HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 LEGISLATIVE UPDATEAgenda Item 9
Finance Director
Staff has prepared an update of proposed key legislative items.
At the direction of the City Council.
The last day for policy committees to meet and report bills was on July 21, and the
legislature is now in Summer Recess until August 21. The status of prior updates remains
essentially the same. Once the legislature is reconvened the houses will have until
September 15 to pass bills.
AB 572 (Quirk -Silva): Alcoholism or drug abuse treatment facilities: Orange County
Pilot Program
This bill would require the Department of Health Care Services to establish a voluntary
pilot program to locate a Compliance Investigator within the County of Orange to
investigate complaints against licensed adult alcoholism or drug abuse recovery or
treatment facilities. This would be an added resource for cities, helping them to enforce
state and local regulations, and provide patients with better outcomes. This legislation
was brought to ACC -OC by Orange County cities to combat the complex issues related
to sober living facilities.
Association of California Cities Orange County— SPONSORED
Location: Passed Senate — Moving Through Assembly
AB 890 (Medina): Local land use initiatives: environmental review.
Would require a proponent of a proposed initiative ordinance, at the time he or she files
a copy of the proposed initiative ordinance for preparation of a ballot title and summary
Legislative Update
August 15, 2017
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with the appropriate elections official, to also request that an environmental review of the
proposed initiative ordinance be conducted by the appropriate planning department.
League of California Cities — OPPOSES
Location: Passed Assembly — Moving through Senate
AB 1250 (Jones -Sawyer) Counties and cities: contracts for personal services.
Would prohibit any city or county from contracting out any work until the city or county
can show that the work will save the entity money and will not displace workers. In
addition, the measure stipulates that employee benefit costs (e.g. CalPERS, healthcare,
etc.) cannot be a sole factor in justifying a contract for service.
League of California Cities — SUPPORTS (Changed from OPPOSITION)
Association of California Cities Orange County - OPPOSES
Location: Passed Assembly — Moving through Senate
AB 1323 (Weber): Sustainable Water Use and Demand Reduction: Stakeholders
Working Group
AB 1323 would require the Department of Water Resources to convene a stakeholder
working group to develop, evaluate, and recommend proposals for establishing new water
use targets for urban water suppliers. A number of bills have been introduced in the
Legislature proposing the next iteration of long-term water use efficiencies beyond the
existing 2020 -time frame. Inevitably, those bills represent different stakeholder
perspectives, visions, and approaches to the development of California's future efficiency
and conservation framework. In the face of these conflicting perspectives, AB 1323 takes
an important and necessary step towards creating consensus recommendations that can
be advanced legislatively.
Association of California Cities Orange County — SUPPORTS
Location: Passed Assembly — Moving through Senate
AB 1479 (Bonta) Public Records: Supervisor of Records: Fines
oppose League Opposes AB 1479 (Bonta) would place substantial burdens on local
agencies by adding onerous, costly and unnecessary requirements in processing
California Public Records Act (CPRA) requests. AB 1479 would mandate that every local
agency assign a "Supervisor of Record" to review each public records act denial prior to
the final determination being issued.
Association of California Cities Orange County - OPPOSES
Location: Passed Assembly — Moving through Senate
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AB 1654 (Rubio): Water Shortage: Urban Water Management Plan
This bill would create a new process of drought -response planning and reporting by local
water suppliers. By requiring water suppliers to describe and analyze the reliability of their
water supplies in greater detail, AB 1654 would improve overall urban water management
planning. Annual reporting from every urban retail water supplier would allow the state to
better identify suppliers experiencing water shortages, as well as suppliers prepared to
deal with drought conditions.
Association of California Cities Orange County— SUPPORTS
League of California Cities — SUPPORTS
Location: Passed Assembly — Moving through Senate
AB 1668 (Friedman): Water Management Planning
This bill creates a new drought response plan by making numerous changes to water
supply planning, and drought planning to incorporate climate change, and enhance water
supply analysis. Unlike the Rubio bills, being supported by ACC -OC (AB 968 and AB
1654), this bill would require three separate reporting mechanisms, which would be
unnecessary and burdensome to local governments.
Association of California Cities Orange County - OPPOSES
Location: Passed Assembly — Moving through Senate
SB 2 (Atkins) Building Homes and Jobs Act
SB 2 would generate hundreds of millions of dollars per year for affordable rental or
ownership housing, supportive housing, emergency shelters, transitional housing and
other housing needs via a $75 recordation fee on specified real estate documents.
League of California Cities — SUPPORTS
Location: Awaiting Third Senate Reading
SB 3 (Beall) Affordable Housing Bond Act of 2018
Affordable Housing Bond Act of 2018 authorizes a $3 billion general obligation bond to
fund affordable housing programs and infill infrastructure projects.
League of California Cities — SUPPORTS
Location: Passed Senate — Moving through Assembly
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SB 35 (Wiener) Planning and zoning: affordable housing: streamlined approval
Would pre-empt local discretionary land use authority by making approvals of multifamily
developments and accessory dwelling units (ADUs) that meet inadequate criteria,
"ministerial" actions.
League of California Cities — OPPOSES
Association of California Cities Orange County - OPPOSES
Location: Passed Senate — Moving through Assembly
SB 54 (De Leon): Law Enforcement: Sharing Data
Existing law provides that when there is reason to believe that a person arrested for a
violation of specified controlled substance provisions may not be a citizen of the United
States, the arresting agency shall notify the appropriate agency of the United States
having charge of deportation matters. This bill would repeal those provisions. This bill
contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
Association of California Cities Orange County - OPPOSES
California Police Chiefs Association — OPPOSES
Location: Passed Senate — Moving through Assembly
SB 540 (Roth): Workforce Housing Opportunity Zone
Local elected leaders are acutely aware of the severity of California's housing affordability
crisis and their role in fashioning solutions. While numerous factors are contributing to the
problem, there is an agreement that more needs to be done to create a path for and
streamline new housing construction. Local governments do not build homes. Cities are
responsible for planning and land use decisions that allow housing to be built. The League
of California Cities® is sponsoring Sen. Richard Roth's (D -Riverside) SB 540 to create a
robust system for planning and streamlining housing approvals and construction that
ensures public engagement on the upfront planning process.
League of California Cities — SUPPORTS
Location: Passed Senate — Moving through Assembly
SB 649 (Hueco): Wireless Telecommunications Facilities
The bill would establish a streamlined permitting process for small cell wireless facilities,
and limit the fees that local governments may charge for placement of small cells on city
or county owned infrastructure. This is concerning to cities in Orange County and
throughout the State, because it severely restricts the ability for cities to make necessary
discretionary decisions related to the aesthetic and safety of small cell and wireless
infrastructure within their jurisdictions.
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League of California Cities – OPPOSES
Association of California Cities Orange County - OPPOSES
Location: Passed Senate – Moving through Assembly
SB 711 (Hill): Local -State Sustainable Investment Incentive Program
Despite all the state's focus on infill development and greenhouse gas reduction, the
sobering reality is that — absent sufficient resources to address financing gaps — many
desirable projects fail to pencil -out. Such missed opportunities will frustrate the state's
efforts to achieve its greenhouse gas reduction goals.
League of California Cities – SUPPORTS
Location: Passed Senate – Moving through Assembly