 1989 that do not conflict with or
contradict GASB pronouncement. FASB pronouncements issued after
November 30, 1989 are not followed in the preparation of the accompanying
financial statements.
B. Government-wide and Fund Financial Statements
The government-wide financial statements (i.e., the statement of net assets and the
statement of changes in net assets) report information on all of the activities of the
Agency. For the most part, the effect of im!terfund activity has been removed from
these statements. Governmental activitiies, which normally are supported by taxes
and intergovernmental revenues, are reported separately from business-type
activities, which rely to a significant extent on fees and charges for support. The
Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency has no business-type activities.
The statement of activities demonstrates the degree to which the direct expenses of
a given function are offset by program revenues. Direct expenses are those that
are clearly identiffiable with a specific function. Program revenues include
1) charges to customers who purchase, use, or directly benefit from goods,
services, or privileges provided by a given function and 2) grants and
contributian~s that are restricted to meeting the operational or capital requirements
of a pamticular function. Taxes and other items not properly included among
program revenues are reported instead as general revenues.
Fund financial statements for the Agency's governmental funds are presented after
the government-wide financial statements. These statements display information
about major funds individually and nonmajor funds in the aggregate for
governmental funds. All funds of the Agency are reported as major funds.
C. Measurement Focus, Basis of Accounting and Financial Statement Presentation
1. Measurement Focus
Measurement focus is a term used to describe "which" transactions are
recorded within the various financial statements. Basis of accounting refers to
"when" transactions are recorded regardless of the measurement focus applied.
In the government-wide Statement of Net Assets and the Statement of
Activities, activities are presented using the economic resources measurement
focus. Under the economic resources measurement focus, all (both current and
long-term) economic resources and obligations of the government are reported.
Notes to Financial Statements (Continued)
June 30, 2007
In the fund financial statements, all governmental funds are accounted for on a
spending or "financial flow" measurement focus. This means that only current
assets and current liabilities are generally included on their balance sheets.
Their reported fund balances (net current assets) are considered a measure of
"available spendable resources". Governmental fund operating statements
present increases (revenues and other financing sources) and decreases
(expenditures and other financing uses) in net current assets. Accordingly,
they are said to present a summary of sources and uses of available spendable
resources during a period.
Noncurrent portions of long-term receivables are reported on the governmental
fund balance sheets in spite of their measurement focus. However, special
reporting treatments are used to indicate that they should not be considered
"available spendable resources", since they do not represent net current assets.
Recognition of governmental fund type revenue represented by noncurrent
receivables are deferred until they become current receivables. Noncurrent
portions of other long-term receivables are offset by fund balance reserve
accounts. Revenues, expenses, gains, losses, assets, and liabilities resulting
from nonexchange transaction are recognized in accordance with the
requirements of GASB Statement No. 33.
Because of their spending measurement focus, expenditure recognition for
goverrnr~ental fund types excludes amounts represented by noncurrent liabilities.
Sinai they do not affect net current assets, such long-term amounts are not
recognized as governmental fund type expenditures or fund liabilities. Amounts
expended to acquire capital assets are recorded as expenditures in the year that
resources were expended, rather than as a fund asset. The proceeds of long-term
debt are recorded as other financing sources rather than as a fund liability.
Amounts paid to reduce long-term indebtedness are reported as fund expenditures.
When both restricted and unrestricted resources are combined in a fund,
expenses are considered to be paid first from restricted resources, and then
from unrestricted resources.
2. Basis of Accounting
In the government-wide Statement of Net Assets and Statement of Activities,
the governmental activities are presented using the accrual basis of accounting.
Under the accrual basis of accounting, revenues are recognized when earned
and expenses are recorded when the liability is incurred or economic assets
used, regardless of timing of related cash flows. Revenues, expenses, gains,
losses, assets, and liabilities resulting from exchange and exchange-like
transactions are recognized when the exchange takes place.
Notes to Financial Statements (Continued)
June 30, 2007
In the fund financial statements, governmental funds are presented using the
modified-accrual basis of accounting. Their revenues are recognized when
they become measurable and available as net current assets. Measurable
means that the amounts can be estimated, or otherwise determined. Available
means that the amounts were collected during the reporting period or soon
enough thereafter to be available to finance the expenditures accrued for the
reporting period. The Agency in general considers revenues available if they
are collected within six months after year end except for property taxes, which
the Agency considers available if they are collected within 60 days after year
Revenue recognition is subject to the measurable and availability criteria for
the goverrunental funds in the fLtnd financial statements. Exchange
transactions are recognized as revenues in the period in which they are earned
(i.e., the related goods or services are g~rovided). Locally imposed derived tax
revenues are recognized as revenues in the period for which they were
imposed. If the period of use is riot specified, they are recognized as revenues
when an enforceable legal chim to the revenues arises or when they are
received, whichever occurs first. Government-mandated and voluntary
nonexchange transactions are recognized as revenues when all applicable
eligibility requirements have been met.
Investments are stated at fair value (the value at which a financial instrument
would be exchanged in a current transaction between willing parties other than
a forced or liquidation sale), except for certain investments which have a
remaining life of less than one year when purchased, which are stated at
amortized cost.
Capital Assets
Capital assets are recorded at cost where historical records are available and at
an estimated original cost where no historical records exist. Contributed
capital assets are valued at their estimated fair market value at the date of
contribution. Generally, capital asset purchases in excess of $5,000 are
capitalized if they have an expected useful life of 1 year or more.
The Agency does not own any infrastructure assets.
Notes to Financial Statements (Continued)
June 30, 2007
Capital assets used in operations are depreciated over their estimated useful
lives using the straight-line method in the Government-wide Financial
Statements. The range of lives used for depreciation purposes of each capital
asset class are:
Building 50 years
Furniture, fixtures and equipment 10 years
Land Held for Resale
Land held for resale is carried at the lower of cost or estimated realizable
value. Fund balances are reserved in ~eunts equal to the carrying value of
land held for resale because such assets are not available to finance the
Agency's current operations.
3. Description of Funds
The Agency reports the following funds:
Debt Service Funds are used. to account for the current interest and principal
payments on the long-term debt of the Agency.
Capital Plrojects Funds are used to account for resources used in developing the
projaat areas as well as the administrative costs incurred in sustaining Agency
The Agency's major governmental funds are as follows:
The South Central Project Area Debt Service Fund is used to account for the
tax increment revenues and expenditures of the South Central Project Area.
The Town Center Project Area Debt Service Fund is used to account for tax
increment revenues and expenditures of the Tustin Center Project Area.
The Marine Base Project Area Debt Service Fund is used to account for tax
increment revenues and expenditures of the Marine Base Project Area.
The South Central Project Area Capital Projects Fund is used to account for
the fiscal activity of the South Central Project Area.
The South Central Low Income Housing Capital Projects Fund is used to
account for the redevelopment requirement to set-aside 20% of available tax
increment, and to use those funds only for the benefit of providing low and
moderate income housing to residents of the South Central Project Area.
Notes to Financial Statements (Continued)
June 30, 2007
The Town Center Project Area Capital Projects Fund is used to account for the
fiscal activities of the Town Center Project Area.
The Town Center Low Income Housing Capital Proi ects Fund is used to
account for the redevelopment requirement to set aside 20% of available tax
increment, and to use those funds only for the benefit of providing low and
moderate income housing to residents of the Town Center Project Area.
The Marine Base Project Area Capital Projects Fund is used to account for the
fiscal activities of the Marine Base Project Area.
The Marine Base Low Income Housing Capital Projects Fund is used to
account for the .redevelopment requirement to set-aside 20% of available tax
increment, and to use those funds o~rly for the benefit of providing low and
moderate income housing to residents of the Marine Base Project Area.
II. Stewardship, Compliance and Accountallility
A. Budgetary Data
The budgets of the Agency are primarily "long-term" budgets which emphasize capital
outlay plans extending over one year. Because of the long-term nature of
redevelopment projects, "annual"' budget comparisons are not considered meaningful
and, accordingly, no budgetary information is included in the accompanying financial
B. Deficit Fund Balances/Net Assets
The South Central Project Area and Town Center Project Area Capital Projects Funds
had deficit fund balances of $2,252,121 and $2,288, respectively. These deficits are
expected to be relieved from future tax increment revenues.
Notes to Financial Statements (Continued)
June 30, 2007
III. Detailed Notes on All Funds
A. Cash And Investments
Cash and investments reported in the accompanying financial statements consisted
of the following:
Cash and investments
Restricted Assets:
Investments with fiscal agent
$ 53,159,920
$ 54,837,437
The Agency's funds are pooled with the City of Tustin's cash and investments in
order to generate optimum investment income.
B. Loans Receivable
Multi-Family Development Loan: The Agency provided a Bridge Loan to Senior
Apartment Developer to assist in the development of 53 affordable rental units.
The total outstacna~ing balance as of June 30, 2007, was $350,000.
Home Improvement Loans: The Agency has provided deferred home
improvement loans to low and moderate income households (rental and
ownership). These deferred loans are due upon sale, refinance, or when the rental
units are na longer available as affordable units. Term is 30 years. The total
outstanding balance as of June 30, 2007, was $146,845.
Homebu ear Program Loans: The Agency has provided down payment assistance to
qualified first time homebuyers. The loans provided in the Ambrose Lane Development
are due beginning in 2029, or when the homeowner sells or refinances. The loans
provided in the Tustin Grove Development are due beginning in 2015, or when the
homeowner sells or refinances. The total outstanding balance as of June 30, 2007, was
Notes to Financial Statements (Continued)
June 30, 2007
C. Capital Assets
The following is a summary of the capital asset activity for the year ended June 30, 2007:
Balance at Balance at
July 1, 2006 Additions Deletions June 30, 2007
Capital Assets, not Being Depreciated:
Land and improvements $ 1,300,000 $ 1,300,000
Construction in progress 19,012,425 * $ 4,891,739 $ 23,904,164
Total Capital Assets,
not Being Depreciated 20,312,425 4,891,739 1,300,000 23,904,164
Capital Assets, Being Depreciated:
Building -Civic Center 11,814,198
Furniture, fixtures and equipment 443,998
Total Capital Assets,
Being Depreciated 12,258,196
790,000 11,024,198
790,000 11,468,196
Less Accumulated Depreciation (3,310,290) (220,484) (3,530,774)
Total Capital Assets, Being
Depreciated, Net
Governmental Activities
Capital Assets, Net
(220,484) 790,000 7,937,422
$ 29,260,331 $ 4,671,255 $ 2,090,000 $ 31,841,586
* Restated for inclusion of construction in progress. See footnote G.
D. Long-Term Liabilities
The following is a summary of the long-term liability activity for the year ended
June 30, 2007:
July 1, 2006
Tax allocation bonds $ 14,030,000
Note payable
Balance Due Within
Additions Deletions June 30, 2007 One Year
$ 1,000,000 $ 13,030,000 $ 1,055,000
$ 25,000,000 25,000,000 4,046,000
$ 14,030,000 $ 25,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 38,030,000 $ 5,101,000
Tax Allocation Bonds:
Serial bonds are payable in annual installments ranging from
$775,000 commencing on December 1, 1998. Interest is payable
semiannually on June 1 and December 1, with rates ranging from
3.5% to 5.0% per annum. The bonds maturing on or after
Notes to Financial Statements (Continued)
June 30, 2007
December 1, 2009, are subject to redemption prior to maturity as a
whole or in part, at the option of the Agency, on any date on or
after December 1, 2008 at prices ranging from 100% to 101 % of
principal. 13.030.000
The annual requirements to amortize the tax allocation refunding bonds are as follows:
Year Ending
June 30,
Note Payable:
$ 1,055,000
Interest Total
$ 594,358
$ 1,649,358
$ 13,03G,000 $ 3,389,408 $ 16,419,408
Note Payable
On April 1, 20072 the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency
entered into tw~a related Note Purchase Agreements in the amount
of $19,900,000 Series B (Tax-exempt) and $5,100,000 Series A
(Taxable) wit~l Citigroup Global Markets, Inc. for the acquisition
of a thirty-seven acre parcel of land adjacent to the Marine Base
Project Area that v~ill provide freeway access to and from the
Marine Base Project Area. Principal is payable in annual
payments due in November of each year. Interest payments are
payable monthly during the Initial Note Period with a fixed
interest rate of 4.32% through November 2008. After the Initial
Note Period variable rate interest payments are payable monthly
based upon the current Securities Industry and Financial Markets
Association Municipal Swap Index (SIFMA) on the 2007 Series A
Note and the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) for the
2007 Series B Note. Interest payments after the Initial Note Period
has been calculated based upon the maximum interest rate of 12%
per the Note Agreement.
The Notes are secured by a lien on the aggregate tax increment
revenue generated in the Marine Base Project Area. In addition,
any proceeds from sale of land are pledged to the repayment of the
notes. $25,000.000
Notes to Financial Statements (Continued)
June 30, 2007
The annual debt service requirements are as follows:
Year Ending
June 30, Principal
Interest Total
2008 $ 4,046,000 $ 1,506,495 $ 5,552,495
2009 5,992,000 2,127,904 8,119,904
2010 6,763,000 1,752,268 8,515,268
2011 8,199,000 765,240 8,964,240
Total $ 25,000,000 $ 6,151,907 $ 31,151,907
E. Due to City of Tustin
The City made loans to the South Central Project Area and the Marine Base
Project Area. The total amount of the loans outstanding is $8,005,430 and is
expected to be paid with future tax increment revenue.
F. Commitments and Contingencies
The California Health and Safety Code requires redevelopment agencies to set
aside 20 percent of their tax increment from project areas established before 1976
for low and moderate income housing. Between fiscal years 1985-86 and 1991-
92, the Tustin. Community Redevelopment Agency deferred a total of $2,776,042
from its low and moderate-income housing obligation. On February 1, 1993, the
Agency adopted a plan to eliminate the deficit in subsequent years.
G. City and Agency Reimbursement Agreement
On June 5, 2007, the City and Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency
executed a Reimbursement Agreement for reimbursement to the City to assist the
Agency in meeting obligations to provide affordable housing under the MCAS
Redevelopment Plan and the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan. In order to assist the
Agency in meeting its affordable housing obligations the City has entered into an
agreement to sell property at a discount sufficient to permit developers to
economically develop the required number of affordable housing units and has
encumbered the sale of the properties and units with covenants, promissory notes
and deeds of trust to ensure maintaining the affordability of those units in
accordance with the California Community Redevelopment Law.
Notes to Financial Statements (Continued)
June 30, 2007
As of June 30, 2007 approximately five hundred sixty-five new units have been
constructed in the Marine Base Tustin Project Area, including one hundred
eighteen affordable units, which reflect an average subsidy of $351,000 per unit to
secure the long-term affordability covenants. The affordable units are located at
Tustin Fields I and II and are comprised of thirty-three very low, twenty-three low
and sixty-two moderate income units which are secured by promissory notes and
deeds of trusts by the City that reflect an average of approximately $502,600 for
very low-income units, $485,900 for low-income units and $279,100 for
moderate-income units. The City's promissory notes and deeds of trust reflect the
difference between the fair market value of the dwelling unit at the time of
purchase and the affordable housing purchase price of the units. The total
promissory noted value associated with tine production of the affordable housing
units is $23,585,726 on Tustin Field I and $22,822,010 on Tustin Field II, for a
total of $46,407,736.
Reimbursements are to be paid from tax increment revenues, including but not
limited to the Agency's Low and Moderate-Income Housing Set-Aside deposits
from the Marine Base Tustin Project Area, Town Center and South Central Project
Areas as determined on an annual basis as part of the budget process.
H. Restatement of Beginning Net Assets
The Agency added the construction in progress at July Ol, 2006 which was
erroneously excluded from capital assets and the government-wide financial
Beginning I~et assets, July 1, 2006 $ 38,819,381
Construction in Progress 15,024,695
Beginning Net Assets, July 1, 2006, as Restated $ 53,844,076
This page left blank intentionally.
The Board of Directors of the
Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency
Independent Auditors' Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting, and on
Compliance ,Including the Provisions Contained ire thQ Guidelines for Compliance
Audits of Redevelopment A eg ncies) and Other Matters Based on an Audit of
Financial Statements Performed in Accordance with Government Auditing_Standards
We have audited the financial statements of the governmental activities and each major fund
of the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency, a component unit of the City of Tustin,
California as of and for the year ended June 30, 2007, which collectively comprise the
Agency's basic financial statements, as listecc in the table of contents, and have issued our
report thereon dated 2007. We conducted our audit in accordance with
auditing standards generally accepted i n the United States of America and the standards
applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the
Comptroller General of the United States.
Internal Control Oner Financial Reporting
In planning and performing our audit, we considered the Tustin Community Redevelopment
Agency's internal control over financial reporting in order to determine our auditing
procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinions on the basic financial statements and
not to provide an opinion on the internal control over financial reporting. Our consideration
of the internal control over financial reporting would not necessarily disclose all matters in
the internal control that might be material weaknesses. A material weakness is a reportable
condition in which the design or operation of one or more of the internal control components
does not reduce to a relatively low level the risk that misstatements caused by error or fraud
in amounts that would be material in relation to the financial statements being audited may
occur and not be detected within a timely period by employees in the normal course of
performing their assigned functions. We noted no matters involving the internal control over
financial reporting and its operation that we consider to be material weaknesses.
Compliance and Other Matters
As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the basic financial statements of the
Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency are free of material misstatement, we performed
tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts and grant
agreements, noncompliance with which could have a direct and material effect on the
determination of financial statement amounts. Such provisions include those provisions of
laws and regulations identified in the Guidelines for Compliance Audits of California
Redevelopment A eg ncies issued by the State Controller's Office, Division of Accounting and
Reporting. However, providing an opinion on compliance with those provisions was not an
objective of our audit and, accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. The results of
our tests disclosed no instances of noncompliance or other matters that are required to be
reported under Government Auditing Standards.
This report is intended for the information of the Board of Directors and management of the
Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency and the State Controller's Office, Division of
Accounting and Reporting and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other
than these specified parties.
Attachment II
Agency Affordable Housing Monitoring Report
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Attachment III
Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund General Ledger Report
City of Tustin Ledger: GL
General Ledger Detail Report
Report Date: from 07/01!06 to 06/30/07 fiscal Year: 20Q7
Post Date PO Ref invoice ProJ/Task Description PEID Ck No Debit Credit Net
t~ II~ t~ AZ~ rarq~-1r:t[~z~l~ayuc s~~~in~ n~ar
I I /30/06 JE009832 COUNTY OF ORANGE-SECURED,RDA 0.00 63,191.67 63, l 91.67
12/31/06 JE009891 BK COUNTY RDA PROP TX-SECURED 0.00 143,950.83 143,950.83
12/31 /Ob JE009888 BK COUNTY RDA PROP TX-SECURED 0.00 57,643.61 57,643.6 t
01/31/07 JE010004 Secured Prop Tax (RDA) 1/24/07 0.00 94,250.10 94,250.10
03!31/07 JEOIU189 Secured Tax Apport-RDA-3/22/07 0.00 26,998.44 26,998.44
04/30/07 JE010278 Admin Fee-County (RDA) 4/20/07 3,633.62 0.00 -3,633.62
04/30/07 JE010278 Secured Tax Apport-(RDA)-4/20 0.00 242,134.48 242,134.48
05/31!07 JEOI0346 COUNTY-RDA SECURED PROP. TAX O.OU 8,240.13 8,240.13
06/24/07 TS0055 COUNTY OF ORANG PROPERTY TAXE V00557 00108745 0.00 5,953.38 5,953.38
06/30!07 JE010580 CORR. CO ADMIN ALLOC-EQUAL ADV 768.37 0.00 -768.37
3110 Total: 4,401.99 642,362.64 637,960.65
09/30/06 JE009614 COUNTY PROP TA.~CES-UNSECURED 0.00 32,621.21 32,62121
01/31/07 JE010003 Unsecured Tax Apport-RDA-1/19 0.00 2,506.58 2,506.58
06/24/07 TU0202 COON"fY OF ORANG PROPERTY TAXE V00557 00108237 0.00 323.00 323.00
3111 Total: 0.00 35,450.79 35,450.79
08/31/06 JE009533 COUNTY OF ORANGE-SECURED PROP 0.00 94.66 94.66
08/31/06 JE009533 COUNTY OF ORANGE-SUPPL ROLL 0.00 823.15 823.15
09/30/06 JEOU9616 ~ CUUN`I'Y PROP `TAXES-RDA-SECURED 0.00 156.62 156.62
09/30!06 JE009616 COUNTY PROP TAXES-RDA-SECURED 2.96 0.00 -2.96
10/31/06 JE009703 COUNTY OF ORANGE-RDA P/YEAR 0.00 81.32 81.32
10/31/06 JE009703 COUNTY OF ORANGE-RDA P/YEAR 0.00 598.10 598.10
1 1 /30/06 JE009841 COUNTY OF ORANGE-RDA/DELINQUI\ 0.00 127.47 127.47
11 /30/06 JE009841 COUNTY OF ORANGE-RDA/DELINQUT 0.00 18.67 1$.67
12/31/06 JE009889 BK COUNTY RDA PROP TX-DELIQUNT 0.00 190.99 190.99
12/31/06 JE009889 BK COUNTY RDA PROP TX-DELIQUNT 0.00 1,091.37 1,091.37
01/31/07 JE010001 Secured Prior Yr-RDA-1/11/07 0.00 296.65 296.65
O1 /3 I /07 JEO I 0001 Secured Prior Yr-RDA-1 / 11/07 0.00 56.73 56.73
05/31 /07 JE010345 COUNTY-RDA PRIOR YR PROP TAX 0.00 529.40 529.40
05/31/07 JE010345 COUNTY-RDA PRIOR YR PROP TAX 0.00 130.11 ! 30. I 1
06/30/07 JE010520 COUNTY ACCRUAL-DELINQUT/RDA 0.00 1,246.29 1,246.29
06/30/07 JE010519 COUNTY ACCRUAL-DELINQiJT/RDA 0.00 5,597.50 5,597.50
06/30/07 JE010439 UNSECURED PRIOR YR/RDA 6/22/07 0.00 52.61 52.61
3112 Total: 2.96 11,091.64 11,088.68
08/31/06 JE009533 COUNTY OF ORANGE-SUPPL ROLL 0,00 251.90 251.90
09/30/06 JE009615 COUNTY PROP TAXES-SUPPL ROLL 0.00 7.26 7.26
10/31/06 JE009704 COUNTY OF ORANGE-RDA SUPPL. 0.00 8,884.98 5,554.98
11/30!06 JE009842 COUNTY OF ORANGE-RDA/SUPPLMN1 0.00 6,469.17 6,469. l7
l2/3l/06 JE009890 BK COUNTY RDA PROP TX-SUPPLMN7 0.00 677.85 (177.85
0l/31/07 JE010002 Supplemental Tax-RDA I/l9/07 0A0 4,133.85 4,133.85
02/28/07 JE010137 Bk Supp Tax Apport-2/15107 RDA 0.00 2,005.90 2,005.90
03131 /07 JE010190 Supplemental Tax-RDA 3/22/07 0.00 3,504.26 3,504.26
04!30/07 JE010277 Supp Roll Tax Apport-RDA 4120 0.00 3,428.26 3,42R.26
05/31/07 JE010346 COUNTY-RDA SUPPLEMENTAL TX 0.00 1,875.79 1,875.79
06/24/07 TX0176 COUNTY OF ORANG SUPPLEMENTAL V00557 00108745 0.00 13,787.68 13,787.68
06/30/07 lE010518 BK COUNTY-SUPPL ACCRUAL-7/17/7 0.00 2 748.28 2 748.28
3116 Total: 0.00 44,445.18 44,445.18
01/31!07 JEO10005 Public Utility Tax (RDA) 1/26 0.00 16,968.77 16,968.77
OS/31 /07 1E010347 COUNTY/RDA-PUBLIC UTILITIES 0.00 15 582.28 15 582.28
3120 Total: 0.00 32,551.05 32,551.05
07/1 1/O6 CR 55429 00607101 0000-00 SC INTEREST AMERRVATIONAI. COM1t 0.00 6120 61.20
(-7/l l/06 CR 55428 00607101 0000-00 SC INTEREST AMERINAT[ONAL COMB 0.00 59.67 59.67
07/13/06 CR 55519 00607121 0000-00 SC INTEREST BANK OF AMERICA 0.00 840.00 840.00
07/17/06 CR 55571 00607131 0000-00 SC INTEREST WILLIAM PATAPOFF 0.00 747.95 747.95
07/19/06 CR SS661 00607181 0000-00 SC INTEREST WELLS FARGO CASHIE 0.00 647.45 647.45
07/31/06 JE009366 Reverse cash receipt accruals 1,587.95 0.00 -1,587.95
:)8/09/06 CR 56235 C:06U8U8I UOOU-00 SC IN"I'EREST AMERINATIONAL COMA 0.00 59.55 59.55
)8/09/06 CR Sb236 00608081 0000-00 SC INTEREST AMERINATIONAI. COM>\ 0.00 61.09 61.09
User: Kimberly McAllen - Page 1 Current Date: 11/28/07
Rrpurt: GLTRANS_1 a_CNT GL Detail Report Time: 16:30: l0
city of Tustin 1 General Led er Detail Re ort Ledger: GL
Report Date: from 07/01/06 to 06/30/07 g p Fiscal Year: 2007
Post Date PO Ref Invoice P_o~lTask Description PEID Ck No Debit Credit Net
08/10/06 CR 56253 _
00608091 0000-00 SC INTEREST BANK OF AMERICA 0.00 840.00 830.00
09/14/06 CR 57079 00609131 0000-00 SC INTEREST AMERINATIONAL COMA 0.00 59.43 59.43
09/14/06 CR 57078 00609131 0000-00 SC INTEREST AMERINATIONAL COMA 0.00 60.97 60.97
l O/12/06 CR 57698 006101 t 1 0000-00 SC INTEREST AMERINATiUNAL COMA 0.00 59.31 59.31
10/12/06 CR 57697 006101 I I 0000-00 SC INTEREST AMERINATIONAL COMA 0.00 60.86 60.86
10/31/06 JE009684 BK 1ST QTR. INTEREST ALLOCATN 0.00 19,934.22 19,934.22
] l/16/O6 CR 58546 0061 t 151 0000-00 SC INTEREST AMERINATIONAL COM 0.00 60.75 60.75
r l /i 6106 CR 58547 00611151 0000-00 SC INTEREST ANERINATIONAL COMN 0.00 59.20 59.20
12/08/06 CR 58963 00612071 0000-00 SC INTEREST AMERINATIONAL COMA 0.00 59.08 59.08
12/08/06 CR 58964 00612071 0000-00 SC INTEREST AMERINATIONAL COMA 0.00 60.64 60.64
01/10/07 CR 59703 00741091 0000-00 SC INTEREST AMERINATIONAL COMA 0.00 58.96 58.96
01 /10/07 CR 59704 00701091 0000-00 SC INTEREST AMERINATIONAL COMA 0.00 60.53 60.53
Ol/31/07 JEOt0030 MT ALLOCATION-2ND QTR. 46/07 0.00 ]01,654.69 101,654.69
02/12/07 CR 60550 00702081 0000-00 SC INTEREST AMERINATIONAL COMh 0.00 60.41 60.41
02/28/07 JE010083 Allocate July-Dec'06-Treasurer 1,498.58 0.00 -1,=398.58
031 13107 CR 61353 00703121 0000-00 SC INTEREST AMERINATIONAL COMA 0.00 60.30 60.30
03/13/07 CR 61354 00703121 0000-00 SC INTEREST AMERINATIONAL COMA 0.00 58.84 58.84
04/1 1/07 CR 62057 00704101 0000-00 SC INTEREST AMERINATIONAL COMA 0.00 60.19 60. l9
04/11/07 CR 62056 00704101 0000-00 SC INTEREST AMERINAT[ONAL COMA O.UO 117.31 l l 7.31
04/19/07 CR 62263 00704181 0000-00 SC INTEREST FIRST AMERICAN T[T 0.00 205.48 205.48
04/30/07 JE010270 Heritage pd int-5/02 to 4/1/07 0.00 36,(137.04 36,637.04
04/30/07 JE010301 Int allocation-Jan-March 2007 0.00 93,276.82 93,276.82
O5/10/07 CR 62828 00705091 0000-00 SC INTEREST - HEERMANN AMERINA 0.00 60.07 60.07
05/10/07 CR 62825 00705091 0000-00 SC INTEREST -SHAH AMERINATION O.OU 58.48 58.48
06/11/07 CR 63605 00706081 0000-00 SC INTEREST AMERINATIONALY CO.N 0.00 59.96 59.96
06/30/07 JE010861 Allocation of accrued int-y/e 0.00 56,762. I 1 56,762.1 I
06/30/07 JE010860 Bk 4th qtr. interest allocatn. 0.00 75,076.18 75,076. ] 8
06/30/07 JE010576 CASH RECEIPT ACCRUAL i1, 6/30/07 0.00 l 18. t9 118.19
06/30/07 JE010577 Corr commingled RDA County int 0.00 4,697.57 4,697.57
06/30/07 JE010571 Reverse June'06 entry-GASH 31 16 064.64 0.00 -16,064.69
3660 Total: 19,151.22 392,814.50 373,663.28
06/30/07 1E010862 GASB 31 MARKET ADJUSTMNT-06/07 0.00 32,152.34 .32,152.34
3662 Total: 0.00 32,152.34 32,152.34
53-000- 3668 MI SC RENTALS
07/19/06 CR 55651 00607181 0000-00 MISC. RENTALS PREFERRED REAL E 0.00 5,713.55 5,713.55
07!31/06 JE009366 Reverse cash receipt accruals 5,713.55 0.00 -5,713.55
08/14/06 CR 56286 00608101 0000-00 MISC. RENTALS PREFERRED REAL E 0.00 6,718.56 6,718.56
10/03106 CR 57508 00610021 0000-00 MISC. RENTALS PREFERRED REAL E 0.00 6,960.68 6,960.68
10/24!06 CR 57978 00610232 0000-00 MISC. RENTALS PREFERRED REAL E 0.00 7,508.32 7,508.32
12/28/06 CR 59408 00612271 0000-00 MISC. RENTALS OCT./NOV. '06 FO 0.00 9,523.52 9,523.52
01/08/07 CR 59627 00701051 0000-00 MISC. RENTALS PREFERRED REAL E 0.00 1,544.65 1,544.(15
02/(3/07 CR 60614 00702121 0000-00 MISC. RENTALS PREFERRED REAL E 0.00 3,420.94 3,420.94
03/13/07 CR 61338 00703121 0000-00 MISC. RENTALS PREFERRED REAL E 0.00 5,114.20 5,1 14.20
04/19/07 CR 62264 00704181 0000-00 MISC. RENTALS PREFERRED REAL E 0.00 2,253.88 2,253.88
05/15/07 CR 62990 00745141 0000-00 MISC. RENTALS PREFERRED REAL E 0.00 5,484.14 5,484.14
06/21 /07 CR 63861 00706201 0000-00 MISC. RENTALS PREFERRED REAL E 0.00 5,926.59 5,926.59
06/30/07 JE010576 CASH RECEIPT ACCRUAL (~ 6/30/07 0.00 6 634.90 6 634.90
3668 Total: 5 713.55 66,803.93 61,090.38
12/31 /O6 JE009887 BK COUNTY RDA PROP TX-HOMEOWI 0.00 444.20 444.20
01/31/07 JE010000 Homeowner's Subv. RDA-1/11/07 0.00 1,036.47 1,036.47
OS/3l/07 JE010344 COUNTY-HOMEOWNER'S TX/RDA 0.00 1,036.47 1,036.47
06/30/07 JE010472 State Homeowners Subv-RDA 6/8 0.00 444,20 444.20
3773 Total: 0.00 2,961.34 2,961.34
07/I 1/O6 CR 55429 00607101 0000-00 LOAN REPAYMENT AMERINATIONAL 0.00 2(1.50 26.50
07/1 1/06 CR 55428 00607101 0000-00 LOAN REPAYMENT AMERINATIONAL 0.00 28.03 28.03
07/13/06 CR 55519 00607121 0000-00 LOAN REPAYMENT BANK OF AMERIC 4.00 12.000.00 12,000.00
07/17146 CR 55571 00607131 0000-00 LOAN REPAYMENT WILLIAM PA'I'APO 0.00 (0,68$.00 10,685.00
07/19/06 CR 55661 00607181 0000-00 LOAN REPAYMENT WELTS FARGO CA 0.00 9,249.25 9,249.25
07/31/06 JE009366 Reverse cash receipt accruals 22,685.00 0.00 -22,685.00
08/09/06 CR 56236 00608081 0040-00 LOAN REPAYMENT AMERINATIONAL 0.00 26.61 26.61
08/09/06 CR 56235 006080$ I 0000-00 LOAN REPAYMENT AMERINATIONAL 0.00 28.15 28. I S
08/10/06 CR 56253 00608091 0000-04 LOAN REPAYMENT BANK OF AMERIC 0.00 12,000.00 12,000.00
09/14/06 CR 57079 00609131 0000-40 LOAN REPAYMENT AMERINATIONAL 0.00 28.26 2826
09/14/06 CR 57078 00609131 0000-00 LOAN REPAYMEN'T' AMERINATIONAL 0.00 26.72 26.72
User. Kimberly McA llen _ Page 2 Current Date: 11/28/07
Report: GLTRANS_la_CNT GL Detail Report Time: 16:30:10
~'--~t•T"5tin General Ledger Detail Report Ledger: GL
Report Date: from 07J01/06 to 06/30/07 Fiscal Year: 2007
Post Date PO Ref Invoice Proi~ask Description PEID_ Ck No Debit Credit Net
10/12/06 CR 57698 C0610I 1 I 0000-00 LOAN REPAYMENT AMERMATIONAL 0.00 28.38 28.38
I U/12/06 CR 57697 00610111 0000-00 LOAN REPAYtiIENT AMERINATIUNAL 0.00 26.83 26.83
1 1 /16/06 CR 58546 00611151 0000-00 LOAN REPAYMENT AMERINATIONAL 0.00 26.94 26.94
11/16/06 CK 58547 0061 l l>1 0000-OU LOAN REPAYMENT ANERINATIONAL 0.00 28.50 28.50
12/OR/06 CR 58964 00612071 0000-00 LOAN REPAYMENT AMERINATIONAL 0.00 27.06 27.06
12/08/06 CR 58963 00612071 0000-00 LOAN REPAYMENT AMERINATIONAL 0.00 28.62 28.62
(11/10/07 CR 59704 00701091 0000-00 LOAN REPAYMENT AMERINATiONAL 0.00 27.17 27.17
O1/10/07 CR 59703 00701091 0000-00 LOAN REPAYMENT AMERINATIONAL 0.00 28.74 28.74
02/12/07 CR 60550 00702081 0000-00 LOAN REPAYMENT AMERINATIONAL 0.00 27.28 27.28
03/13/07 CR 61354 00703121 0000-00 LOAN REPAYMENT AMERINATiONAL 0.00 28.86 28.86
03/13/07 CR 61353 0070312 l 0000-00 LOAN REPAYMENT AMERiNAT[ONAL 0.00 27.40 27.40
04/11 /07 CR 62057 00704101 0000-00 LOAN REPAYMENT AMERINA"I'IONAL 0.00 27.5 ] 27.51
04/1 1/07 CR 62056 00704101 0000-00 LOAN REPAYMENT AMERINATIONAL 0.00 58.07 58.07
05/10/07 CR 62828 00705091 OUOU-00 LOAN REPAYMENT - HEERMANN AMI 0.00 27.62 27.62
U~/l0/07 CR 62825 00705091 0000-00 LOAN REPAYMENT -SHAH AMERINA` 0.00 29.22 29.22
06/11/07 CR 63605 00706081 0000-00 LOAN REPAYMENT AMERINATIONAL 0.00 27.74 27.74
06/30/07 JE01 OS76 CASH RECEIPT ACCRUAL (~ 6/30/07 0.00 57.20 57.20
4669 Total: 22.685.00 44,631.66 21,946.66
® ~~ 51 954.7 1 305 26.5.0 -i 253 310.3_
~! '
53-600- 5000 FULL TIME MiSC
07/ 14!06 EARN REG O1 O l4DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
07/(4/06 EARN REG 01014DP Red Pay Timecard GRS. 497.92 0.00 497.92
07/28!06 EARN REG OlOlSDP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
07/28/06 EARN REG 0101 SDP Red Pav Timecard GRS. 570.79 0.00 570.79
07/31/06 JE009596 RVRS JUNE P/R AC CRUAL 05106 0.00 1,229.00 -1,229.00
08/ I 1 /06 EARN REG 01016DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
08/11/06 EARN REG 01016DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 606.73 0.00 606.73
08/2$/06 EARN REG 01017DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
08/25/06 EARN REG 01017DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 582.59 0.00 582.59
09/08/06 EARN REG 01018DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
09/08/06 EARN REG 01018DP ReQ Pay Timecard GRS. 612.41 0.00 612.41
09/22/06 EARN REG 01019DP Comp Time Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
09/22/06 EARN REG 01019DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
09/22/06 EARN REG 01019DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 548.54 0.00 548.54
10/06/06 EARN REG OIU20DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
10/06/06 EARN REG 01020DP Red Pay Timecard GRS. 562.73 0.00 562.73
10/20/06 EARN REG 01021 DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
10/20/06 EARN REG 01021 DP Red; Pay Timecard GRS. 599.17 0.00 599.17
11/03/06 EARN REG 01022DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
11/03/06 EARN REG 01022DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 610.51 0.00 610.51
(1/17/06 EARN REG O1023DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
11!17/06 EARN REG 01023DP Red Pay Timecard GRS. 503.63 0.00 503.63
12/01!06 EARN REG 01024DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 O.OU 0.00
12/0l /Ob .
EARN REG 01024DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 471.29 0.00 471.29
12/15/06 EARN REG 01025DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
12/15/06 EARN REG 01025DP Red Pay Timecard GRS. 583.39 0.00 583.39
12/29/06 EARN REG OI026DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
l 2/29/06 EARN REG 01026DP Red Pay Timecard GRS. 582.59 0.00 582.59
O l / 12/07 EARN REG O I OOl DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 I / 12107 EARN REG 0 i 001 DP Ret; Pav TimeCazd GRS. 374.61 0.00 374.61
01/26/07 EARN REG 01002DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
01/26/07 EARN REG 01002DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 536.05 0.00 536.05
02/09/07 EARN REG 01003DP GenLv Accrued GRS. O.OU 0.00 0.00
02/09/07 EARN REG 01003UP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 639.63 0.00 639.63
02/23/07 EARN REG 01004DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
02/23/07 EARN REG 01004DP Red Pay Timecard GRS. 621.$4 0.00 621.54
03/09/07 EARN REG OIOOSDP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 O.OU 0.00
03/09/07 EARN REG 01005DP Red Pay Timecard GRS. 527.10 0.00 527.1 U
03/23!07 EARN REG 01006DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
03/23/07 EARN REG 01006DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 620.31 0.00 620.3
U4; 06107 EARN REG O I 007DP Comp Time Accnied GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
04/06/07 EARN REG 01007DP GenLv Accrued GRS. OAO O.OU 0.00
U4; 06/07 EARN REG O 1007DP Red Pay Timecard GRS. 631.79 0.00 63 L 79
04/20/07 EARN REG 01008DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
04/2f),~07 EARN RF.G OI OORDP Red Pay Timecard GRS. 656.80 0.00 656.80
U5/04/07 EARN REG 01009DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
05/04/07 EARN REG 01009DP Rek Pay Timecard GRS. 592.16 0.00 592. l6
05/18/07 EARN REG O1014DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
User: Kimberly McAilen Page 3 Current Date: 1028/07
Time: 16:30: IU
Report: GLTRANS_la_CNT GL Detail Report
City of Tustin General Ledger Detail Report Ledger: GL
Report Date: from 07!01/06 to Ob/30107 Fiscal Year: 2007
Post Date PO Ref Invoice Proi~1'ask Description PEID Ck No __ Debit Credit Net
05/I8/07 EARN REG O1014DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 631.79 0.00 631.79
06;01/U7 EARN REG 01011DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
Oti/0l /U7 F.ARN REG 0101 l DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 639.63 0.00 639.63
06/15/07 EARN REG OI012DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
06/15/07 EARN REG U1012DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 550.06 O.UO SSO.U6
06!29/07 EARN REG 01013DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
06/29/07 EARN REG 01013DP Reg Pav Timecard GRS. 378.37 0.00 378.37
06/30/07. JE010750 Accrue 50% Payroll y/e 6/30/07 866.00 0.00 866.00
5000 Total: 15,598.13 1,229.00 14,369.13
53-600- 5010 HOLIDAY
07/14/06 EARN REG 01014DP Holiday Pay GRS. 69.54 0.00 69.54
09/22/06 EARN REG 01019DP Holiday Pay GRS. 69.54 0.00 69.54
11!17/06 EARN REG 01023DP Holiday Pay GRS. 30.90 0.00 30.90
12/01/06 EARN REG OI024DP Holiday Pay GRS. 131.34 0.00 131.34
l2/15/06 EARN REG 01025DP Holiday Pay GRS. 30.90 O.UO 3090
01/12/07 EARN REG 01001 DP Holiday Pay GRS. 179.27 0.00 179.27
01/12/07 EARN REG OIOOiDP PD WrkOnReQPayHolidy GRS. 108.76 0.00 108.76
03/09!07 EARN REG OIOUSDP Holiday Pay GRS. 73.89 0.00 73.89
06/15/07 EARN REG 01012DP Holiday Pay GRS. 73.89 0.00 73.89
5010 Total: 768.03 0.00 768.03
07!!4/06 EARN REG 01014DP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. SO.b2 0.00 50.62
07/28/06 EARN REG Ol OlSDP GenLv Used -MISC GRS. 41.61 0.00 41.61
08/1 l/06 EARN REG 01016DP GenLv Used -MISC GRS. 11.35 0.00 11.35
08/25/06 EARN REG 01017DP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. 35.49 0.00 35.49
09108/06 EARN REG 01018DP GenLv Used -MISC GRS. 5.67 0.00 5.67
10/06/06 EARN REG O1020DP GenLv Used -MISC GRS. 7.57 0.00 7.57
10/06!06 EARN REG 01020DP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. 35.49 0.00 35.49
] 0/20106 EARN REG 01021 DP GenLv Used -MISC GRS. 6.62 0.00 6.62
11 /03/O6 EARN REG Ol 022DP GenLv Used -MISC GRS. 3.78 0.00 3.78
11/17/06 EARN KEG U1023DP GenLv Used -MISC GRS. 15.46 0.00 15.46
11/17/06 EARN REG 01023DP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. 68.09 0.00 68.09
]2/01/06 EARN REG 01024DP GenLv Used -MISC GRS. 15.46 0.00 15.46
12/] 5/06 EARN REG 01025DP GenLv Used -MISC GRS. 3.78 0.00 3.78
12/29/06 EARN REG 01026DP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. 35.49 0.00 35.49
01/12/07 EARN REG Ol00IDP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. 86.18 0.00 86.18
O1 /26/07 EARN REG 01002DP GenLv Used -ILL Self GRS. 35.26 0.00 35.26
01/26/07 EARN REG 01002DP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. 68.75 0.00 68.75
02/09/07 EARN REG 01003DP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. 17.17 0.00 17.17
02/23/07 EARN REG 01004DP GenLv Used -II,[. Self GRS. 35.26 0.00 .35.26
03/09/07 EARN REG 01 OOSDP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. 55.80 0.00 55.80
03/23/07 F.ARN REG 01006DP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. 36.49 0.00 36.49
04/06/07 EARN REG 01007DP GenLv Used -MISC GRS. 7.83 0.00 7.83
04!06/07 EARN REG OI007DP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. 17.17 0.00 17.17
05/04/07 EARN REG 01009DP GenLv Used -MISC GRS. 29.38 0.00 29.38
05/18/07 EARN REG OIOIODP GenLv Used -MISC GRS. 7.83 0.00 7.83
05/18/07 EARN REG OlOtODP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. 17.17 0.00 17.17
06/U 1 /07 EARN REG 01011 DP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. 17.17 0.00 17.17
06/15/07 EARN REG OlOl2DP GenLv Used -MISC GRS. 15.67 0.00 15.67
06/15/07 EARN REG 01012DP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. 17.17 0.00 17.17
06/29/07 EARN REG U1013DP GenLv Used -1LL Self GRS. 35.26 0.00 35.26
06/29/07 EARN REG 01013DP GenLv L1sed -MISC GRS. 15.67 0.00 15.67
06/29/07 EARN REG 01413DP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. 227.50 0.00 227.50
5011 Total: 1,079.21 0.00 1.079.21
53-600- 5012 JURY DUTY
05/04/07 EARN REG 01009DP Jury Duty GRS. 35.26 0.00 35.26
5012 Total: 35.26 0.00 35.26
53-600- 5019 FLEX DOLLARS
t)7/ 14106 CONT REG 01014DP Flex Credit 0.53 0.00 0.53
07/28/06 CONT REG OIOlSDP Flex Credit 0.53 0.00 0.53
08/11/06 CONT REG O1016DP Flex Credit 0.53 0.00 0.53
08/25/06 CONT REG 01017DP Flex Credit 0.53 0.00 0.53
U9/0R/O6 CONT REG 01018DP Flex Credit 0.53 0.00 0.53
09/22/06 CONT REG 01019DP Flex Credit ~ 0.53 0.00 0.53
0/06/06 CONT REG 01020DP Flex Credit 0.53 0.00 0.53
10/20/06 CONT REG 0102lDP Flex Credit 0.53 O.OU O.S3
11/03/06 CUNT REG 01022DP Ftcx Credii 0.53 0.00 0.53
User: Kimberly McAllen Page 4 Current Datr: 11/28/07
Report: GLTRANS_la_CNT GL Detail Report Time: 16:30:10
City of Tustin General Ledger Detail Report Ledger: GL
Report Date: from U7/O1/06 to 06/30/07 Fiscal Year: 2007
Post Date PO Ref Invoice Pro mask Description PEID Ck No Debit Credit Net
11/17/Ob CONT REG 01023DP Flex Credit 0.53 0.00 0.53
12/Ol/06 CONT REG 01024DP Flex Credit 0.53 0.00 0.53
12/15/06 CONT REG 0102SDP Flex Credit 0.54 0.00 0.54
12/29!06 CONT REG 01026DP Flex Credit 0.53 0.00 0.53
01/12/07 CONT REG O1001DP Flex Credit 0.48 0.00 0.48
01/26/07 CONT REG 01002DP Flex Credit 0.48 0.00 0.48
02/09/07 CONT REG 01003 DP Flex Credit 0.48 0.00 0.48
02/23/07 CONT REG 01004DP Flex Credit 0.48 0.00 0.48
03!09/07 CONT REG 01005DP Flex Credit 0.48 0.00 0.48
03!23/07 CONT REG 01006DP Flex Credit 0.48 0.00 0.48
04'06/07 CONT REG 0l007DP Flex Credit 0.48 0.00 0.48
44/20/07 CONT REG 01008DP Flex Credit 0.48 0.00 0.48
05/04/07 CONT REG O 1009DP Flex Credit 0.48 0.00 0.48
05/18/07 CONT REG OIOIODP Flex Credit 0.48 0.00 0.48
U6/01 /07 CONT REG O 1011 DP Flex Credit 0.48 0.00 0.48
06/15/07 CUNT REG OlOl2DP Flex Credit 0.48 0.00 0.48
06/29/07 CONT REG OIOi3DP Flex Credit 0.48 0.00 0.48
5019 Total: 13.14 0.00 13.14
07/28/06 EARN REG O I OI SDP Comp Time Used GRS. 5.67 0.00 5.67
10!06/06 EARN REG 01020DP Comp Time Used GRS. 12.29 0.00 1229
10/O6/O6 EARN REG 01020DP Overtime 1 112 GRS. 44.36 0.00 44.36
l0/20/06 EARN REG OI021DP Comp Time Used GRS. 12.29 0.00 1229
11/03/06 EARN REG 01022DP Comp Time Used GRS. 3.78 0.00 3.78
12/15/06 EARN REG 01025DP Overtime 1 1/2 GRS. 11.83 0.00 11.83
dl/26/07 EARN REG 01002DP Overtime 1 ll2 GRS. 5.88 0.00 5.88
03/09/07 EARN REG OIOOSDP Overtime 1 1/2 GRS. 29.38 0.00 29.38
03/23/07 EARN REG O1006DP Overtime 1 112 GRS. 17.63 0.00 17.63
04/06/07 EARN REG 01007DP Overtime 1 1/2 GRS. 38.20 0.00 38.20
04/20/07 EARN REG 01008DP Overtime 1 112 GRS. 17.63 0.00 17.63
05/04/07 EARN REG 01009DP Overtime 1 l/2 GRS. 47.01 0.00 47.01
Ob/01 /07 EARN REG 0101 I DP Overtime 1 1 /2 GRS. 51.5 i 0.00 51.51
5020 Total: 297.46 0.00 297.46
53-600- 5210 LIFE INSURANCE
07/14/06 CONT REG OlOl4DP Life Ins Reg 2.75 0.00 2.75
07/28/06 CONT REG Ol0I5DP Life Ins Reg 2.75 0.00 2.75
08/11/06 CONT REG 01016DP Life Ins Reg 2.75 0.00 2.75
08/25/06 CONT REG 01017DP Life Ins Reg 2.75 0.00 2.75
09/08/06 CONT REG 01018DP Life Ins Reg 2.75 0.00 2.75
09/22/06 CONT REG 01019DP Life Ins Reg 2.75 0.00 2.75
10/06/06 CONT REG 01020DP Life Ins Reg 2.75 O.UO 2.75
t 0/20/06 CONT REG 01021 DP Life Ins Reg 2.75 0.00 2.75
11/03/06 CONT REG 01022DP Life lns Reg 2.75 0.00 2.75
I t/17/06 CONT REG 01023DP Life Ins Reg 2.75 0.00 2.75
12!01/06 CONT REG 01024DP Life ins Reg 2.75 0.00 2.75
12/15/06 CONT REG 01025DP Life Ins Reg 2.75 0.00 2.75
12/29/06 CONT REG 01026DP Life Ins Reg 2.75 0.00 2.75
01/12/07 CONT REG O t 001 DP Life Ins Reg 2.75 0.00 2.75
01/26/07 CONT REG 01002DP Life Ins Reg 2.75 0.00 2.75
02/09/07 CONT REG 01003DP Life Ins Reg 2.75 0.00 2.75
02/23/07 CONT REG 01004DP Life Ins Reg 2.75 0.00 2.75
03!09/07 CONT REG O1005DP Life Ins Reg 2.75 0.00 2.75
03/23/07 CONT REG 01006DP Life Ins Reg 2.75 0.00 2.75
04/06/07 CONT REG 01007DP Life Ins Reg 2.75 0.00 2.75
04/20/07 CONT REG 01008DP Life Ins Reg 2.75 Q00 2.75
05/04/07 CONT REG 01009DP Life [ns Red 2.75 0.00 2.75
(15/18/07 CONT REG O1010DP Life Ins Reg 2.75 0.00 2.75
06/01 /07 CONT REG 0l 011 DP Life Ins Reg 2.75 0.00 2.75
06!15/07 CONT REG 01012DP Life Ins Reg 2.75 0.00 2.75
06/29/07 CONT REG 01013DP Life Ins Keg 2.75 0.00 2.75
5210 Total: 71.50 0.00 71.50
07/14/06 CONT REG OIOi4DP Blue Shield HMO 41.27 0.00 41.27
07/14/06 CONT REG 01014DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 4.23 0.00 4.23
07/14/06 CONT REG O1014DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.12 0.00 0.12
07/28106 CONT REG Ol Ol SDP Blue Shield HMO 41.27 0.00 41.27
07/28/06 CONT REG OlO15DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 4.23 0.00 4.23
07/28/06 CONT REG OlOlSDP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.12 0.00 0.12
07/31/06 JE009596 RVRS JUNE P/R AC CRUAL 05/06 0.00 129.00 -129.00
User: Kimberly McAllen Page g Current Date: 1 I I2R/07
Report: GLTRANS_fa CN'I~ GL Detail Report Time: 16:30:10
_ ---~
c;~y"tTusi`n ' General Ledg~rer Detail Re ort ledger:
Report Date: from 07!01!06 to 06/30!07 b p Fiscal fear: 20(}7
Post Date PO Ref Invoice Proi/task Descriation _ PEID Ck Vo Debit Credit Vet
U8/1 I/0(i CONT REG 01016DP Blue Shield HMO 41.27 0.00 31.27
08/11/06 CONT REG 01016DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 4.23 0.00 4.23
08/ 1 1 /06 CONT REG 0101 bDP PERS Med Adm Fee U. 12 0.00 0.12
08!25!06 CONT REG 01017DP Blue Shield HMO 41.27 0.00 -11.27
08/25/06 CONT REG 01017DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 423 0.00 4,23
Ug/25/06 CONT REG 01017DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.12 0.00 0.12
09/08/06 CONT REG 01018DP Blue Shield HMO 4L27 0.00 41.27
09/08/06 CONT REG 01018DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 4.23 O.UO 4.23
09/08/06 CONT REG 01018DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.12 0.00 0.12
09/22/06 CONT REG O]019DP Blue Shield HMO 41.27 0.00 41.27
09/22/06 CONT REG 01019DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 4.23 0.00 4.23
09/22/06 CONT REG 01019DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.12 0.00 0.12
!0/06!06 CONT REG OlO20DP Blue Shield HMO 41.27 0.00 4L27
10/06/06 CONT REG 01020DP DELTA DENTAL PPO ~ 4.23 0.00 4.23
10/06/06 CONT REG O1020DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.12 0.00 0.12
10/20/06 CONT REG 01021DP Slue Shield HMO 41.27 0.00 41.27
! 0/20/06 CONT REG 01021 DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 4.23 0.00 4.23
l0/20/06 CONT REG 01021 DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.12 0.00 0. t 2
1(/03/06 CONT REG 01022DP Blue Shield HMO 41.27 O.UO 41.27
11/03/06 CONT REG 01022DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 4.23 0.00 4.23
l 1/03/06 CONT REG 01022DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.12 0.00 0.12
I 1 / 17/06 CONT REG 01023DP Blue Shield HMO 41.27 0.00 4 l .27
11 / 17/06 CONT REG 01023 DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 4.23 0.00 4.23
11/17/06 CONT REG 01023DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.12 0.00 0.12
12/01/06 CONT REG 01024DP Blue Shield HMO 41.27 0.00 41.27
12/01/06 CONT REG 01024DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 4.23 0.00 4.23
12/01/06 CONT REG 01024DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.12 0.00 0.12
12//5/06 CONT REG 01025DP Blue Shield HMO 41.27 0.00 41.27
12/15/06 CONT REG 01025DP DELTA DENTAL, PPO 4.23 0.00 4.23
12/15/06 CONT REG 01025DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.12 0.00 0.12
12/29/06 CONT REG 0102bDP Blue Shield HMO 41.27 0.00 41.27
12/29/06 CONT REG 01026DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 4.23 0.00 4.23
12/29/06 CONT REG 01026DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.12 0.00 0.12
01/12/07 CONT REG O1001DP Blue Shield HMO 18.78 0.00 18.78
01/12/07 CONT REG O1001DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 4.35 0.00 4.35
01//2/07 DED REG O1001DP Flex Deduction 0.00 1.06 -1.06
01/12/07 CONT REG O1001DP PERS Choice 29.95 0.00 29.95
01/12/07 CONT REG OIOOIDP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.14 O.UO 0.14
01/26/07 CONT REG 01002DP Blue Shield HMO 18.78 0.00 18.78
01/26/07 CONT REG 01002DP DEL"1'A DEN"I'AL PPO 4.35 0.00 4.35
01/26/07 DED REG 01002DP Flex Deduction 0.00 1.06 -1.06
01/26/07 CONT REG 01002DP PERS Choice 29.95 0.00 29.95
01/26/07 CONT REG 01002DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.14 O.OU U. [4
02/09/07 CONT REG O 1003DP Blue Shield HMO 18.78 0.00 l 8.78
02/09/07 CONT REG 01003DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 4.35 0.00 4.35
02/09/07 DED REG 01003DP Flex Deduction 0.00 1.06 -I.Ub
02/09/07 CONT REG 01003DP PERS Choice 29.95 0.00 29.95
02/09/07 CONT REG 01003DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.14 0.00 U. l4
02/23/07 CONT REG 01004DP Blue Shield HMO 18.78 0.00 18.78
02/2310? CONT REG 01004DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 4.35 0.00 4.35
02/23/07 DED REG 01004DP Flex Deduction 0.00 1.06 -1.06
02/23/07 CONT REG 01004DP PERS Choice 29.95 0.00 29.95
02/23/07 CONT REG 01004DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0. l4 0.00 0.14
03/09/07 CONT REG OIOOSDP Blue Shield LIMO 18.78 0.00 18.78
03/09/07 CONT REG O1005DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 4.35 0.00 4.35
03!09/07 DED REG OIOOSDP Flex Deduction 0.00 1.06 -1.06
03/09/07 CONT REG O1005DP PERS Choice 29.95 0.00 29.95
03/09/07 CONT REG O1005DP PERS Med Adm Fee (1.14 0.00 0.14
03/23/07 CUNT REG U1006DP Blue Shield HMO 18.78 0.00 18.78
03/23/07 CONT REG OIOObDP DELTA DENTAL PPO 4.35 0.00 4.35
03/23/07 DED REG OIOObDP Flex Deduction 0.00 1.06 -1.06
03/23/07 CONT REG Ol00bDP PERS Choice 29.95 0.00 29.95
03/23/07 CONT REG Ol00bDP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.14 0.00 0.14
04/06/07 CON'I' REG U1007DP Blue Shield HMO 18.78 0.00 18.78
04/06/07 CONT REG 01007DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 4.35 0.00 4.35
U4/U6/07 DED REG OI007DP Flex Deduction 0.00 1.06 - l .Ob
(}4/06/07 CONT REG 01007DP PERS Choice 29.95 0.00 29.95
04/06/07 CONT REG O1007DP PER5 Med Adm Fee 0.14 0.00 0.14
04/20/07 CONT REG 01008DP Blue Shield HMO 18.78 0.00 18.78
04/20/07 CONT REG 01008DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 4.35 0.4(} 4.35
04/20/07 UED REG 01008DP Flex Deduction 0.00 1.06 -l.Ob
04!20/(17 CONT REG 01008DP PERS Choice 29.95 0.00 29.95
04/20/07 CONT REG O1008DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.14 0.00 0.14
05/04/07 CONT REG 01009DP Blue Shield HMO 18.78 O.OU 18.78
User: Kimberly McAllen Page 6 Current Date: I I/2R/07
Time: 16:30:10
Keport: GLTRANS_la_CNT GL Detail Report
City of Tustin
Report Date: from 07/01/06 to
Post Date PO Ref Invoice General Led er Detail Re ort
06/30/07 g p
Proj/fask Description PE[D Ck No
Debit Ledger: GL
Fiscal Year: 2007
Credit Net
05;04/U7 CON"T REG 01009DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 4.35 0.00 4.35
05/04/07 DED REG 01009DP Flex Deduction 0.00 1.06 -1.06
05/04/07 CONT REG OE009DP PERS Choice 29.95 0.00 29.95
05/04/07 CONT REG 01009DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.14 0.00 0.14
OSI18/07 CONT REG OIOIODP Blue Shield HMO 18.78 0.00 18.78
05/18/07 CONT REG Ol0lODP DELTA DENTAL PPO 4.35 0.00 4.35
OS/! 8/07 DED REG OIOIODP Flex Deduction 0.00 I.O6 -1.06
05!18/07 CONT REG OIOIODP PERS Choice 29.95 0.00 29.95
05/18/07 CONT REG OIOIODP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.14 0.00 0. l4
06/01/07 CONT REG O1011DP Blue Shield HMO 18.78 0.00 18.78
06/O1/U7 CONT REG 0101 IDP DELTA DENTAL PPO 4.35 0.00 4.3~
06/01 /07 DED REG 0101 E DP Flex Deduction O.UU 1.06 - l .06
06/01/07 CONT REG O1OI 1DP PERS Choice 29.95 0.00 29.95
O6/0 l /0 7 CONT REG 01011 DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.14 0.00 0.14
0611 5/07 CONT REG 01012DP Blue Shield HMO 18.78 0.00 18.78
06/t S/07 CONT REG 01012DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 4.35 0.00 4.35
06!15107 DED REG 01012DP Flex Deduction 0.00 1.06 -1.06
06/ 15107 CONT REG 01012DP PERS Choice 29.95 0.00 29.95
06/ l5/07 CONT REG 01012DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.14 0.00 0. l4
06/29/07 CONT REG Ot013DP Blue Shield HMO 18.78 0.00 18.78
06/29/07 CONT REG 01013DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 4.35 0.00 4.35
06/29/07 DED REG 01013DP Ftex Deduction 0.00 1.06 -1.06
06/29/07 CUNT REG 01013DP PERS Choice 29.95 0.00 29.95
06/29/07 CONT REG 01013DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.14 0.00 0.14
06/30/07 JE010750 Accrue 50% Payroll yle 6130/07 69.00 0.00 69.00
5220 Total: 1,353.92 142.78 1,211.14
07/14/06 CONT REG UIUI4DP Worker's Comp 3.29 0.00 3.29
07/28/06 CONT REG OI OI SDP Worker's Comp 329 0.00 3.29
08/ 11 /06 CONT REG 01016DP Worker's Comp 3.29 0.00 3.29
08/25/06 CONT REG 01017DP Worker's Comp 3.29 0.00 3.29
09/08/06 CONT REG 01018DP Worker's Comp 3.29 0.00 3.29
09/22/06 CONT REG 01019DP Worker's Comp 3.29 0.00 3.29
10/06/06 CONT REG 01020DP Worker's Comp 3.29 O.OU 3.29
10/20/06 CON"T REG 01021DP Worker's Comp 3.29 0.00 3.29
11/03/06 .
CONT REG 01022DP Worker's Comp 3.29 0.00 3.29
11!17/06 CONT REG 01023DP Worker's Comp 3.29 0.00 3.29
E 2/01 /06 CONT REG U 1024DP Worker's Comp 3.29 0.00 3.29
12/15/06 CONT REG 01025DP Worker's Comp 3.28 0.00 3.28
12/29/0(1 CON'T REG 01026DP Worker's Comp 3.29 0:00 3.29
0l / 12/07 CONT REG 01001 DP Worker's Comp 3.97 0.00 3.97
01/26/07 CONT REG 01002DP Worker's Comp 3.39 0.00 3.39
02/09/07 CONT REG 01003DP Worker's Comp 3.48 0.00 3.48
02/23/07 CONT REG 01004DP Worker's Comp 3.48 0.00 3.48
03/09/07 CONT REG UIOOSDP Worker's Comp 3.48 0.00 3.48
03/23/07 CONT REG O1006DP Worker's Comp ~ 3.48 0.00 3.48
04/06/07 CONT REG 01007DP Worker's Comp 3.48 O.UO 3.48
04/20/07 CONT REG OI008DP Worker's Comp 3.48 0.00 3.48
05!04/07 CONT REG 01009DP Worker's Comp 3.48 0.00 3.48
05/ i 8/07 CONT REG 01 OI ODP Worker's Comp 3.48 0.00 3.48
06/01/07 CONT REG 0101 1DP Worker's Comp 3.48 0.00 3.48
06/15/07 CONT REG OlOl2DP Worker's Comp 3.48 0.00 3.48
06/29!07 CONT REG 01013DP Worker's Comp 3.48 0.00 3.48
5240 Total: 88.40 0.00 88.40
53-600- 5260 MEDICARE
07/14/06 CONT REG 01014DP Medicare 8.84 0.00 8.84
07/28/06 CON'T REG 0101 SDP Medicare 8.84 0.00 8.84
OR/1 l/O6 CONT REG 01016DP Medicare $.83 0.00 8.83
08/25/06 CONT REG 01017DP Medicare 8.84 0.00 R.84
09/08/06 CONT REG OIOI8DP Medicare 8.84 0.00 8.84
09!22/06 CONT REG 01019DP Medicare 8.84 0.00 8.84
10/06/06 CONT REG 01020DP Medicare 9.48 0.00 9.48
10/20/06 CONT REG 01021 DP Medicare 8.84 O.OU 8.84
1 I/03/U6 CONT REG 01022DP Medicare 8.83 0.00 8.83
I I / 17/06 CONT REG 01023DP Medicare 8.84 0.00 8.84
12/0 l /O6 CONT REG O t 024DP Medicare 8.84 0.00 8.84
12/15/06 CONT REG 01025DP Medicare 9.01 0.00 9.01
12,'29/06 CONT REG 01026DP Medicare 8.84 0.00 8.84
01 / 12/07 CONS' REG O l 00 l DP Medicare 10.64 0.00 1(} 64
01/26/07 CONT REG OI002DP Medicare 9.20 0.00 920
02/09/07 CONT REG 01003DP Medicare 9.32 0.00 9.32
User: Kimberly McAllen _ __
Page 7 Current Date: 11/28/07
Report: GLTRANS_la_CNT GL Detail Report
e: 16:30:10
c~tv- of Tustin General Led er Detail Re ort Ledger: GI,
Report Uate: from 07/Ol/06 to 06/30/07 g p Fiscal Year: 2007
Post Date PO Ref Invoice Pro'/Cask Descri lion PEID Ck No Debit Credit Net
02!23/07 CONT REG 01004DP Medicare 9.32 0.00 9.32
03/09/07 CONT REG O1005DP Medicare 9.75
58 0.00
0 9.75
03/23/07 CONT REG O1006DP Medicare .
9 .
00 9.88
04/06!07 CONT REG 01007DP Medicare .
58 .
00 9
04/20/07 CONT REG 01008DP Medicare .
01 .
00 .
05/04/07 CONT REG 01009DP Medicare .
9 .
00 9.32
08/18/07 CONT REG O1010DP Medicare .
10 .
00 07
Ob/01 /07 CONT REG 01011 DP Medicare .
9 .
00 .
06/18/07 CONT REG 01012DP Medicare .
32 .
00 9.32
06/29/07 CONT REG OI013DP Medicare .
12 .
0 00
06/30/07 JE010750 Accrue SU% Payroll y/e 6/30107 . . .
5260 Total: 253.02 0.00 253.02
53-600- 5270 PER S
07/14/06 CONT REG 01014DP PERS ER Portion 53.63 0.00 53.63
07/14/06 CONT REG 010l4DP PERS/EE Earned 43.26 0.00 43.26
07/28/06 CONT REG OIOISDP PERS ER Portion 53.62 0.00 53.62
07/28/06 CONT REG 0101 SDP PERS/EE Earned 43.26 0.00 43.26
07/31/06 JEOU9596 RVRS JUNE P/R ACCRUAL 05/06 0.00 190.00 -190.00
08/11/06 CONT REG OlOl6DP PERS ER Portion 53.63 0.00 53.63
08/l 1/06 CONT REG 01016DP PERS/EE Earned 43.26 0.00 43.26
08/25/06 CONT REG 01017DP PERS ER Portion 53.63 0.00 53.63
08/25!06 CONT REG 01017DP PERS/EE Earned 43.26 0.00 43.26
09/08/06 CONT REG 01018DP PERS ER Portion 53.63 0.00 53.63
09/08/06 CONT REG O1018DP PERS/EE Earned 43.26 0.00 4326
09/22/06 CONT REG O t 019DP PERS ER Portion 53.63 0.00 53.63
09/22/06 CONT REG 01019DP PERS/EE Earned 43.26 0.00 4326
10/06/06 CONT REG 01020DP PERS ER Portion 53.63 0.00 53.63
10/06/06 CONT REG 01020DP PERS/EE Earned 43.26 0.00 43.26
10/20/06 CONT REG 01021 DP PERS ER Portion 53.63 0.00 53.63
10/20/06 CONT REG 01021 DP PERS/EE Earned 43.26 0.00 43.26
1 l /03/06 CONT REG 01022DP PERS ER Portion 53.62 0.00 53.62
11 /03106 CONT REG 01022DP PERS/EE Earned 43.26 0.00 43.26
11/17/06 CONT REG 01023DP PERS ER Portion 53.63 0.00 53.63
11/17/06 CONT REG 01023DP PERS/EE Earned 43.26 0.00 43.26
12/01 /O6 CONT REG 01024DP PERS ER Portion 53.63 0.00 53.63
12/01 /06 CONT REG 01024DP PERS/EE Earned 43.27 0.00 43.27
12/15/06 CONT REG 01025DP PERS ER Portion 53.63 0.00 53.63
12/15!06 CONT REG 01025DP PERS/EE Earned 43.26 0.00 43.26
12/29/06 CONT REG 01026DP ~ PERS ER Portion 53.63 0.00 53.63
12/29/06 CONT REG U1026DP PERS/EE Earned 43.26 0.00 43.26
01/]2/07 CONT REG O1001DP PERS ER Portion 64.97 0.00 64.97
01/12/07 CONT REG O1001DP PERS/EE Earned 44.80 0.00 44.80
01 / 12!07 CONT REG 0 1001 DP PERS/EE SpecComp 7.61 0.00 7.6 I
01/26/07 CONT REG 01002DP PERS ER Portion 55.53 0.00 55.53
01/26/07 CONT REG 01002DP PERS/EE Earned 44.80 0.00 44.80
02/09/07 CONT REG 01003DP PERS ER Portion 56.98 0.00 56.98
02/09/07 CON'I' KEG 01003DP PERS/EE Earned 45.98 0.00 45.98
02/23/07 CONT REG O1004DP PERS ER Portion 56.98 0.00 56.98
02/23/07 CONT REG O1004DP PERS/EE Earned 45.98 0.00 45.98
03/09/07 CONT REG O1005DP PERS ER Portion 56.98 0.00 56.98
03/09/07 CONT REG OIOOSDP PERS/EF, Earned 45.98 0.00 45.98
03/23/07 CONT REG O 1006DP -PERS ER Portion 56.98 0.00 56.98
03/23/07 CONT REG 01006DP PERS/EE Earned 45.98 O.UO 45.98
04/06/07 CONT REG 01007DP PERS ER Portion 56.98 0.00 56.98
04/06/07 CONT REG 01007DP PERS/EE Earned 45.98 0.00 x5.98
04/20/07 CONT REG 01008DP PERS ER Portion 56.98 0.00 56.98
04/20/07 CONT REG 01008DP PERSlEE Earned 45.98 0.00 4598
OS/04/07 CONT REG 01009DP PERS ER Portion 56.98 0.00 56.98
05/04/07 CONT REG 01009DP PERS/EE Earned 45.98 0.00 45.98
05/18/07 CONT REG OIOIODP PERS ER Portion 56.98 0.00 56.98
05!18!07 CONT REG OIOIODP PERSBE Earned 45.98 O.dO 45.98
06/01 /07 CONT REG 01011 DP PERS ER Portion 56.98 0.00 56.98
06/01/07 CUNT, REG O1011DP PERSr'EE Earned 45.98 0.00 45.98
06/lS/07 CONT REG 01012DP PERS ER Portion 56.98 0.00 56.98
06!1 S/07 CONT REG 01012DP PERS/EE Earned 45.98 0.00 45.98
06/29/07 CONT REG 01013DP PERS ER Portion 56.98 0.00 _56.98
06/29/07 CONT REG 01013DP PERS/EE Earned 45.98 0.00 45.98
06/30!07 JE010750 Accrue 50°% Payroll y/e 6/30/07 139.00 0.00 139.00
5270 Total: 2,748.83 190.40 2,558.83
07/01/06 JULY 2006 G.W. JEFFRIES & PROFCSSI(JNAL & V0152S_ _ _00061318____ _____._ _.__189_$.1 0.00 189.81
User: Kimberly McAllen Page 8 Cuttent Date: 1028/07
Report: GLTRANS_la CNT GL Detail Report
ity of Tustin _~ General Ledger Detail Report Ledger: GL
Report Date: from 07/01/06 to 06!30/07 Fiscal Year: 2007
Post Date PO Ref Invoice Proi/Task Description PEID Ck No Debit Credit Net
08/ A[JGUS'T 200b G.W. JEFFRIES & PROFESSIONAL & V01525 00100322 189.81 0.00 189.81
09/01/06 SEPTEMBER 2' G.W. JEFFRIES & PROFESSIONAL & V01525 00101021 189.8[ 0.00 189.81
10/06/06 OCTOBER 2001 G.W. JEFFRIES & PROFESSIONAL &c V01525 00101784 189.81 0.00 189.81
l ]/03106 NOVEMBER 2( G.W. JEFFRIES & PROFESSIONAL & V01525 00102477 189,81 O.UO 189.81
12/01/U6 DECEMBER 20 G W JEFFRIES & PROFESSIONAL & V01525 00103159 189.81 0.00 189.81
12/15/06 49494-M FIRST AMERICAN PROFESSIONAL & Vol 123 00103477 75.00 O.OU 75.00
Ol /05/07 JANUARY 200" G W JEFFRIES & PROFESSIONAL & V01525 00103846 189.81 0.00 189.81
01/26/07 49534-M FIRST AMERICAN PROFESSIONAL & VO! 123 00104348 225.00 0.00 225.00
02/02/07 FEBRUARY 20 G W JEFFRIES & PROFESSIONAL & VOl 525 00104525 189.81 0.00 189.81
02/28/07 JE010082 Reallocate JetTries-Jan-Mar 07 VO1525 0.00 379.62 -379.62
02/28/07 JE010084 ReallocateTreasexpense 0.00 1,138.86 -1,138.86
03/31 /07 JE010243 Corr acct #-Inv.49534-M/Teal VU 1123 0.00 150.00 -150.00
04/30/07 JE010299 W/O Lot Book Guarantee-Nessle 75.00 0.00 75.00
06/30/07 JE010736 CORR APR[(. JE 10299-WRITN BCKWD 0.00 150.00 -150.00
6010 Total: 1,893.48 1,818.48 75.00
03102!07 31095 WOODRUFF SPRADL LEGAL SVCS - C V02163 00105275 295.80 0.00 295.80
04/13/07 31568 WOODRUFF SPRADL LEGAL SVCS - C V02163 00146277 1,583.40 0.00 1,583.40
04/13/07 3 (380 WOODRUFF SPRADL LEGAL SVCS - C V02163 00106277 1,339.80 0.00 1,339.80
06/29/07 32320132320-3 WOODRUFF SPRADL LEGAL SVCS - C V02163 00108200 1,879.20 0.00 1.879,20
06/29/07 32330/32330-3 WOODRUFF SPRADL LEGAL SVCS - C V02163 00108200 957.00 O.UO 957.00
6016 Totat: 6,055.20 O.UO 6.055.20
53-600- 6355 TELEPHONE
06/30/07 JE010578 PHONE EXPENSE ALLOCATION 06107 ~ 713.89 0.00 713.89
6355 Total: 713.89 0.00 713.89
07/28/06 3071839793 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL V13763 00[00203 7.60 0.00 7.60
08/04/06 3072022815 S"I'APLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL V 13763 00100408 9.22 0.00 9.22
09/01/06 3073197444 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL V13763 001011 10 14.80 0.00 14.80
09/15106 350606313-001 OFFICE DEPOT DEPARTMENTAL SUPP VO1065 00101328 6.37 0.00 6.37
09/29/06 3074659664 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL V13763 0010[662 0.00 1.05 -1.05
09/29/06 3074659663 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL V 13763 00101662 19.64 0.00 19.64
10/06/06 3074659663-1 STAPLES [NC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL V 13763 00101938 19.64 0.00 19.64
10/06/06 3074886963 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL V 13763 00101938 13.37 0.00 13.37
10/06/06 3074659664-1 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL V13763 00101938 0.00 1.05 -1.05
10/30/06 3074659664 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL V13763 00101662 t.05 0.00 1.05
10/30/06 3074659663 STAPLES [NC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL V13763 00101662 0.00 19.64 -19.b4
11/03/06 357056829-001 OFFICE DEPO"T DEPARTMENTAL SUPP V01065 00102529 13.76 0.00 13.76
1 I/03/O6 3075727156 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL V13763 00102577 9.86 0.00 9.86
I 1/10/06 3076203398 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL V13763 00102775 31.59 0.00 3 t .59
12/01 /06 3077227908 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL V 13763 00103244 22.62 0.00 22.62
12/15/06 363086276-001 OFFICE DEPOT DEPARTMENTAL SUPP V01065 00103529 8.80 0.00 8.80
0012/07 3078929321 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL V13763 00104059 44.39 O.UO 44.39
01/26/07 368881266-001 OFFICE DEPOT~DEPARTMENTAL SUPP V01065 00104388 19.05 0.00 19.05
02109!07 3079915500 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL V13763 00[04760 26.72 0.00 26.72
02/09/07 3080468353 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL V 13763 00104760 51.81 0.00 5 L8 I
03/23/07 3081924948 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL V13763 00105747 38.79 0.00 38.79
03/23/07 3082236418 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL V13763 00105747 14.86 4.00 14.86
03/23/47 3082236419 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL St1PPL V 13763 OOl OS747 20.63 0.00 20.63
04/06/07 378706545-001 OFFICE DEPOT DEPARTMENTAL SUPP V01065 00106002 12.72 0.00 12.72
04/ 13/47 3083249474 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL V 13763 00 i 06237 6.77 0.00 6.77
04/27/07 SUPPLY REIMI DAVID, KIM DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL! V00126 00106513 12.21 0.00 12.21
04/27/07 381193672-001 OFFICE DEPOT DEPARTMENTAL SUPP VO1065 04106564 6.11 0.00 b. l I
OS/1 1/07 3484609293 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL V13763 00106982 27.00 0.00 27.00
0611 S/07 3086123964 STAPLES INC DEPARTiti1ENTAL SUPPL V [3763 00147842 13.42. 0.00 13.42
06/15/07 3085629541 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAt. St1PPL V13763 00107842 28.07 0.00 28.07
O6/15/07 3085629540 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL V13763 00107842 28.73 O.OU 28.73
06/24/07 3087596327 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL V 13763 00108519 24.67 0.00 24.67
06/24/07 3087111342 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL V13763 00108354 26.00 0.00 26.00
6400 Total: 580.27 21.74 558.53
08/04/06 3072022815 STAPLES INC PRINTING EXPENSES V 13763 00100408 36.63 0.00 36.63
6420 Total: 36.63 0.00 36.63
14106/06 TUS8/06 GRAFFITI CONTRO GRAFFITI REMOV V41236 0010 t 796 640.00 0.00 640.00
12/15/06 TUS1006 GRAFFITI CONTRO GRAFFITI REMOV V01236 00103487 840.00 O.UO 840.00
User: Kimberly McAllen Page 9 Curren[ Date: 11!28107
Time: 16:30:10
Report: GLTRANS_la_CNT GL Detail Report
--- - -
City of Tustin ~ General Ledger Detail Report
Report Date: from 07/01/06 to 06/30/07
Ledger: GL
Fiscal Year: 2007
Post Date PO Ref Invoice Proi/Task Description PEID Ck No llebit Credit Net
12/18/06 TUS 1106 GRAFFITI CONTRO GRAFFITI REMOV V01236 00103487 2,640.00 0.00 2,640.00
02/16/07 TUSIl07 GRAFFITI CONTRO GRAFFITI REMOV V01236 00104837 2,200.00 0.00 2,200.00
03!(6!07 TUS1206 GRAFFITI CONTRO GRAFFITI REMOV V01236 00105524 2,200.00 0.00 2,200.00
05/04/07 TUS3/07B GRAFFITI CONTRO GRAFFITI REMOV V01236 00106714 2,400.00 0.00 2,400.00
05/04/07 TUS2/07 GRAFFITI CONTRO GRAFFITI REMOV V01236 00106714 980.00 0.00 980.00
06/01!07 TUS4/07 GRAFFITI CONTRO GRAFFITI REMOV V01236 00107433 2,280.00 0.00 2,280.00
Ob!24/07 TUS6/07 GRAFFITI CONTRO GRAFFITI REMOV VOI236 00108617 3,080.00 0.00 3,080.00
06/24/07 TUSS/07 GRAFFITI CONTRO GRAFFITI REMOV V01236 00108440 2 920 00 O.UO 2,920.00
6650 Total: 20,180.00 0.00 20,180.00
53-600- 6710 MEETINGS
02/02/07 2/28-3/2/07 CALIFORNIA REDE MEETINGS V00674 00]04484 375.00 0.00 375.00
04/13/07 MATT WEST 5. CALIFORNIA REDS MEETINGS V00674 00106092 275.00 0.00 275.00
04/13/07 5/14-S/18 WRK: MCALLEN, KIMBER MEETMGS V15810 00106185 250.00 0.00 250.00
6710 Total: 900.00 0.00 900.00
12131!06 JE009894 BK DEPT VEH LEASE COST-50% 513.00 0.00 513.00
06/30/07 JE010573 Dept. Vehicle Lease-50% budget 513.00 0.00 513.00
6845 Totat: 1,026.00 0.00 1,026.00
12/15/06 1206 DAVID & LARUE F SINGLE FAMILY V1597S 00103464 355.11 0.00 355.1 I
01/12/07 REHABGRANT DAVID & LARUE F SINGLE FAMILY VOI 150 00103958 1,310.00 0.00 1,310.00
01/12/07 REHAB GRAN" DAVID & LARUE F SINGLE FAMILY V16004 00103957 1,310.00 0.00 1,3(0.00
02/02/07 REHABGRANT PRECISION PAINT SINGLE FAMILY V16024 00104596 4,900.00 0.00 4,900.00
02/28/07 JE010111 Corr acct dist-Ck 104596 V 16024 0.00 3,475.00 -3,475.00
06/24/07 3522 LAKONDA MITCHEL SINGLE FAMILY V04192 00108463 769.00 0.00 769.00
6992 Total: 8,644.11 3,475.00 5,169.11
04/30/07 JEO t 0270 New Heritage Uev Assist Loan i 75,000.00 0.00 175,000.00
6993 Total: 175,000.00 0.00 175,000.00
04/30/07 JE010269 Book CA housing wire 4/17/07 38,395.71 0.00 38,395.71
05/29/07 CR 632 88 00705251 0000-00 MISCELLANEOUS CA HFA 0.00 20.71 -20.71
$410 Total: 38,395.71 20.71 38,375.00
+~ ~ ~~ , 2,75 732.1 6 897.71 268 834.4
End of Report 327,686.91 1,312,162.78 -984,475.87
User: Kimberly McAllen Page 10 Current Date: 1 I/28i07
Report; GLTRANS_la_CNT GL Detail Report Time: 16:30:10
Ciry_ of Tustin General Ledger Detail Report
Report Date: from 07101!06 to 06/30/07
Ledger: GL
Fiscal Year: 2007
Post Date PO Ref Invoice Proi/Task Description PEID Ck No Debit Credit Net
01/31/07 JE010004 Secured Prop Tax (RDA) 1/24/07
03/31 /07 JE010189 Secured Tax Apport-RDA-3122/07
04/30/07 JEOt0278 Admin Fee-County (RDA) 4!20/07
04/30/07 JE010278 Secured Tax Apport-(RDA)-4/20
01 /31 /07 J EU 10003 Unsecured Tax Apport-RDA-1 / 19
03/31/07 JE010188 Secured Prior Yr-RDA 3/15/07
03/31/07 JE010188 Secured Prior Yr-RDA 3/15/07
O1i31/07 JE010002 Supplemental 'Tax-RDA 1/19/07
02/28/07 JE010137 Bk Supp Tax Apport-2/15/07 RDA
03/3 I /07 JE010190 Supplemental Tax-RDA 3/22/07
04/30/07 JE010277 Supp Roll Tax Apport-RDA 4/20
06/30/07 JE010518 BK COUNTY-SUPPL ACCRUAL?/17/7
01/31/07 JE010005 Public Utility Tax (RDA) 1/26
Ol/31/07 JE010030 INT ALLOCATION-2ND QTR. 06/07
02/28/07 JE010083 Allocate July-Dec'06-Treasurer
04/30/07 .IEO i 0301 Int allocation-lan-March 2007
06/30/07 JE010861 Allocation of accrued int-y/e
06!30/07 JE010860 Bk 4th qtr. interest allocatn.
16/30/07 JE010862 GASB 31 MARKET ADJUSTMNT-06/07
0.00 72,787.67 72,787.67
0.00 96,927.84 96,927.84
0.00 238,448.25 238,448.2.5
0.00 324,363.76 324,363.76
0.00 47,504.12 47,504.12
9,657.65 0.00 -9,657.65
0.00 643,559.88 643,559.88
0.00 4,062.11 4,062.11
V00557 00108745 180,944.73 0.00 -180,944.73
0.00 1,842.22 _ _.______1,842.22
3110 Total: 190,602.38 1,429,495.85 1,238,893.47
0.00 885.27 885.27
0.00 808.72 808.72
3111 Total: 0.00 1,693.99 1,693.99
0.00 I ,4 ~ 0.63 I ,450.63
0.00 166.82 166.82
0.00 593.62 593.62
0.00 76.23 76.23
0.00 567.33 567.33
0.00 85.47 85.47
0.00 1,092.96 1,092.96
OAO 183.89 183.89
0.00 107.48 107.48
0.00 29.31 29.31
0.00 2,444.44 2,444.44
0.00 494.87 .4.94.87_
3112 Totai: 0.00 7,293.05 7,293.05
0.00 2,602.49 2,602.49
0.00 3,156.86 3,156.86
0.00 31,406.95 31,406.95
0.00 7,234.89 7,234.89
0.00 26,145.69 26,[45.69
0.00 199,157.20 199, 157.20
0.00 4,941.38 4,941.38
0.00 3,333.26 3,333.26
0.00 14,307.48 14,347.48
0.00 203,027.73 203,027.73
V00557 00108745 71,940.34 0.00 -71,940.34
0.00 13.870.08 13,870, 08_
3116 Total: 71,940.34 509,184.01 437,243.67
0.00 36.25 36.25
0.00 33.29 33.29
3120 Total: 0.00 69._54 69.54
0.00 4,652.78 4,652.78
0.00 26, 119.88 26,1 19.88
367.46 0.00 -367.46
0.00 33,611.00 33,611.00
0.00 26,557.58 26,557.58
0.00 35,126.28 35,126.28
0.00 10.378.12 10,378.12
3660 Total: 367.46 136,445.64 136,078.18
0.00 I S 043.28 15 043.28
3662 Total: 0.00 15,043.28 15,043.28
User: Kimberly McAllen Page 1 Current Date: 1 1/28/07
Report: GLTRANS_la_CNT GL Detai{ Report Time: 16:32:13
t'it}` of Tustin General Ledger Detail Report Ledger: GL
Report Date: from 07/01/06 to 06/30/07 Fiscal Year: 2007
Post Date PO Ref Invoice Pro~lTask Description PEID Ck No Debit Credit tiet
O l /31 /07 JE010000 Homeowner's Subv. RDA-1 / 1 l /07
06/30/07 JE010472 State Homeowners Subv-RDA 618
a.oo 814.95 81495
0.00 1,901.56 1901.56
0.00 I ,901.56 1.901.56
0.00 814.96 814.96
3773 Total: 0.00 5,433.03 5,433.03
i - , ~ 262 910.1 i 2,104,658.39~t -1,841,748.21!
56-600- 5000 FULL TIME MISC
07/14/06 EARN REG 01014DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
07/14/06 EARN REG O1014DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 1,955.76 0.00 1,955.76
07/28/06 EARN REG OIOISDP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
07/28/06 EARN REG O1015DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 2,523.56 0.00 2,523.56
0811 l/06 EARN REG Ot016DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
0811 I/O6 EARN REG O101tiDP Reg Pav Timecard GRS. 2,523.56 O.UO 2,523.56
08/25/06 EARN REG 01017DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
08/25/06 EARN REG 01017DP Reg Pav "Timecard GRS. 2,239.66 0.00 2,239.66
09/08/06 EARN RE.G 01018DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
09/08/06 EARN REG OlO18DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 2,523.56 0.00 2,523.56
09/22!06 EARN REG 01019DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 O.OU
09/22/06 EARN REG 01019DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 2,239.66 0.00 2,239.66
10/O6/06 EARN REG OI020DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
10/06/06 EARN REG 01020DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 2,239.66 0.00 2,239.66
10/20/06 EARN REG U1021DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
10/20/06 EARN REG 01021 DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 2,523.56 0.00 2,523.56
11/03/06 EARN REG 01022DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
11!03/06 EARN REG 01022DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 2.523.56 0.00 2,523.56
11/17/06 EARN REG 01023DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
11/17/06 EARN REG 01023 DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 2,334.29 0.00 2,334.29
12/01/06 F..ARN REG 01024DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
12/01/06 EARN REG 01024DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 1,924.21 0.00 1,924.21
12/15/06 EARN REG 01025DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 O.OU
12/15/06 EARN REG 01025DP Reg Pay TimeCazd GRS. 2,397.40 0.00 2,397.40
12/29/06 EARN REG U1026UP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
12/29/06 EARN REG 01026DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 2,239.66 0.00 2,239.66
0l / 12/07 EARN REG U 1 UU 1 UP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
01/12/07 EARN REG 0100[DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 2,025.35 0.00 2,025.35
01 /26/07 EARN REG 01002DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
U I /26/07 EARN REG 01002DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 2,188.69 0.00 2, 188.69
02/09/07 EARN REG 01003DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
02/09/07 EARN REG OlU03DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 2,609.79 0.00 2,609.79
02/23/07 EARN REG 01004DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
02/23/07 EARN REG 01004DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 2,747.15 0.00 2,747.15
03/09/07 EARN REG OIOOSDP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
03/09,'07 EARN REG OIOOSDP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 1,991.70 0.00 1,991.70
03/23/07 EARN REG Ol0U6UP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
03/23/07 EARN REG 01006DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 2,455.26 0.00 2,455.26
04/06/07 EARN REG 01007DP Comp Time Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
04/06/07 EARN REG 01007DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
04/06/07 EARN REG 01007DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 2,609.79 0.00 2,609.79
04/20/07 EARN REG OIOOBDP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
04/20/07 EARN REG 01008DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 2,747. I5 0.00 2,747.15
05/04/07 EARN REG 01009DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
05/04/07 EARN REG 01009DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 2,747.15 0.00 2,747.15
05/18/07 EARN REG OIOIODP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
05%18/07 EARN REG 01 OIODP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 2,609.79 0.00 2,609.79
O6/O1/07 EARN REG OlOl1DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.0(1
U6/Ul/07 EARN REG 0101 lUP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 2,609.79 O.OU 2,609.79
06/1.5/07 EARN REG 01012DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
06,x15/U7 EARN REG O1012DP Reg Pay TimeCazd GRS. 2,300.75 0.00 2,300.75
06/2,9/07 EARN REG 01013DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
06129!07 EARN REG 01013DP Rcg Pay Timecard GRS. 927.15 0.00 927.1 S
5000 Total: 60,757.61 0.00 60,757.61
S6-b00- 5010 HOLIDAY
07;14/U6 EARN REG UlU14DP Holiday Pay GRS. 283.90 0.00 283.90
09/22/06 F.ARN REG 01p19DP Holiday Pay GRS. 283.90 0.00 283.90
t 1/17106 EARN REG 01023DP Holiday Pay GRS. 126.16 0.00 126.18
User: Kimberly McAllen Page 2 a Current Date: l I/2R/07
Report: GL'fRANS_la_CN'1' GL Detail Report
16:32' 13
City of Tustin General Ledger Detail Report (.edger: GL
Report Date: from 07/01/06 to 06/30/07 Fiscal Year: 2007
Post Date PO Ref Invoice Proi/~Cask Description PEID Ck No Debit Credit Net
12/0 006 EARN REG 01024DP Holiday Pay GRS. 536.26 0.00 536.26
12/15/06 EARN REG 01025DP Holiday Pay GRS. 126.18 0.00 126.18
01/12/07 EARN REG OIOOIDP Holiday Pay GRS. 588.00 0.00 588.00
01/12/07 EARN REG O1001DP PD WrkOnRegP ayHolidy GRS. 588.00 0.00 588.00
03/09/07 EARN REG O1005DP Holiday Pay GRS. 309.06 0.00 309.06
1)6/15107 EARN REG U1012DP Holiday Pay GRS. 309.06 0.00 309.06
5010 Total: 3,150.54 0.00 3,150.54
07/14/06 EARN REG 01014DP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. 283.90 0.00 283.90
08/28/06 F.ARN REG 01017DP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. 283.90 0.00 283.90
10/06/06 EARN REG 01020DP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. 2$3.90 0.00 283.90
11/17/06 EARN REG 01023DP GenLv Used -MISC GRS.. 63.09 0.00 63.09
12/01/06 EARN REG 01024DP GenLv Used -MISC GRS. 63.09 0.00 63.09
12/29/06 EARN REG 01026DP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. 283.90 0.00 283.90
01!26/07 EARN REG 01002DP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. 424.67 0.00 424.67
02/09/07 EARN REG OIU03DP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. l"37.36 0.00 137.36
03!09/07 EARN REG O1005DP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. 446A1 0.00 446.41
03/23/07 EARN REG Oi006DP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. 291.89 0.00 291.89
04/06/07 EARN REG 01007DP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. 137.36 O.UO 137.36
05/18/07 EARN REG OIOIODP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. 137.36 0.00 137.36
06/01/07 EARN REG 0101 IDP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. 137.36 0.00 137.36
06/15/07 EARN REG 01012DP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. 137.36 0.00 137.36
06/29/07 EARN REG Ot013DP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. 1 820.00 0.00 ..1,820,00_
5011 Total: 4,931.55 0.00 4,931.55
56-600- 5019 FLEX DOLLARS
07/14/06 CONT REG 01014DP Flex Credit 1.72 0.00 1.72
07/28/06 CONT REG OIOISDP Flex Credit 1.72 0.00 1.72
08/ 11106 CONT REG 01016DP Flex Credit 1.72 0.00 1.72
08/25/06 CONT REG 01017DP Flex Credit 1.72 0.00 1.72
09/08/06 CONT REG 01018DP Flex Credit 1.72 0.00 1.72
09/22106 CONT REG 01019DP Flex Credit 1.72 0.00 1.72
10/06/06 CONT REG 0 i 020DP Flex Credit 1.72 0.00 1.72
10/20/06 CONT REG 01021 DP Plex Credit l .72 0.00 1.72
11 /03/06 CONT REG 01022DP Flex Credit 1.72 0.00 1.72
11/17/06 CONT REG 01023DP Flex Credit 1.72 0.00 1.72
12/01 /06 CONT REG O 1024DP Flex Credit 1.72 0.00 1.72
12/15/06 CONT REG 01025DP Flex Credit 1.72 0.00 1.72
!2129/06 CONT REG 01026UP Flex Credit 1.72 0.00 1.72
01 /12/07 CONT REG 01001 DP Flex Credit 3.81 0.00 3.81
O 1 /26/07 CONT REG 01002DP Flex Credit 3.81 0.00 3.81
02/09/07 CONT REG 01003DP Flex Credit 3.81 0.00 3.81
02/23/07 CONT REG 01004DP Flex Credit 3.81 0.00 3.81
03/09/07 CONT REG OIOOSDP Flex Credit 3.81 0.00 3.81
03/23/07 CONT REG 01006DP Flex Credit 3.81 0.00 3.81
04/06/07 CONT REG 01007DP Flex Credit 3.81 0.00 3.81
04/20/07 CONT REG 01008DP Flex Credit 3.81 0.00 3.81
05/04/07 CONT REG O 1009DP Flex Credit 3.81 0.00 3.R 1
05/ (8107 CONT REG O I O I ODP Flex Credit 3.81 0.00 3.8 t
06/0 t /07 CONT REG 0I O 1 I DP Flex Credit 3.8 l 0.00 3.81
06/15/07 CONT REG 01012UP Flex Credit 3.81 0.00 3.8
06/29/07 CONT REG 01013DP Flex Credit 3.81 0.00 3.81
5019 Total: 71.89 0.00 71.89
10/06/06 EARN REG 01020DP Overtime 1 1/2 GRS. 354.88 0.00 354.88
12/15/06 EARN REG 41025DP Overtime 1 1/2 GRS. 94.63 0.00 94.63
06/01/07 EARN REG OlOl1DP Overtime 11/2 GRS. 412.07 0.00 412.07
5020 Total: 861.58 0.00 861.58
56-600- 5210 LIFE INSURANCE
07/14/06 CONT RF,G 01014DP Life ins Reg 8.79 0.00 8.79
07/28!06 CUNT' REG OlO15DP Life Ins Reg 8.79 0.00 8.79
08/1 I/06 CONT REG 01016DP Life Ins Reg 8.79 0.00 8.79
08/25/06 CONT REG 01017DP Life lns Reg 8.79 0.00 8.79
09/08/06 CONT REG O1018DP Life Ins Reg 8.79 0.00 8.79
09/22/06 CONT REG 01019DP Life Ins Reg 8.79 0.00 R.79
10/06/06 CONT REG OI02UDP Life lns Reg 8.79 0.00 8.79
10/20/06 CONT REG 0l 021 DP Life [ns Reg 8.79 0.00 8.79
11/03/06 CUNT KEG 01022DP Life Ins Reg 8.79 0.00 8.79
User. Kimberly McAllen Page 3 Current Date: 1 l/28/07
Report: GL'fRANS_la_CNT GL Detail Report Time: 1 6:32:13
city of~ru~t-n General Ledger Detail Report Ledger: GL
Report Date: from 07/O1/Ob to 06/30/07 Fiscal Year: 2007
Post Date PO Ref Invoice Proi/Task Description PE[D_ _ Ck No Debit Credit Net
i 1/17106 CONT REG 01023DP Life Ins Reg 8.79 0.00 8.79
12/01/06 CONT REG O1024DP Life Ins Red 8.79 0.00 8.79
12/15/06 CONT REG 01025DP Life Ins Reg 8.79 0.00 8.79
12!29/06 CONT REG 01026DP Life Ins Red 8.79 O.UO 8.79
01 /12107 CONT REG 01001 DP Life Ins Reg 8.79 0.00 8.79
O l /26/47 CONT REG 01002DP Life Ins Reg 8.79 0.00 8.79
02/09/07 CONT REG 01003DP Life Ins Reg 8.79 0.00 8.79
02/23/07 CONT REG 01004DP Life ins Reg 8.79 0.00 8.79
03/09/07 CUNT REG 01005DP Life Ins Reg 8.79 0.00 8.79
03/23/07 CONT REG 01006DP Life lns Reg 8.79 0.00 8.79
0~~06/07 CONT REG 01007DP Life Ins Red 8.79 0.00 8.79
04/20/07 CONT REG O1008DP Life Ins Reg 8.79 0.00 8.79
05/04/07 CONT REG 01009DP Life Ins Reg 8.79 0.00 8.79
05/18/07 CONT REG O1010DP Life lns Reg 8.79 0.00 8.79
06/01 /07 CONT REG 01011 DP Life Ins Reg 8.79 0.00 8.79
06/15/07 CONT REG 01012DP Life Ins Reg 8.79 0.00 8.79
06/29/07 CONT REG OlOl3DP Life Ins Red 8.79 0.00 8.79
5210 Total: 228.54 0.00 228.54
07/14/06 CONT REG 01014DP Blue Shield HMO
07/14/06 CONT REG O1014DP PERS Med Adm Fee
07/28/06 CONT REG O1015DP Blue Shield HMO
07/28/46 CONT REG 0101 SDP PERS Med Adm Fee
08/ l 1 /O6 CONT REG 01016UP Blue Shield HMO
0811 I /06 CONT REG 0 t 016DP PERS Med Adm Fee
08/25/06 CONT REG 01017DP Blue Shield HMO
08/25/06 CONT REG 01017DP PERS Med Adm Fee
09/08/06 CONT REG 01018DP Blue Shield HMO
09/08/06 CONT REG 01018DP PERS Med Adm Fee
09/22/06 CONT REG 01019DP Blue Shield HMO
09/22/06 CONT REG 01019DP PERS Med Adm Fee
10/06/06 CONT REG 01020DP Biue Shield HMO
10/06/06 CONT REG 01020DP PERS Med Adm Fee
10/20/06 CONT REG O1021DP Blue Shield HMO
10/20/06 CONT REG 01021 DP PERS Med Adm Fee
11/03/06 CONT REG 01022DP Blue Shield HMO
l 1 /03/06 CONT REG 0 (022DP PERS Med Adm Fee
1 !/17/06 CONT REG 01023DP Blue Shield HMO
t 1117/06 CONT REG 01023DP PERS Med Adm Fee
12/01/06 CONT REG 01024DP Blue Shield HMO
12i01i0ti CONT REG 01024DP PERS Med Adm Fee
12/15/06 CONT REG 01025DP Blue Shield HMO
l2/! 5/06 CONT REG 01025DP PERS Med Adm Fee
12/29/46 CONT REG 01026DP Blue Shield HMO
12/29/06 CONT REG 01026DP PERS Med Adm Fee
01/12/07 CONT REG 01001 DP Blue Shield HMO
41/12/07 CONT REG O1001DP PERS Med Adm Fee
01/26/07 CONT REG 41002DP Blue Shield HMO
01/26/07 CONT REG 01002DP PERS Med Adm Fee
02/09/07 CONT REG OI003DP Blue Shield HMO
42/09!07 CONT REG U 1003DP PERS Med Adm Fee
02/23/07 CONT REG 01004DP Blue Shield HMO
02/23/47 CONT REG O1004DP PERS Med Adm Fee
03/09/07 CUNT REG O1005DP Blue Shield HMO
User: Kimberly McAI[en
Report: GL"I'RANS_la_CNT
Page 4
GL Detail Report
132.06 0.00 132.06
3.54 0.00 ! 3.54
0.40 0.00 0.40
132.06 0.00 132.06
13.54 0.00 13.54
0.40 0.00 0.40
132.06 0.00 132.06
13.54 0.00 13.54
0.40 0.00 0.4U
132.06 0.00 132.06
13.54 0.00 13.54
0.40 0.00 0.40
132.06 0.00 132.06
13.54 0.00 13.54
0.40 0.00 0.40
132.06 0.00 132.Oti
13.54 0.00 13.54
0.40 0.00 0.40
132.06 0.00 132.06
13.54 0.00 13.54
0.40 0.00 0.40
132.06 0.00 132.06
13.54 0.00 13.54
0.40 0.00 0.40
132.06 0.00 132.06
13.54 0.00 13.54
0.40 0.00 0.40
132.06 0.00 132.06
13.54 0.00 13.54
0.40 0.00 0.40
132.06 0.00 132.06
13.54 0.00 [ 3.54
0.40 0.00 0.40
132.06 O.UO 132.06
13.54 0.00 13.54
0.40 0.00 0.40
132.06 0.00 132.06
(3.54 0.00 13.54
0.40 0.00 0.40
150.29 0.00 150.29
13.90 0.00 13.90
0.45 0.00 0.45
150.29 0.00 150.29
13.90 0.00 13.90
0.45 0.00 0.45
150,29 0.00 150.29
13.90 0.00 13.90
0.45 0.00 0.45
154.29 0.00 15029
13.90 0.00 13.90
0.45 0.00 0.45
150.29 0.00 150.29
13.90 U.UO 13.90
Current Date: 1 1 /28107
Time: 1 6:32:13
Clty Of TU$t1I1 General Ledger Detail Report Ledger: GL
Report Date: from 07!01/06 to 06/30/07 Fiscal Year: 2(107
Post Date PO Ref Invoice Proi/Task Description PE1D Ck No Debit Credit Net
03109!07 CONT REG OIOOSDP PER5 Med Adm Fee 0.45 0.00 0.4~
03/23/07 CONT REG 01006DP Blue Shield HMO 150.29 0.00 150.29
03/23/07 CONT REG O1006DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 13.90 0.00 13.90
03/23/07 CONT REG 01006DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.45 0.00 0.45
04/06/07 CONT REG 01007DP Blue Shield HMO 150.29 0.00 150.29
04/06/07 CONT REG 01007DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 13.90 0.00 13.90
04/06/07 CONT REG 01007DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.45 0.00 0,45
04/20/07 CONT REG 01008DP Blue Shield HMO 150.29 0.00 150.29
04/20/07 CONT REG 01008DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 13.90 0.00 13.90
04/20/07 CONT REG 01008DP PER5 Med Adm Fee 0.45 0.00 0.45
05104/07 CONT REG 01009DP Blue Shield HMO 150.29 0.00 150.29
OS/04/U7 CONT REG 01009DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 13.90 0.00 13.90
05/04!07 CONT REG 01009DP PER5 Med Adm Fee 0.45 0.00 0.45
05/18/07 CON'T REG OlOIODP Blue Shield HMO 150.29 0.00 150.29
05/18/07 CONT REG OIOIODP DELTA DENTAL PPO 13.90 0.00 13.90
05/18/07 CONT REG O1010DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.45 0.00 0.45
06/01/07 CONT REG 0101 iDP Blue Shield HMO 150.29 0.00 150.29
06/01 /07 CONT REG 01011 DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 13.90 0.00 13.90
O6i01/07 CON"T REG OlO11DP PER5 Med Adm Fee 0.45 0.00 0.45
06/15/07 CONT REG 01012DP Blue Shield HMO 150.29 0.00 150.29
06/15/07 CONT REG 01012DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 13.90 0.00 13.90
06/15/07 CONT REG 01012DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.45 0.00 0.45
06/29/07 CONT REG O1013DP Blue Shield HMO 150.29 0.00 150.29
06/29/07 CONT REG 01013DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 13.90 0.00 13.90
06/29/01 CONT REG 01013DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.45 0.00 0.45
5220 Total: 4.038.32 0.00 4,038.32
07/14lOb CONT REG 01014DP Worker's Comp 13.40 0.00 13.40
07/28/06 CONT REG OlO15DP Worker's Comp 13.40 0.00 13.40
08/ 1 I /06 CONT REG 01016DP Worker's Comp 13.40 0.00 13.40
08/25/06 CONT REG O 1017DP Worker's Comp 13.40 0.00 t 3.40
09/08/06 CONT REG O1 OlBDP Worker's Comp 13.40 0.00 13.40
09/22/06 CONT REG Ol0I9DP Worker's Comp 13.40 0.00 13.40
10/Ob/06 CONT REG 01020DP Worker's Comp 13.40 0.00 13.40
10/20/06 CONT REG 01021 DP Worker's Comp 13.40 0.00 13.40
11/03!06 CONT REG 01022DP Worker's Comp 13.40 0.00 13.40
11/17/06 CONT REG 01023DP Worker's Comp 13.40 0.00 13.40
12/01/06 CONT REG 01024DP Worker's Comp 13.40 0.00 13.40
12/15/06 CONT REG 01025DP Worker's Comp 13.40 0.00 13.40
12/29/06 CONT REG 01026DP Worker's Comp 13.40 0.00 13.40
0 ! / l 2/07 CONT REG 01001 DP Worker's Comp 17.00 0.00 17.00
01/26/07 CONT REG 01002DP Worker's Comp 13.88 0.00 13.88
02/09/07 CONT REG 01003DP Worker's Comp 14.59 0.00 14.59
02/23/07 CONT REG 01004DP Worker's Comp 14.59 0.00 14.59
03/09/07 CONT REG O IOOSDP Worker's Comp 14.59 0.00 14.59
03/23/07 CONT REG 01006DP Worker's Comp 14.59 0.00 14.59
04/06/07 CONT RF.G 01007DP Worker's Comp 14.59 0.00 14.59
04/20/07 CONT REG O1008DP Worker's Comp 14.59 0.00 14.59
05/04/07 CONT REG 01009DP Worker's Comp 14.59 0.00 14.59
05/18/07 CONT REG OIOIODP Worker's Comp 14.59 0.00 14.59
U6/OIi07 CONT REG 0101 lDP Worker's Comp 14.59 0.00 14.59
06/15/07 CONT REG O1012DP Worker's Comp 14.59 0.00 14.59
06/29/07 CON'[' REG 01013DP Worker's Comp 14.59 0.00 14.59
5240 Total: 365.57 0.00 365.57
56-600- 5260 MEDICARE
07!14/06 CONT REG 01014DP Medicare 36.00 0.00 36.00
07/28/06 CONT REG 01015DP Medicare 35.99 0.00 35.99
08/11/06 CONT REG UIUI6DP Medicare 35.99 0.00 35.99
08/25/06 CONT REG 01017DP Medicare 35.99 0.00 35.99
09108!06 CONT REG 01018DP Medicare 35.99 0.00 35.99
09/22106 CUNT REG 01019DP Medicare 35.99 0.00 35.99
10/06/06 CONT REG 01020DP Medicare 41.14 0.00 41.14
10/20/06 CONT REG 01021DP Medicare 36.00 0.00 36.00
11/03/06 CONTREG 01022DP Medicare 35.99 0.00 35.99
1 (/17/06 CONT REG U1023DP Medicare 35.99 0.00 35.99
12/01106 CONT REG 01024DP Medicare 35.99 0.00 35.99
12/15/06 CONT REG 01025DP Medicare 37.37 0.00 37.37
12/29/06 CONT REG 01026DP Medicare 35.99 0.00 35.99
31/12/07 CONT REG O1001DP Medicare 45.$7 0.00 45.87
31/26/07 CONT REG OI002DP Medicare 37.34 0.00 37.34
:)2/09/07 CONT REG 01003DP Medicare __ 39.29 0.00 39.29
User: Kimberly McAllen Page g Current Date: 1 1/28/07
Report: GLTRANS_1 a_CNT GL Detail Report Time: i 6:3Z 13
City of Tustin General Led er Detail Re ort Ledger: GL,
Report. Date: From 07/01/06 to 06/30/07 g h Fiscal Year: 2007
Post Date PO Ref Invoice Pro'/Task Descri lion PEID Ck No Debit Credit Net
02/23/07 CUNT REG U 1004DP Medicare 39.29 0.00 39.29
03/09/07 CONT REG OIOOSDP Medicare 39.29 0.00 39.29
03/23/07 CONT REG OIOO6DP Medicare 39.29 0.00 39.29
04!06/07 CONT REG 01007DP Medicare 39.29 0.00 39.29
04/20/07 CONT REG 01008DP Medicare 39.28 0.00 39.28
05;04/U7 CONT REG 01009DP Medicare 39.29 0.00 39.29
05/18/07 CONT REG OIOIODP Medicare 39.29 0.00 39.29
06/01/07 CONT REG OIOI IDP Medicare 45.26 0.00 45.26
06;15/07 CONT REG 01012DP Medicare 39.29 0.00 39.29
06/29/07 CONT REG 01013DP Medicare 39.29 0.00 39.29
5260 Total: 995.78 0.00 995.78
56-600- 5270 PER S
07/14/06 CONT REG 01014DP PERS ER Portion 218.94 0.00 218.94
07/14/06 CONT REG 01014DP PERSIEE Earned 176.65 0.00 176.65
07/28,'06 CONT REG O1 O l SDP PERS ER Portion 218.94 0.00 21 R.94
07/28/06 CONT REG O1015DP PERSIEE Earned 176.65 OAO !76.65
08/ I 1 /06 CONT REG 01016DP PERS ER Portion 218.94 0.00 2 t 8.94
0811 l/O6 CONT REG OlOl6DP PERSIEE Earned 176.65 O.Od 176.65
08/2S/06 CONT REG 01017DP PERS ER Portion 218.94 0.00 218.94
08/25/06 CONT REG 01017DP PERSIEE Earned (76.65 0.00 176.65
09/08/06 CONT REG 01018DP PERS ER Portion 218.94 0.00 218.94
09/08/06 CONT REG 01018DP PERSIEE Earned 176.65 0.00 176.65
09/22/06 CONT REG 01019DP PERS ER Portion 218.94 0.00 218.94
09/22/06 CONT REG 01019DP PERSIEE Earned 176.65 0.00 176.65
10/06/06 CONT REG 01020DP PERS ER Portion 218.94 0.00 218.94
10/06/06 CONT REG 01020DP PERSIEE Earned 176,65 0.00 176.65
10/20/06 CONT REG O 1021 DP PERS ER Portion 218.94 0.00 218.94
10/20/06 CONT REG 01021 UP PERSIEE Earned 176.65 0.00 176.65
1 I /03/06 CONT REG 01022DP PERS ER Portion 218.94 0.00 218.94
1 1103/06 CONT REG 01022DP PERSIEE Earned 176.65 0.00 176.65
11117/06 CONT REG 01023DP PERS ER Portion 218.94 0.00 218.94
11/17/06 CONT REG 01023DP PERSIEE Earned 176.65 0.00 176.65
12/01/06 CONT REG 01024DP PERS ER Portion 218.94 0.00 218.94
12/01 /06 CONT REG 01024DP PERS/EE Earned 176.65 0.00 176.65
t2/IS/O6 CONT REG 01025DP PERS ER Portion 218.94 0.00 218.94
12/] 5/06 CONT REG 01025DP PERSIEE Earned 176.65 0.00 176.65
12/29/06 CONT REG 01026DP PERS ER Portion 218.94 0.00 218.94
12/29/06 CUNT REG 01026DP PERSIEE Earned 176.65 0.00 176.65
Ol/12/07 CONT REG O1001UP PERS ER Portion 277.74 0.00 277.74
Ul/12/07 CONT REG O1001DP PERSIEE Earned 182.94 0.00 182.94
OI/12/07 CONT REG Ol00IDP PERS/EE SpecComp 41.16 0.00 41.16
01/26/07 CONT REG 01002DP PERS ER Portion 226.73 0.00 226.73
O l /26/07 CONT REG O 1002DP PERSJEE Earned 182.94 0.00 l 82.94
02/09/07 CONT REG 01003DP PERS ER Portion 238.34 0.00 238.34
02/09/07 CONT REG 01003DP PERSIEE Earned 192.30 0.00 192.30
02/23/07 CONT REG 01004DP PERS ER Portion 238.34 0.00 238.34
02/23/07 CONT REG 01004DP PERSIEE Earned 192.30 0.00 192.30
03/09/07 CONT REG O1005DP PERS ER Portion 238.34 0.00 238.34
03/09/07 CONT REG 01005DP PERSIEE Earned 192.30 0.00 192.30
03/23/07 CUNT REG UlUU6UP PERS ER Portion 238.34 0.00 238.34
03/23/07 CONT REG 01006DP PERSIEE Earned 192.30 0.00 192.30
04/06/07 CONT REG 01007DP PERS ER Portion 238.34 0.00 238.34
04/06/07 CONT REG 0 i 007DP PERSIEE Earned 192.30 0.00 192.30
04/20!07 CONT REG 01008DP PERS ER Portion 238.34 0.00 238.34
04/20/07 CONT REG 01008DP PERSIEE Earned 192.30 0.00 192.30
05/04/07 CONT REG 01009DP PERS ER Portion 238.34 0.00 238.34
05/04/U7 CON"T REG O10(>9DP PERSIEE Earned 192.30 0.00 192.30
OS/18/07 CONT REG O1010DP PERS ER Portion 238.34 0.00 238.34
05/18/07 CONT REG OIOIODP PERS/EE Earned 192.30 0.00 19230
06/U1/U7 CONT REG OlOI iDP PERS ER Portion 238.34 0.00 238.34
06/01!07 CONT REG 0101 IDP PERSIEE Earned 192.30 0.00 192.30
06/15/07 CUNT REG 01012UP PERS ER Portion 238.34 0.00 238.34
06/15/07 C.ONT REG 0l012DP PERSIEE Earned 192.30 0.00 192.30
06/29/07 CONT REG 01013DP PERS ER Portion 238.34 0.00 238.34
06/29/07 CONT REG 01013DP PERSIEE Earned 192.30 0.00 192.30
5270 Total: 10,791.22 0.00 10,791.22
12/22/06 30624 WOODRUFF SPRADL LEGAL SVCS - C V02163 OO 103728 765.60 0.00 765.60
6016 Total: 765.60 0.00 765.60
User. Kimberly McAllen Pace 6 Current Date: 11!28/07
Report: GLTRANS_la_CNT GL Detail Report
City of Tustin General Ledger Detail Report
Report Date: from 07/O1J06 to 06J30/07
Ledger: GL
Fiscal Year: 2007
Post Date P4 Ref Invoice Proi~I'ask Description PEID Ck No Debit Credit Net
04/13/07 5/14-5/I8 WRK:
MCALLEN, KIMBER TRAINING EXPEN V 15810 001061 SS 700.00 0.00 700.00
6715 Total: 700.00 0.00 700.00
-`-87 658.2 C T 0.0 87 658.2
End of Report 350,568.38 2,104,658.39-1,754,090.01
User: Kimberly McAllen
Report: GL"I'RANS_la CNT
Page 7
GL Detail Report
Current Date: 11/28/07
Time: 16:32:13
c~rv ofTustm General Ledger Detail Report Ledger: GL
Report Date: from 07/01!06 to 06!30/07 Fiscal Year: 2007
Post Date PO Ref Invoice _ Proiffask Description PEID Ck No Debit Credit __ Vet
l.Z~11~1[~~:`I~ ~r~7il[~l~-l~l~: fyu~~s~~u~ni
11/30!06 JE009832 COUNTY OF ORANGE-SECURED/RDA 0.00 97,800.41 97,800.41
12/31/06 JE009888 BK COUNTY RDA PROP TX-SECURED 0.00 65,934.78 65,934.78
]2/31/06 JE009891 BK COUNTY RDA PROP TX-SECURED 0.00 92,411.70 92,-111.70
O 1 /3 ! 107 JE010004 Secured Prop Tar (RDA) I /24/07 0.00 120,44 l .93 ! 20,441.93
03/3//07 JE010189 Secured Tax Apport-RDA-3/22!07 O.OU 37,601.30 37,601.30
04/30/07 JE010278 Admin Fee-County (RDA) 4/20/07 3,659.63 0.00 -3,659.63
04/30/07 JE010278 Secured Tax Apport-(RDA)-4/20 0.00 243,867.82 243,867.82
(15/31/07 JEO10346 COUNTY-RDA SECURED PROP. TAX 0.00 2,650.95 2,650.95
06/24/07 TS0055 COUNTY OF ORANG PROPERTY TARE VOOSS7 00108745 0.00 10,745.37 10,745.37
06,30/07 JE010580 CORR. CO ADMIN ALLOC-EQUAL ADV 1 073.84 0.00 -1,073.84
3110 Total: 4,733.47 671,454.26 66b,720.79
09/30/06 JE0096I4 COUNTY PROP TAXES-UNSECURED 0.00 72,353.10 72,353.10
01/31/07 JE010003 Unsecured Tax Apport-RDA-1/19 0.00 19,937.08 19,937.08
06/24/07 "fU0202 COUNTY OF ORANG PROPERTY TAXE V00557 00108237 383.00 0.00 -383.00
3111 Total: 383.00 92,290.18 91,907.18
01/31/07 JEOl0001 Secured Prior Yr-RDA-(/11/07
01/31/07 JE010001 Secured Prior Yr-RDA-1/11/07
02/28/07 JE010137 Bk Secured Prior Yr-2/1 S/07RDA
02/28/07 JE010137 Secured Prior Yr-RDA 2/15/07
06/30/07 JE010439 UNSECURED PRIOR YRIRDA 6/22/07
O.OU 3,082.46 3,082.46
0.00 611.59 611.59
0.00 298.99 298.99
0.00 61.33 61.33
0.00 823.19 823.19
0.00 611.10 611.10
0.00 565.70 565.70
3112 Total: 0.00 6,054.36 6.054.36
08/31 /06 JE009533 COUNTY OF ORANGE-SUPPL ROLL 0.00 1 I3.67 113.67
09/30/06 JE009615 COUNTY PROP TAXES-SUPPL ROLL 0.00 153.18 153. l 8
10/31/06 JE009704 COUNTY OF ORANGE-RDA SUPPL. 0.00 913.45 913.45
11/30/06 JE009842 COUNTY OF ORANGE-RDA/SUPPLMN7 0.00 1,269.49 1,269.49
12/31/06 JE009890 BK COUNTY RDA PROP TX-SLJPPLMN~ 0.00 3,381.27 3,381.27
01/31/07 JE010002 Supplemental Tax-RDA 1/19/07 0.00 2,914.55 2,914.55
02/28/07 JE010137 Bk Supp Tax Apport-2/15/07 RDA 0.00 523.13 523.13
03/31/07 JE010190 Supplemental Tax-RDA 3/22/07 0.00 385.74 385.74
04/30/07 JE010277 Supp Roll Tax Apport-RDA 4120 0.00 47.05 47.05
OS/31 /07 JE010346 COtFNTY-RDA SUPPLEMENTAL TX 0.00 6,021.10 6,021.10
06/24/07 TX0176 COUNTY OF ORANG SUPPLEMENTAL V00557 00108745 0.00 950.18 950. l 8
06/30/07 JEOlO5l8 8K COUNTY-SUPPL ACCRUAL-7/17/7 0.00 92.81 92.81
3116 Total: 0.00 16,765.62 16,765.62
Oli3 [.`07 JF,010005 Public Utility Tax (RDA) 1/26 0.00 3,901.29 3,90129
OSi3l/07 JE010347 COUNTY/RDA-PUBLIC UTILITIES 0.00 3 582.52 3 582.52
3120 Total: 0.00 7,483.81 7,483.81
0711 1/06 CR 55428 00607101 0000-00 TC INTEREST INCOME AMER[NATION 0.00 59.66 59.66
07/11/06 CR 55429 00607101 0000-00 TC INTEREST INCOME AMERINATION 0.00 61.19 61.19
08/09/06 CR 56235 00608081 0000-00 TC INTERES"I INCOME AMERINATION 0.00 59.54 59.54
08/09/06 CR 56236 00608081 0000-00 TC INTEREST INCOME AMERINATION 0.00 61.OR 61.OR
09/ 14/06 CR 57078 00609131 0000-00 TC INTEREST INCOME AMERINATION OAO 60.97 60.97
09/14/06 CR 57079 00609131 0000-00 TC INTEREST INCOME AMERINATION O.t)0 59.43 59.43
10/12/06 CR 57698 006/0111 0000-00 TC INTEREST INCOME AMERINAT[ON 0.00 59.31 59.31
]0/12/06 CR 57697 006101 11 0000-00 TC INTEREST INCOME AMERINAT[ON 0.00 60.86 60.86
10/3 006 JF,009684 BK I ST QTR. INTEREST ALLOCATN 0.00 7,533.29 7.533.29
11/16/06 CR 58546 CO61 t 151 0000-00 "I'C INTEREST INCOME AMERINATION 0.00 60.75 6().75
l 1116/06 CR 58547 0061 I 151 0000-00 TC INTEREST INCOME ANER[NATION 0.00 59.19 59.19
/2/08/06 CR 58964 00612071 0000-00 TC INTEREST INCOME AMERINATION 0.00 60.63 60.63
12/08!06 CR 58963 00612071 (1000-00 TC INTEREST INCOME AMERINATION 0.00 59.07 59.07
O1/10,~07 CR 59704 00701091 0004-00 TC INTEREST INCOME AbfERINATION 0.00 60.52 60.52
01/10/07 CR 59703 00701091 0000-00 "T'C IN"1'ERES'T INCOME AMERINATION 0.00 58.95 58.95
01131/(17 JE010030 INT ALLOCATION-2ND QTR. 06/07 0.00 39,991.06 39,991.06
02/12/07 CR 60550 00702081 0000-00 TC INTEREST INCOME AMERINATION 0.00 60.41 60.41
02/28107 JE010083 Allocate July-Dec`06-Treasurer 577.96 0.00 -577.96
User: Kimberly McAllen Page I Current Date: 11/28/07
Report: GL.TRANS_la_CNT GL Detail Report Time: 16:34:50
city of Tustin _; General Ledger Detail Report
Report Date: from 07/01!06 to 06/30/07
Ledger: GL
Fiscal Year: 2007
Post Date PO Ref Invoice ProifTask Description PEID Ck No__ - - Debit Credit Net
03/13/07 CR 61354 00703121 0000-00 "I'C [NTEREST INCOME AMERINA'TION 0.00 X8.83 58.83
03/13/07 CR 61353 00703121 0000-DO TC INTEREST INCOME AMERINATION 0.00 60.29 60.29
0411 1107 CR 62057 00704101 0000-00 TC INTEREST INCOME AMERINATION 0.00 60.18 60. l8
04/ l 1 /07 CR 62056 00704101 0000-00 TC INTEREST INCOME AMERINATION U.UO 117.3 i 117.31
04/12/07 CR 62076 007041 l 1 0000-00 TC INTEREST INCOME HOME CENTER 0.00 66.50 66.50
04/30/07 JEU 10301 Int allocation-Jan-March 2007 0.00 39,101.86 39,101.86
05/10/07 CR 62828 00705091 0000-00 TC INTEREST INCOME - HEERMANN 0.00 60.07 60.07
05/10/07 CR 62$25 00705091 0000-00 TC INTEREST INCOME -SHAH AMER 0.00 58.47 58.47
06/I 1107 CR 63605 00706081 0000-00 TC INTEREST INCOME AMERINATION O.UO 59.95 59.95
06!30/07 JEO10861 Allocation of accrued int-y/e 0.00 33,852.83 33,852.83
06/30/07 JE010860 Bk 4th qtr. interest allocate. 0.00 44,775.31 44,775.31
06/30/07 JE010576 CASH RECEIPT ACCRUAL (a~ 6/30/07 0.00 118.18 118.18
06/30/07 JE010577 Corr commingled RDA County int 0.00 4,863.06 4,863.46
06/30/07 JEO10571 Reverse June'06 entry-GASB 31 6 024.61 0.00_ -6.024.61
3660 Total: 6,602.57 171,678.75 165,076.18
06;30;07 JE010862 GASB 31 MARKETADJUSTMNT-06/07 0.00 19,175.60 19,175.60
3662 Total: 0.00 19,175.60 19,175.60
01/02/07 CR 59440 00612281 0000-00 PARK & HOUSING RENTALS OVERLAr 0.00 2,008.87 ........__.2,008.87
3663 Total: 0.00 2,008.87 2,008.87
12/31/06 JE009887 BK COUNTY RDA PROP TX-FIOMEOW? 0.00 362.23 362.23
01/31/07 JE010000 Homeowner's Subv. RDA-1/11/07 0.00 845.20 845.20
05/31/07 IE010344 COUNTY-HOMEOWNER'S TX/RDA 0.00 845.20 845.20
06/30/07 JE010472 State Homeowners Subv-RDA 6/8 0.00 362.23 362.23
3773 Total: 0.00 2,414.86 2,414.86
07/11/06 CR 55429 00607101 LOAN REPAYMENT AMERINATIONAL 0.00 26.49 26.49
07/11/06 CR 55428 00607101 LOAN REPAYMENT AMERINATIONAL 0.00 28.02 28.02
08/09/06 CR 56236 00608081 LOAN REPAYMENT AMERINATIONAL 0.00 26.60 26.60
08/09/06 CR 56235 00608081 LOAN REPAYMENT AMERMATIONAL 0.00 28.14 28.14
09/14/06 CR 57078 00609131 LOAN REPAYMENT AMERINATIONAL 0.00 26.72 26.72
09/14/06 CR 57079 C060913I LOAN REPAYMENT AMERINATIONAL 0.00 28.26 28.26
10/12;06 CR 57698 04610111 LOAN REPAYMENTAMERINATIONAL 0.00 28.38 28.38
l0/12/06 CR 57697 006101 l 1 LOAN REPAYMENT AMERINATIONAL 0.00 26.83 26.83
1 l/16/06 CR 58546 00611151 LOAN REPAYMENT AMERINATIONAL 0.00 26.94 26.94
11 / 16/06 0R 58547 006111 S 1 LOAN REPAYMENT ANERINATIONAL 0.00 28.49 28.49
12/08/06 CR 58964 00612071 LOAN REPAYMENT AMERINATIONAL 0.00 27.05 27.05
12/08/06 CR 58963 00612071 LOAN REPAYMENT AMERINATIONAL 0.00 28.61 28.61
01/10/07 CR 59703 00701091 LOAN REPAYMENTAMERINATIONAL 0.00 28.73 28.73
01/10/07 CR 59704 00701091 LOAN RF..PAYMENT AMERINATIONAL 0.00 27.16 27.16
02/i2/U7 CR 60550 00702081 LOAN REPAYMENTAMERINATIONAL 0.00 27.28 2728
03/13/07 CR 61353 00703121 LOAN REPAYMENT AMERINATIONAL 0.00 27.39 27.39
U3/ 13/07 CR 6 (354 00703121 LOAN REPAYMENT AMERINATIONAL 0.00 28.85 28.85
04/1 Ii07 CR 62056 00704101 LOAN REPAYMENT AMERINATIONAL 0.00 58.07 58.07
04/11/07 CR 62057 00704101 LOAN REPAYMENT AMERINATIONAL 0.00 27.50 27.50
05/10/07 CR 62828 00705091 LOAN REPAYMENT - HEERMANN AMI 0.00 27.62 27.62
OS/10/07 CR 62825 00705091 LOAN REPAYMENT -SHAH AMERINA 0.00 29.21 29.21
06/11/07 CR 63605 00706081 LOAN REPAYMENT AMERINAT[ONAL 0.00 27.73 27.73
06/30/07 JE010576 CASH RECEIPT ACCRUAL t~ 6130!07 0.00 57. i9 57.19
06/30/07 JEO t 0727 V. NESS LOAN PYMT NOT SETUP 0.00 950.00 950.00
4669 Total: 0.00 1,647.26 1,647.26
06/30/07 JE010889 Account number correction 280,832.49 UAU 280,832.49
06/30/07 lE010853 Trnsfr cash from RDA Town Cent 0.00 280 832.49 -280 832.49
8558 Total: 280,832.49 2801832.49 0.40
' i , ~ ~ ~ 292,551.5 , 1 271 806.0 ~-979,2545
III ~ ~. ~.
_59-600- 5000 FULL TIME MISC
X7/14/06 EARN REG 01014DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
User. Kimberly McAllen Page 2 Current Date : 1 1128/07
Report: GLTRAN5_la_CNT GL Detail Report Time : 16:34:50
Ledger: GL
City of Tustin , General Led er Detail Repnort
Report Date: from 07/01/06 to 06/30/07 ~ Y Fiscal Year: 2007
Post Date PO Ref Invoice Pro~/I'ask Description PEID Ck No Debit Credit Net
07/l4/O6 EARN REG OI014DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 244.47 0.00 244.47
07!28/06 EARN REG OlO15DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
07128/Ob EARN REG O I O15DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 3 i 5.45 0.00 3 t 5.45
07/31/06 JE009596 RVRS JUNE P/R ACCRUAL OS/Ob 0.00 1,229.00 -1,229.00
08/t 1/06 EARN REG Ol0I6DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
08/1 l/O6 EARN REG 01416DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 315.45 0.00 315.45
08/25/06 EARN REG 01017DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
08125/06 EARN REG 01017DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 279.96 0.00 279.96
09/08/06 EARN REG 01018DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.04 0.00
09/08/06 EARN REG 41018DP ReR Pay Timecard GRS, 315.45 0.00 3 t 5.45
09/22/06 EARN REG 01019DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
09/22/06 EARN REG 01019DP Red Pay Timecard GRS. 279.96 0.00 279.96
10/06!06 EARN REG 01020DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
10/06/06 EARN REG 01020DP Red Pay Timecard GRS. 279.96 0.00 279.96
lU/20/06 EARN REG 01021DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
10/20/O6 EARN REG 01021 DP Red Pay Timecard GRS. 3 15.45 0.00 315.45
11/03/06 EARN REG 01022DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
11; 03/06 EARN REG 01022DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 3I 5.45 0.00 3 t 5.45
11/17/06 EARN REG 01023DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
11/17/06 EARN REG 01023DP Red Pay Timecard GRS. 291.79 0.00 291.79
12101 /06 EARN REG 01024DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
12/01/06 EARN REG 01024DP Key Pay "Timecard GRS. 240.53 0,00 240.53
12/15/06 EARN REG 01025DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
(2/15/06 EARN REG 01025DP Red Pay Timecard GRS. 299.67 0.00 299.67
12/29/06 EARN REG 01026DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
12/29/06 EARN REG 01026DP ReQ Pay Timecard GRS. 279.96 0.00 279.96
0 t / 12/07 EARN REG O 1 UO I DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
01/12/07 EARN REG O1001DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 253.17 0.00 253.17
01/26/07 EARN REG 01002DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
01/26/07 EARN REG 01002DP Reg Pay TimeCazd GRS. 273.58 0.00 273.58
02/09/07 EARN REG 01003DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
02/09/07 EARN REG 01003DP Red Pav Timecard GRS. 326.23 0.00 326.23
02/23/07 EARN REG O1004DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
02/23/07 EARN REG 01004DP Red Pay Timecard GRS. 343.40 0.00 343.40
03/09/07 EARN REG O1005DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
03/09/07 EARN REG O1005DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 248.96 0.00 248.96
03/23/07 EARN REG 01006DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
03/23/07 EARN REG 01006DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 306.91 0.00 306.91
04/06/07 EARN REG 01007DP Comp Time Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
04/06/07 EARN REG 01007DP GenLv Accrued GRS. Q00 0.00 0.00
04/06/07 EARN REG 01007DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 326.23 0.00 326.23
04/20/07 EARN REG 01008DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
04/20!07 EARN REG 01008DP Red Pay Timecard GRS. 343.40 0.00 343.40
05/04/07 EARN REG 01009DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
05/04/07 EARN REG Ot009DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 343.40 0.00 343.40
05/18/0? EARN REG OIOIODP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
05/18/07 EARN REG OIOIODP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 326.23 0.00 326.23
06/01/07 EARN REG blO11DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
06/01/07 EARN REG 0101 IDP ~ Red Pay Timecard GRS. 326.23 0.00 326.23
O6/ l 5/07 EARN REG 01012DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
06/15/07 EARN REG 01012DP Red Pay Timecard GRS. 287.59 0.00 287.59
06/29/07 EARN REG Ol0I3DP GenLv Accrued GRS. 0.00 0.00 0.00
06/29/07 EARN REG 01013DP Reg Pay Timecard GRS. 115.90 0.00 f 15.90
06/30/07 JE010750 Accrue 50% Payroll y/e 6/30/07 866.00 0.00 866.00
5000 Total: 8.460.78 1.229.00 7,231.78
59-600- 5010 HOLIDAY
07/14/06 EARN REG O10l4DP Holiday Pay GRS. 35.49 0.00 35.49
09/22/06 EARN REG 01019DP Holiday Pay GRS. 35.49 0.00 35.49
1 1/17/06 EARN REG 01023DP Holiday Pay GRS. 15.77 0.00 15.77
12,'01/06 EARN REG 01024DP Holiday Pay GRS. 67.03 0.00 67.03
1211 ~/O6 EARN REG 01025DP Holiday Pay GRS. 15.77 0.00 15.77
01/(2/07 EARN REG O1001DP Holiday Pay GRS. 73.50 0.00 73.50
0 U l 2/07 EARN REG 01001 DP PD WrkOnReQPayHolidy GRS. 73.50 0.00 73. SU
03109/07 EARN REG O1005DP Holiday Pay GRS. 38.63 0.00 38.63
06/15!07 EARN REG 01012DP Holiday Pay GRS. 38.63 O.UO 38.63
5010 Total: 393.81 0.00 393.81
59-600- 5011 VACATION E!CPENSE
07/14/06 EARN REG 01014UP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. 35.49 0.00 35.49
08/25/U6 EARN REG 01017DP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. 35.49 0.00 35.49
10/O6/06 EARN REG 01020DP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. 35.49 0.00 35.49
1(/17/06 EARN REG 01023DP GenLv Used -M[SC GRS. 7.89 0.00 7.R9
User: Kimberly McAllen Page 3 Current Date: 1 l/28/07
Report: GLTRANS_la_CNT GL Uetail Report Time: 16:34:50
city °t TUSt_'n~~ General Ledger Detail Report
Report Date: from 07/01/06 to 06/30/07
Ledger: GL
Fiscal Year: ?007
Post Date PO Ref In voice Proi(Task Description PEID Ck No Debit Credit Net
12/01106 EARN REG 01024DP GenLv Used -M15C GRS. 7.89 0.00 7.89
12/29/06 EARN REG 01026DP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. 35.49 0.00 35.49
01/26/07 EARN REG 01002DP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. 53.08 0.00 53.08
OZ/09!07 EARN REG 01003DP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. 17.17 0.00 17.17
03/09/07 EARN REG O1005DP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. 55.80 0.00 55.80
03/23/07 EARN REG O1006DP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS, 36.49 0.00 36.49
04/06/07 EARN REG 01007DP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. 17.17 0.00 17.17
05/18/07 EARN REG 01010DP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. 17.17 0.00 17.17
06/01 /07 EARN REG 01011 DP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. l 7. l7 0.00 17.17
06/15x'07 EARN REG 01012DP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. 17.17 0.00 17.17
06/29/07 EARN REG 01013DP GenLv Used -Vacation GRS. 227.50 0.00 227.50
5011 Total: 616.4b 0.00 616.46
59-600- 5019 FLEX DOLLARS
07/14/06 CONT REG 01014DP Flex Credit 0.22 0.00 0.22
07/28/06 CONT REG O1 O15DP Flex Credit 0.22 0.00 0.22
08/I 1/06 CONT REG 01016DP Flex Credit 022 0.00 0.22
08/25/06 CONT REG 01017DP Flex Credit 0.22 0.00 0.22
09108/06 CONT REG OlOlBDP Flex Credit 0.22 0.00 0.22
09/22/06 CONT REG 01019DP Flex Credit 0.22 0.00 0.22
0/06/06 CONT REG O 1020DP Flex Credit 0.22 0.00 0.22
10/20/Ob CONT REG 01021DP Flex Credit 0.22 0.00 0.22
11/03/06 CONT RF.G 01022DP Flex Credit 0.22 0.00 0.22
11/17/06 CONT REG 0[023DP Flex Credit 0.22 0.00 0.22
12/01/06 CONT REG 01024DP Flex Credit 0.22 0.00 0.22
12/15/06 CONT REG 01025DP Flex Credit 0.21 0.00 0.21
12/29/06 CONT REG 01026DP Flex Credit 0.22 0.00 0.22
01 / 12/07 CONT REG 01001 DP Flex Credit 0.47 0.00 0.47
01/26/07 CONT REG 01002DP Flex Credit 0.47 0.00 0.47
02/09/07 CONT REG 01003DP Flex Credit 0.47 0.00 0.47
02/23/07 CONT REG 01004DP Flex Credit 0.47 0.00 0.47
03/09/07 CONT REG O1005DP Flex Credit 0.47 0.00 0.47
03/23/07 CONT REG 01006DP Flex Credit 0.47 0.00 0.47
04/06/07 CONT REG 01007DP Flex Credit 0.47 0.00 0.47
04/20/07 CONT REG O1008DP Flex Credit 0.47 0.00 0.47
05/04/07 CONT REG 01009DP Flex Credit 0.47 0.00 0.47
05/18/07 CONT REG O1010DP Flex Credit 0.47 0.00 0.47
06101 /07 CONT REG O 1011 DP Flex Credit 0.47 0.00 0.47
06/15/07 CONT REG 01012DP Flex Credit 0.47 0.00 0.47
06/29/07 CONT REG 01013DP Flex Credit 0.47 0.00 0.47
5019 Totat: 8.96 0.00 8.96
10/06/06 EARN REG 01020DP Overtime 11!2 GRS. 44.36 0.00 44.36
12/15/06 EARN REG 41025DP Overtime 11/2 GRS. 11.83 0.00 11.83
06/01 /07 EARN REG 01011 DP Overtime 1 1 /2 GRS. 51.51 0.00 51.51
5020 Total: 107.70 0.00 107.70
59-600- 5210 LIFE INSURANCE
07/14/06 CONT REG OIOl4DP Life Ins Reg 1.10 0.00
07/28/06 CONT REG O I O i 5DP Life Ins Reg 1. [ 0 0.00
08/11106 CONT REG 01016DP Life Ins Reg 1.10 0.00
08/25/06 CONT REG 01017DP Life Ins Reg 1. I O 0.00
09/08/06 CONT REG 01 Ol8DP Life lns Reg 1.10 0.00
09/22/06 CON'I' REG 01019DP Life Ins Reg 1.10 0.00
10/06/06 CONT REG 01020DP Life Ins Reg 1. l0 0.00
10/20/06 CONT REG 01021 DP Life Ins Reg i I.10 0.00
1 1/03/06 CONT REG 01022DP Life Ins Reg 1.10 0.00
1 I/l7/06 CONT RF.G 01023DP Life Ins Reg 1.10 0.00
12/01/06 CONT REG 01024DP Life Ins Reg 1.10 0.00
i 2/15/06 CONT REG 01025DP Life [ns Reg 1.10 0.00
12/29/06 CONT REG O1026DP Life Ins Reg 1.10 0.00
01 / 12/07 CUNT REG 01001 DP Life Ins Reg 1.10 0.00
01/26/07 CONT REG 01002DP Life [ns Reg 1.10 0.00
02/(19107 C:UN"I~ REG U1003DP Life Ins Reg 1.10 0.00
02/23/07 CONT REG 01004DP Life Ins Reg 1.10 0.f)0
03/09/07 CONT REG Ot005DP Life Ins Reg I.10 0.00
03/23/07 CONT REG 0t006DP Life Ins Reg 1.10 0.00
04/Ob/07 CUNT REG 01007DP Life Ins Reg I . E 0 0.00
04/20/07 CONT REG O1008DP Life Ins Reg 1.10 0.00
05/04/07 CONT REG 01009DP Life Ins Reg [ .10 0.00
US/18/07 CONT REG OIOIODP .Life Ins Reg Ll0 0.00
User: Kimberly McAllen
Report: GLTRANS_la CNT
Page 4
GL Detail Report
Current Date: 1 1/28107
Time: 16:34:50
city °t~-rUSt'~ General Led er Detail Re ort Ledger: GL
Report Date: from 07/01/06 to Ob/30/07 g p Fiscal Year: 2007
Post Date PO Ref Invoice Proi/Task Description P_EID Ck No Debit Credit '.Vet
06/O l 107 CONT REG 01 U l I DP Life Ins Reg 1. l0 0.00 1.10
06/15/07 CONT REG Ol0l2DP Life Ins ReQ 1.10 0.00 l.lU
06/29/07 CONT REG O1013DP Life [ns Reg 1. I O 0.00 l . ! 0
_5210 Total: 28.60 0.00 28.60
07/14/Ob CONT REG 01014DP Blue Shield HMO 16.51 0.00 16.51
07/14/06 CONT REG 01014DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 1.69 0.00 1.69
07/14/06 CONT REG OIOl4DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.05 0.00 0.05
07/28/06 CONT REG O1015DP Blue Shield HMU 16.51 O.OU 16.5
07/28/06 CONT REG OIOI SDP DELTA DENTAL PPO 1.69 0.00 1.69
07/28/06 CONT REG OlOlSDP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.05 0.00 0.05
07/31/06 JE009596 RVRS JUNE P/R ACCRUAL 05/06 0.00 129.00 -129.00
08/l l/06 CONT REG 01016DP Blue Shield HMO 16.51 0.00 16.51
08/1 I/06 CONT REG 01016DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 1.69 0.00 L69
08/1 1/06 CONT REG O1016DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.05 0.00 0.05
08/25/06 CONT REG 01017DP Blue Shield HMO 16.51 0.00 16.51
08/25/06 CONT REG 01017DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 1.69 0.00 1.69
08/25/06 CONT REG 01017DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.05 0.00 0.05
09/08/06 CONT REG 01418DP Blue Shield HMO 16.51 0.00 16.51
09/08106 CONT REG 01018DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 1.69 0.00 1.69
09/08/06 CONT REG 01018DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.05 0.00 0.05
09/22/06 CONT REG 01019DP Blue Shield HMO 16.51 0.00 16.51
09/22/06 CONT REG 01019DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 1.69 0.00 1.69
09/22/06 CONT REG 01019DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.05 0.00 0.05
10/06/06 CONT REG 01020DP Blue Shield HMO 16.51 0.00 16.51
10/06/06 CON"t REG 01020DP DELTA DENTAL PPO t .69 0.00 1.69
10/06/06 CONT REG 01020DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.05 0.00 0.05
10/20/06 CONT REG 01021 DP Blue Shield HMO 1b.51 0.00 16.51
0/20/06 CONT REG 01021 DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 1.69 0.00 1.69
10/20/06 CONT REG 01021 DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.05 0.00 0.05
11/03/06 CONT REG 01022DP Blue Shield HMO 16.51 0.00 16.51
11/03/06 CONT REG 01022DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 1.69 0.00 1.69
1(/03/06 CONT REG 01022DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.05 0.00 0.05
I (/17/06 CONT REG O1023DP Blue Shield HMO 16.51 0.00 16.51
11/17/06 CONT REG OI023DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 1.69 0.00 1.69
t I/17/06 CONT-REG 01023DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.05 0.00 0.05
12/01/06 CONT REG 01024DP Blue Shield HMO 16.51 0.00 16.51
12/01/06 CONT REG 01024DP DELTA DENTAL APO 1.69 0.00 1.69
12/01,'Ob CONT REG 01024DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.05 0.00 0.05
12/IS/U6 CONT REG O1025DP Blue Shieid HMO 16.51 0.00 16.51
12/15/06 CONT REG 01025DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 1.69 0.00 1.69
12/l5/06 CONT REG OI025DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.05 0.00 0.05
12/29/06 CONT REG 01026DP Blue Shield HMU 16.51 0.00 16.51
12/29/06 CONT REG 01026DP DELTA DENTAL, PPO 1.69 0.00 1.69
12/29/06 CUNT REG 01026DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.05 0.00 0.05
01/12/07 CONT REG O1001DP Blue Shield HMO 18.79 0.00 18.79
01 / 12/07 CONT REG O 1001 DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 1.74 0.00 1.74
O1/12/07 CONT REG OIOOIDP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.06 O.UO 0.06
01/26/07 CONT RF,G 01002DP Biue Shield HMO 18.79 0.00 18.79
O1/2b/U7 CON'T REG 01002DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 1.74 0.00 1.74
01/26/07 CONT REG 01002DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.06 0.00 0.06
02/09/07 CONT REG O1003DP Blue Shield HMO 18.79 0.00 18.79
02!09/07 CONT REG 01003DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 1.74 0.00 1.74
02!09/07 CONT REG O1003DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.06 0.00 0.06
02/23/07 CONT REG O1004DP Blue Shield HMO 18.79 0.00 18.79
02!23/07 CONT REG 01004DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 1.74 0.00 1.74
02/23/07 CONT REG 01004DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.06 0.00 0.06
03/09/07 CONT REG O1005DP Blue Shield HMO 18.79 0.00 18.79
03/09/07 CONT REG O1005DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 1.74 0.00 1.74
03/09/07 CONT REG OIOOSDP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.06 0.00 0.06
03/23/07 CONT REG 01006DP Blue Shield HMO 18.79 0.00 18.79
03/23/07 CON'I' REG O1006DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 1.74 0.00 1.74
03/23/07 CONT REG 01006DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.06 0.00 0.06
04/06/07 CONT REG 01007DP Bluc Shictd HMO 18.79 0.00 18.79
04/06/07 CONT REG 01007DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 1.74 0.00 1.74
04/06/07 CONT REG 01007DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.06 0.00 0.06
04/20/07 CONT REG 01008DP Blue Shield HMO 18.79 0.00 18.79
04/20/07 CONT REG 01008DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 1.74 0.00 1.74
74/20/07 CONY REG 01008DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.06 0.00 0.06
75/04/07 CONT REG 01009DP Blue Shield HMO 18.79 O.UO 18.79
75/04!07 CONT REG 01009DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 1.74 0.00 1.74
75/04/07 CONT REG 01009DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.06 0.00 0.06
User: Kimberly McAllen Page 5 Current Date: 11/28/07
Report: GLTRANS_la_CN"C GL Detail Report Time: 16:34:50
City of Tustin Ledger: GL
General Ledger Detail Report
Report Date: from 07/01/06 to 06/30/07 Fiscal Year: ?007
Post Date PO Ref Invoice Proi~['ask Description PEID Ck No Debit Credit Net
05;18/07 CONT REG O1010DP Btue Shield HMO 18.79 0.00 18.79
05/18/07 CONT REG OIOIODP DELTA DENTAL PPO 1.74 0.00 1.74
OS/ 18/07 CONT REG O l O1 ODP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.06 0.00 0.06
06/01/07 CONT REG 0101 lDP Blue Shield HMO 18.79 0.00 18.79
06101 /07 CONT REG 01011 DP DELTA DF,NTAL PPO 1.74 0.00 1.74
06/01 107 CONT REG 01011 DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.06 0.00 0.06
06/15/07 CONT REG 01012DP Blue Shield HMO 18.79 0.00 18.79
Oti/ t 5/07 CONT REG O l U 12DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 1.74 0.00 1.74
06/15/07 CONT REG 01012DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.06 0.00 0.06
06/29107 CONT REG 01013DP Blue Shield HMO 18.79 0.00 18.79
06/29/07 CONT REG 01013DP DELTA DENTAL PPO 1.74 0.00 1.74
06/29!07 CONT REG 01013DP PERS Med Adm Fee 0.06 0.00 0.06
06/30/07 .1E010750 Accrue 50% Payroll y/e 6130/07 69.00 0.00 69.00
5220 Total: 573.92 129.00 444.92
07/14/06 CONT REG 01014DP Worker's Comp 1.68 0.00 1.68
07/28/06 CUNT REG 01015DP Worker's Comp 1.68 0.00 1.68
08/11/06 CONT RF.G 01016DP Worker's Comp 1.68 0.00 1.68
08/25/06 CONT REG 0lOl7DP Worker's Comp 1.68 0.00 1.68
09/08/06 CONT REG 01018DP Worker's Comp 1.68 0.00 1.68
09/22!06 CONT REG 01019DP Worker's Comp 1.68 0.00 1.68
l O/U6/U6 CONT REG 01020DP Worker's Comp 1.68 0.00 1.68
10/20/06 CONT REG 01021 DP Worker's Comp t .68 0.00 1.68
1 (/03/06 CONT REG 01022DP Worker's Comp 1.68 0.00 f .68
(1/17/06 CONT REG 01023DP Worker's Camp 1.68 0.00 1.68
12/01/06 CONT REG 01024DP Worker's Comp 1.68 0.00 1.68
12/15/06 CONT REG O1025DP Worker's Comp 1.67 0.00 1.67
12/29/06 CONT REG 01026DP Worker's Comp 1.68 0.00 1.68
01/12/07 CONT REG 01001 DP Worker's Comp 2.12 0.00 2.12
01/26/07 CONT REG 01002DP Worker's Comp 1.73 0.00 1.73
02/09/07 CONT REG 01003DP Worker's Comp 1.82 0.00 1.82
02/23!07 CONT REG 01004DP Worker's Comp 1.82 0.00 L82
03/09/07 CONT REG OIOOSDP Worker's Comp 1.82 0.00 1.82
03/23/07 CONT REG O1006DP Worker's Comp 1.82 0.00 1.82
04!06/07 CONT REG 01007DP Worker's Comp 1.82 0.00 1.82
04/20/07 CONT REG 01008DP Worker's Comp 1.82 0.00 1.82
05!04/07 CONT REG 01009DP Worker's Comp 1.82 0.00 1.82
05/18/07 CONT REG O1010DP Worker's Comp 1.82 0.00 1.82
06/01/07 CONT REG 0101 IDP Worker's Comp 1.82 0.00 1.82
06/ 1 S/07 CONT REG O I012DP Worker's Comp 1.82 0.00 1.82
06/29/07 CON"1' REG 01013DP Worker's Comp 1.82 0.00 1.R2
5240 Total: 45.70 0.00 45.70
59-600- 5260 MEDICARE
07/ 14/06 CONT REG 01014DP Medicare 4.50 0.00 4.50
07/28/06 CONT REG OlO15DP Medicare 4.50 0.00 4.50
08/11/06 CONT REG 01016DP Medicare 4.50 0.00 4.50
08/25/06 CONT REG 01017DP Medicare 4.50 0.00 4.50
09/08/06 CONT REG 01018DP Medicare 4.50 0.00 4.50
09!22/06 CONT REG 01019DP Medicare 4.50 0.00 4.50
10!06/06 CONT REG 01020DP Medicare 5.14 0.00 5.14
10!20/06 CONT REG 01021 DP Medicare 4.50 0.00 4.50
1 (/03/06 CONT REG 01022DP Medicare 4.50 0.00 4.50
1 017/06 CONT REG 01023DP Medicare 4.50 0.00 4.50
12/01 /06 CONT RF.G 01024DP Medicare 4.50 0.00 4.50
12/15/06 CONT REG 01025DP Medicare 4.67 0.00 4.67
12/29/Ob CONT REG 01026DP Medicare 4.50 0.00 4.50
01 i 12/07 CONT REG 01001 DP Medicare 5.73 0.00 5.73
01 /26107 CONY REG O I U02UP Medicare 4.67 0.00 4.67
J2/09/07 CONT REG 01003DP Medicare 4.91 0,00 4.91
`)2/23;07 CONT REG O1004DP Medicare 4.91 0.00 4.91
'J3/09/07 CONT REG OIOOSDP Medicare 4.91 O.UO 4.91
:)3/23!07 CONT REG 01006DP Medicare 4.91 0.00 4.91
)4/06107 CONT REG 01007DP Medicare 4.91 0.00 4.91
)4/20/07 CONT REG 01008DP Medicare 4.91 0.00 4.91
)5/04/07 CONT REG 01009DP Medicare 4.91 0.00 4.91
)5/18/07 CONT REG O1010DP Medicare 4.91 0.00 4.91
)6/01/07 CONT REG OIOI IDP Medicare 5.66 0.00 5.66
)6/I 5/07 CONT REG U1012DP Medicare 4.91 0.00 491
)6129/07 CONT RF.G 01013DP Mcdicare 4.91 0.00 4.91
)6/30!07 1E010750 Accrue 50% Payroll y/e 6!30107 12.00 0.00 12,00
User: K imberly McAllen Page 6 Current Date: 1 V28107
Report' G LTRANS_la CNT GL Detail Report Time: 16:34:50
City of Tustin Ledger: GL
General Ledger Detail Report Fiscal Year: 2007
Report Date: from 07/01/Ob to Ob/30/07
Post Date PO Ref Invoice Proi/Task Description PEID Ck No __ Debit Credit Net
5260 Total: 136.47 0.00 136.7
59-600- 5270 PER S
07/14/(16 CONT REG 01014DP PERS ER Portion 27.37 0.00 27.37
07/ / 4/06 CONT REG 01014DP PERS/EE Earned 22.08 0.00 22.08
07/28/06 CUNT REG 01015DP PERS ER Portion 27.37 0.00 27.37
07/28!06 CONT REG 0101 SDP PERS/EE Earned 2208 0.00 22.08
07/3 t106 1E009596 RVRS JUNE P/It ACCRUAL OS/06 0.00 190.00 -190.00
0811 1106 CONT REG 01016DP PERS ER Portion 27.37 0.00 27.37
(}8/1 1/06 CONT REG 01016DP PERS/EE Earned 22.08 0.00 22.08
08/25/06 CONT REG 01017DP PERS ER Portion 27.37 0.00 27.37
08/28/06 CONT REG OlOl7DP PERS/EE Earned 22.08 0.00 22.08
09/08/06 CONT REG 01018DP PERS ER Portion 27.37 0.00 27.37
09/08/06 CONT REG Ol Ol8DP PERS/EE Earned 22.08 0.00 22.08
09/22/06 CONT REG 01019DP PERS ER Portion 27.37 0.00 27.37
09/22!06 CONT REG OIOt9DP PERS,~EE Earned 22.08 0.00 22.08
10/06/06 CONT REG 01020DP PERS ER Portion 27.37 0.00 27.37
10/06/06 CONT REG 01020DP PERS/EE Earned 22.08 0.00 22.08
10/20/06 CONT REG 01021 DP PERS ER Portion 27.37 0.00 27.37
10/20/U6 CONT REG 01021 DP PERS/EE Earned 22.08 0.00 22.08
11/03/06 CONT REG 01022DP PERS ER Portion 27.37 0.00 27.37
11/03/06 CONT REG 01022DP PERS/EE Earned 22.08 0.00 22.08
11//7/06 CONT REG 01023DP PERS ER Portion 27.37 0.00 27.37
11//7/06 CONT REG 01023DP PERS/EE Earned 22,08 0.00 22.08
12/0006 CONT REG 01024DP PERS ER Portion 27.37 0.00 27.37
12/01/06 CONT REG 01024DP PERS/EE Earned 22.08 0.00 22.08
12/15/U6 CONT REG 01025DP PERS ER Portion 27.37 0.00 27.37
12/15/06 CONT RF.,G 01025DP PERS/EE Earned 22.08 0.00 22.08
12/29/06 CONT REG 01026DP PERS ER Portion 27.37 OAO 27.37
12/29/06 CONT REG 01026DP PERS/EE Earned 22.08 0.00 22.08
01 / ] 2/07 CONT REG 01001 DP PERS ER Portion 34.72 0.00 34.72
01/12/07 CONT REG 01001DP PERS/EE Earned 22.87 0.00 22.87
01/12/07 CONT REG O1001DP PERS/EE SpecComp 5.15 0.00 5.15
Ol/2G/U7 CONT REG 01002 DP PERS ER Portion 28.34 0.00 28.34
01/26!07 CONT REG 01002DP PERS/EE Earned 22.87 0.00 22.87
02/09/07 CONT REG O1003DP PERS ER Portion 29.79 0.00 29.79
02/09/07 CONT REG 01003DP PERS/EE Earned 24.04 0.00 24.04
02/23/07 CONT REG 01004DP PERS ER Portion 29.79 0.00 29.79
02/23/07 CONT REG 01004DP PERS/EE Earned 24.04 0.00 24.04
03/09/07 CONT REG O1005DP PERS ER Portion 29.79 0.00 29.79
03/09/07 CONT REG O1005DP PERS/EE Earned 24.04 Q_OU 24.04
03/23/U7 CONT REG 01006DP PERS ER Portion 29.79 0.00 29.79
03/23/07 CONT REG 01006DP PERS/EE Earned 24.04 0.00 24.04
04/06/07 CONT REG 01007DP PERS ER Portion 29.79 0.00 29.79
04/06/07 CONT REG 01007DP PERS/EE Earned 24.04 0.00 24.04
04/20/07 CONT REG O1008DP PERS ER Portion 29.79 0.00 29.79
04/20/07 CONT REG O1008DP PERS/EE Earned 24.04 0.00 24.04
05/04/07 CONT REG 01009DP PERS ER Portion 29.79 0.00 29.79
05/04/07 CONT REG 01009DP PERS/EE Earned 24.04 0,00 24.04
05/18/07 CONT REG O1010DP PERS ER Portion 29.79 0.00 29.79
05/18/07 CON'T REG OIOIODP PERS/EE Earned 24.04 0.00 24.04
06/01 /07 CONT REG 0101 1 DP PERS ER Portion 29.79 0.00 29.79
06/01/07 CONT REG 0101 IDP PERS/EE Earned 24.04 0.00 24,04
06/15!07 CONT REG 01012DP PERS ER Portion 29.79 0.00 29.79
06/15/07 CONT REG 01012DP PERS/EE Earned 24.04 0.00 24.04
06/29/07 CON"T REG U1013DP PERS ER Portion 29.79 0.00 29.79
(16129/07 CONT REG 01013DP PERS/EE Earned 24.04 0.00 24.04
06/30/07 JE010750 Accrue 50% Payroll y/e 6/30/07 139.00 0.00 139.00
5270 Total: 1,487.93 190.00 1,297.93
!)7iUl/U6 JULY 2006 G.W. JEFFRIES & PROFESS[ONAL & V01525 0U061318 156.51 0.00 156.51
08!04,'06 AUGUST 2006 G.W. JEFFRIES & PROFESS[ONAL & V01525 00100322 156.51 0.00 156.51
09/U1/O6 SEPTEMBER 2~ G.W. JEFFRIES & PROFESSIONAL & V01525 00101021 156.51 0.00 156.51
10/06/06 OCTOBER 20Ut G.W. JEFFRIES & PROFESSIONAL & V01525 00101784 156.51 0.00 156.51
l0/06/U6 0607329 OVERLAND PACIFI PROFESSIOIv'AL & V02023 OUIOl884 315.00 0.00 .31 S.(lU
1 1/03/06 NOVEMBER 2( G.W. JEFFRIES & PROFESSIONAL & V01525 00102477 156.St 0.00 156.51
12101 /06 DECEMBER 20 G W JEFFRIES & PROFESSIONAL & V01525 00103 ! 59 156.51 0.00 156.81
[2/08/O6 06-6160 KHR ASSOCIATES PROFESSIONAL & V01555 00103355 50.28 0.00 50.25
12/08/06 0610213 OVERLAND PACIF[ PROFESSIONAL. & V02023 00103376 315.00 0.00 315.00
)1 /OS/07 JANUARY 200' G W JEFFRIES & PROFESSIONAL & VO l 525 001 03846 156.51 0.00 156. S 1
}2/02/07 FEBRUARY 20 G W 1EFFR[ES & PROFESSIONAL & V01525 00104525 186.5! 0.00 156.51
)2/28/07 JEO10082 Reallocate Jeffries-Jan-Mar 07 V01525 _ _ x.00___ 31.3_.02__ ____ -313.02
User Kimberly McAllen Page 7 Current Date: 11/28/07
Report: GL'1'RANS_la CNT GL Detail Report Time: 16:34:50
City_of Tustin Ledger: GL
General Ledger Detail Report
Report Date: fiom 07/01/06 to Ob/30/07 Fiscal Year: 2007
Post Date PO Ref Invoice Proi/Task Description PEID Ck No Debit Credit _____ _ Net
02/28/07 JE010084 Reallocate Treas expense 0.00 939.06 -939.06
03/02/07 0701038 OVERLAND PACIFI PROFESSIONAL & V02023 00105204 270,00 0.00 270.00
05/18/07 0703126 OVERLAND PACIFI PROFESSIONAL & V02023 00107112 90.00 0.00 90.00
06/01/07 0704168 OVERLAND PAC1F'[ PROFESSIONAL & V02023 00107465 242.50 0.00 242.50
06/24,'07 0706342 OVERLAND PACIF(PROFESSIONAL & V02023 00109463 340.00 0.00 340.00
06/24/07 0705038 OVERLAND PACIFI PROFESSIONAL & V02023 00109463 250.00 0.00 250.00
6010 Total: 3,124.83 1,252.08 1,872.75
04/20/07 31381 WOODRUFF SPRADL LEGAL SVCS - C V02163 00106466 34.80 0:00 34.80
05/25/07 31863/31863-4 WOODRUFF SPRADL LEGAL SVCS - C V02163 00107374 52.20 0.00 5220
6016 Total: 87,00 0.00 87.00
02/02/07 RELOCATION OVERLAND PACffI MOVING & RELOC V02023 00104583 18,489.68 0.00 18,489.68
05/18!07 BANK ANALY: OVERLAND PACIFI MOVING & RELOC V02023 00107112 26.10 0.00 26.10
6129 Total: 18,515.78 0.00 18,515.78
59-600- 6355 TELEPHONE
06/30/07 JE010578 PHONE EXPENSE ALLOCATION 06/07 713.89 0.00 713.89
6355 Total: 713.89 0.00 713.89
07/28/06 3071839793 STAPLES [NC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL V 13763 00100203 7.60 0.00 7.60
U8/U4/06 3072022815 STAPLES tNC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL V 13763 00100408 9.22 0.00 9.22
09/01/06 3073197444 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL V 13763 00101110 14.80 0.00 14.80
09//5/06 350606313-001 OFFICE DEPOT DEPARTMENTAL SUPP VO1065 00101328 6.37 0.00 6.37
09/29/06 3074659664 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL VI3763 00101662 0.00 1.05 -1.05
09/29/06 3074659663 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL VI3763 00101662 19.64 0.00 19.64
10/06/06 3074886963 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL VI3763 OOl 01938 13.37 0.00 13.37
10/06/06 3074659664-1 STAPLES WC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL V 13763 00101938 0.00 1.05 -1.05
l0/06/06 3074659663-1 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL VI3763 00101938 19.64 0.00 19.64
10/30/06 3074659663 STAPLES WC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL VI3763 00101662 0.00 19.64 -19.64
] 0/30/06 3074659664 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL V 13763 00101662 1.05 0.00 1.05
11/03/06 357056829-001 OFFICE DEPOT DEPARTMENTAL SUPP V01065 00102529 13.76 0.00 13.76
1 l/03/06 3075727156 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL V 13763 00102577 9.86 0.00 9.86
11/10/06 3076203398 STAPLES MC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL VI3763 00102775 31.59 0.00 31.59
12/01/06 3077227908 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL VI3763 00103244 22.62 0.00 22.62
12!15/06 363086276-001 OFFICE DEPOT DEPARTMENTAL SUPP V01065 00103529 ' 8.80 0.00 8.80
01/12/07 3078929321 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL VI3763 00104059 44.39 0.00 44.39
01/26/07 368881266-001 OFFICE DEPOT UEPARTMEN"I'AL SUPP V01065 00104388 19.06 0.00 19.06
02/09/07 3080468353 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL VI3763 00104760 51.81 0.00 51.81
02/09/07 3079915500 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL VI3763 00104760 26.72 O.OU 26.72
03/23/07 3082236418 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL VI3763 00105747 14.86 0.00 14.86
03/23/07 3081924948 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL VI3763 00(05747 38.79 0.00 38.79
03/23/07 3082236419 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL VI3763 00105747 20.62 0.00 20.62
04/06!07 378706545-001 OFFICE DEPOT DEPARTMENTAL SUPP V01065 00106002 12.72 0.00 12.72
04/13/07 3083249474 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL VI3763 00106237 6.77 0.00 6.77
04/27/07 SUPPLY REIMI DAVID, KIM DEPARTMENTAL SUPPLI V0012b 00106513 12.22 0.00 12.22
04/27/07 381193672-OOl OFFICE DEPOT DEPARTMENTAL SUPP V01065 00106564 6.10 O.OU 6.10
05/1 1/07 3084609293 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL VI3763 00106982 27.00 0.00 27.00
06/15/07 3085629540 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL VI3763 00107842 28.73 0.00 28.73
06/15/07 3085629541 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL VI3763 00107842 28.07 0.00 28.07
06/ 15/07 3086123964 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL V 13763 00107842 13.41 0.00 13.41
06/24/07 3087596327 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL V 13763 00108519 24.67 U.OU 24.67
06!24/07 308711 1342 STAPLES INC DEPARTMENTAL SUPPL V 13763 00 ] 08354 26.00 0.00 26.00
6400 Total: 580.26 21.74 558.52
08/04/06 30720228 l5 STAPLES INC PRINTING EXPENSES V 13763 00100408 36.63 0.00 36.63
6420 Total: 36.63 0.00 36.63
59-600- 6710 MEETINGS
~2/U2/07 2x28-3/2/07 CALIFORNIA REDS MEETINGS V04674 00104484 375.00 0.00 375.00
6710 Total: 375.00 0.00 37.5,00
12/31/06 JE009894 BK DEPT VEIi LEASE COST-50% 513.00 0.00 5 (3.00
)6/30/(17 JE010573 Dept. Vehicle Lease-50% budr;et 513.00 0.00 513.00
User: Kimberly McAllen Page 8 Current Date: 1 1/2R/07
Report: GLTRANS_la_CNT GL Detail Keport Time: 16:34:50
~'rv ofTusii~ General LedgQer Detail Re ort Ledger: GL
Report Date; from 07!01/06 to 06/30/07 b p Fisca( Year: 2007
Post Date PO Ref Invoice Proi/I'ask Description PEID Ck No Debit Credit Net
6845 Total: 1,026.00 0.00 1026.00
04/30!07 JEOi0270 New Heritage Dev Assist Loan 175 000.00 0.00 175,000.00
6993 Total: 17.5,000.00 0.00 175,000.00
06/30/07 JE010889 Account number correction 0.00 280,832.49 -280,832.49
06/30/07 JE0108b9 CORR. JUNE JE10853-BACKWARDS 280 832 49 0.00 __ 280,832.49
8558 Total: 280,832.49 280,832.49 0.00
® 492 152.21 283 654.31 208 497.9
`' ~
06!30/07 1E010819 1045-00 EMERY LND PURCH-SB LAND RESAL 0.00 1,475,000.00 -1,475,000.00
06!30/07 JEOI0819 1045-00 TRNSFR LIBRY RES PRCH TO PROD 3,272,063.88 0.00 3,272,063.88
06!30/07 JE010819 1045-00 TRNSFR LND/OPTN PUR FRM RDA-18 0.00 91,500.00 -9L500.00
06/30/07 JE010819 1045-00 TRNSFR LND/OPTN PUR FRM RDA-18 0.00 3,272,063.88 -3,272,063.88
9510 Total: 3,272.063.88 4,838,563,_8.8_ -1,566,500.00
~~~~ 3 272 063.8 4 838 563.8 -1 566 500.0
End of Report 4,056,767.62 6,394,024.25 -2,337,256.63
User: Kimberly McAllen Page 9 Current Uate: l 1;28/U7
Time: 16:34:50
Report: GL"tRANS_la_CNT GL Detail Report