Tiscareno, Vera
From: Binsack, Elizabeth
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 8:27 AM
To: Reekstin, Scott;Willkom,Justina
Cc: Tiscareno,Vera
Subject: FW: Planning Commission Public Workshop
Please provide a copy to the PC. Thanks
From: Najera, Stephanie
Sent:Thursday,August 03, 2017 7:10 PM
To: Binsack, Elizabeth <EBinsack tustinca.or >
Subject: FW: Planning Commission Public Workshop
From: NextdoorI'm ailto:re I rs.email.nextdoor.coml
Sent:Thursday,August 3, 2017 7:08 PM
To: Najera, Stephanie <SNaiera@tustinca.o >
Subject: Re: Planning Commission Public Workshop
Bob M.,
As president of the Tustin Area Council for Fine Arts, representing the
board, we would be opposed to option 3. The reason for this is our
organization uses street signs to advertise one of the city's premier
event, Broadway In the Park. The city uses the street signs to
advertise the chili cookoff and the art walk. Another Tustin non-profit,
Tustin Public Schools Foundation also uses the street signs to
publicize its dinosaur Dash.
Original post by Communications Manager Stephanie Najera from City
of Tustin (1 reply):
The Tustin Planning Commission will conduct a public workshop on
August 8, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber, 300
Centennial Way, Tustin, CA.
At the workshop, staff will be presenting...
Aug 3 in General to City of Tustin
m -• Thank - Private message
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Tiscareno, Vera
From: Erin26usy <erin2busy@aol.com>
Sent: Friday,August 04, 2017 1:14 PM
To: bobmachadol352@att.net;Tiscareno, Vera; info@tustinchamber.com;
erin@tustincommunityfoundation.org; tustinmuseum@att.net;
PreserveOurTustin@gmail.com; mel1ot@tustin,k12.ca.us;lave@ocar.org;
EmalSupport@pwr.net; altustinl01@gmail.com; info@OCBigs.org;
jserrano@bectustin.org; info@tpsf.net; Reedy@irvinecompany.com;
amaher@vestar.com; info@affinitypropservices.com; info@rescuemission.org,
kimm@ocbsa.org; crodriguez@gir[scoutsoc.org; mhanover@marconimuseum.org;
tustin@usw.salvaticnarmy.org;jkelly@redhillchurch.org; cbi18@cbil8.org;
vicky@crossroadoc.org; kingsway77@msn.com;JMarshall@StCeciliak8.0rg;
info@tustinchurchorchrist.com; info@tustinpresbyterian.org; office@hopetustin.com;
dennis@dnmpaint.com; info @com pa sstustin.co m;epadiIla @tustinchamber.org;
Cc: Willkom,Justina;Wilson, David;Clanton, Chad; Reekstin, Scott
Subject: Re: Planning Commission Meeting -August 8th
Hello all,
The Tustin Community Foundation will also be unable to attend your meeting but 1 agree 100%with Bob Machado
(TACFA) for the reasons mentioned below and in my previous correspondence.
I understand the need to end the blight of signs throughout the community and the Tustin Community Foundation
supports your efforts to mandate sign size and set time limits and therefore we support Options 1 and 2. We do not.
support Option 3 for the following reasons:
• Nowadays nonprofits rely on signs to reach as many Tustin area people as possible. Tustin News circulation is
down and unfortunately, social media and the general publicity by organizations members no longer provide
enough PR to increase awareness in a community the size of Tustin. Over the past few years organizations have
found that street signs are a successful way to increase their reach.
• Tustin is actually made up of several'diverse communities and it's very common for someone living in Tustin
Ranch to'never visit Old Town and the Cultural Resources District. Street signs in all parts of the City will continue
to allow nonprofit organizations and schools to widen their nets and increase attendance.
The City of Tustin benefits from the efforts of volunteers working to support,our schools and youth, our community
history, the arts, our under-served and those residents in need and thus increased attendance at nonprofit
fundraisers is vital. As you are well aware, needs continue to increase on every front. Please remember that
fundraisers and events, such as the Dino Dash, Broadway in the Park, TCF's Sip &Stroll, the Old Town Home
Tour and others, are the primary ways that organizations raise the money needed to provide services to our
community. The easier it is to promote a community event, the more attendees. The more attendees, the more
funds raised to pour back into their programs: While I realize that signs can ultimately increase staff time, as
described in Option 3, 1 feel that the chance to increase the fundraising ability of organizations that serve the
community is more important at this time.
Most sincerely,
Erin Nielsen
'Erfhv ANte.Lse V
-rL"U4vC01n* kYtity rowtidatiory
rusr"v,, CA 92781
714.393.8506 office,
714.721,0337 CRW
www. +,ow or
-----Original Message----
From: robert Machado <bobmachado1352@att.net>
To: Tiscareno, Vera <VTiscareno@tustinca.org>; info <info@tustinchamber.com>; erin
<erin@tustincommunityfoundation.org>; tustinmuseum <tustinmuseum@att,net>; PreserveOurTustin
<PreserveOurTustin@gmail.com>; meliot<me1iot@tustin.k11ca.us>; dave <dave@ocar.org>; EmailSupport
<EmailS up port@ pwr.net>; altustin101 <altustin101(Mgmail.com>; info <info@OCBigs.org>;jserrano
<jserrano@bectustin.org>; info <info @tpsf.net>; Reedy <Reedy@irvinecorhpany.com>; amaher<amaher@vestar.com>;
info <info@affinitypropservices,com>; info <info@rescuemission.org>; kimm <kimm@ocbsa.org>; crodriguez
<crodriguez@girlscoutsoc.org>; mhanover<mhanover@marconimuseum.org>; tustin <tustin@usw.salvationarmy.org>;
jkelly <jkelly@red hillchurch.org>; cbi18 <cbi18@cbi18.org>; vicky<vicky@crossroadoc.org>; kingsway77
<kingsway77@msn.com>; JMarshall <JMarshall@StCeciliak8.Org>; info<info@tustinchurchorchrist.com>; info
<info@tust1npresbyterian.org>; office <office@hopetustin.dom>; NICOLE <NICOLE@HEALINOWORD.TV>; Jennifer
<Jennifer@aumctustin.org>; administrator<ad min istrator@stpa uls.org>; dennis <dennis@dnmpaint.com>; info
<info@compasstustin.com>; epadilla <epadilla@tustinchamber.org>; TimS <TimS@pwr.net>
Cc:Willkom, Justina <JWillkom@tustinca.org>; Wilson, David <DWilson@tustinca.org>; Clanton, Chad
<CClanton@tustinca.org>; Reekstin, Scott<SReekstin@tustinca.org>
Sent: Fri, Aug 4, 2017 11:08 am
Subject: Re: Planning Commission Meeting -August 8th
Dear Vera,
Due to a conflict with our monthly board meeting, I will not be able to attend, BUT
would like to provide you and Scott our input to this discussion. I reviewed the
proposed options provided in the agenda. Of the three options, we are totally opposed to
option 3 for the following reasons:
1) the use of street signs in the public.way is a major need to advertise our annual
Broadway in the Park, held in August.
2) Although option 3 does allow for street signs in the old town area, our street signs
are typically put throughout the city from Tustin Legacy, Tustin Ranch and old town
Tustin. This would be a real hardship for us and limit our outreach to the entire
community during the July / August time period.
Robert "Bob" Machado, president, Tustin Area Council for Fine Arts
From: "Tiscareno, Vera" <VTiscarenoCdtustinca.org>
To: "info ti_tustinchamber.com" <info(dtustinchamber.cam>; "erinatustincommunityfoundation.org"
<erinCaD,tustincommunityfoundation.orq>; "tustinmuseum@att.net' <tustinmuseum@att.net>;
"PreseryeOurTustin(aD-gmaii.com" <PreserveOurTustin0Dg_mail.com>; "meliotCa}tustin.k12.ca.us"
<meliot(&tustin.k12.ca.us>; "_daye(Mocar.o ' -.dave _.ocar.org>; "EmailSupporta@pwr.net' <EmailSupport(a)-pwr.net>;
"altustin101Ogmail.com" <altustin101(d-)gmaii.com>; "info@OCBii s.org" <info@OCBigs.org>; "jserrano(abbgetustin.org"
<iserrano@bectustin.orq>; "bobmachadol352@att.net' <bob,machado1352@att.net>; "info(a)tpsf.net" <info(atpsf.net>;
"Reedy aairvinecompany.com" <Reedy0irvinecompany.corn>; "amaher@vestar.com" <amaher(cDvestar.com>;
"info gC).affinit propseryices.com" <info(cDaffinitypropservices.com>; "infoO)rescuemission.orq" <infoo-rescuemission.orq>;
"kimm(a-)ocbsa.org" <kimm(cDocbsa.org>; "crodriguez0girlscoutsoc,orq" <crodriguezCa-giriscoutsoc.org>;
"mhanover(cDmarconimuseum.org" <mhanoverOmarconimuseum.org>; "tustinCcDusw.salvationarmy.org"
<tustin(cDusw.salvationarmv.orq>; '*elly(@redh1IIchurch.org" <ikellyOredhillchurch.ow; "cbi18(a.cbi18.org"
<cbi180DcbH8.orq>; "vickyacrossroadoc.org" <vickyCc�crossroadoc.org>;"kingsway77@msn.com"
<kingswav77Co)msn.com>; "JMarshall(cDStCeciliak8.OM" <JMarshallftStCeciliak8.Org>; "info@tustinchurchorchrist.com"
<info(cDtustinchurchorchrist.com>; "info tustin resb terian.o� " <info(cDtustinoresbvterian.org>; "office@hopetustin.com"
"Jennifer@aumctustin.org' <Jennifer@aumctustin.org>; "administrator@stpauls.org' <administrator(a)-stpauls.org>;
"dennis dnm aint.com" <dennis@dnmpaint.corm>;"infoftom_passtustin.corti" <info(a)compasstustin.com>;
"epadillaD_tusiinchamber.ora" <epadi1la(a)tustinchamber.org>; "TimS(d)pwr.net" <TimSOP\yr.r et>
Cc: "Willkom, Justina" <JWillkom(@tustinca.om>; "Wilson, David" <QWilson a@tustinca.org>; "Clanton, Chad"
<CClanto6(@tustinca.org>; "Reekstin, Scott" <SReekstin�ic tustinca.or_g>
Sent: Friday,August 4, 2017 10:47 AM
Subject: Planning Commission Meeting -August 8th
On behalf of Scott Reekstin, attached is the agenda and Item #4 (Workshop —Temp Signs Win the
Public ROW) for next Tuesday night's Planning Commission meeting.
Should you have any questions for Scott, he will be back in the office on Monday and can respond to
your email then.
Vera Tiscareno
Executive Assistant
City of Tustin - Community Development
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
(714) 573-3106
Tiscareno, Vera
From: Binsack, Elizabeth
Sent: Friday,August 04, 2017 3:06 PM
To: Willkom,Justina; Reekstin, Scott;Tiscareno, Vera
Subject: FW: Planning Commission Public Workshop
From: Najera,Stephanie
Sent: Friday, August 04, 2017 8:38 AM
To: Binsack, Elizabeth <EBinsack@tustinca.ora>
Subject: FW: Planning Commission Public Workshop
Good morn! fyi
From: Nextdoor[mailto:rep]y@rs.email.nextdoor.com]
Sent: Friday,August 4, 2017 7:54 AM
To: Najera, Stephanie<SNajera@tustinca.org>
Subject: Re: Planning Commission Public Workshop
Jeff G.,
I wonder if we could present option 4 that would apply Option 3 only to
political signs.
Original post by Communications Manager Stephanie Najera from City
of Tustin (2 replies):
The Tustin Planning Commission will conduct a.public workshop on
August 8, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber, 300
Centennial Way, Tustin, CA.
At the workshop, staff will be presenting...
Aug 3 in General to City of Tustin
a . - Thank - Private message
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