CUP 2017-15
(Note: In order to prepare for PC meeting set up, last email correspondence collected was 5pm on
9126117. Any email correspondence collected after 5pm will be added to the official file.}
Tiscareno, Vera
From: Demkowicz, Erica
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 4:44 PM
To: Ana Aguayo
Cc: Binsack, Elizabeth; Milkom, Justina, Tiscareno, Vera
Subject: RE: Crisis Center
Hello Ana,
I am in receipt of your e-mail and it will he added to the public record.
Erica H. Demkowicz, AICP
Senior Planner
City of Tustin -Community Development Department
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
(714) 573-3127
From: Ana Aguayo [mailto:anacraiab[yant@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 4:21 PM
To: Demkowicz, Erica
Subject: Crisis Center
I undcl-stand the need lur a Crisis center. but there is a need to consider location. This is too close to homes and
should be M OVC 10 an industry/corporate area.
We have homeless individuals usinu, Lone Star as a temporary shelter very close proximitti to the building
proposed for the crisis center. Please consider other options.
Bryant Family
Beier, Samantha
From: Rita Schrank <nonnirita@sbcglobal.net>
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 334 PM
To: TustinPlanning
Subject: TustinPlanriing@tustlnca.org
Follow Up Flag: Folfow up
Flag Status: Flagged
I am unable to attend this evening's meeting, but would like to make a statement. While I want to be compassionate, I
also want to be safe and therefore oppose the proposal to allow a mental health assessment facility at Packer's Square
shopping center. I would have less opposition if the hours were the same as the other businesses located on that
property. I'm just not comfortable with people wandering around late at night or early morning hours.
Rita Schrank
1115 Packers Circle Unit 90
Beer, Samantha
From: mifoengCo aol.com
Senn: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 3:33 PM
To: Dernkowicz, Erica; Murray, Al,- Bernstein, Allan; Gomez, Rebecca; Puckett, Chuck; Clark,
Letitia; CityManager; Building Tech; TustinPlanning; City Clerk
Subject: Subject: Conditional Use permit 2017-15
Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Flagged
Please don't screw up our city with this facility I am a USMC veteran and my wife and I are raising 3 boys near this
I hope you put us and our neighbors ahead of the money this might bring in to the city. I thank you in advance for doing
right thing and saying "NO" to the zoning change required to let this place be built. They will find a better place to build this
Raymond Hofer
Tiscareno, Vera
From: Demkowicz, Erica
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 320 PM
To: ryan pelkey
Cc: Oinsack, Elizabeth; Willkom, Justina; Tiscareno, Vera
Subject: RE:Crisis Unit Concerns
Hello Ryan,
I am in receipt of your e-mail and it will be added to the public record.
Erica H. Demkowicz, AICP
Senior Planner
City of Tustin - Community Development Department
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
(714) 573-3127
From: ryan pelkey [mailto:turboman1747Cagmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 3:07 PM
To: Demkowicz, Erica
Subject: Crisis Unit Concerns
Dear Nis. Demko%%icz.
c �%! t:ag to c\press m% :I-oncern over the proposed crisis unit in Packers Square. I do not support your proposed rezoning in order to a11ow
to '.YCr.It in t�w ciry of Tustin, I ani looking furward to attending the planning meeting tonight to express my concerns in person.
I h,,p �ou �N iii thiti proposed rezoning.
Tiscareno, Vera
From: Patrice Porter <pporter@ccroslaw.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 3:17 PM
To: Tiscareno, Vera
Cc: Christian E. Bredeson; Nicholas J, Capiin; Michael J. Lowell
Subject: Planning Commission meeting 9-26-17
Attachments: LT to City in opposition to Conditional Use Permit.pdf
Attached please find a letter of Opposition to Conditional Use Permit (CUP 2017-15)
Respectfully submitted,
Patrice Porter
Legal Assistant
T: 714-823-4100
F: 714-823-4101
was: It_.W.UPJEYs AT LAW
�. 17Qe:i;ai
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'i�lesse respond to this office
September 26, 2017
City of Tustin Planning Commission
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780 '
Re: Conditional Use Permit 2017-15
To the esteemed members of the City of Tustin Planning Commission:
Please accept this correspondence as Village Homes at Tustin Home Owner's Association ("Village
Homes") opposition and objections to the.granting of Conditional Use Permit ("CUP") 2017-15 for
13132 Newport Avenue, Tustin, CA 92780 ("Packer's Square"). The purpose of this letter is to
inform the Commission of the legitimate and significant concerns of neighboring land owners and to
advise the Commission on matters of safety, noise, and the corresponding diminution in property
values if the proposed new use is permitted. Village Homes requests that the Commission deny
CUP 2017-15.
On September 26, 2017 the Planning Commission ("Commission") will hold the public hearing
regarding the aforementioned CUP. The applicant for the CUP St. Joseph Hospital, seeks to lease
the bottom floor of an existing medical office building to Exodus Recovery Inc. to establish a 2417
mental health out-patient crisis service facility. "Crisis" is an appropriate term to describe the
facility, because if the CUP is granted as proposed, the nearby childcare facilities, residential
communities, and shopping centers will be faced with a plethora of concerns that threaten to turn
their nook of Tustin into a veritable crisis.
Village Homes is a private residential community comprised of 124 homes. It is located within 200
feet of the proposed crisis service facility. Village Homes prides itself on being a family centric
City of Tustin Planning Commission
September 26, 2017
Page 2
:community, regarded for its clubhouse,pool, spa and other family friendly amenities. As such, the
placement of a 24 hours a day, 7 days a week "crisis" center nearby is of concern to Village Homes
and its residents. Placement of such a facility will decrease the overall safety of the community and
irreparably diminish the property values of its homeowners.
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As-the Commission is aware, it must determine whether or not the proposed use will be detrimental
to health, safety, morals, comfort, and general welfare of the persons residing in or working in the
neighborhood and whether it will be injurious or detrimental to property or-improvements in the
vicinity or to the welfare of the City. As such, herein Village Homes will first explain why the
applicant requires the CUP, and why the permit sought is at conflict with previous CUPs granted for
the property. Village Homes will then outline the reasons that it should be denied, including,
without limitation, the following: 1) the safety of the City of Tustin's residents; 2) the facilities
detrimental effect on property values and business in the neighborhoods; 3) the submitted Parking
Demand Analysis grossly underestimates the proposed facility's effect on parking at Packer's Circle
and does nothing to evaluate traffic; and 4)the 2417 use will substantially increase noise that will
negatively affect the comfort and welfare of Village Home residents.
City of Tustin Planning Commission
September 26, 2017
Page 3
CUP 2015-27
St. Joseph is requesting authorization to lease out and establish a 2417 mental health out-patient
crisis service facility within an existing medical office building at Packer's Square. The building
currently contains four suites with two dental offices, a surgery center, and a medical/financial
office. The proposed crisis center will occupy a portion of one of the four Packer's Square buildings
which altogether total 48,408 square feet with 269 shared parking spaces. Although the project does
not require any improvements to the exterior of the building, it does require approval based on two
previously issued CUPs.
First is CUP 94-15 (attached to Community Development Department's Agenda Report ["Agenda
Report"] as Attachment G) which established a maximum allowance of 31,743 square feet of office
area, which included medical uses, within Packer's Square. Most importantly, CUP 94-15 also
established business hours of operation from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. for weekdays. This issue comes
before the Commission partially because of the request to drastically depart from what is currently
allowed: changing the permissible hours of operation from 12 hours a day during weekdays only, to
2417 availability. By seeking a change to the currently permissible hours of operation, the CUP is
proposing to double the activity, noise, and impact on its surrounding neighbors.
The conditions of CUP 94-15 have been in place for 23 years. Operating a business from 7 a.m. to 7
p.m., five days a week, is completely reasonable given the surrounding residential neighborhoods,
and quiet, safe demeanor of Tustin as a whole. An extreme departure from this condition, such as
2417 operation, should be enough to demonstrate to the Commission that the intended use of the
facility is too far removed from what this Commission has previously deemed acceptable, and
detrimental to the comfort and general welfare of the persons residing in or working in the
neighborhood. Further, implantation of such a 2417 business will greatly depreciate the value of the
surrounding properties.
The second condition which triggered the Commission's review of this proposed project stems from
CUP 2015-27, which authorized a reduction of off-street parking requirements though joint
use/shared parking to accommodate the conversion of up to 6,700 square feet of office space to retail
and restaurant uses within Packer's Square. Condition 2.1 of Resolution No. 4302 (see Attachment
H of the Agenda Report") requires any reduction of on-site parking or change of tenant spaces/uses
shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department. Thus, the applicants
completed an additional parking study, but as discussed in detail below, the Parking Demand
Analysis (prepared by Linscott Law & Greenspan Engineers), the application, and the Agenda
Report, all rely on faulty assumptions in order to come to the conclusion that there will be no
substantial affect to the parking situation.
City of Tustin Planning Commission
September 26, 2017
Page 4
As articulated above, some of the Commission's chief concerns when evaluating a project such as
this are the health, safety, and general welfare of the persons residing in or working in the
neighborhood. On its face, the proposed installation of a"crisis" facility threatens all persons
residing nearby, including the residents of Village Homes.
The applicant anticipates 16-20 clients per day with average stay times of 7 hours. As a"crisis"
center, the proposed facility's clients will be those suffering from various, potentially dangerous,
ailments. While Village Homes is sympathetic to the demographic that the applicant wishes to serve,
it also places the health, safety, and welfare of its residents as its primary concern. As such, the
creation of a 7 hour revolving door of drug addicts and mentally unstable clients within 200 feet of
Village Homes' main gate will put its residents in danger.
It is clear that the Commission also recognizes the increase in danger to the surrounding community
as it has proposed conditions in the Agenda Report that requires the proposed facility to have two
security guards working at all times on the property. (Agenda Report Attachment I Condition 2.2). `
Thus, the applicant and the Community Development Department recognize that the clientele of the
proposed facility represents a danger. However, while the ascription of two security guards may help
protect the facility from the dangerous clientele harming persons or property at the facility, the two
guards will do nothing to protect the Village Homes' residents or their property, and seems to be the
bare minimum in terms of protecting the applicant's property: Packer's Square.
Are the security guards obligated to follow those who immediately flee prior to discharge or leave
after discharge? What happens when two clients run off in opposite directions? What happens when
a client takes a short 200 foot walk into Village Homes? It would seem that the answer to all of these
questions lends to the fact that the two security guards do something to protect Packer's Square, but
nothing to protect the surrounding neighborhood. For this reason, Village Homes believes that this
Committee must reject CUP 2017-15, or at least require that the applicant provide further security
whose duty it is to protect Village Homes' residents. Further, Condition 2.12 of Attachment I to the
Agenda Report outlines another potential problem:
All patients that are admitted to the facility must be discharged before being released.
Once released, transportation will be arranged by the facility for a safe transfer to
either an affiliated facility, home to family members or other discharge location.
Homeless clients will be offered the same services and assistance as other patients and
will be linked to providers, transitional and permanent housing and shelters.
City of Tustin Planning Commission
September 26, 2017
Page 5
This condition is insufficient for two reasons: 1) "other discharge location" is far too vague and can
impliedly allow that the facility's clients end up discharged at random locations, or that they are
simply left to their own devices outside of'the facility (and within 200 feet of Village Homes); and
2) that homeless clients will merely be"offered the same services and assistance as other patients."
By offering, and not mandating, that homeless clients by transported off the premises,the applicant
all but guarantees that the area will be inundated with a substantial increase of homelessness.
Homelessness is a known danger and blight on a community, and St. Joseph's is proposing to import
this problem to the quiet neighborhood of Village Homes.
Thus, for the aforementioned reasons, Village Homes requests that the Commission deny CUP
2017-15. Alternatively, Village Homes postpone the approval of the CUP and require additional
conditions that adequately protect the residents of Village Homes.
Additionally, the report fails to properly anticipate the impact on nearby businesses and ignores the
fact that homeless, drug addicted, and mentally unstable patients will deter customers from shopping
nearby businesses. As outlined above, the safety of nearby business patrons will be placed at risk by
the potential loitering of patients in and around Packer's Circle. While the proposal forbids loitering
outside its premises, which will be enforced by the security guards, this does nothing to prevent
loitering in the surrounding area. This will place the patrons of the local restaurants to wade into
dangerous situations in order to eat, shop, or take a walk around the neighborhood.
Furthermore, the potential loitering of mentally unstable and/or drug addicted former patients will
create a negative reputation of the area, which may ultimately result in an effectual ban on the
acquisition of new customers. Even assuming the customer base isn't completely eviscerated, it can
almost be guaranteed that an influx in homeless, drug addicted, and mentally unstable persons will
impact the volume of patrons shopping at these businesses and therefore, their sales.
Further still, within a half mile of the proposed crisis center there are a number of pre-schools and
day cares, including Monica's Day Care, Aldersgate Children's Center, Toni's Day Care, and St.
PauI's Pre-School Tustin. Placing this center within half a mile and introducing drug addicts,
mentally unstable, and/or homeless persons near children puts their safety at risk. In effect, the
approval of CUP 2017-15 disregards the safety of this community's children.
Once again, Village Homes is sympathetic to the mentally ill and drug addicted, but believes that
Packer's Square is not the appropriate location for such a facility. St. Joseph's already operates other
2417 facilities in the area, including St. Joseph's Hospital, which would be more appropriate
locations for the proposed facility and would not result in changing the character of the
City of Tustin Planning Commission
September 26, 2017
Page 6
As such, the Committee should deny CUP 2017-15 because of its potential negative impact on local
The Committee should deny CUP 2017-15 because the Parking Demand Analysis submitted in
support thereof is based on invalid assumptions contained in the operational characteristics for the
proposed use, and grossly underestimates the overburdening effect the proposed Crisis Center poses
to Packer's Circle, which Village Homes owns.
The assumptions contained within Attachment C (the operational characteristics for the proposed
center) of the Agenda Report states that patients will be accepted by "walk in or ambulance transfer
only." However, the applicant and Community Development Department directly contradict this in
both the Agenda Report and Attachment D thereto. These documents state that the Crisis
Stabilization Unit "accepts clients directly from law enforcement, community hospitals and
emergency departments, mental health agencies, physical health clinics, self-referral walk-ins, and
faith-based organizations." (Agenda Report Attachment D). This complete description of how
clients will be accepted shows that the that the "16 to 20 clients per day" assumption stated in
Attachment C, is flawed and inaccurate because the assumption does not accurately take into
account all anticipated avenues through which the proposed crisis facility will receive its clients.
This is highly problematic because the inaccuracies in these assumptions were used as a basis of
evaluation in the Revised Parking Analysis (See Agenda Report Attachment E. pg. 3).
As stated in the Agenda Report,Packer's Circle already lacks the required 282 parking spaces per
the Tustin Municipal Code. It provides only 269 spaces. The CUP's speculative and inaccurately
assumed number of clients simply fails to properly anticipate the true impact at parking. The
analysis claims that during peak parking there is a surplus of 52 spaces during the week and 75
spaces during the weekend. The report goes on to claim that parking on site will be able to
accommodate the occupancy of the 7,600 square foot Crisis Center.
However, the Parking Analysis severely under-estimates the amount of parking required for the
crisis center because it is based on a faulty assumption of the average amount of clients per day
outlined above. In Parking Demand Analysis Figures 4 and 5, it is estimated that the facility will
require 22 spaces at peak hours (based on the operations characteristics outlined in Attachment Q.
As stated above, this assumption is flawed because it fails to take into account the fact that the
applicant-intends for clients to be received through law enforcement, religious based organizations,
mental health facilities, community health facilities, emergency rooms and mental health agencies.
Additionally, it fails to estimate the amount of spaces that could be anticipated from family
members, concerned friends, and others who may attend to assist clients with treatment. These
City of Tustin Planning Commission
September 26, 2017
Page 7
deficiencies quickly diminish the number of"surplus" parking spaces and improperly assume a
smaller impact on the already deficient number of parking spaces available in Packer's Circle.
Furthermore, the Parking Demand Analysis fails to take into account the additional vacant area of
11,516 square feet, which will be used for"a mixture of retail uses and/or restaurant/food services."
(Agenda Report, pg. 6). Once the remaining vacancies in the building become filled, it is clear that
the parking at Packer's Circle will be greatly overburdened by the proposed crisis center.
Additionally, it should be noted that CUP 15-27, which approved use for a new restaurant in this
same property, also did not meet the Tustin Municipal Code requirements for parking for an
establishment of its size. By granting this permit, the Commission will further deviate from the
parking requirements outlined in the Code, and will negatively impact available parking for Village
Homes' residents.
Further still, the Parking Analysis does not take into account the fact that Village Homes residents
commonly use Packers Circle as excess parking for their vehicles and the vehicles of their guests
during periods of overflow. This existing use already further depletes the"surplus" parking spaces
proposed in the Parking Analysis.
Also, Village Homes recently approved the removal and replacement of the street for$58,910 just
last month, necessitated by the use of the Village Homes private road by patrons of Packers
Circle. This increase in use will result in additional wear and tear to the road and at the very least a
condition of CUP 2017-15 should require payment to Village Homes for the damage
Based on all the foregoing, it is clear that the Parking Analysis is deficient and based on the flawed
assumptions in Attachment C of the Agenda report because it fails to take into account an accurate
prediction of the influx of vehicle traffic to Packers Circle. As such, the Committee should deny
CUP 2017-15.
Furthermore, the proposed CUP does not address the impact on traffic for the area because the
applicant has not performed any traffic study. The aforementioned influx of large emergency and
law enforcement vehicles will detrimentally affect the traffic in the area. Also, the traffic caused by
the facility's clients and their family members will further inundate the area. The effect of this traffic
will severely and disproportionately affect the residents of Village Homes because this traffic will
primarily increase on the private road with access to Packer's Circle.
In fairness to Village Homes and the existing neighborhood, the Commission should 'insist the
applicant conduct a traffic study with realistic assessments of the impact this facility will have on the
community. The study should analyze cars for employees, clients, family/loved-ones, emergency
medical personnel, law enforcement and the additional anticipated traffic associated with the new
restaurant. At this time it is impossible to ascertain the impact on nearby traffic because the
City of Tustin Planning Commission
September 26, 2017
Page 8
applicant has not provided a traffic study and since receiving notice, Village Homes Tustin has not
had the time to analyze this impact. As such, the Committee should deny CUP 2017-15 because of
the impact on traffic for Village Homes entrance, or at the very least allow time for the applicant and
Village Homes to ascertain that the impact of the anticipated increase in traffic.
The Agenda Report states that the proposed crisis center will cause limited impacts to the
surrounding areas and be relatively quiet. However, this mere assumption is not based on any
concrete evidence because no Preliminary Noise Analysis has been performed by the applicant or
considered by the Commission.
Village Homes' residences are accessed through a private road at the intersection of Irvine
Boulevard and Packer's Circle. Halfway down this road is the driveway entrance to Packer's Square.
This road is the easiest to access to Packer's Square and will undoubtedly be used to access the
proposed facility. As such this means that this, a private road owned by Village Homes, will become
congested by transportation for patients of this revolving door treatment facility.
The Agenda Report explains that based on the Applicant's representations, the increased traffic from
emergency vehicles, such as ambulances, will not have an effect because they will not be using
lights or sirens during transport to the facility. However, this assumes that the ambulance or police
transports for the patients will not leave the premises for emergency purposes. The reality of this
situation is that these emergency vehicles taking the clients to the facility, at all hours of the day and
night, will inevitably cause severe noise and have a drastic change in the environment for Village
Homes residents, who are located a mere 200 feet from the main entrance to the facility and whose
entrance road will be used by the constant occurrence of emergency vehicles, speeding off for their
next response with lights and sirens at all hours of the day and night.
Condition 2.9 of Attachment I to the Agenda Report requires no Ioitering to be permitted outside the
facility at any time. This is wholly inadequate to prevent noise. As explained in more detail in the
section of this letter regarding the safety of the Village Homes Community, merely providing that no
loitering will occur outside the facility simply pushes the problem into the community. ,
For example, abutting the center and directly behind the Village Homes Community is an alley way
with loading bays for other businesses as shown below:
City of Tustin Planning Commission
September 26, 2017
Page 9
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By simply forbidding loitering outside the facility, the Crisis Center simply pushes the problem into
locations such as the alleyway behind the Village Homes, moving the potential noise of the
homeless and vagrant clients of the proposed facility closer to the residents of Village Homes.
These noise impacts are in violation of the City of Tustin's policies regarding noise that must be
considered in the planning of commercial projects:
Consideration of the effects of noise early in the land use plaluung
process canminiuuze or avoid detrimental impacts.
GOAL 2: Incorporate noise considerations into land use planning
Policy 2.1: Adopt planning guidelines that establish acceptable noise
standards for various land uses throughout the Tustin Planning Area.
City of Tustin Planning Commission
September 26, 2017
Page 10
Policy 2.2: Apply Elie state's noise insulation standards to the conver-
sion of existing apartments into condominiums wherever feasible.
+Policy 2.3: Use noise/land use compatiUilit},standards as a guide fort
t,fut 4je plaxu�ing and developu� -
iPoiicy 2.4: Review proposed projects in terms of compatibility'A ithl
'nearby noise-sensitive land uses udth tlne intent ox reducing noise;
i, innpacts �. -- r
Policy 2.5:Require new residential developments located in proximity '
to existing commercial/industrial operations to control residential
interior noise levels as a condition of approval.
Policy 2.6: Require that commercial uses developed as part of a
mixed-use project (with residential) not be noise intensive. Design
mixed-use structures to prevent transfer of noise from the conunercial
to the residential use.
Policy 2.7: Require.new commercial/industrial operations located
Iproxiunity to existing or proposed residential areas to-incorporate
ixioise nutigation iuito project designj
In the General Plan, Noise and Land Use Planning Integration Policy No. 2.4 states that a review of
proposed projects should be evaluated in terms of compatibility with nearby noise-sensitive land
uses with the intent of reducing noise impacts. Here, Village Homes is a community located a mere
200 feet from the proposed facility, comprised of families from all walks of life, including retirees
and families with young children. Introduction of emergency vehicles and vagrant homeless clients,
on a pervasive and intrusive 24/7 basis, into this community completely disregards the Policy to
prevent noise impacts on the daily lives of Village Homes' residents.
Furthermore, Noise and Land Use Planning Integration Policy No. 2.7 requires new commercial
operations located in proximity to existing residential areas to incorporate noise mitigation into its
project design. However, the proposed use fails to consider the noise impact on the Village Homes
in violation of this Policy.
As such, the Committee should deny CUP 2017-15 because of the invasive noise impact the
proposed use poses on the existing residential community of the Village Homes. Alternatively, the
Committee should require that the applicant conduct an evaluation of this noise impact to be
performed before making its decision.
City of Tustin Planning Commission
September 26, 2017
Page 11
The City of Tustin's Municipal Ordinance is constitutionally deficient in terms of its notice period.
Further, the actual notice given to Village Homes and other nearby residents failed to comply with
both the Municipal Code, and constitutional due process requirements.
CUP 2017-15 presents a danger to the health, safety, morals, comfort, and general welfare of the
persons residing in or working in the neighborhood surrounding Packer's Square and will be
injurious and detrimental to the property and improvements of the residents of Village Homes. As
such, CUP 2017-15 should be denied in its�entirety. Alternatively, CUP 2017-15 should be limited
and conditioned upon further conditions that will protect Village Homes' residents. At the very least,
the Committee should delay its decision until Village Homes and/or the applicant has time to
produce further substantive evidence on the effects of the proposed crisis facility and proper Notice
is given to.neighboring residents and businesses to address their concerns.
Very truly yours,
Tiscareno, Vera
From: Demkowicz, Erica
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 1:54 PM
To: Cherie Seiler
Cc: Binsack, Elizabeth; Willkom, )Ustina; Tiscareno, Vera
Hello Cherie,
I am in receipt of your e-mail and it will be added to the public record.
Erica H. Demkowicz, AICD
Senior Planner
City of Tustin -Community Development Department
340 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
(714) 573-3127
From: Cherie Seiler [ma iIto:cherie6lben nettsPIUnibiny.corn]
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 12:54 PM
To: Demkowicz, Erica
I wanted to voice my concern on the business that is proposed to go into this center where Ruby's is in Tustin. I'm sure a
facility like that is needed, however, not in that shopping center and not in our area. There has to be other solutions
where a facility like that can be placed. Somewhere in a more industrial area perhaps, not in or near a residential area. I
think that if it is allowed for this facility to take place in that center, that the businesses within that center will feel an
impact and that is going to open up another can of worms. They will vacate the location and the center will be run down
like so many other centers in the Tustin area. I for one will not be giving my business anymore to those businesses if this
facility goes in. The city council really needs to look at the impact of all of this and how the residence will react if it does
go through
Also, as a local homeowner of residential properties in the area, it is a concern for property values. I'm also concerned
for the safety in the surrounding areas as well.
So this facility would get my NO vote
Cherie Bennett
Tiscareno, Vera
From: Demkowicz, Erica
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 1:41 PM
To: glenn white
Cc: Binsack, Elizabeth; Willkom, Justina; Tiscareno, Vera
Subject: RE: Crisis unit
Hello Glenn,
I am in receipt of your e-mail and it will be added to the public record.
Erica H. Demkowicz, AICD
Senior Planner
City of Tustin-Community Development Department
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
(714) 573-3127
From: glenn white [mailto:glenncwhiteCa)hotmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 12:29 PM
To: Demkowicz, Erica
Subject: Crisis unit
Hello my name is (il nil White and have been a resident in tustin for around 7 years. I am writing in regards to
the crisis unit being, I)larined f'or the building on Newport and Irvine Blvd. I ha\e seen a rise in homeless and
wanderers later and having a family with another baby on the way I am worried about the patients coming in
and out. I have• %\ork d \\ith law enforcement and can't believe that a 24 hr I'acllitN is even being considered so
close to residernt:� ruin also in the middle of a major thoroughfare. Please consider moving locations closer to
Western Medical so that it can still ease law enforcement and also medical resources.
Tiscareno, Vera
From: Demkowicz, Erica
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2417 1:33 PM
To: Chantal Harold
Cc: Binsack, Elizabeth;Willkom, iustina;Tiscareno, Vera
Subject: RE: Proposed Crisis Facility
iitit3 ntal,
I am in receipt of your e-mail and it will be added to the public record.
Erica H. Demkowicz, AICP
Senior Planner
City of Tustin - Community Development Department
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
(714) 573-3127
edemkowicz@tusti nca.or>;
From: Chantal Harold [mailto:chantalharold@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 12:15 PM
To: Demkowicz, Erica
Subject: Proposed Crisis Facility
Dear City Planners and Council of Tustin,
I am completely opposed to a mental health crisis center bi imu lel iced its Square. I understand the need
for such a facility, however, this is entirely the wrong; location. l-here are m, ni.:nN other locations that a place
like this can operate. Close to the existing hospitals or in a more industrialized area for example.
This facility is 1_50 ti Lit I',o n honic�. It 1I_I Jr,iv� sn eleil1�°nt tl1,a i, not in the
immediate area nor will it help the busjneti ses in Packers Square who relv on the t,; prov !Jk, an
income. I know I dont, shop or L)o Into lluslncsseS \Ahccc i feel misafe or :%enjust uIaLoin ortable.
People coming and going 24/7 is NOT an appropriate business for a place like Packers Square. . The condition
of this facility is that there are 2 security guards. Just this fact confirms that the City of Tustin believes that this
facility may bring an undesired element into the area.
This center will also be serving the homeless. They will provide sleep, clothing and necessities. While that is
something commendable and something the homeless need,this is NOT the location that this should be taking
place. We have a homeless problem and they are looking for places to sleep and hang out. This will feel like a
safe place for them to be. And the security guards, let's be honest, aren't going to deter that. The security
guards in the Tustin Heights Shopping Center don't discourage the homeless from pitching tents in the now
empty Lone Star Restaurant entryway. It won't discourage the homeless from congregating in the alleys behind
Packers Square (which they already do) and then onto the street which leads to the condos directly behind the
This will also be a center which works with chemical dependency and, since it will allow walk-ins,will draw
people looking for `help' with that as well.
Please do NOT let this 24 hour 7 day a week crisis center open in Packers Square. The people working for the
city and those voted in to act in the best interest of those residing in Tustin need to really look at the impact.this
will have,..even if it's not directly affecting them.
Thank you,
Chantal Harold
North Tustin Resident
Tiscareno, Vera
From: Demkowicz, Erica
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 1:32 PM
To: Elaine Chen
Cc: Binsack, Elizabeth; Willkom, Justina;Tiscareno, Vera
Subject: RE: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2017-15 Packer's Square
Hello Elaine,
I am in receipt of you -.-mail and it will be added to the public record.
Erica 14. Demka wiez, AJCP
Senior Planrvs-.,
City of Tustin - Community Development Department
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
(714) 573-3127
From: Elaine Chen [m�tito:chenelainey(&amail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 12:05 PM
To: Demkowicz, Erica
Subject: RE: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2017-15 Packer's Square
lhar �'ls. hrica Dcn:howicz,
' Iy name is Halne Chen and I am a hom7! u.v ncr within a one mile radius of the proposed CUP (CUP 94-I5)
project. White I agree that a facility of this kirld is necessary for Orange Countv I must express the proposed
location fur 1 24/7 facility is very inappropriate. This center i, in outpatient facil it. � w\hal ,trc the plans for those
that arc homeless once they are discharged? The current plan states that those ww h!o liave Lunilw members may
be picl cd up or dropped off to their homes. What is the plan in place for these w\leo are dischan,cd and do not
have a home? I hcrc is 'Ldreudy a homeless population vwhich camps in the sliopptn-1 center and also wander the
surrounding neighborhood. There are condos;"homes dircctlw behind the EIS ilitarad \�ithin close walking
distance. I myself ollen walk around and through this shoppim, center at ru-dt1 io v�atl: my dog and buy
'i-occries. I ash dm,t the Council please consider dcnvin, the request for the permit change and consider
altcrm.tive I()canons I0[ this Ideally, the facilitw would he in less promnlity to housing.
Thank you for your consideration.
Elaine Chen
1302 Lurline Lane
Tustin, CA
Tiscareno, Vera
From: Demkowicz, Erica
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 1:31 PM
To: yuhja_magnet@yahoo.com
Cc Binsack, Elizabeth; Willkom,Justina;Tiscareno, Vera
Subject: RE: Tustin crisis unit
Hello Mike,
am in receipt of your e-mail and it will be added to the public record.
Erica H. Demkowicz, AICP
Senior Planner
City of Tustin- Community Development Department
300 Ce°-temiq al Way
Tustin. Ci, . 9'2750
(7 14) 572,!27
e d e m kowicz@tust1nca.or
From: mike woo [mailto:yuhja magneuftahoo.coml
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 10:35 AM
To: Demkowicz, Erica
Subject: Tustin crisis unit
I've heard from my neighbors about a crisis mental health unit zoned to open near Ruby's diner on Irvine Blvd
and Newport and I'd like to say that if it is true and what I've read is accurate then I am adamantly opposed to
I understand there's a need for that kind of facility but there has to be a better place for it than locating it in a
major commerce area near food, homes and etcetera.
I'n1 asking you to please reconsider the location.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
Tiscareno, Vera
From: Deinkowicz, Erica
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 10:03 AM
To: dailh@aol.com
Cc: Binsack, Elizabeth; Willkom, Justina; Tiscareno, Vera
Subject: RE: Packers Square Public Hearing
Hello Dail,
I am in receipt of your e-mail and it will be added to the public record.
Erica H. Demkowicz, AICP
Senior Planner
City of Tustin-Community Development Department
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
(714) 573-3127
From: dailh a)aol.com [mailto:dailhCabaol.com]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 5:21 PM
To: Demkowicz, Erica
Subject: Packers Square Public Hearing
To change the zoning on Packers Square makes no sense. If it is not broker, don't fix it.
dail h0ert
40 year residence
Tiscareno, Vera
From: Demkowicz, Erica
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 10:02 AM
To: Sharon
Cc: Binsack, Elizabeth; Willkom, lustlna; Tiscareno, Vera
Subject: RE: Crisis stabilization unit on Newport
Hello Sharon,
I am in receipt of your e-mail and it will be added to the public record.
Erica H. Demkowicz, AICP
Senior Planner
City of Tustin - Community Development Department
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
(714) 573-3127
-----Original Message-----
From: Sharon [mailto:sharonlchandler@aol.com]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 9:45 PM
To: Derkowicz, Erica
Subject: Crisis stabilization unit on Newport
I am totally against any type of facility that from the onset needs two security guards for potential issues. A facility like
this located in a highly used center which also has a residential complex nearby is the wrong fit. It will create a slow
decline in the area.
I frequent the center and love the safe feeling I have when there and if this passes, I will no longer feel safe. I work near
a facility like this and it has become a breeding ground for crime, loitering and harassment. There are more appropriate
places to house a business like this not right in the middle of busy shopping center and residential complex.
Sharon Chandler
Sent from my iPad
Tiscareno, Vera
From: Demkowicz, Erica
Seat: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 10:00 AM
To: Janelle Pelkey
Cc: Binsack, Elizabeth; Willkom, Justina; Tiscareno, Vera
Subject: RE: Concerns Regarding Propsed Crisis Unit
Hello Janelle,
I am in receipt of your e-mail and it will he added to the public record.
Erica H. Demkowicz,AICD
Senior Planner
City of Tustin - Community Development Department
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
(714) 573-3127
From: Janelle Pelkey [mailto:janellempelkeyagmaii,com]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 10:51 PM
To: Demkowicz, Erica
Subject: Concerns Regarding Propsed Crisis Unit
Dear Ms. Demkowicz,
I am writing to express my concern over the proposed crisis unit in Packers Square. I do not support your
proposed rezoning in order to allow this Facility to operate in the city of Tustin. I am looking forward to
attending the planning meeting tornorroNv to express my concerns in person. I hope you will reconsider this
proposed rezoning!
Janelle Pelkey
Tiscareno, Vera
Frorn: Demkowicz, Erica
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 3:23 PM
To: Mark.
Cc: Binsack, Elizabeth; Willkom, Justina; Tiscareno, Vera
Subject: RE: Tustin Planning Commission Meeting 9/26 - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2017-15
Hello Mark,
I am in receipt of your e-mail and it will be added to the public record.
Erica H. Demkowicz,A.ICP
Senior Planner
City of Tustin-Community Development Department
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
From: Mark [mailto:mamarcacCd)gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 1:26 PM
To: Demkowicz, Erica
Subject: Tustin Planning Commission Meeting 9/26 - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2017-15
Hi Ms/Mrs. Demkowicz,
I'm writing to you expressing my opposition to the following item on the agenda for the subject
"To amend a previously approved CUP (CUP 94-15) relative to the hours of operation and to amend
CUP 2015-27 for a Joint Use Parking Demand Analysis relative to the adequacy of the existing 269
parking spaces at Packers Square shopping center to accommodate a 7,600 square foot meatal
health out-patient crisis service facility."
As a fellow city engineer/planner, I object to the issuance of this permit. I am also curious about a few
items; if you have references please feel free to send links etc.
1) Has a traffic study been performed to determine impacts on surrounding neighborhoods?
2) Has the City considered the potential de-valuing of nearby neighborhoods?
3) Has there been any outreach to the nearby COMMunity to determine if this permit is supported?
4) Are there additional studies that have been performed or in-house analysis that shows this location
is the recommended area for such a facility instead of somewhere in a more commercial/industrial
I live within one mile of this proposed facility and have concerns as listed above. Please feel free to
contact me with any questions or information.
Thank You,
Mark Marcacci, P.E.
mamarcac mail.com
Tiscaretno, Vera
From: Megan Swanek <rnegan26.2@gmai1.com>
Seat: Monday, September 25, 2017 12:29 PM
To; Demkowicz, Erica
Cc: Binsack, Elizabeth;Willkom,Justina;Tiscareno,Vera;. Rabe, Erica; cswanek@yahoo.com;
Nathan Swanek; Brittany Morrison
Subject: Re: Conditional Use permit 2017-15
Thank you. It is both sad and frightening to see Tustin(and Orange County)in such rapid decline. When my
daughter was 6 months old, I used to take her to story-time at the Tustin Library. Now, it is over-run with
homeless. And she's only iwo years old. I used to rarely see homeless on the off-ramps begging for money. I
now see them at the 4th street exit at least once a week, and eating out of the Wienerchnitzel trash.I don't want
my daughter growing up around tl-iis.
We Are All Made of Stars
On Mon, Sep 25, 2417 at 11:40 AM,Demkowicz,Erica<EDemkowicz@tustinca.oru>wrote:
Hello Megan,
I am in receipt of your e-mail and it will be added to the public record
Erica H. Demkowicz.AICP
Senior Planner
City of Tustin-Community Deyelopmwt Department
300 Centennial Wa
Tustin,CA 92780
From: Megan Swanek [mailto:meaan26.2Lagmail,com]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 11:28 AM
To: Murray, Al; Bernstein, Allan; Gomez, Rebecca; Puckett, Chuck; Clark, Letitia; CityManager; Building Tech;
TustinPlanning; Demkowicz, Erica; City Clerk
Cc: Cathy Swanek; Brittany Morrison; Nathan Swanek
Subject: Conditional Use permit 2017-15
My husband grew up in Tustin and purchased a home in the city,hoping to raise a family here.1 thought it was a
good place to do just that. Now, we are looking to move out. As a school counselor and mother of a toddler girl,
I am ashamed to live in the city of Tustin. Checking the agenda for tomorrow night's evening, I see the
recommendation that the city is making(below) and am appalled.
That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 4349 (Attachment I) approving Conditional Use
Permit(CLIP) 2017-15 to authorize the establishment of a 7,600 square foot mental health out-patient
crisis facility with 269 parking spaces within the first floor of an existing medical office building located
at 13132 Newport Avenue.
Presentation by: Erica H. Demkowicz,AICP, Senior Planner
While, we are allowed to speak, the recommendation has already been made, and it is a recommendation that
requires rezoning in order to do it.You are bringing into our city.
16-20 patients per day, averaging 7 hours stays
that will require 2 security guards 24/7
Mental health care in our country is nearly non-existent and this facility is not anywhere close the answer. The
more "services" that we provide which do not really help those who need treatment, the more problems we will
have in our community.
This type of crisis center belongs in an industrial area, not 250 feet away from where people live. What are you
even thinking!?
Having an undergraduate degree in Psychology'and a master's degree in counseling,I understand full well the
stigma attached to mental illness, and am not denying that people who suffer from it need help. But I also know
that there is a stigma for a reason, and that those affected also suffer from more drug use and crime than those
who do not. Why are we bringing into our city a a 'crisis stabilization unit'that will provide Psychiatric and
chemical dependency services?A place that requires TWO security guards, round the clock?
I used to bike on the Santa Ana river trail from the Huntington/Newport boarder to Yorba Linda and back, for a
total of 40 miles.This was safer, at the time, than biking on the streets.Now, it is impassable due to the
encampments. I get that this is a separate issue,but thanks to people like you, our of Tustin is on the same path
to decline. People now travel front around the country to set up their water-front property.When offered help,
many refuse because they want to be with the crime and drugs.
That same element is being encouraged-nay, TRANSPORTED (by the police in many cases)to our city.
Erica H.Dernkowicz gets to feel good about the ineffective band aid that she has placed on the problem, and
drive out of Tustin,every evening to her home in Laguna Beach.
Demkowicz is not raising her children here. And I don't want to either,but for the time being,I am
unfortunately stuck with Tustin. My husband will be at the meeting tomorrow night.
Megan Swanek
Tiscareno, Vera
From: Demkowicz, Erica
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 12:26 PM
To: Swanek Nathan
Cc: Binsack, Elizabeth;Willkom,Justina; Tiscareno, Vera
Hello Nathan,
I am in receipt of your e-mail and it will be added to the public record.
Erica H. Demkowlez,AICP
Senior Planner
City of Tustin-Community Development Department
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
From: Swanek Nathan fmailto:nswanek(�Oyahoo.com]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 12:09 PM
To: Demkowicz, Erica
Please include the following in public record for the proposed mental health clinic located at the
comer of Irvine and Newport.
---Forwarded Message-----
From: Swanek Nathan mswanek c@yahoo.com>
To:amurraV rQustinca.orq <amurra tustinea.or >;abernstein2tustinca.org <abernsteinCa)tustinca.org>;
RgomezAtustinca org <RgamezEa_�tustinca.orq>;cpuckett(cDtustinca or <cpuckett@tustinca or >;IclarkAtustinca.org
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2017 10:51:08 AM
Tustin City Council,
am annoyed that I need to show up to tomorrows meeting to help you do your job. Your attempt to
address this issue is making things worse. Also I intend to bring up the limited use of water for Tustin
residents. It is amazing you are so bad at your jobs.
Nathan Swanek
Life tong Tustin Resident
On Friday, September 22, 2017 05:09:15 PM, Swanek Nathan <nswanekgyahoo.com> wrote:
What is wrong with you people (city council members)? Criminalize being homelessness, and do not
approve any homeless shelters, or "clinics"within the city boundary.
DO NOT approve a crisis unit, or clinic at the corner of Newport and Irvine. These people are not
victims. They are out-smarting you, which is impressive since their average IQ is 70.
The fact that I have to email you and tell you not to approve such an idiotic idea suggests that you do
not have intelligence to serve in the position you are appointed.
The fact that you can be so wrong on these issues is mind-boggling.
The city manage and the planner (Erika Demkowicz) who recommended this need to fired for
massive incompetence.
Nathan Swanek
Life-long Tustin resident who is now in the market for a home in a better city so that our 2 year old
daughter is not brought up around such filth and crime.
Tiscareno, Vera
From: Demkowicz, Erica
Sent: Monday, September 25,2017 11:01 AM
To: Mike Simanyi
Cc: Tiscareno,Vera;Willkom, lustina; Binsack, Elizabeth
Hello Mike,
I am in receipt of your e-mail and it will be added to the public record
Erica H. Demkowicz, AICP
Senior Planner
City of Tustin - Community Development Department
304 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
(714) 573-33.27
From: Mike Simanyi [mailto:msimanyiOggmail.eom]
Seat: Monday, September 25, 2017 10:38 AM
To: Demkowicz, Erica
The item in the subic,wi iti listed on the upcoming Agenda for the September 26th Tustin Planning Commission
I am a nearby resident, but my office is located down the street from this facility.
At first I read the ager d a item and thought an outpatient facility implies limited hours of operation. I have been
told that t I i c actual int;�rn� is 24 hour operation of the facility, including operations that hold patients for 5150-
type mattc, a; :,L:li a- chemical dependency crises.
If that lattc�ji�_lc r,ianding is correct,please let the Tustin Plann in,,, Comniis�ion kno A tlrat I DO NOT support
this conditional use ,permit and implore them to find a different solution than 24 hour operations icor the facility,
Feel free to call me at my office or email if you need any further details from me, or if my input should be
directed elsewhere.
My office number is 714-832-5274 ext. 114.
Thank you,
Mike Simanyi
Tiscareno, Vera
From: Demkowicz, Erica
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 8:55 AM
To: shakehholland@aol.com
Cc: Tiscareno, Vera
Subject: RE: Crisis Unit in Rub's Diner Center
Hello Shakeh,
I am in receipt of your e-mail and it will be added to the public record.
Regai ds,
Erica H. Demkowicz, AICP
Senior Planner
Community Development Department
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
(714) 573-3127
From: shakehholland aol.com [mailto:shakehhollandCabaol.coml
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2017 5:40 PM
To: Demkowicz, Erica
Subject: Crisis Unit in Rub's Diner Center
Dear Ms Demkowicz,
I'm writing to you to express my absolute disapproval of the decision to possibly place a 2417 Crisis Unit in Ruby's Diner
strip mall. This is our town, there is a community that encircles that strip mall and it's not the appropriate location for this
I'm a compassionate, caring and socially aware person. l help a variety of organizations that help the homeless and
mentally disturbed. I fully appreciate the need for remedies for all these ailments but NOT NEAR RUBY'S!!!
A lot of us. myself included, settled in Tustin for the kind of community it is and such a Crisis Unit will bring with it
components which will alter the character of this community. With high rate of vacancies I'm certain there are many other
buildings that can house such a Crisis Unit. Please do NOT bring it to this location. We did not approve it.
Thank you for listening,
Shakeh Holland
Diane Triantis
1111 Packers Circle#20
Tustin, CA 92780
September 28, 2017
City of Tustin
Planning Commission
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
Ryder Smith, Chairperson
Steve Kozak, Chairperson Pro-Tem '
Jeff Thompson, Commissioner
Austin Lambert, Commissioner
Amy Mason, Commissioner
RE: Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 2017-15
Project address: 13132 Newport Avenue
Dear Commissioners:
I attended the Planning Commission meeting on Sept. 26, 2017 and participated in the discussion re:
(CUP) 2017-15. It was very enlightening and informative to hear the applicants, St. Joseph's Hospital
and Exodus Recovery, speak and the questions and comments raised by the public.
First off,the last minute notification by the Planning Commission to the public Is disturbing as is the
failure to inform some of the residents and businesses in the area. In addition, there are a number of
things in the application that are deceptive, one of which was pointed out by a Tustin resident who
spoke and happens to be legal counsel for UC Irvine Medical Center. The applicant indicated that they
are going to have an affiliation agreement with UO Medical Center, which is simply not true. So right
off the bat, the applicant was caught in a lie which should be a cause for concern by the Commission.
In addition, the maps shown on the slides were inaccurate and the report failed to indicate that the
street known as Packers Circle is a PRIVATE street owned and maintained by Village Homes of Tustin
Homeowner's Association, yet the Commission was surprised by this fact. That indicates to me that
the preparation of the report was flawed, incomplete and perhaps even deliberately deceptive.
Numerous questions were raised regarding the discharge of patients from this short term crisis center
and the answers did not allay the fears expressed by the majority of the public in attendance. Even the
spokeswoman for the applicant admitted they have no control over a client who refuses recommended
treatment (unless they are 5150's or A$ 109's).
Tustin Planning Commission
September 28, 2017
Page 2 of 3
Several times throughout the evening, those few in favor of this location claimed that the mentally ill
were not dangerous while presenting Exodus as a bastion of compassion, implying that those opposed
to the facility lacked it. While I believe everyone in that chamber on Sept. 26th agreed that such a
facility is necessary in our county, many of whom have had experience with the mentally ill,the issue is
the location for a facility of this nature not the necessity.
Commissioner Amy Mason's situation as conservator of her sister is heartbreaking as were many of the
stories people told. While it's true that many mentally ill people are not dangerous, some most
certainly are. I chose not to share this in the forum but will do so now. i had a roommate for about
five years, a well-educated, gainfully employed,very nice gentleman who always paid his rent on time
and even attended the same church I did. Overtime he began to exhibit paranoia and irrational
thoughts and behavior causing him to quit his job. He began to suffer delusions where he was certain
the dogs were spies for the FBI and people were living in the attic. His family tried to help him, but he
refused and because he wasn't a danger to himself or society, he could not be held for more than 72
hours. I was able to extricate myself from the living situation and sadly, a year later, learned he was
arrested for attempting to slash the throat of a woman in the carport of the complex he had moved to
in Costa Mesa. That could have been me or a member of his family. His delusions got the best of him.
He was, before he got sick, a gentle person. Nonetheless, he nearly killed someone. So to say the
mentally ill are not dangerous is an insult to our intelligence.
The applicant's spokeswoman and others also kept saying that our fears were unfounded because the
facility would be no different than people going to their therapist for a counseling visit. Really? It's a
CRISIS CENTER, not the average person with a little depression who needs some talk therapy and an
occasional Xanax. Again, we are not stupid. We don't need classes from NAMI and we totally
understand the difference between a crisis and routine treatment. This was just one of many
contradictory statements made by the appilcant.
The fact is Exodus cannot deliver on what they promise. It is impossible for them to ensure a clean
discharge of these clients. You all know that. Of course the police are in favor of it so they have a place
to unload their 5150's, although that thinking is truly flawed considering the other problems this will
cause, Already the Tustin Police Department has difficulty controlling the circumstances in Packers
Square with vagrants. When I first moved to Tustin in 1994, the police department had a 100%
response record. Sadly, that is no longer the case and this influx of mentally ill and indigent persons
this Exodus facility will invite into the city, is more than likely going to create more problems.
Tustin Planning Commission
September 28, 2017
Page 3 of 3
It's clear that several of the commissioners favor this facility, I have to ask, what is your real
motivation? If it's a burning desire to fix the overcrowded ER's in the county;then why not do it right
by choosing a more viable location? If it's to get a feather in your cap for being the first facility of this
kind in Orange County, why this location already fraught with problems? Is it the funding from the
county that's behind this?
After the meeting some of us spoke with Glenn Raup, Executive Director Nursing Services
Emergency Care Center from St. Joe's, and inquired how and why they chose the Packers Square
location. He told us the others they looked at were too expensive. Since it wasrevealed that the owner
of the building at Packers Square has been negligent and in litigation, it's clear that the slumlord gave
St.Joe's a deal on cheap rent. It's all about the money and so is Exodus.
If compassion is truly at the heart of any part of this decision, I'm certain all concerned would like to
see a Crisis Stabilization Unit such as the one proposed succeed. In order for that to happen,
compassion must be tempered with prudent business acumen and a,sense of responsibility for the
well-being of the taxpayers in the city. It is incumbent upon the Planning Commission to carefully
consider the needs, well- being and longterm effects the approval of such a facility will have on the
citizens of the Packers Square neighborhood and the citizens of city of Tustin. It's abundantly clear it
will be more negative than positive.
So please, do the right thing and tell St.Joe's and Exodus to find a more suitable location and deny this
permit at Packers Square.
Very truly yours,
Diane Triantis
cc: Tustin City Counsel (via email)
SEP 11
CSU Written description of the Business function 1 TragaWMtIiDhMfioPMENT
Clients Following Treatment
The Crisis Stabilization Unit (CSU) will provide alternative mental health treatment for
individuals experiencing a mental health crisis and free up desperately needed space in
local Medical Center's Emergency Departments, plus allow local law enforcement to
quickly return to services In the community. The CSU accepts clients directly from law
enforcement,. community hospitals and emergency departments, mental health
.agencies, physical health clinics, self-referral walk-ins and faith-based organizations.
All clients receive Intensive comprehensive services. This encompasses a mental health
assessment, physical assessment, medication evaluation and when needed medication,
crisis intervention, food, rest, clean clothes, shower, social and psychological support as
well as linkage to needed services upon discharge including transportation to discharge
The discharge planning process is very specialized and individualized based on the
intra-disciplinary assessments, clinical team recommendations and collateral
information. The discharge process Is."linkage to the right referral "for each individual
with a warm hand off when possible. It Is not a piece of paper with a list of places to go.
The planning for after care services begins at admission with the client and staff working
together. If a hospitalization Is needed, our Social Service staff-wil) initiate calls to local
faciifties'beginning with our affiliate St. Joseph's Hospital system. In addition, MOU�ri _v
be in place with Royal Mission Vlejo MHRC, College Hospital, UC Irvine Medical
and Anaheim Global Medical Center. Transportation will be arrange o ransfer
to the -facility. Social Service staff will arrange linkage / referrals by making
appointments to: residential service programs, transitional and permanent housing,
intensive mental health community service programs, recovery centers and sober living,
physical health providers and benefit establishment services and shelters. Family and
extended family members will be contacted as well as case managers to assist with
discharge disposition. Homeless clients will be treated and offered the same services
and assistance as all other clients. and will. be linked to providers, transitional and
permanent housing and shelters. Everyone willing to accept services will be linked and
provided with services.at time of discharge.
Exodus' current capacity for transportation services is satisfied through a variety of
methods depending on the Independence and acuity of the individual. It is. our policy
that clients being admitted to acute inpatient facilities are transported via ambulance.
When individuals have been released from an Involuntary hold, every effort is made to
contact familylsignificant others and/or drive the silent home to family or their discharge
location in the Exodus van. This vehicle Is driven by an experienced mental health
worker. Occasionally, family members/significant others will come to the UCC to pick
up a client. Individuals will be transported back to their city of origin
Tiscareno, Vera
From: Demkowicz, Erica
Sent: Monday, October 02, 201710:08 AM
To: Tiscareno,Vera
Subject: FW:Conditional Use Permit(CUP) 2017-15
Attachments: LTR 9-28-17 to Planning Commission.final.pdf
From: Bernstein, Allan
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2017 9:05 AM
To: abernstein988@gmail.com; At Murray - City of Tustin (AlMurrayTustin@gmail.com); Beckie Gomez-McKeon
(RebGomezTustin@aol.com); Chuck Puckett(retiredpucketts@gmail.com); Dr. Allan Bernstein (bernstein3@cox.net);
Letitia Clark (Iclarkgeorge@gmall.com)
Cc: Binsack, Elizabeth; Willkom, Justina; Celano, Charles; Parker, Jeffrey C.; West, Matt; Demkowicz, Erica
Subject: FW: Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 2017-15
From: Diane Triantis [ma ilto:diane24carol@dslextreme.com]
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2017 4:40 PM
To: CityCouncil@tustin.org; Murray,At<AMurray@tustinca.org>; inielsen@tustinca.org; Puckett, Chuck
<CPuckett@tustinca.org>; Gomez, Rebecca<RGomez@tustinca.org>; Bernstein,Allan <ABernstein tustinca.or >
Subject: Conditional Use Permit(CUP) 2017-15
Dear Mr. Mayor and Members of the Tustin City Council,
Below and attached please find a copy of a letter I sent to the Planning Commission via USPS. This
is a matter of grave concern that will have longterm affects on the character of our wonderful
city. One bad'decision regarding the location of this proposed Crisis Stabilization Unit for the
mentally ill, could ruin the city that has been such a wonderful place for 90 years. Please understand
that it is not the facility itself that is objectionable; it is the proposed location.
If the Planning Commission fails to deny this permit,.] certainly hope the Council will not approve it.
Thank you,
Diane Triantis
September 28, 2017
City of Tustin
Planning Commission
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
Ryder Smith, Chairperson
Steve Kozak, Chairperson Pro-Tem
Jeff Thompson, Commissioner
Austin Lambert, Commissioner
Amy Mason, Commissioner
RE: Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 2017-15
Project address: 13132 Newport Avenue
Dear Commissioners:
I attended the Planning Commission meeting on Sept. 26, 2017 and participated in the discussion re: (CUP)
2017-15. It was very enlightening and informative to hear the applicants, St. Joseph's Hospital and Exodus
Recovery, speak and the questions and comments raised by the public.
First off, the last minute notification by the Planning Commission to the public is disturbing as is the failure to
inform some of the residents and businesses in the area. In addition, there are a number of things in the
application that are deceptive, one of which was pointed out by a Tustin resident who spoke and happens to
be legal counsel for UC Irvine Medical Center. The applicant indicated that they are going to have an affiliation
agreement with UCI Medical Center, which is simply not true. So right off the bat, the applicant was caught in
a lie which should be a cause for concern by the Commission. In addition, the maps shown on the slides were
inaccurate and the report failed to indicate that the street known as Packers Circle is a PRIVATE street owned
and maintained by Village Homes of Tustin Homeowner's Association, yet the Commission was surprised by
this fact. That indicates to me that the preparation of the report was flawed, incomplete and perhaps
even deliberately deceptive.
Numerous questions were raised regarding the discharge of patients from this short term crisis center and the
answers did not allay the fears expressed by the majority of the public in attendance. Even the spokeswoman
for the applicant admitted they have no control over a client who refuses recommended treatment (unless
they are 5150's or AB 109's).
Several times throughout the evening,those few in favor of this location claimed that the mentally ill were not
dangerous while presenting Exodus as a bastion of compassion, implying that those opposed to the facility
lacked it. While I believe everyone in that chamber on Sept. 266 agreed that such a facility is necessary in our
county, many of whom have had experience with the mentally ill,the issue is the location for a facility of this
nature not the necessity.
Commissioner Amy Mason's situation as conservator of her sister is heartbreaking as were many of the stories
people told. While it's true that many mentally ill people are not dangerous, some most certainly are. I chose
not to share this in the forum but will do so now. I had a roommate for about five years, a well-educated,
gainfully employed, very nice gentleman who always paid his rent on time and even attended the same church
I did. Over time he began to exhibit paranoia and irrational thoughts and behavior causing him to quit his
job. He began to suffer delusions where he was certain the dogs were spies for the FBI and people were living
in the attic. His family tried to help him, but he refused and because he wasn't a danger to himself or society,
he could not be held for more than 72 hours. I was able to extricate myself from the living situation and sadly,
a year later, learned he was arrested for attempting to slash the throat of a woman in the carport of the
complex he had moved to in Costa Mesa. That could have been me or a member of his family. His delusions
got the best of him. He was, before he got sick, a gentle person. Nonetheless, he nearly killed someone. So to
say the mentally ill are not dangerous is an insult to our intelligence.
The applicant's spokeswoman and others also kept saying that our fears were unfounded because the facility
would be no different than people going to their therapist for a counseling visit. Really? It's a CRISIS CENTER,
not the average person with a little depression who needs some talk therapy and an occasional Xanax. Again,
we are not stupid. We don't need classes from NAMI and we totally understand the difference between a
crisis and routine treatment. This was just one of many contradictory statements made by the applicant.
The fact is Exodus cannot deliver on what they promise. It is impossible for them to ensure a clean discharge
of these clients. You all know that. Of course the police are in favor of it so they have a place to unload their
5150's, although that thinking is truly flawed considering the other problems this will cause. Already the Tustin
Police Department has difficulty controlling the circumstances in Packers Square with vagrants. When I first
moved to Tustin in 1994, the police department had a 100% response record. Sadly, that is no longer the case
and this influx of mentally ill and indigent persons this Exodus facility will invite into the city, is more than
likely going to create more problems.
It's clear that several of the commissioners favor this facility. I have to ask, what is your real motivation? If
it's a burning desire to fix the overcrowded ER's in the county;then why not do it right by choosing a more
viable location? If it's to get a feather in your cap for being the first facility of this kind in Orange County, why
this location already fraught with problems? Is it the funding from the county that's behind this?
After the meeting some of us spoke with Glenn Raup, Executive Director Nursing Services
Emergency Care Center from St. Joe's, and inquired how and why they chose the Packers Square location. He
told us the others they looked at were too expensive. Since it was revealed that the owner of the building at
Packers Square has been negligent and in litigation, it's clear that the slumlord gave St.Joe's a deal on cheap
rent. It's all about the money and so is Exodus.
If.compassion is truly at the heart of any part of this decision, I'm certain all concerned would like to see a
Crisis Stabilization Unit such as the one proposed succeed. In order for that to happen, compassion must be
tempered with prudent business acumen and a sense of responsibility for the well-being of the taxpayers in
the city. It is incumbent upon the Planning Commission to carefully consider the needs, well- being,and long
term effects the approval of such a facility will have on the citizens of the Packers Square neighborhood and
the citizens of city of Tustin. It's abundantly clear it will be more negative than positive.
So please, do the right thing and tell St.Joe's and Exodus to find a more suitable location and deny'this permit
at Packers Square.
Very truly yours,
Diane Triantis
cc: Tustin City Counsel (via email)
Tiscareno, Vera
From: Demkowicz, Erica
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2017 8:21 AM
To: Martha DaBrow
Cc: Tiscareno, Vera
Subject: RE: Exodus Recovery Center in Packers Square
Heilo Martha,
I am in receipt of your e-mail and it will be added to the public record.
Erica H. Demkowicz, AICP
Senior Planner
City of Tustin - Community Development Department
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 52780
(714) 573-3127
From, Martha DaBrow [mailto:mhdabrowCd)gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2017 12:35 PM
To: Demkowicz, Erica
Subject: Exodus Recovery Center in Packers Square
Dear Erica
I am writing YOU to tuz_itlally voice tnv 0bjec6011 to changing zoning hours to accommodate EXO dus reeovery in
Packers Square. The reason our family moved to Tustin was the tact that it "vas a residential city with major
continercial that close at 9-00pm.
It makes no sense to place this facility in this location. It would be better to have this in an area that is
ARt--ADY zoned for 141 7 use by a hospital such as OC Global MC or St Joes in Orange or Hoag/Kaiser in
Please let me know the next steps in escalating this issue.
Martha DaBrow
13091 Cottonwood Drive
Santa Ana CA 9270
Martha DaBrow
Tiscareno, Vera
From: Demkowicz, Erica
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2017 8:22 AM
To: billie Schwartz
Cc: Tiscareno, Vera
Subject: RE: Drug and Alcohol rehab center
I'.ello Giilie,
I am in receipt of your e-mail and it will be added to the public record.
Erica H. Demkowicz. AICD
Senior Planner
City of Tustin - Community Development Department
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
(714) 573-3127
From: billie schwartz [mailto:msbillieschwartzO mrL ail.com]
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2017 12:58 PM
To: Demkowicz, Erica
Subject: Drug and Alcohol rehab center
Dear Representative,
Here are some reasons why 1 think the center for drugs and alcohol is NOT A good idea.
1. This is the first center in OC. Why tustin and not closer to cities medical facilities that already have 2.4/7
2. This is too close to areas with children and families and would be an eyesore for our community. This is why
there is a city ordinance for businesses to close at 9:00pm.
3. The company looking to lease has a horrible track record tivith managing resources and their
property. (Company is Exodus recovery).
4. The town would not authorize a senior community h6n�� built but a drug center is ok? Ridiculous!
Billie Schwartz
Resident of Tustin -since 1973.
Tiscareno, Vera
From: Demkowicz, Erica
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2017 8:32 AM
To: Carty Family
Cc: Tiscareno, Vera
Subject: RE: Concerns regarding mental health facility in Packers Square - Ruby's Center
Helie party Family,
I am in receipt of your e-mail and it will be added to the public record.
Erica H. Demkowicz, AICP
Senior Planner
City of Tustin - Community Development Department
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92730
(714) 573-31.27
From: Carty Family [mailto;thecartyof5(abgmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, October 01, 2017 9:12 PM
To: Demkowicz, Erica
Subject: Concerns regarding mental health facility in Packers Square - Ruby's Center
(Jo0 l L%elllihl:
We write to you to express our concerns about the location of this proposed facility. We arc %erN liar with
these facilities and their operutiuns. We are also aware oi'the need of a county to provide these t\pes of
However. the location for this proposed one is poorly thought out. First, it is directly adjacent to a housing
community. Many people brought to these clinics refuse treatment and can walk right out into the
community and cannot be stopped. This can occur at all hours. The nearby homeowners should not be
subjected to this potential danocr. Ncither should anv Uf the homeowners within walking distance.
Further, this center is Ireyuented by families on an hourly basis. It would be very unsafe to have children
exposed to mentall% unst,Ihle persons, especially those potentially agitated after leaving a facility.
In addition, there is very little access to public transportation in this area which would lead to the potential for
an increase of transient and mentally unstable population.
We eat at Ruby's every week. We can honestly say we would stop patronizing the business if this clinic opens
because tic would not vrant to CXI)OSe our children or ot.u'Sek es to potential &11)(1e1-0us situations. That is
terribly unfair to lzul_)%'S and its emplr��ees.
We've used Pink Panthers for drycleaning for over 25 ye�ti-s. It wotild break our hearts to be scared to send our
kids to pick up the cleaning just so they can say hi and -ct a hug from the owners.
There are more appropriate areas - such as the more commercial areas of Tustin near the 5 freeway and
Jamboree in the business park, which are also closer to the train station, or over by the train station in Orange.
While the square is a commercial location, it is a small one surrounded by residential neighborhoods. It is not
appropriate for the type of facility being proposed.
Please reconsider.
William and Michelle Carty
11832 Gladstone Drive
Santa Ana, CA 92705
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Tiarno, Vera
From: TustinPlanning
Sent: Monday, October 02, 201710:52 AM
To: Dem o uric , Erica;Tiscareno,Vera
Subject: FW: Exodus Treatment Center
_____Original Message_____
From; Michelle fma'ilto:cottagehomeandgarden@msn.cora]
Sent: Friday, September 2 , 20171:18 PVI
Subject: Exodus Treatment Center
Dear Planning Commission Members,
I would urge you to Grote against aIlowing Exodus Treatment Center to move into Packer's Square.That area i
inappropriate for a facility which is open with people corning and going 24 hours a day.There is a condo complex .
behind, apartments to the side, single family homes within a couple blocks and schools within walking distance.
i am also concerned that this chain seems to open multiple locations within the same city Fresno,4 L.A.).
Implications of which are enormous to a raid size largely residential community like Tustin.
Thank you for your consideration,
f ichelle Rowland
231 . Fuchsia Ln
Tustin, Ca 02780
Seat from ray iPhone