HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC RES 99-50 RESOLUTION NO. 99-50 1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, :B CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING OFFER OF DEDICATION OF PROPERTY ON MYFORD ROAD BETWEEN EL CAMINO REAL AND THE SANTA ANA I-5 FREEWAY 5 WHEREAS, the City of Tustin has received an Offer of Dedication of real property S on Myford Road between E1 Camino Real and the Santa Ana (I-5) Freeway for public street, 7 highway, utility, and other public purposes; and 8 WHEREAS, a copy of the Offer of Dedication is attached hereto as "Attachment 1" and is incorporated herein by this reference; and 9 WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds it is in the public interest to accept the t0 Offer of Dedication, lI NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of 12 Tustin that the Offer of Dedication, marked as "Attachment 1", is hereby accepted by the City of Tustin. 13 14 The City Clerk is hereby directed to record this resolution accepting the Offer of Dedication with the County Recorder' s office of the County of Orange. 15 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City Of !6 Tustin held on the 6th day of July 1999. 17 20 T~ac ey, Mayor 2t ATTEST: 24 City Clerk 25 27 ~ECO~[~lt,,~ ~ EEQUEST~_D ( ~ ~ ~ CALIFORNIA ~c, ~'~ c n~a~ LC',~.% EXEMPT OF ORANGE COUNTY. %s~,'~ Co g26-gu C2 4:00 SEP ~ 6 1988 ' PM ' ~0~ GOOD ~D ~A~UAB~ CO~SZDZ~IO~, ~eceipt o~ ~ic~ is the prope~y described in E~ibit "A" a.ttached hereto and inco~orated herein by this reference and sho~ on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and inco~orated herein by this reference. It is understood by Grantor that City of Tustin has not ye~ dete~ined whether or not it wishes to accept this Offer of Dedication; that this Offer of Dedication will be recorded and will not be accepted until the City of Tustin has affi~ative!y acted to accept the Dedication. :ORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT NO 2: -___ _ -_ _ - ' ~be undersiGned No%a~ Public, De~sonaHy aDDeare~ - - _ _ _ _ ~ personally known to me  OFFICIA~ S~L 2 proved to me on the basis of satisfacto~ evidence -' AUDREY M. ~PE to be the person(s) who executed the within instrument as~5 ~ NOT~Y PU.UC -- C~FORNIA ~5. ~ ~S~. 2ee~ or on behalf of ,he corporation therein O~NG= ~UN~ named, and acknowledged to me that the corporation executed it. My Commi~i0n ~pir~ May 1~, i989 WITNESS my hand aria official seal. Attachment 1 ' ' ; ;' ' S ' · :--,,,,,,,,. -,-o88-468932'. ' I RECORDED ~N OFFICIAL RECORDS jc'c ~ r L~ oi LLO.% ~ EXEMPT I OF ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 1:.:~5,'~ C~ ~eb C2 4:00 SEP 16 1988 ' ' PM ~EC::)RDER FOR GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and including, but not'limited to, the giving of certain aiscretionary consents by the City of Tustin, a municipal corporation, to Grantor and/or others, the undersigned, The Irvine Company, a Michigan corporation does hereby irrevocably offer for dedication to the City of Tustin for public street, highway, utility and other public purposes, the property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference and shown on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 'It is understood by GrantOr that City of Tustin has not yet determined whether or not it wishes to accept this Offer cf Dedication; that this Offer of Dedication will be recorded and will not be accepted until the City of Tustin has affirmatively acted to accept the Dedication. THI~.~RVINE COMPANY, h.~~~s a ~c ' . co oration  D ' 'j dg , _ iden~ W./~.~drew'ippe, Asst. Secretary EXHIB iT ' A ' MYFORD ROAD IRREVOCABLE OFFER OF DEDICATION Z~0SE. PORTIONS OF BLOCK 44 OF IRVINE'S S~DIVISION, IN CITY OF WSTIN, COLIVY 0F 0PS_NGE, STATE OF CALIFO~IA, AS P~ M~ FILED IN BOOK 1, PAGE 88 OF MiSCBLL;_NEOUS RECORD}teS IN THE OFFICE OF THE CO~rrY RECORDER OF SAID CODllY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ~.LRCEL !: A STRIP CF LJ~D 80.00 FEET IN WIDTH, Z~E CENTER LINE OF WHICH IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: C0.~[MLNCING AT Zz.E NORTHI~ST TEPHv!.INUS OF 1TIE CENTER. LINE OF EL CkMIN0 P?-AL AS DESCRIBED iN P.LRCEL 1 OF AN F-~SEMFa~T DEED RECORDED MAY 8, 1986 AS X0. 86-185902 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAID COU'h~Y, SAiD TEiMiNUS BEING '--EGih~iNG OF AN 1850.00 FOOT K~.DiUS CHIVE TI~.T IS CONCAVE SOUTEWESTr_RLy; T..-.-=.yCE SOD-'Zn'F-~-STr--RLY 161.20 FEET ALONG SAID Cb,'RVE r~0M A TANGENT THAT BE~RS SOUTH 49' 20' 39" I~ST Z--'ROUGH A CEh~'A~L ANGLE OF 4' 59' 33" TO Z-'.E TRUE P0ihT OF BEGinnING; THENCE LK~V!NG SAID Cr_~TB~R LiNE SOLTH 40' 39' 21" WEST 82.94 FEET TO _'HE BEG iE~iNG OF A_N 1800.00 FOOT K~DiUS CURVE Ii.i~T .IS CONCA\rE SOUii~I~STr_RLy; ,-'i--'INCE SOUZn'WESTERLY 1086.88 FEET ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A C!WTP._~.L ~=NGLE OF 34' 35' 48"; THENCE SOL'E-I 6' 03' 33" WEST 129.44 FEET TO .,=-. BEGINNING OF 1800.00 FOOT P-~DIUS CL.'RVE TrL~.T IS CONCAVE WEST=_,ELY; THENCE SOLrIHERLy 472.89 FEET ALONG SAiD CHIVE Yi-ZROUGH A C-L\~?~L .~.NGLE OF 15° 03' 09"; TO _,z-. TEE,'..!NUS CF SAiD C-'\'TIRLiNE. -"-~E S~_DE LINES OF SAiD STRIP JS, E TO Tr_.=hM!NATE SOUTHWESTERLY iN A LiNE EiLRiNG NORTH 50' 29' 32" WEST Z=J.T PASSES Zm'e, 0UGH THE POINT OF Tr~MINATION. EXCrIT Tii~T PORTION LYING WITHIN SAiD EL C~_MIN0 RE~Lo ALSO =_XC-'~T Tr:_~T PORTION LYING WITHIN THE L.LND DESCRIBED iN A DEED TO THE OPJ. NGE COU.%'~ FLOOD C0h~'TR. 0L DISTRICT RECORDED JLI'E 6, 1987 AS INSTP, UMENT N0. 87-383183, SAiD OFFICIAL RECORDS. P~ICEL 2: -'--\' L'-SD!r--'XT FOR SLOPE PLi~OSES %i,i~T iS BOUNDED ON THE WEST BY THE E~ST LiNE OF F.'--~CEL !, DESCRIBED ABOVE, ~IqD ON TEE =--~ST k.YD SOUZ~WEST ~-v _Ti-iE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LiNE: ' ' BEGik~iNG AT A POih'r IN THE !~ST. LINE OF FIRST ME~T!0NED PARCEL !, SAiD POINT BEING ON A 1760.00 P_~DiUS CURVE Ti.i~T iS CONCAVE i~STLRLY, A K~.DiAL TO SAiD POi..'<T BI~RS NORTH 71° 33' 50" WEST; THENCE LE~.ViNG SAID E~ST LiNE THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED COD?.SES: LG-!33 399.0103 ~/'0 88-488937' !. S0b'K-~ 8' '~6' 51" WEST 74.88 FEET; 2. so~F, i3' 35' 54" W=-SY !3?.46 FEET; 3- SODY.-~ !1' 23' 18" .WEST 97.52 FEET; 4. SOL,YH V' 09' 38" WEST ip/. [2 5- SODY.-i 8: 3V' 35" WEST 69.79 FEET; 6. S0blH !1' 22' !7" WEST 87.11 FEET; 7- SObT.-~ 8" 2i' 59" D. ST 96.29 FEET; 8. SObTH Q' 57' 2?" WEST 88. O0 FEET; 9- SOD_'KH 16' 16' 42" WEST 234.1i FEET; !0. NORZ'H 50' 29' 32" WEST 48.02 FEET TO SAID D. ST LiNE OF PJ_RCEL !. P.'-_=,CEL 3: .~N -'-~crv-'.YT FOR SLOPE PL.=PCSES T.~_~T iS BOD.~DED ON THE =--~ST BY TiE WEST LiNE OF P/-SCEL ! DESGEl.FED .-'30VE .~ND ON THE WEST BY ZEE FOLLOWING DESCRiEED LINE: -- =EGiR.~iNg AT A POINT iN Z<E WEST LiNE OF SAID PLRCEL !, SAiD POZRT BEING ON A 18,40.00 FOOT P_~-DiUS CURVE Tii~.T IS CONCA\rE =_~.STERLY, A .!~.D!AL TO SAiD POiNY Ei~RS DZ, RTi-i V2' 38' 56" WEST; .~.-'.-'_~CE LEAVING SAiD 'WEST LiNE Z-iF FOLLOWING DESCRiEED C0~.~,SES: !. SOLrYi~ ~ ~' ! 3' !2' WEST 53.90 FEET; 2. SOL..'K~ 18' ~0' C!' WEST 122.76 FEET; S0bYH 15' 32' 56" WEST 66.27 ~==.'; SOL_'K-i ~ ~' =~' 3~" WEST DD 82 FEET; = SOUTi~ i!' ;;' =;" WEST 55-80 FEET TO A POiRT OF THE =--~ST LiNE CF EL Y..O:iNA- iR'riNE CiI-'-\.~EL, 114 00 FEET WIDE AS DESCRiSED ON A DEED TO Ti-:E ~ . , COL~Tf FLOOD CONTROL DiSTP.,iCT RECORDED Jb~'E 6, !~87 AS iNSTRU)!-'JCf N0.87-383!83 OF OFFiCiAL RECORDS OF SAiD COL.'R'~j; 6. S0tY.-i O' 05' iV" WEST 201.84 FEET ALONG SAiD F_:.ST LiNE TO :.-.= '_-.EGi.k~;i.~¢G CF ^ !0'.'. · ~ ~/ 00 FOOT ?-~DiUS CL,?NE ~z-_-.=_,N .ZI~.T !S CONCAVE WESTrELY; 7- SOL~-'K<r--RL'Y 87-67 FEET ALONG SAiD CURVE TElROUGH A C-'_~'.'Y?J.L .~YGLE OF 4° 59' 18" TO WEST LiNE OF SAiD PARCEL 1. SUBJECT TO ALL COVF_YA.\TS, RIGHTS, RIGHTS '0F WAY .~'D F_~SDi-!\TS OF RECORD CR .'-_= P.~RECF. - ATTACHED Hr_'-.ET0..~YD EY -"HIS --.=::_-.-.NCE .MXDE A P.[RT LG-i33 =.ao OZC3 0'~ ,m cC'4'''''c' 9\ ~ _,, Z u Z c} o ~ .~o N ~ :""'f~, < z < O t"4A TC H L I t,,I E - 5EE S,z...fT 9- ~ ..~-',' -', o~-~~xH:~,T -,~- 88-46893?'. HYFORD ROAD H,t,,..rcs~..f q-. \\\ ~x, ~ '~_ ~ ~ 0 t...,, ~ x f' ~ --' -. OG' ' G, '=' ~\-' \~ ~,,L~,.,. '%% .= -r_:. m .3 ,.~",- / "a,,.o \ \ 2~ ,, \ '~_'o . \ \ \ \ ~ x \, ~ \- \ \ \%.-,. \ \ \ ,,_ \\ \ , \ \ \ \,~' PA a C E L l 0, R, 4072 RESOLUTION CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss CITY OF TUSTIN ) RESOLUTION NO. 99-50 Pamela Stoker, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the Cit,~ of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council is five; that the above and foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the 6th day of July, 1999, by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBER AYES: Worley, Thomas, Doyle, Potts COUNCILMEMBER NOES: None COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED None COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: Saltarelli Pamela Stoker, City Clerk