HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPEAKER FORMS 9-26-17 PC MEETING CITY OF T STIN REQUEST TO SPEAK. Providing the following information is strictly voluntary, Only your name will! appear ilrm the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the CityClerk/Recording Secretary.. AGE Nt A N"l"EM NO. .w..._ .v.. PUB LI C INPU r , w. U I MATTER'? Tt�!N. A "' f ATP N �Ar� C� t�N C�PPc� uTlt�t� T� SAME �, p 1 ,,f ORGAN I ATI N "0 t (if applicable) HOMENVORK ADDRESS "� � �. ) � � �� HPdV4a CEI PHONE lVd . : ... .w ._ . E-MAIL r1CNR (please indicate arae) w CITY OF TuSTIN s REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary.. Only your name will appear In the official Minutes of this fleeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording ecretary. AGENDA ITEM NO: u �r '� .. �: Pt.IILI ' INPUT El IN FAVOl R El CSP OPPOSITION TATO MATTER? TODAY'S CRATEL", NAME ORGANIZATION (if applicable) HOME/WORK ADDRESS IT YIZI1P CODE HOMEMORK PHONE NO, � E-,MAIL ADDRESS (please indicate erne) :r CITY OF TuS,TI REQUEST TO SPE,AK Providin the following information is strictlyvoluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this eetinc . The other information may a used by staff to contact You. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ' PUBLIC INPUT IN FAVOR OPPOSITION „1"0 MATTER? T'ODY S DATE � NAME ORGANIZATION (if applicable) HOME/WORK ADDRESS CITY IP CODE HOME/WO,RK PHONE NO. � � � �"� � E-MAIL ADDRESS f�i� � t CITY OF Tul TI d REQUEST TO SPEAK Provic ing the,followinig followinginf raiatiun is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Vaasa complete to and submit this farm to the CityClerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. IXPU,BLIC INPU Ti m IN FAVOR OR OPPOSlTI+ N TO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE NAME ORGANIZATION � .. .., �ase indicate ones CITY OF TuSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your narne will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used! by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City lerk/Recordinig Secretary. ............. ................. ...... AGENDA ITEM NO, PUBLIC INPUT El ................... 17 IN FAVOR OR OPPOSITION TO MATTER' TORN AYSDATE NA �L':I)I N1 I ME _ORGANIZATION (if applicable) HO OR ADDRESS CITY/ZIP CODE E-MAIL ADDRESS HOME/WORK PHONE NO. (please inidicate one) 10 CITY OF TuSTINI REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name, wiill appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete, and submit this form to the City Clerk[Recording Secretary. ............--.-............. ........ AGENDA ITEM' NO. "/,�PUBLIC INPUT ............... ............. ............ ............ .......... IN FAVOR E] ORpPOS N F-1 TO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE NAME ORGANIZATION (if applicable) HOMEIWORK ADDRESS IP CODryE M RKPHONENO. ADDRESS (P4�NO' ase indicate one) UITY OF TUSTIN jV REQUE `'T TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear iin the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this farm to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. ..w.,. AGENDA ITEM NO. .., PUBLIC INPUT (� AwT'T'ER9 TODAY' DATE ...� . � ` /' Mlwl �"�' I=C [] OR C.IPPI�aITIC1I'�' TO M NAME " �r ORGANIZATION�,� ° (if applicable) A) , NOIUI RK ADDRESS �� ,, ��� �� �� E-MAkILA;L7rDRE — (please indicate one) � CITY OF TuSTIN R'EQUEST' TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Mlinutea of this Meeting The other information may be used by ~staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this farm to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ® 2' PUBLIC INPUT IN FAVOR OR OPPOSITION PO MATTER? TODAYS DAT NAME 6 � /' ORGANIZATION N �. . if applicable) .. � ^. HOML70RK�DDRESS ZIP CODE I I I= 'O' HONE N0. �� ��°° - IAIACtFIS ('ply � � "awl o�rru .a. CITY OF TS "I !' REQUEST TO SPEAK Pr idling the fol,lowing information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Bleating. The other information may be used by staff to contact You. P'lease complete ano ub lit this forrn to the City, Clerk/Recording Secretary. �... ..... ............... ...,.... AGENDA ITEM NO. ® PUBLIC INPUT/,1*1 �r IN FAVOR OR OPPOSITION .� TO, MATTER? TODAY !, TEM NAME ` . 7 e ORGA,II ATION (if applicable) � HOME/WORK ADDRESS ��ITY/ZIP CODE If�t' f PFitP NO. w. � IV Ca •"" ,� .." lase indicate one) CITE" OF TuSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following Information n is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the off i i l Minutes of this Meetingi. The other inf urlrw tion rn y be used by staff to contact you. Please mpl t and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. ... ......... ......... ......... AGENDA ITEM NO. E PUBLIC INPUT IN FAVOR El On PPO aITI N � TO, MAT-TER? TODAY'S' DATE NAME JI)OLAt ORGANIZATION (if applicable) HOME/WORKHOME/WORK ADDRESS -CITY/ZIP CODE I°M NSM IIS PHONE NV � E-MAIL ADDRESS QPlease indicate one) CITY OF TuSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Pro0cling thefollowing information is strictly voluntary, Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this fleeting. The anther informatlon may be used by staff to contact you_. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary, AGENDA ITEM NO. © . � PUBLIC INPUT IN FAVOR F) OR OPPOSWON iTO MATTER TODA"ya.., CATEµ .-. _._.. NAME --,---.-,-,-..,—ORGANIZATION Of appllcahle) HOME/WORK ADDRESS ._.._. � _ � /ZIP CODE HOME/WORK PHONE NO, E-RAIL ADDRESS CITY OF T STI x �A REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the foilowing information is strictly voll untaryw Only oumr name will appear in the official ial Minot s of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please completeand submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. ... AGENDA ITEM I m . � PUBLIC INPUT .,_....,, .., IN FAVOR OPPOSITION mN TO MATTE TODAY'S DAT � l'' .. NAM E ORGANIZATION (if applicable) F OME/WOR DRESS —CITY/ZIP CODE HOME/WORK PHONE E-MAIL ADDRESS (please inftate one) f. CITY OF wTuSTI REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information maybe used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the CityClerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. f'�➢BLN INPUT El IN FAVOR ❑ OR OPPC ITION TO MATTER? TODAY'S GATE NAMEd C% k ORGANIZATION (if applicable) HOME/WORK ADDRESS E.-MAIL ADDRESS � (please indicate ones 1 11 t""'ITY OF TuSTIN REQUEST" TO SPEAK t �'rr�tldln the f�allev�rin information Is strictlyvoluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Mllinutes of this Meeting. The ether information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this, farm to the iter Clerk/Recording:, Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. � � PUBLIC! INPUT 0� IN FAVOR S n OR C PPO,,SITIO -T ► ATTER? TODAY'S DATENAME .. , kCI+II ,TIOT (uf applicable) HOME/WORK ADDRESS CITY/ZIP CODE HOMEIWORK PHONE NO. E-MAIL ADDRESS (please indicate one) 16 CITY OF TuSTI�N REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Oniy your name will appear In the official Minutes of this Fleeting. The other information may be used by staffto contact you. Please complete and submit this forret to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. D PUBLIC INPLIT IN FAVOR ] OR OPPOSITION XTO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE NAME__ ORGANIZATION (if applicable) HOME/WORK ADDRESS ..� <CITY/ZIP CODE �TM... ..� . .. ..��.. , .. HOME/WORK PHONE NO. E-MAIL ADDRESS,-- (please DDRESa(please indicate cine) 0 CITY OF TuSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictlyvoluntary. Only your name will appear un the official IMf nUtes of this fleeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you, Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Clerk/RecordingSecretary. AGENDA ITEM NO, © � PUBLIC INPUT 13 IN FAVOR [,] OR OPPOSITION TO IC+»AIATTII=f ? TODAY'S ATE.r,�,� I I NAME- I I'SSA Bftlnom. bRGANIZATIION (if applucable) HOME/WORK ADDRESS . ._.._ —E-MAIL ADDRESS (please indicate orae) CITE` OF TuSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this farm to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary, AGENDA ITEM NO. ® _ PUBLIC INPUT Iql- IN FAVOR El OR OPPOSITION []TO MATTER TODAY'S CTAT NAME ORGANIZATION (if applicable) H' 7ME/'A uR ADDRESS " ! " ° E-MAIL ADDRESS (please Rc ) CITY OF T SIM W` REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing thefollowing ing information is strictly voluntary. Only your morns will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you.. Please complete and submit this foram to the laity Clerk/'Recording Secretary. _... ... .......... AGENDA ITEM NO, -S PUBLIC INPUT IN FAVI"O OIC OPPOSITION TO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE NAME ." ORGANIZATION (if applicable) HOMEIWORK ADDRESS ITE" IIP" CODE. HOME/WORKRRONB No,. I�I�RI�B (please indicate one) P REQUEST TO SPEAK �. Providing the following information is strictly voluntary.. t nly your name will appear r in the official Minutes f this Meeting. The other information may, be used by stuff to contact t ouMu. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDAS ITEM NO. PUBLIC IIINP"IT IN FAVOR OR POSITION C. � MATTER? TMDA '° ATENA U :CL ORGANIZATION ,.,. (it applicable) HOME/WORK ADDRESS —CITY/ZIP CODE HOME/WO INK PHONE NO. ..� �,, LCDRESS (pllease indicate one) f7 REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. �PUBLI�C INPUT ... .. . ...... .. ...................... IN EAGH ❑ GH OPPOSITION PTO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE NAME 22 ORGANIZATION I, (ul appllcabla 1 HO E "iOGH'PC, DDRES ' ` ;7g, (please indicate one) , �. LATY OF TUSTI i.s REQUEST T'O SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The rather information may be used by staff to contact you.. Please m omipl is and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. „.. AGENDA ITEM N PUBLIC INPUT 0 IN FAVOREI OR OPPOSITION TO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE NADP L) ', CRC ANI ATIC)l (if applicable) HOM�E/WORK ADDRESS CITYaIP CODE HCIpE/aimlTK PHONE hd E-MAIL ADDRESS (please indicate ono) L... ��TY '+MMS"F I�� IN ` REOUE T TO, SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City ler Recording Secretary. .... ,.,. „.,.. ,.,, ......... ........ . AGENDA ITEM NO. PUBLIC INPU ........ .... ........ IN FAVOR OR PPO ITION Tp,MATTER TODAY'S DATE NAME ORGANI T14 A (if applicable) E-MAIL ADDRESS HOMEtWORK PHONE NO. (please indicate one) y�.w.. k UTY OF Ti STI REQUEST T'O SPEAK �o Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. El PU13LIC INPUT 0 IN FAVOR El OR OPPOSITION F] TO MATTER?R? TODAY' DAT NAME C 1/ti,i(O-6 ORGANIZATION ('if applicable) HOME[WORK ADDRESS �. �� � 'ITY/ZIP COD t°It ted E/WO K PHONE NO, �� MAIL ADDRESS (please indicate one) e CITY OF TuSTIN REQUEST" TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary.ry. Only your name will appear Iin the official' Minutes of this Fleeting. The gather information imy be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. 0 PUBLIC INPUT 0 IN FAVOR ,.,.l OR OPPOSITIOWTO MATTER? TODAY'S, DATE (lt applicable) 44 N OECIC PHONE NO. ADDRESS ` . (please Indicate erne) %r.0*1TY OF TuSTIN REQUEST' TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly vol:untary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you., Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. .......... AGENDA ITEM N10. El PUBLIC INPUT .......... ................ IN FAVOR OR OPPOSITION F] TO MATTER? TODAYSDATE NAME ORGANIZATION (if applicable) CITY/ZIP CODE"" H 0 (�--j:iaseoindicate one) # UTY OF TuSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing, the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Cllerk/Recording Secretary. ............ AGENDA ITEM NO0 PUBLIC INPUT El ............. ............ q ) IN FAVOR E] OR OPPOSITION F] TO MATTER? TOAY D 'S DATE q NAME Ttk/'Ikl ORGANIZATION (it applicable) HOME/WORK PHONE NO. -E-MAIL ADDRESS (please Indicate one) UT ' OF T TSTA` REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting,, The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA END ITEM N O� PUBLIC INPUT IN FAVOR E] OR Tri MATTER? TODAY'S DATE .�. NAME � A ORGANIZATION (if applicable) HOME,IWORK ADDRESS SIT / IP CODE 140MEIWORK PHONE NO. E-MAIL ADDRESS (plleaaa'indicate one) CITY OF TuSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may, be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City ler Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. PUBLIC INPUT IN FAVOR 11 OPPO aITIIO 0 MATTER? TODAY DATE NAIVIE 'Kf-' V G GANI ATION µ. (it applicable) Nieb�Ne NO1VI EANORK ADDRESS GITYfZIP GGG I"IOIV E/WOC RK PHONE NO. � ' ' MAIL ADDRESS � (please indicate one) , �..,,.. CITY OF TUSTI 4, REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing thefollowing information is strictly voluntary. r my your name will appear in the official Minute of this Beating. The th r information may be used by, staff to contact you. til omplete and submit this foram to the City Cl rl RiecordinSecretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. PUBLIC INPUT 0 IN FAVOR E] OR OPPOSITION TO NIA ER? TODAY'S DAT o, y AMIV-eA S--oR'GANIZATION CITY/ZIP CODE HOME/WORK PHONE NO. Ir-PW AIL ADDRESS DRES (please indicate one) w t r^ CITY' OF TuSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly olunt ury. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by stuff to contact you.. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO, PUBLIC 6.IN FAVOR �flRPPOSITIONQ TO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE � NAME ORGANIZATION (if applicable) HOME/WORKADDRESS , ITY/ IP DE . II OME/W RN PHONE Nf . E-MAIL AIRES , (please indicate cane) �� . CITE" F STI��wl .� r REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following i information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official N mutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you.. Please complete and: Submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. 0 PUBLIC INPUT � IN FAVOR [:] OR OPPOSITION To MATTER? TODAY'S DATE -a 4 NAME , .., . , A ,.. ", ORGANIZATION (if applicable) HOME[WORK ADDRESS CITY/ZIP CODE HOME/WORK PHONE NO. E-MAIL ADDRESS � .� . ................ CITY OF TUSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to oontoot You. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Recording 000rding Secretary. ...... .... AGENDA ITEM NO., D PUBLIC INPUT 13 IN FAVL0R*0PPOSITI0!N (0 MATTER? TODAY'S DATE NAME ORGANIZATION (if applicable) HOMEIWORK ADDRESS M! ,IL ADDR S L CITY OF TuSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary'. Only your name will appear in the officia,l Miinutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact, you. Please cam and suftfarm b this to the City Cler,k/Rec:ording Secretary. ............ .......... AGENDA ITEM NO. El PUBLIC INPUT ............- ...... .............. .......... IN FAVOR OR OPPOSITION ❑ TO MATTER? TODAY S DATE NAMEV1,1,1 �,A,A ORGANIZATION (if applicable) HOMEIWORK ADDRESS CODE HOME/WORK PHONE NO. ADDRESS (please indicate one) Ile - CITY' OF TuSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear Mn the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City Clerk/Record:ing Secretary. ........... ---.................... .......................... AGENDA ITEM NO. PUBLIC INPUT ............. . ...... IN FAVOR OR OPPOSITION V�o MATTER? TODAYS DATE J y- r- !'A/C( NAME ORGANIZATION it applicable) HOMEIWORK ADDRESS (Please indicate one) REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluintaur . n will l your name 111 ear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit th" orm to the City Clerk/Recording ling 'Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. ,.. PUBLIC INPUT ,..q IN FAVOR OR OPPOSITION �KTO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE NAME ORGANIZATION if applicable) � ,� HOMEtWOR�K PHONE Nlwl,� MAIL ADDRESS (Please indicate one) CITY OF TuSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictly voluntary. Only your name will,appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information may be used by staff to contact you. Please complete and submit this form to the City ClerklRecording secretary. ........ AGENDA ITEM NO. PUBLIC INPUT IN FAVOR [:] OR OPPOSITION TO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE ` - . NAME_ i —ORGANIZATION �. (it applfwcabb ) HOME/WORK ADDRESS CITY/ZIPCODE N I EWORK stn NO. E-MAIL ADDRESS ~ „� (please