HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 17-47RESOLUTION NO 17- 47 RESOLUTION AMENDING THE FISCAL 2017-18 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AND BUDGET TO INCORPORATE A LIST OF PROJECTS FUNDED BY SB 1: THE ROAD REPAIR AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT OF 2017 WHEREAS, Senate Bill 1 (SB 1), the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 (Chapter 5, Statutes of 2017) was passed by the Legislature and Signed into law by the Governor in April 2017 in order to address the significant multi -modal transportation funding shortfalls statewide; and WHEREAS, SB 1 includes accountability and transparency provisions that will ensure the residents of the City are aware of the projects proposed for funding in our community and which projects have been completed each fiscal year; and WHEREAS, the City must include a list of all projects proposed to receive funding from the Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account (RMRA), created by SB 1, in the City budget, which must include a description and the location of each proposed project, a proposed schedule for the project's completion, and the estimated useful life of the improvement; and WHEREAS, the City will receive estimated revenues of $ 477,006 in RMRA funding in Fiscal Year 2017-18 and $1,420,923 in Fiscal Year 2018-19 from SB 1; and WHEREAS, the City used a Pavement Management Plan (PMP) and Capital Improvement Program to develop the SB 1 project list to ensure revenues are being used on the most high-priority and cost-effective projects that meet priorities for transportation investment; and WHEREAS, the City's PMP has been developed to assist City personnel by providing current data on the City's street network and to develop cost-effective maintenance strategies to maintain a desirable level of pavement performance on a network scale, while optimizing the expenditure of limited fiscal resources; and WHEREAS, the City's weighted pavement condition index (PCI) for the entire network is 87.1; and Resolution 17-47 Page 1 of 3 WHEREAS, system sustainability can only be achieved through proactive scheduling and the implementation of cost-efficient pavement applications; and WHEREAS, restoring roads before they fail reduces construction costs and successive years of collecting pavement condition data has shown that it is far more economical to preserve roads than to delay repairs; and WHEREAS, the SB 1 project list and overall investment in our local streets and roads infrastructure with a focus on basic maintenance and safety, investing in complete streets infrastructure, and using cutting-edge technology, materials and practices, will have significant positive co -benefits statewide; and WHEREAS, the City Council has periodically amended the Capital Improvement Program when appropriate; and WHEREAS, the City has determined the need to amend the Capital Improvement Program that was adopted with the Fiscal Year 2017-18 budget to incorporate Exhibit A, the list of projects planned to be funded with Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account revenues and approve all necessary budgetary adjustments to accommodate the use of RMRA funds in accordance with the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Tustin authorizes staff to implement the provisions of this Resolution and modify the City's Capital Improvement Program and make all necessary budgetary adjustments to reflect the changes approved in this Resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin held on the 19th day of September 2017. ATTEST: ERICA N. RABE, City Clerk Resolution 17-47 Page 2 of 3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, Erica N. Rabe, City Clerk and ex -officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 17-47 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, held on the 19th day of September 2017, by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBER AYES: COUNCILMEMBER NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: ER CA N. RABE, City Clerk Resolution 17-47 Page 3 of 3 Murray, Gomez, Puckett., Clark (4) (0) (0) Bernstein (1) Exhibit A to Resolution No. 17-47 STATE OF CALIFORNIA • CALIFORNIA TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Senate Bill (SB)1 Proposed Project List Form Part 1: General Information *Agency Name: (Select from dropdown list) LoCode: Tustin 5271 *Agency Address: *City: *ZIP Code: 300 Centennial Way ITustin I CA 192780 *Agency Contact: *Agency Contact Title: Douglas S. Stack I Director of Public Works J City Engineer *Agency Contact Phone No.: (i.e. 1234567890) *Agency Contact Email Address: (714) 573-3150 dstack@tustinca.org Funding for Fiscal Year: I FYI 17/18 *Budget Support Documentation:? Please briefly describe the budget support documentation being provided. Resolution No. 17-47 Amending the Fiscal Year 2017-18 Capital Improvement Program and Budget to Incorporate a List of Projects Funded by SB 1 Average Network PCI: Additional Information: ? Project Flexibility: (Month) (Year) 87 Measurement Date: 03 2017 Pursuant to SHC Section 2034(a)(1), this project list shall not limit the flexibility of an eligible city or county to fund projects in accordance with local needs and priorities, so long as the projects are consistent with SHC Section 2030(b). After submittal of the project list to the Commission, in the event a city or county elects to make changes to the project list pursuant to the statutory provision noted above, formal notification of the Commission is not required. However, the Project Expenditure Report form that is due to the Commission by October 1st each year, will provide an opportunity for jurisdictions to annually communicate such changes to the Commission as part of the regular reporting process. * Required information STATE OF CALIFORNIA • CALIFORNIA TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Benen BIII ISBI 1 Proposed Probst Nrt form Part 2: Project Information rte'" s.rs*rr- . .._T�. a5 �:,<_, .a��.�., '`�,�.e,_-s s?. �.�;•+z ,..__...... _�._...,._.__ ,._a.. ...�..,�... ..,''%..;.a& sr ...�... ... ... .. .. .. s-.k,_<ts.,. .� .�_-_ -.. _ x�..:'k ... _`_"i w2x,..._, _ • Required v.W Addklonel Project Elements Project Type ted "Estimated (Does the project Include element(s)as described in SHC 2030 lc)a f)2 1 CompbNon 0.N plb. Useful Ilia Useful legislative Dlstrlct(s) (Select YlN from Mopdown ps() Proposed Project nn. I—') 1 Projen LOCode Protect ID • Projett Desalpgon •project lantbn ESPL—tion Climate Complete (PPB) (R soy) 7 1 ype Ti (if "Other'is selected, Pre- fsnstructbn Ste n Sustelnpablliry Technologin St reets 0.scrfpdon at (Select h tlropdown please explain) ConsUuctbn (mm/vsyv) Min. Max. St.. Senen Auembly 1 CMnp Elements ENments Int) 4 (mm/YYYO 1 1 Newport Avenue Road Maintenance& Repave/resurface 0.80 miles of road, mnudi.g I allied Intestate 5 Freeway to Hok Ave.Pavementresudacing Rehabll'natlon Rehabilitation oval and repair of asphah Concrete pavement failure tial will be repair of sidewalk and curb & gutter, —Whit rubber hot PPOl w1.. eronstrunian of —,ramps to be ADA compliant, cold W/2WS 03/2019 20 30 31 60 Yes No No No mu IARHM) plane eaon,, -had, --d— of asphah concrete ning rerycled erlA , traffic den—, loops, and traffic striping rubber Newport AVenue Road Ma mlenance$ Rep ave/esurfece 0.63 miles of,oa4,-nding localized Sycamore Ave. to Interstate 5 Freeway Pavement resud-rg Rehabilitation Rehabilitation ovaland,epir ofasphak concrete vwerrrentFailure tial will be repair dsdewalk antl curb &gutter,asphalt rubber hot "026711 a 000fc.,b ramps robe ADA compliant, cold 06/2018 03/2019 20 M 31 6g Yes No No No mia(ARHM) plane. sting asphah, construction of asphah concrete containing rerycled overl...... y, traffic dM.O., loops, and traffic striping une ubber Bro ning Avenue Road Main ace& Repave/,esu dace 0.95 miles Broad, including ,caused El CammO Real to Irvine Blvd. P---4adng Rehabilnallon Rehabftliona m )and epair d asphah concrete Pavement failure materlalnwill be repair of sidewalk antl curb &gutter, asphah rubber hot PP03 a st,uction of curbramps to be ADA compliant, cold O9/2019 06/2020 20 30 31 fib Yes No No No mI.(ARHM) plane esnting asphah, construnion of asphalt Concrete containing rerycled ve,lay, traffic dee—loops, and traffic striping lire rubber Red Hill A—Le Road Maintenance& Repave/resurface 014 miles of road, includinglocallaed San Iuan St. to Bryan Ave. P— —1 resurfacing Rehabilnallon Rehabilnatron oval and,epauofasphak <,noete p.—dtl.ke materialwill Ire repair of sidewalk and curb & gutter, asphak rubber hat zr n of curb ramps to be ADA compllam,cold u(ARHM) pPU4 sm plane exncttingasphak, consNuttion d e,phak concrete 06/2020 03/2021 M 30 32 6R Yes No No Noning rerycled [rubber ¢slay, Naffic detedo, loops, traffic sniping, and median ,emnsNvnron to) -when the nrdhbound left -n';= at Bryan Ave. Red Hill Avenue Road Maintenance& Repave/resurface 041 miles of road, including localised Walnut Ave. to Interstate S Freeway Pavementresurfa'in, Rehabilitationp,shabditet- oval and,epaiiofesphak concrete pavement lailue dalwillbe repair of sidewalk and curb & gutter, asphah rubber hot PROS 5m recon ,—on ofcu,b ramp,Wbe ADAmmpliant,cod 06/2020 03/2021 20 30 31 68 Yes No No No m&(ARHM) plan ting asphak, construction of In.), concrete of —b, -lb, d.1—loops, and traffic SNipmg rubber Edinger Ave Road Maintenance& Repave/resurface 023 miles of road,'mcludingloullzed Jamboree Rd.to Harvard Ave. Pavement resurfacing Rehabilltanon Rehabil'oe—oval a,depa,, of asphak co to pavement failure tial will be repair of sidewalk and curb & gutter, svhah rubber hot PpM ,M-. re Lon of—bramps to be ADA compllam,cold 09/2020 06/2021 20 30 31 bg Yes No No No mix IARHM) plan nag asphak, construction of asphak concrete ning,egded erlay,Itraffic deteno, loops, and NaffR striping I ne'Idblon, v.W LgiE OF tAIIFONN Iq • CAlIFO0.N1ATRgNSP00.TPT�ON COMMI55bN Senate BIII ISBI 1 Pr000sad Prolett tls• Form Part 2: Project Information e Reauired sm the project include element(s) a, detcribed in SHC 2030 (c) -(fl? ®®®(Does JJON��� e •.. NIEMEN ELMS sm STATE OF CALIFORNIA • CALIFORNIA TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Senate Bill (SB)1 Proposed Project List Form Agency Name: Agency Contact: Tustin Douglas S. Stack ---- (714)573-3150 LoCode: 5271 dstack@tustinca.org FY 17/18 1of1 Summary of Proposed Project List Project No. Project Title Project Description Project Location Estimated Completion Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Pre - Construction Estimated Useful Life (a of yrs) Min. Max. PP01 Newport Avenue Rehabilitation Repave/resurface 0,80 miles of road, including localized Intersate 5 Freeway to Holt Ave. 06/2018 gConstruction 20 30 PP02 Newport Avenue Rehabilltation Repave/resurface 0.63 miles of road, including localized Sycamore Ave. to interstate 5 Freeway 06/2018 20 30 PP03 Browning Avenue Rehabilitation Repave/resurface 0,95 miles of road, including localized EI Camino Real to Irvine Blvd. Q9/2029 o6/2020 20 30 PP04 Red,Hlll Avemre.Rehabiiitatlon Repave/resurface 0.24 miles of road; Including localized San Juan 5t. to Bryan Ave. 06/2020 03/2021 20 30 PP05 RedFIill Avenue Rahabilitatlon .', , Repavelresurface 0.47 miles of road, including localized ,; Walnut Ave. to Interstate 5 Freeway 06/2020 03/Zo21 20 30 PP06 Edinger' AvenueRehabIlttation . . Repave/resurfece4.23 miles of road, dudlftiglbcallzed' kmboreeR(LtoHarvardAve,,, '06/2021-,,,20, 30 PP07 Jamboree Roai# Rehabilitation Repave/resurface,xi 6;nttles ofi-bod;`lncluding localized ?, Barranca PkwyAo SORRA Railroad 09/2021 06/2022. 20 30 PP08 perkcennter l ane and Biyan Installation. ofneW,trafflc;signats and equ 1pment Parkcenter Cane] Bryan Ave. Intersection 03/2018 10/2018. 15 25 PP09 Lansdowne Road and Valencia_ ; Installation of new trafflcsignals and equipment Lansdowne Rd. /Valencia Ave. Intersection 03/2018 10/201&,,15 25 PP10 PPil , PP12 PP13 PP14 PP15 PP16 PP17 PP18 PP19 PP20 PP21 PP22 PP23 PP24 1of1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA • CALIFORNIA TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Senate Bill (SB) 1 Proposed Project List Form Agency Name: Agency Contact: Tustin Douglas S. Stack (714), 573-3150' LoCode: 5271 dstack@tustinca.org FY 17/18 2of3 Summary of Proposed Project List Project Project Title No. Project Description Project Location Estimated Completion Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Pre - Construction Construction Estimated Useful Life (# of yrs) Min. Max. PP25 PP26 PP27 PP28 PP29 PP30 PP31 PP32 PP33 PP34 PP35 PP36 PP37 PP38 PP39 PP40 PP41 PP42 PP43 PP44 PP45 PP46 PP47 PP48 2of3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA - CALIFORNIA TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Senate Bill (SB)1 Proposed Project List Form g � p y rn >;� Agency Name: Agency Contact: Tustin Douglas S. Stack (714) 573-3150 , LoCode: 5271 ' dstack@►tustinca.org FY 17/18 Summary of Proposed Project List Estimated Estimated Completion Date ProjectUseful (mm/dd/yyyy) Life Project Title Project Description Project Location (# of yrs) No. Pre - Construction Min. Max. Construction PP49 PP50 3of3 1