HomeMy WebLinkAbout02 COMPREHENSIVE SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CHARGES FOR CITY SERVICES • Agenda Item 2 AGENDA REPORT Reviewed: City Manager Finance Director N/A MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 2, 2008 TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING: ANNUAL REVIEW AND AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CHARGES FOR CITY SERVICES SUMMARY Annually, City departments review the Comprehensive Schedule of Fees and Charges as they apply to their respective departments. The Building Division, Parks and Recreation, and Public Works Department have identified some fees that need to be modified or deleted. Proposed modifications to the Fee Schedule are outlined in agenda report and are included in Resolution No. 08-60. Said resolution deletes, adds, and/or modifies only a small percentage of fees, with the bulk of the fee schedule remaining the same. RECOMMENDATION That the City Council conduct a public hearing and adopt Resolution No. 08-60 amending the Comprehensive Schedule of Fees and Charges for City Services. FISCAL IMPACT None. No net increase to City revenue expected. Increased fees offset increased City costs. BACKGROUND The City provides a variety of services and programs to the community. Most of these services such as law enforcement, park operations, street maintenance, public facility operations, community events, city facility operations, etc. are for the benefit of the public at-large. These services and programs are paid for by general revenues derived from taxes and other revenue. Other types of service provided by the City benefit a particular individual or entity as opposed to the community at-large. These services include such things as the planning and engineering division review, processing of applications for development, issuance of building and grading permits, encroachment permits, building and engineering inspection, community services programs and facility usage, and other miscellaneous Page 2 services and programs. These services are funded through fees charged to those individuals and/or entities deriving benefit from the services. These charges are listed by department using specific exhibits for each department in the attached resolution. All departments reviewed their fees. The Community Development Department and Public Works Department propose to standardize some of their fees and deleted obsolete language. The Parks and Recreation Department surveyed neighboring cities regarding facility user/rental fees and recommends a 5% facility user/rental fee increase to be consistent with surrounding communities. Provided below are the proposed amendments to various sections of the Fee Schedule. Recommended amendments are marked in blue font with strikeout in red font for ease of review. EXHIBIT B COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND REDEVELOPMENT B.3. BUILDING DIVISION FEES BUILDING PERMIT AND PLAN CHECK FEES See Exhibit B.1 Re-inspection Fee (2) nor continn 305.8 (Hourly - Minimum 2 $72.00 hours) PERMIT ISSUANCE BASE FEES (additional fees assessed based on detailed schedule) Building Permit $35.00 Grading and Private Improvement Permit $35.00 Mechanical Permit $235.00 Electrical Permit $235.00 Plumbing Permit $235.00 Sign Permit $235.00 Supplemental Permit Coo (When original permit haS not expired) $53.00 Permit to Complete Expired Permit (Hourly — minimum 2 hours) $72.00 MISCELLANEOUS PLAN CHECK AND PERMIT FEES — MISCELLANEOUS VALUATIONS Chain Link Fencing (use valuation multiplier X total area for fee calculations) Valuation $2.50/ ft.2 Page 3 Minimum Plan Check Fee (Hourly — minimum 2 hours) $84.00 Minimum Permit Fee $440144.00 Greenhouse or Solarium Valuation $31.26/ft.2 Plan Check{} Up to 200 sq. ft. (Hourly - Minimum 2 hours) $84.00 over 200201 sq. ft. (Hourly - Minimum 2 hours) $84.00 Subsequent rechecks (Hourly - Minimum 1 hour) $84.00 Permit Fee Up to 200 sq. ft. $44-0144.00 200201-1,000 sq. ft. $250.00 over 1,000 sq. ft. (use valuation multiplier with $250.00 minimum fee) Masonry Walls (Not Retaining Walls) (use valuation multiplier X total area for fee calculation) Valuation $6.00/ft.2 Minimum Plan Check (Hourly - Minimum 1 hour) $84.00 Subsequent Plan checks (Hourly - Minimum 1 hour) $84.00 Minimum Permit fees $4-00144.00 Oren LattiGe Patio Covers (not exceeding 500 sq. ft.) Valuation $14.36/ft.2 Plan Check (Hourly - Minimum 1 hour ) $84.00 Subsequent Plan Checks (Hourly - Minimum 1 hour) $84.00 Minimum Permit Fee $44-0144.00 Re-plastering, or Wet Sand Blasting Permit Fees up to 20 sq. ft. No Fee 20 to 200 sq. ft. $3872.00 each additional sq. ft. $00.05 Re-roofing —when engineering not required Valuation $2.50 /ft.2 Minimum Permit Fee $440144.00 Re-roofing —when engineering required Valuation $2.50 /ft.2 Plan Check (Hourly - Minimum 2 hours) $84.00 Subsequent Plan Checks (Hourly - Minimum 1 hour) $84.00 Minimum Permit Fee $4-40144.00 Retaining Walls (use valuation multiplier X total area for fee calculation) Valuation $10.00 /ft.2 Page 4 Minimum Plan Check Fee (Hourly - Minimum 1 hour ) $84.00 Subsequent Plan Checks (Hourly) $84.00 Minimum Permit Fee $4-00144.00 Swimming Pools or Spas Valuation $31.46/ft.z Pre-Permit Inspection Fee $76.00 Plan Check (Hourly ) Swimming Pools $ 84.00 Spa $7-684.00 Pool and Spa $7-684.00 Minimum Permit Fee $2-00288.00 Minor or Tennan Improvements nn Ghange of tenant, aGGeSSibility, ctFUG al or fore_safety GOMpenents ,n tomo sq. ft.-Tenant Improvements-(4) Valuation $21.22/ft.z Plan Check Fee (1 check and 1 recheck) $380.00 Subsequent Additional Plan Checks (Hourly - Minimum 1 $84.00 hour) 4 Permit Fee (use valuation multiplier X-times the-total area $280.00 for fee calculation) Minor Tenant Improvements - no change of tenant, $288.00 Accessibility, structural, energy, or fire-safety components up to 2,000 sq. ft. Plan Check Fee (1 check) (4) $144.00 Wood Decks (30 inches or higher) (use valuation multiplier X total area for fee calculation) Valuation $9.94/ft.2 Plan Check up to 200 sq. ft. $84.00 over 200 sq. ft. (Hourly - Minimum 2 hours) $84.00 Minimum Permit Fee up to 200 sq. ft. $44-0144.00 200201-1,000 sq. ft. $250.00 over 1,000 (utilize valuation multiplier with minimum fee) $250.00 Wood Fences (use valuation multiplier X total area for fee calculations) Valuation $2.50/ft.z Minimum Plan Check Fee (1 check and 1 recheck) $84.00 Subsequent Plan Check (Hourly - Minimum 1 hour) $84.00 Minimum Permit Fee $4-00144.00 Page 5 Wrought Iron Fences (Use valuation multiplier times the X total area for fee calculations) Valuation $5.00/ft.z Minimum Plan Check Fee $84.00 Subsequent Plan Check Fee (Hourly - Minimum 1 hour) $84.00 Minimum Permit Fee $4-00144.00 Defer 4e Qiiildinn DeFMi4 enrl Plan/"hent Cees e44anherl OTHER INSPECTIONS FEES OTHER FEES Request for Substitution of Alternate Materials or Method $110.00 (Hourly — Minimum 2 hours) Investigation Fees (1)(4) — per Section Al 08.2.3 of Ordinance 1344 (Hourly — Minimum 2 hours) City Attorney / Special Counsel Services (') Actual City Attorney; Special Counsel; City and Agency Staff; and outside consultant costs (1)(4) (1) City Attorney; special Counsel; City and Agency staff; and outside consultant fees to be reimbursed at the actual cost incurred to City. (24) A re-inspection fee Fay shall be assessed for each inspection or re-inspection when such a portion or work for which inspection is called is not complete or when corrections called are not make. This subsection is not to be interpreted as requiring re-inspection fees the first time a job is rejected for failure to comply with the requirements of the technical codes, but as controlling the practice of calling for inspections before the job is ready for inspection or re-inspection. (±23)Only when authorized by the Director of Community Development. (4) Fees are intended to cover the cost of processing a standard application typically including but not more than two(2)meetings with the applicant. Requests or requirements for additional staff meetings, responses to corres- pondence/e-mails, the need for the City to engage outside consultants are to be reimbursed at actual staff and City Attorney/Special Counsel costs. Page 6 GRADING AND PRIVATE IMPROVEMENT FEE SCHEDULE GRADING PERMIT FEES Rough grading (0-20 acres) $0.0013 00372/ft.2 ofrg oss site area excluding dedicated right-of-way ($868.00 minimum) Rough grading (over 20 acres) $3,240.00 plus $0.0747 /ft.2 over 20 acres of gross site area excluding dedicated right-of- way Mass grading (0-20 acres) $0.00372 / ft.2 of gross site area excluding dedicated right-of-way ($868.00 minimum) Mass grading (over 20 acres) $3,240.00 plus $0.0747 / ft.2 over 20 acres of gross site area excluding dedicated right-of- way Precise grading only $0.00298 /ft.2 of gross site area excluding dedicated right-of-way. ($868.00 minimum; $19,530 maximum) CONSTRUCTION & DEMOLITION WASTE RECYCLING PRO '_RAM (All GenStFUGtien, demolition, and renevation PFGjeGtS valued at $50,000 er greater are required to divert at lact 500/ of all nrnieGt relate`c�ve ReGyGling Plan and OnnliGation Coo $50.00 in addition appliGatien fee eaGh annliGant shall deposit Page 7 with the Gity a cons Irity depesit as cons Irity fuer perfnrma.— in the amnl In�dotermined by the DI Ihlir Werks DireGte It —arrtvur-r cccrrrm�ca--r�� �r�v-a�m�vrr , not mere th five eFGen /1ef the "�ie� valuation as determined by the Building Offivn/iall, h FOR VALUATIONS OF $1,140,000.00 AND OVER $4,722.66 FOR THE FIRST $1,140,000.00 PLUS $2.4728 FOR EACH ADDITIONAL $1,000.00 OR FRACTION THEREOF. PLAN CHECK FEE = 70% OF PERMIT FEE REVISED JUL7 2008 FOR VALUATIONS IDTIONS OF $1 MILLION ION ND OVER $4,156.75 FOR THE FIRST $1,000,000.00 PLUS S $2 35 FORGET ADDITIONAL $1,000.00 OR FRACTION THEREOF PLAN CHECK FEE - 70% OF PERMIT FEE MACR.. — (*15 +(T4*500)/*d�nn** 2)xl.06x!.033x! .036A.025A :nd v1 n1 A 024 *THESE NUMBERS CHANGE ACCORDING TO VALUES IGS ND COLUMNS MNS �rC�WfPfQ REVIRED IANI In DV'I PAR EXHIBIT C PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Major Thoroughfare and Bridge Fee Effective , l 1,2007 thr , ne 30 2008 For Foothill / Eastern Transportation Corridor Agency Sfnf12 Q,..,,'I $4,560 $2,663 Ner , I $6.34 s Single Family $3I46 $1,989 N61�Rc`.na'l rn--- $3v8 sf Effective July 1,2008 thru June 30,2009 Single Family $4,661 Zone A-Multi Family $2,722 Non-Residential $6.48 sf Single Family $3,318 Zone B-Multi Family $1,931 Non Residential $3.76 sf On July 1 of each year,the fee rate schedule will increase by 2.667%for the San See Attached map for Zone A&B locations Joaquin Hills Area and 2.206%for the Foothill/Eastern Area Page 8 CONSTRUCTION & DEMOLITION WASTE RECYCLING PROGRAM (All construction, demolition, and renovation projects valued at $50,000 or greater are required to divert at least 50% of all project-related C & D Debris) Recycling Plan and application Fee $50.00 in addition to the applT�� fee,eaGh appt+oant shall deposit with the Git a seGUrity deposit as ser''rhe nerfermaRGe in mei int as det n � P blir, �err�rrr— �cr��crc �rtc Works direG� b it net mere than fide neFGon�/) of �-v-vrn�r-arr ��rr-r-rvr-n-rvr�miarrnvc�� .,� "� the nroiert'c vale atien as determined by the Building Offir In addition to the application fee, each applicant shall deposit with the City a security deposit as security for performance in the amount as determined by the Public Works director, but not more than five percent (5%) of the project's valuation as determined by the building Official C,3. PUBLIC WORKS ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FEES Permit Items FY 08-09 Fees Basic Permit Issuance Fee (Dpafer PlaEeM $50.00 innli ides Insnentien Cee) Hourly Inspection Rates (Does not include Consultant $5356.00 Regular Inspection which will be billed at invoice cost) $7377.00 Overtime Wate--M-etef Variable enrordiRg to size (Cee Table "0") C.4. WATER METERS AND MISCELLANEOUS FEES Water Meter Size Fee Per Meter * 3/4" Water Meter $75.00 * 1" Water Meter $4-48180.00 ** 1-1/2" Water Meter $285.00 ** 2" Water Meter $390.00 ** 3" Water Meter $620.00 ** 4" Water Meter $ 1-88 2,165.00 ** 6" Water Meter $36 3,440.00 ** 8" Water Meter $4,-37-5 4,500.00 Page 9 Turn-on/Turn-off Water at request of Customer $44-9123.00 EXHIBIT E PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT E.1. BUILDING AND FACILITY RENTAL FEES INTER- RESIDENT NON- GOV. NON- RESIDENT RESIDENT NON- AGENCY PROFIT PRIVATE NON- RESIDENT Group 3& Group 5& Group 7& PROFIT PRIVATE COMMERCIAL BUILDING 4 6 8 Group 9 Group 10 Group 11 TUSTIN FAMILY &YOUTH CENTER $27.90 $49-99 $5().99 $50-98 $60-99 $69.99 per hour $29.00 $42.00 $53.00 $53.00 $63.00 $84.00 AUDITORIUM $27.90 $59.90 $74.98 $74-09 $8908 $1 i 8.99 per hour $29.00 $53.00 $78.00 $78.00 $94.00 $124.00 CATERING $25.90 $25.00 $28.09 $2809 $2809 $2890 KITCHEN $27.00 $27.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 MULTIPURPOSE $27.00 $5().()() $68-99 $68.99 $83-00 $109-88 ROOM $29.00 $53.00 $72.00 $72.00 $88.00 $115.00 per hour CLASSROOM $27.99 $49.99 $5i.98 $5a-88 $64-09 $8899 per hour $29.00 $42.00 $54.00 $54.00 $65.00 $84.00 COMMUNITY CENTER $27.90 $59.99 $74.99 $74-09 $39-99 $113-09 per hour $29.00 $53.00 $78.00 $78.00 $94.00 $124.00 CATERING $25.99 $2590 $2899 $2809 $2899 $2899 KITCHEN $27.00 $27.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 DEPOSIT $150.00 $150.00 $150.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 without Alcohol DEPOSIT N/A $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 with Alcohol ALCOHOL N/A $35.00 $35.00 $55.00 $55.00 $55.00 PERMIT Page 10 INTER- RESIDENT NON- GOV. NON- RESIDENT RESIDENT NON- AGENCY PROFIT PRIVATE NON- RESIDENT Group 3& Group 5& Group 7& PROFIT PRIVATE COMMERCIAL BUILDING 4 6 8 Group 9 Group 10 Group 11 POLICE SECURITY SCHEDULED BY CITY 15t Officer, per $45-89 $45.00 $45.00 $45.99 $45.09 $45.00 hr. $54.00 $54.00 $54.00 $54.00 $54.00 $54.00 2nd Officer, per $45.00 $45.00 $45.90 $45.09 $45.09 $45.00 hr. $54.00 $54.00 $54.00 $54.00 $54.00 $54.00 3`d Officer, per $69-00 $69-09 $60-00 $60-00 $60-00 $69-00 hr. $71.00 $71.00 $71.00 $71.00 $71.00 $71.00 LIABILITY INSURANCE PURCHASED FROM THE CITY OF TUSTIN$150.31 $144.47 A DESIGNATED SERVER IS REQUIRED FOR EVENTS SERVING ALCOHOL For Sunday room reservation add$25.00/hr INTER- NON- GOV. RESIDENT RESIDENT RESIDENT NON- AGENCY NON- PRIVATE NON- RESIDENT COMMERCIAL Group 3 PROFIT PROFIT PRIVATE & 4 GYMNASIUM $22.00 $22.00 $66.00 $8A_00 $9i.00 $122.00 per hour $24.00 $24.00 $70.00 $84.00 $96.00 $128.00 CLASS ROOMS $22.00 $22.00 $62.00 $75.00 $87.00 $114.00 A, B & C $24.00 $24.00 $65.00 $79.00 $92.00 $120.00 per hour DEPOSIT $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $300.00 $300.00 $300.00 BALL DIAMOND/ FIELDS $14-98 $i!1.00 $x-09 $!16.09 $!16.09 By per hour $12.00 $12.00 $17.00 $17.00 $17.00 Arrangement with lights $222.00 $22.00 0 0 0 TBD $24.00 $24.00 $29.00 $29.00 $29.00 TOURNAMENT $22.00 $22.00 $22.00 0 0 TBD $24.00 $24.00 $24.00 $24.00 $24.00 with lights $22.09 $22.00 $22.00 $22.00 0 TBD $24.00 $24.00 $24.00 $24.00 $24.00 TENNIS COURTS per hour/per $6-90 $6-909 $ A9 $ 98 By court $7.00 $7.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 Arrangement Page 11 INTER- NON- GOV. RESIDENT RESIDENT RESIDENT NON- AGENCY NON- PRIVATE NON- RESIDENT COMMERCIAL Group 3 PROFIT PROFIT PRIVATE & 4 with lights $&.-W $6-.00 $8-.00 $8-.00 $8-.00 By per hour/per $7.00 $7.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 Arrangement court State Law requires that new or increased City fees may only be modified through a public hearing. Most fees in the attached Comprehensive Fee Schedule remain the same with the proposed amendments noted above. As requested, the proposed Schedule of Fees was sent to the Building Industry Association (BIA) with sufficient time for review and comment. Public Hearing Notice was also published in the Tustin News as required by law. No written protests were received from BIA or any members of our community. Maria R. Huizar Chief Deputy City Clerk Attachment: Resolution No. 08-60