HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 WILSON HOUSE 148 N. B ST. NOMINATION f AGENDA DEPORT ITEM #7 MEETING DATE: ,LUNE 13, 2017 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: TUSTIN HISTORIC REGISTER NOMINATION WILSON HOUSE — 148 NORTH B STREET RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission approve the nomination of 148 North B Street to the City's Historic Register Plaque Program and select "Wilson House - 1923" as the most appropriate historical name and date of construction of the property. I ' I -ewe 148 N. B Street June 13, 2017 Page 2 BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION Owners of historic homes or commercial buildings in Tustin are eligible to participate in the City's plaque designation program, called the Tustin Historic Register Plaque Program. The purpose of the voluntary program is to recognize Tustin's historic properties, educate the public, increase public interest in historic properties, and promote community pride. The plaques display the construction date of the building, up to two lines of text, and are identified with the words "Tustin Historic Register." The bronze plaques may be mounted on the residence or set on metal stakes. The program guidelines require nominations to be provided to the Tustin Preservation Conservancy and the Tustin Area Historical Society to identify the proper name and date of construction. In this case, both the Conservancy and Historical Society Plaque on display at the Tustin approved of the plaque designation. For residences, Garage Building on El Camino the historical property name has recognized the most Reall61" Street prominent owner or occupant of the residence. This criterion helps to distinguish the residence from other residences in Old Town Tustin or when the surname could be associated with more than one prominent resident. As discussed below, the Wilson House is an appropriate name based on the original owners, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wilson, who purchased the property on August 29, 1921 The Conservancy and Historical Society have both indicated their concurrence with the proposed name and date of the property. 148 North B Street The current property owners, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Alas, are nominating the property at 148 North B Street for addition to the Tustin Historic Register Plaque Program. The property owner nomination is being brought forward to recognize that the building is a significant example of the Colonial Revival architectural style in the City of Tustin and was constructed in 1923. As can be seen from the before/after photographs contained in Attachment A, Mr. and Mrs. Alas have expended time, energy and money into renovating the home and in doing so, have maintained its original historic characteristics. The property, like many properties in the City of Tustin, was originally part of an avocado orchard located on the north side of First Street. The orchard was cleared around 1922 and subdivided into sixty (60) lots in Tract 338 by Herbert H. and Eleanor Hannaford. This was the beginning of a housing boom in Orange County. The 148 N. B Street June 13, 2017 Page 3 following year, 1923, the County had one hundred (100) new subdivisions and over 5,000 new homes constructed (Attachment B). This property is identified as Lot 8 of Section C of the tract and is located outside of the Cultural Resources District. The property isIdentified in both the City's 1990 and 2003 Historical Resources Surveys. This structure has a C rating in the 1990 Historical Survey and a 5D1 rating in the 2003 Historical Resources Survey (Attachment C). A C rating designates that the building maintains its original style, but is not distinctive architecturally or historically, but is important if grouped in districts. The 5D1 Rating indicates that the structure is a contributor to a fully documented district that is designated or eligible for designation as a local historic district, overlay zone, or preservation area under an existing ordinance or procedure. According to the 2003 survey, this building is significant as an example of the Colonial Revival architectural style in Tustin. Several homes built in Tustin during 1920s are Colonial Revival in style and are sprinkled throughout the City. Usually identified by the use of full-length round wooden porch columns with no railing and Tudor-like hipped roofs at the tops of the gables, these homes are reminiscent of the Craftsman-style. Character defining features of this building include, but are not limited to: • Front-facing gambrel, dual pitched gable with open eaves and exposed rafters; • Porch with columns that support the corners of the front facing gable with an exposed beam across the length of the porch; and, • Vents under eaves, horizontal wood siding and triple ribbon windows framed with wood moldings and trim. The residence is also important because of its association with early Tustin residents. Hannaford was an early Tustin pioneer and rancher/grower who developed several tracts in the City of Tustin. He also served as an election official in the 1930s and Deputy City Tax Assessor in the 1940s., According to County Assessor records, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wilson purchased the property on August 6, 1923 and, on August 29, 1923, mortgaged the property for $1,800.00, presumably to build the house. According to the 1930 United States Census, Mr. Wilson was a dredger operator and a World War I veteran. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson were also very active in the Tustin community. J. L. Wilson was a charter member of the American League Tustin Post #227 in 1929 and was later elected Mayor and served on the Tustin City Council from 1940-1942. Mrs. Enid Wilson taught Sunday school at the Advent Christian Church and was a member of the Tustin Townsend Club in the 1930s. She was also active in the Girl Scouts Whispering Pines Patrol, leading various activities including hikes and camping trips for the girl scouts in 1937. Mrs. Wilson was a member of the Tustin branch of the American Legion Auxiliary 148 N. B Street June 13, 2017 Page 4 and served as its President in 1995 and, in the same year, was appointed liaison officer to the County Council.' Based on the naming criteria designated by the Planning Commission, staff recommends the Planning Commission approve the plague designation with the name "Wilson House", due to the original owners of the property and their prominence in the Tustin community. Loe Elaine Dove, AICP, RLA J.-4itzeth Binsack Senior Planner Community Development Director Attachments: Attachment A — Photographs (2003 and 2017) Attachment B — Los Angeles Times Article dated January 1, 1924 Attachment C — 2003 Historical Resources Survey Excerpt Historical references are derived from Cit), reuords and local newspapers ATTACHMENT A Photographs (2003 and 2017) v 148 N. B Street 148 N. B Street-2002-03 Garage Building-2017 if AMMIZ �y c ur +� - F 148 N. B Street_ :017 148 N. B Street North side-2017 t i ATTACHMENT B Los Angeles Times Article dated January 1, 1924 r 'Ll b 1v Ill a[ice inent N I a du in Orange County: Record-Breaking Year in ... potable L Advancemnent Made r in Orane Count Y Al,LY Itzolyu an Uro- Intel :�,iliinl Rlr,ord-Brcaliing Year(i Soil it Oil Productions of$160.000.000; 'npobri nea N!Slut-as Iplucta_ naw high With the areal prods un, I. I 1.1011111I.Ii rad 91-1;111, 114041 still. U .11 , , Man tjI dOn for Lt.E�z,!In the t:o te y Nev SubadlIvisiallis Exploircili;Baslow Industrial;Thrive s III long offt g c courtly. the. Dust year, rI during 1;:I, ,.,I Sa a lining More Lt... Il .1.1 lLr.r Pill Lion `3 this 1'r cut Y he every hLie It.d the filfilix or So 11 P"ruirshim An LAN Angal irrosi go disco'Orearips colLifity,and the'Your 1020 coat down In or the L;h.r,i,,rr r Cbrumo­, wItlh V. D ,an e: I. blel -Feive"'Ch building ii I,,rga iar� d(Ji LtXfofts'�Du and wide e,,1­,,h,n or oil Johninit as exeretive,ioliroii,ry.gave an lm� C Shia with corresponding ln(r�-Lcic It, pro- lilaturyl the rise ind-bratioli perloSil when Len matinspolls; III all of Solitteres olicuon,auvo)cerved in for mr,county Print, III 11OLUO to tile Oil and home iy a tiro rear,or caoforaticdus., eftlirtal Into now,lanif w1dar thannatis industrially,.commorclully,and In ovarT cli --alumulou, along with bi,incis and Irl- tirtill is ...... a, 0 tattvity. li-rai wonderland of NaLurcIa own giving,ornum couil sell and fill 1.1,uhtrip] occvlty, Ivan ity'll up-fur be- ham lbrrodu ham -1 Unit 0, go no ty co vas aa 'Itio ollan'totaled nearly It44,4U4,010. a hundred new,subdivisdinsies were opened, y0i fie turns,GrlitLTl,u a I ligrditUrhadr: rl co III flit s 6t, drawing h.,le. or VItr,tivi got, expestabling her cAtles,to all Air directions.over e thousand new hournew ware-hull%rGr munithols or Olive. V111. Pri 'I IdOdon., -Jere by tra Brent variety nf farand car. as many,farri many now1icitocallis ware accessory to accommodate an Increased and "OWealO'Lloge jrUUVd In I 411`0 lion '10n products fit a, 11 in P, lrID Telae In program. Ohre several Prolificlournithernalit; now business bloriallat at Importance warell arocterill In every lawn,mutt sightly now buslactirt it tares. Ic pul I with 0A o,]­Iar.+rl now Industrial pro," became estailAnshed-wfth promising futures, while older or nitrate entarnrlsa, ll�b 'D urt, r"I"AnIH •litualitmals.and moratfacturrill firms,how a great broadening of tbnlr a ctIvIthroo. Fulferria ,,.,,a Sir a trip It'it I sc�­ T l itrIcIr, l malbal Ir to cnmtd ,I ,t- ULLERTION, Iii. the conter or a Thalily prison ithat are Evilicall to -.r: rr t�;o-Bil I,ai, Itatit up Its intiputil Elio past year' ColifnrUds, and set q riarild Vince thij Fall F Pruduethe all field,and also darned for VO n,junpulathUrt. Tbrac;n,ill th" `7"lr witt, a total production (rare ovary sol in.rdi-Cutural activity Lail 01ri4e production,cjrriod out Roveral notal "%Jayr ho il sillarIalicuoi n L'ur of IIII00,000,0-jr, licit it title itueela"hou"jy,,, in ( IU actin call inside'Ittal districts irthy lilt prt­oil I lr, all.1 juraparlid the I I ar, lilltor[One pointing tbo way 'R filets,the county's extensive all fields In'the it 11 inr forintEH rartolind It 1, IIII&C In 111. U) for acro. \ 1",Ra fiC.d leave was 'UN.IyciUlY have the various :ti�ut I, the ohapa ,,01I gaintInc,and ral unit. Tho! lou ark. indicating ii. jil 0, 1 voted ..,I uitlrk hOg.4 on a SaQrl CILY out done their full Itt-ro I.,111 III In .. UILLI to this P the I,Pbd!.l or of the Ccmnl.rtjt,,.but a high. ]or a0c r U I the Count)' city or 20.001 Hall bithling it 011hol. the CILlittltrah,flat,) I I are ValebQla nrarig-�n olnutit-Hurar boats Whet 11garon, for i fl-�Lll cia, I'll the irl.h. The On,,barneyawnt y spirit Of co"pQr""n has htembill hubacrs, crnins,hay. 11% stock, rusit, 1�.Ikllrl will J4,07,131,grun(��L dtitry Aild ollice bidding Oral hy C C, let]aen red the rrntli­e LY, -I ho ch1cr fl, Data,poultry. atelco", Vp so III- r.)r Hit enure twQjVC years tji 33D' Cluklunan, tile orange king, at a rant at null.of IhIS hwlbocr usurer. the Cities le annoy, Entries, W-ry SUIL-11'r.l.cur flab, 1,,1 cut [;rfl.ILUr'lJY 1110re thin,11500PH wits ­roole ted and recently t�ra Joint Oulfull III BYAt-irl IU04� rAL11111Y t ri re inial for 022 whIc ­ 113L,7 1, roaring completItc., to this improvement heats, ularstry aunct. Olives, persimmons,' b ti A now$i set building"'al A Lha four cities of RUIUU Ana,AcatilAm.Ftall• potatoesand nowstc,lia The orange crop S�A During this nlno nazi the r-oli cOaRL,kcitt-d -,it 31[i.00 1, aill..e made piton and Orange IilivrC julnd fill an.j If.or the ylpar total at,IUL;15,000l ' show III HIM rtuildWhil stzaclur­ %yet[ to In,) rrAmnknr schools, with, lichIlinans will linve expoUl I hundred the,;- Repneenothag each pl,,Sn Of this TaMar:lr PTUCLar),at a cost ol natIov%­My costing 1113,00l] ircrii Midi, to Line u.101, stand trotters t,yFeL­U­. Ai9crtor;l�h­jIng Latin Iturnaluct5cm ra­rd the seventh annual a I rh t livaVnpsq atruc:01TIa,coating ne;1 23',,600 High Schaal arb) iijulf3l, Colbegia plant, at b I ­,127f.c,L;mil-, r or, rUrlItch FaII1.rt,n art, st, lastly adly duall Power lance, the 'our"Jile.va"' OfOl CO-zlity Fql�-.In 1:eid the Mot Ul The II: the Yea Ej ujeuutlsfb�d citlih h 'If September,1923, In Santa Ana and droit I the 911L 90-1 11i,et NatlowIll bank Bil 15SOUSI. The F;rn-� civil booble's I Ll'o "'raorely"S"t that record tatteridluce Ll list or oxhIll 3469 U.I tIll Y M.C.A� DIIIJItil 11 11-2`000 IIQILSl' 1; 1-1110 The P�l -1 Id,fill,�06 eta li, it,.0,ft.fte. Jill J- figh SCbVQ( Va Sol O'D began Live "cau" d boolittl9j; for Lilly now system, Tirtilcir it., We Railroad,eXti Itl line InOoLU11ii ii arrangetill lit ill Its,11 iond to.each Ilam, Bwta, If J A. 9ml Ul lii�UUel.lclad Fullartria..it ­,Od a du- chy to.the comma. VOfttftil DIOnt Dear prcsldnit and was hrnlc, ­­:csqruI frol,, T""' "rho Northern (),1111 Col Plift the share. I ria. ­,, in `1 25 per Cent no every tL�ln 7­1hp- I '"­x(tiant, Are', l 110 ill 10SUPIckoul n it lin, pt,,00.Ing 0 -0­ unte to,1.prCmIlliIii res hi. and IJIIII LOIIIIL­',•, IbIlli was typiCril of the erl 6ploarn'L A SGUL,301)Do,[ are In curitetiplgl torr a pnuan.,r. I ,a";n I I Filrding: 1110 Dark IACIIILIeet whiCl Cal;fillitn'.for the poling L-,c 'J"I je'.JmIr County Inctiravialarral 9TOUnI15 river Scnu 1-aa, nop.Filily 10i 1 1 3 ZitcantlY PrOV1,1411 and Disking I'( of stle'ra.ft'ich C.Lor,all it"'hunt- Tri 0a track 'hi'l, It k tied C(hr,r III a", tic-Issury 1¢ silral or Itle, In me F,dlertan ChJr..;lbvrUcf,Cm. AMONG the [utinylatId d;,Cr7sl(i7Ied Un- heril b-,-U 11clucletble lil,,ail', If In. toylt%111 srarbounir sohood r,om, too,*W stili Georg a R Ray r a Core, pre,,emelats In wb I,U o LUNIC money qujjlcicnj g,cuc,13. -,-e Unl;t`rt,l during the o°rater. ,l on try-Inaugurated an InJUSLrIpT Program by ,.a errieno oil to Groul-'r, county the peat The AtirliSt.CL,­tIe, of Conurri A1�tc "I"Ir­NQU-10 wlicut tho fall to,,,. '. It i"LI131i twevi3i ricre,ar Iora,in land year by Still Sly U,I distil stn, net° school baa rd ILO. ", 'on aLl ­',; opened, led the for li an rTO and ffetTlig it cl, ii allows to greater;adU,Stjt.;, thil- Ou, _rk iscrin.-I igc!n 1, LIE� 'IlISPI.Y of %Eli.j I I ll"'. pro'lac"j,whit III'. III I'd Ll 1,41 !­Ul�, , , v'Lc-dSI ...Cher].Urge "and islito Ito poi acro to industrial ptrint.; w!jIch will lo- done upon ilea ILLUbli, blpli,ays. The roc Valal Grunge Sh­ Ian� 111'!L th,11-11 ­,J!a!t,Iy for;1ho conatri len M ad I e liri Fullort-al This project hayi U. C-d-lirbakliag nceorupl19liments In Ii re. ploy. this I !l_j­:,j Tic I I,printilCinat Of ilbortLoo by i I d4rIng the year Ell banin or lcosl!m Lure eL.,g a, than a,,, helare 'a"I "'.1,001 erl t a in more firmly finl­lncbed In the pull I 'a-lar ll'a fall toran,wit, ;!.,a Lt.la.1,00 rl UlAlOut toluntliately reiliced In rct� iddlPrVDI 10,act Only 0 the Itill oulub,,ir of lie favor. She Erv;­:i­ ni lvan carrlr,l I III over the V.,"U.I tir 71c, i or-;:tr',OnQ plant ril the NOZLI Frcl EcUraltEl And to the regular OLTOtflt MTC. or, COlUnII which maner cturcs cir,onji, I out In all the dre, which 1-11 111 bil li will Probably be iiioollcio� cry anti Making guall i; a but to the farming p-pulat LOU of the itealfaly. to ter naw buildings and nedillorI5 -In' nnL•usl Baa. I t it,I C fictitur,of Line F.Iliortati bainling rini'oen ta act, or)eivionit,le has ountiLls Oat Featuring acakbil'LlLan Hilaorleat patterint to 0XII III It,,In."34'I'D to E.I.1 appetittItct'bly $1.cr(I . inch. osis expected Orange onatur work of nnav'roved noillis become. that Cow t�d r.It the recinfritter of to the 11 006 Spent(Itirlar the past year n,—cris are tar ri these LrleTfieti of carr. Orange counly cn �D­,,Ui_12.1,,t.In C,j, for Iiii rj�ajlil Lail, Dilor the Yu a r cert", ,Not Counting t'ilb SLIM blgbwaYi LUMthuff ad, 1,r.inistice DOv I Il.r. lRbril-.1i, Sill `Iiin's neil,Cirijilau SCIlrnU Church . . . %myn,re r the county ard ille pri COIL' than ever hof'r the CS,rUile wan over three ­Lri opened tr­ bill and u ia^, 116O.CoD Ceciln0 'llb links of the Lying ,Illaln rifles long u.6 "Lis flnelil by al chur,Ij:sae PjUOnCd by the Tt[,hIUnO avenue NcInpil Dr.lic1l [joiboa Incurba,atiall the:ItLit m4leege if per- Web r-k­1 bril city in the limits NILLUr.Lll,rt rilgiregul Fendi era raised hag in the rami (UstriciB In 1�e ext C. Nearly list fleal weti entered III,County or. last rail tor a pow Sialvil Army hours LIE city of NoWil Peach. rishiOr: also le,ale 176, -Adding to this lite r-el graniziillors. I leplil an Inold.irt In and t3r.ELI Club broke R141nd for.hand. T ,cinpriail 3alb..Island.,it the Ejalhoh r.cort IOUsgives be I I ahi, Tor the rr hate Aftlelical. hiStolY fril. Its dill by some new ctlijhicuse to be its ils a CSUI "Ital-rula. I... spent ill'i'l far I bITC Cooper ii0te, US firUproVaMoutj c..ItT around 2,,,miles Fal i past year Col amber to :11- diial 11110 villel- buec�ty cotton Th, i Coef"'U In cal months and has net In total nicuival PlirLInded In Mithe'lly Sm- f r-TAti,a pr Loth historical and en- I In (IbU ­nanneir. l PC. I"SIL I,record ror ivie work L�Ljt I cobbmcund- ;rOrIcUleilt, a, 3 - I. this Burn count, Arnainji, blot InJu,111 591* Illi to -fflJD[;3(AsTt�d huring the�chr w,ri lnU,D,UUg.1.]Delir.c.VIrldZell Unit TLard gliall ierw�rlleg -05-4 b the Unins ware- Bri boas nnai6�1 ortat,the tournamont Lur , fourILOrY Store inad onlee bulidirl at Pa,trpg al-IttrIn collas I (I roo,is rectithel lar c,er 111,000,0e]. At- light, fliantri.teJ bl parade on 'few, ro.-tu Sol lilmildivuy, now p4c�rj�,Talo� nory adre"T" all" toying Ott Lol Malts of all I_,ag ., will ry server System and -author till-o-0, 0-4 phone It-IldIng, new 6a,cO.' P.ny ollill, �XOIIHLIIILI itc erall or elielez bad lt half al t' -troves"1"0'1 jilding, at of new pa Int ­, I,iq il r,,Itaty,uno I b.d ;, of nraai;o CounLy's harbor%varl) kWeiiltor, Broadway apartinuot b� Jllb; new lch--I tiuddicil il7iCDrl emberado 't In 1. 01, e !lie hIghle5li quality In. At thotenedI to WILDC-0 the hl�mlrtl- Vptird Ll _13rondwny,3110,900 WUNer Than. 'go -01 11 �' bay. ii "r LOS �Ilcs;,,f Brevet­rl c! tut dtiplay or !AnnU!,,n,,d yRrbLS, Moto, tier, -,,.,a till 111(cou llt-lelo­s -tth Or "'UrPOrL tbpm,elneutt,ii more bullt'and Iti L oet!Ctl OC;1111"1; Naito.zll,hoatti and-Itl Alan;"Ith Rev. .1ciii-'ate n1c."',by(III Santa An.Dew. 000; Orflitteential street lights 0 completed a on I,of tile r""t"""'d I'LL" CreL heztlklittl lift'Re flat, and (11. lisp!." opultrit C0Tut,4,y: too CI ad 10 z M a etc jul, $6000, and a.!. q'il W city 0. 16 a the 511ricautea cut air.ati log tram the stat or 0r,,;0rLs ivInIch followed Ball'On ctrl- L! ClITIBU)"her's Wnrel­uo, iiouth Z!9.000. Building n,rcritel ranched-a new Hgh way b ­tbi Santa Al­�,:,oil An c.. are ft;�Ijn In the belief IhOt This clic,:, Willo­IQ G­Clry and Lanni cal-Irrn. all 1,tell Dgurc,Of InDtO than W0,11IIII and nine). Al large bridge -.a b-Ill - . Ill� I c"" !°' urlaue hI Sieltt­a P:illfrl w-horo q,llkil I,Oi;DG to edr..(L Santa rkylino or,! 1-01 �usideucas will _I an, buil[, feria}Ing so r. Bay on he ]too or tj,,, P!, [a D-t,I,F U'III Ur,already ruldia it a clLy of rapidly greivIiiC tmpor� oral I n tile Vehl,%ij, a naw othairlskut 'able"at" 'I 4rl. ) :.o olb,, Icilhil -c ­,­Izled an, eton illsolaty this tithou. I ny'd It C,C.a on th.p ,,,,,.a Pride. to Lirl'tavola -1 a rftl-,] S Ula, With hiciedquatters.- FLU tile, DUL,IlI jjl:�, ­­­rUl live �-enr. Ne�recl III t il e L".1'aWy th, l"Il U[...nl C-OU1.7 H.rb.r Clr"sl at 6M. 11IM Ut ll II' 0,1 �lzlr 1' '111 Ile"'ItY Ir log -count, 0._, � I OUINIVO I undertaken i jo.,21C judelLrIft I'll , .Bed Is V 0 der loans gild 46-1011 ib loping Lal In L6 I,,,I putt 14a, Ut a,a n1 NIzl,Lp to In!a 0 1"" �­,e FlUbTl bar. aid r,4,Lror giri0e, or future herett, XMILIM,the mother rain n7. ­Unuilrl Ifirourb the new purl. �Vote ,h!C1, Il'o'clity .��n In more ne,. l L'u. car, wLr,,n Ills -7 lilVditivelot moot pace and ndd�,tl 11 And Lcgol Sit elpoudoil itti;plant and 11 tuba A a p ct�ab HID, sial and I,sur,e: ay,li­ 11a,be, C0.NjCSjU •om. raeicd It. Werk Lift .be r LiC Important el"o Itopio,,,hoetts mare.1 1.005j0b0 Ura Ilett.: uyWend hg ulil for 1,Urbor 1pe- du.icr rhoa_ in addition to One 7 of Itip Imports n[l c t- I I to 61 U,,!1jVp; It, fl,,al 1,rj1.'ft to !U'•j It' "n eatt . 11 `­thre'rn Pl-d-C on thePrints D41ti !lie Doan! ns Bilparvien,73 it I 13 riii1tu- 'arc or �,�,ipei7lll 3' Ito comm.lardon r,,, mar6Qt Heyoral now selialivIt4cris A hew ,,on of a County Ilsal ll uoder he;-Ltt&: trodglItz the CILY H0,11,IMS"tOTY J�raccltu fluildhi THE all al of 1,-,, 1, tl:.l ,U,t Or Lullil-I -.11[cluel Fill- bot,,,ee IlUc,ty"Icot d-�,p al to,,Litz,arl,l ;I darl',rieer lucent bl.tlo LI,C added It,"i1i; the vii'litintic with the it Chounel Circe cv.;l s lQq,.rl.1steel 1eA W1.0, PiUll, for 0"r)' TprodUciag fl Id. t.l lrj,�tl ad,jjtjocb� parto .4 tilrection (I Dr. W Sttte illrilth.lit-pattti 11. beard r,)mUd doffp to the uppor ucrcll;liniln. u'lictiv IIi,I leo thrikifirl to U. i...lId 0), IZrinc-OT fol"old Ul both air a­,"Itolly,ultd an -lial T­ Cr, be hod .1,0..Iy holed ZreUtIy TrUJI,riduartle. p,cano­U_C_ was L_j I fall time billion, I,i,b-t..,!a, con vetch ba, . deplh :�,­fitneP l no.oras th, d,,, i Jab[Laty CC a 1kili'Llind or 1"�ial ly I!,— Tile I.. ic iii,,ing An.1,eirri itin,te,a rurl� 'car,t a ,nntry In. b"ad i nall fill!ti 9,ti,lr I.,,nLown yS.d loo- health of. -C bur9S,and d (no 0t,.,g or Lcililtihital III lol apolliitl lat�pc,t Orel ­,flut, r Opect., A.101'r the 11"LL." TII-AILLIA in ,,a potent r itl ji Ull r muco r.r further -1 once h,,�Idlrtgb. New pill no, rI­u to Lal cast of $1fl.npe this dep,l1rel are the errIx.1 I[cWrlulli- 01, pork bro,,.,salcels ..,,anslou IS— ci-C I. IC D ch,lo - d.,37tinlig of 1-19. 1 the It 1,U, "'Lliti-P .1 a. niclable dtqeaae� iirel S oo�, a.,. C Gill 111�alrl and larlist'lat area atil ti, school Tile Slrlc�!,OLT ruMpncy I I, I &t-,y net] 'Onl J,tip. sell pe,dil ill the Yen,!Or LOU 1- 1111111111-9 a I I" w-,ad,OiSoiU tail rc:k. action ell el, and tural he, b­Ut -::,, Pllil'r Scell"i- :111thlry inspection," , is Ijal,d rht,,I,,.s i i7oluma,, and a.., the Tri cblcetI.-IlUillac 1I"I-felt llrl• "ll shot)-- fbid-1wha B'OtZ'—'GIIUKI at'. 'Orll I- ri at., I I.a'a ..e �,a a fl� 0111 or Lille D-,-I zo I recall.Stain I In""I"her ..,I ti,ritnuch file qff.rta cC a live Chlirl I'.' I new bUSIDaIS structure elerled. I " I " ,­. ��t:!e r"ILItY Irl of J� 1,conjing wilitly knu,u as DaVI permits up to Noventiber 1, 192:1, Latin, rr a - _ . ' St,,L,ht rl,, le,�c[Opm� of I IIII., III Shot beep.It It I 1 i9-0, I -clty� L iii o"U'LIC"Inj j,",' too., U. ra I"Ob. .most Eir.rTaletiLll'o totaled$100,000,eamDrislot 170 pairtaftle,43 ,mchror a ;,I,IlJty ,r We lic"figure, it Kh;rl A total of$131,000 fortlas entire year Of Health. - a A new county Hall or F, S.),un tar tn,:rj,,t,e ,-hicl. 'III be a( I f Il to I 'QOdl OneflL to Ol�It--01 111 0 "1101"18 4 Orange Placentia, La Histbriti Gordon GTO10, BE- innetru,fi to Coint.ii2ii aIll]-,I MI.tr'I't let by the Park an& Park, Ti, line wIt" $2,o),Ooyo - HD city of Orail center of 0 111 pro. l,, UTorbu, Linda. Iticlaffuld,"Itumoths. r itectipruncy early this 3 LL,rr , ,,ad IS,.a I�Yrdl O-C in n Lare;Bosch dro,191,rii,; Hug Busicb.Laguna Beach,San Jacat the genital publititir, vol being-'.1 .1 T :tuctiIv nil to fast tell 613-tha an- n,.,.nhIch t been under avUY f.,the NIL Capistrano and othair Orange Onsomy coin- y .11 or �.atheca Ca tha. s me Mae all 10140d In the I LIZICI irfilairrestanjul. 1 " throe anorl The Pa-Munal,9Y7111CAN PGCL Ot ii "U'llal tOMMUMIly it el 2 50,000 booklets dell g _U. proa 'a. ral,chlin-o Elaciric and II,la9LU of onivicral new Induatrint planda, POTJI proceinsloo and all show evidiancill, of preens County bore b h In,hLiN. 110 Western Cordell (:OmVaay, of earparading actIvitf and awakened Conn. Stand aid: � 1, Or, "'I . r her, .it the arel-IIII9 st ,it hi —o� caliForchi III Company.ILIrgIn.Mattress mull all with all churches, schools, Varied Produefiarof 1ILLIOUL; IlUI1IaeI-,.tj.it '. i":C cril Cciel Orange OUR Gasoline native Reflustry, business blocks and boom"golog up every. t,e,l to,hily bio;pini Ll 111,Wall and theca, .11 native and Coding daily 1.3 where, and public ImpraremeaLs. Of 41vere I ".a the Cityl,production Of"MiEn and employ. 141rads beding made to add to the comfort Aso,one of thn few to rft Ro iia grade b,a, folvo,nd spots vrtucrn,f,� intinul LiUU11- I ADO Or am.) In;;hinge,aitnell or wirill oh(lit.n.. and conveWmeo of neirdecti It ba-bees a miles ply "Ll. Lilutul"d.1 too. 4 I Larodue 1 are blarve,L04 Ill. Market- IDISriz1.1 cer,L�l -1 of the O'cliticitio.f al ravarill Irliten.lan year at growth,and the ouldcal for the evilit a lite doortai'LI orange County has more I be ca, of LIG"LL at SOULbarl let Hill r,.. a Jnrr,u twalre nemilis 1a most bright. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. ATTACHMENT C 2003 Historical Resources Survey Excerpt 148 8 STREET (N) Pr mom Iwo f See following pages for property information State of California—The Resources Agency Primary # DEPARTMENT OF PARKS ARID RECREATWN HRIO BUILDING, STRUCTURE, AND OBJECT RECORD Page 1 of 1 *PiRHP States Cade:SDI *Rewerce Name or#(254): 149 B Save(N) B1_ Historic Nave: B2_ Coeavoe Nage_ B3. 4riginai Use:ResidentW B4. Preseot Use:Residential *B5. Architectural Style:Colonial Revival *Bd. Cosstrrction History, (Cammcbm date.ahe ackns,and date of alteratiam) The building was built around 1924, *$7. Moved? X No Utes OUalrriawe Date: Origium LOCatim *a8_ Rdated Features: B9a_ Arcbiteck rmlawwn b.Builder:unlmowu *814. Sigakicance: Tbeme:Residential Ard ttecrure Area:Santa Ana-Tustin,CA Period of Significaace: 1900-1945 Property Ty": Residential Applicable Criteria:C piKviss,mgwuwe iR ow of historical or arck teceral cowev as defined by itimp-pmo4 and geographic scope. Also adkess magmy) This single storied building is significant as an example of the Colonial Re%ri-al architectural style in Tustin. The building's character defining features include,but are not limited to: • front facing gambrel,dual pitched gable with open eaves and exposed rafters • porch with cohnnns that support the corners of the front facing gable with an exposed beam across the length of the porch • vents under the eaves,horizontal siding and triple ribbon widows framed with wood moldings and trim BIL Additional Resoerct Attr*etes:aM>—SWgle Family property *11112_ R fwmov City of Tustin Hutorreai Swnssy,thirtieth street architects,ine.,June. 1990;First American.Title Company records;Directories. 813. Remrtcs This building requires additional mfDrmalum and research to assess rrluy,its sigm&2nce (Sketch Ala with north arrow ir>ed.) r ro ria ►7+0 1?3 tie rub >w rel "lp Igo 163 do 163 'AiFNts Iii 136 +yin lib *B14. Evill■atar:TRAW,C.Jordan "° 1W y „� *Date ofEvaleation:Oct 2002 r.s ,� 144 ;.6; too l 643 140 143 136 _ $is lye - ru (This space reserved for official comments,) 130 r1S lye las 124 125 124 tri A o A �l A Ia F IRS1 tiTItEVI DPR 5238 11195) 'Required information