HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 2004 06 07 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA JUNE 7, 2004 CLOSED SESSION CALL TO ORDER - 5:30 P.M. ATTENDANCE Present: Absent: City Clerk: Others Present: Mayor Tony Kawashima, Mayor Pro Tern Lou Bone, Councilmembers Doug Davert, Tracy Worley Hagen, and Jeffery M. Thomas None Maria Huizar, Chief Deputy City Clerk William A. Huston, City Manager and Lois Jeffrey, City Attorney PUBLIC INPUT - None CLOSED SESSION ITEM A. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 Neaotiatina Parties: Under Neaotiation: Property is Reuse Plan Disposal Parcels 1O, 11, and 12; portion of Parcell-D-4, Tustin Legacy Assistant City Manager and Special Legal Counsel, Amy Freilich Vestar Development II, LLC Price and Terms of Payment Property: Aaency Neaotiators: B. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 Neaotiatina Parties: Under Neaotiation: Property defined within the Master Developer footprint at Tustin Legacy (the former Marine Corps Air Station Tustin) including Reuse Plan Disposal Parcels 4,5,6,7,8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,25,26,27,28,29,30,31 and portions of Reuse Plan Disposal Parcel 40 Assistant City Manager and Special Legal Counsel, Amy Freilich Tustin Legacy Partners, LLC Price and Terms of Payment Property: Aaency Negotiators: City Council Meeting Minutes June 7,2004 Page 1 of 8 PUBLIC MEETING CALL TO ORDER - 7:05 p.m. MOMENT OF SILENCE -In Memory of former United States President Ronald Reagan PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Councilmember Thomas INVOCATION - Mayor Pro Tern Bone ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Tony Kawashima, Mayor Pro Tern Lou Bone, Councilmembers Tracy Worley Hagen, Doug Dayert, and Jeffery M. Thomas None Pamela Stoker William A. Huston, City Manager and Lois Jeffrey, City Attorney Absent: City Clerk: Others Present: PRESENTATIONS: 1. Michael Hurst, Vector Control Director of Public Affairs, regarding West Nile Virus 2. Greg Hammond, Tustin American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO), regarding donation to the City in the amount of $10,000 3. Municipal Water District of Orange County "Water is Life" Poster and Slogan Contest Honorable Mention Winner Sarahi Rodriguez from Lorna Vista Elementary School CLOSED SESSION REPORT - Nothing to report FIRST PUBLIC INPUT - None PUBLIC HEARING 1. REQUEST FOR CONTINUANCE - CONSIDER APPROVAL OF RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL SOLID WASTE RATE ADJUSTMENTS AND ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO. 04-43 PLACING ASSESSMENTS FOR SOLID WASTE COLLECTION ON THE 2004-2005 ORANGE COUNTY PROPERTY TAX ROLL Motion: It was moyed by Mayor Pro Tern Bone, seconded by Councilmember Dayert, to continue consideration of matter to the June 21, 2004 Council meeting.. Motion carried 5-0. City Council Meeting Minutes June 7, 2004 Page 2 of 8 CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Councilmember Thomas, seconded by Council member Davert, to approve Consent Calendar items 2 through 15 as recommended by staff. Motion carried 5- O. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 17, 2004 Motion: Approye the Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of May17, 2004. 3. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS AND RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL Motion: Approye Demands in the amount of $579,701.98; $1,718,238.37; $433.00 and $758,361.31; Reyersals in the amount of $8,990.92; and ratify payroll in the amount of $469,469.58. 4. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA - MAY 24,2004 All actions of the Planning Commission become final unless appealed by the City Councilor member of the public. Motion: Ratify the Planning Commission Action Agenda of May 24, 2004. 5. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION APPROVING PAYMENT OF FUNDS BY THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FOR COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE TUSTIN LIBRARY PROJECT Motion: Adopt resolution. RESOLUTION 04-55 - A resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California approYing payment by the Tustin Community Redeyelopment Agency for costs associated with the Tustin Library Project pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 33445 6. DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY SERVICES FOR TUSTIN LEGACY Motion: Authorize the City Manager or Assistant City Manager to execute a Consultant Services Agreement with Keyser Marston Associates for Deyelopment Advisory Services for the Tustin Legacy project, subject to legal reyiew of the final document by the City Attorney. 7. AGREEMENT WITH SECURITAS SECURITY SERVICES USA, INC. TO PROVIDE CONTINUED SECURITY SERVICES AT TUSTIN LEGACY City Council Meeting Minutes June 7, 2004 Page 3 of 8 Motion: Authorize the City Manager or Assistant City Manager to execute a Security Services Agreement between Securitas Security Services USA, Inc. and the City of Tustin to proYide necessary security services at Tustin Legacy project, subject to final contract reYiew by the City Attorney. 8. FUNDING FOR REPLACEMENT OF MOBILE DATA COMPUTERS (MDC) HARDW ARE Motion: 8.a. Authorize the purchase of thirty-fiye (35) Mobile Data Computers and appropriate $225,000 from the unappropriated reserves of fund 84, Equipment Replacement; and 8.b. Authorize the purchase of the units from Public Safety Technology, Inc. per the recommendation of the West Coyina Services Group, our existing yendor for Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) and wireless communication backbone. 9. SPECIAL COUNSEL - REAL ESTATE SERVICES FOR TUSTIN LEGACY Motion: Authorize the appointment of Steefel, Leyitt & Weiss as special counsel under the City Attorney's office for real estate services for Tustin Legacy effectiye June 1, 2004, authorize City Manager execution of the engagement letter, and also authorize City Manager termination of Gilchrist & Rutter services. 10. APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT NO.1 TO THE ORANGE COUNTY WASTE DISPOSAL AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE THE AMENDMENT Motion: Approye Amendment No.1 to the Orange County Waste Disposal Agreement and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the amendment, subject to City Attorney approyal. 11. AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR ANNUAL LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES FOR GENERAL FUND AREAS FROM JULY 1, 2004 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2005 WITH THE OPTION OF THREE ONE-YEAR EXTENSIONS Motion: Award the subject contract to TruGreen Land Care in the amount of $185,850.00 and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract documents on behalf of the City. City Council Meeting Minutes June 7, 2004 Page 4 of 8 12. 13. 14. 15. AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR ANNUAL LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT AREAS FROM JULY 1, 2004 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2005 WITH THE OPTION OF THREE ONE-YEAR EXTENSIONS Motion: Award the subject contract to TruGreen Land Care in the amount of $207,840.00 and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract documents on behalf of the City. RESOLUTION NO. 04-53 OF THE INTENTION TO ESTABLISH A COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT AND TO AUTHORIZE THE LEVY OF SPECIAL TAXES, AND RESOLUTION NO. 04-54 TO INCUR BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF THE PROPOSED CITY OF TUSTIN COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 04-1 Motion: 13.a. Adopt resolutions; and RESOLUTION NO. 04-53 - A resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California of intention to establish a Community Facilities District and to authorize the leyy of special taxes RESOLUTION NO. 04-54 - A resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California to incur bonded indebtedness of the proposed City of Tustin Community Facilities District No. 04-1 (Tustin Legacy/John Laing Homes) 13.b. Authorize the selection of various consultants for this initial Community Facilities District financing as recommended by staff. EMPLOYEE APPOINTMENTS TO CITY COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES Motion: Adopt resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 04-51 - A resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, allowing city council appointments only to indiyiduals who are not also a paid employee of the City of Tustin AMENDMENT NO.1 TO JOINT COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT D02-119 BETWEEN THE CITY, ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT, AND THE COUNTY OF ORANGE REGARDING THE BARRANCA CHANNEL (FOg) - ARMSTRONG AVENUE CROSSING AND ARMSTRONG AVENUE STORM DRAIN, PETERS CANYON CHANNEL (F06) AND PETERS CANYON BIKEWAY City Council Meeting Minutes June 7, 2004 Page 5 of 8 Motion: Approve Amendment No.1 to joint cooperative agreement D02-119 and authorize the City Manager to execute the Amendment. BUSINESS CALENDAR 16. ORDINANCE NO. 1284 - PROSPECT VILLAGE PROJECT PLANNED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT Motion: It was moyed by Councilmember Dayert, seconded by Councilmember Thomas, to have second reading by title only and adoption of Ordinance No. 1284. Pamela Stoker, City Clerk, read the following Ordinance No. 1284 by title only: ORDINANCE NO. 1284 - An ordinance of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, approYing Zone Change 03-002 to amend the Zoning Map of the City of Tustin for a 1.036 acre site located at the northwest corner of Main Street and Prospect Ayenue from the Central Commercial and Parking Oyerlay (C-2-P) Zoning District to Planned Community Zoning District (P-C) and adopt planned community district regulations entitled "Prospect Village Planned Community District Regulations" Motion carried 5-0 (roll call yote). 17. AMBULANCE SERVICE - (1) EXTENSION OF CONTRACT; (2) INTRODUCE AMENDED MODEL AMBULANCE SERVICE ORDINANCE Motion: 17.a. Extend the ambulance service contract for the City of Tustin (Ambulance Service Area 23), with Doctor's Ambulance Service effectiye July 1, 2004 to expire at midnight on September 1,2004. 17.b. It was moyed by Council member Hagen, seconded by Councilmember Thomas, to introduce and haye first reading by title only of Ordinance No. 1285. Pamela Stoker, City Clerk, read the following Ordinance No. 1285 by title only: ORDINANCE NO. 1285 - An ordinance of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California: (1) adding Chapter 8 to Article 6 of the Tustin City Code establishing general operating procedures and standards for ambulance transportation services within the City; and (2) repealing Ordinance No. 955 Motion carried 5-0. City Council Meeting Minutes June 7, 2004 Page 6 of 8 18. BUDGET WORKSHOP Motion: It was moyed by Councilmember Dayert, seconded by Councilmember Hagen, to set a draft fiscal year 2004-05 budget workshop for June 21, 2004 at 5:30 p.m. Motion carried 5-0. 19. LOCAL GOVERNMENT BALLOT MEASURES Mayor Pro Tern Bone requested that the City Council haye a discussion regarding Noyember 2004 ballot measures affecting local goyernment finance. City Manager Huston reported that the Measure would be placed in the November 2004 election and more details would be provided at the Budget Workshop presentation at the next Council meeting. Council unanimously supported the Measure. SECOND PUBLIC INPUT - None OTHER BUSINESS- Councilmember Dayert: . Congratulated staff on successful Chili Cook-off Street Fair; . Attended the Tustin Public Schools Foundation Teacher of the Year awards dinner and along with Councilmember Hagen, the International Council of Shopping Centers Exposition showcasing the Tustin Legacy project; . Thanked the American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) for generous donation to the City; and . Offered condolences to the Reagan Family in the passing of our 40th U.S. President. Councilmember Thomas: . Supports the American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO); . Announced that June 11, 2004 was declared a National Day of Mourning in memory of former President Ronald Reagan's passing; and . Wished eyeryone a safe and happy summer. Councilmember Hagen: . Noted her disappointment that the DARE program would be terminated; Police Chief Foster indicated that other programs would be implemented in lieu of DARE; . Complimented the Clerk's Office for prompt and professional service when answering the main phone line and Parks and Recreation staff on a successful Street Fair and Chili Cook Off this weekend; and . Requested that rope lines be installed by the yolleyball courts at Pioneer Road Park. City Council Meeting Minutes June 7, 2004 Page 7 of 8 Mayor Pro Tern Bone: . Reported that the Street Fair was attended by oyer 18,000 people and thanked those who worked hard on the eyent and for the ribbon cutting ceremony at Pioneer Road Park; . Commented on electric scooters becoming a potential traffic hazard; . Discussed modifying parking regulations for new homes at Tustin Legacy; . Water AdYisory Council of Orange County (WACO) report -levy in Northern California broke open but would not affect Southern California; 7% of world's food supply comes from that area; there was a potential for Lake Powell to be dry by 2007 if current conditions continued in Southern California; and . Santa Ana Riyer Flood Protection Agency report - Construction on Prado Dam may be halted by end of year due to Federal and State cutbacks. Mayor Kawashima: . Thanked eyeryone who attended the Chili Cook Off and remarked on all the great events held in Tustin that made it a great place in which to liye; and . Adjourned the City Council meeting in memory of City employee, James Potter. ADJOURNMENT - 7:59 P.M. - The next regular meeting of the City Council was scheduled for Monday, June 21, 2004, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber at 300 Centennial Way, Tustin. ~ T NY KA ASHIMA, Mayor ~~~ City Clerk City Council Meeting Minutes June 7, 2004 Page 8 of 8