HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPEAKER FORMS CITY OF TUSTIN-ZONING ADMINISTRATOR SPEAKER S, FORM If you Wish to spe,ok dufing e ' ini ing Adm* w tro,tor Public He, " s oring, pleose comp/ete, this form and submit, it to the recording, secretory prior t,o spe,aKi�ng., 0mpletion pf thisform is not mondatorcrum,ent the, speaker`� nam,e for the rec,ord. Thank M. REASE PRINT Name* Eiate,:, Address:, Telepholne Number, II Speaking, regard'*ng Zon4n:g Admi"nistrator item numbe,r Name,of party repres,enting (*If applicable 11 am speaki'ng,,in favor of this item. I am speaki'ng, in qpp''Ositiion to thf*sl'ite,m., If you challenge an item considered at a,public hearing in court,,you may be limiteaisleg only,ffiose"issues you cir sorneone else, raised at the public hearing described 'in the aglenda,,, o�r in written correspondenc 'elive-re to the City of Tustin at,or prior toy,the Public',Hearing. I CITY F TUSTIN—ZONING ADMINISTRATOR If you wish, to speak dwing the Z6,ning'Administrator Public Heofing, pleasecomplete r secretaryand subimit it to the recording, '. C is mandatory; but i's, requested to accurately document the speaker's, name fo,r the record. Thank you.. PLEASE , 1A L,A, A,) Address:, Telephone Number-, MW Speaking, riegarding Zoning mn strato item number: e Name of party representing (i applicable,). ®rTarn seeakipng infavor of his I m speak �' in opposition to,this, item., l,f'y,o,u challenge,an litem consilderied at a public hearutig in court,you may be,Himited toraising only those,issues,you or some,one, else raised at the, Pubtic hearing desc i e ' in the agenda, owritten correspondence delive,red he City of Tustin at',or prior to,, e Public Hearing.