City Man ager
Finance Director NSA
During the past several years, Old Town residents have expressed concerns about the
impacts related to an increase to on -street parking in the Old Town residential area.
Concerns were expressed at the various public workshops and public hearings held on
the subject of second residential units in Old Town Tustin in 2013, 2014, and 2015, and
when the Vintage residential project was considered and approved in 2016.
To address these concerns, the City Council directed staff on September 15, 2015, and
November 15, 2016, to take several actions including: the facilitation of permit parking
requests; increased enforcement; an updated overnight vehicle count; a resident survey;
a community workshop; meeting with apartment managers; studying potential parking
impacts in conjunction with the proposed Downtown Commercial Core Plan; and outreach
to the Tustin Acres community. The City Council also directed staff to report back with its
findings and to recommend a strategy for the Council's consideration.
This report summarizes: 1) the ongoing concerns related to on -street parking in the Old
Town residential area; 2) the City's 2015 and 2016 Old Town on -street parking counts
and findings; 3) public outreach undertaken to address the issue; and, 4)
recommendations of additional actions fof the Council's consideration.
That the City,Council direct staff to take the following actions to address the issue of on -
street parking in the Old Town residential area:
1) Mail a summary of a proposed Old Town residential area permit parking policy
and a ballot/petition (Attachment A) by certified mail to all owners of property
within the Old Town residential parking study area (Attachment B), including
single and multiple family residential property owners; and,
City Council Report
June 6, 2017
Old Town Parking
Page 2
2) Report back to the City Council with the results of the ballot/petition to provide
the basis for a recommended strategy for Council consideration.
The proposed actions would have an impact on City resources, which would result in fiscal
impacts to the General Fund. The magnitude of these impacts depends on the actions
taken and is undetermined at this time. If permit parking were implemented in the Old
Town residential area, fiscal impacts could be offset by a permit parking fee and
enforcement revenue.
This staff report provides the City Council with some background, an analysis and
discussion, as well as one (1) recommended action to further address the issue of on -
street parking in the Old Town residential area. The report is organized as follows:
BACKGROUND --A brief description of prior actions at the public workshops,
Planning Commission hearings, and City Council hearings related to the issue of
parking in Old Town.
• ANALYSIS/DISCUSSION — A discussion of:
• Summary of the predominant public input received regarding parking
issues in Old Town.
• Actions taken by City staff/Police Department and associated findings.
• RECOMMENDED ACTION — A recommended action to address parking in the
Old Town residential area for City Council consideration, including a proposed
permit parking policy for the Old Town residential parking study area.
Second Residential Units Workshops and Hearings
From February 2013 to May 2015, the City conducted three (3) public workshops and
four (4) public hearings on the subject of second residential units in Old Town Tustin.
The concerns raised at the workshops and hearings and through a public survey included:
1) increased traffic and on -street parking in Old Town, 2) changes to the single family
character of the Old Town residential area, 3) increased housing density, 4) permit
parking, 5) illegal parking, and 6) the use of garages for living space.
In response to the input received at the May 5, 2015, hearing, the City Council directed
staff to take the following actions regarding on -street parking, residential privacy, and
illegally converted structures in the Cultural Resources (CR) District:
City Council Report
June 6, 2017
Old Town Parking
Page 3
a. Explore solutions to address parking impacts within the CR District;
b. During the plan check process, examine ways to respect residential privacy for
properties adjacent to any proposed second floor residential project;
c. Continue to enforce the California Vehicle Code for illegally parked cars obstructing
sidewalks, driveways and/or accessible ramps; and,
d. Continue to enforce illegally constructed or converted structures.
Vintage Project
On September 27, 2016, and November 15, 2016, the Planning "Commission and City
Council, respectively, considered the Vintage project, a request to construct 140
residential units at the southwest corner of Sixth Street and B Street. Although the
proposed residential community would provide an attached two -car garage for each
residence that would be required by CC&Rs to be accessible for parking and would
provide a total of sixty-nine (69) guest parking spaces, when only thirty-five (35) guest
spaces are required, concerns were expressed regarding the impact to on -street parking
in the Old Town residential area.
Based on the public input regarding on -street parking received during the public
workshops and public hearings between 2013 and 2016, it was evident that the concern
regarding on -street parking in Old Town is a broader issue that should be addressed in a
more comprehensive manner versus 'on a project by project basis. As such, the City
Council bifurcated the decision on the Vintage project from the overall parking issue and
directed staff to take additional actions including: an updated overnight vehicle count; a
resident survey, a community workshop; meeting with apartment managers; studying
potential parking impacts in conjunction with the proposed Downtown Commercial Core
Plan; continued outreach to the Tustin Acres community; establishment of permit parking,
if deemed necessary; and, continued enforcement.
According to many residents, Old Town currently has a variety of parking issues which can
be summarized as follows:
• Many vehicles are parked on the residential streets of Old Town, especially in areas
that are adjacent to properties with existing rental units and/or multiple family
residences, and in locations close to businesses.
• Vehicles frequently obstruct sidewalks and, driveways.
• On -street parking is further impacted when garages are used for storage rather
than vehicles, and when individuals from other areas park their vehicles in front of
single family residences.
• It was expressed that there is illegal construction and/or conversions of garages or
other structures to living units which increases the need for additional parking.
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June 6, 2017
Old Town Parking
Page 4
Residents were concemed that the addition of residential units via second
residential units, new condominium projects, and possible future projects would
exacerbate the demand for on -street parking in Old Town.
Residents feel that additional outreach and communication to the impacted area
should be provided.
In response to these concerns, staff has conducted extensive public outreach and
completed two (2) overnight vehicle parking counts to assess the issue and to develop
recommendations for the Council's consideration.
City Actions — Vehicle Counts
On several days in July 2015 and December 2016, the Tustin Police Department
collected license plate information from all vehicles parked overnight on streets within
the Old Town residential area (from First Street to Sixth Street and from the 55 Freeway
to EI Camino Real) and then identified the registration addresses associated with these
The following table summarizes the findings of the 2015 and 2016 vehicle counts:
Registration Address
2015 Count
2016 Count
Within Old Town
Outside Old Town
Outside Tustin
Tustin Acres
*Only the first two percentage figures add to 100% because the addresses outside of Tustin and within
Tustin Acres are subsets of the other figures. For example, addresses outside Tustin are also outside of
Old Town, and Tustin Acres is within Old Town.
As shown in the table, approximately one-half of all vehicles parked ovemight on Old
Town residential streets in the 2015 and 2016 counts were registered at addresses
outside of Old Town. Although some of the vehicles that were registered outside of Old
Town may have belonged to visitors or to Old Town Tustin residents who still had their
vehicles registered at previous addresses, it is evident that a significant number of
vehicles being parked overnight in Old Town do not belong to Old Town residents. It
City Council Report
June 6, 2017
Old Town Parking
Page 5
should also be noted that in the 2016 vehicle count, the percentage of vehicles registered
to Tustin Acres residents dropped to approximately nine (9) percent, which suggests that
Tustin Acres residents may be utilizing a greater percentage of their on-site parking
spaces, including those within the Tustin Acres parking structure.
Based upon the 2015 and 2016 parking survey data, the impacted parking situation in Old
Town is largely the result of residents of Tustin Acres and multiple family dwellings outside
of Old Town Tustin (either in Tustin or Santa Ana) not fully utilizing their on-site parking
spaces or not being able to secure on-site parking, and parking their vehicles on Old Town
City Actions — Public Outreach in 2017
In February 2017, a community survey (Attachment C) was mailed to all residential
property owners and residents in Old Town. The survey was also posted on the City's
website and Facebook page and was able to be completed by hand or via Survey
Monkey. Of the ninety-six (96) individuals who responded to the survey, approximately
sixty (60) percent expressed support for overnight permit parking in Old Town. A
summary of the survey results and comments received is included in Attachment D to
this report.
In addition to the survey, staff also conducted a public workshop which was held on
March 2, 2017. Approximately forty (40) members of the public attended the workshop.
The workshop provided the public with an additional opportunity to learn more about the
issue, to provide public input, offer suggestions, and ask questions. Comments were
made regarding public safety, theft, blocked driveways, the need for more enforcement,
litter, lack of space for trash bins, and the hesitancy to contact the Police Department.
On April 4, 2017, staff met with board members of the organization, Tustin Effective
Apartment Managers (TEAM). The board members acknowledged that many of the
residents of the complexes they manage possess multiple vehicles and are unable to
park all of their vehicles in the parking spaces that are provided on-site. These
residents are often unable to find adjacent on -street parking and will drive to other less
congested neighborhoods, such as Old Town, where more space is generally available
for street parking.
Based on the input received at the various public workshops and hearings and through
the surveys, it is apparent that Old Town residents would like to be able to park in front
of their homes and are primarily concerned about vehicles parked overnight that belong
to individuals who do not reside in Old Town. They are also concerned about public
safety and quality of life.
City Council Report
June 6, 2017
Old Town Parking
Page 6
To address the concerns of many Old Town residents, staff recommends that the
implementation of overnight permit parking in the Old Town residential area be
considered. If overnight permit parking were to be implemented in the Old Town
residential area, it is anticipated the number of vehicles parked on -street overnight and
the associated negative impacts would be significantly reduced for the following
• Many Old Town single and multiple family residents have sufficient space on-site
to accommodate all of their registered vehicles.
• Residents of other cities and other areas of Tustin would not be eligible for
permits to park overnight on streets in the Old Town residential area.
• All Old Town residents, including those of Tustin Acres and other multiple family
dwellings in Old Town, would need to fully utilize provided on-site parking to be
eligible for parking permits.
Proposed Permit Parking Policy for Old Town Residential Area
If permit parking were to be implemented in the Old Town residential area, it is
recommended that a separate permit parking policy for the Old Town residential area be
adopted that includes the following provisions:
• Permits would be made available to residents of single family and multiple family
dwellings within Old Town, pursuant to the California Attorney General's Opinion
No. 14-304, which concluded that local authorities may limit the issuance of long-
term preferential parking permits to residents only, but may not distinguish among
residents based on the type of dwelling in which they live.
• Permits would be required for all vehicles parked on residential streets in the Old
Town area between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.
• Full utilization of on-site parking spaces, including garage, carport, and driveway
spaces would be required before a resident is eligible for parking permits.
• An annual fee of up to $25 per permit would be assessed to offset (but would not
fully cover) the cost to administer the program.
• Limited term guest permits would be issued to Old Town residents at no cost.
Recommended Approach
The implementation of permit parking is often a highly controversial decision and therefore
it may be appropriate for the City Council to consider the desire of the majority of Old
Town residents.
City Council Report
June 6, 2017
Old Town Parking
Page 7
Therefore, staff recommends that the City Council direct staff to take the following actions:
• Mail a summary of a proposed permit parking policy and a ballot/petition by certified
mail to all owners of residential property within the Old Town residential parking
study area, including single and multiple family residential property owners.
Owners would be asked to respond as to whether they support the implementation
of permit parking in the Old Town residential area, as described in the summary.
• Report back to the City Council with the results of the ballot/petition to provide
the basis for a recommended strategy for Council consideration. This
recommendation may include the implementation of permit parking in the Old
Town residential area, if permit parking is supported by a majority or super
majority of Old Town residential property owners.
Scott Reekstin
Principal Planner
Public Works/City Engineer
I' beth A. Binsack
Director of Community Development
Attachments: A. Ballot/Petition
B. Old Town Residential Parking Study Area Map
C. Community Survey
D. Community Survey Results and Comments
Proposed Permit Parking Program
Advisory Ballot
Dear Old Town Residential Area Property Owner:
During the past several years, Old Town residents have expressed
concerns about the impacts related to an increase in on -street
parking in the Old Town residential area.
To address these concerns, the Tustin City Council has directed
staff to take various actions, including the distribution of the en-
closed advisory ballot to all owners of residential property within
Old Town. One ballot is being provided for each property.
The purpose of this advisory ballot is to measure property owner
support of, or opposition to, a new proposed overnight permit
parking program unique to Old Town. If the program is enacted, a
permit would be required for overnight parking within the Old
Town residential area.
Please carefully review the information on the enclosed ballot and
submit the completed ballot in the enclosed self-addressed,
stamped envelope by . Please note that
the proposed program may change based on the outcome of this
balloting and may or may not be adopted by the City Council.
For more information, please contact Scott Reekstin in the Community Development Department at:
(714) 573-3016 or sreekstin@tustinca.org
Old Town Residential Area
Permit Parking Program
Advisory Ballot
PROPOSED PREFERENTIAL PARKING ZONE: All public streets within the
Old Town residential area, as noted on the map on the back of the enclosed
ELIGIBILITY: All single and multiple family residents within the Old Town
residential area would be eligible to purchase parking permits, if it is
demonstrated that the number of vehicles registered to the address ex-
ceeds the number of available on-site parking spaces, and all spaces are uti-
lized for parking. Spaces include garages, carports, open spaces, and drive-
HOURS: On -street parking would be restricted to permit holders between
2:00 AM and 6:00 AM, 7 days per week.
PERMIT TYPE: Non -transferable parking permits would be issued annually
and may consist of a sticker or a mirror hangtag, or be linked to a vehicle's
license plate number. The permit method has yet to be determined.
PERMIT COST: Up to $25 for each annual permit. Limited short-term
guest permits would be issued to all residents at no cost.
Please indicate your support of, or opposition to, the described permit
parking program by checking one of the following choices:
I hereby certify that I own property within the Old Town residential area:
Name Printed
Date Address
For more information, please contact Scott Reekstin in the Community Development Department at:
(714) 573-3016 or sreekstin@tustinca.org
Old Town Residential Parking Study Area Map
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Location Map of Old Town Residential Area
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Community Survey
Your assistance in completing this survey would be greatly appreciated. It has been mailed to all resi-
dents and owners of residential property in the Old Town area and is also available to the public at
City Hall and on the City website, www.tustinca.org. Please complete the survey and return it by
mail, email, or in person to City Hall no later than March 3, 2017.
1. Are you a resident of Old Town Tustin? Yes No
2. Do you live in (please place a check in the applicable space):
a single-family home _, mobile home _, condo _, duplex _, apt _
3. Does your property have a driveway? Yes No N/A
4. If a resident, do you regularly park on -street overnight? Yes No Unsure
5. Are you concerned about on -street parking in Old Town Tustin? Yes No Unsure
If yes, please specify:
6. If concerned, please describe the frequency and timing of on -street parking problems:
7. Should overnight on -street parking be allowed on public streets? Yes No Unsure
8. Are you familiar with the permit parking process?
Yes No Unsure
9. Should on -street residential parking be time -restricted? Yes No Unsure
(i.e. no on -street parking from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m.)
10. Is there currently permit parking adjacent to your property? Yes No Unsure
11. Should permits be required for overnight parking in Old Town? Yes No Unsure
12. For your street only, which do you prefer and why?
no parking restrictions _ ; no overnight street parking ; permit parking ;
13. Should existing on -street parking rules stay the same in Old Town? Yes No Unsure
14. Ideas or solutions to address on -street parking:
Optional Contact Information:
For more information, please contact Scott Reekstin in the Community Development Department at:
(714) 573-3016 or Reekstin@tustinca.org
Community Survey Results and Comments
Old / ResidentialResults
Questions Yes
Unsure No Answer
1. Are you a
8: Owner of 5-plex on B St.
resident of Old
17: Own a rental.
Town Tustin?
23: I own property.
2. Do you live
**Alternate response provided at the bottom of the table
8: 5-plex.
21: 31 years.
35: Lot 2 house.
3. Does your
Two (2) responded N/A.
property have
2: Only fits one car.
a driveway?
4. If a resident,
do you
7: Guests or roommate.
regularly park
34: Sometimes.
on the street
41: Need one spot.
over -night?
S. Are you
about on -street
Comments provided on a separate page.
parking in Old
Town Tustin?
6. If concerned,
please describe
the frequency
Comments provided on a separate page.
& timing of on
street parking
7: With a permit.
7. Should over-
14: Only to residents.
night on -street
30: And reopen 1st & 4th to parking.
parking be
39: Yes - If you're a resident.
40: Resident, yes. Non, no.
8. Are you
familiar with
the permit
7: With a permit for residents in the residential districts. And
9. Should on-
those times are not enough. Should be 12 a.m.-6 .a.m. They
start parking there after work and leave it all night and all
parking be time
16: No on -street parking from 11:00 pm to 7:00 am without
a permit.
42: See number 11.
10. Is there
2: Myrtle yes, 3rd St. no.
permit parking
23: Next street over.
adjacent to
your property?
11. Should
7: Not in business district, would be hard to do for the bars
be required for
over -night
and restaurants I guess. I don't care.
8: Maybe in problem areas.
50: Commercial area only.
in Old Town?
12. For your
street only,
Comments provided on a separate page
which do you
**alternate responses provided at the bottom of the table
prefer and
36: For overnight exceptions.
13. Should
on -street
8: In our area.
rules stay the
in Old Town?
14. Ideas or
to address on-
Comments provided on a separate page.
Questions Alternate responses
2. Do you live
in... Home
One 1) person left this question blank.
12. For your
street only,
which do you
No over
prefer and No Park.
night St.
why? Rest.
No Answer
Eight 8 eo le provided two responses.
*The number before the comment identifies which respondent made the comment.
Old Town On -street Residential Parking
Q1 Are you a resident of Old Town Tustin?
Answwed:43 3kip>paed:0
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
1 /20
Old Town On -street Residential Parking
Q3 Does your property have a driveway?
Answered: 43 Skipped: 0
Old Town On -street Residential Parking
Q5 Are you concerned about on -street
parking in Old Town Tustin?
Answered: 43 Skipped:0
0% 10%
Old Town On -street Residential Parking
1. _..
.......1.... 1111 ........ ......1111 ....._ . .... ........ _.. ._
1111.... _._..
It's hard to find re can deploy out of the e of
parking_.. 9
9:40 AM
1111_,, . P. 1111.. .,.passenger
. ... __..,..... ._ ......_.._ ......_y .....
.. _ 1111- .
, ..w..2017
� • Villa V ento Apartments, whee I live, halnds out morel nass ginedlparking' passes than there aredspac s. By a fair
2/23 /2017 5:36 AM
margin. Those of us who come home from work after about six PM often wind up parking on A or B Streets
....1.111., .......1111 ... ................. ............ ... ............. .. ........... (
C There are too many cars parked on every street in Old Town. We are having crime and drug problems from those I
2/23/2017 4.30 AM
parked cars. Leaving our driveway, it is difficult to see around them.
..... ..............
Limited street parking !
2/22/2017 9.42 PM
.......... .. .... ... m.
If the density of the housing increases, on street parking will become a major Issue. Cars lining both sides of the street
.... .... ... .._, , .............. ..._...._.
2/22/2017 7:57 PM
i Is a sign of urban blight in my opinion
_1111 .. ,1111.,. 1111._ _... ........... ._111
.we live on Norwood Park Place, between Irvine and 17th and Prospect and Livingston. Our street has exploded with
2/22/2017 7:06 PM
I multi family homes (were county) and some homes have as many as 10 cars,
.._.�. .._�..._. _._.....�_._ �.._r..... �� �,. .....___...,, ...�,__..._..LL._.._.�._..._.._.....Y..._�_.. 111____1. ...
We have a single car driveway and we always have at least one car on the street. As long as you would Issue 3 i
2/22/2017 6:55 PM
permits to one household then I don't have an issue with permitted parking i
., ......... . ........ 1111 ......... .......... ................ ...........
.. ..........
There needs to be more Parking for our businessesl
2/22/2017 6:27 PM
There seems no parking when there is events and nobody uses the parking structure on C I
2/22/2017 6:22 PM
; I ve never had trouble finding parking during the business day when I patronize a business
2/22/2017 6:11 PM
The surrounding apartments, trailer park all park on our street,
2/22/2017 5:58 PM
Old Town On -street Residential Parking
Q8 Should overnight on -street parking be
allowed on public streets?
Answered: 43 Skipped: 0
0% 10%
.......... ....... .......................
........... — .... .... .... .. . . ..... . . .... .. ...... ..
... ......... .. -
.... .... .. ...........
................. . ...
.... . . .. ....... . ......... . . ..... ..... . . ........ ...... . . ..
Old Town On -street Residential Parking
010 Should on -street residential parking be
time -restricted? (i.e. no on -street parking
from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m.)
Answ@rixt 43 Skipped0
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
11 /20
Old Town On -street Residential Parking
Q12 Should permits be required for
overnight parking in Old Town?
Answered; 43 Skipped: 0
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Old Town On -street Residential Parking
Q14 Why is this your preference?
Anxswered:32 Skipped:11
Date -_
this would limit the paring to residents only and public use could still go on in the day. -
3/7/2017 3.59 PM
... ... 11.1......1 ..1111. ....... .
Because residents should still have the option of parking on the street if needed
3/4/2017 11:21 AM
__,, .11.....11..
1 I'm not too familiar with permit parking. I like no restrictions but am concerned if other streets have restrictions, then 1
_..__. _._.
3/2/2017 10:33 AM
won't be able to park in front of my house. Also, what happens during permit parking for when my children visit or we
have guests? Our driveway fits one car only.
( It would give residents equal opportunity to park as permits limited per household/business !
3/1/2017 10:30 AM
.,........._.? .._,,,_..,... ................. ........... ...............,.. 1111-.., 111,1,.. ......... ......,,,,... .............. ....... ..,,.,.... ..........,,...... .................. q
.............. 1111 .............._ _.. ........, ..............
i I don't like the permit process at all but what can we do? The City Council gave us no voice in how we really want. We j
2/28/2017 6:36 PM
get permit parking and tickets if we park in front of our home, Since when does a city get to tell a homeowner how to
use Thier property? This is a extremely disturbing situation. Punishment because of disrespectful apartment rentersl—
i Give us back our streets Permit parking yes for homeowners but not PARKING RESTRICTIONS IN FRONT OF
OUR HOMESIIII!111Ilii!!1!11!1li!liIll
Currently it is impossible for someone who lives on my street to find parking,
2/27/2017 12:27 PM
While we've occasionally had Issues with users of the commercial uses along 1 st Street parking on the street during I
2/27/2017 11:58 AM
the day, this is not an issue during the evening or overni ht hours.
Y 9 9 overnight
..... .... .,, ...... ... ........ ...............
Permit parking is costly and difficult to administer and enforce. No overnight street parking Is straightforward in both.
2/26/2017 2:53 PM
To front home
2/24/2017 9:08 PM
park in of my ;
., 1.1,11.,_
Lots of apartments around this area. I personally have counted 3-5 cars to 1 house hold, tenants parking on lemon or ;
2/24/2017 8:41 PM
glaseli. They are building more apt homes off lemon st
w_..� ,.....w..,_�._.__... . � ...._w,� _..-._......__....._w..._, . ,,,, �...._ _,1_1_11. ,.,_._ �., _........... __......... ......_.. .._....,..
_..__._..... w...... ......w. w......,.
i There is enough parking. Plenty of open spaces
2/24/2017 7:55 PM
.......... .............. 1111 .,.. ..._..... .,............ 1_111 .. ............., 1111
? Its the closest thing to daytime metered enforcement.
.,.. ..,. ......... _......... .,,.. i
.,............. 1111.. ............
2/24/2017 2.44 PM
The buildings were not designed to accommodate 2 person family members that drive
1111... ......... _1111..
2/23/2017 7:33 PM
_ _M......._
...___ ..r 1,___111... ... mm._� . -_--_._wm.m,,.....m,,.. �...... ......... .. �..._ ._ .....m ...�. , .�..._. , ,_.,.,. _... „_._ ,. _.,�... _._ .�..........._ ,. _...�. m.,.... ...�>...
We live ajecent to a condo and apartment complex. Because there are numerous visitors and units with not enough
1111.. ,. ,....._. __. ._.__....m..�.�..._.
2/23/2017 7:06 PM
parking, many people park on our street (Windsor Ln off Newport). As a result, our street becomes full and congested I
in the evenings. Often, my driveway will be blocked from random people not parking properly on the street, making it j
difficult to back out of my driveway. Therefore, it would be reasonable to Impose parking restrictions to reduce traffic
congestion, i
Because it serves to empower the residents while discouraging non-residents to park their cars elsewehere
2/23/2017 4:44 PM
Many residences were designed with the expectation that guests and possibly residents would park on the street.
2/23/2017 12:45 PM
Disallowing street parking is a band aid that solves one problem and creates a whole host of others. Figure out WHY I
1 there may be a parking problem and solve THAT problem, please, please, please do not believe that restricting
parking genuinely solves anything. €
._w_.._ _._w_,_.._ ..w_— _w.. ......
Too many apartment renters nearby would be parking on my street otherwise.
2/23/2017 11:52 AM
.,.. 1111.,.,.
_.....__.........A.,, .....,_,_m... ,., .......,,,. ................ ....,,...,...._..................,..._................... ......... ,,..,.. .,.......,.._-.....,,...._.... ..mm.. mmm..., ....,... _ m... _....... .,. .......,. I....,.
.,_,.«,1,11,1,. 1111 111,1,,, . , .......
There's limited on -street parking on Mitchell Ave.
2/23/2017 9:40 AM
( Because this isn't Pasadena, dammit. If we're going to maintain a totally car -dependent culture, we can't screw people 1
.,....... ............ ............. . ............... ........... .
2/23/2017 5.36 AM
over for owning and driving cars i
................. -._............ ..1..1....1...1 ............... ............... ....- .......,1- . ............... .......... ... .............. ....... .
Because of the drug and crime problem,
2/23/2017 4.30 AM
i Overnight parking Isn't really a problem however there is a lot of employee and overflow parking from building on
2/22/2017 11:09 PM
corner of Irvine/Yorba that park on our street (Mountain View), Can make it difficult to park our cars.
_111_1. 11,11 _.. ........... .............. ............
.. ............. _........................
j 1 do not see any Issues with the current situation. Permit parking is an unnecessary hassle. Many properties in Old
2/22/2017 7.57 PM
Town do not have garages or adequate driveway space,
1111..., .. ..........._... .......... ..........
� 1111. .......,__ .
streets clear
_.. _.......... ......._.....
2/22/2017 7:20 PM
1 It's AWFUL on this street. Permit parking would solve so many of the problems, People can park freely on Prospect.
2/22/2017 7:06 PM
Old Town On -street Residential Parking
Answer Choices
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Old Town On -street Residential Parking
Q17 Optional contact information:
Answered: 15 Skipped: 28
i Name -
Melissa $chuetz
..... .....
3/2/2017 10:33 AM
... . .....
Lissa Maldonado
. .
3/1/2017 10:30 AM
Collette Morse
................. ..... . .. . .... .. . ... ... . ... .... .......
2/2712017 11:58 AM
Jim and Jann Kuehnert
.......... .. .......... . ..... .... .... ... ... . ... . ..... .. ... ... . .....
2/26/2017 2:53 PM
..... . .....
I Rachel Frankenfield
... ... ......
2/24/2017 9:08 PM
. . . ....... ........ .. ... . ..........
Lee Jackson
........... ... ............... . .......... ....
2/24/2017 2:44 PM
Chuck Rogers
2/23/2017 12:45 PM
Kimberly Hooper
2/23/2017 11:52 AM
.. .......... .. .. ....................... .. ... ..... . .. . ...... ...... ..... ... .. ... ..... ... .... ...... . . . . ...... ..... . ... . ....... ..... ..... .. . .... ... ......
4 Chrystle Adams
. ........ .. .... . ....... ..... .... . .... .
2/23/2017 4:30 AM
... ... . ...
Hillary Streichenberger
-------- . ..... . ..
2/22/2017 11:09 PM
.- I I ..........
. ... - . ........ I I - .............. ..... ....... .... .
Jody Hudson
. ............ .......... .... ...... I..",'' ..........
2/22/2017 7:06 PM
_. I - 2
Antonina Delu
2/22/2017 6:55 PIM
............... ..'
. i_ ................. ..... ... - ....... . . ...... - . .. ... ...... ........ . ............ ........ . ....
Jason love
.. ..... . . ..... ....... - ..... ..........
1 2/22/2017 6:22 PM
....... ..
Dave Vandaveer
. ........ .. .. .. ........... .... .. .... ..... ..... ...... ... . ....... ....... ......... ......
2/22/2017 6:09 PM
175 S. A Street
j 3/2/2017 10:33 AM
3/1/2017 10:10 PM
. ..... .
15482 Pasadena Ave, #127
......... . .....
........... .. ....... . - . . . ....... . . ... . ........ .......... .......... . ....
3/1/2017 10:30 AM
... .... ....... ....... ....... .... ..........
145 N C Street, Tustin
I 2/27/2017 11:58 AM
245 South A Street
1 2/26/2017 2:53 PM
........... .. ..... ... . . . . ......... ..... ... .. .... . .. ... ........ . ....... ............. .. .. .
626 W. Main St,
.... ....... ..... . .. ......... ... ...... ....
2/24/2017 9:08 PM
.... . . .............
1 13666 Red Hill ave Unit C
... .. .
2123/2017 12:45 PM
..... . ... ... I.." ............. ........... ..........
i 15712 S Myrtle Ave
.. p.
... ... . ...
2/23/2017 11:52 AM
......... . ........... .... ......
649 W Main Street, Tustin, CA 92780
.......... ... . ....... - . ....... ..... ...... . . .......... ...... . .. .......
2/23/2017 4:30 AM
165 Mountain View Drive
.. ..... . ....... . . . .
3 2122/2017 11:09 PM
... ...... ......... .....
17791 Norwood Park Place
... . .......... .. ....... . . ... . .... .... ...... . ................ .. .. .... ..... . ......... ..... ..... ...... .........
2/22/2017 7:06 PM
... ..... ..
.... ...... ....... ... .
160 South B Street
2/22/2017 6:66 PM
397 1 Camino Real Tustin, CA 92780
..................... . .... . ........ .......... . ... .. .. .. . - .. . ............ ....
2/22/2017 6:22 PM
. . . ......... . ...... ... . ...... . ... ..... ............... . ............ . .. ......... . . ..... ................... ..... . ........ ........ . . .....
425 w 2nd
. ...... .. .. ... ........
2/22/2017 6:09 PM
Page 1
Old Town Tustin On -Street Parkinp- Survev Comments (Continued
5) Are you concerned about on -street parking in Old Town Tustin? If yes, please specify:
1: People from other neighborhoods 3/4 to 1 mi away park on our residential street all the
time. We can never have guests over because there is nowhere for them to park on the
street. I'm constantly seeing people park in front of my house and then get picked up by a
friend or relative to go to another neighborhood further away.
2 Too many people who don't live here park on our street — we see car drop-offs all the
time. Also, neighbor rents out multiple rooms and all the cars pile-up.
3: I have a 13 unit development with 4 homes facing A Street.
4: There's a lot of litter, drugs, people sleeping in cars, stealing mail, zooming through
stop signs.
5: No drive way at house — requires on street parking.
7: Yes, they bring trash, crime and nuisance. Unable to have guests park by or in front of
my house. No parking available for residents. Very disrespectful on trash day. Don't have
room for trashcans or they move them in front of my driveway or put on my lawn then
they don't get picked up. My elderly parents are unable to park in front of my house. I'm
sick of it. I've endured this for over 25 years and it is getting worse.
8: Mostly on -property parking, some on -street.
9: Condos next door to me use them all — not allowed to use their own.
10: Yes, lots of people park & are picked up & driven somewhere else.
11: Cars are parked several days in a row in front of my house, often blocking my
12: Old Town Tustin has become an overnight parking lot for people outside of Old
Town. The residential portion of Myrtle Avenue is used for tenant/guest parking for
several businesses on First Street.
13: Areas of Old Town have problems with overnight parking over flow.
14: They come from apartments on 1 S` St. and from bootleg apartments and park up and
down A Street and are now parking on 2nd Street as well.
15: It's my home — my friends and guests have a place to park.
16: Too many cars parked on residential streets.
Page 2
18: Non-residents taking all available parking, dropping off cars combined with event
parking for Wilcox Manner.
19: People are carpooling and leave their car all day using it like a park-and-ride.
21: It is necessary for parking.
24: People from out of the area regularly leave their cars/trucks parked in the same space
in front of my house overnight & from Friday to Monday on the weekends.
25: More people are using two cars to drop-off one for a long period of time.
26: Over -crowding of apartments in Tustin and Santa Ana has turned our street into a
parking lot. The majority coming from across the 55 fwy, from Santa Ana, which has
increased trash on our street daily.
27: Tons of parking. Lots of space available in commercial lots.
28: Streets are often full of non-residents at night.
30: We use our garage but do require on street as we have no driveway and Pasadena Ave.
is full due to Wilcox Manor x Tustin Acres overflow.
31: Late-night noise, no parking for quests, excessive trash thrown on curb and property.
32: With new multi-unit/higher density housing approved on 6 1 St, I'm concerned that
my guests and family will be challenged to find parking.
34: `Drop -Off parking, extended parking, work trucks trash, speeding.
35: 1 — exit my driveway, line of sight block car speeding. 2 — Junk cars. 3 —
Neighborhood watch.
36: I live on Myrtle Ave. and like the parking restrictions we currently have, despite the
occasional ticket.
37: Now residents parking overnight and some for several days leaving no parking for
myself and my family.
38: People from other areas are parking overnight and some for several days at a time,
leaving NO PARKING for myself and my family.
39: Yes, many times people who don't live on our street take up the parking spaces in
front of our house, and then cars stay there for several days.
40: Street parking occupied by non -Old Town residents to the point residents cannot park.
Page 3
41: We have car-pool drop-offs on a regular basis. They drop-off car to get into another
and drive away.
42: Cars park so they are infringing on our ability to exit driveway safely — no place to
put trash cans.
43: Trash left for to pick up. Car alarms going off in the night — sometimes off and on for
44: Hampers trash pick-up often. Vehicles left for multiple days at a time; partially
blocked driveways.
45: Steven's Square people park in my 2 parking spots all the time! !
46: Cannot see oncoming traffic due to the many cars parked curb side.
47: Too many people park and then stay there for days. It is difficult to put out the trash
bins for pick-up.
48: The parking seems to me that there is regulation. I have showed many pictures to the
city, with cars blocking the crosswalks and driveways.
49: Unknown people, cars, trash, noise are all problems.
50: Commercial area should have time limits and be enforced.
51: Blocking driveways, long term parking.
52: Parking in front of fire hydrant at A St. and I" St. Red curb in front of home but no
fire hydrant (230 S. A St.).
53: We have a one (1) car driveway and often need to back out and move cars around
usually at night. There is no parking on our street for visitors.
55: The surrounding apartments, trailer park all park on our street.
58: Do not spot zone. Keep density the same.
59: There seems no parking when there is events and nobody uses the parking structure
60: There needs to be more parking for our businesses!
63: We have a single car driveway and we always have at least one car on the street. As
long as you would issue 3 permits to one household, then I don't have an issue with
permitted parking.
Page 4
64: we live on Norwood Park Place, between Irvine and 17th and Prospect and
Livingston. Our street has exploded with multi -family homes (We're county) and some
homes have as many as 10 cars.
66: If the density of the housing increases, on -street parking will become a major issue.
Cars lining both sides of the street is a sign of urban blight in my opinion.
67: Limited street parking
69: There are too many cars parked on every street in Old Town. We are having crime
and drug problems from those parked cars. Leaving our driveway, it is difficult to see
around them.
70: Villa Viento Apartments, where I live, hands out more'unassigned parking' passes
than there are spaces. By a fair margin. Those of us who come home from work after
about six P.M. often wind up parking on A or B Streets.
72: It's hard to find on -street parking where I can deploy the wheelchair ramp out of the
passenger side of my van.
73: I would like to be able to find parking in Old Town Tustin easily so I can enjoy the
shops and restaurants with ample time. I don't know what changes are in store, so I just
wanted to share my concerns and priorities in the matter.
74: Tustin seems to enjoy revoking the right of residents to park on the streets. Many
residences were designed with the expectation that guests and possibly residents would
park on the street. Disallowing street parking is a band aid that solves one problem and
creates a whole host of others
75: It causes more congestion, and shitty drivers who can't park will ruin it for
EVERYONE. Just say NO. I have to deal with this DAILY where I live and it's never
been a pleasant experience.
77: Not enough
78: Yes, with all the regulations it is hard to find on street parking.
79: Some streets in Old Town are too narrow for on -street parking.
83: We don't have a drive way. Unfortunately 1 of our cars has to be parked outside St.
84: Non-residents from churches and other businesses regularly park in front of private
residences, leaving no room for residents and guests.
87: The Old Town "look and feel" is greatly diminished by the vehicle lined streets.
Page 5
89: The impacted parking in my area of Old Town is primarily due to the condominium
parking on Main Street. It has overwhelmed the parking on 3rd street, Pacific, and Main
Street. It's so bad that residents on those streets cannot park or find parking near or
adjacent to their residence. Condo residences are parking two to three cars outside of
their condo community. There are commercial/business vehicles parking routinely for
days at a time, exceeding any current city requirements. Routinely trash, drugs, condoms,
and food are left by those who park on the above mentioned streets. On street sweeping
days, it is a rodeo. Cars are being moved before the street sweeper, and immediately the
streets are filled up once the street sweeper or parking enforcement passes. A resident or
guest cannot park in front of or adjacent to their property. Some are parking on their
lawns and front yards to park. Some are even running businesses from garages, which
again impacts the residential parking.
90: The City council does not manage their population density regarding existing
apartments. The residential properties SUFFER for this. There are 6 cars to one small
apartment. Residential property owners are punished by permit parking and cannot park
in front of their own homes. We have been denied our privacy and freedom by the City
council members of Tustin who do not care at all about homeowners, let alone enforcing
the disrespectful low income renters who have no attention to civic beauty or
neighborhood commitment. Red Hill to the 55 fwy is the new Santa Ana, crime is
rampant, parking people are rude and disrespectful, they litter, they are selfish and
stressed out. Stop subletting, make a law for that, a lot of this parking bingo will stop!
Focus on the issues, stop making band aid responses. These are not solutions; they are
excuses to cover the city council. I want to be able to park in front of my house on my
street overnight as I have done since 1970. I do not want these lowlife apartment druggies
and gang bangers parking overnight or having the hoboes and vagrants sleeping on our
street. Just because we are logistically disadvantaged to own a home near these areas we
are punished the most and we have NO voice regarding our neighborhood. Now you want
to do the same band aid to Old Town. I feel so sad for those people; they too will have a
loss of freedom coming.
93: I drive through El Camino Real regularly and at least a few days a week there are
cars that back out of parking spaces into oncoming traffic with little regard to moving
traffic. In addition, driving north on ECR from Newport, cars will wait to merge left to
the last possible moment and will force their way into traffic.
94: We have no garage (House built in 1800s) and our "driveway" fits one car. We have
two cars. We regularly park in front of our house, but also have to compete for that spot.
95: Parking on the street isn't available when I need it. Strangers parking in the
neighborhood introduces an element of uncertainty in which people we know nothing
about are coming and going. One thing about a neighborhood is that you know your
Page 6
neighbors and the people around you. It's unsettling to have people you know nothing
about parked in front of where you live. Strangers parking on the streets leave behind a
LOT of litter.
96: Due to the recent increase in permit parking in the surrounding areas, Old Town has
seen a rapid increase in non-resident overnight parking. This has led to more trash build
up, difficulty finding places to park in front of your own house, and unwanted noise and
6) If concerned, please describe the frequency and timing of on -street parking problems
1: every late afternoon through evening - it doesn't let up until after 8 P.M. in the
mornings. Weekends are the worst!
2: Every day, all the time — curb can fit (2) cars, yet people park in middle & ruin it.
3: Most nights, tenant's park on street as it is a safety issue.
4: Daily! Especially evenings.
10: Multiple times a night.
11: Evenings & weekends. Fridays are especially bad.
12: Every night cars park on Myrtle Avenue and another car soon pulls up and picks up
the driver of the parked car. These cars usually parked from 6:00 P.M. — 7:00 A.M., & 7
days a week. The Parking from commercial tenant/guest parking on Myrtle Avenue is
usually from 8:00 A.M. — 5:00 P.M., Monday — Friday.
13: Evenings — Street sweeping.
14: Commercial vehicles> daily> overnight and particularly on long weekends.
15: 1 — 2 times a week.
18: Daily.
19: Day and night park in front of our house and leave their trash such as beer bottles and
even used condoms.
24: Daily & throughout the weekend.
25: Mostly Weekends.
26: Daily overcrowding on our street, starting in early P.M. to A.M, hours.
27: Daily/weekends, trash day.
Page 7
30: Daily!
31: Cars are left all day in some areas all night and weekends elsewhere.
32: Currently — frequency and timing are not a big problem on my street.
34: Every day.
36: P street is overcrowded though and needs a solution.
37: Daily — 3 P.M. till following day or days for some cars.
38: Daily — 3 P.M. till following day or days for some cars.
39: It is usually during the daytime, M — F.
40: Night — every night.
41: Constant — some leave cars for days.
42: Daily.
43: Day and night — Sometimes herd talking in the night.
44: All days.
45: All the time — today 1 car took up 2 spots.
46: Daily.
47: Can't see oncoming traffic down Pacific when I un -park.
48: Usually on the weekends, but also blocking driveways during the week and parked
well over 3 days without moving the cars.
49: Every day.
50: Ongoing problem.
51: Often.
52: Residents having no curb and no fire hydrants.
53: Day.
55: Four times a week
59: Noon. Around lunch time. Special Events.
Page 8
63: We can never find parking in front of our house when there are events in the park.
Also there are a lot of homeless people parking in front of our house. If this will help
with situation we will support it as long as there are no restrictions on RESIDENTS for
how many permits are issued.
64: Our neighbors (At least 3 of them) have so many cars, that they spread right down the
66: I am not aware of any issues in Old Town at this time. My concern is with the
possibility of condominium or other high density housing development in Old Town.
69: Daily, all day long and always overnight.
78: Every evening I have a guest overnight.
79: Weekends, when residence and area customers are circling the area competing for
84: Weekends and evenings.
87: The daily overall clutter of resident and assorted work vehicles on evenings and
week -ends diminish the safety on the streets by limiting visibility.
89: Frequency - daily. Weekdays, 4:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M. Weekends, 24 hours.
90: I am a residential property owner. I want to be able to park in front of my home
without a parking ticket. Please REVOKE the permit parking rules for homeowners to
park in front of our houses! Why are we being punished because of your zoning
enforcement for population density? Give us back our neighborhoods. Punish those who
deserve it, do not take away from us our freedom or why we bought a home here in the
first place. City Council members are inconsiderate and now all our neighbors are
parking vehicles like ghetto on their grass and sidewalks to avoid tickets. This is insane
management. Stop the madness and give us back our neighborhoods. Please enforce your
rental slumlords. South Tustin and those who own homes near apartments are held
hostage by the lack of code enforcement. Slumlords and renters sublet their couches,
floor space and generally create a civic nightmare with congestion at night, LITTERING
and rude behavior. Listen to the residents and please help us for God's sake!
91: our apartment complex has very little, almost no guest parking and it is very hard to
find on -street parking when we have guests so much so that we have to "shuttle" them in
94: Late afternoon and evenings during the week. Fortunately, my husband gets off
early and can usually get the street parking, leaving our driveway for me.
Page 9
95: Most of the problems on B street come from Stevens Square. During the day the
street is packed with cars. There's a 2 hour parking sign but I've never seen it enforced.
The problem persists until 6 or 7 at night. We get occasional "park and riders" who leave
their cars overnight but concerned the problem will spread and get worse.
96: The frequency would be nightly unless the non-residents know it is the night before
street sweeping. Timing would be from 5 P.M. - 9 A.M. Sometimes cars are left for
multiple days at a time.
12) For your street only, which do you prefer and why?
1: So residents & their guests can park on the street if needed. Right now it is almost
impossible to have guests over - there is nowhere near to the park - residents from
surrounding condos/neighborhoods park their cars in our neighborhood & then walk
across the street to their home 3/4 miles away.
2: I often get home from work & can't park in front of my own house. But if it goes to
permits, then all in my family need one.
3: It is time you care more about the people than the look of your perfect city.
4: It keeps residents safe, especially children, eliminates trash, drugs, and transients.
6: I live near the park and expect active parking.
7: Residential only, and yes please on my street, W. 3rd. They are not respectful and don't
care about the residents.
9: Can't park — condos use them all.
10: So our street is for residents, not residents of other streets.
11: This will give parking for guests but prevent the ditching of cars for extended periods.
12: The residential portion of Myrtle Avenue is impacted by non-resident parking nearly
24 hours per day. The other night a car alarm went off at 1:25 A.M. AND 1:40 A.M.
Since the car owner is non-resident, they could not deactivate the alarm or check on the
13: New development could create a greater problem on Sixth Street.
14: Most homes do not have adequate parking for residents.
15: Maintain local homeowners use.
Page 10
16: Two overnight parking permits per each street address, (With decal stickers or some
sort of sign displayed inside cars) [i.e. Handicap cards].
17: There are no parking problems on 98% of OTT streets (Residential). Permits push the
problem /create problems in adjacent hoods.
19: We have a parking problem — some houses have as many as 4-5 cars in the family so
cars are parked on both driveway and street.
20: I have a large driveway and we also have not had any problems when guests come
and park on the street.
22: This has always worked. Old Town will end up like Tustin Ranch where there are
restrictions galore & no overnight parking!!!!
24: Safety concerns & limited parking availability for residents.
25: I like the freedom to park as needed in front of my house, as needed.
26: At times we can't park in front of our home. My daughter recently turned 16 and
many days can't find parking near the house. My wife's car was recently broken into; we
had a 2 -car fire in front of our house!
27: Trash day, constant short term occupation, long term non-residents, daily carpool
28: Permit parking for overnight use because at night the streets begin to fill up with non-
residence, causing the streets to become very cluttered. Though putting trashcans out,
people stopped in the middle of the street to drop-off or pick-up.
29: Overnight wouldn't do any good.
30: 1 — Mandatory we have street parking as we have no driveway. 2 — Street is full of
non-resident cars.
31: Safety concerns- too many strangers hanging around in cars, trash thrown from cars,
no place for legal residents to park — they are from out of the area!
32: Not sure because no info on cost and restrictions available; however, leaning towards
the need for permit parking.
34: Avoid `Drop-off' from distance parking, extended parking until sweeping day.
36: I can't speak for others but I like the restrictions on my street, but I don't think it's
realistic for the whole city, In places where there are condos etc. it doesn't seem to work.
Page 11
37: I'm unable to park at my home because my street is full of cars from other areas.
Trash is left (Unsafe).
38: People are parking overnight and for several days at a time. Leaving trash and
drinking in their cars. It's unsafe for my family.
39: We use the parking space in front of our house so that the one car space in our garage
can back out of the driveway.
40: Allows residents to park on street.
41: Irregular availability of use.
42: See #5, additionally, cars parked overnight frequently leave trash in parkways, noise
in late hours, park for more than 48 hours. Alarms going off middle of night.
43: Our quality of life has changed from the lovely quiet neighborhood — what a shame.
44: To ensure adequate parking for residents; to ensure proper access to trash pick-up.
45: With the new construction on 6th St. everyone with be using my 2 spots "UGH".
47: Concerns about safety.
48: People should be able to park, but they need to park properly, without blocking
crosswalks and driveways.
49: It is the only way to curb parking problems, residents need.
50: Some cars park and stay for 2 — 3 days before moving.
52: My taxes pay to the middle of the street so no on your.request. (We don't have a
parking problem).
53: I think its thenley way to have our street. (Transcribed to best of ability)
55: half of cars are not residents of our street
57: Plenty of parking available. Most homes owner occupied and no rentals with more
than one family.
58: I've never had trouble finding parking during the business day when I patronize a
59: Because you won't have an individual who unaccounted for parking in a spot
designated for an employee of a business in Old Town or a person who rents or owns
Page 12
60: We need to encourage people to go to the Old Town businesses.
61: So you know who is parking in front of your home
62: Streets are public!
63: Because of the reasons mentioned above, if there are no restrictions on how many
permits are issued to residents we support it. If you limit the number of permits, you will
create a headache for us locals!
64: It's AWFUL on this street. Permit parking would solve so many of the problems.
People can park freely on Prospect.
65: Keeps streets clear
66: I do not see any issues with the current situation. Permit parking is an unnecessary
hassle. Many properties in Old Town do not have garages or adequate driveway space.
68: Overnight parking isn't really a problem however there is a lot of employee and
overflow parking from building on corner of Irvine/Yorba that park on our street
(Mountain View). Can make it difficult to park our cars.
69: Because of the drug and crime problem.
70: Because this isn't Pasadena, dammit. If we're going to maintain a totally car -
dependent culture, we can't screw people over for owning and driving cars.
72: There's limited on -street parking on Mitchell Ave.
73: Too many apartment renters nearby would be parking on my street otherwise.
74: Many residences were designed with the expectation that guests and possibly
residents would park on the street. Disallowing street parking is a band aid that solves
one problem and creates a whole host of others. Figure out WHY there may be a parking
problem and solve THAT problem, please, please, please do not believe that restricting
parking genuinely solves anything.
75: Because it serves to empower the residents while discouraging non-residents to park
their cars elsewhere
76: We live adjacent to a condo and apartment complex. Because there are numerous
visitors and units with not enough parking, many people park on our street (Windsor Ln
off Newport). As a result, our street becomes full and congested in the evenings. Often,
my driveway will be blocked from random people not parking properly on the street,
making it difficult to back out of my driveway. Therefore, it would be reasonable to
impose parking restrictions to reduce traffic congestion.
Page 13
77: The buildings were not designed to accommodate 2 person family members that
79: It's the closest thing to daytime metered enforcement.
82: There is enough parking. Plenty of open spaces
83: Lots of apartments around this area. I personally have counted 3-5 cars to one (1)
house hold, tenants parking on Lemon or Glassell. They are building more apt. homes off
Lemon St.
84: To park in front of my home.
87: Permit parking is costly and difficult to administer and enforce. No overnight street
parking is straightforward in both.
88: While we've occasionally had issues with users of the commercial uses along 1 st
Street parking on the street during the day, this is not an issue during the evening or
overnight hours.
89: Currently it is impossible for someone who lives on my street to find parking.
90: I don't like the permit process at all but what can we do? The City Council gave us no
voice in how we really want. We get permit parking and tickets if we park in front of our
home. Since when does a city get to tell a homeowner how to use their property? This is
an extremely disturbing situation. Punishment because of disrespectful apartment renters!
Give us back our streets. Permit parking yes for homeowners, but not PARKING
RESTRICTIONS IN FRONT OF OUR HOMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!1!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!1!
91: It would give residents equal opportunity to park as permits limited per
94: I'm not too familiar with permit parking. I like no restrictions but am concerned if
other streets have restrictions, then I won't be able to park in front of my house. Also,
what happens during permit parking for when my children visit or we have guests? Our
driveway fits one car only.
95: Because residents should still have the option of parking on the street if needed.
96: This would limit the paring to residents only and public use could still go on in the
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14) Ideas or solutions to address on -street parking:
1: Permit parking for residents & their guests in residential areas so we have a place to
park on the street.
2: I would like 3`d St. to have the Myrtle rules, but instead of (1) permit for overnight
parking; multiple permits should be given for the entire (Driving) household.
3: Relax and let people live their lives. You already took parking from another building,
which caused a big difficulty. Leave well enough alone.
4: Parking permits! There are too many people living in the Tustin Acres units. 2-3
families in a 1 unit place. Their parking structure is empty. But the residents crowd the
7: residential permits with guest parking options or placard for overnight.
8: We are in a low-density area of Old Town
9: Stop giving tickets.
11: I think no overnight parking is the best solution. It would force Residents to use their
own parking spaces/garage and prevent other communities from coming to Tustin to park.
12: A permit parking program should be established for all residential streets in Old
Town Tustin. If permit parking is established for only certain streets, it will just move the
current parking problems to another location.
13: All developments and multi -family should provide enough on-site parking.
14: Issue parking permits only to residents showing proof of residency.
15: Tustin has increased the density rates — now they have a problem.
16: Overnight parking permits, 2 permits ONLY per street address. None issued to
commercial vehicles or recreational vehicles.
17: Require 2 to 2.5 off street spaces for all new condo developments in OTT! !
18: Permit parking for overnight.
19: We have a big big parking problem in Old Town and it is only going to get worse
with the 6 1 St. Apartments. Our property is at risk having unidentified cars parked in
front of our homes day and night. We soon well be looking like Old Town Costa Mesa —
curb to curb parked cars.
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20: I would suggest encouraging bike riding to help relieve some parking issues. Look
into bike lockers in Old Town or even a rent -a -bike station.
21: Don't know — hoping you can help.
22: More rules & restrictions — doesn't help!!
24: Parking permits or no overnight parking.
25: I'm sure the problem is worse close to condos. The permit process just moves the
problem further out.
26: Please install the permit only option on our street. We once had a quiet cul-de-sac,
which has been turned into what looks like a used car lot with 2 -times the traffic and
27: Have more overnight parking permitted for the abundant private space.
29: Mark parking spots.
30: Resident permit parking but no more than four (4) permits per address!!
31: Track license plates for registration; give resident permits for their property based on
lot size.
33: Do not allow over density housing — enforce existing rules for number or occupants
for residents.
34: Permit parking for residents only.
36: It seems that the main problem is that Tustin Acres doesn't, or maybe properly utilize
parking. Those residents have to park too far from home. They need a better situation.
37: No parking for non-residents, permit parking only.
38: Permit parking — No parking. No overnight parking for non-residents.
39: People who live on the street have- permits to park on the street. Guests may be given
"guest passes" good for a specified time span.
41: Permits,
42: Paint curbs red adjacent to driveways, preference is permit parking.
43: Permit Parking.
44: Perking permit for residents of Old Town homes.
Page 16
45: Permit only, 24 hours a day. (For myself and tenants only)
47: Street permit parking.
48: Painting curbs red by driveways and crosswalks. BUT ENFORCED! ! ! Too many
warning, not enough tickets or tows. When calling police, takes too long for someone to
come out.
49: Permit.
52: Leave them alone and no red curbs when there is on fire hydrant.
57: Do not spot zone. Keep density the same.
59: Another parking structure on 6th Street fronted by shops and business or in the
Farmers' market lot.
60: Parking structure easily accessible to El Camino.
63: People are parking in Peppertree Park spaces all day long and there are never any
tickets issues for over staying the 2 hour limit. You might want to start with enforcing the
existing rules.
64: How about the building department starts to figure out that more people are living in
houses that were built for maybe a family of four 4 have over 8 or 12 people in them.
There must be some kind of occupancy laws.
66: Enforce occupancy restrictions on single family homes and do not approve any future
high density development in Old Town. Most of us have seen the disaster Irvine has
68: Contact businesses and have them try to manage their parking situation by schedule
clients better so lot doesn't overflow. Thanks for asking.
69: If permit parking is allowed, then it should be limited to 1 permit per household.
People need to park in their own driveway, garage, carport. Property owners need to limit
the number of renters to the number of available parking spaces for that specific property.
74: Dig deeper and determine why there is an issue, it is not as simple as 'too many cars.'
If there are multiple families living in a SFR, resolve that issue. If it is folks using their
assigned parking (Garage) as storage, resolve that. The right for people to use their
property as they see fit stops when it affects a neighbor's quality of life.
75: Invest in a vertical parking solution.
79: Provide a low cost metered self -paid 6 hr max. Public parking lot on 3rd St. between
El Camino Real and Prospect Ave. (Similar to Balboa Pier)
Page 17
82: Leave it alone.
83: This is a problem affecting not only Old Town!! All over Glassell Collins, Lemon,
87: The current "unlimited" parking availability in Old Town places no restraints on the
number of residents within a single residence, giving possible rise to concerns over
diminished property values (e.g. a large number of tenants next door).
88: It is presently unclear what and where the problem is in Old Town. Possible solutions
should not be a one size fits all, but should be tailored and street= or area -specific.
89: Permit parking should be only for those who actually reside or own property (Rental
properties) on the street. Guest or property owner permits should be allowed for
addresses on a specific street. I am a Property Owner and own a duplex in Old Town
90: Give homeowners year round permit parking 24/7 without punishment because the
city doesn't enforce their population density. To take the pressure off the City Council
members back, they punish us to make it seem to the apartment rifraff they have a
solution. This is ridiculous management! I've lived here 40 years and I cannot believe
these ridiculous Council members decision regarding our homes. Who has the right to tell
me how to use my garage space? YOU people are criminals! I have absolutely no faith in
this City or its managers. I am disappointed, sad, and discouraged. How to do sleep at a
night knowing you are affecting hundreds of families who pay taxes and high mortgage
rates and have been here a long time. Changing their way of life and wellbeing? You
think your decisions are fair and equitable? You think everyone is happy? You just push
your problem from one neighborhood to another, this is not a solution. Ask a homeowner.
96: I recommend having permit parking due to the following reasons:
4. Many residents in Old Town do not have adequate garages to accommodate
some of today's vehicles.
2. Not everyone has a driveway to park additional cars.
3. People would be able to enter and exit their houses safer.
4. This would reduce the amount of non-resident traffic flow on Old Town
residential streets.
Miscellaneous Comments
2: We also need a cul-de-sac at the end of Myrtle & Main, way too many cars speed
10: People are parking overnight in our church parking lot. We give them one notice,
then we tow them! Orange County Church — First Advent Christian Church.
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14: Hi Scott,
This is looking out my front door. The station wagon across the street is a yellow
cab. The plumbing truck is parked overnight, every night, in front or alongside my house
on 2"d St. the cab is only occasional. Today there is a pickup truck in front that has been
parked there for 3 days. If the city allows the conditions/ use permit for high density
residential at 140 S. A, it will only get worse (If that's possible)
Bebe Radice
180 S. A Street
34: Issues
-Speeding, extended parking (Drop-off), trash, blocking driveways.
Possible solutions
-Permit, thru traffic not allowed, speed bumps on MY STREET.
43: People that don't live here have really changed our lives!
45: This is wonderful, have been waiting for a long time!!
48: Many times have called and time anyone comes out the car or truck has moved.
Sometimes parked illegally for hours and hours!!!
52: We have lights at curb. No city lights shine all night comes in our home, no
lights need be in our home.